Geology Along the Wendell H. Ford Western Kentucky Parkway
Geology Along the Wendell H. Ford Western Kentucky Parkway
Geology Along the Wendell H. Ford Western Kentucky Parkway Daniel I. Carey, Martin C. Noger, Donald C. Haney, and Stephen F. Greb The Caseyville Sandstone, seen here at Lake Malone in Muhlenberg County, lies along the Wendell H. Ford Western Kentucky Parkway and along the margin of the Western Kentucky Coal Field. Wendell H. Ford Western Kentucky Parkway Hardin Ohio Grayson Hopkins Kentucky Geological Survey James C. Cobb, State Geologist and Director University of Kentucky, Lexington Butler Muhlenberg Caldwell Lyon Special Publication 13 Series XII, 2012 2 Terrain Along the Wendell H. Ford Western Kentucky Parkway While travelling along the parkway, you will see a variety of terrain. Where natural landforms (lay of the land) differ significantly from one area to another, this generally indicates that each landform is underlain by a different type of rock. These different areas are known as physiographic regions. The major physiographic regions crossed by the Western Kentucky Parkway are the Pennyroyal (Pennyrile), Clifty, and Western Kentucky Coal Field. Figure 1 shows all physiographic regions in Kentucky, as well as the location of the Western Kentucky Parkway. WARNING: Kentucky law prohibits vehicles from stopping on the shoulders of limited-access highways except in case of emergency—Title 603 KAR 5:025 Sec. 4. 90°W 39°N 38°N 89°W 88°W 87°W Alluvium Eastern Kentucky Coal Field Pine Mountain Inner Bluegrass Bluegrass Hills Outer Bluegrass Knobs Pennyroyal/Mississippian Plateau Clifty Western Kentucky Coal Field Jackson Purchase 86°W 85°W 84°W 83°W Wendell H. Ford Western Kentucky Parkway 38°N y Pa l Hil ad es 37°N r la nd lis Cu m be Esca rpm e nt Dr ip ping S pr 90°W er hs ug 37°N Es Riv ra 60 Miles ca ck rp m tu en t n Ke u ld 40 82°W 39°N M 0 10 20 89°W The parkway begins in Lyon County at the junction with Interstate 24 near Lake Barkley. West of mile 15.0, the Pennyroyal Region is an upland underlain by limestone and characterized by complex underground drainage systems marked by sinkholes and caves; the limestone weathers to form thick, reddish residual soils. From mile 15.0 to 20.0, the landscape changes to narrow ridges and valleys underlain by an alternating sequence of resistant sandstones and less resistant shales and limestones: the Clifty Region. From mile 20.0 to Leitchfield, the parkway crosses the Western Kentucky Coal Field, one of the most important coal producing areas in the world. The coal field is an upland of hills with low to moderate relief and wide, poorly drained valleys underlain by coal, shale, siltstone and sandstone. From Leitchfield at mile 107.0 eastward to mile 122.0, the parkway reenters the Clifty Region. The route down the Dripping Springs Escarpment on the eastern edge of the Clifty leads back to the Pennyroyal Sinkhole Plain, formed by Mississippian limestones similar to those of the first 20 miles. This lower plateau extends to the end of the parkway. 88°W 87°W i ng s 86°W 85°W 84°W 83°W 82°W Figure 1. Physiographic regions in Kentucky and location of the Wendell H. Ford Western Kentucky Parkway. Roadlog and Strip Maps Geologic units are shown approximately 0.5 mile on either side of the highway. Figure 2 shows the symbols used on all the strip maps. The construction of these continuous strip maps was facilitated by the availability of detailed 1:24,000-scale (1 inch on the map equals 24,000 inches or 2,000 feet on the ground) geologic data in digital form for the entire state; the digital data were converted from geologic quadrangle maps published by the U.S. Geological Survey in a joint project with the Kentucky Geological Survey from 1960 to 1978. The parkway’s area is covered by 24 of these maps. Figure 3 shows the 7.5-minute quadrangles the parkway passes through. The roadlog covers the entire extent of the Western Kentucky Parkway. All descriptions of rock strata and geologic features are referenced to the highway mile markers that are located at 1-mile intervals along the shoulder of the highway. Mile-marker numbers are the same on both sides of the highway. Some of the roadcuts identified during a survey in the 1990’s, particularly into shale, may now be revegetated. The descriptions were nonetheless retained in order to identify what now lies beneath the overgrowth. 36 ! Mile marker # Observation point 18 Photo location Stream U (up) Geologic fault D (down) Concealed geologic fault County line Lakes, ponds Railroad Mapped sinkholes Highway or road Mined area Artificial fill Oil and gas wells Figure 2. Symbols used on the strip maps. Q14 Q15 Q16 Q17 Q18 Q19 Q20 R13 R14 Crider Olney Dawson Springs Saint Charles Nortonville Graham Greenville Eddyville Princeton West P20 P21 P22 P23 Central City West Central City East Paradise Cromwell Big Clifty Summit Sonora Hardin M30 M31 Ohio Grayson N28 N29 N30 M30 M31 Cecilia Elizabethtown O23 O24 O25 O26 O27 O28 Hopkins P20 P21 P22 P23 Q14 Q15 Q16 Q17 Q18 Q19 Q20 R13 R14 Caldwell Lyon N28 N29 N30 3 Muhlenberg Butler O23 O24 O25 O26 O27 O28 Horton Rosine Spring Lick Caneyville Leitchfield Clarkson Figure 3. The Western Kentucky Parkway passes through these 7.5-minute quadrangles. Stratigraphy A stratigraphic column (Fig. 4) is a generalized graphic representation of the rock layers present at the earth's surface. Figure 4 shows the rock units exposed along the Western Kentucky Parkway, and indicates the units’ geologic ages. To make it easier to study and describe these stratigraphic units, geologists have subdivided them into groups, formations, members, and beds. A group is a major stratigraphic unit containing two or more formations. A formation is a unit of rock that has characteristic and distinctive rock types and layering that are mappable. A member is a subdivision of a formation that is distinguishable from adjacent parts of the formation. A bed is a rock unit lower in rank than a member, which has a distinctive lithology (for example, a coal bed). The abbreviations used on geologic maps to designate specific rock units are indicated in parentheses after the unit name in Figure 4. References Beck, E.G., Williams, D.A., and Carey, D.I., 2003, Generalized geologic map for land-use planning, Butler County, Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser. 12, Map and Chart 61, scale 1:63,360. Beck, E.G., Williams, D.A., and Carey, D.I., 2004, Generalized geologic map for land-use planning, Lyon County, Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser. 12, Map and Chart 51, scale 1:48,000. Beck, E.G., Williams, D.A., and Carey, D.I., 2005a, Generalized geologic map for land-use planning, Caldwell County, Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser. 12, Map and Chart 111, scale 1:63,360. Beck, E.G., Williams, D.A., and Carey, D.I., 2005b, Generalized geologic map for land-use planning, Muhlenberg County, Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser. 12, Map and Chart 110, scale 1:63,360. Beck, E.G., Williams, D.A., and Carey, D.I., 2005c, Generalized geologic map for land-use planning, Ohio County, Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser. 12, Map and Chart 113, scale 1:63,360. Beck, E.G., Williams, D.A., and Carey, D.I., 2006, Generalized geologic map for land-use planning, Grayson County, Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser. 12, Map and Chart 130, scale 1:63,360. Carey, D.I., and Hounshell, T.D., 2008, Kentucky terrain: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser. 12, Map and Chart 187, scale 1:750,000. Carey, D.I., Hounshell, T.D., and Kiefer, J.D., 2008, Geologic hazards in Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser. 12, Map and Chart 185, scale 1:750,000. Carey, D.I., 2011, Kentucky Landscapes Through Geologic Time: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser. 12, Map and Chart 200, 1sheet. Carey, D. I., Noger, M.C., Haney, D.C., 2011, Geology Along the Martha Layne Collins Bluegrass Parkway: Kentucky Geological S urvey, ser. 12, Special Publication 11, 10 p. Carey, D. I., Noger, M.C., Haney, D.C., and Dever, G.R., Jr., 2011, Geology Along Interstate 64: Winchester to Ashland: Kentucky Geological S urvey, ser. 12, Special Publication 12, 13 p. 4 Conley, T.J., 2002a, Spatial database of the Big Clifty quadrangle, Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser. 12, Digitally Vectorized Geologic Quadrangle Data DVGQ-192. Adapted from Swadley, W C, 1962, Geology of the Big Clifty quadrangle, Kentucky: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ -192, scale 1:24,000. Conley, T.J., 2002b, Spatial database of the Summit quadrangle, Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser. 12, Digitally Vectorized Geologic Quadrangle Data DVGQ-298. Adapted from Moore, F.B., 1964, Geology of the Summit quadrangle, Kentucky: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ -298, scale 1:24,000. Conley, T.J., 2005, Spatial database of the Greenville quadrangle, Muhlenberg County, Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser. 12, Digitally Vectorized Geologic Quadrangle Data DVGQ-907. Adapted from Kehn, T.M., 1971, Geologic map of the Greenville quadrangle, Muhlenberg County, Kentucky: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ907, scale 1:24,000. Crawford, M.M., 2001, Spatial database of the Elizabethtown quadrangle, Hardin and Larue Counties, Kentucky: Kentucky Geologi cal Survey, ser. 12, Digitally Vectorized Geologic Quadrangle Data DVGQ-559. Adapted from Kepferle, R.C., 1966, Geologic map of the Elizabethtown quadrangle, Hardin and Larue Counties, Kentucky: U. S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-559, scale 1:24,000. Crawford, M.M., 2005, Spatial database of the Saint Charles quadrangle, Hopkins and Christian Counties, Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser. 12, Digitally Vector ized Geologic Quadrangle Data DVGQ-674. Adapted from Palmer, J.E., 1967, Geologic map of the Saint Charles quadrangle, Hopkins and Christian Counties, Kentucky: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-674, scale 1:24,000. Crawford, M.M., Beck, E.G., Williams, D.A., and Carey, D.I., 2005, Generalized geologic map for land-use planning, Hopkins County, Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser. 12, Map and Chart 91, scale 1:63,360. Currens, J.C., 2001, Generalized block diagram of the Western Pennyroyal karst: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser. 12, Map and Chart 16, 1 sheet. Johnson, T.L., 2001, Spatial database of the Sonora quadrangle, Hardin and Larue Counties, Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser. 12, Digitally Vectorized Geologic Quadrangle Data DVGQ-492. Adapted from Moore, F.B., 1965, Geologic map of the Sonora quadrangle, Hardin and Larue Counties, Kentucky: U.S. Geo logical Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-492, scale 1:24,000. Martin, S.L., 2002, Spatial database of the Eddyville quadrangle, Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser. 12, Digitally Vectorized Geologic Quadrangle Data DVGQ-255. Adapted from Rogers, W.B., 1963, Geology of the Eddyville quadrangle, Kentucky: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ -255, scale 1:24,000. Mullins, J.E., 2002a, Spatial database of the Caneyville quadrangle, Grayson County, Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, se r. 12, Digitally Vectorized Geologic Quadrangle Data DVGQ-1472. Adapted from Gildersleeve, B., and Johnson, W.D., Jr., 1978, Geologic map of the Caneyville quadrangle, Grayson County, Kentucky: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-1472, scale 1:24,000. Mullins, J.E., 2002b, Spatial database of the Clarkson quadrangle, Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser. 12, Digitally V ectorized Geologic Quadrangle Data DVGQ-278. Adapted from Glick, E.E., 1963, Geology of the Clarkson quadrangle, Kentucky: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-278, scale 1:24,000. Mullins, J.E., and Thompson, M.F., 2002, Spatial database of the Paradise quadrangle, Muhlenberg and Ohio Counties, Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser. 12, Digitally Vectorized Geologic Quadrangle Data DVGQ-1173. Adapted from Kehn, T.M., 1974, Geologic map of the Paradise quadrangle, Muhlenberg and Ohio Counties, Kentucky: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-1173, scale 1:24,000. Nelson, H.L., Jr., 2003a, Spatial database of the Crider quadrangle, Caldwell County, Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser. 12, Digitally Vectorized Geologic Q uadrangle Data DVGQ-1283. Adapted from Rogers, W.B., and Trace, R.D., 1976, Geologic map of the Crider quadrangle, Caldwell County, Kentucky: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-1283, scale 1:24,000. Nelson, H.L., Jr., 2003b, Spatial database of the Princeton West quadrangle, Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser. 12, D igitally Vectorized Geologic Quadrangle Data DVGQ385. Adapted from Sample, R.D., 1965, Geology of the Princeton West quadrangle, Kentucky: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Qua drangle Map GQ-385, scale 1:24,000. Nelson, H.L., Jr., 2005a, Spatial database of the Central City East quadrangle, Muhlenberg and Ohio Counties, Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser. 12, Digitally Vectorized Geologic Quadrangle Data DVGQ-1031. Adapted from Palmer, J.E., 1972, Geologic map of the Central City East quadrangle, Muhlenberg and Ohio Counties, Kentucky: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-1031, scale 1:24,000. Nelson, H.L., Jr., 2005b, Spatial database of the Graham quadrangle, western Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser. 12, Digitally Vectorized Geol ogic Quadrangle Data DVGQ765. Adapted from Kehn, T.M., 1968, Geologic map of the Graham quadrangle, western Kentucky: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ -765, scale 1:24,000. 5 Plauché, S.T., 2002, Spatial database of the Rosine quadrangle, western Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser . 12, Digitally Vectorized Geologic Quadrangle Data DVGQ-928. Adapted from Johnson, W.D., Jr., 1971, Geologic map of the Rosine quadrangle, western Kentucky: U.S. Geological Survey Geolog ic Quadrangle Map GQ-928, scale 1:24,000. Smith, P.C., 2002a, Spatial database of the Leitchfield quadrangle, Grayson County, Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser. 12, Digitally Vectorized G eologic Quadrangle Data DVGQ-1316. Adapted from Gildersleeve, B., 1978, Geologic map of the Leitchfield quadrangle, Grayson County, Kentucky: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-1316, scale 1:24,000. Smith, P.C., 2002b, Spatial database of the Spring Lick quadrangle, western Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser. 12, Digitally Vectorized Geologic Quadrangle Data DVGQ1475. Adapted from Gildersleeve, B., and Johnson, W.D., Jr., 1978, Geologic map of the Spring Lick quadrangle, western Kentucky: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-1475, scale 1:24,000. Smith, P.C., 2003, Spatial database of the Dawson Springs quadrangle, western Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser. 12, Digitally Vectorized Geologic Quadrangle Data DVGQ-573. Adapted from Kehn, T.M., 1966, Geologic map of the Dawson Springs quadrangle, western Kentucky: U.S. Geological Survey G eologic Quadrangle Map GQ-573, scale 1:24,000. Solis, M.P., 2005, Spatial database of the Central City West quadrangle, Muhlenberg and Ohio Counties, Kentucky: Kentucky Geo logical Survey, ser. 12, Digitally Vectorized Geologic Quadrangle Data DVGQ-831. Adapted from Palmer, J.E., 1969, Geologic map of the Central City West quadrangle, Muhlenberg and Ohio Counties, Kentucky: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-831, scale 1:24,000. Thompson, M.F., Toth, K.S., Mullins, J.E., and Andrews, W.M., Jr., 2002, Spatial database of the Cromwell quadrangle, Butler and Ohio Counties, Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser. 12, Digitally Vectorized Geologic Quadrangle Data DVGQ-1250. Adapted from Gildersleeve, B., 1975, Geologic map of the Cromwell quadrangle, Butler and Ohio Counties, Kentucky: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-1250, scale 1:24,000. Toth, K.S., 2001, Spatial database of the Cecilia quadrangle, Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser. 12, Digitally Vector ized Geologic Quadrangle Data DVGQ-263. Adapted from Kepferle, R.C., 1963, Geology of the Cecilla quadrangle, Kentucky: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ -263, scale 1:24,000. Toth, K.S., 2003, Spatial database of the Olney quadrangle, Caldwell and Hopkins Counties, Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser. 12, Digitally Vectorized Geologic Quadrangle Data DVGQ-742. Adapted from Trace, R.D., and Kehn, T.M., 1968, Geologic map of the Olney quadrangle, Caldwell and Hopkins Counties, Ken tucky: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-742, scale 1:24,000. Toth, K.S., 2005, Spatial database of the Nortonville quadrangle, Hopkins and Christian Counties, Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser. 12, Digitally Vectorized Geologic Quadrangle Data DVGQ-762. Adapted from Palmer, J.E., 1968, Geologic map of the Nortonville quadrangle, Hopkins and Christian Counties, Kentucky: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-762, scale 1:24,000. Toth, K.S., Thompson M.F., and Andrews, W.M., Jr., 2002, Spatial database of the Horton quadrangle, Ohio County, Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, ser. 12, Digitally Vectorized Geologic Quadrangle Data DVGQ-915. Adapted from Johnson, W.D., Jr., 1971, Geologic map of the Horton quadrangle, Ohio County, Kentucky: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-915, scale 1:24,000. Trace, R.D., 1981, Middle Chesterian rocks in the Stevens Hill cut, Caldwell County, Kentucky: Kentucky Geological Survey, se r. 11, 1 sheet. Trace, R.D., and Kehn, T.M., 1968, Geologic map of the Olney quadrangle, Caldwell and Hopkins Counties, Kentucky: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ -742, scale 1:24,000. Geologic Time Scale Unit Description Geologic Time Scale Unit Description 6 Alluvium (Qal) silt, clay, sand, and gravel Lacustrine and fluvial deposits (Qlf) gravel, sand, silt, clay Tuscaloosa Formation (Kt) gravel, sand, silt, clay 2 million years ago Patoka Formation (Pp) Shelburn Formation (Psh) Baker (W. Ky. No. 13) coal (13) Paradise (W. Ky. No. 12) coal (12) Carbondale Formation (Pc) Herrin (W. Ky. No. 11) coal (11) Springfield (W. Ky. No. 9) coal (9) W. Ky. No. 7 coal (7) W. Ky. No. 6 coal (6) Tradewater Formation (Pt) Mining City coal (mc) Elm Lick coal (e) W. Ky. No. 4 coal (4) Tradewater and Caseyville Formations (Ptc) Pennsylvanian 300 million years ago Golconda Formation (Mgo) Mississippian 325 million years ago Leitchfield Formation (Ml)/ Buffalo Wallow Formation (Mbw) Caseyville Formation (Pca) Kinkead Limestone, Degonia Sandstone, Clore Limestone (Mkc) Palestine Sandstone (Mpt) Menard Limestone (Mme) Waltersburg Sandstone and Vienna Limestone (Mwv) Tar Springs Sandstone (Mts) sandstone, shale, siltstone, coal, limestone sandstone, shale, siltstone, coal, limestone 355 million years ago limestone, fine-grained limestone, fine-grained siltstone and shale limestone, fine-grained sandstone and minor shale Bethel Sandstone (Mbe) limestone, fine-grained limestone and minor shale Sample Sandstone (Msa) Paint Creek Limestone (Mpc) sandstone and minor shale sandstone and minor shale limestone and minor shale Cypress Sandstone (Mc) limestone, fine-grained limestone and minor shale Reelsville Limestone (Mr) Beaver Bend Limestone, Mooretown Formation, Paoli Limestone (Mbp) limestone, fine-grained limestone and shale sandstone, siltstone, shale, limestone shale and sandstone sandstone and minor shale Beech Creek Limestone Member (Mgc) Fort Payne Formation (Mfp) limestone and minor shale sandstone and minor shale Hardinsburg Sandstone (Mh) Big Clifty Sandstone Member (Mgb) St. Louis Limestone (Msl) St. Louis and Salem Limestones (Mss) Warsaw Limestone (Mw) sandstone, siltstone, shale, limestone limestone and minor shale conglomeratic sandstone, shale, siltstone, coal, limestone conglomeratic sandstone, shale, siltstone, coal, limestone sandstone, siltstone, shale, limestone limestone and minor shale Haney Limestone Member (Mgh) Bethel Sandstone and Renault Limestone (Mbr) Renault Limestone (Mre) Renault Limestone and Ste. Genevieve Limestone (Mrsg) Ste. Genevieve Limestone (Msg) Ste. Genevieve Limestone and St. Louis Limestone, Upper Member (Mssu) Rosiclare Sandstone Member of the Ste. Genevieve Limestone (Msgr) sandstone, shale, siltstone, coal, limestone Glen Dean Limestone (Mgd) Girkin Formation (Mg) 340 million years ago sandstone, shale, siltstone, coal, limestone Mississippian Quaternary Present limestone, fine-grained sandstone and minor shale limestone and shale sandstone and minor shale Figure 4. Generalized stratigraphic column. Nearly 300 million years of the geologic record are absent in Kentucky, either from nondeposition or erosion, including the Tertiary, Cretaceous, Jurassic, Triassic, Permian, and part of the Pennsylvanian Periods. Geology Along the Wendell H. Ford Western Kentucky Parkway: Mile 0.0–13.0 7 1 The topography of the Pennyroyal Region along this section of the parkway ranges from flat river valleys to narrow ridges, with elevations ranging from 380 to 710 feet. Photo by Glynn Beck, Kentucky Geological Survey. Lyon County V U 3171 Mss 62 !3 !2 Mfp 1 ! § ¦ ¨ 24 D U U V R Q 3305 Caldwell County !4 D !5 !6 U U U D D U Pca DU U 11 1 ! ! ( 10 ! 12 ! Qal 62 £ ¤ !9 D Mssu R Q Tuscaloosa Formation (Kt) of Cretaceous age lies unconformably on St. Louis Limestone (Msl) of Mississippian age. Rocks of Jurassic, Triassic, Permian, Pennsylvanian, and Late Mississippian ages, representing an interval of about 250 million years, are missing. UD D U D U D Mre 818 Vertical shaft Ridgetop pond Non-limestone protective caprock Karst valley Karst Sinking Cave Sinkhole window entrance stream Base level stream Spring 93 Cave passages !0 U 91 !8 !7 Msls R Q Mbe U D £ ¤ Q14 Crider R13 Eddyville R14 Princeton West Mw V U 1199 Geologic Map Index Mile 10.9: Mississippian Ste. Genevieve Limestone (Msg) juts from the embankment like prehistoric beasts. Exposed rocks are rare at the beginning of the parkway. Limestone is abundant in Caldwell County. The Princeton Quarry of the Rogers Group produces 800,000 tons of crushed stone each year from the Ste. Genevieve Limestone (Msg). The quarry, on the southeast side of Princeton off of Ky. 91, has been in operation since 1891. Photo by Glynn Beck, Kentucky Geological Survey. D Sinkholes can present problems. The baseball field at Lee Jones Lyon County Recreational Park was moved because a sinkhole formed in the infield. Photo by Glynn Beck, Kentucky Geological Survey. Dry hole Producing well Water table Karst is an irregular limestone region with sinkholes, underground streams, and caverns. Certain rock units have more sinkholes than others. The Ste. Genevieve (Msg) and St. Louis (Msl) Limestones form karst features. Fractures in the rock become enlarged when the rock dissolves, forming sinkholes and sinking streams. In karst areas, most rainfall sinks underground, resulting in fewer streams flowing on the surface than in nonkarst settings. Water flows underground through cracks, crevices, and caves, sometimes reemerging at karst windows, then sinks again to eventually discharge at a spring along a major stream or at the top of underlying impermeable rock. From Currens (2001). R Q 29 ! 8 Geology Along the Wendell H. Ford Western Kentucky Parkway: Mile 13.0–26.6 Mile 25.4: W. Ky. No. 6 coal, mined commercially 2 3 East Mile 15.3: Thick limestone overlying shale and thin limestone in the Golconda Formation (Mgo). From Olney GQ (Q15) Mile 15.6: Sandy shale unit in the Glen Dean Limestone (Mgd). Caldwell County Mgo Mile 15.9–16.1: Contact between shaly limestone of the Glen Dean Limestone (Mgd) and fine-grained sandstone and shale of theTar Springs Sandstone (Mts). o Units dip about 2 to the east. Minor fault about 100 feet east of mile 16.1 (Trace,1981). A north-trending fault (not exposed) at about mile 15.0 causes the units to dip about 14o to the east. Dip diminishes to about 2o by mile 16.0. From Trace and Kehn (1968). Gumlick Branch Mile 15.0: The landscape changes to the east from an upland of complex sinkholes and thick residual soils to narrow ridges and valleys underlain by an alternating sequence of resistant sandstones and less-resistant shales and limestones. Mc 293 14 ! Msl 13 ! Mre Wiley Creek UD 3 # 2 # ! ( 15 # ! ( ! Mh Mrsg Mgo Mpc Mgd #! 16 # Ward Creek Mts D Mme Mpt X Flynn Fork 20 # 7! ! ( 6 ! ( 5 ! ( 19 ! Pca 21 ! Pt Hopkins County E kB U D Pc 25 ! 24 ! # 23 ! Qal U D Q R 109 Mile 23.1: W. Ky. No. 4 coal, mined commercially 22 #! # 26 ! # Mile 26.6: Sandstone Tradewater River Mile 21.9: Crabtree Fault D U D 18 # 17 ! U D Q R D U 4# ( !! D U U D U U D V U 1220 or .F . Cr ull D U Geologic Map Index 7 Q15 Olney Q16 Dawson Springs Mkc Mile 17.3: Waltersburg Sandstone and Vienna Limestone (Mwv); shale, siltstone, sandstone, and limestone Mile 20.0: Gray shale in the Tradewater Formation (Pt). Shale is flaky (lower left photo) and often contains nodules of an iron carbonate called siderite (lower right photo). Mbe 5 4 Mile 18.2: Shaly limestone and shale in the Menard Limestone (Mme). Mile 19.5: Ironstone concretions in the Caseyville Formation (Pca) resemble hornets' nests. Concretions form when groundwater dissolves iron compounds from the inner part of a block, then redeposits them as insoluble iron oxide in the outer parts, cementing grains in the original rock. Concretions may be released from surrounding softer rock through weathering. 6 Mile 19.7: Sandstone above an unnamed coal bed over shale in the Pennsylvanian Tradewater Formation (Pt). # 9 Geology Along the Wendell H. Ford Western Kentucky Parkway: Mile 26.7–39.5 Geologic Map Index Q16 Dawson Springs Q17 Saint Charles Q18 Nortonville Oil and gas are valuable energy resources in Kentucky. In the Morton Gap Field, oil is produced from sandstones in the Pennsylvanian Tradewater Formation (Pt) and the Mississippian Hardinsburg Sandstone (Mh), Paint Creek Limestone (Mpc), and Renault Limestone and Ste. Genevieve Limestone (Mrsg). Coal mining is a vital part of the Hopkins and Muhlenberg County economies. From 1866–2000, Hopkins County produced 782 million tons of coal: 475 million from underground mines and 307 million from surface mines. Combined production for Muhlenberg County since 1820 is more than 750 million tons. Photo by Glynn Beck, Kentucky Geological Survey. Breathitt Parkway The most common mining methods in western Kentucky are area (dragline or dozer), slope, and shaft. Both surface and underground mining has occurred in the area of the parkway. Illustration by Stephen Greb, Kentucky Geological Survey. X Q R 813 X X X Qal X Mile 27.1: Sandstone Hopkins County Mile 28.1: Crabtree Fault # 28 # ! D X U X X X X X 30 ! X 29 ! X # X X £ ¤ Copperas Creek D U X 62 Mile 27.8: W. Ky. No. 9 coal, mined commercially X X 112 27 # ! X V U 1338 XX X X Cane X Run X X X 31 X X ! X X X 32 ! 8# ! ( X # X X Psh 9 # ( 33 ! ! X Pc Mile 32.3: Sandstone X X X 36 35 ! ## 34 ! Pleasant Run ! X X X V U X X X X XX X X X X X X X X X X 38 ! X V U 3059 X X 41 £ ¤ X X X # X# 10 39 ! ( ! X X 37 ! X X X X X X X X X X X X UX D X X Pp Mile 34.1: Sandstone of the Carbondale Formation (Pc) U D Mile 38.8–39.4: Sandstone over W. Ky. No. 7 coal 10 Mile 31.7: W. Ky. No. 7 coal, mined commercially. # 2272 Mile 30.5: Sandstone 8 X 9 Mile 33.2: Pine trees cling to this vertical cliff, fed by water percolating down cracks in sandstone of the Carbondale Formation (Pc). Mile 39.2: From 1919–2007, western Kentucky produced nearly 450 million barrels of oil and 200 billion cubic feet of natural gas. Peak oil production was 14 million barrels in 1964; production in 2007 was 1.1 million barrels. Peak gas production was 22.6 billion cubic feet in 1967; production in 2007 was 370 million cubic feet. Geology Along the Wendell H. Ford Western Kentucky Parkway: Mile 39.5–52.8 Soils from Pennsylvanian rocks provide the basis for a strong agricultural economy. In addition to corn, soybeans, and tobacco, nontraditional crops, such as green peppers (bottom), are increasingly grown for the commercial vegetable market. Photos by Glynn Beck, Kentucky Geological Survey. Mile 41.9: Sandstone St. Charles Fault Drakes Creek X X U D 40 ! Qal X X X X U XD 41 ! X X # U D X X U D Pp Hopkins County X X X X X #X X X X #42 XX X ! X X X X Muhlenberg County Psh 43 X U X D X ! X X X X 44 ! X 62 £ ¤ Pond River Mile 42.3: Sandstone over shale D U 12 Mile 51.3: Crossbedded sandstone deposited by an ancient river lies above the Paradise (W. Ky. No. 12) coal in the Shelburn Formation (Psh); mined commercially. South Graham Fault X X X X # 11 ! ( U D 45 ! 46 # ! U D North Graham Fault Geologic Map Index D XU P20 Central City West Q18 Nortonville Q19 Graham Q20 Greenville 47 # X ! X X X Q R 175 X Q R 175 X U D U D X X # D U 49 ! 48 ! V U 2690 Pc X X X Thompson Creek Mile 47.4: Sandstone 10 White and yellow sulfur precipitates from pyrite weathering in the coal. X X X X X X X XX X X50 #X X X X XX X X X X X X 601 X X ! X X X XX X X Q R Cypress Creek 12# ! ( 51 ! 52 ! Little Cypress Creek Q R 181 Mile 50.1: Springfield (W. Ky. No. 9) coal Oil and gas are valuable energy resources in Kentucky. In the New Cypress Oil Field, oil is produced from sandstones in the Pennsylvanian Caseyville Formation (Pca) and the Mississippian Tar Springs Sandstone (Mts), Big Clifty Sandstone Member of the Golconda Formation (Mgb), Paint Creek Limestone (Mpc), Bethel Sandstone (Mbe), and Renault and Ste. Genevieve Limestones (Mrsg). D U 11 Mile 44.4: Swampy wetlands are remnants of past surface mining. Constructed in the late 1950's, Lake Malone—about 15 miles south of the parkway via Ky. 181 or U.S. 431—covers 825 acres in southern Muhlenberg County, with branches in Todd and Logan Counties. The lake was made possible by local game and fishing clubs and is currently the only major recreational site in the three-county area. Photo by Glynn Beck, Kentucky Geological Survey. The fishing is good below the outlet spillway of Lake Malone in the Sandstone Hills area of southern Muhlenberg County. The lake is surrounded by 50-foot sandstone bluffs of the Caseyville Formation (Pca) and hardwood forests with hiking trails. 13 55 # ! 54 ! e 53 # ! 13 ! ( Alluvium (Qal): Silt, clay, sand, and gravel ttl Li e pr Cy ss k ee Cr # 62 ! # 64 # ! ! ( 15 65 ! n # 16 ! ( Qal Ohio County Mile 62.1–62.4: Sandstone Psh Mile 58.7: Sandstone 60 ! 62 £ ¤ 59 ! V U ! # 61 2103 56 # 63 ! #! 14 ! ( Mile 56.1–56.4: Sandstone 189 1379 67 ! 66 ! Muhlenberg County P20 Central City West P21 Central City East P22 Paradise Q20 Greenville Q R V U Mile 63.6–64.0: Baker (W. Ky. No. 13) coal bed in the Shelburn Formation (Psh); mined commercially. Geologic Map Index Mile 55.0: Paradise (W. Ky. No. 12), Herrin (W. Ky. No. 11) coal beds Gr ee 15 Mile 53.0: Sandstone in the Carbondale Formation (Pc). Just as sand on beaches comes in many colors, sandstones range from brown to gray. 16 r 81 The 370-mile-long Green River, longest in Kentucky, begins in Lincoln County and drains more than 8,800 square miles before entering the Ohio River near Henderson. Along the way, it provides recreation and water supply, and irrigation water and wide alluvial valleys for agriculture. Photo by William Andrews, Kentucky Geological Survey. ve Ri Q R Geology Along the Wendell H. Ford Western Kentucky Parkway: Mile 52.8–67.0 11 58 ! 57 ! # 431 £ ¤ # 62 £ ¤ Carbondale Formation (Pc): Sandstone, shale, coal, and underclay Mile 60.85: Water percolates down cracks in sandstone of the Shelburn Formation (Psh), feeding trees that cling to the cliff side. 16 Mile 65.6: The Tennessee Valley Authority Paradise coal-fired power plant is located on the Green River near the village of Paradise. The plant has three units, completed between 1963 and 1970, and three large natural-draft cooling towers to provide cooling water. In 1985, a barge unloading facility was added so that coal could be delivered by barge as well as by rail and truck. 14 Geology Along the Wendell H. Ford Western Kentucky Parkway: Mile 67.0–80.6 12 Ss coal underclay 19 shale Mile 80.4: Sandstone, shale, siltstone, and coal in the slumping Pennsylvanian Tradewater and Caseyville Formations (Ptc). The apparent fault outlined in red is thought to be the result of slumping at some point during the deposition and compression of rock-forming sediments. Ls 17 Mile 68.6: Shelburn Formation (Psh) contains sandstone, Baker (W. Ky. No. 13) coal, underclay, shale, and limestone. Geologic Map Index O23 Horton O24 Rosine P22 Paradise P23 Cromwell 18 Mile 73.5: Sandy and silty shale above and below a coal bed in the Carbondale Formation (Pc). Pines can grow on acidic shales. Iron precipitate creates a rusty patina (inset). Ptc 78 ! Qal 75 ! 73 # ! V U ! # ! 68 ! Psh 79 ! rk M uddy 80 # ! Cr. 19 # ! ( Mile 78.5–80.0: Sandstone and shale 18 # ! ( 74 ! 231 £ ¤ Exit 77: Natcher Parkway Creek 70 17 # ! ( # Ohio County 2720 69 ! Threelick Fork 76 ! Pc Mile 67.7: Baker (W. Ky. No.13) coal bed 77 ! S. Fo #! 71 # Le wi s Mile 70.5–70.9: Springfield (W. Ky. No. 9) coal below silty shale 72 ! Q R 369 Alluvium (Qal): Gravel, sand, silt, and clay V U 1245 V U 1245 Corn, soybeans, tobacco, livestock, chickens, and timber contribute to the economy of the Western Kentucky Coal Field. Economic diversification is also important to the region. A 1,100-acre industrial park, Bluegrass Crossings Business Centre, is located near exit 77. It is supported by Daviess, Hancock, McLean, Muhlenberg, and Ohio Counties. Coal mining continues to be a vital part of the Ohio County economy. Extensive surface and underground mining has occurred in southern Ohio County. The D.B. Wilson power plant (right) in Matanzas, about 8 miles north of the parkway, is one of 22 coal-fired electricity-generating plants in Kentucky. Photos by Glynn Beck, Kentucky Geological Survey. Geology Along the Wendell H. Ford Western Kentucky Parkway: Mile 80.6–93.6 13 21 23 # ! ( 81 # ! Mile 84.4–85.7: Elm Lick coal in Tradewater Formation (Pt) Q R 82 # #! # Sixes Creek # Mile 81.1: Sandstone and siltstone 83 ! Mile 82.8: Sandstone over shale Mile 86.2: Shale # 22 ! ( Ptc 2713 # N. Prong Indian Camp Cr. # # 85 ! # 21 ! ( # V U 2717 Mile 84.8: Shale over siltstone 86 ! 87 # ! # Indian Camp Cr. Alluvium (Qal): Sand, silt, clay, and gravel Ohio County V U 84 #! 20 ! ( X Mile 86.7–87.0: Sandstone 88 ! # Q R 340 89 ! Brushy Pond Cr. Mile 88.6: Shale over sandstone Mile 83.9: Pennsylvanian Tradewater and Caseyville Formations (Ptc) consist of sandstone over silty shale. 91 ! 23 # ! ( 93 #! 25# ! ( Q R 736 # Mile 92.9: Sandstone Mile 91.2: Shale Grayson County # Mile 93.4: Shale over sandstone Geologic Map Index O24 Rosine O25 Spring Lick Butler County 22 20 90 ! Dog Creek 92 #! 24 ! ( X r. S. Fork Muddy Creek Mile 82.2–82.4: Shale 505 Mile 92.4: Sandstone over shale over siltstone in the Tradewater and Caseyville Formations (Ptc). Mile 91.6: Shale unit of the Tradewater and Caseyville Formations (Ptc). When exposed to air and water, shale breaks down quickly. It is unstable on slopes, makes a poor foundation, and requires drainage management. It does provide an impermeable seal for ponds and wastedisposal areas. kC Buc Mile 85.2: The Elm Lick coal bed in the Tradewater Formation (Pt) is not thick enough here for commercial mining. The pale yellow strata beneath the coal is underclay; below that is silty shale. Mile 81.9: Mining City coal bed 25 Mile 90.7: Shale in the Tradewater and Caseyville Formations (Ptc). A lens of siltstone in the flow path is more resistant to erosion than the shale. 24 Mile 91.9: Erodible shale flakes fall from above past erosion-resistant siltstone. Ponded water on the shale feeds plants. # # Geology Along the Wendell H. Ford Western Kentucky Parkway: Mile 93.6–107.2 14 30 Ragland Quarry, a mile west of Leitchfield off of Ky. 54, produces 300,000 tons of crushed stone, asphalt, and lime a year from the Glen Dean Limestone (Mgd) and Haney Limestone Member of the Golconda Formation (Mgh). Most ponds constructed on shale units, such as this one off of Ky. 2766 just south of the parkway, are successful. Mgb Mgh Mile 106.0: Sandstone of the Caseyville Formation (Pca) Mgd Q R Mile 99.3: Sandstone of the Caseyville Formation (Pca) # 94 ! # 95 ! Q R 79 Mile 93.7: Shale Mile 94.8: Siltstone and shale * 96 ! Alder Creek # Alluvium (Qal): Clay, silt, sand, and gravel ! ! 102 ! * * * 27 ! ( ! 100# 97 ! # 26 ! ( 98 #! 99 ! Ptc # * * * 103 ! * * 259 105 ! Taylor Fork 28 ( #! McClure Fork Mile 104.8: Caseyville Formation (Pca) over Leitchfield Formation (Ml) Geologic Map Index # 101 S. Fork Caney Cr. Q R 185 104 Q R ! # # ! # 106 187 Mile 102.8: Sandstone of the Caseyville Formation (Pca) Grayson County 107 # 29 ! ( Mile 105.4: Sandstone lies above shale in the Pennsylvanian Caseyville Formation (Pca); contains heavy oil. Mile 101.0: The Mississippian Kinkaid Limestone, Degonia Sandstone, and Clore Limestone (Mkc) overlies an unnamed coal bed and shale in the Buffalo Wallow Formation (Mbw). DU Ml 28 27 Mh * Mbw O25 Spring Lick O26 Caneyville O27 Leitchfield Mile 100.1: Sandstone over shale in the Caseyville Formation (Pca) 30 V ! U ( 2766 Mile 96.6–97.9: Sandstone and shale in the Caseyville Formation (Pca). Major tar sand resources are present in the Big Clifty Sandstone Member of the Golconda Formation (Mgb), Hardinsburg Sandstone (Mh), Tar Springs Sandstone (Mts), and Caseyville Formation (Pca) south of the parkway in Grayson, Butler, Edmonson, and Warren Counties. Inplace resources are calculated to be in excess of 3 million barrels. Photo by Randy Bruner, Marathon Oil. Used with permission. 26 Mile 98.8: Sandstone, coal, siltstone, and shale in the Tradewater and Caseyville Formations (Ptc). 29 Mile 106.4: Interbedded limestone, shale, and siltstone in the Leitchfield Formation (Ml). * ! Q R 259 Geology Along the Wendell H. Ford Western Kentucky Parkway: Mile 107.2–122.0 15 Mile 120.3: Contact between coarse-grained limestone of the Haney Limestone Member (Mgh) and crossbedded sandstone of the Big Clifty Sandstone Member (Mgb), both of the Golconda Formation Mr Mile 117.4, 117.8–118.2: Hardinsburg Sandstone (Mh) 31 Mile 109.3: Big Clifty Sandstone Member of the Golconda Formation (Mgb). Rainwater percolates down cracks in the sandstone to feed evergreens clinging to the rock. The low winter pool along Rough River Lake in Grayson County reveals the Big Clifty Sandstone Member of the Golconda Formation (Mgb) along the shore. N28 Big Clifty N29 Summit O27 Leitchfield O28 Clarkson Mile 115.8: Haney Limestone Member of the Golconda Formation (Mgh). V U 1214 Mile 110.0–110.8: Shaly limestone of the Glen Dean Limestone (Mgd) Mg 109 # D # # Ml 108 ! U D Ptc Mile 107.5: Glen Dean Limestone (Mgd) Q R 88 #D 111 #! U # U D 113 Mgd 112 ! D U ! D # 114 ! ! D U U Grayson County Mgb Hardin County Mbp Mgc U Mile 116.9: Hardinsburg Sandstone (Mh) 116 ! ! # # Msg # ! # 33 ! ( 115 # D 117 #! D Mile 113.4: Fine-grained Hardinsburg Sandstone (Mh) 118 # # # 32 ( #! 120 121 #! 34 ! ( U Mgh Clifty Creek 34 Mile 120.5–120.9: Big Clifty Sandstone Member of the Golconda Formation (Mgb). Vertical oil stains are evidence of heavy oil in the Big Clifty, which has been mined nearby for asphalt. Mh Q R 224 U !# 110 31 # ! ( !DU * 62 £ ¤ # D U Mile 114.8: Hardinsburg Sandstone (Mh) over Haney Limestone Member of the Golconda Formation (Mgh) Mile 111.3: Greenish-gray shale of the Leitchfield Formation (Ml) 33 Mile 108.2: Contact between greenishgray shale of the Leitchfield Formation (Ml) and shaly limestone of the Glen Dean Limestone (Mgd) Mile 115.1: Haney Limestone Member (Mgh) over Big Clifty Sandstone Member (Mgb), both of the Golconda Formation # Q R Mile 116.2: Haney Limestone Member of the Golconda Formation (Mgh) ! ( ! 720 Mile 116.7: Contact between Hardinsburg Sandstone (Mh) and Haney Limestone Member of the Golconda Formation (Mgh) Geologic Map Index # 35 119 D Msa U D U D Helm Qal Fork Mile 108.0: Easterly change in landscape to an upland area of thick residual soils, characteristic of the Mississippian Plateaus Mile 114.8, 115.2: Cedar trees grow where the top of coarse-grained limestone of the Haney Limestone Member of the Golconda Formation (Mgh) meets fine-grained sandstone of the bottom of the Hardinsburg Sandstone (Mh). Mh Mgh 35 32 Mile 121.6: Beaver Bend Limestone, Mooretown Formation, and Paoli Limestone (Mbp). 122 ! Geology Along the Wendell H. Ford Western Kentucky Parkway: Mile 122.0–136.8 16 31W £ ¤ 136 ! Q R 567 135 ! § ¦ ¨ 65 V U 1136 Q R 61 # 134 ! Much of Hardin County obtains water from limestone springs. White Mills Spring, just south of the parkway on Ky. 84, provides water to the Hardin County Water District No. 2. Photo by Jack Stickney, Kentucky Rural Water Association. Used with permission. V U 1904 37 133 Mile 128.4: Oolitic Ste. Genevieve Limestone (Msg). West Rhudes Creek 131 ! ! Mile 136.8: End of parkway Mile 134.3: Weathered clay and chert of the St. Louis Limestone (Msl) 132 ! Valley Creek Hardin County 130 # ! Alluvium (Qal): Silt, clay, sand, gravel 129 ! V U 124 ! !# 123 !# Q R 84 Mile 123.1: Ste. Genevieve Limestone (Msg) ! Mbp D U # D 125 ! ( Msg 127 A limestone quarry 1 mile north of the parkway off Ky. 222 produces construction aggregate and agricultural lime from the Ste. Genevieve (Msg) and St. Louis (Msl) Limestones. Photo by Jack Stickney, Kentucky Rural Water Association. Used with permission. # Mile 122.1: The landscape changes from a sandstone-capped upper plateau, down an escarpment, onto a sinkhole plain or lower plateau. This is the boundary of the Dripping Springs Escarpment. Msa 128 ! 1375 Mile 124.5: Medium-grained, partly oolitic Ste. Genevieve Limestone (Msg) is mined for use as agricultural lime and construction aggregate. Msg 36# # 37 ! ( Msl 36 Q R 222 ! Msl 126 # ! Nolin River Mile 125.6, 126.0, 126.7: Ste. Genevieve Limestone (Msg) 37 Mile 128.4: Karst terrain characteristic of the eastern end of the parkway in Hardin County. The Mississippian Ste. Genevieve (Msg) and St. Louis (Msl) Limestones underlie a level to gently rolling landscape, dotted with sinkholes and laced with underground caves and flow channels. Geologic Map Index M30 Cecilia M31 Elizabethtown N29 Summit N30 Sonora
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