audioarts 08
audioarts 08
Audioarts 08 R adio Console Technical Manual December 2015 AUDIOARTS Radio Console Technical Manual ©2015 Audioarts® Engineering* AUDIOARTS ENGINEERING 600 Industrial Drive New Bern, North Carolina 252-638-7000 28562 *a division of Wheatstone Corporation AUDIOARS / Dec 2015 CONTENTS AUDIOARTS 08 Technical Manual Table of Contents Chapter 1 - Information and Power Unpacking and Installing the Console......................................... 1-2 Power Supply.................................................................................. 1-3 Energizing....................................................................................... 1-3 Audio and Control Wiring.............................................................. 1-4 Unbalanced Connections (analog audio)....................................................................1-5 Hook-Ups......................................................................................... 1-6 MIC 1 and MIC 2 Inputs - XLR....................................................................................1-6 LINE 3 IN through LINE 6 IN and LINE 8 IN................................................................1-6 CALLER IN - RJ-45.....................................................................................................1-7 MXM-TB OUT - RJ-45.................................................................................................1-7 TALLY OUT - RJ-45.....................................................................................................1-7 PGM OUT - XLR..........................................................................................................1-7 Chapter 2 - Console Features Overview.......................................................................................... 2-2 Inputs............................................................................................... 2-3 Analog Mono Mic Level Inputs....................................................................................2-3 Analog Stereo Line Level Inputs..................................................................................2-3 Outputs............................................................................................ 2-3 Program Output...........................................................................................................2-4 Monitor Output............................................................................................................2-4 Cue to Monitor.......................................................................................................2-4 Split Cue, Monitor..................................................................................................2-4 On Air Tally, Muting.................................................................................................2-4 USB Port.......................................................................................... 2-5 Using the USB Port.....................................................................................................2-5 ... With a MAC.............................................................................................................2-5 ... With a Windows® PC..............................................................................................2-5 Other Computers.........................................................................................................2-6 General Considerations...............................................................................................2-6 AUDIOARTS 08 / Dec 2015 page Contents – 1 CONTENTS Chapter 3 - Controls and Functions Input Section................................................................................... 3-2 Source.........................................................................................................................3-2 Cue Button..................................................................................................................3-3 TB Button....................................................................................................................3-3 Fader...........................................................................................................................3-3 ON Button...................................................................................................................3-3 Control Room and Headphone Section........................................ 3-4 Control Room..............................................................................................................3-4 Headphone Fader........................................................................................................3-5 Meters.............................................................................................. 3-5 Chapter 4 - Schematic and Load Sheet Drawings Console Flow Diagram................................................................... 4-2 Mother Board Schematic...................................................................................................................4-3 Load Sheet.................................................................................................................4-12 Appendix Replacement Parts List..................................................................A-2 AUDIOARTS 08 / Dec 2015 page Contents – 2 INSTALLATION AND POWER Installation and Power Chapter Contents Unpacking and Installing the Console......................................... 1-2 Power Supply.................................................................................. 1-3 Energizing....................................................................................... 1-3 Audio and Control Wiring.............................................................. 1-4 Unbalanced Connections (analog audio)....................................................................1-5 Hook-Ups......................................................................................... 1-6 MIC 1 and MIC 2 Inputs - XLR....................................................................................1-6 LINE 3 IN through LINE 6 IN and LINE 8 IN................................................................1-6 CALLER IN - RJ-45.....................................................................................................1-7 MXM-TB OUT - RJ-45.................................................................................................1-7 TALLY OUT - RJ-45.....................................................................................................1-7 PGM OUT - XLR..........................................................................................................1-7 AUDIOARTS 08 / Dec 2015 page 1 – 1 INSTALLATION AND POWER Installation and Power Unpacking and Installing the Console The AUDIOARTS 08 console with its power supply, AC connecting cable, and Installation and Connections Quick Reference is shipped in one packing box. The console can be unpacked by one person by g rasping the console at both sides, and lifting it upward out of the box. Remove p acking materials and store them in the box for future use. C arefully place the console on your countertop (the AUDIOARTS 08 audio console is designed for countertop placement). Avoid proximity to any electromagnetic fields, such as large power transformers, motors, and fluorescent lighting fixtures. NOTE: This console contains static-sensitive devices. Normal precautions against static discharge should be observed. 16 -1/2 10 -5 /16 2- 5/16 10 -5 /16 1 AUDIOARTS 08 / Dec 2015 page 1 – 2 INSTALLATION AND POWER Power Supply The AUDIOARTS 08 console is powered by a factory supplied power adapter with 1 00-240V/50‑60Hz input, 25W maximum output power, and a 4 foot long output cable. DC Power Output Pinout 5 2 4 3 1 PIN # OUTPUT 1 COM 2 COM 3 +5VDC 4 -15V 5 +15V The power supply adapter is supplied with a 3_wire grounded AC cord that should be plugged into a “clean” AC power source, that is, an AC source that feeds only the control room audio gear. This source should be a separate feed from those powering lighting, air-conditioning, or any other non-audio machinery. The power feed recommended in the text is often installed and referred to in studios as an “isolated AC ground” outlet. It is usually orange in color. Energizing Assuming the AUDIOARTS 08 console mainframe is properly placed, and its power supply correctly connected to the console, you may now energize the power supply adapter by plugging it into the AC mains. The console’s switches will assume factory default settings. Note: To de-energize the console, unplug the power supply adapter’s AC cord from the AC mains. Never de-energize the console by disconnecting the cable that connects the console and power supply adapter together. Once you have verified proper power-up, unplug the rackmount power supply to de-energize the control surface. You may now proceed to wire up audio and control connections AUDIOARTS 08 / Dec 2015 page 1 – 3 INSTALLATION AND POWER Audio and Control Wiring All audio I/O connections to the AUDIOARTS 08 console are made via XLR, RCA and RJ‑45 connectors located on the rear panel of the console. Two XLR female connectors are provided to bring balanced mono microphone level s ignals into the console for control by the first two (microphone) faders. These XLR connectors are wired “pin 2 hot.” Six RJ-45 connectors are provided to bring balanced stereo line level signals into the console for control by (line) faders three through six and eight. Four pairs of RCA jacks are provided to bring unbalanced stereo line level signals into the console for control by (line) faders three through six. The MXM-TB OUT RJ-45 connector is provided to bring the stereo balanced line level MXM output and the mono unbalanced line level TB OUT out of the console. A stereo balanced CALLER input signal is provided on the CALLER IN RJ-45 connector for fader seven. One pair of RCA jacks (CALLER) is provided to bring in an unbalanced stereo CALLER signal. Note that most phone hybrids are mono, so if you are using fader seven for a phone caller you will need to wire the mono caller signal to both left and right inputs in parallel. If you are not using fader seven for a caller input you can use it for a stereo source. One pair of RCA jacks (EXT) is provided to bring an additional stereo line level signal into the console for use by the monitor circuits. One pair of RCA jacks is provided to bring stereo program output out of the console as unbalanced -10dB signal. Two XLR male connectors are provided to bring the stereo program output out of the console as b alanced line level +4dBu signal. One pair of RCA jacks is provided to bring the stereo monitor output out of the console as separate (left and right) unbalanced line level signals at a nominal level of -2dBu (equivalent to one side of a balanced +4dBu output). One pair of RCA jacks is provided to bring the mono cue (L) out of the console and the talk in (R) to the console as an unbalanced line level signal (nominal -10dBu). The TALLY OUT RJ-45 connector is provided to hook up an interface to an Air Tally light. This output comes from a set of relay contacts and is designed to switch a low DC voltage (30 VDC maximum) at a moderately low current (2 ADC maximum) to activate a DC light, or to activate an external DC relay which can then be used to activate an AC operated light. Never bring AC power into the console on this or any other connector. The USB type B connector in the center of the rear panel is used for interfacing with a computer (see page 2-5 for details). A 5-pin DIN connector is provided to accept console power from the external power supply. There is also a phantom power 2.5mm +48V IN power jack as a way to connect external power source (not provided) for condenser microphones and direct boxes. AUDIOARTS 08 / Dec 2015 page 1 – 4 INSTALLATION AND POWER One TRS jack is provided on the right side of the console frame for the operator to plug in a set of headphones. This is wired as a standard headphone jack, with the left signal on the tip, the right signal on the ring, and the sleeve connected to ground. Unbalanced Connections (analog audio) ANALOG INPUTS – Wire to the console (other than the RJ-45 connectors) with typical shielded two conductor cable (like Belden 9451), just as if you were connecting a balanced source. At the unbalanced source machine’s output, connect the black wire (LO) to the shield. ANALOG OUTPUTS — The AUDIOARTS 08 console’s PGM line level analog outputs are electronically balanced, low impedance, outputs, expecting a minimum load of 600 ohms. The outpus are balanced but not floating. Therefore, care must be exercised when connecting them to an unbalanced system. While temporarily shorting the low side of the output signal to ground will not cause any problems, continued operation under these conditions will result in increased distortion, decreased reliability, and possible oscillation problems. If you must connect this output to an unbalanced system, be sure to leave the low side unterminated, and connect the unbalanced system to the high side output and shield connections only. AUDIOARTS 08 / Dec 2015 page 1 – 5 INSTALLATION AND POWER Hook-Ups The rear of the console has multiple RJ-45 and RCA connectors to plug in four stereo line inputs, caller and external inputs, as well as providing program, monitor, cue, M XM-TB, and tally output connections. There are also two female XLR connectors provided for microphone MIC 1 and MIC 2 inputs and two male XLR connectors for program output connection. MIC 1 and MIC 2 Inputs – XLR All signals are analog mono. The mic input level is normally -50dBu balanced. XLR 1 Pin 1 – SH XLR 1 Pin 2 – HI XLR 1 Pin 3 – LO XLR 2 Pin 1 – SH XLR 2 Pin 2 – HI XLR 2 Pin 3 – LO Mic 1 In Mic 2 In LINE 3 IN through LINE 6 IN and LINE 8 IN – RJ-45 All signals are analog stereo. The line input level is normally +4dBu balanced. RJ-45#3 Pin 1 – HI RJ-45#3 Pin 2 – LO RJ-45#3 Pin 3 – HI RJ-45#3 Pin 6 – LO RJ-45#4 Pin 1 – HI RJ-45#4 Pin 2 – LO RJ-45#4 Pin 3 – HI RJ-45#4 Pin 6 – LO RJ-45#5 Pin 1 – HI RJ-45#5 Pin 2 – LO RJ-45#5 Pin 3 – HI RJ-45#5 Pin 6 – LO RJ-45#6 Pin 1 – HI RJ-45#6 Pin 2 – LO RJ-45#6 Pin 3 – HI RJ-45#6 Pin 6 – LO RJ-45#8 Pin 1 – HI RJ-45#8 Pin 2 – LO RJ-45#8 Pin 3 – HI RJ-45#8 Pin 6 – LO Line 3 Lt In Line 3 Rt In Line 4 Lt In Line 4 Rt In Line 5 Lt In Line 5 Rt In Line 6 Lt In Line 6 Rt In Line 8 Lt In Line 8 Rt In Four pairs of RCA jacks (3 - 6) are for analog stereo unbalanced -10dBu signals. The top RCA jack is Left and bottom RCA jack is Right for each channel. AUDIOARTS 08 / Dec 2015 page 1 – 6 INSTALLATION AND POWER CALLER IN – RJ-45 The signal is analog stereo, +4dBu balanced. RJ-45 Pin 1 – HI RJ-45 Pin 2 – LO RJ-45 Pin 3 – HI RJ-45 Pin 6 – LO Caller Lt In Caller Rt In NOTE: If you are using this input with a mono caller signal from a phone hybrid you will need to wire to left and right inputs in parallel. MXM-TB OUT – RJ-45 The MXM signal is analog stereo and the TB signal is mono. Both signals are +4dBu balanced. RJ-45 Pin 1 – HI RJ-45 Pin 2 – LO RJ-45 Pin 3 – HI RJ-45 Pin 6 – LO RJ-45 Pin 7 – HI RJ-45 Pin 8 – LO MXM Lt Out MXM Rt Out TB Out TALLY OUT – RJ-45 Relay closure, 30VDC, 2A maximum. RJ-45 Pin 4 – Tally N.O. RJ-45 Pin 5 – Tally COM PGM OUT – XLR The signal is analog stereo, level is +4dBu balanced. XLR LT Pin 1 – SH XLR LT Pin 2 – HI XLR LT Pin 3 – LO XLR RT Pin 1 – SH XLR RT Pin 2 – HI XLR RT Pin 3 – LO PGM Lt Out PGM Rt Out One pair of RCA jacks (PGM) is for analog stereo unbalanced -10dBu PGM Out signal. The top RCA jack is Left and bottom RCA jack is Right for this output. AUDIOARTS 08 / Dec 2015 page 1 – 7 CONSOLE FEATURES Console Features Chapter Contents Overview.......................................................................................... 2-2 Inputs............................................................................................... 2-3 Analog Mono Mic Level Inputs....................................................................................2-3 Analog Stereo Line Level Inputs..................................................................................2-3 Outputs............................................................................................ 2-3 Program Output...........................................................................................................2-4 Monitor Output............................................................................................................2-4 Cue to Monitor.......................................................................................................2-4 Split Cue, Monitor..................................................................................................2-4 On Air Tally, Muting.................................................................................................2-4 USB Port.......................................................................................... 2-5 Using the USB Port.....................................................................................................2-5 ... With a MAC.............................................................................................................2-5 ... With a Windows® PC..............................................................................................2-5 Other Computers.........................................................................................................2-6 General Considerations...............................................................................................2-6 AUDIOARTS 08 / Dec 2015 page 2 – 1 CONSOLE FEATURES Console Features Overview The AUDIOARTS 08 console consists of an input section with eight faders and a ssociated switches, monitor and headphone section with two faders and associated switches. The basic purpose of the console is to take some of the many audio signals that are wired to the console inputs, and generate several outputs that combine these inputs in various groups and at various degrees of loudness, or signal strength. The typical application is in a radio station where it is desired to develop the signals that the station will broadcast (the on air signal), as well as additional signals for recording and monitoring. All programming is made via PCB mounted slide switches accessible through openings in the console’s bottom panel. AUDIOARTS 08 / Dec 2015 page 2 – 2 CONSOLE FEATURES Inputs The AUDIOARTS 08 console is designed to handle several analog stereo balanced (+4dBu) inputs via RJ-45 connectors or stereo unbalanced (-10dBu) inputs via RCA connectors. Inputs may also include caller audio from a telephone hybrid. Two mono microphone balanced (-50dBu) inputs are also available, and there is one external stereo line level balanced (+4dBu) input that goes directly to control room or meter. A USB connector allows audio to pass between the AUDIOARTS 08 and a computer. There is also a mono TALK IN input that allows an external line level source to directly feed the console CUE output. Analog Mono Mic Level Inputs These inputs are used to connect to microphones, which typically put out signals at relatively low signal strength, and therefore require more amplification (increase in signal strength) to be properly audible in the output. Mic level sources are wired to female XLR connectors located on the rear of the console. These mic inputs feed the console’s first two faders. The mic preamps are set for a gain of 54dBu, but each mic pre has its own recessed GAIN control, located adjacent to the XLR input connector, to allow field adjustment to compensate for differences in microphone characteristics. Example: with a microphone input of –60dBm @150 ohm at the port, gain trim can set levels from -22dBu to +16dBu (note maximum preamp gain is +76dB) at the PGM output. Analog Stereo Line Level Inputs These inputs are typically used to connect to machines, such as tape decks, cart machines, CD players, etc., that provide analog outputs. Outputs The console outputs include an MXM-TB output, the program stereo bus, a stereo monitor output, a mono cue output, and a stereo headphone jack. The console’s mono cue signal is provided to drive an external powered speaker, or amplifier and speaker combination, and also provides the cue signal used to interrupt monitor and headphones, if such interrupt has been enabled by the installer. AUDIOARTS 08 / Dec 2015 page 2 – 3 CONSOLE FEATURES Program Output The console’s main analog output is the Program stereo bus. The Program stereo output can be programmed to mono output via slide switch, PGM (SW 1 on MBA0-1 PCB). When SW 1 is UP the PGM is in mono mode, which sums the left and right PGM channels and sends this mono signal to both left and right channels of the PGM 1 output. When SW 1 is DOWN the PGM is in stereo mode. Monitor Output The AUDIOARTS 08 has a CR output designed to drive a s tereo pair of powered speakers, or a stereo amplifier driving separate speakers, to allow the operator to listen to PGM 1, or an external signal. The console may be programmed to provide monitor split cue. Cue to Monitor The CUE TO MONITOR jumper J1 on the MBA0-1 PCB, when shunted, sends cue to the monitor, whenever a fader is placed in cue. Split Cue, Monitor The CUE (SW2 on MBA0-1 PCB) slide switch, when activated (UP), allows a summed (L+R) version of the regular program to be sent to the right side of the monitor stereo output, while CUE is sent to the left side. On Air Tally, Muting For controlling an external “on-air” indicator, a relay is provided. The tally is activated when a mic channel set for monitor mute is turned on. Jumper J2 on the MBA0-1 board is used to enable muting with MIC1, and J3 enables muting with MIC2. The relay connections are available at the “TALLY” RJ-45 connector mounted on the rear of the console. Connect the on-air light to the external user-provided relay. Do not bring on-air light AC connections to any pin of any connector on the console. TYPICAL CONTROL ROOM ON-AIR TALLY CIRCUIT USER-SUPPLIED RELAY TRIGGERED BY CONSOLE CR MUTE CIRCUIT INTERNAL AIR TALLY RELAY N.C. N.O. AUDIOARTS 08 / Dec 2015 TALLY OUT RJ-45 CONNECTOR PIN COM 30VDC 2A max PIN 5 PIN 4 + 1N4002 + ECG B40240 or equiv. relay – YOUR POWER SUPPLY – RELAY CIRCUIT POWERED BY USER SUPPLIED EXTERNAL SUPPLY page 2 – 4 CONSOLE FEATURES USB Port The console contains a USB 2.0 interface, available via the USB Type B connector on the rear panel, to enable audio to pass between the console and a USB port on a computer. Audio coming back from the computer via USB shows up as a stereo analog signal on the Line 8 fader. Audio to the computer will be from the AUDIOARTS 08 PGM bus. Using the USB Port . . . Any computer having a USB port and installed drivers capable of passing and utilizing digital audio data should work with the AUDIOARTS 08 USB port. Use a cable having a USB Type B connector on the AUDIOARTS 08 end and a connector on the other end that will mate with the computer’s USB port; this will typically be a USB Type A connector. . . . With a MAC In general, this will be a plug-and-play process. The main concern is to choose the USB Audio Codec under System Preferences>Sound as desired for audio input and/or output. Then simply start the application. . . . With a Windows® PC When you first connect the AUDIOARTS 08 USB port to a PC running Windows you will see the famous “found new hardware” sequence of messages. At some point this sequence should end with a message that the new hardware is installed and ready to use. Setting up any given application to use the AUDIOARTS 08 USB port will depend on the application itself. Generally, you will need to select the appropriate device from a list of devices in a Preferences dialog. As an example, let’s look at WinAmp, a free software application used by millions to play back audio streams from a network (or the Internet), or to play audio streams into a network. To play audio from the AUDIOARTS 08 on the computer: • Install the free LineIn plugin for WinAmp. • Under Preferences - Input select the LineIn plugin from the Input list and click Configure, then find the USB Audio Codec in the list of available devices and note its corresponding device number, which you will need below. • In WinAmp, choose Play URL... • Enter “line://dev=n” where ‘n’ is the device value that you discovered above. • Now when you click Play, WinAmp will play the Air 1 audio on the output device selected in WinAmp. This could be speakers, a sound card, or even an output stream. To play audio from the computer on the AUDIOARTS 08: • Under WinAmp Preferences - Output select an output plugin and click Configure, then select the USB Audio Codec as the device. • Play the desired computer audio with WinAmp and the audio will appear on the 8 IN fader, unless you have an audio source plugged into the 8 IN RJ-45 connector. AUDIOARTS 08 / Dec 2015 page 2 – 5 CONSOLE FEATURES Other Computers If your computer does not use one of the above operating systems, or otherwise behaves differently than described above, consult the documentation for that computer, operating system, and/or application. General Considerations If any problems are encountered, please consider the following points: • The audio coming back into the AUDIOARTS 08 on the USB port is available at the 8 IN fader. • If you are not able to get the audio into or out of the USB port, check the USB cable, its connections at both ends, and the port selection settings in the a pplication you are using. • If you have the audio flowing where you want and it suddenly becomes intermittent or disappears, check the USB cable and the connections at both ends. • Once you have the USB audio under control it is a good idea to make a record of the application being used, including its version number, the audio direction (into or out of the computer), and all the settings that were required to make it work. This information will be invaluable if you later have to troubleshoot the USB audio, or set it up on another computer. AUDIOARTS 08 / Dec 2015 page 2 – 6 CONTROLS AND FUNCTIONS Controls and Functions Chapter Contents Input Section................................................................................... 3-2 Source.........................................................................................................................3-2 Cue Button..................................................................................................................3-3 TB Button....................................................................................................................3-3 Fader...........................................................................................................................3-3 ON Button...................................................................................................................3-3 Control Room and Headphone Section........................................ 3-4 Control Room..............................................................................................................3-4 Headphone Fader........................................................................................................3-5 Meters.............................................................................................. 3-5 AUDIOARTS 08 / Dec 2015 page 3 – 1 CONTROLS AND FUNCTIONS Controls and Functions Input Section The AUDIOARTS 08 Input section consist of two mono microphone input channels, four stereo analog input channels, caller input, and USB input. Source The AUDIOARTS 08 console accepts two mono mic input signals via female XLR (faders 1 and 2) and four stereo line level input signals via RJ-45 or RCA connectors (faders 3 - 6). Fader 8 accepts a stereo line level input signal via RJ-45 8 IN connector or via the USB port. MIC 1 and MIC 2 GAIN trimpots at the rear of the console adjacent to the MIC input XLR connectors are used to adjust the gain of each microphone input independently. These are normally “set and forget” adjustments, and are set at the factory for a gain of 54dB, thus bringing a -50dBu microphone input level up to +4dBu at the output. If you have more than two microphones in use, you will need to provide external mic preamps for all but two of them. These additional mics will not be able to activate the muting and on air tally functions. The caller input is used for the telephone call-in talk segments, and controls the audio for the caller. The caller signal enters the console from your station hybrid via RJ-45 connector CALLER IN or the two CALLER RCA connectors. The MXM connections on the MXM-TB OUT RJ-45 connector are used to feed audio back to the hybrid for the caller to hear. The audio going back to the caller will include AUDIOARTS 08 / Dec 2015 page 3 – 2 CONTROLS AND FUNCTIONS everything on the PGM bus except the caller voice coming from the hybrid to the CALLER input feeding fader 7. Cue Button The CUE switch places the channel’s signal on the console’s cue bus, where it may be heard in the external cue speaker, as an interrupt to the console operator’s headphones, and as an interrupt to the monitor speakers, if so programmed. Press the CUE button. The channel’s input signal will be included in the console’s CUE output at a level that is independent of the FADER setting, and the button will light. The fader does not need to be turned ON. To remove a fader from cue, press the CUE button again; the light will go off to indicate the channel is no longer assigned to cue. Note that the MIC2 channel is slightly different, in that the amount of MIC2 audio in CUE does depend on the setting of the fader. TB Button When the TB switch is pressed (it is momentary action), the microphone (MIC1) will interrupt the regular caller signal (the MXM connections on MXM-TB OUT), thus allowing the DJ to talk to the caller prior to airing. Fader Level is set by a long-throw fader. The fader is the sliding mechanism that determines how strong is the presence of the input in some of the v arious console outputs. If the fader is all the way down (that is, pulled toward the console operator), the signal will not be present in the program bus. As the fader is moved up (that is, pushed away from the console operator) the signal will appear more strongly in PGM. ON Button The ON button turns the channel on and off by means of electronic switching. The channel is on when the ON button is lit. The mic channels can also be programmed (as mentioned in the previous chapter) to activate monitor mute and on air tally. AUDIOARTS 08 / Dec 2015 page 3 – 3 CONTROLS AND FUNCTIONS Control Room and Headphone Section Control Room This is the console operator’s monitor that allows the operator to listen to the console’s stereo Program output or an external stereo line level input. This section of the console includes the faders for the monitor and headphone, and a cue level control for console cue. In a typical radio application the console is located in the Control Room. Speakers in the Control Room allow the console operator to listen to the console bus outputs to be assured that the console is performing as desired. These speakers are fed by a stereo signal from the console’s monitor output. In addition to the monitor output, the operator may also desire to listen to specific isolated faders via the cue system and an external cue speaker, or may want to listen via headphones. Thus, the control room monitor consists of the above controls, along with an external input (EXT) button. In some instances the console operator may also be performing talent whose voice will be heard over the radio. The operator’s microphone may thus provide a part of the signal that is going out over the air. If that signal is the one being monitored with the Control Room speakers, there is the potential for feedback. The amplified signal from the Control Room speakers is picked up by the microphone and preamplified to a new, higher, level, which then is once again picked up by the microphone. The signal quickly rises to an ear-splitting screech. To prevent this, the operator’s microphone is normally set to MUTE the monitor output to prevent the occurrence of feedback. The master CUE circuit can be programmed to interrupt monitor feed, or provide a split feed (program mono sum to right, cue to left) to the monitor speakers. It also automatically interrupts the headphone feed on both sides. The CUE level control determines the overall loudness of the cue signal. Pressing the EXT switch allows the operator to pick up the external input (useful for such items as tape recorders or air returns) to listen. The fader determines the overall loudness of the signal being monitored as it appears in the control room speakers. As the fader slides up, the loudness increases up to a m aximum at the top position. To decrease the loudness, slide the fader down. NOTE: If the Control Room is muted and you slide the fader all the way up, then remove the condition that has the Control Room muted, the sound in the Control Room speakers will suddenly be VERY LOUD! AUDIOARTS 08 / Dec 2015 page 3 – 4 CONTROLS AND FUNCTIONS Headphone Fader The HEADPHONE fader determines the overall loudness of the headphone output signal, which monitors the same source (PGM or EXT) as the Control Room speakers. The headphone output signal appears at the HEADPHONE JACK, located on the right side of the console frame as indicated in Chapter 1. The jack is provided as a place to plug in user-supplied stereo headphones. High impedance headphones work best; as the headphone impedance is reduced below about 200 ohms the available level decreases. Meters The METERS section consists of one 10-segment VU meter pair on the console’s meterbridge. The VU meter pair is a stereo LED bargraph type meter. The level of the signal being metered is indicated by the number of display elements that are lighted. The more elements lighted, the stronger is the signal being displayed. The right two LEDs in each bargraph are red to indicate when the signal level is a pproaching a clipping (distorted) level. The next two LEDs are yellow, indicating a normal level range, and the remaining LEDs are green. The left member of the pair indicates the level of the PGM left channel, while the right member of the pair indicates the level of the PGM right channel. The ON AIR LED, located in the middle of the meterbridge, lights up when either of the two MIC channels is ON, assuming they are set for mute and tally. AUDIOARTS 08 / Dec 2015 page 3 – 5 SCHEMATIC DRAWINGS Schematic and Load Sheet Drawings Chapter Contents Console Flow Diagram................................................................... 4-2 Mother Board Schematic...................................................................................................................4-3 Load Sheet.................................................................................................................4-12 AUDIOARTS / Dec 2015 page 4 – 1 CUE METERBRIDGE ON/OFF PGM LOGIC L PGM LT MON TRIM H MIC 1 L F A D E R PGM FET SW CUE OUT TO VU METERS TO BRIDGE MUTE/TALLY CUE MON R PGM RT MON XLR L E V E L CUE ACN JUMPER PGM ACN N.O. DRY RELAY LOGIC DRIVER MIC CHANNEL TALLY RJ-45 TALLY BUS LOGIC CUE SENSE HEADPHONE F A D E R TO TALLY LED TO BRIDGE L FET SW L HDPN OUT R START R HDPN JACK PGM CUE MON LOGIC EXT L LT H L L LINE INPUT RT H L R L F A D E R PGM FET SW L PGM JUMPER CR MONITOR CUE TO MON R R LOGIC CUE MXM LT OUT L TB/MXM ACN R H MXM RT OUT L L PGM ACN H LOGIC CUE SENSE PGM LT MONITOR CUE SENSE CUE TO MON SPLT ON AIR TALLY L CUE ACN L INPUT CHANNEL H PGM ACN R CUE FET SW L PGM LT OUT L PGM RT MONITOR L PGM LT MON R PGM MONO SLIDE SW R R H PGM RT OUT L PGM RT MON EXT LT MON L E V E L CR FET SW EXT RT MON START L R CALLER USB CODEC LOGIC COMPUTER TO USB CONN L CR LT OUT FET SW CUE MONITOR SPLIT SLIDE SW FROM H R H L CR RT OUT CUE MON TALLY BUS PATCH OUT LINE 8 LT CALLER FROM HYBRID RT H L H L L R F A D E R L PROGRAM, TB/MXM CALLER FET SW CUE FET SW SIMPLEPHONE INPUT CUE CALLER ACN R LOGIC CUE ACN LT CUE SENSE AUDIOARTS 08 System Flow Diagram H L L EXT LT MONITOR EXT IN RT H L R EXT LT MONITOR EXTERNAL IN AUDIOARTS 08 / Dec 2015 page 4 - 2 8 7 D 6 RJ-45 RJ-45 CT11 CT11 LINE3_LT_HI G1 G3 E3 G4 LINE5_LT_HI C1 LINE5_LT_LO C2 LINE5_RT_HI C3 G5 LINE5_RT_LO E6 G7 G8 LINE7_LT_LO MXM_LT_LO MXM_RT_HI A3 1 HDPN_RT 3 2 1 TB_OUT_LO A8 CT3 CT3 RCA_LINE3_LT_HI C3 C2 C1 C RCA_LINE5_LT_HI A3 RCA_LINE3_RT_HI AGND RCA_LINE5_RT_HI A1 IO1 IO2 GND RCA_LINE7_RT_HI RJ-45 RJ-45 RJ-45 CT11 CT11 CT11 H1 F1 H2 F2 LINE4_LT_HI LINE4_LT_LO LINE4_RT_HI F3 H4 F4 TALLY_C H5 D2 D3 LINE6_LT_HI B1 LINE6_LT_LO B2 LINE6_RT_HI B3 H7 F7 D7 H8 F8 D8 CT3 B6 B2 RCA_LINE4_RT_HI LINE "8" IN CT7 4 RCA_LINE6_LT_HI C3 USB AGND AGND DP 3 DM 2 RCA_LINE6_RT_HI C1 VBUS 1 RCA RCA LINE8_RT_LO B8 C2 AGND B1 LINE8_RT_HI B7 CT2 RCA_LINE4_LT_HI B3 LINE8_LT_LO B5 LINE6_RT_LO D6 LINE "6" IN LINE "4" IN LINE8_LT_HI B4 D5 LINE4_RT_LO F6 C CT11 D4 F5 TALLY JST PINOUT RJ-45 D1 H6 TALLY GND TPD2E007 RCA RCA TALLY_NO 2 GND MXM/TBOUT AGND B1 RCA H3 AGND RCA_LINE7_LT_HI B3 B2 A2 AGND MXM/TBOUT CT2 TO HDPN JACK D19 TB_OUT_HI A7 LINE "7" IN LINE "5" IN S R MXM_RT_LO A6 3 LINE "3" IN CT12 A5 LINE7_RT_LO C6 HDPN_LT T A4 C8 E8 D A2 LINE7_RT_HI C7 E7 1 MXM_LT_HI A1 C5 E5 LINE3_RT_LO G6 2 CT11 LINE7_LT_HI C4 E4 3 RJ-45 CT11 E2 LINE3_RT_HI 4 RJ-45 E1 LINE3_LT_LO G2 5 AGND DP DM VBUS B B MIC "1" IN CT9 MIC "2" IN 2 HI 1 CT8 MIC1_IN_HI -50dBu BAL XLR PGM OUT BAL CT6 2 HI 1 A CT1 EXT_LT_HI A3 A1 C2 AGND EXT_RT_HI CUE_OUT C3 TB_IN C1 CUE CT1 MON_LT_OUT B3 B2 AGND RCA B1 PGM1_LT_OUT_UNBAL A3 A2 AGND MON_RT_OUT CR AGND PGM1_RT_OUT_UNBAL A1 PGM PGM OUT BAL CT5 2 HI 1 PGM1_RT_HI PHANTOM POWER -50dBu BAL PGM1_LT_LO PGM1_RT_LO 3 LO AGND RCA CT1 EXT XLR PGM1_LT_HI -50dBu BAL 3 MIC2_IN_LO LO AGND RCA CT2 A2 3 LO AGND MIC2_IN_HI -50dBu BAL MIC1_IN_LO 3 2 HI 1 RCA CT4 LO AGND XLR XLR +PHANT 1 MBA0-1 CONTRACT NO. 2 3 - SA UR US - Sergey Averin - GND 48V DC APPROVALS DATE DRAWN AC/WWP 4-27-15 CHECKED WWP W# 701064 8 AUDIOARTS O8 / Dec 2015 7 6 5 4 Mother Board Schematic - Sheet 1 of 9 3 600 Industrial Drive New Bern, NC 28562 DB ISSUED SIZE FSCM NO. DWG. NO. D SCALE 2 A MBA0-1A PCB 22S1004 SHEET REV A 1 OF 9 1 page 4 - 3 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 D D VCC VCC SW3 2 3 1 R82 220 4 R95 220 TB VCC SW12 TBSW_1 3 R96 C69 1.00K 0.22uF GND 2 1 R346 100 3 4 R358 220 ON/OFF VCC ONSW_1 C334 1.00K 0.22uF GND 1 R81 220 4 R88 220 CUE GND R335 VCC SW4 2 SW13 CUESW_2 3 R94 C73 1.00K 0.22uF GND 2 1 R345 100 3 4 R357 220 ON/OFF GND VCC ONSW_2 C333 1.00K 0.22uF GND 1 R80 220 4 R87 220 CUE GND R334 VCC SW5 2 SW14 CUESW_3 3 R93 C63 1.00K 0.22uF GND 2 1 R343 100 3 4 R356 220 ON/OFF GND VCC ONSW_3 C332 1.00K 0.22uF GND 1 R78 220 4 R79 220 CUE GND R333 VCC SW6 2 SW15 CUESW_4 3 R86 C70 1.00K 0.22uF GND 2 1 R342 100 3 4 R355 220 ON/OFF GND SW7 2 VCC ONSW_4 C331 1.00K 0.22uF GND R77 220 4 R85 220 CUESW_5 R92 CUE GND R332 1 C62 1.00K SW16 GND 2 1 R341 100 3 4 R354 220 ONSW_5 ON/OFF GND 0.22uF GND R331 C330 1.00K 0.22uF GND GND C C VCC VCC VCC SW8 2 1 R76 220 3 4 R70 220 CUE VCC B SW17 CUESW_6 R91 C68 1.00K 0.22uF GND 2 1 R340 100 3 4 R353 220 ON/OFF 1.00K GND 1 R75 220 3 4 R84 220 CUE VCC GND ONSW_6 R330 VCC SW9 2 C329 SW18 R90 C61 1.00K 0.22uF GND 2 1 R339 100 3 4 R352 220 ON/OFF 0.22uF GND CUESW_7 1.00K GND C328 0.22uF R74 220 3 4 R69 220 VCC GND SW19 CUESW_8 1 R338 100 3 4 R351 220 ON/OFF GND VCC R89 C67 1.00K 0.22uF GND 2 GND R71 SW11 1 CUE ONSW_7 R329 SW10 2 10.0K 2 1 3 4 R83 220 EXT GND ONSW_8 B R328 C327 1.00K GND 0.22uF GND F3 VCC D+in POLYSW 1.0A F2 V+ V+in POLYSW 1.0A CT10 1 2 3 4 5 GP2 GND GND GP1 AGND F1 V- AGND D+in V-in V+in A MBA0-1 CONTRACT NO. V+in V-in D+in C11 C10 C2 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF AGND GND AGND - SA UR US - Sergey Averin - APPROVALS CHECKED AUDIOARTS O8 / Dec 2015 6 5 4 Mother Board Schematic - Sheet 2 of 9 3 600 Industrial Drive New Bern, NC 28562 DB WWP W# 701064 7 A DATE DRAWN AC/WWP 4-27-15 ISSUED 8 V-in POLYSW 1.0A SIZE FSCM NO. SCALE 2 DWG. NO. D MBA0-1A PCB 22S1004 SHEET REV A 2 OF 9 1 page 4 - 4 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 VCC R102 10.0K BAT54 D12 BAT54 D10 D D BAT54 D9 BAT54 D8 VCC BAT54 D7 R110 BAT54 D6 10.0K J1 BAT54 D5 CUE TO MONITOR VCC D22 BAT54 C VCC R344 10.0K J2 BAT54 D21 MIC1 MUTE C340 100uF C GND SPARE VCC GND U14 ___ PR 9 Q CK 12 __ 8 D ____ Q 13 CLR 11 U12 ___ PR 5 Q CK 2 __ D 6 ____ Q 1 CLR 3 74LS74 U13 ___ PR 9 Q CK 12 __ 8 D ____ Q 13 CLR U12 ___ PR 9 Q CK 12 __ 8 D ____ Q 13 CLR 11 74LS74 J3 BAT54 D20 3 MIC2 MUTE 74LS74 10 CUESW_6 11 74LS74 U11 ___ PR 5 Q CK 2 __ D ____ Q 6 1 CLR 4 CUESW_7 74LS74 10 CUESW_4 VCC 4 CUESW_5 3 74LS74 10 CUESW_2 VCC U13 ___ PR 5 Q CK 2 __ D ____ Q 6 1 CLR 4 CUESW_3 U11 ___ PR 9 Q CK 12 __ 8 D ____ Q 13 CLR 10 CUESW_8 11 74LS74 VCC VCC R24 74LS74 4.99K Q1 FDN340P ONAIR_TALLY R28 100 74LS74 U66 ___ PR 9 Q 11 CK 12 __ 8 D ____ Q 13 CLR U65 ___ PR 9 Q 11 CK 12 __ 8 D ____ Q 13 CLR 74LS74 ONSW_6 74LS74 U64 ___ PR 9 Q 11 CK 12 __ 8 D ____ Q 13 CLR 74LS74 R10 2.43K 74LS74 GND GND U16 ___ PR 9 Q CK 12 __ 8 D ____ Q 13 CLR 10 ONSW_8 B U16 ___ PR 5 Q 3 CK 2 __ 6 D ____ Q 1 CLR 4 74LS74 10 10 ONSW_4 ONSW_7 10 11 74LS74 GND ONAIR_TALLY TALLY_NO D1 1N4002 74LS74 3 74LS74 10 ONSW_2 ONSW_5 U64 ___ PR 5 Q 3 CK 2 __ 6 D ____ Q 1 CLR 4 2 ONSW_3 74LS74 U67 ___ PR 9 Q 11 CK 12 __ 8 D ____ Q 13 CLR U65 ___ PR 5 Q 3 CK 2 __ 6 D ____ Q 1 CLR 4 1 ONSW_1 U66 ___ PR 5 Q 3 CK 2 __ 6 D ____ Q 1 CLR 4 K1 U67 ___ PR 5 Q 3 CK 2 __ 6 D ____ Q 1 CLR 4 8 B SPARE 5 3 4 U14 ___ PR 5 Q CK 2 __ D ____ Q 6 1 CLR 4 6 VCC 7 VCC ON AIR TALLY RELAY TALLY_C GND A MBA0-1 CONTRACT NO. - SA UR US - Sergey Averin - APPROVALS VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC C76 C79 C80 C82 C81 C341 C342 C343 C19 C344 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF DATE DRAWN AC/WWP 4-27-15 CHECKED GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND WWP GND W# 701064 8 AUDIOARTS O8 / Dec 2015 7 6 5 4 Mother Board Schematic - Sheet 3 of 9 3 600 Industrial Drive New Bern, NC 28562 DB ISSUED GND A SIZE FSCM NO. SCALE 2 DWG. NO. D MBA0-1A PCB 22S1004 SHEET REV A 3 OF 9 1 page 4 - 5 8 7 6 5 4 3 R266 10.0K 14 6 LO L3 L4 C33 10uF 5 330pF 3 6 SSM2017 U7 MIC 1 C8 0.001uF 0.001uF Z6 C5V1 5.1V Z4 C5V1 5.1V 5.1V C5V1 Z8 5.1V C5V1 Z2 R36 10K 3 R35 10.0K 10.0K SH R16 6.19K 6.19K AGND AGND AGND 10 AGND AGND +PHANT AGND 2 C317 22uF R317 88.7K 6 11 13 X-Y X 12 INH Y S U49 4053 PGM1LTACN TB_OUT_HI D TB_OUT_LO 2 MIC 1 GAIN TRIM 1 5532 U51 3 R34 R17 14 PGM1LTACN -2dBu CR4 1 1 AGND R295 100 R264 10.0K 13 X-Y X 12 INH Y S U50 4053 1 22uF C84 8 C9 10pF -2dBu 4 2 C40 22.1K -50dBu BAL MIC1_IN_LO R316 C32 10uF MIC1_IN_HI HI C315 7 1K 3 2 CR2 1 D V- V+ 11 2 R219 20.0K AGND 100uF C282 4 6 9 -14dBu AGND CH 1 X-Y X INH Y U38 S 4053 R218 20.0K 3 4 TBMXM 5 X-Y X INH Y U37 S 4053 6 9 3 CUEACN 5 AGND AGND C41 220uF C39 5 330pF 3 C7 C6 0.001uF Z5 C5V1 5.1V 0.001uF Z3 C5V1 5.1V R33 6 SSM2017 U6 10K 3 R32 10.0K 10.0K R2 R7 6.19K 6.19K 5.1V C5V1 Z7 5.1V C5V1 Z1 AGND 10 AGND AGND +PHANT AGND C316 22uF R274 88.7K GND R263 10.0K 1 2 15 PGM1RTACN 6 10 X-Y X INH Y S U49 4053 1 2 GND AGND PGM1RTACN AGND 8 MIC 2 GAIN TRIM AGND V+ 6 7 5532 U51 5 1K 3 2 CR1 1 SH AGND 2 CR5 1 1 AGND R31 AGND TBLED_1 X-Y X INH Y S U50 4053 -2dBu 22.1K C31 10uF 10 22uF C83 8 MIC 2 C L1 L2 15 6 4 2 R269 -50dBu BAL MIC2_IN_LO LO -2dBu 10pF V- V+ 7 C30 10uF MIC2_IN_HI HI C263 R265 10.0K AGND 100uF C281 -14dBu CH 2 4 AGND C V- AGND C29 220uF AGND R166 10.0K R163 10.0K C161 33pF C158 33pF C196 100uF RCA_LINE3_LT_HI HI AGND -14dBu R206 10K LINE3_LT_HI HI R167 20.0K 2 +4dBu BAL LINE3_LT_LO LO R193 20.0K CR6 A1 A2 R315 22.1K 10K A3 C297 22uF 3 1 5532 U28 100uF C262 R314 88.7K R262 10.0K 14 C313 10pF 22uF C114 PGM1LTACN AGND LINE4_LT_HI HI R164 20.0K +4dBu BAL LINE4_LT_LO LO R189 20.0K 3 1 5532 U27 0.001uF 2 C142 AGND AGND 3 AGND 33pF LINE 3 IN C182 C159 0.001uF 0.001uF 1 5532 U60 -2dBu AGND R231 20.0K 4 6 9 CH 3 R165 10.0K X-Y X INH Y U36 S 4053 AGND CUEACN 5 R366 20.0K LO R199 10K 8 LINE3_RT_HI R144 20.0K LINE3_RT_LO R190 20.0K 5 C168 0.001uF AGND AGND 8 10K B3 B2 C296 22uF 6 R291 22.1K CR6 B1 V- 5 R191 10.0K AGND V+ LO R261 10.0K 7 5532 U60 15 6 100uF C261 -14dBu 10 AGND C128 33pF HI 22uF C113 7 5532 U28 4 3 AGND 33pF 1 5532 U59 -2dBu AGND R230 20.0K 4 9 CH 4 R162 10.0K 4 V- AGND -2dBu GND X-Y X INH Y S U48 4053 8 R143 20.0K +4dBu BAL LINE4_RT_LO R186 20.0K C277 10pF V+ 6 5 22uF C111 7 5532 U27 8 10K B3 B2 C294 22uF 6 R289 22.1K CR7 B1 -2dBu 1 2 R198 10K LINE4_RT_HI PGM1RTACN C181 C167 0.001uF 0.001uF AGND AGND 4 5 AGND R259 10.0K 7 5532 U59 15 6 100uF C259 -14dBu 10 AGND C126 33pF AGND V- R187 10.0K V+ 4 V- AGND X-Y X INH Y S U47 4053 1 2 GND PGM1RTACN AGND AGND MBA0-1 CONTRACT NO. - SA UR US - Sergey Averin - APPROVALS NOTE: PHASE SYMBOLS DENOTE SIGNAL POLARITY OUT OF PHASE WWP W# 701064 6 5 4 Mother Board Schematic - Sheet 4 of 9 3 600 Industrial Drive New Bern, NC 28562 DB ISSUED 7 A DATE DRAWN AC/WWP 4-27-15 CHECKED AUDIOARTS O8 / Dec 2015 B CUEACN 5 R364 20.0K A 8 3 C193 100uF RCA_LINE4_RT_HI AGND IN PHASE X-Y X INH Y U35 S 4053 6 R290 88.7K HI C279 10pF V+ -2dBu C183 0.001uF PGM1LTACN C157 33pF 6 +4dBu BAL 13 X-Y X 12 INH Y S U47 4053 2 -2dBu R292 88.7K HI 11 22uF C112 AGND 3 C195 100uF RCA_LINE3_RT_HI 14 6 C140 C160 33pF HI R260 10.0K C311 10pF R188 10.0K AGND AGND B 100uF C260 R312 88.7K -2dBu R192 10.0K LINE 4 IN 0.001uF C162 CR7 A1 A2 R313 22.1K 10K A3 C295 22uF 2 -2dBu C184 -14dBu R205 10K 13 X-Y X 12 INH Y 11 S U48 4053 6 C194 100uF RCA_LINE4_LT_HI HI SIZE FSCM NO. SCALE 2 DWG. NO. D MBA0-1A PCB 22S1004 SHEET REV A 4 OF 9 1 page 4 - 6 8 7 6 5 4 3 R160 10.0K C155 33pF D C152 33pF AGND -14dBu LINE5_LT_HI R161 20.0K 2 +4dBu BAL LINE5_LT_LO LO R185 20.0K CR8 A1 A2 R311 22.1K 10K A3 C293 22uF 3 1 5532 U26 100uF C258 R310 88.7K R258 10.0K 14 X-Y X 12 INH Y 11 S U46 4053 C309 10pF 22uF C110 PGM1LTACN AGND LINE6_LT_HI HI R158 20.0K LINE6_LT_LO LO R181 20.0K 3 1 5532 U25 C156 0.001uF R184 10.0K AGND 3 AGND 33pF C178 C153 0.001uF 0.001uF -2dBu R229 20.0K 4 6 9 CH 5 R159 10.0K X-Y X INH Y S U34 4053 AGND AGND 3 CUEACN 5 R367 20.0K 8 HI R142 20.0K 6 R182 20.0K 5 +4dBu BAL LINE5_RT_LO LO 33pF C179 C166 0.001uF AGND 8 10K B3 B2 C292 22uF 6 R287 22.1K CR8 B1 V- 5 R183 10.0K AGND C AGND R257 10.0K 7 5532 U58 AGND 4 15 1 6 2 X-Y X INH Y 10 U46 S 4053 100uF C257 V- AGND HI LINE6_RT_HI LO LINE6_RT_LO R141 20.0K 6 LO R177 20.0K R178 20.0K 5 +4dBu BAL PGM1RTACN C177 C165 0.001uF 0.001uF 4 AGND AGND CR10 A1 A2 R307 22.1K 10K A3 C289 22uF 1 5532 U24 100uF C254 R306 88.7K R253 10.0K 14 C305 10pF 22uF C106 CALL_LT_ACN LINE8_LT_HI HI R152 20.0K LINE8_LT_LO LO R173 20.0K 3 LINE 7 IN C174 C147 0.001uF 0.001uF LO 2 3 1 5532 U23 AGND -2dBu R227 20.0K 4 9 X-Y X INH Y U32 S 4053 AGND AGND CUEACN 5 R365 20.0K C164 0.001uF AGND AGND 8 10K B3 B2 C288 22uF 6 R283 22.1K CR10 B1 V- 5 R175 10.0K AGND 11 3 R252 10.0K 7 5532 U56 15 6 100uF C253 10 4 V- -2dBu R226 20.0K 4 3 B CUEACN 5 R363 20.0K R194 10K HI HI LINE8_RT_HI LO LINE8_RT_LO X-Y X INH Y S U44 4053 2 R139 20.0K +4dBu BAL R170 20.0K 5 CALL_RT_ACN C173 C163 0.001uF 0.001uF 22uF C103 7 5532 U23 8 10K B3 B2 C286 22uF 6 R281 22.1K CR11 B1 AGND AGND 4 AGND V- 5 R171 10.0K AGND V+ R250 10.0K 7 5532 U55 15 6 100uF C251 -14dBu 10 AGND C118 33pF GND C269 10pF V+ 6 -2dBu 1 -2dBu R282 88.7K C185 100uF 4 V- APPROVALS NOTE: PHASE SYMBOLS DENOTE SIGNAL POLARITY OUT OF PHASE PGM1RTACN AGND WWP W# 701064 Mother Board Schematic - Sheet 5 of 9 3 600 Industrial Drive New Bern, NC 28562 DB ISSUED 4 A DATE CHECKED 5 2 MBA0-1 DRAWN AC/WWP 4-27-15 6 1 AGND - SA UR US - Sergey Averin - 7 X-Y X INH Y S U43 4053 GND AGND CONTRACT NO. AUDIOARTS O8 / Dec 2015 X-Y X INH Y U31 S 4053 9 R150 10.0K A 8 PGM1LTACN AGND CH 8 AGND AGND IN PHASE 13 X-Y X 12 INH Y S U43 4053 1 5532 U55 6 TS8R V+ -14dBu AGND C120 33pF C 2 AGND 8 22uF C105 7 5532 U24 4 14 22uF C104 33pF C271 10pF V+ -2dBu C175 0.001uF PGM1RTACN C145 33pF 6 5 2 AGND 6 -2dBu R284 88.7K R174 20.0K R251 10.0K C303 10pF AGND 3 R195 10K LINE7_RT_LO 100uF C252 R304 88.7K C132 AGND C187 100uF +4dBu BAL V- 1 -14dBu CR11 A1 A2 R305 22.1K 10K A3 C287 22uF R172 10.0K 1 5532 U56 R153 10.0K R140 20.0K 4 X-Y X INH Y U45 S 4053 -2dBu CH 7 LINE7_RT_HI 10 GND AGND +4dBu BAL SH R254 10.0K 2 AGND 33pF 8 HI 6 -14dBu AGND C148 33pF HI 15 100uF C255 R201 10K 13 X-Y X 12 INH Y 11 S U44 4053 6 6 RCA_LINE7_RT_HI R255 10.0K 7 5532 U57 C146 33pF AGND B V+ AGND C186 100uF TS8L HI C134 AGND AGND C122 33pF AGND -14dBu R176 10.0K 0.001uF 5 R179 10.0K LINE 8 IN 0.001uF C150 8 10K B3 B2 C290 22uF 6 R285 22.1K CR9 B1 V- -2dBu C176 22uF C107 7 5532 U25 R151 10.0K 2 3 -2dBu C273 10pF V+ -2dBu R202 10K LINE7_LT_LO CUEACN 5 AGND AGND +4dBu BAL 3 R362 20.0K R286 88.7K C149 33pF R155 20.0K X-Y X INH Y S U33 4053 9 C189 100uF AGND GND C188 100uF LINE7_LT_HI 4 R196 10K R154 10.0K HI R228 20.0K R156 10.0K AGND RCA_LINE7_LT_HI -2dBu CH 6 RCA_LINE6_RT_HI V+ -14dBu C124 33pF HI 1 5532 U57 AGND 8 22uF C109 7 5532 U26 4 3 6 C275 10pF V+ -2dBu 0.001uF 2 AGND -2dBu HI R197 10K D PGM1LTACN C151 33pF R288 88.7K LINE5_RT_HI 13 X-Y X 12 INH Y 11 S U45 4053 C307 10pF AGND C191 100uF RCA_LINE5_RT_HI 14 6 C136 AGND C154 33pF HI R256 10.0K 22uF C108 R180 10.0K 1 5532 U58 AGND AGND LINE 5 IN SH 2 C138 AGND 100uF C256 R308 88.7K -2dBu LINE 6 IN C180 CR9 A1 A2 R309 22.1K 10K A3 C291 22uF 2 +4dBu BAL -2dBu 0.001uF -14dBu R203 10K 13 6 C190 100uF RCA_LINE6_LT_HI HI R204 10K HI 1 R157 10.0K C192 100uF RCA_LINE5_LT_HI HI 2 SIZE FSCM NO. SCALE 2 DWG. NO. D MBA0-1A PCB 22S1004 SHEET REV A 5 OF 9 1 page 4 - 7 DS23 VCC VU RT 3 +6dB +3dB 0dB -3dB 4 -6dB -9dB -12dB -15dB -18dB -21dB ON AIR 5 LEVEL 2 1 1.30K R133 VDD Z10 C5V1 5.1V D DS22 DS21 DS20 DS19 DS18 DS17 DS16 DS15 DS14 GND ONAIR_TALLY 332 ONAIR_TALLY R361 332 +6dB +3dB 6 DS13 GND DS12 GND DS11 LT 0dB 7 -3dB -6dB -9dB -12dB -15dB -18dB -21dB 8 LEVEL R360 332 ONAIR_TALLY DS10 VCC DS9 DS8 DS7 DS6 DS5 DS4 DS3 DS2 DS1 VU R359 Z9 C5V1 5.1V V+ C100 C220 C249 C219 C248 C218 C247 C217 C246 C216 C245 C215 C244 C250 C221 C319 C95 C96 C91 C337 C43 0.22uF 0.22uF 0.22uF 0.22uF 0.22uF 0.22uF 0.22uF 0.22uF 0.22uF 0.22uF 0.22uF 0.22uF 0.22uF 0.22uF 0.22uF 0.22uF 0.22uF 0.22uF 22uF 0.1uF 330uF C99 C209 C238 C208 C237 C207 C236 C206 C235 C205 C234 C204 C233 C239 C210 C318 C94 C97 C90 0.22uF 0.22uF 0.22uF 0.22uF 0.22uF 0.22uF 0.22uF 0.22uF 0.22uF 0.22uF 0.22uF 0.22uF 0.22uF 0.22uF 0.22uF 0.22uF 0.22uF 0.22uF 22uF C323 C42 0.1uF 330uF D AGND 1.30K R132 VEE V- V+ C312 C141 C310 C139 C308 C137 C306 C135 C304 C133 C302 C131 C130 C300 C298 C226 C224 C199 C88 C115 C240 C242 C335 C71 C201 C51 C66 C58 C56 C314 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF C280 C129 C278 C127 C276 C125 C274 C123 C272 C121 C270 C119 C117 C268 C266 C212 C214 C93 C86 C172 C229 C231 C321 C65 C198 C75 C98 C57 C55 C264 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF AGND V- C C VCC 4148 D16 C38 1uF R116 10.0K GND 4148 D15 D17 4148 R63 332 -21dB R62 332 -18dB R61 332 -15dB R60 332 -12dB R59 332 -9dB R58 332 -6dB R57 619 -3dB R56 619 0dB R55 619 +3dB R54 619 +6dB R53 332 -21dB R52 332 -18dB R51 332 -15dB R50 332 -12dB R49 332 -9dB R48 332 -6dB R47 619 -3dB R46 619 0dB R45 619 +3dB U8 VCC 8 PGM1LTMON R117 10.0K V+ 2 2 3 1 TL072 U18 4148 D14 3 R115 10.0K 6 5 AGND 4 1 7 TL072 U18 D18 4148 V- 4 R125 1.00K 5 R126 C37 100K 1uF 6 7 R29 562 R39 1.69K 8 AGND AGND AGND B R30 R27 562 3.32K VCC R97 20.0K 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 LM3915 VCC C77 C339 1uF 1500uF GND GND D3 4148 U10 VCC 8 PGM1RTMON R101 10.0K V+ 3 1 TL072 U15 4148 D13 3 R113 10.0K 6 5 AGND 4 1 2 2 V- TL072 U15 7 D2 4148 4 R73 1.00K 5 R72 C78 100K 1uF 6 7 R108 562 R109 1.69K AGND A B 4148 D4 R112 10.0K 4148 D11 18 AGND GND AGND AGND R98 20.0K 9 LED1 LED2 VLED3 V+ LED4 RLO LED5 SIG LED6 RHI LED7 REFOUT LED8 REFADJ LED9 MODE LED10 LEFT R120 20.0K AGND AGND R107 R114 562 3.32K AGND 8 9 LED1 LED2 VLED3 V+ LED4 RLO LED5 SIG LED6 RHI LED7 REFOUT LED8 REFADJ LED9 MODE LED10 LM3915 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 R44 619 AGND GND AGND NOTE: PHASE SYMBOLS DENOTE SIGNAL POLARITY IN PHASE RIGHT R119 20.0K - SA UR US - Sergey Averin - +6dB DRAWN AC/WWP 4-27-15 WWP W# 701064 AUDIOARTS O8 / Dec 2015 6 5 4 Mother Board Schematic - Sheet 6 of 9 3 600 Industrial Drive New Bern, NC 28562 DB ISSUED 7 A DATE CHECKED 8 MBA0-1 CONTRACT NO. APPROVALS OUT OF PHASE SIZE FSCM NO. SCALE 2 DWG. NO. D MBA0-1A PCB 22S1004 SHEET REV A 6 OF 9 1 page 4 - 8 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 -2dBu R245 10.0K R236 10.0K R243 4.99K D PGM1LTACN C243 33pF 8 1 22uF C232 R244 10.0K 4 C230 33pF V+ 2 3 AGND PGM1_LT_HI -2dBu 2 3 R221 47 R234 4.99K V+ 5532 U39 PGM1LTMON -2dBu C225 33pF 8 22uF C223 PGM 1 LT CALL_LT_ACN CALL -2dBu R248 10 1 5532 U42 R224 4.99K AGND 4 D R148 10.0K 6 5 V- BAL 7 5532 U42 R235 10 PGM1_LT_LO R225 47 C144 33pF R237 10.0K V- -2dBu AGND C227 33pF V+ 8 EXT_LT_HI HI R149 40.2K 3 LO -2dBu 2 1 5532 U22 PGM 1 3 AGND EXTLTMON 22uF C101 EXTRTMON -2dBu 2 R238 49.9K 22uF C102 1 5532 U40 4 SH UNBAL PGM1_LT_OUT_UNBAL R239 10.0K AGND AGND LO VAGND R247 10.0K 2 R216 10.0K 4 PGM1RTMON R220 47 PGM1_RT_HI 6 1 R241 4.99K 3 C241 33pF R232 4.99K -2dBu PGM1RTACN 8 6 C 7 5532 U39 5 22uF C203 R242 10.0K C228 33pF V+ 2 3 -2dBu R246 10 1 5532 U41 R222 4.99K CALL_RT_ACN R240 10.0K AGND 4 8 BAL HI 6 5 AGND CALL R147 10.0K C143 33pF PGM1 MONO -2dBu C211 33pF 22uF C222 PGM 1 RT 5 EXT IN -2dBu SW1 R249 10.0K 5532 U41 7 R233 10 AGND V+ -2dBu 6 5 7 5532 U22 C -2dBu SH R217 10.0K V- R138 40.2K LO PGM1_RT_LO R223 47 EXT_RT_HI C213 33pF AGND 4 V- AGND -2dBu 6 R211 49.9K 5 7 5532 U40 PGM1_RT_OUT_UNBAL UNBAL R215 10.0K LO AGND TBMXM AGND R207 10.0K R214 10.0K R122 4.99K MXM_LT_HI R123 47 -2dBu C200 33pF 8 V+ R210 10.0K 3 B R208 10 R209 4.99K 3 4 AGND V+ C85 33pF 2 1 5532 U29 R111 4.99K -2dBu 8 2 MXM LT C89 33pF 1 5532 U17 -2dBu B 6 V- R118 49.9K AGND BAL R121 10 4 V- 5 MXM_LT_LO 7 5532 U17 R103 10 AGND R146 10.0K R135 4.99K MXM_RT_HI R136 47 R213 10.0K -2dBu C116 33pF R124 4.99K -2dBu 8 6 R168 10.0K R145 4.99K 7 5532 U29 5 V+ C92 33pF 2 R169 10 3 R137 10 1 5532 U21 AGND BAL -2dBu 6 R134 49.9K AGND 4 V- 5 MXM_RT_LO 7 5532 U21 R127 10 AGND TB_IN C52 R67 10.0K 22uF 22uF C74 R100 88.7K -2dBu C64 33pF A MXM RT C171 33pF CUE_MON 6 5 5532 U9 7 -2dBu -14dBu 22uF C59 8 10K 3 2 R99 22.1K CR3 1 C87 22uF V+ 2 3 AGND CUE C72 10pF 20.0K CUEACN 1 5532 U9 R105 10 R104 47 CUE_OUT - SA UR US - Sergey Averin - APPROVALS NOTE: PHASE SYMBOLS DENOTE SIGNAL POLARITY IN PHASE AGND CUE AGND 4 OUT OF PHASE CHECKED AUDIOARTS O8 / Dec 2015 7 6 5 4 Mother Board Schematic - Sheet 7 of 9 3 600 Industrial Drive New Bern, NC 28562 DB ISSUED V- A DATE DRAWN AC/WWP 4-27-15 WWP W# 701064 8 MBA0-1 CONTRACT NO. R66 SIZE FSCM NO. SCALE 2 DWG. NO. D MBA0-1A PCB 22S1004 SHEET REV A 7 OF 9 1 page 4 - 9 7 6 5 4 AGND PGM1LTMON R131 10.0K 4 6 9 D CR12 A1 A2 10K A3 3 X-Y X INH Y S U20 4053 22uF C170 R212 10.0K 5 3 R272 10.0K 3 R293 40.2K 5 X Y 3.32K R294 C202 33pF 8 R300 40.2K 4 X-Y 6 INH U54 S 9 4053 R130 10.0K PGM1RTMON R129 10.0K 14 13 4 3 3 X-Y X 6 12 INH Y 11 S U20 4053 6 9 X-Y X INH Y S U19 4053 AGND 3 1 -2dBu 4 MON_LT_OUT D 2 V+ 5532 U30 R268 47 C301 10pF 2 EXTLTMON 1 3.32K R279 -14dBu C285 22uF 2 R301 10 1 5532 U53 -2dBu AGND V- 1 2 MONITOR X Y 5 MONITOR 8 15 X-Y 6 INH U54 S 10 4053 AGND -2dBu R277 40.2K -2dBu R200 10.0K C267 10pF C197 33pF R297 10.0K EXTRTMON R128 10.0K 14 8 13 X-Y X 12 INH Y 11 U19 S 4053 6 6 GND 5 5532 U30 7 R273 20.0K 22uF C169 1 3 AGND AGND C 3.32K R302 10K B3 B2 CR12 B1 C284 22uF AGND -14dBu R303 20.0K 4 6 R280 40.2K SW2 13 X 12 Y 2 5 3.32K R296 5 4 R278 10 7 5532 U53 AGND CUE MONITOR SPLIT V+ 6 14 X-Y 6 INH U54 S 11 4053 R267 47 MON_RT_OUT V- AGND C CUE_MON ONAIR_TALLY R275 88.7K C265 10pF 3.32K R324 R276 22.1K 3 R326 10.0K 5 X Y 3.32K R327 X-Y INH U63 S 4053 6 R349 10.0K 4 6 5 9 C338 33pF AGND -2dBu CR13 A1 A2 10K A3 2 3 1 5532 U62 -14dBu AGND R299 22.1K R298 88.7K 2 X Y C299 10pF 22uF C326 8 15 X-Y 6 INH U63 S 10 4053 HDPN_LT R270 332 C283 22uF AGND 1 R271 332 7 5532 U52 V+ 2 3 AGND HDPN R323 10.0K B 1 5532 U52 4 AGND HDPN R319 10.0K V- B C322 33pF -2dBu 3.32K R350 8 R337 10.0K 13 12 R325 10.0K 3.32K R336 R348 88.7K X Y 14 V+ C336 10pF 6 X-Y 6 INH U63 S 11 4053 5 GND AGND AGND 7 5532 U62 22uF C325 10K B3 B2 4 V- C324 22uF R347 22.1K 2 CR13 B1 3 AGND HDPN_RT R322 332 1 5532 U61 -14dBu AGND R320 22.1K R321 88.7K R318 332 C320 10pF 8 V+ 6 5 AGND A 7 5532 U61 4 V- MBA0-1 CONTRACT NO. - SA UR US - Sergey Averin - APPROVALS NOTE: PHASE SYMBOLS DENOTE SIGNAL POLARITY IN PHASE DATE DRAWN AC/WWP 4-27-15 OUT OF PHASE CHECKED WWP W# 701064 AUDIOARTS O8 / Dec 2015 7 6 5 4 Mother Board Schematic - Sheet 8 of 9 3 600 Industrial Drive New Bern, NC 28562 DB ISSUED 8 A SIZE FSCM NO. SCALE 2 DWG. NO. D MBA0-1A PCB 22S1004 SHEET REV A 8 OF 9 1 page 4 - 10 8 7 6 5 +3.3V 4 3 2 1 U3 2 OUT IN GND NCP1117 1 C17 22uF VCC 3 R21 53.6K C25 22uF C24 68pF D D L AGND R40 22.1K R20 3.92K C54 10uF 2 3 0.001uF AGND +3.3V +3.3V +3.3V R22 100 1 0.1uF 2 U1 DP DM VBUS 74LVC1G08 R3 13.3K 1.69K +3.3V 10uF R8 22 3 R25 R23 R18 1.69K 1.69K 1.69K AGND 4 V+ OPA2353 U2 V- OPA2353 U2 AGND +3.3V 2 1.0M 0.1uF U4 1 VBUS AGND R4 R9 22 DM R1 C27 4 AGND DP C5 AGND 3 AGND AGND USB_OUT_LT_HI C16 10uF +3.3V 8 5 C1 TS8L 1 OPA2353 U2 C15 4 5 6 AGND 7 C 8 9 10uF C26 10 11 12 13 14 C48 D+ DVBUS VDDI DGND DGNDU TEST1 HID0 TEST0 HID1 HID2 VCCXI AGNDX SEL0 XTI SEL1 XTO VCCCI VCCP2I AGNDC AGNDP VIN_L VCCP1I VIN_R VOUT_L VOUT_R VCOM PCM2900B 10uF AGND ______ 28 SSPND C3 10uF 27 C22 C21 C35 C34 10pF 10pF 10pF 10pF R19 53.6K C23 68pF Y1 26 _ E/D 25 R OUT AGND 12.000MHz 24 R68 22.1K C20 0.1uF 23 R15 3.92K 6 OPA2353 U2 C53 10uF C13 22 5 TS8R 7 R14 100 USB_OUT_RT_HI C4 10uF 0.001uF C 21 R26 1.0M 20 AGND C36 0.1uF 19 2 18 17 AGND OSCILATOR_12.000MHz GND Y1 AGND 16 15 R6 R5 C45 C14 3.3 3.3 0.1uF 10uF R38 11.0K C44 68pF AGND AGND AGND AGND AGND L 2 C49 10uF 1 OPA2353 U5 R37 100 R42 3.92K R41 11.0K R65 10K PGM1LTMON C60 10uF C50 3 0.001uF AGND B B R13 11.0K C46 68pF R 6 C47 10uF 7 OPA2353 U5 R64 100 R43 3.92K R12 11.0K R11 10K PGM1RTMON C12 10uF C28 5 0.001uF AGND +3.3V 8 4 V+ OPA2353 U5 V- OPA2353 U5 AGND A MBA0-1 CONTRACT NO. - SA UR US - Sergey Averin - APPROVALS DATE DRAWN AC/WWP 4-27-15 CHECKED WWP W# 701064 AUDIOARTS O8 / Dec 2015 7 6 5 4 Mother Board Schematic - Sheet 9 of 9 3 600 Industrial Drive New Bern, NC 28562 DB ISSUED 8 A SIZE FSCM NO. SCALE 2 DWG. NO. D MBA0-1A PCB 22S1004 SHEET REV A 9 OF 9 1 page 4 - 11 AUDIOARTS / Dec 2015 Mother Board Load Sheet page 4 – 12 AUDIOARTS / Dec 2015 Mother Board Load Sheet page 4 – 13 APPENDIX Appendix Contents Replacement Parts List..................................................................A-2 For the most part there are no user-replaceable parts in the AUDIOARTS 08 console. Exceptions are those controls and components that in the course of normal use may need maintenance (i.e., faders, pots, ON switches, etc.). A complete list of available components is shown on the next page. Contact Audioarts Engineering technical support for further information. Audioarts Engineering (600 Industrial Drive, New Bern, North Carolina, USA 28562) may be reached by phone at 252-638-7000, fax 252-637-1285, email “[email protected]”. AUDIOARTS 08 / Aug 2015 page Appendix – 1 APPENDIX REPLACEMENT PARTS - AUDIOARTS 08 CONSOLE COMPONENT DESCRIPTION WS P/N MB-08 LOADED CARD MOTHERBOARD LOADED CARD ASSEMBLY 011442 FADER LOW PROFILE TYPE N AUDIO FADER 540061 FADER KNOB BLACK FADER KNOB, 11mm FOR 3000 SERIES FADER 520001 FADER KNOB GREY FADER KNOB, 11mm FOR 3000 SERIES FADER 520004 FADER KNOB RED FADER KNOB, 11mm FOR 3000 SERIES FADER 520006 POT “CUE” 10K SINGLE LINEAR VERTICAL POT 500126 POT KNOB 15MM BLACK PUSH-ON KNOB FOR 6MM SHAFT FOR “CUE” POT 520125 POT CAP 11MM BLACK CAP W/LINE FOR 15MM “CUE” KNOB 530037 NKK SWITCH JB15 SWITCH W/BRIGHTER RED LED AND SILICON GASKET 510290 SWITCH SINGLE POLE MOMENTARY SWITCH W/YELLOW LED 510296 SWITCH CAP WHITE SWITCH CAP 530004 SWITCH CAP CUSTOM MILKY WHITE STYRENE WITH UV INHIBITOR LIGHT PIPE BUTTON 530274 CONNECTOR XLR FEMALE 260082 CONNECTOR XLR MALE 260091 CONNECTOR 4x2 STACKED R/A SHIELDED RJ-45 260086 CONNECTOR USB-B R/A SHIELDED RJ-45 260090 CONNECTOR 2x3 RCA JACK ASSEMBLY 260109 CONNECTOR POWER JACK DC R/A 260110 POWER SUPPLY 25W TRIPLE OUTPUT DESKTOP POWER SUPPLY 980038 POWER CONNECTOR R/A DIN RECEPTACLE 260071 POWER CORD 7 1/2” BLACK POWER CORD 150017 MANUAL TECHNICAL MANUAL FOR AUDIOARTS08 CONSOLE 011497 AUDIOARTS 08 / Aug 2015 page Appendix – 2
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