TC1000–TC1099 - Department of Transport and
TC1000–TC1099 - Department of Transport and
2400 R150 100 36 TAKE CARE High Accident Zone 1200 500 Next 18 100 Notes: 150DM 90 130ModE 50 130ModE 50 130ModE 120 120ModE/90LC km 130 100 686 Y B D E D E 9 S 5 R 5 E P 1 U C T S 1. * Insert appropriate distance. 2. Application restricted to sections of road where crash rate exceeds the ‘Critical Crash Rate’. Colour Legend Retroreflective red (background) Retroreflective white (legend and border) WARNING SIGN “TAKE CARE HIGH ACCIDENT ZONE NEXT ... km” Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 02/98 Checked JD 10/03 Scale Not to Scale ORIGINAL APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 06/10/03 Date TC1000 A B GREEN ROUTE 50* White rectangular overlay Green letters - centre letters in panel GREEN ROUTE B E 70 E H 420 L & RID I A US T U RO TC9811 350 50* H White rectangular overlay Red letters - centre letters in panel RED ROUTE B Notes: 1. Base material Simona PVC plastic 6mm thick. 2. Sheeting - retroreflective Class 2. 3. Centre overlay on sign panel. E RED ROUTE E 70 L & RID I A US T U RO TC9811 * Swiss721 Cn BT Bold Italic OVERLAY FOR TC9811 (HAIL & RIDE BUS ROUTE DIRECTION MARKER) Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 2/98 Checked LD 2/98 Scale Not to Scale ORIGINAL APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 25/2/98 Date TC1001 A 68 60 B E Notes: 1. Base material Simona PVC plastic 6mm thick. 2. Sheeting - retroreflective Class 2. 3. Centre overlay with arrow on panel. 4. Change direction of arrow as appropriate. L & RID I A E H White circle overlay (ø = 80) Green or red arrow - centre arrow in the circle US T U RO TC9812 OVERLAY FOR TC9812 (HAIL & RIDE BUS ROUTE DIRECTION MARKER) Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 2/98 Checked LD 2/98 Scale Not to Scale ORIGINAL APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 25/2/98 Date TC1002 A 900 80 MOBILE LINEMARKING 55 110CN SU PE RS T1 E -Q DE D 09 B Y 600 110DM 55 AHEAD 25 110DM 80 Colour Legend Black (legend and border) Retroreflective yellow (background) TEMPORARY SIGN “MOBILE LINEMARKING AHEAD” Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 3/98 Checked RG 3/98 Scale Not to scale ORIGINAL APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 09/03/98 Date TC1003 A a r u d b KEPERRA STATION o VIA KIRWAN ST o q o p m n m P e c f g h s t k u l l f Example LEFT s a c d e f h m n o p q t r u g l k b A 1800 1200 16 32 275 200 313 445 300 201 78 16 120DN 88 60 240 300EM 110 150 B 2400 1600 20 40 385 267 417 593 400 268 104 20 160DN 118 80 320 400EM 147 200 Notes Colour Legend Retroreflective blue (background) 1. For details of the train symbol refer SQ01. Retroreflective white (legend and border) 2. For exceptional circumstances special sign face design shall be sought. DIRECTION SIGN FOR CAR/RAIL INTERMODAL FACILITIES Department of Transport and Main Roads Infrastructure Management & Delivery Division Designed RH 03/98 Checked PI 03/98 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 5/01/16 Date TC1005 Page 1 of 2 A B a r u d KEPERRA STATION o q o p VIA KIRWAN ST o m n m k b P t u f l l e c h s g f Example RIGHT s a c d e f h m n o p q t r u g l k b A 1800 1200 16 32 275 200 313 445 300 201 78 16 120DN 88 60 240 300EM 110 150 B 2400 1600 20 40 385 267 417 593 400 268 104 20 160DN 118 80 320 400EM 147 200 Notes Colour Legend Retroreflective blue (background) 1. For details of the train symbol refer SQ01. Retroreflective white (legend and border) 2. For exceptional circumstances special sign face design shall be sought. DIRECTION SIGN FOR CAR/RAIL INTERMODAL FACILITIES Department of Transport and Main Roads Infrastructure Management & Delivery Division Designed RH 03/98 Checked PI 03/98 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 5/01/16 Date TC1005 Page 2 of 2 A B a r l d b KEPERRA STATION o VIA KIRWAN ST o q o p m n m P t c e l k l j Example a b c d e h A 1800 1200 16 32 240 400 B 2400 1600 20 40 320 503 n o p q t r j k l m 201 300 110 78 16 120DN 88 60 300EM 150 400 400 150 100 20 160DN 120 80 400EM 200 Notes Colour Legend Retroreflective blue (background) 1. For details of the train symbol refer SQ01. Retroreflective white (legend and border) 2. For exceptional circumstances special sign face design shall be sought. POSITION SIGN FOR CAR/RAIL INTERMODAL FACILITIES Department of Transport and Main Roads Infrastructure Management & Delivery Division Designed RH 03/98 Checked PI 03/98 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 5/01/16 Date TC1006 A B 2400 R150 126 WACOL STATION 1000 160DN 94 32 78 P 400EM 32 320 146 400 110 268 Example City 2 BRISBANE AIRPORT PROGRESS RD WACOL STN RD 30 SERVICE RD WACOL STATION P 400 m Notes Colour Legend Retroreflective blue (background) 1. For details of the train symbol refer SQ01. Retroreflective white (legend and border) 2. Text on the sign is only typical example. Prior approval shall be obtained from the relevant authorities to include train station direction plate in the direction signs TRAIN STATION DIRECTION PLATE FOR CAR/RAIL INTERMODAL FACILITIES Department of Transport and Main Roads Infrastructure Management & Delivery Division Designed RH 03/98 Checked PI 03/98 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 5/01/16 Date TC1007 A B 750 R50 70 10 WATER 40 OVER ROAD 60DM WHILE LIGHTS 60DM ARE FLASHING 60DM 500 30 80EM 35 35 60 Note: 1. This sign shall be used to indicate that the road is trafficable with care although there is water over the road. 2. This warning sign is to be erected as a supplementary plate to W5-7B. Retroreflective yellow Black WARNING SIGN “WATER OVER ROAD WHILE LIGHTS ARE FLASHING” Infrastructure Management & Delivery Division Designed RH 3/98 Checked RG 3/98 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN ACTING PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 21/03/13 Date TC1008 A B 1500 100 587 119 126 109 100 359 R175 100 180 50 REDUCE SPEED Legend as per G9-9A 200EM 90 200EM 175 NEXT 2 km 2200 Hinge Line 180DM/ 135LC 75 100 110 WATER 180EM 90 OVER T2-13B 1100 90 ROAD 160EM 85 25 100 25 150 To staple and slot in lowered position 160EM 150 HINGED FLAP IN RAISED POSITION Colour Legend Black Retroreflective red Retroreflective yellow Retroreflective white Notes: 1.This sign shall be used to indicate that the road is trafficable with care although there is water over the road. 2. Horizontal centre line to indicate location of suitable hinge for flap. 3. Cut slots in flap and fit corresponding staples in sign to padlock flap in both raised and lowered positions. SPECIAL REDUCE SPEED WARNING SIGN “WATER OVER ROAD” Infrastructure Management & Delivery Division Designed RH 3/98 Checked R G 3/98 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN ACTING PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 22/03/13 Date TC1009 A B a r n c CARE FOR OUR m k WILDLIFE h b g f d e o a b c d e f g h k m n o r SIZE A 750 600 10 15 60 220 77 90CM 43 60CM 50 500 100 SIZE B 900 700 20 30 65 264 81 110CM 50 70CM 60 600 125 Note: Image is available from Transport and Main Roads, Email:- [email protected]. Colour Legend Retroreflective white Retroreflective green WILDLIFE SIGN “DUCKS” Department of Transport and Main Roads Infrastructure Management & Delivery Division Designed TV 12/05 Checked KB 01/06 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN ACTING PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 01/04/14 Date TC1011 A B C 1900 R175 30 130 UNSUITABLE LEFT 120DN TURN AHEAD ONTO 120DN LAKES CREEK ROAD 120DN OVERSIZED VEHICLES 120DN 1350 95 93 20 92 95 DETOUR 165 Colour Legend 95 120EN 130 10 Black 500 188 500 Retroreflective white Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 4/98 Checked JD 4/98 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 20/04/98 Date ADVANCED DETOUR SIGN TC1014 "UNSUITABLE LEFT TURN AHEAD ONTO LAKES CREEK ROAD OVERSIZED VEHICLES DETOUR" A a r f OVERHEAD b d e c WIRES b x x SIZE A SIZE B a b c 600 100CN 80 750 125CN 100 r d e f 20 105 240 25 25 131 300 50 ** TC1016 * OVERHEAD OVERHEAD WIRES WIRES BOATS CLEARANCE LOWER MASTS 4.6 m TC2020 Examples of use Colour Legend Retroreflective yellow Black Notes: 1. This sign may be installed in advance of overhead wires transversing a roadway, waterway or thoroughfare. 2. * Where a clearance height may be required to be shown, refer to supplementary plate TC2020. See example. 3. ** At locations where boat masts are at risk of touching overhead wires, refer to TC1016. See example. WARNING SIGN "OVERHEAD WIRES" Department of Transport and Main Roads Infrastructure Management & Delivery Division Designed TV 2/14 Checked DJ 2/14 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 17/02/14 Date TC1015 A B a r h d BOATS f g LOWER b c SIZE A SIZE B f g MASTS a b 650 550 800 700 c 8 10 g h d e f 24 75 100DM 50 75 30 97 125DM 65 98 f e r 50 75 OVERHEAD TC1015 WIRES BOATS LOWER MASTS Example Colour Legend Retroreflective yellow Note: 1. To be erected under the sign TC1015. See example Black SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE “BOATS LOWER MASTS” Department of Transport and Main Roads Infrastructure Management & Delivery Division Designed RH 04/98 Checked RG 04/98 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 17/02/14 Date TC1016 A B 75 0 RIGHT LANE ENDS 117EN 50 50 117EN 50 10 20 117EN Colour Legend Black (legend and border) Retroreflective yellow (background) WARNING SIGN “RIGHT LANE ENDS” Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 04/98 Checked SR 4/98 Scale Not to Scale ORIGINAL APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 23/04/98 Date TC1017 A 750 R50 94 AFTER TURNING 30 500 10 125CM 62 125CM 94 Note: Sign is to be erected under sign TC1017. TC1017 Colour Legend RIGHT LANE ENDS Black (legend and border) TC1018 Retroreflective yellow (background) AFTER TURNING SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE “AFTER TURNING” Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 04/98 Checked SR 4/98 Scale Not to Scale ORIGINAL APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 23/04/98 Date TC1018 A 450 R50 38 24 400 348 750 14 50 350 8 UNDERPASS SUBJECT TO FLOODING 60CN 30 60BM 30 60BM 60 Note For use on bikepaths only. Colour Legend Retroreflective white (top panel symbol and border and bottom panel background) Retroreflective blue (top panel background and bottom panel legend and border) WARNING SIGN “UNDERPASS SUBJECT TO FLOODING” Road Safety & Systems Management Division ORIGINAL APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN Road Safety Unit Designed RH 4/98 Checked RG 4/98 Scale Not to Scale PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 14/05/12 Date TC1019 A B a r e BUSES AND f CONSTRUCTION k VEHICLES h EXCEPTED f d b c SIZE A SIZE B a 450 600 b 450 600 c 6 8 Colour Legend d 18 24 e 45 60 i i g e f h k g i r 60DN 40 60CN 40 60BN 45 80DN 54 80CN 53 80BN 60 BUSES AND BUSES AND CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION VEHICLES VEHICLES EXCEPTED EXCEPTED Note: Black (legend and border) Retroreflective white (ground) 1. Should only be used with R2-4, R2-5 and R2-6 signs. 2. For only construction vehicles option refer to page 2. SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE “BUSES AND CONSTRUCTION VEHICLES EXCEPTED” Department of Transport and Main Roads Infrastructure Management & Delivery Division Designed RH 05/98 Checked AP 05/98 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 10/09/15 Date TC1020_1 Page 1 of 2 A B C a r e d CONSTRUCTION k VEHICLES h EXCEPTED f b c SIZE A SIZE B SIZE C SIZE D a 450 600 750 900 b c 350 6 450 8 560 15 700 12 d 18 24 30 36 e 45 55 68 90 f 60DN 80DN 100DN 120DN g 40 50 62 80 g g e h k 60CN 60BN 80CN 80BN 100CN 100BN 120CN 120BN r 45 60 75 100 CONSTRUCTION Colour Legend CONSTRUCTION VEHICLES VEHICLES EXCEPTED EXCEPTED Note: Black (legend and border) Retroreflective white (ground) 1. Should only be used with R2-4, R2-5 and R2-6 signs. See examples. 2. For buses and construction vehicle option refer to page 1. SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE “CONSTRUCTION VEHICLES EXCEPTED” Department of Transport and Main Roads Infrastructure Management & Delivery Division Designed TV 9/15 Checked DJ 9/15 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 10/09/15 Date TC1020_2 Page 2 of 2 A B C Pantone 280C or equivalent in translucent film on retroreflective white Pantone 348C or equivalent in translucent film on retroreflective white Retroreflective white Pantone 123C or equivalent in translucent film on retroreflective white Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 5/98 Checked PI 5/98 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 06/05/98 Date PACIFIC MOTORWAY LOGO TC1021 A 600 Target board (retroreflective white) 550 600 20 96 20 250 R25 50 140DN (2 letters)/ 140EM (1 letter) 70 450 140EN 50 450 R50 Example Notes: * Insert appropriate letter(s). ** Insert appropriate number(s). For details of Pacific Mwy logo refer to TC1021. GC 46 Colour Legend Retroreflective white (kilometre plate legend) Retroreflective green (kilometre plate ground) KILOMETRE POST ON TARGET BOARD Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 5/98 Checked AP 5/98 Scale Not to Scale ORIGINAL APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 7/5/98 Date TC1022 A 900 115 300 70 300 115 50 200 45 RACING AHEAD 100EM 40 100EM 30 25 Sign 1 750 50 60DN 32 8 600 750 CYCLISTS AHEAD 150 50 60CN 32 8 CYCLISTS FOLLOWING Sign 2 150 Sign 3 Note: Sign 1 to be used on the roadside, Signs 2 and 3 on the following and leading vehicles respectively. Colour Legend Black (legend and border) Retroreflective yellow (background) TEMPORARY WARNING SIGNS “CYCLE RACING AHEAD” Planning, Design and Operations Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 05/98 Checked DJ 06/07 Scale Not to Scale ORIGINAL APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 13/06/07 Date TC1023 A B 90 R20 9.5 CROSS 13.5** 5 9.5*** 5 W I T H 62 CARE 2 13.5** 6 2 4 5 38 67.5 5 Y B D E D E S 0 R E -Q1 P SU G9 5 6.5* 2 4 3 5.5 DO NOT CROSS Colour Legend 2 White background Black border CROSS W I T H CARE 300 PMS 348 green Black 72.5 PMS 032 red Black 5.5 2.5 6.5* 3 6.5* 3 2 4 1.5 START TO CROSS WITH CARE PMS 032 red 2 DO NOT CROSS 37 Black PMS 348 green 44 Black START TO CROSS WITH CARE 90 Black FLASHING PMS 032 red PMS 032 red Black PMS 032 red FLASHING COMPLETE CROSSING DO NOT START TO CROSS 2 COMPLETE CROSSING DO NOT START TO CROSS 3 3.5*1.5 4.5 6.5* 3 6.5* 3 6.5* 2.5 Black Notes: * Arial Bold. ** Arial Narrow Bold with character spacing 120% of space width. *** Arial Normal with character spacing 120% of space width. 1. Screen printing using polyscreen inks, clear coated. 2. Material is adhesive 3M scotch CAL or equivalent with a minimum expected life of 5 years in outdoor applications. 3. Label to be positioned facing the standing pedestrian, 50 mm above the top level of pedestrian push button. ‘CROSS WITH CARE’ TRAFFIC SIGNAL PEDESTAL ADHESIVE LABEL Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 05/98 Checked JD 09/98 Scale Not to Scale ORIGINAL APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 26/5/98 Date TC1024 A B C D E 900 50 25 ACCIDENT AHEAD MERGE RIGHT LEFT 100DM 25 100DM 25 100DM 30 55 55 30 30 ACCIDENT AHEAD MERGE RIGHT LEFT 30 72 348 600 100DM 65 90 360 900 50 ACCIDENT AHEAD MERGE RIGHT LEFT 100DM 25 100DM 25 100DM 35 ACCIDENT AHEAD MERGE RIGHT LEFT 100DN 40 25 Colour Legend Black (legend, arrow and border) Retroreflective yellow (background) 90 360 348 600 85 55 30 30 72 30 Notes: 1. Arrow to be removable so it can be pointed both ways and covers LEFT/RIGHT as required. 2. Sign to be used in conjunction with fire appliances’ revolving lights, traffic cones, flashing lamps. QUEENSLAND FIRE SERVICE TEMPORARY WARNING SIGN “ACCIDENT AHEAD MERGE LEFT/RIGHT” Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 05/98 Checked JD 05/98 Scale Not to Scale ORIGINAL APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 26/5/98 Date TC1025 A a r e WHEN LIGHTS FLASHING d b c a b h g h g f e c d e f g h r 23 90CM 40 TC1026A 600 400 8 24 42 90CN TC1026B 750 500 10 30 52 112CN 30 112CM 50 Colour Legend Black (legend and border) Retroreflective yellow (background) SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE “WHEN LIGHTS FLASHING” Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 5/98 Checked JD 5/98 Scale Not to Scale ORIGINAL APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 28/5/98 Date TC1026 A 8 60 0 24 438 426 Colour Legend Note: Black (legend and border) Retroreflective yellow (background) Sign may be installed in the vicinity of facilities which are accessed by numbers of wheel chair bound clients, particularly where road crossings are involved or licenced electric wheel chairs travel within the carriageway. WARNING SIGN “ACCESS FOR DISABLED” Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 6/98 Checked JS 6/98 Scale Not to Scale ORIGINAL APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 1/6/98 Date TC1027 A a r g d Standard warning plate as required (e.g. W2-1, W2-3, W3-2 etc.) b c REDUCE SPEED f e f e a b c d e f g r TC1028A 1000 1300 12 24 60 120EM 75 125 TC1028B 1250 1600 18 36 75 150EM 94 150 TC1028C 1500 1950 24 48 90 180EM 112 175 TC1028D 2000 2600 30 60 120 240EM 150 250 Colour Legend Retroreflective red (background) Retroreflective white (legend and border) SPECIAL WARNING SIGN "REDUCE SPEED" Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 6/98 Checked JD 6/98 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 15/06/98 Date TC1028 A B a c c l c k c m e n o b AHEAD f REDUCE f SPEED f g e c p f q c a TC9957A 1200 TC9957B 1800 DRIVE SAFELY b 900 1350 c 25 25 d 288 438 e 143 221 f 100DM 150DM g 76 120 k l 562 440 862 660 m 85 126 n 295 443 d p 503 755 q 106 160 Colour Legend Blue (bottom panel background) Yellow (top left panel background) Red (top right panel background) Black (top left panel legend and border) White (top right and bottom panels legend) Note: Use retroreflective material for night application. MULTI-MESSAGE SIGN “CYCLISTS AHEAD REDUCE SPEED DRIVE SAFELY” Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 6/98 Checked JD 6/98 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 6/98 Date TC1029 A a r e d SPEED CAMERAS h ARE IN USE ON h THE TOOWOOMBA RANGE f b c TC1030A TC1030B a b 2400 1000 3600 1500 c 12 16 d 36 48 e 140 210 f 160CN 240CN g 120 180 h 160DN 240DN g g e r 125 175 Colour Legend Black (legend and border) Retroreflective white (background) INFORMATION SIGN “SPEED CAMERAS ARE IN USE ON THE TOOWOOMBA RANGE” Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 7/98 Checked JS 7/98 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 9/7/98 Date TC1030 A 145 R80 240 20 00 12 R20 100 800 R50 150 16 32 110 167 367 R80 TC1032_1R 12 00 300 16 32 367 Colour Legend Black 300 Retroreflective yellow TC1032_1L SPECIFIC HAZARD WARNING SIGN “CHICANE SIGN - TWO LANE” Road Safety and Systems Management Division Road Safety Unit Designed RH 7/98 Checked JD 7/98 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 10/02/11 Date TC 1032_1 Left/Right A B 130 R80 216 18 12 00 R18 90 720 384 R45 135 16 99 32 336 150 R80 25 422 503 00 12 TC1032_2R 384 16 32 336 Colour Legend Black 503 Retroreflective yellow 25 422 TC1032_2L SPECIFIC HAZARD WARNING SIGN “CHICANE SIGN - THREE LANE” Road Safety and Systems Management Division Road Safety Unit Designed RH 7/98 Checked JD 7/98 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 10/02/11 Date TC 1032_2 Left/Right A B r a f b c e d e a b c d SIZE B 750 10 20 608 SIZE C 900 12 24 729 140 225 40 168 271 50 SIZE D 1200 16 32 972 224 361 60 Colour Legend Black Retroreflective yellow f r Notes: 1. For use on multi-lane carriageways in advance of narrowings resulting from the use of temporary portable concrete barriers (for roadworks purposes). 2. For optional two lane and three lane options refer to pages 2 and 3. SPECIAL HAZARD WARNING SIGN “NARROW SHOULDERS” TWO LANES Department of Transport and Main Roads Infrastructure Management & Delivery Division Designed RH 7/98 Checked JD 2/02 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN ACTING PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 10/10/14 Date TC1033_1 Page 1 of 3 A B C R80 a f b c e d a b c d e SIZE B 750 10 20 6750 84 SIZE C 900 12 24 810 SIZE D 1200 16 32 1080 134 210 60 Colour Legend Black Retroreflective yellow f r 131 40 100 158 50 Notes: 1. For use on multi-lane carriageways in advance of narrowings resulting from the use of temporary portable concrete barriers (for roadworks purposes). 2. For optional two lane and three lane options refer to pages 1 and 3. SPECIAL HAZARD WARNING SIGN “NARROW SHOULDERS” TWO LANES Department of Transport and Main Roads Infrastructure Management & Delivery Division Designed TV 10/14 Checked DJ 10/14 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN ACTING PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 10/10/14 Date TC1033_2 Page 2 of 3 A B C r a f b c e d a b c d e f r SIZE B 750 10 20 6750 84 91 40 SIZE C 900 12 24 SIZE D 1200 16 32 100 110 50 1080 134 146 60 Colour Legend Black Retroreflective yellow 810 Notes: 1. For use on multi-lane carriageways in advance of narrowings resulting from the use of temporary portable concrete barriers (for roadworks purposes). 2. For two lane options refer to pages 1 and 2 SPECIAL HAZARD WARNING SIGN “NARROW SHOULDERS” THREE LANES Department of Transport and Main Roads Infrastructure Management & Delivery Division Designed TV 10/14 Checked DJ 10/14 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN ACTING PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 10/10/14 Date TC1033_3 Page 3 of 3 A B C 3600 120 258 182 R250 45 150 PACIFIC MOTORWAY CONSTRUCTION 180 130 180 260 1460 REDUCED SPEED LIMITS NEXT 43 km 2000 160 140 160 190 45 140 CAMERA ENFORCEMENT 450 170 140 Notes: Colour Legend Black (“REDUCED SPEED LIMITS NEXT 43 km”) Retroreflective white (bottom panel legend) Retroreflective yellow (top panel ground) Retroreflective red (bottom panel ground) Retroreflective blue (“PACIFIC MOTORWAY CONSTRUCTION”) 1. “PACIFIC MOTORWAY CONSTRUCTION” to be Futura Md BT bold or equivalent with character spacing 20% and word spacing 200% of space width. 2. “REDUCED SPEED LIMITS NEXT 43 km” to be Helvetica bold or equivalent with character spacing 20% and word spacing 200% of space width. 3. Dimensions in millimetres. 4. For detail of Pacific Mwy logo refer TC1021. PACIFIC MOTORWAY CONSTRUCTION ‘THRESHOLD’ SIGN Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 7/98 Checked JD 7/98 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 9/7/98 Date TC1034 A 3000 150 194 170 R200 60 120 PACIFIC MOTORWAY CONSTRUCTION 1110 150 110 150 190 PLEASE OBSERVE SPEED LIMITS 1600 140 110 140 120 60 115 CAMERA ENFORCEMENT 370 140 115 Notes: Colour Legend Black (“PLEASE OBSERVE SPEED LIMITS”) Retroreflective white (bottom panel legend) Retroreflective yellow (top panel ground) Retroreflective red (bottom panel ground) Retroreflective blue (“PACIFIC MOTORWAY CONSTRUCTION”) 1. “PACIFIC MOTORWAY CONSTRUCTION” to be Futura Md BT bold or equivalent with character spacing 20% and word spacing 200% of space width. 2. “PLEASE OBSERVE SPEED LIMITS” to be Helvetica bold or equivalent with character spacing 20% and word spacing 200% of space width. 3. Dimensions in millimetres. 4. For detail of Pacific Mwy logo refer TC1021. PACIFIC MOTORWAY CONSTRUCTION ‘REMINDER’ SIGN Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 7/98 Checked JD 7/98 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 9/7/98 Date TC1035 A 1600 R175 135 48 CAUTION 402 180EM 24 1400 181 CANE TRUCKS 140DM CROSSING 140DM 70 974 89 200 70 24 19 METRES LONG 100DM 95 Colour Legend Black Retroreflective yellow Retroreflective white WARNING SIGN “CAUTION CANE TRUCKS CROSSING 19 METRES LONG” Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 7/98 Checked JD 7/98 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 13/7/98 Date TC1036 A a b r a b 45° f e g r2 g r1 c d Colour Legend a TC1037A 450 TC1037B 600 TC1037C 750 Black Retroreflective red b 5 6 7 c 170 227 284 r1 r2 r d g e f 230 19 38 205 45 220 183 306 25 50 273 60 293 244 382 31 62 341 75 366 305 Retroreflective white INSTRUCTION SIGN “WHEELED RECREATIONAL DEVICES AND WHEELED TOYS PROHIBITED” Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 3/99 Checked JD 3/99 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 2/3/99 Date TC1037 A B a b r a b a TC1038A 450 TC1038B 600 TC1038C 750 f 45° e r1 r2 b c d e f r 5 150 109 19 38 45 220 183 6 200 146 25 50 60 294 244 7 267 182 31 62 75 368 305 d d r2 r1 c c Colour Legend Black Retroreflective red Retroreflective white INSTRUCTION SIGN "HORSES PROHIBITED" Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 7/98 Checked JD 7/98 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 15/7/98 Date TC1038 A 1600 R150 115 48 EMERGENCY 160DN 110 STOPPING 1200 160DN 110 BAY AHEAD 160DN 110 m 24 160DN/ 120LC 115 Colour Legend Retroreflective white Retroreflective blue FREEWAY GUIDE SIGN "EMERGENCY STOPPING BAY AHEAD ...m" Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 7/98 Checked JD 7/98 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 16/7/98 Date TC1039 A 1500 R125 115 24 EMERGENCY STOPPING 1000 160DN 80 160DN 125 BAY 345 TC1040L 160DN 152 110 48 110 345 1500 R125 115 EMERGENCY STOPPING 160DN 80 TC1040R 24 160DN 125 1000 BAY 160DN 152 345 110 48 345 181 110 R9 Colour Legend 76 210 Retroreflective white 16 Retroreflective blue 450 FREEWAY GUIDE SIGN "EMERGENCY STOPPING BAY" Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 7/98 Checked JD 7/98 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 16/7/98 Date TC1040 Left/Right A 225 25 S 450 140 32 BROKEN DOWN 25CN VEHICLE 25CN EXCEPTED PHONE 3834 2660 FOR ASSISTANCE 15 15 25CN 15 25BN 15 25BN 24 32 12 155 Colour Legend Black (legend) Notes: Red (annulus, slash and arrow) 1. For detail of symbol refer to R5-35 (AS1743). White (background) 2. For detail of arrow refer to R5-45 (AS1743). REGULATORY SIGN “NO STANDING ZONE, BROKEN DOWN VEHICLE EXCEPTED PHONE ... FOR ASSISTANCE" Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 7/98 Checked JD 7/98 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 17/7/98 Date TC1041 A a m n r n m m m b l Police k* h m d n f c c a g* m r c e n TC1042L m m Notes: 1. AS1743 standard ‘short’ arrow (left/right) 2. * Helvetica extra bold or equivalent. 3. Sign face design reflects practice now adopted in a number of Australian States. Legibility largely relies upon recognition of the blue and white ‘checker’ graphic. Supplementary text will only be legible in close proximity to sign (40-50m). m b l Police k* h m g* f Colour Legend d c c 3M Scotchlite blue 580-75 (background) e c TC1042R Retroreflective white (legend and symbols) Size a b c d e f g* h k* l m n r A 400 500 88 30 100 48 53/40 54 72 45 56 60 50 B 600 750 132 45 150 72 80/60 81 108 67 84 90 75 C 800 1000 176 60 200 96 106/80 108 144 90 112 120 100 POLICE COMMUNITY FACILITY NAME SIGN Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 7/98 Checked JD 7/98 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 30/7/98 Date TC1042 Left/Right A B a r e d PERMITTED IN l BUS LANE l g . BUSES h . TAXIS b k h . LIMOUSINES k h . EMERGENCY VEHICLES . BICYCLES ONLY c a b TC1044A 1100 1200 TC1044B 1650 1800 c 10 15 m k h k h g f e f l m r k e g h d 30 80 100DM 65 80CN 40 100DN 50 125 45 120 150DM 98 120CN 60 150DN 74 150 Colour Legend Black Retroreflective white BUS LANE PERMISSION SIGN Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 8/98 Checked JD 8/98 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 17/8/98 Date TC1044 A Colour Legend Black (“PACIFIC MOTORWAY” and numeral panel ground) Class 2 retroreflective white (aluminium sign ground, vertical lines and numerals) Class 2 retroreflective blue (“CREATING JOBS FOR QUEENSLAND”) Class 2 retroreflective green (“JOBS METER FOR THE” and Panel 1 ground ) Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 8/98 Checked JD 8/98 Scale Not to Scale Notes 1. “Creating Jobs For Queensland” to be Helvetica bold-italic or equivalent with character spacing 20% and word spacing 130% of the space width. 2. “PACIFIC MOTORWAY” to be Helvetica bold or equivalent with character spacing 10% and word spacing 150% of the space width. 3. “JOBS METER FOR THE” to be Helvetica bold or equivalent with character spacing 75% and word spacing 450% of the space width. 4. Numerals 0 to 9 to be Square 721 DM or equivalent. Refer pages 2 and 3 for details. 5. Greyscale band 100%-50%-100%. 6. For detail and colour legend of Pacific Mwy logo refer TC1021. 7. Plates to be fastened by staple and padlock. APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 27/08/98 Date JOBS METER FOR THE PACIFIC MOTORWAY TC1045 Page 1 of 3 A B “Number 1” Panel Detail Right Panel Detail Variable Panel Detail 500 500 500 70 120 1.6 mm Aluminium 120 202 280 700 280 137 560 Eight holes to be determined to clear sign rails 700 221 70 Connection Detail Standard staple from hasp & staple assembly available commercially eg. Blackwoods Nut Countersunk screw Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 8/98 Checked JD 8/98 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 27/08/98 Date JOBS METER FOR THE PACIFIC MOTORWAY TC1045 Page 2 of 3 A B Numerals Details 0 2345 6 789 Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 8/98 Checked JD 8/98 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 27/08/98 Date JOBS METER FOR THE PACIFIC MOTORWAY TC1045 Page 3 of 3 A B 300 150 150 R30 187 BY 375 12 12 SU PE 12 RS E T5 D E -5 D 188 Application: Approved as a supplement to plastic barrels for lane closure purposes in accordance with Special Conditions of Contract - Traffic Management (Construction), Pacific Motorway Project (connection details to be determined by Contractors). Colour Legend Black 3M “VIP” retroreflective yellow CHEVRON ALIGNMENT MARKER (SMALLER) Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 9/98 Checked JD 9/98 Scale Not to scale ORIGINAL APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 8/9/98 Date TC1046 A D E T E L E D 4 1 / 0 1 TC 1047 450 R45 60 24 180 10 600 180 60 8 ON FOOTPATH 50CN 60 Notes: 1. Installation criteria is provided in Note 1.11 of the TRUM Manual. 2. Sign elements can be deleted in circumstances where not all devices are prohibited. 3. A Time of Operation supplementary plate (R9-1) may be used. Colour Legend Retroreflective white (background) Retroreflective red (annulus and slash) Black (legend and symbols) INSTRUCTION SIGN “CYCLING, WHEELED RECREATIONAL DEVICES AND WHEELED TOYS PROHIBITED” Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 9/98 Checked JD 9/02 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 10/09/02 Date TC1050 A B C D 2200 Modified W2-8D (1200 x 1200) R275 130 48 1630 96 2700 90 80 ARBOR TEN RD 160DM 80 80 80 300 m ON RIGHT 24 125 1950 Colour Legend 160DM 80 130 125 Note Application of this sign to be restricted to those locations where a higher impact device is warranted. Black Class 1 white Class 1 yellow Class 1 standard green SPECIAL ADVANCE SIDE ROAD WARNING SIGN Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 9/98 Checked JD 03/05 Scale Not to Scale ORIGINAL APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 31/03/05 Date TC1051 A B a r1 c IN QUEENSLAND r2 u b m 50 IN BUILT-UP AREAS s p 100 IN RURAL AREAS s h g UNLESS SIGNED OTHERWISE q d h k D EL 4/ E 20 TE 16 D t v o n f e r2 r1 e a n s t o u b p v c d q f h k m g TC1052A 2000 1100 18 36 80 120CN 120 130CN 180 160 120EN 60 834 250 270 40 120DN 120CN 150 25 TC1052B 2600 1400 24 48 90 160CN 150 170CN 230 200 160EN 70 1084 325 350 52 160DN 160CN 175 30 TC1052C 3900 2100 36 72 135 240CN 225 255CN 345 300 240EN 105 1626 487 525 78 240DN 240CN 250 45 Note: This sign may only to be located on roads entering Queensland (i.e. border crossings) or roads exiting airports and seaports. The use of this sign in other locations is not permitted without the prior written permission of the Chief Executive. Colour Legend Black (bottom panel legend) Diamond grade fluoresecent lime yellow (top panel legend) Class 1 retroreflective red (top panel background and inside border) Retroreflective white (bottom panel background and outside border) PERIMETER SIGN TYPE 1 “MAJOR ENTRY POINTS” Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 10/98 Checked KB 01/03 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 30/01/03 Date TC1052 F G a r1 s q IN QUEENSLAND c r2 50 p u o n m g UNLESS f g SIGNED f g OTHERWISE f e D EL 4/ E 20 TE 16 D b IN BUILT-UP AREAS v m h d TC1053A TC1053B a 900 1200 b 1500 2000 c 10 12 d 30 36 g m o f h n q s u v r1 r2 e p 90CM 60 90 120CN 70 330 100 90CN 50 150DN 1280 100 65 80 100 120CM 80 120 160CN 100 440 140 120CN 60 200DN 1700 150 85 Note: This sign may only to be located on roads entering Queensland (i.e. border crossings) or roads exiting airports and seaports. The use of this sign in other locations is not permitted without the prior written permission of the Chief Executive. Colour Legend Black (bottom panel legend) Diamond grade fluoresecent lime yellow (top panel legend) Class 1 retroreflective red (top panel background and inside border) Retroreflective white (bottom panel background and outside border) PERIMETER SIGN TYPE 2 “MINOR ENTRY POINTS” Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 10/98 Checked KB 01/03 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 30/01/03 Date TC1053 F 600 R50 24 450 320 220 12 35 256 250 50 TC1056 (RIGHT) 600 R50 24 450 220 320 12 50 250 256 35 TC1056 (LEFT) Colour Legend Class 1 retroreflective white (symbol) Class 1 retroreflective blue (background) GUIDE SIGN “EMERGENCY TELEPHONE (Left/Right)” Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 10/98 Checked DS 10/98 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 26/10/98 Date TC1056 A a r q MORETON ISLAND d MAXIMUM SPEED LIMIT b p o n g m g m g h 60 c a b c TC1057A 1900 1900 12 TC1057B 2850 2850 18 UNLESS OTHERWISE SIGNED k h g f g f e d e f h k m n o p q r g 36 100 160CN 70 120 200DN 160DN 24 76 140DN 130 175 54 150 240CN 105 180 300DN 240DN 36 114 210DN 195 275 Colour Legend Black (legend and border) Retroreflective red (symbol) Retroreflective white (background) SPEED LIMIT AREA SIGN Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 11/98 Checked DS 11/98 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 2/11/98 Date TC1057 A 900 400 Holes for padlock* 25 25 500 Hinge Line 1000 25 45 PREPARE 25 110DM 65 TO STOP 110DM 70 HINGED FLAP IN RAISED POSITION Notes: Colour Legend Black (border and top panel legend) Retroreflective white (bottom panel legend) Retroreflective red (bottom panel background) Retroreflective fluorescent orange (top panel background) 1. To be used only at railway level crossing with accredited traffic controller in attendance. 2. Broken horizontal line indicates location of suitable hinge. 3. * The number and position of padlock holes are to suit ease of opening and closing operation. 4. Position and size of the holes to suit security padlock/s and not interfere with sign supports. 5. For vertical hinging operation, refer to page 2. 6. Care to be taken with workman image where cut by the horizontal hinge. TEMPORARY WARNING SIGN “HORIZONTALLY HINGED T1-Q05A SIGN” Road Safety and Systems Management Division Road Safety Unit Designed RH 11/98 Checked KB 11/01 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 08/12/10 Date TC1058_1 Page 1 of 2 A B C D 900 400 Hinge Line 25 25 500 1000 25 45 PREPARE 25 110DM 65 TO STOP 110DM 70 Holes for padlock* HINGED FLAP IN OPENED POSITION Notes: Colour Legend Black (border and top panel legend) Retroreflective white (bottom panel legend) Retroreflective red (bottom panel background) Retroreflective fluorescent orange (top panel background) 1. To be used only at railway level crossing with accredited traffic controller in attendance. 2. Broken vertical line indicates location of suitable hinge. 3. * The number and position of padlock holes are to suit ease and safe operation of opening and closing the sign. 4. Position and size of the holes to suit security padlock/s and not interfere with sign supports. 5. For horizontal hinging operation, refer to page 1. 6. Care to be taken with PREPARE TO STOP legend and workman image where cut by the vertical hinge. TEMPORARY WARNING SIGN “VERTICALLY HINGED T1-Q05A SIGN” Road Safety and Systems Management Division Road Safety Unit Designed TV 12/10 Checked DJ 12/10 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 08/12/10 Date TC1058_2 Page 2 of 2 A B C D a r f b e busway d c g TC1059A TC1059B TC1059C TC1059D TC1059E a 450 600 750 900 1200 c 35 50 68 70 100 b 550 750 900 1100 1500 d 45 60 72 90 120 e 125 170 190 250 340 f 345 470 570 690 940 g 50 67 83 100 133 r 40 50 60 75 100 Note “bus” to be Helvetica Bold Italic or equivalent. “way” to be Helvetica Italic or equivalent. Colour Legend Retroreflective blue White BUSWAY IDENTIFICATION SIGN Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 11/98 Checked JD 11/98 Scale Not to Scale ORIGINAL APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 23/02/00 Date TC1059 A B C a r g b c City f e d c e TC1060A TC1060B TC1060C TC1060D TC1060E a 450 600 750 900 1200 e b 150 200 250 300 400 c 25 35 45 50 70 d 100 130 160 200 260 e 45 60 75 90 120 f 75 100 125 150 200 g 30 40 50 60 80 r 20 25 30 40 50 Note “City” to be Helvetica Bold Italic or equivalent. Colour Legend Retroreflective blue White BUSWAY IDENTIFICATION SIGN SUPPLEMENTARY DIRECTION SIGN Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 11/98 Checked JD 11/98 Scale Not to Scale ORIGINAL APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 5/11/98 Date TC1060 A a r e d b c TC1061A TC1061B TC1061C TC1061D TC1061E AUTHORIZED f g BUSES ONLY f a 450 600 750 900 1200 b 225 300 375 450 600 c 4 6 7 8 12 d 12 18 21 24 36 e 45 60 75 90 120 f 50CM 70CM 85CM 100CM 140CM e g 35 40 55 70 80 r 30 40 50 60 75 Colour Legend Black Retroreflective white SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE “AUTHORIZED BUSES ONLY” Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 11/98 Checked JD 11/98 Scale Not to Scale ORIGINAL APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 5/11/98 Date TC1061 A a r e d END TRUCK b c f g & BUS LOW GEAR a b c d e f g f g f e r TC1062A 800 600 6 18 84 100DN 66 75 TC1062B 1000 750 8 23 106 124DN 83 100 TC1062C 1200 900 9 27 126 150DN 99 125 Colour Legend Black Retroreflective white TRAFFIC INSTRUCTION SIGN “END TRUCK & BUS LOW GEAR” Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 11/98 Checked JD 11/98 Scale Not to Scale ORIGINAL APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 10/11/98 Date TC1062 A a k r d h g b e LANE f Y B e D E D E S 5 R 1 E 1 7 P 1 R U 0 2 S / 12 c a TC1063C 600 b c d e f g h k 800 10 30 130 160CM 269 111 500 r 75 TC1063D 900 1200 15 45 195 240CM 404 167 750 100 TC1063E 1200 1600 20 60 260 320CM 538 222 1000 125 Colour Legend Black Retroreflective white EXCLUSIVE-USE LANE SIGN “TRAM LANE” Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 11/98 Checked JD 11/98 Scale Not to Scale ORIGINAL APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 10/11/98 Date TC1063 A a m r f d END h PE RS R7 ED -9 ED -1 k e BY T2 a n TRANSIT LANE c a c e g f f g h k m n r TC1064C 600 10 30 19 49 65CN 265 190DM 382 130EM 75 TC1064D 900 15 45 28 73 100CN 398 280DM 573 195EM 100 TC1064E 1200 20 60 38 98 130CN 530 380DM 761 260EM 125 e SU d T2 Colour Legend Black (sign legend and border) Retroreflective red (symbol background) Retroreflective white (symbol legend and sign background) END T2 TRANSIT LANE SIGN (END TWO OR MORE OCCUPANTS LANE) Road Safety and Systems Management Division Road Safety Unit Designed RH 11/98 Checked JD 11/98 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 10/06/10 Date TC1064 A B a m r f d END h PE RS R7 ED -9 ED -2 k e BY T3 a n TRANSIT LANE c a c e g f f g h k m n r TC1065C 600 10 30 19 49 65CN 265 190DM 382 130EM 75 TC1065D 900 15 45 28 73 100CN 398 280DM 573 195EM 100 TC1065E 1200 20 60 38 98 130CN 530 380DM 761 260EM 125 e SU d T3 Colour Legend Black (sign legend and border) Retroreflective red (symbol background) Retroreflective white (symbol legend and sign background) END T2 TRANSIT LANE SIGN (END TWO OR MORE OCCUPANTS LANE) Road Safety and Systems Management Division Road Safety Unit Designed RH 11/98 Checked JD 11/98 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 10/06/10 Date TC1065 A B a e r d f g TRANSIT LANE BY h g h T2 b PE RS R7 ED -7 ED -3 q * 30 . * - *4 . *30 ** ** MON - FRI c k m n o p f * - Insert appropriate time ** - AM or PM a TC1066C 600 b c d e f 800 10 30 428 51 h g k m n o p q r 55DM 220DM 75 TC1066D 900 1200 15 45 642 77 120DM 72 427 50 52 51 82DM 330DM 100 SU 48 285 33 35 34 80DM TC1066E 1200 1600 20 60 856 102 160DM 96 570 66 70 68 110DM 440DM 125 T2 Colour Legend Black (sign legend and border) Retroreflective red (symbol background) Retroreflective white (symbol legend and sign background) T2 TRANSIT LANE SIGN (TWO OR MORE OCCUPANTS LANE) Road Safety and Systems Management Division Road Safety Unit Designed RH 11/98 Checked JD 11/98 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 10/06/10 Date TC1066 A B a e r d f g TRANSIT LANE BY h g h T3 b PE RS R7 ED -7 ED -5 q * 30 . * - *4 . *30 ** ** MON - FRI c k m n o p f * - Insert appropriate time ** - AM or PM a TC1067C 600 b c d e f 800 10 30 428 51 h g k m n o p q r 55DM 220DM 75 TC1067D 900 1200 15 45 642 77 120DM 72 427 50 52 51 82DM 330DM 100 SU 48 285 33 35 34 80DM TC1067E 1200 1600 20 60 856 102 160DM 96 570 66 70 68 110DM 440DM 125 T3 Colour Legend Black (sign legend and border) Retroreflective red (symbol background) Retroreflective white (symbol legend and sign background) T3 TRANSIT LANE SIGN (THREE OR MORE OCCUPANTS LANE) Road Safety and Systems Management Division Road Safety Unit Designed RH 11/98 Checked JD 11/98 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 10/06/10 Date TC1067 A B a r e d BUSES f MUST f ENTER f b c TC1068A 600 TC1068B c b a 700 d e 6 18 90 g g e f g r 120DN 80 75 900 1050 8 23 135 180DN 120 100 TC1068C 1200 1400 9 27 180 240DN 160 125 Colour Legend Black Retroreflective white REGULATORY SIGN “BUSES MUST ENTER” Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 11/98 Checked JD 11/98 Scale Not to Scale ORIGINAL APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 17/11/98 Date TC1068 A a r e d TRUCKS g MUST b c a TC1069A 600 TC1069B h f g ENTER b 700 c d 6 18 e 90 f f e h 120DN 120CM g r 80 75 900 1050 8 23 135 180DN 180CM 120 100 TC1069C 1200 1400 9 27 180 240DN 240CM 160 125 Colour Legend Black Retroreflective white REGULATORY SIGN “TRUCKS MUST ENTER” Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 11/98 Checked JD 11/98 Scale Not to Scale ORIGINAL APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 17/11/98 Date TC1069 A a e r f d TRANSIT g LANE BY h g h T2 p k PE RS R7 ED -7 ED -4 b * . 30 ** - * . 30 ** * . 30 ** - * . 30 ** MON - FRI c n m n m n o f * - Insert appropriate time ** - AM or PM a TC1070C 600 b c d e f 900 10 30 428 60 h g k m n o p r 35 60DM 220DM 75 TC1070D 900 1350 15 45 642 90 120DM 68 428 60DM 52 90DM 330DM 100 TC1070E 1200 1800 20 60 856 120 160DM 90 570 80DM 70 120DM 440DM 125 SU 45 285 40DM 80DM T2 Colour Legend Black (sign legend and border) Retroreflective red (symbol background) Retroreflective white (symbol legend and sign background) T2 TRANSIT LANE SIGN (TWO OR MORE OCCUPANTS LANE) Road Safety and Systems Management Division Road Safety Unit Designed RH 11/98 Checked JD 11/98 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 10/06/10 Date TC1070 A B a e r f d TRANSIT g h g LANE T3 p k PE RS R7 ED -7 ED -6 b BY h * 30 ** * . 30 ** . - . * 30 ** - * . 30 ** MON - FRI c n m n m n o f * - Insert appropriate time ** - AM or PM a TC1071C 600 b c d e f 900 10 30 428 60 h g k m n o p r 35 60DM 220DM 75 TC1071D 900 1350 15 45 642 90 120DM 68 428 60DM 52 90DM 330DM 100 TC1071E 1200 1800 20 60 856 120 160DM 90 570 80DM 70 120DM 440DM 125 SU 45 285 40DM 80DM T3 Colour Legend Black (sign legend and border) Retroreflective red (symbol background) Retroreflective white (symbol legend and sign background) T3 TRANSIT LANE SIGN (THREE OR MORE OCCUPANTS LANE) Road Safety and Systems Management Division Road Safety Unit Designed RH 11/98 Checked JD 11/98 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 10/06/10 Date TC1071 A B 300 30 111 35 R25 30 30 ** 50 130 30 *** 50 93 2 holes ø10 450 60* 30 60* 47 166 bus stop 117 167 5 17 Notes: Colour Legend Class 2 retroreflective blue (background) Class 2 retroreflective white (legend, symbol and border) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. * Helvetica bold or equivalent. ** Stop number (if ordered). *** Company logo (if ordered). Sign face to be double sided. 2 holes to suit Type 1 sign bracket as per standard drawing No. 1295, ES126-1996. 6. Material: 1.2 mm thick aluminium or equivalent zincanneal or Simona PVC plastic 6mm thick. BUS STOP SIGN Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 11/98 Checked JD 11/98 Scale Not to Scale ORIGINAL APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 19/11/98 Date TC1072 Page 1 of 2 A Galvanised cap inserted in top of the post Sign screen painted both sides ** *** Type 1 sign bracket as per standard drawing No. 1295, ES126-1996 bus stop 50 NB medium gauge galvanised pipe (overall length 2950) 2000 clear 450 Footpath min level Kerb face (or road shoulder edge if no kerb) 450 BUS STOP SIGN Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 11/98 Checked JD 11/98 Scale Not to Scale ORIGINAL APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 19/11/98 Date TC1072 Page 2 of 2 A GREGORY DEVELOPMENTAL RD *** 3400 410 1000 20 150 20 180 80 40 1500 R300 170 24 ROAD CONDITIONS 200DW 140 100CM 90 24 320 145 200 650 265 145 200 650 265 145 200 650 265 145 200 650 265 200 110 70* 55 70* 55 70* 40 70* 140 INFORMATION AND ADVICE 700 ** PH: 13 19 40 170 Mt Surprise Ø120 # 20 OPEN 20 Ø120 # 20 Ø120 # 20 400 Charters Towers ## 140ModE 70 140ModE 300 OPEN 20 Belyando Crossing 140ModE 4500 70 140ModE OPEN 20 430 Clermont Ø120 140ModE # 20 OPEN 20 510 Emerald Ø120 140ModE 190 24 48 “CLOSED” Means impassable section. “XXt MAX” Indicates maximum vehicle load permitted on this section. “80% AXL” Means 80% Legal Axle Mass on all axles (except steer) for all vehicles over 4.5t. 110 Colour Legend Black (legend and borders) Retroreflective white 140ModE 680 Notes 1. No more than five (5) destinations should be included on one sign. 2. # Default "OPEN" message on main sign face to be overlayed with changeable message plates as required (see TC1703_2 for message plates border and pointer details ). 3. ## Insert appropriate town name. e.g Charters Towers (black legend) 4. * Helvetica bold or equivalent. 5. **Appropriate phone number to be confirmed prior to manufacture. 6. For superceded contact number overlay plate details refer TC1073_6 7. *** Road name plate to be attached to top of the main sign if required. (see TC1703_3 for details) TRAVELLER INFORMATION SIGN STATIC MESSAGE BOARD (Sign Face) Department of Transport and Main Roads Infrastructure Management & Delivery Division Designed TV 2/09 Checked DJ 02/09 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN DIRECTOR (Traffic Engineering and Data) 05/01/15 Date TC1073_1 Page 1 of 6 E F G H I CLOSED 5 t MAX 25 t MAX 44 t MAX * 150CN 200 150CN/ 90 LC 200 150CN/ 90 LC 200 80% AXL 4WD ONLY CAUTION 150CN/ 90 LC 200 150CN/ 90 LC 200 150CN/ 90 LC 200 150CN/ 90 LC 200 20 OPEN 1000 20 ATTACHMENT DETAIL (1000 x 200 mm plates only required, as detailed below) 150CN 200 20 20 80 Changeable Plates 657 34 80% AXL Holes to suit Hooks and U-Bolts Padlock Hooks with double nuts and washers tacked or burred on U-Bolt with double nuts and washers tacked or burred on Sign Note: Colour Legend Black Retroreflective white Retroreflective red Retroreflective yellow 1. For sign face designs refer TC1073_1. 2. * The default "OPEN" message, borders and pointers to be marked out on the main sign face panel and overlayed with changeable plates as shown in the attachment details. TRAVELLER INFORMATION SIGN STATIC MESSAGE BOARD (Display Details) Department of Transport and Main Roads Infrastructure Management & Delivery Division Designed TV 2/09 Checked DJ 02/09 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN DIRECTOR (Traffic Engineering and Data) 05/01/15 Date TC1073_2 Page 2 of 6 E F G H I 3400 GREGORY DEVELOPMENTAL RD * 150DN r50 250 Colour Legend Black (legend and borders) Notes Retroreflective white 1. Road Name plate may be used with Traveller Information Signs (TC1703_1) 2. * Insert appropriate road name. e.g GREGORY DEVELOPMENTAL RD. (Adjust font styles as required to fit and balance on the road name plate.) TRAVELLER INFORMATION SIGN (Optional STATIC MESSAGE BOARD Road Name Plate) Department of Transport and Main Roads Infrastructure Management & Delivery Division Designed TV 2/09 Checked DJ 02/09 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN DIRECTOR (Traffic Engineering and Data) 05/01/15 Date TC1073_3 Page 3 of 6 E F G H I 3400 200 200 500 LOGO 1 LOGO 2 LOGO 3 r75 * TYPICAL LOGOS Notes Colour Legend Retroreflective white 1. In lieu of project signs at each site. This optional supplementary plate may be installed beneath the main sign to identify the key organisations involved in the Travel Information project. 2. These signs may remain in place for up to two (2) years following the installation of the sign. 3. If this supplementary sign is used no additional project or recognition signs are to be installed at the site. 4. Logos to be confirmed for currency and authorised prior to sign manufacture, must be in corporate colours and horizontally centered on the sign. Logos may be supplied by Engineering and Technology Branch, Email:- [email protected]. 5. * Logos should be sized so as to have a vertical clearance from the top and bottom of the sign of not less than 50 mm. 6. Maximum of three (3) equally spaced logos may be used. TRAVELLER INFORMATION SIGN STATIC MESSAGE BOARD Department of Transport and Main Roads Infrastructure Management & Delivery Division Designed TV 2/09 Checked DJ 02/09 Scale Not to Scale (Optional Supplementary Plate) APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN DIRECTOR (Traffic Engineering and Data) 05/01/15 Date TC1073_4 Page 4 of 6 E F G H I 3400 GREGORY DEVELOPMENTAL RD (OPTIONAL ROAD NAME PLATE) 250 ROAD CONDITIONS INFORMATION AND ADVICE PH: 13 19 40 Mt Surprise CLOSED OPEN 25OPEN t MAX Charters Towers Belyando Crossing 4500 80% AXL OPEN Clermont OPEN Emerald “CLOSED” Means impassable section. “XXt MAX” Indicates maximum vehicle load permitted on this section. “80% AXL” Means 80% Legal Axle Mass on all axles (except steer) for all vehicles over 4.5t. 500 Colour Legend Black (EXAMPLE OF THE OPTIONAL SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE UTILISING TYPICAL LOGOS) Retroreflective white Retroreflective red Retroreflective yellow TRAVELLER INFORMATION SIGN STATIC MESSAGE BOARD (Typical Layout) Department of Transport and Main Roads Infrastructure Management & Delivery Division Designed TV 2/09 Checked DJ 02/09 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN DIRECTOR (Traffic Engineering and Data) 05/01/15 Date TC1073_5 Page 5 of 6 E F G H I 2900 100CM INFORMATION AND ADVICE * 145 PH: 13 19 40 Overlay plate installed over superseded original Example plate overlay Colour Legend Notes Retroreflective white 1. This overlay plate may be used to cover any superceded contact phone number on the main sign. 2. Insert appropriate phone number. e.g. 13 19 40. 3. For main sign details refer TC1073_1. Black TRAVELLER INFORMATION SIGN OVERLAY PLATE “13 19 40” Department of Transport and Main Roads Infrastructure Management & Delivery Division Designed TV 2/09 Checked DJ 02/09 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN DIRECTOR (Traffic Engineering and Data) 05/01/15 Date TC1073_6 Page 6 of 6 E F G H I 300 205 725 1250 OPEN 725 200 150CN 205 240 300 1250 240 200 OPEN 150CN CLOSED 150CN 200 150CN/ 90 LC 200 25t MAX 150CN/ 90 LC 200 44t MAX 150CN/ 90 LC 200 5t MAX 80% AXL 4WD ONLY CAUTION 150CN/ Arial Narrow. 200 150CN* 200 150CM 200 ATTACHMENT DETAIL (725 x 200 mm plates only required, as detailed below) Changeable Road Gross Load Limit Sign Plates 657 34 CLOSED Holes to suit Hooks and U-Bolts Hooks with double nuts and washers tacked or burred on U-Bolt with double nuts and washers tacked or burred on Padlock Sign Colour Legend Black Retroreflective white Retroreflective red Retroreflective yellow Notes 1. For sign face designs refer TC1073_1 & TC1073_2. 2. * Legend compressed to fit panel (e.g. 20%). ROAD GROSS LOAD LIMIT SIGN MODULE DETAIL Department of Transport and Main Roads Infrastructure Management & Delivery Division Designed RH 11/98 Checked KB 09/02 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN DIRECTOR (Traffic Engineering and Data) 05/01/15 Date TC1074 E F D EL 09 ET /1 ED 4 a r e d WATCH f FOR f TRUCKS f b c a b TC1075A 600 400 c 8 d e e f r 80DM 40 e 24 40 e TC1075B 750 500 10 30 50 100DM 50 TC1075C 900 600 12 36 60 120DM 60 Application: Colour Legend Black (legend and border) Retroreflective yellow (background) Supplements curve warning signs on narrow windy roads when there have been problems with large vehicles sweeping across the centre line. SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE “WATCH FOR TRUCKS” Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 11/98 Checked JD 11/98 Scale Not to Scale ORIGINAL APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 20/11/98 Date TC1075 A 2200 R225 123 NARROW WINDING 48 MOUNTAIN ROAD 3 km AHEAD 1600 ALTERNATIVE ROUTE FOR TRUCKS 16 VIA OXENFORD 150DN 75 150DM 75 150DM/110LC 60 32 75 150DN 75 150DM 75 150DM 110 Colour Legend Black (legend and border) Retroreflective white (background) GUIDE SIGN “NARROW WINDING MOUNTAIN ROAD 3 km AHEAD ALTERNATIVE ROUTE FOR TRUCKS VIA OXENFORD” Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 11/98 Checked JD 11/98 Scale Not to Scale ORIGINAL APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 24/11/98 Date TC1077 Page 1 of 3 A 2200 R150 125 48 NARROW WINDING MOUNTAIN ROAD 1200 NEXT 7 16 km WATCH FOR TRUCKS 150DM 80 150DM 80 150DM/110LC 70 32 88 150DN 125 Colour Legend Black (legend and border) Retroreflective yellow (background) GUIDE SIGN “NARROW WINDING MOUNTAIN ROAD NEXT 7 km WATCH FOR TRUCKS” Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 11/98 Checked JD 11/98 Scale Not to Scale ORIGINAL APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 24/11/98 Date TC1077 Page 2 of 3 A 2200 R225 123 NARROW WINDING MOUNTAIN ROAD 48 NEXT 7 1600 km ALTERNATIVE ROUTE FOR TRUCKS 16 VIA OXENFORD 150DM 75 150DM 75 150DM/110LC 60 32 75 150DN 75 150DM 75 150DM 110 Colour Legend Black (legend and border) Retroreflective white (background) GUIDE SIGN “NARROW WINDING MOUNTAIN ROAD NEXT 7 km ALTERNATIVE ROUTE FOR TRUCKS VIA OXENFORD” Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 11/98 Checked JD 11/98 Scale Not to Scale ORIGINAL APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 24/11/98 Date TC1077 Page 3 of 3 A SUPERSEDED BY TC9892 TEXT: HELVETICA CONDENSED - BOLD CIRCLE: BLACK BORDER & TEXT: FREEWAY GREEN OR PMS 342 CROSS & PANEL AT BOTTOM: GOLDEN YELLOW OR PMS 123 BACKGROUND: SILVER WHITE REFLECTIVE CLASS 2 ENGINEERING GRADE “FEDERALLY FUNDED BLACK SPOT PROJECT” Transport Technology Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 11/98 Checked JD 11/98 Scale Not to Scale ORIGINAL APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 27/11/98 Date TC1078 Page 1 of 2 A SUPERSEDED BY TC9892 TEXT: HELVETICA CONDENSED - BOLD CIRCLE: BLACK BORDER & TEXT: FREEWAY GREEN OR PMS 342 CROSS & PANEL AT BOTTOM: GOLDEN YELLOW OR PMS 123 BACKGROUND: SILVER WHITE REFLECTIVE CLASS 2 ENGINEERING GRADE “FEDERALLY FUNDED BLACK SPOT PROJECT” Transport Technology Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 11/98 Checked JD 11/98 Scale Not to Scale ORIGINAL APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 27/11/98 Date TC1078 Page 2 of 2 A 3200 R250 16 240 VERY STEEP DESCENT 180DM 160 NEXT 2000 180DM/ 110LC km 45 170 160DM/ 90LC 160DM/ 90LC km 1000 km 200 160DM/ 90LC km 192 240 48 200 100 512 * Colour Legend: Retroreflective red Retroreflective white 650 * 1438 * 100 200 * Notes: 2. * Variable depending on the distance. 2. ** Insert appropriate distances. 3. Centre distance and dimension against the sector of the road GUIDE SIGN “VERY STEEP DESCENT NEXT ... km” Road Safety Systems Management Division Road Safety Unit Designed RH 12/98 Checked LD 12/98 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 2/08/10 Date TC1079 A B C 3000 R75 100 36 WATCH FOR 600 160DM 80 12 SLOW MOVING VEHICLES 160DM 100 EXAMPLES ONLY VERY STEEP DESCENT 12 G9-44 NEXT km WATCH FOR TC1080 SLOW MOVING VEHICLES Note: To be used only with G9-83, G9-44 and G9-47. VERY STEEP CLIMB G9-47 Colour Legend 10 NEXT km Black WATCH FOR Retroreflective yellow TC1080 SLOW MOVING VEHICLES SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE “WATCH FOR SLOW MOVING VEHICLES” Road Safety Systems Management Division Road Safety Unit Designed RH 12/98 Checked LD 12/98 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 10/06/10 Date TC1080 A B C 90 13 24 13 26 14 R25 3 5 25 30 24 14 45° 110 BY 15 PE RS E R3 D -5 ED 50 26 20 7 1 8 Notes: 35 9 30 8 SU 1. Label to be attached to traffic signal pedestal. 2. For arrow detail refer to AS 1743 - short arrow. 3. Material is adhesive 3M scotch CAL or equivalent with a minimum expected life of 5 years in outdoor applications. 4. Screen printing using polyscreen inks, clear coated. Colour Legend Black (legend, arrows and border) PMS 348 green (symbolic crossing figure) TRAFFIC SIGNAL PEDESTAL ADHESIVE LABEL “SCRAMBLE CROSSING” Transport Technology Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 12/98 Checked JD 12/98 Scale Not to Scale ORIGINAL APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 08/12/98 Date TC1081 A a BY r e d f PE RS E R9 D E -6 D NEXT b m c SU g a b c d TC1082A 750 500 10 30 e f g 94 125EM 62 h f e h r 75LC 50 TC1082B 1200 800 16 48 150 200EM 100 120LC 75 Colour Legend Note: Black For use beneath sign R6-1. Retroreflective white SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE “NEXT ...m” Transport Technology Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 12/98 Checked JD 12/98 Scale Not to Scale ORIGINAL APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 08/12/98 Date TC1082 A 750 R75 63 30 END 250 10 Colour Legend 125EM 62 Note: Black Additional size R7-4. Retroreflective white SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE “END” Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 12/98 Checked JD 12/98 Scale Not to Scale ORIGINAL APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 08/12/98 Date TC1083 A 1500 R175 86 50 1224 W1-5C 2600 NEXT W8-17-1C 600 km 85 25 REDUCE SPEED 200EM 90 200EM 115 Colour Legend Black Retroreflective red Retroreflective yellow Retroreflective white SPECIAL REDUCE SPEED WARNING SIGN “WINDING ROAD NEXT ” Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 12/98 Checked JD 12/98 Scale Not to Scale ORIGINAL APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 11/12/98 Date TC1084 A 2000 R150 Hole for padlock 125 24 ROAD CLOSED Hinge Line 140DM 16 Kuranda Range 1300 D E T E L 4 E D 0/1 1 20 Planned Reopening for 650 * Main Roads apologises for any inconvenience this may cause 8 60 220 Colour Legend 320 580 490 75 120ModE/90LC 74 100ModE/75LC 90 100 75LC/90DM* 100 65ModE/48LC 65ModE/48LC 75 60 Note: Black Retroreflective white Retroreflective yellow * Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 12/98 270 35 100 Checked LD 12/98 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 14/12/98 Date Retroreflective panel for appropriate time. Example 12.30 PM INFORMATION SIGN TC1085 “ROAD CLOSED KURANDA RANGE PLANNED REOPENING for ...(time)” A 12 90 0 24 250 R60 250 750 Notes: 1. To be used with TC1087. 2. For symbol detail see page 2. Colour Legend TC1087 Retroreflective yellow (background) Black (legend and border) OLYMPIC TRAINING ROUTE TEMPORARY WARNING SIGN “OLYMPIC TRAINING ROUTE” Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 12/98 Checked JD 12/98 Scale Not to Scale ORIGINAL APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 14/12/98 Date TC1086 Page 1/2 A TEMPORARY WARNING SIGN “OLYMPIC TRAINING ROUTE” Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 12/98 Checked JD 12/98 Scale Not to Scale ORIGINAL APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 14/12/98 Date TC1086 Page 2/2 A 900 R75 36 600 12 75 OLYMPIC TRAINING ROUTE 120DM 45 120DM 45 120DM 75 TC1086 Note: To be used with TC1086. Colour Legend OLYMPIC TRAINING ROUTE Retroreflective yellow (background) Black (legend and border) SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE “OLYMPIC TRAINING ROUTE” Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 12/98 Checked JD 12/98 Scale Not to Scale ORIGINAL APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 14/12/98 Date TC1087 A 3000 250 250 380 45 292 DETOUR 250DM 400 1500 1410 266 292 45 115 260 237 266 1000 285 1375 80 R13 25 75 100 1000 Colour Legend Black Retroreflective white Retroreflective yellow WARNING SIGN “HIGH VEHICLE DETOUR” Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 12/98 Checked JD 12/98 Scale Not to Scale ORIGINAL APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 14/12/98 Date TC1088 A 3200 R250 16 240 LONG STEEP DESCENT 180DM 160 NEXT 2000 180DM/ 110LC km 45 170 160DM/ 90LC 160DM/ 90LC km 1000 km 200 160DM/ 90LC km 192 240 48 200 100 512 * Colour Legend: Retroreflective red Retroreflective white 650 * 1438 * 100 200 * Notes: 2. * Variable depending on the distance. 2. ** Insert appropriate distances. 3. Centre distance and dimension against the sector of the road GUIDE SIGN “LONG STEEP DESCENT NEXT ... km” Road Safety Systems Management Division Road Safety Unit Designed RH 12/98 Checked LD 12/98 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 2/08/10 Date TC1090 A B 3000 R300 W5-12B 200 48 LONG STEEP 240DM 180 DESCENT 240DM 560 2400 NEXT 180EM/ 135LC 105 105 ** km WATCH FOR 160DM 120 SLOW MOVING VEHICLES 160DM 150 16 150 701 150 *** 80 150 Notes: 1. ** Insert appropriate distance in km. 2. *** Variable depending on the distance. Colour Legend Retroreflective red (top panel background) Retroreflective white (top panel legend and border) Black (W5-12 and bottom panel legend and border) Retroreflective yellow (W5-12 and bottom panel background) TRAFFIC INSTRUCTION SIGN “LONG STEEP DESCENT NEXT ... km” Road Safety and Systems Management Division Road Safety Unit Designed RH 12/98 Checked LD 12/98 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 25/01/11 Date TC1091 A B 1500 R175 100 48 W2-4C (Right) 2000 TAKE CARE 24 200EM 90 200EM 115 Note: Colour Legend Retroreflective red (background) W2-4C can be left or right. Retroreflective white (legend and border) Yellow (diamond as per W2-4) Black (symbol and border as per W2-4) SPECIAL WARNING SIGN “SIDE ROAD JUNCTION - TAKE CARE” Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 12/98 Checked JD 12/98 Scale Not to Scale ORIGINAL APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 14/12/98 Date TC1092 A 4 Si gn ifi ca nt 25 0 8 l ta en nm ro vi En 65 11 10 83 R15 99 4 22* 10 11 Area 25 182 Notes: Colour Legend Pantone 1685C or equivalent in translucent film on white (legend and border) Pantone 155C or equivalent in translucent film on white (background) 1. * Arial Bold or Quenpaws (National Parks and Wildlife Service font). 2. 11 mm square holes, punched as indicated. 3. For symbol detail see page 2. AWARENESS SIGN “SIGNIFICANT ENVIRONMENTAL AREA” Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 12/98 Checked JC 11/99 Scale Not to Scale ORIGINAL APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 6/8/99 Date TC1093 Page 1/2 A B C D AWARENESS SIGN “SIGNIFICANT ENVIRONMENTAL AREA” Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 12/98 Checked JC 11/99 Scale Not to Scale ORIGINAL APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 6/8/99 Date TC1093 Page 2/2 A B C D 800 34 34 R50 30 Significant Environmental D Area E 52** 18 52** 18 52** 32 10* 6 10* 20 10* 6 10* 20 10* 6 20 10* 28 D E 5 S 1 R 1 E 1 P C U T S A diversity of other grasses and herbs are prolific after rain. 56 Colour Legend 236 Notes: 1. * Helvetica Bold or equivalent (legend varies to suit circumstances). 2. ** Quenpaws (National Parks and Wildlife Service font). 3. For symbol detail see page 2. APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 72 364 Pantone 155C or equivalent in translucent film on white (background) Scale Not to Scale 14 18* 14 18* Department of Environment and Heritage Pantone 1815C or equivalent in translucent film on white (legend and border) Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section 4 Before doing any work in this area and Quote Please ring 6 mm high: ZapfHumnstBT or equivalent Checked JD 12/98 560 The dominant grass is Queensland bluegrass (Dichanthium sericeum) occurring here on some of Australia’s most fertile agricultural soils. 52 Designed RH 12/98 364 This naturally treeless landscape has now been reduced to less than 1% of its former area. 48 30 Y B This area is one of the largest remnants of native grassland on the Darling Downs. 66 6 28 56 14/12/98 Date AWARENESS AND INFORMATION SIGN TC1094 Page 1/2 “SIGNIFICANT ENVIRONMENTAL AREA” A B Y B D E D E 5 S 1 R 1 E 1 P C U T S Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 12/98 Checked JD 12/98 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 14/12/98 Date INFORMATION SIGN “SIGNIFICANT ENVIRONMENTAL AREA” TC1094 Page 2/2 A B 800 34 34 R50 Y B 170 58** 24 58** 24 58** 38 66 48 6 28 30 56 D Significant E D E Environmental 8 S 1 R Area E 1 1 P C U T S Before doing any work in this area Please ring and Quote Department of Environment and Heritage 52 Colour Legend Pantone 1815C or equivalent in translucent film on white (legend and border) 236 Designed RH 12/98 Checked JD 12/98 Scale Not to Scale 6 mm high: ZapfHumnstBT or equivalent 560 4 14 18* 14 18* 72 Notes: 1. * Helvetica Bold or equivalent. 2. ** Quenpaws (National Parks and Wildlife Service font). 3. For symbol detail see page 2. APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 364 364 Pantone 155C or equivalent in translucent film on white (background) Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section 56 14/12/98 Date AWARENESS SIGN “SIGNIFICANT ENVIRONMENTAL AREA” TC1095 Page 1/2 A B Y B D E D E 8 S 1 R 1 E 1 P C U T S Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 12/98 Checked JD 12/98 Scale Not to Scale APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 14/12/98 Date INFORMATION SIGN “SIGNIFICANT ENVIRONMENTAL AREA” TC1095 Page 2/2 A B a r e d NO MEDIAN TURNING LANE TC9508B/ TC9508C f g OVERTAKING f g IN f g CENTRE b f g LANE f e c h h a b c d e f g h r TC1096B 2100 1400 16 32 160 120DM 120 100 150 TC1096C 2800 1800 20 40 200 160DM 150 130 200 Note Colour Legend Developed for Northern District, where median islands are not available for erection of standard sign (TC9508). Black Retroreflective yellow TWO-WAY RIGHT TURN LANE SIGN (FOR USE AT SITES WITHOUT MEDIANS) Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 12/98 Checked JD 12/98 Scale Not to Scale ORIGINAL APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 24/12/98 Date TC1096 A B C 900 800 55 310 600 SU PE RS T1 E -Q DE 10 D B Y 80 MOWING 25 100EM 55 Colour Legend Black (legend and border) Retroreflective yellow (background) TEMPORARY WARNING SIGN “TRACTOR/SLASHER MOWING” Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 01/99 Checked RG 01/99 Scale Not to Scale ORIGINAL APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 12/12/01 Date TC1097 A B 900 70 ROADWORK 100DM 60 ON SIDE ROAD 600 100CN 60 140 SU PE RS T1 E -Q DE 07 D B Y 25 70 500 128 40 140 R8 14 60 500 Colour Legend Black (legend and border) Note: Insert arrow in left or right direction. Retroreflective yellow (background) TEMPORARY WARNING SIGN “ROADWORK ON SIDE ROAD” Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 01/99 Checked KB 09/02 Scale Not to Scale ORIGINAL APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 27/09/02 Date TC1098 A B 900 R75 120 40 600 20 REDUCE 140DM SPEED 140DM 80 120 Note: To be used on swinging sign stand. Colour Legend Retroreflective white (legend and border) Retroreflective red (background) TRAFFIC INSTRUCTION SIGN “REDUCE SPEED (G9-9 modified)” Traffic & Road Use Management Division Traffic Engineering Section Designed RH 01/99 Checked RG 01/99 Scale Not to Scale ORIGINAL APPROVED AS OFFICIAL TRAFFIC SIGN PRINCIPAL ENGINEER (Traffic Engineering) 12/1/99 Date TC1099 A
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