the trestleboard - Temecula Catalina Lodge #524
the trestleboard - Temecula Catalina Lodge #524
January 2010 THE TRESTLEBOARD Temecula Catalina Island Lodge No. 524 Free & Accepted Masons of the State of California Chartered March 28, 1922 T E M E C U L A C A T A L I N A F S P E C I A L P O I N T S O F I N T E R E S T : N D L O D G E N O . 5 2 4 , From The West Greetings Brethren : • Dues are Due Pay it online! • Tis the season for a PARTY!!! • Home is where the Brotherly Love is • ...And to whom Dedicated... • Install this!!! I N S I D E T H I S I S S U E : Celebrating the Season Together - Party!! 2 On the Move 2 Coming Home - Home is Coming to you 3 Masonic Education -”Get Your Masonic Learn On” 4 We have reached another milestone in our lodge. 2009 marked the 20th anniversary of our lodge being in Temecula and what an eventful year it was. But what does 2010 hold for Temecula Catalina Island # 524? We’ll do everything we’ve done but we’ll take it to the next level of course! Wor. Ron has a vision of 1000 members by 2020 and a plan in place by the same time for a new lodge building with funds to complete it. What this means is that while we’ve done a lot of work in the past 2 decades, we have much more to do in the upcoming decade. We will be implementing many fund raising opportunities that will need your support! 5 Calendar of Events/ B-days & Anniversaries 6 Sponsors, Officers, Committees 7 community. This upcoming year will mark a new age of community exposure for our lodge and fraternity which will include the ramping up of As stated many times, we cannot leave these ambitious plans to just a handful of brothers – we need all of your help and support to make us an even greater lodge. I hope you will all, in some way, show your support to your lodge in the coming days ahead. Bro. Michael Coe Senior Warden existing programs like child ID, and expanding our commitment to public schools. This year you will hear and read about our involvement with the local Red Cross and food banks. We will show our community in a most vigorous fashion that Freemasons care about our Dues are Due!! Brothers, 88th Annual Installation I S L A & A M This is just to remind you that if you have not sent in your dues for 2010 they are now due and in January our Secretary will be sending out 2nd dues notices this month. Remember you know have the option to pay your dues online through the lodge website at under the “our lodge” pulldown and by clicking “dues and donations”. Lodge dues are how we function, pay our bills, and remit Grand Lodge per capita, so timely payment of your dues is essential for us to function efficiently. If you are having financial trouble, please contact Ron Perry, Michael Coe or Tim Stavrakis and we will find a way to keep you in good standing. Please do not let yourself become delinquent and risk suspension. We all know these can be trying times but we are your brothers and are here to help. P a g e 2 T h e T r e s t l e b o a r d 2 0 0 9 C h r i s t m a s Pa r t y The evening began as TemCat’s brothers took over the restaurant and all sat down to a great meal. The festivities continued with a rowdy round of White Elephant gift exchange where, at times, it got quite heated – since a few did not want to part with their gift. On Saturday, December 12th, our lodge gathered together for the last blast of the year for its Annual Lodge Christmas Party. Although Temecula was pounded with rain, that didn’t stop almost 40 brothers & family members from fellowship at the Captains Cabin. Thanks go Ron Perry & Michael Coe for organizing this event. What a Great Time!!!!! However, Peace & Harmony prevailed and all left with a warm sense of family – especially those who snagged the Snuggies!!!! See you at next years gathering. D e c e m b e r ’ s Recent Degrees 3° 12/14/09 Wes Woodward Current Applications For Degrees • Bernard L. Truax, II • Alex Bray D e g r e e s — o n Brothers, Our efforts to provide meaningful instruction to our newly made Masons is proving successful with Bro. Ralph Wetmore being a constant beacon of consistent coaching. We now will have Bro. Bergstrom stepping in to assist as well. However we are anticipating a busy 2010 and will need more brothers to be available each Monday be- t h e M ov e fore lodge to help with coaching. Please contact Michael Coe at 951795-2381 or [email protected] to sign up to help Thank you. Membership Team J a n u a r y 2 0 1 0 THE TRESTLEBOARD P a g e 3 M a s o n i c A s s i s ta n c e We need your help raising member awareness of Masonic assistance. Masonic assistance is available to support our fraternal family through life's challenges and transitions. A single call to 888/466888/466-3642 puts members and their families in touch with a trained social worker and connects them to all Masonic assistance programs. Support and services are available for our senior members as well as Masons and their families through our residential and community-based programs: • • Masonic Outreach Service • Masonic Family Resource Center How you can help: Make sure your members know about Masonic assistance Masonic Homes of California The Need We took a vow to care for our brothers – and that includes helping them stay connected to the fellowship and shared values at blue lodge. Active, participating members are critical for a viable lodge. To achieve a high level of engagement, we must plan programs that bring men back to the lodge. The Goals If you haven’t been to lodge in a while, while consider attending the Coming Home event. When a brother contacts you about the event, share your reasons for not attending lodge in the past. Think about why you first joined Masonry, and how you might rekindle that sense of excitement and devotion to your craft lodge. Suggest programs that would engage you again. If you are active in your blue lodge, lodge take time to reflect on how the fellowship, community, and shared values there have shaped you. Make a personal commitment to live your fraternal vows everyday. Reach out to your inactive brothers and remind them that they are valuable members of the fraternal family. Support lodge programs that bring them back to the lodge. The Reward When we Come Home in February, we will prove our enduring commitment to each other and to our craft lodges. It’s an event that will reaffirm our our fraternal vows, celebrate our shared Masonic experiences, and reach out to our inactive brothers. Our Lodge In the past 3 years we have had several “inactive brothers” pass on to the Grand Lodge above without our even knowing about it for several months after the fact. This is the sort of goings on that should not be going on. How would our loved ones feel about the Fraternity if no one from the lodge were even aware we weren't there, let alone passed away. Every member of our lodge is important to us, which is why we have put together a permanent program in conjunction with the Grand Masters Coming Home Program to be in permanent contact with all members of our lodge on an ongoing basis. If you’re reading this you will be hearing from a brother who you may not know or recognize, but he is your brother and cares about you and your well being. Spend a few minutes talking to him and keep us updated on you life story. Our lodge program isn’t designed to get you to lodge but to bring the love, caring and fellowship of the lodge back to you. J a n u a r y 2 0 1 0 THE TRESTLEBOARD M a s o n i c E d u c a t i o n – J o h n ’ s From the 2nd WestchesterWestchester-Putnam Masonic District Among American Freemasons there are two festivals in the Masonic calendar. The Feast of St. John, the Baptist, is celebrated on June 24th and the Feast of St. John, the Evangelist, on December 27th. The two dates fall at the time of the summer and winter when the sun attains its greatest north or south declination when it apparently stands still for a short time before turning in its course. These are known as the summer and winter solstices. Why is it that Masonry has chosen these two men as patrons? Why are Masonic lodges dedicated to them? Why do Masons hold celebrations in their honor each year? Were the Saints John Freemasons? Before answering these questions, let us review a bit of ancient history. Before the days of Christianity the early Greeks and Romans dedicated their temples and sacred things to some god. To the ancients the sun was the source of power. They observed the course of the sun through the year and knew that at one period the sun brought them warmth, new vegetation, bountiful crops and with it all, a new source of energy and hope. Then the sun, after a fruitful season, left them and they felt the cold, the grains in the field failed to flourish, and all nature seemed to sleep. The ancients knew that, after due time, the friendly sun in its cycle would come back to them bringing again light, warmth, food and hope. Is it any wonder that these people worshipped the sun as a god? Even today people the world over, revere the sun and welcome its warmth, and T h e even travel to follow it during the cold and dark winter months. It is significant to note that the two festival days of the Saints John fall at these two seasons - first when the sun is nearest, and second, when the sun has reached its northern-most summit and again turns toward the south. People in the early ancient days had their organizations and guilds even as we do today and dedicated them to a pagan god for protection. The worshipping of the sun or other deities had so permeated mankind that when Christianity was introduced to the world the church found it was impossible to stop the people from such pagan celebrations. It was natural to feel the need for adopting some patron for protection. The church therefore consecrated its churches to God and wisely substituted the names of its saints as patrons. Other societies and organizations followed the same practice. ST. JOHN, THE BAPTIST BAPTIST Why did the Freemasons choose St. John, the Baptist, as patron? One would suppose that they would name some outstanding person. But, St. John, the Baptist, was a humble man, a plain man who held, above all, his obligations to God and, with almost unbelievable steadfastness, met martyrdom. He continually preached repentance and virtue - and humiliation. Yes, the early freemasons chose well in selecting such a man as St. John, the Baptist, as a patron of Freemasonry! ST. JOHN, THE EVANGELIST EVANGELIST For a long period only St. John, the Baptist, was patron saint of Freemasonry. It was not until after the P a g e T w o 4 S t . 16th century that St John, the Evangelist, was also adopted as a patron. The "Old Charges" of Freemasonry speak of St. John, the Evangelist, as a "Saint of the Craft." He was constantly admonishing the cultivation of brotherly love. Of all the gospels, The Gospel of St. John is the most Masonic for the central theme is LIGHT. It portrays God as "the Light of the World." LODGES DEDICATED TO THE HOLY SAINTS JOHN Lodges then came to be dedicated to the Holy Saints John and it is interesting to note that the early Masons were called "St. John's Masons" or "St. John's Men." It matters not whether the two Saints John were actually members of the Masonic fraternity. But they have been called the patrons of the fraternity down through the ages because they have exemplified the principles of Freemasonry in their daily lives by their deeds and their words. These two humble men did not engage in any of the pomp and glory of the world. It is because Masonry regards the character and internal qualifications of a man - not the exterior appearances - that these two men are fittingly called the patrons of this great fraternity. They possessed those internal qualifications that made the TRUE MAN. Masonry honors them above all others for they were the living examples of the Golden Rule, the practice of virtue, love for their fellow-men and love for their God. J a n u a r y 2 0 1 0 THE TRESTLEBOARD P a g e 5 88th Annual Installation of officers On December 5th, 2009 Temecula Catalina Island Lodge # 524 held its 88th Annual Installation of Officers with a packed house. Most Wor. David Decker, PGM officiated over the ceremony with Wor. Russ Baldauf, PM as Master of Ceremonies and Wor. Don Young, PM as Installing Chaplain. The Jobs Daughters presented the Flag of our country in fine form to begin the event. The audience was treated to a beautiful and professionally performed ceremony by those who participated as well as a few witty moments involving the officers. Following the ceremony the newly installed officers and guests were treated to a fine feast. This upcoming year will mark the continuance of change in our lodge as future months will reveal, and rest assured that the officers installed in this lodge for 2010 are dedicated to and enthusiastic about the discharge of their duties in fulfilling these changes for the betterment of the lodge, Freemasonry, and all of mankind. J a n u a r y 2 0 1 0 THE TRESTLEBOARD January Schedule of Events P a g e 6 Events At A Glance • 01/04 6PM Stated Dinner 7PM Stated Meeting Sun • 01/06 6PM TMC Meeting/ 7PM Jobs Bethel 27 • 01/09 7PM Jobs Daughters Installation of Officers • 01/11 7PM 1st Degree 29 Wed 30 Holidays 3 10 4 5 6 Thu Fri 31 1 ew Years Eve Happy 7 8 Coaching is available on all Mondays at 5:30 PM except for Stated Meeting nights. 2 ew Year 9 6PM Dinner 6PM TMC 7PM Jobs 7PM Stated 7PM Jobs Installation 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 7PM Degree 7PM OSI 7PM Jobs 25 26 27 Master Masons Seminar • 01/25 7PM Degree TBA Please Note: Sat 7PM 1st Degree • 01/20 7PM Jobs Bethel • 01/23 All Day Master Masons Seminar @ Evergreen Lodge 28 Tue Dark for • 01/18 7PM Degree TBA • 01/19 7PM OSI @ Hemet Lodge # 615 Mon 24 28 29 30 7PM Degree Masonic Jan uary B ir t hdays Jeovanni Atallinni - January 1 Ahmad N. Saab - January 1 Nicholas George- January 6 Ralph O. Beattie, Jr.- January 9 Travis M. Elder- January 9 Rudy Gordines - January 12 John W. Mc Kie, Jr.- January 13 Fred A. Jordan, Jr.- January 14 Alan D. Walbridge, Jr.- January 21 Robert L. Cranton, Sr.- January 23 Demar R. Machuca - January 30 Anniversaries James J. Mc Grath, PM John A. Null John W. Mc Kie, Jr. Gregory J. Vogel Michael J. Coe Frederick L. Grace Randolph B. Clymer, Jr. 01/16/1987 01/30/1990 01/26/2004 01/17/2005 01/23/2006 01/28/2008 01/19/2009 Please Visit the “Calendar” page at for complete Calendar changes and updates or call our Lodge Secretary, Tom Hafeli, for further details at (951) 526-9300 J a n u a r y 2 0 1 0 THE TRESTLEBOARD P a g e 7 TEMECULA MASONIC BUSINESS CENTER 2010 OFFICERS MASTER - Ronald C. Perry, PM- (951) 440-0005 Eric Steineman, President SENIOR WARDEN - Michael J. Coe- (951) 951-795-2381 Michael Sekera, Vice President JUNIOR WARDEN - Timoleon D. Stavrakis- (951) 296-8362 Ralph Wetmore, Secretary TREASURER - Eric L. Steineman Kevin Nett, CFO/Treasurer SECRETARY - Thomas K. Hafeli - (951) 526-9300 Bill Kinnick, Board Member CHAPLAIN - Lester M. Starbuck Steve Batiz, Board Member SENIOR DEACON - Danny R. Bagwell Ronald C. Perry, Ex-Officio JUNIOR DEACON - Anthony C. McLean Michael Coe, Ex-Officio MARSHAL - Michael J. Sekera LODGE TRUSTEES SENIOR STEWARD - Stephen L. Batiz JUNIOR STEWARD - Evgeny O. Li TILER - Gary L. Endersbe Chuck Miller Ralph Wetmore Simon Aman Les Starbuck TEMCAT’S ONLINE STORE To get quality apparel, office supplies, and promotional products with and without our lodge logo be sure to visit “the Lodge Store” at Remember that profits are donated to the lodge. Our thanks to the Trestleboard Sponsors QUALITY HEARIG IS OUR COCER Having trouble hearing or understanding? Have you had a bad experience with “so-called” hearing professionals? Want the most out of your hearing investment? Come Hear the difference our patients are experiencing. Hundreds of satisfied clients are telling us how happy they are with our products and services. Experience the difference for yourself and call us today for a free hearing test and trial. Hemet Temecula 623 E. Latham Ave. 29377 Rancho California Rd. Between Thompson & Franklin Suite # 102 (951) 652-9655 (951) 303-8886 E X E C U T I V E AU T O S AL E S 2 5 0 8 6 J e f f e r s o n A ve , Mu r r i e t a , C A 9 2 5 6 2 951-696-7829 C h r i s S a l e m , O wn e r 2003 2007 2009 Frank Urtuzuastigui Alan Mason Ahmad Saab 2001, 2003 Ronald A. Lee 27895 Diaz Road Temecula-Catalina Island Lodge #524 F&AM Temecula Catalina Island Lodge No. 524 Free & Accepted Masons 27895 Diaz Road Temecula, California 92590 Trestle Board—Published monthly by ``USPS—Identification Statement 1963 Merrill Balser P. M. of other LODGES Bold represents years they were Master of 524 2002 William R. Knight 1981,1997 Russell L. Baldauf 2000 1994, 2005, 2006, 2008 James J. McGrath Larry G. Long 1993,1998,1999, 2001, 2004 1951 Ronald C. Perry Harvey H. Cowell LIVIG PAST MASTERS of TemCat # 524 WE’RE ON THE WEB AT WWW.TEMECULAMASONS.ORG U.S. Postage Non-Profit PAID Temecula Permit # 107 CA 92589 EMAIL US AT: [email protected] or [email protected] CHAGE SERVICE REQUESTED Request to the Families of Brethren Please notify the Lodge if our Brother is in the hospital or incapacitated in any way at 951-526-9300 or [email protected]. J A N U A R Y 2010