Introduction to the 5 Kingdoms
Introduction to the 5 Kingdoms
Introduction to the 5 Kingdoms Source – Eduref – Variety of life on Earth SWBAT: - Define all living things as organisms. - Investigate and organize organisms according to similar characteristics. - Identify the 5 kingdoms and give an example of each. Materials: 1. Science Journals 2. Pictures of Organisms – for group work 3. Bulletin Board – 5 Sections (1 for each kingdom) Introduction • How are living things defined? ORGANISMS o Can be found in oceans, forests, deserts, mountains, soil, air, etc. • Have students record as many living things as they can in their science journal in a 2 minute period. • Brainstorm as a class their findings. • Ask: How do we define all living things? ORGANISMS Teaching • Place students in groups of 2-4. • Students will investigate images of organisms and organize them into categories based on similarities and previous knowledge. • Students are encouraged to use logic and reasoning when categorizing, since the number of categories remains undefined. • When students have established categories, they should record their findings in their journal and list specific groups and characteristics. Summarizing • Have students share their categories. • List all various categories. • Ask if any categories can be combined into broader groups. • 5 kingdoms. • Students should rearrange their original findings according to the 5 Kingdoms. Assessment • Journal check and group work.