celebrating 1 0 years developing together selebra tinan 10
celebrating 1 0 years developing together selebra tinan 10
CELEBRATING 10 YEARS DEVELOPING TOGETHER SELEBRA TINAN 10 D E Z E N VO LV E H A M U T U K DEVELOPING TOGETHER Celebrating 10 years of working cooperatively together with Timor-Leste D e z envolvi m ent u H a m u t u k Hodi Selebra tinan sanulu servisu hamutuk koperativamente ho Timor-Leste G R O U P Developing a Future D e z e n v o lv e b a A b a n B a i n r u a The design which runs through this book uses traditional Timorese tais, combined with the symbolism of confetti to represent a celebration - 10 years Dezign iha livru ne’e uza Tais Tradisionál Timor, hamutuk ho simbolismu konfetis atu repreezenta selebrasaun ida – tinan 10 2 3 Dezenvolve Hamutuk Timor-Leste sai hanesan nasaun soberana dahuluk moris iha millennium foun nia laran. ConocoPhillips nu’udar operador projetu Bayu-Undan nian, no kompañia seluk ne’ebé servisu hamutuk hanesan– Santos, INPEX, Eni, Tokyo Electric Power Company no Tokyo Gas, sira hetan priviléjiu atu dezenvolve rekursus mina-rai Bayu-Undan hamutuk ho TimorLeste no Austrália. Análize retrospetiva ida ba benefisiu husi tinan sanulu liu-ba sira nia laran, halo ita ksolok haree fali ba kotuk no haree oin sá projetu Bayu-Undan liu espetativa inisiál no sai hanesan ezemplu diak liu ida relasaun konstrutiva entre governu no kompañia sira mina-rai nian. Ne’e la’ós atu dehan katak, la iha dezafius no akontesimentus atu hala’o durante tempu ne’e, maibé liu tiha tinan sanulu husi realizasaun istória, rezultadu sira mak sei ko’alia rasik. Bainhira foti desizaun final investimentu ba projetu Bayu-Undan, minarai no gás iha mundu sei folin ki’ik, no Timor-Leste seidauk hamriik nu’udár nasaun soberana no independente. Maski sirkunstánsia sira ne’e fó insertezas boot, serbisu hamutuk ho Timor-Leste no parseiru xave balun, ami dezenvolve kompreensaun no respeitu ba ida-idak nia nesesidade. Ne’e mak halo ita atu bele hetan lalais solusaun ida ne’ebé bele fó dalan ba sira atu dezenvolve projetu diák liu ne’e ba benefisiu parte interesada hotu. Developing Together Timor-Leste nia istória rasik mós dezafius no realizasoens boot liu. Iha tempu ida ne’ebá mós, ami dezenvolve no hala’o operasaun ba Bayu-Undan, Timor-Leste hetan nia independênsia, forma nia sistema judisiál independente no estabelese ho susesu ajênsias husi divizoens ezekutivas hanesan Autoridade Nasional do Petróleo (ANP). Eleisoens Jerais hala’o dala hira ona ho susesu, nune’e konfirma katak Demokrasia moris no la’o di’ak iha nasaun foun ne’e nia laran. Ne’e jornada inkrível ida dezenvolvimentu estraordináriu no ConocoPhillips sente honradu atu halo parte iha jornada ne’e. Ami mós sente espesialmente orgulhu ba kontribuisaun ne’ebé BayuUndan halo ba Timor-Leste nia ekonomia. Besik 70% extra dolar mak simu tama mai iha Timor Leste no Austrália nia Governu, Timor Leste hetan maioria benefisiu hosi folin ne’ebé aas espetativa, simu hamutuk liu dólar biliaun $12, husi produsaun Bayu-Undan to ohin loron. Ami hein katak kontribuisaun finanseiru importante ida ne’e bele hala’o ba oin. Amedida ke nasaun Timor Leste dezenvolve, nune’e mós oportunidade ekonómika ba nasaun no nia povu la’o hamutuk. Atu ajuda nasaun bele realiza nia aspirasaun sira ba dezenvolvimentu sustentável ida, ami buka nafatin oportunidades atu hasa’e nível konteúdo lokál iha ami nia atividades. Ami fiar katak,Projetu Bayu-Undan nia legadu sei hanesan demonstrasaun inspiradora ida buat ne’ebé realiza liu hosi akordu ka entendimentu atu dezenvolve hamutuk. Istória Bayu-Undan ne’e hanesan dezafiu importante liu ida no born in the new millennium. ConocoPhillips as the operator of the Bayu-Undan project, and the other joint venturers - Santos, INPEX, Eni, Tokyo Electric Power Company and Tokyo Gas, have had the privilege of developing the Bayu-Undan petroleum resources together with Timor-Leste and Australia. With the benefit of 10 years hindsight, it is gratifying to look back and see how the Bayu-Undan project has exceeded initial expectations and become a world class example of a constructive relationship between governments and petroleum companies. That is not to say that there have not been challenges and issues to work through along the way, but after a decade of performance history, the results speak for themselves. When the final investment decision for the Bayu-Undan project was made, world oil and gas prices were low and Timor-Leste was not yet established as a sovereign independent nation. Despite the significant uncertainties these circumstances posed, by working together with Timor-Leste and other key stakeholders, we developed an understanding of and respect for each other’s needs. This enabled us all to reach a solution that has allowed us to develop this world class project for the benefit of all parties concerned. The Bayu-Undan story is one of significant challenges and realizasoens importantes. Iha tempu ne’ebé Bayu-Undan dezenvolve Timor-Leste’s own story is one of even greater challenges and achievements. During the same period we have developed and operated Bayu-Undan, Timor-Leste has gained its independence, formed an independent judicial system and successfully established executive branch agencies such as the National Petroleum Authority/ Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo (ANP). Several general elections have been successfully held, confirming democracy is alive and well in the new nation. It has been an incredible journey of remarkable development and ConocoPhillips has been honoured to be a part of that journey. We are especially proud of the contribution Bayu-Undan has made to Timor-Leste’s economy. With approximately 70 percent of every extra dollar earned flowing to the Timor-Leste and Australian governments, Timor-Leste has received the majority of the benefit of higher-than-expected prices receiving over $12 billion dollars from Bayu-Undan production to date. We expect this significant financial contribution to continue. As the country of Timor-Leste develops, so do the economic opportunities for the nation and its people. To assist the country to achieve its aspirations for sustainable development we are continually looking for opportunities to increase the level of local content in our activities. We trust that the legacy of the Bayu-Undan project will be an inspiring demonstration of what can be achieved through a commitment to Developing Together. significant achievements. At the time Bayu-Undan was developed, hela, nia hamriik nu’udár projetu boot ida husi projetu sira seluk iha Todd Creeger it was one of the largest resource projects in the region and rejiaun no inklui mós enjeñaria balu teknikamente dezafiadora iha President, ConocoPhillips Australia – West included some of the most technically challenging engineering seen Todd Creeger in the offshore industry. President, ConocoPhillips Australia – West industria tasi nian. 4 Timor-Leste became the first sovereign nation to be 5 Selebra Parseiria tinan 10 iha Timor-Leste Laran kmanek boot ida mai ha’u hakerek liafuan ruma iha livru ne’e hodi komemora tinan 10 “Dezenvolve Hamutuk” entre Timor-Leste no ConocoPhillips ho baze iha projetu Bayu-Undan. Celebrating 10 years of Partnership in Timor-Leste Iha tinan balu mai ne’e Ha’u hakarak haree ba kotuk ita nia desputa kona ba impostus oras ne’e daudaun hanesan eventu ida ne’ebé prova ita nia relasaun maibe fó mós oportunidade ba ita atu komprende malu It gives me a great pleasure to write a few words in this book commemorating 10 years of “Developing diak liu tan. Asuntu impostu sei klarifika diferensa ita ihaba interpresaun Together” between Timor-Leste and ConocoPhillips lei atuál impostu no sei iha lisaun importante atu aprende ba ita hotu. based on the Bayu-Undan project. Se ita maneja didiak sei hakbit liu tan ita nia relasaun. Projetu Bayu-Undan, projetu ida ne’ebé muda destinu no diresaun Timoir-Leste nian. La bele subestima implikasoens ekonomómikas no sosiais Bayu-Undan iha Timor-Leste. disputes as an event that tested our relationship but it also provided an opportunity for us to understand each other better. The tax issue will clarify the differences we have in interpreting our existing tax laws and there will be very important lessons learnt for all of us. If we handle it right our relationship will come out stronger. The Bayu-Undan project is the project that changed the fate and Ita iha ona tinan 10 di’ak no ha’u hein tinan 10 di’ak liu tan. Iha ha’u nia reuniaun ida ho Todd Greeger, ami ko’alia kona-ba destination of Timor-Leste. The economical and social implications of We have had a good 10 years and I look forward to another 10 better Bayu-Undan in Timor-Leste can not be underestimated. years. Projetu Bayu-Undan hariku Timor-Leste iha frente barak. Iha nível importánsia diversifikasaun ba Timor-Leste. Iha tinan 10 oin mai ita The Bayu-Undan project has enriched Timor-Leste on a number of In one of my meetings with Todd Creeger, we talked about the internasionál ami aprende barak ona kona-ba negosiasasoen tenke kontinua Dezenvolve Hamutuk maibé ho diversifikasaun iha fronts. At an international level, we have learnt a great deal about importance of diversification for Timor-Leste. In the next 10 years we marítimas. Iha frente ekonimika Timor-Leste dezenvolve ho taxa 10- neon, tanba ita besik faze deplesaun Bayu-Undan nian. Ita tenke maritime negotiations. On the economical front, Timor-Leste has been should continue to Develop Together but with diversification in mind 13% impresionate ida iha tinan haat liu-ba nian laran no ami rai ona kontinua servisu ba mina-rai konvensionál, maibé fila mós neon growing at an impressive rate of 10-13% in the last four years and we as we approach the depletion stages of Bayu-Undan. We should dólar Amerikanu biliaun 10 iha ami nia Fundu Petrolédfeu. ba Timor-Leste nia mina-rai matak – Silvikultura, ami nia idústria now have savings of over $10 billion US dollars in our Petroleum Fund. continue to work on black oil and at the same time turn our attention folin-boot ai nian. Peska no Turismu mós halo projetus interesantes to Timor-Leste’s green oil - forestry, our precious wood industry. Ho fundus hosi Bayu-Undan Governu bele fó edukasaun ba joven konteudo lokál. Hosi ConocoPhillips nia experiénsia iha jestaun, rede The funds from Bayu-Undan have allowed the Government to Fishing and tourism will also make very interesting local content timór oan rihun barihun, fornbese tratores atus ba atus atu tulun to’os komunikasaun luan no valores SPIRIT, hau hanoin katak ita sei iha educate thousands of young Timorese, provide hundreds of tractors projects. By tapping into ConocoPhillips’ management experience, projetu konteudu local balu ho susesu boot. to assist the lives of Timorese farmers, equip our security forces to wide network and SPIRIT values I believe we will have some very ensure stability in the country and provide financial assistance to our successful local content projects. nain timór oan sira nia moris, ekipa ami nia forsas seguransa atu asegura estabilidade nasaun no fó suporte finanseiru baa mi nia funu nain Veteranu sira ne’ebé fó sira nia moris atu liberta nasaun, ne’e atu Deplesaun Bayu-Undan la’os katak Conoco Phillips no Veteran fighters who dedicated their lives to liberate the country, just temi deit programa balu. Emprendimentu Konjuntu sai hosi Timor-Leste, ita hala’o buat hotu to name a few of the programs. di’ak karik tinan 10 oin mai sei sai hanesan dekada ida di’ak liu The depletion of Bayu-Undan does not signify the exit of ConocoPhillips and the joint venturers from Timor-Leste, if we handle Iha tinan 10 liu-ba ami haree projetu bayu-Undan la’o tuir regras no tan. Ha’u sei dehan liu tan ka ita hal’ao buat hotu di’ak relasaun In the last 10 years we saw the Bayu-Undan project going under the it right the next 10 years will be a better decade. I will go further to say regulamentus EITI. Kolaborasaun hosi Conoco Phillips iha prosesu Dezenvolvimentu Hamutuk sei suli ba Greater Sunrise iha tinan 30 ba rules and regulation of Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative if we handle it right this Developing Together relationship should spill EITI importante tebetebes ba Timor-Leste atu hetan estatutu 40 oin mai. (EITI). ConocoPhillips’ collaboration in the EITI process was crucial for into the Greater Sunrise for the next 30 to 40 years. konformidade. Oras ne’e ema haree ami hanesan ezmplu ida ba Timor-Leste to attain the compliant status. We are now seen as an mundu no nune’e la iha ona kompromisu ba asuntu kona ba haloken example to the world and therefore can no longer compromise on the kontratu no informasaun ketak. Ita presiza servisu hamutuk nafatin atu asegura katak Timor-Leste mantein nia papél lideransa global iha area transparénsia ba administrasaun rekursu. 6 In a few years time I would like to look back at our current tax Alfredo Pires Minister for Natural Resources issue of contract disclosure and disaggregated information. We need to continue to work together to ensure that Timor-Leste maintains its global leading role in the area of resource management transparency. Alfredo Pires Minister for Natural Resources 7 Contents Th e B a y u - U n d a n F i e l d J a z i d a B ay u - U n d a n 14 O u r va l u e s A m i n i a v a l o r e s c o l l a b o r at i o n 24 B u i l d i n g s u s ta i n a b l e o p p o r t u n i t i e s Harii oportunidades sustentáves 32 C e l e b r at i n g C o l l a b o r at i o n Selebra Kolaborasaun 52 Looking to the Future Haree ba iha futuru 8 82 9 Beyond expectations Liu espetativa 10 11 Rezumu Overview Ami sente orgulhu atu selebra ami nia relasaun ho Timor-Leste no dezenvolvimentu Bayu-Undan iha We are proud to celebrate our relationship with Timor-Leste and the development of the jazida gas nian iha tinan sanulu liu ba nia laran. Bayu-Undan gas field over the past 10 years. continuing, as we work ConocoPhillips, nu’udár operador Projetu Bayu-Undan, grupu kompañia sira seluk hanesan - Santos, INPEX, Eni, Tokyo ConocoPhillips, as the operator of the Bayu-Undan project, and the other joint venturers - Santos, INPEX, together to develop Electric Power Company no Tokyo Gas, kompromete atu fó kontribuisaun mak iha sentidu ba Timor-Leste liu fali projetu sira Eni, Tokyo Electric Power Company and Tokyo Gas, are committed to making a meaningful contribution to nia impaktu ekonómiku pozitivu no signifikativu. Ami hakarak atu kontribui ba ambiente saudável, dezenvolve komunidade sira Timor-Leste beyond the project’s significant positive economic impact. We want to contribute to a healthy atu bele moris mesak no Edukasaun no inisitivas formasaun profisionál ne’ebé sei ajuda kontinua harii nasaun forte ida. environment, the development of sustainable communities and education and training initiatives that will help to Ami nia jornada rekompesadora, basá ami servisu ho povu timór atu kontribui ba futuru ida di’ak liu. Hanesan progresu nasaun continue to build a strong nation. forte no ema bele iha orgullu ba, ami nia jornada mos la’ós fásil ka la hasoru dezafius. Maibé liu husi servisu hamutuk ami halo Our journey has been rewarding as we have worked with the Timorese people to contribute to a brighter future. duni progresu importante. Like the progress of this strong and proud nation, our journey has not been without challenges. However, Bainhira Timor-Leste halo tiha tranzisaun ba nasaun soberana, ConocoPhillips no nia sósiu sira Bayu-Undan hahú explora I t i s a j o u r n e y t h at i s economic and social opportunities. through working cooperatively together, we have made significant progress. iha kampu gás nian. Dezenvolvimentu so bele realiza liu tiha negosiasaun komplexa ida ho governu Timor-Leste no Australia As Timor-Leste made the transition to a sovereign nation, ConocoPhillips and its joint venturers developed estabelese ambiente fiskál previzível no regulador ida ba projetu. Kompromisu solene ne’ebé governu rua halo atu fó apoiu ba the Bayu-Undan field. This development was possible only after complex negotiations with the governments projetu, loke dalan ba ita nia jornada hamutuk bele hahú. of Timor-Leste and Australia established a predictable fiscal and regulatory environment for the project. The solemn promises made by both governments in support of the project allowed our journey together to begin. Ne’e jornada ida ne’ebé ba oin nafatin, basá ita serbisu hamutuk atu dezenvolve oportunidade sosio-ekonómiku iha Timor-Leste. It is a journey that is continuing, as we work together to develop economic and social opportunities in Timor-Leste. 12 13 Jazida Bayu-Undan The Bayu-Undan Field ConocoPhillips (56.94%) parseiru ho investimentu maioritáriu no operador ba ConocoPhillips (56.94%) is the majority interest holder and operator of the Bayu- instalasoens Bayu-Undan nian, kadoras no planta LNG Darwin nian. Grupu parseirus Undan facility, pipeline and the Darwin LNG plant. The Other joint venturers are Santos seluk mak hanesan Santos (11.49%), INPEX (11.38%), Eni (10.99%), Tokyo Electric (11.49%), INPEX (11.38%), Eni (10.99%), Tokyo Electric Power Company (6.13%) and Power Company (6.13%) no Tokyo Gas (3.07%). Tokyo Gas (3.07%). Jazida Bayu-Undan deskobertu iha tinan 1995. Nia naruk 25km naruk no luan 12km lokalizadu The Bayu-Undan field was discovered in 1995. It is 25km long and 12km wide and located approximately 250km aproximadamente 250 kilómetrus hosi sudeste Timor-Leste no 500km hosi Nordeste Darwin, Australia. Partes South East of Timor-Leste and 500km North West of Darwin, Australia. The Bayu-Undan development comprises Dezenvolvimentu Bayu-Undan kompostu hosi Produsaun Sentrál no Konjuntu Instalasoens, Plataforma ba of a Central Production and Processing Complex, a Wellhead Platform and a Floating Storage and Offloading posu nia ulun no Armazém flutuante no pipa ka Kanalizasaun ba Dezembarke. Kadoras 502 km ida so’e sai (FSO) vessel. A 502km pipeline delivers gas from Bayu-Undan to the Darwin LNG facility. gas husi Bayu-Undan ba instalasoens Darwin LNG. Projetu Bayu-Undan dezenvolve iha faze rua: 14 The Bayu-Undan project was developed in two phases: Phase One: Faze dahuluk: The Bayu-Undan Natural Gas Recycle Project enabled condensate and Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) to Bayu-Undan nia Projetu Resiklajen Gas Natural halo kondensadu no gas líkidu natural bele nakfahek no be separated and removed for sale, and dry natural gas was reinjected back into the reservoir until Phase haketak ba fa’an, no gas natural maran (la iha umidade, la iha been) sei hatama hikas fali ba rezervatóriu to’o Two (an Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) plant) was ready to receive the dry gas. Production from Phase One faze daruak (Gas Natural nabeen ) prontu atu simu gas maran. Produsaun faze dahuluk hahú iha tinan 2004. began in February 2004. Faze daruak : Phase Two: Dezenvolvimentu planta Gas Natural Likefeitu (LNG) involve konstrusaun kadoras gas natural ida kilometru The development of the Darwin LNG plant involved the installation of a 502km natural gas pipeline from 502 husi jazida ba to’o planta LNG, instalasaun ida iha Darwin ho kapasidade nominal ba tonelada tokon the field to the LNG plant, and a 3.71 million tonne per annum nameplate capacity facility in Darwin. The 3.71 Planta Gas Natural Likefeitu iha Darwin transforma gas husi kampu Bayu-Undan ba LNG atu bele Darwin LNG plant converts gas from the Bayu-Undan field into LNG for sale to Tokyo Electric Power fa’an ba Tokyo Electric Power Company Incorporated no ba KompañiaTokyo Gas. Company Incorporated and Tokyo Gas Co. Liu husi introdusaun progresu teknolíjiku perfurasaun no kompromisu atu hametin nafatin prinsípius operasaun, Through the introduction of cutting-edge technology and a commitment to sustainable operating principles, the projetu Bayu-Undan hanesan lider mundiál, kona-ba rekuperasaun gás no gás líkidu. Bayu-Undan project is a world leader in the recovery of gas and gas liquids. Iha tempu ne’ebé projetu Bayu-Undan dezenvolve, nia mak projetu rekursus boot liu ida iha rejiaun noinklui At the time the Bayu-Undan project was developed, it was one of the largest resource projects in the region enjiñaria balu téknikamente difísil liu mak bele haree iha ambiente tasilaran nian. Tasi tehen sira ne’ebé hamriik and included some of the most technically challenging engineering seen in the offshore environment. The iha fatin luan boot mak nunka harii buat ida ba, hanesan konstrusaun pavimentu superior ró nian ne’ebé topsides were among the largest ever built as a single integrated deck which resulted in the largest open water namlele iha bee laran. Ne’e primeira instalasaun mak hetan iha fatin bee nakloke atu nakfahek líkidu hosi gás float-over installation. The FSO vessel was the world’s first multi-product condensate and LPG storage facility. It iha tasi, no bele mos uza hamutuk konfigurasaun atu bele karrega gas LPG / mina-rai likefeitu. was also the first facility to use side by side configuration to load liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). 15 16 Kona ba ConocoPhillips About ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips ne’e kompañia boot independente boot liu iha mundu, mak halo ConocoPhillips is the world’s largest independent exploration and production company explorasaun no produsaun no kompañia ne’e mak lidera abastesimentu enerjia ba merkadu and a leading supplier of energy to world markets. With operations in 30 countries, mundiál nian. Kompanhia ne’e halo operasaun iha rain 30, ConocoPhillips iha funsionárius ConocoPhillips has more than 16,000 employees and its headquarters are located in hamutuk 16,000 ba leten, no iha sede prinsipal lokalizadu iha Houston, Texas. Houston, Texas. Lokalmente ConocoPhillips iha patrimóniu no halo operasoens iha Área Dezenvolvimentu Konjunta Mina-Rai Locally, ConocoPhillips has assets and operations in the Timor Sea Joint Petroleum Development Area (JPDA) iha Tasi Timor. (JPDA), no mos iha Norte Territóriu, Austrália Osidental, Queensland no Timor-Leste. between Australia and Timor-Leste, as well as in the Northern Territory, Western Australia, Queensland and ConocoPhillips harii ba dahuluk nia servisu fatin iha Timor-Leste iha 2006. Oras ne’e iha Bidau, Dili, gabinete Timor-Leste. ne’e Country Manager ida mak administra, no ita nia ekipa lokál inklui mos Relasoens Exteriores, Rekursus ConocoPhillips first established an office in Timor-Leste in 2006. Now located in Bidau, Dili, the office is Humanus, Servisus de Negósius, Informasaun, Teknolojia no funsoens suporte seluk tan. Funsaun xave managed by our Country Manager, and our local team includes External Relations, Human Resources, gabinete Dili nian mak foka atu fó suporte ba programa rai laran ho tasi nian, treinu no funsionalismu, relasaun Business Services, Information Technology and other support roles. The key focus of the Dili office is to di’ak ho parseirus sira no kontribui ba setór alargadu Mina-Rai nian iha Timor-Leste. support onshore and offshore programs, training and employment, relationships with local stakeholders, and to contribute to the broader petroleum sector in Timor-Leste. 18 19 A Decade of Development ConocoPhillips signs a license agreement to build a Timorese people vote to become The development of the Bayu-Undan field was a pioneering feat that required determination, vision and an approach that heliport independent was both strategic and collaborative. Prime Minister Mari Alkatiri and ConocoPhillips support the Following a period of exploration and negotiation, the BayuUndan project became a reality in 2002. The subsequent 300th LNG cargo Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative. decade featured many milestones as the joint venture worked with key stakeholders including the Timorese government and 100th LNG cargo communities of Timor-Leste to realise the mutually rewarding benefits of such a significant project. 1999 2001 2002 2003 2004 A Dezenvolvimentu Dékada ida 2005 2006 502km subsea pipeline connects Bayu-Undan in the Timor Sea to the 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 10th Timor-Leste Anniversary receives the first Darwin LNG plant in Darwin, Australia Production Sharing Dezenvolvimentu kampu Bayu-Undan nu’udár pioneiru mak gas development project begins. Construction of berani presiza iha determinasaun, vizaun, no abordajen ida ne’ebé la’os deit estratéjika maibé kooperativa mós. Timor-Leste’s Tuir fali períodu esplorasaun no negosiasaun, projetu Bayu-Undan sai duni realidade iha tinan 2002. Dékada independence formalised, with tuir mai salienta akontesimentu importante barak nu’udár Xanana Gusmao sworn emprendimentu konjuntu serbisu hamutuk ho parseirus in as the nation’s ne’ebé tama mós iha laran governu Timor nian no first President. Contract profit oil payment earlier than expected. komunidade Timor-Leste atu hetan hamutuk sira nia benefisiu rekompensador mak mai husi projetu signifikativu ida ne’e. 20 200th LNG cargo 21 A Decade of Development The development of the Bayu-Undan field was a pioneering feat that required determination, vision and an approach that was both strategic and collaborative. 2004 Prime Minister Alkatiri visits ConocoPhillips offices in West Perth. First Bayu-Undan liquid hydrocarbons produced. 22 2005 A 502km subsea pipeline connects Bayu-Undan in the Timor Sea to the Darwin LNG plant in Darwin, Australia. Petroleum Fund of Timor-Leste established under the Petroleum Fund Law. The Fund requires that all petroleum revenues are entirely transferred to the Fund and invested abroad in financial assets. 1999 2001 Timorese people overwhelmingly vote to become independent in a United Nations supervised referendum. ConocoPhillips commences discussions with Timorese leaders regarding further opportunities for development. 2006 First Bayu-Undan production sharing contract payments made to the Government of Timor-Leste. Darwin LNG plant commissioned on budget and ahead of schedule. First shipment of LNG loaded at Darwin LNG plant for shipping to Japan and TimorLeste starts to receive revenue from gas sales. ConocoPhillips signs a licence agreement with the Timor-Leste Government to build a permanent heliport within the grounds of the Nicolau Lobato Airport. A Decade of Development The development of the Bayu-Undan field was a pioneering feat that required determination, vision and an approach that was both strategic and collaborative. 2004 Prime Minister Alkatiri visits ConocoPhillips offices in West Perth. First Bayu-Undan liquid hydrocarbons produced. 22 2005 A 502km subsea pipeline connects Bayu-Undan in the Timor Sea to the Darwin LNG plant in Darwin, Australia. Petroleum Fund of Timor-Leste established under the Petroleum Fund Law. The Fund requires that all petroleum revenues are entirely transferred to the Fund and invested abroad in financial assets. 1999 2001 Timorese people overwhelmingly vote to become independent in a United Nations supervised referendum. ConocoPhillips commences discussions with Timorese leaders regarding further opportunities for development. 2006 First Bayu-Undan production sharing contract payments made to the Government of Timor-Leste. Darwin LNG plant commissioned on budget and ahead of schedule. First shipment of LNG loaded at Darwin LNG plant for shipping to Japan and TimorLeste starts to receive revenue from gas sales. 2001 2002 ConocoPhillips commences an intensive training and capacity building program to ensure Timor-Leste nationals are getting the skills they need to secure jobs in the oil and gas industry. Timor Sea Treaty signed between Australia and Timor-Leste in Dili, with agreement for taxation and royalty revenue to be split 90:10 between TimorLeste and Australia. 2007 ConocoPhillips establishes an office in Bidau, Dili. ConocoPhillips signs a licence agreement with the Timor-Leste Government to build a permanent heliport within the grounds of the Nicolau Lobato Airport. Heads of Agreement signed with Tokyo Electric and Tokyo Gas for sales of 3mtpa of LNG. Jose Ramos Horta elected President. The Timor-Leste Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative working group is formed. ConocoPhillips completes its temporary heliport at the Nicolau Lobato International Airport. (The heliport transfers up to 500 crew members to the BayuUndan project offshore platforms in the Timor Sea.) 2003 Timor-Leste’s independence formalised, with Xanana Gusmao sworn in as the nation’s first President. Timor-Leste becomes a member of the United Nations. 2008 Due to higher than expected oil prices, Timor-Leste receives the first Production Sharing Contract profit oil payment earlier than expected. Timor-Leste is recognised as an Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative candidate country. ConocoPhillips starts work with first group of offshore operations trainees. Negotiations of fiscal package are completed and Timor Sea Designated Authority approves Gas Export Development Plan. Joint Venture partner boards sanction gas development project. 2009 100th LNG cargo. ConocoPhillips finishes building a Community Development and Training Centre to support 250 trainees each year at Lospalos. Timor-Leste receives first additional profits tax payment. ConocoPhillips becomes involved in supporting the annual Tour de Timor cycle event. Timor-Leste Prime Minister Mari Alkatiri and ConocoPhillips decide to support the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative, which aims to create transparency around payments made by companies to governments, and revenue received by governments from companies in the oil and gas sector. Construction of gas development project begins. 2010 2011 Timor-Leste accepted as an Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative Compliant country. Airnorth commences its first regular commercial flights by jet from Australia into Timor-Leste, supported by strong Bayu-Undan passenger numbers. Worley Parsons opens an office in Dili. 2012 10th anniversary of Timor-Leste Independence and commissioning of Bayu-Undan. The helibase in Dili achieves 10 years without a recordable injury. 300th LNG cargo. Our values Ami nia valores Ami nia valores Our Values Conoco Philips nia Valores SPIRIT determina maneira ida oin sa komporta ConocoPhillips’ SPIRIT values set the tone for how we behave with all hamutuk ho parseirus sira seluk, internamente no externamente. Ami nia de of our stakeholders, internally and externally. Our SPIRIT values guide Valores Spirit ne’e mak sai matadalan ba ami nia hahalok, no bele ultrapasa lian the way in which we operate, and transcend any language and any ida ne’ebé deit no fatin iha ne’ebé de’it. location. Nu’udár Operador emprendimentu konjunta Bayu-Undan, ami fiar katak valores hirak ne’e integral ba As the Operator of the Bayu-Undan joint venture, we believe these values are iha dalan ne’ebé ami hala’o ami nia negósiu iha Timor-Leste. Sira valoriza ami nia Filozofia operasaun integral to the way in which we conduct our business in Timor-Leste. They enshrine ho seguransa, respeita ema, atua ho integridade, simu responsabilidade, hako’ak eh buka atu halo our philosophy of operating safely, respecting people, acting with integrity, taking inovasaun no fó apoiu ka ajuda-malu ho nia grupu de traballu. responsibility, embracing innovation and fostering teamwork. Nu’udár sidadaun korporativu responsável Timor-Leste, ami aspira bele sai membru valiozu As a responsible corporate citizen of Timor-Leste, we aspire to be a valued member komunidade. Ami hakarak kontribui ba sosiedade ne’ebé ema bele moris ho seguransa, isin di’ak no of the community. We want to contribute to a society in which people are safe, matenek, no hola konta ba ambiente ho seriedade. Ami hakarak kapasita komunidade atu dezenvolve healthy and educated, and which takes environmental care seriously. We want to build inisiativas ekonómikas ne’bé bele ajuda sira sai ema forte no berani atu hakat ba oin nafatin. communities’ capacity to develop economic initiatives that will help them to become Ami nia objetivu hanesan operador emprendimentu konjunta Bayu-Undan mak, serbisu hamutuk ho robust and resilient. parseirus hot-hotu atu asegura katak ami bele implementa inisiativas sustentáveis, prátikas ne’bé di’ak Our objective as operator of the Bayu-Undan joint venture is to work cooperatively with ba benefisia povu Timor-Leste. all stakeholders to ensure we can implement sustainable, practical initiatives that are Integridade mak ami nia valores essensiais no ami fó suporte ba transparénsia iha ami nia useful to the people of Timor-Leste. tranzasoens. Hanesan ezemplu mak (EITI) Inisiativa de Transparensia Insdústrias Estrativas. Iha Integrity is one of our core values and we support transparency in our transactions. 2003, Primeiru Ministru Timor-Leste nian ho ConocoPhillips deklara sira nia intensaun konjunta atu fó An example of this is the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI). In 2003, suporte ba EITI, ho objetivu atu kria transparénsia konaba pagamentu sira ne’ebé mai hosi kompañia the Timor-Leste Prime Minister and ConocoPhillips declared their joint intention to mina-rai no gás sira ba governu no reseitas governu nian mak simu husi kompañia sira ne’e. support the EITI, which aims to create transparency around payments made by oil Iha Maiu 2007, kria tiha ona Grupu servisu hamutuk EITI Timor-Leste nian, ne’ebé tama mos iha laran ConocoPhillips. Timor-Leste sai hanesan terseira nasaun iha mundu no primeiru iha rejiaun Ásia Pasífiku mak simu sertifikasaun iha 1 de Julho 2010. and gas companies to governments and the revenue governments receive from these companies. In May 2007, Timor-Leste’s EITI working group, including ConocoPhillips, was formed. Timor-Leste became the third country in the world and the first in the Asia Pacific region to receive EITI certification on 1 July 2010. 26 27 ConocoPhillips Espiritu de valores ConocoPhillips SPIRIT values S P I R I T S P I R I T 28 Seguransa Ami hala’o Operasaun ho Seguransa. Ema Ami respeita malu, rekonhese katak ami nia susesu depende iha ami nia kompromisu, kapasidade no diversidade husi ami Integridade Ami iha Étika no Honestidade iha ami nia relasaun parseirus seluk. Responsabilidade nia funsionárius sira. Ami responsabiliza ba ami nia hahalok. Ami viziñu no sidadaun di’ak iha ami nia komunidade laran ne’ebé ami hala’o servisu ka operasaun ba. Inovasaun Ami antisipa mudansas no hatán ba solusoens ho kreatividade. Ami matenek atu age no susetível ba parseiru sira nia Grupu Servisu Ami nia espíritu “Bele halo’’ tama iha realizasaun ida mak aas k. Ami fó aten berani atu iha kolaborasaun, selebra susesu no nesesidades mudansa no adota oportunidade aprendizajen husi ami nia experiensia iha mundu. hamoris ho haburas relasaun amizade mak hamriik metin no forte. Safety We operate safely. People We respect one another, recognising that our success depends upon the commitment, capability and diversity of our Integrity We are ethical and trustworthy in our relationships with stakeholders. Responsibility We are accountable for our actions. We are a good neighbour and citizen in the communities where we operate. Innovation We anticipate change and respond with creative solutions. We are agile and responsive to the changing needs of Teamwork Our ‘can do’ spirit delivers top performance. We encourage collaboration, celebrate success and build and nurture employees. stakeholders and embrace learning opportunities from our experience around the world. long-standing relationships. 29 Estudu Kazu Case Study Marcea Goncalves Marcea Goncalves Márcia Gonçalves, lisensiada iha Enjeñeria prosesamentu, nia la’os haksolok Graduate process engineer Marcea Goncalves is not just excited about the de’it ho oportunidade mak nia hetan, maibé nia tenki dezenvolve nia karreira opportunities she has to develop her own career, she is buoyed by the potential rasik, nia hakarak atu sai potensial ida ba ema seluk iha Timor-Leste atu hetan for others in Timor-Leste to benefit from the oil and gas industry. di’ak husi industria mina-rai no gás. “ConocoPhillips and the Bayu-Undan joint venture have created job opportunities for Timorese “ConocoPhillips no emprendimentu konjunta Bayu-Undan hamoris oportunidade servisu ba timoroan people and opportunities for some of us to increase our qualifications and experience. This will sira no oportunidade ba ami balu atu hasa’e ami nia kualifikasaun no esperiensia. Ne sei hadi’ak improve the quality of life for employees and families,” she says. “There is a big opportunity for the kualidade moris funsionáriu sira nian no sira nia família.” nia hateten. “Ne’e oportunidade boot ba Timorese people to be involved in this project.” timoroan atu involve iha projetu ida ne’e.’’ Marcea is pleased to be working with ConocoPhillips. “I am lucky to join this company and the Bayu- Marcea kontente serbisu ho ConocoPhillips. “Ha’u sorte atu tama iha kompañia ne’e no iha projetu Undan project because I can increase my technical knowledge by participating in training courses, Bayu-Undan, basá ha’u sei aumenta liu tan ha’u nia konhesimentu tékniku liu husi kursus treinus, no and implement what I learned at university,” she says. bele implementa saida mak ha’u aprende iha Universidade,” nia hateten. Marcea’s role in Darwin is her first job since graduating from the National Institute of Technology in Marcea nia funsaun iha Darwin hanesan primeiru serbisu mak nia hetan bainhira ramata tiha nia Malang, East Java, where she gained a Masters specialising in industry and management. She says kursu husi Institutu Nasional Teknolojia Malang, Java, ne’ebé nia hasai mestradu espesializadu iha that her first time at Bayu-Undan was a highlight of her career. “Going offshore for the first time was indústria no management. Nia hateten katak primeira vez nia tama iha Bayu-Undan ne markante amazing. I never imagined how it would look. It is so big. Wow …” tebes ba nia karreira. “Tama ba iha tasi laran primeira vez, furak teb-tebes. Ha’u nunka imajina buat ne’e oin sa. Buat ne’e boot teb-tebes, Wow....’’ Iha 2013, tuir tia treinu liu tia tinan rua iha Darwin, Marcea hanoin atu fila hikas mai servisu fatin iha Dili, iha ne’ebé nia hakarak atu implementa buat ne’ebé nia aprende iha Austrália. In 2013, after two years of training in Darwin, Marcea expects to relocate to the Dili office, where she intends to apply her learnings from Australia. “I am proud to be working on one of the biggest Timor-Leste development engineering plans,” she says. “My family is very proud of me and I am happy and proud as well. I love my country. East Timor “Ha’u iha orgullu atu servisu iha Planu Dezenvolvimentu Enjenharia boot liu iha Timor-Leste” nia is the most beautiful country in the world. I am part of the Timorese. I think that ConocoPhillips can dehan. “Ha’u nia familia iha orgullu ho ha’u no ha’u haksolok ho sente orgullu mós. Ha’u hadomi help to develop the oil and gas that Timor-Leste has.” ha’u nia rai. Timor-Leste rai ida furak liu iha mundu. Ha’u timoroan. Ha’u hanoin katak ConocoPhillips bele ajuda atu dezenvolve mina-rai no gás ne’ebé Timor-Leste iha.’’ 30 31 Building sustainable opportunities Harii oportunidades sustentáves 32 33 34 Harii oportunidades sustentáves Building Sustainable Opportunities Kapasidade rekuperasaun ekonómika mak fatuk inan ba haburas sosiedade nia Economic resilience is a cornerstone of flourishing societies, and in Timor-Leste the moris, iha Timor-Leste, projetu Bayu-Undan fó ona kontribuisaun importante ida ba Bayu-Undan project is making a significant contribution to the financial independence of independénsia finanseira ba nasaun. the nation. Tau tan ho reseitas ne’ebé Timor-Leste simu hosi jurus no imposus, emprendimentu konjunta Bayu-Undan fó In addition to the direct revenue provided to Timor-Leste through royalties and taxes, the Bayu-Undan joint suporte ba ekonomia lokal liu husi provizaun ba funsionárius no inisiativas treinu, atividades akizisaun lokal no venture supports the local economy through the provision of local employment and training initiatives, local programas kapasitasaun komunitária. procurement activities and community capacity-building programs. Th e B a y u - U n d a n j o i n t venture supports the local economy 35 Impaktu Ekonómiku Economic Impact Relasaun di’ak no kle’an entre Timor-Leste no emprendimentu The deep relationship between Timor-Leste and the Bayu-Undan joint venturers konjunta Bayu-Undan kontribui barak ona ba Timor-Leste nia estabilidade finanseiru. has contributed significantly to Timor-Leste’s financial stability. A central tenet of this relationship is the promise of a stable fiscal regime that enables the joint venturers to receive a return on their investment even in times of Prinsípiu prinsipál ida relasaun ida ne’e mak kompromisu rejime fiskál firme ne’ebé relatively low oil and gas prices, while Timor-Leste receives an increased share of bele halo emprendimentu konjunta sira simu no fó hikas fali ba sira investimentu profits in times of high prices through the application of an additional profits tax. maski iha tempu presu mina no gás tun relativamente, iha sorin seluk Timor- This promise of stability by Timor-Leste gave the joint venturers the confidence to Leste simu aumentu husi kompartisipasaun lukrus iha tempu presu aas liu husi invest the billions of dollars necessary to develop the Bayu-Undan field. aplikasaun adisional taxa lukrus nian. Promesa konaba estabilidade ida ne’e hosi Timor-Leste nia parte fó konfidensia ba emprendimentu konjunta atu investe ho We operate in a volatile global economy, in which movements in commodity bilioens de doláres mak presiza atu dezenvolve Bayu-Undan nia kampu. prices have the potential to significantly impact the progress of any project. The strategic negotiations a decade ago meant the project could be undertaken, even Ami halo operasaun iha ekonomia global ne’ebé muda or-oras, ne’ebé movimentu though oil prices were at an all-time low. presus sasán iha potênsia ba progresu signifikante projetu ne’ebé de’it. Negosiasaun estratéjiku iha tinan sanulu liu ba loke dalan atu projetu ne’e bele la’o Not long after construction, however, oil and gas prices rose. This resulted in ba oin, maski presu ka folin tun liu iha tempu ne’eba. the Bayu-Undan joint venturers paying the additional profits tax from early 2007. Since that time, the Timor-Leste and Australian governments have received Lakleur, konstrusaun halo tiha, presu mina no gás sa’e. Nia rezultadu mak halo approximately 70 per cent of the benefit from higher oil and gas prices, of which atu emprendimentu konjunta Bayu-Undan selu taxa lukrus adisional hahú husi Timor-Leste receives 90 per cent. tinan 2007. Horik tempu ida ne’ebá, governu Timor-Leste no Austrália simu hamutuk maisoumenus 70% husi benefisiu presu aas mina no gás nian, ba tempu To date, the Bayu-Undan joint venture has paid over $12 billion into the Timor- ida ne’ebá Timor-Leste simu 90%. Leste Petroleum Fund, far beyond the $3 billion initially anticipated over the life of the project. To oras ne’e, emprendimentu konjunta Bayu-Undan selu liu ona 12 bilioens ba Fundo Petrolíferu Timor-Leste nian, ida ne’e boot-liu kompara ho montante The Bayu-Undan project is halfway through its production life and is set to 3 bilioens ne’ebé uluk antisipa Timor-Leste atu simu durante projetu ne’e moris. continue to make an enormous contribution to the nation’s financial selfdetermination. Projetu Bayu-Undan hala’o hela nia produsaun to’o iha klaran no buka nafatin atu fó kontribuisaun boot ba nasaun nia auto-determinasaun finanseira. 36 37 12,000,000 Petroleum Fund Fundu Petróleo 10,000,000 $ USD 8,000,000 6,000,000 4,000,000 2,000,000 0 12 20 n Ju 12 30 20 ar M 11 31 20 c De 11 31 20 p Se 11 30 20 n Ju 11 30 20 ar M 10 31 20 c De 10 31 20 p Se 10 30 20 n Ju 10 30 r 20 a M 09 31 20 c De 09 31 20 p Se 09 30 20 n Ju 09 30 20 ar M 08 31 20 c De 08 31 20 p Se 08 30 20 n Ju 08 30 r 20 a M 07 31 20 c De 07 31 20 p Se 07 30 20 n Ju 07 30 20 ar M 06 31 20 c De 06 31 20 p Se 06 30 20 n Ju 06 30 r 20 a M 05 31 20 c De 05 20 31 pt ce 05 Se lan 20 30 Ba Sep ing h en 30t Op at as All figures are quoted in US Dollars. Osan hirak ne’e halo konta hotu iha US Dólares. Fundu Petróleo Timor-Leste nian Petroleum Fund of Timor-Leste Administrasaun prudente rekursus mina-rai Timor-Leste nian ba benefisiu jerasaun oras ne’e no futuru sei hetan suporte husi fundu mina-rai Timor-Leste nian. The prudent management of Timor-Leste’s petroleum resources for the benefit of current and future generations is underpinned by the Petroleum Fund of Timor-Leste. Fundu ne’e providensia mekanismu ida atu ajuda Timor-Leste oinsá bele administra ho sustentabilidade reseitas mina-rai nian; define distribuisaun no riskus sasán tomak, The Fund provides a mechanism to assist Timor-Leste to sustainably manage its petroleum revenue; define asset allocation and risks; manage receipts associated with administra resibus mak iha relasaun ho abundansia ka riku soi mina-rai nian; regula transferénsias ba orsamentu estadu; no providensia responsabilidade ba governu. petroleum wealth; regulate transfers to the state budget; and provide for government accountability. Iha 30 de Junho 2012, balanso ka saldo fundu mina-rai hetan $10.6 USD. As at 30 June 2012, the balance of the Petroleum Fund was approximately $10.6 billion U.S. dollars. Konteúdu Lokál Local Content Ami nia kompromisu ba Timor-Leste haluan liu ami nia obrigasaun ne’ebé deklara tiha ona no ami nia kontribuisaun ba fundu mina-rai. Emprendimentu Konjunja Bayu- Our commitment to Timor-Leste extends beyond our statutory obligations and our contribution to the Petroleum Fund. The Bayu-Undan joint venture is committed to Undan promete atu harii eh kapasita no dezenvolve ekonomia sustentável no inisiativa ba komunidade iha Timor-Leste. Inklui treinus no oportunidade atu hetan servisu building capacity and developing sustainable economic and community initiatives in Timor-Leste. This includes training and employment opportunities for Timorese ba timoroan sira, atu fa’an sasán lokal no servisus iha ne’ebé de’it mak bele, no fó suporte ba programas lokal liu hosi investimentu komunitáriu. nationals, the purchase of local goods and services wherever possible, and supporting local programs through community investment. 38 39 Serbisu hamutuk atu masimaliza potensia ema liu hosi formasaun profisionál no empregu Working Together to Maximise Human Potential through Training and Employment Fó suporte ba ema potensiál ne’e kontribuisaun importante boot liu ida mak ami bele Supporting human potential is one of the most important contributions we can make. halo. Ami fiar katak ema la hakarak deit hasa’e sira nia valór iha sosiedade maibé sente We believe that people want to both add value to society and feel valued for their mós katak sira nia kontribuisaun iha valór. Ami nia númeru treinu no programa empregu contribution. Our growing number of training and employment programs seek to help buka atu tulun harii kapasidade lokal tuir buat ne’ebé importante ba timoroan sira no build local capacity in ways that are relevant to Timorese people and communities. komunidade. Bainhira ami komesa ami nia atividade iha Tasi Timor, ami hahú kedas dezenvolve programas formasaun profisionál aprendis lokal ba ambiente dinámiku no teknikamente dezafiador mina-rai no gás nian. At the outset of our activities in the Timor Sea we began to develop training programs that prepare local trainees for the dynamic and technically challenging oil and gas environment. As the Bayu-Undan project has developed, so too have our training and employment programs. Over the A medida ke projetu Bayu-Undan dezenvolve, nune’e mós nia programas formasaun profisionál no empregu. past 10 years we have worked together to deliver programs that integrate local culture and needs, and Durante tinan sanulu liu ba, ami serbisu hamutuk atu hato’o programa mak bele integra kultura lokal ho develop the specific skills, competencies and experience needed for employment in the petroleum sector. nesesidades no dezenvolve kapasidade espesífiku, kompetensia no esperiensia ne’ebé presiza ba funsionáriu The well-being of our employees and trainees is paramount to us, and all training and induction programs sira iha setór mina rai nian. Moris di’ak ba ami nia funsionáriu sira no estajiáriu sira importante ba ami, no include health and safety components. programa formasaun profisionál no indusaun hotu hatama iha laran saúde no komponentes seguransa nian. 40 41 Projetu Bayu-Undan fó liu dólar tokon $ 12.3 ba programas treinu no empregu. Oras ne’e besik Timoroan 200 The Bayu-Undan project has directed in excess of $12.3 million dollars to training and employment programs. halo formsaun profisionál no empregadu iha projetu Bayu-Undan hanesan ConocoPhillips nia funsionárius no There are now over 200 Timor-Leste nationals training and employed on the Bayu-Undan project as kontratores, la’os iha tasi laran deit maibe iha rai-maran mós. ( iha 30 de Junho 2012). Ami hein katak númeru ConocoPhillips employees and contractors, both on and offshore (as of 30 June 2012). We hope to see this ida ne’e bele aumenta tan. number grow. Ami servisu hamutuk ho ami nia nia kontrator prinsipál sira atu haluan tan oportunidade ba formasaun We work closely with our major contractors to develop local training and employment opportunities. These profisionálk no empregu lokál. Kontrator sira ne’e compartilha ho ami nia kompromisu atu kria liu tan contractors share our commitment to create more of these opportunities and include Clough AMEC joint oportunidade sira hanesan ne’e, iha laran, halo parte mos emprendimentu konjunta Clough AMEC, venture, WorleyParsons, ESS Services, CHC, M.O.S, Svitzer, SDV, Caltech, Maubere, Cape East and WorleyParsons, servisus ESS, CHC, M.O.S, Svitzer, SDV, Caltech, Maubere, Cape East no Geographe Energy. Geographe Energy. Ami haree oportunidade hirak ne’e hanesan trampolim ida atu kria kapasitasaun lokál no empregu. Ami nia We see these opportunities as a springboard for local capacity building and employment. Our investment in investimentu iha formasaun profisionál no dezenvolvimentu la’ós de’it fó dalan ba empregu liu husi projetu training and development not only provides a pathway to employment through the Bayu-Undan project, but Bayu-Udan, maibé atu loke mos oportunidade ba empregu iha iha setór mina-rai em jeral no kaer metin dalan also employment opportunities in the broader petroleum sector and financially secure career paths worldwide. ba kareira iha nivel mundiál. Ezemplu husi programa sira ne’e inklui : • Serbisu fatin ba anjenheria no dezign estabelese tiha ona husi WorleyParsons iha Dili, iha ne’bé fó ba estudantes enjeñaria lokál sira formasaun profisionál no oportunidades dezenvolvimentu no servisu iha iha projetu Bayu-Undan. Servisu fatin lokál oras ne’e mos fornese serbisus ba kliente industria seluk. • ConocoPhillips hamoris mós programa mentor ho ema sira segunda pozisaun husi Autoridade Nasional Examples of these programs include: • An engineering and design services office has been established by WorleyParsons in Dili, where local engineering students are provided with training and development opportunities and work on the BayuUndan project. The local office now also provides services to other industry clients. • ConocoPhillips has created a mentoring program with secondees from Timor-Leste’s National Petroleum Authority/ Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo (ANP). Through this program, a number of technical staff from Mina-Rai nian (ANP). Liu husi programa ida ne’e, númeru staff tékniku sira husi ANP Dili nian mak hela the ANP in Dili live in Perth and join the ConocoPhillips team as secondees for periods of up to 10 weeks. iha Perth no integra ho ekipa ConocoPhillips hanesan segunda pozisaun ba períodu semana sanulu The secondees are linked to technical coaches and mentors and are integrated within the operating groups liu. Segunda pozisaun iha relasaun / ligasaun ho treinu na’in no mentor an tama ka integra iha grupu of the Bayu-Undan subsurface and drilling teams. operasaun Bayu-Undan nia superfísie okos no ekipa perfurasaun. • Clough AMEC patrosina tiha ona programa formasaun profisionál ba kapasidade téknika ida, ne’ebé • Clough AMEC has sponsored a technical skills training program in which Timorese nationals participate in a 12-month intensive training program through Charles Darwin University in Darwin and Challenger TAFE timoroan sira partisipa iha programa treinu intensivu durante fulan sanulu resin rua (12) liu husi Charles in Perth. The program supports intensive English training as well as practical workplace assessments and Darwin University iha Darwin no TAFE iha Perth. Programa ne’e fó suporte ba treinu intensivu lian Ingles computer generated training simulations. Trainees complete their Certificate II in process plant operations. hanesan mos avaliasaun prátika servisu fatin nian no treinu simulasaun konaba komputador. Formandu sira kompleta tia sira nia Sertifikadu II iha prosesu operasaun planta. • Programa treinu intensivu seluk mós implementa ona iha enjeñeria, profisionál suporte tékniku hanesan • Other intensive trainee programs are being implemented in engineering, technical support trades such as rigging, scaffolding, painting/blasting, and marine deck crews; and in support functions such as logistics and administration. ekipamentu perfurasaun mina-rai, armasaun andaime, pintura / uzu explosivu, bordo marítimu ba pessoal de servisu eh ba ekipamentu servisu; no iha funsoens de suporte hanesan lojístika no administrasaun. 42 43 Treinu no oportunidade de empregu mós dezenvolve liu husi projetu rai laran nian hanesan ami nia instalasaun Training and employment opportunities are also developed through our onshore projects such as our trânsitu temporária ba helikoptru lokalizadu iha Aeroportu Internasional Nikolau Lobato iha Dili. Operasoens temporary transit and heliport facility located at the Nicolau Lobato International Airport in Dili. Heliport portu helikoptru nian fasilita transferênsia pesoal de serbisu husi plataforma tasi nian, ho ema to’o 500 operations facilitate crew transfers to the offshore platforms, with up to 500 crew members transferring membrus mak transfere ful-fulan. Portu helikoptru nian hatama ema 30 timoroan inklui asistenete enjenheiru, each month. The heliport employs 30 Timor-Leste nationals including assistant engineers, an assistant base asistente ba administrasaun bázika, pesoal operasional iha terenu, kordenador ba tranzito pesoal de servisu, manager, ground handling staff, a crew transit coordinator, security staff and additional support roles. staff seguransa no servisus de suporte seluk tan. As the Bayu-Undan project has developed and the petroleum sector in Timor-Leste has grown, we have seen A medida ke projetu Bayu-Undan dezenvolve dadaun no setór mina-rai mós sa’e ba dadaun, ami haree efeitu a multiplier effect in income and employment. Over time, the increased presence from our contractors and multiplikador iha reseita no empregu. Liu tia tempu ne’e, prezensa husi kontrator sira aumenta no fornesedores service providers has led to growth in employment opportunities in supporting industries. This multiplier effect servisu lidera ona atu hasa’e iha oportunidade empregu hodi fó suporte ba iha indústrias. Efeitu multiplikador continues to build a solid platform for future economic development. ida ne’e kontinua atu harii plataforma sólida ida ba iha dezenvolvimentu ekonómiku iha futuru. 44 45 Estudu Kazu Case Study Marciano Correia Marciano Correia Marciano “Rocky” Correia hatete katak servisu iha Marciano “Rocky” Correia says working in the oil indústria mina no gas fó ba nia familia futuru di’ak and gas industry has given his family a stronger mak sira uluk labele hetan. Rocky, aman ho oan lima, future than they otherwise would have had. Rocky, servisu nuudár tékniku operador iha Bayu-Undan. the proud father of five children, is an operations “Serbisu ho ConocoPhillips ajuda barak tebes ha’u atu haree ba technician on Bayu-Undan. ha’u nia kaben no oan sira ho mos maluk seluk iha uma laran. Ha’u “Working with ConocoPhillips has been very helpful in looking after harii tia ha’u nia uma no hatama hotu ha’u oan sira ba eskola no my wife and kids and family members. I have built my house and ami iha moris di’ak ida,” ni dehan. put my kids in schools and we have a good lifestyle,” he says. Rocky simu treinu iha área oi-oin kona-ba operasaun, hanesan Rocky has been trained in many areas of operations, including light fabrikasaun korpu luminozu no oin sa halo operasaun ba planta. fabrication and operating the plant. “When I started my training in “Bainhira ha’u hahú tuir treinu iha Darwin, ha’u la iha ideia oinsá Darwin I had no idea how to even operate a valve,” he says. “Now I mak halo operasaun ba válvula.” nia dehan. “Oras ne’e ha’u am learning so much from so many different people.” aprende barak tebes liu husi ema oi-oin”. He says that a career highlight has been working alone as an Nia hateten katak, servisu ne’bé temi dadaun, nia hala’o mesak operator, without assistance. “The company gives me the trust to nuudár operador, la iha asistente. “Kompanhia fó fiar mai ha’u atu work as an operator,” he says. servisu hanesan operador,” nia hatutan. Rocky enjoys working on the platform, particularly his friendships Rocky kontente servisu iha plataforma, liu-liu nia amizade ho with his colleagues. “I have had to adapt to the English language kolega sira. “Ha’u tenki hatoman an ho lian Ingles no ha’u mos and I have even learned some Australian slang!” he says. aprende tia liafuan popular Australia.” Nia dehan. 46 47 Estudu Kazu Case Study Jose V. Menezes Guterres Jose V. Menezes Guterres Jozé V. Menezes Guterres sente aten boot / orgulhu katak ho nia Jose V. Menezes Guterres feels proud that his work with servisu iha emprendimentu konjunta Bayu-Undan ni bele ajuda the Bayu-Undan joint venture means that he can help to suporta nia família. support his family. “Ha’u nia objetivu mak atu ajuda ha’u nia família atu hetan moris di’ak no ajuda “My goals are to support my family to have a better life and support my ha’u nia alin mane sira atu bele hetan Edukasaun di’ak. Ha’u hakarak ajuda sira brothers to get a good education. I am helping to send my brothers to tama iha Universidade,” Jozé hatete ho orgulhu. university,” Jose says proudly. Nia kontente servisu iha Bayu-Undan, liu tanba serbisu hamutuk ho ema barak He enjoys working on Bayu-Undan, particularly the mix of people, cultures no oi-oin, kultura no lian oi-oin. “Ami hotu la hanesan, maibe bain hira ami servisu and languages. “We are all different but when we work together we are hamutuk ami kolega iha servisu,” nia hatete. “Ami hanesan família boot ida iha ró partners on the job,” he says. “We are like one big family on board and we laran / liur, no ami tenki haree malu hanesan família basa iha tasi / oseanu klaran!” have to be because we are in the middle of the ocean!” “Di’ak tebes servisu ho Australiano sira no ho ema sira seluk iha ne’e. Ema oin “It is great working with the Australians and other guys here. People are na’in no kómiku no tulun na’in – ami tulun malu’’. very friendly and fun, and also very helpful – we help each other.” Jozé gosta aprende prosesu oi-oin konaba manobra mekánika no nia hakfodak Jose likes learning the various procedures on the rig and says he is ho seguransa ema ida-idak nian ne’ebé serbisu iha Bayu-Undan ne’e importante impressed that the safety of everyone working on Bayu-Undan is the no hetan konsiderasaun tebes. most important consideration. Hanesan parte treinu ida ne’e, Jozé tuir mós treinu/ kursu iha Dili, iha Sturt As part of his training, Jose undertook training courses in Dili, at Charles University Darwin, DLNG no iha Perth. Darwin University in Darwin, at the Darwin LNG plant and in Perth. Nia haree katak ema sira ne’ebé servisu hanesan nia, iha indústria mina no gas He sees a great future for people like himself in working in the oil and gas sei iha futuru diak tebes. “Ba oin ha’u hakarak haree labarik foin sa’ae sira iha industry. “In the future I want to see the young people of Timor have the Timor atu matenek no iha kapasidade hodi bele tama iha kompanhia hanesan skills to join a company like ConocoPhillips,” Jose says. ConocoPhillips,” Jozé dehan. 48 49 Estudu Kazu Case Study Robin Araujo Robin Araujo Robin Araujo,sei kiik kedas iha interese ba kareta sira, bainhira nia boot iha A childhood interest in cars while growing up in Timor-Leste led to the realisation Timor-Leste nia buka atu realiza nia meihi, nuudár enjeñeiru mekániku iha Sentru of a dream for Robin Araujo, a graduate mechanical engineer at the Darwin Operasoens Darwin nian. Operations Centre. “Serbisu iha fatin aas plataforma ida/hatudu fatin/ ba kompanhia mina no gás no semo ho helikópteru “Working on a platform for an oil and gas company and flying on a chopper to the platform was always ba plataforma ne’e ba ha’u hanesan meihi ida,” Robin dehan. “Tama iha tasi laran markante tebes ba a dream for me,” Robin says. “Being offshore has been the highlight of my career so far.” iha ha’u nia kareira to’o oras ne’e.” Robin completed his undergraduate and Masters education at university in Portugal, following his Robin kompleta nia lisensiatura no mestradu iha Edukasaun iha Universidade Portugal, tuir nia familia family’s temporary relocation there when he was a teenager, a move that has enabled him to speak mak muda eh hela temporáriamente iha ne’ebá bainhira nia foin sanulu resin, mudansa ne’ebé halo nia four languages. bele ko’alia lian haat. He says his family is very proud of his career. “My dad was always dreaming that I would one day work Nia dehan katak nia familia iha orgullu ho nia servisu. Ha’u nia aman sempre meihi katak loron ida ha’u with an oil and gas company. It is very important to Timor. The presence of ConocoPhillips is very sei serbisu iha kompanhia mina no gas nian. Ne’e importante tebes ba Timor. Prezensa ConocoPhillips important to improve the technical knowledge and quality of life of people in Timor.” importante tebes atu hasa’e konhesimentu tékniku no kualidade moris povu iha Timor. “The company has brought the opportunity of jobs to Timor-Leste and the results are improving the “Kompañia ne’e lori oportunidade servisu ba Timor-Leste no nia rezultadu mak hasa’e kualidade moris, quality of life, especially for employees and their families, and increasing the community’s experiences liu-liu ba funsionárius no sira nia família, no aumenta komunidade nia experiensia no kualifikasoens,’’ and qualifications,” he says. “As a Timorese I am hoping this company and joint venture will continue nia dehan. “Nuudár timoroan ha’u hein katak, kompañia no emprendimentu konjunta bele kontinua to provide more opportunities in the future for our people.” oferese oportunidades iha futuru ba ami nia povu.’’ As for his own future, Robin is clear about his ambitions. “I applied for the job, and when they Kona-ba nia futuru rasik, Robin hatene mós konaba nia ambisaun sira. Ha’u hatama pedidu ba postu interviewed me they said ‘where would you like to be in five years?’ and I said ‘I’d like to be an Engineering ne’e no bainhira sira halo entrevista ba ha’u sira husu katak iha tinan lim nia laran ó hakarak bá hela iha Manager one day’. I love engineering and I like to find solutions and work as a team.” ne’ebé? Ha’u hatán katak ha’u hakarak sai loron ida Ulun boot Enjeñeria nian. Ha’u gosta enjeñria no ha’u gosta atu buka solusoens no servisu hanesan team ka ekipa ida. Robin dedika ba nia servisu ho ConocoPhillips, indika provizoens ba kursu badak atu aumenta Robin is dedicated to working with ConocoPhillips, citing the provision of short courses to further his knowledge as being very valuable. “And also, in our company safety is number one. We are never forced to do things urgently, we have to do them safely.” nia konhesimentu atu nia bele sai ema ida ho valor. “No mós ba ami nia kompañia seguransa no protesaun tama iha kategoria númeru um. Ema ida la obriga ami atu halo sasán ho urjênsia, ami tenki halo serbisu sira ne’e ho seguransa.’’ 50 51 Selebra Kolaborasaun Celebrating Collaboration Ami rekonhese katak saida mak ami bele realiza liu husi kolaborasaun to’o oras ne’e di’ak liu We recognise that what can be achieved through collaboration is far greater than what we husi buat ne’ebé ami bele realiza mesak. Ami iha orgullu ho ami nia papel atu hetan relasaun can achieve on our own. We are proud of our role in forging relationships that are not limited ida mak laiha limite ba ami nia rendimentu hanesan produtor mina no gas, no atu garante to our performance as an oil and gas producer, and will ensure that ConocoPhillips and the katak ConocoPhillips no emprendimentu konjunta Bayu-Undan fó kontribuisaun durável ida Bayu-Undan joint venture make a lasting contribution in Timor-Leste. iha Timor-Leste. programs. In addition to this support, ConocoPhillips also invests in communities in its own right through the programas sustentável komunidade nian. Tau tan ba ajuda ida ne’e, ConocoPhillips mos investe ba komunidade company’s corporate charitable contributions program. Emprendimentu konjunta Bayu-Undan nia program ba investimentu komunitáriu foka ba harii inisiativas iha áreas i n f o r g i n g r e l a t i o n sh i p s As operator of the Bayu-Undan joint venture, ConocoPhillips makes significant contributions to sustainable community Nu’udar operador emprendimentu konjunta Bayu-Undan, ConocoPhillips halo kontribuisaun importante ba sira tuir nia direitu rasik liu husi programa kontribuisaun obra de karidade koprporativa empreza nian. We are proud of our role The Bayu-Undan joint venture community investment program focuses on capacity building initiatives in the areas of education and health. Edukasaun no Saúde. 52 53 E m a i d a- i d a k m e r e s e at u nabilan, la haree ba sira nia sirkunstânsias 54 Edukasaun Education Foin sa’e sira mak ita nia futuru, no ita hatudu ita nia kompromisu ba juventude no Edukasaun iha Timor-Leste Young people are our future, and we demonstrate our commitment to youth and education in liu husi suporte ba instituisaun edukasionál balu no programas, inklui ezemplu sira tuir mai iha okos. Timor-Leste by supporting a number of educational institutions and programs. Programa ida mak bolsa de estudu Full-bright-SERN, fó bolsa ba Estudante talentozu timoroan nain 20 atu The Fulbright-SERN scholarship is one such program, which will enable up to 20 talented Timorese akaba sira nia lisensiatura iha estudus konaba mina no gas ka rekursu natural iha Estadus Unidus da Amérika. students to pursue post-graduate studies in oil and gas or natural resource related disciplines in the Parseria ida ne’e ami negosia hamutuk ho Embaixada Amérika nian iha Timor Leste, Sekretaria Estadu United States of America. This partnership was negotiated in conjunction with the US Embassy in Timor- Rekursu Natural no ho Autoridade Nasionál Mina-Rai (ANP). Bolsa de estudu ida hetan maisoumenus $60,000, Leste, Secretary State for Natural Resource and the National Petroleum Authority/ Autoridade Nacional konta hotu ona ho propinas, kursu lian Ingles, bilhete aviaun, kustus moris iha fatin ne’ebé sira bá no kustus do Petróleo (ANP). Each scholarship is worth approximately $60,000 per year including education fees, seluk mak iha relasaun ho bolsa ne’e. English language tuition, airfares, living expenses while away and other associated costs. Ema ida-idak merese atu nabilan, la haree ba sira nia sirkunstânsias. Ami rekonhese papel vital ne’ebé Every individual deserves a chance to shine, no matter what their circumstances. We recognise the Edukasaun no Programa alfabetizasaun hala’o iha labarik sira nia dalan moris. Ba finalidade ida ne’e, ami fó vital role that education and literacy play in the life paths of children. To this end, we support the ajuda ba Programa Alfabetizasaun no Edukasaun Fundasaun Alola no ami investe besik $360,000 iha nia Alola Foundation’s Education and Literacy Program and have invested approximately $360,000 in programa to’o agora. Ajuda ida ne’e loke dalan ba progresu projetus signifikantes inklui renovasaun Sentru the program to date. This support has enabled the progress of significant projects including the Rekursus Edukasaun nian iha Balide, hanesan mos habarak tan livrus no rekursus ba klase laran iha lian lokal refurbishment of an Education Resource Centre in Balide, as well as the development of books and no material ba asistênsia aprendizajen (hanorin no aprende). classroom resources in local languages and materials to assist teaching and learning. 55 Estudu Kazu Case Study Fundasaun Alola ba Edukasaun Alola Foundation Education Alita Verdial, Ofisiál Xefe Exekutivu ba Fundasaun Alola, haksolok tebes konaba Alita Verdial, the Chief Executive Officer of the Alola Foundation, is passionate aumentu partisipasaun labarik sira iha klase laran, no haree liu ba númeru about increasing the participation of children in the classroom, and oversees programas atu hadi’ak maneira ka hahalok labarik sira atu aprende iha Timor-Leste. a number of programs that are improving the ways in which children learn in “Importante mak ita tenki haree ba dezenvolvimentu labarik sira nia infansia, no oinsá atu estimula labarik sira hela iha eskola,” nia dehan. Liu husi ajuda emprendimentu konjunta Bayu-Undan, Fundasaun Alola dezenvolve rekursus aprende no hanorin iha lokal no lian relevantes, enkarega ba dezenvolvimentu profesional profesores no halo operasaun iha Sentru Rekursus Edukasaun nian. Ezemplu ida konaba rekursus ida ne’ebé dezenvolve hela mak múzika CD ne’ebé inagura iha 2012. CD ne’e emprendimentu konjunta Bayu-Undan mak selu tomak, no fahe ona ba 120 eskolas, hamutuk ho nia CD. Nia objetivu atu enkoraja dezenvolvimentu rua ne’e alfabetizasaun no numerasaun. “Estratéjia ida mak hanorin halo konta no alfabetizasaun. Sira aprende ABC no 123 in Tetum, lian lokal,” Alita dehan. “Ne’e emosionante tanba labarik sira hananu knananuk ne’ebé sira nunka treinu oinsá atu hananu, maibe nia rezultadu furak tebes.’’ Alita dehan CD ne’e halo parte iha rekursus Edukasaun nian mak uza atu ajuda fó treinu ba ba profesor sira hodi bele uza rekursus atu fortifika klase sira. Sentru Rekursus Edukasaun envolve mos inan aman sira iha labarik sira nia aprendizajen. “Ezemplu ida mak buat ne’ebé ami halo iha sentru atu enkoraja aman inan lee iha uma. Hanesan ezemplu sira halo buat simples hanesan kaer livru no lee hodi konta história, atu nune’e bele iha komunikasaun oin ho oin,’’ nia dehan. Iha mos livraria móvel ne’ebé sentru mak hola konta no ne’e hatudu katak Timor-Leste. “It is important that we look at childhood development, and how to stimulate children to stay in school,” she says. Through support from the Bayu-Undan joint venture, the Alola Foundation develops learning and teaching resources in local and relevant languages, undertakes professional development for teachers and operates an Education Resource Centre. An example of the resources being developed is a children’s music CD that was launched in 2012. The CD, which was fully funded by the Bayu-Undan joint venture, is being distributed to at least 120 schools, along with a CD player. It aims to encourage the development of both literacy and numeracy. “One of the strategies is to teach counting and the alphabet. They are learning ABC and 123 in Tetum, the local language,” Alita says. “It is so exciting because the children who sing the songs have never trained in how to sing songs, but the results are very good.” Alita says the CD is part of a suite of education resources that are helping to train teachers to utilise resources and energise classrooms. The Education Resources Centre is involving parents in their children’s learning. “An example of what we do in the centre is encouraging parents to read at home. For example, they can do simple things like hold the book and read and tell the story so that there is two-way communication,” she says. There is a mobile library run from the centre and this is proving popular with families. familia sira hotu hatene. 56 57 Estudu Kazu Case Study Programa bolsa de estudu Fulbright-SERN Fulbright-SERN Scholarship Program José Joanico Freija De Jesus Soares kontente teb-tebes konaba Jose Joanico Freija De Jesus Soares is extremely excited about the oportunidade atu hasai nia Master iha Jeolojia liu husi programa bolsa de opportunity to undertake his Masters in Geology through the Fulbright- estudu Fulbright-SERN ne’ebé hetan suporte husi Bayu-Undan joint venture. SERN scholarship program supported by the Bayu-Undan joint venture. Nia fiar katak estudu ba lisensiatura iha Universidade Califórnia iha USA sei bele fó kbiit ba nia He believes his post-graduate study at the University of California in the USA will enable him to atu kontribui ba Timor-Leste nia dezenvolvimentu. contribute to the development of Timor-Leste. “Timor-Leste nia reseitas tama boot liu husi Mina-rai. Tanba ne’e mak ha’u hakarak estuda “Petroleum is a big part of the income in East Timor. That’s why I want to study and learn more no aprende liu tan konaba mina-rai no sedimentolojia relasionadu ho mina-rai,’’ nia hateten. about petroleum and sedimentology related to petroleum,” he says. “After doing my Masters I “Ramata tia ha’u nia master ha’u hakarak atu kontribui no dezenvolve hau nia rai ho kapasidade want to contribute and develop my country with the capacity that I have, and I want to thank mak ha’u iha, no ha’u hakarak agradese ConocoPhillips tanba sira haruka ha’u ba USA.’’ ConocoPhillips because they are sending me to the USA.” José, ne’ebé hasai kursu enjeñeiru minerál nian iha Indonésia, tuir kursu fulan sanulu iha Lian Jose, who has been a mining engineer in Indonesia, undertook a 10-month course in the Ingles atu prepara ba tuir nia bolsa. Nia hela iha kampu / terreno iha Timor-Leste ho jeólogu English language to prepare for his scholarship. He has spent time in the field in Timor- Australianu sira, ne’ebé nia fiar no husu atu hanorin téknika buka hetan no sukat mineral. Leste with Australian geologists, who he credits with teaching him techniques in finding and Liu husi nia Programa Mestradu, nia hein atu atu aprende téknika foun no treina ho software atu bele ajuda nia deskobre mineral foun iha Timor-Leste. Jose dehan ne’e primeira vez mak ema ida husi nia família ba estuda iha liur. “Bolsa de estudu ne’e di’ak duni no emosionante ba ha’u no ha’u nia familia,’’ nia dehan. Fullbright mak programa troka kursus internasionál konhesidu no rekonhesidu iha fatin barak 58 measuring minerals. Through his Masters program, he hopes to learn new techniques and train in software that will help him to discover new minerals in Timor-Leste. Jose says it is the first time anyone in his family has travelled abroad to study. “This scholarship is great and really exciting for me and my family,” he says. no iha prestíjiu internasional, konaba selu bolseiru atu estuda iha US no bolseiru US ba estuda Fulbright is the most widely recognised and prestigious international exchange program in the fali iha fatin seluk ka fora de US. world, funding scholars to study in the United States and U.S. scholars to study abroad. 59 60 Estudu Kazu Case Study Kuda ba Futuru Harvesting for the Future To’os na’in sira iha área rural Distritu Aileu sai daudaun ona husi agriukultura subsisténsia Local farmers in the rural district of Alieu are transitioning away from subsistence farming, no hamoris merkadu-orientadu ba negósius, agradese ba inisiativa ida husi USAID atu and establishing market-oriented businesses, thanks to an initiative from USAID to revitaliza komunidade to’os na’in sira. Iha 2010 kompanhia Bayu-Undan halo parseria ho revitalise farming communities. In 2010, the Bayu-Undan joint venture partnered with USAID atu finansial konstrusaun uma matak iha komunidade rua iha distritu laran. USAID to finance the construction of greenhouses in two communities in the district. Parte programa ortikultura kadeia suprimentu boot liu ida USAID nian, projetu sistema estufas ne’e iha Área Part of a larger USAID horticultural value chain program, this greenhouse project in the Sarin Special Espesiál Ortikultura Sarin, hahú iha fin 2010 nia, boot liu uitoan dei kantadeiru kuda modo fatin oan ida. Liu husi Horticultural Area began in late 2010 as little more than a rural vegetable patch. Through the program, programa ne’e, to’os na’in sira hetan treinu kona-ba téknikas modernas atu kuda rai, enkuantu harii sistema farmers were trained in modern farming techniques, while greenhouses and irrigation systems were built in estufa no irigasaun iha komunidade suku Sarin no suku Liurai. Rezultadu husi kolleita aumenta rendimentus ba the communities of Suco Sarin and Suco Liurai. The resulting harvests have delivered increased incomes for to’os na’in sira no hasa’e sira nia kualidade moris hamoris hikas komunidade sira. farmers, improved standards of living and revitalised the communities. Empreendimentu Konjuntu Bayu-Undan halo parseria ho USAID atu haluan tan objetivu projetu ortikultura ne’e. The Bayu-Undan joint venture has partnered with USAID to expand the reach of its horticulture project. Projetu ne’e nia finalidade mak fó suporte ba dezenvolvimentu sosiál ekonómiku rurál liu husi servisu hamutuk ho The project aims to support rural social and economic development by working with local farmers and to’os na’in lokál no komunidade sira. Programa ne’e oferese kapasidade dezenvolvimentu iha área produsaun communities. It provides farmers with skills development in the areas of fruit and vegetable production, as well ai-fuan no modo, hanesan mós fa’an no sosa atu sira bele fa’an sira nia produsaun sosa na’in lokal sira. as in sales and marketing to enable them to sell their produce to local buyers. Uluk, produtu barak iha Timor-Leste mai hotu husi liur tanba inseguransa atu fornese no kualidade sasán ladún Previously, much produce in Timor-Leste was imported due to the unreliability of supply and the low quality di’ak iha merkadu lokal. Oras ne’e, produto hahú sa’e ho kualidade no distribuidor lokal, Kmanek, ho orgulhu of goods from the local market. Now, produce is grown year round and a local distributor, Kmanek, proudly atu hatudu produto lokal rezultadu husi projetu ne’e. showcases local produce sourced from the project. Projetu ne’e hetan to’os na’in besik atus tolu limanulu (350) hanesan kontribuisaun ba dezenvolvimentu The project has reached more than 350 farmers and contributed to sustainable community development sustentável komunidade nian. To’os na’in sira nia kualidade moris no sira uma komesa di’ak, sira nia osan mos outcomes. Farmers have improved the quality of their farms and homes, increased their incomes, and now sa’e, no agora kontribui fali ba atividade komunidade mak bele benefisia ba vila laran tomak. contribute to community activities that benefit the whole village. Iha 2012 emprendimentu konjuntu Bayu-Undan hafoun fali nia parseria ho USAID, hodi haluan tan atividade In 2012 the Bayu-Undan joint venture renewed its partnership with USAID, expanding the activity to involve ne’ebé envolve to’os na’in atus ida limanulu (150). Ho introdusaun programa daruak, emprendimentu konjuntu a further 150 farmers. With the introduction of this second program, the Bayu-Undan joint venture has now Bayu-Undan fó nia kontribuisaun hamutuk $ 850,000 atu harii industri agricultural sustentável ida iha Timor-Leste. contributed around $850,000 towards building a sustainable agricultural industry in Timor-Leste. 61 Saúde no servisus sosiál Health and Social Services Iha tinan 2012 emprendimentu konjunt Bayu-Undan hahú hamoris relasaun importante ida ho St John of God In 2012 the Bayu-Undan joint venture commenced a significant relationship with Outreach Services atu hato’o Programa ba Dezenvolvimentu Enfermajen nian Hospital Nasional Dili. St John of God Outreach Services to deliver the Nursing Development Program in Objetivu prinsípal projetu nian, ne’ebé estabelese tiha ona hosi Governu Timor-Leste ho St John of God Dili National Hospital. Outreach Services iha 2009 atu hamenus mortalidade no moras entre ema moras sira ne’ebé hetan tratamentu The principal aim of the project, which was established by the Timor-Leste iha hospital jeral Timor Leste nian, no atu bele hasa’e kualidade enfermeirus tuir estandarizasaun. government and St John of God Outreach Services in 2009, is to decrease Programa ne’e foka liu ba kapasitasaun liu husi treinu no mentor ba enfermeirus no staff timoroan iha departamentos ne’ebé iha insidensia boot iha moras no mortalidade, no HNGV (Nasional Hospital Dili.) mortality and morbidity among patients treated in Timor-Leste’s public hospitals through improved nursing standards. Enfermeirus husi St John of God Outreach Services serbisu hamutuk ho enfermeiru sira nia Diretor no Xefe This program focuses on capacity building by training and mentoring Timorese departamentu enfermeirus nian hanesan fó mentorizasaun ba enfermeiru 80 enfermaria nian atu dezenvolve nursing staff in departments where there is a high incidence of morbidity and sira nia koñesimentu, kapasita sira an tuir estandarizasaun enfermajen nian no fó suporte ba implementasaun mortality, at the HNGV (Dili National Hospital). St John of God Outreach Services estandarizasaun ne’e iha hospital laran tomak. Hanesan parte ida husi programa ne’e ami fó suporte ba nurses work alongside the Director of Nursing and chief departmental nurses programas treinu nian iha Dili no Austrália, aumenta tan treinu ba Suporte Moris Báziku iha Hospital Nasionál Dili. as well as mentoring 80 Timorese ward nurses to develop knowledge, skills and nursing standards, and to support the implementation of these standards throughout the hospital. As part of this program we support training programs in Dili and Australia, in addition to Basic Life Support training in Dili National Hospital. 62 63 Estudu Kazu Case Study Program Dezenvolvimentu ba Enfermeiru sira St John of God Outreach Enfermeiru timoroan sira mak hadi’ak dadaun sira nia kapasidade liu husi St John of God The Timor-Leste nurses who are improving their skills through the St John of God Outreach Outreach Services nia Programa Dezenvolvimentu ba Enfermeiru sira hahú hadaet sira nia Services Nursing Development Program are broadening the benefits by passing on their new matenek ka benefisiu ne’ebé sira hetan ba sira nia kolegas. knowledge to their colleagues. Enfermeira husi ICU Belina Turiana Gaio Ximenes hatete katak nia partisipasaun iha programa ne’e hanorin nia atu oinsá Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nurse Belina Turiana Gaio Ximenes says her participation in the program has taught her how to bele kuidadu eh hola konta ema moras sira di’ak liu no bele komunika ba sira ho efetividade. care for patients better and communicate with them more effectively. Nia hatete katak melhoramentu ne’ebé halao dadaun iha hospital ne’e hanesan aimoruk di’ak ho seguransa no She says the improvements that have been made in her hospital – such as better medication safety and more effective efetividade liu iha fase liman hadaet duni ba ema barak. hand-washing – have impacted many people. Belina aprende buat barak husi enfermeiru sira St John of God Outreach services nian no nia servisu hamutuk ho sira Belina has learned a lot from the St John of God Outreach services nurses she has worked alongside through the to’o programa ne’e ramata. “Enfermeirus sira husi Austrália iha responsabilidade boot teb-tebes ba ema moras sira, sira program. “The Australian nurses are very responsible for the patient, they never leave them alone, and they are very nunka husik ema moras sira mesak, sira mos matenek teb-tebes no independente,’’ Belina dehan. intelligent and very independent,” Belina says. “Ha’u hakarak sai enfermeira di’ak ida- ema ida mak iha kapasidade di’ak, ho komunikasaun no hetan treinu di’ak.’’ “I want to be a better nurse – a person with good skills, high communication and good training.” Belina says she has Belina hatete katak nia hetan melhoramentu barak liu husi treinu konaba mekanikal ventilador no prátika supporte ba improved her skills through training in mechanical ventilators and basic life support practices. moris báziku. Agustinha Soares, a clinical nurse educator, says the program is helping to create a better future for the country. “When Agustinha Soares, Edukadora ba enfermeiru sira iha klínika, hatete katak programa ne’e ajuda atu kria futuru di’ak liu we came back here (from training in Australia) we taught our colleagues what we had learned. It motivates us to show ida ba nasaun. “Bainhira ami fila hikas mai ne’e (husi treinamentu iha Australia) ami hanorin fali ami nia kolega sira buat the way.” ne’ebé ami aprende tia ona. Ne’e fó motivasaun ba ami atu hatudu dalan.’’ Esperanca Amaral is a paediatrics nurse who has noticed big improvements in nursing abilities since training in Australia Esperança Amaral enfermeira pediatria nian mak haree melhoramentu boot iha enfermeirus sira nia abilidade desde began. “It is so exciting to be part of the changes at the hospital,” she says. “The program is helping us by providing ke treinamentu iha Australia hahú. “Exsitante tebes atu halo parte iha mudansa hirak ne’e iha hospital’’, nia dehan. equipment and instructions on how to use it.” “Programa ne’e ajuda ami hodi oferese ekipamentu no instrusoens oinsá atu uza sira’’. Quality control techniques are also being enhanced, according to quality control nurse Paulina Pinto. She says St John Kualidade tékniku de kontrolo mos importante no komesa hadi’a, tuir enfermeira ne’ebé kontrola kualidade, Paulina of God has worked hard to recognise what the Timor-Leste hospitals and nurses need most. “So the training is related Pinto nia haree. Nia hatete katak St John of God servisu makaas atu rekonhese katak hospital no enfermeiru sira nia to the jobs we do here,” she says. nesesidade barak duni. “Tan ne’e treinu halo relasionadu ho serbisu mak ami halo iha ne’e,’’ nia dehan. 64 65 ConocoPhillips nia investimentu iha komunidade ConocoPhillips Community Investment Tau tan ba nia papel hanesan operador emprendimentu konjuntu Bayu-Undan nian, In addition to its role as operator of the Bayu-Undan joint venture, ConocoPhillips in its ConocoPhillips konsidera iha nia kapasidade rasik hanesan membru komunidade own capacity considers itself a member of the Timor-Leste community and as such, Timor-Leste nian no hanesan ne’e sente orgulhu ba nia an, ba nia kontribuisaun iha prides itself on its contribution to Timor-Leste’s development. Timor-Leste nia dezenvolvimentu. 66 Over the past 10 years ConocoPhillips has built relationships with the community by delivering grassroots Tinan sanulu liu ba ConocoPhillips harii relasaun di’ak ho komunidade hodi fó ba sira programa proletariadu ka ba programs with local non-government organisations (NGOs) and supporting initiatives that meet local ema klase ki’ik sira ho NGOs sira no fó suporte ba inisiativas ne’ebé satisfas komunidade lokál nia nesesidade. community needs. ConocoPhillips nia programa ba investimentu komunitária iha Australia no Timor-Leste fokus ba Edukasaun, ConocoPhillips’ community investment program in Australia and Timor-Leste focuses on education, health, saúde, rekursus naturais (ambiente) no programas komunidade no artes. Projetu balu ne’ebé hetan suporte natural resources (environment) and community and arts programs. Some of the projects we support are husi ami mak tuir mai ne’e. described overleaf. C o n o c o Ph i l l i p s ’ c o m m u n i t y program focuses on e d u c at i o n , h e a lt h , n at u r a l resources and community and arts programs 67 Edukasaun Education • ConocoPhillips mak finansia konstrusaun Sentru de Edukasaun Komunitária ba Madre Fransiskana sira iha Maubisse iha 2009. Projetu • ConocoPhillips funded the construction of a Community Education Centre for the Franciscan Sisters at Maubisse in 2009. This project ne’e fó liu husi diskusaun ho Grupu de Traballu Prezidensial hasoru eh hamenus ema ki’ak. La’o hamutuk ho ami nia objetivu komersial was conceived through discussions with the Presidential Anti-Poverty Taskforce. Aligned with our business goals to reduce poverty and atu hamenus moris ki’ak no fó suporte ba Edukasaun no juventude iha Timor-Leste, ConocoPhillips proativamente hetan dalan atu fó to support education and youth in Timor-Leste, ConocoPhillips proactively sought ways to support the ideals of this initiative. More than suporte ba inisiativa sira ne’e. Labarik 60 resin oras ne’e tama eh tuir ona eskola iha sentru de Edukasaun ne’e. Ami kontinua fó suporte 60 children are now attending school in this education centre. We continue to support the school through funding for maintenance and ba eskola liu husi selu nia manutensaun no nesesidade mak sira presiza dadaun. other ongoing needs. • Ami nia suporte ba Institutu Teknolojia Dili inklui mos kustu ba Estudante sira nia transporte, doasaun livrus no ekipamentus. • Our support for the Dili Institute of Technology includes student field trips, and donations of books and equipment. • Ami nia kompromisu halo parte mos renovasaun Eskola Primária Bidau ho 430 estudantes, renovasaun ba sala de aula 3 no hadia • Our commitment has included the renovation of the 430-pupil Bidau Primary School, incorporating the refurbishment of three sintina sira ne’ebé at, konstrusaun fasilidades rekreasional, hadi’a muru no bee dalan, no providensia komputadores. Ami nia serbiusu classrooms and toilet blocks, construction of recreational facilities, upgrading of fences and drainage, and the provision of computers. ho Eskola Bidau la’o hela. Our work with the Bidau school is ongoing. • Ami fó ajuda ba Madre Canossiana sira iha Balide ho komputadores ho livrus. • We support the Canossian Sisters in Balide by providing computers and books. • ConocoPhillips fó mós ajuda ba Kalamunda Schoolies Week, inisiativa mak mai husi parseiru Kalamunda Rotary, Catalpa International • ConocoPhillips has supported Kalamunda Schoolies Week, an initiative in which partners Kalamunda Rotary, Catalpa International and no Timor-Leste Vision Inc ne’ebé oferese ba labarik ka ema sira la hotu eskola husi Western Australia atu bele serbisu iha projetu Timor-Leste Vision Inc provide Western Australian school leavers with opportunities to work on Timor-Leste community projects in a komunitáriu Timor Leste nian hanesan voluntáriu. Programa úniku ida ne’e oferese importante troka cultural. voluntary capacity. This unique program provides important cross-cultural exchanges. • ConocoPhillips ajuda Fundasaun Alola atu adapta primeira Edisaun Tetum husi Autor Australianu Mem Fox’s manán na’in Prémiu ho Títulu, “Sé de’’it mak Ó’’, ne’ebé reflete mensajem konaba paz no igualdade. 68 • ConocoPhillips supported the Alola Foundation to adapt the first Tetum edition of Australian author Mem Fox’s award winning title, “Whoever You Are”, which reflects messages about peace and equality. 69 Saúde Health • Ami nia ajuda ba Fundasaun Alola boot no luan, inklui Fundasaun nia • Our support for the Alola Foundation is wide-ranging, including the Programa Saúde Inan no Oan. • ConocoPhillips no Rotary Oceania Medical Aid for Children (ROMAC) • ConocoPhillips and Rotary Oceania Medical Aid for Children (ROMAC) serbisu hamutuk atu salva labarik timoroan sira nia moris. Hahú kedas iha are working together to save the lives of Timorese children. Since 2007 ConocoPhillips oferese viajen de grasa husi Dili Darwin no fila fali, ba 2007 ConocoPhillips has provided free travel from Dili to Darwin, and labarik oan sira no ba ema sira ne’ebé tau matan ba sira, ami ajuda kosok return, for Timorese children and their carers, helping around 60 babies, oan sira besik 60, labarik sira foin hahú la’o no sira tinan sanulu ba leten atu toddlers and teenagers access specialist doctors and medical facilities bele iha asesu ba doutor espesialista sira no hetan fasilidade médika iha in Australia. Austrália. • Ami fó suporte mós ba Tour de Timor hahú husi nia inagurasaun iha 2009. Tinan-tinan ami oferese bisikletas no ekipamentu ba timoroan sira husi Nasional no Distritu atu bele partisipa iha eventu ne’e. • Liu husi ami nia suporte diretu ba orfanatu sira iha Suai, Bidau no ba Madre • We have supported Tour de Timor since the inaugural event in 2009. Each year we provide bikes and equipment for Timorese District and National riders to train and participate in the event. • Through our direct support for many orphanages, including Suai, Bidau and the Canossian Sisters in Balide, as well as through employee Canossiana sira iha Balide, hanesan mos liu husi funsionárius sira nia donations and Christmas appeals, ConocoPhillips is giving a brighter esmola iha tempu Natal, ConocoPhillips fó mos moris di’ak iha futuru ba future to children and displaced people. In practical terms, this has labarik sira no ema sira ne’ebé muda hosi sira hela fatin. Prátikamente ami involved the drilling of a water well, purchase of generators, computers halo ka fura bee, fó Gerador, computer no buat seluk tan mak sira presiza. and other much needed supplies. • Dezenvolvimentu komunidade ativa no saudável hetan enkorajamentu husi • Development of a healthy, active community is encouraged through patrosinasaun Fundu Primeira-Dama ba halai taru 10Km atu buka osan ba sponsorship of the First Lady Fun Run - a 10km run to raise money for Fundasaun Alola no Rotary – no Cup Tasi-Timor, no kompetisaun ba labarik the Alola Foundation and Rotary - and the Timor Sea Cup, an under-18 sira ho tinan 18 ba okos iha tebe bola entre Darwin, Dili, no Kupang. soccer competition between Darwin, Dili and Kupang. • Ami nia suporte ba World Vision hodi halo konstrusaun Bomba Bee 70 Foundation’s Maternal and Child Health program. • Our support of World Vision resulted in the construction of hydraulic Hidraúlika iha komunidade rural doók husi Dili. Bomba ne’e bele ajuda water pumps in two rural communities outside Dili. The pumps help abastese bee ba ema 1600 iha Vila sira foho leten Ferik-Katuas no Laulara, more than 1600 people in the hilltop villages of Ferik-Katuas and liu husi hasai ka dada beee husi vale ba sira nia Vila laran, atu nune’e bele Laulara by taking water from the valleys to their villages, thereby hadi’ak sira nia hijiene no nutrisaun no fó ba ema sira moris iha vila asesu ba improving hygiene and nutrition by giving villagers better access to food aihán liu husi programa agrikultura nian. through enhanced agriculture. 71 Estudu Kazu Case Study Fundasaun Alola Alola Foundation ConocoPhillips fó suporte ba serbisu importante salva-vida ne’ebé Fundasaun Alola responsabiliza ba. ConocoPhillips supports the important life-saving work being undertaken by the Alola Harii hosi Primeira Dama inaugurál, Kirsty Sword Gusmao, programa sanitáriu inan no oan Fundasaun ne’e nian, Ema hot-hotu Foundation. hadomi inan no oan. (Suko Hadomi Inan no Oan) nia objetivu mak atu hamenus mortalidade inan no kosok oan iha Timor-Leste Established by Timor-Leste’s inaugural First Lady, Kirsty Sword Gusmao, the Foundation’s maternal and child hodi oferese rekursus edukasaun no suporte ba inan isin rua sira. Feto hot-hotu hetan enkorajamentu atu atende ante-natal health program ‘Everybody Loves Mother and Child’ (Suko Hadomi Inan no Oan), aims to reduce infant and check-up no tur ahi sira nia bebé iha klínika saudável no moos, fator importante ba bem-estar inan no kosok oan sira. maternal mortality in Timor-Leste by offering educational resources and support for expectant mothers. Women Maria Imaculada Guterres serbisu hanesan enfermeira saúde públika nian, serbisu hamutuk ho Fundasaun Alola atu halo melhoramentu ba saúde inan no oan, programa ne’ebé hala’o ona iha vila 109 distritu 11 nia laran. Nia entuziasmada ho are encouraged to attend antenatal check-ups and deliver their babies at a health clinic, factors that contribute to the wellbeing of mothers and babies. melhoramentu ne’ebé nia haree iha kosok oan sira nia saúde, tanba iha konhesimentu no prepprasaun di’ak husi inan sira no Maria Imalulada Guterres is a public health nurse working with the Alola Foundation to improve the health of Edukasaun atu fó ha no kuidadu kosok oan sira foin moris ne’e. mothers and babies, a program that operates in 109 villages across 11 districts. She is enthused about the “Prátika fó han di’ak liu. Molok (programa ida ne’e), ami bele identifika katak inan sira ka profisionál saúde sira la iha pratika diak fó han; La fó susu ho inan nia susubeen,’’ Maria hatete, sira fó dala barak liu mak bee kahur ho masinmidar ba kosok oan sira, banin been sira uza atu hamoos kosok oan nia kabun laran, no fó han sedu de’it, labarik ho fulan rua nune’e. Fundasaun Alola fó treinu ba voluntáriu komunitáriu sira no harii rede servisu ba komunidade atu oferese informasaun kona-ba inan fó susu no konaba nutrisaun, Maria hatete katak ezekusaun programa ne’e ajuda bele halo diferensa ruma. Ami halo selesaun ba membrus komunidade hanesan voluntáriu no fó treinu ba sira atu identifika konaba problema sira relasionadu ho saúde iha vila laran, no ami servisu hamutuk ho sira atu buka solusaun,’’ nia dehan. “Uluk, inan sira atu ba tur ahi la iha informasaun. Iha moras oi-oin no barak. Oras ne’e ami haksolok katak ami bele fó ajuda ba feto, liu-liu sira iha foho, basá ami iha ona rekursus humanus atu fahe iinformasaun.” “Labarik sira mak futuru nasaun nian, portantu bainhira ita hasa’e kualidade saúde labarik nian, kosok oan sira, mak sira nia futuru sei di’ak no naroman.’’ improvement she is seeing in the health of infants due to better antenatal awareness among mothers and education about feeding and caring for newborns. “Feeding practice has really improved. Before (this program), we had identified that mothers or caregivers had poor feeding practices; there was no breastfeeding,” Maria says, adding that sugared water was often given to newborns, honey administered to ‘clean the baby’s stomach’ and food was usually introduced too early, at two months of age. Alola Foundation trains community volunteers and builds community networks to provide pregnancy information and breastfeeding and nutrition advice, and Maria says the delivery of the program is helping to make a difference. “We select community members as volunteers and train them to identify health-related problems in villages, then we work with them to find solutions,” she says. “Before, when women gave birth they had no information. There was a lot of disease and sickness. Now, we feel happy that we can support the women, particularly in the villages, which have the human resources to provide information.” “The children are the future for the country, so by improving the health of the kids, babies and children, the future will be good.” 72 73 Estudu Kazu Case Study Tour de Timor Tour de Timor Tour de Timor ne’e dezafiu halai taru bisikleta ida iha loron 6 nia laran liu husi foho leet. Inisiativa Tour de Timor is a six day mountain bike race through challenging and mountainous terrain. atu hala’o eventu ne’emai husi ex-Prezidente Timor-Leste nian Dr. José Ramos Horta iha 2009 The event was initiated by the then Timor-Leste President, Jose Ramos-Horta, in 2009 to atu promove paz, enkoraja troka de kultura no mos atu hasa’e orgullu nasional. Tinan-tinan promote peace, encourage cross-cultural exchange and foster national pride. Each year, Tour Tour de Timor dada siklistas husi Nasoens oi-oin no arranja osan ba Timor Leste nia projetus. de Timor attracts riders from many different countries and raises funds for Timor-Leste projects. ConocoPhillips hamriik hanesan Patrosinadór inaugurál no Prinsipál (osan mean) Tour de Timor nian, suporte ConocoPhillips is an inaugural and Primary Sponsor (gold) of Tour de Timor, support that provides more than 100 ne’ebé oferese ba timoroan liu 100 ekipamentu atu treinu no kompete. Siklista timoroan sira sai hanesan modelu ba Timorese riders with equipment to train and compete. The Timorese cyclists are role models for local communities, and komunidade lokal, no korrida bisikleta konvida ba espíritu komunidade no laran-di’ak bainhira sira halai liu husi sira oin the race invokes community spirit and goodwill as it passes through rural and remote communities. iha áreas remotas. With ConocoPhillips employees taking part in the ride each year, fundraising for Timorese charities and organisations Ho partisipasaun funsionárius ConocoPhillips nian iha halai taru bisikleta, buka osan ba organizasoens no obras de is a priority. In recent years, employees have raised thousands of dollars for organisations such as the Suai Orphanage karidade Timorense ne’e prioridade. Iha tinan sira iku-ikus ne’e, funsionárius sira hetan osan dolar rihun ba rihun and the Bidau Orphanage, near to where our Dili office is located. ConocoPhillips matches the funds raised by ba organizasoens hanesan Orfanatu Suai no Bidau nian, besik iha ami nia servisu fatin Dili nian. ConocoPhillips tau employees and donates this amount along with the employees’ funds. hamutuk osan ne’ebé funsionárius hetan no halo doasaun hamutuk ho sira nia fundu. Francelina Merques Cabral, known as Anche, is a regular rider in the Timor de Timor and one of Timor-Leste’s most Francelina Marques Cabral koñesida ho naran Anche, nia kostuma halai taru iha Tour de Timor nia siklista feto impressive female cyclists. She says the annual race is an important international event for Timor-Leste, and loves the impresionante ida. Nia hatete katak halai taru bisikleta tinan-tinan ne’e eventu internasionál importante ida ba Timor- experience of riding alongside international cyclists. “I have learned a lot from the international riders and made lots of Leste, no nia kontente tebes ho esperiensia halai taru iha siklista internasionál sira let. “Ha’u aprende barak husi siklista friends with international people,” Anche says. internasionál sira no halo belun barak ema internasiona sira,” Anche dehan. She was excited by the opportunity to ride across the Timor-Leste - Indonesian border for the first time as part of the Nia sensibiliza los ho oportunidade atu halai liu iha Timor-Leste liu husi baliza Indonezia nian primeira vez hanesan parte 2012 Tour de Timor, and said she received much support from onlookers over the border. “There is a peace message; Tour de Timor 2012 no hatete katak nia simu ajuda husi espectador sira iha baliza. “Iha mensajem rohan ida; Indonézia Indonesia is supporting us,” Anche says. “We need to build a good relationship as a neighbour.” suporte ita,” Anche dehan “Ita presiza harii relasaun amizade di’ak hanesan vizinhu.’’ Anche is supported in her cycling through a sponsorship with Air Timor, which she credits with enabling her to improve Anche hetan ajuda ba korida bisikleta husi Air Timor, ne’ebé nia fiar atu ajuda nia hodi bele hadi’ak nia treinu no isin her training and fitness. She says the Tour de Timor “gets better and better every year”. “I am looking forward to di’ak. Nia hatete katak Tour de Timor “nia kualidade aumenta no hasa’e di’ak liu tan tinan ba tinan. Ha’u buka atu tuir coming back next year. It is good that we invite people from different countries to see how Timor is going. We can fali tan tinan tuir mai ne’e. Di’ak tanba ita bele konvida ema husi rai sel-seluk atu haree Timor to’o iha ne’ebé ona. Ita spread the word… come and see it!” bele halekar liafuan... mai no haree ba!’’ 74 75 Estudu Kazu Case Study Santalum NGO Santalum NGO Projetu entre ConocoPhillips no NGOs Santalum estabilizada iha tinan A project between ConocoPhillips and the non-government 2008, oferese sira nia projetu reflorestamentu ne’ebé involve kuda ai oan organisation (NGO) Santalum, established in 2008, delivered a ka viveirus hun 10.000 liu iha Tasi Tolu atu previne rai monu ka erozaun. reforestation project that involved the planting of more than 10,000 Dedikasaun kontínua no kompromisu staff Santalum nian no voluntaries hakarak hatete katak, ai oan sira ne’e kuidadu no haree loroloron atu nunee susesu to’o 85%. Área ne’e transforma tia husi fatuk laran no foho leten ba fatin verdejante nakonu ho ai hun seedlings in Tasi Tolu to prevent soil erosion. The ongoing dedication and commitment of Santalum staff and volunteers means that the trees are cared for and maintained on a daily basis, leading to an 85% success rate. no arbustu. Projetu ne’e susesu tia, ConocoPhillips no Santalum hatún tan segundu projetu The area has been transformed from a rocky hilltop to a location lush in trees and reflorestamentu hodi kuda tan ai oan hun rihun tolu (3,000) iha área kosteira lokal original. shrubs. The success of the project prompted ConocoPhillips and Santalum to embark Adalberto de Araújo, Diretor Santalum nian, sente orgulho ho susesu programa reflorestamentu ne’’ebé reparasaun ambiente liu husi preparasaun musan to’o kuda ai-oan. Nia koalia konaba rekonstrusaun ekolojikal no benefisiu mak programa Santalum nian oferese ba ekonomia. “Timoroan hakarak atu dezenvolve sira rai; programa ne’e di’ak ba servisu.’’ Adalberto dehan. Nia tau ba lista hanesan dezafiu ida atu fornese bee ba iha rejiaun foho nian, problema mak alivia uit oan ho reparasaun estradas, hodi nune’e tanki bee bele sa’’e to’o iha foho leten. Adalberto ansiosu atu projetu ne’e bele kontinua. “Ami hakarak atu hamenus ema sunu ai, kontinua reflorestamentu no administrasaun konaba reflorestamentu,” nia dehan. Projetu ne’e oferese servisu ba Miguel de Deus, mak hola konta hanesan Seguransa ba plantasaun, hodi asegura katak ema ka animal labele estraga viveirus no ai oan sira ne’e. “Ha’u hakarak tebes atu tau matan ba fatin ida ne’e’’. on a second reforestation project, planting 3,000 trees along a flat coastal area at the base of the original site. Adalberto de Araujo, Director of Santalum, is proud of the success of the reforestation program that is restoring the environment through seed preparation and tree planting. He speaks of both the need for ecological re-building, and the benefits that the Santalum program is delivery to the economy. “Timorese people want to develop the country; this program is good for employment.” Adalberto says. He lists as one of the challenges the supply of water to the hilly region, a problem that has been alleviated through the repairing of roads, enabling water tanks to ascend the hill. Adalberto is eager for the project to continue. “We want to minimise the burning of the trees, continue reforestation and management of the reforestation,” he says. The project provides employment for Miquel de Deuz, who manages security for the plantation, ensuring animals or people don’t destroy the seedlings or trees. “I really want to look after this place,” Miquel says. 76 77 Komunidade no Arte Community and Arts Iha Timor-Leste, programa cultural no arte estimula kreatividade liu husi kontribuisaun atu dezenvolve tapesaria riku ida ba moris komunidade nian. In Timor-Leste, cultural programs and the arts stimulate creative thought and contribute to developing a rich tapestry of community life. • Ami fó ajuda ba variedade fdestivais, múzika no programas arte atu selebra diversidade, kultura no kreatividade. Ami simu ona Akademia Nasional Australiana • We have supported a range of festivals, music and art programs to celebrate diversity, culture and creativity. We have hosted Australian National Academy of Music programas no semináriu Múzika nian iha Timor-Leste no finansia konstrusaun Sentru Komunitáriu Betó iha Dili. Iha Festival Darwin 2011, korista nain 100 husi Timor programs and workshops in Timor-Leste and funded the construction of the Beto Community Centre in Dili. At the 2011 Darwin Festival, 100 choristers from Timor- Leste, Austrália no Ilhas Tiwi nian, lori mai hamutuk atu halo ezibisaun furak ida Unidade. Leste, Australia and Tiwi Islands were brought together to perform in a memorable display of unity. • Ezibisaun husi servisus de arte Timor nian ‘Husi Bei Ala Timor Sira Liman’ iha Darwin promove Kolesaun Nasional Timor-Leste nian no suporte preservasaun kultura husi bei ala sira no artefatos mos atu enkoraja produsaun artistika no estimula modo moris nian. 78 • An exhibition of Timorese artwork ‘Husi Bei Ala Timor Sira Liman’ (From the Hands of Our Ancestors) in Darwin promoted the National Collection of Timor-Leste and supports the preservation of cultural heritage and artefacts as well as encouraging artistic production and stimulating livelihoods. 79 Looking to the future Haree ba iha futuru 80 81 Haree ba iha futuru Looking to the Future Projetu Emprendimentu konjuntu Bayu-Undan istória sesesu estraordináriu ida ne’ebé, The Bayu-Undan joint venture project is an extraordinary success story that, 10 years on, tinan sanulu ona, nia sei halo nafatin. is still in the making. Timor-Leste no Australia bele kria relasaun di’ak no negosia estratéjias mutuamente satisfatórias ne’ebé fó kbit Timor-Leste and Australia were able to form relationships and negotiate mutually satisfactory strategies that ba projetu ne’e no nia benefísius asosiadus hotu la’o ba oin, hodi prepara kondisaun tinan sanulu liu ba atu enabled the project and all of its associated benefits to proceed, setting the stage a decade ago for a project nune’e projetu ne’e bele buras liu tan. that continues to flourish. Projetu Bayu-Undan kontribui diretamente no indiretamente atu dezenvolve nasaun Timor-Leste, The Bayu-Undan project is contributing directly and indirectly to building the nation of Timor-Leste, and ConocoPhillips no nia asosiadu sira seluk hanesan - Santos, INPEX, Eni, Tokyo Electric Power Company ConocoPhillips and the other joint venturers - Santos, INPEX, Eni, Tokyo Electric Power Company and Tokyo and Tokyo Gas, sira hamutuk ho lian ida de’it kompromete atu serbisu hamutuk ho povu timor / timoroan no Gas, are committed to working together with the Timorese people and government for many years in the future. Th e l e g a c y o f B a y u - U n d a n will be its inspiring governu tinan barak tan iha futuru. The project has provided a stepping-stone for ConocoPhillips’ further investments in the Timor Sea region. d e m o n s t r at i o n o f w h at c a n b e a ch i e v e d t h r o u g h a commitment to developing together Projetu ne’e oferese ona pontu de partida ba ConocoPhillips nia investimentu iha rejiaun Tasi Timor nian. The legacy of Bayu-Undan will be its inspiring demonstration of what can be achieved through a commitment Bayu-Undan nia legadu mak sei hanesan demonstrasaun enkorajante buat ne’ebé bele realiza liu hosi to Developing Together. kompromisu ba dezenvolvimentu hamutuk. 82 83 G R O U P
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