July 2007 - Little Dixie Community Action Agency
July 2007 - Little Dixie Community Action Agency
LITTLE DIXIE COMMUNITY ACTION AGENCY July 2007 Vol. 2 Issue 5 Little Dixie Digest Employee of the Month John Morton, Program Assistant of the Passport to the Future Mentoring Program, was named Employee of the Month for May 2007. Morton is pictured with Little Dixie Executive Director Randall Erwin and Acting Board Chairman Lewis Collins. Inside this issue: Project ROAR Literacy Banquet held... 3 Head Start holds end-ofyear awards ceremony... 4 Own your home! Tell someone about Self-Help... 5 Plenty of July birthdays around Little Dixie... 6 Remembering Transit Driver Frank Upton... 7 Message from our Executive Director, Randall Erwin 8 New photo gallery at www.littledixie.org Net PSO makes generous donation to Smart Start Oklahoma Solomon visits Hugo to deliver first installment of $150,000 Public Service Company of Oklahoma (PSO) has announced a three-year commitment of $180,000 to support Smart Start Oklahoma and Smart Start Communities in the expansion of two early literacy programs, Raising A Reader and Read Now! The four communities awarded for 2007 are Hugo/ Idabel, Tulsa, Bartlesville and Lawton. The first installment of $15,000 was presented on May 23 at Little Dixie Community Action Agency’s Early Head Start facility in Hugo. The funds will go toward the purchase of literacy kits in seven classrooms in McCurtain County, bringing early literacy materials to 165 more children. Stuart Solomon, PSO President and Chief Operating Officer, continually seeks new ways to motivate other corporate leaders to join in the effort to ensure that all Oklahoma children enter school ready to succeed. The company’s community involvement and philanthropic efforts consistently support programs and services for Oklahoma’s children and youth. Public Service Company of Oklahoma presented $15,000 to Smart Start Tri-County, a state initiative that supports families and their young children that is contracted to Little Dixie. Pictured are (left to right) LDCAA Executive Director Randall Erwin, Hugo PSO Representative Harolynn Wofford, Early Head Start Director Kelly Thomas, Smart Start Tri-County Coordinator Dennis Willeford, and PSO President and CEO Stuart Solomon. * See more photos of Mr. Solomon’s visit on Page 2. Volunteers gather in Finley for NeighborWorks Week National NeighborWorks Week was marked with some tender loving care offered to the Finley Library and Community Center. Volunteers from the community and from Little Dixie Community Action Agency spent a day in Finley sprucing up the community building. Little Dixie is a charter member of NeighborWorks America, a nationwide organization dedicated to Please see FINLEY, Page 2 Ruby Gann, Lois Poe and Wendi Sumner help out at the Finley Community Center. Frank Turnage, John Morton, Deanne Taylor, Wendi Sumner and Lois Poe spruced up Finley Community Center. Little Dixie Digest Vol. 2 Issue 5 Page 2 Employee of the Month Guidelines The Employee of the Month Committee has nomination forms available in hopes of encouraging more nominees for the monthly award to outstanding Little Dixie family members. If you do not have forms in your office, call Zach Maxwell or Pam Covington at (580) 326-3351 and they will fax one to you. Employees of the Month receive a T-shirt, gift certificate to local restaurant and are honored at the board meeting. They also will be eligible for Employee of the Year. Submit nominations by the 15th of the month in order to be judged du ri n g t h at mo n th . Su b mi t nominations to Planning Director Pam Covington by mail (209 N. 4th St., Hugo, OK 74743), email ([email protected]) or fax (580-326-2305). Nominations are judged by the five-member committee. If the person you nominate is not selected, it is okay to nominate that person again the following month. Finley residents, LDCAA staff team up for NeighborWorks Week event Continued from Page 1 providing homeownership opportunities and helping communities improve their surroundings. Volunteers from Little Dixie included Lois Poe, John Morton, Deanne Taylor, Ruby Gann, Troy Davis, Frank Turnage and Wendi Sumner. Volunteers from the Finley Community included Sterling Tucker, Clark Tucker, Jarod Tabor, Leslie Tims, Martha Tucker, Stella Baldridge and Linda Tims. Tucker Lumber donated 10 gallons of paint and Home Depot offered a $250 gift card for the project. Pruett’s Food in Antlers donated beverages and members of the Finley community were kind enough to cook up lunch for the volunteers. Roberts is honored by Little Dixie RSVP Irene Roberts, founder of New Beginnings of Southeast Oklahoma, Inc., has received numerous awards recently for a quarter century of volunteer service in many different arenas. Chuck Darby, RSVP Advisory Council Chairman, and Barbara Moffitt (right), Little Dixie RSVP Director, present an award of appreciation to Irene Roberts. PSO’s Solomon visits Hugo EHS PSO President and CEO Stuart Solomon (right) presents a gift of children’s books to Smart Start Tri-County, accepted by Coordinator Dennis Willeford. Roberts received the Donna Nigh Award for Public Service from the Oklahoma Department of Human Services in April. Little Dixie’s Retired Senior Volunteer Program gave her an award of appreciation at their meeting, and a month later she was honored with a special recognition at the Antlers celebration for National Community Action Month. Little Dixie has announced that Mrs. Roberts will be their nominee for the Jayne Thomas Grassroots Volunteer recognition Award, a national honor given by the Community Action Partnership. Mrs. Roberts is active in prison ministries and in Antlers area schools, and has logged hundreds of volunteer hours with Little Dixie RSVP, CASA and mentoring programs. PSO President and CEO Stuart Solomon reads to Early Head Start children in Hugo during a May visit. Head Start Instructor Debra Beshirs accepts a gift of children’s books from PSO President and CEO Stuart Solomon. Little Dixie Digest Vol. 2 Issue 5 Page 3 Project ROAR honors shining stars of literacy Annual banquet and library ribbon cutting mark end of a busy year for Early Reading First Project ROAR (Rural Oklahoma Advocates Reading), a literacy effort of Little Dixie Community Action Agency, held its annual Literacy Awards Banquet recently at Kiamichi Technology Center in Hugo. Numerous awards were presented to teachers, parents, literacy advocates and volunteers during the banquet. Special awards were presented to local Early Reading First Director Ruthie Tate, as well as Little Dixie Executive Director Randall Erwin and Associate Director Jay Weatherford. Early Reading First began literacy efforts in Choctaw, Pushmataha and McCurtain counties in 2005. The local program, Project ROAR (Rural Okla- homa Advocates Reading), is currently in place in Head Start centers and prekindergarten classrooms in Antlers, Boswell, Hugo, Idabel and Oak Hill, with plans to expand to other schools and classrooms soon. Early Reading First is a full partner in other Little Dixie early childhood programs, including Raising A Reader and Smart Start Tri-County. In early spring, Early Reading First helped Project ROAR open resource libraries in Antlers, Idabel and Hugo. Jay Weatherford was presented the 110% Award at the ERF banquet. For more information about Early Reading First, contact Ruthie Tate at (580) 326-9601. To see all the pictures from the banquet and other Little Dixie events, check the photo galleries at www.littledixie.org. Ruthie Tate welcomes Marc Jamin of Paris, Texas, to the Horace Mann Resource Library grand opening. Ribbon cutting ceremony at the Early Reading First Resource Library at Horace Mann Head Start. The Horace Mann Resource Library, a project of Early Reading First & Project ROAR. Early Reading First literacy assistants were honored at the annual banquet. Award winners in photos at right include Toni Beasley (top), and (left to right) Richard Baggs, Alpha Hill and Broken Bow Elementary staff. Connie Cody accepts a 110% Award at the ERF Banquet. Little Dixie Digest Vol. 2 Issue 5 Page 4 Head Start wraps up school year with awards, parades LDCAA Head Start and Early Head Start staff celebrated the conclusion of the 2006-07 school year with an awards assembly at Kiamichi Technology Center. Awards were given to the teachers, aides and cooks of the year, as well as categories including Best Support of Families, the Emerging Leadership Award, Most Improved Center and many others. Pre-School Teacher of the Year was Jennifer Arnold from Boswell Head Start. Infant Toddler Teacher of the Year was Lila Voss of Idabel Early Head Start. Aide of the Year honors went to Natalie Pierce of Broken Bow III Head Start. There was a tie for Pre-School Cook of the Year, with this honor shared by Susie Roberts (Rattan) and Carolyn Holmes (Haworth). Infant Toddler Cook of the Year was Brenda Everett of Antlers Early Head Start. Other award winners included: Conchita McCarrell (Horizon Award and Best Support of Literacy), Cassie Hill (Emerging Leadership), Haworth Head Start (Best Nutrition Management and Most Improved Center), Aide of the Year (Natalie Pierce), Carolyn Hampton (Best Parent Involvement) and many others. To see more photos from the Head Start awards ceremony, visit the photo gallery at www.littledixie.org. Kelly Thomas presents Lila Voss the Infant/Toddler Teacher of the Year Award. Head Start/Early Head Start staff members with perfect attendance for 2006-07 are shown with Director Dawn McDaniel (fourth from left). These include Tammy Fewell, Linda Bray, Delfina Ensley, Carolyn Holmes, Natalie Pierce, Susie Roberts, Redonda Moffitt and Jennifer Arnold. Nancy Seebeck presents the Aide of the Year Award to Natalie Pierce. Marsha Zulkey presents the Best Health Practices Award to the Antlers Early Head Start staff. Hugo I & II kids have a barrel of fun Don Hill treated the students of Hugo I & II Head Start to a barrel train ride on the last day of school. Special thanks to Kevin Cory for providing the train. Head Start staff members, Early Reading First literacy advocates and Hugo School employees combined their creativity to win homecoming parade awards. Honors included first place for Best Dressed Cowboy and Best Decorated Car, and third place among Round-Up Clubs at the Hugo Homecoming Parade, and three first place awards in Fort Towson’s parade. Little Dixie Digest Vol. 2 Issue 5 Page 5 Little Dixie CAA Self-Help Housing COME BUILD WITH US Self-Help Housing offers a unique opportunity for qualifying low and very low income families to fulfill their dreams of homeownership. As a renter, you’ve already experienced the futility of paying a landlord each month and having nothing to show for it. Financial experts agree that buying a home is the single most important investment a family can make. But how are you supposed to buy a home when you have to qualify for a conventional mortgage? How many families have several thousand dollars for a down payment, and can afford house payments of more than $500 a month? In cooperation with USDA Rural Development, Little Dixie Community Action Agency, Inc., offers families a chance to buy a home they’ve always wanted. Our standard homes have two, three or four bedrooms; one, one-and-a-half or two baths; garage, central heat and air. Little Dixie Mutual Self-Help Housing is available in Atoka, Bryan, Choctaw, McCurtain and Pushmataha counties. You may qualify for a Self-Help Home if your income does not exceed… Q&A FAMILY SIZE LOW INCOME VERY LOW INCOME 1 PERSON $23,850 $14,900 2 PERSON $27,300 $17,050 What can I expect? 3 PERSON $30,700 $19,150 4 PERSON $34,100 $21,300 Energy efficient construction. 5 PERSON $36,850 $23,000 6 PERSON $39,550 $24,700 7 PERSON $42,300 $26,450 8 PERSON $45,000 $28,100 The above chart does not provide the appropriate deduction that you may be eligible to receive under the Self-Help Housing Program. Contact your local Self-Help Housing office for information. Choice of 2, 3 & 4 bedroom floor plans. Central Heat and Air Brick Veneer Composition Roof Garage may be available on certain plans. Decorating choices and landscaping. What kind of work will I be doing? Hammering, sawing, painting, and so forth. The construction supervisor will tell group members what to build, when to build, and how to build. Little Dixie CAA Self-Help Housing offices ANTLERS (580) 298-5572 — 603 SW B St. ATOKA (580) 364-0360 — 301 W. 10th St. DURANT (580) 920-2479 — 400 W. Main HUGO (580) 326-5201 — 502 E. Rosewood What about a down payment? IDABEL (580) 286-6472 — 1250 Lynn Lane For more information visit www.littledixie.org The above floor plan is just one example of housing plans available through Little Dixie Mutual Self-Help Housing. There is NO down payment under this program. Little Dixie Digest Vol. 2 Issue 5 Page 6 Snapshots from Dixie Land July Birthdays 1-Dawn McDaniel 2-Frances Lamey 3-Joseph Hart 6-Henry Duckett, Jr. Brent Martin 8-Melinda Ammons Margaret Moffitt Head Start staff, students and supporters took to the streets to join homecoming parades in several Tri-County area towns. The Hugo parade is shown above. Cassie Hill 9-Johnna Yow 10-Ellen Pickings Nancy Seebeck 14-Linda Bray Shaquan King 15-Sherrie Page 17-Faye McLemore Randy Pruitt killed this cottonmouth at Hugo Lake last week, right outside of one of the cabins. Pruitt took care of the six-foot snake by way of a shovel. 18-Sue Gibson Deena Smith 20-Betty Matlock 21-Billie McSwain Opal Lane Tiffany Wilson 22-Lorinda Vinyard 23-Leslie Noel 24-Donna Hudson 26-Butch Needham Little Dixie welcomes Cindy Mills to the accounting staff at Administrative Offices in Hugo. Donny Armor Jena Davenport 27-Nelda McKee Cynthia Smith 28-Pamela Moyer Lisa Hammons (left, SBA Microloan Program Manager, and Tara Jackson (right), Business Information Center Director, close a loan for Amanda Alford of Antlers. Alford is the latest client of Little Dixie Community Action Agency Financial Services, receiving the loan to expand her existing print screen and T-shirt enterprise into studio photography. The Antlers business will be called A&R Graphics and Photography, and Alford can be reached at (580) 209-2537. The Business Information Center, located at 500 E. Rosewood in Hugo at the Little Dixie HomeOwnership Center, assists small business entrepreneurs with business plans, cards, flyers and loan applications. 30-Cassie Grace Going places? Tell us about it! Little Dixie welcomes the following new family members hired since June 1… Little Dixie family members can often be found working for the cause far from southeast Oklahoma. If you or your staff have recently attended a conference or event related to LDCAA, let us know! Email us the employee or group’s name, when and where they went, what conference was attended, and any information or continuing education that was picked up along the way. Just send to [email protected]. Matthew Riddle Cathy Zachry Cathy Zachry is the new clerk at Terry Hill Apartments in Hugo. She comes to Little Dixie from the L&K Pecan Store. Her husband is Mark Zachry and they have two daughters. Little Dixie Digest Vol. 2 Issue 5 Page 7 LITTLE DIXIE COMMUNITY ACTION AGENCY Helping People. Changing Lives. RANDALL ERWIN Executive Director LEWIS COLLINS Acting Board Chairman Board Members: Choctaw County Leeoma Caldwell, Lewis Collins, Kevin Cory, Tracy Gilbert, Jo Miller, Ray Noble, Albert Routon, William Smith, Osker Ward. Board Members: McCurtain County Pat Baggs, Carolyn Baker, Kenneth Hamilton, Betty Jacobs, Keith Lowe, Herb Matlock, Jerry Shinn, Sherri Smith, Arthur Stewart, Jane Wooten. Board Members: Pushmataha County Brent Franks, Bruce Hammons, Joe Hill, Mark McIntosh, Bridget Paxton, Tony Winters. From the Desk of Randall Erwin… The past few weeks have been a busy and trying time for Little Dixie Community Action Agency. But the events of May and June simply accentuate the value of volunteerism and the positive role community action plays in the social landscape. May, of course, was National Community Action Month, and Little Dixie celebrated by holding community celebrations in all three counties of our service area. At these events, we had a chance to brag on some wonderful volunteers who are associated with Little Dixie. People like Irene Roberts of Antlers, Juanita Pollard of Idabel and Rhonda Rolf of Hugo are but a few examples of people inspired to do their part with help from our agency programs. So much of what Little Dixie does is dependent on volunteerism, such as the Court Appointed Special Advocates and Passport to the Future mentoring program. The Retired Senior Volunteer Program is managed by four Little Dixie Little Dixie Digest (printed monthly) 209 N. 4th St. Hugo, OK 74743 Contact: Zach Maxwell Phone: 580-326-3351 Fax: 580-326-6655 E-mail: [email protected] employees, but includes a small army of hundreds of registered volunteers. Some volunteers emerge as leaders, and we are always grateful for these individuals. Charles Uhles exemplified these traits, and we were so saddened to hear of his passing in early June. His tireless efforts made him an easy selection to chair Little Dixie’s board these past few years. Mr. Uhles passes the torch to another champion of community service in Lewis Collins. His occupation, as sheriff of Choctaw County, is already a public service, but Mr. Collins is going beyond this call to serve as Acting Board Chairman among Little Dixie’s stewards. We still have a little more than half of our board members attending regular meetings, and we encourage all board members to attend. Our next meeting in August will be held at the Forest Heritage Center in Beavers Bend Resort Park, so we look forward to seeing you there! No July board meeting There will be no meeting of the LDCAA Board of Directors in July. The next scheduled meeting will be at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, Aug. 14, 2007. This meeting will likely be held at the Forest Heritage Center at Beavers Bend Resort Park north of Broken Bow. DATEBOOK... Upcoming holidays for Little (Idabel). Dixie employees: July 17 — 2 p.m. — Choctaw County Coalition meeting — Kiamichi Technology Center (Hugo). Wednesday, July 4 — Independence Day. July 28-31 — Babe Ruth Baseball Tournament — Hugo. Calendar of Events Submit calendar items to: July 19 — 11:30 a.m. — RSVP Advisory Board meeting — Feco’s Restaurant (Hugo). [email protected] July 5 — 10 a.m. — Pushmataha County Turning Point Coalition meeting — Antlers First Christian Church. July 20 — Noon — Boys & Girls Club of Choctaw County board meeting — 208 E. Jefferson St. (Hugo). Deadline for submissions to July 7 — Soper Homecoming. July 24 — 10 a.m. — Money Smart reception — Belmont Place Apartments, 311 S. 14th St. (Hugo). Friday, July 20 July 17 — 11 a.m. — McCurtain County Coalition meeting — MCIC Building August Little Dixie Digest:
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of the following locations: 500 E. Rosewood in
Hugo; 603 SW B St. in Antlers; 312 NW Texas
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