Apr - Barrington Yacht Club


Apr - Barrington Yacht Club
Barrington Yacht Club
April 2016
April 2016
From the Commodore
David Materne
What’s Inside
From The Commodore
What’s in a Name?
Manager’s Corner
Board of Governors
I am very excited about the Commodore’s Ball
tomorrow night. Kristen and I look forward to a
wonderful event.
It was wonderful to see a full house at the Charlie
Enright and John Mollicone presentation last week,
including many of our junior members.
shared great stories and answered many questions
from our juniors about their sailing adventures and
college sailing.
I want to share that our assistant manager, Mitch
Brown, has left BYC for another career path. The
board and Scott Nichols have started the process
of his replacement. I am happy to share that most
of our outstanding staff from last season will be
returning this summer.
4/2, Saturday
Commodore’s Ball
4/30, Saturday
New Member Party
Things are starting to get active at the club with 6
of our 420’s on the dock being used by the
Barrington High School Sailing Team and our
launches and power fleet getting prepped to be
5/6, Friday
Spring Membership
Please remember to sign up for STP as the classes
are starting to fill up.
5/7, Saturday
109th Club Opening
5/10, Tuesday
STP Lecture Series
5/22, Sunday
Pret Gladding Race
Upcoming Events
For more events, please
visit the BYC website
main (401) 245-1181 FAX (401)245-0275
Barrington Yacht Club
April 2016
Claire Moscrop, Chair
This year's Spring Egg Hunt was a fun filled event with 140 members
and guests in attendance. Fortunately the snow held off for the
afternoon and the young members enjoyed a great egg hunt. The
visit from the Easter bunny was a hit as was the fabulous afternoon
tea spread. Our thanks go to Emily Ford and Elizabeth Watson for all of their hard
work in organizing this event. Also, thank you to Doreen and the BYC
bar staff for the wonderful centerpieces and their help in the setting
up and clearing up of the club.
photos courtesy
Emily Ford
Barrington Yacht Club
April 2016
Jared Kelly, Chair
The STP committee was pleased to arrange
presentations by Volvo Ocean Race skipper Charlie
Enright and Head Coach of the Brown University sailing
team John Mollicone on March 24th. We were all
pleased to see that the talk was well attended with many
great questions from the audience. These two well
respected sailors attributed much of their success to
their focus on academic achievement in the classroom
and constant competition on the water. Two important
messages from great role models for our young sailors.
Next up in the lecture series will be equally as exciting:
RWU's Head Sailing Coach Amanda Callahan will be
discussing racing rules and tactics on Tuesday, May 10th
at 6pm. An ice cream bar will be provided for a nominal
fee. All members are welcome, as well as guests.
March also brought the much anticipated STP
registration. Registration is on a first-come first-served
basis and while many Members received their choice of
classes, beginner and intermediate optimist classes were
particularly popular, with a few students wait listed.
There are still spaces available in a good selection of
classes, so if you haven't already signed up, please visit
the following link for registration and class information:
The Committee is busy preparing for another great
season and is looking ahead to lesson planning and boat
preparation. We look forward to providing a safe and fun
program that allows all children to
develop a love for sailing and the
If you have any feedback about the
STP program or you would like to
get involved with the committee,
please send me an email at
[email protected] or come to
our next STP meeting. The next
STP meeting will occur on Monday,
April 11th at 7:30 pm in the Williams
photos courtesy
Rob Migliaccio
Barrington Yacht Club
April 2016
Ken Marcil, Chair
Becky Chwalk, Chair
Friday night guest chefs continued on March
4th with Rob and Brenda Migliaccio serving
their famous pasta with clam sauce. This meal
is always delicious and we all look forward to
our wonderful guest chefs cooking it each year.
April is here so it’s time to start thinking about
getting the boat ready for cruising season!
The first BYC cruise of the summer will be to
Wickford over Memorial Day weekend. Below
is a bit of information to get you thinking
about it! Stay tuned for more details as the
date approaches.
The social committee wants to thank Lisa and
Tony Demers for a night of fine dining with
wonderful food and wine pairings held on
Thursday March 10th at BYC. It was a great
experience to be treated to delicious food with
complimenting fine wines. All 60 members
enjoyed the night! Thanks to the BYC bar and
Waite staff for all expert assistance during the
Friday night guest chefs will continue in April
with Joan Warren, Megan Redmond and
Leighann Capello as guest chef on Friday April
8th. BYC members and guest will enjoy a taco
bar with chicken, fish and beef and all the
Thank you to all the guest chefs who made the
winter season at BYC memorable.
Spring Cruise: May 28 – 30, 2016
The Spring Cruise to Wickford departs
Barrington on Saturday, May 28, and returns
on Monday, May 30. Wickford is a wonderful
destination and is a great way to kick off the
season and get back into the cruising lifestyle!
If you can’t make it to Wickford by boat, you’re
welcome to join us by car.
Situated in beautiful Wickford Harbor, the
Wickford Marina is a friendly, well-run marina
with great amenities including a large Jacuzzi,
an outdoor grill and eating area, nice showers,
and free kayaks. Swim at the nearby sandy
beach, walk into town, or watch the sunset
while sipping a cocktail.
Michael Reuter, Chair
The Spring Frostbite series is off to a great start given the mild conditions as of late. I hope an early
spring will prompt many of those with Sunfish lying in the backyard to come out for some early season
racing. The spring frostbite series until May 1st. If you are interested, please see the BYC website under
racing for more information and notice of race. For full results please click here.
This year the Race Committee is looking to update the Cox Series Skippers Meeting. On May 17th
please join us for the skippers meeting as well as a rules review/update by Matt Hill US Sailings Race
Administration Director and a regional Race Judge. This engaging event will be sure to update and
educate to the rules of racing.
The Race Committee is hard at work coordinating the 2016 season. The Club calendar has posted
many of the dates for the BYC regattas. The Race Committee will also support regattas throughout the
bay. If you want to participate in racing or have interest in joining the Race Committee, please feel free
to contact me. Please see the website and weekly eblast for the most up-to-date information.
Barrington Yacht Club
April 2016
What’s in a Name?
Story submitted by David & Kristen Materne
In 1965, my grandfather, BYC member Edward Materne, had Brownell build him a swordfishing boat.
She was triple planked mahogany and was built as an express. After the first season my grandmother
was tired of sitting at the lower helm seat with my grandfather in the tower, so for her second season
she had a flybridge added. This photo is from her maiden delivery to Barrington. Notice she is flying a
BYC burgee. When my parents were married in 1966, they honeymooned on her in Cuttyhunk.
My grandparents lived on Opeeche Drive in Barrington at the time. My grandmother, Beatrice, had
been given a book of Indian stories when she was a child. That book, published in 1896, contained a
story involving the word Opeechee, which means the red breast of a robin. At the time my uncle’s
nickname was Robin, so Opeechee became the boat name. It was determined that their street name
was not the correct spelling, so the name was spelled Opeechee.
Opeechee spent many years in Westport MA, and was used both for fishing and for actively cruising
around the Elizabeth Islands. I had the pleasure of being on board for one of her final swordfishes
before my grandfather passed away when I was young.
In 1994, I purchased my first boat, a Sabre 28, from Dr. Migliaccio and his son in law. (The first of two
Opeechees I bought from the Migliaccio family.) I was very excited to share with my grandmother
Materne that I had my own boat and asked her permission to name her Opeechee. With her blessing
she also gave me her childhood book with the story, my grandfathers signal flag (a white robin on a
blue flag), pillows, and other items from the original Opeechee, which we are still using today.
On the BYC cruise a few years back, we were entering Vineyard Haven and hailed for a mooring. A
gentleman came on the VHF and asked if I knew an Ed Materne. He had not heard the name
Opeechee since he was a young boy fishing with his dad over 40 years earlier. What a proud moment
it was to share that I was his grandson.
I now have a forever bond with my grandparents as my family cruises the 5th Opeechee: the Brownell,
my Sabre 28, Catalina 30, Pearson 36, and now our Mainship 34. I had the pleasure of seeing the
original Brownell a few years back and have a watercolor of Opeechee that my grandmother gave me
before she passed away.
Barrington Yacht Club
April 2016
Save the Date
Cox Skippers Mee2ng
May 17th at 6:30 at BYC
featuring Ma@ Hill - Director of Race Administra2on
and Regional Race Officer/Judge, US Sailing.
Andrew Macauley, Chair
Committee Members: Ben Chwalk, John Calitri, Chip and Susan Hawkins, Chris Kirk, Kristen
Kreuzkamp, Melissa Lawrence, Andrew Macaulay , Andrew Macken, Lou and Anne Massa, David
Materne, Beverly Migliori, Matthew Mitchell, Zeth Morgan, Andrew Porter, John Ratcliffe, Oliver Tutt,
Mark Wilson and Martha Richardson
The Membership Committee is considering the candidate(s) listed below for membership in the
Barrington Yacht Club.
Please communicate your comments on these listed candidates, favorable or unfavorable. Letters
may be mailed to the Chairperson of the Membership Committee, c/o Barrington Yacht Club, or
emailed to [email protected] . Phone calls should be directed to the Chairperson or
to any Committee Member.
You may be assured that all communications will be held in the strictest confidence.
forward to hearing from you.
We look
William and Nina Kurtz
Mike Reuter
Becky Chwalk
Kathy Williams
William and Lauren Loehning
Becky Chwalk
David Materne
David Norton
Andrew & Jenny Gaynor
Oliver Tutt
David Materne
Carroll Garland
Gina Helm Campbell
Claire Moscrop
Lou Massa
Joyce Hughes
Barrington Yacht Club
April 2016
Bob Manchester, Chair
Please plan on attending the Spring Meeting of the Membership on Friday May 1st. At that meeting,
members will be asked to elect the final three members to serve on the 2016 Nominating Committee. The
members elected will join Nancy LaBelle, Zeth Morgan and Steve Thurston who were elected by the Board of
Governors in March and, together, form the Nominating Committee.
As provided in the Club By-laws, members considered by the Board for membership on the Nominating
Committee, but not elected, will automatically be considered by the membership at large at the Spring
Meeting. These members are: Elizabeth Kirk, Melissa Lawrence, Bill Plunkett, Paul Sanford, Teresa Sarli.
Additional names may be placed in nomination at the Spring Meeting.
Relevant By-laws regarding the Nominating Committee follow:
Section 7 – Nominating Committee:
(a) The committee shall consist of seven (7) members: the Chairperson, who shall be the immediate past Commodore;
three (3) members appointed by the Board of Governors, two (2) of whom shall be boat owners; and three (3) members
appointed by the membership at the Spring Meeting of the Club two of whom shall be boat owners.
(b) A member of the committee cannot serve more than two years in any five year period.
(c) The following shall be criteria (i.e. requirements) for serving on the committee: (1) all candidates for membership on
the committee must have been Active Members (as that term is defined in Article III, Section 3 hereof) for at least seven
(7) years; (2) there shall be no limit to the number of past commodores on the committee, however, no more than one
(1) of the Board of Governor’s three candidates for membership on the committee may be a past commodore; (3)
candidates for membership on the committee shall not be a spouse, parent, child or sibling of any member of the Board;
and (4) candidates for membership on the committee must not be currently employed at the Club.
(d) The following shall be guidelines (i.e. recommendations without being requirements) for serving on the committee:
(1) that candidates for membership on the committee have past active participation in the Club; and (2) that the
candidates for membership on the committee be from a diverse group of the membership.
(e) The committee shall deliberate more than once.
(f) Five (5) members of the committee shall constitute a quorum; however it is strongly recommended that all committee
members be present at all meetings of the committee.
(g) A simple majority of those present at a committee meeting shall be required for each vote to pass; however it is
strongly recommended that there be a two-thirds vote of those present at a committee meeting in order to propose a
member to be a Flag Officer on the slate.
(h) It shall select and post on the Club Bulletin Board, not less than thirty (30) days before the Fall Meeting of the Club,
nominees for Club Officers and Chairpersons of the Standing Committees of the Board of Governors.
April 1, 2016
Barrington Yacht Club
Manager’s Corner
Scott Nichols, General Manager
Club Business Hours
Winter hours are still in effect for the BYC. The
business office is open Monday – Friday 8:00am
to 3:00pm. For more information regarding club
hours or to contact us, see Club Services and
Hours under “About” on the club website.
Club Night
The bar is open and food available, every Friday
from 6pm to close. The bar menu from Bluewater
is always available and we are excited to have
several club members volunteer to be guest
chefs this spring. Reservations are not required
and guests are always welcome.
Marina Info
The following slips are still available for the
upcoming 2016 season. Please contact the Club
for further details at [email protected] or
30 Foot slip – 2 available (center marina)
25 Foot slip – 3 available (center marina)
20 Foot slip – 2 available (center marina)
Club Ties and Scarf
There are club ties and scarves available for the
Club Opening – supplies are limited, so call the
club office to get what you need.
April 2016
Board of Governors
David Materne
[email protected]
Vice Commodore
Bob Anderson
[email protected]
Rear Commodore
John Ratcliffe
[email protected]
Lou Massa
[email protected]
Bob Mattaliano
[email protected]
Tony Demers
[email protected]
Oliver Tutt
[email protected]
Michael Reuter
[email protected]
Ken Marcil
[email protected]
Andrew Macaulay
[email protected]
Sail Training
Jared Kelly
[email protected]
Junior Activities
Claire Moscrop
[email protected]
Rachelle Cambria
[email protected]
Becky Chwalk
[email protected]
Bob Manchester
[email protected]
BYC Managers
General Manager
Office Manager
Scott Nichols
[email protected]
Roberta Sullivan
[email protected]