the 1991 christmas bird count
the 1991 christmas bird count
The Migrant, 63 (1):7-17,1992. THE 1991CHRISTMAS BIRD COUNT Twenty-seven counts were conducted across Tennessee for the 1991-1992 season recording a total of 144 species.This is the highest number of counts ever made for the Christmas Count. The late-lingering birds (i.e., Green-back4 Heron, Merlin, Spotted Sandpiper,Forsterls Tern, Tree Swallow,Cliff Swallow,Sedge Wren, Gray Catbird, Palm Warbler, Black-throated BlueWarbler,Yellow-breasted Chat,Grasshopper and Lincoln's Sparrows) were not unexpected considering the generally mild weather through the fall and early winter, though the variety of species is notable. Few northern birds, such as Pine Siskin and Evening Grosbeak, were reported. Vagrant sightings incIude the Eurasian Wigeon and Tundra Swans, though neither of these species was documented, and the Rufous Hummingbird, which was banded. Other sightings of note include large numbers of Sandhi11 Cranes at Hiwassee and Eastern Bluebirds at several locations, while the rare sightings of the Barn Owl continue to beof concern. This year's Rufous Hummingbird and last year's Black-chinned Hummingbird could lead us to reconsider the annual late-fall storage of our feeders. Sixteen counts experienced rain, while only four counts had below freezing temperatures. The abbreviation CW stands for "seen during count week." INFOKMATION ON THE COUNTS MEMPHIS - 15 Dec; 0500-1700;clear; temp. 27-51F;wind SW, 5 mph; 32 observers in 7-12 parties; 120 party hours (93 on foot, 27 by car) pIus 2 owling; 161 party miles (70 on foot, 91 by car); 90 species, 53,780 individuals. Buzz Bean, Dianne Bean,Carolyn Bullock, Fred Carney, Ben B. Coffey, Lula Coffey, Julian Darlington, Helen Dinkelspiel, Harold Elphingstone, Bob Endres, Jim Ferguson, Bob Ford, Bill Fowler, Murray Gardler, Beverly Griffith, Van Harris, Bob Ilardi, Ginger Ilardi, Theresa Irion, David Kesler, Keith Kunkel, Jo Levy, Jeff McCabe, Frank McCamey, Mac McWhirter, Susan McWhirter, Dollyann Myers, George Payne,Jeanne Payne, Rob Peeples, Bill Peeples, Dick Preston, Ernie Restivo, Richard Spore, Richard Taylor, Phil Waldron, Martha Waldron (compiler - 1626 Yorkshire Dr., Memphis 38119), Barbara Wilson. REELFOOT LAKE - 17 Dec; 0630-1730;dear; temp. 45-55 F; wind NW, 5-10 mph; 11 observers in 5 parties; 41 party hours (28 on foot, 23 by car); 232 party miles (14 on foot, 218 by car); 101 species, 214,202 individuals. Good details for CIiff Swallow (DD),a first CBC record. Dianne Bean, Ben B. Coffey, LulaCoffey, Donald Doster, Harold Elphingstone, Bill Fowler, Mark Greene, Hank McCamey, Dick Preston, Bettie Sumara, Eddie K. Wilbanks (compiler -407 Wynn St., Tiptonville 38079). JACKSON-28 Dec; 0700-1700; cloudy with some light rain; temp. 41-49 F; wind W, 5-10 rnph; 12 observers in 6 parties; 43 party hours (16on foot, 27 by car); 411.5 party miIes (10.5 on foot, 401 by car);65species,22,679 individuals. JoyceCampion, Howard Davis, Bob Ford, Gail Greene, Mark Greene (compiler - 194 Mount Orange Rd., Trenton 38382), Helen Hight, BiIl Reinke, Jackie Utley, Donna Ward, Eddie Wilbanks, Lynn Williams. 8 THE 1991 CHRISTMAS BIRD COUNT MARCH DRESDEN - 23 Dec; 0700-1600; cloudy and foggy with light rain; temp. 45-50 F; wind NE, 0-5 mph; 5 observers in 3 parties; 21 party hours (14 on foot, 7 by car) plus 1 owling; 185 party miles (11 on foot, 174 by car) plus 10 owling; 65 species, 11,900 individuals. Harry Chandler, Donald Doster (compiler - Rt. 1, Box 574, Dresden 382251, Greg Ellis, Mark Greene, Sam Tucker. SAVANNAH - 28 Dec; 0500-1700; cloudy with intermittent drizzle and fog; temp. 42-46 F; wind WNW, 0-5 mph; 13observers in 8 parties; 69.5 party hours (34 on foot, 28 by car, 7.5 by boat) plus 2 owling; 405.5 party miles (27.5 on foot, 338 by car, 40 by boat) pIus 31 owling; % species, 17,391 individuals. G o d details submitted on Greater Scaup IDS), Merlin (DP), Rough-legged Hawk (N,MS), Sedge Wren (JP), and Lapland Longspurs WB, NP). Walt Burch, Jeff Gamer, Deanna Gilchrist, Lois Johnson,Larry NeiI, Phyllis Nofzinger, Johnny Parks, Dee Patterson, Ned Piper, Dick Preston, Floyd Sherrod, Damien Simbeck (compiler 1539 Helton Dr. A-1, Florence, AL 35630), Michael Sorozak. CROSS CREEKS NWR - 15 Dec; 0400-1600; no information on weather; 8 observers in 4 parties plus 3 at feeders; 38 party hours (11 on foot, 27 by car) plus 1.5 owling; 359 party miles (14 on foot, 345 by car) plus 15.5owling; 100 species, 13,874 individuals. No detaiIs submitted on Eurasian Wigeon. Don Blunk (cornpiler - Rt. 2, Box 791-C, Dover 370581, Jerry Drewry, Justin McClellan, Sarah McClellan, Bob Odear, Chris Sloan, Joe Stone, Sabin Thompson. At feeders: Gayle Boone, Vicki Grafe, ((third person at feeder not reported - Editor). BUFFALO RIVER -29 Dec; 0630-1715; cloudy with light rain in AM; temp. 4345 F; wind W, 0-20 in AM and N, 0-20 in PM; 8 observers in 4 parties plus 1at feeder; 30.75 party hours (16.5 on foot, 14.25by car) plus 2 at feeder and 1.5 owling; 201 party miles (14 on foot, 187 by car) plus 5 owling; 71 species, 18,776 individuals. Michael Beurlein, David Ihrie, Royce Neidert, Jane Newell, Donette Sellers, Don Simbeck (compiler - 424 Riddle Ln., Loretto 384691, Jody Springer, Morris Williams, Wylie Willis. CLARKSVILLE -28 Dec; heavy overcast with intermittent light rain; temp. mid 40's; no wind; 15 observers in 5 parties; 41 party hours (15.25 on foot, 25.75 by car); 271 party miles (12 on foot, 259 by car); 64 species, 8,658 individuaIs. Amy Atkins, Marilyn Farley, Danny Harrison, Ken Haskins, Bonnie h c k , Leonard Kmck, William Lyle, Bill Milliken, Gloria MilIiken, Barry Podell, Louise Podell, David Snyder (compiIer - Austin Peay State Univ., Dept. of Biology, P.O. Box 4718, Clarksville 37044),Mary Ann Stephens, Barbara Wilbur, Stanley York,Jr. COLUMBIA -21 Dec; 0600-1700; cloudy with light rain; temp. 45-55 F; wind S, 0-5mph; 9 observers in 5 parties plus 2 at feeders; 35.5 party hours (14.5 on foot, 21 by car) plus 8 hours at feeders and 6 hours owling; 282.5 party miles (15.5 on foot, 267 by car) plus 20 miles owling; 89 species, 288,720 individuals. Steven Brinkley, William Fuqua, William Jernigan, Allyn Lay, Bedford Lochridge, George Mayfield (compiler - 999 Sunnyside Dr., Columbia 38$01), Mark Mayfield, Wendell Robinson, Karen Stephens, plus Mary Lyles and Cleo Mayfield at feeders. NASHVILLE-21 Dee; 068-1630; cloudy with rain and fog; temp. 41-51 F; wind SE, 1-3 mph; 27observers in 7parties plus9 at feeders;58.5party hours (20.50nfoot~ 38 by car) plus2.25 owling; 257 party miles (16 on fmt, 241 by car) plus 2.25 owling; 78 species, 10,279 individuals. The Rufous Hummingbird confirmed and banded 1992 THE MIGRANT 9 by hummingbird expert Bob Sargent of Trussville, AL. Jane Bottari, Bob Brayden, Drake Caldwell, EIizabethCollins, MarieConnors, KichnrdConnors,Jerry Drewry, Bob Furd, Edwin Gleavcs, Kosalic Hammond, Barbara Harris, Hub Hatcher, Cheryl Hiers, Parnilla Hopkins, Edward Landers, Galen Lenhart, Miles McCrickard, Joseph McLaughlin, Gail Miller, Dick Ncwton, Magnus I'ersrnark, Christopher Sloan, Ann Tarbell, Edwin Toone, Oma Vaughn, Kenneth Walkup, Miriam Weinstein. At feeders:Thomas Bottari, Lucy Finch, Mary Jackson, Laura Knox, Jane Maynard, Sharon Monrcle, Marjorie Patrick, Virginia Price, and Barbara Winfield. HICKORY-1'ItlEST- 1Jan;0545-1715; clear; temp. 33-52 F; wind S, 6-12 mpl-t;14 observers in 6 parties;57 party hours (27 on foot, 30 by car) plus 2 owling; 396 party miles (23 on foot, 373 by car) plus 7 owling; 83 species, 10,379 individuals. The Merlin has been a t the same location for the past 5 winters; the Peregrine Falcon is a resident of the tall buildings in downtown Nashville. Linda Anderson, Jane Bottari, Richard Connors, Jerry Drewry (compiler -1 115 Gulf Course I,n., Ashland City 37015), Mark Hackney, Bette Halverstadt, Ed Landers, Joe McLaughlin, Dena Shulte, Chris Sloan, Joe Stone, Ann Tarbell, Sabin Thompson, Bates Toone, Ed Toone, Betty Worden. MURFXEESBORO- 4 Jan; cloudy with d r i ~ z l etemp. ; 35-45 F; wind gusting 1020 mph; 16 observers in 1 1 parties; 41 party hours (19 on foot, 22 by car) plus 15 at feeders; 343 party miles (5on foot, 338 by car); 64 species, 44,443 individuals. Good details for Rough-legged Hawk (RM). Bertha Chreitzberg, Bill Erwin, Lou Erwin, Jeff Helbig, Anne Hettish, Bob Hettish, Richard Hunter, Wilma Hunter (compiler -Rt. 6, Box 58, Murfreesboro 371301, Pat Martin, David McCarrol, Ruth McMilIan, Gene Odom, Ruth Odom, Alberta Spence, Ferrell Wilson, Terry Witt. LEBANON - 21 Dec; 0700-1400; overcast with rain and drizzle; temp. 44-48 F; 8 observers; 19.25 party hours (including 8.25 at feeders); 75 party miles (3on foot, 72 by car j; 42 species, 1,794individuals. Earline Berry, Vernon Berry, Ruth McMillan, Kay Norris (compiler - 1409 Ponderosa Trail, Lebanon 370871, Larry Norris, Anna I'arkcr, Melissa Turrentint, Roy Turrentine. HIGHLAND RIM -28 Dec; 0530-1800; cloudy; temp. 45-55 F; wind NE, 7 mph; 16 observers in 9 parties; 38 party hours (6 on foot, 32 by car) pIus 1.5 owling; 336 party miles (9on foot, 327 by car) pIus 15owfing; 80 species, 5,987 individuals. John Bruner, Lois Bruner, Tom Burleson, Sr., Tom Burleson, Jr., Don Davidson (compiler 17032nd Ave., Manchester 37355), Marguerite Hernandez, Ruth Luckado, Nickie Medley, Philip Medley, Chloe Peebles, J. Howell Peebles, Erma Rogers, Quincy Stykes, Stewart White, Crady York, WilIa York. McMINNVILLE - 28 Dec; foggy with rain; 7 observers in 3 parties; 22.5 party hours (3on foot, 19.5 by car), 222.5 party miles (1.5on foot, 221 by car); 57 species, 11,114 individuals. Denise DeIong, Ruth Ann Henry, Tin1 Jones, Clyde Malone, James I'carsall (compiler - 117 Beech Hill Dr., McMinnviIle 371lo), Donna Ware, Micky Ware. NtCKAJACK LAKE - 21 Dec; 0500-1700; fog and rain; temp. 39-46 F; 23 observers in 8 parties; 69 party hours ( 3 7 . 7 5 ~foot, ~ 1 27.25 by car, 4 by boat) plus 5.25 owling; 298.5 party miles (23.5 on foot, 265 by car, 10 by boat) plus 57 owling; 93 species, 24,691 individuals. Cood details for the Merlin 01, JP),Peregrine Falcon (JI, JP), and Palm Warblers (DJ, KJ, PH, SK). Clyde Blum, Mary Buttram, Corey 3.5 10 THE 1991 CHRISTMAS BIRD COUNT MARCH Davidson, E.O.Grundset, Paul Harris, John Henderson, Jerry Ingles, Daniel Jacobson, Kathy Jacobson, A l Jenkins, Starr Klein, Barbarita Nieri, Johnny Parks (compiler - 1610 East 17th St., Chattanooga 37404),Tom Patton, Tommie Rogers, Robin Rudd, Joe Stone, Car1 Swafford, Dale Taylor, Bernie Tompkins, Brent Tompkins, WaIdo Tompkins, David Vogt. COOKEVILLE - 17 Dec; 0430-2700;clear; temp. 37-53 F; wind SW, 10-20 mph AM, NW, 5-10 mph PM; 16 observers in 6 parties plus 15 at feeders; 55.75 party hours (19 on foot, 36.75 by car) pIus 32.5 at feeders and 5 owling; 328.5 party miles (17.5 on foot, 311 by car) plus 53 owling; 78 species, 6,385 individuals. Highest species total for Cookeville count; 26 species seen in highest numbers ever, though total individuals low. Phillip Bettoli, Daniel Combs, Charles Crumpler, Frank Fiss, David Hume, Amy Johnson, Graham Kash, Tracy Richter, Thomas Roberts, Ann Sanders, Michael Sanders, Joanne Schaefer, Richard Simmers, Barbara Stedman, Stephen Stedman (compiler -2675 Lakeland Dr., Cookeville38501),Evelyn Stites, Winston WaIden. CHATTANOOGA - 14 Dec; 0715-1745; cloudy to partly cloudy; temp. 32-59 F; wind WNW, 7-14 mph; 30 observers in 11 parties including 4 at feeders; 94 party hours (58.75on foot, 35.25 by car) plus I1 owling; 480 party miles (42 on foot, 438 by car) plus 82 owling; 99 species, 32,526 individuals. G o d details on Merlin (AJ, BM, MM), Yellow-breasted Chat (KD, DV),and Grasshopper Sparrow OH,PR). Clyde Blum, Jeff Boehm, Edith Bromley, Mary Lynn Buttram, Brainerd Cooper, Pat Crowe, Ken Dubke, Lil Dubke, Bill HaIey, P a d Harris, john Henderson (compiler -7323 Fairington Cl., Hixon 373431, Dan Jacobson, A1 Jenkins, Elena Killian, Polly Lane, Jonnie Sue Lyons, Barbara McMahan, Mike McMahan, Tom Patton, Bob Pierce, Don Ritzhaupt, Peter Robinson, Tommie Rogers, Pam Rudd, Robin Rudd, Bernie Tompkins, David Vogt, Dan Williams, Dick Wodzenski, Libby Wolfe. HIWASSEE - 1 Jan; 0500-1800; clear to foggy and cloudy; temp. 28-46 F; wind NW, 5 mph; 16observersin 7parties; 69 party hours (55on foot, 10by car,4 by boat) plus 5 owling; 407.5 party miles (29.5 on foot,355 by car, 23 by boat) pIus 22 owling; 96 species, 14,738 individuals. Clyde Blum, Kevin Calhoun, Richard Clark, Andrew Core, Ken h b k e , Lil Dubke, Bill Haley, Audrey Hoff, Charles Nicholson, Johnny Parks, Tommie Rogers, Robin Rudd (compiler - 7611 Davidson Rd., Chattanooga37421), Boyd Sharp, Burney Tompkins, David Vogt, Dick Wodzenski. NORRIS - 14 Dec; 0630-2145; overcast with light rain in early AM; wind variable with gusts to 20 rnph in PM; 9 observers in 4 parties plus 1 at feeder; 39.5 party hours (20.5 on foot, 19 by car) plus 2.5 owling; 289.5 party miles (16.5on foot, 273 by car) plus 7 owling; 67 species, 6,995 individuals. Linda Armstrong, Bob Collier, David Hankins, Audrey Hoff, George McKinney, Charles Nicholson (compiler - P.O. Box 402, Norris 378281, Mike Ryan, Beth Schilling, Boyd Sharp, plus Grace Foster at feeder. KNOXVILLE -16 Dec; 0615-1745; cloudy to partly cloudy; temp. 44-57 F; wind variable, 0-10 mph;23 observers in 17parties plus 2at feeders; 90 party hours (48.75 on foot, 41.25 by car) plus 7 at feeders and 2 owling; 474 party miles (39 on foot, 435 by car) plus 17 owling; 82 species, 12,981 individuals. Jane Beintema, Betty Reid Campbell, James Campbell, Bob Collier, Lara Collier, Andrew Core, Marcia Davis, Barbara Finney, Jim Finney, Louise Fuller, Brice GiImer, Paul Hartigan, Audrey 1992 THE MIGRANT 11 Hoff (compiler - 4523 McCIoud Rd., Knoxville 379381, Ron Hoff, Tony Koella, Bettie Mason, James Mason, Chester Massey, Charles Nicholson, Holly Overtnn, Mark Reeves, Mike Ryan, Boyd Sharp. GREAT SMOKY MOUNTAINSNATIONAL PARK -29 Dec; 0430-1730; cloudy with light rain, freezing rain and light snow at high elevations; temp. 32-46 F; wind variable at 5-10 mph; 19observers in 9 parties; 79.25party hours (54.5 on foot, 24.75 by car) plus 1 owling; 313 party miles (50 on foot, 263 by car) plus 10 owling; 64 species, 3,442 individuals. The numbers for Black-capped Chickadees includes Carolina Chickadees, as they were in mixed flocks. Jane Beintema, Betty Reid Campbell, James Campbell, Don Defoe (non-participating compiler - GSMNI', Gatlinburg 37738), Paul Drescher, Gwynn Evans, Paul Hartigan, Audrey Hoff, Susan Hoyle, Kris Johnson, Burt Jones, Tony Koclla, Agnes Marshall, Mack Marshal1,Charles Nicholson, Holly Ovcrton, Martha KudoIph, Michael Ryan, Beth Schilling, Eileen Wilson. GREENEVILLE -28 Dec; 0600-1800; cloudy with rain; temp. 38-45 F; wind NE, 5 mph; 16 observers in 10 parties; 37.5 party hours (19.5on foot, 18by car); 173party miles (12on foot, 161 by car); 58 species, 5,255 individuals. Justino Carlos, Cynthia Cragin, Herb Cragin, Susan Ford, Helcn Gaut, Juanita Heckert, Lenard Heckert, Jim Holt (compiler-311 Colonial Cl., Greeneville 377431, AIice Loftin, Don Miller, Richard Nevius, Wiliie Ruth Nevius, Doug Ratledge, Reta Taylor, Virginia Williams, plus 4 at feeders. KINGSPORT - 21 Dec; 0800-1730; steady rain; temp. constant 34 F; wind 0-2 mph; 48 observers in 1U parties; 61.75 party hours (8.5on foot, 53.25 by car) plus 2.5 owling; 477.5 party miles (9.5on foot, 468 by car) plus 29 owling; 70 species, 9,227 individuals. Good details on the h n l i n IRK) and MerIin (TP, JF, PL). Jennifer Allen, Jessica Arbogast, John Audemore, Danny Blakely, Sandra Blakely, Tom Bowman, Mike Camponovo, M.J. Erwin, John Faust, Jonathan Gray, Emily Gubler, Brenda Hall, Mark Helm, Anna Hess, Errol Hess, Maggie Hess, Jean Horton, Nicholas Jackson, Richard Jackson, T.J. Jackwn, Rick Knight, George Larkins, Suzanne Larkins, Violet Larkins, Bill Little, Priscilla Little, Kimberly Mellens, Ron Pendleton, Tom Pridgen, Bob Quillen, Debbie Shoun, Jared Shoun, Emily Sikora, Arthur Smith (compiler - 100 Otari Dr., Kingsport 37664), Jack Sullivan, John Sullivan,Glenn Swofford, Brad Vaughn, Kris Vaughn, Travis Vaughn, JimWayland, Shirley Wayland, Forest Wilhelm, Van Wilhelm, Frank Williams, Kristin Zimet, Nicholas Zimet, Zachary Zimet; includes "kids count". ELIZABETHTON - 15 Dec; 0600-1730; clear; temp. 18-36 F; wind W, 5-15 mph; 23 observers in 6 parties; 49 party hours (22.5on foot, 26.5 by car) plus 2 owling; 327 party miles (13 on foot, 314 by car) plus 14 owling; 67 species, 5,932 individuals. Good details for Black-throated Blue Warbler (WC,RM, KH). Fred Alsop, Jim Brooks,janct Brown, WallaceCoffey, Brian Cross, Martha Dillenbeck, Rusty Dunn, Elizabeth Funkhouscr, Kcn Hale, Dick Hegler, Danny Huffinc, Rick Knight (cornpiler-8U4 N. Hills Dr., Johnson City 376041, I'am Lewis, Dick Lura, Kad Mayficld, Tom McNeil, Rita Scher, Glenn Swofford,Julic Tomita, Gary Wallace, Frank Ward, Jim Wayland, Shirley Wayland. BKISTOL- 29 Dec; 0700-1730; heavy fog and light rain; temp. 38-47F;wind SW, 0-10 mph; 18 observers in 7 parties; 48.5 party hours (19.5 on fwt, 29 by car) plus THE 1991 CHRISTMAS BIRD COUNT Memp Reel Dres Jack Smv CCWR Buff a u k Colu NBBh Hick-R Mwf IRba High McMinn Nick Cwke O u t Hiwa N o d Knm GSMNP Gme King Blh BrIs Ram speb Common Loon Pied-billed Grebe Homed Grebe 3 I)oub6PaPstedComarant 100 Great Blue Heron 22 v 8 " 661 1 44 4 * * * Great +t Green-backed Hemn Blknowned Night-Heron n 0 w ~ Cam& Goose W d Duck Green-winged Teal American Black h k Mallard N o r t h Pintail 2 ' * * * 1 7 ' CW 5 75 11 12 15 * * * * 419 5'4,900 7 1 5 * 8 2 2 7 * 1 9 22 13 * * . * r 11 r ' 410 * * 318 6 6 1 3 * C W * . * 15 * " , " I W * * * I * 6 * 2 9 " 9 36 2 9 3 * . * S S * ' * * * 2 2 1 * a 1 * * 2 . 4 11 * * 1 * 1 6 - 55 3 19 56 I 2 * " * . 0 " ln 13 1 * a 1 . 1 * * * 368 141 155 * 40 65 22 , 3% . 3 ' 1,lW 7 32 6 247 * a - M W * 9 15 31 * 5 * 81 61 4 . 103 3 1 1 1 ' 110 5 31 . * 23 * 7 6 12 * * * a * 1 1 * 2 5 9 3 1 154 ' * . 1 " * * " 92 4 1 2 73 102 1 8 . 301 * * 1 10 13 10154 * 1 * " 1 * s . ' m 1 * . * 4 267 2 * * 1 * 7 2 I 1 * * 23 19 . * * * 1 17 6 * 3 ' 1 1 2 * 1 * 9 5 1 3 1 . * * I 17 * * • * * " . * . . 1 * * I . * I * * * * 3 * 3 I * * ~ * " * * ' 125 m e 2 * . ' " w 284 * - 20 " 17 " 1 . * 1 . * 7 . 36 * 1 9 . 1 v 1 " " 398 2 17 5 3 ZK! " . 7 1 2 3 I 3 6 1 " I ~ " 2 0 1 0 w * 1 • 143 w 10 36 1 m - I 3 * 16 1 9 * 47 * 11 " 6 742 . 5 25 3 2 * * * ' 1 ~ I ' 286 765 lW * 761 1 4 * . 5 m 1 * . 21 1 1 . - 10 6 * 8 125 1 7 C W 2 9 3 1 0 " 5 1 1 1 1 6 2 * I 13 2 • 1 1 * 3 112 1 1 , * 4 1 158 3 m 4 1 1 * m 2 " 4 10 3 1 35 " - 138 * 2 . . 8 w 9. 1 152 5 4 . * * 9 26 3112 193 1 8 17 * " 34 * 30 3 a 1 2 5 27 - * 51 4 a 120 3 2 5 142 24 .* .* 10 * 6 " * 125 * = 3 1 . 0 26 * . 5 350 13 w w e 24 128 5 * 262 7 6 * 2 * 5 60 W C W 7 45 1 1 * 1 2 * w I 1M 1 1 4 . * l w m * 4 * m 3 4 - i 4 20 302 * f 1 9 w o " 5 1 * n 12 • 3 ~ 1 6 . . I 3 * m I 2 2 l * duck sp. * * 14 2.018 1 3 - Ring-neJ;ed Duck Ruddy Deed; * * 1 1 1 . * • Red-brrastedMergamr 2 2 * * , I 4 1 1 1 b ] , 2 B * " & * * 3 b l " 1 80 47poD CW 2517 1% 2 327 7% 20 8 2 2 4 7 5 1 0 1 7 3 1 5 3 * 7 2 1 * ~ 4 * " 1 . 6 W * *2127 6 9 6 2 Common Merganser a • I = ~ Redhead Hooded Mergansa 2 * . * Eurasian Wigeon Ammican Wigeon Canvasbeck Greater &up Lass- &up SCBup sp. Common Goldeneye Bdflehead 121 1 Blue-winged Teal Northern Showier Gadwall 1 4 4 3 10 W Gr.WhbfmtedCoose s " * C Tundra Swan l 1 * 1 THE 1991 CHRISTMAS BIRD COUNT Memp Reel Dres Jack Sav CCWR Buff Clark Colu Mash Hick-h Murf Lpba HI& McMlnn Nkk Cmkc Chat Hiwa Norrie Knox GSMNP G n e King El11 Brie Roan I Black vulture Turkey Vulture BaId Eagle NmthPm H a m SharpshinredHawk Cw@s Hawk accipiter up. Red-shwlded Hawk Red-tailed Hawk Rough-le& Hawk buteo sp. American Kestrel Merlin Peregrine F a l m Ruffed Grouee Wild Turkey Northern Bobwhite 5adhil Crane sra American Cmt Killdeer Spotted Sandpiper Least Sandpiper Dudi bmmm Snipe American Woodrock Bonaparte's Cull Ring-biued 6 1 1 Herring Gull Forstet's Tern Rock Dow Mourning DoYe &m Owl Eastern Screech Owl Cmt H o d Owl M 2 3 1112 . . 8 2 " 6 * 1 7 * 1 1 2 3 3 6 1 7 ] 41 8 1 . 2 I * . * * * 0 * 1 9 * I . * % * 5 * * ' 1 8 6 ' 2 8 9 19 9 = 2 1 6 *5m THE 1991 CHRISTMAS BIRD COUNT Species Memp Reel Dres Jack Sav CCWR Buff (Ilsk Colu Nash Hlck-Pr Murf Leba Hkh McMinn Nick Cooke Chat Hiwa Nods Knox GSMNP Gree Barred Owl Short-eared Owl Rdous Hummingbird Belted Kingfisher Red-headed Wwdpecker Red-bellied Woodpecker Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Downy Wc4ptikt.r Hairj Woodpecker 8 Northern Flicker 7 4 15 14 10 Pileated Wmdpecker 25 Eastern Phwk Horned Lark 9 20 Tree Swallow Cliff Swallow d cn Blue Jay American Crow Fsh Crow Common Raven Black-capped Chickadee Carolina Chickadee Tufted Tihnouse Red-breasted Nuthatch White-breasted Nuthatch Bruwn-headed Nuthatch Brown Creeper Carolina Wren House Wren Winter Wren Sedge Wren Gulden-rrowned K i l e t Ruby-crowned Kinglet Blue-grey Gnatcatcher Eastem Bluebird Hermit Thrush 66 373 I0 186 note 47 4 26 6 29 6 221 27 27 S Kinn Elie Brin Rnan THE 1991 CHRISTMAS BIRD COUNT Species Memp Reel Dres Jack Sav CCWR Buff Clark Colu Nash Hick-Pr Murf Lcba High McMinn Nick C w k Chat Hlwa N o d s Knox GSMNP Gree King Eliz Bris Roan American Robin 359 Umy Catbird Northern Mockii~bird Brown Thrasher American Pipit 194 35 Cedar Waxwing I 2 ML Loggerhead Shrike 17 EuropeanStarling 1.528 OrangpCrmmdWarbler " Blk-throated Blue WarbIer Yellow-mmpedwarbler Pine Warbler Palm Wahler Yellow-breast4 Chat Northern Cardinal Rufousrsided Towhee AmericanTrreSprrow Chipping Sparow Field Sparrow V e s ~ Sparrow r 50 2 421 78 * 20 159 44 18 * . . 204 . * 15 7 7 33 14 46 23 6 2 9 4 99 61 235 305 2 , 1 Fox Sparrow 8 4 6 2 Song Sparrow 362 1221W 152 312 58 678 40 312 * 102 28 510 135 4 13 186138 26 226 67 337 Lincoln's Sparrow White-throatedSparrow White-crownedSparrow Darkqed Junco Lapland Longspur Smith's Longspur Red-wingedBlackhrd EasternMeadowlark Rusty Blackbird 10 1 40,623 148 419 * 2 * 7165 . 1 * m I 6,379 M3 160209 16 139 390 4 434 4 * ' 171 2,140 115 395 50 8 1 251 51 2 3 4 * * 2 ' . " * . . . 19 19 * 1 38 . . * . 28 1 " * 23 . m * 32 * . 5 2 w . . &1 ' 6 146 3 264 3 . 4 I * 82 74 94 71 277 23 37 30 54 43 12 9 8 13 100 ' 5 w " 2 70 * W . . 52 23 1 2 % 9 2 37 10 0 235 * 171 21 184 1% 8 23 263 73 3 1,931 5,814 126 121 , * ' . * 4 % 5 108 I 1 63 132 43 64 " 11 210 75 22 213 1 . 1 3 39 26 * 28 205 8 165 . 28 185 14 76 * * * I * . 42 330 89 1W 47 264 116 16 27 527 * 2 I* 4 17 10 * . 9 75 " 35 37 38 * 18 1 6 471 10 21 h4 m + * I " 600 67 2W 53 93 ' 2 15 81 124 I I 88 152 2 " 48 1 215 * 338 53 236 66 3 7 668 3 m 1.317 48 I 1 * 44 * * 264 * * 54 102 * * * . I * * 22 26 * * 9 I 11B 45 124 ID4 36 81 17 * 3 - 17 * 10 11 177 • 1 21 86 7 2 166 * * * . 123 12 209 6 111 2/46 21 144 246 66 13 579 6 156 . 15 * 490 2 I80 155 185 4 0 % . 428 I . 190 . 78 62 22 * 81 . " 14 . 3 1 389 I ' * 1 6 25 90 12 64 47 182 6 * 4 * * . * 45 I * 34 112 * * * 139 84 * * . * 70 * * * I 352 I 21 " * 3,720 302 1 118 ) 272 3 1 I . 2W 478 8 * * 57 3 * 9 493 184 79 1 * 52 364 3 497 608 * 74 1% 4 172 1 * 1 . 1 3 7 1 1 8 . 1 4 3 9 656 256 * 491 M 1 b 336 e * 182 31 45 I • C W 2 6 1 0 71 193 165 * * 15 8 . * * 9 1 21 49 * 246 * I w ll 273 27 5 i I 238 169 32 * * 347 373 2.130 1M . * 148 * 935 1,415 * 1083,740 726 349 519 1 8 3 b 4 6 925 11.W 1,733 2 3 5 21815 I * 417 77 104 50 1 0 1 4 1 8 1 8 3 24 167 1% 38 5 3,321 , 354 27 1 0 . 35 817 2 881 . " 1 . llj 38 35'7 8 3 * 188 1; 65 7A70 5 * * 8 2 0 y 199 125 156 189 49 17 38 1 3 7 9 1 3 9 1 4 4 5 290 898 170~3333.693 3.286 10,000 841 864 ** . 3 357 . 127 4 0 102 " " 1 *. 63 143 46 29 3 157 * I 6 1,900 1,421 5 3 13 8 * * * * . 244 279 402 224 " * 43 . 2 46 Swamp Sparrow * 16 8 6CW 16 1.221 444 2 5 8 1 1 7 5 3330 3,1385E8 1.437 452 1 ' ' I 5 6 I 42 30 Savannah Sparrow Grasshopper Sparrow Le Conte's Sparrow 48 258 2,733 * 1W 26 4 1 2 1 3 9 * * 2 0 41 1 w . " 60 63 1 . * 3 142 20 118 21 18 172 . . 25 50 I . 6 2 * 6 227 16 355 " ' 78 159 I 64 249 152 . 1 * 1 2 167 2 81 I . 2 2.30 38 1 1 172 195 * 350 " 110 26 * * * 1 B' " THE 1991 CHRISTMAS BIRD COUNT w Brewefs Blackbid b m m m Grackle Bmwn-headed Cowbird Memp BPel D m lack 252 House Finch Pine Siskin Red Crossbill American G d d h d t Evening Grosteak H o w Sparrwv Total S p i e s 6 10 * ZOO 5 1 6 11 3 5 1 136 6 . 41 lOOPW * * :;g 5A 15! 2 256 * 182 5fll 1. Po2 6 blackbird sp. Purple finch CCWU Buff ClPrk W u Nssh Hick-R Murf h b a High McMim Nick Coolre Chat H h w N o d s Knm GSMNP Gree King Eli. %Y 2 . I * g 3,016 50,534 4,004 9W 2597 5 1 11 63 9 * 1 12 2 la6 * 49. 242 1 . 319 I 5 m : 5Y 1 * 59 4W ~6 e 99 * SO 42 SI 268 +i7 39 25 225 163 41 122 31 13 195 35 25 54 77 15 90 101 65 % 1W 71 64 89 78 83 64 5 . * * 79 107 2 ~ 2 107 * 2 * * 65 . I m Y " * 1 W 250 100 ' 3 30 r . 39 n 20 110 42 80 263 *5,g 1 9 * 153 6,4480 * 24 * 20 350 . * * 2 50 1 ' 18 401 3 1 * 393 3 * 49 11 40 249 * 6 * Bris Rmn * * 3 100 * 1 w 143 . * 2 9 " . n 27 . . 4 6 29 237 1 1 1 28 48 148 5 1 CW 5; 161 . * * ' 12 173 . 224 122 222 u6 295 3 180 2311 41 157 74 101 7 4 , 98 101 47 58 12 46 5 34 72 50 17 75 57 83 78 55' % 67 82 64 J 70 67 71 52 n . * * * * 7 45 * * * . * 4 * 17 *
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