Teški akcidenti u nuklearnim elektranama
Teški akcidenti u nuklearnim elektranama
Nesreća u NE Fukushima Davor Grgić Okrugli stol HAZU Zagreb, 05.04.2011. NE Fukushima-Daichi 2 Nekad i sad 2 1 3 4 3 NE Fukushima Daiichi 1 JST (5:46 UTC) March 11, 2011, 14:46 2 Inicirajući događaj: Potres: 3 4 9,0 Richtera •Magnituda potresa (u epicentru): •Intenzitet potresa: IX stupanj po Mercaliju Tsunami: •Visina vala: 14 m •Vrijeme dolaska do EN: t0+55 min 4 EES Honshu •3 konekcije sjever-jug, 1GW •Nakon potresa obustava HE i TE •Automatska obustava 14 reaktora na 4 NE lokacije 5 Lokacije BWR elektrana 6 NE Fukushimi Daiichi – stanje reaktora Jedinica / reaktor br. 1 Snaga/snaga na pragu NE [MWe] 460 439 784 760 1100 1067 Termička snaga reaktora [MWt] 1380 2381 3293 Vrsta nuklearnog reaktora Vendor BWR-3 BWR-4 BWR-5 Start (god) 1971 1974,1976,1978,1978 1979 Vrsta kontejnmenta Mark 1 Mark 1 Pogonski status reaktora u trenutku pojave potresa GE 2 3 4 5 GE/TH, TH, HIT, TH U pogonu automatska obustava 6 GE-TH Mark 2 Van pogona (planirani remont) Izvor: TEPCO, 11. ožujka 2011. 7 Što se dogodilo u Fukushimi? • • • • • NE izdržala potres 11. ožujka – Magnituda potresa (u epicentru): 9,0 Richtera – Intenzitet potresa: IX stupanj po Mercaliju Sustavi za obustavu ispravno odradili u trenutku potresa NE stavljena u stanje sigurne obustave Normalno započelo hlađenje reakt. jezgre Presudne su posljedice tsunamija – 55 min nakon potresa – Projektna/stvarna visina vala: 5,7 m / 14 m • • Gubitak vanjskog napajanja i diesel-generatora Nemogućnost odvođenje ostatne topline za – Gorivo u reaktoru – Gorivo u bazenu (istrošeno) 8 Kronologija ukratko • Problemi s hlađenjem, eksplozija vodika i oslobađanje radioaktivnosti iz: – Reaktora 1 – Reaktora 3 – Reaktora 2 • Oštećenje bazena za ING jed. 4, vatra i oslobađanje radioakt. • • Pregrijavanje bazena za ING jed. 3 i oslobađanje radioakt. Stabiliziranje stanja uz hlađenje morskom vodom u reaktorima 1-3 uz nejasan stupanj oštećenja jezgre Pokušaji vanjskog hlađenja bazena s ING u R-3 i R-4 uz znatan stupanj oštećenja goriva Uspostava napajanja, pokušaj pokretanja sigurnosnih sustava Ispusti radioaktivnosti u zrak i vodu • • • 9 Kako radi nuklearna elektrana? Tlakovodni (PWR) vs. kipući reaktor (BWR) Tlakovodni reaktor (PWR) - NE Krško Kipući reaktor (BWR) - NE Fukushima Daiichi 10 10 BWR Mark-1 kontejnment 11 BWR-3 koncept 12 The Fukushima Daiichi Incident 1. Plant Design Reactor Service Floor (Steel Construction) Concrete Reactor Building (secondary Containment) Fresh Steam line Main Feedwater Reactor Core Reactor Pressure Vessel Containment (Dry well) Containment (Wet Well) / Condensation Chamber Spend Fuel Pool The Fukushima Daiichi Incident 2. Accident progression 11.3.2011 14:46 - Earthquake Magnitude 9 Power grid in northern Japan fails Reactors itself are mainly undamaged SCRAM Power generation due to Fission of Uranium stops Heat generation due to radioactive Decay of Fission Products • After Scram • After 1 Day • After 5 Days ~6% ~1% ~0.5% Ostatna toplina Fukushima I -1 decay pow er 6 5.5 5 Fukushima I -1 decay pow er 80 4 3.5 3 2.5 PLOT FER V1W 18:04:48, 13/03/11 Decay power (% of nominal) 4.5 2 1.5 70 1 .5 0 50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Time (day) 40 PLOT FER V1W 18:02:07, 13/03/11 Decay power (MW) 60 30 20 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 Time (day) 5 6 7 15 The Fukushima Daiichi Incident 2. Accident progression Containment Isolation Closing of all non-safety related Penetrations of the containment Cuts off Machine hall If containment isolation succeeds, a large early release of fission products is highly unlikely Diesel generators start Emergency Core cooling systems are supplied Plant is in a stable save state The Fukushima Daiichi Incident 2. Accident progression 11.3. 15:41 Tsunami hits the plant Plant Design for Tsunami height of up to 5.7m Actual Tsunami height 14m Flooding of • Diesel Generators and/or • Essential service water building cooling the generators Station Blackout Common cause failure of the power supply Only Batteries are still available Failure of all but one Emergency core cooling systems The Fukushima Daiichi Incident 2. Accident progression Reactor Core Isolation Pump still available Steam from the Reactor drives a Turbine Steam gets condensed in the Wet-Well Turbine drives a Pump Water from the Wet-Well gets pumped in Reactor Necessary: • Battery power • Temperature in the wet-well must be below 100°C As there is no heat removal from the building, the Core isolation pump cant work infinitely 19 Containnment spray Potencijalni vanjski izvor vode Parovod HP ubrizgavanje Pojna voda Recirkulacijske crpke Izmjenjivač topline Bitna voda (SW) Containnment spray Crpke LP sistema Crpke sustava za rasprsivanje vode u jezgri Potencijalni vanjski izvor vode The Fukushima Daiichi Incident 2. Accident progression Reactor Isolation pump stops 11.3. 16:36 in Unit 1 (Batteries empty) 14.3. 13:25 in Unit 2 (Pump failure) 13.3. 2:44 in Unit 3 (Batteries empty) Decay Heat produces still steam in Reactor pressure Vessel Pressure rising Opening the steam relieve valves Discharge Steam into the Wet-Well Descending of the Liquid Level in the Reactor pressure vessel The Fukushima Daiichi Incident 2. Accident progression Reactor Isolation pump stops 11.3. 16:36 in Unit 1 (Batteries empty) 14.3. 13:25 in Unit 2 (Pump failure) 13.3. 2:44 in Unit 3 (Batteries empty) Decay Heat produces still steam in Reactor pressure Vessel Pressure rising Opening the steam relieve valves Discharge Steam into the Wet-Well Descending of the Liquid Level in the Reactor pressure vessel The Fukushima Daiichi Incident 2. Accident progression Reactor Isolation pump stops 11.3. 16:36 in Unit 1 (Batteries empty) 14.3. 13:25 in Unit 2 (Pump failure) 13.3. 2:44 in Unit 3 (Batteries empty) Decay Heat produces still steam in Reactor pressure Vessel Pressure rising Opening the steam relieve valves Discharge Steam into the Wet-Well Descending of the Liquid Level in the Reactor pressure vessel The Fukushima Daiichi Incident 2. Accident progression Reactor Isolation pump stops 11.3. 16:36 in Unit 1 (Batteries empty) 14.3. 13:25 in Unit 2 (Pump failure) 13.3. 2:44 in Unit 3 (Batteries empty) Decay Heat produces still steam in Reactor pressure Vessel Pressure rising Opening the steam relieve valves Discharge Steam into the Wet-Well Descending of the Liquid Level in the Reactor pressure vessel The Fukushima Daiichi Incident 2. Accident progression Reactor Isolation pump stops 11.3. 16:36 in Unit 1 (Batteries empty) 14.3. 13:25 in Unit 2 (Pump failure) 13.3. 2:44 in Unit 3 (Batteries empty) Decay Heat produces still steam in Reactor pressure Vessel Pressure rising Opening the steam relieve valves Discharge Steam into the Wet-Well Descending of the Liquid Level in the Reactor pressure vessel The Fukushima Daiichi Incident 2. Accident progression Measured, and here referenced Liquid level is the collapsed level. The actual liquid level lies higher due to the steam bubbles in the liquid ~50% of the core exposed Cladding temperatures rise, but still no significant core damage ~2/3 of the core exposed Cladding temperature exceeds ~900°C Balooning / Breaking of the cladding Release of fission products form the fuel rod gaps The Fukushima Daiichi Incident 2. Accident progression ~3/4 of the core exposed Cladding exceeds ~1200°C Zirconium in the cladding starts to burn under Steam atmosphere Zr + 2H20 ->ZrO2 + 2H2 Exothermal reaction further heats the core Generation of hydrogen • Unit 1: 300-600kg • Unit 2/3: 300-1000kg Hydrogen gets pushed via the wet-well, the wet-well vacuum breakers into the dry-well The Fukushima Daiichi Incident 2. Accident progression at ~1800°C [Unit 1,2,3] Melting of the Cladding Melting of the steel structures at ~2500°C [Block 1,2] Breaking of the fuel rods debris bed inside the core at ~2700°C [Block 1] Melting of Uranium-Zirconium eutectics Restoration of the water supply stops accident in all 3 Units Unit 1: 12.3. 20:20 (27h w.o. water) Unit 2: 14.3. 20:33 (7h w.o. water) Unit 3: 13.3. 9:38 (7h w.o. water) The Fukushima Daiichi Incident 2. Accident progression Release of fission products during melt down Xenon, Cesium, Iodine,… Uranium/Plutonium remain in core Fission products condensate to airborne Aerosols Discharge through valves into water of the condensation chamber Pool scrubbing binds a fraction of Aerosols in the water Xenon and remaining aerosols enter the Dry-Well Deposition of aerosols on surfaces further decontaminates air The Fukushima Daiichi Incident 2. Accident progression Containment Last barrier between Fission Products and Environment Wall thickness ~3cm Design Pressure 4-5bar Actual pressure up to 8 bars Normal inert gas filling (Nitrogen) Hydrogen from core oxidation Boiling condensation chamber (like a pressure cooker) Depressurization of the containment Unit 1: 12.3. 4:00 Unit 2: 13.3 00:00 Unit 3: 13.3. 8.41 The Fukushima Daiichi Incident 2. Accident progression Positive und negative Aspects of depressurizing the containment Removes Energy from the Reactor building (only way left) Reducing the pressure to ~4 bar Release of small amounts of Aerosols (Iodine, Cesium ~0.1%) Release of all noble gases Release of Hydrogen Gas is released into the reactor service floor Hydrogen is flammable The Fukushima Daiichi Incident 2. Accident progression Unit 1 und 3 Hydrogen burn inside the reactor service floor Destruction of the steel-frame roof Reinforced concrete reactor building seems undamaged Spectacular but minor safety relevant Način ventiliranja kontejnmenta 33 Ispuštanje i izgaranje vodika Shapiro-Moffette dijagram pokazuje mogućnost zapaljenja u ovisnosti o koncentraciji vodika, zraka i pare 34 The Fukushima Daiichi Incident 2. Accident progression Unit 2 Hydrogen burn inside the reactor building Probably damage to the condensation chamber (highly contaminated water) Uncontrolled release of gas from the containment Release of fission products Temporal evacuation of the plant High local dose rates on the plant site due to wreckage hinder further recovery work No clear information's why Unit 2 behaved differently The Fukushima Daiichi Incident 2. Accident progression Current status of the Reactors Core Damage in Unit 1,2, 3 Building damage due to various burns Unit 1-4 Reactor pressure vessels flooded in all Units with mobile pumps At least containment in Unit 1 flooded Further cooling of the Reactors by releasing steam to the atmosphere Only small further releases of fission products can be expected Posljedice plavljenja kontejnmenta 37 NAPREDOVANJE TEŠKE NESREĆE događaj Tipična vremena (hr) Inicijalni kvar 0.0 Faze akcidenta 1. Gubitak rashladnog sredstva Gubitak rashladnog sredstva 2.0 Otkrivanje jezgre Oksidacija Zr 2. Pregrijavanje jezgre i taljenje Oštećenje obloge goriva Taljenje jezgre Premještanje taljevine 4.0 Oštećenje reakt. posude 3. Gubitak integriteta reaktorske posude 4. Odziv zaštitne zgrade Ostaci rastopljene jezgre izlaze iz reakt. posude u zaštitnu zgradu Poplavljivanje ostataka rastopljene jezgre Porast tlaka u zaštitnoj zgradi zbog isparivanja Interakcija rastopljene jezgre s betonom Porast tlaka u zašt. zgradi zbog isparivanja i nekondenzibilnih plinova Oštećenje zaštitne zgrade 35.0 38 Važnije temperature 39 Tipična konfiguracija rastaljene jezgre (TMI iskustvo) 40 Sekvenca događaja u NE TMI-2 i konačno stanje jzgre 41 Inicijalni proračuni za reaktor 1 Depressurization and termination of emergency water injection Peak core temperature (K) {U-Zr}-O2 melting Hydrogen generation rate – (kg/s) 42 Bazen za istrošeno gorivo Gorivni elementi na lokaciji NE Reaktor 1 2 3 4 5 6 Jezgra 400 548 548 - 548 764 SFP toplina 292 0.3 MW 587 1.0 MW 514 0.7 MW 1331 3.0 MW 946 4.5 MW 876 1.5 MW Načini spremanja istrošenog goriva na lokaciji: U bazenu za istrošeno gorivo svakog reaktora: 4546 FAs u trenutku nesreće 8310 FAs max kapacitet U zajedničkom bazenu (12m x 29m x 11m): 6291 FAs (03.2010) 6849 FAs max kapacitet Suho skladištenje: 408 FAs Godišnje potrebno pospremiti: 700 FAs (procjena) 44 Time to Heatup and Boiloff SFP Inventory Down to 3 Feet Above Top of Fuel (60 GWD/MTU) Zr + O2 → ZrO2 oksidacija na zraku (1.2 107 J / kg ) Zr + 2 H 2O → ZrO2 + 2 H 2 oksidacija u pari (5.8 106 J / kg ) 45 Vrijeme potrebno da se gorivo zagrije do 900 oC (moguće ispuštanje radioaktivnosti) u zraku 46 The Fukushima Daiichi Incident 4. Spent fuel pools Spend fuel stored in Pool on Reactor service floor Due to maintenance in Unit 4 entire core stored in Fuel pool Dry-out of the pools • Unit 4: in 10 days • Unit 1-3,5,6 in few weeks Leakage of the pools due to Earthquake? Consequences Core melt „on fresh air “ Nearly no retention of fission products Large release The Fukushima Daiichi Incident 4. Spent fuel pools Spend fuel stored in Pool on Reactor service floor Due to maintenance in Unit 4 entire core stored in Fuel pool Dry-out of the pools • Unit 4: in 10 days • Unit 1-3,5,6 in few weeks Leakage of the pools due to Earthquake? Consequences Core melt „on fresh air “ Nearly no retention of fission products Large release The Fukushima Daiichi Incident 4. Spent fuel pools Spend fuel stored in Pool on Reactor service floor Due to maintenance in Unit 4 entire core stored in Fuel pool Dry-out of the pools • Unit 4: in 10 days • Unit 1-3,5,6 in few weeks Leakage of the pools due to Earthquake? Consequences Core melt „on fresh air “ Nearly no retention of fission products Large release It is currently unclear what is amount of released radioactivity from SFPs 3 and 4 The International Nuclear Event Scale INES Unit 1-3 Unit 4 50 Neka promišljanja • • • • Elektrana je pokazala zavidnu otpornost na potres Projektna zaštita od tsunamija neadekvatna za doživljene uvjete Teška oštećenja na električnoj i ostaloj infrastrukturi Neadekvatne i nepravovremene akcije u uvjetima prolongiranog gubitka svih vanjskih napajanja • Uvjeti teške katastrofe na i van lokacije utječu na strateško planiranje sanacije stanja • Izraziti problemi s ispustom vodika - eksplozije • Međusobni utjecaj blisko smještenih jedinica na lokaciji • Propust sanacije stanja bazena za ING dok je to još bilo jednostavno izvedivo • Uglavnom pravovremeni potezi na nivou off-site planiranja u slučaju nesreće 51 Reference • Matthias Braun, The Fukushima Daiichi Incident, PEPA4-G, AREVA–NP GmbH • Teški reaktorski akcidenti, Sigurnost nuklearnih postrojenja, FER, Zagreb • Tribina HND, Europski dom, Zagreb, 31.03.2011. • Duane Arnold, Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant Event Summary and FPL/DAEC Actions, NEXTera Energy • Michael Buck, Modelling of the Late Phase of Core Degradation in Light Water Reactors, IKE Stuttgart, 2007 • Ludger Mohrbach, Tohoku-Kanto Earthquake and Tsunami on March 11, 2011 and Consequences for Northeast Honshu Nuclear Power Plants, VGB PowerTech • Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) Systems, USNRC Technical Training Center • Chris Allison, Status report on ISS/SDTP activities related to Japanese reactor accident analysis 52 Hvala na pažnji! Davor Grgić, [email protected] 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64