the April 2016 Kedge


the April 2016 Kedge
The Maryland Yacht Club Kedge Anchor
April 2016 v6.0
The Bridge
April General Membership Meeting
Commodore Paul Dolan
Vice Commodore Barbara Franklin
Rear Commodore Larry Korpanty
Secretary Emory Quaskey
Treasurer Paul Mermelstein
Power Fleet Captain Gary Bullis
Sail Fleet Captain Brad Houck
IPC Paul Dolan
The Board of Governors
Mbr. at Lg .Capt. Jim Ferrari
Mbr. at Lg .Capt. Linda Grunder
Mbr. at Lg. Capt. Hal McClure
Mbr .at Lg Capt. Winfried Wiegmann
Social Rep Barb Corkhill
This quarter’s General Membership Meeting will not be held at the clubhouse as
usual, but instead will be hosted by the Two Rivers Restaurant on Sunday, April 17th, in
their private dining room.—The Reserve (second door to the left of the main entrance).
As many of you may know, MYC is entering into an agreement with Two Rivers to
run our catering business and to prepare dinners for us on Friday nights in the clubhouse. They will be hosting the MYC membership at their location to give everyone a
chance to better understand what they will bring to the table and to give us their vision
of some of the clubhouse improvements that we are discussing.
In addition, all MYC members will receive a 10% discount when eating at the Two
Rivers restaurant. In order to receive this discount, members will need to present their
Membership ID card with the current year decal in place. Please bring your Membership ID Card with you on the 17th, to get your decal and to show the hostess to be admitted. Those of you who cannot make it to the GM Meeting can get your decal at the
MYC office after April 17th.
Two Rivers Restaurant
4105 Mountain Road, Pasadena Maryland 21122
Sunday, April 17, 2016 at 2:00PM
Points of Interest
The MYC Junior Sailing Week by Week Schedule Is:
• Remember, there is a
special for new members. Help out the club
by bringing in a friend
to Join!
• Please volunteer to help
at our booth at the Annapolis boat show at the
end of the month.
Beginner Session
Racing Session 1
(2 weeks)
Intermediate Session
Racing Session 2
(2 weeks)
Intermediate Session
Sailing Adventure
June 20 – June 24
June 27 – July 8
July 11 – July 15
July 18 – July 29
August 1 – August 5
August 8 – August 12
For more info or to sign up, contact [email protected], or call 410-627-3093.
For full description of the program see
Just sit right back and you’ll hear a tale of
69th Crowning of Queen of the Chesapeake
Tropic Island Nest Saturday Dinner Tickets:
Barbara Corkhill [email protected] or (410) 903-2760
SS Minnow Dockage Reservations: Nadine McEnaney, MYC Office Manager,
(410) 255-4444 or [email protected]
Friday, June 3
Skipper Script and T-shirt sales
5 PM – 10 PM
Castaway liquid refreshments
5 PM – Midnight
Stranded Cruiser’s hors devours at pier dock boxes
5 PM – 7 PM
Robinson Crusoe buffet in Clubhouse
7 PM – 9 PM
Judging of best decorated boat
7:30 PM
DJ‘s “four hour tour” in the Clubhouse
8 PM – Midnight
Saturday, June 4
Uncharted Desert Isle Breakfast by the Sea
8 AM – 10:30 AM
Skipper Script and T-shirt sales
9 AM – Midnight
Princess Registration in the Clubhouse
9 AM – 10 AM
Princess Interviews in the Clubhouse
10 AM – Noon
Outside First Mate Food and Bar under the Tent
11 AM – 3 PM
Officer Registration
11:30 AM - 12:45 PM
1 PM
Corn Hole and Nine Squares
3 PM – 4 PM
Tropic Island Nest Dinner under the Pavilion
5 PM – 9 PM
Costume Party and Music by The Beach Bumz
8 PM – Midnight
Sunday, June 5
Skipper Script Sales
8:30 AM
Uncharted Desert Isle Breakfast by the Sea
8:30 AM – 10:30 PM
Interdenominational Religious Service at Pavilion
9:30 AM
Clubhouse/Restrooms closed for Pageant
11 AM
Fearless Crew Food Tent Sales
12 AM – 3 PM
1 PM – 3 PM
Queen’s Reception following pageant
3 PM
Unused Skipper’s Script Redemption (this time ONLY)
4 PM – 5 PM
The Kedg e Anchor
April 2016 v6.0
Page 4
Our Commodore’s Comments
for three weeks now so I’m still getting used to the job again. Also, I’ve
asked Larry Korpanty to come back
to the Bridge as Rear Commodore.
He has agreed so he is acting RC
until board confirmation on the
17th. Thanks, Larry. I also want to
thank Jim Ferrari for his work shepherding the Two Rivers agreement
and for agreeing to become our next
Commodore Paul Dolan
Welcome to almost Spring at
Maryland Yacht Club!
I wrote this a year ago. Little did
I think that I would be back in the
saddle for another term as Commodore. Just goes to show you that life
happens when you are making other
plans. I’ve been Commodore again
I want to thank all of the members that have supported me the last
couple of weeks and a few people in
particular. Nadine, the Fleet Captains, the Vice Commodore and the
Basin Director for their hard work
on making slip pick day seamless.
The Auxiliary and in particular Barb
Corkhill for putting together a pot
luck April 1st. I had a prior commitment and couldn’t be there but
thank you so much. I also want to
thank our dining staff for finishing
March as true professionals. My hat
is off to you.
A lot of changes are afoot at
MYC. Most are good, many necessary and all will take some adjusting
to. We face this year with a need to
add members with boats, increase
our revenue and above all else be
Maryland Yacht Club. The place
where folks gather to be friends.
Please come to the General
Membership Meeting at 2:00 pm
April 17th at Two Rivers Steak
House to learn more about the exciting changes coming to the club!
Commodore Paul
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April 2016 v6.0
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The Vice Commodore’s Voice
Vice Commodore Barbara Franklin
We’re getting into our busy season with Gilligan’s Island Opening
Weekend just 10 weeks away. I’m
working with Michelle Pfeifer, Catering Manager at Two Rivers Steak
and Fish House, on a plan for the all
-important food for the weekend.
We may have a pot luck for either
Saturday or Sunday lunch so I will
be soliciting help from our members
as well as the help we will need in
other areas. As in the past, the
Teals and Oswalds will be offering
both Saturday and Sunday breakfast
under the Pavilion which I have
dubbed Uncharted Desert Isle
Breakfast by the Sea. Nancy Gor-
man will be printing tickets for our
Tropic Island Nest Saturday dinner
and Barb Corkhill will handle ticket
sales. Arnold Hammon will make
beautiful sounds with our sound
system and Tom Davis is heading
up our parking crew. Taps will be
played by Dutch Shaffer, Sue Love
is making a wreathe to remember
members who have passed, Gary
Bullis and Brad Houck are on flag
duty and Jim Gorman is our MC. If
you’re worry that there won’t be a
spot for you to volunteer – have no
fear – there’s plenty more where this
came from. We need someone to
fire our cannon off when a boat
carrying a princess arrives in our
basin. And we need more volunteers for parking and docking.
Think about what you could do to
participate in this very special weekend and let me know where you
would like to fit in. Thank you in
advance and Thank you to all who
have already volunteered.
Open House brought 8 new
prospective members to the Club –
2 of which were from the Baltimore
Boat Show. It was definitely a busy
day with Slip Picks, Sock Burning,
Power & Sail Fleet Meetings and
then Open House. Starting midMay, we will be have Open House
every Friday along with Two Rivers
providing dinner.
MYC will occupy Booth #21
Tent D for the Annapolis Sail Boat
Show April 22 -24. A blast went
out this week asking for volunteers
to fill these three days between 10 –
2 and 2 – 6. Please let me know if
you can take any of these time slots.
I have firmed up plans with Mel
for his famous Gourmet Cruise
which will be held at MYC July 22 –
24 with the theme “Under the Sea”.
We are inviting other Yacht Clubs
to join us for the weekend and dinner will be the usual $25 per person.
Please bring a hors devour to share
– no desserts please. Menu details
will be provided by Mel shortly before the event.
Everyone take care,
Barbara Franklin
Vice Commodore
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December 2015 v2.1
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Rear Commodore’s Ruminations
bership. I have seen great energy
and super attitudes at our latest
gatherings. The Pot Luck on April
1 was a cornucopia of great food
with more to eat than we could finish in a weekend.
Rear Commodore Larry Korpanty
This is an exciting time to be a
member of Manyland Yacht Club.
We are on the cusp of a new era
with all sorts of great things happening that will open up the future for
We have a great new opportunity with Two Rivers who will be
handling our catering for the next
few years, and if it goes well, we
have options to renew.
We have an invigorated mem-
Even more exciting was voting
in all the new members at the last
Board of Governor’s meeting. They
are listed in the New Members section of this Kedge Anchor on Page
13. Please make sure that you reach
out to them and make them feel at
Our Fleet Captains have been
busy and our combined Shakedown
Cruise is only a month away. Once
again we will be cruising to our sister club Baltimore Yacht Club. If
you can’t get your boat ready in
time, then come by land. They are a
great group of people there and they
always make us feel welcome. MYC
needs to get out amongst our sister
clubs and let them know how much
fun we can have and to invite them
back to visit with us.
MYC has taken a booth at the
Annapolis Spring Sailboat show.
Please help out by contacting VC
Barb Franklin and volunteering four
hours (or more) to help us bring the
value and fun of MYC to potential
new members.
Finally, please support opening
weekend and MYC by taking an
advertisement out in the Queens
Kedge. Rates are quite affordable
and you will be helping the club
while getting your message out.
Please don’t hesitate to reach
out to me or to stop me at the club
if you have ideas or suggestions for
making things better.
Thanks and I look forward to a
great season.
Good winds and calm seas to
you all.
Princess Emma, SFC Brad Houck, and PFC Gary Bullis participate in the annual sock burning
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April 2016 v6.0
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Power Fleet Ponderings
of Bay cruises again. But more importantly, it is time to turn those
dreams into reality. Please review
the MYC cruise schedule (Power
and Sail) and plan to partake with
your fellow MYCers out on the water. Power Fleet:
Sail Fleet:
Power Fleet Captain Gary Bullis
Ahhh, … Springtime in Maryland!
Boats (including dinghy) are in the
water and ready to cruise. Yet flannel sheets and comforter a must as
the night still remind us it’s not
summertime yet.
As our boats get launched and tied
in their slips it truly is time to dream
Here’s to the coming 2016 boating season!
The relaxing fun awaits as you put
those hard boat prep/boat work/
boat launch tasks in your wake.
Trust me, I know. It was a trying
time for me prepping for this year’s
launch. But all’s well that ends well
– when you throw enough money at
it. AND have the help of very good
friends and new slip neighbors.
Slip Pick Day (3rd Sunday in March)
was a success yet again and many a
sock was burned. New members
joined in with old to help get us all
in the boating mood. The food and
wait staff did a wonderful job despite the pending changes in those
areas. And speaking of changes, it
appears MYC is poised to weather
the storm and cruise into smoother
waters. Let’s all strive to make that
reality with helpful and positive actions that attract even more helpful
and positive members. Cheers to
[email protected]
Believe a Bull
E-pier #7
The Kedg e Anchor
April 2016 v6.0
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Sail Fleet Salutations
"Seaduced Too" and waiting for
reasonable temperatures before receiving a fresh coat of paint. It was
even too cold to clean and wax the
hull this Sunday. Plus the gale force
winds almost blew me off the ladder.
Sail Fleet Captain Brad Houck
Ahoy MYC Members
Who would have predicted the
temperatures in April would be
lower than March. It certainly has
put a damper on our spring commissioning progress. The bottom of
The cabin sole project has also
been delayed by the weather. Tough
to varnish when the temp goes below 50 at night. As you can see by
the pictures, the new cabin sole teak
and holly has been cut. The difference in the color between the new
and old boards is amazing. With a
little luck I will have the new sole in
before the Shakedown Cruise.
Speaking of the Shakedown
Cruise, I hope you all have marked
the date, May 7th, on your calendars. It should be a great time, with
the added feature in a dinner and
dance at BYC.
Please contact me if you plan to
At the Sail Fleet meeting I got a
list of emails for contact info. If you
did not receive my email about the
Shakedown Cruise I either do not
have your email or I have the wrong
address. In either case please send
me your email address so I can keep
everyone up to date on Sail Fleet
news. My address is
[email protected]
I cannot wait to start the cruising season and do what we do best.
Having fun at the club and enjoying
our beautiful Chesapeake Bay
Fair Winds and Following Seas
Brad Houck
Sail Fleet Captain
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April 2016 v6.0
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MYC Auxiliary
your help this year, you boys did a
great job!
Auxiliary President Barbara Corkhill
Spring is here! Really? By the
weather it’s hard to tell. Although I
can say Easter has come and gone,
the children’s Egg Hunt and party
was great. We had several new
members with their little ones attend this year. We stuffed 400 eggs
so I know each child had plenty and
Mark was gracious to us by supplying an Ice Cream Sunday bar. It was
fun to see all the kids there. Alex
and Aidan Treff, Thank you for
Now April is here and we have
exciting new things happening at the
club. The weather will be turning
warmer any day now. The Auxiliary
will be watching and waiting to see
the newly renovated club house. We
are planning on having the Bull
Roast in May once we get the go
ahead. Please be on the watch for
more details coming. We need your
support and hope you will be there.
If you have any ideas for an
event you would like to have happen contact the auxiliary and we will
see if we can’t make it happen. We
meet the first Friday of each month
and you are always welcome to
“Come Aboard” and join us.
March 26th – Kids Easter Party & Egg Hunt 1pm-3pm
Date TBT – Bull & Oyster Roast
June 4th – Auxiliary Bake Sale
September 18th – Crab Feast
October 29th – Adult Halloween Party
October 30th – Kids Halloween Party
There will be more as the year progresses.
The Ships Store is on the website for you to browse and purchase items. Go in and
take a look, we need to have a minimum order of at least 24 items when placing an
order, so we will probably be sending in an order at least once a month if the demand
is there. It doesn’t take long for turnaround. If anyone wants to order for someone
special this Holiday season please contact our New Ship Store Coordinator Sue
Zelenakas at [email protected]
The Kedg e Anchor
April 2016 v6.0
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Programs—What’s Happening?
Program Director Vickie Dulko
Hello Everyone,
The spring and summer season
is fast approaching. Hope to see
each and every member of the
Maryland Yacht Club coming to
support the events that we are having at the club.
I would like to do an event for
Fathers Day this coming year. Please
let me know what you as fathers
would like to do for your day. We
will be doing some of the same
events from last year. Some of the
events this year will be game nights,
Preakness Party, 4 th of July Pot
Luck, Labor Day Pot Luck, Bonfires
and other events that will be
Please check the club house,
the pier's bathrooms for the calendar of events in the club. All of the
activities will also be in the Kedge,
and Blasts. Please read the postings
to keep informed of club activities.
If you have any ideas that you think
would be fun or exciting please
feel free to contact me at
[email protected] or call me at
410-212-9180. I would really enjoy
having people join me in making the
programs highly successful. The
more people that help, the easier it
is for everyone.
Calendar of Events
April 17
General Meeting
2:00 PM
Two Rivers Restaurant
May 6
Meet and Greet
Auxiliary Meeting
6:00 PM
7:30 PM
May 7
Private Party
12:30 PM
May 8
Mother's Day Brunch
11:00 AM
May 13
4:00 PM
May 14
Private Party
5:00 PM
May 15
Bull and Shrimp Roast
1:00 PM
May 18
Private Luncheon
11:30 AM
May 20
BOG Meeting
Preakness Hat Making
7:30 PM
7:30 PM
Board Room
Dance Floor Side
May 21
Preakness Party
Private Party
4:00 PM
5:00 PM
June 3-5
Opening Weekend
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December 2015 v2.1
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House & Grounds (and Basin)
The club is almost
ready for our busy summer season.
There is going to be many changes
and we as a club will have to be
ready for all the problems and the
new procedures at the club. I think
that we can and will welcome our
new partner in Two Rivers. We are
working on plans for the pavilion
for the summer. The H & G crew
has been hard at work with getting
the club ready, winter water will be
shut off on April 1 and summer
water is up and working. We have
replaced 2 pressure tanks on the
well system and there may be more
water pressure than last year.
PLEASE check your water hose and
boat side water for proper water
The Fuel dock has already
started to warm up with several customers coming in during the past
week. We will be cleaning and painting the fuel shed and placing new
signs on the dock. For those that
use gasoline please use the north or
“A” pier side for gasoline sales and
the south or “C” pier side for diesel
fuel. All fuel hoses have been labeled Gasoline and Diesel. Please
make sure you have the proper fuel
before filling your boat tanks
As always if you need repairs to any club property please fill
out a work request and forward it to
me or Nadine.
Greg Franklin
[email protected]
Cell: 301-602-0987
Director Building and Ground
Acting Basin Director
H&G Director Greg Franklin & VC Barbara Franklin on Vacation in the Bahamas
An Unusual Low Tide at MYC
The Kedg e Anchor
December 2015 v2.1
Page 13
Social Media
How exciting is it that April is
here and we are starting a new venture with Two Rivers. The club is
closed while renovations are happening and the end results should be
members and enjoy the fun. If you
know a friend or neighbor who
would like to check us out, bring
them in and let them look around.
The promotional membership continues until August.
I would like to Welcome all the
new members who have joined us
this year. We are excited to have you
join us. Don’t be shy, if you come in
the club please feel free to join other
Within a month or so the pool
will be open and we are planning
events down at the pavilion on Saturday nights. We hope you will take
advantage of all the club has to offer
and join in as much as possible.
If there is anything you want to
discuss or have any issues please feel
free to contact me at [email protected] or stop by
and see me at the club. I work
closely on the BOG and would like
to have some ideas to give them as
we are gearing up for a new season.
Meet Our New Members
We have what may be a record this month for welcoming new members. Please go out of your way to make them
feel at home at MYC!
Chris & Jenn Hervy
Stephen & Caroline York
Ed Traynor & Susan Lewis
David & Jeanine Ford
Greg & Karen Solek
Darrell Guy & Renee Reutzel
Marty Fischbach & Leila Wagner
James & Michelle Christoffers
James & Ann Carlsen
Leland & Whitney Niu
Merci & Felicito Velasquez
Malcolm Resnick
Maria Kolgen
Tom & Kathyrn Venator
John & Darlene Schmitz
Wayne & Merideth Barrett
Richard & Barbara Favarulo
Douglas & Maureen Margevich
Patrick & Jeanine Kovalsky
Alister & Mary Frances Barron
The Maryland Yacht Club Kedge
Maryland Yacht Club
1500 Fairview Beach Road
Pasadena, Maryland 21122-3219
Phone: 410-255-4444
Your editor can be reached at:
[email protected]
Maryland Yacht Club covers over eight acres
of beautiful waterfront at the end of Fairview Beach Road in Pasadena Maryland. It is
situated at the entrance to Rock Creek and
commands a grand view of the Patapsco
River on one side and Rock Creek on the
Maryland Yacht Club has great facilities and
numerous social events, we are much more
than a marina.
We’re on the Web!
You’re always among friends at MYC
Please let me know if you have a birthday, anniversary,
wedding, or other big event that you would like me to
add to the Society Page!
Who Else Is Helping Out
MYC Auxiliary
Auxiliary Members at Large
Web Site Chairman
Randi Chidekel
Larry Korpanty
Barbara Corkhill
Mary Dolan
Carl Treff
Vickie Dulko
By Laws Chairman
Vice President
Vickie Ferrari
Dutch Shaffer
Cheryl Hook
Barb Franklin
Nancy Gorman
Junior Sail Fleet
Linda Grunder
Carl Treff
Barb Ballengee
Pam Jendrek
Dave Marcic
Cindy Korpanty
Danee Mermelstein
Fleet Chaplain
Brenda Howell
Pam Schuller
Sue Love
Susan Zelenakas