Lake Buchanan South Section Lake Buchanan South
Lake Buchanan South Section Lake Buchanan South
14 So 10 10 991 + 1010 1010 100 0 9 1000 980 970 950 1011 +1013 2341 + + 1012 970 980 30º 50.00' Council Creek 1010 940 Shaw Island 1010 101 0 980 100 0 980 Breezy Point 1010 970 0 0 100 0 101 30º 49.00' 970 1000 100 980 940 970 8 940 7 0 BOAT SMART FROM THE START. 970 950 100 30º 49.00' 950 Flagg Island 980 WEAR YOUR LIFE JACKET. n About 800 people die every year in boating- related accidents in the United States. About 80 percent of these fatalities are caused by drowning. 100 0 982 6 970 114 Rocky Point + 1020 1010 2341 940 0 0 950 30º 48.00' 0 30º 48.00' 1010 WIND WARNING 940 0 101 Jeckers Cove 980 Striper Island 996 950 100 10 Cassie 940 30º 47.00' 940 920 1010 990' - 960' 960' - 930' 10 0 100 0 97 100 0 less than 930' 3. Navigate in safe waters by using the next lower msl contour line on the map. For example, if the current elevation of Lake Buchanan is 1,002 feet msl, find the 1,000 feet msl contour line for the approximate location of the shoreline, then find the 990 feet msl to provide a minimum depth of 12 feet of water. 950 980 Wirth Haven Cove 2. The msl contour line on the map that most closely matches the current msl elevation of the lake represents the approximate current location of the shoreline. 3 970 1020' - 990' 1. Obtain the current mean sea level (msl) elevation for the lake on which you will be boating by visiting the LCRA Web site at or call the LCRA at (512) 473-3333 or 1-800-776-5272, Ext. 3333. 30º 47.00' 980 0 Lake Buchanan Contours* HOW TO USE THIS MAP EFFECTIVELY 920 under age 13 to wear a life jacket when the boat is under way. 0 100 970 950 n The Texas Water Safety Act requires children 980 10 970 261 1000 970 980 n Boats are required to have a U.S. Coast Guard Wind warning strobe lights are placed at major public boat launch ramps throughout the Highland Lakes and are activated by 18-mile-per-hour winds. Flashing strobe lights are visible from a mile away during daylight and from up to 10 miles away at night. When strobe lights are flashing, boaters and lake residents should pay particular attention to lake weather conditions and seek shelter if necessary. 5 4 980 (USCG) approved Type I, II, III or V wearable life jacket for each person on the boat. Boats 16 feet and longer also must have one Type IV throwable flotation device. 100 970 940 100 980 1010 100 10 Although it is a good practice for infants, small children and nonswimmers to wear a life jacket when near the water, everyone should wear a life jacket when boating. Many boaters believe that a life jacket close at hand is all the protection they need in an emergency. If something happens, such as capsizing, people think they will be able to put on the life jacket in the water and save themselves. Doing so is not as easy as it sounds and it may be impossible to do because of injury. The best precaution is to boat smart from the start. Wear your life jacket before you end up in the water! 1000 Alcatraz Island 950 Capsizing and falling overboard are the main causes of small-boat fatalities. Most of these deaths are preventable if boaters wear a life jacket. Life jackets today are attractive in appearance and comfortable to wear. When properly fitted, they can prevent tragedy. Navigating the Highland Lakes can be a challenge to even the most experienced boat operator. Varying lake levels combined with sandbars, shoals and islands can create dangerous conditions for vessels of all sizes. In addition, weather conditions can change quickly and can vary from one area to another. 1010 920 999 2 *Normal pool elevation 1020 feet above mean sea level (msl). 988 950 970 Lake Hazards Llano Co. Park (915) 247-4352 30º 46.00' Shallow Areas (sandbars, may include rocks and stumps) Operating a boat safely on the Highland Lakes requires proper preparation, good boat-handling skills and local knowledge of lake conditions. The LCRA recommends that boat operators unfamiliar with the Highland Lakes take a trip or two with a skipper who is experienced at boating on the lake they plan to navigate. 980 970 LCRA Black Rock Park 1-800-776-5272, Ext. 3366 Hazards Elevations 30º 46.00' 950 1010 940 920 Submerged Rocks or Stumps Flagg Island Named Feature Novice boaters are strongly encouraged to take a Boater Education Course! 690 950 0 97 980 Public Boat Ramp LCRA Boater Education Classes . . . . . . . .1-800-776-5272, Ext. 3286 940 1 Texas Parks and Wildlife Boater Education Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-800-792-1112 29 River Mileage Upstream From Dam 1,000 2,000 0 920 4,000 feet 500 ek 1431 1,000 meters Buchanan Dam Central Texas Highland Lakes 970 980 261 29 281 1000 Lake Marble Falls 1010 To A P4 Inks Lake Map Buchanan Dam Community usti n Marble Falls Inks Lake 1010 183 Burnet Lake LBJ 30º 45.00' 30º 45.00' Lake Buchanan Inks Lake -98º 18.00' 0 + 1000 0 M or -98º 19.00' 100 1010 100 1011 1010 rk 980 970 30º 50.00' Fo 980 1011 + M No or rt ga h n Fo Cr rk ee k 1010 12 1000 0 0 100 980 +1000 1 1010 -98º 23.00' -98º 25.00' 950 2241 988 + 970 10 -98º 21.00' 970 0 261 950 970 100 Lake Buchanan South Section 980 e -98º 20.00' C r n ga 0 13 th u 100 -98º 22.00' 980 -98º 24.00' -98º 26.00' -98º 27.00' -98º 28.00' -98º 29.00' -98º 30.00' -98º 31.00' 11 Please see other side for detailed map of the Inks Lake area at larger scale. Lake Travis 71 To San Antonio 29 10 20 Miles 30º 44.00' us tin 30º 44.00' -98º 19.00' 0 -98º 18.00' To A -98º 20.00' -98º 21.00' -98º 22.00' -98º 23.00' -98º 24.00' -98º 25.00' -98º 26.00' -98º 27.00' -98º 28.00' -98º 29.00' -98º 30.00' -98º 31.00'