River Grill Sammie`s - The Estill County Tribune
River Grill Sammie`s - The Estill County Tribune
mber, 27, 2013 The Estill County Tribune, December 4, 2013, Page 9 _________________________________ _________________________________ Saturday, November 23, 2013 Tuesday, December 10th19, @ 10:30am Tuesday, November 2013 ES Community News Bobby Lee Hawkins, 61 me to rge. -4242) have er. _____ 79 d Dale Freida e Mills: Reid, yle and Mail Bobbyannouncements Lee Hawkins, age toIrvine; ten grandchildren The Estill Tribune, and 61, 6135 of Irvine, Kentucky, husone great grandchild; Winchester Road, Irvine, KY 40336 two band of Brenda Hawkins, sisters: Linda Hall and DebCall away (606)Saturday, 723-5012; (606) 723-2743; passed No-Fax bietoHawkins, both of Irvine. or E-mail it to <[email protected]> vember 23, 2013 at Marcum He is preceded in death and Wallace Hospital in Ir- by his parents, Robert and vine. Dorothy Begley; one daughDaytime He was a member of The ter, Kandi Sparks; one brothOld Time Baptist Church er, Albert Hawkins; and five and a self-employed roofer. sisters: Shirley Barger, DeMr. Hawkins is survived loris McBride, Rose Mary Al-Anon is a fellowship of families and friends of alcoby his wife, Brenda PuckFultz, Donna Alcorn and relatives and friend of alco- holics. ett Hawkins of Irvine; two Freda Hawkins. holics who believe their lives If you would be interested sons:been Joshaffected and Tyler Rich- in aFuneral have by somedaytimeServices meeting,were pleaseat ardson, both of Irvine; four 8:00 p.m., Tuesday, Novemone’s drinking. contact Amanda Webb/West LeAnnis toHyden ber 26th at the Grayson Fu daughters: Its single purpose help Care at 726-0385. (Jason) of Ravenna, Angela neral Home Chapel, 201 7th Harmond (Tom) of Chat- Avenue in Clay City. Friends Available Now tanooga, Tennessee; Carla visited from 5:00 p.m. until Stamper of Irvine, and Shona time of service, Tuesday, at Harrison of Richmond; one the funeral home. son-in Flu shots now Sparks available (state employees). <graysonfuneral.net> law,are Darren of and Humana at_________________________________ the Estill County Health De- Cost for self-pay is $25.00 partment. Insurances accepted Call 606-723-5181 for Sunday, November 24, 2013 include Medicaid, Medicare more information. Al-Anon Daytime Meetings es were m., Sat3 at the Gardens Friends m. and he WarHome. John s, Greg lowers, Available Now Darrell Lorena Hunt, age 76, brothers: Herman Riddell, of Sunrise Valley Road in Jason Riddell and Estill Ridom> Irvine, The Estill County Health and PerKentucky, passed Tetanus, dell, all Diphtheria of Estill County; six _____ Department has FREE Tdap tussis (Whooping Cough). away Sunday, November grandchildren: Hope Johnvaccines available anyone Call walkRiddell, in any week-day 24, 2013, at theforCompasson,orBrian Michelle 10 years and for your FREEJames vacsionate Careolder. Center in Rich- morning Arvin, Jamie Farmer, mond, Tdap after vaccinates against cine! a long illness. Hunt723-5181 and Stephen Hunt; six ry Mar- She was born March 26, great grandchildren; and a Fridays, 6:00 to 8:00pm 1937 in Estill County and special friend, Marion Harwas the daughter of the late dy of Irvine. s will Victor and Marriah Neal She was preceded in 0 p.m., Riddell. She was a homeby one son, James vember The Estill County Appala- death Anyone Hunt; who one playssister, an maker and a member of Dwayne Carmel chian Dulcimer Club meets Appalachian Dulcimer or the Stacy Lane Holiness Margaret Barrett; and three y Bro. every Friday from 6 to 8 p.m. anyone who is interested in She had lived in brothers: Harlee, Benjamin ial will atChurch. the First Christian Church, playing one is welcome Estill County all of her life. and Victor Riddell Jr. to metery. Main Street, Irvine attend. 9 p.m., Mrs. Hunt was preceded Memorial services will death by her husband, be conducted at 1:00 p.m., 26th at in Wednesday, December 4th, 7:30a-3:00p James Hugh Hunt. on Wednesday, November Funeral 00 a.m., She is survived by two 27th at the Warren F. Toler service daughters: Vickie Arvin Funeral Home Chapel by Plowman Bro.and Beverly and St. Roxy Elizabeth Church(Bobon hold misc. Arvin. items. Friends by), both of Irvine; one son, may call after 12 Basement Noon, unbe Bri- 5th Street in Ravenna, will In addition to the Robert Hunt (Vickie), Richtil service time, Wednesday, Crowe, have a Basement Sale on Sale there will be a Clearance mond; one December sister, Wanda at the home. 4th, Sale in funeral the church hall, of all Crowe, Wednesday, <tolerfuneralhome.com> Duncan, Versailles; three 7:30 a.m. until 3 p.m. the Christmas Bazaar items. ny Mur- from _________________________________ an and Nice winter clothing for all Many bargains!!! the family, as wellNovember as houseThursday, 21, 2013 ers will e, Fred Friday, Dec. 6th &Sunday, Dec. 8th d, Tom Judy Ann Marcum, age Irvine; one sister: Brenda Wool- 48, of Knob Lick Road in Sue Reynolds (David), ft, Rick Irvine, Kentucky, passed Richmond; one grandchild: We invite you to join us School Jazz Band as well as ews. away Estill Thursday, Nathan Glen Marcum; and ChorusNovember presents Estill County’s own gifted , dona- as21,the2013, at her home fola special friend:Mary Anna annual musical concert to pianist, Jeremie Michael. to the its lowing a long illness. of Irvine. kick off the holiday season! Abney Save the date! Friday, Dehristian She was born January 13, She was precededandSunin death Featured on the program cember 6 at 7:00 cum & 1965 in Estill County and by her brother: p.m. Tony Wetzel. again will be the lively day, December 8 at 3:00 p.m. ospital. once was the daughter of the late Funeralserviceswereconofferings of the Estill High at Calvary Baptist Church. om> Max and Della Mae ducted at 1:00 p.m., Monday, _____ Leland Saturday, December @ 5:00pm Conrad Wetzel. She was a 7th November 25 at the Warren former foreman with Rich- F. Toler Funeral Home Chamond Auto Parts and Tech- pel by Bro. Beverly Arvin. nology. She had lived in Es- Burial was at the Marcum till American Legion Entertainment will Friends be by County all of herPost life.#79 Family Cemetery. 40&8 willMarcum be having a steak Wes Thomas BootScootin’ Mrs. is survived called after and 11:00 a.m., until dinner dance on Saturday, by herand husband: David Allen Entertainment. service time, Monday, at the December 2013, at funeral Members and their guests Marcum; 7, one son:starting Jonathan home. 5:00 p.m.Marcum at the Legion Hall. are welcome. <tolerfuneralhome.com> David (Meranda), Flu Shots Are Now Available Lorena Hunt, 76 FREE Tdap Vaccines At HD , 98 s, 19 y Curtis ce will aturday, e GrayChapel, ay City. et> m> N za es Estill Appalachian Dulcimers St. Elizabeth Basement Sale Judy Ann Marcum, 49 An Estill Hometown Christmas Oneida Wasson Phillips, 89 GTE/Sylvania Employees Meeting Oneida M. Phillips, age group stepdaughter: Kathy Baker Winchester GTE/Sylvania/ will travel to Mount 89, of Winchester, passed of Winchester, 25 Osram/UAW retirees will be Sterling for lunchIndiana; at the Cataway onat Tuesday, Novemgrandchildren; 30 great meeting 10:30 a.m., Tues- tleman’s. ber December 19, 2013 10, at the Ran26 great, day, 2013 at grandchildren All Sylvania and retirees and dolph Nursing great grandchildren. the Union Hall onHome Bloom-in former Sylvania employees Winchester. She was topreceded field Road in Winchester. are welcome join us forin She awas on July death by her parents; her After shortborn meeting, the lunch! 26, 1924 in Middletown, first husband, Leonard WasOhio, to William and Cal- 10th son; her second husband, Tuesday, December @ 6:00pm lie (Brandenburg) Mirrell. Simon Phillips; a stepson: She was a homemaker and Roger Phillips; and two enjoyed raising her children brothers and two sisters. and Thebeing Disabled Center,services 100 Golden with herAmerican family. Citizens Funeral for Veterans (DAV) Chapter Court (off Stacy Oneida is survived by Oneida were atLane 2:00Road) p.m. #94 be having a potluck her will children: Mary Ellis of inonIrvine. Friday, November 22 at dinner on Tuesday, DecemAllWalker membersFuneral are welcome. Winchester, Indiana; Bill the Home ber 10, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. Meat will be furnished by the Wasson of Anderson, Indi- in Winchester, Indiana; atana; the Ruth EstillBarron CountyofSenior Win- chapter. with Pastor Sonny Pettie chester, Indiana; Nancy officiating. Burial followed Tuesday, December @ 6:30pm Hicks of Union City, In- 10th at Fountain Park Cemetery diana; Kathleen Myers of in Winchester. Friends and Winchester, Indiana; John family called from 12:00 of For Winchester, In- Irvine p.m. to 2:00 Church. p.m. on Friday Wasson The Relay Life of Estill Baptist diana; and Anna Younker of at the funeral County will hold their next If <walkerswinchester.com> you are home. interested in Union City, Indiana; and a meeting on Tuesday, Decem- forming a team or participat- DAV Chapter #94 Potluck Dinner _________________________________ ber 10, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. in ing in Relay, please attend. the Fellowship Hall November of South Wednesday, 20, 2013 Jerry Otis Riddell, 67 Homemakers Events _____________________________________________ VETERAN Jerry Otis Riddell, age Riddell, Ohio; three sons: 67, of Glyn Court in Irvine, Jeffery Scott Riddell, Jerry Kentucky, passed away Estes and Terry Estes, all of Wednesday, November Estill County; and several Monday, December 9th20, @ 6:00pm 2013, at the University of grandchildren. Kentucky Medical Center in He was preceded in death Lexington, as the result of an by two sons: Jerry Mitchell automobile accident. Riddell and Joseph Estill County Extension Homemakers and theDwayne Estill He was born February 9, Riddell; three sisters: Bessie County Extension Office will be hosting an Old Fash1946 in Estill County and Jones, Gail Jones and Carol ionedtheCandy on Monday, December at was son of Workshop the late Frank Sue Hunt; and three9thbroth6:00 p.m. at the Extension Office. Cost: $3.00. Please call and Anna Mae Canter Rid- ers: Harlen, James and John dell. He was a United States Riddell. to register, 723-4557. Navy veteran and attended Memorial services were Friday, DecemberHoliness 13th @ 10:00am the Pentecostal conducted at 11:00 a.m., Church. He had lived in Es- Friday, November 22 at till County all of his life. the Warren F. Toler Funeral Mr. Riddell is survived by Home. one daughter: Mitzi Karen The Estill County Extension <tolerfuneralhome.com> Service and the Estill _____________________________________________ Old Fashioned Candy Workshop _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Holiday Centerpiece Workshop County Extension Homemakers are sponsoring a Holiday Centerpiece Workshop on Friday, December 13th, 10:00 a.m. to Noon at the Extension Office. Anyone attending will need to bring their own standard size dinner plate. Mike Reed, Powell County Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Agent, will show everyone how to take a dinner plate and make a centerpiece from natural materials found in the backyard. Cost of the class is $10.00. You will need to pre-register and pre-pay by Wednesday, December 11th. Educational programs of the Cooperative Extension Service serve all people regardless of race, color, age, sex, religion, disability or national origin. Saturday &Sunday, Dec. 14th & 15th will be presenting, “A Tuna at 2:00 p.m. at the ECHS auChristmas,” Saturday, De- ditorium. Admission $7.00, cember 14, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. tickets available at the door. _________________________________ Monday, December 9th @ Noon Wednesday, November 20, 2013 Estill County RetiredMcGee, TeachStella Rawlins ers will meet at the home of age 85, a resident of the Steve and Pat Garrett (135 Tri-County Extended Care Geneva their ChristCenterAve.) for in Fairfield, Ohio; mas Pot-Luck. passed away Wednesday, November 20, 2013, at the Center, following a long illness. She was born August 28, 1928, in Estill County and was the daughter of the late Robert and Nancy Rawlins. She was a homemaker and had lived in Ohio most of her life. Mrs. McGee was preceded in death by her husband: Roy The McGee; meeting will Monthreebe sisters: day, December 9 around Cora Deforville, Sue noon. FieldBesides a dish, please er and bringing Martha Rawlins; one bring $5.00Frank for a charity. Spousbrother: Rawlins; one eshalf-sister: and or Friends invited. FloraareRawlins; and three half-brothers: Travis, Earl and Charlie Green Rawlins. Graveside services were conducted at 11:00 a.m., Saturday, November 23 at the South Irvine Cemetery by Bro. Beverly Arvin. Warren F. Toler Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. Jimmie L. Johnson, DMD, PSC Estill Chorus Presents Hometown Christmas A Musical Concert of the Season ~ Family Dentistry 87 Wildwood Place (off Court St.) Irvine, Kentucky (606) 723-3213 with Special Guests, Estill County High School Jazz Band & <tolerfuneralhome.com> Rader’s Sammie’s 5 S. Irvine Road Irvine, Kentucky Furniture & Appliances River Grill 722 Main St.,Bridge Ravenna Chris ● 723-6562 Under the Irvine Rader, Owner Open Mon.-Fri., 9-6, and Sat., 9-5 Jeremie Michael, pianist Friday, December 6 7:00 pm Sunday, December 8 3:00pm ● New Appliances ● Dutch Craft Amish-Made Bedding ● New Bedroom Suites ● Bushline Living Room Suites ● Tables & Chairs Only Floating in Ky.” “The ● Special Orders Restaurant w g Calvary Baptist Church Irvine, KY (606) 723-6439 Lynne Thomas Parks, Director Jeremie Michael, pianist No ptin Now Open 6am For Breakfast! e Free Delivery & Set Up 90 Days Same As Cash* cc A Try OurSunday Buffet! *With Approved Credit The Kitchen Diva’s Gift Guide by ANGELA SHELF MEDEARIS I love testing new food products and kitchen appliances. I’ve selected two of my favorites from a new line of Crock-Pot appliances for this gift-giving guide. The Crock-Pot revolution started in August 1970 with a simple bean-cooker: a glazed brown crock liner, white steel housing and aluminum lid. By associating the crockery liner with its pot-like shape, out came the name Crock-Pot. This slow cooker introduced a new category of appliances and revolutionized the way Americans cooked for their families. Crock-Pot products are timesavers, energy-savers, space-savers and are reasonably priced. They’re the perfect gift and come in a variety of sizes and colors. Estill Relay For Life Meeting River City Players To Present “A Tuna Christmas” AL 40&8 Steak Dinner & Dance Program, The River City Players andSunday, December 15th Retired Teachers Christmas Potluck Stella Rawlins McGee, 85 Kitchen Diva Estill Chorus Photo<davisanddavisfuneralhome.com> provided by Crock-Pot I was amused to find that a recent holiday meal-preparation survey listed the inability to serve all of the food at the same temperature at the same time as the No. 1 fear of home cooks! I’ve often struggled to get a huge family holiday meal on the table. This year, my worries are over, thanks to The Crock-Pot Hook Up Connectable Entertaining System (MSRP: $39.99-$49.99), which completely replaces the old chafing dishes, sterno cans, tea-lights and buffet-table clutter! The new system features individual slow-cooker units that connect by plugging into each other to create an impressive entertaining spread that can be customized to suit groups of any size. Up to six units can hook up using a single outlet, and all may be used together or apart. Connectable units are sold individually or as a kit, so you can mix and match units to create your own system. They include a round 2-quart cooker, an oval 3.5-quart cooker and an oval 2-by-1-quart double cooker. Each unit has individual low, high and warm manual settings, and all removable stoneware and lids are dishwasher safe. They also are stackable for easy storage. My second gift choice from Crock-Pot is the new LunchCrock Food Warmer (MSRP: $24.99). It holds up to 20 ounces of food and warms while you work for delicious on-the-go meals that are ready when you are. Convenience food now can be as warm, comforting and flavorful as home cooking. This handy gadget heats low and slow to transform leftovers, soups, oatmeal and any number of favorites into meals away from home. My husband takes his lunch to work with him and often eats in the car while running errands. We were limited to what we could pack in his lunch bag until I discovered the LunchCrock. There’s a plug adapter in our car, so my husband can have a hot lunch whether he’s in the car or at his desk. Handling is easy thanks to a spill-proof lid, cool-touch exterior and cord storage. The removable food-storage container and lid are dishwasher safe. Another Crock-Pot innovation is the Versaware line of slow cookers that allow you to saute, cook, serve, store and reheat all in one pot. If you’re fortunate enough to receive a new Crock-Pot as a gift, try this wonderful recipe for Sweet and Sour Chicken. Happy holidays! SWEET AND SOUR CHICKEN You can place the marinade and the chicken in a sealed bag, refrigerate it overnight, and then place all of the ingredients in the Crock-Pot the next day, if desired. 1 whole chicken (cut into 8 pieces; breast split), or if preferred, 8 chicken breasts or 8 chicken thighs or any combination of 8 pieces 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon freshly cracked black pepper 1/4 cup vegetable oil 1 (13-ounce) jar orange marmalade 1 (20-ounce) can pineapple chunks and juice 3 tablespoons soy sauce 3 tablespoons BBQ sauce 3 tablespoons rice vinegar 1/2 cup water 2 teaspoons red chile flakes 2 cloves garlic, chopped 1 inch fresh ginger (peeled and sliced into coins) 1 bunch green onions, green and white parts -white parts roughly chopped; green parts sliced on bias Combine salt, pepper, oil, marmalade, pineapple chunks and juice, soy sauce, BBQ sauce, vinegar, water, chile flakes and ginger together in a bowl, and whisk to combine. Pour the sauce over the chicken. Cook for 2-3 hours on high or 5-6 hours on low. Serve chicken with sauce over rice. Garnish with the sliced green onions. You also can make any leftovers into a delicious chicken taco by shredding the chicken meat, folding it into warm tortillas, and topping with lettuce, avocado and a drizzle of the remaining sauce. For more information about Crock-Pot products or to find great recipes go to www.crock-pot.com. *** Angela Shelf Medearis is an award-winning children’s author, culinary historian and author of seven cookbooks. Her new cookbook is “The Kitchen Diva’s Diabetic Cookbook.” Her website is www.divapro.com. To see how-to videos, recipes and much, much more, Like Angela Shelf Medearis, The Kitchen Diva!, on Facebook and go to Hulu.com. Recipes may not be reprinted without permission from Angela Shelf Medearis. (c) 2013 King Features Synd., Inc., and Angela Shelf Medearis