October 2015 bulletin - Congregation B`nai Israel
October 2015 bulletin - Congregation B`nai Israel
Congregation B’nai Israel 6525 Sylvania Avenue Sylvania, Ohio 43560 (419) 517-8400 www.cbitoledo.org A congregation affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservatiave Judaism 149 years of consecrated service to God, Torah and Israel October, 2015 18 Tishri - 18 Heshvan 5776 L’Shana Tova Hazzan and Jan Lichterman, The Officers and Staff of Congregation B’nai Israel Wish our Members and Friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year Filled with Good Health and Peace. Gala Simchat Torah Celebration! Monday, October 5 at 6:00 p.m. Have you ever gone to shul services and been told to sit down and be quiet? ce! dan d n ga n o l ng a i s e Com Well, not tonight! Be sure and stay for a delicious ice cream sundae or lift a glass and toast the New Year with a rousing L’chayim! at h ky n’s n u f zza a s ar he Ha tter’ e a W t H r d fo a ariv” “M Ma Notes from the Cantor I am writing this article 2 days before Rosh Hashana. The deadline is early because with all the upcoming holidays, the office has less time to get our bulletin to you by the beginning of the month. Yet by the time you read this article at the beginning of October, the High Holidays known as the Yamim Noraim – The Days of Awe, for good reason, will be over. We will be in the midst of the joyous, if less intense Sukkot holiday. Although Rosh Hashana is looming ahead as I write this article, the intense spiritual period has in fact already begun, with our wonderful well-attended Selichot program and service that took place on Saturday night September 5th. I was concerned about attendance as it was Labor Day weekend, yet we had the largest crowd in recent memory as our chapel was full for the service despite the late hour. At this point I cannot project how we will feel in two weeks when you receive this bulletin, with Yom Kippur already behind us, other than a huge sense of relief. I am sure you are all well aware of the preparation and myriad details it takes in a congregation like ours with minimal staff, to pull it all together. Just ask our staff about the endless lists I have churned out for them, day by day, item by item, to ensure that everything runs smoothly. So if not everything goes according to the way everyone might want, please be patient and tolerant. After all the High Holidays are a stark reminder of the power of forgiveness and patience, as so beautifully expressed by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, former Chief Rabbi of Britain, in the movie I showed for Selichot. Several of you have asked to borrow the DVD; I will make it available after the holidays on a 1st come basis, but you will find it on the internet. Just google YouTube, enter his name and pre-Selichot speech of August 31st, 2013. Foremost in my mind right after the holidays will be to thank all the many people, professional and volunteer, whose huge collaborative efforts go into producing a frenzied month of observances. But how can you thank them before it has actually happened? So my thanks will have to wait till November’s bulletin, by which time, I fear, the impact of this now approaching period may well be a long forgotten memory… A news item that recently caught my attention which I believe is relevant to our High Holiday period, is the discovery of 1500 fossil fragments of the remains of 15 individuals of a new species of human relative. Coincidentally this amazing find took place in my former native South Africa, right outside Johannesburg, in an area visited by the group I led on a mission from CBI two years ago. According to reports these remains, found in a cave, have been there “for millions of years.” This discovery will be featured in October’s National Geographic magazine and a PBS TV special called “Dawn of Humanity.” I mention this because such discoveries help to put our own lives in perspective, which is exactly what this period in our Jewish calendar is all about – putting our own lives in perspective. Discoveries such as this, which are becoming more and more frequent, help us realize how small we are, that we are but a drop in the ocean, as the Psalmist says, and how old history is. The more we as humans, in our limited capacity, learn and discover, the more we realize how little we actually know, and how vast God’s universe is. These thoughts certainly give us pause, they are sobering and humbling and worth contemplating, as we emerge from yet another High Holiday period. And so as we sit in our flimsy sukkot booths, as we shake our lulavim and etrogim of the four species, while their leaves wither, fall and litter our chapel floor, as we complete the cycle of reading the five Books of Torah on Simchat Torah and immediately begin again - to symbolize the eternity of God, Torah and our People, let us put our own Jewish lives in perspective. As Keith Burris aptly pointed out in his column in The Blade of September 11th, 2015, “I know a wise man who says: “As I get older, I am less and less sure about more and more.”…In this age of electronic stridency…it seems there is a mass of uninformed certitude, when what we really need is informed ambivalence.” I hope the many of you I will get to see in shul over these holidays, will continue to avail yourselves of the variety of services and programs we will offer throughout the year, as we at CBI prepare and work towards our exciting milestone 150th! Shana Tova – I wish you all a wonderful new year! Hazzan Ivor Lichterman Our most sincere thanks to all of you, our B’nai Israel family, for your many thoughtful and kind contributions, cards and good wishes in honor of the recent birth of our two grandsons Akiva and Camden, as well as your caring thoughts and support which gave us strength and comfort in the loss of our beloved Margit. We really appreciate your being part of our lives. May we all have much to celebrate together in the future. Jan and Hazzan Ivor Lichterman Rabbinic Insights from Rabbi Jason Reasons for Sukkah Sitting I’d like to begin my column this month by offering my gratitude to the congregation for the meaningful High Holy Day services. For the third year I have truly enjoyed serving as the visiting rabbi for the congregation during the Days of Awe and appreciated the hard work of my partner, Cantor Ivor Lichterman. Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services are so magical at B’nai Israel and that is because of the many congregants who donate their time and energy to ensure their success. As you read this, we are in the middle of the Sukkot festival. Sukkot is my favorite Jewish holiday of the year. I love building our family’s sukkah and enjoying delicious meals with friends and families inside (hopefully during nice autumn weather). While Sukkot might not be as widely observed of a Jewish holiday as Rosh Hashanah or Passover, it is one of the more important holidays. The most basic mitzvah (commandment) on Sukkot is dwelling in a sukkah. I’m sure you can come up with your own reasons why we eat our meals during Sukkot in the sukkah and some of us even sleep in the sukkah. The actual commandment is leishev ba’Sukkah – to sit in the Sukkah. I’d like to share with you some reasons why we are commanded to dwell in the sukkah during these eight days: Biblical Reasons - The Torah gives two reasons to sit in the sukkah: one agricultural and one historical. The agricultural reason: “And the Feast of Ingathering at the end of the year, when you gather in the results of your work from the field” (Exodus 23). The historical reason is “You shall live in booths seven days; all citizens in Israel shall live in booths. In order that future generations may know that I made the Israelite people live in booths when I brought them out of the land of Egypt” (Leviticus 23). Remembering the Difficult Days - Philo, a Hellenistic-Jewish philosopher who lived in Alexandria in the first century C.E., suggests another reason may be, that sitting in the sukkah “should remind us of the long wanderings of our forefathers in the depths of the desert, when at every halting-place they spent many a year in tents. And indeed it is well in wealth to remember your poverty, in distinction your insignificance, in high offices your position as a commoner, in peace your dangers in war, on land the storms on sea, in cities the life of loneliness. For there is no pleasure greater than in high prosperity to call to mind old misfortunes.” Philo reasons that it’s a pleasure for a prosperous person to remember the “bad old days,” but he goes further and says that sitting in the sukkah reminds us how far we have come, and leads us to praise and thank God for all the kindness He has bestowed upon us. A Lesson in Humility - The Rashbam, one of Rashi’s grandsons, says the sukkah is a lesson in humility as it comes to prevent a swelled head. God commanded us to sit in the sukkah precisely at the harvest season when we are congratulating ourselves for our successful harvest and our fancy homes. The humble sukkah reminds us that everything we eat and everything we own comes from God. Increasing Our Faith - Rabbi Yitzhak Aboab wrote, “When the Sages discussed sitting in the sukkah it was to teach us that a person must not put his trust in the size or strength or conveniences of his house, even though it be filled with the best of everything; nor should he rely upon the help of any person, even though he be the lord of the land. But let him put his trust in God whose word called the universe into being, for God alone is mighty and faithful. Universal Peace - Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch says that the sukkah is a symbol of universal peace and brotherhood, as we recite in the evening service on Shabbat and festivals: “Spread over us Your sukkah of peace.” Remembering the Less Fortunate - The last reason for sitting in the sukkah is that by sitting in a flimsy sukkah, exposed to sun and wind (and in some places, rain and snow!), we are reminded of those less fortunate than ourselves. Precisely at harvest time when we thank God for the bounty he has given us, we must remember to share it with the poor and the hungry. Of course, all of these reasons for sitting in the sukkah make sense and help us bring meaning to this festival. Elissa, Josh, Jonah and Talya join me in wishing you and your family a Chag Sukkot Sameach! Rabbi Jason Miller Shabbaton with Jeremy Benstein B’nai Israel proudly presents a Shabbaton for all ages. We are thrilled to welcome back one of our own, Dr. Jeremey Benstein who lives in Israel and grew up at B’nai Israel November, 13, Kabbalat Shabbat services, followed by Shabbat dinner. Dr. Benstein will speak on The Word and the World: How Our Jewishness Helps Us Navigate Spaceship Earth November, 14, Dr. Benstein will speak on L’Shem, Shamayim, For The Sake of Heaven: Why Controversy and Peoplehood Go Together, followed by Kiddush lunch This Shabbaton is brought to you by the Committee on Adult Jewish Education on behalf of the entire congregation, the students, teachers, parents, of our religious school, USY and Kadima…our entire shul family! Look for further details to follow soon! Congregational News Congregations B’nai Israel and Etz Chayim Sisterhoods’ Rummage Sale at Etz Chayim, 3853 Woodley Road Drop Off/Set Up Dates ONLY October 25, 26, & 27 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. Sale Dates November 1, 2, & 3 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED for set up and sale.vB’nai Israel volunteers call Lil Perlman (419) 841-6276 or Ann Rosenberg (419) 882-1410 Mazel Tov Office Closed Steve and Cathy Sperling on the birth of their grandson, Benjamin. Alan and Hindea Markowitz on the engagement of their son, Daniel. Special Birthdays Ellen Wilensky Nina Ridgley James Eisenberg Charlene Edelman Alfred Levison October 2nd October 3rd October 4th October 5th October 24th Happy Anniversary 30th Andrea and Gary Urie October 18th Welcome New Members Steven Feldman and Tobi Kipling Andrew and Ava Harter Jerry Lacker Phyllis Shoched Jared Schprechman Vladi and Stephanie Shaulskiy In Memoriam Our synagogue family mourns the loss of our dear members Jane Bloom Harvey Rosen May their families be comforted amongst all who mourn in Zion. Sunday, October 4 Hoshana Rabba 9:30 a.m. Services END OF SUKKOT SCHEDULE Sunday, October 4 6:00 p.m. Mincha Monday, October 5 Shmeni Atzeret 9:30 a.m. Services 11:00 a.m. Yizkor Simchat Torah 6:00 p.m. Simchat Torah Celebration Tuesday, October 6 9:30 a.m. Simchat Torah service 2015 FILM FESTIVAL Oct. 18 Loving Leah Nov. 8 The Chosen All movies will be on Sundays at 2:30 pm with discussion to follow. L’Dor VaDor From Generation to Generation From the Earliest to the Latest 1916 Confirmation Class 2015 Confirmation Class From Celebration to Celebration From Strength to Strength SAVE THE DATE Announcing a Spectacular, Celebratory Family-Friendly 150th Anniversary Weekend September 16 – 18, 2016 Details in the November bulletin Todah Rabah to our over 100 volunteers who are eagerly collaborating to make this a momentous year! We need you to be involved! Call the office (419) 517-8400 to join a committee. October Yahrzheits 1 Tishrei 18 2 Tishrei 19 3 Tishrei 20 4 Tishrei 21 5 Tishrei 22 6 Tishrei 23 7 Tishrei 24 8 Tishrei 25 9 Tishrei 26 10 Tishrei 27 11 Tishrei 28 12 Tishrei 29 13 Tishrei 30 14 Chesvan 1 15 Chesvan 2 16 Chesvan 3 17 Chesvan 4 18 Chesvan 5 19 Chesvan 6 20 Chesvan 7 21 Chesvan 8 22 Chesvan 9 23 Chesvan 10 24 Chesvan 11 25 Chesvan 12 26 Chesvan 13 27 Chesvan 14 28 Chesvan 15 29 Chesvan 16 30 Chesvan 17 31 Chesvan 18 Ethel Wolkoff, Martin Miller, Robert Schreiber, Dave Cohen, Morris Rappaport, Ida Levine, Sylvia Newmark Louis Igdaloff, Benjamin Wolf Salzberg Esther Katzman, Milo Wiegler, William Ciralsky, Mary B. Cohen Joseph Shoen, Irvin Juster, Ira Bame Morton Steinberg, Elaine Kimmel, Zale Reinstein, Henry Rappaport Hermoine Green, Rhoda Rosen, Frieda Schuster Alan Hersh, Pearl Hansen, Abraham Herscovitz, Pearl Fisher Bess Levine, Esther Strassner, Ariella Beth Scheer, Manny Brassloff, Martin Bracker, Charlotte Kalniz, Herbert Bader Anna Negrin, Maurice Mann, Harry Levin, Jacob Goodman, Alfred Goldman, Michael Goldstein, Florence Davidson, Lynn Lepold Ida Botsch, Lucyle Zanville, Ruth Lewis Berkowitz, Abraham Leizer Stahl, Esther Radin Meyer Stahl, Hannah Shopneck, Michael Rabb, Joseph Hallem, Myron Schall Kalman Gold, Sylvia Remer, Abraham Goldman, Sidney Goldberg, Freda Kigel, Elaine Yaffe Elaine Flaum, Esther Greenberg, Jacob Mendel Rayman Lester Bogart Esther Liebes, Sam Garfinkel, Jacob Cohen, Harry Kuperman, Morris Richter, Abraham Schwartz, William Manoff, Miriam Guttman Virginia Mann, Bessie Ramrauer Lillian Straus, Harold Kahn, Dr. Lawrence G. Bateman, Thelma Jacobs Bertha Feldstein, Gitta Ruttner Taub, Julius Steinberg Rose Borenstein, Ann Weinberg, Rose Williams Sarah Lacker, Leo Stober Charles Moses, Michael Lenenberg, Thelma Robbins, Harold Kripke, Frank Fingerhut, Leo Loebelson Goldie Munster, Ruth Hoffman, Sylvia Goldman, Frederick Rosenblum Leon Frankel, Gussie Kezur Morris Krawetz, Ella Rothman, Ben Miller, Bess Kanter, Isidor Odenheimer Lena Mitchell, Louis H. Joffa, Rose Kalniz, Lois Steinberg Kremer, Rose Palman, Mary Tilchen Donald Steinberg, Milton Karon Morris Winer, Louis Weinberg, Florence Siegel, Katie Sack, Barney Friedman Meyer Teitlebaum, Bess Newmark Joffa Dora C. Mindel Lewis D. Shapiro, Donald Harold Berman, Lawrence Miller, Joseph Palman Harry Krauss, Samuel Katzman, Mary Handler Youth & Education News USY Fall Boards and Freshman Kinnus Fall Boards is scheduled for the weekend of October 16, 2015. We are asking for your help. Please consider opening up your home and serving as a host family for the convention. We look forward to working with you to make this weekend a huge success! If you are not able to open your home but want to still get involved, we do need volunteers to help throughout the weekend. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer please contact Megan Miller directly either by phone at 419-376-7169 or e-mail at [email protected]. 2015 USY FALL BOARDS/FRESHMAN KINNUS Thursday, October 15 – Sunday, October 18 HOST FAMILY HOUSING APPLICATION FORM HOST FAMILY INFORMATION Name of Host Family: _________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Home Phone: ___________________Cell: _________________ Michael Portnoy Megan Miller CBI Youth and Education Vice President Youth Director E-Mail: _____________________________________________ David S. Stone Religious School October is off to a great start at David S. Stone Religious School. September was filled with holiday learning and catching up after a great summer. Our parent/toddler class had terrific sessions learning about all of our amazing Jewish holidays through music and play, as well as making many new friends at Congregation B’nai Israel. Please contact Kim Brody at kbrody@ cbitoledo.org if you are interested in joining our parent/toddler class for ages 3 and under. The annual Sukkot dinner was a tremendous success. Thank you to all that helped prepare this delicious meal. Special thanks to Inge Horowitz for sponsoring the dinner. Congregation B’nai Israel BITUSY will be hosting USY Fall Boards the weekend of October 18th. We will not have Religious School that weekend but we hope that many of our CBI families will participate in this awesome weekend. We are looking to our congregation to help out and welcome USYers from all over our region. Our older students are planning a mitzvah trip to prepare and serve lunch at the Cherry Street Mission on Oct 25th. This is an important and meaningful experience for all involved. Our families will be making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, fruit and chips or pretzels. If you are able to donate any of these kosher items to the office, it would be greatly appreciated on the morning of October 25th. October Calendar 4 Sunday Religious School 9:30-12:00 Parent/Child Tot Class 7 Wednesday Religious School 4:30-6:00 11 Sunday Religious School 9:30-12:00 18 NO Religious School USY convention at CBI 21 Wednesday Religious School 4:30-6:00 25 Sunday Religious School 9:30-12:00 Parent/Child Tot Class Visit to the Cherry Street Mission 28 Wednesday Religious School 4:30-6:00 Name of USYer(s) in household (if any): ___________________ ____________________________________________________ HOUSING INFORMATION NOTE: Co-ed housing is NOT permitted Number of females you can house: _____ Number of males you can house: _____ Do you have a Kosher home? Yes No Do you have a Shomer Shabbat home? Yes No Do you have any pets? Yes No If yes, what kind? ______________________ Does anyone in your home smoke? Yes No PLEASE SUBMIT COMPLETED FORM TO BITUSY/2015 HOUSING Congregation B’nai Israel 6525 Sylvania Ave. Sylvania OH 43560 Email: [email protected] HOST FAMILY RESPONSIBILITIES NOTE: Times are subject to change Thursday, October 15 • 10: 45 p.m. Pick up at B’nai Israel Friday, October 16 • Breakfast at Host Home • 8:15 a.m. Arrive at B’nai Israel • 3:30 p.m. Pick up at B’nai Israel • 5:45 p.m. Arrive at B’nai Israel • 10:30 p.m. Pick up at B’nai Israel Saturday, October 17 • Breakfast at Host Home • 9:15 a.m. Arrive at B’nai Israel • 8:30 p.m. Pick up at B’nai Israel • 9:45 p.m. Arrive at B’nai Israel Sisterhood Sisterhood Judaica Gift Shop Sisterhood Book Club Tuesday, October 20 10:30 a.m. Rav Hisda’s Daughter, Book 1The Apprentice by Maggie Anton We have a large selection of Judaic items and new jewelry items that will make wonderful hostess gifts and enhance your own home. HOURS: Wednesdays 10 a.m. –12 p.m. Sundays 9:30 a.m. – noon (when Sunday School is in session) Other times available by appointment only. Contact Phyllis Diamond at (419) 531-5005. 2015-2016 Torah Fund Campaign 72nd Anniversary Nat’ah karem is a phrase from the beloved prayer Eishet Chayil, taken from the Biblical Book of Proverbs. We reenvision this prayer today with appreciation for the hard-working, generous, family-oriented woman who “plants a vineyard by her own labors” (Proverbs 31:7). We honor her productivity, independence, creativity, and orientation to a hopeful future with the 2016 campaign. Women Ensuring Conservative/Masorti Jewish Education You are Torah Fund—at any level: GIFT OPPORTUNITIES Guardians$300 Benefactor$180 Chai Units $72, $54, $36, $18 Koach…………..…………………........$28 Pins will be given to all Benefactor and Guardian level donors. Torah Fund is a campaign to ensure our legacy to future generations of Conservative Jews by providing: Rabbis, Cantors, Lay Leaders, Social Workers, Educators and Administrators (for Day Schools and Synagogue Schools) Scholars, Researchers and Synagogue Administrators. Members will either need to borrow one of three copies at the B’nai Israel Library or request a copy through the Toledo Public Library. The book is also available on Amazon Kindle, in paperback, or through the Amazon Marketplace. Sisterhood 2.0 Book Club Tuesday, November 3rd 7:00pm at Panera on Central Ave. The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt This is available thru the Library, e-book, audio and regular book! If you have any questions contact Hope Davis at: 419-343-6534 or [email protected] Toledo Jewish Cemetery Holiday Closings Beth Shalom Cemetery – Oregon, Ohio Eagle Point Cemetery – Rossford, Ohio Sunday, October 4 Monday, October 5 Tuesday, October 6 BITUSY Bake Sale Close 4 p.m. Closed Closed Regular Cemetery hours are 6:30 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. Sunday through Thursday.Cemeteries close 4 p.m. on Friday and all day Saturday for the Sabbath. The Intrafaith Blood Drive Sunday, November 15, 2015 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. at Temple Shomer Emunim Volunteers are needed to make phone calls, work the day of the blood drive and to donate blood. If you can help, please contact Devorah Shulamit at 419-841-4652. Contributions through September 15, 2015 Minimum Contributions are $10.00 Please note: More generous contributions will be indicated in the following ways: * denotes B’nai Mitzvah ** denotes Chai *** denotes Silver **** denotes double Chai A box denotes Gold A double box denotes Platinum A bold box denotes Diamond $13.00 $18.00 $25.00 $36.00 $50.00 $100.00 $100.00+ Camp Ramah In Honor of Cathy and Steve Sperling, Birth of Grandson Kathryn Linver In Memory of Richard Gloth Kathryn Linver Yahrzeit Michael Lenenberg Rene Levy** Building Beautification Yahrzeit Mabel Smith Sondra Gallis and Family Lewis and Esther Shapiro, In Beloved Memory Carol, Sara & David Lash and Barbara Lash Bond Harry Gometz Fund In Honor of Jordan Slutsky, Bat Mitzvah Harriet and Marty Davis** 150 th Anniversary In Honor of Jerry Russell, Board Member of the Year Lynn and Frank Jacobs Cathy and Steve Sperling, Birth of Grandson Sanford and Sharon Stein** Special Anniversary Joan and David Katz Anne and Jeff Bauer Lynn and Frank Jacobs Speedy Recovery David Shall Jerry Levison Arlene and Jerry Russell Shabbat Prayer Book Etz Hayim Bible Tree of Life Leaf Tree of Life Stone Memorial Plaque REMEMBER B’NAI ISRAEL IN YOUR WILL Cantor’s Discretionary Fund Karen Rosenbaum Lynn and Frank Jacobs In Memory of Jane Bloom Shirley Tochtermann Yahrzeits Phil Horowitz Lynn and Frank Jacobs Esther Katzman Lannie and Roanne Katzman*** Lester Bogart Sue Wilson** Charlotte Kalniz Bessie Damrauer Marvin and Peggy Damrauer** Religious School In Honor of Joan and Dave Katz, Special Anniversary Marjory Rusgo In Memory of Richard Gloth Sandy and Chuck Traugott Yahrzeits $65.00 $100.00 $100.00 $1,000.00 $500.00 Maurice Mann Samuel Mann and Janice Schott Abraham Leizer Stahl Your Loving Family**** Sam Schwartz Minyan Fund Speedy Recovery Karen Rosenbaum Jim and Arlene Rose In Appreciation to Cantor Lichterman Marcia Dolin Yahrzeits Kal Gold Arlynne Gold Herbert Bader Shirley Bader & Family Donald Steinberg Dan Steinberg, Linda Steinberg, Sam, Benjy, and Stacy Robert Schreiber Bess Kanter Gary and Andrea Urie and Family Donald Steinberg Jan Steinberg & Family Cantor Edward Cohen Ellen Lettman** Hiddur Fund Speedy Recovery David Shall Marlene Remer Jim and Arlene Rose Dr. David Grossman Warren Bookman Sue Kale Ellen and Allan Chabler In Honor of Phyllis Diamond, Special Birthday Shirley Gerber, Special Birthday Janet Gunkel* Jordan Slutsky, Bat Mitzvah Howard and Ann Rosenberg** Dave Perlman, Special Birthday Lil Perlman and Family** In Memory of Richard Gloth Shirley Gerber Steve and Nancy Goldberg Nathan Schwartz Hope and Randy Samborn** Marty and Mike Samborn** Clifford Isroff Bobby and Sharon Kripke** Richard Gloth Rhoda Miller Yahrzeits Speedy Recovery Benjamin Freedman Sadye Rabb Lori and David Friedes Martin Bracker Zale Reinstein Marilyn Reinstein*** Jerry Levison Jim and Arlene Rose Yahrzeits Youth Activities & Scholarship Fund In Memory of Ed Dolin Richard Gloth Dena, Dave, Shayna, Sam and Dahlia Zack** Speedy Recovery Phyllis Levey Dena, Dave, Shayna, Sam and Dahlia Zack** Yahrzeit Janet Federman Steven and Rebecca Federman Kripke Fund In Memory of Ed Dolin Richard Gloth Ilene Oxenhandler Larry and Joan Kripke** Hannah Shopneck Jill and Daryl Moreau Goldie Munster Bonnie and Jim Swartz Tribute Fund In Honor of Dave and Joan Katz, Special Anniversary Eli Abramson and Nora Romanoff*** Sandy Romanoff and Joe Greenberg Richard Gloth Eli Abramson and Nora Romanoff*** Burt Udell Eli Abramson and Nora Romanoff** Jane Bloom Stu and Jo Jo Goldberg Yahrzeits Janet Federman Adele and Joseph Federman**** Bernard Kozel Adele Striker Adolph Wiegler Sigmund Wiegler Rose Katherine Wiegler Sol C. Guttenberg Marcia and Arthur Friedman Joseph Schwartz, Father and Grandfather Charles and Sharon Schwartz and Family Norman Levitin His Loving Family*** Michael and Rene Quiroga Fund Speedy Recovery David Shall Eli Abramson and Nora Romanoff** Arlene Rose Beryl Ravin Dave and Bobbye Shall In Memory of Ed Dolin Allen and Charlotte Kominars Harvey Rosen Margie Rusgo Barbara Straus Lynn and John Romo Yahrzeits Michael Goldstein Jeff and Diane Goldstein Helen Fink Burke In Memory of Helen and Jack Burke Don and Elaine Green and Family KOL NIDRE DONORS THROUGH SEPTEMBER 17, 2015 ADDITIONAL DONORS WILL BE LISTED IN THE BULLETIN Anonymous Richard and Shani Abernathy Dr. Eli Abramson and Nora Romanoff Ken Alexander David and Michelle Bader Shirley Bader Jeff and Anne Bauer Miriam Beckerman Joel and Linda Beren Jonathan and Jeannette Bernstein Paul Causman Allan and Rita Cohen Leah Connor Nathan and Nancy Danziger Phyllis Diamond Charlene Edelman James and Tova Eisenberg David and Lori Friedes Bill and Luann Garber Shirley Gerber Judy Gersz Gerald Getz Jerold and Ruth Gold Larry Gold Harriet Goldberg Steve and Nancy Goldberg Stu and Jo-Jo Goldberg Feiga Gudelman Sheldon Harris Inge Horowitz David and Joan Katz Ian Katz Jan Katz Nancy Katz Susan and Steve Kaufman Esther Kezur and Harvey Malone Zale and Shirley Kohler Chad and Allison Kripke Harley and Stacey Kripke Larry and Joan Kripke Matt and Jill Kripke Lee and Gail Kwait Carole Lash Michael & Rena Leizerman Adam Levine Gertrude Levitin Sid Levine Rene Levy Elsie Liber Jack and Diana Lipszyc Fred and Ruth Mahler Norman Malkin Marc and Paula Meyer Rhoda Miller Howard and Linda Moskowitz Jeffrey Muler and Andreia Mahler-Beilis Harry and Leeta Nistel Deborah Orloff Dave and Lil Perlman Jim and Diane Perlman Michael and Leslie Podolsky Portnoy Family Marilyn Reinstein Howard and Ann Rosenberg Paul and Rona Rothschild Scott and Sheila Rothstein Marjory Rusgo Merv and Marlene Russell Andrew Sattler Richard Schroeder Dave and Bobbye Shall Helene Sherman Ruth and Marty Sitzmann Debbie and Bert Spangenthal Sanford and Sharon Stein Dan Steinberg Harold and Doris Steinberg Jim and Bonnie Swartz Chuck and Sandy Traugott Tom and Patti Tuschman Dr. and Mrs. Aron Wajskol Judy and David Weinberg Ira and Marlene Weisman Ellie and Leon Williams Sue Wilson Sherrie and Caren Zaft Joel and Sue Zanville David and Meira Zucker Mark and Gretchen Zyndorf 5 Office Closed Shmini Atzeret (outside 9:30am Simchat Torah Israel) (Jewish (outside Israel) (Jewish Religious 11:00am Yizkor Holidays) 6:00pm Simchas Torah 7:49pm Holiday ends 7:51pm Light candles 12 4 Parent and Tot Class 9:30am Religious School 9:30am Services 6:53pm Light Candles 11 Rummage Drop Off (Etz Chayim) Parent and Tot Class Rummage Drop Off (Etz Chayim) 9:30am Religious School 9:30am Services Paul Causman 26 25 Rummage Drop Off (Etz Chayim) 27 1 Rummage Drop Off (Etz Chayim) 1:00pm SOAP 4:30pm Religious School 6:15pm Bitusy Loung Night 28 1:00pm SOAP 4:30pm Religious School 6:30pm 92 Street Y event USY Kinnus 9:30am Services 2:30pm Film Festival 10:30am Sisterhood Book Club 21 19 18 20 1:00pm SOAP 4:30pm Religious School 14 4:30pm Religious School 6:15pm Lounge Night 7 30 WEDNESDAY 9:30am Religious School 9:30am Services 12:00pm Bitusy Kinnus Help 13 6 29 28 Sep 27 TUESDAY MONDAY SUNDAY October 2015 5 12 19 26 4 11 18 25 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 We 29 1 8 15 22 29 Th October 2015 Tu 12:00pm JSS Luncheon 6:30pm Executive Committee Meeting 7:30pm CBI Board Meeting 22 8:00pm 15 8 Oct 1 THURSDAY Mo Su 3 10 17 24 31 Sa 5 12 19 26 Th Fr 6 13 20 27 SATURDAY 4 11 18 25 We Sa 7 14 21 28 6:00pm Service 6:14pm Light Candles 30 6:00pm Service 6:23pm Light Candles 23 USY Kinnus 6:00pm Service 6:34pm Light Candles 16 6:00pm Service 6:45pm Light Candles 9 9/22/2015 9:58 AM Parsha Va-yera 9:30am Services 7:13pm Shabbat Ends 31 Parsha Lekh L'kha 9:30am Services 7:22pm Shabbat Ends 24 Parsha Noah 9:30am USY Services 7:32pm Shabbat Ends 17 Kiddush; Jan Katz Parsha B'reishit 9:30am Services 7:42pm Shabbat Ends 10 9:30am Services 7:54pm Shabbat Ends 3 10 17 24 Tu November 2015 6:00pm Service 6:57pm Light Candles 2 9 16 23 30 Mo 3 1 8 15 22 29 Su 2 FRIDAY 2 9 16 23 30 Fr SUPPORTED BY JEWISH FEDERATION OF GREATER TOLEDO YO U R C A M PA I G N G I F TS AT WO R K UPCOMING SENIOR EVENTS The Senior Adult Programs of the Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo are supported in part through your campaign dollars and through a generous grant from the Jewish Senior Services Supporting Organization. All events are part of the Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo and occasionally take place at the various synagogues. Please note registration deadlines for all programs! To register for a Jewish Federation Senior Program, please call 419-724-0354 or email [email protected]. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19 CaptionCall: Life is Calling YOU! Annual Thanksgiving Celebration – The Turkey Dinner 1 p.m. 5 p.m. dinner and JFS Senior Adult Center, 2700 Pelham Road entertainment by Sweet Harmony Acapella CaptionCall is an amplified telephone that displays written Senior Adult Center -2700 Pelham Road captions of what the callers say on a large, easy to-read display $5 per person screen. The CaptionCall phone is available at no cost to anyone Join us as we come together to celebrate and be thankful for all who has trouble hearing on the phone and has had their hearing that we have and enjoy a bountiful traditional meal. loss diagnosed by a hearing-care or healthcare professional. Registration and payment requested by Join us to learn more about CaptionCall’s products and Monday, November 9. services ; there will be a company representative providing a Full information regarding all programs can be found in demonstration plus lots of exciting giveaways. Toledo Jewish News. Registration is requested by Monday, September 21. To register for a Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo senior program, please call 419-724-0354 or email [email protected] Stone Law Lecture Who Should Profit From The Holocaust? Legal Controversies Over Nazi Art Looting featuring Raymond J. Dowd, Esq. Partner – Dunnington Bartholow & Miller LLP NYC Tuesday, October 20 at 7 p.m. The University of Toledo College of Law, 1825 W. Rocket Drive No charge - Free CLE (contact Arleen Levine at Arleen@Jewish Toledo.org for more information) Reception for Cardozo members 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. before the law lecture SUPPORTED BY YO U R L E G AC Y G I F T S AT WO R K Please join us for a special showing of Woman in Gold Monday, October 12 7 p.m. Vera & Leo Sekach Jewish Family Service Building, 6505 W. Sylvania Avenue Film: 109 min Starring Helen Mirrin and Ryan Reynolds Maria Altmann, an octogenarian Jewish refugee, takes on the Austrian government to recover artwork she believes rightfully belongs to her family. SUPPORTED BY YO U R L E G AC Y G I F T S AT WO R K Howard Rosenbaum .........................Minyan Leader Congregation B’nai Israel Bulletin 6525 Sylvania Ave. Sylvania, OH 43560 Kim Brody ...................... Religious School Principal [email protected] Address Service Requested CONGREGATION B’NAI ISRAEL STAFF Ivor Lichterman............................................ Hazzan [email protected] Chuck Traugott .............. Synagogue Administrator [email protected] Rhoda Miller ...... Community Outreach Coordinator [email protected] Megan Miller................................... Youth Director [email protected] Cindy Robertson ....................... Sisterhood 2.0 Rep [email protected] Bruce Post ...................................... Men’s Club Rep Miranda Hupp ................................. USY President EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE President ................................................... Jeff Bauer Vice President of Administration......Howard Rosenberg Vice President of Religious Affairs ............ Greg Davis Vice President of Youth Activities ..... Michael Portnoy Secretary .......................................... Fran Weinblatt Treasurer....................................... Stephen Goldberg BOARD OF TRUSTEES Stuart Brody, Ellen Federman, David Friedes, Marc Glasser, Stuart Goldberg, Jill Kripke, Michael Leizerman, Gabrielle Mallin, Bruce Post, Cindy Robertson, Bennett Romanoff, Jerry Russell, Honorary Trustees: Phyllis Diamond, Howard Rosenbaum www.cbitoledo.org Congregation B’nai Israel Religious School Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Sylvania, OH Permit No. 42