an introduction to the freshwater fish communities of corcovado
an introduction to the freshwater fish communities of corcovado
BRENESIA 21: 47-.66.1983 AN INTRODUCTION TO THE FRESHWATER FISH COMMUNITIES OF CORCOVADO NATIONAL PARK, COSTA RICA Kirk O. Winemiller Department of Zoology, University of Texas, Austin, Texas, USA 78712 Key Word Index: Corcovado, Costa Rica, fish communities, freshwater ecosystems, trophic relationships ABSTRACT The distributional pattern and ecologyof eachspeciesof the freshwater fish communities surrounding the Sirena station of CorcovadoPark were investigatedduring the early rainy seasonof 1982.Thirty species were observedor collectedin freshwatersof the park, and an additional 10 specieswere restrictedto intertidal regions.Peripheraldivision and invading marine fishes were major integral componentsof the freshwater ichthyofauna. These forms were particularly prevalent in the rivers and lower stretchesof smallstreams.Streamwidth waspositively correlated with speciesrichness.Most of the primary and secondary division fishesappearedto be fairly restricted in their use of the range of available food resources.The habitat affinities and approximate abundancesof eachfish specieswas reported,basedon visualcensuses. The route of dispersalinto the region by primary and secondarydivision fishes is discussed.Basedon comparisonswith earlier studies in CostaRica and Panama,it is hypothesizedthat the marineelementsin the park's freshwaterecosystemsdecline during the dry seasons.Food webs for the QuebradaCamaronaland Rio Claro fish communities were constructed.The major sourcesof primary productivity for the communities are apparently allochthonous, indicating a dependency of the present ichthyofauna on the tropical rainforest as a sourceof energyand nutrients. The freshwaterecosystems of CorcovadoNationalParkin CostaRicaareunusualin permitting the study of freshwatertropical fish communitiesin a regionof relatively low freshwaterfish speciesdiversity. Freshwaterfish communitiesin the neotropics are generallycharacterizedby an abundanceof primary freshwaterfish species (i.e. membersof families with little or no toleranceto salineconditions) of the 47 subordersCharacoideiand Siluroidei (Lowe-McConnell,1975). By markedcontrast, the freshwaterfish faunaof Corcovadocontainsonly three speciesof primary freshwater fishes (two char.:oids and one siluroid), and this has been attributed to geographicalfactors inhibiting invasion by these forms onto the Osa Peninsula (Constantzet al., 1981). Secondarydivision freshwater species(i.e., membersof families with limited degreesof toleranceto marinesalinities)areunderrepresented at Corcovadoas well, with only three reported (Constantzet aI., 1981) from the more than 25 secondarydivision speciesknown from the Costa Rican mainland (Bussing,1967). The remainderof the Corcovadofreshwaterfish fauna is comprised of peripheraldivision and marine specieswhich have invadedthe streams, often many kilometers inland. I havechosento define peripheraldivision speciesas membersof familieswhich areclearly marinein origin, yet they must residein fresh or brackishcoastalwaters for variable periods of time during their life histories. Peripheralfishes may require freshwaterecosystemsfor successfulfeedingduring juvenile or adult life, or as an environmentfor reproduction and/or larvalfeeding. Marinefisheswill be defined asspecieswhich may residein fresh or br.:kish waters, often for extensiveperiods, yet they are fully capableof completing their entire life cycles in the marineenvironment.Unlike peripheraldivision fishes,many populations of marine fishes resideexclusively in the marine environment,either offshore or in intertidal zones.The significanceof this new distinction will become apparentin subsequentsectionsof this report. Constantz et 8/. (1981) reported a total of 20 fishes from the freshwaters of Corcovado Park. This represents relatively low speciesrichness for neotropical freshwaters in a region of this size. The freshwater ecosystemsof Corcovado Park provide good opportunities for comparatively-based hypotheses concerning freshwater fish dispersal abilities, historical aspects shaping local species diversity, and tropical freshwater community dynamics. The present study was undertaken to: 1) provide more detailed information on the relative abundances, distributions, and habitat utilization of each freshwater fish species;2) determine the food habits of each fish species; 3) obtain information on the trophic structure of the freshwater ecosystems; and 4) provide a preliminary record of intertidal and estuarine fish species. Material and Methods Field siteswere chosenalong sectionsof the R(o Claro, Rio Pavo,QuebradaCamaronal, Q. Danta, two small streamswhich emptied directly into the ocean,the headwatersof a small, unnamedstream,and one rocky intertidal pool. Additional fish collections and notes were made in intertidal regionsof bedrocksubstrate(A), an oxbow lake near the mouth of the R(o Sirena (B), the Rio Sirenaestuary,and sectionsof streamsbetweenthe selectedfield sites.Mapswereconstructedfor each field site containing: Profiles of streamdepth, poll or riffle length, streamwidth, substratecomposition, and the location of potential fish refugia (i.e., undercut streambank, roots, logs,boulders,etc.). The length of eachfield site wasdelineated by the natUralboundariesof the pool or riffle under investigation.Consequently,a 4A pool field site in a river was often much longer than a.pool in a smallerstream. Watercurrent velocity was determinedby tossinga35 mm film canister,half-filled with water, into the region of greatestcurrent and timing its passagerate over a designateddistance.At eachfield site, the following datawere recorded:1) pH; 2) salinity (ppt); 3) temperature;4) maximum water current velocity; 5) the abundanceof eachfish speciespresent;and 6) the relativeratio of juvenilesto adultsof each fish speciespresent. The presenceof epiphytic algae,zooplankton, crustaceans,insolation, and fruiting trees was also noted at eachsite. Eachfield site was photographedto supplementthe mappedinformation in later analyses. Fisheswere collected by dipnetting, seining,fish traps,angling,and by hand. Habitat utilization and estimatesof the relative abundancesof fishes were made by direct observationfrom abovethe water'ssurfaceand snorkellingbelow the water's surfaceduring normal streamdischarges.Specialattempts were made to trap or dipnet rareor nocturnalfishesunder sectionsof erodedstreambank. Selectedfishes were measuredfor standardlength and their stomachmorphology and contents were examined.One to six specimensof eachspeciescollected were preservedin 10 percentformalin and later depositedin the TexasNatural History Collectionof the TexasMemorialMuseum,Universityof Texas,Austin. Descriptionsof Field Sites Corcovado park is located on the extreme western edge of the Osa peninsula of Costa Rica's Pacific coast. The park is approximately 41,800 ha and lies at approximately SO30' N latitude and 8'jO30' longitude. Corcovado Park contains extensive areas of primary tropical rainforest plus patches of regenerating second growth, including dense stands of He/iconia, Ca/athes, Trema, Piper, Cecropia and species of other plant genera (Janzen, 1979). The park received 4701 mm of rainfall in 1980 and averaged 364.4 mm over 1979, 1980, 1981 during the period in which the presentstudywasconducted(June25 to July 28). This period is in the early stageof the major annual rainy seasonof this region.The streamsand riversof the park flow over Cretaceousvolcanic and sedimentaryrocks and, to a lesserdegree, Quaternaryalluvialdeposits(Janzen,1979). The location of eachfield site is providedin Figure1. Fish speciesnumbers,physi. cal parametersof the water, and stream length, width, and maximum depth are provided in Table 1. The following are verbal descriptionsof the generalhabitat conditionspresentat eachfield site. Sites 1 and 3 are shallow,swampypools at the headwatersof smallstreamswhich ultimately empty into the Rlo Sirena.The poolscontainedmuch emergentvegetation, including Hel/conia sp. Rotting Hel/conia leavesservedas refugiafor fishes and substratefor SpyrogyrBsp. and other speciesof filamentousgreenalgae.The bottoms of these pools were coveredwith thick laversof vegetativedetritus and 49 mud. At midday, direct sunlight was transmitted through the secondarygrowth forest, producingscatteredpatchesof sunlit and shadedwater in eachpool. No observablewatercurrent waspresentat sites1 and3. Sites2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, and 11 are pools in the QuebradasDantaand Camaronal.All pools contained regionsof gravel, sand, and leaf litter substrate.Epiphytic bluegreenalgaeand diatomswereusuallypresenton rocks in the shallowmarginalareas or deeper regionscontaining observablecurrent in thesepools. Eachpool is bordered at one side by an area of eroded (undercut) bank, usually with tree root structuresor bedrock above.A small portion of most pools was exposedto direct sunlight during midday, and thesewere often associatedwith limited algalgrowth when suitablesubstrateswerepresent. Site 6 is located at the extreme headwatersof the QuebradaCamaronal.This was the last pool observedto contain fish (3 specimensof Agonostomusmont;cola) as one traveled this fork upstream. Stream gradients are much steeperand many moss-and lichen-covered boulders are present in this regionof the stream. Leaf litter, bedrock, and gravel comprised the substrate,and very little observable algaewas present at this site. The entire pool remainedshadedby primary forest throughout the day. Site 10 is a shallow riffle sectionof the O. Camaronalwith a coarsegravel,sand, and leaf litter substrate.Mostof the riffle wasexposedto direct sunlightat midday, and this appearedto support thin growths of epiphytic blue-greenalgaeand diatoms. Site 12 is located at the mouth of the a. Camaronalwhereit emptiesinto the Rro Sirenaestuary.Site 12 gradesfrom a deep, narrow streampool, borderedby bedrock, to a shallowsloughflowing over rocks,coarsegravel,andfinally sandand silt. The entire site is exposedto direct insolation through most of the day and supported diatomson the rock surfaces. Sites 13 and 14 are located in two separatesmall, shallow streamswhim flow through areasof extensivesecondaryforest growth adjacentto the coast. These streamsempty directly into the oceanover sandy beach.The substrateof site 13 consistedof sand and the pool marginswere composedprimarily of grassesand sedges.Site 13 was exposedto insolation throughout most of the day, yet no significant algal growth wasobservable.Site 14 wasentirely shadedand hasa sand, soil, and leaf litter substrate.Clumps of emergent understory vegetation were scatteredthroughout site 14. These streamsare probably ephemeral,with very restrictedflow during the major dry season. Sites 15 and 17 are large pools in the Rfo Claro which have bedrock and gravel substrates. Thin growths of blue-green algae and diatoms were present in the shal- so low marginal areasand swift headwatersand tailwaters of each pool. Leaf litter depositsweregenerallypresentamongthe rocks at the pool margins.Majorportions of both pools wereexposedto direct sunlight at midday. Site 16 is a swift riffle areaof the R(o Claro. The substrateis comprisedof coarse gravel and rocks. Most of this areais exposedto direct sunlight at midday, and a thin layer of algae is presenton some rocks, particularly in shallowermarginal regionsof the riffle. Site 18 is located in a channel formed by the presence of a sand bar near the edge of the Rfo Oaro estuary. The substrate here is comprised of sand and fine silt deposits. The area is exposed to direct sunlight throughout the day, yet no significant epiphytic algal growth was detected. Forest litter was commonly deposited along the banks of the channel following floods and high tides. Site 19 is a large pool of the Rfo Pavo approximately 50 m upstream from the crossing of the park's Casa Marenco trail. The substrate at this site was primarily fine gravel and sand. Unlike the pools of the Rfo Claro (sites 15 and 17) several fallen trees provided cover for the fishes. The entire pool was exposed to sunlight at midday, and very limited growths of epiphytic algae were present in the shallower regions. Site 20 is an isolated intertidal pool at low tide, which has a sandand bedrock substrate.Numerousrocks were scatteredthroughout the pool, providingcoverfor many small marine fishes. The pool is exposedto direct sunlight throughout the day, and thin layersof epiphytic algaewere presenton many rocks. At high tide, site 20 is inundated by over 3 m of seawater and is exposedto constantwave action. Observations The number of speciesat eachfreshwaterfield site wasextremelyvariable,ranging from one (sites 6, 13, 14) to 15 (site 19). In addition to providing total species numbers,Table 1 summarizesthe number of primary division, secondarydivision, peripheral,and marinefish speciesat eachsite. No continuouspattern emergedas total speciesrichnesswas tracked from the headwatersof eachriver and streamto its mouth. SPSS(StatisticalPackagefor the Social Sciences,Nie et al., 1975) was usedto compute a multiple regressionanalysisof total numbersof fish speciesand streamcurrent, maximumdepth, maximumwidth, andthe lengthof eachfield site. The results,summarizedin Table 2, indicate that approximatelyhalf of the total varianceis explainedby differencesin streamwidth. Additional variancewithin the pattern of speciesrichnessis explainedby depth, current, and site length,in order; and together these four variablesaccountedfor 73 percent of the variance.The ratio of the numbersof peripheraland marinespeciesto the numberof freshwater division speciesincreasedfrom 1.0 at the headwatersof the a. Camaronalto 12.0 )1 at its mouth. A simpleregressionof peripheraland marineto freshwaterspeciesfor the sevensiteson the a. Camaronalresultedin a positivetrend (r2 =.494), however this wasstatisticallynonsignificant(F = 4.873, df = 1, 5, p = .078). The distribution of freshwater,peripheral,and marinedivision fishesin the park doesnot correlate with salinity gradientssincedissolvedsolidswereuniformly low « 1 ppt) throughout the streamsand rivers (Table 1). The exceptionswere the two river estuaries during high tides (Table1). The distribution and habitat affinities of each fish species within the park are presented in Table 3. AstysnBX f.cistl/$ was by far the most abundant and widely distributed primary freshwater fish species in the area. Brachyrhsphis rhsbdophora was the most numerous secondary division species and was present at 14 of the 19 freshwater field sites. The distribution of Poeci/is sphenops was much more restricted to regions of filamentous green algal growth. Poeci/iopsis turrubarensis and OxYZygOnectBSdovii were limited to the RIo Sirena estuary and adjacent stream mouths where B. msbdophors was absent. Among peripheral fishes, Awaous transandeanus, Sicydium pittieri, Gobiomorus maculatus, Eleotris picta, and Agonostomus monticola were distributed far inland in significant numbers. s. pittieri, in particular, may reproduce in freshwaters as evidenced by the numerous juveniles throughout its distribution and the presence of a brilliantly colored territorial male in the middle reaches of the Q. Camaronal. Larger, predatory peripheral division and marine fishes (Centropomus and Lutjanus spp.) were present in significant numbers in the pools of rivers, even far inland (site 19). The abundance of these forms fell off sharply as one traveled toward the heedwaters of the smaller streams and pool volumes declined. Juveniles of Pomadasys bayanus were commonly encountered in pools of the streams. Several individuals were observed to exhibit intraspecific aggressionnear regions of cover such as eroded stream bank. A single adult specimen (-1.5 m standard length) of the sawfish, Pristis sp., was observed at site 19 and one other location of the Rfo Pavo. The most abundant fish speciesof the intertidal zonesappearedto Abudefduf an8logus,Hypsoblenniusstriatus, and 88thygobiusramosus.The assessment of the abundancesof speciessuch as Gobiesoxsp., Gymnothor8x sp., and Mslacoctenus zonifer was hamperedby the presenceof many deep, undercut bedrock crevices utilized by theseforms. Preliminary information on the food habits of the principal freshwater-dwelling fishesof the park is presentedin Table 4. Epiphytic algaeand smallshrimpof the family Palaemonidae apparentlycomprisedthe major autochthonousbasisfor the ichthyomasssustainedin the rivers and streams.Major allochthonoussourcesof food input were forest vegetativedetritus, mature fruits and seeds,and terrestrial insects,includingants.Aquatic snailswerevery abundantin the R(o Claro,but only minor componentsof the R(o Pavoand streamecosystems.Other foods utilized werecrayfish,aquaticinsectlarvae(Ephemeroptera),and microcrustaceans. S2 A striking characteristicof the streamsat Corcovadois the paucity of autochthonous primary productivity, and the apparentextreme paucity of aquatic insects and zooplankton. Preliminary schemesfor the trophic interactionsof the communities of the Q. Camaronal(Fig. 2) and Rro Claro (Fig. 3) were constructed basedon the approximaterelative abundancesand food habits of eachspecies.In both systemsthe major sourceof primary production takesthe form of allochthonous input from the rainforest.Snailsand shrimpcompriseda much greaterproportion of the "primary aquaticconsumer" trophic level in the Rfo Clarothan in the Q. Camaronal.Both communitiesare representative of a "food web" trophic structure, wherein many speciespopulationsutilize food resourcesfrom the samebroad categories,or utilize food from two or more trophic levels.The specieswhich comprisedthe lower trophic levelsof the t~ systemswere quite similar, howeverthe Rro Oaro supported severalmore predatory speciesin the higher trophic levels (Figs.2 and 3). Although the food habits data for Corcovadofishesshould be consideredpreliminary due to low samplesizes,severalspeciesexhibited fairly rigid selection for specific items. Fruits and seedsconstituted the major portion of the diet of A fasc;atus,and to a slightly lesserdegreeH. savage;.Severalspeciesappearedto be strict algalgrazers,including P. sphenops(greenalgae,esp.Spyrogyrsspp.), P. turrubarens;s(diatoms), and s. p;tt;er; (diatomsand blue-greenalgae).The diets of B. rhsbdophoraand A mont;co/a consistedof terrestrial insects,with B. rhsbdophora consumingmostly ants and tiny dipterans. The gut of the singleanalyzed specimenof Sphoero;dessnnu/atuswas p.:ked with many aquatic snailsand shell fragments.SeveralAMOUS trsnsandeanuswere observedsucking up portions of fine gravel and sand substrateand allowing the inorganicparticlesto sift through their opercular oPenings.One cKJultA. trsnsandeanusat site 16 was observedto periodically dash up from the substrateto capture individual particlesof drifting detritus. The gut contentsof two individualsrevealedonly fine particlesof detritus. Discussion With the addition of Oxyzygonectesdov;;, the presentstudy increases the number of known freshwaterdivision fishesat Corcovado(Constantzetal., 1981) to seven. To the previous list of 14 fisheswith marine affinities presentin the park (Constantz .:...jl., 1981), this study reports 13 additional peripheraldivision and marine species,plus 10 additional marine speciesfrom intertidal zones.The three pipefish specimens,which were returned to the Texas Natural History Collection, were determinedto be Pseudopha//us starks;. P.wudopha//us elcaptansnsewas reported as moderatelyabundantin the a. Camaronalby Constantzet al. (1981), wheretwo of my specimenswerecollected.Gob;esoxpotan;usand RhamdiaMgnsr; were not observedduring the study although both werepreviouslyreportedasrare in the Q. Camaronal.Despitethe fact that they were reported in slightly different manners, there appearto be major disparitiesin the approximationsof the abundanceand distribution of manyof the fishesbetween1979 (Constantzet al., 1991)and 1982. ~~ This may be due to differencesin season,sincethe 1979 observationswere made during the major dry seasonand the 1982 observationsduring the early portion of the major wet season.Differencesin collecting techniquesand censusingmethods may havealsocontributed to differencesin abundanceestimates. The ichthyofauna of the park's freshwater ecosystems is a mixture of freshwater, peripheral, and marine division forms. Certainly the composition of these communities is temporally dynamic in nature, and they will ultimately require detailed longitudinal studies before the factors influencing their structure are fully understood. If, as indicated by Table 2, stream volume has a major influence on speciesrichness, then major differences in the number of peripheral and marine division fishes might be expected between wet and dry seasoncensuses.Several investigations in a variety of temperate and tropical lotic systems have also supported the view that stream volume, width, and/or discharge may explain a major portion of the variability observed within fish speciesdiversity patterns (Gorman and Karr, 1978; Smith, 1981; Livingstone et al., 1982). I hypothesize that many more individuals of the marine division species join the ichthyofaunas of small coastal tropical streams, such as those at Corcovado, during wet seasonswhen stream volumes, discharge rates, arxl food resources are higher. Allochthonous food input to the Tortuguero estUary of eastern Costa Rica was found to be much higher during the wet seasons(Nordlie and Kelso, 1975). In a small Panamanian stream, fish foods were more abundant during the wet season (Zaret and Rand, 1971). During the dry seasonsat Corcovado, many marine fishes may be excluded from freshwaters due to competition with freshwater and peripheral division fishes. In reviewing the distributional patterns of African freshwater fishes, Roberts (1976) noted that, when present, freshwater division fishes tend to exclude more euryhaline forms from inland habitats. Tiny palaemonid shrimp were extremely numerous in the streams and rivers of Corcovado during the early rainy season, and these should provide a major potential source of food for temporary marine invaders as well as permanent freshwater residents. The view, that primary and secondary division freshwater fishes dominate the ecosystems at Corcovado when stream volumes are lower, is also supported by the observation that freshwater division fishes comprised a greater proportion of the speciesrichness as one traveled away from the mouths of streams. Corcov~o Park lies within the isthmian faunal province of Miller (1966) and Bussing (1976). This region of CentralAmericais by far the richestin primary division freshwaterfish species(Myers,1966; Miller, 1966;Bussing,1967),with most forms derivedfrom South Americanfaunal elements.Of the three primary division sp«:ies presentat Corcov~o, Astyanax fa.w:;stusand Rhamdiawagner;are reportedto have limited toleral~es to salineconditions (Miller, 1966; Bussing,1976). Both of these speciesexhibit ubiquitous rangesin lower CentralAmerica,andA. fa.w:;stusin particular extends from Argentina to southern Texas on the Atlantic slope (Miller, 1966). It is therefore quite likely that these specieshaveutilized a coastalroute for dispersalinto this distal regionof the Osapeninsula.If streamheadwatercaptures h~ played a significant role in the dispersalof primary freshwaterfishesinto the park, more specieswould be expected.The degreeof salinitytoleranceby ~ Hyphessobrycon savagei is unknown. Like the primary freshwater fishes, the secondary division fishes of Corcovado are represented by several species which are ubiquitous in Central America. The presence of these seven primary and secondary division freshwater fishes suggests that these forms have dispersed into the Osa fairly recently (i.e., compared to major dispersals of these families along the mainland Central American slopes) and by way of coastal routes, possibly during periods of unusually high rainfall. The recent arrival of freshwater division fishes into the Corcovado region is further supported by Bussing's (1967) observation that a large number of indigenous speciescomprise the Costa Rican freshwater fish fauna. The peripheral and marine division fishes of Corcovado are primarily species which are widely distributed along the Pacific coast of Central America. Severalspecies, such as Agonostomus monticola, Centropomus undecimaJis, and Mugil curema are known from both coasts of Central America. Apparently, the presenceof Abudefduf analogus in my collections represents the first report of this species for the Pacific coast of Central America. The preliminary data on the diets of Corcovadofishesindicatedthat severalfresh. water and peripheraldivision specieshavefairly restrictedfeedinghabits (Table4). One marine invader, Sphoeroidesannulatus, may speCializeon snails, using its "beak-like" dentition to crush shells. Most of the marine speciesin freshwaters at Corcovadoare large predatorswhich apparently exploit the numerousshrimp and small fishes.Much more information is neededon the diets of thesefishesbefore it can be determinedif food resourcesarea limiting factor for marinefish bio. massduring the wet season.The descriptiveinformation on streamhabitat use by the fishesof Corcovado(Table3) suggests that habitat selectioncould be onemeans by which fishesecologicallysegregate during periodsof depressedresources.This is an emerginggeneralizationfrom recent studiesof tropical stream(Zaret and Rand, 1971; Roberts, 1972; Bishop, 1973; Gormanand Karr, 1978) aswell astemperate freshwaterfish ecology(Winn, 1958;Allen, 1969;Mendelson,1975;Symons,1976; Werneret al., 1977). The distributional patternsof fisheswithin the park (Table3) probably relatesmost directly to habitat affinities. Consequently,the total species richnessat each site should relate, not only to streamvolume (Table 2), but also to environmentalheterogeneityin termsof habitat diversity at eachsite. For example, Poeciliasphenopswas only abundant in environmentswhere there was low water current velocitiesand significantgrowth of fil~entous greenalgae. The freshwater ecosystemsof CorcovadoPark appearto be consistentwith the physical characteristicsof many tropical rainforest headwaterstreams (Myers, 1947; Roberts, 1972; Bishop, 1973; lowe-McConnell, 1975). Their waters are apparentlyquite nutrient poor, contain little primary production, areoften entirely shaded,exhibit low thermal variability, and receiveseasonalpatterns of rainfall. One major difference is the absenceof high freshwaterfish speciesdiversity at Corcovadodue to the peninsulareffect. The Rio Claro and Rio Sirenaalso lack extensivestretchesof lowland floodplains and extensiveestuariesprior to their dischargeinto the Pacific Ocean. It is this unique combination of physical and biotic similarities and dissimilaritiesto other tropical regionswhich givesthe fresh~~ water ecosystemsof CorcovadoPark a tremendouspotential for comparativetests of the factors governingthe evolution of tropical streamfish communities.For example, I would predict that the large numersof palaemonidshrimp, supported largely by terrestrially-derivedvegetativedetritus, could support many morefreshwater fishes in higher trophic levelsduring the rainy season,if they were introduced. The reproductivebiology of the peripheraldivision fish speciesof the park remain virtually unknown. Thesefishes are very important componentsof many freshwatercommunities,and additional life history information could contribute much to clarifying the oPerationaldefinitions of fish divisions basedon marine dispersiveabilities and ecology. Acknowledgments I would like to thank Frank Pezoldfor his extensiveefforts in verifying anddetermining the identification of speciescollected at CorcovadoPark. Clark Hubbsand LawrenceGilbert provided important logistical assistancewhich otherwisewould havemadethe study impossible.ThomasGrohmanand LawrenceGilbert aidedin the collection of severalfish species.Frank Pezold, LawrenceGilbert, and John Rawlinsprovidedimportant criticismsand suggestions during the preparationof the manuscript.I would especiallylike to thank the efforts of the CostaRica National Park Servicefor their provision of a collecting permit and hospitality during the study. The data was compiled during participation in the U. T. Zoology 384L coursein tropical ecology. Resumen 5e investigaronlas comunidadesde pecesde aguadulce en el ParqueNacional Corcovadodel 25 junio al 28 de julio. 5e observaron0 recolectarontreinta especies de pecesde aguadulce, asi como diez especiesque seencuentransolamenteen zonascon influenciade lasmareas. Los pecesde lis divisionesde aQuadulce mas abundantesy extensamentedistribuidos son Asryanax fasciatusy Brachyrhaphisrhabdophora.De 105pecesde la divisi6n periferica, Sicydiumpittieri, Awaous trangndeanus,Gobiomorusmaculatus y Eleotris picta fueron 105mas extensamentedistribuidos en lis aQuasdulces de la regi6n. Variasespeciesde la divisi6n marinatambien se encontraroncon fre. cuencia en aQuadulce, entre otras, Mugil curema, Pomadasysbayanus,Lutjanus colorado, L no~mfa.:iatus, y Spheroidesannulatus.Estasespeciesseencontraron en abundanciasobretodoen 105rfos y las regionesbails de 105arroyos. EI unico ejemplarde pel sierra (Pristissp.) observado,seencontr6en el rfo Pavocasia kilo. metro y mediode la desembocadura. Examinamoslos contenidosde los est6m~os de varios ejemplaresde las especies dulceaculcolasmas comunes.Los alimentos terrestresles eran muy importantes; '6 entre otros, pepitas,frutas, insectos(especialmente hormigas)y material organico. Ahora bien, la mayor parte de la comida aut6ctonaen 105regrmenesde 105peces fue algas,camaronesy pecespequenos.La rflayoria de 105pecesde lasdivisionesde aQuadulce parecentener habitosde alimentaci6nparticulares. . La particularidaddel habitat en el arroyo de cads especiesugierela posibilidadde que estefactor puedaserun metodoadicionalde segregaci6n ecol6gica. Tomando en cuenta la informaci6n preliminar de que dispon(amos sabre los habitos de alimentaci6n, se construyeron redes de alimentaci6n para las comunidades de Quebrada Camaronal y r(o Claro. Se encontr6 que el ancho del arroyo se correlaciona positivamente con la riqueza de especiesde peces. Con base en los estudios preliminares hechos en Costa Rica y Panama,se ofrece la hip6tesis de que los elementos marinas en las aQuasdulces del parque bajan en nCAmero durante las estaciones secas. Tambien que par 10 menos cinco de los pecesde las divisiones de aguedulce emigraran hacia el interior de la regi6n par rutas costeras. Literature Cited Allen, K. R. 1969. Distinctive aspectsof the ecology of stream fishes: A review. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada26: 1429-1438. Bishop, J. E. 1973. Limnology of a sm.1 Malavan river, Sungai Gombek, Monogr~h. Bioi. 22. Th. Hague: W. Junk. 435 pp. Bussing. W. A. 1967. New species Md new records of Costa Rican freshwater fishes with a tentetive list of ~ecies. Rev. Bioi. Trap. 14: 206-249. Bussing, W. A. 1976. Geographic. distribution of the San JU81 ichthyofauna of Centr. America with remarks on its origin 81d ecology. p.s 167-176 In T. B. Thorson, ed. Investigations of the ichthyofauna of Nicaraguanlakes. Lincoln: Univ. Nebresk.. ConstMtz, G. D., W. 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I ~~oooo . . . . .. 3 ~ ~~~g~gg~~~2~~~~~~8 . . . . . . ',,; . . . . . . N ',,;,,; 1-lmMloIOMUJt")~~mCD""";:~ O;~ ~0;~t'!0;~~0;r"-;:::0!~ . OOONN~~N~~~~~~OOON ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN ~~oo wGw'" "...~~ vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv OOOO-O--NONmoo~.~~ --O.~-~~~N~~OO~M~N ""~""O-N ~~~~~~~~~ -- -- --ON-ONNNONOOO-O-O .~N~~-~OOM-~--.~~~ -NM.~~~~OO-NM.~~~~ ..h~ ai ,~ M 'a "'i ~ 1 ... ca M ~ GI ... ~ E ca ~ ca 0- ~ ,W M > ~ 0- E ca ~ ~ 0 0 M f! ~ ca ., E 'a C ca M ., 'y: ., 0M ~ M ~ J E ~ c ~ ~ I~ ::a ca I- .~ :c ca 'C ca > ~ > "Ai ., .~ .. ca ~ -s .. e ., u ~ > -; E -0 C ca i .. ca -0 ~ .2 :; > c .. 0 .c 8 -or .-0 C e c ~ I .B -0 '" ¥ . ~ .. .- =0 "6. u .c ; .; II ~"'>'~:I: ~ce" -01 el:-o . II a.B'~ e-~ >- ca ""0 !..=- E &-..J 1-0- . 59 Table 2. Resultsof a stepwisemultiple regressionanalysisof fish speciesnumbers and measures of streamsize.* Step Variable Contribution to R2 Partial F Overall R2 The regressionequation is y (numberof species) = 6.320X2 (depth) - 60 Overall F Significance 1,.780 + .420Xl (current) .476x] (width) + .228x4 (length), 0 c 0 ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ :1 c Ii I .. '2 4 .. & ... 0 . 'g ~... -~! .""~r tUg" -1=' "o-E o.i~ . c.. c-.. -.8 L-e- 1 e ~ ..-~ ~:§.E ~o't U ! . I t: e I§ ,_! e 5 -. ~. ~ I ~ ~ .c ". ci c . .. ~ . :;~ oln """ i£ & .;0 E~~ U ~. .E g i E OU 8 Q. - ~ , N ~ i i G' ~ , ,.. ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ . ,.. ~ ~ . .E .E OU ! e 0 I ~f.s 0(0(- ~ 0 1: 0 ~ .. " 5 ~ ~ , ~ m GI. . " =.. . ,..~ .~ ~.. ~ 0( ~ ~~ - G~, ... ~ ~ ,: ~ ~- -Ii>'I ~ ;:;-, ~. -c ... c ~ .2r.~ .'.!".. ~1; e ~ j .: -;:. I '0 _- . ..0 I"-;? "~ ~ .E ..~ "." ." .,.~!..;l0- oiI~.E.~~ ~E.. ~c .&e ~..I.i 2 Q, .. '-='" e~e..eo-.lilQ.e~ -050': .. .. 0 ~ I i ~.t:.. _i. c i e 0 c 0 .. e 0 t. ~ ~:Bt2:~i~j~~i~~~f ~~~e~!~&~~£~!~~~J g ~ i , , wi ccc< ~ . 0 ~, ~ , , ~~111"; ,: ~ 0" ... ~ ,.. =,-.. i ~~,.. in;- i ';inm~ca" aa ~ 1ft ... ~-a ~'. -5 g '2 ~~.I~ .~ ., --v I !"';: ~ ~~! ~ s,~'1 §C ! .f ~ &. J I ~ ~} ~ a - -. ~ N '.. III~ . ,~. ~ ~ Ii~ ... ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ "', "", ,..GIII"'1ft ,~-, ,~ ~, j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a I ~ ~~ -.~ ~ ~ .Q 0 ~ -t .. 'C( I~ ~ ~ "'-N~~ Jf .~:t -;1 0:2 ow... ~ A.1Jj '" 'i~ -- ~~ -8 II ~.. ~ IQ. - g it'?:: ~0 t ..~ ~ i .. - .c ".to ~ - -..0".~.. "~ e -.. 0 J & .. r~ ~: £ --- ~£. :°E 2! i h m-.c 0-.. . "0 8 -of ~oi .iE -1 I~I ou- 1 j j ! - "~J -.0' E 0. -S .. in 811 ! i~.. i: 0 -s .. i~' f ..8 -0. i"!-ES.!; ! "0 .. " . -. 'aI'O'O'tia ~.iEi=I~.c="Sc~" :JD<~,.In~ ~ ~ ~ 8 ~ ~ ~ a ~ i 1')' ... ";, 0 ~ ~~ . I c. . .g .~ @ " ~ i In i .~ ~ N ~ ~~, a... .~ Ii .. . ..:~. Iq. N'", ~~~ -=: C'!.~ ~ '" i ~ 8 ~ i 1 ;-, .! ~ .~ .~ u.. c 0 ~... i a t ~ "S ! i Q. 8. ! II ] ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ O.~ ~1 --e :~ a. I ~ 8 ~ ,.: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 8!. ,.. '. ~ a ~ -e ~ 8 .~ ~ co.! I ~ ~ ~ .s ii: c! .2... ;-i et .~ to A."( .-M.- ~ -i ;. ~. ~ 11.~cq, ~~... . ~. ccc- w c - . e,~1 -:11 0 M ii.i. i 1 ..I .J -i§~ .i-8 ~ . :"i~ o-~ i&ii .. .j t M ,C ; . -5 . .E c 0 ~ . ~~ ""'" c :~' $ .>,a. ~ ,C'" 1~ N 3' ! c ~ '0.'" ' c~ .! ; .0.. ~ .-;i:l 0 .'~ ~z -J..2 c-iM ~~ ~8 61 C C ~ ~ e .. ~ u.: . ... 0 - ~~~; ~~ ~ .. u ~ ! ~ ~ C ~ ~ .. .. I 0 ; 1 ~.. - ! ~!8 .. »».. icCCC ..0000 ~ cc 00 --rr~ u~~~~ ~ --~ .. ~~~gj~~~!.. 8.£;;;;~~~5 I -.; .0.. .;~~~~~.o--~~~~ a=~ ~~g i»~ . 0.0 ".0.0 .o.o"aaaa..~~u ~~ 0"11"~00~ c ,"" £~ I n i .. 1u 1 I 1 ! ! II ~ 'i .. 0 s. - '0 :i ... '0 :i. ~ ! !j ; I c -- ~ .c ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ £ ~ ., ., 8 u~ ~EE" ee"""~e c ~~~~ """~"",,uUHR"o eoo~ 1 C oo.~ 0.-. ,~~~ ., ~ C 8 oW ~ ~ ~ E u ~uu~ ~ I ., E . '". c~ - -1 -..- -8 -8 - ~.. ., E tc .'r. .. ;0 ~.& C . . ~I C -~o' i -.c ui 0 "Ic- J'te!i '~=Ii a.. ~ .a~~~ I C. '.e~- ..~ c~ ~.! -~~_.. ~op ~ .,.. 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'0 ~ Ccl ._~ ~~. e:'OC _~8 ~~ :?~ "'w ~ ~~ .-:. ~> '0 i'w . s. II 1 .! . ! -' i ., a I i"O e'! ! ~ ! .. !] ! ~ E E ! e' E E 9 E E E~ i ~ ~ e'! ! E ~ e' s S_I~"'.2~~!I~I~~1~2R8~~r88~!!t!~~~~.8 > ~...;..-~ k."~~".." .r.r.r..c . .c M ~ .. ~ ~ ~ .! .. ie . i '" ~ ce ~ C .2 .= .!. 0 :i .E .. ~~ ~ 62 Table 4. Resultsof the stomachcontents analysesfor the principal fish speciesinhabitingthe freshwatersof CorcovadoNational Park. St.nd.rd Stomach cont8nts Species A$tyanax faa:istu$ HyphB$$Obrycon savagei Poscilis sphenops - ,ill; Brschyrhsphi$ rhabdophora Posciliopsi$ turrubsrensi$ Oxyzygonectes dovii ."',- Sicydium pitt;.,i Awaau$ transandsanU$ Gobiomoru$ msculetu$ E/eotris picts "., Alimenury c_1 No. length (mml Fruits. seeds.insects Sm., seeds.ants Green alg. (esp.Spyrogyra spp.) Short, sc-like Short. sac-like Long. coiled 13 7 3 38-95 35-43 58-90 Ants. small insects Epiphytic .gee Short, sac-like Long. coiled Ants. sm.1 insects.epiphytic .g.. detritus Epiphytic .g. Detritus Sm.1 fish. shrimp. Ephemeroptera nymphs Larval fish. shrimp. crayfish. snails. seeds, fruits. detritus. insects Short. sac-like 7' 3 2 18-46 20-28 48-80 Long. coiled Long. coiled Short, sac-like 2 2 5 56-71 74-86 46-168 Short. sac-like 7 38-200 2 3 4 7 l' 3 2 2 2 1 1 81-123 25-88 133-188 50.85 130 132-166 132-150 66-140 92.110 12 15-63 Agonostomus monticols Mugil CUrBmS Pomstlssys bBysnus Insects Detritus, algae Short, sac-like Long, coiled Shrimp, crayfish SphoBl'oidsssnnulstus LutiBnus colorado LutiBnus novemfssciBtus LutiBnus srgsntiventris Pseudophsllusstarks; Eucinostomus sp. Bsthygobius sndrsi Snails Shrimp. fish(7) Fish, shrimp(?) Shrimp. fish(?) Microcrustaceans(?) Microcrustaceans(7) Shrimp Short, sac-like Short, sac-like S8:-like, long. coiled Short, sac-like Short, sac-like Short, s-=-like Short, sac-like ? Short. sac-like Csntropomus undecims/is Fish. shrimp(~) 63 "", -. , SIRENA ParQue Nacional Corcovado ~ ' M.'... .~ '. '-'." Fig. 1. Map of the area surrounding the Sirena station of Corcovado Park, Costa Rica and the locations of field sites. 64 .. c""--"""-~-~~. "-"-'0-= = .: . 'f' ! i ! -~ II) II) C I II) (J ~.. ~.c .-tU..I I .;:; I ~ I II) Q) I II) =tU .-.c (J.~ ~ tU ~ cO".. II) 0 C (J >- - >- tU tU ~ 0)( 0. E ... .c I C ~ ~ .c 0. >:I: (J tU C tU - ~ .. >- 2 II) 00( ~ E ~ - ."C .!! .~ (/) o.~ Q. >- .u ~ -tUII) 2 (J 0 .. ~ I I Terrestrial Fruits I Vegetation & Seeds I I (detritus) I Diatoms & Blue-green algae I I 01 3: I I Allochthonous ~ iO c .. (!) Autochthonous Fig. 2. Block diagram representing the trophic relationships within a typical community of the Quebrada Camaronal. The sizes of the blocks represent the approxi. mate relative abundances of each component in terms of biomass, based on visual censuses. . 65 l. novemfasciatus I - !!. ( u I 0) Q) U ., .E I rI .::. ., Q) ., .E Ii Q) I :: 1 I Q) -- 0) ~ 0 IU <~ ? 7 Fruits & Seeds Terrestrial V . egetatlon I I I Diatoms & Blue- green algae I I (detrjws) Allochthonous I I I. I Autochth.onous Fig. 3. Block diagram representing the trophic relationships within a typical community of the RIo Claro. 66 . ~ .