Agenda Packet - Meeting Portal
Agenda Packet - Meeting Portal
CITY OF WINDER WINDER PLANNING BOARD AGENDA ● AUGUST 19, 2014 113 EAST ATHENS STREET, WINDER, GA 30680 Public Hearing and Meeting Winder Community Center 6:00 PM CALL TO ORDER OF PUBLIC HEARING 1. Roll Call CITIZEN INPUT NEW BUSINESS 1. An Annexation / Rezone request has been submitted by applicant and owner, Georgia Department of Transportation for +/- 1.586 acres located at the intersection of Gainesville Highway and Forrest Hill Road also known as Parcel # XX081-028. The request is for annexing / rezoning from the current Barrow County R-1 (Residential) Zone to the City of Winder R-1 (Single Family Low Density Residential) Zone. 2. An Annexation / Rezone request has been submitted by applicant and owner, Greg Reidling for +/- 9.05 acres located at 696 Gainesville Highway also known as Parcel # XX081-002. The request is for annexing / rezoning from the current Barrow County AG (Agricultural) Zone to the City of Winder A-1 (Agricultural) Zone. 3. An Annexation / Rezone request has been submitted by applicant and owner, Farm Development, LLLP for +/- 5.921 acres located at 445 Carl Bethlehem Road also known as Parcel # XX074-029. The request is for annexing / rezoning from the current Barrow County AG (Agricultural) Zone to the City of Winder B-2 (General Commercial) Zone. 4. A Rezone request has been submitted by applicant and owner, Joel Tonge for +/- 2.5 acres located at 116 Monroe Highway also known as Parcel # WN22-011. The request is for rezoning from the current R-1 (Single Family Low Density Residential) Zone to P (Professional) Zone. 5. Melissa Hollis has submitted a business license application on behalf of Judy's Towing and Recovery to be located at 176 East Athens Street. The proposed use classifies the business as an "automobile wrecking yard" by definition in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinances Article III Definitions. ADJOURNMENT OF PUBLIC HEARING CALL TO ORDER OF PUBLIC MEETING APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Winder Planning Board - Public Hearing and Meeting - Jun 17, 2014 6:00 PM City of Winder Page 1 Updated 8/11/2014 3:12 PM Agenda Winder Planning Board August 19, 2014 RECOMMENDATIONS OF NEW BUSINESS 1. An Annexation / Rezone request has been submitted by applicant and owner, Georgia Department of Transportation for +/- 1.586 acres located at the intersection of Gainesville Highway and Forrest Hill Road also known as Parcel # XX081-028.The request is for annexing / rezoning from the current Barrow County R-1 (Residential) Zone to the City of Winder R-1 (Single Family Low Density Residential) Zone. 2. An Annexation / Rezone request has been submitted by applicant and owner, Greg Reidling for +/- 9.05 acres located at 696 Gainesville Highway also known as Parcel # XX081-002. The request is for annexing / rezoning from the current Barrow County AG (Agricultural) Zone to the City of Winder A-1 (Agricultural) Zone. 3. An Annexation / Rezone request has been submitted by applicant and owner, Farm Development, LLLP for +/- 5.921 acres located at 445 Carl Bethlehem Road also known as Parcel # XX074-029. The request is for annexing / rezoning from the current Barrow County AG (Agricultural) Zone to the City of Winder B-2 (General Commercial) Zone. 4. A Rezone request has been submitted by applicant and owner, Joel Tonge for +/- 2.5 acres located at 116 Monroe Highway also known as Parcel # WN22-011. The request is for rezoning from the current R-1 (Single Family Low Density Residential) Zone to P (Professional) Zone. 5. Melissa Hollis has submitted a business license application on behalf of Judy's Towing and Recovery to be located at 176 East Athens Street. The proposed use classifies the business as an "automobile wrecking yard" by definition in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinances Article III Definitions. ADJOURNMENT City of Winder Page 2 Updated 8/11/2014 3:12 PM 7.1 City Council 113 East Athens Street Winder, GA 30680 SUBMITTED ANNEXATION (ID # 1614) Meeting: 09/09/14 06:00 PM Department: Planning & Zoning Category: Annexations Prepared By: Yvonne Greenway Initiator: Barry Edgar Sponsors: DOC ID: 1614 An Annexation / Rezone request has been submitted by applicant and owner, Georgia Department of Transportation for +/- 1.586 acres located at the intersection of Gainesville Highway and Forrest Hill Road also known as Parcel # XX081-028.The request is for annexing / rezoning from the current Barrow County R-1 (Residential) Zone to the City of Winder R-1 (Single Family Low Density Residential) Zone. Updated: 8/11/2014 1:17 PM by Yvonne Greenway Page 1 Packet Pg. 3 7.1.a CITY OF WINDER APPLICANT INFORMATION NameG e."r~ :a l.k07 .. r11W11+ ,t/"y-">'W!.,,..~11t1n. Address ~o(IW~s-t ?.ee.e-k +~ )-t. /V 'til'fl~ ' City A i i """":f·fA I State G-A Zip 3 0 3 o 8" Phone YoY- 3 ¥7 - 01165 Contact Person l-/tA. -r(/(vl ~- k-e.lmf-l ri Phone 'tPl/ - 3 '17 - ol 6 S OWNER INFORMATION 5.IJ.N? t /-1~ APl711c;,.A/V'T Name Address_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ City_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ State- - - - - Zip _ _ _ _ __ Phone -----------Conta ct Person --------~ Phone ------------- APPLICANT IS THE: Attachment: Annexation GDOT (1614 : Annexation GDOT Gainesville Hwy - Forrest Hill Rd) (770) 867-3106 APPLICATION FOR REZONING/ANNEXATION COST:~ _ _Owner's Agent .J Property Owner __Contract Purchaser A:u> ~ /7 e~ c 2£ J 1;o< '7 0.,.:::7..-i AddressoftbePrope1·ty , ~ v1'//~ ~ 1 ~ tr"'-rc.-c./,# XXoo I Ot?--o 7 6 NOTE: Attach a Plat which at a minimum, must c fain: /7 ,.,/ ~ 1. Dimensions and Acreage. T d"' I Su, A f/c,..d'-l t.{. I".. ~ oc..-c c.,v 2. A p1·climinary site plan/sketch is required for all non-residential uses and for proposed residential uses otber than one single-family residence. Seal of the professional preparing the plat must be affixed to the plat. 3. Attach a list of names and addresses of adjacent pro1>erty owners, including ones across the street. Subdivision or Project Name /V/.A Number of Lots .Al'/A Current Zoning Classification R-1 (6C) Proposed Zoning Classificatior · I?- I (Ct''fr., of Proposed Use of Property if Rezoning I Annexation is Approved: Wll') di,,) /Ve cA...e ore I "'O'yr-("it j-::>/"' /I.$ v.. .f tA d f ,· m e · · Acreage_ \, '5 'O( ~ The property is (check une) V to be annexed into the City Limits. -------currently in the City Limits. The following question is requit·ed to be answered by GA Law 36-67A-3: Have you within the preceding two years of the date of tltis application made campaign contributions aggregating $250.00 or more to a local government V No official(s) who will consider this application? _ _Yes If your answer is yes, then you are required to file a Disclosure Reu011 concerning yom· '...J,.,, contributions. The City Clerk can provide you with the necessary information. ee R-::fo, • "' • "' _,. _ c_, , u OT vu tl)u.c-r I hereby request that the property described above be rezoned from_ to fl- f I hereby certify that all information given is true and correct to the best of my knowledge aud I have attached the required fee of $200.00 to cover the cost of advertising. Date 7/t~/ll-f 7,/,wJ /)~ Property Owner or Owner's Agent* /-1(/wAiLJ) ~ C.."17tJ...AN0 1 /l.,'c;f...(f W"',7 9~/~ A , y/ c,ff111n1 ru fvr )</kb<> March 2013 Packet Pg. 4 7.1.a Rezoning/Annexation ApJJlication Pagel of3 1). Will the zoning 1n·oposal permit a use that is compatible/suitable with adjacent and nearby properties? A I 1 /V//) 2). Will the zoning proposal adversely affect the use of adjacent or nearby properties? 3). Does the property to. be zoned have a reasonable economic use as it is now zoned? 4). Will the zoning proposal result in a use that will cause an excessive burden on existing streets, transportation facilities, utilities or schools? 5). Are there other existing or changing conditions affecting the use ancl development of the property that give supporting grounds for either approval or disapproval of this application? March 2013 Packet Pg. 5 Attachment: Annexation GDOT (1614 : Annexation GDOT Gainesville Hwy - Forrest Hill Rd) PLEASE COMPLETE AN ANALYSIS OF THE PROPERTY TO BE ZONE/REZONED/ANNEXED BY ANSWERING THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE AS MUCH DETAIL AS POSSIBLE. 7.1.a Rezoning/Annexation Application Page3 of3 CITY OF WINDER CHECKLIST FOR REZONING I ANNEXATION APPLICATION _ _ L All applications must be received in a timely manner to allow sufficient time for the required 15-day advertising period. Fax copies or other reproductions of applications will not be accepted. _ _2. Sign and complete all application documents. ~ -flt-< O,t..e4>, -f"o--x ~ ~3. Attach a legal description of the property. /.) 7-fA {_-x;:;r _ _4. The plat I survey of the property must show that the J>rOJJosed annexation is. contiguous to the current City of Wimler city limits. No "islands" of unincorporated property can be created by the proposed annexation. NOTES: • • Dependent upon youl' specific use and locatio11, it is advised that you consult the appropriate City of Winder Ordinances for additional requirements. Prior to initiating any formal annexation activities, the City of Winder will notify the Barrow County Planning De1>artment in writing, providing tile county with all necessa1y information for their review. Within 30 wol'Jdng days following receipt of the above information, the County will notify the City of its response. The City will at that time notify the a1mlica11t when the City Planning Board aud City Council hearing dates will be. I, the undersigned, am authorized to make this application and I am aware that an appJication or re-application for the same land or portion thereof cannot be submitted for consideration by the City more than once in a six month period. App/ica11t's Signature ~~ 1-1~1v Qw11er's Si8.lJalure / .. _ ~ /-/v VVV--,.-.{ r. VVr-~ f VV'V' Date ()<... I "J Date Adm J...f-7 ~/ I YI ,~ "'"' I Jf2t~ $ku,,,. ~ft(/Ii/ Date Witfless Sig11at111·e /J > INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• FOR CITY OF WINDER USE ONLY DATE RECEIVED FEE t-h./J '1flf.>/!4- 1 fl'llrii!"i 804.rd RECEIVED BY 'a/'" l 11- f>..~ *v- RECEIPT# ----- , HEARING DATE Q..rlu qs!J.ncf I q I~, tl (APPLICANT'S WILL 1iA VE TO NoTIFIED OF HEARING DATES FOR ANNEXATIONS DUE TO ANNEXATION PROCEDURES, SEE NOTES ON PAGE 3 OF 3) BE ~3 ~olif DATE lsT ADVERTISE~m' i ;).Oft/= l DATE SIGN ERECTED 't t. Attachment: Annexation GDOT (1614 : Annexation GDOT Gainesville Hwy - Forrest Hill Rd) Please use this checklist to assist you with the necessary requirements for submitting the rezoning/annexatic;m application: [ti\:- DATE APPROVED I REJECTED BY PLANNING BOARD_ _ _ _ __ DATE APPROVED I REJECTED BY CITY COUNCIL ~~~~~~~~- March 2013 Packet Pg. 6 7.1.a I3a1row County Parcel Maps Page I of 1 XX059 017 032 002 Attachment: Annexation GDOT (1614 : Annexation GDOT Gainesville Hwy - Forrest Hill Rd) XX081 XX081 001 l~N17 l~N17 006 800 400 1600 ft 1200 PARCEL INFORMATION TABLE Selected Parcel XJS081 028 Class Code (NOTE: Not Zoning Info) Taxing District Acres COUNTY Name Mailing Address Situs/Physical Address El J. 58', 0 OWNERSHIP INFORMATION DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTAT NO 2 CAPITOL SQUARE ATLANTA, GA 0 GAINESVILLE HWY VALUES $25,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $25,000,00 Land Value Improvement Value Accessory Value Total Value LAST 2 SALES Date Price 07-2001 07-2001 $0 $0 Reason GV GV Qua I u u Soil Analysis Report Packet Pg. 7 &vweV\+ Wi"'devC~~ L, ilM~+, Lakes/Rivers from US Censu' DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTAT 0 GAINESVILLE HWY $0 on 07-2001 Reason=GV Qual=U NO 2 CAPITOL SQUARE o 210 420 630 840 ft / $14,875.00 Attachment: Annexation GDOT (1614 : Annexation GDOT Gainesville Hwy - Forrest Hill Rd) 7.1.a $0.00 $0.00 $14,875.00 ATLANTA, GA The Barrow County Assessor's Office makes every effort to produce the most accurate information possible. No warranties, expressed or implied, are provided for the data herein, its use or interpretation. The assessment information is from the last certified taxroll. All data is subject to change before the next certified taxroll. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE PROPERTY APPRAISER MAPS ARE FOR ASSESSMENT PURPOSES ONLY NEITHER BARROW COUNTY NOR ITS EMPLOYEES ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY FOR ERRORS OR OMISSIONS ---THIS IS NOT A SURVEY--Date printed: 07/28/14: 16:02:00 Packet Pg. 8 7.1.a Keith Golden, P.E., Commissioner GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION One Georgia Center, 600 West Peachtree Street, NW Atlanta, Georgia 30308 Telephone: (404) 631-1000 Mr. Barry Edgar City of Winder Planning Department 23 North Jackson Street P.O. Box 566 Winder, Georgia 30680 Re: Annexation of tax parcels XX081 028 and WNl 7 003A Georgia DOT owned parcels Dear Mr. Edgar: The attached application for annexation is in response to a request by a nearby property owner who is also applying for annexation of tax parcel XX081 002. It is our inderstanding that there will be no fees or other obligations associated with the annexation of the property into the City of Winder. Please keep me informed of the progress of this application. Should you have any questions or require further information do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, ~;~r~ Harold F. Kelman, Manager Surplus Properties Georgia Department of Transportation One Georgia Center # 1419 600 West Peachtree street, NW Atlanta, Georgia 30308 Packet Pg. 9 Attachment: Annexation GDOT (1614 : Annexation GDOT Gainesville Hwy - Forrest Hill Rd) July 24, 2014 7.1.a 't () BK0614PG036S ,..:o. r:o . ··.;-COL;_.;I ... Si...a'i:..I· •j\ Attachment: Annexation GDOT (1614 : Annexation GDOT Gainesville Hwy - Forrest Hill Rd) . :,RRO\I/ ·.~UtHY. Gt\. 0I JUL -3 ~tt 9: ~ 3 .. 1...0i{l/\ H. ·,;,\LL. CLERK GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RIGHT OF WAY OEEO BatO.r• e, Scon, AcqultlUon Agent PO Box 1057, Galnesvme, GA 30e03-1~7 PROJECT NQ~'.ilSTP~U;!(!~)/FJrJ~·Ofl~$(ti~} P. I. NO. ''.'1928'141t32570 .. ·. · .... GEORGIA. BARROW COUNTY Tl'ilS CONVEYANCE made and executed the ~~ay of~!"..,,,.·..,·_···- - - - - • 20_'21_. WITNESSETH 1hat Paul T. StalJlngs. 1he undersignad (herGJnaft6r reforre<S lo as "Granto!"}, ls the owner of a tract of land In BARROW COUNTY, through which inlorseetton improvemoots at Stato RoU!e 53 and County Road 4 and culvert rQplacement at Coclar Creek, known aB Project No. STP·065· 3(52)/8AF·065~3(51) has been laid out by the Depar1~t of Transportation b!ling more pat1lcula.rly described in a map and drawing of s.aid road in the office of th& Department ct Tran!portatron. No. 2 Capito! Square, Atlanta, Goorgla, to which ref&r~mcaa is hereby made. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration ot ONE DOLLAR ($1.00} and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid, th9 rec;e/pl wt19roof Is horoby acknowlS<lge, Grantor does hereby grant, sell and convey to $Sfd:Q~~Ql:~nt9fTr;Qri$JioflatlOQ; and their succeasors In offlco so much rand adjacent to Iha required right of wayofsaid ro'ad, being more° partlcularly described as follows: All that 1ract or parcel ol land tying and balno in the 243'4 Georgia Miiitia District ot Barrow County, Georgia, and baing more par11cularfy ooscrlb&d on Exhibit "'A" attached hereto and made a part hereof by this reference. o{!:§ji{La~~~Jmore Said property iS hereby conveyed, consisting or less, as shown colored yeHow on the plat of the prcperty prepared by the Dooartm&nt ot Trans,oortt\tion. dated June 30. 2000; revised May 22, 2001. said plat attached hereto and mad$ a part of thle dOOcl as Exhibit •a." For the ~amQ conilderation Grantor hereby waives any Wld all rights of repurchase 10 the above da$cribed pro~rty. Granror further acknowledges that this property is not required by the Department and Is hereby conveyed at tha reqoost of the granlor. For tht1 same consideration Grantor hereby conveys and relinquishes to lhe O&partmoot of Transportation a!J rights of access be1'NOOn the llmited access h~hway and approaches thereto on lh<i above numberoo highway project and Gtantots remaining roal property lrom whicii satd right ot way Is taken except at such points as designated and shown on the attached plat prnp.:ired by thg 0'1partmilnt ol Transportation. TO HAVE ANO HOLD the said conveyed premises in 1oe simple Md any rights Grantor has or may havo in and to Gxisting public tights of way &r& horeby quitclaimed and conv&yed unto tho Department of Transportation. --------~--· ....-.... .. ...... . Packet Pg. 10 7.1.a BK 0 6 I 4PG 0 3 6 6 JN WITNESSETH WHEREOF, Grantor has ner~unto Signed, ~akld an~livered thi:l ~-- day ol _ ,2oQJ_. 1n the presence of : _t4'11i_&::Jy Wilnass s~I Attachment: Annexation GDOT (1614 : Annexation GDOT Gainesville Hwy - Forrest Hill Rd) Grantor haraby warrants that Grantor has the right to sell and conv~y said land and bind himsolf, his heirs. executors and adminlstratort for&ver to der!!nd by virtue ol these presents. ttls hand and &aal tho day abovo written. ·v ~ --I1..i. /# . ,_(LS.} f!IL/f/ ~ ~ll!ngs /:1. ~k. . _j~·~;t,~ ll (: l/).dfv> k Nota~ ~~l (V' u .. ; ,~·~llonlQi~~l.2004 Parcel No. 3A OOT11S.R Warrant-j Doed Revised 01/00 -----···- " ....._-·-· Packet Pg. 11 7.1.a , . . -------·1·• -w. ~ - - -. .·•... 1.- ....... 367 BK 0 6 I 4PG 0 3 67 EXHIBIT "Aw STP·065-03(52)/SRF·085-03{51) 70/132670 REQ'D. FM/ti: DAiE OF RNJ PLANS; REVISION DATE: Barrow County Attachment: Annexation GDOT (1614 : Annexation GDOT Gainesville Hwy - Forrest Hill Rd) PROJECT NO.: P.1.NO.: PARCEL NO.: · .... J'~r.t~>\ Juno 3o. 2000 May 22, 2001 All that tract or parcel of land lying 9nd boino in .243 Georgia Milrtla Georgia. being more particularly doscrlbQ<I as follows: D~trict of Batrow County, 8e9lnning al~ point 59.055 !eet RIGHT uf and oppos.Jte Station 10...710.490 on the construction centefllne ot State Aou~ 53 on Georgia Highway Pro}ect No. STP·065-03(52)18RF-065-03{51) From the point o1 Beginning. Thence N 18"09'36.852" W for a di:slance of 68.365feet10 the beginning ol a curve, said curve having central angl& 7°58'47". radll.l8 2355.638 feet, chord bearing N 21°36'00.598' W, and chotd distance 282.686 feet. Along tM said curvo for an arc distance of 282.856 feet to the end ot 1he curve. Thence N 22°42'35.831 • E for a cl.stance of 33.829 feet to a point on the boundary. Thence N 73°31 '43.476" E for a di&tance ot 20.726 feet to a point on the boundary. Thence N 74°51'33.995• E fot a distance ol 154.281 feel to a point on the boundary. Thence S 18°04'32.988• E for a distance of 373.675 feet to a point on thlil boundary. Thence S 73 9 53'53.550" W for a distance of 179.393 t&el to the Point of Beginning. Containing 1.586 acres more or less. ·-------·-··················-· --~~--~-·--···------ Packet Pg. 12 ........... ___ ,, ........ ..... Attachment: Annexation GDOT (1614 : Annexation GDOT Gainesville Hwy - Forrest Hill Rd) ,, 7.1.a 369 Packet Pg. 13 7.1.a CITY OF WINDER PLANNING STUDY Annexation I Rezone TO: CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING BOARD FROM: City of Winder DATE: 817/2014 Attachment: Annexation GDOT (1614 : Annexation GDOT Gainesville Hwy - Forrest Hill Rd) APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDRESS: Georgia Department of Transportation 600 West Peachtree Street, NW #1419, Atlanta, Georgia 30308 PROPERTY OWNER: Georgia Department of Transportation 600 West Peachtree Street, NW #1419, Atlanta, Georgia 30308 PROPERTY LOCATION: The property is unaddressed. The property is located at the S.E corner of the intersection Highway 53 and Forrest Hill Road, Winder, Georgia 30680. MAP AND PARCEL: XX.081-028. ACREAGE: +/- 1.586 Acres PROPOSED LAND USE: If the property is annexed into the City of Winder, it is proposed to remain vacant. CURRENT BARROW COUNTY ZONING: R-1, Single Family Residential Zone (Unincorporated Barrow County) REQUESTED CITY of WINDER ZONING: The property is requested to be zoned R-1 (Single-Unit Low Density Residential Zone). SURROUNDING LAND USE: North: R-1, Single-Unit Low Density Residential Zone, City of Winder. South: R-1, Single-Unit Low Density Residential Zone, City of Winder. East: R-1, Single-Unit Low Density Residential Zone (City of Winder) West: A-1, Agricultural Zone, City of Winder and unincorporated Barrow County Agricultural Zone. DESCRIPTION OF ANNEXATION REQUEST: The property is currently in unincorporated Barrow County. The applicant I owner are asking for the property to be annexed into the City of Winder. The applicant /owner states that the property is to remain vacant. Packet Pg. 14 7.2 City Council 113 East Athens Street Winder, GA 30680 SUBMITTED ANNEXATION (ID # 1615) Meeting: 09/09/14 06:00 PM Department: Planning & Zoning Category: Annexations Prepared By: Yvonne Greenway Initiator: Barry Edgar Sponsors: DOC ID: 1615 An Annexation / Rezone request has been submitted by applicant and owner, Greg Reidling for +/- 9.05 acres located at 696 Gainesville Highway also known as Parcel # XX081002. The request is for annexing / rezoning from the current Barrow County AG (Agricultural) Zone to the City of Winder A-1 (Agricultural) Zone. Updated: 8/11/2014 1:21 PM by Yvonne Greenway Page 1 Packet Pg. 15 7.2.a CITY OF WINDER (770) 867-3106 APPLICATION FOR REZONING/ANNEXATION COST: $200.00 City \ .U \.\r-d ~ State Co c;;_, Zip '31-) f.)R'O PhOR~70-~-~~~~ \~ ContactPerson ~ Phone _Jc'i -- _ _ ,5'3 (Y1Q City State Zip ~ - _ _ _ __ Contact Person _ _ _ _ -~ Phone ------------ ANT 1ST HE: _ _Ownf.'f''s ~ Property Owner Contract Pu:rdaaser a V'$"S,; ~ \" ~ ...., N:ckc (Q- . 3~0 Address of the Property {n C\ NOTE: Attach a Plat which at a minimum, must contain: ·~ 'l'/Dtf> f ... 00 "'t,_. 1. Dimensions and Acreage. 2. A preliminary site plan/sketch is required for all non-residential uses and for proposed residential uses other titan one single-family resitlenee. Seal af die professional preparing the plat must be affixed to the plat. 3. Attach a list of names and addresses of adjacent property owners, including ones across the street. Number of Lots I Subdivision or Project Name Current Zoning Classificatian ~ Proposed Zoning Classification A --1p posed Use of Property if Rezoni.ig Annexation is Approved: '2 CO C:\ ~ \ \ ._""°--- Acreage_q_.. J0 I / \_...L ____ The property is (check one) ___ to be annexed into the City Limits. -------currently in the City Limits. The following question is required to be answered by GA Law 36-67A-3: Have you within the preceding two years of the date of this applic ·on made campaign contributions aggregating $250.00 or more to a local overnment No official(s) who will consider this application? _ _Yes If your answer is yes, then you are required to file a Disclosure Report concerning your contributions. The City Clerk can provide you with the necessary information. A-/ . .Jo. I hereby request that the property described above be rezoned from to I hereby certify that all information given is true and correct to the b~knowledge and I have attached the required fee of 2 0.00 to co the cost of advertising. Date:)- QCl-ll\ *Ow_ne~'s agent must have aletter ofauthorization from application or represent the owner. the prone,,1.,, 11 1 1J i I OWner ro maKe Packet Pg. 16 Attachment: Annexation Reidling 696 Gville Hwy (1615 : Annexation Reidling 696 Gainesville Highway) ~::.:.~5~: ~-1-uj ~::;:.,OWNER INFORMATION 7.2.a Rezoning/Annexation Application Page2 of3 1). Will the zoning proposal permit a use that is compatible/suitable with adjacent and nearby properties? ~~ 2). Will the zoning proposal adversely affect the use of adjacent or nearby properties? /JD 3). Does the property to be zoned have a reasonable economic use as it is now zoned? ~--e_s 4). Will the zoning proposal result in a use that will cause an excessive burden on existing streets, transportation facilities, utilities or schools? 100 5). Are there other existing or changing conditions affecting the use and development of the property that give supporting grounds for either approval or disapproval of this application? J:0s\.J\(\J"-C"E' '?c~(V\11 J' r<"- D"""-c:_ rev....S'f' March 2013 Packet Pg. 17 Attachment: Annexation Reidling 696 Gville Hwy (1615 : Annexation Reidling 696 Gainesville Highway) PLEASE COMPLETE AN ANALYSIS OF THE PROPERTY TO BE ZONE/REZONED/ANNEXED BY ANSWERING THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE AS MUCH DETAIL AS POSSIBLE. 7.2.a Rezoning/Annexation Application Page3 of3 CITY OF WINDER CHECKLIST FOR REZONING I ANNEXATION APPLICATION Ji. All applications must be received in a timely manner to allow sufficient time for the required 15-day advertising period. Fax copies or other reproductions of applications will n be acce ted. :2. Sign and complete all application documents. • Attach a legal description of the property. _ _4. The plat I survey of the property must show that the proposed annexation is contiguous to the current City of Winder city limits. No "islands" of unincorporated property can be created by the proposed annexation. NOTES: • • Dependent upon your specific use and location, it is advised that you consult the appropriate City of Winder Ordinances for additional requirements. Prior to initiating any formal annexation activities, the City of Winder will notify the Barrow County Planning Department in writing, providing the county with all necessary information for their review. Within 30 working days following receipt of the above information, the County will notify the City of its response. The City will at that time notify the applicant when the City Planning Board and City Council hearing dates will be. I, the undersigned, am authorized to make this application and I am aware that an application or re-application for the same land or portion thereof cannot be submitted for iod. consideration by the City more than once in a s · ont ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• FOR CITY OF WINDER USE ONLY DATE RECEIVED /t 4= 7/t/f1 RECEIVED BY ~V'Y(1 ~"lV FEE RECEIPT#_ _ _ _ __ rtanri;~ Boc1R;:ll S/ t'l /l'f HEARING DATE ' COu. ell 't ILf- et/ (APPLICANT'S WILL VE TO BE NOTIFIED OF HEARING DATES FOR ANNEXATIONS DUE TO ANNEXATION PROCEDURES, SEE NOTES ON PAGE 3 OF 3) A~ '3 I '2..t!>f'IDATE 18T ADVERTISEDAu.j lo, -z,o ttf DATE SIGN ERECTED <6/ I 14 I DATE APPROVED I REJECTED BY PLANNING BOARD_ _ _ _ __ DATE APPROVED I REJECTED BY CITY COUNCIL_ _ _ _ _ _ __ March 2013Packet Pg. 18 Attachment: Annexation Reidling 696 Gville Hwy (1615 : Annexation Reidling 696 Gainesville Highway) Please use this checklist to assist you with the necessary requirements for submitting the rezoning/annexation application: 7.2.a ' $l'PEICL BARr1:.:",'/ 2CO&t',A~ Strickland, Chesnutt & Lindsay, LLP P. 0. Box 249 Winder, Georgia 30680 '-}P,~!\i I 8 l1 PG 0 3 I 5 c::....--."~ fY. G/'... 22 p;; 2: 49 GLORIA M. \·;, -t_L, CLERK QUITCLAIM DEED., County, Georgia Paid 1 ~ ~ Real Estate Transfer Tax ~ ~1 " ~Efb/;z0tf'C:,FILE#: 060297R STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF BARROW Attachment: Annexation Reidling 696 Gville Hwy (1615 : Annexation Reidling 696 Gainesville Highway) Gloria M. Wall Clorl< a Superior Court THIS INDENTURE, Made the 15th day of May, 2006, between GREG REIDLING of the County of Barrow, and the State of Georgia, as party or parties of the first part, hereinafter called Grantor, and JENNIFER REIDLING of the county of Barrow, and the State of Georgia, as party or parties of the second part, hereinafter called Grantee (the words "Grantor" and Grantee" to include their respective heirs, successors and assigns where the context requires or permits). WITNESSETH that: Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of one dollar ($1.00) and other valuable considerations in hand paid at and before the sealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, by these presents does hereby remise, convey and forever QUITCLAIM unto the said Grantee a ONE-HALF (1/2) UNDIVIDED INTEREST in the following described property, to-wit: ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND situate, lying and being in the 243rd District, G.M., Barrow County, Georgia, and being Lot Number 17, containing 1O acres, more or less, as shown on that certain plat entitled "Property of F. L. Sims Estate", dated March, 1957, prepared by W. T. Dunahoo & Associates, Inc., certified by W. T. Dunahoo, Georgia Registered Surveyor No. 1577, said plat being of record In the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Barrow County, Georgia in Plat Book 3, page 158; which said plat and the recording thereof are by reference hereto incorporated herein for a more complete and detailed description. LESS AND EXCEPT: ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND lying and being in the 243rd Georgia Militia District of Barrow County, Georgia, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point 26.619 feet LEFT of and opposite Station 10+810.008 on the construction centerline of State Route 53 on Georgia Highway Project No. STP-065-03(52}BRF-065-03(51) from the point of Beginning. Thence S 79 degrees 47' 32.573" W for a distance of 43.676 feet to the beginning of a curve, said curve having central angle 8 degrees 26'17", radius 2227.686 feat, chord bearing N 27 degrees 04'13.951" W, and chord distance 170.324 feet along the said curve for an arc distance of 170.365 feet to the end of the curve. Thence N 29 degrees 15' 40.990" W for a distance of 108.422 feet to a point on the boundary. Thence N 72 degrees 47'33.308" W for distance of 90.506 feet to a point on the boundary. Thence N 29 degrees 15' 40.990"' W for a distance of 58.352 feet to a point on the boundary. Thence N 51 degrees 21'22.661" E for a distance of 45.340 feet to a point on the boundary. Thence N 44 degrees 28'15.357" E for a distance of 78.472 feet to a point on the boundary. Thence N 50 degrees 21 '09.960" E for a distance of 42.054 feet to a point on the boundary. Thence N 52 degrees 05'53.130" E for a distance of 26.645 feet to a point on the boundary. Thence S 18 degrees 03'34.033" E for a distance of 466.696 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 0.949 acres more or less. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said described premises to grantee, so that neither grantor nor any person or persons claiming under grantor shall at any time, by any means or ways, have, claim or demand any right to title to said premises or appurtenances, or any rights thereof. EREOF, the Grantor has signed and sealed this deed, the day and year first above written. ·vered in the presence of: . ,.,}!,.,. ~-=·-==·-<.,..,s.,..\~ .... _"""·~~-·~-~--· ··-....,'2.,.,,-.__ --"= .. GREG REIDLING _ _(Seal) .._ e==---:-,. Packet Pg. 19 7.2.a To be filed in BARROW COUNTY PT-61 007-2006-002082 SECTION C-TAX COMPUTATION SECTION A- SELLER'S INFORMATION (Do not use agent's Information) I FIRSTNAME SELLER'S LAST NAME Reidling I MIDDLE Exempt Code If no exempt code enter NONE Greg MAILING ADDRESS (STREET & NUMBER) 696 Gainesville Hwy. CITY, STATE I PROVINCE I REGION, ZIP CODE, COUNTRY Winder, I DATE OF SALE GA 30680 USA 5/15/2006 SECTION B - BUYER'S INFORMATION (Do not use agent's Information) I FIRSTNAME BUYER'S LAST NAME I MIDDLE Jennifer Reidling MAILING ADDRESS (Must use buyer's address for tax billing & notice purposes) 696 Gainesville Hwy. CITY, STATE I PROVINCE I REGION, ZIP CODE, COUNTRY Winder, GA 30680 USA I( Check Buyers Intended Use ) Residential ( ) Commercial ( ) Agricultural ( ) Industrial Partition Deed 1. Actual Value of consideration received by seller Complete Line 1A If actual value unknown $0.00 1A. Estimated fair market value of Real and Personal property $0.00 2. Fair market value of Personal Property only $0.00 3. Amount of liens and encumbrances not removed by transfer $0.00 4. Net Taxable Value (Line 1 or 1A less Lines 2 and 3) $0.00 5. TAX DUE at .10 per $100 or fraction thereof (Minimum $1.00) $0.00 SECTION D - PROPERTY INFORMATION (Location of Property (Street, Route, Hwy, etc)) HOUSE NUMBER & EXTENSION (ex 265A) 696 PRE-DIRECTION, STREET NAME ANO TYPE, POST DIRECTION CITY (IF APPLICABLE) COUNTY MAP & PARCEL NUMBER ACCOUNT NUMBER XX081-002 BARROW TAX DISTRICT SUITE NUMBER Gainesville Highway I LAND DISTRICT I GMO 243rd I ACRES I LANDLOT SUB LOT & BLOCK Lot 17 10 SECTION E - RECORDING INFORMATION (Official Use Only) DATE DEED BOOK 1184 I DEED PAGE I PLAT BOOK PLAT PAGE 315 ADDITIONAL BUYERS None Packet Pg. 20 Attachment: Annexation Reidling 696 Gville Hwy (1615 : Annexation Reidling 696 Gainesville Highway) PT-61 (Rev 11/04) ' ,_L REIDLING JENNIFER 990 -· "" i . earow / /Ci \. , _ ':-""'"'\ ~7{ c~\ ·+- Packet Pg. 21 Attachment: Annexation Reidling 696 Gville Hwy (1615 : Annexation Reidling 696 Gainesville Highway) The Barrow County Assessor's Office makes every effort to produce the most accurate information possible. No warranties, expressed or implied, are provided for the data herein, its use or interpretation. The assessment information is from the last certified taxroll. All data is subject to change before the next certified taxroll. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE PROPERTY APPRAISER MAPS ARE FOR ASSESSMENT PURPOSES ONLY NEITHER BARROW COUNTY NOR ITS EMPLOYEES ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY FOR ERRORS OR OMISSIONS --THIS IS NOT A SURVEY--Date printed: 07/29/14: 10:17:10 WINDER, GA 30680 696 GAINESVILLE HWY $21,000.00 $261,566.00 $0 on 05-2006 Reason=KN Qual=U 660 $207,274.00 330 696 GAINESVILLE HWY o Yvorevf~~ LakesJRivers from US Census Dept, may not rr J iz6Jt~ Poor~ "!~ o.Jl tJ~kckY" C.r!~ ~·~•T~ " ~lMfevrt w~Jev-- ~ Y¥~ ~l\}J ~ 7.2.a 7.2.a CITY OF WINDER PLANNING STUDY Annexation I Rezone TO: CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING BOARD DATE: 8/7/2014 APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDRESS: Greg Reidling 696 Gainesville Highway, Winder, Georgia 30680 PROPERTY OWNER: Greg Reidling 696 Gainesville Highway, Winder, Georgia 30680 PROPERTY LOCATION: The property is located at 696 Gainesville Highway, Winder, Georgia 30680. MAP AND PARCEL: XX081-002. ACREAGE: +/- 9.00 Acres PROPOSED LAND USE: If the property is annexed into the City of Winder it is proposed to remain residential. CURRENT BARROW COUNTY ZONING: AG, Agricultural Zone (Unincorporated Barrow County) REQUESTED CITY of WINDER ZONING: The property is requested to be zoned A-1 (Agricultural Zone). SURROUNDING LAND USE: North: R-3, High Density Residential Zone, Unincorporated Barrow County. South: A-1, Agricultural Zone, City of Winder. East: R-1, Single-Unit Low Density Residential Zone (City of Winder) and R-1, Single Family Residential Zone, Unincorporated Barrow County. The Unincorporated Barrow County lot is proposed to be annexed into the City of Winder as R-1. West: A-1, Agricultural Zone, City of Winder. DESCRIPTION OF ANNEXATION REQUEST: The property is currently in unincorporated Barrow County. The applicant I owner are asking for the property to be annexed into the City of Winder. The applicant /owner states that the property is to remain residential. Packet Pg. 22 Attachment: Annexation Reidling 696 Gville Hwy (1615 : Annexation Reidling 696 Gainesville Highway) FROM: City of Winder 7.3 City Council 113 East Athens Street Winder, GA 30680 SUBMITTED ANNEXATION (ID # 1617) Meeting: 09/09/14 06:00 PM Department: Planning & Zoning Category: Annexations Prepared By: Yvonne Greenway Initiator: Barry Edgar Sponsors: DOC ID: 1617 An Annexation / Rezone request has been submitted by applicant and owner, Farm Development, LLLP for +/- 5.921 acres located at 445 Carl Bethlehem Road also known as Parcel # XX074-029. The request is for annexing / rezoning from the current Barrow County AG (Agricultural) Zone to the City of Winder B-2 (General Commercial) Zone. Updated: 8/11/2014 1:24 PM by Yvonne Greenway Page 1 Packet Pg. 23 7.3.a CITY OF WINDER APPLICANT INFORMATION Name: Farm Development, LLLP Address: 58 W. Candler St., PO Box 768 City: Winder State: GA Zip: 30680 Phone: 678-425-9604 Contact Person: Chris Maddox Phone: 770-601-9103 OWNER INFORMATION Name: Farm Development, LLLP Address: 58 W. Candler St., PO Box 768 City: Winder State: GA Zip: 30680 Phone: 678-425-9604 Contact Person: Chris Maddox Phone: 770-601-9103 APPLICANT IS THE: _ _Owner's Agent X Property Owner __Contract Purchaser Address of the Property: 445 Carl Bethlehem Rd., Bethlehem, GA 30620 )(.)t0'14-oz.4 NOTE: Attach a Plat which at a minimum, must contain: 1. Dimensions and Acreage. 2. A preliminary site plan/sketch is required for all non-residential uses and for proposed residential uses other than one single-family residence. Seal of the professional preparing the plat must be affixed to the plat. 3. Attach a list of names and addresses of adjacent property owners, including ones across the street. Number of Lots: n/a Subdivision or Project Name: n/a Current Zoning Classification: AG - 6C Proposed Zoning Classification: 13- 2 - C-1~ o+ t,U;rdt-r Proposed Use of Property if Rezoning I Annexation is Approved: Retail/Office Acreage: 5.921 The property is (check one) XX to be annexed into the City Limits. - - - - - - - - currently in the City Limits. ~~~~~~-~ The following question is required to be answered by GA Law 36-67A-3: Have you within the preceding two years of the date of this application made campaign contributions aggregating $250.00 or more to a local government official(s) who will consider this application? _ _Yes_x_No If your answer is yes, then you are required to file a Disclosure Report concerning your contributions. The City Clerk can provide you with the necessary information. I hereby request that the property described above be rezoned from AG to 13Z.._ I hereby certify that all information given is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and I have attached the required fee of $200.00 to cover the cost of advertisin ks h+- Date 7 ~,'-P-~~t.- to make March 2013 Packet Pg. 24 Attachment: Annexation 445 Carl Bethlehem Rd (1617 : Annexation 445 Carl Bethlehem Rd) (770) 867-3106 APPLICATION FOR REZONING/ANNEXATION COST: $200.00 7.3.a Rezoning/Annexation Application Page 2of3 PLEASE COMPLETE AN ANALYSIS OF THE PROPERTY TO BE ZONE/REZONED/ANNEXED BY ANSWERING THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE AS MUCH DETAIL AS POSSIBLE. 2). Will the zoning proposal adversely affect the use of adjacent or nearby properties? No 3). Does the property to be zoned have a reasonable economic use as it is now zoned? No 4). Will the zoning proposal result in a use that will cause an excessive burden on existing streets, transportation facilities, utilities or schools? No 5). Are there other existing or changing conditions affecting the use and development of the property that give supporting grounds for either approval or disapproval of this application? No March 2013 Packet Pg. 25 Attachment: Annexation 445 Carl Bethlehem Rd (1617 : Annexation 445 Carl Bethlehem Rd) 1). Will the zoning proposal permit a use that is compatible/suitable with adjacent and nearby properties? Yes 7.3.a Rezoning/Annexation Application Page 3of3 CITY OF WINDER CHECKLIST FOR REZONING I ANNEXATION APPLICATION Please use this checklist to assist you with the necessary requirements for submitting the rezoning/annexation application: All applications must be received in a timely manner to allow sufficient time for the required 15-day advertising period. Fax copies or other reproductions of applications will not be accepted. / 2. Sign and complete all application documents. / 3. Attach a legal description of the property. / 4. The plat I survey of the property must show that the proposed annexation is contiguous to the current City of Winder city limits. No "islands" of unincorporated property can be created by the proposed annexation. NOTES: • • Dependent upon your specific use and location, it is advised that you consult the appropriate City of Winder Ordinances for additional requirements. Prior to initiating any formal annexation activities, the City of Winder will notify the Barrow County Planning Department in writing, providing the county with all necessary information for their review. Within 30 working days following receipt of the above information, the County will notify the City of its response. The City will at that time notify the applicant when the City Planning Board and City Council hearing dates will be. I, the undersigned, am authorized to make this application and I am aware that an application or re-application for the same land or portion thereof cannot be submitted for consideration by the City more than once in a six month period. ~, c3vn e a J' () lcJn& Applicant's Signature Date 7-IS./f: Date ~-+-----+-__,,._---+-----+----- ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• FOR CITY OF WINDER USE ONLY DATERECEIVED FEE trtt~ vad 7/t~/14= RECEIVEDBY~ ~yRECEIPT # c:-- Plt\nn i "-'l f>oud - c:g /1'1J1<1HEARING DATE~ Cotincll - q /ct) J4 (APPLICANT'S wJLi! HAVE TO Bi NIJTIFIED OF HEARING DATES FOR ANNEXATIONS DUE TO ANNEXATION PROCEDURES. SEE NOTES ON PAGE 3 OF 3) I I 14 J"''j got,~0,4 ~/</.- DATE SIGN ERECTED 8 l DATE 18 T ADVERTISEDA-u~ .. sf DATE APPROVED I REJECTED BY PLANNING BOARD- - - - - - - DATE APPROVED I REJECTED BY CITY COUNCIL_ _ _ _ _ _ __ March 2013 Packet Pg. 26 Attachment: Annexation 445 Carl Bethlehem Rd (1617 : Annexation 445 Carl Bethlehem Rd) _L_1. Attachment: Annexation 445 Carl Bethlehem Rd (1617 : Annexation 445 Carl Bethlehem Rd) 7.3.a July 15, 2014 City of Winder 25 E. Midland Avenue Winder, GA 30680 Re: Application for Rezoning/Annexation 445 Carl-Bethlehem Rd, Bethlehem, GA To Whom It May Concern: This property to be combined with other City property and is to be held for future commercial uses. Sincerely, cc; file Packet Pg. 27 7.3.a A TDPCON GTS-28 TOTAL STA llON was used to obtai'n the linear and angular measurem~ts used in the preparation of this plat. llle field data upon which this plot is based has a closure preclsion of one for;t in 21.SOQ. fe~Jf and an angular error of _ _l__ per angle point and was adjJsted using the compass role. i----- GRAPHIC SCALE: 1"=100' 100 0 100 200 Thi's survey has bee:m calculated for closure and is found to be accurate within one foot in feet. Attachment: Annexation 445 Carl Bethlehem Rd (1617 : Annexation 445 Carl Bethlehem Rd) >100,000 5.921 ACRES REFERENCES: The survey was prepared in conformity with The Technical Standards for Property Surveys in Georgia as set forth In Chapter 1BO-7 of the Rules of the Georgia Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors and as set forth in the Georgia Plat Act O.C.G.A. 15-6-67. ,.., LEGEND,.., -P- = POWER LINE P.P. =tYPOWER POLE R/W =RIGHT OF WAY F.H. = ~ FIRE HYDRANT !PS IRON PIN SET (1/2' OPEN TOP) !PF= IRON PIN FOUND (1/2" REBAR) = 1. SURVEY FOR CHARLES T. McDONALD TO EDMOND SHOEMAKE BY H.L. DUNAHOO, DA TED 3/26/1957. 2 FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAT FOR BARROW CROSSING BY GEOSURVEY. LTD., DA TED 9/8/2008. 3. OUR SURVEY FOR CHARLES 0. MADDOX, JR., DATED 2/11/2013. 4. OUR CLOSING PLAT FOR STANLEY K. COLLINS & JOANN S. COLLINS, DA TED 1/8/1991. 5. SURVEY FOR DEBORAH J. CASPER & MARTYR. CASPER BY BORDERS & ASSOC/A TES, DA TED 11/9/1998. SURVEY FOR STA TF OF GEORGIA FARM DEVELOPMENT, LLLP CITY WINDER P.O. BOX 18' W. MAY , GMO 249 COUNTY BARROW SCALE 1"=100' DATE 6/24/2014 W. T. DUNAHOO ANO ASSOC/A TES, LL. C. 8117-3$11 Packet Pg. 28 D D Attachment: Annexation 445 Carl Bethlehem Rd (1617 : Annexation 445 Carl Bethlehem Rd) 7.3.a 201 3 Parcel Sales 2012 Parcel Sales SHOEMAKE EDMOND $30,013.00 445 CARL-BETHLEHEM RD $19,065.00 $0 on 00-0000 Reason=OS Qual=U 445 CARL BETHLEHEM RD $100.00 $49,178.00 BETHLEHEM, GA 30620 The Barrow County Assesso~s Office makes every effort to produce the most accurate information possible. No warranties, expressed or implied, are provided for the data herein, its use or interpretation. The assessment information is from the last certified taxroll. All data is subject to change before the next certified taxroll. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE PROPERTY APPRAISER MAPS ARE FOR ASSESSMENT PURPOSES ONLY NEITHER BARROW COUNTY NOR ITS EMPLOYEES ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY FOR ERRORS OR OMISSIONS ---THIS IS NOT A SURVEY--Date printed: 07/16/14: 08:34:47 Packet Pg. 29 'JlfJP'! .. l i;; ?.\ 1i Ji ;1 "' ~~ ~ l ~ COMPASS 23,000 C.1-Cv{ ~LEGEND~ P.B. • PLAr BOOK D.S. - DmJ BOOK ~ • RIGHT" OF' WAY C.M.F. - CONCR£TE MOMJAIENT FOUND . !PS - II/OH PIN SET (1/2" OP£N TDP) ' /PF • II/OH P/N l'CJUNO (1/2" CONOIKIJ ~bhei-tt ~ #5 ~"' \~ ~~ Packet Pg. 30 f1W1CCS t. 1.1ooN ~ o:.J'"/i. ~ 4/l ~ HUGli ~ 1.1c1NNIS ~ '\) ..• , ~ -.C0JV 1. B£/NG OUR SUR~ FOR CHARLES 0. AIAOOOX, JI. OATEO 8/19/1998. 2. B£/NG THE FTNAL SUBOMSION PLAT FOR BARROW CROSSING BY G£0SURi.E"r, LTD., OA TEO 9/8/2008. PLAT BOOK 60. PAGE 252. .J. B£/NG OUR SUR"f"Y FOR L££0N W. PRUETT .k FRANCES PRUETT. OATEO J/U/1999. -#. B£/NG THE PROPERTY OF CHAS T. AlcOONALO BY H.L. OUNAHOO. OA TEO 9/2S/1962. 5. B£/NG OUR SUR"f"Y FOR ORA L££ SLOAN. OATEO 1/J0/1990. 6. B£/NG OUR CLOSING PLAT FOR STANLEY K. COLUNS .k JOANN S. COLUNS. OA TEO 1/8/1991. 7. B£/NG A SURi.E"Y FOR W.L. O'BRIEN ENTERPRISES. INC. BY 0. J. BAGGETT, OA TEO 12/TJ/1999. 8. B£/NG OUR SUR"f"Y FOR RUFUS C. AlcOANIEL, OATEO 7/8/1981. 9. BEING A SUR"f"Y FOR Airs. R.C. AlcOANIEL BY BEN AlclEROY .k ASSOCIATES. OATEO 5/24/1998. 10. B£/NG OUR FTNAL PLAN FOR McCARTY CROSSING, OA TEO 6/12/2000. 8£FERENCES: .../'. -- 4$.~~~~ .. INSET.: SCALE 1"=50' ~ii :11 .to~! ~~~ STA TF: OF GEOflCIA W. llA't' l!.4~tU CITY COUNTY BARROW SCALE I DATF: 1·-200·--T.2)Y1/201J W. T. DUNAHOO ANO ASS"OO'A ~ LLC. 249 GMO CHARLES 0. MADDOX, JR. SURVEY FOR .. ,,..,,.,--··~-··--·· Attachment: Annexation 445 Carl Bethlehem Rd (1617 : Annexation 445 Carl Bethlehem Rd) (2J' POllMlent) 60' R/Jf \ I 400 ''~h\\\'*'~1 // a.<!!~ .. / ........... ~,. . . .. ~ ··- ··----." ~ I/, 0 ZoA I\ 200 GRAPHIC SCALE : t••200' e....---0 200 GA HWY. No. 316 (paved) JOO' R/W A.K.A. UNIVERSITY PARKWAY 58.551 ACR£S CARL-BETHLEHEM ROAO w::%!: .CA,.··--··-.....--··-s;iAtl-or··--··_,./.. >139,000 2· 7.3.a 7.3.a Please Return Document To: RUSSELL, STELL, SMITH & MATTISON, P.C. P.O.Box644 Winder, GA 30680 File#: R14-5912 - Farm Development, LLLP WARRANTY DEED STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF BARROW Attachment: Annexation 445 Carl Bethlehem Rd (1617 : Annexation 445 Carl Bethlehem Rd) THIS INDENTURE made this 11th day of July, 2014, between Estate of Viola Walls Shoemake, of the State of Georgia, as party or parties of the first part, hereinafter called Grantor, and Farm Development, LLLP, as party or parties of the second part, hereinafter called Grantee (the words "Grantor" and "Grantee" to fuclude their respective heirs, successors and assigns where the context requires or permits). WITNESS ETH that: Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN AND 00/!00'S ($10.00) Dollars and other good and valuable considerations in hand paid at and before the sealing and delivery of these presents, the receipts whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold, aliened, conveyed and confinned, and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell, alien, convey and confirm unto the said Grantee, the following described property: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in the 249th District G.M., State of Georgia, County of Barrow, encompassing 5.921 acres and being more particularly described and delineated according to a plat and survey prepared by W. T. Dunahoo and Associates, LLC; certified by W. T. Dunahoo, Georgia Registered Surveyor No. 1577, dated June 24, 2014, entitled "Survey for Farm Development, LLLP," said plat being of record in the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court for Barrow County, Georgia in Plat Book _ , page __ ; which said plat and the recording thereof are by reference hereto incorporated herein for a more complete and detailed description. THIS CONVEYANCE is made subject to all zoning ordinances, easements and restrictions of record affecting said bargained premises. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said tract or parcel of land, with all and singular the rights, members and appurtenances thereof, to the same being, belonging, or in anywise appertaining, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the said Grantee forever in FEE SIMPLE. AND THE SAID Grantor will warrant and forever defend the right and title to the above-described property unto the said Grantee against the claims of all persons whomsoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has hereunto set grantor's hand and seal this day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: Estate of Viola Walls Shoemake --",;f_,.....-" ....~4~a""-;J-7-vL---~'--1',,.t,_/=tr'""'ff....._,_cJ--_ _ _ _(seal) George Walls, Administrator Templates\WD Ten Packet Pg. 31 7.3.a CITY OF WINDER PLANNING STUDY Annexation I Rezone TO: CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING BOARD FROM: City of Winder APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDRESS: Farm Development, LLLP P.O. Box 768, Winder, Georgia 30680 PROPERTY OWNER: Farm Development, LLLP P.O. Box 768, Winder, Georgia 30680 PROPERTY LOCATION: 445 Carl-Bethlehem Road, Bethlehem, Georgia 30620. MAP AND PARCEL: XX074-029. ACREAGE: The property is +/-5.921 acres. PROPOSED LAND USE: The property is proposed to be used for future commercial. CURRENT BARROW COUNTY ZONING: AG, Agricultural Zone (Unincorporated Barrow County) REQUESTED CITY of WINDER ZONING: The property is requested to be zoned B-2 (General Commercial Zone). SURROUNDING LAND USE: North: Currently zoned C-3, Commercial Zone, Unincorporated Barrow County and AR, Agricultural Residential Zone, Unincorporated Barrow County. South: Unincorporated Barrow County, R-1 Single Family Residential and AR, Agricultural Residential Zone. East: B-2 General Commercial Zone, City of Winder and Unincorporated Barrow County, AR, Agricultural Residential Zone. West: Unincorporated Barrow County, AR, Agricultural Residential Zone. DESCRIPTION OF ANNEXATION REQUEST: This property is currently in unincorporated Barrow County. The owners are requesting that the property be annexed into the City of Winder. If annexed into the City, the property is proposed to be used for a future commercial use. OTHER APPLICABLE REGULATIONS: All City of Winder zoning, building and site development regulations must be followed for any new construction. Packet Pg. 32 Attachment: Annexation 445 Carl Bethlehem Rd (1617 : Annexation 445 Carl Bethlehem Rd) DATE: 8/7/2014 7.4 City Council 113 East Athens Street Winder, GA 30680 SUBMITTED Meeting: 09/09/14 06:00 PM Department: Planning & Zoning Category: Rezone Prepared By: Yvonne Greenway Initiator: Barry Edgar Sponsors: AGENDA ITEM A Rezone request has been submitted by applicant and owner, Joel Tonge for +/- 2.5 acres located at 116 Monroe Highway also known as Parcel # WN22-011. The request is for rezoning from the current R-1 (Single Family Low Density Residential) Zone to P (Professional) Zone. Updated: 8/11/2014 1:28 PM by Yvonne Greenway Page 1 Packet Pg. 33 7.4.a CITY OF WINDER APPLICANT INFORMATION OWNER INFORMATION N ame_ _~,5,~~~·"""'--~-·'~~~~A._,.tJ..,.a..,./_:~ .. '"~"~/Address n · ------+-----City_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ State- - - - Phone -----~------Contact Person ----------Phone t Name Je, e- / hY1 ~ Address (JfJ fhn1 13 City lJ . ·'I ,JU' ' GA Zip Jo&. ~o State J:o (p 11'1 1i '1 3 Phone Contact Person _ _ _~a=a ticL""""""---Phone ~e. &c... l9 ... ------------- APPLICANT IS THE: _ _Owner's Agent __{_Property Owner Contract Purchaser Address of the Property I (p () f'C{. i,., : ., ~ NOTE: Attach a Plat which at a minimum, must co tain: 1. Dimensions and Acreage. 2. A preliminary site plan/sketch is required for all non-residential uses and for proposed residential uses other than one single-family residence. Seal of the professional preparing the plat must be affixed to the plat. 3. Attach a list of names and addresses of adjacent property owners, including ones across the street. ;V / J4. Number of Lots I Subdivision or Pro1· ect Name Current Zoning Classification /3. 1 r Proposed Zoning Classification Proposed Use of Property if Rezoning I Annexation is Approved: p-- tJ ,Acreage -c.. - t.c.c.Jo11 .·..- f-eI.,•i..;;.,> - £Ji. V'tr 1'.s e. ~A. '\. 2. 5' The property is (check one)----~--- to be annexed into the City Limits. ________ currently in the City Limits. The following question is required to be answered by GA Law 36-67A-3: Have you within the preceding two years of the date of this application made campaign contributions aggregating $250.00 or more to a local government official(s) who will consider this application? _ _Yes __;f_ No If your answer is yes, then you are required to file a Disclosure Report concerning your contributions. The City Clerk can provide you with the necessary information. A- __,P__ l to I hereby request that the property described above be rezoned from I hereby certify that all information given is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and I have attached the required fee of $200.00 to cover the cost of advertising. Date J}1~\1"1 Q~ 7~ Prol#t; Owne orowner's Agent* 'tness *Owner's agent must have a letter of au tho ization from the property owner v application or represent the owner. March 2013 Packet Pg. 34 Attachment: Rezone Tonge 116 Monroe Hwy (1618 : Rezone Tonge 116 Monroe Hwy) (770) 867-3106 APPLICATION FOR REZONING/ANNEXATION COST: $200.00 7.4.a Rezoning/Annexation Application Page 2of3 PLEASE COMPLETE AN ANALYSIS OF THE PROPERTY TO BE ZONE/REZONED/ANNEXED BY ANSWERING THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE AS MUCH DETAIL AS POSSIBLE. 2). Will the zoning proposal adversely affect the use of adjacent or nearby properties? 3). Does the property to be zoned have a reasonable economic use as it is now zoned? 4). Will the zoning proposal result in a use that will cause an excessive burden on existing streets, transportation facilities, utilities or schools? 5). Are there other existing or changing conditions affecting the use and development of the property that give supporting grounds for either approval or disapproval of this application? March 2013 Packet Pg. 35 Attachment: Rezone Tonge 116 Monroe Hwy (1618 : Rezone Tonge 116 Monroe Hwy) 1). Will the zoning proposal permit a use that is compatible/suitable with adjacent and nearby properties? 7.4.a Rezoning/Annexation Application Page 3of3 CITY OF WINDER CHECKLIST FOR REZONING I ANNEXATION APPLICATION Please use this checklist to assist you with the necessary requirements for submitting the rezoning/annexation application: the required 15-day advertising period. Fax copies or other reproductions of applications will not be accepted. _::!__2. Sign and complete all application documents. _!__3. Attach a legal description of the property. ___{___4. The plat I survey of the property must show that the proposed annexation is contiguous to the current City of Winder city limits. No "islands" of unincorporated property can be created by the proposed annexation. NOTES: • • Dependent upon your specific use and location, it is advised that you consult the appropriate City of Winder Ordinances for additional requirements. Prior to initiating any formal annexation activities, the City of Winder will notify the Barrow County Planning Department in writing, providing the county with all necessary information for their review. Within 30 working days following receipt of the above information, the County will notify the City of its response. The City will at that time notify the applicant when the City Planning Board and City Council hearing dates will be. I, the undersigned, am authorized to make this application and I am aware that an application or re-application for the same land or portion thereof cannot be submitted for consideration by the City more than once in a six month period. Da~H IY AppUcant9;;!;.Zr- '1 /0 Own.,•s 'id 4-- -:2 /,-ft' 'f Date t<f /6 e s Signature INCOMPLETE AP LICATIONS le/ ss Signature NOT BE ACCEPTED. FOR CITY OF WINDER USE ONLY DATE RECEIVED FEE ~ ioo , 00 7/ to / 1± BYLefiJ 0'1he..-Grev,w~ ;}.(,g 0 '7 ~ RECEIVED Itti} 14 RECEIPT # f'l~h\~'1 &card % HEARING DATE Cft'L\ etiu.f\c~\ 'l/'ct I rt (APPLICANT'S WILL'ifAVE TO BE NOTIFIED OF HEARING DATES FOR ANNEXATIONS DUE TO ANNEXATION PROCEDURES, SEE NOTES ON PAGE 3 OF 3) v1t~ 3o 'J...Ot</- DATE 1sT ADVERTISED,ftu 1sv_'<, t J.ot1 DATE SIGN ERECTED 'jf I / /'I- t I DATE APPROVED I REJECTED BY PLANNING BOARD- - - - - - DATE APPROVED I REJECTED BY CITY COUNCIL _ _ _ _ _ _ __ March 2013 Packet Pg. 36 Attachment: Rezone Tonge 116 Monroe Hwy (1618 : Rezone Tonge 116 Monroe Hwy) ___{___1. All applications must be received in a timely manner to allow sufficient time for Attachment: Rezone Tonge 116 Monroe Hwy (1618 : Rezone Tonge 116 Monroe Hwy) 7.4.a TONGE JOEL C AND $22,540.00 116 MONROE HWY $91,676.00 $99,500 on 12-2008 Reason=ZZ Qual=U TONGE LAUREN B $2,000.00 $116,216.00 P 0BOX1379 WINDER, GA 30680 The Barrow County Assessor's Office makes every effort to produce the most accurate information possible. No warranties, expressed or implied, are provided for the data herein, its use or interpretation. The assessment information is from the last certified taxroll. All data is subject to change before the next certified taxroll. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE PROPERTY APPRAISER MAPS ARE FOR ASSESSMENT PURPOSES ONLY NEITHER BARROW COUNTY NOR ITS EMPLOYEES ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY FOR ERRORS OR OMISSIONS ---THIS IS NOT A SURVEY--Date printed: 08/07/14: 14:29:34 Packet Pg. 37 0 270 540 TONGE JOEL C AND $22,540.00 116 MONROE HWY $91,676.00 $99,500 on 12-2008 Reason=ZZ Qual=U $2,000.00 TONGE LAUREN B 810 Attachment: Rezone Tonge 116 Monroe Hwy (1618 : Rezone Tonge 116 Monroe Hwy) 7.4.a 1080 ft $116,216.00 P 0 BOX 1379 WINDER, GA 30680 The Barrow County Assessor's Office makes every effort to produce the most accurate information possible. No warranties, expressed or implied, are provided for the data herein, its use or interpretation. The assessment information is from the last certified taxroll. All data is subject to change before the next certified taxroll. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE PROPERTY APPRAISER MAPS ARE FOR ASSESSMENT PURPOSES ONLY NEITHER BARROW COUNTY NOR ITS EMPLOYEES ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY FOR ERRORS OR OMISSIONS ---THIS IS NOT A SURVEY--Date printed: 08/07/14: 14:26:10 Packet Pg. 38 7.4.a All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in the 243rd District G.M., State of Georgia, County of Barrow, described as follows: Lot Number Six (6) of the subdivision of the lands of W. H. Jennings, Jr. and J. H. Eavenson, formerly lands of John M. Williams Estate, as shown upon a plat of record in the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Barrow County in Plat Book 2, page 59, reference to said plat being made for a more complete description of said lot and any and all other necessary purposes. ALSO: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in the 243rd District G.M., State of Georgia, County of Barrow, described as follows: Lot Number Five (5) of the subdivision of the lands of W. H. Jennings, Jr. as shown upon a plat of record in the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Barrow County in Plat Book 2, page 59, reference to said plat being made for a more complete description of said lot and any and all other necessary purposes. Packet Pg. 39 Attachment: Rezone Tonge 116 Monroe Hwy (1618 : Rezone Tonge 116 Monroe Hwy) LEGAL DESCRIPTION 116 MONROE HWY, WINDER WN22 010 WN15 001 210 S Broad St Robert & Wynette Johnson For Vargo State Park Attachment: Rezone Tonge 116 Monroe Hwy (1618 : Rezone Tonge 116 Monroe Hwy) Stephen Sullivan WN22 018 374 Corinth Church Rd 385 Corinth Church Rd 134 Monroe Hwy John & Cathy Murch WN22 OlOA WN22 019 Parcei No. 88 Monroe Hwy Property Address John & Cathy Murch Owner Name Adjacent Property Owners 7.4.a Packet Pg. 40 7.4.a Book 1163 Page 123- BK I I 63PG 0 I 2 3 GLO<liA M. Wf'.LL, C'..ERJ( Attachment: Rezone Tonge 116 Monroe Hwy (1618 : Rezone Tonge 116 Monroe Hwy) William D. Healan, Jr. P.O. Box 1746 Winder, Georgia 30680 EXECUTOR'S DEED UNDER POWER STA TE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF BARROW fY\ ~ , THIS INDENTURE, Made this I :$' day of 2001. between the Estate of Nell B. Perry, late of the State of Georgia, County of Barrow, acting through CHARLES H. PERRY, JR as the duly qualified Executor, as party of the first part ("Grantor") and CHARLES H. PERRY, JR. of Statesboro, Georgia, as party of the second part ("Grantee"); the words "grantor" and "grantee" to include their respective heirs, successors and assigns where the context requires or permits: WITNESSETH: That the said party of the first part (acting under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in the duly pwported Will of said deceased, the same having been duly probated and recorded in the Office of the Probate Court of Barrow County, Georgia), has granted, bargained, sold, aliened, conveyed and confirmed, and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell, alien, convey and confirm unto the said party of the second part, CHARLES PERRY, JR., his heirs and assigns, the following described property, to-wit: ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND lying and being in the 243rd District, G.M. of Barrow County, Georgia, described as follows: Lot six (6) of the subdivision of the lands ofW.H. Jennings, Jr., and J.H. Eavenson, formerly lands of John M. Williams estate, as shown upon a plat of record in the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Barrow County in Plat Book 2, Page 59; reference to said plat being made for a more complete description of said Lot and any and all other necessary purposes; And Lot five (5) of the subdivision of the lands ofW.H. Jennings as shown upon a plat ofrecord in the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Barrow County, in Plat Book 2, page 59, reference to said plat being made for a more complete description of said lot and any and all other necessary purposes. This deed is executed for the purpose of conveying to the grantee any and all title, interest, equity and rights which the granter may have in and to the properties described therein as an heir-at-law ofNell P. Perry. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said tract or parcel ofland, v.ith all and singular the rights, members and appurtenances thereof, to the same being, belonging, or in anywise appertaining, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the said party of the second part forever, IN FEE SIMPLE: in as full and ample a manner as the same was held, possessed and enjoyed, or might have been held, possessed and enjoyed, by the said deceased. Packet Pg. 41 7.4.a Book 1163 Page 124 BK I I 6 3PG 0 I 24 Attachment: Rezone Tonge 116 Monroe Hwy (1618 : Rezone Tonge 116 Monroe Hwy) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part herein has hereunto set hand and seal, the day and year first above written. ~=CH. :. : C=R=LE'"-'f-c'.:. ·H. . :. .~-=PE~RL.;.{JLJR_._ _,(SEAL) 1 As Executor as Aforesaid Packet Pg. 42 7.4.a ---·-----·. ·----- ~- ___-ti.~\\ . 3!18 .-r- //I/ c/o+ tf 1 ·~ ~, J e. r'1 1 /-I e 7 ~/e,rT1 o/ //l 0 / r'>"' . /? fZ,,.1 C/UJl'k 5 c/c)fllt (Jf £,t1v-ev>..SoPJ ,f .](:n#11....,7.s 2 4 3 d 1.s-f 01Yl - ..t)/.I )"/"0 µ./ Co /ee ~c4/e /&' ~ Co I Ul'-1/-e.y ed :f;4n "7, ;95·£) ~ cf.2_,?/.J/.PuPJA)Jo o $'1/'rOW c~ Su,..V~ytd; c:;A ~f J:l .t?;? . Packet Pg. 43 Attachment: Rezone Tonge 116 Monroe Hwy (1618 : Rezone Tonge 116 Monroe Hwy) .------------"-~---...-----·-·---~-· 7.4.a CITY OF WINDER PLANNING STUDY Rezone TO: CITY COUNCIL and PLANNING BOARD FROM: City of Winder DATE: 8/7/2014 Joel Tonge P.O. Box 1379, Winder, Georgia 30680 PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME and ADDRESS: Joel Tonge P.O. Box 1379, Winder, Georgia 30680 PROPERTY LOCATION: 116 Monroe Highway, Winder, Georgia 30680 MAP AND PARCEL: WN 22-011 LOT SIZE: +/-2.50 acres. CURRENT ZONING: R-1 (Single-Unit Low Density Residential Zone) REQUESTED ZONING: P (Professional Zone) SURROUNDING LAND USES: North: R-1, (Single-Unit Low Density Residential Zone) South: R-1, (Single-Unit Low Density Residential Zone) East: R-1, (Single-Unit Low Density Residential Zone) West: Fort Vargo State Park. PROPOSED LAND USE: The applicant I owner states that the property is proposed to be rezoned from "R-1" to "P", and the intended use is for an accountant's office. BUILDING CODES: Renovations to the existing house may be required to bring it into compliance with commercial building codes. The owner will be required to meet or exceed all required City of Winder and State of Georgia building codes. A parking area will need to be constructed. The existing entrance locations may require upgrades. All applicable building permits must be applied for and received prior to any renovations to the structure. The existing structure is +l-1,900 square feet. The City of Winder Fire Marshal will need to review the existing structure to assure all required fire codes are met. Packet Pg. 44 Attachment: Rezone Tonge 116 Monroe Hwy (1618 : Rezone Tonge 116 Monroe Hwy) APPLICANT'S NAME and ADDRESS: Attachment: Rezone Tonge 116 Monroe Hwy 2 (1618 : Rezone Tonge 116 Monroe Hwy) Book 2 Page 59 7.4.b Packet Pg. 45 Attachment: Rezone Tonge 116 Monroe Hwy 2 (1618 : Rezone Tonge 116 Monroe Hwy) Book 2 Page 59 7.4.b Packet Pg. 46 Attachment: Rezone Tonge 116 Monroe Hwy 2 (1618 : Rezone Tonge 116 Monroe Hwy) Book 2 Page 59 7.4.b Packet Pg. 47 7.5 Winder Planning Board , REVIEWED Meeting: 08/19/14 06:00 PM Department: Planning & Zoning Category: Property Use Prepared By: Yvonne Greenway Initiator: Barry Edgar Sponsors: AGENDA ITEM Melissa Hollis has submitted a business license application on behalf of Judy's Towing and Recovery to be located at 176 East Athens Street. The proposed use classifies the business as an "automobile wrecking yard" by definition in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinances Article III Definitions. Updated: 8/11/2014 1:40 PM by Yvonne Greenway Page 1 Packet Pg. 48 7.5.a CITY OF WINDER BUSINESS REGISTRATION APPLICATION Date: a IQ 3 /; 'i r I .'" ~' _ ~.'~~:;;;~> r> Business Name:....>..l· · ~ 'Lo.• '~~ i- Kc, c ..... ' ) ' Type ·fCw." . DescnbeBusmessmDeta1l: · _i__"-_,.,:s. ~,_..:. o/ cJr~rfi.c "t/I Business Address: £c, s /- dfL n sr" /. cnk, W Business Mailing Address (if different from above): . I;/~/ .. ?fBusi~ess:. t /(., 1 := '. ) /,)7: si:t;(i'{.} I understand as the applicant that I must contact the following people/agencies: 0 Internal Revenue Service/Fed ID 0 Georgia Department of Revenue/Georgia Sales Tax Number 0 Barrow County Health Department/Department of Agriculture 0 City of Winder Fire Department/Captain Jeff Carlyle Is this a new business? 0 Yes,.8:7No I am purchasing this business from (owner's name):.__ ,.,~~&/---'M~_._1·4-/Je=...'L._____ Name of Previous Business (if different):______________ Previous License.#: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ""3 . . . . ...'-" rn Owner Name: e x~ ~-6\ \' s I 7<e l!'a:J- .t?#e r sth/&/,,. C--1 Sac..s<) Owner Address: Cell Phone #:~~-----E-Mail Addres~ _::fu.±iph-.1 .. ~ t='l~ 9P""'l '<-1¥'- Web Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ L's Name:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Home A d d r e s s = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cell Phone#: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ E-Mail Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Web Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date of Birth: SS#: Georgia DL#:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (Card Must be Verified) (Copy oflicense required) Do you own or rent the property where your business will be located? (If you rent, please fill out the following information completely.) Owner of Building: GtfPM Owner Address: 31 SL'._,H; {/,4~ fb·cudi'es &ff &--....)._..)_5~5~·-_/~3'-'-5"'-f-'f---- Home Phone #:._ _ Business Phone#: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Other Phone#: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ tlokc 5f: ?<.~0'6C **I certify that the above information is correct and true to the best of my knowledge, and further understand that the above information will be checked by the City of Winder. I authorize the City of Winder to check my driving and criminal records file. I further certify that the business being registered herein, is not considered adult amusement, adult entertainment, or a sexually oriented business as defined in Chapter 3 .5 of the City of Winder ode of Ordinances. I understand that any false statements may result in rejection of my application. · jl . ~ ~- Date:_--+ff/__ 3=--/----+J TI FOR USE BY THE CITY OF WINDER Zoning of Business Address:_:_!:_ _ Is Zoning Compatible with Proposed Business: _ _ __ Approved/Denied Chief of Police Approved/Denied Date Envimomental Protection Services Date City Administrator Approved/Denied Planning Director NAICS Code: _ _ _ __ Date Approved/Denied Date Approved/Denied Fire Department Date April 2013 Packet Pg. 49 Attachment: Judys Towing (1619 : Judy's Towing and Recovery Property Use) Business Phone #:_......... "1'-),,__'-t-'--"",J.;;....?""-·-_9......,_£_.9'-'.5:;_______ # ofEmployees: _ _ _ _ ____..=-----Federal..J?:JC #:_________________ Contractor State#: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Sales Tax#: (COPY OF CERTIFICATE REQUIRED) WINDER FIRE DEPARTMENT 7.5.a 90 North Broad Street Winder, GA 30680 (770) 867-3212 Fax: (770) 867-8805 If changes occur, please check appropriate box: D Name of F a c i l i t y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MrJ, NJ -f 1Z~ C <rJ°"J D Occupant's Name--------------~ D Physical Addre~s ~: D City I'S j) I7 ~ £:;1 JJ1/I-/- J1 c ~ J £ /t D Owner ~ f- D Address Jo ~ ~ State _OYr-__ Zip D 80% D Annual -D Pre 1948 D Semi-Annual D Follow-up D 1948 BEC / Occupant Load '-1 ~ 0<,.)~ '() #of stories C.O. No. ~xisting Date issued # of current violations Last inspection by -- # violations last inspected onstruction Type: DI D I (4,4,3) D Ill (2, 1, 1) D II D I (3,3,2) D Ill (2,0,0) D Ill D II (2,2,2) D IV (2,H,H) D IV D II {1,1,1) l D· 11 (0,0,0) Compliance N NA Deficiency Type ~ Date last inspected Hazard Condition: Occupanc~d4. J f;., r1 #of beds DNew DOther D Complaint Description of Facilities: Sq. Ft. area Admin. Info: ther ~ O /2 l. .JC.. D Special Request D Written D Verbal Type D t6· ~··· Fee D Consultation L.J : 1'J i) Ell State L*'r Zip :.:J 6 6 S-o Owner Phone # __b_/_«'__ _-X--~)_k_-_7_j_~_'1_'_ Standard Used: 100% Ce 11fe-- J f- D City _::G:_l-'--'«-~_'-_._/_.::;)_--'-f----'~'-S)_:_..:...J-_ __ Type of lnspe:z: ~ ~ c.. +t...._ JJ D Mailing Address D Mailin9_Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ D Facility Phone #_ --X--~-t._""__1_%__,_)c_;/tJ_J;~--- - Sprinklers: D Partial D Total )(vv }(No Deficiency 'fype -- - Number of exits Means of egress of approved type · Travel distance to exits Exit signs 5. Emergency lighting 6. Vertical openings protection 7. Interior finish Item Reference Type # Def Compliance N NA v 8. 9. 10. 11 . 12. 13. 14. .... ~ ,, -- ~u.., de ~ CJ J }2- 1i , ,., _ Detection, alarm, communications systems Extinguishment systems Construction type requirements Compartmentation requirements Electrical systems HVAC systems Other - V' ..,.,, - -_.- - Comments 'i' (f,u v;Je L1 o I .!jr.:-." 1'- c- ~I D Yes Basement: (1,1,1) {0,0,0) v 1. 2. 3. 4. ~one .j if &-I. ' h11E .:? J}.JL -/-~e--fcrv A-~ f1 ti c"f.-le""')'"""' ~ D)0JUJ.jQ {!n-JJ (J {j1 't_c ~ J {,/Je cl tf/ /a-,-r.4;,cf.11 ki· This Fire Safety Inspection was conducted in accordance with Georgia State Fire Laws (O.C.G.A. Title 25, Chapter 2) and City of Winder Fire Prevention Ordnances. All noted deficiencies and/or violations noted above and on the attached pages must be corrected in the prescribed time. Failure to correct these violations in the allotted time may result in the issuance of a'citation. I have read the above notice/report, and certify that I am the owner and/or operator of the property listed above, and .) /_,,/ . ,r~-~ /~/ ~= acknowledge the receipt oHhis notice ~~d will complr. Cl\e\;._,"'u._ Hollis D No visual violations were noted. ~ Copy of report left: es 1 Page 1 ~ of_}_ 1-\~";sl,:.,/;f Title Print Name _ 'pt D No 1 /1 ~ By: ;.jf///!;ji;i -y:CuJ_,_, Signatur~ / Recommend issuance of Certificate of Occupancy. I • /l ;1 - ,f ~ ( !LuJ:df.-. v I · Issued BY / ~ 7 / , ' c;)L;/;L/ Date/ / follow-up inspection is scheduled to be conducted in /) approximately days. 7/2 j /1 Datk 1 -/ I Packet Pg. 50 Attachment: Judys Towing (1619 : Judy's Towing and Recovery Property Use) ;JU d 7 J D Company N a m e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7.5.a CITY OF WINDER 176 East Athens Street 8/7/2014 Request: Attachment: Judys Towing (1619 : Judy's Towing and Recovery Property Use) This is a Request from applicant, Melissa Hollis of Judy's Towing and Recovery. She is requesting to have what is defined as an automobile wrecking yard facility at 176 East Athens Street. The applicant states that their main businesses are to repossess cars and perform wrecker services for Barrow County 911. Any proposed building renovations or newly constructed buildings will have to meet all City of Winder design and building codes. The property is zoned "I" (Industrial Zone). The properties to the north, east and south of the site are zoned Industrial Zone. The property to the west is zoned B-2, General Commercial Zone. The applicant has also stated that as a part of the wrecker service business, they would like to have sleeping quarters in the building for periodic use to better serve Barrow County. As per Sec. 155 Prohibited Uses, residential uses are not permitted in the Industrial Zone. The requested use for an automobile wrecking yard in the Industrial Zone must first be approved by the Planning Board as per the following ordinance; Article XV. "I" Industrial Zone, Section 151.4 Additional Uses: Upon approval of location by the Planning Commission, the following uses may be permitted in an "I" Industrial Zone. (a). Automobile wrecking yard. (b). Coal Yards. (c). Salvage yards. In connection with the above uses, afence or wall not less than six (6)feet in height to obscure the view from pedestrians and motorists shall be required on all sides except those facing railroad sidings. Such uses shall be carried on a minimum of one hundredfifty (150)feetfrom an R zone. Under Article III Definitions. the definition of an Automobile Wrecking Yard is as follows.· "Automobile Wrecking Yard or Automobile Used Parts Lot: Any place where three (3) or more vehicles not in running condition, or the parts thereof, are stored in the open or any building or structure used principally for wrecking or storage of automobiles not in running condition. Note: It will be important to make sure the applicant fully understands the fencing requirements. Winder Fire Department: After the Fire Safety Inspection was conducted of the existing building, the Winder Fire Department found some deficiencies that need to be addressed to make the building useable. Packet Pg. 51