Twister Brochure EN-US
Twister Brochure EN-US
For: - Polished Concrete - Floor Finish (VCT) - Terrazzo - Natural Stone - Vinyl - Luxury Vinyl Tile - Linoleum - Ceramic Tile - Rubber Composite - Sealed Wood Floors Twister™ Diamond Cleaning System The Original Diamond Pad Twister™ The Original Diamond Pad A New Way of Cleaning Extended Range Twister™ pads make floors both cleaner and more attractive. The result is a bright, beautiful, clean floor! Twister™ pads can be used on all types of floors and are available for most commonly used floor cleaning machines. The secret is that each Twister™ pad contains billions of microscopic diamonds that not only effectively clean but also polish the floor during daily cleaning. The difference between the various pads are the size of the diamonds, or “grit” level. Twister™ pad grit levels range from a very course (400 grit) to very fine (3,000 grit and up) diamond matrix that are used depending on what stage of restoration (or maintenance) is required. These different grit levels enable you to upgrade a dirty, dull floor to a clean shiny one. Continued use of the Twister™ Green or Twister™ SuperClean maintains the floor's clean, shiny condition. The flexible Twister pads follow the floor's contours, and by using billions of microscopic diamonds, mechanically clean and polish the surface. HTC Twister™ now has a complete range of Twister™ pads for use on floor finish. It includes the new SuperGloss & SuperClean pads that work together to extend the life of floor finish up to 100%! This means that the time between scrub and re-coating floor finish is doubled, as well as strip and re-coating. This results in cost savings in labor, chemicals, and reducing impact on the environment. Diamond Cleaning System Advantages Reduced Environmental Impact • Increases the life of floor finish up to 100% • Clean, shiny floors every day • Reduces total cleaning costs • Environmentally friendly cleaning method • Removes up to 80% more bacteria than conventional methods • Simple implementation - no change in the machines and procedures used The focus from organizations and companies on environmental issues has never been greater. Analysis of the entire operation, with the aim of finding alternative solutions to reduce environmental impact without reducing the quality or increasing the cost are an ongoing process. In many cases, only water is required in daily maintenance to keep floors clean and shiny, however on heavily soiled surfaces an enhancing conditioner will aid in the performance of Twister™. For floors that require floor finish, Twister™ will reduce the frequency of the periodic maintenance (stripping & re-coating). In addition, using Twister™ reduces the amount and management of waste and residues. Choosing Twister™ as your standard method for floor maintenance will actively, easily and effectively reduce your business’ environmental impact. HTC Twister™ is a member of: Where can Twister™ be used? • Polished concrete •Floor finish (VCT) •Terrazzo • Natural stone •Vinyl • Luxury vinyl tile •Linoleum •Ceramic tile •Rubber composite •Sealed wood floors Twister™ Polished Concrete/Terrazzo - Range of pads Twister™ SuperClean - Daily cleaning on polished concrete & terrazzo WITH a guard product Twister™ Green Twister™ Yellow - Daily cleaning or burnishing on polished concrete & terrazzo WITHOUT a guard product - Light restoration Twister™ White - Restoration Twister™ Red - Intense cleaning / restoration Twister™ VCT (UHS floor finish) - Range of pads Twister™ Green Twister™ SuperGloss Twister™ SuperClean - Daily burnishing - Interim cleaning (more aggressive) - Regular Cleaning Twister™ Methods Twister ™ Methods Twister™ Red Twiste ™ r Meth ods Tw Metister ™ hod s Regul Reg ar Mai ular ntenan Daily cleaning Main ce - M polished con Twiste cret tena Twistarbl r™ pade all tha er™ e nce s work all t is pa effe Tile / Composite / Luxury r™ padsVinyl Regular Maintenance - RubberTwiste work effecti vely No Tw iste Me - Scrub & restore / burnish and/or re-coat t r D - G aily c hod ranit lea e ning s coa ted ™ T Mewist th er od s that require is re ds work d to rem ctively in quire ef ove dirt regular ma in daily cleani te! Any d to fective inte ng onwh and deb Note ! nance polish rem ere aed concre and wa ly in Tw andfro An ris yw conven te. ter. regu is ™ wamtethe hereon all com ove di Step 1: tional is al ter™ lar r. floor.a conv mon floort an A Twister™ pad and water is red pad floors. on all common In m order to obtain Twister™ pads work effectively in regular maintenance entio rs. Ad debr ainte l that pads andNo Note! good cleteani nanc is Twiste r is wor The Twi cleaning results is r™ nal the floor. dust mop the ng che from red e re and wate all that is required to remove dirt and debris from rpm k and to increas rpm ! Th floor. pad e Tw micals Tw (UHS). ster™ Gre pad theand onqu ire effect e the lifespa ter™ pad (U ist Twis en are use d to waall and Ste floor A co n HS er pad is ivel all ister™ ). of the™Twister floors. clean p . ter is m mreon it can be replaced by a Twister™ Green it can Gree ™dpad, also ide y tha mov common red pad and cleaning chemicals are used ™ a conventional be rep ing 1: Note! Anywhere floeor in da n pa alNo on all fortedry t is pad n ch lac nce d ily ed ! Gree dis. Tw, ist is als er. high spe by a Twi emica A Tw ter™ rt fr cl No water. req s w andtena lar main Step rnish floor. er™ ed pol o ide by a Twis ster™ ls are te! om istea the in regu uir ork erni™ng 1: ed bu an not al fo ishing Greenused replaced ctively An rispefrom th e be effe deb d e 3500 to k on up d re e used h-s pa can be r dr of the it is also ideal for dry, high speed polishing of the floors and can andhig Ste com flowat dyw it caIn to ffec usedpad y, pads wor remove dirt floors anlhder Green are Step 2: or. er al p 1: men Note! The Twister™ norbe rem tive r and and can high sp In ord Twister™ wa . co chemicals eataed ded ired to scrubbe ter er to Check the machin dust dere ove ly up to 3500 r to placeNote be use eed is requ clea (UHS). on da rpmning coflois obtain to in be used dry all that rpdmby! T e and fill the d up polis pad and mop ob nveors. d good rk co re an au ta to 350hin pad to the pad solution tank mop the nal red r. s and can e Tw a hTw cleani withishe ntioA Tw irt a gula the in (U 0 g of floor. with driver with the the floor Slor conventio teed the floor goHod hing of res rn a ister™ buhere color side down clean water. is ™ In nal iste nd d r m ter. S).clister Attach a ng p 2granite floor Twisterults and or . der speed polis an wa Note! Anyw Gr eb eanite ing Tw ™ Green r™ red r™ ain ed : to increase the lifespan of the Twister™ pad,to the floor. high s an . to dry to inc h cle Note! or us In order to obtain good cleaning results and ng Geen witdry, l for pad Supe ris fr ten water. mop reaob Sdtecan pad, The choice of auto-s the -spe setain T flo idea and resureen tankStep 1: gh op is alsothe crubber will Twister™be used with lifes the the at VC an rCle om anc dry mop the floor. lts p p 1be used a hi floor. goodpan st mGreen pad e re-co d cl pan of the an th of the andad ver. Fill clean Stepa standard floor machin affect the cleaning result. Howev ter™ du or. The Twis and and the lifes up pa e fl on : Twi d dri flo ea ase to lts is e rub pa 2: ste ! er ing and a wet/dr to 35 d an o all er, Twister™ the su inalcrso nin to incre ™ C bb resu r™ pad Ste y vacuum: to sc can mop Noteng re ). pad to the 00 c lts and d owr. eaid • Pressure: , g ch lts an C heck How p 2: scru Dust seea ni (UHS minimum 30 ning resu ater omm rpm the Red clea to le ea th d em Ch lbs r™ an cl good to incpa mac au • RPM: 175-35 eck the on l efolif in st iste ical an to obta 0 rpm r despa flo redasto hine machi . Green es. e hbea Tw In order s ar ry, n of ne and ors e th with ater floor Not d .lan Attthac thee and pad to w the in eu olle h 1: n fill r™ In .A ta e! Th lifesp fil igh the the velc wit pa dry mop contr Chec o se be iste clea d dran l th Step Tw d ob e ch ro hol h clean wa sp Twis rk in Step 3: d it dry rder used S ith p 1: e so k th Ste iverof th Ste Note! iste w g Tw der wit ee ter™ ter into . Wo d an oice Gr Twister™ a an e in to Mount ca te tank. lu m e solution nk p The the pa d into ee m w water w cle Clean h us the col n pa theac r™ op is ith p of o the floor. nb ith Twtio choice Check the machine and fill with clean 3 pad, po e ta hin be use or • Pr utio all 2 au the istnerta™ or sidd to sol floor ter™ Step 2: ter™ side lish the btain of aut e re e :n tan pa ll th down to the floor. d with Twiscolor com : to-scr with e dow essu colo nkpa til the nt a the o-scru te flo k. Mo then and da Twis Green pad to the velcro holder . Fi ing w flo un • g Mou pla a d, fill . re e er e sta No ith m o unt RP to ve bbe tank iv r si ndard ub or. nd fac the on od te! Th a Twiste M re: m lcr of ce cl Note! Check th of th floowi de solution o ho conc floor ma r will d dr mac ber affect db the wa clea the sur that the water However,•Twister™ e ch Pre dow ean w life r into the n to the floor. lder.r clean wa r™ : 175- inimum the hed e pa chinebe used hine will af flow is ok and ssure: can ya ter affect the cleaning result. Scrub water. oic flo will ater n wate cle the nes. 35 th n auto-scrubber lis n of wi choice The clea ani 30 Note! dow and la te in C e • RPM: that the integra to th th th s bu fect can 0+ ors to 30 ng with po lbs . Tw r int is of res d a we g re fill with ter™ ease St color side a standard floor machine rpm lbs ted vacuum e co lean wet/dry vacuum: o t/draysta au a 175 and iste t th ea e flo Attach th thebe ep pad an toult. rolle hine ands. ever, Twis used with incr su picks -scrHowever, vac 3: e so • Pr lor sidthethflo e re e clea Ste -350+ up d ca nduum or. r™ the dirty lt. How hite a Tw holder with grad To . C lts cont on ck the mac velc ub ro ar es resu lut W : Twi ati co Che h p up in d flo be N ning e do or. ion ning ste nd an the Gre nb 2: iste k S 30 ote! 3: • RP sure tome r™ can r™ to or m r will ta Gre eck m m floor padom wn t the clea d to r™ re eu Wor en iste Step affec M: 17 :te plbs Clean wat Greesn rec to th nk. M achin aff Step vacuum: How en the endatio sult. 30 ecert Check Su 4 drylbs 4: se bber will• Pressure: er’ ou the floo 2: in ean. a Tw e : 5wet/ p m tur pe -scru a th e . H nt cl p cr flo d 350+ Ste e cle that and and ch ac n co ow When comple ad rr. a Tw N or. of auto ea up nufac machine• RPM: 175-350+ or is aS choice te, remove the Atta se to hine nsis ever, isterote wet/d aningthe to ma to Clea Twister dard floor No e flo thoroughly. the Note! The ts of wat ™! T the Tw 1: resu te 3 rding te! stan ™ b an th ry a Green 5 co Chang n Ch e p is with 00 ac the p 3 vacuum lt.erHoflo e the Twister eckpad d ve te lifes the use he the machine until thafrom be used ™ pad when lcro fill Ste finish t the wa w ve follo r™ ca we and rinse thefloor. : d w cho pan Whe : with the colored is ok floor rface pad n ter flow Note win ice r, Tw h ply layer floor. • the . su Clean ith Note! o n has Ap , o disapp The lifespan e Pre lder clea g: anist pad co ! is ok eared. 3:lbs f th Step: 30 eded a st of au of the Twister Step andCh b th eck • dRer as ne th™ssca thor mplet e Tw • Pressure 350+ with n w ™S an Green uren 4: that Stha PMat th Scru pad coats dirty water. ough e, re uppthe tetpthe dar to-s 175vac picks te integrated inte iste th the ater ional r. 4: is approx 650,000 ft2. : 1 e in: 3te0 d. • RPM: Note! Check that the water flow is ok and that the m Not d flo crub ly. 3: 5 (o egrawated r™ addit 75 grlb dirty wate co into tervac Cha ove th te pa -35 atsed When Step flowpicks up e! The s up the or ber Apply lor pad Step 5: pti Cle nge e Whi comple vac pick mac will 0+ is ok the coat. lifes sid the so vacu on an , the Twiste dirty wa ly. Ch High speed te, rem integrated ter™ ed al): and Ste pan floor. n each hin affe um the Tw ang burnish with ter. that the that p Twis twee Clean the : ow lutio iste r™NSu of th e an ct pick the Twister™ e the Twi ove the Twi When flo is ok and ith th4 r™ otepe n to n ta tes be p2 Green pad. ster Pad s up ster™ co e :int e Tw or. d a the Fo hw ly. water flow minu pad ! CrCle plete egra Ste r Note! when Chanpadmfrom the nk. iste the that the rnis w cl 3:-45 whehecan pa ted The ,the Bu optim the col ge r™ ! Check dirty et/d eanin remma pad thoroughSteforp30 thelifes flo Mou d bu and rinse Note machine va the ff from th dry n pad k d ore Twister™ al the Su ov ee pan it remove c th e o chi r. complete, theth fro ry Whenshe d laye nt g re picks e thne and Twrist r. of the e flo shin pe Let thorough at m Step 4: va h-sp a Tw co e Tw rins has Green Note! Th layer has disappeared. burni er Pa the pad colored up th rClean when the cu sult. lothree the disapp Hig ister Neotthe pad or us e: Twiste e life r- Pad peed ly. Change the Twister and rinse um mac is d d e ear d. pe in w h-s hine wh pa e! ™ H dir te ed. la r™ ga pa hig atye : ow en th Not padThe thoroughty wa d is padspisan r™ r™ Su the mac 4: Wh red. err ha hine en on a Tw iste 2 ev app e coe! Th from lif ter. appr pad from has disappeaTwister™ of rox flo s di and iste Gre Step h Tw The s pad pad is approx 650,000 ft . ter™ er, the 650 r of the Green lorede esthpa ly. en co wit w lifespan Twis los Note! ox r™ laye r™ rin sa Gr the e ,00 rG ed Tw red Tw n ac ve te is pp C 800, een 0 ft 2. lay Su . colo Supe , remo intain whennethe iste mof 2 iste ok ea se the er perG han mple thhin Twist Twis 000 shi : ha r™ ee be ma an red. 000 ft . ister™ When complete ge Pad r™ s dis te and ter ss er™ uldTwis with ft 2 Su ap Twan p3 ox 650, d th a Tw is d rin Noteloss the , re shothe ca perG pad ish se using pa pearter™ pad is appr Ste floornge cleanline at n ly. Cha is ap the floor burn Th d on Twis move lossed. Su the !pa the n Twister™ ve the prox p 4: ished sh the eed pad perG de th the Gree Ste th lif or a Hig ter inte of ors is fin preser (for extra help removing 650, Burni pan flo h-sp ou can loss es h- Pad e Tw cess aning to Use Yellow Twister™ pad for occasional interm maintenance gra 000 d Hig 5: lifes pa pangh- spee w Step be Note! The is ted cle ft 2. coate the pro hen ter™ d bu used d is of scuffs and providing a deeper clean). After ring daily aning va th ww rnisth Note! 5: up approxe G ily cle cp du ww e pad he pad to 3, w.h n pad. for Da icks w.h Step 65re fro en Clean ction ter™ Gree 0, 00 lo tc tc Twis tru 00 m u red www. . 0 RP -tw -tw p th 0Twftis2 with the : the ins htc-tw iste laye the m M mmended iste ter™ ed d burnish e see p4 ww not reco ist zzo ac r ir High spee r. er. -Pleas h ty terra Ste co d com h pad as w.h wat m epoxy base dis ine an is er. tc-t ap ishing on ap pea d rin Step 5: pro Note! Burn wis red se x6 the ter. 50 . ,00 pad co 0 ft 2 tho m . rou gh - ™ Twisteords Meth enance - Terrazzo int gular Ma Re ter ors Twisthods oat coated flo Me b & re-c Re gu lar floo Ma rs int en an ce - ru Top sc r te iste s oncre Twethopdolished c M de Ur eth an e Co ate dW oo d gra Up Cleaning instructions (Method Sheets) for various floor types available! tc-twiste www.h twist htcwww. HTC Twister, Inc. 2839 John Deere DR Local (865) 521-3976 Knoxville, TN 37917 Email [email protected] United States Web © 2013 HTCTwister, Inc., All rights reserved. com ter. wis tc-t w.h ww