Teachers`Notes - Ajuntament de Barcelona


Teachers`Notes - Ajuntament de Barcelona
Gallery visit for schools, ages 6 to 18
On this visit we will learn about the subjects which interested the artist; from his
everyday surroundings, to the landscapes around him, to man and his interior world.
The different surroundings in which Picasso moved during his lifetime and the
impressions he obtained from them appeared in the pictures he painted throughout his
The wanderings of the Ruiz Picasso family until their arrival in Barcelona have come
down to us in the form of numerous landscapes of La Coruña and Malaga, as well as in
portraits where the artist captured the psychology of the sitter.
His artistic training was mostly done in Barcelona and later in Madrid. Comparing his
“academic” works with those done with total freedom helps us understand the
importance of the young Picasso’s stay in Horta de Sant Joan.
The group, including Picasso, that met in the Quatre Gats was a meeting point for the
Catalan intellectual elite and modernity from Paris, where the young artist would finally
settle after several short stays in the city.
Seduced by the light of the Mediterranean, Picasso moved to the South of France, a
new landscape which was to become the backdrop for the work of the painter’s
Educational objectives of the visit
To find out about academic training in general and, more specifically, the
training Picasso had at the Llotja art school, comparing works done in an
academic context with those done more freely.
To show the influence and intellectual context of the Quatre Gats in Picasso’s
work, as well as the formal and technical changes that his work began to
To determine the role played by landscape painting in Picasso’s career and
work, as well as the biographical and artistic aspects triggered by this genre.
To analyse Picasso’s artistic influences during his intermittent stays in Paris
between 1901 and 1904, and establish his position with regards to the avantgarde of the day.
To observe how Picasso constructed pictorial space starting with the physical
space of his studio.
To show how the paintings of Picasso’s last period are impregnated with the
light and colour of the Mediterranean landscape.
Visit to the permanent collection
- The origins of the Ruiz Picasso family, and
their ties with Malaga and La Coruña
- Characteristics of the psychological portrait
Aunt Pepa (1896)
The Beach at
The Quiquet
- Picasso’s artistic training in Barcelona and
- Definition of the concept of academic
- Picasso’s work outside academic boundaries
- His stay in Horta de Sant Joan and
discovery of landscape
- Chromatic, formal and thematic innovations
in Picasso’s work
- The intellectual context of the Quatre Gats
- Parisian echoes in Casas and Rusiñol
- From line to colour
Portrait of Jaume
Sabartés (1900)
- Picasso’s intermittent stays in Paris (19011904)
- “Pictorial landscapes”: the influence of
artists working in Paris on Picasso’s painting
La Nana (1901)
The Doves (1957)
From the Las Meninas
- The city from the artist’s studio
- The blue period, the expressive use of
colour: reaction against miserabilism, the
personal feelings of the artist, the
seriousness of art...
- Geometric examination of shapes and
breaking away from lineal perspective
- The Las Meninas series; his studio La
Californie, spatial model for the series
- The Doves, an open window on to the