provider referral guide – volusia/flagler counties
provider referral guide – volusia/flagler counties
PROVIDER REFERRAL GUIDE – VOLUSIA/FLAGLER COUNTIES CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE!!! FHCP Central Referral Department 386 / 238-3230 or 800 / 352-9824 (Ext. 3230) Fax: 386 / 238-3253 or 877 / 659-3427 Manager of Central Referrals and Call Center Services Sue Schack, L.P.N. 386 / 676-7100 or 800 / 352-9824 (Ext. 3230) Central Referrals Clinical Supervisor / Susan Dreggors, L.P.N. 386 / 676-7100 or 800 / 352-9824 (Ext. 3230) Provider Relations Coordinator / Carol Cooper, L.P.N. 386 / 615-4001 or 800 / 352-9824 (Ext. 4001) FHCP Case Management Utilization Review Department 386 / 676-7187 or 866 / 676-7187 Case Management Coordination of Care Department 386 / 238-3284 or 800 / 321-1227 (Ext. 7288) Provider Benefit & Eligibility Questions 386 / 615-4024 or 844 / 615-4024 **************************************************************************************************** Indicates pre-authorization needed By FHCP Central Referrals Department. For URGENT requests that require pre-authorization, the requesting provider/staff MUST CALL FHCP Central Referrals at 386 / 238-3230. ********************************************************************************************** Services that require pre-authorization must have documentation as to the medical necessity. If that documentation is not available, your request may be denied. Please refer to your Provider Referral Guide for assistance in referring your patients for services. There are guideline variations for HECN members. HECN, VOTRAN, STATE OF FLORIDA, DAYTONA STATE COLLEGE & BETHUNE-COOKMAN COLLEGE MEMBERS CAN SEE ALL LISTED HMO PROVIDERS AS WELL AS ADDITIONAL PROVIDERS THAT HAVE BEEN INDICATED WITHIN THIS DOCUMENT 1 10/01/16 TABLE OF CONTENTS The Table of Contents listed below outlines Florida Health Care Plan’s Preferred Participating Providers ACUTE LOW BACK & NECK PROGRAM .................................................................................................................................................................... 9 OUTPATIENT REHABILITATION LOCATIONS ....................................................................................................................................................... 10 OUTPATIENT REHABILITATION LOCATIONS ....................................................................................................................................................... 11 ALLERGY ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 12 ARTERIAL BLOOD GASES (ABG’S) .......................................................................................................................................................................... 13 AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER (ASD) .................................................................................................................................................................... 14 BIRTH CENTER .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 15 BARIATRIC SURGERY PROGRAM ............................................................................................................................................................................ 16 BONE DENSITY STUDIES ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 16 BONE SCANS .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 17 BRACES / ORTHOTICS / PROSTHETICS .................................................................................................................................................................... 18 DIABETIC SHOE PROVIDERS ................................................................................................................................................................................. 19 CARDIAC CATHETERIZATION .................................................................................................................................................................................. 21 CARDIAC MONITORING .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 22 CARDIAC REHABILITATION ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 23 CARDIOLOGY ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 24 CARDIOLOGY (CONTINUED) ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 26 CARDIOLOGY - PEDIATRIC ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 27 CASE MANAGEMENT COORDINATION OF CARE DEPARTMENT ..................................................................................................................... 27 CASE MANAGEMENT COORDINATION OF CARE DEPARTMENT (CONTINUED) .......................................................................................... 28 CASE MANAGEMENT UTILIZATION REVIEW DEPARTMENT............................................................................................................................ 29 CHIROPRACTIC ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 30 CHIROPRACTIC (CONTINUED) .................................................................................................................................................................................. 31 CHIROPRACTIC (CONTINUED) .................................................................................................................................................................................. 32 COLONOSCOPY / SCREENING (CONTINUED) ........................................................................................................................................................ 34 CT SCANS........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 35 CT SCANS (CONTINUED)............................................................................................................................................................................................. 36 DENTAL SERVICES ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 37 DENTAL SERVICES (CONTINUED) ............................................................................................................................................................................ 38 URGENT (NOT LATER THAN 72 HOURS) / ACCIDENTAL DENTAL INJURY SERVICES ............................................................................ 38 TMJ SERVICES ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 38 ORAL SLEEP APNEA APPLIANCES ....................................................................................................................................................................... 38 DERMATOLOGY ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 39 2 10/01/16 DERMATOLOGY (CONTINUED) ................................................................................................................................................................................. 40 DIABETES EDUCATION ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 40 DIAGNOSTIC TESTING ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 41 DIAGNOSTIC TESTING (CONTINUED) ..................................................................................................................................................................... 42 DIALYSIS SERVICES .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 43 DISEASE MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS ..................................................................................................................................................................... 44 DISEASE MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS (CONTINUED) .......................................................................................................................................... 45 DISEASE MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS (CONTINUED) .......................................................................................................................................... 46 DISEASE MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS (CONTINUED) .......................................................................................................................................... 47 DURABLE MEDICAL EQUIPMENT ............................................................................................................................................................................ 48 DURABLE MEDICAL EQUIPMENT (CONTINUED) ................................................................................................................................................. 49 OXYGEN ORDERS ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 49 DURABLE MEDICAL EQUIPMENT (CONTINUED) ................................................................................................................................................. 50 POV’S / ELECTRIC WHEELCHAIR ORDERS - ...................................................................................................................................................... 50 EAR LAVAGE ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 50 EAR, NOSE AND THROAT (ENT) ................................................................................................................................................................................ 51 ECHOCARDIOGRAMS .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 52 EEG TESTING ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 53 EEG TESTING – AMBULATORY ................................................................................................................................................................................. 54 EEG TESTING – MOBILE SERVICES .......................................................................................................................................................................... 54 ELECTROCARDIOGRAMS (EKG’S)........................................................................................................................................................................... 55 EMERGENCY FACILITIES ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 56 EMG TESTING (CONTINUED) ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 58 ENDOCRINOLOGY ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 59 ENDOCRINOLOGY (CONTINUED) ............................................................................................................................................................................. 60 EVENT MONITOR .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 60 EXTENDED HOUR PRIMARY CARE .......................................................................................................................................................................... 61 PROVIDERS OR FACILITIES NOT LISTED IN FHCP DIRECTORIES .................................................................................................................... 62 FLIGHT PHYSICALS...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 63 GASTROENTEROLOGY................................................................................................................................................................................................ 63 GASTROENTEROLOGY (CONTINUED) ..................................................................................................................................................................... 64 GASTROENTEROLOGY (CONTINUED) ..................................................................................................................................................................... 65 GENETIC TESTING ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 65 BRCA TESTING .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 65 GLUCOMETERS ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 66 GYNECOLOGY AND WELL WOMAN’S ASSESSMENTS........................................................................................................................................ 67 GYNECOLOGY AND WELL WOMAN’S ASSESSMENTS (CONTINUED)............................................................................................................. 68 3 10/01/16 GYNECOLOGY AND WELL WOMAN’S ASSESSMENTS (CONTINUED)............................................................................................................. 69 HAND THERAPY SERVICES ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 70 HEARING / AUDIOLOGY SERVICES.......................................................................................................................................................................... 70 HEARING / AUDIOLOGY SERVICES.......................................................................................................................................................................... 71 HEPATITIS C ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 71 HIV ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 72 HOLTER MONITOR ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 72 HOME HEALTH CARE .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 73 HOME INFUSION PHARMACIES ................................................................................................................................................................................ 73 HOSPICE .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 74 HOSPITAL ADMISSIONS .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 75 LTACH ADMISSIONS – LONG TERM ACUTE CARE HOSPITALS ................................................................................................................... 76 HOSPITALIST ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 77 HOSPITALIST (CONTINUED) ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 78 HYPERBARIC OXYGEN THERAPY (HBO) ................................................................................................................................................................ 78 INFECTIOUS DISEASES ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 79 INFECTIOUS DISEASES - PEDIATRICS ..................................................................................................................................................................... 80 INFUSION CLINICS ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 80 INFUSION SERVICES (WEST VOLUSIA & SEMINOLE COUNTY) ...................................................................................................................... 81 INFUSION SERVICES (INFUSION PUMPS FOR CHEMOTHERAPY) ................................................................................................................... 81 INJECTION CLINIC ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 82 INSULIN PUMPS ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 83 INSULIN PUMPS (CONTINUED) ................................................................................................................................................................................. 84 INTERPRETER SERVICES ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 85 INTERPRETER SERVICES (CONTINUED) ................................................................................................................................................................. 86 LABORATORY SERVICES – ROUTINE ...................................................................................................................................................................... 87 LABORATORY SERVICES – ROUTINE (CONTINUED) ........................................................................................................................................... 88 LABORATORY SERVICES – STAT ............................................................................................................................................................................. 89 LABORATORY SERVICES – STAT (CONTINUED) .................................................................................................................................................. 90 LABORATORY SERVICES – STAT (CONTINUED) .................................................................................................................................................. 91 LABORATORY SERVICES-HOME .............................................................................................................................................................................. 92 LITHOLINK SERVICES ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 92 LACTATION SERVICES/BREASTFEEDING CLASSES ............................................................................................................................................ 93 LYMPHEDEMA CLINIC ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 93 MAMMOGRAMS (DIAGNOSTIC OR SCREENING) ................................................................................................................................................. 94 MEDICATIONS (REQUIRING PRIOR AUTHORIZATIONS) .................................................................................................................................... 95 MRI’S ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 100 4 10/01/16 MRI’S (CONTINUED) .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 101 NEONATAL & PERINATAL HIGH RISK PREGNANCY & INFANT CASE MANAGEMENT .......................................................................... 102 NEPHROLOGY ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 102 NEPHROLOGY (CONTINUED) .................................................................................................................................................................................. 103 NEUROLOGY ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 104 NEUROLOGY (CONTINUED) ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 105 NEUROLOGY (CONTINUED) ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 106 NUTRITIONAL ASSESSMENT AND COUNSELING............................................................................................................................................... 107 OBSTETRICS................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 108 OBSTETRICS (CONTINUED)...................................................................................................................................................................................... 109 OCULAR PROSTHETICS LAB .................................................................................................................................................................................... 110 ONCOLOGY–MEDICAL/HEMATOLOGY................................................................................................................................................................. 111 ONCOLOGY–MEDICAL/HEMATOLOGY (CONTINUED) ..................................................................................................................................... 112 ONCOLOGY- RADIATION.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 113 ONCOLOGY - RADIATION THERAPY ................................................................................................................................................................. 113 OPHTHALMOLOGY .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 114 OPHTHALMOLOGY (CONTINUED) ......................................................................................................................................................................... 115 OPHTHALMOLOGY-RETINAL SERVICES ONLY .................................................................................................................................................. 115 OPHTHALMOLOGY-CORNEAL SERVICES ONLY ................................................................................................................................................ 116 OPTOMETRY ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 117 OPTOMETRY – LOW VISION .................................................................................................................................................................................... 118 ORAL SLEEP APNEA APPLIANCES ......................................................................................................................................................................... 118 ORTHOPAEDICS – SPORTS MEDICINE- NON-SURGICAL TREATMENT ........................................................................................................ 119 OUTPATIENT REHABILITATION ............................................................................................................................................................................. 120 PHYSICAL THERAPY.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 120 OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY .................................................................................................................................................................................. 120 SPEECH THERAPY .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 120 OUTPATIENT REHABILITATION LOCATIONS ..................................................................................................................................................... 121 OUTPATIENT REHABILITATION LOCATIONS ..................................................................................................................................................... 122 BALANCE & VESTIBULAR THERAPY ................................................................................................................................................................ 123 HAND THERAPY SERVICES .................................................................................................................................................................................. 124 VIDEOSTROBOSCOPY AND VOICE THERAPY EVALUATION ...................................................................................................................... 124 PAIN MEDICINE ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 125 PAIN MEDICINE ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 125 PAIN MEDICINE (CONTINUED) ................................................................................................................................................................................ 126 PATHOLOGY – OUT-PATIENT/AMBULATORY..................................................................................................................................................... 127 PATHOLOGY – OUT-PATIENT/AMBULATORY (CONTINUED).......................................................................................................................... 128 5 10/01/16 PEDIATRICS ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 129 PEDIATRIC SUB-SPECIALTIES ................................................................................................................................................................................. 129 PEG TUBE FEEDING ASSESSMENT ......................................................................................................................................................................... 129 PELVIC HEALTH PROGRAM ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 130 PERINATAL & NEONATAL HIGH RISK PREGNANCY & INFANT CASE MANAGEMENT ........................................................................... 130 PERINATOLOGY .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 131 PERIPHERAL VASCULAR INTERVENTION ........................................................................................................................................................... 132 PHARMACY-PREFERRED RETAIL PHARMACY ................................................................................................................................................... 133 PHARMACY-STANDARD RETAIL PHARMACY .................................................................................................................................................... 134 PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION SERVICES ................................................................................................................................ 135 PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION SERVICES ................................................................................................................................ 136 PODIATRY .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 136 PRIMARY CARE........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 137 PROVIDERS OR FACILITIES NOT LISTED IN FHCP DIRECTORIES .................................................................................................................. 137 PSYCHIATRY / BEHAVIORAL HEALTH ................................................................................................................................................................. 138 PSYCHIATRY / BEHAVIORAL HEALTH (CONTINUED) ...................................................................................................................................... 139 PSYCHIATRY / BEHAVIORAL HEALTH (CONTINUED) ...................................................................................................................................... 140 PSYCHIATRY / BEHAVIORAL HEALTH (CONTINUED) ...................................................................................................................................... 141 PSYCHIATRY / BEHAVIORAL HEALTH (CONTINUED) ...................................................................................................................................... 142 PSYCHIATRY / BEHAVIORAL HEALTH (CONTINUED) ...................................................................................................................................... 143 PSYCHIATRY / BEHAVIORAL HEALTH (CONTINUED) ...................................................................................................................................... 144 PSYCHIATRY / BEHAVIORAL HEALTH (CONTINUED) ...................................................................................................................................... 145 PSYCHIATRY / BEHAVIORAL HEALTH ................................................................................................................................................................. 146 PSYCHIATRY / BEHAVIORAL HEALTH – CHILD & ADOLESCENT .............................................................................................................. 147 PULMONARY FUNCTION TESTS (PFTS) / SPIROMETRY .................................................................................................................................... 148 PULMONARY FUNCTION TESTS (PFTS) WITH DLCO) ........................................................................................................................................ 149 PULMONARY REHABILITATION ............................................................................................................................................................................. 150 PULMONOLOGY .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 151 PULMONOLOGY(CONTINUED) ................................................................................................................................................................................ 152 PULMONOLOGY(CONTINUED) ................................................................................................................................................................................ 153 PULMONOLOGY(CONTINUED) ................................................................................................................................................................................ 154 PULMONOLOGY - PEDIATRIC ................................................................................................................................................................................. 154 REPORTABLE DISEASES/CONDITIONS ................................................................................................................................................................. 155 REPORTABLE DISEASES/CONDITIONS (CONTINUED) ..................................................................................................................................... 156 RHEUMATOLOGY ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 157 RHEUMATOLOGY - PEDIATRICS ............................................................................................................................................................................ 158 SKILLED NURSING FACILITY .................................................................................................................................................................................. 159 6 10/01/16 SKILLED NURSING FACILITY (CONTINUED) ....................................................................................................................................................... 160 SLEEP DISORDER PROVIDERS................................................................................................................................................................................. 160 SLEEP DISORDER PROVIDERS (CONTINUED) ..................................................................................................................................................... 161 SLEEP DISORDER PROVIDERS (CONTINUED) ..................................................................................................................................................... 162 SLEEP DISORDER PROVIDERS (CONTINUED) ..................................................................................................................................................... 163 SLEEP DISORDER PROVIDERS (CONTINUED ....................................................................................................................................................... 164 SLEEP DISORDER PROVIDERS (CONTINUED) ..................................................................................................................................................... 165 SLEEP DISORDER PROVIDER – HOME STUDIES.................................................................................................................................................. 165 SLEEP DISORDER PROVIDER – PEDIATRIC .......................................................................................................................................................... 166 SUBSTANCE ABUSE / RESIDENTIAL ...................................................................................................................................................................... 167 SUBSTANCE ABUSE – OUTPATIENT CARE / INTENSIVE OUTPATIENT PROGRAMS.................................................................................. 167 SUBSTANCE ABUSE – OUTPATIENT CARE / INTENSIVE OUTPATIENT PROGRAMS.................................................................................. 168 SURGERY-CARDIOVASCULAR ................................................................................................................................................................................ 169 SURGERY-COLON & RECTAL .................................................................................................................................................................................. 170 SURGERY-GENERAL .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 171 SURGERY-GENERAL (CONTINUED) ....................................................................................................................................................................... 172 MINOR SURGICAL CLINIC ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 172 SURGERY-HAND ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 173 SURGERY-NEURO ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 174 SURGERY-NEURO (CONTINUED) ............................................................................................................................................................................ 175 SURGERY-ORAL.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 175 SURGERY-ORTHOPAEDICS ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 176 SURGERY-ORTHOPAEDICS (CONTINUED) ........................................................................................................................................................... 177 SURGERY-ORTHOPAEDICS (CONTINUED) ........................................................................................................................................................... 178 SURGERY-PLASTIC .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 179 SURGERY–VASCULAR .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 181 PERIPHERAL VASCULAR INTERVENTION ........................................................................................................................................................... 181 SURGERY–VASCULAR (CONTINUED) ................................................................................................................................................................... 182 SURGERY–VASCULAR (CONTINUED) ................................................................................................................................................................... 183 SURGICAL FACILITIES .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 184 SURGICAL FACILITIES (CONTINUED) ................................................................................................................................................................... 185 SUTURE AND STAPLE REMOVAL ........................................................................................................................................................................... 186 TERTIARY CARE CENTERS ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 186 TRANSPLANTS ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 187 ULTRASOUND TESTING ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 188 URGENT CARE SERVICES ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 189 URGENT CARE SERVICES (CONTINUED) .............................................................................................................................................................. 190 7 10/01/16 UROLOGY ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 192 VACUUM ASSISTED CLOSURE DEVICES .............................................................................................................................................................. 193 VARICOSE VEIN TREATMENT ................................................................................................................................................................................. 193 VNG TESTING .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 194 WEIGHT MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS .................................................................................................................................................................... 195 WOUND CARE.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 196 WOUND CARE.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 196 HYPERBARIC OXYGEN THERAPY (HBO) AND VACUUM ASSISTED CLOSURE DEVICES.................................................................... 196 X-RAYS (PLAIN FILMS) ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 197 X-RAYS (PLAIN FILMS) (CONTINUED) .................................................................................................................................................................. 198 X-RAYS (STAT READINGS) ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 199 X-RAYS (STAT READINGS) (CONTINUED) .......................................................................................................................................................... 200 X-RAYS (UNABLE TO BE DONE AT FHCP) ............................................................................................................................................................ 201 X-RAYS (UNABLE TO BE DONE AT FHCP) (CONTINUED) ................................................................................................................................. 202 8 10/01/16 ACUTE LOW BACK & NECK PROGRAM This low back and neck pain program is for FHCP members age 17 years and above. This program is for acute pain, less than 2 week duration. Access to this program can be made by either the physician or the patient. INSTRUCTIONS: Physician: • • • Member: • • • For members you have recently treated for low back or neck pain, you must complete the FHCP Rehabilitation Services Request form indicating Acute Low Back & Neck Program. Instruct the member to call for an appointment at the nearest location (Location List on next page) and to bring the request form to the initial visit. Member is responsible for co-payment. Direct access (i.e. call to self-refer). Must not be currently receiving care from a physician for low back/neck pain) Appointment will be limited to no more than 4 visits in 2 weeks Responsible for Physical Therapy co-payment. The following page is a listing of all locations, which can be printed or ordered for the convenience of your office. 9 10/01/16 FLORIDA HEALTH CARE PLANS OUTPATIENT REHABILITATION LOCATIONS Please call to schedule your initial appointment Within one week of the date of the request. Ability Health Services – Deltona 1565 Saxon Blvd., Suite 301 Deltona, FL 32725 Phone: (386) 851-0901 Fax: (386) 851-2426 Stetson/FH Hospital Deland 141 East Pennsylvania Ave. Deland, FL 32724 Phone: (386) 822-5649 Fax: (386) 822-7809 Ability Health Services – South Daytona 401 Venture Blvd., Suite C South Daytona, FL 32119 Phone: (386) 763-0084 Fax: (386) 763-0085 Ability Health Services – Altamonte Springs 801 Douglas Ave., Suite 103 Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 Phone: (407) 865-7153 Fax: (407) 865-7159 Ability Health Services - Daytona Beach 614 N. Peninsula Drive Daytona Beach, FL 32118 Phone: (386) 258-6212 Fax: (386) 676-7572 Ability Health Services – Lake Mary 1337 S. International Pkwy., Suite 1321 Lake Mary, FL 32746 Phone: (407) 833-0802 Fax: (407) 833-8931 Ability Health Services – Sanford 1200 Lexington Green Lane Sanford, FL 32771 Phone: (407) 322-3442 . Fax: (407) 322-8404 Ability Health Services – Oviedo 7400 Red Bug Lake Road Oviedo, FL 32765 Phone: (407) 971-2774 Fax: (407) 971-2776 Professional Physical Therapy – Edgewater 1316 S. Ridgewood Ave., Suite 1 Edgewater, FL 32132 Phone: (386) 423-0100 Fax: (386) 428-8631 Progressive Physical Therapy-Ormond Beach 290 Clyde Morris Blvd., Ste. B2 Ormond Beach, FL 32174 Phone: (386) 898-0443 Fax: (386) 898-0459 Additional locations on the following page. 10 10/01/16 Blue Water Therapy-New Smyrna Beach 916 North Dixie Freeway New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 Phone: (386) 426-7885 Fax: (866) 239-9013 FLORIDA HEALTH CARE PLANS OUTPATIENT REHABILITATION LOCATIONS Palm Coast Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation Center 35 Old Kings Road Palm Coast, FL 32137 Phone: (386) 445-5555 Fax: (386) 445-9800 11 10/01/16 ALLERGY Robert DiNicolo, M.D. # 001853 Nisha Patel, M.D. #052404 Infants and older Records needed prior to scheduling Please send by courier Juan C. Mas, M.D. #000557 Edward McLaughlin, M.D. #000003 Patients 2 years and older Asthma, Allergy and Sinus Clinic 353 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 Asthma & Allergy Specialists 890 N. Boundary Avenue, Suite 101, DeLand, FL 32720 9 Pine Cone Drive, Ste. 105, Palm Coast, FL 32137 785 W. Granada Blvd., Ste. 2, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 386 / 252-6622 386 / 736-3911 Fax: 386 / 736-2293 386 / 446-3006 Fax: 386 / 446-2909 386 / 673-1323 Fax: 386 / 676-7448 Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. Michael D. Kohen, M.D. #010319 Michael Diamond, M.D. #003850 Patients 3 years and older HECN PROVIDERS Yong Tsai, M.D. #010315 Patients 3 years and older HECN, DAYTONA STATE COLLEGE & BETHUNE-COOKMAN COLLEGE PROVIDER Allergy, Asthma, Arthritis & Lung Center 709 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 386 / 252-1632 Fax: 386 / 257-5526 1545 Hand Ave., Ste. 2, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 Arthritis, Autoimmune and Allergy 1893 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Ste. 110, Daytona Beach, FL 32117 386 / 676-0307 Fax: 386 / 677-7842 Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. 12 10/01/16 ARTERIAL BLOOD GASES (ABG’s) Central Florida Regional Hospital #00Y009 1401 West Seminole Blvd., Sanford, FL 32771 407 / 321-4500 Florida Hospital – DeLand #00YG80 701 W. Plymouth Ave., DeLand, FL 32720 Florida Hospital – Fish Memorial #00YG34 1055 Saxon Blvd., Orange City, FL 32763 Florida Hospital – Flagler #00Y015 Outpatient Laboratory Florida Hospital – New Smyrna #00Y010 60 Memorial Medical Parkway, Palm Coast, FL 32168 386 / 943-4610 Fax: 386 / 943-4461 386 / 917-5428 Fax: 386 / 917-5576 386 / 586-4402 Fax: 386 / 586-4767 386 / 424-5044 Fax: 386 / 424-5048 386 / 238-2251 Fax: 386 / 238-2252 Halifax Health #00Y007 401 Palmetto Street, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 303 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. 13 10/01/16 AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER (ASD) FHCP Psychiatric Department Easter Seals Society of Volusia & Flagler Counties #10J850 FHCP Center 1340 N. Ridgewood Ave., Holly Hill, FL 32117 386 / 676-7175 Fax: 386 / 676-7134 1219 Dunn Ave., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 156 McGregor., Deland, FL 32720 FHCP members will need to first be referred to a designated FHCP Psychiatrist noted above for evaluation and recommendation into the program. There are specific health plan benefit requirements that must be met for FHCP coverage of ASD. Therefore, once the member is appropriately diagnosed by Psychiatry, the FHCP Referral Department must verify that benefit requirements are met. INSTRUCTIONS: PCP’s should refer members with suspected autism disorder to the FHCP Psychiatric Department. Preauthorization is NOT needed for this referral. The FHCP member or requesting provider may call the specialist to schedule an appointment. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. The FHCP Psychiatrist shall evaluate and diagnosis the member. A FHCP Referral form shall be completed by FHCP Psychiatry for members with qualifying diagnoses. Psychiatry shall attach pertinent documentation to substantiate the request and forward by fax (386 / 238-3253) or courier, to FHCP’s Central Referrals at the Holly Hill facility. The Referral Department will review the request and notify Psychiatry of their benefit determination decision. If approved, FHCP will contact Easter Seals. Easter Seals will work with the member directly on appointment scheduling. Easter Seals will extend a discounted rate to FHCP members who do not have ASD benefits. 14 10/01/16 BIRTH CENTER Agape Birth & Wellness Center Patients 15 years and older 1346 Mason Ave., Daytona Beach, FL 32117 386 / 258--5400 Fax: 386 / 258-5005 Heart2Heart Birth Center, LLC Patients 16 years and older 1110 Lexinton Green Ln., Sanford, FL 32771 407 / 322-9944 Fax: 407 / 878-5858 The above providers will provide complete outpatient obstetrical services, including vaginal deliveries at the Center, to FHCP members for uncomplicated, low-risk pregnancies. INSTRUCTIONS: Member can self-refer to this specialty and will be able to call and schedule an appointment without an order from physician. 15 10/01/16 BARIATRIC SURGERY PROGRAM All Florida Health Plan Members (FHCP) members that are considering entering the Bariatric Surgery Program must obtain Prior Authorization from the FHCP Central Referral Department before entering the program. INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the FHCP Referral Form. Attach pertinent documentation to substantiate the request and forward by fax (386 / 2383253) or courier, to FHCP’s Central Referrals at the Holly Hill facility. The Referral Department will review to see if the patient meets the guidelines and if they have the benefit of Bariatric Surgery. A FHCP member can attend the free public Information Sessions that are held in Daytona Beach and Orange City. The members will be advised at the meeting that acceptance into the program will require a referral to be submitted to the FHCP Central Referral Department for consideration. BONE DENSITY STUDIES Florida Health Care Plans (N) Patients 350 lbs. & under Florida Health Care Plans (N) Wednesdays only Cyrus Diagnostic Imaging, Inc. #109138 (N) LAD Imaging, LLC #008160 (N) Palm Coast Imaging #005448 (N) Town Center Imaging #10P733 (N) FHCP Center 350 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 FHCP Center-Edgewater 239 N. Ridgewood Ave., Edgewater, FL 32132 165 Waymont Court, Lake Mary, FL 32746 PATIENTS SCREENED FOR MOBILITY 1555 Saxon Blvd., Bldg. 4, Suite 401, Deltona, FL 32725 PATIENTS SCREENED FOR MOBILITY 3 Pine Cone Drive, #101, Palm Coast, FL 32137 WILL NOT SCHEDULE SNF PATIENTS 21 Hospital Drive, Palm Coast, FL 32164 WILL NOT SCHEDULE SNF PATIENTS 386 / 238-3200 Ext. 3229 Fax: 386 / 238-3292 386 / 427-4868 Fax: 386 / 427-6350 407 / 321-3012 Fax: 407 / 321-9006 386 / 860-9336 Fax: 386 / 860-2225 386 / 446-5200 Fax: 386 / 446-1866 386 / 446-5200 Fax: 386 / 446-1866 (H) – Outpatient Hospital Department/Facility (N) – Outpatient Non-Hospital Facility Out of pocket costs may vary depending on location or benefit plan Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. FHCP will cover this testing once every 24 months. 16 10/01/16 BONE SCANS Cyrus Diagnostic Imaging, Inc. #109138 (N) Florida Hospital - DeLand #00YG80 (H) Florida Hospital Fish Imaging #00YG34 (H) 165 Waymont Court, Lake Mary, FL 32746 PATIENTS SCREENED FOR MOBILITY 701 W. Plymouth Avenue, DeLand, FL 32720 Florida Hospital – Flagler #00Y015 (H) 1053 Medical Center Drive, Suite 151, Orange City, FL 32763 Centralized scheduling – 386 / 917-5428 1055 Saxon Blvd., Orange City, FL 32763 Centralized scheduling – 386 / 917-5428 60 Memorial Medical Parkway, Palm Coast, FL 32164 Florida Hospital – New Smyrna #00Y010 (H) 401 Palmetto Street, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 LAD Imaging, LLC #008160 (N) 1555 Saxon Blvd., Bldg. 4, Suite 401, Deltona, FL 32725 PATIENTS SCREENED FOR MOBILITY 3 Pine Cone Drive, Ste. 101, Palm Coast, FL 32137 WILL NOT SCHEDULE SNF PATIENTS 1195 Dunlawton Avenue, Port Orange, FL 32127 WILL NOT SCHEDULE SNF PATIENTS 21 Hospital Drive, Palm Coast, FL 32164 WILL NOT SCHEDULE SNF PATIENTS 1890 LPGA Blvd., Suite 110, Daytona Beach, FL 32124 WILL NOT SCHEDULE SNF PATIENTS Florida Hospital - Fish Memorial #00YG34 (H) Palm Coast Imaging Center #005448 (N) Port Orange Imaging Center #F00002 (N) Open MRI Unit also available Town Center Imaging #F00004 (N) Twin Lakes Imaging Center #F00001 (N) 407 / 321-3012 Fax: 407 / 321-9006 386 / 943-4522 Fax: 386 / 943-4461 386 / 917-7500 Fax: 386 / 917-7501 386 / 851-5000 Fax: 386 / 917-5576 386 / 437-2211 Fax: 386 / 586-4618 386 / 424-5044 Fax: 386 / 424-5075 386 / 860-9336 Fax: 386 / 860-2225 386 / 446-5200 Fax: 386 / 446-1866 386 / 322-1616 Fax: 386 / 322-5330 386 / 446-5200 Fax: 386 / 446-1866 386 / 274-5454 Fax: 386 / 274-5440 (H) – Outpatient Hospital Department/Facility (N) – Outpatient Non-Hospital Facility Out of pocket costs may vary depending on location or benefit plan Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. 17 10/01/16 BRACES / ORTHOTICS / PROSTHETICS American Ortho – Tech #001917 1320 Mason Avenue, Daytona Beach, FL 32117 386 / 258-0401 Fax: 386 / 252-1013 766 N. Sun Drive, Suite 2000, Lake Mary, FL 32746 Dynasplint Systems Hanger Prosthetics & Orthotics, Inc. Orthotic Spinal Devices Only 21 Hospital Drive, Suite 270, Palm Coast, FL 32164 770 Ritchie Hwy., Suite #W21, Severna Park, MD 21146 1400 Mason Ave., Suite C, Daytona Beach, FL 32117 2730 Enterprise Rd., Ste. B, Orange City, FL 32763 Hanger Prosthetics & Orthotics, Inc. 819 East 1st. Street, Sanford, FL 32771 * * FHCP members residing in Seminole 124 Underwood Street, Orlando, FL 32806 * County can obtain all prosthetic/orthotic 1100 South Orlando Ave., Winter Park, FL 32789 * services and devices at these locations 866 / 293-9406 Fax: 866 / 641-0006 386 / 274-4907 Fax: 376 / 238-5620 386 / 774-5678 Fax: 386 / 774-4644 407 / 321-2053 Fax: 407 / 321-2102 407 / 422-8200 Fax: 407 / 422-5941 407 / 740-8774 Fax: 407 / 740-7930 INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the FHCP Referral Form. Attach pertinent documentation to substantiate the request and forward by fax (386 / 238-3253) or courier, to FHCP’s Central Referrals at the Holly Hill facility. The Referral Department will review the request and notify you of their decision. If approved, FHCP will schedule the member’s appointment and also confirm the appointment with the patient. The form needed for the above services is available at – For Providers under Related Documents 18 10/01/16 DIABETIC SHOE PROVIDERS Atlantic Foot & Ankle Associates All ages Atlantic Foot & Ankle Associates 790 Dunlawton Avenue, Suite C, Port Orange, FL 32127 1890 LPGA Blvd., Suite 230, Daytona Beach, FL 32117 963 Town Center Dr., Ste. 200, Orange City, FL 32763 21 Hospital Drive, Suite 150, Palm Coast, FL 32164 1404 S. Ridgewood Ave., Edgewater, FL 32132 Dale’s Shoes 2595 West International Speedway Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 Hanger Prosthetics & Orthotics, Inc 1400 Mason Ave., Suite C, Daytona Beach, FL 32117 2730 Enterprise Rd., Orange City, FL 32763 JSC Pedorthics, Inc. All ages 819 East 1st. Street, Sanford, FL 32771 407 / 321-2053 Fax: 407 / 321-2102 100 S. State Street, Suite D, Bunnell, FL 32110 386 / 437-0272 Fax: 386 / 437-0256 Additional Diabetic Shoe Provider information on the following page. 19 10/01/16 386 / 788-6333 Fax: 386 / 788-3993 386 / 274-3336 Fax: 386 / 274-3660 386 / 775-2281 Fax: 386 / 775-2482 386 / 586-7373 Fax: 386 / 586-7346 386 / 957-4818 Fax: 386 / 788-3993 386 / 252-2138 Fax: 386 / 252-0928 386 / 274-4907 Fax: 376 / 274-1229 386 / 774-5678 Fax: 386 / 774-4644 DIABETIC SHOE PROVIDERS (continued) Vienna Medical #010291 985 Harley Strickland Blvd., Suite 100, Orange City, FL 32763 386 / 774-2440 or 1-800-489-8165 Fax: 386 / 774-2441 INSTRUCTIONS: Diabetic shoes, inserts and/or modifications to the shoes are covered if the following criteria are met: 1. The patient has diabetes mellitus (ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes Type 1 E10.10 – E10.9 and Type 2 E11.00 – E11.9); and 2. The patient has one or more of the following conditions: a) Previous amputation of the other foot, or part of either foot, or b) History of previous foot ulceration of either foot, or c) History of pre-ulcerative calluses of either foot, or d) Peripheral neuropathy with evidence of callus formation of either foot, or e) Foot deformity of either foot, or f) Poor circulation in either foot FHCP will follow Medicare guidelines for this service. In one year, the patient is eligible for 1 pair of off the shelf diabetic shoes and 3 pairs of custom molded inserts or 1 pair of custom molded shoes with 2 pairs of replacement insoles. Custom molded shoes are only available through Hanger Prosthetics and JSC Pedorthics, Inc. To request this service please place your order on a prescription pad and include applicable covered criteria as listed above. Please indicate if both shoes and inserts are needed. The patient should then be directed to bring the prescription to the provider of their choice. Discounts will be offered for patients not meeting above criteria. 20 10/01/16 CARDIAC CATHETERIZATION Central Florida Regional Hospital #00Y009 1401 West Seminole Blvd., Sanford, FL 32771 407 / 321-4500 Florida Hospital - DeLand #00YG80 701 W. Plymouth Avenue, DeLand, FL 32724 Florida Hospital - Fish Memorial #00YG34 1055 Saxon Blvd., Orange City, FL 32763 Florida Hospital – Flagler #00Y015 60 Memorial Medical Parkway, Palm Coast, FL 32168 386 / 943-4710 Fax: 386 / 943-4759 386 / 917-5796 Fax: 386 / 917-5512 386 / 586-4372 Fax: 386 / 586-4618 386 / 676-6105 Fax: 386 / 676-6498 Florida Hospital Memorial Medical Center 301 Memorial Medical Pkwy., Daytona Beach, FL 32117 #00Y004 Out-patient Cardiac Cath. Lab Florida Hospital – New Smyrna #00Y010 401 Palmetto Street, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 Halifax Health #00Y007 Out-patient Cardiac Cath. Lab 303 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 386 / 424-5091 Fax:: 386 / 424-6364 386 / 254-4338 Fax: 386 / 258-4803 INSTRUCTIONS: The Cardiologist should schedule the procedure with the hospital, make arrangements for pre-op as needed and notify the member. The requesting Cardiologist should then complete the FHCP Surgical & Special Procedure Form. Fax the form to the FHCP’s Central Referrals at the Holly Hill facility 386 / 238-3253. The Referral Department will review the request. The Cardiologist will be notified only if the procedure is not approved. 21 10/01/16 CARDIAC MONITORING iRhythm Technologies, Inc. #050404 650 Townsend St., Ste. 380, San Francisco, CA 94103 224 / 543-2200 Fax: 1/ 888 / 693-2402 iRhythm Technologies, Inc. provide a long term continuous ambulatory cardiac monitoring device (Zio Patch) to FHCP members to record and store elect electrocardiogram (ECG) data. Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referral Department is not required. Participating providers can contact the company directly at the above telephone number. The medical device shall be affixed to the FHCP member at the Participating Provider’s office and the member shall wear the device for up to fourteen (14) days as medically necessary. Interpretation and reporting of the ECG data captured by the supplier’s medical device will be the responsibility of the ordering Participating Provider. 22 10/01/16 CARDIAC REHABILITATION Central Florida Regional Hospital #00Y009 1401 West Volusia Seminole Blvd., Sanford, FL 32771 Florida Hospital – New Smyrna 401 Palmetto Street, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 #00Y010 407 / 321-4500 386 / 424-5091 Fax: 386 / 424-5079 Florida Hospital - DeLand #00YG80 701 W. Plymouth Avenue, DeLand, FL 32724 386 / 943-4716 Fax: 386 / 943-4776 Florida Hospital - Fish Memorial #00YG34 1055 Saxon Blvd., Orange City, FL 32763 386 / 851-5125 Fax: 386 / 917-5167 Florida Hospital – Flagler #00Y015 60 Memorial Medical Parkway, Palm Coast, FL 32168 386 / 586-4480 Fax: 386 / 586-4644 Florida Hospital Memorial Medical Center 301 Memorial Medical Pkwy., Daytona Beach, FL 32117 386 / 676-6000 #00Y004 Fax: 386 / 231-3691 Halifax Health #00Y007 201 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., 3rd. Floor, Daytona Beach, FL 386 / 254-4338 32114 Fax: 386 / 258-4803 INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the FHCP Referral Form. Attach pertinent documentation to substantiate the request and forward by fax (386 / 2383253) or courier, to FHCP’s Central Referrals at the Holly Hill facility. The Referral Department will review the request and notify you of their decision. If approved, FHCP will schedule the member’s appointment and also confirm the appointment with the patient Indicate what phase of the program is being requested. The form needed for the above services is available at – For Providers, under Related Documents 23 10/01/16 CARDIOLOGY Stephen Minor, M.D. #10P180 David Williams, M.D. #000706 Patients 18 years and older Records needed prior to scheduling FHCP Center 350 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 386 / 238-3289 Fax: 386 / 238-3296 FHCP Center 315 Palm Coast Pkwy., N.E., Ste. 4, Palm Coast, FL 32137 MEDICAL RECORDS FAX – 386 / 481-5009 Jacob K. Agamasu, M.D. #138215 Patients 18 years and older Ratan Ahuja, M.D. #000397 Patients 18 years and older 1355 S. International Parkway, Suite 1481, Lake Mary, FL 32746 Central Florida Cardiovascular Consultants 759 Harley Strickland Blvd., Orange City, FL 32763 1319 S. International Parkway, Suite 1171, Lake Mary, FL 32746 Robert Bianco, M.D. #005086 Patients 18 years and older Janak Bhavsar, M.D. #10X469 Chad Broome-Webster, M.D. #005530 Marielle Lazard, M.D. #10A228 Oscar D. West, M.D. #002073 Roy Venzon, M.D. #048999 Patients 18 years and older Janak Bhavsar, M.D. #10X469 Chad Broome-Webster, M.D. #005530 Marielle Lazard, M.D. #10A228 Oscar D. West, M.D. #002073 Roy Venzon, M.D. #048999 Patients 18 years and older Consultative Cardiology 14 Office Park Drive, Ste. 1, Palm Coast, FL 32137 Daytona Heart Group 630 W. Plymouth Ave., DeLand, FL 32720 Daytona Heart Group 938 Saxon Blvd., Suite 101-C, Orange City, FL 32763 Additional Cardiology information on the following page. 24 10/01/16 407 / 804-9616 Fax: 407 / 804-8331 386 / 456-0300 Fax: 386 / 456-0303 407 / 268-3660 Fax: Same as Orange City 386 / 446-2305 Fax: 386 / 446-1043 386 / 734-3654 Fax: 386 / 943-8087 386 / 774-5485 Fax: 386 / 775-0761 CARDIOLOGY (continued) Mubeen Chida, M.D. #004826 Patients 18 years and older Gary D. Hecht, M.D. #004008 Patients 18 years and older Rajendra Hippalgoankar, M.D. #004674 Robert Rosemond, M.D. #004655 Patients 18 years and older Records needed prior to scheduling Cardiovascular Specialists, P.A. 305 Mangoustine Ave., Suite 200, Sanford, FL 32771 Cardiology Associates of West Volusia, P.A. 1000 W. New York Avenue, DeLand, FL 32720 Central Florida Heart Associates, PA 932 Saxon Blvd., Suite A, Orange City, FL 32763 1403 Medical Plaza Drive, Suite 106, Sanford, FL 32771 750 W. Plymouth Ave., DeLand, FL 32720 James Kim, M.D. #053447 Ravi Rao, M.D. #10E081 Patients 18 years and older Yogesh Shah, M.D. #010450 Patients 18 years and older Wing Yi Liu, M.D. #038604 Eric Lo, M.D. #002786 Huijan, Wang M.D. 10H333 Patients 18 years and older Records needed prior to scheduling Heart Care Centers of Florida 600 Palmetto St., New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 501 Live Oak Street, Suite A, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 Complete Cardiology Care 161 N. Causeway, Suite C, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169 Additional Cardiology information on the following page. 25 10/01/16 407 / 321-1415 Fax: 407 / 321-1597 386 / 736-3110 Fax: 386 / 738-1683 386 / 774-2100 Fax: 386 / 774-0326 407 / 330-9900 Fax: 386 / 774-0326 386 / 774-2100 Fax: 386 / 774-0326 386 / 424-3870 Fax: 386 / 424-3871 386 / 426-2060 Fax: 386 / 426-6533 386 / 424-8440 Fax: 386 / 426-8839 CARDIOLOGY (continued) Dinesh Arab, M.D. #011602 Cardiology Physicians Memorial, LLC 305 Memorial Medical Pkwy., Suite 301, Daytona Beach, FL 32117 David Henderson, M.D. #000901 Barton Sickinger, D.O. #054636 John L. Walker, M.D. #003452 Patients 18 years and older Beth Bartholomew, M.D. # 011244 Pedro Cox-Alomar, M.D. #057905 Alan Goldsmith, M.D. # 006461 Joshua Horenstein, M.D. #10L042 Kim Klancke, M.D. #003820 Vincent Peterson, D.O. #058364 Glenn Rayos, M.D. #002655 Hancy Seide, M.D. #010393 Vance Wilson, M.D. #005336 Surya Rao, M.D. #10E082 Patients 18 years and older Humayun Jamidar, M.D. 000027 Otakar Quadrat, M.D. #10I198 Patients 18 years and older HECN, DAYTONA STATE COLLEGE & COOKMAN COLLEGE PROVIDERS Daytona Heart Group 695 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 386 / 671-0691 Fax: 386 / 671-0694 386 / 671-0691 Fax: 386 / 671-0694 386 / 615-1521 Fax: 386 / 673-2787 BETHUNE- 386 / 677-5351 Fax: 386 / 615-1521 386 / 258-8722 Fax: 386 / 258-8659 780 Dunlawton Ave., Unit 101, Port Orange, FL 32127 386 / 265-5926 Fax: 386 / 265-5928 1404 S. Ridgewood Ave., Edgewater, FL 32132 HECN PROVIDERS 386 / 265-5926 Fax: 386 / 265-5928 Cardiology Physicians Memorial, LLC 311 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Ste. 320, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 386 / 255-5331 Fax: 386 / 254-8945 HECN, DAYTONA STATE COLLEGE & BETHUNE-COOKMAN COLLEGE PROVIDERS PLEASE SEND RECENT EKG AND LABS. Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. 26 10/01/16 CARDIOLOGY - PEDIATRIC INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the FHCP Referral Form. Attach pertinent documentation to substantiate the request and forward by fax (386 / 2383253) or courier, to FHCP’s Central Referrals at the Holly Hill facility. The Referral Department will review the request and notify you of their decision. If approved, FHCP will schedule the member’s appointment and also confirm the appointment with the patient. CASE MANAGEMENT COORDINATION OF CARE DEPARTMENT Florida Health Care Plans Case Management Coordination of Care Program is designed to address the needs of all members helping to navigate the health care system. The program is voluntary and the member has the right to decline or discontinue participation. Members are engaged telephonically and face-to-face. Criteria for consideration may include members with acute or chronic diseases i.e., asthma, coronary artery disease (CAD), congestive heart failure (CHF), stroke, chronic kidney disease (CKD), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), diabetes, depression, transplants, or major trauma. Members may need coordination of care to assistance with issues involving home safety, life planning, end of life issues, self-management of health conditions, educational and community resources. Members are identified as potential candidates for coordination of care by using the following data sources: 1. On a monthly basis, the FHCP Clinical Measurement Analysis and Reporting department (CMAR) develops reports for review by CM Coordination of Care Department: • Claims data - three or more emergency department visits in a three month period of time • Pharmacy data - 16 or greater medications (in a month) • Data supplied by practitioners - identification of members experiencing late effects of stroke via electronic health record (EHR) • Laboratory data - i.e. elevated HgbA1c or LDL-Cholesterol. 2. Case management staff reviews other data sources to identify potential candidates for case management: • Hospital discharge data - length of stay greater than 14 days • Data collected through the UM process - all hospital readmissions • Data supplied by member or caregiver - based on Health Risk Assessment (HRA) quality of life responses (QOL) Additional Case Management Coordination of Care information on the following page 27 10/01/16 CASE MANAGEMENT COORDINATION OF CARE DEPARTMENT (continued) Please submit The CM Coordination of Care Referral form as located in the Provider Handbook or at, to the CM Coordination of Care Department: • Telephone Contact: (386) 238-3284, Toll Free (800)321-1227 • Fax: (386) 238-3271 • Website: • Email: [email protected] • Internal: E.H.R. Task Referrals to Community Resource Coordinators Referrals to Community Resource Coordinators (CRC) may be initiated when a member is experiencing psychosocial barriers that impacts health or healthcare delivery that is social or financial in nature. The Community Resource Coordinators will complete individualized assessments and connect members with appropriate existing resources offered within their communities. Services provided by Community Resource Coordinators do not replace discharge planning provided to members in the hospital, skilled nursing facilities, or any services already being provided to members receiving home health care. A referral to the Community Resource Coordinators is not a substitute for urgent evaluation or intervention by their healthcare providers. Please submit The Community Resource Coordination Referral form as located in the Provider Handbook, to the CM Coordination of Care Department: • Telephone Contact: (386) 238-3284, Toll Free (800)321-1227 • Fax: (386) 238-3271 • Website: • Email: [email protected] • Internal: E.H.R. Task. 28 10/01/16 CASE MANAGEMENT UTILIZATION REVIEW DEPARTMENT The FHCP Case Management Utilization Review Department is a multi-faceted case management program designed to monitor, evaluate, assist physicians, members, providers in the care of FHCP members that are in an acute hospital, Skilled Nursing Home, Home Health Care or Long term acute care facility. Office Coordinator – Screens incoming calls and coordinates departmental needs Admissions Coordinator – Manages authorizations for members admitted to hospitals Data Coordinator – Assists both office and admission coordinators, maintains forms, correspondence and manage reporting data as well as authorization management for SNF and HHC Case Management Nurses – RN’s that review inpatient clinical information for appropriateness of admission and coordinates care upon discharge to ensure that member’s needs are met, both locally and out of area. These functions involve physicians, facility Case Mangers/Discharge planners, FHCP administration, FHCP Case Management team and other providers as needed. HHC Coordinator – RN that reviews and monitors related clinical information as pertinent to Skilled HHC needs with providers as well as contacting members to assist with potential continued care needs. Assist Triage RN as needed. Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) Coordinator – RN’s that coordinate’s care and completes on site reviews during a members confinement to a SNF. They work closely with the SNF physicians, facility nursing, therapy, discharge planning staff. Discharge Coordinators - RN’s and clerical staff that contact members post discharge from acute hospital for evaluation. This call includes discharge needs in place, appointments in place, medication reconciliation; members are also screened for placement into the short term complex care or referred to the Complex Care Program. To access the FHCP Case Management Department, please call 386 - 676-7187 or fax 386 - 615-4058 29 10/01/16 CHIROPRACTIC Rebecca Bruno, D.C. #011736 Susan Cox, D.C. #047857 Linda Lombardo, D.C. #102242 All ages John P. Gingras, D.C. # 008694 Chris Tatalovich, D.C. #10S342 Natalie Tran, D.C. #10P967 James Jeremy Hether, D.C. 011914 All ages Elizabeth Jurenko, D.C. #049963 J. Randall Timko, D.C. #00WG79 All ages Carol Learned, D.C. #10N499 Roger Learned, D.C. #10Q034 Tiffany N. Moulterie, D.C. #040259 Koteuaisa Wilson, D.C. #10V698 Maria Romano-Young, D.C. #048814 All ages Lombardo Chiropractic Clinic, PA 1400 Hand Ave., Suite S, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 Gingras Chiropractic 3113 S. Ridgewood Ave., South Daytona, FL 32119 2719 S. Woodland Blvd., DeLand, FL 32720 Complete Wellness Medical Center 844 N. Stone St., Suite 202, DeLand, FL 32720 Ormond’s Family Chiropractic Center 147 E. Granada Blvd., Ormond Beach, FL 32176 Adkore Rehabilitation Center 1670 Providence Blvd., Deltona, FL 32725 1081 WP Ball Blvd., Sanford, FL 32771 386 / 673-0400 Fax: 386 / 673-1825 386 / 767-6602 Fax: Same as phone 386 / 734-0702 Fax: 386 / 734-6924 386 / 734-2592 Fax: 386 / 734-1773 386 / 265-5968 Fax: 386 / 265-5970 386 / 218-5979 Fax: 386 / 218-5980 407 / 328-7595 Fax: 407 / 328-7372 Matt Nirschl, D.C. #011439 53 N. Old Kings Rd., Ste. C, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 386 / 672-6565 Fax : 386 / 672-6550 A. Michael Petker, D.C. #005553 220 Mason Ave., Holly Hill, FL 32117 386 / 258-7474 Fax: 386 / 248-1466 Additional Chiropractic information on the following page. 30 10/01/16 CHIROPRACTIC (continued) Robert Poss, D.C. #005528 Poss Clinic of Chiropractic 819 Beresford Road, DeLand, FL 32720 Amanda Prokop, D.C. #10E187 1205 N. Dixie Freeway, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 Patrick Reed, D.C. #010969 All ages Alicia Rivera, D.C. #10S129 All ages Patrick Reed, D.C., P.A. 4601 East Highway 100, Suite G4, Bunnell, FL 32110 Rivera Family Chiropractic Center 3950 US HWY 17-92, Ste. 1000, Casselberry, FL 32707 821 DeBary Ave., Deltona, FL 32725 Omar Rivera, D.C. #10S997 All ages Michael J. Rodriguez, D.C. #003980 Gregory Walsh, D.C. #10T369 Trudi Vogel, D.C. #000123 All ages Jennifer Smith, D.C. #10F257 All ages Timothy Steflik, D.C. #10V838 All ages Rivera Family Chiropractic Center 900 W. 25th. St., Sanford, FL 32771 Ormond Medical Center 545 W. Granada Blvd., Ormond Beach, FL 32174 Vogel Chiropractic Clinic 1780 S. Nova Road, Suite 4, South Daytona, FL 32119 Health & Wellness Chiropractic Center 1051 Town Center Dr., Orange City, FL 32763 Coastal Integrative Healthcare, Inc. 315 N. Ridgewood Ave., Edgewater, FL 32132 Additional Chiropractic information on the following page. 31 10/01/16 386 / 738-0643 Fax: Same as phone 386 / 423-5259 Fax: 386 / 423-0929 386 / 437-9990 Fax: Same as phone 407 / 767-4878 Fax: 407 / 767-4881 386 / 860-5448 Fax: 386 / 668-3665 407 / 878-5848 Fax: 407 / 878-5850 386 / 672-6243 Fax: 386 / 677-7463 386 / 788-4778 Fax: 386 / 788-8110 386 / 775-3600 Fax: 386 / 775-3602 386 / 427-8403 Fax: 386 / 427-8410 CHIROPRACTIC (continued) Donald B. Walsh, D.C. #10K176 All ages Synergy Chiropractic and Wellness Solutions, LLC 130 Wallace Rd., New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 386 / 423-2415 Fax: 423-2417 INSTRUCTIONS: Member can self-refer to this specialty and will be able to call and schedule an appointment without an order from a physician. 32 10/01/16 COLONOSCOPY / SCREENING Beatrice Bratu, M.D. #005470 Ammar Hemaidan, M.D. #000104 Issam R. Nasr, M.D. #10S757 Saud El-Sayed Suleiman, M.D. #001166 Hassan Zulfiqar, M.D. #009959 Advanced GI 1690 Dunlawton Ave., Suite 210, Port Orange, FL 32127 386 / 763-4920 Fax: 386 / 481-5429 1890 LPGA Blvd., Suite 270, Daytona Beach, FL 32117 239 N. Ridgewood Avenue, Ste. 3, Edgewater, FL 32132 315 Palm Coast Pkwy., Palm Coast, Fl 32137 1240 E. Normandy Blvd., Ste. 100, Deltona, FL 323725 All appointment scheduling will be through the Port Orange office Raul J. Badillo, M.D. #049415 Christina Covelli, M.D. #038577 Vishal Gupta, M.D. #143207 Kalyani Gaddipati, M.D. #003542 Gastroenterology of Greater Orlando, P.A. 2728 Enterprise Road, Ste. 100, Orange City, FL 32763 1319 S. International Pkwy., Ste. 1171, Lake Mary, FL 32746 917 Rinehart Road, Suite 2051, Lake Mary, FL 32746 Mid-Florida Gastroenterology Group, P.A. 1565 Saxon Blvd., Suite 102, Deltona, FL 32725 Lenkala Mallaiah, M.D. #005629 311 N. Mangoustine Ave., Sanford, FL 32771 Additional Colonoscopy information on the following page 33 10/01/16 MEDICAL RECORDS FAX – 386 / 481-5009 386 / 668-2221 Fax: 386 / 668-2228 Phone & Fax the same as above 407 / 936-2444 Fax: 407 / 936-2448 386 / 789-5400 Fax: 386 / 532-0889 407 / 321-4570 Fax: 407 / 321-7690 COLONOSCOPY / SCREENING (continued) Felix A. Navarrro, Jr., M.D. #001881 Bharat C. Patel, M.D. #00451 Martin Gino F. Prado, M.D. #007629 Maria Soriano Co, M.D. #043830 Gastroenterology & Liver Consultants, P.A. 1403 Medical Plaza Dr., Suite 206, Sanford, FL 32771 Digestive Health Specialists 1070 N. Stone Street, Suite D, DeLand, FL 32720 407 / 322-9530 Fax: 407 / 322-9534 386 / 822-9410 Fax: 386 / 822-9112 FHCP members have to either reside in or be assigned to a PCP in West Volusia County to be referred to this group. INSTRUCTIONS: Member can self-refer to this specialty and will be able to call and schedule an appointment without an order from a physician. 34 10/01/16 CT SCANS Advanced Imaging (N) Florida Hospital – New Smyrna 1639 North Volusia Ave., Orange City, FL 32763 #00Y010 (H) Cyrus Diagnostic Imaging, Inc. #109138 (N) Florida Hospital - DeLand #00YG80 (H) Florida Hospital Fish Imaging #00YG34 (H) Florida Hospital - Fish Memorial #00YG34 (H) Florida Hospital – Flagler #00Y015 (H) LAD Imaging, LLC #008160 (N) New Smyrna Imaging #135587 (N) CT’s & MRI’s – Breast MRI’s not available Palm Coast Imaging Center #005448 (N) 401 Palmetto Street, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 165 Waymont Court, Lake Mary, FL 32746 PATIENTS SCREENED FOR MOBILITY 701 W. Plymouth Avenue, DeLand, FL 32720 1053 Medical Center Drive, Suite 151, Orange City, FL 32763 Centralized scheduling – 386 / 917-5428 1055 Saxon Blvd., Orange City, FL 32763 Centralized scheduling – 386 / 917-5428 60 Memorial Medical Parkway, Palm Coast, FL 32164 1555 Saxon Blvd., Bldg. 4, Suite 401, Deltona, FL 32725 PATIENTS SCREENED FOR MOBILITY 405 East 3rd. Avenue, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169 3 Pine Cone Drive, Ste. 101, Palm Coast, FL 32137 WILL NOT SCHEDULE SNF PATIENTS EXCEPTIONS NOTED ON THE FOLLOWING PAGE Additional CT Scan information on the following page. 35 10/01/16 386 / 774-7226 Fax: 386 / 774-7227 386 / 424-5044 Fax: 386 / 424-5048 407 / 321-3012 Fax: 407 / 321-9006 386 / 943-4610 Fax: 386 / 943-4461 386 / 917-5428 Fax: 386 / 917-5576 386 / 851-5000 Fax: 386 / 917-5576 386 / 586-4402 Fax: 386 / 586-4767 386 / 860-9336 Fax: 386 / 860-2225 386 / 426-1900 Fax: 386 / 426-5939 386 / 446-5200 Fax: 386 / 446-1866 CT SCANS (continued) (H) – Outpatient Hospital Department/Facility (N) – Outpatient Non-Hospital Facility Out of pocket costs may vary depending on location or benefit plan Port Orange Imaging Center #F00002 (N) Open MRI Unit also available Town Center Imaging #F00004 (N) Twin Lakes Imaging Center #F00001 (N) 1195 Dunlawton Avenue, Port Orange, FL 32127 WILL NOT SCHEDULE SNF PATIENTS 21 Hospital Drive, Palm Coast, FL 32164 WILL NOT SCHEDULE SNF PATIENTS 1890 LPGA Blvd., Suite 110, Daytona Beach, FL 32124 WILL NOT SCHEDULE SNF PATIENTS 386 / 322-1616 Fax: 386 / 322-5330 386 / 446-5200 Fax: 386 / 446-1866 386 / 274-5454 Fax: 386 / 274-5440 Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. See specific instructions in other sections for: Ultrasounds, X-Rays, Mammograms, Event Monitors, Holtor Monitors, EMG’s, EKG’s, ABG’s, PFT’s and Echocardiograms. The exceptions to the above are: • Breast MRI’s • Sestamibi Scan (Endocrinologists and Cardiologists can order with no prior authorization) • Stereotactic Breast Biopsy • Ultrasound Guided Needle Breast Biopsy • CT Colonography (Virtual Colonoscopy) • Pill Cam • Genetic Testing • Hida Scans • PET SCAN (PCP’s ordering PET SCANS must have prior authorization) • Knee MRI’s (PCP’s ordering Knee MRI’s must have prior authorization) INSTRUCTIONS FOR EXCEPTIONS: Complete the FHCP Referral Form. Attach pertinent documentation to substantiate the request and forward by fax (386 / 238-3253) or courier, to FHCP’s Central Referrals at the Holly Hill facility. The Referral Department will review the request and notify you of their decision. If approved, FHCP will schedule the member’s appointment and also confirm the appointment with the patient. 36 10/01/16 DENTAL SERVICES Nicholas Tanturri, D.D.S. #037411 Patients 8 years and older Vamsi Kallepalli, D.M.D. #00003N All Ages Terry Blanks, D.D.S. #002047 All ages James R. Davis, D.D.S. #000846 Patients 8 years and older Jack Goldey, D.D.S. #000406 Martin Honerlaw, D.D.S. #000850 All ages Mark Johnson, D.D.S. #008481 Patients 5 years and older Benjamin Lacy, D.D.S. #002046 Jeremiah Mahoney, D.M.D. #136859 Ryan Smith, D.M.D. #10AJ85 All ages FHCP Center 350 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 FHCP Center 2777 Enterprise Road, Orange City, FL 32763 Florida Dental Associates, Inc. 895 South Dexter Avenue, DeLand, FL 32720 Commercial Members Only Florida Dental Associates, Inc. 1111 S. Dixie Freeway, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 Commercial Members Only Florida Dental Associates, Inc. 3943 South Nova Road, Port Orange, FL 32127 Commercial Members Only Florida Dental Associates 215 S. Third Street, Flagler Beach, FL 32136 Commercial Members Only Florida Dental Associates 30 Office Park Drive, Palm Coast, FL 32137 Commercial Members Only Additional Dental information on the following page. 37 10/01/16 386 / 238-3280 Fax: 386 / 238-3279 386 / 481-6886 Fax: 386 / 774-6638 386 / 738-2002 Fax: 386 / 738-9523 386 / 424-1631 Fax: 386 / 424-1314 386 / 761-9440 Fax: 386 / 788-6992 386 / 439-9688 Fax: 386 / 439-1915 386 / 446-3883 Fax: 386 / 445-9318 DENTAL SERVICES (continued) INSTRUCTIONS: Members can schedule appointments with Florida Dental Associates and/or FHCP’s Dental Department after being assigned to a dentist through Member Services Department in the Holly Hill facility at 386 / 615-4022. FHCP coverage of dental examinations, cleaning and x-ray services are in accordance with the member’s FHCP benefits. Dental services are available to our members on a discounted fee-for-service basis through FHCP Dental Providers. Urgent (not later than 72 hours) / accidental dental injury services - Call FHCP’s Dental Department in the Daytona Beach Facility at 386 / 238-3280 and describe the presenting problem. They will advise you if FHCP covers the problem and who you should call within FHCP’s Provider Network to arrange for treatment of the member. TMJ services - Please send the Completed FHCP Referral form along with the completed FHCP TMJ Screening Questionnaire via courier directly to FHCP’s Dental Dept. in either the Daytona Beach or Orange City Facility for review and scheduling. Oral Sleep Apnea Appliances - Please complete the FHCP Referral Form. Attach pertinent documentation to substantiate the request and forward by fax (386 / 238-3253) or courier, to FHCP’s Central Referrals at the Holly Hill facility. The Central Referral Department will review the request and notify you of their decision. If approved, FHCP will schedule the member’s appointment and also confirm the appointment with the patient. Patient must have a Sleep Apnea evaluation with Sleep Studies prior to submitting your request. 38 10/01/16 DERMATOLOGY James Bernard, D.O. William Bethea, D.O. David Boyd, M.D. Steven Glanz, M.D. Matt Leavitt, M.D. Stephen McAskill, M.D. Herbert E. Mendelsohn, M.D. Panagiotis Mitropoulos, D.O. Christine Moorhead, M.D. Scott Podnos, M.D. Rafael Schulze, M.D. Kevin Spohr, D.O. William Steffes, M.D. James Taylor, M.D. Martin Youngman, D.O. All ages Jesleen Ahluwalia, M.D. Enid F. Burnett, M.D. Rodolfo Chirinos, M.D. Thomas Graham, M.D. Michael Gutierrez, M.D. Oscar Saffold, M.D. Patients 10 years and older Leavitt Medical Associates of Fla., Inc. 106 Boston Ave., Suite 105, Altamonte Springs, FL 32701 600 W. Plymouth Ave., DeLand, FL 32720 818 North Woodland Blvd., DeLand, FL 32720 2893 Enterprise Rd., Ste. 100, Debary, FL 32713 725 W. Granada Blvd., Suite 44, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 1720 Dunlawton Ave., Port Orange, FL 32127 3 Pine Cone Drive, Suite 102, Palm Coast, FL 32137 Additional listings available in the Provider Referral Guide – Seminole County SCHEDULING NUMBER 888 / 540-9660 Mid Florida Dermatology Associates, PA 519 N. Dixie Freeway, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 386 / 428-2223 Fax: 386 / 428-6222 4106 W. Lake Mary Blvd., Suite 324, Lake Mary, FL 32746 407 / 444-0123 Fax: 407 / 444-0131 Additional Dermatology information on the following page. 39 10/01/16 407 / 834-9091 Fax: 407 / 834-6157 386 / 738-0322 Fax: 386 / 738-0628 386 / 738-8000 Fax: 386 / 738-0929 386 / 789-8600 Fax: 386 / 789-0219 386 / 898-0547 Fax: 386 / 898-0551 386 / 322-8310 Fax: 386 / 322-8370 386 / 864-6005 Fax: 386 / 864-6110 DERMATOLOGY (continued) Ronald Sherman, D.O. Patients infants and older Gina Mollis Sevigny, M.D. Reena Sachdev, M.D. All Ages HECN, STATE OF FLORIDA, DAYTONA STATE COLLEGE & BETHUNE-COOKMAN COLLEGE PROVIDERS Acclaimed Dermatology 106 North Old Kings Road, Suite D, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 Skin Emergencies – Seen same day Ormond Beach Dermatology 305 Clyde Morris Blvd., Suite 150, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 386 / 673-5969 Fax: 386 / 615-9952 386 / 615-1771 Fax: 386 / 615-1545 INSTRUCTIONS: Member can self refer to this specialty and will be able to call and schedule an appointment without an order from a physician. DIABETES EDUCATION Melissa Baumann MS, RD, CDE Kathyann Carmona, R.N. Cara Karner, MS, RD, LD, CDE Catherine Robinson, MS, RD, LD, CDE Pat Weiss, RN, CDE Adults only FHCP Center 330 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 - Main Office 386 / 676-7133 or 1 / 877 / 229-4518 Classes available at various locations or on an individual basis Fax: 386 / 238-3228 depending on the need. INSTRUCTIONS: Send Task through EHR or complete the one page sheet titled, FHCP Referral for Diabetes or Nutritional Counseling (Form # 17-105/1/09RX 06-606-04/Rev. 10-10-11). Follow the instructions on the bottom of the form. Always document ICD-10 Code for service requested. Services provided include: 10 Hour Diabetes Self-Management Class Pre-Diabetes Gestational Diabetes 1:1 Individual classes for patients with special circumstances The form needed for the above services is available at – For Providers, under Related Documents 40 10/01/16 DIAGNOSTIC TESTING Advanced Imaging (N) Florida Hospital – New Smyrna 1639 North Volusia Ave., Orange City, FL 32763 #00Y010 (H) Cyrus Diagnostic Imaging, Inc. #109138 (N) Florida Hospital - DeLand #00YG80 (H) Florida Hospital Fish Imaging #00YG34 (H) Florida Hospital - Fish Memorial #00YG34 (H) Florida Hospital – Flagler #00Y015 (H) LAD Imaging, LLC #008160 (N) New Smyrna Imaging #135587 (N) CT’s & MRI’s – Breast MRI’s not available Open MRI of Daytona #000297 (N) Palm Coast Imaging Center #005448 (N) Port Orange Imaging Center #F00002 (N) Open MRI Unit also available Town Center Imaging #F00004 (N) Twin Lakes Imaging Center #F00001 (N) 401 Palmetto Street, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 165 Waymont Court, Lake Mary, FL 32746 PATIENTS SCREENED FOR MOBILITY 701 W. Plymouth Avenue, DeLand, FL 32720 1053 Medical Center Drive, Suite 151, Orange City, FL 32763 Centralized scheduling – 386 / 917-5428 1055 Saxon Blvd., Orange City, FL 32763 Centralized scheduling – 386 / 917-5428 60 Memorial Medical Parkway, Palm Coast, FL 32164 1555 Saxon Blvd., Bldg. 4, Suite 401, Deltona, FL 32725 PATIENTS SCREENED FOR MOBILITY 405 East 3rd. Avenue, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169 201 Bill France Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 3 Pine Cone Drive, Ste. 101, Palm Coast, FL 32137 WILL NOT SCHEDULE SNF PATIENTS 1195 Dunlawton Avenue, Port Orange, FL 32127 WILL NOT SCHEDULE SNF PATIENTS 21 Hospital Drive, Palm Coast, FL 32164 WILL NOT SCHEDULE SNF PATIENTS 1890 LPGA Blvd., Suite 110, Daytona Beach, FL 32124 WILL NOT SCHEDULE SNF PATIENTS EXCEPTIONS NOTED ON THE FOLLOWING PAGE Additional Diagnostic Testing information on the following page. 41 10/01/16 386 / 774-7226 Fax: 386 / 774-7227 386 / 424-5044 Fax: 386 / 424-5048 407 / 321-3012 Fax: 407 / 321-9006 386 / 943-4610 Fax: 386 / 943-4461 386 / 917-5428 Fax: 386 / 917-5576 386 / 917-5428 Fax: 386 / 917-5576 386 / 586-4402 Fax: 386 / 586-4767 386 / 860-9336 Fax: 386 / 860-2225 386 / 426-1900 Fax: 386 / 426-5939 386 / 254-6800 Fax: 386 / 254-6995 386 / 446-5200 Fax: 386 / 446-1866 386 / 322-1616 Fax: 386 / 322-5330 386 / 446-5200 Fax: 386 / 446-1866 386 / 274-5454 Fax: 386 / 274-5440 DIAGNOSTIC TESTING (continued) (H) – Outpatient Hospital Department/Facility (N) – Outpatient Non-Hospital Facility Out of pocket costs may vary depending on location or benefit plan Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. See specific instructions in other sections for: Ultrasounds, X-Rays, Mammograms, Event Monitors, Holtor Monitors, EMG’s, EKG’s, ABG’s, PFT’s and Echocardiograms. The exceptions to the above are: • Breast MRI’s • Sestamibi Scan (Endocrinologists and Cardiologists can order with no prior authorization) • Stereotactic Breast Biopsy • Ultrasound Guided Needle Breast Biopsy • CT Colonography (Virtual Colonoscopy) • Pill Cam • Genetic Testing • Hida Scans • PET SCAN (PCP’s ordering PET SCANS must have prior authorization) • Knee MRI’s (PCP’s ordering Knee MRI’s must have prior authorization) INSTRUCTIONS FOR EXCEPTIONS: Complete the FHCP Referral Form. Attach pertinent documentation to substantiate the request and forward by fax (386 / 238-3253) or courier, to FHCP’s Central Referrals at the Holly Hill facility. The Referral Department will review the request and notify you of their decision. If approved, FHCP will schedule the member’s appointment and also confirm the appointment with the patient. 42 10/01/16 DIALYSIS SERVICES Dialysis Care Center of Daytona Medicare members only Dialysis Care Center of Palm Coast Medicare members only DVA Renal Healthcare, Inc. (Davita) 720 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 515 Palm Coast Parkway, SW, Palm Coast, FL 32137 578 Health Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 1801 South Nova Road, Suite 306, South Daytona, FL 32119 350 East New York Avenue, DeLand, FL 32720 110 S. Orange St., New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 2575 S. Volusia Ave., Ste. 400, Orange City, FL 32763 495 S. Nova Road, # 109, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 13 Kingswood Drive, Palm Coast, FL 32137 1701 W. 1ST St., Sanford, FL 32771 2235 South Babcock St., Melbourne, FL 32901 39 Skyline Drive, Suite 1001, Lake Mary, FL 32746 1200 Deltona Blvd., Ste. 26, Deltona, FL 32725 7560 Red Bug Lake Rd., Suite 1048, Oviedo, FL 32763 New Smyrna Beach Artificial Kidney Center 821 State Road 44, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 386 / 947-9872 Fax : 386 / 947-9873 386 / 447-4477 Fax : 386 / 447-4476 386 / 258-7322 Fax: 386 / 258-0191 386 / 322-3625 Fax: 386 / 322-3695 386 / 738-2570 Fax: 386 / 738-9576 386 / 409-0025 Fax: 386 / 409-0410 386 / 774-0101 Fax: 386 / 774-0249 386 / 676-2405 Fax: 386 / 676-6738 386 / 445-4445 Fax: 386 / 445-3312 407 / 268-9425 Fax : 407 / 268-9899 321 / 956-6252 Fax: 321 / 956-6464 407 / 833-8667 Fax : 407 / 833-8672 386 / 574-0225 Fax: 386 / 574-6460 407 / 366-0211 Fax: 407 / 366-4269 386 / 409-8855 Fax: 386 / 409-8755 INSTRUCTIONS: The Nephrologists office should call the dialysis center directly to schedule an appointment. Pre-authorization from the Referral Department is not needed and you do not need to complete a FHCP Referral form. 43 10/01/16 DISEASE MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS Florida Health Care Plans Health and Disease Management Programs Below is a summary of programs available to FHCP, members. Members can participate in programs by calling the number listed on the program or request in writing by completing the FHCP DM Program Enrollment Form located at FHCP facilities and online at or by calling (386) 676-7100 ext. 7788. Hearing impaired may call TRS Relay 711. Members are not limited in the number of programs they can participate in. Balance Improvement Class This program is intended for members of any age; designed to help you manage falls and increase activity levels, balance, and coordination. Currently being offered at various FHCP and YMCA facility locations. FHCP will cover the cost of the program for members in the FHCP Preferred Fitness Program. A nominal fee will be charged for individuals who are not members of our Preferred Fitness Program. Call Member Services at (386) 615-4022 for a list of class location and times or for more information. Acute Low Back and Neck Pain This physical therapy program addresses low back or neck pain that is acute (sudden) or chronic (due to an old problem). It is open to all members age 17 and above; utilizing all Ability Health Services locations and Palm Coast Sports Medicine. Members can call directly to these facilities for more information or to see if they qualify. Co-pay and policy limits apply. Call Member Services at (386) 615-4022 to determine cost and locations. Asthma This is a program that provides education to assist members manage asthma and follow your doctor’s treatment. Some members meeting certain criteria may receive a phone call from a nurse for health coaching. Additionally asthma tool kits (handouts) are available free. You can request a tool kit by contacting your doctor’s office or by calling the disease management department at (386) 676-7100 ext. 7788. For questions about your medicines, stop by any FHCP pharmacy to discuss with a pharmacist. Case Management Care Coordination Program Available to all FHCP members, this program offers telephonic management and care coordination. Members must meet screening criteria; such as multiple health problems, medically needy, polypharmacy, or service utilization issues. This service is free to our members. Any provider or staff may refer members to the program. Physician offices or member may call (386) 676-7187 to request a referral form. Additional Disease Management information on the following page. 44 10/01/16 DISEASE MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS (continued) Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) This is a program that provides education to members to effectively manage COPD and follow your doctor’s treatment. Education is mailed by way of disease management newsletter and covers the basics for good self-management. Some members meeting certain criteria may receive a phone call from a nurse for health coaching and participation in a prevention program aimed at early intervention when symptoms are worsening. This program is free to all members. Call (386) 676-7100 ext. 7788 and request to participate. Controlling High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) This program is designed in the form of a tool kit that is mailed to you and includes education handouts that increase awareness of the risk of blood pressures that are not at the best possible levels. It includes information for taking your BP, medications, diet, exercises, reduction of risk factors, and other self-management tools. Included is a coupon for reduced cost of a blood pressure machine at our FHCP pharmacies. To receive this free tool kit through the mail please call (386) 676-7100 ext. 7788. Depression Program This program is for members age 18 and above who have recently been prescribed antidepressant medications. Education materials discussing depression, taking prescribed medications and coping is mailed by way of disease management newsletter and covers the basics for good self management. Some members who have a new diagnosis of depression and are having trouble taking their medications may receive a phone call from the Mental Health physician or therapist. This program is free to all members. Call (386) 676-7100 ext 7788 and request to participate. Diabetes FHCP provides educational information via email or mail through the disease management newsletter several times a year to members with diabetes. It includes useful up to date information for you or a family member with diabetes. This newsletter is free and will be sent automatically if you have diabetes. If you do not have diabetes but would like to receive the information anyway please call (386) 676-7150 and request to participate. FHCP provides a comprehensive Diabetes Education Program approved by the American Diabetes Association. Ten (10) hours of classroom instruction is provided by Certified Diabetes Educators (Registered Nurses and Registered Dietitians). The goal of this program is to provide the tools, skills and techniques necessary to follow treatment plans safely and accurately. Classes are offered in various facilities. We encourage you to take these classes every two years as a refresher. Call (386) 676-7133 to request information or register. Depending on your benefit plan fees may apply. Call Member Services at (386) 615-4022 to determine if there will be a cost. Additional Disease Management information on the following page. 45 10/01/16 DISEASE MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS (continued) Heart Disease This program is for those members who have heart disease. Education is mailed by way of disease management newsletter and covers the basics for good self-management. Some members meeting certain criteria may receive a phone call from a nurse for health coaching and participation in a prevention program aimed at controlling elevated cholesterol levels and reduction of risk factors such as smoking and uncontrolled blood pressure. This program is free to all members. Call (386) 676-7100 ext 7788 and request to participate. Heart Failure This program is for those members who have heart failure. Education is mailed by way of disease management newsletter and covers the basics for good self-management. Some members meeting certain criteria may receive a phone call from a nurse for health coaching and participation in a program that provides follow up following a discharge from the emergency room for heart failure or discharge from a hospital admission for heart failure. This program is free to all members. Call (386) 676-7100 ext 7788 and request to participate. Nutrition Programs Classes are offered by a registered dietitian in the Diabetes/Health Education Department. Pre-diabetes course-consists of two; two hour sessions. Designed to help identify risk factors for developing Diabetes, how to reduce calorie intake to achieve weight loss, how to start a moderate activity exercise program, how to identify multiple behavioral change strategies and provide resources for keeping weight off and health eating. Pre-registration is requested. Healthy Heart Eating Course- consists of one 2 ½ hour class. Designed to help identify risk factors for heart disease and lifestyle choices that reduce this risk. Pre-registration is required. Nutrition Game Plan for Diabetes- a two (2) hour session designed for members who completed the ten hour Diabetes SelfManagement Education program to reinforce nutrition education and answer questions/concerns regarding diabetes. Pre-registration is required. Classes and appointments are offered in various faculties. Depending on your benefit plan fees may apply. Call (386) 676-7133 to request information or register for class. To determine if there is a cost call Member Services at (386) 615-4022. Additional Disease Management information on the following page. 46 10/01/16 DISEASE MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS (continued) Osteoporosis This is a wellness program for members at risk for or diagnosed with Osteoporosis or Osteopenia. Ability Health Services will perform an evaluation and physical assessment to determine strength, endurance, and activity level. Members can call direct, no referral is needed. Co-pay or co-insurance and policy limits apply. Call Member Services at (386) 615-4022 to determine cost and available locations. Preferred Fitness This is a fitness program provided at no additional charge to all FHCP Medicare members and certain employer group members. There is access to a variety of quality Health and Fitness facilities in Volusia and Flagler counties. For a current list of exercise/fitness facilities, visit our website at or call Member Services at (386) 615-4022 for more information. 23 Weight Management Lighter Lifestyles is a weight loss program offered to all FHCP members age 18 and above who have been FHCP members for at least 6 months. Members must have a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or above to participate. FHCP will pay half of the program cost (excluding supplements and medications). Call (386) 254-4031 for more information. Eat Right, Move Right is a lifestyle change approach to weight loss. This program targets members with a BMI >27. Class content includes how to improve exercise, eating habits, and change behavior for permanent weight loss. The focus is setting realistic goals, behavior change, USDA plate method, exercise, changing habits, eating out, changing what’s in our pantry, etc. It is based on the LEARN concepts for weight loss (lifestyle, exercise, attitudes, relationships, and nutrition) and scientific research. This program is free to all Florida Health Care Plans members. Call (386) 676-7133. For questions regarding any of the FHCP program please call (386) 615-4022 or 1-877-615-4022, Daily between the hours of 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. The hearing impaired may call TRS Relay 711. The above programs are utilized as components of the FHCP Chronic Care Improvement Program (CCIP), and Quality Improvement Programs (QIP). 47 10/01/16 DURABLE MEDICAL EQUIPMENT Taffi Medical 2381 Mason Ave., Ste. 140, Daytona Beach, FL 32117 386 / 255-3785 Fax: 386 / 238-1065 Mattress Gel Overlays Alternating Pressure Pumps and Pads Mattress Replacement Systems Please follow the below Referral Instructions for Mattress Gel Overlays, and Alternating Pressure Pumps, Pads and Mattresses. INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the FHCP Referral Form. Attach pertinent documentation to substantiate the request and forward by fax (386 / 2383253) or courier, to FHCP’s Central Referrals at the Holly Hill facility. The Referral Department will review the request and notify you of their decision. If approved, FHCP will schedule the member’s appointment and also confirm the appointment with the patient. The form needed for the above services is available at – For Providers, under Related Documents Additional DME information on the following page. 48 10/01/16 DURABLE MEDICAL EQUIPMENT (continued) FOR ALL OTHER MEDICAL EQUIPMENT NOT LISTED ABOVE Apria Healthcare, Inc. #011216 771 Fentress Blvd., Ste. 1F, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 Wheelchairs Walkers Mastectomy Bras Please send order and clinicals Customer Care Center 1-855-613-8303 Fax: 1-855-550-2845 The patient (regardless of group type) must meet STRINGENT evidence based medical criteria guidelines for the specific equipment/supplies requested. The requesting provider’s office should call this office directly to order covered equipment and supplies. You must then forward or fax your supporting documentation directly to Apria Healthcare for the order to be filled. OXYGEN ORDERS - To request oxygen for a FHCP member, please supply one of the following: an arterial blood gas study performed within 30 days of the order, if not conducted prior to a hospital discharge, an arterial oxygen saturation, 6 minute walk results, or O2 saturation on Room air must be below 88. If the O2 order is only for night, an overnight oximetry is all that will be required. The order must indicate the liter flow and indicate frequency (i.e. at night only, 24 hours per day). If patient does not meet evidence based medical criteria guidelines, Apria Healthcare will refer the case to the FHCP Referral Department for review. ALL DME REFERRALS MUST INCLUDE A PHYSICIAN SIGNATURE AND A LENGTH OF NEED. NEBULIZERS DO NOT REQUIRE A LENGTH OF NEED. The exceptions to the above are: • Vacuum assisted closure devices • Bone growth stimulators • Neuro muscular stimulators • Splinting Systems INSTRUCTIONS FOR EXCEPTIONS: Complete the FHCP Referral Form. Attach pertinent documentation to substantiate the request and forward by fax (386 / 238-3253) or courier, to FHCP’s Central Referrals at the Holly Hill facility. The Referral Department will review the request and notify you of their decision. If approved, FHCP will schedule the member’s appointment and also confirm the appointment with the patient. Additional DME information on the following page. 49 10/01/16 DURABLE MEDICAL EQUIPMENT (continued) Apria Healthcare, Inc. #011216 771 Fentress Blvd., Ste. 1F, Daytona Bach, FL 32114 Power Operated Vehicles Electric Wheelchairs Customer Care Center 1-855-613-8303 Fax: 1-855-550-2845 The patient (regardless of group type) must meet STRINGENT evidence based medical criteria guidelines for the specific equipment/supplies requested. The requesting provider’s office should call this office directly to order covered equipment and supplies. You must then forward or fax your supporting documentation directly to Apria Healthcare for the order to be filled POV’S / ELECTRIC WHEELCHAIR ORDERS - FHCP follows evidence based medical criteria guidelines for the eligibility of Power Operated Vehicles (POV’s) and Electric Wheelchairs for all members (Medicare and Commercial). Therefore, prior to submitting a referral to Apria Healthcare, the member must have had a Physical Therapy Evaluation specific to the need for and use of the equipment. Ability Health Services, Palm Coast Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation Center, and Professional Physical Therapy – Edgewater provides outpatient Physical Therapy for FHCP members. They will evaluate the patient for the appropriateness of the specified equipment. They will do an objective assessment of the patient’s functional ability. This evaluation must be submitted to Apria along with the referral request for the POV or Electric Wheelchair. Outpatient Rehabilitation Instructions and Locations can be found in this directory. If patient does not meet evidence based medical criteria guidelines, Apria Healthcare will refer the case to the FHCP Referral Department for review. EAR LAVAGE Florida Health Care Plans FHCP Center Florida Health Care Plans FHCP Center - Edgewater Florida Health Care Plans FHCP Center Florida Health Care Plans FHCP Center 350 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY – Thursday, 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM 239 N. Ridgewood Avenue, Edgewater, FL 32132 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY 2777 Enterprise Road, Orange City, FL 32760 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY – Wednesday, 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM 309 Palm Coast Parkway, Palm Coast, FL 32137 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY 386 / 238-3200, Ext. 3297 Fax: 386 / 238-3274 386 / 427-4868 Fax: 386 / 427-6350 386 / 774-2550 Ext. 6832 Fax: 386 / 774-0788 386 / 445-7073 Fax: 386 / 447-7092 INSTRUCTIONS: The requesting provider may call the above facility for information and instructions. Patient must have a written order from the physician. 50 10/01/16 EAR, NOSE AND THROAT (ENT) Robert P. Collette, M.D. #003831 Patients 18 years and older 763 Harley Strickland Blvd., Orange City, FL 32763 766 N. Sun Dr., Ste. 1060, Lake Mary, FL 32746 Perrin C. Clark, M.D. 054814 James Craven, M.D. 011985 Joseph P. Mirante, M.D. #001948 Michael Munier, M.D. #000024 Anthony Tucker, M.D. #044370 Infant and older Coastal Ear, Nose, & Throat, P.A. 1050 W. Granada Blvd., Suite 4, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 1185 Dunlawton Avenue, Suite 102, Port Orange, FL 32127 3 Pine Cone Dr., Ste. 106, Palm Coast, FL 32137 Atlantic Ear, Nose & Throat, P.A. 963 Town Center Dr., Suite 100, Orange City, FL 32763 Daniel Rothbaum, M.D. #011652 Devang Shah, M.D. #006370 All ages 1431 Orange Camp Rd., Ste. 112, DeLand, FL 32724 Videostroboscopy and Voice Therapy Evaluations available with this provider. 1301 S. International Pkwy., Suite 2011, Lake Mary, FL 32746 Please see Outpatient Rehabilitation for Fax Number 386 / 774-2898 to be used for all offices guidelines. 386 / 775-4467 Fax: 386 / 775-8679 407 / 444-0573 Fax: 386 / 775-8679 386 / 677-8808 Fax: 855 / 811-9591 386 / 760-6601 Fax: 386 / 767-5567 386 / 597-5839 Fax: 386 / 597-5844 386 / 774-9880 386 / 774-9880 407 / 444-5225 Fax: 386 / 774-2898 Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. For hearing loss, vertigo and tinnitus, an Audiogram must be done before you schedule the appointment. For sinusitis, a CT Sinus – Limited without contrast, must be ordered prior to appointment. See Diagnostic Testing for instructions. 51 10/01/16 ECHOCARDIOGRAMS Florida Health Care Plans (N) Ultrasound Department FHCP Center 350 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Ste. 5, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 800 / 321-1227 Ext. 3303 FHCP Center 309 Palm Coast Parkway, Palm Coast, FL 32137 386 / 238-3270 Fax: 386 / 238-3256 FHCP Center 239 N. Ridgewood Avenue, Edgewater, FL 32132 Bhupendra Patel, M.D. #000015 (N) 925 N. Stone Street, DeLand, FL 32720 Central Florida Regional Hospital #00Y009 1401 West Seminole Blvd., Sanford, FL 32771 (H) Cyrus Diagnostic Imaging, Inc. #109138 (N) 165 Waymont Court, Lake Mary, FL 32746 PATIENTS SCREENED FOR MOBILITY Florida Hospital - DeLand #00YG80 (H) 701 W. Plymouth Avenue, DeLand, FL 32720 Florida Hospital - Fish Memorial #00YG34 1055 Saxon Blvd., Orange City, FL 32763 (H) LAD Imaging, LLC #008160 (N) 1555 Saxon Blvd., Bldg. 4, Suite 401, Deltona, FL 32725 PATIENTS SCREENED FOR MOBILITY 386 / 734-6007 Fax: 386 / 734-6008 407 / 321-4500 407 / 321-3012 Fax: 407 / 321-9006 386 / 943-4610 Fax: 386 / 943-4461 386 / 917-5428 Fax: 386 / 917-5576 386 / 860-9336 Fax: 386 / 860-2225 (H) – Outpatient Hospital Department/Facility (N) – Outpatient Non-Hospital Facility Out of pocket costs may vary depending on location or benefit plan Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. 52 10/01/16 EEG TESTING Halifax Health #00Y007 (H) 201 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 Central Florida Regional Hospital #00Y009 1401 West Seminole Blvd., Sanford, FL 32771 (H) Florida Hospital - DeLand #00YG80 (H) 701 W. Plymouth Avenue, DeLand, FL 32720 Florida Hospital - Fish Memorial #00YG34 1055 Saxon Blvd., Orange City, FL 32763 (H) Florida Hospital – Flagler #00Y015 (H) 60 Memorial Medical Parkway, Palm Coast, FL 32164 Florida Hospital – Ormond #00Y004 (H) 301 Memorial Medical Pkwy., Daytona Beach, FL 32117 Coastal Diagnostic Group, LLC #037343 927 Beville Road, Suite 106, South Daytona, FL 32119 (N) Neurology Associates of Ormond Beach Neurology Associates of Ormond Beach 8 Mirror Lake Dr., Ormond Beach, FL 32174 (N) Patients 18 years and older 870 Dunlawton Ave., Ste. 109, Port Orange, FL 32127 Brain & Spine Institute of Port Orange (N) Brain & Spine Institute of Port Orange Patients 18 years and older 1211 Dunlawton Ave., Port Orange, FL 32127 386 / 238-2251 Fax: 386 / 238-2252 407 / 321-4500 386 / 943-4610 Fax: 386 / 943-4461 386 / 917-5428 Fax: 386 / 917-5576 386 / 586-4402 Fax: 386 / 586-4767 386 / 671-5055 Fax: 386 / 677-8196 386 / 672-3340 Fax: 386 / 672-3341 386 / 673-2500 Fax: 386 / 673-3204 386 / 427-3700 Fax: 386 / 673-3204 386 / 304-0111 Fax: 386 / 304-1099 (H) – Outpatient Hospital Department/Facility (N) – Outpatient Non-Hospital Facility Out of pocket costs may vary depending on location or benefit plan Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. 53 10/01/16 EEG TESTING – AMBULATORY Comprehensive #10J125 (N) Sleep Disorder Center 851 Douglas Avenue, Suite 101, Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 Neurology Associates of Ormond Beach, P.A. 8 Mirror Lake Dr., Ormond Beach, FL 32174 (N) Patients 18 years and older 870 Dunlawton Ave., Ste. 109, Port Orange, FL 32127 Brain & Spine Institute of Port Orange (N) Patients 18 years and older Brain & Spine Institute of Port Orange 1211 Dunlawton Ave., Port Orange, FL 32127 407 / 834-1023 Fax: 407 / 834-6515 386 / 673-2500 Fax: 386 / 673-3204 386 / 427-3700 Fax: 386 / 673-3204 386 / 304-0111 Fax: 386 / 304-1099 Services for 24-72 ambulatory EEG video monitoring shall be rendered in the Physician’s office or the Member’s place of residence. INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the FHCP Referral Form. Attach pertinent documentation to substantiate the request and forward by fax (386 / 2383253) or courier, to FHCP’s Central Referrals at the Holly Hill facility. The Referral Department will review the request and notify you of their decision. If approved, FHCP will schedule the member’s appointment and also confirm the appointment with the patient. The form needed for the above services is available at – For Providers, under Related Documents EEG TESTING – MOBILE SERVICES Coastal Diagnostic Group, LLC #037343 927 Beville Road, Suite 106, South Daytona, FL 32119 386 / 672-3340 Fax: 386 / 672-3341 Services shall be rendered in the Member’s place of residence and are limited to EEG recording and interpretation. INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the FHCP Referral Form. Attach pertinent documentation to substantiate the request and forward by fax (386 / 2383253) or courier, to FHCP’s Central Referrals at the Holly Hill facility. The Referral Department will review the request and notify you of their decision. If approved, FHCP will schedule the member’s appointment and also confirm the appointment with the patient. The form needed for the above services is available at – For Providers, under Related Documents 54 10/01/16 ELECTROCARDIOGRAMS (EKG’S) Florida Health Care Plans FHCP Center – Daytona Beach Cardiology Department Florida Health Care Plans FHCP Center - DeLand Florida Health Care Plans FHCP Center - Edgewater Florida Health Care Plans FHCP Center – Orange City Florida Health Care Plans FHCP Center – Ormond Beach Florida Health Care Plans FHCP Center – Palm Coast Florida Health Care Plans FHCP Center – Port Orange Florida Health Care Plans FHCP Center – Holly Hill 350 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY 937 N. Spring Garden Ave., DeLand, FL 32720 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY 239 N. Ridgewood Ave., Edgewater, FL 32132 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY 2777 Enterprise Road, Orange City, FL 32763 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY 481 S. Nova Road, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY 309 Palm Coast Parkway, Palm Coast, FL 32137 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY 740 Dunlawton Ave., Suite 200, Port Orange, FL 32127 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY 1340 Ridgewood Ave., Holly Hill, FL 32117 386 / 238-3289 Fax: 386 / 238-3296 386 / 736-1948 Fax: 386 / 736-2784 386 / 427-4868 Fax: 386 / 427-6350 386 / 774-2550, Ext. 6832 Fax: 386 / 775-0176 386 / 671-4337 Fax: 386 / 671-7242 386 / 447-9685 Fax: 386 / 446-3222 386 / 763-1000 Fax : 386 / 763-0507 386 / 676-7136 Fax: 386 / 676-7181 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. Write the order for the EKG on a prescription pad and give to the member to take with them when they have their test. Please include ICD-10 (Diagnosis Code). 55 10/01/16 EMERGENCY FACILITIES Central Florida Regional Hospital #00Y009 1401 West Seminole Blvd., Sanford, FL 32771 407 / 321-4500 Halifax Health #00Y007 Daytona Beach Facility – Pediatric admissions available Florida Hospital – New Smyrna #00Y010 303 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 Florida Hospital - DeLand #00YG80 701 W. Plymouth Avenue, DeLand, FL 32720 386 / 254-4303 Fax: 386 / 254-4113 386 / 322-4700 386 / 424-5000 Fax: 386 / 424-5007 386 / 943-4522 Florida Hospital - Fish Memorial #00YG34 1055 Saxon Blvd., Orange City, FL 32763 386 / 851-5000 Florida Hospital – Flagler #00Y015 60 Memorial Medical Parkway, Palm Coast, FL 32164 Florida Hospital Memorial Medical Center #00Y004 Putnam Community Medical Center #102234 301 Memorial Medical Pkwy., Daytona Beach, FL 32117 South Seminole Hospital #00Y120 555 W. State Rd. 434, Longwood, FL 32750 386 / 437-2211 Fax: 386 / 586-4627 386 / 231-3034 Fax: 386 / 676-6077 386 / 328-5711 Fax: 386 / 325-8178 321 / 842-2000 1041 Dunlawton Ave., Port Orange, FL 32127 401 Palmetto Street, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 Highway 20, West, Palatka, FL 32177 Emergency Department Admissions or 23 hour Observation Cases: Identify the member’s assigned FHCP PCP and contact that PCP to discuss the case. After 5:00 pm or on weekends or holidays, contact FHCP’s After Hours Call office at 386 / 226-4542 or Fax 386 / 258-4858. FHCP contracts with the above hospitals for inpatient, outpatient and twenty-four (24) hour emergency services: however, Pediatric admissions are only available at Halifax Health – Daytona Beach. 56 10/01/16 EMG TESTING FHCP Center Mulki Bhat, M.D. #00001X 315 Palm Coast Parkway, Palm Coast, FL 32137 Send records prior to scheduling Office will schedule and confirm with patient MEDICAL RECORDS FAX – 386 / 481-5009 FHCP Center Kenneth Derbenwick, M.D. #000694 350 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 MEDICAL RECORDS FAX – 386 / 481-5009 DMA-Central Florida Neurologic Consultants, P.A. Stephanie Carinci, M.D. #10A885 742 W. Plymouth Avenue, DeLand, FL 32720 Patients 14 years and older Hendrik Dinkla, M.D. #004435 Patients newborn and older Volusia Neurology, P.A. Jeffrey Corak, M.D. #003022 760 S. Volusia Ave., Ste. 400, Orange City, FL 32763 Neurology Associates of Ormond Beach Olimpio Cunha, M.D. #003779 8 Mirror Lake Dr., Ormond Beach, FL 32174 Dalia Fulop, M.D. #133180 Mandeep Garewal, M.D. #011986 870 Dunlawton Ave., Ste. 109, Port Orange, FL 32127 David McDonald, M.D. #002373 James A. Scott, M.D. #005198 Send records prior to scheduling Office will schedule and confirm with patient Amol K. Gupta, M.D. #10F317 Patients 16 years and older Gupta Sports & Spine Center 345 Clyde Morris Blvd., Ste. 390, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 Additional EMG information on the following page. 57 10/01/16 386 / 445-7073 Fax: 386 / 447-7092 386 / 238-3244 Fax: 386 / 238-3269 386 / 943-3190 Fax: 386 / 738-7629 386 / 774-0220 Fax: 386 / 774-0961 386 / 673-2500 Fax: 386 / 673-3204 386 / 427-3700 Fax: Same as Ormond 386 / 673-0075 Fax: 386 / 673-0049 EMG TESTING (continued) Grimes Neurology and Concussion Center, P.A. Jeremy Grimes, M.D. 10T549 800 Dunlawton Ave., Ste. 103, Port Orange, FL 32127 Patients 12 years and older Send records prior to scheduling Office will schedule and confirm with patient Seminole Neurology Associates, P.A. Bhupinder Mangat, M.D. #003464 1403 Medical Plaza Drive, Suite 204, Sanford, FL 32771 Patients 18 years and older 386 / 679-3270 Fax: 386 / 256-2518 407 / 324-5500 Fax: 407 / 324-5584 Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. 58 10/01/16 ENDOCRINOLOGY Kent J. Lyon, M.D. #046548 Patients 18 years of age and older Gerald Miceli, M.D. #005608 Patients 18 years of age and older Maha Ansara, M.D. #000836 Patients 18 years of age and older Send records prior to scheduling Office will schedule and confirm with patient Christina Rho, M.D. #00007N Patients 18 years of age and older Patients 16 and 17 years of age evaluated On a case by case basis. Sheila Gupta, M.D. #00007L Patients 18 years of age and older Lee Metchick, M.D. #011145 Patients 18 years of age and older Under 18 – case by case basis FHCP Center 350 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 FHCP Center 309 Palm Coast Parkway, Palm Coast, FL 32137 MEDICAL RECORDS FAX – 386 / 481-5009 FHCP Center 2777 Enterprise Road, Orange City, FL 32763 MEDICAL RECORDS FAX – 386 / 481-5009 Regency Endocrinology & Diabetes 752 Stirling Center Place, Suite 1008, Lake Mary, FL 32746 780 Dunlawton Ave., Ste. 1, Port Orange, FL 32127 Established Patients Only Gupta Medical Specialists 345 Clyde Morris Blvd., Suite 390, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 Not accepting new diabetic patients Endocrinology of Central Florida, P.A. 109 W. Knapp Ave., Edgewater, FL 32132 210 Rinehart Rd., Ste. 1000, Lake Mary, FL 32746 Additional Endocrinology information on the following page. 59 10/01/16 386 / 238- 3200 Ext. 3434 Fax: 386 / 238-3216 386 / 445-7073 Fax: 386 / 246-3859 386 / 774-2550, Ext. 6891 Fax: 386 / 774-5140 407 / 333-1212 Fax: 407 / 333-1213 386 / 322-6111 Fax: 386 / 322-3777 386 / 673-0075 Fax: 386 / 673-0049 386 / 427-4544 Fax: 386 / 427-8688 407 / 691-3200 Fax: 386 / 427-8688 ENDOCRINOLOGY (continued) Benigno Digon, M.D. #011038 HECN, DAYTONA STATE COLLEGE & BETHUNE-COOKMAN COLLEGE PROVIDERS Digon Diabetes and Endocrinology, P.A. 311 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Suite 440, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 386 / 265-1908 Fax: 386 / 872-4910 Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. EVENT MONITOR Florida Health Care Plans FHCP Center EKG Technician Florida Health Care Plans FHCP Center EKG Technician Florida Health Care Plans FHCP Center EKG Technician 350 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 386 / 238-3200, Ext. 3352 Fax: 386 / 238-3210 2777 Enterprise Road, Orange City, FL 32763 386 / 774-2550, Ext. 6832 Fax: 386 / 775-0176 309 Palm Coast Parkway, Palm Coast, FL 32137 386 / 447-9685 Fax: 386 / 446-3222 Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. Additional cardiac monitors can be found under Cardiac Monitoring in this document 60 10/01/16 EXTENDED HOUR PRIMARY CARE FHCP After Hours Walk-in Clinic FHCP After Hours Walk-in Clinic Pediatric Unscheduled Care Walk-in Clinic Anita Mathur, M.D. FHCP Center 2777 Enterprise Rd., Orange City, FL 32763 Monday and Wednesday 5 :00 PM to 7 :15 PM FHCP Center 309 Palm Coast Parkway, Palm Coast, FL 32137 Monday thru Thursday 5 :00 PM to 7 :30 PM Monday and Wednesday – Ages 12 years and older Tuesday and Thursday – Ages 1 year and older 999 S. Volusia Ave., Suite B, Orange City, FL 32763 Wednesday until 6 :00 PM Please call to verify availability prior to your visit 386 / 774-2550 386 / 445-7073 Fax: 386 / 447-7092 386 / 774-7337 Fax: 386 / 774-7445 INSTRUCTIONS: Members will be charged the appropriate co-payment as listed in the co-payment section of the FHCP Member Handbook. Halifax Health Primary Care Clinics HECN PROVIDER Halifax Health Primary Care 2090 Saxon Blvd., Suite B, Deltona, FL 32725 Halifax Health Primary Care – Ormond 1688 W. Granada Blvd., Suite 2A, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 386 / 425-3300 Fax: 386 / 425-3301 386 / 425-4460 Fax: 386 / 425-4461 INSTRUCTIONS: Members will be charged the appropriate co-payment as listed in the co-payment section of the FHCP Member Handbook. FOR ADDITIONAL AFTER HOURS SERVICES SEE URGENT CARE SERVICES 61 10/01/16 PROVIDERS OR FACILITIES NOT LISTED IN FHCP DIRECTORIES This would include all providers and hospitals that are out of the FHCP network. It also includes supplemental providers not listed in FHCP Provider Directories. Referrals to Providers who do not participate in FHCP’s HMO Network or certain providers and facilities that supplement FHCP’s Network require prior authorization by FHCP. Referral to a non-participating or supplemental provider may be considered for approval under the following circumstances: 1. 2. 3. A particular skill or service is not available from FHCP Network Providers A Network Provider is not available or accessible within established availability time frames The Network Provider is not geographically accessible to the member INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the FHCP Referral Form. Attach pertinent documentation to substantiate the request and forward by fax (386 / 2383253) or courier, to FHCP’s Central Referrals at the Holly Hill facility. The Referral Department will review the request and notify you of their decision. If approved, FHCP will schedule the member’s appointment and also confirm the appointment with the patient. Please include the requested provider’s complete name and telephone number if available. The form needed for the above services is available at – For Providers, under Related Documents 62 10/01/16 FLIGHT PHYSICALS FAA FLIGHT PHYSICALS Elizabeth Le, M.D. #10G373 All FHCP members 320 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 386 / 238-3204 Fax: 238-3235 Ryan Rees, M.D. #011254 Commercial FHCP members only 201 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Ste. 240, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 386 / 258-4836 Fax: 386 / 255-0140 Charles Schildecker, M.D. #001828 All FHCP members 401 Downing St., New Smyrna Beach, FL, 32168 386 / 428-3243 Fax: 386 / 428-9929 Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. GASTROENTEROLOGY Beatrice Bratu, M.D. #005470 Ammar Hemaidan, M.D. #000104 Issam R. Nasr, M.D. #10S757 Saud El-Sayed Suleiman, M.D. #001166 Hassan Zulfiqar, M.D. #009959 Patients 18 years and older* Advanced GI 1690 Dunlawton Ave., Suite 210, Port Orange, FL 32127 1890 LPGA Blvd., Suite 270, Daytona Beach, FL 32117 239 N. Ridgewood Avenue, Ste. 3, Edgewater, FL 32132 315 Palm Coast Pkwy., Palm Coast, FL 32137 1240 E. Normandy Blvd., Ste. 100, Deltona, FL 32725 All appointment scheduling will be through the Port Orange office MEDICAL RECORDS FAX – 386 / 481-5009 Additional Gastroenterology information on the following page. 63 10/01/16 386 / 763-4920 Fax: 386 / 481-5429 GASTROENTEROLOGY (continued) Antonio DeCarli, M.D. #10D185 Patients 18 years and older Maria Soriano Co, M.D. #043830 Bharat C. Patel, M.D. #000451 Martin Gino F. Prado, M.D. #007629 Patients 16 years and older* Kalyani Gaddipati, M.D. #003542 Patients 18 years and older* Raul J. Badillo, M.D. #049415 Christina Covelli, M.D. #038577 Vishal Gupta, M.D. #143207 Mari Rivera, M.D. #057319 Patients 18 years and older* Bryan Heath, M.D. #004974 Patients 17 years and older* Lenkala Mallaiah, M.D. #005629 Patients 21 years and older* AJD Medical, LLC 1722 State Road 44, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 Digestive Health Specialists 1070 N. Stone Street, Suite D, DeLand, FL 32720 Felix A. Navarro, Jr., M.D. #001881 Patients 18 years and older* 917 Rinehart Road, Suite 2051, Lake Mary, FL 32746 Gastroenterology of Greater Orlando, P.A. 2728 Enterprise Road, Ste. 100, Orange City, FL 32763 1319 S. International Pkwy., Ste. 1171, Lake Mary, FL 32746 308 Palmetto Street, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 Mid-Florida Gastroenterology Group, P.A. 1565 Saxon Blvd., Suite 102, Deltona, FL 32725 612 Palmetto Street, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 Gastroenterology & Liver Consultants, P.A. 1403 Medical Plaza Drive, Suite 206, Sanford, FL 32771 Additional Gastroenterology information on the following page. 64 10/01/16 386 / 943-3270 Fax: 386 / 822-9112 FHCP members have to either reside in or be assigned to a PCP in West Volusia County to be referred to this group. 311 Mangoustine Ave., Sanford, FL 32771 Mark Nagrani, M.D. #004740 Patients 17 years and older* 386 / 427-0390 Fax: 386 / 427- 0394 407 / 936-2444 Fax: 407 / 936-2448 386 / 668-2221 Fax: 386 / 668-2228 Phone & Fax the same as above 386 / 957-3891 Fax: 386 / 957-3887 386 / 789-5400 Fax: 386 / 532-0889 407 / 321-4570 Fax: 407 / 321-7690 386 / 423-5500 Fax: 386 / 409-9762 407 / 322-9530 Fax: 407/ 322-9534 GASTROENTEROLOGY (continued) Safwan Shams, M.D. #004175 Patients 18 years and older* Send records prior to scheduling 61 Memorial Medical Parkway, Suite 1-800A, Palm Coast, FL 32164 386 / 586-1810 Fax: 386 / 586-1811 Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. Please send EKG if done within the past year. *For patients under 16 years of age, forward a FHCP Referral form, with the attached documentation, to Central Referrals in the Holly Hill Facility for approval and scheduling. GENETIC TESTING All Genetic Testing for FHCP members must have prior authorization from FHCP’s Central Referrals in Holly Hill. Please do not send a FHCP member directly to a lab. INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the FHCP Referral Form. Attach pertinent documentation to substantiate the request and forward by fax (386 / 2383253) or courier, to FHCP’s Central Referrals in the Holly Hill facility. The Referral Department will review the request and notify you of their decision. If approved, FHCP will schedule the member’s appointment and also confirm the appointment with the patient. The form needed for the above services is available at – For Providers, under Related Documents BRCA TESTING Prior to submitting a referral for BRCA testing, the patient must be referred for Genetic Counseling. The Counselor must be a healthcare professional with specialized education and training in medical genetics. No prior authorization is required for Genetic Counseling. The following counselors are available if needed: Caren Wilkie, M.D.–201 N. Clyde Morris Blvd. Daytona Beach, FL- 386 / 238-3295 LabCorp Genetic Counseling - 855 / 422-2557 Once the genetic counseling report has been received, attach the report to the FHCP Referral form and follow the above instructions. 65 10/01/16 GLUCOMETERS BLOOD GLUCOSE METER TRAINING FHCP’s Call Center, located at Halifax Health, has meters available ONLY for FHCP members being discharged. Meters (both new and replacement meters) are available for all other FHCP members at their FHCP PCP office or one of the Extended Hours Care Centers listed below. If member has an outside PCP and needs a new or replacement meter those meters are available in the EHCC clinics. All other requests or issues should default to Health/Diabetes Education and they will assist member. Please call 386 / 676-7133 or 1 / 877-229-4518; Fax: 386 / 238-3228. Fee for Service clients must have a prescription and obtain their meter from wherever their insurance plan directs them. Volusia Health Network patients should call Karen Aalbregtse at VHN, 386 / 239-2322, to obtain their meters. A member or his/her representative may pick up a meter if they already know how to use it. Meter training must be provided for all newly diagnosed members and American Diabetes Association (ADA) Recognized Diabetes Education Classes offered. Meters (both new and replacement meters) are available for FHCP members at their FHCP PCP office or one of the Extended Hours Care Centers listed below. The below EHCC locations will also be available for FHCP members who have an outside PCP and needs a new or replacement meter. Designated EHCC Clinics FHCP Center 320 North Clyde Morris Blvd., Ste. D Daytona Beach, FL 32114 386 / 238-3204 FHCP Center-Edgewater 239 N. Ridgewood Ave. Edgewater, FL 32132 386 / 427-4868 FHCP Center 461 S. Nova Road Ormond Bach, FL 32174 386 / 671-4337 FHCP Center 2777 Enterprise Road Orange City, FL 32763 386 / 774-2550 FHCP Center 937 North Spring Garden Ave. DeLand, FL 32720 386 / 736-1948 66 10/01/16 GYNECOLOGY AND WELL WOMAN’S ASSESSMENTS The following offices will need the patient’s Social Security Number. Megan M. Bagwell, M.D. #042577 Meetesh Desai, #112690 Ted E. Robertson, M.D. #10Q518 Cecille Tapia-Santiago, M.D. #000793 All ages Cynthia Baldwin, M.D. #011160 Marjorie Bhogal, M.D. #042174 Pamela Carbiener, M.D. #000170 Steven Cortez, M.D. #000090 Patricia C. Esquivel, M.D. #049161 Thomas Stavoy, M.D. #001860 Patients 10 years and older George Besong, M.D. #011209 Patients 14 years and older Jeffrey Brooks, M.D. #043476 Patients 13 years and older Steven J. Brown, M.D. #000075 All ages Laura Bell, A.R.N.P. #000112 Susan Chappuis, A.R.N.P. #037449 Shelley S. Jones, A.R.N.P. #043427 Patients 12 years and older Volusia OB/GYN 500 Health Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 Halifax OB/GYN Associates 1890 LPGA Blvd., Suite 160, Daytona Beach, FL 32117 Women’s Health Resource Center 2728 Enterprise Rd., Ste. 200, Orange City, FL 32763 Florida Hospital DeLand OB/GYN 1431 Orange Camp Road, Ste. 118 & 119, DeLand, FL 32724 Palm Coast Women’s Center 21 Hospital Drive, Suite 270, Palm Coast, FL 32164 Halifax Health Care for Women 325 Clyde Morris Blvd., Ste. 3920, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 Additional Gynecology and Well Women’s information on the following page. 67 10/01/16 386 / 252-5858 Fax: 386 / 252-4477 386 / 252-4701 Fax: 386 / 253-9410 386 / 774-0109 Fax: 386 / 774-1203 386 / 740-4054 Fax: 386 / 822-5487 386 / 437-5959 Fax: 386 / 437-5390 386 / 425-4450 Fax: 386 / 425-4451 GYNECOLOGY AND WELL WOMAN’S ASSESSMENTS (continued) The following offices will need the patient’s Social Security Number. Christine DaSilva, M.D. #107457 Tedra Gilmore, M.D. #10B391 John Meyers, M.D. #006366 All ages Paula Foust, M.D. # 011771 All ages Ricardo J. Larrain, M.D. #001855 All ages OB/GYN Health Center 769 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 Port Orange Gynecology 900 N. Swallowtail Dr., Ste. 102, Port Orange, FL 32129 Ricardo J. Larrain, M.D., P.A. 1414 W. Granada Blvd., Suite 3, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 800 W. Plymouth Ave., DeLand, FL 32720 Heather Metchick, M.D. #011105 Patricia Modad, M.D. #10T904 Patients 10 years and older Carhine Pierre-Lambert, M.D. #040777 Patients 14 years and older Hussain Esmail-Rawji, M.D. #045908 Patients 15 years and older Established Patients Only Jacob Rouse, M.D. #001831 All ages Edgewater Gynecology, P.A. 433 N. Causeway, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169 Palm Coast OB/GYN 50 Leanni Way, Suites A3 & A4, Palm Coast, FL 32137 Obstetrics & Gynecology of Port Orange 1165 Dunlawton Ave., Ste. 103, Port Orange, FL 32127 Orange City OB/GYN 932 Saxon Blvd., Ste. B, Orange City, FL 32763 Dr. Rawji MD OB/GYN, L.L.C. 850 W. Plymouth Ave., DeLand, FL 327220 New Smyrna Beach Gynecology 603 South Orange Street, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 Additional Gynecology and Well Women’s information on the following page. 68 10/01/16 386 / 258-0123 Fax: 386 / 258-6464 386 / 492-6929 Fax: 386 / 492-6930 386 / 673-7503 Fax: 386 / 673-7340 386 / 736-1404 Fax: 386 / 736-1423 386 / 427-4441 Fax: 386 / 427-4494 386 / 447-6831 Fax: 386 / 447-6834 386 / 767-1660 Fax: 386 / 447-6834 386 / 775-0839 Fax: 386 / 775-1029 386 / 337-3190 Fax: 386 / 279-0268 386 / 423-0333 Fax: 386 / 423-0042 GYNECOLOGY AND WELL WOMAN’S ASSESSMENTS (continued) The following offices will need the patient’s Social Security Number. The Gynecology Center Whitney Shoemaker, D.O. #043950 598 Sterthaus Dr., Ormond Beach, FL 32174 All ages 21 Hospital Drive, Suite 260, Palm Coast, FL 32164 Charles Stein, M.D. #005416 All ages 1414 W. Granada Blvd., Suite 3, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 Shakeela Tawwab, M.D., P.A. Shakeela Tawwab, M.D. #005161 780 Deltona Blvd., Ste. 104, Deltona, FL 32725 Patients 13 years and older Daytona Beach Women’s Center, Inc. R. John Vagovic, M.D. #005314 311 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Ste. 420, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 All ages MEDICAL RECORDS FAX – 386 / 258-8785 John White, M.D. #005158 HECN PROVIDER 533 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Ste. A, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 386 / 256-2565 Fax: 386 / 256-2567 386 / 586-5344 Fax: 386 / 586-5356 386 / 574-5565 Fax: 386 / 574-8567 386 / 274-1005 Fax: 386 / 274-5779 386 / 255-0901 Fax: 386 / 255-4454 WELL WOMAN ASSESSMENT: Routine Well Woman Assessments may be provided by either the GYN provider or the member’s PCP. All female FHCP members 16 years of age and older may call directly and schedule themselves for an annual Well Woman Assessment with any of the Providers listed above. An order for this service is not required. GYN APPOINTMENTS: Member can self refer to this specialty and will be able to call and schedule an appointment without an order from a physician. 69 10/01/16 HAND THERAPY SERVICES Daytona Beach Hand Clinic 3635 S. Clyde Morris Blvd., Ste. 300, Port Orange, FL 32129 386 / 258-8080 Fax: 386 / 258-8177 Brooks Rehab Center Flagler County Residents Only 9 Pine Cone Trail, Suite 104B, Palm Coast, FL 32137 386 / 446-9716 Fax: 386 / 446-0046 Hand Therapy services must be ordered by a hand surgeon. Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will call or send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. HEARING / AUDIOLOGY SERVICES Timko Hearing Care First Coast Hearing Clinic 1185 Dunlawton Ave., Suite 103, Port Orange, FL 32127 Patients 5 years and older 386 / 756-8225 Fax: 386 / 767-0742 1050 W. Granada Blvd., Suite 3, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 Patients 5 years and older 386 / 677-2366 Fax: 386 / 671-0342 100 E. New York Ave., Ste. 103, DeLand, FL 32724 All ages 386 / 736-7192 Fax: 386 / 736-8520 50 Cypress Point Pkwy., Ste. B3, Palm Coast, FL 32164 386 / 447-7364 Fax: 386 / 447-8742 INSTRUCTIONS: Member can self refer to this specialty and will be able to call and schedule an appointment without an order from a physician. If a physician is requesting hearing testing for a FHCP member, the order can be placed on a prescription pad and given directly to the patient. 70 10/01/16 HEARING / AUDIOLOGY SERVICES Easter Seals Society of Volusia & Flagler Counties #10J850 1219 Dunn Ave., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 386 / 255-4568 156 McGregor Road, Deland, FL 32720 386 / 873-3658 Fax: 738-1160 INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the FHCP Referral Form. Attach pertinent documentation to substantiate the request and forward by fax (386 / 2383253) or courier, to FHCP’s Central Referrals at the Holly Hill facility. The Referral Department will review the request and notify you of their decision. If approved, FHCP will schedule the member’s appointment and also confirm the appointment with the patient. The form needed for the above services is available at – For Providers, under Related Documents HEPATITIS C Daniel A. Warner, M.D. #008293 Patients 18 years and older Consultive Medicine 1435 Dunn Ave., Ste. 101, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 386 / 274-7651 Fax: 386 / 274-7650 FHCP is currently managing curative treatment of chronically infected HCV patients through our HCV Clinic with Dr. Daniel Warner. Commercial and Exchange members are currently eligible for treatment with Direct Acting Antivirals (DAAs) if they have a Metavir score of F3-F4. Medicare members are eligible for treatment regardless of Metavir score. INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the FHCP Referral Form. Attach pertinent documentation to substantiate the request and forward by fax (386 / 2383253) or courier, to FHCP’s Central Referrals at the Holly Hill facility. Please include recent labs and notes as well as support documentation for Metavir score (Either through liver biopsy or Fibrosure), as well as genotype, viral load, and treatment history. The Referral Department will review the request and notify you of their decision. 71 10/01/16 HIV Daniel A. Warner, M.D. #008293 Patients 13 years and older Godson Oguchi, M.D. #011100 Patients 16 years and older Consultive Medicine 1435 Dunn Ave., Ste. 101, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 Santa Rosa De Lima Medical, P.A. 955 Town Center Drive, Suite 100, Orange City, FL 32763 665 Peachwood Dr., DeLand, FL 32720 386 / 274-7651 Fax: 386 / 274-7650 386 / 228-0661 Fax: 386 / 228-0662 386 / 822-4191 Fax: 386 / 822-4192 Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. HOLTER MONITOR Florida Health Care Plans FHCP Center EKG Technician Florida Health Care Plans FHCP Center EKG Technician 350 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 386 / 238-3200, Ext. 3352 Fax: 386 / 238-3210 2777 Enterprise Road, Orange City, FL 32763 386 / 774-2550, Ext. 6832 Fax: 386 / 775-0176 Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. Additional cardiac monitors can be found under Cardiac Monitoring in this document 72 10/01/16 HOME HEALTH CARE Doctors’ Choice Home Health #011810 Doctors’ Choice Home Health 1801 South Nova Road, Suite 110, South Daytona, FL 32119 For FHCP members residing in Volusia and Flagler Counties Conficare Home Health Solutions, LLC Conficare Home Health Solutions, LLC 1425 State Road 434, Suite 101, Longwood, FL 32750 For FHCP members residing in Seminole County Interim Healthcare of Greater Orlando Interim Healthcare of Greater Orlando 1890 State Road 436, Suite 355, Winter Park, FL 32792 For FHCP members residing in Seminole County 386 / 872-4700 Fax: 386 / 304-5393 407 / 834-0020 Fax: 407 / 834-0080 407 / 740-5284 Fax: 407 / 539-1463 INSTRUCTIONS: The requesting provider may call the home health agency directly and make arrangements for necessary home health services. When HHC obtains referral they call FHCP Case Management Dept. for authorization – 386 / 676-7187 HOME INFUSION PHARMACIES Holly Hill Pharmacy 1702 Ridgewood Ave., Holly Hill, FL 32117 386 / 677-7377 INSTRUCTIONS: All Home Infusion Services must have PRIOR AUTHORIZATION from FHCP. Contact FHCP Case Management Department at 386 / 676-7187. Toll Free Number 1 / 866 / 676-7187 After Hours and Holidays – Call the FHCP Call Center at 386 / 226-4542 73 10/01/16 HOSPICE Halifax Health - Hospice Florida Hospital Hospice Care Care Center Locations 4140 S. Ridgewood Ave., Edgewater, FL 32141 386 / 425-8950 1625 Veterans Memorial Pkwy., Orange City, FL 32763 386 / 851-7600 235 Booth Road, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 386 / 425-7900 3800 Woodbriar Trail, Port Orange, FL 32129 386 / 322-4752 Office Locations 3800 Woodbriar Trail, Port Orange, FL 32129 386 / 322-4701 1688 W. Granada Blvd., Ormond Beach, FL 32174 386 / 425-7900 1250 South S.R. 15-A, Ste. 5, DeLand, FL 32720 386 / 822-4848 110 Flagler Plaza Drive, Palm Coast, FL 32137 386 / 446-0300 770 West Granada Blvd., Suite 304, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 386 / 671-2138 Fax: 386 / 672-0314 The above listings are to be used for FHCP commercial members. Commercial members require prior authorization. Contact FHCP Case Management Utilization Review Department at 386 / 676-7187 or 800 / 352-9824, Ext. 7187 The FHCP Medicare members can be referred to any Medicare certified hospice of their choice. Office locations can be called for information and evaluations. INSTRUCTIONS FOR MEDICARE PATIENTS: request a hospice evaluation. 74 10/01/16 The requesting provider, member or other concerned party may call hospice directly and HOSPITAL ADMISSIONS Central Florida Regional Hospital #00Y009 1401 West Seminole Blvd., Sanford, FL 32771 407 / 321-4500 Halifax Health #00Y007 Daytona Beach Facility – Pediatric admissions available Florida Hospital – New Smyrna #00Y010 303 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 Florida Hospital - DeLand #00YG80 701 W. Plymouth Avenue, DeLand, FL 32720 386 / 254-4303 Fax: 386 / 254-4113 386 / 322-4700 386 / 424-5000 Fax: 386 / 424-5007 386 / 943-4522 Florida Hospital - Fish Memorial #00YG34 1055 Saxon Blvd., Orange City, FL 32763 386 / 851-5000 Florida Hospital – Flagler #00Y015 60 Memorial Medical Parkway, Palm Coast, FL 32164 Florida Hospital Memorial Medical Center #00Y004 Putnam Community Medical Center #102234 301 Memorial Medical Pkwy., Daytona Beach, FL 32117 South Seminole Hospital #00Y120 555 W. State Rd. 434, Longwood, FL 32750 386 / 437-2211 Fax: 386 / 586-4627 386 / 231-3034 Fax: 386 / 676-6077 386 / 328-5711 Fax: 386 / 325-8178 321 / 842-2000 1041 Dunlawton Ave., Port Orange, FL 32127 401 Palmetto Street, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 Highway 20, West, Palatka, FL 32177 INSTRUCTIONS: Direct Admissions: Providers with admitting privileges should contact FHCP’s Admission Coordinator at 386 / 676-7187, Monday – Friday, 8am – 5pm for preadmission evaluations/verification on direct admissions from the provider’s office. After 5:00 pm, on weekends or holidays, please call FHCP’s After Hours Call office at 386 / 226-4542 or Fax 386 / 258-4858. If admitting physician does not have admission privileges at facility, the requesting physician needs to contact FHCP contracted hospitalist group assigned to that facility for coverage. Emergency Department Admissions or 23 hour Observation Cases: Identify the member’s assigned FHCP PCP and contact that PCP to discuss the case. After 5:00 pm or on weekends or holidays, contact FHCP’s After Hours Call office at 386 / 226-4542 or Fax 386 / 258-4858. FHCP contracts with the above hospitals for inpatient, outpatient and twenty-four (24) hour emergency services: however, Pediatric admissions are only available at Halifax Health – Daytona Beach. 75 10/01/16 LTACH ADMISSIONS – LONG TERM ACUTE CARE HOSPITALS Kindred Hospital Melbourne #045272 All ages 765 W. Nasa Blvd., Melbourne, FL 32901 321 / 733-5725 Fax: 321 / 733-5799 Kindred Hospital North Florida #00YP41 All ages Kindred Hospital Ocala #00Y729 All ages Select Specialty Hospital – Daytona Beach #049209 18 years and older Select Specialty Hospital – North Campus #135829 18 years and older Select Specialty Hospital – South Campus #135829 18 years and older 801 Oak Ave., Green Cove Springs, FL 32043 1500 SW 1st. Ave., Ocala, FL 34474 904 / 284-9230 Fax: 904 / 284-6612 352 / 369-0513 301 Memorial Medical Pkwy., 11th. Floor, Daytona Beach, FL 32117 386 / 231-3436 Fax: 386 / 231-5210 2250 Bedford Rd., Orlando, FL 32803 407 / 303-7869 5579 S. Orange Ave., Edgewood, FL 32809 407 / 241-4800 INSTRUCTIONS: All admissions for long term acute care hospitals must have PRIOR AUTHORIZATION from FHCP. Contact FHCP Case Management Department at 386 / 676-7187. Toll Free Number 1 / 866 / 676-7187 After Hours and Holidays – Call the FHCP Call Center at 386 / 226-4542 76 10/01/16 HOSPITALIST FHCP Hospitalist Program Richard L. Braithwaite, M.D.–Program Director Susan P. Mathew, M.D., Ph.D. Edward Schwartz, D.O. FHCP Physicians – Hospitalist Services Mario Cucchiarella, M.D. Wesley Driggers, M.D. Carmen Serrano-Lopez, M.D. Donald White, M.D. Halifax Pediatric Hospitalists Lindsey Johnson, M.D. Muhammad Yousuf Hassan, M.D. FHCP Physicians – Hospitalist Services George L. Ehringer, M.D. Erika Faile, M.D. Jason Harmon, M.D. Susan P. Mathew, M.D., Ph.D. Alfonza McCollum, M.D. FHCP Hospitalist Program Staci Appleton, M.D. Elizabeth Eads, D.O. Christopher Mai, M.D. Thomas W. Ownby, Jr., M.D. Charles Schildecker, M.D Jeffrey True, M.D. Halifax Health 303 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 Halifax Health 1041 Dunlawton Ave., Port Orange, FL 32127 Halifax Health 303 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 Florida Hospital Memorial Medical Center 301 Memorial Medical Pkwy., Daytona Beach, FL 32117 Florida Hospital – New Smyrna 401 Palmetto Street, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 386 / 226-4542 Fax: 386 / 258-4858 386 / 226-4542 Fax: 386 / 258-4858 386 / 226-4542 Fax: 386 / 258-4858 386 / 226-4542 Fax: 386 / 258-4858 386 / 226-4542 Fax: 386 / 258-4858 Physicians provide medical care to FHCP members and to non-FHCP patients of FHCP PCP’s who choose not to perform inpatient services. INSTRUCTIONS: If admitting physician does not have admitting privileges at a facility, please contact the appropriate hospitalist group to facilitate coverage for the patient. Additional Hospitalist information on the following page. 77 10/01/16 HOSPITALIST (continued) Inpatient Consultants of Florida, Inc. (IPC) Florida Hospital-Deland 701 W. Plymouth Ave., Deland, FL 32720 386 / 304-3888 Florida Hospital Fish Memorial 1055 Saxon Blvd., Orange City, FL 32763 Greater Orlando Hospitalists, P.A. Central Florida Regional 1401 W. Seminole Blvd., Sanford, FL 32771 Florida Hospital – Altamonte 601 East Altamonte Drive, Altamonte Springs, FL 32701 407 / 303-2200 Physicians provide medical care to FHCP members and to non-FHCP patients of FHCP PCP’s who choose not to perform inpatient services. INSTRUCTIONS: If admitting physician does not have admitting privileges at a facility, please contact the appropriate hospitalist group to facilitate coverage for the patient. HYPERBARIC OXYGEN THERAPY (HBO) Guidelines listed under Wound Care 78 10/01/16 INFECTIOUS DISEASES Levonne Mitchell-Samon, M.D. #10AK97 Patients 18 years and older Outpatient services only Reba K. Isaac, M.D. #011046 Patients 16 years and older Ukonu Ejie, M.D. #133136 Patients 18 years and older Send records prior to scheduling Godson Oguchi, M.D. #011100 Patients 16 years and older FHCP Center 320 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 386 / 238-3293 Fax: 386 / 238-3223 MEDICAL RECORDS FAX – 386 / 481-5009 410 Palmetto Street, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 Infectious Diseases of Mid-Florida, P.A. 104 La Costa Lane, Suite 120, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 Santa Rosa De Lima Medical, P.A. 955 Town Center Drive, Suite 100, Orange City, FL 32763 665 Peachwood Dr., DeLand, FL 32720 386 / 410-4981 Fax: 386 / 410-4982 386 / 274-1966 Fax: 386 / 274-1964 386 / 228-0661 Fax: 386 / 228-0662 386 / 822-4191 Fax: 386 / 822-4192 Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. 79 10/01/16 INFECTIOUS DISEASES - PEDIATRICS INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the FHCP Referral Form. Attach pertinent documentation to substantiate the request and forward by fax (386 / 2383253) or courier, to FHCP’s Central Referrals at the Holly Hill facility. The Referral Department will review the request and notify you of their decision. If approved, FHCP will schedule the member’s appointment and also confirm the appointment with the patient. INFUSION CLINICS Florida Health Care Plans FHCP Center – Daytona Beach 350 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 386 / 238-3297 Fax: 386 / 238-3274 Florida Health Care Plans FHCP Center – Orange City 2777 Enterprise Road, Orange City, FL 32763 386 / 774-2550, Ext. 6832 Fax: 386 / 774-5667 Florida Health Care Plans FHCP Center – Palm Coast 309 Palm Coast Parkway, Palm Coast, FL 32137 386 / 445-7073 Fax: 386 / 445-7464 INSTRUCTIONS: The requesting provider may call the above facility for information and instructions. Patient must have a written order from the physician. SCHEDULING BY APPOINTMENT ONLY The Infusion Therapy Physician Order form needed for the above services is available at–Providers, under Forms 80 10/01/16 INFUSION SERVICES (WEST VOLUSIA & SEMINOLE COUNTY) Infusion services for the FHCP members of West Volusia and Seminole County will be available at Mid-Florida Hematology & Oncology. Please follow the listed instructions for infusion services for FHCP members: ● Some infusion medications require Prior Authorization. Please refer to the list of Prior Authorization medications located on the FHCP website at Please follow the specific instructions for the medication and use the form indicated. The FHCP Central Referral Department will review your request and forward on for administration or notify you if request is denied. ● If the medication does not require prior authorization, the order must be sent to Mid-Florida Hematology. Please send the completed form to: Mid-Florida Hematology & Oncology Contact Person – Kristy Phone: 386 / 774 -1223 Fax: 386 / 774 – 1314 ● For Infusion services starting on a weekend, the ordering provider must contact a FHCP contracted Home Health agency to start the process. A listing of the contracted Home Health agencies are located in the Provider Referral Guides for Volusia/Flagler and Seminole Counties. The guidelines are located on the FHCP website at All orders must have Patient Demographics and a recent History & Physical along with the required Physician Order. The Infusion Therapy Physician Order form needed for the above services is available at–Providers, under Forms INFUSION SERVICES (INFUSION PUMPS FOR CHEMOTHERAPY) InfuSystem, Inc. Walter Schytte-Representative 407 / 488-3491 InfuSystem will supply ambulatory infusion pumps and supplies related to chemotherapy/oncology patients. Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The Oncology office should contact the local representative, Walter Schytte at 407 / 488-3491 to order the supplies for the FHCP member. 81 10/01/16 INJECTION CLINIC Florida Health Care Plans Florida Health Care Plans Florida Health Care Plans FHCP Center 350 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 FHCP Center 2777 Enterprise Road, Orange City, FL 32763 Mon – Fri, 8:30 AM – 1:00 PM, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM. Routine injections will be scheduled Wed., 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM FHCP Center 309 Palm Coast Parkway, Palm Coast, FL 32137 INSTRUCTIONS: The requesting provider may call the above facility for information and instructions. SCHEDULING BY APPOINTMENT ONLY 82 10/01/16 386 / 238-3297 Fax: 386 / 238-3274 386 / 774-2550 Ext. 6832 or Ext. 6833 Fax: 386 / 774-5667 386 / 445-7073 Fax: 386 / 447-7092 INSULIN PUMPS It is the policy of Florida Health Care Plans to follow Centers for Medicare and Medicaid and Milliman Care Guidelines for approval of an Insulin Pump for Florida health Care Plans members. PROCEDURE All orders for the Insulin Pump will be processed through the Central Referrals Department. Attach the following documentation and laboratory values to the Referral. Criteria A: • Diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 that is obvious or that is documented by a fasting C-peptide level that is less than or equal to 110 percent of the lower limit of normal of the laboratory’s measurement method, or positive GAD or insulin auto-antibodies; or • Diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 manifested by wide fluctuations in blood sugars, or severe insulin resistance with inadequate glycemic control (i.e. HgbA1C > 7.0% despite multiple insulin injections with > 50 units per day + or – oral agents); and • Completion of a comprehensive Diabetes Education Program (10 hour ADA Recognized Self Management Class or equivalent) within the past three years, to include carbohydrate counting by RD CDE. Once Diabetes Education and Carbohydrate counting has been completed, the appropriate educator will notify physician of completion via email or dictation within 72 hours of completion; and • Documentation of an average of four (4) per day self glucose testing during the two (2) months prior to ordering pump; and • Appointment with RN Diabetes Educator for evaluation and introduction to Pump • Documentation of frequent adjustments of insulin dose for three (3) months prior to order. And meets one or more of the following: • • • • • • Glycosylated hemoglobin level (HbA1c) >7.0 percent. History of recurring hypoglycemia and/or hypoglycemic unawareness. Wide fluctuation in blood glucose before mealtime. Dawn phenomenon with fasting blood sugars frequently exceeding 200 mg/dl. History of severe glycemic excursions. Pregnancy. Additional Insulin Pump information on the following page. 83 10/01/16 INSULIN PUMPS (continued) Criteria B: • • The patient with Diabetes has been on a pump prior to enrollment with Florida Health Care Plans; and Has documented frequency of glucose self-testing an average of at least four (4) times per day during the month prior to enrollment; And the patient has been evaluated by an Endocrinologist who recommends continuation of the insulin pump within the last 3 months. Member should be seen and evaluated by the treating Endocrinologist* at least every three (3) months. *Insulin pumps may be ordered and managed only by a treating Florida Health Care Plans Endocrinologist or contracted Pediatric Endocrinologist. All pediatric insulin pump patients under the age of 18 must be treated and managed by a Pediatric Endocrinologist. INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the FHCP Referral Form or Task in EHR. Attach pertinent documentation to substantiate the request and forward by fax (386 / 238-3253), mail, or courier, to FHCP’s Central Referrals at the Holly Hill facility. The Referral Department will review the request and notify you of their decision. The form needed for the above services is available at – For Providers, under Related Documents 84 10/01/16 INTERPRETER SERVICES 1. Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services – Sign Language Florida Health Care Plans Provider Relations Coordinator FHCP Center 386 / 615-4001 Fax: 386 / 676-7167 INSTRUCTIONS: Deaf and Hard of Hearing Interpreter services are available to all FHCP members. The requesting provider must call the FHCP Provider Relations Coordinator to request a Sign Language Interpreter at least 24 hours prior to the member’s visit to their office. 2. Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services – Telecommunication Relay Services FHCP uses the national Telecommunication Relay Services (TRS) System. TRS is a telephone service that allows persons with hearing or speech disabilities to place and receive telephone calls. Please call TRS RELAY directly at 711. 3. Language Interpreters – Language Line FHCP contracts with Language Line to assist FHCP staff and providers to better communicate with members whose primary language is other than English. Language Line Instructions for FHCP Contracted Providers: Contact FHCP at 1-800-352-9824 or 1-386-238-3200 for your 6-digit Client ID Number. This will be needed for your call. You must call and request the FHCP 6-digit Client ID Number. This will insure FHCP is financially responsible for the service. You will then be able to proceed with the call. All FHCP Staff Providers will have the 6-deigit Client ID Number made available to them in their offices. 85 10/01/16 INTERPRETER SERVICES (continued) INSTRUCTIONS: Call comes in requesting a specific Language or patient is in the office 1. Use Conference Hold to place the limited English speaker on hold or have the patient present 2. Dial: 866 – 874 – 3972 3. Enter on your telephone keypad or provide the call Agent: • 6-digit Client ID ( Number obtained when calling FHCP or available at FHCP Staff offices) • Press 1 for Spanish • Press 2 for all other languages and speak the name of the language you need at the prompt. An Interpreter will be connected to the call. 4. Brief the Interpreter. Give your name and phone number and advise the interpreter that in the event you are dropped off the call to conference you back in. Summarize what you wish to accomplish and give any special instructions. 5. Add the limited-English Speaker to the line. 6. Say “End of Call” to the Interpreter when the call is completed. To hear a recorded demonstration of over-the-phone interpretation, call the demonstration line at 1-800-996-8808 or visit the website at 86 10/01/16 LABORATORY SERVICES – ROUTINE FHCP Center Draw Station FHCP Center Draw Station FHCP Center Draw Station FHCP Center Draw Station FHCP Center Draw Station FHCP Center Draw Station FHCP Center Draw Station LabCorp Draw Station LabCorp Draw Station LabCorp Draw Station Halifax Health-Professional Bldg. Countryside Professional Center Twin Lakes Medical Center Halifax Health-Ormond Beach 350 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 Laboratory Hours: Monday-Friday 7:00 am – 5:00 pm 927 North Spring Garden Ave., Ste. 927-B, DeLand, FL 32720 Laboratory Hours: Monday - Friday 7:30 am – 3:00 pm 1340 Ridgewood Avenue, Holly Hill, FL 32117 Laboratory Hours: Monday-Friday 7:00 am – 3:30 pm 461 South Nova Road, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 Laboratory Hours: Monday-Friday 7:00 am – 4:00 pm 2777 Enterprise Road, Orange City, FL 32763 Laboratory Hours: Monday - Friday 7:00 am – 3:00 pm 309 Palm Coast Parkway, Palm Coast, FL 32137 Laboratory Hours: Monday – Friday 7:00 am – 3:30 pm 740 Dunlawton Ave., Port Orange, FL 32127 Laboratory Hours: Monday – Friday 7:00 am – 3:30 pm 929 North Spring Garden Ave., Ste. 927-B, DeLand, FL 32720 Laboratory Hours: Monday - Friday 6:00 am – 3:00 pm Drug Screens: 8:00 am – 2:00 pm 602 W. Indian River Blvd., Suite 1&2, Edgewater, FL 32132 Laboratory Hours: Monday – Friday 6:00 am – 3:00 pm No Drug Screens 3510 S. Nova Road, Suite 109 & 110, Port Orange FL, 32129 Laboratory Hours: Monday – Friday 6:00 am – 3:00 pm No Drug Screens 311 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 Laboratory Hours: Monday – Friday 6:30 am – 4:15 pm 1185 Dunlawton Ave., Port Orange, FL 32127 Laboratory Hours: Monday-Thursday 6:30 am – 3:45 pm Friday 6:30 am to noon 1890 LPGA Blvd., Ste. 200, Daytona Beach, FL 32117 Laboratory Hours: Mon-Fri 7:00 am to 11:30 am, and 12:30 pm to 3:15 pm (Closed for lunch) 1688 W. Granada Blvd., Ormond Beach, FL 32174 Monday –Friday 7:00 am to noon HECN PROVIDERS Additional Laboratory Services information on the following page. 87 10/01/16 386 / 238-3285 Fax: 386 / 238-3282 386 / 736-1948 Fax: 386 / 736-2784 386 / 676-7136 Fax: 386 / 676-7181 386 / 671-4337 Fax: 386 / 481-6185 386 / 774-2550 Fax: 386 / 775-0176 386 / 447-9685 Fax: 386 / 446-3222 386 / 763-1000 Ext. 6312 Fax: 386 / 481-6386 386 / 822-9000 Fax: 386 / 740-1075 386 / 424-7346 Fax: 386 / 424-0705 386 / 788-5004 Fax: 386 / 788-1997 386 / 254-4128 Fax: 386 / 254-6833 386 / 947-4655 Fax: 386 / 947-4658 386 / 274-1830 Fax: 386 / 274-2955 386 / 615-4405 Fax: 386 / 676-1391 LABORATORY SERVICES – ROUTINE (continued) LabCorp Draw Station LabCorp Draw Station LabCorp Draw Station LabCorp Draw Station LabCorp Draw Station LabCorp Draw Station LabCorp Draw Station 393 Center Point Cir., Ste. 1457, Altamonte Springs, FL 32701 407 / 834-0804 Laboratory Hours: Monday – Friday 6:00 am – 3:00 pm Fax: 407 / 834-8233 Drug Screens: Monday – Friday: 7:00 am – 2:00 pm Sat: 8:00 am – 12:00 pm No Drug Screens 1706 E. Semoran Blvd., Ste. 114, Apopka, FL 32703 407 / 814-0281 Laboratory Hours: Monday – Friday 6:30 am – 3:30 pm Fax: 407 / 814-0397 Drug Screens: Monday – Friday: 8:00 am – 2:30 pm Lunch 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm 1239 SR 436, Walmart 101, Casselberry, FL 32707 407 / 678-0169 Laboratory Hours: Monday – Friday 7:00 am – 7:00 pm Fax: 407 / 678-0364 Sat.: 7:00 am to 5:00 pm Sun.: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Drug Screens: Monday – Friday: 7:00 am – 6:00 pm & Sat: 7:00 am – 4:00 pm 2500 W. Lake Mary Blvd., Ste. 112, Lake Mary, FL 32746 407 / 268-4253 Laboratory Hours: Monday – Friday 6:30 am – 3:30 pm Fax: 407 / 268-4486 Lunch: 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm No Drug Screens 705 W. State Rd. 434, Ste. J K, Longwood, FL 32750 407 / 331-0182 Laboratory Hours: Monday – Friday 6:30 am – 3:30 pm Fax: 407 / 331-4314 Drug Screens: 8:00 am - 11:00 am & 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm 1000 W. Broadway St., Ste. 204, Oviedo, FL 32765 407 / 359-2132 Laboratory Hours: Monday – Friday 6:30 am – 3:30 pm Fax: 407 / 359-2176 Lunch: 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm No Drug Screens 910 Lexington Green Ln., Sanford, FL 32771 407 / 330-0300 Laboratory Hours: Monday – Friday 6:30 am – 3:30 pm Fax: 407 / 330-3892 Drug Screens: 7:00 am - 11:00 am & 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm Lunch 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm No appointment necessary for the locations noted above. Genetic Lab Testing Instructions see Genetic Testing LABCORP DRAW STATIONS: Appointments are not necessary but wait time will be longer without an appointment. Online appointment scheduling available at or by phone at 1 / 800 / 877-3818, Option 3. Appointments should be made at least one day in advance. INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the LabCorp Request form and give to the member to take to one of the Draw Stations noted in this section. 88 10/01/16 LABORATORY SERVICES – STAT FHCP Center Draw Station FHCP Center Draw Station FHCP Center Draw Station FHCP Center Draw Station FHCP Center Draw Station FHCP Center Draw Station FHCP Center Draw Station LabCorp Draw Station LabCorp Draw Station LabCorp Draw Station Halifax Health-Professional Bldg. Countryside Professional Center Twin Lakes Medical Center Halifax Health-Ormond Beach 350 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 Laboratory Hours: Monday-Friday 7:00 am – 5:00 pm 927 North Spring Garden Ave., Ste. 927-B, DeLand, FL 32720 Laboratory Hours: Monday - Friday 7:30 am – 3:00 pm 1340 Ridgewood Avenue, Holly Hill, FL 32117 Laboratory Hours: Monday-Friday 7:00 am – 3:30 pm 461 South Nova Road, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 Laboratory Hours: Monday-Friday 7:00 am – 4:00 pm 2777 Enterprise Road, Orange City, FL 32763 Laboratory Hours: Monday - Friday 7:00 am – 3:00 pm 309 Palm Coast Parkway, Palm Coast, FL 32137 Laboratory Hours: Monday – Friday 7:00 am – 3:30 pm 740 Dunlawton Ave., Port Orange, FL 32127 Laboratory Hours: Monday – Friday 7:00 am – 3:30 pm 929 North Spring Garden Ave., Ste. 927-B, DeLand, FL 32720 Laboratory Hours: Monday - Friday 6:00 am – 3:00 pm Drug Screens: 8:00 am – 2:30 pm 1848 S. Ridgewood Ave., Edgewater, FL 32141 Laboratory Hours: Monday – Friday 6:00 am – 2:30 pm No Drug Screens 3510 S. Nova Road, Suite 109 & 110, Port Orange FL, 32129 Laboratory Hours: Monday – Friday 6:00 am – 3:00 pm No Drug Screens 311 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 Laboratory Hours: Monday – Friday 6:30 am – 4:15 pm 1185 Dunlawton Ave., Port Orange, FL 32127 Laboratory Hours: Monday-Thursday 6:30 am – 3:45 pm Friday 6:30 am to noon 1890 LPGA Blvd., Ste. 200, Daytona Beach, FL 32117 Laboratory Hours: Mon-Fri 7:00 am to 11:30 am, and 12:30 pm to 3:15 pm (Closed for lunch) 1688 W. Granada Blvd., Ormond Beach, FL 32174 Monday –Friday 7:00 am to noon HECN PROVIDERS Additional Laboratory Services information on the following page. 89 10/01/16 386 / 238-3285 Fax: 386 / 238-3282 386 / 736-1948 Fax: 386 / 736-2784 386 / 676-7136 Fax: 386 / 676-7181 386 / 671-4337 Fax: 386 / 481-6185 386 / 774-2550 Fax: 386 / 775-0176 386 / 447-9685 Fax: 386 / 446-3222 386 / 763-1000 Ext. 6312 Fax: 386 / 481-6386 386 / 822-9000 Fax: 386 / 740-1075 386 / 424-7335 Fax: 386 / 424-0705 386 / 788-5004 Fax: 386 / 788-1997 386 / 254-4128 Fax: 386 / 254-6833 386 / 947-4655 Fax: 386 / 947-4658 386 / 274-1830 Fax: 386 / 274-2955 386 / 615-4405 Fax: 386 / 676-1391 LABORATORY SERVICES – STAT (continued) LabCorp Draw Station LabCorp Draw Station LabCorp Draw Station LabCorp Draw Station LabCorp Draw Station LabCorp Draw Station LabCorp Draw Station 393 Center Point Cir., Ste. 1457, Altamonte Springs, FL 32701 Laboratory Hours: Monday – Friday 6:00 am – 3:00 pm Drug Screens: Monday – Friday: 7:00 am – 2:00 pm Sat: 8:00 am – 12:00 pm No Drug Screens 1706 E. Semoran Blvd., Ste. 114, Apopka, FL 32703 Laboratory Hours: Monday – Friday 6:30 am – 3:30 pm Drug Screens: Monday – Friday: 8:00 am – 2:30 pm Lunch 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm 1239 SR 436, Walmart 101, Casselberry, FL 32707 Laboratory Hours: Monday – Friday 7:00 am – 7:00 pm Sat.: 7:00 am to 5:00 pm Sun.: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Drug Screens: Monday – Friday: 7:00 am – 6:00 pm & Sat: 7:00 am – 4:00 pm 2500 W. Lake Mary Blvd., Ste. 112, Lake Mary, FL 32746 Laboratory Hours: Monday – Friday 6:30 am – 3:30 pm Lunch: 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm No Drug Screens 705 W. State Rd. 434, Ste. J K, Longwood, FL 32750 Laboratory Hours: Monday – Friday 6:30 am – 3:30 pm Drug Screens: 8:00 am - 11:00 am & 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm 1000 W. Broadway St., Ste. 204, Oviedo, FL 32765 Laboratory Hours: Monday – Friday 6:30 am – 3:30 pm Lunch: 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm No Drug Screens 910 Lexington Green Ln., Sanford, FL 32771 Laboratory Hours: Monday – Friday 6:30 am – 3:30 pm Drug Screens: 7:00 am - 11:00 am & 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm Lunch 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm 407 / 834-0804 Fax: 407 / 834-8233 407 / 814-0281 Fax: 407 / 814-0397 407 / 678-0169 Fax: 407 / 678-0364 407 / 268-4253 Fax: 407 / 268-4486 407 / 331-0182 Fax: 407 / 331-4314 407 / 359-2132 Fax: 407 / 359-2176 407 / 330-0300 Fax: 407 / 330-3892 No appointment necessary for the locations noted above. Genetic Lab Testing Instructions see Genetic Testing INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the LabCorp Request form and give to the member to take to one of the Draw Stations noted in this section. Additional Laboratory Services information on the following page. 90 10/01/16 LABORATORY SERVICES – STAT (continued) IF STAT LABS ARE NEEDED FOR A FHCP MEMBER, AND ALL DRAW STATIONS ARE CLOSED, PLEASE SEND THE PATIENT TO THE CLOSEST CONTRACTED HOSPITAL WITH THE ORDER Central Florida Regional Hospital #00Y009 1401 West Seminole Blvd., Sanford, FL 32771 407 / 321-4500 Halifax Health #00Y007 Daytona Beach Facility – Pediatric admissions available Florida Hospital – New Smyrna #00Y010 303 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 Florida Hospital - DeLand #00YG80 701 W. Plymouth Avenue, DeLand, FL 32720 386 / 254-4303 Fax: 386 / 254-4113 386 / 322-4700 386 / 424-5000 Fax: 386 / 424-5007 386 / 943-4522 Florida Hospital - Fish Memorial #00YG34 1055 Saxon Blvd., Orange City, FL 32763 386 / 851-5000 Florida Hospital – Flagler #00Y015 60 Memorial Medical Parkway, Palm Coast, FL 32164 Florida Hospital Memorial Medical Center #00Y004 Putnam Community Medical Center #102234 301 Memorial Medical Pkwy., Daytona Beach, FL 32117 386 / 437-2211 Fax: 386 / 586-4627 386 / 231-3034 Fax: 386 / 676-6077 386 / 328-5711 Fax: 386 / 325-8178 91 10/01/16 1041 Dunlawton Ave., Port Orange, FL 32127 401 Palmetto Street, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 Highway 20, West, Palatka, FL 32177 LABORATORY SERVICES-HOME Independent #042041 Phlebotomy Services, Inc. 977 Gardenia Drive, Daytona Beach, FL 32117 386 / 677-8338 Fax: 386 / 673-5729 Independent Phlebotomy Services, Inc. will be providing home phlebotomy/laboratory draw services to FHCP members residing in Volusia, Flagler and Seminole Counties. This service is for patients that have homebound status or documentation of a taxing physical effort to receive services at an outpatient lab draw station. Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. LITHOLINK SERVICES Litholink assists in preventing recurrent stone formation in patients. consultation services. They provide laboratory services, educational materials and physician All services for Litholink will require prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referral Department in Holly Hill. The FHCP Guidelines for Litholink services are as follows: ● ● ● All children 18 years of age and younger will be eligible Patients over the age of 18 must have 2 documented episodes of Nephrolithiasis in 5 years FHCP Primary Care Physicians, Urologists and Nephrologists can request Litholink services INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the FHCP Referral Form. Attach pertinent documentation to substantiate the request and forward by fax (386 / 2383253) or courier, to FHCP’s Central Referrals at the FHCP Holly Hill Facility. This must include documentation of the 2 episodes of Nephrolithiasis in 5 years. The Referral Department will review the request and notify you of their decision. The form needed for the above services is available at – For Providers, under Related Documents 92 10/01/16 LACTATION SERVICES/BREASTFEEDING CLASSES Better Breastfeeding Florida Hospital Deland 701 West Plymouth Avenue, Deland, FL 32720 (386) 943-4560 Breastfeeding Class Halifax Medical Center 303 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 (386) 425-4000 INSTRUCTIONS: Member can self refer to this specialty and will be able to call and schedule an appointment without an order from a physician. LYMPHEDEMA CLINIC Halifax Health #00Y007 201 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., 3rd. Floor, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 386 / 258-4969 Fax: 386 / 947-4645 Ability Health Services-Progressive Physical Therapy 290 Clyde Morris Blvd., Suite B2, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 386 / 898-0443 Fax: 386 / 898-0459 Ability Health Services - Palm Coast Sports Medicine & Rehab Center, Inc. #005429 35 Old Kings Rd., North, Palm Coast, FL 32137 386 / 445-5555 Fax: 386 / 445-9800 INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the FHCP Referral Form. Attach pertinent documentation to substantiate the request and forward by fax (386 / 2383253) or courier, to FHCP’s Central Referrals at the Holly Hill facility. The Referral Department will review the request and notify you of their decision. If approved, FHCP will schedule the member’s appointment and also confirm the appointment with the patient. The form needed for the above services is available at – For Providers, under Related Documents 93 10/01/16 MAMMOGRAMS (DIAGNOSTIC OR SCREENING) Florida Hospital – New Smyrna #00Y010 (H) Cyrus Diagnostic Imaging, Inc. #109138 (N) Florida Hospital Fish Imaging #00YG34 (H) Florida Hospital – Flagler #00Y015 (H) 401 Palmetto Street, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 165 Waymont Court, Lake Mary, FL 32746 PATIENTS SCREENED FOR MOBILITY 1053 Medical Center Drive, Suite 151, Orange City, FL 32763 Centralized scheduling – 386 / 917-5428 60 Memorial Medical Parkway, Palm Coast, FL 32164 LAD Imaging, LLC #008160 (N) 1555 Saxon Blvd., Ste. 401, Deltona, FL 32725 PATIENTS SCREENED FOR MOBILITY Palm Coast Imaging Center #005448 (N) 3 Pine Cone Drive, Ste. 101, Palm Coast, FL 32137 WILL NOT SCHEDULE SNF PATIENTS Port Orange Imaging Center #F00002 (N) 1195 Dunlawton Avenue, Port Orange, FL 32127 WILL NOT SCHEDULE SNF PATIENTS Town Center Imaging #F00004 (N) 21 Hospital Drive, Palm Coast, FL 32164 WILL NOT SCHEDULE SNF PATIENTS Twin Lakes Imaging Center #F00001 (N) 1890 LPGA Blvd., Suite 110, Daytona Beach, FL 32117 WILL NOT SCHEDULE SNF PATIENTS Victoria Medical Park/DeLand Women’s Center 151Victoria Commons Blvd., DeLand, FL 32724 #00YG80 (H) 386 / 424-5044 Fax: 386 / 424-5048 407 / 321-3012 Fax: 407 / 321-9006 386 / 917-5428 Fax: 386 / 917-5576 386 / 586-4402 Fax: 386 / 586-4767 386 / 860-9336 Fax: 386 / 860-2225 386 / 446-5200 Fax: 386 / 446-1866 386 / 322-1616 Fax: 386 / 322-5330 386 / 446-5200 Fax: 386 / 446-1866 386 / 274-5454 Fax: 386 / 274-5440 386 / 943-4610 Fax: 386 / 734-4781 (H) – Outpatient Hospital Department/Facility (N) – Outpatient Non-Hospital Facility Out of pocket costs may vary depending on location or benefit plan Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. 94 10/01/16 MEDICATIONS (REQUIRING PRIOR AUTHORIZATIONS) Following is a list of medications that either require prior authorization in order to be covered or are not covered under the FHCP’s prescription drug benefit. Specific guidelines for the prior authorization medications can be found in FHCP Policy/Procedure MCG004. This policy is available on the FHCP Website. The policy is also available on PAI (Provider Access Inquiry) in the FHCP Provider Handbook. For additional information, please contact Carol Cooper, LPN / Provider Relations Coordinator at 386 / 615-4001. **Biologic, Specialty, or Enzyme therapies not specifically listed must receive approval through the FHCP Central Referral Department prior to administration for reimbursement**. Drug Name Abatacept (Orencia) Abraxane Actemra Adagen Adcetris Aldurazyme ALGLUCOSIDASE ALFA Aloxi Alprostadil Alprostadil,Caverject,Edex Amevive Antizol Aralast Aralast NP Arixtra Dosage 10 MG 1mg 1 MG 25 IU 1 mg 0.1 MG 10 MG 25 MCG 1.25 MCG 1.25 MCG 0.5 MG 15 MG 10 MG 10 MG 0.5 MG J code J0129 J9264 J3262 J2504 J9042 J1931 J0220 J2469 J0270 J0270 J0215 J1451 J0256 J0256 J1652 Short Description Abatacept injection Paclitaxel Protein-bound Tocilizumab Pegademase bovine, 25 iu Brentuximab Laronidase injection Alglucosidase alfa injection Palonosetron hcl Alprostadil for injection Alprostadil for injection Alefacept Fomepizole, 15 mg Alpha 1 proteinase inhibitor Alpha 1 proteinase inhibitor Fondaparinux sodium Avastin Benlysta Botox Bravelle Carimune Nf Carimune/Gammagard Polygam Classic Caverject Caverject Impulse 10 MG 10MG 1 UNIT 75 IU 500 MG 500 MG 1.25 MCG 1.25 MCG J9035 Q2044 J0585 J3355 J1566 J1566 J0270 J0270 Anti-VEGF monoclonal antibody Belimumab Injection,onabotulinumtoxinA Urofollitropin, 75 iu Immune globulin, powder Immune globulin, powder Alprostadil for injection Alprostadil for injection 95 10/01/16 Status Not Covered Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Not Covered Not Covered Not Covered Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required (For non-ophthalmic use) Not Covered Prior Auth Required Not Covered Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Not Covered Not Covered Ceredase 10 UNITS J0205 Alglucerase injection Prior Auth Required Cerezyme Chorionic Gonadotropin Cimzia Cubicin Cyramza Denosomab/ Xgeva or Prolia Edex Elitek EMEND FOR INJECTION Enbrel (Etanercept) Epoprostenol Epoprostenol/Flolan EUFLEXXA Eylea Fabrazyme Flebogamma Feraheme Flolan Fomepizole Fomepizole/Antizol Fusilev GamaSTAN 10ML 532 PACK LF 13MM GamaSTAN 10ML 532 PACK LF 13MM GamaSTAN 10ML 532 PACK LF 13MM GamaSTAN 10ML 532 PACK LF 13MM GamaSTAN 10ML 532 PACK LF 13MM GamaSTAN 10ML 532 PACK LF 13MM GamaSTAN 10ML 532 PACK LF 13MM GamaSTAN 10ML 532 PACK LF 13MM GamaSTAN 10ML 532 PACK LF 13MM GamaSTAN 10ML 532 PACK LF 13MM GamaSTAN 10ML 532 PACK LF 13MM GAMASTAN S/D GAMASTAN S/D GAMASTAN S/D GAMASTAN S/D GAMASTAN S/D 1 UNIT 1000 UNITS 1 MG 1 MG J1785 J0725 J0718 J0878 J3490 TEMP J0897 J0270 J2783 J1453 J1438 J1325 J1325 J7323 J0178 J0180 J1572 Q0138 J1325 J1451 J1451 J0641 J1480 J1490 J1500 J1510 J1540 J1550 J1460 J1470 J1560 J1520 J1530 J1470 J1520 J1530 J1460 J1550 Injection imiglucerase /unit Chorionic gonadotropin/1000u Certolizumab pegol inj Daptomycin injection Ramucirumab Denosomab Alprostadil for injection Rasburicase Fosaprepitant injection Etanercept injection Epoprostenol injection Epoprostenol injection Euflexxa inj per dose Afilbercept Agalsidase beta injection Flebogamma injection Ferumoxytol Epoprostenol injection Fomepizole, 15 mg Fomepizole, 15 mg Levoleucovorin/Fusilev Gamma globulin 3 CC inj Gamma globulin 4 CC inj Gamma globulin 5 CC inj Gamma globulin 6 CC inj Gamma globulin 9 CC inj Gamma globulin 10 CC inj Gamma globulin 1 CC inj Gamma globulin 2 CC inj Gamma globulin > 10 CC inj Gamma globulin 7 CC inj Gamma globulin 8 CC inj Gamma globulin 2 CC inj Gamma globulin 7 CC inj Gamma globulin 8 CC inj Gamma globulin 1 CC inj Gamma globulin 10 CC inj Prior Auth Required Not Covered Not Covered Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prolia Not Cov/ XGEVA PA Not Covered Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Not Covered Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Not Covered Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Not Covered Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required 96 10/01/16 1mg 1.25 MCG 0.5 MG 1 MG 25 MG 0.5 MG 0.5 MG PER DOSE 1mg 1 MG 500 MG 500 MG 0.5 MG 15 MG 15 MG 0.5mg 3CC 4 CC 5 CC 6 CC 9 CC 10 CC 1 CC 2 CC 10 CC 7 CC 8 CC 2 CC 7 CC 8 CC 1 CC 10 CC GAMASTAN S/D GAMASTAN S/D GAMASTAN S/D GAMASTAN S/D GAMASTAN S/D GAMASTAN S/D GAMMAGARD LIQUID Gammagard S/D Gamunex Ganite Humira Ibandronate sodium Idursulfase Immune Globulin (Human) Immune Globulin (Human) Immune Globulin (Human) Immune Globulin (Human) Immune Globulin (Human) Immune Globulin (Human) Immune Globulin (Human) Immune Globulin (Human) Immune Globulin (Human) Immune Globulin (Human) Immune Globulin (Human) Injectafer Levulan Kerastick Lucentis Kadcyla Macugen Keytruda Marinol Marinol Marinol Muse Myobloc Naglazyme Naltrexone Novarel 97 10/01/16 10 CC 3CC 4 CC 5 CC 6 CC 9 CC 500 MG 500 MG 500 MG 1 MG 20 MG 1 MG 1 MG 4 CC 8 CC 2 CC 3CC 5 CC 6 CC 7 CC 9 CC 1 CC 10 CC 10 CC 500 354 MG 0.1 MG 1 MG 0.3 MG 2.5 MG 5 MG 5 MG 125 MCG 100 UNITS 1 MG 1 MG 1000 UNITS J1560 J1480 J1490 J1500 J1510 J1540 J1569 J1566 J1561 J1457 J0135 J1740 J1743 J1490 J1530 J1470 J1480 J1500 J1510 J1520 J1540 J1460 J1560 J1550 J1439 J7308 J2778 J9354 J2503 J3490 TEMP Q0167 Q0167 Q0168 J0275 J0587 J1458 J2315 J0725 Gamma globulin > 10 CC inj Gamma globulin 3 CC inj Gamma globulin 4 CC inj Gamma globulin 5 CC inj Gamma globulin 6 CC inj Gamma globulin 9 CC inj Gammagard liquid injection Immune globulin, powder Gamunex injection Gallium nitrate injection Adalimumab injection Ibandronate sodium injection Idursulfase injection Gamma globulin 4 CC inj Gamma globulin 8 CC inj Gamma globulin 2 CC inj Gamma globulin 3 CC inj Gamma globulin 5 CC inj Gamma globulin 6 CC inj Gamma globulin 7 CC inj Gamma globulin 9 CC inj Gamma globulin 1 CC inj Gamma globulin > 10 CC inj Gamma globulin 10 CC inj Ferric carboxymaltose Aminolevulinic acid hcl top Ranibizumab injection Ado-trastuzumab Pegaptanib sodium injection Pembrolizumab Dronabinol 2.5mg oral Dronabinol 2.5mg oral Dronabinol 5mg oral Alprostadil urethral suppos Inj, rimabotulinumtoxinB Galsulfase injection Naltrexone, depot form Chorionic gonadotropin/1000u Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Not Covered Prior Auth Required Not Covered Prior Auth Required Not Covered Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Not Covered Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Not Covered Not Covered Drug Name Nplate Nulojix Octagam Dosage 10 MCG J code J2796 J1568 Short Description Romiplostim injection Belatacept Octagam injection Status Not Covered Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required 500 MG Octagam 5%, 1 g in 20 ml 500 MG J1568 Octagam injection Prior Auth Required Octagam 5%, 2.5 g in 50 ml Octagam 5%, 25 g in 500 ml 500 MG 500 MG J1568 J1568 Octagam injection Octagam injection Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Opdivo Orthovisc Panglobulin Nf Perjeta Polygam S/D Pregnyl Pregnyl, Novarel, HCG Prialt Privigen Prolia 1mg (denosumab) Prolastin/Zemaira/Aralast Prostin Vr Provenge Pulmozyme Reclast Remicade Remodulin Rituxan Soliris Sporanox Stelara Supartz Synvisc SynviscOne TOBI Tysarbi Testapel PER DOSE 500 MG 1 MG 500 MG 1000 UNITS 1000 UNITS 1 MCG 500 MG 1mg 10 MG 1.25 MCG 50 million units 1 MG 1 MG 10 MG 1 MG 100 MG 10 MG 50 MG 1mg PER DOSE 1 MG 1 MG 300 MG 1 MG 75mg J3490 TEMP J7324 J1566 J9306 J1566 J0725 J0725 J2278 J1459 J0897 J0256 J0270 Q2043 J7639 J3488 J1745 J3285 J9310 J1300 J1835 J3357 J7321 J7325 J7325 J7682 J2323 S0189 Nivolumab Orthovisc inj per dose Immune globulin, powder Pertuzumab Immune globulin, powder Chorionic gonadotropin/1000u Chorionic gonadotropin/1000u Ziconotide injection Inj IVIG privigen 500 mg Denosomab Alpha 1 proteinase inhibitor Alprostadil for injection Sipuleucel-T auto CD54+ Dornase alfa non-comp unit Reclast Injection Infliximab injection Treprostinil injection Rituximab Eculizumab injection Itraconazole injection Ustekinumab Hyalgan/supartz inj per dose Synvisc or Synvisc-One Synvisc or Synvisc-One Tobramycin non-comp unit Natalizumab injection Testosterone Pellet Prior auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Not Covered Not Covered Not Covered Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Not Covered Not Covered Prior Auth Required FHCP infusion clinic NO PA Prior Auth Required Not Covered Prior Auth Required Not Covered Prior Auth Required Not Covered Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Not Covered Not Covered 98 10/01/16 Visudyne Vivaglobin Vivaglobulin Vivitrol Xgeva(denosumab) Xolair Yervoy Zaltrap Zemaira Zyvox 99 10/01/16 0.1 MG 100 MG 100 MG 1 MG 1mg 5 MG 1 MG 1mg 10 MG 200 MG J3396 J1562 J1562 J2315 J0897 J2357 J9228 J9400 J0256 J2020 Verteporfin injection Vivaglobin, inj Vivaglobin, inj Naltrexone, depot form Denosomab Omalizumab injection Ipilimumab Ziv-Afilbercept Alpha 1 proteinase inhibitor Linezolid injection Prior Auth Required Not Covered Not Covered Not Covered Prior auth Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required Prior Auth Required MRI’S Advanced Imaging (N) Florida Hospital – New Smyrna 1639 North Volusia Ave., Orange City, FL 32763 #00Y010 (H) Cyrus Diagnostic Imaging, Inc. #109138 (N) Florida Hospital - DeLand #00YG80 (H) Florida Hospital Fish Imaging #00YG34 (H) Florida Hospital - Fish Memorial #00YG34 (H) Florida Hospital – Flagler #00Y015 (H) LAD Imaging, LLC #008160 (N) New Smyrna Imaging #135587 (N) CT’s & MRI’s - Breast MRI’s not available Open MRI of Daytona #000297 (N) Palm Coast Imaging Center #005448 (N) Port Orange Imaging Center #F00002 (N) Open MRI Unit also available Town Center Imaging #F00004 (N) 401 Palmetto Street, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 165 Waymont Court, Lake Mary, FL 32746 PATIENTS SCREENED FOR MOBILITY 701 W. Plymouth Avenue, DeLand, FL 32720 1053 Medical Center Drive, Suite 151, Orange City, FL 32763 Centralized scheduling – 386 / 917-5428 1055 Saxon Blvd., Orange City, FL 32763 Centralized scheduling – 386 / 917-5428 60 Memorial Medical Parkway, Palm Coast, FL 32164 1555 Saxon Blvd., Bldg. 4, Suite 401, Deltona, FL 32725 PATIENTS SCREENED FOR MOBILITY 405 East 3rd. Avenue, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169 201 Bill France Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 3 Pine Cone Drive, Ste. 101, Palm Coast, FL 32137 WILL NOT SCHEDULE SNF PATIENTS 1195 Dunlawton Avenue, Port Orange, FL 32127 WILL NOT SCHEDULE SNF PATIENTS 21 Hospital Drive, Palm Coast, FL 32164 WILL NOT SCHEDULE SNF PATIENTS 386 / 774-7226 Fax: 386 / 774-7227 386 / 424-5044 Fax: 386 / 424-5048 407 / 321-3012 Fax: 407 / 321-9006 386 / 943-4610 Fax: 386 / 943-4461 386 / 917-5428 Fax: 386 / 917-5576 386 / 917-5428 Fax: 386 / 917-5576 386 / 586-4402 Fax: 386 / 586-4767 386 / 860-9336 Fax: 386 / 860-2225 386 / 426-1900 Fax: 386 / 426-5939 386 / 254-6800 Fax: 386 / 254-6995 386 / 446-5200 Fax: 386 / 446-1866 386 / 322-1616 Fax: 386 / 322-5330 386 / 446-5200 Fax: 386 / 446-1866 EXCEPTIONS NOTED ON THE FOLLOWING PAGE See specific instructions in other sections for: Ultrasounds, X-Rays, Mammograms, Event Monitors, Holtor Monitors, EMG’s, EKG’s, ABG’s, PFT’s and Echocardiograms. Additional MRI information on the following page. 100 10/01/16 MRI’S (continued) (H) – Outpatient Hospital Department/Facility (N) – Outpatient Non-Hospital Facility Out of pocket costs may vary depending on location or benefit plan Twin Lakes Imaging Center #F00001 (N) 1890 LPGA Blvd., Suite 110, Daytona Beach, FL 32124 WILL NOT SCHEDULE SNF PATIENTS 386 / 274-5454 Fax: 386 / 274-5440 Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. The exceptions to the above are: • Breast MRI’s • Sestamibi Scan (Endocrinologists and Cardiologists can order with no prior authorization) • Stereotactic Breast Biopsy • Ultrasound Guided Needle Breast Biopsy • CT Colonography (Virtual Colonoscopy) • Pill Cam • Genetic Testing • Hida Scans • PET SCAN (PCP’s ordering PET SCANS must have prior authorization) • Knee MRI’s (PCP’s ordering Knee MRI’s must have prior authorization) INSTRUCTIONS FOR EXCEPTIONS: Complete the FHCP Referral Form. Attach pertinent documentation to substantiate the request and forward by fax (386 / 238-3253) or courier, to FHCP’s Central Referrals at the Holly Hill facility. The Referral Department will review the request and notify you of their decision. If approved, FHCP will schedule the member’s appointment and also confirm the appointment with the patient. The form needed for the above services is available at – For Providers, under Related Documents 101 10/01/16 NEONATAL & PERINATAL HIGH RISK PREGNANCY & INFANT CASE MANAGEMENT FHCP is now offering the Rosebud Program to eligible FHCP Members who meet Rosebud’s perinatal and/or neonatal case management risk criteria. Services are available at no charge to the recipient of care; however, prior authorization is required to refer the Member to Rosebud’s program and services. A nurse that specializes in high risk pregnancy or high risk infant care will contact the Member to discuss the pregnancy or the infant care upon approved referral. The Rosebud Referral Form is available on our website at in the “Related Documents” section as well at Please complete this form and forward to the FHCP Central Referral Department via fax to either of the numbers listed below for processing. FHCP Central Referral Department Fax (386) 238-3253 or (877) 659-3427 NEPHROLOGY Anil Mandal, M.D. #120190 Shiram Marathe, M.D. #006368 Patients 18 years and older J. Peter Singh, M.D. #001889 MEDICARE MEMBERS ONLY Jacksonville Clinic 206 Dr. Carter Blvd. (S. Lemon), Bunnell, FL, 32110 East Coast Nephrology Associates, LLC 335 Clyde Morris Blvd., Ste. 260, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 1728 Dunlawton Ave., Ste. 3, Port Orange, FL 32127 385 Palm Coast Parkway S.W., Ste. 2, Palm Coast, FL 32137 Rohan Desai, M.D. #011664 Harjas Moorjani, M.D. #000022 Alfredo Pegoraro, M.D. #005634 Patients 18 years and older Florida Kidney and Hypertension Specialists, P.A. 2877 Wellness Avenue, Orange City, FL 32763 999 N. Stone St., Ste. B, DeLand, FL 32720 Additional Nephrology information on the following page. 102 10/01/16 386 / 445-2003 Fax: 904 / 823-1284 386 / 672-4001 Fax: 386 / 672-4006 386 / 767-8815 Fax: 386 / 672-4006 386 / 445-9205 Fax: 386 / 672-4006 386 / 668-4650 Fax: 386 / 668-4649 NEPHROLOGY (continued) Abdul Jumani, M.D. #011821 Patients 18 years and older Jaideep Hoskote, M.D. #037825 Patients 18 years and older Jaideep Hoskote, M.D. #101719 Vinod Patel, M.D. #000151 Daniel V. Patel, M.D. #10M826 Patients 18 years and older Sajid Latif, M.D. Send records prior to scheduling Office will schedule and confirm with patient Helder De Paiva, M.D., #041910 Patients 18 years and older Christopher Mai, M.D. #010475 Patients 19 years and older Vinayak V. Purandare, M.D. #000778 Prathap Simhadri, M.D. #049827 Patients 18 years and older Send records prior to scheduling Office will schedule and confirm with patient Volusia Renal Consultants 4645 S. Clyde Morris Blvd., Ste. 408, Port Orange, FL 32129 120 Cypress Edge Dr., Ste. 201, Palm Coast, FL 32164 Nephrology Consultants, P.A. 544 Health Blvd. Daytona Beach, FL 32114 Renal Care Consultants, P.L. 4641 S. Clyde Morris Blvd., Ste. 201, Port Orange, FL 32129 Helder De Paiva, M.D., LLC 21 Hospital Dr., #250, Palm Coast, FL 32164 Christopher Mai, M.D., P.A. 821 State Road 44, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 386 / 295-6601 Fax: 386 / 492-1174 386 / 586-4460 Fax: 386 / 586-4461 386 / 258-6522 Fax: 386 / 254-8803 386 / 322-6340 Fax: 386 / 322-6212 904 / 829-0400 Fax: 904 / 829-0411 386 / 427-3767 Fax: 386 / 423-2516 Vinayak V. Purandare, M.D., P.L. 305 Memorial Medical Pkwy., Ste. 507, Daytona Beach, FL 386 / 672-8595 32117 Fax: 386 / 677-4987 Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. 103 10/01/16 NEUROLOGY Mulki Bhat, M.D. #00001X Patients 14 years and older Send records prior to scheduling Office will schedule and confirm with patient Mary J. Derbenwick, M.D. #000693 Patients 12 years and older Alyn Benezette, D.O. #003692 All ages Send records prior to scheduling Office will schedule and confirm with patient Stephanie Carinci, M.D. #10A885 Patients 14 years and older Hendrik Dinkla, M.D. #004435 Patients newborn and older Jeffrey Corak, M.D. #003022 Patients 5 years and older FHCP Center 315 Palm Coast Parkway, Palm Coast, FL 32137 FHCP Center 350 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 MEDICAL RECORDS FAX – 386 / 481-5009 Coastal Neurology 801 Beville Road, South Daytona, FL 32119 DMA-Central Florida Neurologic Consultants, P.A. 742 W. Plymouth Avenue, DeLand, FL 32720 Volusia Neurology, P.A. 760 S. Volusia Ave., Ste. 400, Orange City, FL 32763 Additional Neurology information on the following page. 104 10/01/16 386 / 445-7073 Fax: 386 / 447-7092 386 / 238-3244 Fax: 386 / 238-3269 386 / 788-2300 Fax: 386 / 756-1697 386 / 943-3190 Fax: 386 / 738-7629 386 / 774-0220 Fax: 386 / 774-0961 NEUROLOGY (continued) Olimpio Cunha, M.D. #003779 Dalia Fulop, M.D. #133180 Mandeep Garewal, M.D. #011986 David McDonald, M.D. #002373 James A. Scott, M.D. #005198 Patients 18 years and older Send records prior to scheduling Office will schedule and confirm with patient Elias M. Gizaw, M.D. #003223 Ramit Panara, M.D. #037613 Sampathkumar Shanmugham, M.D. #006807 Nitesh Shekhadia, M.D. #010451 Patients 18 years and older Bhupinder Mangat, M.D. #003464 Patients 18 years and older Jeremy Grimes, M.D. #10T549 Patients 12 years and older Send records prior to scheduling Office will schedule and confirm with patient Deepak Tikku, M.D. #011898 Patients 18 years of age and older Neurology Associates of Ormond Beach 8 Mirror Lake Dr., Ormond Beach, FL 32174 870 Dunlawton Ave., Ste. 109, Port Orange, FL 32127 SCHEDULING FAX NUMBER Florida Neurology, P.A. 755 Stirling Center Place, Lake Mary, FL 32746 Seminole Neurology Associates, P.A. 1403 Medical Plaza Drive, Suite 204, Sanford, FL 32771 Grimes Neurology and Concussion Center, P.A. 800 Dunlawton Ave., Ste. 103, Port Orange, FL 32127 Neurology Center of Florida 2808 Enterprise Rd., Ste. 104, Debary, FL 32713 Additional Neurology information on the following page. 105 10/01/16 386 / 673-2500 Fax: 386 / 673-3204 386 / 427-3700 Fax: Same as Ormond 386 / 676-6348 407 / 333-1718 Fax: 407 / 333-1633 407 / 324-5500 Fax: 407 / 324-5584 386 / 679-3270 Fax: 386 / 256-2518 386 / 624-6900 Fax: 386 / 624-6993 NEUROLOGY (continued) Vicente Trapani, M.D. #038366 Patients 18 years and older Maria L. Vivino, M.D. #008774 Patients 18 years of age and older Timothy Wierzbicki, M.D. #036851 Patients 18 years of age and older NDC of Volusia 1055 N. Dixie Freeway, Ste. 1, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 780 Dunlawton Ave., Ste. 1, Port Orange, FL 32127 South East Volusia Medical Services, Inc. 501 Live Oak Street, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 Brain & Spine Institute of Port Orange, LLC 1211 Dunlawton Ave., Port Orange, FL 32127 386 / 423-0505 Fax: 386 / 423-0515 386 / 322-6111 Fax: 386 / 322-3777 386 / 424-3860 Fax: 386 / 424-3861 386 / 304-0111 Fax: 386 / 304-1099 Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. 106 10/01/16 NUTRITIONAL ASSESSMENT AND COUNSELING Melissa Baumann, MS, RD, CDE Cara Karner, MS, RD, LD, CDE Catherine Robinson, MS, RD, LD, CDE All ages FHCP Center 330 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Bach, FL 32114 – Main Office Classes available at various locations or on an individual basis depending on the need. 386 / 676-7133 or 1 / 877 / 229-4518 Fax: 386 / 238-3228 Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send a Task through EHR or complete a referral for Diabetes Education or Nutritional Counseling (Form # 17-105/1/09RX 06-606-04/Rev. 10-10-11) to the Department. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The Department will advise you of their scheduling protocol. Always document ICD-10 code for service requested. Services provided include, but not limited to: Eating Disorders; anorexia, bulemia, obesity Hyperlipidemia Chronic Kidney Disease Peg Tube Feedings Carbohydrate Counting Diabetes Education The form needed for the above services is available at – For Providers, under Related Documents 107 10/01/16 OBSTETRICS Agape Birth & Wellness Center 1346 Mason Ave., Daytona Beach, FL 32117 Patients 15 years and older *Complete outpatient obstetrical services, including vaginal delivery at the Center, to members age 15 years and older for uncomplicated, low-risk pregnancies. Volusia OB/GYN Megan M. Bagwell, M.D. #042577 500 Health Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 Meetesh Desai, #112690 Ted E. Robertson, M.D. #10Q518 Cecille Tapia-Santiago, M.D. #000793 All ages Halifax OB/GYN Associates Cynthia Baldwin, M.D. #011160 1890 LPGA Blvd., Suite 160, Daytona Beach, FL 32117 Marjorie Bhogal, M.D. #042174 Pamela Carbiener, M.D. #000170 Stephen Cortez, M.D. #000090 Thomas Stavoy, M.D. #001860 Patricia C. Esquivel, M.D. #049161 Patients 10 years and older Women’s Health Resource Center George Besong, M.D. #011209 2728 Enterprise Rd., Ste. 200, Orange City, FL 32763 Jeffrey Brooks, M.D. #043476 Hussain Esmail-Rawji, M.D. #045908 Jacinta Feldman, C.N.M. #001949 Florida Hospital DeLand OB/GYN 1431 Orange Camp Road, Ste. 118 & 119, DeLand, FL 32724 386 / 258--5400 Fax: 386 / 258-5005 386 / 252-5858 Fax: 386 / 252-4477 386 / 252-4701 Fax: 386 / 253-9410 386 / 774-0109 Fax: 386 / 774-1203 386 / 740-4054 Fax: 386 / 822-5487 INSTRUCTIONS: Member can self- refer to this specialty and will be able to call and schedule an appointment without an order from a physician. Additional Obstetrics information on the following page. 108 10/01/16 OBSTETRICS (continued) Christine DaSilva, M.D. #107457 Tedra Gilmore, M.D. #10B391 John Meyers, M.D. #006366 All ages OB/GYN Health Center 769 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 Heart2Heart Birth Center, LLC 1110 Lexinton Green Ln., Sanford, FL 32771 *Complete outpatient obstetrical services, including vaginal delivery at the Center, to members age 16 years and older for uncomplicated, low-risk pregnancies. Palm Coast OB/GYN Patricia Modad, M.D. #10T904 50 Leanni Way, Suites A3 & A4, Palm Coast, FL 32137 Patients 10 years and older Obstetrics & Gynecology of Port Orange 1165 Dunlawton Ave., Ste. 103, Port Orange, FL 32127 Hussain Esmail-Rawji, M.D. #045908 Patients15 years and older R. John Vagovic, M.D. #005314 All ages Ricardo J. Larrain, M.D. #001855 All ages Dr. Rawji MD OB/GYN, L.L.C. 850 W. Plymouth Ave., DeLand, FL 327220 Daytona Beach Women’s Center, Inc. 311 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Ste. 420, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 MEDICAL RECORDS FAX – 386 / 258-8785 Ricardo J. Larrain, M.D., P.A. 800 W. Plymouth Ave., DeLand, FL 32720 1414 W. Granada Blvd., Suite 3, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 John White, M.D. #005158 HECN PROVIDER 533 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Ste. A, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 386 / 258-0123 Fax: 386 / 258-6464 407 / 322-9944 Fax: 407 / 878-5858 386 / 447-6831 Fax: 386 / 447-6834 386 / 767-1660 Fax: 386 / 447-6834 386 / 337-3190 Fax: 386 / 279-0268 386 / 274-1005 Fax: 386 / 274-5779 386 / 736-1404 Fax: 386 / 736-1423 386 / 673-7503 Fax: 386 / 673-7340 386 / 255-0901 Fax: 386 / 255-4454 INSTRUCTIONS: Member can self-refer to this specialty and will be able to call and schedule an appointment without an order from a physician. 109 10/01/16 OCULAR PROSTHETICS LAB Ocular Prosthetics Lab, Inc. Ocular Prosthetics Lab, Inc. 575 W. Granada Blvd., Suite H, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 Toll Free: 1 / 888 / 578-4788 Fax: 407 / 246-0222 INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the FHCP Referral Form. Attach pertinent documentation to substantiate the request and forward by fax (877 / 6593427) to FHCP’s Central Referrals at the Holly Hill facility. The Referral Department will review the request and notify you of their decision. Services include: 1. Evaluation for Ocular Prostheses/Artificial Eye 2. Fabrication and Fitting of Ocular Prostheses 3. Polishing/Resurfacing of Ocular Prosthesis. FHCP will not require prior authorization for the Polishing and Resurfacing as long as the Medicare Guidelines are met. Any services above the standard number of units per year will require prior authorization. 110 10/01/16 ONCOLOGY–MEDICAL/HEMATOLOGY Christopher Alexander, D.O. #002456 Kathleen Doughney, M.D. #003384 Paul Dodd III, M.D. #002284 Patients 18 years and older Karin Bigman, M.D. #002309 Eric M. Harris, D.O. #043960 Mudussara Khan, M.D. #037471 Patients 18 years and older Rene Cabeza, M.D. #002283 Seema Harichand-Herdt, M.D. #10S812 Giselle M. Mery, M.D. #044784 Santosh Nair, M.D. #011306 Gregory Ortega, M.D. #003181 Roderick Paras, M.D. #051693 Neeraj Sharma, M.D. #009958 Dipali Trivedi, M.D. #052859 Bhanu Visvalingam, M.D. #011770 Patients 18 years and older Florida Cancer Specialists, P.L. 325 Clyde Morris Blvd., Suite 450, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 800 Dunlawton Ave., Suite 101, Port Orange, FL 32127 Florida Cancer Specialists, P.L. 345 Clyde Morris Blvd., Suite 490, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 386 / 672-3933 Fax: 386 / 672-3911 224 Memorial Medical Pkwy., Ste. 300, Daytona Beach, FL 386 / 231-4060 32117 Fax: 386 / 615-9119 125 Florida Memorial Pkwy., Ste. 2200, New Smyrna Beach, FL 386 / 409-6836 32168 Fax: 386 / 409-6909 Mid-Florida Hematology & Oncology Ctr., P.A. 2776 Enterprise Rd., Ste. 100, Orange City, FL 32763 386 / 774-1223 Fax: 386 / 774-4658 1070 N. Stone Street, Suite C, DeLand, FL 32720 386 / 734-1013 Fax: 386 / 734-1028 2100 West 1st Street, Sanford, FL 32771 407 / 323-2250 Fax: 407 / 321-5550 Referral Fax: Fax: 386 / 774-1314 Additional Oncology information on the following page. 111 10/01/16 386 / 673-2442 Fax: 386 / 673-4884 386 / 767-6977 Fax: 386 / 767-6786 ONCOLOGY–MEDICAL/HEMATOLOGY (continued) Medical Oncology Associates Boon Y. Chew, M.D. #011075 Halifax Health – Daytona Beach Ruby Anne Deveras, M.D. #011371 303 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 Walter Durkin, M.D. #003875 Gregory Favis, M.D. #003927 Halifax Health Center for Oncology - Ormond Awais M. Khan, M.D. #052402 1688 W. Granada Blvd., Ormond Beach, FL 32174 Zafar Latif, M.D. #10X841 Abdul Sorathia, M.D. #002958 1185 Dunlawton Ave., Suite 105, Port Orange, FL 32127 Richard Weiss, M.D. #003903 Kelly Molpus, M.D. #011164 (Medical and Florida Hospital – New Smyrna Gynecologic only) 401 Palmetto Street, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 Patients 18 years and older Florida Cancer Specialists, P.L. Rasha N. Beg, M.D. #053816 765 Image Way, Orange City, FL 32763 Kottapurath K. Kunjumoideen, M.D. #10Q733 Victor W. Melgen, M.D. #006583 917 Rinehart Road, Suite 2041, Lake Mary, FL 32746 Shemin Saferali, M.D. #038068 Lynn Van Ummersen, M.D. #10J831 810 N. Spring Garden, Ave., Ste. 100, Deland, FL 32720 Patients 18 years and older Florida Cancer Specialists, P.L. Philip Ndum, M.D. #118327 61 Memorial Medical Pkwy., Suite 2818, Palm Coast, FL 32164 Patients 18 years and older Florida Cancer Specialists, P.L. Padmaja Sai, M.D. #011934 61 Memorial Medical Pkwy, Suite 2812, Palm Coast, FL 32164 Patients 18 years and older 386 / 254-4212 Office Fax: 386 / 254-4214 Referral Fax: 386 / 425-7531 386 / 425-4400 Fax: 386 / 425-4416 386 / 425-4750 Fax: 386 / 322-4751 386 / 424-5038 Fax: 386 / 424-5081 386 / 774-7411 Fax: 386 / 774-7412 407 / 804-6133 Fax: 321 / 283-4332 386 / 943-9446 Fax: 386 / 943-9385 386 / 586-2889 Fax: 386 / 586-2890 386 / 586-1860 Fax: 386 / 586-1861 Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. 112 10/01/16 ONCOLOGY- RADIATION Joyce Battle, M.D. #005481 Brad Factor, M.D. #011613 Ronald J. Krochak, M.D. #048160 Patients 18 years and older Halifax Health 303 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 Halifax Health Center for Oncology - Ormond 1688 W. Granada Blvd., Ormond Beach, FL 32174 Florida Hospital – New Smyrna 401 Palmetto Street, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 Twin Lakes 1890 LPGA Blvd., Ste.70, Daytona Beach, FL 32117 Gary Graham, M.D. #011581 Thomas Scheer, M.D. #10W302 Patients 18 years and older Mid-Florida Hematology & Oncology Centers 2776 Enterprise Rd., Ste. 100, Orange City, FL 32763 386 / 254-4210 Office Fax: 386 / 254-4383 Referral Fax: 386 / 254-4038 386 / 425-4400 Fax: 386 / 425-4416 386 / 424-5038 Fax: 386 / 424-5081 386 / 425-7310 Fax 386 / 425-7530 386 / 774-1223 Fax: 386 / 774-4658 Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. ONCOLOGY - RADIATION THERAPY Radiation oncology services on or after May 1, 2016 will require pre-authorization. Authorization requests should be directed to AIM Specialty Health by telephone at (844) 423-0881 or through their secure web portal located at 113 10/01/16 OPHTHALMOLOGY Annemarie N. Etienne, M.D. Todd Geis, M.D. #000091 F. Harold Kushner, M.D. #000007 Joseph Zobian, M.D. #008480 All ages MEDICAL RECORDS FAX – 386 / 481-5009 Kevin Barber, M.D. #10A214 Robert Cordero, M.D. #003829 Ryan Scruggs, M.D. #041904 Infants and older Kevin Barber, M.D. #10A214 Eric Cohn, D.O. #002496 Mathew K. George, M.D. #038402 Douglas Lieb, M.D. #111727 Huberto Perez, M.D. #10B846 Howard Sakowitz, M.D. #002412 Patients 10 years and older Daniel F. Miller, M.D. #003882 Orest Krajnyk, M.D. #053146 Robert Routh, M.D. #038022 Ages: Case by case basis FHCP Center 350 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Suite 210, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 FHCP Center 315 Palm Coast Parkway, Palm Coast, FL 32137 Palm Coast and Daytona Beach appointments to be made through the Daytona Beach office. Central Florida Eye Specialists 1592 S. SR 15-A, Deland, FL 32720 2715 Rebecca Lane, Orange City, FL 32763 Central Florida Eye Specialists 524 Canal Street, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 Sakowitz Eye Center 313 N. Mangoustine Avenue, Sanford, FL 32771 2850 Wellness Ave., Orange City, FL 32763 Volusia Eye Associates, LLC 415 N. Causeway, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169 2568 S. Ridgewood Ave., Ste. 4, Edgewater, FL 32141 Additional Ophthalmology information on the following page. 114 10/01/16 386 / 676-7103 Fax: 386 / 676-7186 386 / 676-7103 Fax: 386 / 447-7536 386 / 734-2931 Fax: 386 / 734-2939 386 / 917-0404 Fax: 386 / 917-0584 386 / 428-6811 Fax: 386 / 734-2939 386 / 574-0700 Fax: 386 / 574-1139 386 / 574-0700 Fax: 386 / 574-1139 386 / 427-4143 Fax: 386 / 427-0711 386 / 424-1422 Fax: 386 / 424-1401 OPHTHALMOLOGY (continued) Nishita Patel, M.D. #049665 Patients 5 years and older HECN PROVIDER Donald Cardone, M.D. #004093 Patients 18 years and older HECN PROVIDER Halifax Health Center for Ophthalmology 517 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 Halifax Health Center for Ophthalmology 311 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Ste. 500 C, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 386 / 425-0393 Fax: 386 / 253-3484 386 / 425-0393 Fax: 386 / 239-2381 Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. OPHTHALMOLOGY-RETINAL SERVICES ONLY Thomas Barnard, M.D. #003338 Mathew A. Cunningham, M.D. #036832 William J. Dunn, M.D. #000489 Samuel K. Houston, M.D. #047789 Elias Mavrofrides, M.D. #011037 Raul J. Moreno, M.D. #000145 James A. Staman, M.D. #000490 Jonathan A. Staman, M.D. #037523 All ages accepted Florida Retina Institute, Inc. 564 Health Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 412 Tremonte Dr., Orange City, FL 32763 50 Leanni Way., Ste. E5, Palm Coast, FL 32137 1025 Primera Blvd., Lake Mary, FL 32748 386 / 258-5777 Fax: 386 / 239-8984 386 / 775-9909 Fax: 386 / 775-7344 386 / 447-1847 Fax: 386 / 447-1848 407 / 333-1570 Fax: 407 / 333-1381 Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting Ophthalmologist will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. Referrals for Retinal Services can only be made by an Ophthalmologist Additional Ophthalmology information on the following page. 115 10/01/16 OPHTHALMOLOGY-CORNEAL SERVICES ONLY Tomoka Eye Associates, P.A. Rory Myer, M.D. #040158 Patients 18 months and older 790 Dunlawton Ave., Ste. A, Port Orange, FL 32127 345 Clyde Morris Blvd., Ste. 330, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 21 Hospital Dr., Ste. 160, Palm Coast, FL 32164 Michael Lugo, M.D. #003444 Patients 18 years and older 661 E. Altamonte Dr., Ste. 223, Altamonte Springs, FL 32701 386 / 767-0053 Fax: 386 / 767-3490 386 / 672-4244 Fax: 386 / 672-0603 386 / 586-3711 Fax: 386 / 586-3788 407 / 260-2255 Fax: 407 / 260-2831 564 Health Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 (Limited Hours) Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting Ophthalmologist will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. Referrals for Corneal Services can only be made by an Ophthalmologist OCULARIST, OCULOPLASTICS, NEURO OPHTHALMOLOGY AND ANY PROVIDER NOT LISTED IN THE PROVIDER REFERRAL GUIDE WILL REQUIRE PRIOR AUTHORIZATION FROM THE FHCP REFERRAL DEPARTMENT. INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the FHCP Referral Form. Attach pertinent documentation to substantiate the request and forward by fax (386 / 2383253) to FHCP’s Central Referrals at the Holly Hill facility. The Referral Department will review the request and notify you of their decision. 116 10/01/16 OPTOMETRY Michael Cady, O.D. Andreea Chih, O.D. Nicola Gough, O.D. Charles Heacock, O.D. Phillip L. Stephens, O.D. Jeffrey Ryan Timko, O.D. Charles Heacock, O.D. Jeffery Timko, O.D. Jeffrey Ryan Timko, O.D. Dustin H. Ramey, O.D. Elizabeth Ramey, O.D. Michael Cady, O.D. Philip Stephens, O.D. Nicola Gough, O.D. Charles Heacock, O.D. Kirsten Wilgers, O.D. Florida Eye Clinic – Ormond Beach 1089 W. Granada Blvd., Ormond Beach, FL 32174 Total Vision New Smyrna Beach 524 Canal Street, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 Total Vision Deland 840 N. Stone Street, Deland, FL 32720 Total Vision Debary 2836 Enterprise Road, Debary, FL 32713 Total Vision Palm Coast 15 Cypress Branch Way, Suite 206, Palm Coast, FL 32137 Total Vision Port Orange 5820 S. Williamson Blvd., Unit 106, Port Orange, FL 32128 386 / 676-1300 Fax: 386 / 672-5073 386 / 423-5190 Fax: 386 / 423-1490 386 / 734-1766 Fax: 386 / 740-7866 386 / 668-8885 Fax: 386 / 668-3301 386 / 445-1880 Fax: 386 / 445-8796 386 / 767-4449 Fax: 386 / 767-1980 INSTRUCTIONS: Member can self-refer to this specialty and will be able to call and schedule an appointment without an order from a physician. 117 10/01/16 OPTOMETRY – LOW VISION Christopher Choat, O.D. #10F236 Darshna Salh, O.D. #10Y761 Low Vision Center Seibert Eye Clinic – Halifax Professional Center 303 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Suite 70, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 407 / 895-4400 Fax: 407 / 264-8671 Optometry – Low Vision services can only be ordered by an Optometrist or Ophthalmologist Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. ORAL SLEEP APNEA APPLIANCES John Whitsitt, D.D.S. #002016 Elsa Wittbold, D.D.S. #10Y759 Patients 16 years and older Atlantic Coast Prosthodontists, Inc. 1509 Mason Ave., Daytona Beach, FL 32117 Florida Snoring and Apnea Solutions, LLC 555 W. Granada Blvd., Ste. C-2, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 386 / 239-7600 Fax: 1(866) 262-0851 386 / 675-6769 Fax: 386 / 675-6770 Patient must have a Sleep Apnea evaluation with Sleep Studies prior to submitting your request. INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the FHCP Referral Form. Attach pertinent documentation to substantiate the request and forward by fax (386 / 2383253) or courier, to FHCP’s Central Referrals at the Holly Hill facility. The Referral Department will review the request and notify you of their decision. If approved, FHCP will schedule the member’s appointment and also confirm the appointment with the patient. 118 10/01/16 ORTHOPAEDICS – SPORTS MEDICINE- NON-SURGICAL TREATMENT Orthopaedics/Sports Medicine involves non-surgical treatment of conditions or injuries of bones, joints, ligaments, tendons and muscles. Services can include evaluation and management, splinting, casting, therapy or injections. These providers also have additional training in sports medicine and provide medical care to active people to prevent or treat sports related injuries. Tyler Jay Staley, M.D. #10X029 Patients 5 years and older John Shelton, M.D., Program Director All ages FHCP Center 350 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 Halifax Health Center for Family & Sports Medicine 201 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Suite 110, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 386 / 238-3290 Fax: 386 / 238-3278 386 / 254-4165 Fax: 386 / 425-7545 Do not refer patients with traumatic fractures, orthopaedic evaluations when surgery is considered, pre-ops when surgery is needed and patients desiring an orthopaedic opinion. Brent Fulton, M.D. Michael Fulton, M.D. Patients 10 years and older HECN, DAYTONA STATE COLLEGE & BETHUNE-COOKMAN COLLEGE PROVIDERS 3127 W. International Speedway Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 386 / 258-9502 32124 INSTRUCTIONS: Member can self refer to this specialty and will be able to call and schedule an appointment without an order from a physician. 119 10/01/16 OUTPATIENT REHABILITATION Halifax Outpatient Rehabilitation Physical Therapy Occupational Therapy Speech Therapy 12 years and older 201 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., 3rd. Floor, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 386 / 254-4001 Fax: 386 / 947-4645 4701 City Center Parkway, YMCA Bldg., Port Orange, FL 386 / 304-7660 32119 Fax: 386 / 304-7662 AVAILABLE TO HECN MEMBERS ONLY Physical Therapy Occupational Therapy Speech Therapy INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the Rehabilitation Services Request form and give the order to the member. The member must call and schedule their appointment directly with this provider and is responsible for bringing the Rehabilitation order form to the initial appointment. Please indicate if therapy requested is a result of a motor vehicle accident. The following page is a listing of all locations which can be printed or ordered for the convenience of your office. 120 10/01/16 FLORIDA HEALTH CARE PLANS OUTPATIENT REHABILITATION LOCATIONS Please call to schedule your initial appointment within one week of the date of the request. Ability Health Services – Deltona 1565 Saxon Blvd., Suite 301 Deltona, FL 32725 Phone: (386) 851-0901 Fax: (386) 851-2426 Stetson/FH Hospital Deland 141 East Pennsylvania Ave. Deland, FL 32724 Phone: (386) 822-5649 Fax: (386) 822-7809 Ability Health Services – South Daytona 401 Venture Blvd., Suite C South Daytona, FL 32119 Phone: (386) 763-0084 Fax: (386) 763-0085 Ability Health Services – Altamonte Springs 801 Douglas Ave., Suite 103 Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 Phone: (407) 865-7153 Fax: (407) 865-7159 Ability Health Services - Daytona Beach 614 N. Peninsula Drive Daytona Beach, FL 32118 Phone: (386) 258-6212 Fax: (386) 676-7572 Ability Health Services – Lake Mary 1337 S. International Pkwy., Suite 1321 Lake Mary, FL 32746 Phone: (407) 833-0802 Fax: (407) 833-8931 Ability Health Services – Sanford 1200 Lexington Green Lane Sanford, FL 32771 Phone: (407) 322-3442 . Fax: (407) 322-8404 Ability Health Services – Oviedo 7400 Red Bug Lake Road Oviedo, FL 32765 Phone: (407) 971-2774 Fax: (407) 971-2776 Professional Physical Therapy – Edgewater 1316 S. Ridgewood Ave., Suite 1 Edgewater, FL 32132 Phone: (386) 423-0100 Fax: (386) 428-8631 Progressive Physical Therapy-Ormond Beach 290 Clyde Morris Blvd., Ste. B2 Ormond Beach, FL 32174 Phone: (386) 898-0443 Fax: (386) 898-0459 Additional locations on the following page. 121 10/01/16 Blue Water Therapy-New Smyrna Beach 916 North Dixie Freeway New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 Phone: (386) 426-7885 Fax: (866) 239-9013 FLORIDA HEALTH CARE PLANS OUTPATIENT REHABILITATION LOCATIONS Palm Coast Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation Center 35 Old Kings Road Palm Coast, FL 32137 Phone: (386) 445-5555 Fax: (386) 445-9800 122 10/01/16 BALANCE & VESTIBULAR THERAPY Ability Health Services Professional Physical Therapy – Edgewater Palm Coast Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation Center INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the Rehabilitation Services Request form and give to the member. Retain the Yellow copy for your records. The member must call and schedule their appointment directly with this provider and is responsible for bringing the Rehabilitation form to the initial appointment. Please indicate if therapy requested is a result of a motor vehicle accident. Please refer to the previous page for a list of locations that provide Balance & Vestibular Therapy. BALANCE & VESTIBULAR THERAPY James Corwin, P.T. #011262 Patients 18 years and older University Rehabilitation 733 Dunlawton Ave., Suite 103 & 104, Port Orange, FL 32127 386 / 756-0077 Fax: 386 / 756-6811 Varsity Rehab & Wellness 1 N. Old Kings Road, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 Florida Hospital – New Smyrna All scheduling will be done through the Port Orange office Florida Hospital – New Smyrna 401 Palmetto Street, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 386 / 424-5000 INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the FHCP Referral Form. Attach pertinent documentation to substantiate the request and forward by fax (386 / 2383253) or courier, to FHCP’s Central Referrals at the Holly Hill facility. The Referral Department will review the request and notify you of their decision. If approved, FHCP will schedule the member’s appointment and also confirm the appointment with the patient. The form needed for the above services is available at – For Providers, under Related Documents Additional Outpatient Rehabilitation information on the following page. 123 10/01/16 HAND THERAPY SERVICES Daytona Beach Hand Clinic 3635 S. Clyde Morris Blvd., Ste. 300, Port Orange, FL 32129 386 / 258-8080 Fax: 386 / 258-8177 Brooks Rehab Center Flagler County Residents Only 9 Pine Cone Trail, Suite 104B, Palm Coast, FL 32137 386 / 446-9716 Fax: 386 / 446-0046 Hand Therapy services must be ordered by a hand surgeon. Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will call or send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. VIDEOSTROBOSCOPY AND VOICE THERAPY EVALUATION Devang Shah, M.D. #006370 Daniel Rothbaum, M.D. #011652 All ages ● ● ● ● ● Atlantic Ear, Nose & Throat, P.A. 963 Town Center Dr., Suite 100, Orange City, FL 32763 386 / 774-9880 Fax: 386 / 774-2898 Laryngoscopy with a stroboscopy Evaluation of speech, language, voice and communication Laryngeal function studies (i.e., aerodynamic and acoustic testing) Patient then sent to Ability for prescribed therapy program Further evaluation will be made depending on the need of the patient Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. 124 10/01/16 PAIN MEDICINE ESTABLISHED PATIENTS MAY CONTINUE SEEING THEIR CURRENT PAIN MEDICINE PROVIDERS NEW PATIENTS - FHCP HMO MEMBERS HAVING A PCP IN THE EAST VOLUSIA AREA ARE PRE-APPROVED TO BE TREATED BY THIS PROVIDER Carmen Dominguez, M.D. #00014D Pervez Tirandaz Iranpur, M.D. #001799 FHCP Center 350 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., 2nd. Floor, Daytona Beach, FL 386 / 238-3226 32114 Fax: 386 / 238-3260 MEDICAL RECORDS FAX – 386 / 481-5009 Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. For HMO members assigned to PCP’s in the East Volusia County who are requesting to see any other Pain Medicine provider, a FHCP Referral form must be completed. Attach pertinent documentation to substantiate the request and forward by fax (386 / 238-3253) or courier, to FHCP’s Central Referrals at the Holly Hill facility. The Referral Department will review the request and notify you of their decision. If approved, FHCP will schedule the member’s appointment and also confirm the appointment with the patient. ************************************************************************************************************************ PAIN MEDICINE FHCP HMO MEMBERS ASSIGNED TO PCP’S IN THE SOUTHEAST, WEST VOLUSIA AND FLAGLER COUNTIES ARE PREAPPROVED TO BE TREATED BY THE BELOW PROVIDERS Carmen Dominguez, M.D. #00014D Pervez Tirandaz Iranpur, M.D. #001799 Patients 18 years and older FHCP Center 350 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., 2nd. Floor, Daytona Beach, FL 386 / 238-3226 32114 Fax: 386 / 238-3260 MEDICAL RECORDS FAX – 386 / 481-5009 Additional Pain Medicine information on the following page. 125 10/01/16 PAIN MEDICINE (continued) Rabinder S. Bhatti, D.O. #049566 Youssef Guergues, M.D. #000448 Arun G. Joseph, M.D. #042425 Rathi Joseph, D.O. #044330 Tse Lee, M.D. #101175 Vinod K. Malik, M.D. #102405 Jessica Olsen, M.D. #050188 Nader Sawiris, M.D. #044119 Kavita Sharma, D.O. #10G271 Jason Song, M.D. #050052 Patients 16 years and older Pain Management & Rehabilitation Associates 1671 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Suite 100, Daytona Beach, FL 386 / 274-2977 32117 Fax: 386 / 274-2362 1165 Dunlawton Ave., Suite 101, Port Orange, FL 32127 386 / 760-0815 Fax: 386 / 274-4354 740 ½ W. Plymouth Ave., DeLand, FL 32720 386 / 740-1123 Fax: 386 / 274-4835 2720 Rebecca Lane, Suite 104, Orange City, FL 32763 386 / 456-1160 Fax: 386 / 274-2923 21 Hospital Dr., Ste. 170, Palm Coast, FL 32137 386 / 586-2280 Fax: 386 / 274-3682 501 S. Orange St., New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 386 / 410-4926 Fax: 386 / 275-1767 Send records prior to scheduling Office will schedule and confirm with patient Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. 126 10/01/16 PATHOLOGY – OUT-PATIENT/AMBULATORY Pathology services done as an out-patient, must be done at one of the following locations for FHCP members. AmeriPath Florida, LLC d/b/a Bay Area Dermatopathology Surgical Pathology AmeriPath Florida, LLC d/b/a/ AmeriPath South Florida Surgical Pathology AmeriPath Florida, LLC d/b/a/ AmeriPath Central Florida Surgical Pathology Atlantic Medical Services, LLC GI Pathology Central Florida Pathology Group, P.A. Surgical Pathology LabCorp / Dianon Systems, Inc. Surgical Pathology LabCorp / Dianon Systems, Inc Surgical Pathology Mark & Kambour M.D., P.A. #001869 f/k/a Global Pathology Laboratory Derm Pathology Palm Beach Pathology Thyroid Specimens & Dermatopathology Services Progressive Medical Lab Surgical Pathology Surgical Pathology Laboratories, P.A. Mobile Surgical Pathology 10500 University Center Dr., Tampa, FL 33612 800 / 929-6694 895 SW 30th. Ave., Ste. 101, Pompano Beach, FL 33069 866 / 450-7030 8150 Chancellor Dr., Ste. 110, Orlando, FL 32809 800 / 395-7284 1890 LPGA Blvd., Ste. 270, Daytona Beach, FL 32117 386 / 481-6626 1000 Waterman Way, Tavares, FL 32778 352 / 589-4434 5610 W. LaSalle St., Tampa, FL 33607 800 / 877-5227 1 Forest Pkwy., Shelton, CT 06484 800 / 328-2666 16250 N.W. 59th. Ave., Ste. 201, Miami Lakes, FL 33014 866 / 825-4422 2013 Ponce de Leon Ave., West Palm Beach, FL 33407 800 / 659-6595 345 Beville Rd., Ste. 101, South Daytona, FL 32119 386 / 788-8000 8455 66th. St. North, Pinellas Park, FL 33781 800 / 304-1066 Additional Pathology information on the following page. 127 10/01/16 PATHOLOGY – OUT-PATIENT/AMBULATORY (continued) Mid-Florida Pathology, LLC Dermatopathology, Surgical Pathology, Frozen sections & Mobile services. Miraca Life Sciences, Inc. Dermatology & Gastroenterology. 120 E. North Boulevard, Leesburg, FL 34748 352 / 460-0292 6655 North MacArthur Blvd., Irving, TX 75039 (866) 588-3280 Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The specimen of the FHCP member can be sent to one of the contracted providers listed above. All Pathology services done while patient is in a hospital will be covered. 128 10/01/16 PEDIATRICS Participating Pediatricions can be found on our website at PEDIATRIC SUB-SPECIALTIES INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the FHCP Referral Form. Attach pertinent documentation to substantiate the request and forward by fax (386 / 2383253) or courier, to FHCP’s Central Referrals at the Holly Hill facility. The Referral Department will review the request and notify you of their decision. If approved, FHCP will schedule the member’s appointment and also confirm the appointment with the patient. PEG TUBE FEEDING ASSESSMENT Melissa Baumann, MS, RD, CDE Cara Karner, MS, RD, LD, CDE Catherine Robinson, MS, RD, LD, CDE All ages FHCP Center 330 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Bach, FL 32114 – Main Office 386 / 676-7133 Fax: 386 / 238-3228 INSTRUCTIONS: Send Task through EHR or complete one page sheet titled FHCP Referral for Diabetes Education or Nutritional Counseling (Form # 17-105/1/09RX 06-606-04/Rev. 10-10-11). Follow the instructions on the bottom of the Form. If assessment is prior to PEG tube insertion, state scheduled date of procedure. • Nutritional Assessment and recommendation will be sent to physician who will send an order for feeding to Apria Healthcare, Inc., Fax # 386 / 673-4403. The form needed for the above services is available at – For Providers, under Related Documents 129 10/01/16 PELVIC HEALTH PROGRAM This program is designed to help with urinary incontinence and pelvic pain for both male and female FHCP members 18 years of age and older. The program includes up to six (6) visits for pelvic floor strengthening and muscle training including biofeedback. This will be considered a “Direct Access/Self-Referral program by FHCP. FHCP members can either be referred by their physician or call directly themselves for scheduling. Ability – Orlando 11543 Lake Underhill Rd. Orlando, FL 32825 407 / 380-0357-Both Females & Males Should a member require more than six (6) visits, such additional visits will need to be pre-authorized through the FHCP Central Referral Department Blue Water TherapyNew Smyrna Beach 916 N. Dixie Freeway New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 (386) 426-7885 PERINATAL & NEONATAL HIGH RISK PREGNANCY & INFANT CASE MANAGEMENT FHCP is now offering the Rosebud Program to eligible FHCP Members who meet Rosebud’s perinatal and/or neonatal case management risk criteria. Services are available at no charge to the recipient of care; however, prior authorization is required to refer the Member to Rosebud’s program and services. A nurse that specializes in high risk pregnancy or high risk infant care will contact the Member to discuss the pregnancy or the infant care upon approved referral. The Rosebud Referral Form is available on our website at in the “Related Documents” section as well at Please complete this form and forward to the FHCP Central Referral Department via fax to either of the numbers listed below for processing. FHCP Central Referral Department Fax (386) 238-3253 or (877) 659-3427 130 10/01/16 PERINATOLOGY Joann Acuna, M.D. #10AG04 Ramon Castillo, M.D. #002650 Gerardo Del Valle, M.D. #009720 Francisco Gaudier, M.D. #132173 Walter Morales, M.D. #039607 Edgard Ramos-Santos, M.D. #039607 Kathryn Villano, M.D. #10M260 Lama Tolaymat, M.D. #049429 Patients 12 years and older Regional Obstetric Consultants, PA 303 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Perinatal Unit-HMC, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 Sunshine Perinatology Specialists, M.D., P.A. 1893 Clyde Morris Blvd., Ste. 100, Daytona Beach, FL 32117 7421 Conroy Windermere Road, Orlando, FL 32835 386 / 239-5007 Fax: 386 / 239-5010 386 / 872-7509 Fax: 386 / 256-4881 407 / 378-5970 Fax: 407 / 757-0999 Perinatology services can only be ordered by an OB provider Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting OB provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. 131 10/01/16 PERIPHERAL VASCULAR INTERVENTION Stephen Minor, M.D. #10P180 Patients 18 years and older Utpal S. Desai, M.D. #009810 Patients 18 years and older FHCP Center 350 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 FHCP Center 315 Palm Coast Pkwy., N.E., Ste. 4, Palm Coast, FL 32137 MEDICAL RECORDS FAX – 386 / 481-5009 Utpal Desai, M.D. FHMMC-Healthcare Partners 305 Memorial Medical Pkwy., Ste. 307, Daytona Beach, FL 32117 386 / 238-3289 Fax: 386 / 238-3296 386 / 231-3600 Fax: 386 / 231-3602 Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. John B. Holt, M.D. #000426 William Johnson, M.D. #000018 Patients 18 years and older Requires records prior to scheduling Atlantic Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgeons, LLC 588 Sterthaus Ave., Ormond Beach, FL 32174 386 / 672-9503 Fax: 386 / 672-0386 Send pertinent dictation and appropriate test results (done within 90 days) and fax to the specialist’s office. The specialist’s office will review, schedule and notify the patient of their appointment. Upon completion, the specialist’s office will notify the requesting provider of the appointment date and time. 132 10/01/16 PHARMACY-PREFERRED RETAIL PHARMACY PREFERRED MEANS LOWER COST FOR MEMBERS FHCP Pharmacy FHCP Pharmacy FHCP Pharmacy FHCP Pharmacy FHCP Pharmacy FHCP Pharmacy FHCP Pharmacy FHCP Pharmacy FHCP Mail Order Pharmacy NOT OPEN TO PUBLIC 350 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL Monday – Friday 8:30 am – 6:00 pm 939 N. Spring Garden Ave., DeLand, FL Monday – Friday 8:30 am – 6:00 pm Sat. 9:00 am – 1:00 pm 239 N. Ridgewood Ave., Edgewater, FL Monday – Friday 8:30 am – 6:00 pm Sat. 9:00 am – 1:00 pm 1340 Ridgewood Ave., Holly Hill, FL Monday – Friday 8:30 am – 6:00 pm Sat. 9:00 am – 5:00 pm 2777 Enterprise Road, Orange City, FL Monday – Friday 8:30 am – 6:00 pm Sat. 9:00 am – 1:00 pm 309 Palm Coast Parkway, Palm Coast, FL 32137 Monday – Friday 8:30 am – 6:00 pm Sat. 9:00 am – 1:00 pm 740 Dunlawton Ave., Suite 150, Port Orange, FL 32127 Monday – Friday 8:30 am – 6:00 pm Sat. 9:00 am – 1:00 pm 4932 W. State Road 46, Suite 1000, Sanford, FL 32771 Monday – Friday 8:30 am – 6:00 pm Sat. 9:00 am – 1:00 pm P.O. Box 11696, Daytona Beach, FL 32120 Additional Pharmacy information on the following page. 133 10/01/16 386 / 248-0832 Fax: 386 / 238-3263 386 / 736-7318 Fax: 386 / 943-8123 386 / 423-4212 Fax: 386 / 428-9713 386 / 676-7120 Fax: 386 / 676-7128 386 / 774-5961 Fax: 386 / 774-7592 386 / 446-9447 Fax: 386 / 446-6983 386 / 767-0563 Fax: 386 / 761-7095 407 / 732-7950 Fax: 407 / 732-7956 386 / 676-7126 800 / 232-0216 Fax: 386 / 676-7165 PHARMACY-STANDARD RETAIL PHARMACY THE FOLLOWING PHARMACIES CAN FILL FHCP PRESCRIPTIONS ALL DAY – DURING BUSINESS HOURS Walgreen Pharmacy Walgreen Pharmacy Walgreen Pharmacy 3010 S. Ridgewood Ave., Edgewater, FL Monday – Friday 9:00 am – 9:00 pm Sat. 9:00 am – 6:00 pm Sun. 9:00 am – 5:00 pm 7815 Highway 17-92, Fern Park Monday – Friday 9:00 am – 9:00 pm Sat. & Sun. 9:00 am – 5:00 pm 205 East Granada Blvd.., Ormond Beach, FL Monday – Friday 9:00 am – 9:00 pm Sat. 9:00 am – 6:00 pm Sun. 9:00 am – 5:00 pm 386 / 427-5208 Fax: 386 / 427-9840 407 / 331-0968 Fax: 407 / 331-7904 386 / 677-8849 Fax: 386 / 673-7661 THE FOLLOWING FHCP CONTRACT PHARMACIES CAN FILL FHCP PRESCRIPTIONS AFTER HOURS AND FOR EMERGENCY PRESCRIPTIONS ONLY. Walgreen Pharmacy Walgreen Pharmacy Walgreen Pharmacy Walgreen Pharmacy Walgreen Pharmacy Walgreen Pharmacy 134 10/01/16 1420 Beville Road, Daytona Beach, FL Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 10:00 pm Sat. 9:00 am – 6:00 pm Sun. 9:00 am – 5:00 pm 100 E. International Spdwy., DeLand, FL Open Monday – Sunday 7:00 am – 12:00 am 897 Saxon Blvd., Orange City, FL Open Monday – Sunday 7:00 am – 11:00 pm 790 W. Granada Ave., Ormond Beach, FL Open Monday – Sunday 6:00 am – 12:00 am 1109 Palm Coast Pkwy., Palm Coast, FL Open 24 hours 1650 Dunlawton Ave., Port Orange, FL Open Monday – Sunday 8:00 am – 12:00 am 386 / 257-5773 Fax: 386 / 254-7895 386 / 738-4371 Fax: 386 / 734-0371 386 / 775-5336 Fax: 386 / 775-8956 386 / 672-7107 Fax: 386 / 673-2892 386 / 445-7041 Fax: 386 / 446-8088 386 / 322-3267 Fax: 386 / 322-9321 PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION SERVICES Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Providers specialize in the non-operative physical medicine services specific to musculoskeletal conditions. Tyler Jay Staley, M.D. #10X029 Patients 5 years and older FHCP Center 350 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 FHCP Center 309 Palm Coast Parkway, Palm Coast, FL 32137 Amol K. Gupta, M.D. #10F317 Patients 16 years and older Jonathan Waldbaum, M.D. #011866 Patients 18 years and older Specializes in treatment of neck and back pain MEDICAL RECORDS FAX – 386 / 481-5009 Gupta Sports & Spine Center 345 Clyde Morris Blvd., Ste. 390, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 386 / 238-3290 Fax: 386 / 238-3278 386 / 445-7073 Fax: 386 / 447-7092 386 / 673-0075 Fax: 386 / 673-0049 Florida Orthopaedic Associates 740 West Plymouth Avenue, DeLand, FL 32720 386 / 734-9122 Fax: 386 / 736-4348 386 / 774-2500 1053 Medical Center Drive, Suite 101, Orange City, FL 32763 Fax: 386 / 774-2545 1337 International Parkway South, Suite 1341, Lake Mary, FL 407 / 333-4507 Fax: 407 / 323- 4576 32746 125 Florida Memorial Pkwy., Ste. 2200, New Smyrna Beach, FL 386 / 734-9122 32168 Fax: 386 / 774-9041 Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. Additional Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Services information on the following page. 135 10/01/16 PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION SERVICES Carolyn Geis, M.D. #000114 Jorge Perez-Lopez, M.D. #038579 Patients 18 years and older Halifax Health Brooks Rehabilitation Physician Group 201 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Suite 120, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 386 / 425-4641 Fax: 386 / 947-4647 INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the FHCP Referral Form. Attach pertinent documentation to substantiate the request and forward by fax (386 / 2383253) or courier, to FHCP’s Central Referrals at the Holly Hill facility. The Referral Department will review the request and notify you of their decision. If approved, FHCP will schedule the member’s appointment and also confirm the appointment with the patient. The form needed for the above services is available at – For Providers, under Related Documents PODIATRY Atlantic Foot & Ankle Associates 790 Dunlawton Avenue, Suite C, Port Orange, FL 32127 Zachery P. Barnett, D.P.M. #056978 Andrew Green, D.P.M. #005587 Hilaree B. Milliron, D.P.M. #043201 Dennis McBroom, D.P.M. #10F763 Sona Ramdath Jr., D.P.M. #10T330 James Rust, III, D.P.M. #000031 Laura M. Walton, D.P.M. #042420 Infants and older Pamela E. Kirby, D.P.M. #006082 HECN, DAYTONA STATE COLLEGE & BETHUNE-COOKMAN COLLEGE PROVIDERS Eric Goldenberg, D.P.M. #048484 HECN 1890 LPGA Blvd., Suite 230, Daytona Beach, FL 32117 963 Town Center Dr., Ste. 200, Orange City, FL 32763 21 Hospital Drive, Suite 170, Palm Coast, FL 32164 1404 S. Ridgewood Ave., Edgewater, FL 32132 4606 S. Clyde Morris Blvd., Ste. 1J, Port Orange, FL 32119 Halifax Health Center for Foot & Ankle 311 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Ste. 500 B, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 386 / 788-6333 Fax: 386 / 788-3993 386 / 274-3336 Fax: 386 / 274-3660 386 / 775-2281 Fax: 386 / 775-2482 386 / 586-7373 Fax: 386 / 586-7346 386 / 957-4818 Fax: 386 / 788-3993 386 / 788-4111 Fax: 386 / 788-4113 386 / 425-9656 Fax: 386 / 239-2381 INSTRUCTIONS: Member can call and schedule an appointment with this provider directly without any paperwork being completed. 136 10/01/16 PRIMARY CARE Participating Primary Care Physicians can be found on our website at PROVIDERS OR FACILITIES NOT LISTED IN FHCP DIRECTORIES This would include all providers and hospitals that are out of the FHCP network. It also includes supplemental providers not listed in FHCP Provider Directories. Referrals to Providers who do not participate in FHCP’s HMO Network or certain providers and facilities that supplement FHCP’s Network require prior authorization by FHCP. Referral to a non-participating or supplemental provider may be considered for approval under the following circumstances: 1. 2. 3. A particular skill or service is not available from FHCP Network Providers A Network Provider is not available or accessible within established availability time frames The Network Provider is not geographically accessible to the member INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the FHCP Referral Form. Attach pertinent documentation to substantiate the request and forward by fax (386 / 2383253) or courier, to FHCP’s Central Referrals at the Holly Hill facility. The Referral Department will review the request and notify you of their decision. If approved, FHCP will schedule the member’s appointment and also confirm the appointment with the patient. Please include the requested provider’s complete name, address and telephone number. The form needed for the above services is available at – For Providers, under Related Documents 137 10/01/16 PSYCHIATRY / BEHAVIORAL HEALTH Prior authorization is NOT REQUIRED by the FHCP Central Referral Department for these services: CBT- Cognitive screening/Behavioral therapy CISM – Critical Incident Stress Management counseling/treatment EMDR – Eye Movement Desensitization and reprocessing PTSD – Post Traumatic Stress Syndromes counseling/treatment Prior authorization IS REQUIRED by the FHCP Central Referral Department for these services: NLP – Neuro-linguistic programming Neuropsychological evaluation Rapid Trauma Resolution INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the FHCP Referral Form. Attach pertinent documentation to substantiate the request and forward by fax (386 / 2383253) or courier, to FHCP’s Central Referrals at the Holly Hill facility. The Referral Department will review the request and notify you of their decision. The form needed for the above services is available at – For Providers, under Related Documents Additional Psychiatry information on the following page. 138 10/01/16 PSYCHIATRY / BEHAVIORAL HEALTH (continued) Willis (Bill) Blower, LCSW #055245 Patients 5 years and older Sheila Cook, LCSW #00004F Newborn and older James T. Moore, M.D. #043530 Patients 18 years and older Jared Ritter, M.D. #041010 Newborn and older Monique L. Upton, M.D. #10W539 Patients 2 years and older Mary Flynn Boener, LCSW #038717 Upon approved referral only Patients 5 years and older Shannon B. Howard, LMFT #038046 Patients 1 year and older Julia D. Howe, LCSW #138254 Patients 3 years and older Mary Kathleen (Kathy) Lichenwalter, M.S., LMHC, #10S109 Patients 10 years and older Susan Mounteer, LMFT #007654 Patients 2 years and older Lisa Dante, LMHC #10W148 Patients 7 years and older FHCP Center 1340 N. Ridgewood Ave., Holly Hill, FL 32117 FHCP Center 315 Palm Coast Parkway, Palm Coast, FL 32137 FHCP Center 2777 Enterprise Rd., Orange City, FL 32763 MEDICAL RECORDS FAX – 386 / 481-5009 Additional Psychiatry information on the following page. 139 10/01/16 386 / 676-7175 Fax: 386 / 676-7134 386 / 445-7073 Fax: 386 / 246-3839 386 / 774-2550 Fax: 386 / 774-5667 PSYCHIATRY / BEHAVIORAL HEALTH (continued) Rafael Parlade, Ph.D. #000456 Patients 2 years and older Heather Pepe, LCSW #042370 Upon approved referral only Patients 5 years and older Linda Rodgers, LMHC #00007W Patients 2 years and older FHCP Center 1340 N. Ridgewood Ave., Holly Hill, FL 32117 FHCP Center 315 Palm Coast Parkway, Palm Coast, FL 32137 FHCP Center 2777 Enterprise Rd., Orange City, FL 32763 386 / 676-7175 Fax: 386 / 676-7134 386 / 445-7073 Fax: 386 / 246-3839 386 / 774-2550 Fax: 386 / 774-5667 MEDICAL RECORDS FAX – 386 / 481-5009 Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. MUST HAVE PSYCHIATRIC HISTORY, DICTATION, RECENT LABS AND LIST OF MEDICATIONS Additional Psychiatry information on the following page. 140 10/01/16 PSYCHIATRY / BEHAVIORAL HEALTH (continued) Bret Althafer, LMHC #041907 Amparo Benitez-Broome, D.O. #043158 Edda Casanova, M.D. #041672 Karen Hadley, M.D. #045038 Judith Hewes, LCSW #042745 Lynval Parke, ARNP #10B824 Santosh Pillai, D.O. #057511 Katharine Usher, LMHC #042803 Hilda Vega-Vazquez, M.D. #10F568 Patients 3 years and older Robert L. Barringer, LMHC #039089 Patients 12 years and older Elisa Carter, LMHC #047178 Non-Medicare Members Patients 3 years and older Robert Kennerly, Ph.D #011237 Shane Porter, LMHC #010963 Timothy Shaw, Ph.D. #004693 All ages T. Richard Saunders, Ph.D. #10Y124 Patients 12 years and older Kim Carter Winokur, LMHC #055222 Patients 5 years and older Saafe Behavioral Services, LLC 201 W. Plymouth Ave., Deland FL 32720 3993 West First St., Sanford, FL 32771 Counseling Center of New Smyrna Beach 265 North Causeway, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169 386 / 873-2963 Fax: 386 / 873-2786 407 / 732-4272 Fax: 407 / 732-4579 386 / 423-9161 Fax: 386 / 423-3094 Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. MUST HAVE PSYCHIATRIC HISTORY, DICTATION, RECENT LABS AND LIST OF MEDICATIONS Additional Psychiatry information on the following page 141 10/01/16 PSYCHIATRY / BEHAVIORAL HEALTH (continued) Anthony Capozzi, M.D. #10R246 Patients 12 years and older Salvador Cevallos, M.D. #10V006 Patients 4 years and older Jerry Oestmann, Ph.D. #047257 Patients 5 years and older Patricia A. Blakeslee, LMFT All ages Cynthia Parkes, LMHC #052971 Patients newborn to 16 years Non-Medicare Members Shane Porter, LMHC #010963 Patients 10 years and older Kim Carter Winokur, LMHC #055222 Patients 5 years and older Peter Poulos, M.D. #044948 Nancy Russo, LMHC #042751 Donna Rethemeyer, LCSW #042750 Chhaya Johnson, LMHC #042747 Wallace (Scott) Shearon, LMFT #001947 All ages Center for Behavioral Medicine 1730 Dunlawton Ave., Ste. 3, Port Orange, FL 32127 386 / 957-3905 Fax: 386 / 402-8992 Flagler Mental Health Center, P.A. 2729 E. Moody Blvd., Ste. 105, Bunnell, FL 32110 386 / 313-1989 Fax: 386 / 206-1057 800 S. Nova Rd., Ormond Beach, FL 32174 386 / 313-1989 Fax: 386 / 206-1057 3424 St. Johns Ave., Palatka, FL 32177 386 / 313-1989 Fax: 386 / 206-1057 Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. MUST HAVE PSYCHIATRIC HISTORY, DICTATION, RECENT LABS AND LIST OF MEDICATIONS Additional Psychiatry information on the following page 142 10/01/16 PSYCHIATRY / BEHAVIORAL HEALTH (continued) Margaret Aldridge, LCSW #011355 261 North Causeway, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169 Trevon Clow, Ph.D. #011023 All ages 221 N. Causeway, Suite B, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169 Cristen Coker, LMHC #052988 Patients 3 years and older Pamela Derr, LMHC #133293 Patients 12 years and older Not accepting new patients at this time Autumn French, LMFT #041745 Patients 15 years and older Gary Frick, M.D. #039522 Patients 12 years and older David L. Johns, L.M.H.C. #057539 Patients 18 years and older Sara Keen, LMHC #040804 Patients 5 years and older Non-Medicare Members Asad Khan, M.D. #045159 Patients 16 years and older Better Day Therapy 328 N. Ridgewood Ave., Ste. 1, Edgewater, FL 32132 Commercial Members Only 210 Moody Blvd., Flagler Beach, FL 32136 Autumn French, LLC 1025 W. New York Ave., Ste. 3, DeLand, FL 32720 Commercial Members Only Northeast Florida Psychiatric Association, Inc. 804 Dunlawton Ave., Ste. 1, Port Orange, FL 32127 465 Summerhaven Dr., Ste. A., DeBary, FL Commercial Members Only Keen counseling, LLC 315 Palm Coast Pkwy., NE, Palm Coast, FL 32137 Medical & Psychiatric Institute of FL, Inc. 927 Beville Rd., Ste. 7, South Daytona, FL 32119 386 / 957-4807 Fax: 386 / 957-4807 386 / 428-4564 Fax: 386 / 428-4539 386 / 663-4495 Fax: 386 / 269-6121 386 / 503-9674 Fax: 386 / 868-4567 386 / 214-5143 Fax: 386 / 873-7565 386 / 767-8584 Fax: 386 / 767-8536 32713 407 / 970-8814 Fax: 888 / 386-7036 386 / 871-9632 Fax: 386 / 200-4410 386 / 269-9009 Fax: 386 / 269-9004 Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. MUST HAVE PSYCHIATRIC HISTORY, DICTATION, RECENT LABS AND LIST OF MEDICATIONS Additional Psychiatry information on the following page 143 10/01/16 PSYCHIATRY / BEHAVIORAL HEALTH (continued) Travis McBride, LMHC #10P589 Rebecca Spigener, LMHC #049716 Patients 15 years and older Patrick Nave, LMHC, CAP Patients 3 years and older Commercial Members Only Julie Parker, Psy.D. #10F433 Sara Riley, LMHC #011510 Patients 2 years and older Kimberly Rust, LCSW #10AC36 Patients 3 years and older Stacy Savage, L.M.H.C. #10Q548 Patients 4 years and older Elizabeth Shoemaker, LMFT #039542 Commercial Members Only Patients 13 years and older Cynthia Streifer, LMFT #042753 Commercial Members Only Patients 13 years and older Central Florida Mental Health Associates 125 W. Plymouth Ave., DeLand, FL 32720 Commercial Members Only Family4Today 1349 International Pkwy. S., Ste. 2421, Lake Mary, FL 32746 960 E. Normandy Blvd., Deltona, FL 32725 221 N. Causeway, Suite B, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169 397 SW Palm Coast Pkwy., #5, Palm Coast, FL 32137 118 ½ N. Woodland Blvd., Ste. 4, DeLand, FL 32720 386 / 736-9165 Fax: 386 / 736-9181 407 / 952-8444 Fax: 321 / 249-0222 386 / 423-0442 Fax: 386 / 423-0402 386 / 986-2222 Fax: 386 / 986-2200 386 / 232-8623 Fax: 386 / 742-1509 Solutions Counseling and Consulting 381 SW Palm Coast Pkwy., Ste. 1, Palm Coast, FL 32137 Commercial Members Only 386 / 597-2904 Fax: 386 / 597-2903 Behavioral Health Center of Ormond Beach 533 N. Nova Rd., Ste. 203, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 Center for Behavioral Medicine 1730 Dunlawton Ave., Ste. 3, Port Orange, FL 32127 386 / 589-5610 Fax: 386 / 672-0771 386 / 957-3905 Fax: 386 / 402-8992 Behavioral Health Center of Ormond Beach 533 N. Nova Rd., Ste. 203, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 Center for Behavioral Medicine 1730 Dunlawton Ave., Ste. 3, Port Orange, FL 32127 386 / 265-3920 Fax: 386 / 672-0771 386 / 957-3905 Fax: 386 / 402-8992 Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. MUST HAVE PSYCHIATRIC HISTORY, DICTATION, RECENT LABS AND LIST OF MEDICATIONS Additional Psychiatry information on the following page 144 10/01/16 PSYCHIATRY / BEHAVIORAL HEALTH (continued) Edward Lee Somers, LMHC #10V167 Patients 5 years and older Sunita Tikku, M.D. 10N259 Patients 18 years and older Adly Thebaud, M.D. #104459 Josette Romain, M.D. #011590 Sara Ely, LMHC All ages Josephine H. Underhill, LMHC #044953 Patients 3 years and older Kathleen Vacchelli, ARNP #142680 Patients 5 years and older Jennifer Warmka, LCSW #057543 Patients 5 years and older 101 N. Woodland Blvd, Ste. 203, DeLand, FL 32720 Southwest Volusia Medical Associates 1061 Medical Center Dr., Orange City, FL 32763 Family Psychiatric Services 1403 Medical Plaza Drive, Suite 202, Sanford, FL 32771 2725 Rebecca Lane, Orange City, FL 32763 All appointments will be made through the Sanford office 101 N. Woodland Blvd., Ste. 207, DeLand, FL 32720 Commercial members only Atlas Behavioral Health 50 Leanni Way, Ste. B-3, Palm Coast, FL 32137 Journey to Wellness 300 Palm Coast Pkwy., NE, Palm Coast, FL 32137 321 / 277-7714 Fax: 321 / 445-5223 386 / 917-7610 Fax: 386 / 917-7615 407 / 322-3096 Fax: 407 / 321-5655 386 / 747-7148 Fax: 386 / 873-4311 386 / 283-2929 Fax: 386 / 264-6254 386 / 530-6796 Fax: 386 / 530-6797 Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. MUST HAVE PSYCHIATRIC HISTORY, DICTATION, RECENT LABS AND LIST OF MEDICATIONS 145 10/01/16 PSYCHIATRY / BEHAVIORAL HEALTH Halifax Health Behavioral Services Child & Adolescent Halifax Health Behavioral Health 841 Jimmy Ann Drive, Daytona Beach, FL 32117 Lisa Merilson, Psy.D. #011043 Patients 18 years and older Volusia Neuropsychology & Behavioral Health 221 N. Causeway, Suite B, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169 SMA Behavioral Health Services, Inc Mental Health Counseling and Medication Management 1220 Willis Avenue, Daytona Beach, FL 105 West Calvin Street, Deland, FL 311 North Orange Street, New Smyrna Beach, FL 386 / 425-3900 Fax: 386 / 274-6646 386 / 423-0442 Fax: 386 / 423-0402 800 / 539-4228 Fax: 386 / 236-3161 INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the FHCP Referral Form. Attach pertinent documentation to substantiate the request and forward by fax (386 / 2383253) or courier, to FHCP’s Central Referrals at the Holly Hill facility. The Referral Department will review the request and notify you of their decision. If approved, FHCP will schedule the member’s appointment and also confirm the appointment with the patient. The form needed for the above services is available at – For Providers, under Related Documents Kathryn Fraser, Ph.D. HECN PROVIDER 201 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Suite 200, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 386 / 254-4165 Fax: 386 / 254-4339 Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. Substance Abuse Information can be found under the heading SUBSTANCE ABUSE. Additional Psychiatry information on the following page. 146 10/01/16 PSYCHIATRY / BEHAVIORAL HEALTH – CHILD & ADOLESCENT Monique L. Upton, M.D. #10W539 Patients 2 years and older FHCP Center 1340 N. Ridgewood Ave., Holly Hill, FL 32117 386 / 676-7175 Fax: 386 / 676-7134 MEDICAL RECORDS FAX – 386 / 481-5009 FHCP Center 315 Palm Coast Parkway, Palm Coast, FL 32137 386 / 445-7073 Fax: 386 / 246-3839 Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. SEND RECENT H&P, RECENT LABS, LAST DICTATON AND LIST OF MEDICATIONS Substance Abuse Information can be found under the heading SUBSTANCE ABUSE. 147 10/01/16 PULMONARY FUNCTION TESTS (PFTs) / SPIROMETRY Florida Health Care Plans ● ● ● FHCP Center 350 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Suite 7, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 386 / 238-3200 Ext. 3352 Fax: 386 / 238-3210 FHCP Center 2777 Enterprise Road, Orange City, FL 32763 386 / 774-2550 Ext. 92 Fax: 386 / 775-0176 FHCP Center 309 Palm Coast Parkway, Palm Coast, FL 32137 386 / 445-7073 Ext. 1114 Fax: 386 / 447-7092 FHCP Center 740 Dunlawton Ave., Port Orange, FL 32127 386 / 763-1000 Fax: 386 / 756-6127 FHCP Center 239 N. Ridgewood Ave., Edgewater, FL 32132 386 / 428-4531 Ext. 6216 Fax: 386 / 427-9935 Fax: 386 / 427-1544 The FHCP member or requesting provider may call the specialist to schedule an appointment. An order or written prescription is needed. The office can fax the order or the member can bring it with them to their appointment. A basic Spirometry test will include the flow volume loop (FVL) and measure the FEV1 & FVC. If you need pre & post bronchodilation, add that to your order/Rx. Patient to bring inhaler with them if having pre & post bronchodilation. NO INHALERS OR NEBULIZER TREATMENTS 4 HOURS PRIOR TO APPOINTMENT 148 10/01/16 PULMONARY FUNCTION TESTS (PFTs) with DLCO) Halifax Health #00Y007 303 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 Florida Hospital – New Smyrna #00Y010 401 Palmetto Street, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 Central Florida Regional Hospital #00Y009 1401 West Seminole Blvd., Sanford, FL 32771 Florida Hospital – DeLand #00YG80 701 W. Plymouth Ave., DeLand, FL 32720 Florida Hospital – Fish Memorial #00YG34 1055 Saxon Blvd., Orange City, FL 32763 Florida Hospital – Flagler #00Y015 Outpatient Laboratory Florida Hospital – Oceanside #001366 60 Memorial Medical Parkway, Palm Coast, FL 32168 264 S. Atlantic Ave., Ormond Beach, FL 32176 386 / 238-2251 Fax: 386 / 238-2252 386 / 424-5044 Fax: 386 / 424-5048 407 / 321-4500 386 / 943-4610 Fax: 386 / 943-4461 386 / 917-5428 Fax: 386 / 917-5576 386 / 586-4402 Fax: 386 / 586-4767 386 / 671-5055 Fax: 386 / 677-8196 Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. NO INHALERS OR NEBULIZER TREATMENTS 4 HOURS PRIOR TO APPOINTMENT 149 10/01/16 PULMONARY REHABILITATION Halifax Health #00Y007 201 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., 3rd. Floor, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 Central Florida Regional Hospital #00Y009 1401 West Seminole Blvd., Sanford, FL 32771 Florida Hospital – New Smyrna #00Y010 401 Palmetto Street, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 Florida Hospital - Fish Memorial #00YG34 1055 Saxon Blvd., Orange City, FL 32763 Florida Hospital – Flagler #00Y015 60 Memorial Parkway, Room 2803, Palm Coast, FL 32164 Florida Hospital – DeLand #00YG80 701 W. Plymouth Ave., DeLand, FL 32720 386 / 947-4644 Fax: 386 / 258-4803 407 / 321-4500 386 / 424-5091 Fax: 386 / 424-5079 386 / 851-5125 Fax: 386 / 917-5167 386 / 586-4480 Fax: 386 / 586-4644 386 / 943-4610 Fax: 386 / 943-4461 INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the FHCP Referral Form. Attach pertinent documentation to substantiate the request and forward by fax (386 / 2383253) or courier, to FHCP’s Central Referrals at the Holly Hill facility. The Referral Department will review the request and notify you of their decision. If approved, FHCP will schedule the member’s appointment and also confirm the appointment with the patient. The form needed for the above services is available at – For Providers, under Related Documents 150 10/01/16 PULMONOLOGY PROVIDER IS AVAILABLE TO ALL FHCP HMO/HECN MEMBERS INCLUDING THOSE ASSIGNED TO PCP’S IN EAST VOLUSIA Suresh D. Desai, M.D. #000506 Patients 21 years and older 570 Memorial Circle, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 386 / 677-3662 Fax: 386 / 677-3491 263 N. Causeway, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169 Arjun D. Aneja, M.D. #010390 Patients 18 years and older All appointments, faxes and correspondence will go through the Ormond Beach office. Arjun D. Aneja, M.D., LLC 325 Clyde Morris Blvd., Ste. 300, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 386 / 672-6356 Fax: 386 / 672-6366 790 Dunlawton Ave., Ste. D, Port Orange, FL 32127 263 N. Causeway, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169 PLEASE SEND FILMS OR HAVE PATIENT BRING FILMS TO APPOINTMENT Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. ************************************************************************************************************************ Additional Pulmonology information on the following page. 151 10/01/16 PULMONOLOGY(continued) FHCP HMO MEMBERS ASSIGNED TO PCP’S IN THE SOUTHEAST, WEST VOLUSIA AND FLAGLER COUNTIES ARE PRE-APPROVED TO BE TREATED BY THE BELOW PROVIDERS THERE ARE NO GEOGRAPHIC PCP ASSIGNMENT LIMITATIONS FOR HECN MEMBERS Suresh D. Desai, M.D. #000506 Patients 21 years and older 570 Memorial Circle, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 386 / 677-3662 Fax: 386 / 677-3491 263 N. Causeway, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169 Karuna Ahuja, M.D. #111202 Patients 18 years and older Patient to bring films All appointments, faxes and correspondence will go through the Ormond Beach office. Central Florida Cardio Pulmonary Center 759 Harley Strickland Blvd., Orange City, FL 32763 1319 S. International Parkway, Suite 1171, Lake Mary, FL 32746 Additional Pulmonology information on the following page. 152 10/01/16 386 / 456-0300 Fax: 386 / 456-0303 407 / 268-3660 Fax: Same as Orange City PULMONOLOGY(continued) Rajesh K. Ailani, M.D. #108513 Christopher DiBello, M.D. #10W190 Nelson Medina Villanueva, M.D. #042749 Theodossis Zacharis, M.D. #011605 Patients 2 years and older Patient to bring films PCCC of Volusia, LLC 1055 N. Dixie Freeway, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 780 Dunlawton Ave., Ste. 1, Port Orange, FL 32127 575 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Ste. B, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 638 W. Plymouth Ave., DeLand, FL 32720 Arjun D. Aneja, M.D. #010390 Patients 18 years and older Arjun D. Aneja, M.D., LLC 325 Clyde Morris Blvd., Ste. 300, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 386 / 423-0505 Fax: 386 / 423-0515 386 / 322-6111 Fax: 386 / 322-3777 386 / 671-6333 Fax: 386 / 615-1713 386 / 279-0006 Fax: 386 / 279-0007 386 / 672-6356 Fax: 386 / 672-6366 790 Dunlawton Ave., Ste. D, Port Orange, FL 32127 Bernard Borbely, M.D. #117588 Martin Kubiet, M.D. #003148 Ramzi Shaqareq, M.D. #10J052 Patient 18 years and older Patient to bring films Kurt Bowman, M.D. 10T025 Kristal Carthan, M.D. # 046536 Edward K. Scanlon, M.D. #004629 P. Travis Smith, M.D. #005345 Radhika Verma, M.D. #117360 Patients 18 years and older Patient to bring films Albert Razzetti, M.D. #005177 Patients 18 years and older Patient to bring films 263 N. Causeway, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169 First Coast Pulmonary Associates, P.A. 3 Pine Cone Drive., Suite 106, Palm Coast, FL 32137 100 Whetstone Place, Suite 208, St. Augustine, FL 32086 Pulmonary Practice Associates 749 Stirling Center Place, Lake Mary, FL 32746 1075 Town Center Drive, Orange City, FL 32763 1087 Town Center Drive, Orange City, FL 32763 West Volusia Medical Associates 1070 North Stone Street, DeLand, FL 32720 Additional Pulmonology information on the following page. 153 10/01/16 386 / 986-1422 Fax: 386 / 986-1415 904 / 819-6800 Fax: 904 / 819-6700 407 / 321-8230 Fax: 407 / 321-0388 386 / 917-0333 Fax: 386 / 917-0335 386 / 917-0333 Fax: 386 / 917-0335 386 / 943-7100 Fax: 386 / 943-8909 PULMONOLOGY(continued) PROVIDER IS AVAILABLE TO HECN MEMBERS ONLY Wahba Wahba, M.D. # 003854 810 Wildwood St., Ste. 1, Daytona Beach, FL 32117 386 / 258-7100 Fax: 386 / 253-1843 621 S. Nova Road, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 HECN PROVIDERS 3949 Nova Road, Port Orange, FL 32127 4869 Palm Coast Parkway NW Unit 4, Palm Coast, FL 32137 All correspondence / phone calls will be handled through the Daytona Beach office. 263 N. Causeway, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169 PLEASE SEND FILMS Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. PULMONOLOGY - PEDIATRIC INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the FHCP Referral Form. Attach pertinent documentation to substantiate the request and forward by fax (386 / 2383253) or courier, to FHCP’s Central Referrals at the Holly Hill facility. The Referral Department will review the request and notify you of their decision. If approved, FHCP will schedule the member’s appointment and also confirm the appointment with the patient. The form needed for the above services is available at – For Providers, under Related Documents 154 10/01/16 REPORTABLE DISEASES/CONDITIONS HIV/AIDS – VOLUSIA COUNTY Phone: 386 / 274-0634 Fax: 386 / 274-0641 STD – VOLUSIA COUNTY Phone: 386 / 274-0643 Fax: 386 / 274-0641 TB – VOLUSIA COUNTY Phone: 386 / 274-0654 Fax: 386 / 274-0641 Fax form to: Fax: 386 / 641-0641 Volusia County Health Department #00P421 East Side 8:00 am TO 5:00 pm Phone: 386 / 274-0633 Fax: 386 / 274-0641 Volusia County Health Department #00P421 West Side 8:00 am TO 5:00 pm Phone: 386 / 274-0588 Fax: 386 / 274-0641 Phone: 386 / 316-5030 No Fax ANIMAL BITES/RABIESVOLUSIA COUNTY ALL OTHER REPORTABLE DISEASES/CONDITIONS – VOLUSIA COUNTY Volusia County Health Department After Hours/Weekends FLAGLER #00PV15 COUNTY Health After 5:00 pm and before 8:00 am Holidays and Weekends Department All Flagler County Services are available at this phone and fax 386 / 437-7350, Ext. 2240 number Fax: 386 / 437-7353 The Animal Incident Reporting Form should be filled out by the reporter (staff member) and not the victim. An animal bite report must be submitted before the rabies series can be started. The report form needed for this is located on, PROVIDERS-FORMS. Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. For a list of Reportable Diseases/Conditions in Florida visit: Additional Reportable Diseases/Conditions information on the following page. 155 10/01/16 REPORTABLE DISEASES/CONDITIONS (continued) Forms needed for reporting diseases and conditions to the State of Florida can be found on, PROVIDERS-FORMS ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON REPORTABLRE DISEASES IS PROVIDED IN CHAPTER 10 OF THE FHCP PROVIDER HANDBOOK . 156 10/01/16 RHEUMATOLOGY Sanjiv Kapil, M.D. #010533 Patients 18 years and older Florida Arthritis Center 147 Parliament Loop, #1005, Lake Mary, Fl. 32746 407 / 688-9446 Fax: 407 / 688-9448 70 Fox Ridge Court, Suite B, DeBary, FL 32713 All appointments will be made through the Lake Mary office Michael D. Kohen, M.D. #004099 Patients 3 years and older 709 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 386 / 252-1632 Fax: 386 / 257-5526 1545 Hand Ave., Ste. 2, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 Howard L. Offenberg, M.D. #002521 Patients 18 years and older Howard L. Offenberg, M.D., P.L. 325 Clyde Morris Blvd., Suite 350, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 386 / 673-7227 Fax: 386 / 673-9940 Not accepting fibromyalgia patients Yong Tsai, M.D. #004441 Paients 3 years and older Maria Vintimilla, M.D. #10Q341 1893 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Ste. 110, Daytona Beach, FL 32117 386 / 676-0307 Fax: 386 / 677-7842 RDC of Volusia, LLC 1055 N. Dixie Freeway, Ste. 1, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 386 / 423-0505 Fax: 386 / 423-0515 780 Dunlawton Ave., Ste. 1, Port Orange, FL 32127 386 / 322-6111 Fax: 386 / 322-3777 575 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Ste. B, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 386 / 671-6333 Fax: 386 / 615-1713 638 W. Plymouth Ave., DeLand, FL 32720 386 / 279-0006 Fax: 386 / 279-0007 Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. 157 10/01/16 RHEUMATOLOGY - PEDIATRICS INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the FHCP Referral Form. Attach pertinent documentation to substantiate the request and forward by fax (386 / 2383253) or courier, to FHCP’s Central Referrals at the Holly Hill facility. The Referral Department will review the request and notify you of their decision. If approved, FHCP will schedule the member’s appointment and also confirm the appointment with the patient. The form needed for the above services is available at – For Providers, under Related Documents 158 10/01/16 SKILLED NURSING FACILITY Alliance Community Nursing Center #00K040 138 W. Armstrong, DeLand, FL 32720 Avante at Ormond Beach, Inc. #105530 170 N. Kings Road, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 Flagler Health and Rehabilitation Center #000814 Florida Lutheran Retirement Center #00K072 (Available only to residents of Nursing Home) Grand Oaks Health & Rehabilitation Center #122441 Healthcare and Rehab of Sanford #037061 300 Dr. Carter Blvd., Bunnell, FL 32110 Indigo Manor #00K027 595 Williamson Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 John Knox Village #00K002 Majestic Oaks Longwood Health Care Center #037062 901 Veteran’s Memorial Parkway, Orange City, FL 32763 450 N. McDonald Ave., DeLand, FL 32724 3001 Palm Coast Parkway, SE, Palm Coast, FL 32137 950 Mellonville Ave., Sanford, FL 32771 1520 South Grant Street, Longwood, FL 32750 Seaside Health and Rehabilitation Center 324 Wilder Boulevard, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 #00K022 Parkside Health and Rehabilitation Center 451 South Amelia Avenue, DeLand, FL 32724 #00K041 Ocean View Nursing and Rehabilitation Center 2810 S. Atlantic Avenue, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169 Signature Healthcare of Ormond #00K079 103 North Clyde Morris Blvd., Ormond Beach, FL 32174 Ridgecrest Nursing & Rehabilitation Center 1200 North Stone Street, DeLand, FL 32720 #00K018 Additional Skilled Nursing Facility information on the following page. 159 10/01/16 386 / 734-6401 Fax: 386 / 734-9168 386 / 677-7955 Fax: 386 / 676-9573 386 / 437-4168 Fax: 386 / 437-7740 386 / 736-5800 Fax: 386 / 736-5858 386 / 446-6060 Fax: 386 / 446-6033 407 / 322-8566 Fax: 407 / 322-0121 386 / 257-4400 Fax: 386 / 252-9797 386 / 775-2008 Fax: 386 / 775-0655 407 / 339-9200 Fax: 407 / 339-5032 386 / 252-2600 Fax: 386 / 252-2660 386 / 734-8614 Fax: 386 / 738-2616 386 / 428-6424 Fax: 386 / 428-7132 386 / 673-0450 Fax: 386 / 677-6715 386 / 734-4334 Fax: 386 / 736-2118 SKILLED NURSING FACILITY (continued) Villa Health & Rehab Center #0474537 120 Chipola Ave., DeLand, FL 32720 386 / 738-3433 Fax: 386 / 822-9296 INSTRUCTIONS: Hospital in-patient will be placed through Florida Health Care Plan Case Management Department at 386 / 676-7187. Florida Health Care Plans offers no custodial coverage. Any questions regarding member being placed from home or clarification of skilled vs. custodial, please contact Case Management Department at 386 / 676-7187. Admissions to skilled level of care require prior authorization through the FHCP Case Management Dept. at 386 / 676-7187 or 800 / 352-9824, Ext. 7187 SLEEP DISORDER PROVIDERS PROVIDER IS AVAILABLE TO ALL FHCP HMO/HECN MEMBERS Wahba W. Wahba, M.D. #003854 810 Wildwood St., Ste. 1, Daytona Beach, FL 32117 386 / 258-7100 Fax: 386 / 253-1843 621 S. Nova Road, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 3949 S. Nova Road, Port Orange, FL 32127 4869 Palm Coast Parkway Unit 4, Palm Coast, FL 32137 All correspondence, appointments and phone 263 N. Causeway, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169 calls will be handled through the Daytona Beach office. Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. Additional Sleep Disorder information on the following page. 160 10/01/16 SLEEP DISORDER PROVIDERS (continued) FHCP HMO MEMBERS ASSIGNED TO PCP’S IN EAST VOLUSIA COUNTY ARE PRE-APPROVED TO BE TREATED BY THESE PROVIDERS Wahba W. Wahba, M.D. #003854 810 Wildwood St., Ste. 1, Daytona Beach, FL 32117 386 / 258-7100 Fax: 386 / 253-1843 621 S. Nova Road, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 3949 Nova Road, Port Orange, FL 32127 4869 Palm Coast Parkway NW Unit 4, Palm Coast, FL 32137 All correspondence, appointments and phone calls will be handled through the Daytona Beach 263 N. Causeway, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169 office. PCCC of Port Orange and Ormond, LLC Rajesh K. Ailani, M.D. #10A996 780 Dunlawton Avenue, Port Orange, FL 32127 Christopher DiBello, M.D. #10W192 Theodossis Zacharis, M.D. #10A997 575 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Ste. B, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 Patients 5 years and older 386 / 322-6111 Fax: 386 / 322-3777 386 / 671-6333 Fax: 386 / 615-1713 Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. For HMO members assigned to PCP’s in the East Volusia County who are requesting to see any other Sleep Disorder Provider, a FHCP Referral form must be completed. Attach pertinent documentation to substantiate the request and forward by fax (386 / 238-3253) or courier, to FHCP’s Central Referrals at the Holly Hill facility. The Referral Department will review the request and notify you of their decision. If approved, FHCP will schedule the member’s appointment and also confirm the appointment with the patient. Additional Sleep Disorder information on the following page. 161 10/01/16 SLEEP DISORDER PROVIDERS (continued) FHCP HMO MEMBERS ASSIGNED TO PCP’S IN SOUTHEAST VOLUSIA COUNTY ARE PRE-APPROVED TO BE TREATED BY THESE PROVIDERS Wahba W. Wahba, M.D. #003854 810 Wildwood St., Ste. 1, Daytona Beach, FL 32117 386 / 258-7100 Fax: 386 / 253-1843 621 S. Nova Road, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 3949 Nova Road, Port Orange, FL 32127 All correspondence, appointments and phone 4869 Palm Coast Parkway NW Unit 4, Palm Coast, FL 32137 calls will be handled through the Daytona Beach office. 263 N. Causeway, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169 PCC of Volusia, L.L.C. Rajesh K. Ailani, M.D. #108513 1055 N. Dixie Freeway, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 Christopher DiBello, M.D. #10W190 Theodossis Zacharis, M.D. #011605 780 Dunlawton Ave., Ste. 1, Port Orange, FL 32127 Patients 5 years and older 575 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Ste. B, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 638 W. Plymouth Ave., Deland, FL 32720 386 / 423-0505 Fax: 386 / 423-0515 386 / 322-6111 Fax: 386 / 322-3777 386 / 671-6333 Fax: 386 / 615-1713 3876 / 279-0006 Fax: 386 / 279-0007 Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. For HMO members assigned to PCP’s in the Southeast Volusia County who are requesting to see any other Sleep Disorder Provider, a FHCP Referral form must be completed. Attach pertinent documentation to substantiate the request and forward by fax (386 / 238-3253) or courier, to FHCP’s Central Referrals at the Holly Hill facility. The Referral Department will review the request and notify you of their decision. If approved, FHCP will schedule the member’s appointment and also confirm the appointment with the patient. Additional Sleep Disorder information on the following page. 162 10/01/16 SLEEP DISORDER PROVIDERS (continued) FHCP HMO MEMBERS ASSIGNED TO PCP’S IN WEST VOLUSIA COUNTY ARE PRE-APPROVED TO BE TREATED BY THESE PROVIDERS Wahba W. Wahba, M.D. #003854 810 Wildwood St., Ste. 1, Daytona Beach, FL 32117 386 / 258-7100 Fax: 386 / 253-1843 621 S. Nova Road, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 3949 Nova Road, Port Orange, FL 32127 All correspondence, appointments and phone 4869 Palm Coast Parkway NW Unit 4, Palm Coast, FL 32137 calls will be handled through the Daytona Beach office. 263 N. Causeway, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169 Florida Hospital – DeLand #00YG80 Sleep Center - Patients 4 years and older 701 W. Plymouth Avenue, DeLand, FL 32720 386 / 943-4777 Fax: 386 / 943-4896 Florida Hospital – Fish Memorial Sleep Center - All ages 1061 Medical Center Dr., Suite 301, Orange City, FL 32763 386 / 917-7600 Fax: 386 / 917-7602 Karuna Ahuja, M.D. #111202 Patients 18 years and older 1319 S. International Parkway, Ste. 1171, Lake Mary, FL 32746 407 / 268-3660 Fax: 407 / 936-1601 Kurt Bowman, M.D. #10T025 Kristal Carthan, M.D. #046536 Kevin Scanlon, M.D. #004629 P. Travis Smith, M.D. #005345 Radhika Verma, M.D. #117360 Patients 18 years and older Pulmonary Practice Associates 749 Stirling Center Place, Lake Mary, FL 32746 1087 Town Center Drive, Orange City, FL 32763 407 / 321-8230 Fax: 407 / 321-0388 386 / 917-0333 Fax: 386 / 917-0335 Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. Additional Sleep Disorder information on the following page. 163 10/01/16 SLEEP DISORDER PROVIDERS (continued Rajesh K. Ailani, M.D. #108513 Christopher DiBello, M.D. #10W190 Theodossis Zacharis, M.D. #011605 Patients 5 years and older PCC of Volusia, L.L.C. 1055 N. Dixie Freeway, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 780 Dunlawton Ave., Ste. 1, Port Orange, FL 32127 575 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Ste. B, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 638 W. Plymouth Ave., Deland, FL 32720 386 / 423-0505 Fax: 386 / 423-0515 386 / 322-6111 Fax: 386 / 322-3777 386 / 671-6333 Fax: 386 / 615-1713 3876 / 279-0006 Fax: 386 / 279-0007 Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. For HMO members assigned to PCP’s in the West Volusia County who are requesting to see any other Sleep Disorder Provider, a FHCP Referral form must be completed. Attach pertinent documentation to substantiate the request and forward by fax (386 / 238-3253) or courier, to FHCP’s Central Referrals at the Holly Hill facility. The Referral Department will review the request and notify you of their decision. If approved, FHCP will schedule the member’s appointment and also confirm the appointment with the patient. FHCP HMO MEMBERS ASSIGNED TO PCP’S IN FLAGLER COUNTY ARE PRE-APPROVED TO BE TREATED BY THESE PROVIDERS Wahba W. Wahba, M.D. #003854 810 Wildwood St., Ste. 1, Daytona Beach, FL 32117 621 S. Nova Road, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 3949 Nova Road, Port Orange, FL 32127 All correspondence, appointments and phone 4869 Palm Coast Parkway NW Unit 4, Palm Coast, FL 32137 calls will be handled through the Daytona Beach office. 263 N. Causeway, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169 Additional Sleep Disorder information on the following page. 164 10/01/16 386 / 258-7100 Fax: 386 / 253-1843 SLEEP DISORDER PROVIDERS (continued) Bernard Borbely, M.D. #117588 Martin Kubiet, M.D. #003148 Ramzi Shaqareq, M.D. #10J052 Patients 18 years and older Flagler Diagnostic and Sleep Disorders Center Patients 5 years and older First Coast Pulmonary Associates, P.A. 3 Pine Cone Drive, Suite 106, Palm Coast, FL 32137 4721 East Moody Blvd., Bldg. 1, Suite 104, Bunnell, FL 32110 386 / 986-1422 Fax: 386 / 986-1415 386 / 586-6229 Fax: 386 / 263-2975 Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. For HMO members assigned to PCP’s in Flagler County who are requesting to see any other Sleep Disorder Provider, a FHCP Referral form must be completed. Attach pertinent documentation to substantiate the request and forward by fax (386 / 238-3253) or courier, to FHCP’s Central Referrals at the Holly Hill facility. The Referral Department will review the request and notify you of their decision. If approved, FHCP will schedule the member’s appointment and also confirm the appointment with the patient. SLEEP DISORDER PROVIDER – HOME STUDIES Wahba W. Wahba, M.D. #003854 810 Wildwood St., Ste. 1, Daytona Beach, FL 32117 386 / 258-7100 Fax: 386 / 253-1843 All correspondence, appointments and phone calls will be handled through the Daytona Beach office. INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the FHCP Referral Form. Attach pertinent documentation to substantiate the request and forward by fax (386 / 2383253) or courier, to FHCP’s Central Referrals at the Holly Hill facility. The Referral Department will review the request and notify you of their decision. If approved, FHCP will schedule the member’s appointment and also confirm the appointment with the patient. 165 10/01/16 SLEEP DISORDER PROVIDER – PEDIATRIC INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the FHCP Referral Form. Attach pertinent documentation to substantiate the request and forward by fax (386 / 2383253) or courier, to FHCP’s Central Referrals at the Holly Hill facility. The Referral Department will review the request and notify you of their decision. If approved, FHCP will schedule the member’s appointment and also confirm the appointment with the patient. The form needed for the above services is available at – For Providers, under Related Documents SUBSTANCE ABUSE / DETOXIFICATION & INPATIENT CARE SMA Behavioral Health Services, Inc. Crisis Stabilization/23 Hour Observation Pinegrove, 1150 Red John Road, Daytona Beach, FL 800 / 539-4228 Fax: 386 / 236-3161 Adult Detox 1200 Red John Road, Daytona Beach, FL Florida Hospital – DeLand Florida Hospital – DeLand 701 W. Plymouth Ave., DeLand, FL The Darryl Strawberry Revocery Center Non-medicare patients only The Darryl Strawberry Recovery Center 2775 Big John Dr., Deland, FL 386 / 943-4522 386 / 337-7957 Fax: 386 / 337-7968 INSTRUCTIONS: The requesting provider should instruct the member to present themselves to one of the above facilities for screening. Pre-authorization from the FHCP Referral Department is not needed for the initial 24 hour detox admission. However, the admitting facility must notify FHCP’s Case Management Department within 1 business day of the admission and provide clinical information for the authorization of continued inpatient care. FHCP Case Management Department – 386 / 676-7187. Additional Substance Abuse information on the following page. 166 10/01/16 SUBSTANCE ABUSE / RESIDENTIAL SMA Behavioral Health Services, Inc. Adult Residential Substance Abuse 1200 Red John Road, Daytona Beach, FL 800 / 539-4228 Fax: 386 / 236-3161 Adolescent Residential Substance Abuse 3875 Tiger Bay Road, Daytona Beach, FL INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the FHCP Referral Form. Attach pertinent documentation to substantiate the request and forward by fax (386 / 2383253) or courier, to FHCP’s Central Referrals at the Holly Hill facility. The Referral Department will review the request and notify you of their decision. If approved, FHCP will schedule the member’s appointment and also confirm the appointment with the patient. The form needed for the above services is available at – For Providers, under Related Documents SUBSTANCE ABUSE – OUTPATIENT CARE / INTENSIVE OUTPATIENT PROGRAMS FHCP Center Mary Kathleen (Kathy) Lichenwalter, M.S., 1340 N. Ridgewood Ave., Holly Hill, FL 32117 LMHC, #10S109 Susan Mounteer, LMFT #007654 386 / 676-7175 Fax: 386 / 676-7134 MEDICAL RECORDS FAX – 386 / 481-5009 Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. INTENSIVE OUTPATIENT PROGRAMS (IOP’s) are one of the highest levels of care in an outpatient setting. SEND RECENT H&P, RECENT LABS, LAST DICTATON AND LIST OF MEDICATIONS Additional Substance Abuse information on the following page. 167 10/01/16 SUBSTANCE ABUSE – OUTPATIENT CARE / INTENSIVE OUTPATIENT PROGRAMS SMA Behavioral Health Services, Inc. Substance Abuse Counseling 702 South Ridgewood Avenue, Daytona Beach, FL 356 Englenook Drive, Debary, FL - Court Orders Only 800 / 539-4228 Fax: 386 / 236-3161 INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the FHCP Referral Form. Attach pertinent documentation to substantiate the request and forward by fax (386 / 2383253) or courier, to FHCP’s Central Referrals at the Holly Hill facility. The Referral Department will review the request and notify you of their decision. If approved, FHCP will schedule the member’s appointment and also confirm the appointment with the patient. INTENSIVE OUTPATIENT PROGRAMS (IOP’s) are one of the highest levels of care in an outpatient setting. The form needed for the above services is available at – For Providers, under Related Documents 168 10/01/16 SURGERY-CARDIOVASCULAR John B. Holt, M.D. #000426 William Johnson, M.D. #000018 Patients 18 years and older Requires records prior to scheduling Atlantic Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgeons, LLC 588 Sterthaus Ave., Ormond Beach, FL 32174 386 / 672-9503 Fax: 386 / 672-0386 Send pertinent dictation and appropriate test results (done within 90 days) and fax to the specialist’s office. The specialist’s office will review, schedule and notify the patient of their appointment. Upon completion, the specialist’s office will notify the requesting provider of the appointment date and time. Bradley Litke, M.D. #001876 Patients 19 years and older Utpal S. Desai, M.D. #009810 Patients 18 years and older Sohit K. Khanna, M.D. #048751 Ryan Messiner, D.O. #057553 Cary H. Meyers, M.D. #048752 Patients 18 years and older Cardiovascular Surgeons, P.A. 4106 West Lake Mary Blvd., Suite 201, Lake Mary, FL 32746 Utpal Desai, M.D. FHMMC-Healthcare Partners 305 Memorial Medical Pkwy., Ste. 307, Daytona Beach, FL 32117 UF Health Heart & Vascular Surgery at Halifax 311 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Ste. 100, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 407/ 425-1566 Fax: 407 / 422-0166 386 / 231-3600 Fax: 386 / 231-3602 386 / 226-2662 Fax: 386 / 226-2593 Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. 169 10/01/16 SURGERY-COLON & RECTAL David Meese, M.D. #004013 Andrew Ritter, M.D. #003473 John Tolland, M.D. #006725 Kathleen Williams, M.D. #009804 All ages Colon & Rectal Surgery Associates 550 Memorial Circle, Suite H, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 1185 Dunlawton Ave., Suite 100, Port Orange, FL 32127 386 / 672-0017 Fax: 386 / 676-0506 386 / 756-7066 Fax: 386 / 756-8012 Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. 170 10/01/16 SURGERY-GENERAL Harry H. Black, M.D. #001852 Jonathan Dean, M.D. #038770 All ages Joel Sebastien, M.D. #006578 Caren Wilkie, M.D. #00002E Patients 13 years and older Steven Bower, M.D. #010391 Patients 14 years and older 201 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 386 / 238-3295 Fax: 386 / 238-3273 2777 Enterprise Rd., Suite 5, Orange City, FL 32763 All appointment scheduling will be through the Daytona Beach office MEDICAL RECORDS FAX – 386 / 481-5009 Memorial Hospital Flagler 61 Memorial Medical Parkway, Ste.3807, Palm Coast, FL 32164 386 / 586-1780 Fax: 386 / 586-1781 John J. Cascone, M.D. #049876 Patients 12 years and older 61 Memorial Medical Parkway, Ste.3805, Palm Coast, FL 32164 386 / 586-1605 Fax: 386 / 586-1607 Eric D. Pinnar, M.D. #047064 Patients 16 years and older 61 Memorial Medical Parkway, Ste. 2815, Palm Coast, FL 32164 386 / 586-1850 Fax: 386 / 586-1851 Rene Capulong, M.D. #004196 Infants and older Franklin D. Clontz, M.D. #005310 Walter Schratt, M.D. #038338 Patients 17 years and older Thomas Corbyons, M.D. #004024 Michael Donohoe, M.D. #003724 All ages Rene Capulong, M.D., P.A. 2511 Junior Street, Orange City, FL 32763 Osceola Surgical Associates, LLC 305 N. Mangoustine Ave., Ste. 100, Sanford, FL 32771 932 Saxon Blvd., Ste. B, Orange City, FL 32763 Corbyons & Donohoe Surgical Assoc. 685 Peachwood Dr., DeLand, FL 32720 North Orlando Surgical Group, Inc. 1053 Medical Center Drive, Suite 242, Orange City, FL 32763 Dennis Diaz, M.D. #10Q154 Joan Iacobelli, M.D. #10S540 Jeremy Steinbaum, M.D. #006391 1355 S. International Pkwy., Ste. 2451, Lake Mary, FL 32746 All ages Additional General Surgery information on the following page. 171 10/01/16 386 / 736-7600 Fax: 386 / 738-4649 407 / 322-7841 Fax: 407 / 322-7845 386 / 738-5300 Fax: 386 / 738-9537 386 / 775-0333 Fax: 386 / 775-0427 407 / 790-9800 Fax: 386 / 775-0427 SURGERY-GENERAL (continued) Kimberly Clayton, M.D. #10L018 Frank Toub, M.D. #005494 Patients 18 years and older Michael P. Harrington, M.D. #009096 James T. Sutton, M.D. #009105 All ages 600 Palmetto St., New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 Surgical Associates of Volusia 1890 LPGA Blvd., Ste. 250, Daytona Beach, FL 32117 386 / 428-8326 Fax: 386 / 428-2493 386 / 274-0250 Fax: 386 / 274-0269 HECN, DAYTONA STATE COLLEGE & BETHUNECOOKMAN COLLEGE PROVIDERS SURGEON MUST HAVE RECORDS PRIOR TO APPOINTMENT. Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. MINOR SURGICAL CLINIC Harry H. Black, M.D. #001852 Vijay Moradia, M.D. #003038 Joel Sebastien, M.D. #006578 Caren Wilkie, M.D. #00002E 201 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 386 / 238-3295 Fax: 386 / 238-3273 Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. 172 10/01/16 SURGERY-HAND Louis Blaum, III, M.D. #132457 Laurence Brenner, M.D. #10H501 Jeffrey DeMercurio, M.D. #10K656 All ages Juan Castaneda, D.O. #011373 Patients 6 years and older 311 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Suite 510, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 Hand & Upper Extremity Surgery of Daytona Beach 1241 S. Ridgewood Ave., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 1315 S. International Pkwy., Ste. 1111, Lake Mary, FL 32746 Tamara R. Clancy, M.D. #006794 All ages Tamara R. Clancy, M.D. #006794 Srikanth Eathiraju, M.D. #038612 Sarah Henry, M.D. #048405 All ages Sarah Henry, M.D. #038612 Srikanth Eathiraju, M.D. #038612 Volusia Hand Surgery Clinic 315 Palm Coast Parkway N.E., Suite. 4, Palm Coast, FL 32137 Fax number listed is for Dr. Clancy’s Port Orange Office Volusia Hand Surgery Clinic 3635 S. Clyde Morris Blvd., Ste. 900, Port Orange, FL 32129 Volusia Hand Surgery Clinic 239 N. Ridgewood Ave., Edgewater, FL 32132 Fax number listed is for Dr. Henry’s Port Orange Office Volusia Hand Surgery Clinic 2777 Enterprise Road, Suite 1, Orange City, FL 32763 Fax number listed is for Dr. Eathiraju’s Port Orange Office 386 / 238-2244 Fax: 386 / 239-2381 386 / 322-6882 Fax: 386 / 322-6848 386 / 322-6882 Fax: 386 / 322-6848 386 / 246-3063 Fax: 386 / 788-0679 386 / 788-4263 Fax: 386 / 788-0679 386 / 410-4972 Fax: 386 / 788-0679 386 / 218-4920 Fax: 386 / 788-0679 Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. 173 10/01/16 SURGERY-NEURO Rohit Khanna, M.D. #006424```` 311 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Suite 580, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 386 / 257-5055 Fax: 386 / 257-5058 Yannick Grenier, M.D. #057875 William Kuhn, M.D. #003731 Patients 18 years and older 311 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Suite 550, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 386 / 255-8582 Fax: 386 / 252-1776 Federico Vinas, M.D. #009198 Patients 18 years and older 311 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Suite 560, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 386 / 253-7644 Fax: 386 / 238-2224 Send listed information to the specialist office listed above. Please include: Patient Demographics, Insurance Information (copies of cards preferred), Referral, Diagnostic Studies (MRI, CT, X-rays, EMG’s). You will be notified if the patient is going to be seen or not. Patient to bring MRI and / or CT disks with them to their appointment. Christopher Kent, M.D. #10T171 Robert Martin, M.D. #10A067 Dennis Mark Murphy, M.D. #143848 Patients 18 years and older Gregory Velat, M.D. #056531 Dennis Mark Murphy, M.D. # 143848 Patients 18 years and older FHMMC Brain & Spine Surgery Associates 305 Memorial Medical Pkwy., Ste. 206, Daytona Beach, FL 32117 Palm Coast Brain & Spine Surgical Associates 120 Cypress Edge Dr., Ste. 208, Palm Coast, FL 32164 386 / 231-3540 Fax: 386 / 231-3544 386 / 586-1658 Fax: 386 / 586-1680 Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. For Urgent NeuroSurgery Referrals, the requesting provider should call and speak directly to the physician of choice Additional Neurosurgery information on the following page. 174 10/01/16 SURGERY-NEURO (continued) Raul A. Rodas, D. O. #139691 Patients 18 years and older The NeuroHealth Center, LLC 755 Stirling Center Place, Lake Mary, FL 32746 407 / 878-3704 Fax: 407 / 878-3705 Per the request of Dr. Rodas, you may call his cell phone at 386 / 334-2524 to schedule an appointment. If needed, Dr. Rodas will evaluate the needs of the patient. Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. SURGERY-ORAL INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the FHCP Referral Form. Attach pertinent documentation to substantiate the request and forward by fax (386 / 2383253) or courier, to FHCP’s Central Referrals at the Holly Hill facility. The Referral Department will review the request and notify you of their decision. If approved, FHCP will schedule the member’s appointment and also confirm the appointment with the patient. For accidental dental injury services, call FHCP’s Dental Department in the Daytona Beach Facility at 386 / 238-3280 and describe the presenting problem. They will advise if FHCP covers the problem and who you should contact within the FHCP’s Provider Network to arrange for treatment of the member. The form needed for the above services is available at – For Providers, under Related Documents 175 10/01/16 SURGERY-ORTHOPAEDICS NON-SURGICAL ORTHOPAEDICS – SEE ORTHOPAEDICS-SPORTS MEDICINE Dennis Alter, M.D. #005138 David Gay, M.D. #10N313 Jeffrey Keen, M.D. #10U001 Sonia Millan-Pinzon, M.D. #053337 Corey Rosenbaum, D.O. #051951 All ages Ronald Bathaw, M.D. #003959 All ages Requires records prior to scheduling. Patient to bring films. James Bryan, M.D. #006073 Richard K. Gaines, M.D. #10AB03 Antony Denard Jr., M.D. #054447 Albert Gillespy, M.D. #004452 Mark Gillespy, M.D. #004501 Malcolm Gottlich, M.D. #006876 Jeffrey Martin, M.D. #107390 Todd McCall, M.D. #10B922 Brian Hatten, M.D. #125572 All ages Flagler Orthopedics and Sports Medicine 21 Hospital Drive, Suite 110, Palm Coast, FL 32164 Palm Harbor Orthopaedics 80 Pinnacles Drive, Suite 700, Palm Coast, FL 32164 10/01/16 386 / 586-2234 Fax: 386 / 586-2885 Orthopaedic Clinic Of Daytona Beach, P.A. 1075 Mason Ave., Daytona Beach, FL 32117 1890 LPGA Blvd., Suite 240, Daytona Beach, FL 32117 1165 Dunlawton Ave., Suite 102, Port Orange, FL 32127 17 Old Kings Rd., N., Suite K, Palm Coast, FL 32137 This Orthopedic group prefers to order their own imaging so it is not required to order imaging just for the referral. However, if any imaging is available, please send with the patient. All offices use the same phone number 386 / 255-4596 Fax number for all referral and appointment information Fax: 386 / 323-9814 Additional Surgery-Orthopaedic information on the following page. 176 386 / 586-1910 Fax: 386 / 586-1912 SURGERY-ORTHOPAEDICS (continued) NON-SURGICAL ORTHOPAEDICS – SEE ORTHOPAEDICS-SPORTS MEDICINE Thomas Brodrick, M.D. #004328 Mark Hollman, M.D. #000050 Royce Hood, M.D. #000039 Stephane Lavoie, M.D. #000132 Stephen M. Reed, M.D. #001954 Brandon M. Steen, M.D. #043372 Benjamin G. Thomasson, D.O. #048347 Nathan J. Turnbull, M.D. #049624 All ages *Under age 14-case by case * Florida Orthopaedic Associates, P.A. 740 W. Plymouth Avenue, DeLand, FL 32720 386 / 734-9122 Fax: 386 / 736-4348 1053 Medical Center Drive, Suite 101, Orange City, FL 32763 386 / 774-2500 Fax: 386 / 774-2545 1337 International Parkway S., Suite 1341, Lake Mary, FL 32746 407 / 333-4507 Fax: 407 / 333-4576 125 Florida Memorial Pkwy., Ste. 2200, New Smyrna Beach, FL 386 / 734-9122 32168 Fax: 386 / 774-9041 Charles Kollmer. M.D. #006651 All ages Richard Rhodes, M.D. #008855 Srinivasa Sridhar, M.D. #008858 All ages John M. Russell, M.D. #002854 All ages Patient to bring films. Gregory White, M.D. #10AF78 Patients 18 years of age and older New Smyrna Beach Orthopedics 812 W. Indian River Blvd., Edgewater, FL 32132 Atlantic Orthopaedic Associates, P.A. 1400 Dunlawton Avenue, Ste. 1-A, Port Orange, FL 32127 ACL Repairs not available at this office Russell Orthopaedic Clinic 315 Palm Coast Pkwy, NE, Palm Coast, FL 32137 600 Palmetto St., New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 Additional Surgery-Orthopaedic information on the following page. 177 10/01/16 386 / 426-1411 Fax: 386 / 426-0457 386 / 760-5008 Fax: 386 / 760-0084 386 / 447-4440 Fax: 386 / 447-4446 386 / 424-3846 Fax: 386 / 424-3847 SURGERY-ORTHOPAEDICS (continued) NON-SURGICAL ORTHOPAEDICS – SEE ORTHOPAEDICS-SPORTS MEDICINE Kenneth Hawthorne, Jr., M.D. #004499 Patients 15 years and older HECN, DAYTONA STATE COLLEGE & BETHUNE-COOKMAN COLLEGE PROVIDERS Norman Seltzer, M.D. #003476 HECN, DAYTONA STATE COLLEGE & BETHUNE-COOKMAN COLLEGE PROVIDERS 106 N. Old Kings Rd., Ste. E, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 790 Dunlawton Ave., Ste. D, Port Orange, FL 32127 Halifax Orthopaedic Clinic 614 N. Peninsula Dr., Daytona Beach, FL 32118 386 / 671-0115 Fax: 386 / 671-0844 386 / 788-4949 Fax: 386 / 671-0844 386 / 257-2602 Fax: 386 / 257-2329 Charles B. Williamson, M.D. #003397 HECN, DAYTONA STATE COLLEGE & BETHUNE-COOKMAN COLLEGE PROVIDERS 3635 S. Clyde Morris Blvd., Ste. 600, Port Orange, FL 32129 386 / 760-2888 Fax: 386 / 760-8866 Michael Fulton, M.D. Patients 10 years and older HECN, DAYTONA STATE COLLEGE & BETHUNE-COOKMAN COLLEGE PROVIDER 3127 W. International Speedway Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 386 / 258-9502 32124 NON-SURGICAL CARE ONLY Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. PLEASE SEND DICTATION, CURRENT X-RAY OF THE AREA AND PHYSICAL THERAPY NOTES SEE PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION SERVICES FOR ADDITIONAL BACK PAIN PROVIDERS 178 10/01/16 SURGERY-PLASTIC Vijay Moradia, M.D. #003038 Patients 13 years and older 201 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Suite 100, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 386 / 238-3295 Fax: 386 / 238-3273 Richard V. Cashio Jr., M.D. #10B744 Patients 18 years and older 61 Memorial Medical Pkwy., Ste. 2802, Palm Coast, FL 32164 386 / 313-1982 Fax: 386 / 313-1985 Jeffrey DeMercurio, M.D. #10K656 311 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Suite 500, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 386 / 238-2244 Fax: 386 / 239-2381 Carl Lentz, III, M.D. #004080 All ages 1265 W. Granada Blvd., Suite 3, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 386 / 252-8051 Fax: 386 / 252-1173 James T. Shoukas, M.D. #10N064 934 Williston Park Point, Ste. 1028, Lake Mary, FL 32746 407 / 333-2518 Fax: 407 / 333-2521 Michel Samson, M.D. #10AF66 C. Lawrence Slade, M.D. #004047 Patients 1 year of age and older Sergio Zamora, M.D. # 006299 All ages Michael C. Samson, M.D. FACCS, PLLC 3635 Clyde Morris Blvd., Suite 400, Port Orange, FL 32129 Sergio M. Zamora, M.D., P.L.C. 1890 LPGA Blvd., Suite 150, Daytona Beach, FL 32117 386 / 756-9400 Fax: 386 / 756-4338 386 / 274-5557 Fax: 386 / 274-5527 INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the FHCP Referral Form. Attach pertinent documentation to substantiate the request and forward by fax (386 / 2383253) or courier, to FHCP’s Central Referrals at the Holly Hill facility. The Referral Department will review the request and notify you of their decision. If approved, FHCP will schedule the member’s appointment and also confirm the appointment with the patient. The form needed for the above services is available at – For Providers, under Related Documents 179 10/01/16 SURGERY-THORACIC John B. Holt, M.D. #000426 William Johnson, M.D. #000018 Patients 18 years and older Requires records prior to scheduling Atlantic Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgeons, LLC 588 Sterthaus Ave., Ormond Beach, FL 32174 386 / 672-9503 Fax: 386 / 672-0386 Send pertinent dictation and appropriate test results (done within 90 days) and fax to the specialist’s office. The specialist’s office will review, schedule and notify the patient of their appointment. Upon completion, the specialist’s office will notify the requesting provider of the appointment date and time Thomas Corbyons, M.D. #004024 Michael Donohoe, M.D. #003724 All ages Utpal S. Desai, M.D. #009810 Patients 18 years and older Sohit K. Khanna, M.D. #048751 Ryan Messiner, D.O. #057553 Cary H. Meyers, M.D. #048752 Patients 18 years and older Jeremy Steinbaum, M.D. #006391 All ages Corbyons & Donohoe Surgical Assoc. 685 Peachwood Dr., DeLand, FL 32720 Utpal Desai, M.D. FHMMC-Healthcare Partners 305 Memorial Medical Pkwy., Ste. 307, Daytona Beach, FL 32117 UF Health Heart & Vascular Surgery at Halifax 311 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Ste. 100, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 North Orlando Surgical Group, Inc. 1053 Medical Center Drive, Suite 242, Orange City, FL 32763 1355 S. International Pkwy., Ste. 2451, Lake Mary, FL 32746 Additional Thoracic Surgery information on the following page. 180 10/01/16 386 / 738-5300 Fax: 386 / 738-9537 386 / 231-3600 Fax: 386 / 231-3602 386 / 226-2662 Fax: 386 / 226-2593 386 / 775-0333 Fax: 386 / 775-0427 407 / 790-9800 Fax: 386 / 775-0427 SURGERY–THORACIC (continued) Bradley Litke, M.D. #001876 Patients 19 years and older John A. Walsh, M.D. #011584 Cardiovascular Surgeons, P.A. 4106 West Lake Mary Blvd., Suite 201, Lake Mary, FL 32746 John A. Walsh, M.D., P.A. 14 Office Park Dr., Ste. 7, Palm Coast, FL 32137 407 / 425-1566 Fax: 407 / 422-0166 386 / 302-5064 Fax: 386 / 302-5093 Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. SURGERY–VASCULAR Stephen Minor, M.D. #10P180 Patients 18 years and older PERIPHERAL VASCULAR INTERVENTION FHCP Center 350 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 FHCP Center 315 Palm Coast Pkwy., N.E., Ste. 4, Palm Coast, FL 32137 MEDICAL RECORDS FAX – 386 / 481-5009 Additional Vascular Surgery information on the following page. 181 10/01/16 386 / 238-3289 Fax: 386 / 238-3296 SURGERY–VASCULAR (continued) John B. Holt, M.D. #000426 William H. Johnson, M.D. #000018 Patients 18 years and older Requires records prior to scheduling Atlantic Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgeons, LLC 588 Sterthaus Ave., Ormond Beach, FL 32174 386 / 672-9503 Fax: 386 / 672-0386 Send pertinent dictation and appropriate test results (done within 90 days) and fax to the specialist’s office. The specialist’s office will review, schedule and notify the patient of their appointment. Upon completion, the specialist’s office will notify the requesting provider of the appointment date and time. Thomas Corbyons, M.D. #004024 Michael Donohoe, M.D. #003724 All ages Utpal S. Desai, M.D. #009810 Patients 18 years and older Michael P. Harrington, M.D. #003484 James T. Sutton, M.D. #004179 All ages Joan Iacobelli, M.D. #10S540 Jeremy Steinbaum, M.D. #006391 All ages Sohit K. Khanna, M.D. #048751 Ryan Messiner, D.O. #057553 Cary H. Meyers, M.D. #048752 Patients 18 years and older Corbyons & Donohoe Surgical Assoc. 685 Peachwood Dr., DeLand, FL 32720 Utpal Desai, M.D. FHMMC-Healthcare Partners 305 Memorial Medical Pkwy., Ste. 307, Daytona Beach, FL 32117 Surgical Associates 1890 LPGA Blvd., Suite 250, Daytona Beach, FL 32117 North Orlando Surgical Group, Inc. 1053 Medical Center Drive, Suite 242, Orange City, FL 32763 1355 S. International Pkwy., Ste. 2451, Lake Mary, FL 32746 UF Health Heart & Vascular Surgery at Halifax 311 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Ste. 100, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 Additional Vascular Surgery information on the following page. 182 10/01/16 386 / 738-5300 Fax: 386 / 738-9537 386 / 231-3600 Fax: 386 / 231-3602 386 / 274-0250 Fax: 386 / 274-0269 386 / 775-0333 Fax: 386 / 775-0427 407 / 790-9800 Fax: 386 / 775-0427 386 / 226-2662 Fax: 386 / 226-2593 SURGERY–VASCULAR (continued) Ryan Messiner, D.O. #038113 Patients 18 years and older Frank Toub, M.D. #006635 Patients 18 years and older John A. Walsh, M.D. #011584 The Vein & Vascular Center of North Orlando 1061 Medical Center Dr., Ste. 102, Orange City, FL 32763 600 Palmetto St, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 John A. Walsh, M.D., P.A. 14 Office Park Dr., Ste. 7, Palm Coast, FL 32137 386 / 917-7315 Fax: 386 / 917-7334 386 / 428-8326 Fax: 386 / 428-2493 386 / 302-5064 Fax: 386 / 302-5093 Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. 183 10/01/16 SURGICAL FACILITIES FHCP ASC #048538 Central Florida Regional Hospital #00Y009 386 / 481-6282 Fax: 386 / 481-6885 Scheduling Number 386 / 481-6282 917 Rinehart Road, Suite 1001, Lake Mary, FL 32746 407 / 708-5383 Fax: 407 / 708-5390 541 Health Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 386 / 248-8221 Fax: 386 / 248-8226 Scheduling Number 386 / 248-8222 1401 West Seminole Blvd., Sanford, FL 32771 407 / 321-4500 Halifax Health #00Y007 303 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 386 / 254-4000 Halifax Health–Atlantic Campus #00Y007 400 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 386 / 239-5000 Alliance Surgical Center, LLC #10P538 Atlantic Surgery Center, Inc. #00YH63 2777 Enterprise Road, Orange City, FL 32763 Halifax Health Twin Lakes Surgery Center 1890 LPGA Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32117 #00Y007 Florida Hospital – New Smyrna #00Y010 401 Palmetto Street, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 Florida Hospital - DeLand # 00YG80 386 / 274-1665 Fax: 386 / 274-2070 386 / 424-5000 Fax: 386 / 424-5054 1053 Medical Center Drive, Suite 201, Orange City, FL 32763 386 / 878-8080 Fax: 386 / 878-8081 Scheduling Number 386 / 878-8080, Ext. 107 701 W. Plymouth Avenue, DeLand, FL 32720 386 / 943-4522 Florida Hospital - Fish Memorial #00YG34 1055 Saxon Blvd., Orange City, FL 32763 386 / 851-5000 Florida Hospital – Flagler #00Y015 60 Memorial Medical Parkway, Palm Coast, FL 32164 386 / 437-2211 Blue Springs Surgery Center #10G603 Florida Hospital Memorial Medical Center 301 Memorial Medical Pkwy., Daytona Beach, FL 32117 #00Y004 Lake Mary Surgery Center, LLC #037262 460 St. Charles Court, Lake Mary, FL 32746 386 / 676-6000 407 / 585-0263 Fax: 407 / 585-0264 Surgery Center of Volusia, LLC #118394 3635 Clyde Morris Blvd., Suite 500, Port Orange, FL 32129 386 / 760-8151 Fax: 386 / 760-8185 Scheduling Number 386 / 760-8151 Additional Surgical Facilities information on the following page. 184 10/01/16 SURGICAL FACILITIES (continued) INSTRUCTIONS: You should schedule the surgery with the hospital/surgery center, make arrangements for pre-op as needed and notify the member. The requesting surgeon should then complete the FHCP Surgical & Special Procedure Form. Fax the form to the FHCP’s Central Referrals at the Holly Hill facility at 386 / 238-3253. The Referral Department will review the request. The surgeon will be notified only if the surgery is not approved. If available, patients may have their pre-op testing (Labs, Chest x-ray & EKG) at the facility where the surgery is scheduled. The form needed for the above services is available at – For Providers, under Related Documents 185 10/01/16 SUTURE AND STAPLE REMOVAL Florida Health Care Plans FHCP Center 239 N. Ridgewood Ave., Edgewater, FL 32132 386 / 427-4868 Workforce Wellness Center FHCP Center 320 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Suite D, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 386 / 238-3204 Workforce Wellness Center FHCP Center - DeLand 937 N. Spring Garden Ave., DeLand, FL 32720 386 / 736-1948 Workforce Wellness FHCP Center 2777 Enterprise Road, Orange City, FL 32763 386 / 774-2550, Ext. 6832 Workforce Wellness Center FHCP Center – Ormond Bach 461 South Nova Road, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 386 / 671-4337 Workforce Wellness Center Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. TERTIARY CARE CENTERS INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the FHCP Referral Form. Attach pertinent documentation to substantiate the request and forward by fax (386 / 2383253) or courier, to FHCP’s Central Referrals at the Holly Hill facility. The Referral Department will review the request and notify you of their decision. If approved, FHCP will schedule the member’s appointment and also confirm the appointment with the patient. 186 10/01/16 TRANSPLANTS INSTRUCTIONS: All Transplants, as well as a second transplant opinion, require prior authorization by FHCP. Complete a FHCP Referral Form; fax the form along with all clinical documentation to the FHCP Central Referral Department at 386 / 238-3253 or 877 / 659-3427. The Referral Department will review the request and notify you of their decision. Requests for Bone Marrow Transplants should indicate if the request is for an Allogenic or an Autologous transplant. You will be notified of the plans decision. ** Please do not make any arrangements for this service without prior authorization** 187 10/01/16 ULTRASOUND TESTING Florida Health Care Plans (N) Ultrasound Department FHCP Center 350 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Ste. 5, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 General, GYN, Cardiac and Vascular Ultrasound services available. FHCP Center 740 Dunlawton Ave., Port Orange, FL 32127 OB Ultrasounds not available at FHCP FHCP Center 2777 Enterprise Road, Orange City, FL 32763 386 / 238-3270 Fax: 386 / 238-3256 800 / 321-1227 Ext. 3303 FHCP Center 239 N. Ridgewood Ave., Edgewater, FL 32132 INSTRUCTIONS: 1) Call the Ultrasound Department directly at FHCP’s Daytona Beach Facility at 386 / 238-3270 to schedule the appointment. Confirm the appointment date and time with the member. Send the order, via courier, to the Ultrasound Department, Daytona Beach Facility, or fax to 386 / 238-3256. OR 2) Send the Ultrasound order to the Ultrasound Department, Daytona Beach Facility, via courier, or fax to 386 / 238-3256. The FHCP Ultrasound Department will contact the member with their appointment. ALL BREAST ULTRASOUNDS, REQUESTED AFTER A MAMMOGRAM, ARE TO BE DONE AT THE FACILITY WHERE THE MAMMOGRAM WAS PERFORMED. Cyrus Diagnostic Imaging, Inc. #109138 (N) 165 Waymont Court, Lake Mary, FL 32746 PATIENTS SCREENED FOR MOBILITY 407 / 321-3012 Fax: 407 / 321-9006 (H) – Outpatient Hospital Department/Facility (N) – Outpatient Non-Hospital Facility Out of pocket costs may vary depending on location or benefit plan Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. 188 10/01/16 URGENT CARE SERVICES MediQuick Urgent Care Center New Smyrna Beach Urgent Care, LLC Advanced Urgent Care PrimeCare at Twin Lakes All ages 6 Office Park Drive, Palm Coast, FL 32137 After hours care only - Mon. – Fri. 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM Saturday 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM Sundays and Holidays 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM 386 / 447-6615 Fax: 386 / 447-1266 140 Pinnacles Drive, Palm Coast, FL 32164 After hours care only – Mon – Fri 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM Saturday 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM Sundays and Holidays 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM New Smyrna Beach Urgent Care 1860 Renzulli Road, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 386 / 597-2829 Fax: 386 / 313-1923 Ormond Beach Urgent Care 435 S. Yonge Street, Unit 1, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 Hours for both locations : After hours care only – Mon. – Fri. 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM Saturday, Sunday and Holidays 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM 1690 Dunlawton Ave., Ste. 120, Port Orange, FL 32127 After hours care only – Mon. – Fri. 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM Sat. and Sun. 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM Holidays : 9 :00 AM to 6 :00 PM Closed on Thanksgivng Day and Christmas Day 1240 E. Normandy Blvd., Suite 100, Deltona, FL 32725 After hours care only – Mon. – Fri. 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM Sat. and Sun. 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM Holidays : 9 :00 AM to 3 :00 PM Closed on Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day 1890 LPGA Blvd., Suite 130, Daytona Beach, FL 32117 After hours care only - Mon. - Fri. 8:00 AM to 7:30 PM Sat., Sun. & Holidays 10:00 AM to 4:30 PM 740 Dunlawton Ave., Ste. 100, Port Orange, FL 32127 After hours care only - Mon. - Fri. 8:00 AM to 7:30 PM Sat., Sun. & Holidays 10:00 AM to 4:30 PM Additional Urgent Care Services information on the following page. 189 10/01/16 386 / 663-3061 Fax: 386 / 663-3066 386 / 673-9949 Fax: 386 / 673-9952 386 / 271-2273 Fax: 386 / 271-2274 386 / 860-5051 Fax: 386 / 860-5053 386 / 274-2212 Fax: 386 / 274-1508 386 / 767-2402 Fax: 386 / 274-1508 URGENT CARE SERVICES (continued) Heathrow Urgent Care 1125 Town Park Ave., Suite 1011, Lake Mary, FL 32746 PrimeCare at Port Orange After hours care only - Mon. - Fri. 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM Sat., Sun. 9:00 AM to 3 :00 PM 740 Dunlawton Ave., Ste. 100, Port Orange, FL 32127 Prompt Care of Central Florida, LLC After hours care only - Mon. - Fri. 8:30 AM to 6:00 PM Sat., Sun. & Holidays 10:00 AM to 4:30 PM 1133 Saxon Blvd., Orange City, FL 32763 Twilight Pediatrics After Hours Walk-in Clinic Urgent Care of Longwood After hours care only - Mon. - Fri. 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM Sat.and Sun. 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Closed on Christmas Day & New Year’s Day 1688 W. Granada Blvd., Suite 1A, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 After hours care only-Monday thru Friday 5:00 PM – 10:00 PM Sat.and Sun. 10:00 AM –4:00 PM Closed Holidays 450 West State Road 434, Longwood, FL 32750 After hours care only-Monday thru Friday 8:30 AM – 7:00 PM Sat. 9:00 AM –2:00 PM Sun. 12 :00 PM – 5 :00 PM 407 / 804-9494 Fax: 407 / 804-9443 386 / 767-2402 Fax: 386 / 274-1508 386 / 878-4137 Fax: 386 / 878-4293 386 / 425-4414 Fax: 386 / 615-8466 407 / 212-3000 Fax: 407 / 212-3001 INSTRUCTIONS: Members will be charged the appropriate co-payment as listed in the co-payment section of the FHCP Member Handbook. FHCP urgent care facilities can be used after hours and when the member’s primary care physician is unavailable for those medical services required to prevent a serious deterioration of a member’s health that results from an unforeseen illness or injury. FOR ADDITIONAL AFTER HOURS SERVICES SEE AFTER HOURS PRIMARY CARE 190 10/01/16 UROGYNECOLOGY/RECONSTRUCTIVE PELVIC SURGERY SERVICES Christopher Stanley, M.D. #001206 Patients 18 years and older Jason R. Thompson, M.D. #13826 Halifax Health Urology Center 311 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Ste. 360, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 Florida Urogynecology & Reconstructive Surgery, PA 84 Pinnacles Dr., Ste. 500, Palm Coast, FL 32164 386 / 254-4199 Fax: 386 / 947-4680 904 / 652-0373 Fax: 904 / 652-0378 Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. 191 10/01/16 UROLOGY Anthony Cantwell, M.D. #000599 Jeffrey Dann, M.D. #010952 Martin Dineen, M.D. #003540 Evan M. Fynes, M.D. #043681 Michael Grable, M.D. #001811 Samuel Lawindy, M.D. #057351 John J. McGetrick, M.D. #051576 Mathew Merrell, M.D. #009320 Terrance Regan, M.D. #001842 Stephen Weiss, M.D. #000126 Robert Youngman, M.D. #000347 Arash Rafiei, M.D. #049271 Patients 16 years and older John E. Greene, M.D. #000625 Patients 18 years and older Bennett Scaglia, M.D. #10K206 Shawn W. Thomas, D.O. #040021 18 years of age and older Adolescents are accepted on a case by case basis Atlantic Urology – A Division of Advanced Urology Institute 545 Health Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 506 Palmetto Street, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169 685 Peachwood Drive, Suite 1, DeLand, FL 32720 1061 Medical Center Drive, Suite 300, Orange City, FL 32763 21 Hospital Drive, Suite 140, Palm Coast, FL 32164 1620 Mason Ave., Ste. E, Daytona Beach, FL 32117 1185 Dunlawton Ave., Ste. 100, Port Orange, FL 32127 Greene Urological Center 308 Palmetto Street, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 386 / 239-8500 Fax: 386 / 239-8530 386 / 427-9554 Fax: 386 / 427-2157 386 / 736-3463 Fax: 386 / 736-3492 386 / 774-2121 Fax: 386 / 774-5505 386 / 445-8530 Fax: 386 / 446-5087 386 / 506-5117 Fax: 386 / 506-5120 386 / 756-1945 Fax: 386 / 239-8530 386 / 426-2565 Fax: 386 / 426-8983 Halifax Health Urology Center 311 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Suite 480, Daytona Beach, FL 386 / 254-4199 32114 Fax: 386 / 947-4680 Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. Patient must bring any pertinent radiology films with them to their appointment. Halifax Health Center for Urology has a dedicated fax for surgical labs, pre-op orders, EKG’s, insurance pre-authorizations, or surgery scheduling information – 386 / 238-2220. 192 10/01/16 VACUUM ASSISTED CLOSURE DEVICES Guidelines listed under Wound Care VARICOSE VEIN TREATMENT Thomas Corbyons, M.D. #004024 Michael Donohoe, M.D. #003724 All ages Utpal S. Desai, M.D. #009810 Patients 18 years and older John B. Holt, M.D. #000426 William H. Johnson, M.D. #000018 Patients 18 years and older Requires records prior to scheduling Sukhender Singireddy, M.D. #010488 All ages Charles Stein, M.D. #005416 All ages Corbyons & Donohoe Surgical Assoc. 685 Peachwood Dr., DeLand, FL 32720 Utpal Desai, M.D. FHMMC-Healthcare Partners 305 Memorial Medical Pkwy., Ste. 307, Daytona Beach, FL 32117 Atlantic Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgeons, LLC 588 Sterthaus Ave., Ormond Beach, FL 32174 Suncoast Vein & Vascular Clinic 1728 Dunlawton Ave., Ste. 5, Port Orange, FL 32127 Vein Treatment Center 21 Hospital Drive, Suite 260, Palm Coast, FL 32164 386 / 738-5300 Fax: 386 / 738-9537 386 / 231-3600 Fax: 386 / 231-3602 386 / 672-9501 Fax: 386 / 673-0308 386 / 304-3404 Fax: 386 / 304-3135 386 / 586-5344 Fax: 386 / 586-5356 1414 W. Granada Blvd., Suite 3, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the FHCP Referral Form. Attach pertinent documentation to substantiate the request and forward by fax (386 / 2383253) or courier, to FHCP’s Central Referrals at the Holly Hill facility. The Referral Department will review the request and notify you of their decision. If approved, FHCP will schedule the member’s appointment and also confirm the appointment with the patient The form needed for the above services is available at – For Providers, under Related Documents 193 10/01/16 VNG TESTING Robert P. Collette, M.D. #003831 18 years of age and older 763 Harley Strickland Blvd., Orange City, FL 32763 386 / 775-4467 Fax: 386 / 775-8679 First Coast Hearing Clinic, Inc. 50 Cypress Point Pkwy., B-3, Palm Coast, FL 32164 386 / 447-7364 Fax: 386 / 447-8742 Daniel Rothbaum, M.D. #011652 Devang Shah, M.D. #006370 Atlantic Ear, Nose & Throat, P.A. 963 Town Center Dr., Ste. 100, Orange City, FL 32763 386 / 774-9880 Fax: 386 / 774-2898 Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. An Audiological Evaluation is normally performed prior to a VNG. Please refer to Hearing/Audiology Services in this document for instructions on how to obtain these services for a FHCP member. 194 10/01/16 WEIGHT MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS Florida Health Care Plans Eat Right Move Right Adult Weight Management Program FHCP Center 330 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Bach, FL 32114 – Main Office Classes available at various locations or on an individual basis depending on the need. 386 / 676-7133 or 1 / 877 / 229-4518 Fax: 386 / 238-3228 BMI of 27 or higher – No Charge FHCP contracted providers can complete a Referral for Diabetes Education or Nutritional Counseling and send by courier to FHCP Health Education Department in Daytona Beach or fax to 386 / 238-3228/ FHCP members may call directly to the Diabetes/Health Education Department in Daytona Beach to reserve their seating. Please call 386 / 676-7133 or 877 / 229-4518, Monday through Friday between 9:00 am – 5:00 pm. FHCP staff physicians can generate an order in the EHR system. The form needed for the above services is available at – For Providers, under Related Documents Halifax Fitness Center 303 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 386 / 254-4031 Fax: 386 / 947-2982 Program is open to FHCP members 18 years and older with a BMI of 30 or above who has been a member for at least 6 months. The Member may self-refer or the Provider can direct them to the Halifax Fitness Center by calling the number listed above and asking to speak with a dietician. For information on the Bariatric Program, call 386 / 254-4223. 195 10/01/16 WOUND CARE Florida Health Care Plans All ages FHCP Center 201 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL 32114 MEDICAL RECORDS FAX – 386 / 481-5009 386 / 238-3295 Fax: 386 / 238-3273 Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed for Wound Care. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. WOUND CARE Central Florida Regional Hospital #00Y009 1401 West Seminole Blvd., Sanford, FL 32771 407 / 302-7399 Fax: 407/ 321-4353 INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the FHCP Referral Form. Attach pertinent documentation to substantiate the request and forward by fax (386 / 2383253) or courier, to FHCP’s Central Referrals at the Holly Hill facility. The Referral Department will review the request and notify you of their decision. If approved, FHCP will schedule the member’s appointment and also confirm the appointment with the patient. Halifax Wound Care All ages HECN PROVIDER 311 N. Clyde Morris Blvd., Suite 510, Daytona Beach, FL 386 / 254-4267 32114 Fax: 386 / 947-4004 INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the FHCP Referral Form. Attach pertinent documentation to substantiate the request and forward by fax (386 / 2383253) or courier, to FHCP’s Central Referrals at the Holly Hill facility. The Referral Department will review the request and notify you of their decision. If approved, FHCP will schedule the member’s appointment and also confirm the appointment with the patient. HYPERBARIC OXYGEN THERAPY (HBO) AND VACUUM ASSISTED CLOSURE DEVICES INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the FHCP Referral Form. Attach pertinent documentation to substantiate the request and forward by fax (386 / 2383253) or courier, to FHCP’s Central Referrals at the Holly Hill facility. The Referral Department will review the request and notify you of their decision. If approved, FHCP will schedule the member’s appointment and also confirm the appointment with the patient The form needed for the above services is available at – For Providers, under Related Documents 196 10/01/16 X-RAYS (PLAIN FILMS) Florida Health Care Plans (N) Patients 800 lbs. & under STAT READINGS AVAILABLE Florida Health Care Plans (N) Patients 450 lbs. & under STAT READINGS AVAILABLE Florida Health Care Plan (N) Patients 450 lbs. & under STAT READINGS AVAILABLE Florida Health Care Plans (N) Patients 450 lbs. & under STAT READINGS AVAILABLE Florida Health Care Plans (N) Patients 450 lbs. & under STAT READINGS AVAILABLE Florida Health Care Plans (N) Patients 800 lbs. & under STAT READINGS AVAILABLE Cyrus Diagnostic Imaging, Inc. #109138 (N) Patients 400 lbs. & under FHCP Center 350 N. Clyde Morris Blvd. Daytona Beach, FL 32114 NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY FHCP Center 461 South Nova Road, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 APPOINTMENTS PREFERRED WALK-INS ACCEPTED WHEN SCHEDULE PERMITS FHCP Center 2777 Enterprise Road, Orange City, FL 32763 APPOINTMENTS PREFERRED WALK-INS ACCEPTED WHEN SCHEDULE PERMITS FHCP Center 309 Palm Coast Parkway, Palm Coast, FL 32137 APPOINTMENTS PREFERRED WALK-INS ACCEPTED WHEN SCHEDULE PERMITS FHCP Center 740 Dunlawton Ave., Port Orange, FL 32127 APPOINTMENTS PREFERRED WALK-INS ACCEPTED WHEN SCHEDULE PERMITS FHCP Center 239 N. Ridgewood Ave., Edgewater, FL 32132 APPOINTMENTS PREFERRED WALK-INS ACCEPTED WHEN SCHEDULE PERMITS 165 Waymont Court, Lake Mary, FL 32746 PATIENTS SCREENED FOR MOBILITY (H) – Outpatient Hospital Department/Facility (N) – Outpatient Non-Hospital Facility Out of pocket costs may vary depending on location or benefit plan Additional x-ray information on the following page 197 10/01/16 386 / 238-3200 Ext. 3339 Fax: 386 / 238-3292 386 / 671-4337 Fax: 386 / 481-6185 386 / 774-2550 Ext. 6823 Fax: 386 / 774-4705 386 / 446-0561 Fax: 386 / 446-0324 386 / 763-4910 Fax: 386 / 481-6399 386 / 427-4868 Fax: 386 / 481-6593 407 / 321-3012 Fax: 407 / 321-9006 X-RAYS (PLAIN FILMS) (continued) New Smyrna Imaging, LLC #135587 (N) Patients 450 lbs. & under 405 East 3rd. Avenue, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169 386 / 426-1900 Fax: 386 / 426-5939 INSTRUCTIONS: Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. (H) – Outpatient Hospital Department/Facility (N) – Outpatient Non-Hospital Facility Out of pocket costs may vary depending on location or benefit plan Mastoid Films, Panorex Films, Pediatric Head / Skull Series, Mandible X-rays, TMJ X-rays, patients above stated weight limits and patients with limited mobility can not be done at the above FHCP Centers. For patients needing these films and STAT readings, please follow instructions in the next sections. Additional x-ray information on the following page 198 10/01/16 X-RAYS (STAT READINGS) Florida Health Care Plans (N) Patients 800 lbs. & under STAT READINGS AVAILABLE Florida Health Care Plans (N) Patients 450 lbs. & under STAT READINGS AVAILABLE Florida Health Care Plan (N) Patients 450 lbs. & under STAT READINGS AVAILABLE Florida Health Care Plans (N) Patients 800 lbs. & under STAT READINGS AVAILABLE Florida Health Care Plans (N) Patients 450 lbs. & under STAT READINGS AVAILABLE Florida Health Care Plans (N) Patients 800 lbs. & under STAT READINGS AVAILABLE FHCP Center 350 N. Clyde Morris Blvd. Daytona Beach, FL 32114 NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY FHCP Center 461 South Nova Road, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 APPOINTMENTS PREFERRED WALK-INS ACCEPTED WHEN SCHEDULE PERMITS FHCP Center 2777 Enterprise Road, Orange City, FL 32763 APPOINTMENTS PREFERRED WALK-INS ACCEPTED WHEN SCHEDULE PERMITS FHCP Center 309 Palm Coast Parkway, Palm Coast, FL 32137 APPOINTMENTS PREFERRED WALK-INS ACCEPTED WHEN SCHEDULE PERMITS FHCP Center 740 Dunlawton Ave., Port Orange, FL 32127 APPOINTMENTS PREFERRED WALK-INS ACCEPTED WHEN SCHEDULE PERMITS FHCP Center 239 N. Ridgewood Ave., Edgewater, FL 32132 APPOINTMENTS PREFERRED WALK-INS ACCEPTED WHEN SCHEDULE PERMITS H) – Outpatient Hospital Department/Facility (N) – Outpatient Non-Hospital Facility Out of pocket costs may vary depending on location or benefit plan Additional x-ray information on the following page 199 10/01/16 386 / 238-3200 Ext. 3339 Fax: 386 / 238-3292 386 / 671-4337 Fax: 386 / 481-6185 386 / 774-2550 Ext. 6823 Fax: 386 / 774-4705 386 / 446-0561 Fax: 386 / 446-0324 386 / 763-4910 Fax: 386 / 481-6399 386 / 427-4868 Fax: 386 / 481-6593 X-RAYS (STAT READINGS) (continued) Florida Hospital – New Smyrna #00Y010 (H) 401 Palmetto Street, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 Cyrus Diagnostic Imaging, Inc. #109138 (N) Patients 400 lbs. & under Florida Hospital – DeLand #00YG80 (H) 165 Waymont Court, Lake Mary, FL 32746 PATIENTS SCREENED FOR MOBILITY 701 W. Plymouth Avenue, DeLand, FL 32720 Florida Hospital Fish Imaging #00YG34 (H) 1053 Medical Center Drive, Suite 151, Orange City, FL 32763 Centralized scheduling – 386 / 917-5428 Florida Hospital – Fish Memorial #00YG34 (H) 1055 Saxon Blvd., Orange City, FL 32763 Florida Hospital – Flagler #00Y015 (H) 60 Memorial Medical Parkway, Palm Coast, FL 32168 LAD Imaging, LLC #008160 (N) 1555 Saxon Blvd., Bldg. 4, Suite 401, Deltona, FL 32725 PATIENTS SCREENED FOR MOBILITY 405 East 3rd. Avenue, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169 New Smyrna Imaging, LLC #135587 (N) Patients 450 lbs. & under 386 / 424-5044 Fax: 386 / 424-5048 407 / 321-3012 Fax: 407 / 321-9006 386 / 943-4610 Fax: 386 / 943-4461 386 / 917-5428 Fax: 386 / 917-5576 386 / 917-5428 Fax: 386 / 917-5576 386 / 586-4402 Fax: 386 / 586-4767 386 / 860-9336 Fax: 386 / 860-2225 386 / 426-1900 Fax: 386 / 426-5939 (H) – Outpatient Hospital Department/Facility (N) – Outpatient Non-Hospital Facility Out of pocket costs may vary depending on location or benefit plan INSTRUCTIONS: The requesting Provider should call the listed facility directly to schedule an appointment. Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. For patients needing Mastoid Films, Panorex Films, Pediatric Head / Skull Series, Mandible X-rays, TMJ X-rays, higher weight limits or need help with their mobility problems, please follow instructions in the next section. Additional x-ray information on the following page 200 10/01/16 X-RAYS (UNABLE TO BE DONE AT FHCP) For patients needing Mastoid Films, Panorex Films, Pediatric Head / Skull Series, Mandible X-rays, TMJ X-rays, higher weight limits or need help with their mobility problems, please follow instructions in this section. Advanced Imaging (N) 1639 North Volusia Ave., Orange City, FL 32763 Florida Hospital – New Smyrna #00Y010 (H) 401 Palmetto Street, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 Cyrus Diagnostic Imaging, Inc. #109138 (N) Patients 400 lbs. & under Florida Hospital – DeLand #00YG80 (H) 165 Waymont Court, Lake Mary, FL 32746 PATIENTS SCREENED FOR MOBILITY 701 W. Plymouth Avenue, DeLand, FL 32720 Florida Hospital Fish Imaging #00YG34 (H) 1053 Medical Center Drive, Suite 151, Orange City, FL 32763 Centralized scheduling – 386 / 917-5428 Florida Hospital – Fish Memorial #00YG34 (H) 1055 Saxon Blvd., Orange City, FL 32763 Florida Hospital – Flagler #00Y015 (H) 60 Memorial Medical Parkway, Palm Coast, FL 32168 LAD Imaging, LLC #008160 (N) 1555 Saxon Blvd., Bldg. 4, Suite 401, Deltona, FL 32725 PATIENTS SCREENED FOR MOBILITY 3 Pine Cone Drive, Ste. 101, Palm Coast, FL 32137 WILL NOT SCHEDULE SNF PATIENTS 1195 Dunlawton Avenue, Port Orange, FL 32127 WILL NOT SCHEDULE SNF PATIENTS 190 Southpark Blvd., Suite 101, St. Augustine, FL 32086 WILL NOT SCHEDULE SNF PATIENTS 21 Hospital Drive, Palm Coast, FL 32164 WILL NOT SCHEDULE SNF PATIENTS Palm Coast Imaging Center #005448 (N) Port Orange Imaging Center #F00002 (N) St. Augustine Imaging Center #F00003 (N) Town Center Imaging #F00004 (N) (H) – Outpatient Hospital Department/Facility (N) – Outpatient Non-Hospital Facility Out of pocket costs may vary depending on location or benefit plan Additional x-ray information on the following page. 201 10/01/16 386 / 774-7226 Fax: 386 / 774-7227 386 / 424-5044 Fax: 386 / 424-5048 407 / 321-3012 Fax: 407 / 321-9006 386 / 943-4610 Fax: 386 / 943-4461 386 / 917-5428 Fax: 386 / 917-5576 386 / 917-5428 Fax: 386 / 917-5576 386 / 586-4402 Fax: 386 / 586-4767 386 / 860-9336 Fax: 386 / 860-2225 386 / 446-5200 Fax: 386 / 446-1866 386 / 322-1616 Fax: 386 / 322-5330 904 / 827-9191 Fax: 904 / 827-9171 386 / 446-5200 Fax: 386 / 446-1866 X-RAYS (UNABLE TO BE DONE AT FHCP) (continued) Twin Lakes Imaging Center # F00001 (N) Port Orange Imaging Center #F00002 (N) St. Augustine Imaging Center #F00003 (N) Town Center Imaging #F00004 (N) Twin Lakes Imaging Center # F00001 (N) 1890 LPGA Blvd., Suite 110, Daytona Beach, FL 32124 WILL NOT SCHEDULE SNF PATIENTS 1195 Dunlawton Avenue, Port Orange, FL 32127 WILL NOT SCHEDULE SNF PATIENTS 190 Southpark Blvd., Suite 101, St. Augustine, FL 32086 WILL NOT SCHEDULE SNF PATIENTS 21 Hospital Drive, Palm Coast, FL 32164 WILL NOT SCHEDULE SNF PATIENTS 1890 LPGA Blvd., Suite 110, Daytona Beach, FL 32124 WILL NOT SCHEDULE SNF PATIENTS 386 / 274-5454 Fax: 386 / 274-5440 386 / 322-1616 Fax: 386 / 322-5330 904 / 827-9191 Fax: 904 / 827-9171 386 / 446-5200 Fax: 386 / 446-1866 386 / 274-5454 Fax: 386 / 274-5440 (H) – Outpatient Hospital Department/Facility (N) – Outpatient Non-Hospital Facility Out of pocket costs may vary depending on location or benefit plan INSTRUCTIONS: The requesting Provider should call the listed facility directly to schedule an appointment. Prior authorization from the FHCP Central Referrals is not needed. The requesting provider will send an order to the specialist. Appointments can be made by the physician’s office or the member can call after the order has been received by the specialty office. The specialty office will advise you of their scheduling protocol. 202 10/01/16