High Field NMR
High Field NMR
High Field NMR: Sixty Years of Cost Effective Solutions to Real Problems Across Disciplines. Hz October 2009, prepared by the project leaders of the CNRS TGE RMN “In the past increased magnetic fields have always led to new, often unexpected, domains of application for NMR” Preamble toral and postdoctoral training program, and conThe national multidisciplinary delocalised TGE/ tribute to the formation of a new generation of TGIR for high-field NMR provides the environspectroscopists with a broad interdisciplinary ment necessary for the efficient development of knowledge of diverse aspects of biological or matestate-of-the-art NMR and its application to the rials NMR. In the first year of activity, the infraresolution of important materials, biological and structure has given access to more than 75 projects medical problems. The TGE is today comprised of from more than 50 different national Laboratories. six sites: Bordeaux, Gif-sur-Yvette, Grenoble, A Brief history of NMR Lyon, Lille, Orléans, and gives access to a unique Since its discovery in 1945, NMR has experienced range of equipment including high resolution specastonishing technical development, motivated by trometers operating at multiple fields up to 1 GHz, the wide range of problems that it can be used to and supported by technical expertise, and research address, ranging from physics to medicine. For exgroups dedicated to the development and applicaample, it is currently the only technique capable of tion of novel, state-of-the-art spectroscopic and determining protein structures in solution, which computational methodology in NMR. This infrai m m e d i a t e l y h i g hstructure, equipped with lights the strategic imthe highest available portance of this kind three-dimensional structures of fields, offers a unique enof spectroscopy today. vironment to the scienproteins in solution Its application is howtific community in In 1986, using NMR, the group led by ever by no means limEurope for the study of Wütrich determined ited to structural bioldiverse problems in bioa protein structure in ogy, as it can be used logical, chemical, physisolution for the first to study molecular cal, and medical sciences time. In 2000 he was the first to determine systems relevant to by NMR. The centers the structure of a agriculture (e.g. pestimaking up the TGE also human prion protein. In 2002 he wins the Nobel cides), chemical and propose an extensive docPrize for Chemistry. materials problems 1 research groups around the world (notably with the development of insoluble Alzheimer’s proteins determined Fourier transform NMR and by MAS NMR multi-dimensional techniques, In the 1960s, the work of Andrew, leading to the award of the 1991 Waugh, Pines, Stejskal and Shaeffer, Nobel prize in chemistry to Richprovides high resolution spectra from solids spinning at the magic angle. From ard Ernst), as well as by techno1994 onwards Griffin (MIT) provides inlogical developments in probe and creasingly detailed evidence for the magnet design. Indeed the pure functional mechanisms in the memfact that magnet strengths have brane proteins rhodopsin and bacteriorhodopsin, shining light on the primary steps in vision; in 2002 gone from about 0.9 T (or 40 Tycko (NIH) uses MAS NMR techniques to provide the first strucMHz for protons) in the early ture of the plaque forming amyloid proteins responsible for Alzdays to 1 GHz today has been one heimer’s disease; and in 2006 Baldus (Gottingen) shows prelimiof the principal motors for develnary three-dimensional structures for membrane incorporated proteins obtained from high-filed NMR spectra. opment. It has allowed us to access progressively more and more complex systems, thereby extend(zeolites, polymers, liquid crystals, pharmaceutiing the domain of application of NMR (see boxes). cals, cosmetics….), medical diagnostics, or nanoOne of the most exciting aspects of this domain is technology, and is even relevant to oil exploration. that while we are absolutely sure that new fields of application will be found at higher fields (as has In fact the potential applications of NMR spectroscopy are currently principally limited by the costs associated with making available sufficiently high magnetic fields. “With increasing magnetic fields NMR will continue to engender new, high impact, areas of applications in the future” Over the years has progressively evolved from a curiosity driven experiment as a demonstration of fundamental aspects of the newly introduced quantum theory, into a cornerstone technique for the always been the case in the past), we cannot predict characterization of an impressively broad range of where exactly higher fields will have the most immaterials. Today NMR spectroscopy is a central pact. The open structure of the TGE/TGIR however tool in the atomic or molecular level understanding guarantees that it will continue to be accessible to, of systems as diverse as metal surfaces, catalysts, and play a leading role in, these new areas of applipolymers, superconductors, glasses, liquid crystals, cation. synthetic intermediates, supramolecular systems, natural products, drugs, membranes, and proteins, Research Highlights from the Sites. to name but a few. As such it has become the cenThe sites making up the infrastructure (Bordeaux, tral analytical technique, and has revolutionized our approach to the synthesis of new magnetic resonance imaging: a clinical tool for materials, and to the determinadiagnosis. tion of structure and dynamics In 1973 Paul Lauterbur uses a high-resolution NMR spectrometer to provide the first Magnetic Resoin solids and in solution. nance Image, of two test tubes filled with water. In 2006 this has a become a multi-billion dollar industry, and is the technique of choice for the diagnosis of many common tumors. In 2003 Lauterbur and Mansfield win the Nobel Prize in Medecine. This phenomenal progress has been driven both by the development of the NMR experiment itself tackled by several 2 Gif-sur-Yvette, Grenoble, Lyon, Lille, Orléans) are all specialized in developing the NMR technique itself. The group leaders are all well established figures in the international NMR community. Much of their work is related to providing the technical and methodological developments at the heart of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance that allow other research groups to make breakthroughs in applications problems. Nevertheless, they have all made recent contributions themselves to applications, with high impact discoveries. These applications areas cover a very wide range, which is one of the most important features of this distributed infrastructure. The network provides services to users in areas ranging from medical science to physics. Some examples follow: new frontiers in physics: from superconductivity to quantum computing range network of motions, leading to the remarkable observation of a standing wave extending across a beta sheet. Slow motions are related to processes such as signal transIn 1945 Bloch duction and allosteric regulaand Purcell tion. The group is developing demonstrate innovative methods combining the NMR phenomen to valispectroscopic, computational, date the and stable isotope labeling apemerging proaches for the study of moquantum thelecular systems of increasing ory. They speculate it could be a useful method for calibrating size and complexity, of shortmagnetic fields. They win the lived molecules, and of intrinsiNobel prize for Physics in cally unstructured proteins. A 1952. Slichter later uses NMR particular focus is on the develto provide the first experimental proof of the BCS theory for opment of fast multidimensional superconductivity. In 1997 NMR methods which will allow Gershenfeld and Chuang show the study of transient structures that high-resolution NMR can during real time protein folding provide the support for multi-bit quantum computation. In 2001 or other non-equilibrium moNMR provides the first experilecular processes. Highlights mental demonstration of the include structural and interacsolution to Shror’s Algorithm. The Lyon group, working with scition studies on proteins and nonentists at MIT and CPE-Lyon, recoding RNAs involved in the cently observed intermediates in surface supported process of viral replication, especially those of humetathesis catalysis that prove the mechanism for man immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis C this industrially vital reaction. They also provided (HCV) and influenza viruses. Another focus is the the experimental characterization supporting the investigation of proteins involved in bacterial cell capability of a single isolated tantalum atom on a wall synthesis that represent the most important surface to cleave molecular nitrogen. In different targets of actual antibiotics. This work was recently work, with IBCP-Lyon, they showed for first time pushed further by exploring the capability of solid that microcrystalline samples allow NMR to probe state NMR in order to directly study the bacterial the details of the water-protein interactions that cell wall and to screen for interacting proteins. stabilize protein structures and control folding and unfolding metabolism, diagnosis, and personalised processes. In yet another area, the healthcare. Lyon group showed how the Urine was one of the first complex fluids to be model animal C elegans could be studied by NMR. This led to the emergence of successfully used as a platform to “metabolomics by NMR.” In the 1990s NMR specstudy functional genetics by NMR tra are used to determine types of cancer. In 2006 Nicholson and coworkers present results from in connection with disease. worldwide epidemiological studies, involving thousands of subjects, determining environmental factors affecting the occurrence of diabetes and high blood pressure in whole populations. This type of NMR is playing a key role in the emergence of the idea of personalized health care. The Grenoble group has recently shown that slow movements along the backbone in a model protein are correlated and form a long 3 The Gif-sur-Yvette group has a long term interest in natively unfolded proteins. They developed new models for the analysis of solution dynamics in proteins and elucidated the mechanisms for their folding upon interaction with biological partners in biologically relevant examples (actin monomer sequestering…). They also worked on the intimate relationships between protein primary sequences, dynamic properties and folding, with potential applications in protein engineering. The structure determination of biomacromolecules (proteins, DNAs, ARNs…) and the analysis of their complexes with other biomacromlecules and ligands provided important clues towards the understanding of their biological functions,, that open new routes towards the development of important therapeutic agents (anti HIV molecules, antibiotics…). glasses, new materials, and nanosciences Quadrupolar nuclei have always played a leading role in NMR. Since the 90s oxygen and aluminum NMR studies have continuously contributed to change the understanding we have of the structure and dynamics of glass forming materials and their related molten state. This is now changing the whole way we think about the formation and structure of disordered materials. In 2006 Grey and coworkers use understanding from NMR observations directly to improve the charging rate capacity of lithium nickel magnanese oxide in rechargeable batteries. straints to models. Recent developments now allow characterization of "molecular motifs" in glasses allowing to sort out chemical and geometrical disorder at the nanometer scale. They have participated in the characterization of hybrid new materials with specific properties and applications in nanomaterials, biocompatible materials or drug delivery. Most of these results are obtained in the course of national and international collaborations. The Orléans group has developed a world wide unique laser heating device that allows the investigating of structure and dynamics in the molten state by NMR up to more that 2000°C, now extending to in-situ measurement of diffusion coefficients. They have also develop new methods for the characterization of medium range order in glasses with experimental results that demonstrate unexpected structural details and add new con- The Bordeaux group, with scientists at UCSD and the Burnham Institute in San Diego, succeeded in reincorporating the Pf1 membrane protein into biomembranes that are macroscopically oriented by magnetic fields (biphenyl bicelles), and determined the topology of the helical protein in the membrane using nitrogen-proton solid state NMR. In other work, in collaboration with Cancer Research UK in London, the fluidity of the nuclear envelope poles that are involved in male/female cell fusion during reproduction were measured by deuterium solid state NMR of live cells. Recently in collaboration with an INSERM team in Strasbourg who discovered a membranous peptide capable of inhibiting the development of plasmodium falciparum (malaria), the Bordeaux group was able to propose a mechanism of action by “molecular electroporation” as inferred from solid sate NMR, molecular modeling and electrophysiology. basic chemistry and catalysis 10Å H 10Å SiO2 S E T O U E R O G E N E The first spectra from catalysts are recorded in the 1970s, as NMR revolutionizes the way chemists approach multi-step synthesis. In 2006 Schrock wins the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his development of meta-thesis, which has become central to basic industrial chemistry. In the same year he uses highfield solid-state NMR to validate the mechanism of olefin meta-thesis on a supported catalyst. 4 The Lille groups develop comsolving the DNA recognition puzzle plementary approaches in liquid and solid-state NMR. The two main groups are working on biological applications (structural analysis of proteins) and on the development of solid-state NMR methods and their applications to NMR spectra are first obtained from DNA and RNA oligomers in the inorganic materials. Since 1995, early 1970s. In 2004, Kaptein uses 900 MHz NMR of protein-DNA they have introduced many new complexes to determine the kinetics and structural changes that allow proteins to find their recognition sites in extended DNA sedevelopments for quadrupolar nuquences. clei concerning both the direct characterization of quadrupolar nuclei and the analysis of through-space or Recent collaboration between Lyon and Orléans through-bond connectivities with other nuclei. has led to the development of sophisticated methThese methods are applied to the development of ods to study the details of structures in complex 17 high-field O NMR characterization of inorganic inorganic materials, including glasses, including glasses and ceramics (e.g. sealing glasses for very advanced ideas about efficient quantum transSOFC, antioxidation phosphate coatings). The bioport in adiabatic processes that was highlighted in logical NMR group has focused on NMR of hetpress releases around the world. erogeneous systems, and on proteins involved in the cell cycle. The group has studied in detail the Collaboration between Orléans and Lille has reneuronal Tau protein which, upon aggregation, is cently resulted in three cornerstone publications one of the molecular hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disdescribing (i) a new probe to study chemical bondease, and has used both solution and High Resoluing differences in alumino-phosphate materials, tion Magic Angle Spinning NMR to study the and (ii) a new method to analyze in high-resolution soluble and aggregated form of the protein. the connectivities of inorganic fluoride samples. Frontier domains in NMR: New opportunities at high magnetic fields for the TGE/TGIR network. Today we can identify several domains where the increased availability of high-field NMR is likely to have considerable impact in the medium term. These groups already have a history of collaboration. Work between Lyon and Grenoble recently resulted in the first quantitative analysis of internal dynamics in a solid protein, and a thesis student is currently under joint direction. Moreover, the Lyon and Grenoble sites already jointly operate a European Large Scale Facility, in the context of an Integrated Infrastructure Initiative (www.ralf-nmr.fr). Obviously, the motor for high-field NMR science will continue for some years to be structural biology, as it has been for the last 15 years. The from penicillin to taxol: stereochemistry in the drug industry O H N H H O In 1959 Karplus proposes a dependence of H-H coupling constants on dihedral angles. Today this forms the basis for the determination of the stereochemistry of many of the therapeutic drugs on the market, crucial to S both their safety and efficiency. Recent developments combining cryoN cooled probes and high magnetic fields, have made possible the monitoring of enantiomeric purity by NMR of deuterium at natural abundance, usO O- ing liquid crystalline solvents. This allows the discrimination between enantiomeric forms of compounds which previously could not be resolved. 5 TROSY effect, allowing access to ever larger biological molecules in solution, is predicted to be at its best at an NMR frequency close to 1 GHz. This will allow solution-state NMR studies of larger proteins, and notably allows for the possibility of Clearly one of the most interesting analytical objectives would be to provide diagnostic and prognostic tools for medical applications through the analysis of biological fluids, such as urine or plasma, or biopsy type materials. There has been some very impressive progress made in this area over the last ten years, and it is clear that increased sensitivity will lead to the detection of metabolites present at lower and lower concentrations, providing reliable markers for diverse diseases. “ The open structure of the TGE/ TGIR guarantees that it will be accessible to, and play a leading role in, these new areas of application.” In conclusion, as in the past, it is clear that NMR will continue to provide the key to many highimpact problems in multi-disciplinary science in the future, driven forward to a large degree by the inexorable increase in magnetic field strengths. studying membrane proteins in detergent formulations. Also, the study of proteins in the solid state, whether micro-crystalline, fibril forming, or membrane incorporated, will be increasingly enabled by the increased sensitivity of higher fields. Greater accesibilty for NMR studies in such samples will provide better understanding of the mechanism of diseases, and yield new perspectives for therapy. Selected Key References for the Subjects Highlighted in the Boxes. L.C. Hebel and C.P. Slichter. "Nuclear Spin Relaxation in Normal and Superconducting Aluminum." Physical Review 1959;113:1504-19. M. Karplus. "Contact Electron-Spin Coupling of Nuclear Magnetic Moments." Journal of Chemical Physics 1959;30:11. The whole field of nanotechnology and new materials will clearly benefit considerably from increasing magnetic field strengths. The probe nuclei in these materials are often quadrupolar in nature. The simplifying effect of high field is absolutely spectacular in these cases, and should allow access to understanding the molecular level organization and properties of increasingly complex materials. This is particularly exciting as it opens up a tool which will actively aid the development of many new, high technology, materials. M. Karplus. "Vicinal Proton Coupling in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance." Journal of the American Chemical Society 1963;85:2870. P.C. Lauterbur. "Image Formation by Induced Local Interactions Examples Employing Nuclear Magnetic-Resonance." Nature 1973;242:190-1. P. Mansfield. "Multi-Planar Image-Formation Using NMR Spin Echoes." Journal of Physics C-Solid State Physics 1977;10:L55-L8. M.P. Williamson, T.F. Havel and K. Wuthrich. "Solution Conformation of Proteinase Inhibitor-Iia from Bull Seminal Plasma by H-1 Nuclear Magnetic-Resonance and Distance Geometry." Journal of Molecular Biology 1985;182:295-315. S.E. Barrett, D.J. Durand, C.H. Pennington, C.P. Slichter, T.A. Friedmann, J.P. Rice and D.M. Ginsberg. "Cu-63 Knight-Shifts in the Superconducting State of Yba2cu3o7-Delta(Tc=90-K)." Physical Review B 1990;41:6283-96. I. Farnan, P.J. Grandinetti, J.H. Baltisberger, J.F. Stebbins, U. Werner, M.A. Eastman and A. Pines. "Quantification of the Disorder in Network-Modified Silicate-Glasses." Nature 1992;358:31-5. Finally, one of the most exciting areas where higher fields will have great impact in the long term is that of basic analytical sciences in general, and development of analytical methods for medical diagnosis in particular. Here the principle drawback of NMR is sensitivity. This of great importance when considering the analysis of environmental samples, for example, often only available in trace quantities. The recent development of microcoil technology, and “lab on a chip” approaches, combined with high fields will push back the detection limits, making it possible to analyze increasingly smaller quantities, with increasing reliability. B.T. Poe, P.F. McMillan, B. Coté, D. Massiot and J.P. Coutures “Magnesium And Calcium Liquids: In situ High-Temperature 27Al NMR Spectroscopy,” Science 1993;259:768-88. A. Meddour, I. Canet, A. Loewenstein, J.M. Pechine and J. Courtieu. "Observation of Enantiomers, Chiral by Virtue of Isotopic-Substitution, through Deuterium NMR in a Polypeptide Liquid-Crystal." Journal of the American Chemical Society 1994;116:9652. J.G. Hu, R.G. Griffin and J. Herzfeld. "Synergy in the Spectral Tuning of Retinal Pigments - Complete Accounting of the Opsin Shift in Bacteriorhodopsin." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 1994;91:8880-4. N.A. Gershenfeld and I.L. Chuang. "Bulk spin-resonance quantum computation." Science 1997;275:350-6. J.G.G. Hu, R.G. Griffin and J. Herzfeld. "Interactions between the protonated Schiff base and its counterion in the photointermediates of bacteriorhodopsin." Journal of the American Chemical Society 1997;119:9495-8. J.F. Stebbins and Z. Xu. "NMR evidence for excess non-bridging oxygen in an aluminosilicate glass." Nature 1997;390:60-2. 6 R. Zahn, A.Z. Liu, T. Luhrs, R. Riek, C. von Schroetter, F.L. Garcia, M. Billeter, L. Calzolai, G. Wider and K. Wuthrich. "NMR solution structure of the human prion protein." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2000;97:145-50. P. Felgines Avenier, M. Taoufik, A. Lesage, A. Baudouin, A. De Mallmann, L. Veyre, J.-M. Basset, L. Emsley, and E.A. Quadrelli, “Dinitrogen Dissociation on an Isolated Surface by a Single Tantalum Atom,” Science 2007; 317: 1056. L.M.K. Vandersypen, M. Steffen, G. Breyta, C.S. Yannoni, M.H. Sherwood and I.L. Chuang. "Experimental realization of Shor's quantum factoring algorithm using nuclear magnetic resonance." Nature 2001;414:883. F. Blanc, R. Berthoud, C. Copéret, A. Lesage, L. Emsley, R. Singh, T. Kreickmann, R.R. Schrock, “Direct observation of reaction intermediates for a well-defined heterogeneous alkene metathesis catalyst,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2008; 105: 12123. J.T. Brindle, H. Antti, E. Holmes, G. Tranter, J.K. Nicholson, H.W.L. Bethell, S. Clarke, P.M. Schofield, E. McKilligin, D.E. Mosedale and D.J. Grainger. "Rapid and noninvasive diagnosis of the presence and severity of coronary heart disease using H-1-NMR-based metabonomics." Nature Medicine 2002;8:1439-44. Grenoble G. Bouvignies, P. Bernado, S. Meier, K. Cho, S. Grzesiek, R. Bruschweiler and M. Blackledge, “Identification of slow correlated motions in proteins using residual dipolar and hydrogen-bond scalar couplings.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2005;102:13885-90 J.C. Lansing, M. Hohwy, C.P. Jaroniec, A.F.L. Creemers, J. Lugtenburg, J. Herzfeld and R.G. Griffin. "Chromophore distortions in the bacteriorhodopsin photocycle: Evolution of the H-C14-C15-H dihedral angle measured by solid-state NMR." Biochemistry 2002;41:431-8. J.K. Nicholson, J. Connelly, J.C. Lindon and E. Holmes. "Metabonomics: a platform for studying drug toxicity and gene function." Nature Reviews Drug Discovery 2002;1:153-61. P. Schanda and B. Brutscher, “Very fast two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy for real-time investigation of dynamic events in proteins on the time scale of seconds.” Journal of the American Chemical Society 2005;127:8014-5 A.T. Petkova, Y. Ishii, J.J. Balbach, O.N. Antzutkin, R.D. Leapman, F. Delaglio and R. Tycko. "A structural model for Alzheimer's betaamyloid fibrils based on experimental constraints from solid state NMR." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2002;99:16742-7. T. Kern, S. Hediger, P. Muller, C. Giustini, B. Joris, C. Bougault, W. Vollmer and J.P. Simorre, “Toward the characterization of peptidoglycan structure and protein-peptidoglycan interactions by solid-state NMR spectroscopy.” Journal of the American Chemical Society 2008, 130: 5618. C.G. Kalodimos, N. Biris, A. Bonvin, M.M. Levandoski, M. Guennuegues, R. Boelens and R. Kaptein. "Structure and flexibility adaptation in nonspecific and specific protein-DNA complexes." Science 2004;305:386-9. C. Arnero, P. Schanda, M.A. Dura, I. Ayala, D. Marion, B. Franzetti, B. Brutscher, J. Boisbouvier, “Fast Two-Dimensional NMR Spectroscopy of High Molecular Weight Protein Assemblies” Journal of the American Chemical Society 2009; 131: 3448. M.L. Mak, V.S. Bajaj, M.K. Hornstein, M. Belenky, R.J. Temkin, R.G. Griffin and J. Herzfeld. "Chromophore torsion early in the bacteriorhodopsin photocycle." Biophysical Journal 2005;88:506A-A. L. Salmon, G.Bouvignies, P. Markwick, N. Lakomek, S. Showalter, D.W. Li, K. Walter, C. Griesinger, R. Bruschweiler and M. Blackledge, “Protein conformational flexibility from structure-free analysis of NMR dipolar couplings : quantitative and absolute determination of backbone motion in ubiquitin,” Angewandte Chemie 2009; 48: 4154. A.T. Petkova, R.D. Leapman, Z.H. Guo, W.M. Yau, M.P. Mattson and R. Tycko. "Self-propagating, molecular-level polymorphism in Alzheimer's beta-amyloid fibrils." Science 2005;307:262-5. F. Blanc, C. Coperet, J. Thivolle-Cazat, J.M. Basset, A. Lesage, L. Emsley, A. Sinha and R.R. Schrock. "Surface versus molecular siloxy ligands in well-defined olefin metathesis catalysts: {(RO)(3)SiO}Mo(=NAr)(=CHtBu)(CH(2)tBu)." Angewandte Chemie 2006;45:1216-20. Bordeaux J.G. Beck, D. Mathieu, C. Loudet, S. Buchoux, E.J. Dufourc, “Plant sterols in "rafts": a better way to regulate membrane thermal shocks” Faseb Journal, 2007; 21: 1714. K.S. Kang, Y.S. Meng, J. Breger, C.P. Grey, G. Ceder ”Electrodes with high power and high capacity for rechargeable lithium batteries, ”Science 2006; 311:977. S.H. Park, C. Loudet, F.M. Marassi, E.J. Dufourc, and S.J. Opella, Solid-state NMR spectroscopy of a membrane protein in biphenyl phospholipid bicelles with the bilayer normal parallel to the magnetic field. Journal of Magnetic Resonance 2008;193: 133. T.A. Clayton, J.C. Lindon, O. Cloarec, H. Antti, C. Charuel, G. Hanton, J.P. Provost, J.L. Le Net, D. Baker, R.J. Walley, J.R. Everett and J.K. Nicholson. "Pharmaco-metabonomic phenotyping and personalized drug treatment." Nature 2006;440:1073-7. M.A. Sani, O. Keech, P. Gardeström, E.J. Dufourc, and G. Gröbner, Magic-angle phosphorus NMR of functional mitochondria: in situ monitoring of lipid response under apoptotic-like stress. Faseb Journal 2009; 23: DOI:10.1096/fj.1009-134114. K.A. Henzler-Wildman, M. Lei, V. Thai, S.J. Kerns, M. Karplus, D. Kern, “A hierarchy of timescales in protein dynamics is linked to enzyme catalysis,” Nature 2007; 450: 913 M. Garnier-Lhomme, R.D. Byrne, T.M.C. Hobday, S. Gschmeissner, R. Woscholski, D.L. Poccia, E.J. Dufourc, and B. Larijani, Nuclear envelope remnants: fluid membranes enriched in sterols and polyphosphoinositides. PLoS One 4 2009 e4255. P.J. Sideris, U.G. Nielsen, Z.H. Gan, C.P. Grey, “Mg/Al ordering in layered double hydroxides revealed by multinuclear NMR spectroscopy,” Science 2008; 321: 113. A. Diller, C. Loudet, F. Aussenac, G. Raffard, S. Fournier, M. Laguerre, A. Grelard, S.J. Opella, F.M. Marassi, and E.J. Dufourc, Bicelles: A natural 'molecular goniometer' for structural, dynamical and topological studies of molecules in membranes. Biochimie 2009; 91: 744-751. Selected Recent References. Lyon A. Lesage, L. Emsley, F. Penin and A. Böckmann, “Investigation of Dipolar-Mediated Water-Protein Interactions in Microcrystalline Crh by Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy” Journal of the American Chemical Society 2006; 128: 8246. Gif-sur-Yvette B. Elena, G. Pintacuda, N. Mifsud and L. Emsley, “Molecular Structure Determination in Powders by NMR Crystallography from Proton Spin Diffusion,” Journal of the American Chemical Society 2006; 128: 9555. F. Ochsenbein, R. Guerois, J-M. Neumann, A. Sanson, E. Guittet and C. Van Heijenoort, “Model based on a Lorentzian distribution of correlation times : reconsidering the interpretation of the 15N relaxation parameters in the case of unfolded proteins.” Protein Science 2002;11:957. B.J. Blaise, J. Giacomotto, B. Elena, M.-E. Dumas, P. Toulhoat, L. Ségalat and L. Emsley “Metabotyping of Caenorhabditis elegans reveals latent phenotypes,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2007; 104: 19808. M. Hertzog, C. Van-Heijenoort, D. Didry, M. Gaudier, J. Coutant, B. Gigant, G. Didelot, T. Preat, M. Knossow, E. Guittet and M.F. Carlier, “The b-thymosin/WH2 domain : Structural basis for the switch from inhibition to promotion of actin assembly.” Cell 2004;117:611. 7 C. Gaudin, M-H. Mazauric, M. Traikia, E. Guittet, S. Yoshizawa and D. Fourmy, ”Structure of the RNA signal essential for translational frameshifting in HIV-1.” Journal of Molelcular Biology, 2005;349:1024. Resonance 2006;179:50-8. F. Fayon, D. Massiot, M.H. Levitt, J.J. Titman, D.H. Gregory, L. Duma, L. Emsley, S.P. Brown. “Through-space contributions to twodimensional double-quantum J correlation NMR spectra of magicangle-spinning solids,” Journal of Chemical Physics 2005;122:194313. P. Aliprandi, C. Sizun, J. Perez, F. Mareuil, S. Caputo, J-L. Leroy, B. Odaert, S. Laalami, M. Uzan and F. Bontems, "S1 ribosomal protein functions in translation initiation and ribonuclease RegB activation are mediated by similar RNA-protein interactions" Journal of Biological Chemistry 2008; 283:13289. F. Fayon, G. Le Saout, L. Emsley, D. Massiot. “Through-Bond Phosphorus-Phosphorus Connectivities in Crystalline and Disordered Phosphates by Solid-State NMR,” Chemical Communications 2002;1702-3 D. Stratmann, C. van Heijenoort and E. Guittet, "NOEnet-Use of NOE networks for NMR resonance assignment of proteins with known 3D structure" Bioinformatics 2009; 11:474. Lille/Orléans Q. Wang, B. Hu, F. Fayon, J. Trébosc, C. Legein, O. Lafon, F. Deng, J.P. Amoureux, "Double-quantum 19F-19F dipolar recoupling at ultrafast magic angle spinning NMR: application to the assignment of 19F NMR spectra of inorganic fluorides"; Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys 2009; DOI: 10.1039/b914468d. Lille I. Landrieu, M. da Costa, L. De Veylder, F. Dewitte, K. Vandepoele, S. Hassan, J.M. Wieruszeski, F. Corellou, J.D. Faure, M. Van Montagu, D. Inze, G. Lippens, “NMR structure of a small CDC25 dual-specificity tyrosine-phosphatase isoform in Arabidopsis thaliana.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2004;101:16391. B. Hu, J.P. Amoureux, J. Trebosc, M. Deschamps, G. Tricot, “Solidstate NMR covariance of HOMCOR spectra,” Journal of Chemical Physics 2008; 128: 134502. J.P. Amoureux, J. Trebosc, J.W. Wiench, D. Massiot, M. Pruski. “Measurement of J Couplings between Spin-½ and Quadrupolar Nuclei by Frequency Selective Solid State NMR,” Solid State NMR 2005:27;228-32. G. Tricot, L. Delevoye, G. Palavit, L. Montagne, “Phase identification and quantification in a devitrified glass using homo- and heteronuclear solid state NMR.” Chemical Communications 2005;5289-91. A. Sillen, J.M. Wieruszeski, A. Ben Younes, I. Landrieu et G. 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References to Collaborative Papers Between the Sites. For further information, contact Lyon: [email protected] Orléans: [email protected] Gif-sur-Yvette: [email protected] Grenoble: [email protected] Lille: [email protected] Bordeaux: [email protected] Orléans/Lyon M. Deschamps, D. Massiot, G. Kervern, G. Pintacuda, L. Emsley and P.J. Grandinetti, “Superadiabaticity in Magnetic Resonance,” J. Chem. Phys. 2008;127: 204110. F. Fayon, C.Roiland, L.Emsley, D.Massiot. “Triple-quantum correlation NMR experiments in solids using J-couplings,” Journal of Magnetic 8