Archaic Age Classical Age Heroic Age Mythic Age THOR ODIN Focus: Hill Fort Bonus: • Human units regenerate • Respawning ravens to explore • Hill Fort units have more hitpoints • Villagers hunt faster Great Hunt Lone Wanderer FREYJA cavalry Forest Fire Valkyrie Aurora Borealis Thundering Hooves HEIMDALL buildings Undermine Einherjar Elhrimnir Kettle Safeguard Arctic Wind NJORD ships/hill fort Walking Woods Kraken Mountain Giant Long Serpent Ring-giver SKADI axemen Frost Frost Giant Rime Winter Harvest BALDR siege/cavalry Ragnarok Fire Giant Arctic Gale TYR infantry Fimbulwinter Fenris Wolf Brood Jormund Brood LOKI Focus: Longhouse Bonus: • Special Armory available in all ages • Dwarves gather food and wood faster (in addition to gold) • Dwarves cheaper Dwarven Mine Pig Sticker Mithril Breastplate FORSETI infantry Healing Spring Troll Hamarrtroll Hall of Thanes FREYJA cavalry Forest Fire Valkyrie Aurora Borealis Thundering Hooves BRAGI ulfsarks/MUs Flaming Weapons Battle Boar Call of Valhalla Swine Array Huntress’ Axe SKADI axemen Frost Frost Giant Rime Sons of Sleipnir Dwarven Auger BALDR siege / cavalry Ragnarok Fire Giant Berserkergang Bravery TYR infantry Fimbulwinter Fenris Wolf Brood Wrath of the Deep God Power Focus: Myth Units Bonus: • Heroes in combat summon myth units on their own • Myth units cost less favor • Ox Carts cheaper, faster, weaker Myth Unit Improvement Spy Eyes in the Forest FORSETI infantry Healing Spring Troll Hamarrtroll Hall of Thanes Mithril Breastplate HEIMDALL buildings Undermine Einherjar Elhrimnir Kettle Safeguard Arctic Wind Thurisaz Rune BRAGI ulfsarks/MUs Flaming Weapons Battle Boar Call of Valhalla Swine Array Thurisaz Rune Winter Harvest Huntress’ Axe NJORD ships/hill fort Walking Woods Kraken Mountain Giant Long Serpent Ring-giver Wrath of the Deep Arctic Gale Sons of Sleipnir Dwarven Auger HEL myth units Nidhogg Fire Giant Frost Giant Mountain Giant Rampage Granite Blood Jormund Brood Berserkergang Bravery TYR infantry Fimulwinter Fenris Wolf Brood Jormund Brood Berserkergang Bravery Archaic Age Ox Cart Gatherer Husbandry Ulfsark Hunting Dogs Ox Cart Hand Axe Dwarf Pickaxe Masons Plow Classical Age Town Center House Dock Wooden Wall Temple Fishing Ship Buildings Units Improvements Farm Sentry Tower Armory Transport Ship Signal Fires Copper Weapons Throwing Axeman Purse Seine Watch Tower Copper Mail Raiding Cavalry Enclosed Deck Crenelations Copper Shields Longhouse Longboat Bow Saw Ulfsark Shaft Mine Stone Wall Hersir (Hero) Medium Infantry Heroic Age Medium Calvary Architects Irrigation Heavy Infantry Drakkar Carrier Pigeons Bronze Weapons Market Hill Fort Fortified Town Center Carpenters Heavy Calvary Dragon Ship Boiling Oil Bronze Mail Ox Caravan Huskarl Quarry Levy Longhouse Salt Amphora Bronze Shields Ambassadors Jarl Tax Collectors Portable Ram Archer Ship Cladding Mythic Age Flood Control Draft Horses Heavy Cavalry Heavy Infantry Levy Hill Fort Champion Infantry Reinforced Ram Iron Weapons Champion Cavalry Naval Oxybeles Iron Mail Champion Infantry Conscript Longhouse Conscript Sailors Iron Shields Champion Cavalry Burning Pitch Engineers Coinage Ballista Wonder Conscript Hill Fort 0802 Part No. X08-99170