Compression of Compact Toroids in Conical
Compression of Compact Toroids in Conical
COMPRESSION OF COMPACT TOROIDS IN CONICAL-COAXIAL C^ f— f j Iwl p T p Y E X P E R I M E N T A L DEVICES KEYWORDS: compact toroid, compression, conical-coaxial J. H. DEGNAN, G. P. BACA, D. E. BELL, G. BIRD,* A. L. CHESLEY, S. K. COFFEY,t M. E. DEARBORN,t M. R. DOUGLAS, S. E. ENGLERT, T. J. ENGLERT, D. GALE,J J. D. GRAHAM,J K. E. HACKETT, J. H. HOLMES,§ T. W. HUSSEY, G. F. KIUTTU, F. M. LEHR, G. J. MARKLIN, || B. W. MULLINS,# R. E. PETERKIN, Jr., D. W. PRICE, N. F. RODERICK, E. L. RUDEN, M. SCOTT,J S. W. SEILER,* W. SOMMARS,f and P. J. TURCHI Phillips Laboratory, High Energy Plasma Division Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico 87117-5776 Received May 5, 1994 Accepted for Publication September 19, 1994 Experiments to form, compress, and accelerate compact toroids are described. A 1-m-diam, two-stage, puffed gas, magnetic field embedded coaxial plasma gun is used. Emphasis is on conical compression. Discharges were in the several mega-ampere, few microsecond rise time range. Magnetic probe data suggest that l/(r-br) compression of the toroid field is achieved, consistent with theoretical prediction. The magnetic field pulse and electron density pulse due to the compact toroid correlate in space and time. The compact toroid species is the injected gas species and precedes electrode plasma by several microseconds. The poloidal magnetic field precedes the azimuthal magnetic field. The time of arrival of the axial magnetic field compared with the axial position is consistent with the mean current axial position trajectory obtained from inductance growth. INTRODUCTION The Phillips Laboratory magnetically accelerated ring to achieve ultrahigh directed energy and radiation •Current address: Physical Sciences, Inc., Alexandria, Virginia. tCurrent address: U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, Colorado. tCurrent address: Maxwell Laboratories, Inc., Albuquerque, New Mexico. §Current address: Bosque Farms, New Mexico. ||Current address: Houston, Texas. (MARAUDER) compact toroid program is studying the formation, compression, and acceleration of compact toroids. This effort was inspired by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory RACE compact toroid acceleration effort. 1 Compact toroids are magnetized toroidal plasmas with linked poloidal (axial-radial) and toroidal (azimuthal) closed magnetic field surfaces. The magnetic field distribution is nearly force free, and in a relaxed compact toroid, the free energy is minimum for a given helicity, a conserved quantity. The helicity is K = f A x Bd (volume), where B = V x A. The helicity is approximately a product of the poloidal and toroidal magnetic flux. This is a measure of the linkage of the poloidal and toroidal magnetic flux. The relaxed state is referred to as the Woltjer-Taylor state, or the Taylor state. The Taylor state magnetic field distribution depends on the confining electrode geometry, called the flux conserver geometry. 2 The compact toroid is resilient and has considerable stability under acceleration and compression by magnetic pressure, provided the accelerating field is less than the compact toroid magnetic field. The ability to accelerate and compress compact toroids without fluid instability growth may have important applications to fusion, including magnetized target fusion 3 and inertial confinement fusion. This stability under compression and acceleration enables much longer compression/ acceleration times and distances than in ordinary Z pinches, the latter being limited by instability growth to —0.1 /zs and a few centimetres 4 versus many microseconds and metres for compact toroids. Thus, much easier, less expensive pulse power may be used with compact toroids, enabling less expensive scaling to higher energy. #Current address: SAF/AQ, Pentagon, Washington, D.C. 107 FUSION T E C H N O L O G Y VOL. 27 M A R . 1995 Degnan et al. COMPRESSION OF COMPACT TOROIDS RESULTS AND DISCUSSION We are forming and accelerating compact toroids with a two-stage coaxial plasma gun. The first-stage discharge into a magnetic field embedded gas puff forms the compact toroid. The second-stage discharge compresses and accelerates it. The formation occurs when the magnetized toroidal plasma bubble pushed into the expansion region by the first-stage discharge undergoes reconnection of the poloidal field (PF) lines in its neck. When energetically favorable, such reconnection occurs when the diffusion time across the PF (reversal) scale length becomes approximately as short as the Alfven time for that scale length. The duration of this reconnection process is roughly the geometric mean of the Alfven transit time and the diffusion time for the field reversal layer. The Phillips Laboratory full-energy (9-MJ) design concept, intended to be driven by the Shiva Star capacitor bank 5 (1300 /xf, 120 kV) is illustrated in Fig. 1. Compression of the formed compact toroid in the early stages of the acceleration increases the compact toroid fields to enable stronger acceleration fields, while retaining stability and avoiding blowby of the accelerating fields past the toroid. To the extent that the compact toroid poloidal and toroidal magnetic field fluxes are conserved, and to the extent that compact toroid compression is self-similar, the compressed toroid field should scale as B 0 ro/r 2 , where B0 is the initial toroid field ( - 0 . 5 T) and r0 is the CF = 110 jiF 1/2 CFVF02 = 500 kJ CA = 1300yiF 1/2 CAVAo2 = 9 MJ initial toroid major radius ( - 5 0 cm). For full energy (9-MJ acceleration/compression capacitor bank energy), we intend a factor 10 to 20 compression. For this compression range, the expected toroid fields are 50 to 200 T, or 0.5 to 2 MG. Thus far, we have formed 1-m major diameter, 18-cm minor diameter, 1- to 2-mg compact toroids with argon, N 2 , and H 2 . We have performed low-energy (a few hundred kilojoules) acceleration experiments in straight coaxial geometry,6 and we have done megajoulerange, factor 3 compression experiments. In that first-stage portion, we inject gas with an array of 60 fast (pulsed-solenoid) valves. Transient gas distributions have been measured in situ with Penning ionization gauges and piezoelectric pressure probes. More detailed auxiliary experiments with single valves include careful mass injection measurements with a theta discharge closure of a copper injection tube.7 Gas distributions are also calculated by using two-dimensional hydrodynamics. In this first-stage portion of the gun, we inject 0.1 to 0.2 T of radial-axial magnetic field by using a pair of pulsed solenoids. The solenoids are driven by a 15-mF, 1.7-kV, 10-ms rise time discharge. Field distributions are measured with Hall probes and calculated with two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), including diffusion effects. The prototoroid formed and trapped in the expansion region relaxes toward the Woltjer-Taylor minimum free-energy state, with the closest approach —15 /xs after the start of formation (first-stage) discharge.6 The toroid BCT~1/R2 ^PISTON ~ 1/R ACCELERATION/FOCUSING REGION R - 15 cm B ~ 5-10 7 R - 50 cm ~ BT ~ BP ~ 0.5-1 T ~ \ / / / / I COMPRESSION REGION f (3X COMPRESSION) \ / EXPANSION/FORMATION REGION « — GAS INJECTION CFVF FIELD INJECTION SOLENOIDS Fig. 1. Full-energy design concept for compact toroid formation, compression, and acceleration using a two-stage coaxial plasma gun. 108 FUSION TECHNOLOGY VOL. 27 MAR. 1995 Degnan et al. can be accelerated intact with the few mega-amperes, — 5-/xs rise time acceleration/compression discharge starting — 7 /xs after the start of formation discharge.6 The charging and triggering for Shiva Star has been made adjustable so that 3, 6, 12, or all 36 of its fast capacitor bank modules can be used. We have conducted compact toroid conical compression experiments using 6 modules (220 /xf) and using 12 modules (440 /xf) to drive the acceleration/compression discharge. Our initially installed conical compression electrodes have an axial offset. That is, the inward turn of the inner electrode is downstream of the inward turn of the outer electrode. This is to avoid two-dimensional MHD-predicted blowby of the second-stage discharge piston magnetic field past the compact toroid. While this works, it prevents us from having a continuously self-similar compression geometry. By continuously self-similar, we mean a constant ratio of conical electrode gap to mean radius. A superior design employs compound corners and enables avoidance of blowby while retaining self-similar compression geometry, according to two-dimensional MHD predictions. For the initially installed design, the predicted scaling for a compact toroid magnetic field compression is oc(r-5r)~ l . A comparison of simple theory, twodimensional MHD prediction, and experimental results of Bz versus r is shown in Fig. 2 for 220-/xf, 60-nH, 75-kV driven compression. For higher energy (440-/xf, 60-nH, 60-kV) driven compression, the peak compressed Bz observed is —4 T. The correlation in space and time of the axial magnetic field pulse associated with the compact toroid and the initial sharp electron density peak suggests that this peak is due to the compact toroid. This is illustrated in Fig. 3. The electron density data are obtained by HeNe 2.5 2<1) 03 1.5 C U) cz COMPRESSION OF COMPACT TOROIDS laser interferometry. This density peak is considerably larger in conical compression experiments than in lower energy straight coaxial geometry experiments, as expected. We do not yet have data at enough different positions to confirm 1/r 3 scaling of the density (or, 1/ [(r-5r)r] for our current geometry), but the data we have are promising. The large-density pulse following the initial density spike is believed to be due to electrode plasma-based partly on time and space-resolved optical spectroscopy and partly on the fact that various measures of the inertial mass (1 to 2 mg) approximately agree with experimental and two-dimensional MHD information on injected mass ( - 2 mg) and efficiency of incorporating injected mass into the toroid ( - 7 0 % ) . The large, late density apparently has little velocity and does not appear to be dynamically coupled to the toroid. Time and space-resolved optical spectroscopy was obtained by using an optical multichannel analyzer (OMA), fiber-optic lines, and collimation/collection optics. Axially, time-resolved OMA data for a nitrogen compact toroid experiment is shown in Fig. 4. It is evident that the injected species (nitrogen) precedes the contaminant species (carbon, silicon) by several microseconds. The spectroscopy evidence for nitrogen is time and space correlated with magnetic probe and interferometer evidence for the compact toroid. Chordal view optical spectroscopy indicates that the contaminant plasma is concentrated near the electrodes. 8 The silicon is believed to be attributable to the glass envelopes protecting the magnetic probes. In Fig. 5, we show acceleration/compression current / and axial position Z of the current versus time t for a higher energy, 440-/xf, 60-nH, 60-kV, 800-kJ second-stage discharge with factor 3 conical compression geometry. The injected mass was 1.5 to 2 mg of nitrogen. The injected field was - 0 . 2 T, with a radialto-axial ratio of —2 to 1. The formation discharge parameters were 110 /xf, —30 nH, 70 kV, and —2 MA with an — 3-/xs rise time. Here, Vis the voltage at the capacitive divider voltage probe position, i.e., outside the vacuum-solid insulator interface. The nominal secondstage discharge resistance is 3.3 mfi, and L is obtained from /, V by using IR)dt "to "5 'o oL C 0.5 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Axial Height (cm) Fig. 2. Poloidal field compression data compared with simple theory and two-dimensional MHD calculations (MACH2) for 220-/*F, 70-kV, second-stage discharge. 109 FUSION TECHNOLOGY VOL. 27 MAR. 1995 To obtain good agreement between experiment zerodimensional calculations at this operating energy, one must consider the motion of the second-stage discharge return current path. This return current path position starts near the second-stage discharge annular feed slot. Data from magnetic probes located between the gas injection and second-stage discharge feed slot locations indicate that this current return path moves almost halfway to the lower gun baffles. This current return path motion starts - 3 /xs into the second-stage discharge. Degnan et al. COMPRESSION OF C O M P A C T TOROIDS 8 10 12 Time (jus) Fig. 3. Poloidal magnetic field, radially averaged electron density compared with time in conical compression cone. The motion lasts - 2 . 5 ns. The inductance growth associated with this motion is - 5 nH. The times of arrival of the B-d (azimuthal magnetic field) signal peaks correspond well to the mean current position obtained from inductance growth obtained from the current and voltage data. The zero-dimensional prediction of compact toroid mass centroid motion correspond well with the times of arrival of the Bz (axial magnetic field) signal peaks. This correspondence is optimum for zero-dimensional model parameters with > > 350 1200 r O 1000 c (a) 13 O o j <D O CD 800 600 400 O O 200 J 4500 4550 4600 wavelength 4650 (A) 4700 _JL_ -200 4450 4500 4550 4600 wavelength 4650 4700 (A) Fig. 4. Optical spectra for nitrogen compact toroid acceleration/compression. Toroid species precedes electrode plasma species. 110 FUSION TECHNOLOGY VOL. 27 MAR. 1995 Degnan et al. COMPRESSION OF COMPACT TOROIDS Time ^s) Fig. 5. Current, mean current axial position compared with time; poloidal and azimuthal magnetic field peak times of arrival. For magnetic probe locations (close to electrodes), PF time of arrival should correspond to toroid, and azimuthal field time of arrival should correspond to discharge current flowing through toroid. 2-mg toroid mass. The assumed initial toroid magnetic energy is 10 to 20 kJ. Varying the toroid magnetic energy Wm in that range has little predicted effect. This initial toroid magnetic energy is the magnetic energy density for the trapped, relaxed toroid (Be ~ 0.5 T, Bpoioidai ~ 0-4 T) times the toroid volume 105 cm 2 ). The compression of the toroid causes a force opposing rr compression of Fm = dWm/dr. Since W m= —wm0 r0/r9 F,„ = —WQ r0/r . The analogous rotational (Wroty0 ~ 100 J, Fro, ~ 1 /r3) and internal energy (Winty0 ~ 100 J) forces are negligible. Magnetic diffusion drag forces are not negligible but are small compared with magnetic compression forces. The diffusion drag forces are not considered in the current zero-dimensional model. They may need to be considered for higher compression experiments. Figure 6 shows a 200-ns exposure micro channel plate (MCP) tube photo of a compact toroid that has been compressed a factor of 3 within conical-coaxial electrodes and has inertially compressed another factor of —2, after extraction from the conical electrodes 111 FUSION TECHNOLOGY VOL. 27 MAR. 1995 Fig. 6. Computer-enhanced, gated MCP tube camera image of compact toroid after exiting factor 3 compression conical electrodes. Degnan et al. COMPRESSION OF COMPACT TOROIDS into a 1-m-diam, 1-m-long vacuum vessel. The mean diameter is —15 cm. Contained compression to — 7-cm mean diameter, or smaller, is required for our current compact toroids to achieve megagauss fields. Candidate applications at several megajoule accelerator capacitor bank energy include intense X-ray generation (requiring compressions to 5- to 10-cm mean diameter), intense neutron generation/fusion research, and high-quality plasma flow switching (requiring compressions to 20- to 30-cm mean diameter). This is a potentially reusable, nondestructive device. Experiments at the megajoule, 3-MA, factor of 3 compression level are nondestructive. 4. T. W. HUSSEY, N. F. RODERICK, and D. A. KLOC, "Scaling of MHD Instabilities in Imploding Plasma Liners," J. Appl. Phys., 51, 1452 (1980). 5. R. E. REINOVSKY, W. L. BAKER, Y. G. CHEN, J. HOLMES, and E. A. LOPEZ, "SHIVA Star Inductive Pulse Compression System," Proc. 4th IEEE Int. Pulsed Power Conf., Albuquerque, New Mexico, June 6-8, 1983, p. 196, M. F. ROSE and T. H. MARTIN, Eds., Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (1983). 6. J. H. DEGNAN et al., "Compact Toroid Formation Compression and Acceleration," Phys. Fluids, B5, 2938 (1993). REFERENCES 1. C. W. HARTMAN and J. H. HAMMER, "New Type of Collective Acceleration,"Phys. Rev. Lett.,48,14, 929(1982). 2. J. B. TAYLOR, "Relaxation of Toroidal Plasma and Generation of Reverse Magnetic Fields/' Phys. Rev. Lett., 33, 1139 (1974). 3. I. LINDEMUTH and R. KIRKPATRICK, "Parameter Space for Magnetized Fuel Targets in Inertial Confinement Fusion," Nucl. Fusion, 23, 263 (1983). 7. E. L. RUDEN, J. H. DEGNAN, T. W. HUSSEY, M. C. SCOTT, J. D. GRAHAM, and S. K. COFFEY, "Time Resolved Mass Flow Measurements for a Fast Gas Delivery System," Rev. Sci. Instrum64, 1740 (1993). 8. T. J. ENGLERT, G. F. KIUTTU, and S. VIGIL, "Spectral Evidence of Heating and Confinement of Compressed and Accelerated Compact Toroids," Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 37, 1474 (1992). James H. Degnan (BS, physics, St. Joseph's University, 1969; MS, 1972, and PhD, 1973, physics, University of Pittsburgh) has a research background that includes experimental nuclear physics, high-energy-density plasmas, and high-current pulsed power. G. P. Baca No biography was available at publication time. David Bell (BS, physics, University of Texas-El Paso, 1986; MS, engineering physics, 1987, and PhD, plasma physics, 1993, Air Force Institute of Technology) has research interests that include computational physics and application of evolutionary strategies to physics simulations. Geoffrey D. Bird (AAS, electromechanical technology, Washington Technical Institute, 1972) has worked in pulsed power, high-power microwave, highenergy plasma, and electron beam systems design and development. He is currently with Physical Sciences, Inc. Allen L. Chesley [MS, physics (atmospheric), Iowa State University, 1978; BA, chemistry and physics, Coe College, 1975] has a special interest in optical and X-ray image processing and in data acquisition systems. Sean K.Coffey (BSME, 1981, and MSNE, 1985, University of New Mexico) has a research background that includes steady-state and pulsed magnetic field diagnostics, fast photography, data acquisition, and pulsed radiography in hostile environments. M. E. Dearborn No biography was available at publication time. Melissa Rae Douglas (PhD, physics, University of New Mexico, 1994) has research interests that include computational radiation hydrodynamics. She is currently investigating hazardous waste removal by using silent discharge plasmas. Sue E. Englert (PhD, physics, University of Wyoming, 1986) studied acoustics and signal processing. Her research background also includes fast photography, data acquisition, and image processing. 112 FUSION TECHNOLOGY VOL. 27 MAR. 1995 Degnan et al. COMPRESSION OF COMPACT TOROIDS Thad J. Englert (BS, physics, University of Northern Colorado, 1962; MS, physics, Iowa State University, 1964; PhD, physics, University of Wyoming, 1983) has research interests that include quantum electrodynamics, spectroscopy, and electro-optics. Donald G. Gale (BSME, California Polytechnic Institute-San Luis Obispo, 1976) has technical experience that includes structural design and stress analysis (in the nuclear power industry), vacuum vessel and electrode design for highcurrent pulsed power and high-voltage applications, and numerous fabrication techniques. Jack D. Graham is a pulsed power engineer for Maxwell Laboratories, Inc. He leads the Shiva Star operations team and has extensive high-energy capacitor bank and pulsed power coupling design, development, and operations experience. Kirk E. Hackett (BA, physics, Dartmouth, 1977; PhD, physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1983) has a research background that includes high-energy-density plasmas and high-power microwave sources. J. H. Holmes No biography was available at publication time. Thomas W. Hussey (PhD, University of Florida, 1974) is the chief of the Phillips Laboratory High Energy Plasma Division. He has been active in the area of high-energy-density plasma radiation sources and is best known for his theoretical and computational work on the hydromagnetic Rayleigh-Taylor instability in fast Z pinches. Gerald F. Kiuttu [BS, engineering science, Arizona State University, 1975; MS, 1980, and PhD, 1986, nuclear engineering (plasma physics), University of New Mexico] has done research work that includes X-ray spectroscopy and plasma diagnostics, plasma accelerators, hollow Z pinches, charged-particle beams, high-power microwaves, compact toroids, and pulsed power. F. Mark Lehr (PhD, electrical engineering, Texas Tech University, 1990) is currently a research physicist in the Phillips Laboratory High Energy Plasma Division, where he leads the advanced pulsed power research program. G. J. Marklin No biography was available at publication time. B. W. Mullins No biography was available at publication time. Robert E. Peterkin, Jr. (BS, physics, Boston College, 1976; PhD, physics and astronomy, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 1983) studied elementary particle physics, general relativity, and quantum gravity. His subsequent research has been in theoretical and computational plasma dynamics and high-performance computing. David W. Price (BS, engineering physics, University of Tulsa, 1975; MS, nuclear engineering, 1977, and PhD, engineering, 1988, University of New Mexico) since 1984 has been a research physicist with the U.S. Air Force (USAF), where he has been involved with nonperturbative high-energy plasma diagnostics. Norman F. Roderick (BS, USAF Academy, 1962; MSE, 1968, and PhD, 1971, aerospace engineering, University of Michigan) is now an Intragovernmental Personnel Act employee (IPA) at Phillips Laboratory and a professor in the University of New Mexico Chemical and Nuclear Engineering Department. His research background includes propulsion, pulsed power, particle beams, plasma physics, theory, and computational modeling of plasma phenomena. Edward L. Ruden (BS, physics, Case Western Reserve University, 1982; PhD, physics, University of California, Irvine, 1988) has experience with plasma diagnosis and theory, Z pinches, compact toroids, and other plasma geometries. He is currently working in the Phillips Laboratory High Energy Plasma Division. Michael C. Scott (BS, electrical engineering, Texas Tech University, 1986) has experience that includes pulsed power research and development for plasma physics and high-power microwave experiments. He has done specialized work in high repetition, high average pulsed power generators. 113 FUSION TECHNOLOGY VOL. 27 MAR. 1995 Degnan et al. COMPRESSION OF COMPACT TOROIDS Steven W. Seiler (BA, physics, Cornell University, 1972; PhD, physics, Princeton University, 1977) has experience in high-energy physics, plasma physics, pulsed power engineering, electromagnetic and electrothermal guns, and nuclear weapons effects. He is currently with Physical Sciences, Inc. Wayne Sommars (BSEE, Southern Illinois University, 1979; MSEE, Air Force Institute of Technology, 1983) has technical experience that includes communication electronics, operational testing, and pulsed power engineering. Peter J. Turchi (BSE, 1967; MA, 1969; and PhD, 1970, aerospace and mechanical sciences, Princeton University) is currently an IPA at Phillips Laboratory and a professor in the Ohio State University Aerospace Engineering Department. His research background includes high-energy-density plasma physics, high-current pulsed power, and propulsion. 114 FUSION TECHNOLOGY VOL. 27 MAR. 1995