Introduction to the 5 Kingdoms


Introduction to the 5 Kingdoms
Introduction to the 5 Kingdoms
Source – Eduref – Variety of life on Earth
- Define all living things as organisms.
- Investigate and organize organisms according to similar
- Identify the 5 kingdoms and give an example of each.
1. Science Journals
2. Pictures of Organisms – for group work
3. Bulletin Board – 5 Sections (1 for each kingdom)
• How are living things defined? ORGANISMS
o Can be found in oceans, forests, deserts, mountains, soil, air,
Have students record as many living things as they can in their science
journal in a 2 minute period.
Brainstorm as a class their findings.
Ask: How do we define all living things? ORGANISMS
Place students in groups of 2-4.
Students will investigate images of organisms and organize them
into categories based on similarities and previous knowledge.
Students are encouraged to use logic and reasoning when
categorizing, since the number of categories remains undefined.
When students have established categories, they should record
their findings in their journal and list specific groups and
Have students share their categories.
List all various categories.
Ask if any categories can be combined into broader groups.
5 kingdoms.
Students should rearrange their original findings according to the
5 Kingdoms.
Journal check and group work.