1908 rochester telephone directory - the Rochester
1908 rochester telephone directory - the Rochester
T M I C H T I G E H A L N E C P O E M H P O A N S T N E A T Y Executive Offices: T E L E P H O N E BUILDING, DETROIT, MICHIGAN Clifford Street and Washington Avenue c ^ P R I L , 1 9 0 8 Officers: J O H N T. S H A W - - N. C. KINGSBURY DUDLEY E. W A T E R S - B. W . - TRAFFORD W A L T E R I. MIZNER W . L. B U R R O W S - - CHAIRMAN EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE _ . . - . - PRESIDENT VICE-PRESIDENT . V I C E - P R E S I D E N T AND G E N E R A L . . . . . . . . . . . MANAGER SECRETARY TREASURER Directors: N. W. HARRIS, Chairman HENRY RUSSEL ISAAC SPRAGUE JOHN T. SHAW W I L L I A M JUDSON D. W. BRIGGS ALLEN B. FORBES P H I L I P H . MCMILLAN DUDLEY E. WATERS A. E. F. WHITE A. W . H A R R I S RUSSELL A. ALGER N. C. KINGSBURY B. W. TRAFFORD WILLIAM E. THOMPSON E 229 Etchmnd Etchmnd Etchmnd Etchmnd Etchmnd Etchmnd Etchmnd Etchmnd Etchmnd Etchmnd Etchmnd tchmnd Etchmnd Etchmnd Etchmnd Etchmnd Etchmnd Etchmnd Etchmnd EEtchmndi Etchmnd Etchmnd Etchmnd Rchmnd Rchinnd Rchmnd Rchmnd Rchmnd Rchmnd Rchmnd Rchmnd Rchmnd Rchmnd Rchmnd Rchmnd Rchmnd Rchmnd Rchmnd Rchmnd Rchmnd Rchmnd Rchmnd Rchmnd Rchmnd Rchmnd Rchmnd Rchmnd Rchmnd Rchmnd Rchmnd Rchmnd Rchmnd Rchmnd Rchmnd Rchmnd Rchmnd Rchmnd Rchmnd Rchmnd Rchmnd Rchmnd Rchmnd Rchmnd Rchmnd Rchmnd Rchmnd Rchmnd Rchmnd Rchmnd Rchmnd Rchmnd Rchmnd Rchmnd Rchmnd Rchmnd Rchmnd Rchmnd Rchmnd ROCHESTER 39-2r 9 4-2r: 26 20-J 20-3r 63-L 30 41-Y 10-2r 14-3r 63-3L -IS 40 63-K 55 44-5r 51-2r 58 24 63-4r 43-5r 12-3r 64 63-2r 46-2r 57-2r '6 Gadd, Rev. W. W., res Ridge. Gorsuch, E. TL, publisher Review... .Main. R O C H E S T E R , Oakland Co. Grand Trunk Freight Office Depot. Grant, Samuel, res Monroe. J. R. TAYLOR, District Manager. Green, Dr. C. E., office Ma in. B. E. NORTON, Local Manager. Green, Dr. C. E., res Main. Please report trouble or make applications for service to Hart, Henry, farm Casco twp. Hasselbach, B., meats & groceries Main. Local Manager. Hasselbach, C, farm Richmond twp. Rchstr 75 American Ex. Co., H. S. Springsted.Main n. Hawkins, M. J., farm Richmond twp. Rchstr 2~7r Andrews, Elmer Farm Res.. Heath, J. A., res Forest av. Rchstr 30 Arnold & Schultz, meat market Main n. .Henry, Chas., farm Columbus twp. Rchstr 86 Axford, Geo. A.&Bro., cig.&spg. gds.Main n. Hirt, F. J., res Main. Rchstr 27 Ayers Gas Engine Wks., R. W. Holmes, mgr. Banghart, Wm Farm Res. Houston, Harvey, farm Columbus twp. Rchstr 52—4r Barkham & Son,flour& feed mill.... Main s. Huffman, Dr. W. S., office Main. Rchstr 21 Barnes Paper Mills, W. H. Drace, mgr.... Hunt, W. B., farm Columbus twp. Rchstr 9-2r Barnes, May, res 3rd w. Keeler, A. M.. res Ridge. Rchstr 41 Rchstr iiii Barnes, Clate, livery Main. s. Kelsey, M. F., drugs Main. Rchstr 42-5r....... Becker, Fred Farm Res. Kelsey, M. F., P. P. S Lenox. Benson, Wm., City Marshal Res. Kroner, Jos., farm Casco twp. Rchstr 34 Boomer, I. E Sand Pit. La Due, Mrs., farm Lenox twp. Rchstr 59 Brewster, Ezra Farm Res. Lee. W. L., res Macomb. Rchstr 44-7r Burr, Geo., farm imp Main n. Lenox Implement & Produce Co... .Main. Rchstr 17 Rchstr 78 Burr, Geo., res 4th e. Linsday, John, farm Casco twp. Burr. C. A., res Walnut. Lutes, Charles B., res Main. Rchstr 82 Buzzard, Jacob Farm Res. Lutes, John B., res Monroe. Rchstr 2—8r Farm Res. Lutes, J. W., drugs Main. Rchstr 42-1L -IS . Cannon, H. B EKchstr 79-iir Casey, James Res. MACOMB CO. SAVINGS BANK. Rchstr 51-2r Cassels, Robt, vet. surgeon Farm. 15-3r F. W. Burke, teller.. .Richmond office. Rchstr 49 Chapman, C. S., res Main n. 15-2r F. J. Hirt, cashier Lenox office. Rchstr 68 Chapman, W. C, res Walnut. 63-Y rSaagary, Martin, farm Columbus twp. Rchstr 63-5 Chisnell, Wm Res. 37 Maxwell, C. E., coal & wood Division. Rchstr 64 Clarion Pub. Co Main n. 63-3L r-2S . Meyers, Chas., farm Casco twp. Rchstr 13 Collins, A. E., dry gds & groc Main n. 50 Michigan State Telephone Co ; . . . . Rchstr 52—1L ~2S . Collins, Morris, res Goodison. 41-J . . . . . .Miller, Henry, farm Richmond twp. Rchstr 52-5r Collins, Morris Farm. 63-W Miller, Mrs. EM., farm Columbus twp. Rchstr 45 Council Rooms 44-W Miller, Wm., farm Columbus twp. Rchstr 2-5r Crissman, H. B Farm. 41-L Mills, Charles F., farm Richmond twp. Rchstr 62 Crout, E. C Farm. 32 Neddermeyer, F. A., res Ridge. Rchstr 51-Br Crout, T. H Farm. 54—4r Norton, Charles, farm Lenox twp. Rchstr 90 Daues & Schokie, billiard & pool Main n. 42 Parker Plow Co Main. Rchstr 50 Day, J. C Farm. 10-3r Perkins, C. H., farm Richmond twp. Rchstr 75 Dennis, G. C, drugs & schl sup Main n. 10-5r Perkins, E. B.. farm Richmond twp. Rchstr 91 Detroit Hotel Main n. 47-3r Pierce & Hunt, millinery Main. 11 Det. United Ry. .P. Hse. & Barns Snp'ts Of. 3 Porea, Louis, res Grand Trunk av. Rchstr Dickenhorst, W. H. Commission Co.Main. n. 34 Priestap, A. W., res Third. Rchstr 105 2-1L -2S . Dickens, Bert. Farm Res. 43-4r Pulver, Wm. E., farm Lenox twp. Rchstr Rchstr 20-6r Drace, W. H., res Walnut. 44-4r Quick, Bert, farm Columbus twp. Rchstr 35 Era Office 3rd w. 44-R Quick, James, res Main. Rchstr 62 Fairview Stock Farm 44-3r Quick, Wm.. farm Columbus twp. Rchstr 44-4r Fenner, James Farm Rres. 14-2r Richmond Elevator Co., grain & hay.Main. Rchstr 51-6r Ferguson, Mrs. J Farm Res. 9 Richmond Review, office Main. Rchstr 23 Ferrin Bros Grn Elevtr, D. Willis. 43-2r Rowley. Wm. L., farm Lenox twp. FERRY & CO., D. M. 28 Schrauder, Rev. Edw., res Main. 72 McCotter, J. H Supt 47-2r Schumaker, Dr. F. M., dentist Main. Rchstr 73-3r Hubbard, F Foreman. 16-2r Schwark, Elvin, res Gratiot rd. Rchstr Rchstr 73-4r Ackerman, Cal Foreman. 23-3r Spencer, James, res Main. 73-5r McCotter, H Foreman. 60 Smith, Simmons & Co., dry gds&gro. Main. Rchstr Rchstr 73-2r Scriber, Chas, foreman.. D. M. Ferry & Co. 62 Spring, Rev. F. L., res Division. Rchstr 74. Finsterwald, L., Clthg & Gents Furn.Main n. 38 Stone, W. S., atty Main. Flumerfelt, Sam'l Farm Res. 41-R Sutton, Charles S., farm. . .Richmond twp. Rchstr 2-3r Fox, W. A., 3rd. 63-5r.. Thompson, Dr. Alex., res Adair. Rchstr 35 Fox, W. A., res East. 63-6r Van ENostrand, Louis, farm... .Casco twp. Rchstr 43 George, W. A Farm. 63-EX Van Nostrand, Wm., farm. .Columbus twp. Rchstr 2—4T George, H. O., groc Main n. 44-Y Vogt, H. J., farm res Columbus twp. Rchstr 14 Rchstr 20-3r Gerke, Frank Res. 41-2r Ward, Robert, farm Richmond twp. Godfrey, J. B., Justioe of Peace.Stony Ork. 20-K Waterloo, Dr. E., office Main. Rchstr. .60-2r Goodison, Mrs. Anna .res Walnut. 2&-2r .Waterloo, E., res Ridge. Rchstr 54 29 Grand Trunk Ry G. M .Ames, agt. 23-2r Water Works & Elec. Light Pit Water. Rchstr Griffy, C. G.. res 5th w. 48-2r Weeks' & Allington, meats. Main. Rchstr 104 53 Griggs, O. K Whol. Com. agt. (Grain.) 17 Weeks, Ira M., res Main. Rchstr Rchstr 31-8r Griggs, C. K Farm Res. 31 Weeks, M. H., res Ridge. Rchstr 31-2r Griggs, A. G Farm Res 44-2r Weeks, Ray, farm res Columbus twp. Rchstr 63—4r Gregory, Corby Ice. 54-5r..„...Welding, E., res Park. 33 Wellman, B. E., res Ridge. 4-3r Western Union Tel Co Depot. 36 Weston, G. W. & Son, lumber Division. W O H E A D S 5 Weter, Fanning & Co.,wholesale eggs.Main. T 10-4r...... Wheeler, Charles F., farm.. Richmond twp. o n o n e b o d y w o u l d b e a f r e a k o f n a t u r e RILEY CENTER, St. Clair Co. (Please see Memphis.) RIVER ROUGE, Wayno Co. (Please see Detroit.) "Two telephone systems in one city" IS A FREAK OF FINANCE T H E DUPLICATE H A S NO FUNCTION NOT POSSESSED BY T H E ORIGINAL " U S E IT PAYS T H E B E L L " CALL M A I N 6 0 0 0 ROMEO 230 Rchstr 52-6r Gunn, C. H Farm Res. Rchstr 44-5r Wrhite, Edw Farm Res. Rchstr 52-1L -IS .Gunn, Geo Agt. Sag. Milling Co. Rchstr 2-6r Wilbur, E. D Farm Res.1 Rchstr 2 2 . . . . . . . . . Hndden, M., livery 5th. Rchstr 40 Wilcox, Robt., saloon Main n.] Rchstr 88 Hamlen, G. F., phys & surgeon... .Main n. Rchstr 106 Wilson, Mrs. J. C Res. I Wilson, J. E., phys. & surgeon Main n. Rchstr 20-4r Hammond, G. A., \ Deputy Sheriff. Rchstr 81 Wood & Son, H. L., hdwe Main n. I Rchstr 18 Higgins, J. L Res. Rchstr 3 Yates, W. H. &. Sou,flourmill.Yates Station Rchstr 28 Horn. J. W., groc Main n. Rchstr 70-3r Rchstr 46 Hudson, Mrs. E. A., groc Main n. Rchstr 80 Hudson, E. A., Res. Rchstr 16 Jackson & Co., founary Main s. Rchstr 31-3r Johnson, H. V Farm Res. ROCKWOOD, Wayne Co. Rchstr 31-6r Johnson. Henry Res. Operated by Rchstr 60-4r Jones, Mrs. Alice Farm Res. PEOPLES' TELEPHONE CO. OF WAYNE, Rchstr 2-2r Jones, John II Farm Res. Sub-Licensee. Rchstr 56 Korff «fc Debaene, meat market Main n. Rchstr 90 Kressler, C. S Res. D. VALVANCE & SON, Managers. Rchstr 52-2r Lake Orion Jet..'. D. U. R. It. (For additional names, please see Flat Rock.) Rchstr 69 Letts & Wilev, farm impt Main n. Rchstr 70-2r Little, C. a. & Co Sand Pit. Rchstr 2-1L-1S .Lusk, W. B Farm Res. Rekwd 3-1L Beaubian, L. J iHotel & Saloon, j Rchstr 32 McCafferty, Bert, saloon Main u. Rckwd 10-1L D. U. R Depot Rchstr 72 McCotter, J. H., sup*t D. M. Ferry & Co Rckwd 2-1L McCourt, Frank Hotel & Saloon. Farm. Rckwd 8-3L-1S Reed, Dr. J. P., physician Village. I Rchstr 51-7r Mack, H. H f. Farm Res. Rckwd 9-3L ML. Valvance, D. & Sou. Hdwe. & Tel.Eich. Rchstr 36 Masonic Club Rooms Rchstr 26 Mathews, Mrs. K. It Res. Rchstr 88 Mead, L., laundry Main n. Rchstr 18 Meadow Brook Stock Farm R O M E O , Macomb Co. Rchstr 58-2r Metealf. E. R., fnrn. & undrtr Main n. Rchstr 58-3r Metcalf, E. R., Night & Sunday Calls.. Res. GLENN L. WILLIAMS. District Manager. Rchstr 61 Michiamn State Tel. Co., mgr Main 0. T. D. COE, Local Manager. Rchstr 92 Michigan Central Ry. .G. M. Thompson, agt. Rchstr 31-7r Mier. Fred Farm Res. Please report trouble and make application for service to Rchstr 2-1L -3S . Miller. Jos Farm Res. Rchstr (E!0-5r Mowers, Miss Jennie Res. Local Manager. Rchstr 75 National Ex. Co., H. S. Springsted.. Main u. Romeo 102-1L -IS . Adams, John, farm Addison twp. Rchstr 24 Neely, T. E., fir. & feed mill Main n. 103-2r Albertson, Charles, farm Bruce twp. ! Rchstr 44-2r Newman. Sam'l Farm Res. Romeo Romeo 19-2r Allen, tVurren, res St. Clair. I Rchstr 61 Norton, B. E Main n. Romeo 113 American Hotel Main, j Rchstr 77 Norton, B. E., res 5th. Romeo 104-^lr Ames, Geo. H., farm Washington twp. i Rchstr 61 Norton, J. T., drugs & statnry. . Op. Hs. blk. Romeo 9-2r Austin, Dr. E., res Hollister. j Rchstr 4 Norton, J. T., res 5th. 107-1S -1L .Bailey. J. F., farm... Bruce twp. ] Rchstr 44-1L -IS . Nott, P. R Farm Res. Romeo Romeo 57^4r Bailey, Walter, farm Bruce twp. Rchstr 48 O'Brien, A., res 2d. Romeo 107-6L -IS . Ball. John, farm Bruce twp. i Rchstr 84 O'Brien, P. J., res 4th & East. Romeo 109-5L — IS .Ranghart. Harrison, farm Addison twp. O'BRIEN BROS., Lumber & Coal. Romeo 16 Bates. Lafayette, res St. Clair. 1 104-3L -IS . Bauer. A. C, farm Washington twp. i Rchstr 6-2r, Main St. Office Main'n. Romeo Romeo 100-6r Bauer. Henry, farm Washington twp. Rchstr 6-4r O'Brien. A. F., res. Main n Romeo 104-4*/> Banghart, Wilson, farm.. .Washington twp. ] Etchstr 70-6r Osborne, Miss Frances Res Romeo !)2 Bedell, L. E., res Church. J Rchstr 51-3r Overlook Fruit Farm Rotneo 94-2r Bedell, Levant, res Church, n Rchstr 101 Parke, Davis & Co Biological Farm. Romeo 33-3r...... Beemer, Clarence, res Sisson. J Rchstr 31-4r Patterson. O. W Farm Res. Romeo 67-2r Bickford, R. M.. res Prospect. 1 Rchstr 44-3r Perry, Wilson Farm Res. Romeo 105-2L -IS . Bliss, Fred, farm Bruce twp. J Rchstr 44-6r Perry. Jacob... Farm Res, Romeo 29—4r Bowerman, Byron, farm Washington. ] Rchstr 101 Pickering, J. F Farm Res. Romeo 222-2r Bowling Alley ] . Rchstr 9-3r Robertson. A. P Painter & Decorator, Romeo 227-2r Brabb, G. W Main s. Rchstr 95 Robinson, E. E., prop. Det. Hotel..Main n. Romeo 103-5L -IS . Brabb. Ed., farm Bruce twp. Rchstr 10 Rochester Sav. Bank Main n. 227-3r Brabb, Mrs. L. C, res. Maiu. Rchstr 70-1L-IS .Roch. Sand Stone Brick Co., John Dull, mgr. Romeo Romeo 55 Brabb. Mrs. Sarah, res Main. Rchstr 42-2r Ross. A. L Farm Res. Romeo 109-4L -IS .Brewer, Mrs. A. EN., farm Addison twp. Rchstr 83 St. James Hotel Main n. Romeo 88-2r Brewer, John A., res St. Clair. Rchstr 20-5r Satterlee, L. G Res. Romeo 76-2r Brooks, Miss Satie. res Bailey. Rchstr 64. Main n. ,Seed. C. S.W. E 103-4r Brown, W. & M. E Bruce twp. '.Shattuck, Farm Res. Romeo Rchstr 70-4r Romeo 224 Rurlison, James, res 2d. Farm Res. Rchstr 31-1L -2S . Shoemaker. Geo 221 Burlison, Jud, livery Lafayette. Smith, J. W., prop. St. James Hotel. Main n. Romeo Rchstr 5 Romeo 110 Carpenter. Mrs. L., res Main. .; Snook, John J Farm Res. Romeo Rchstr 51-3r 108-4L -IS . Carrey, R Ray twp. .Spencer. B. C. H.. phys. & surgeon. .Main n. Romeo Rchstr 15 104-6r Casebier. Wm., farm Washington twp. Starring. W. S.. drugs &- groc Main n. Rchstr 7 8 Casey, Charles, grocery Main. State Savings Bank of Rochester.. .Main n. Romeo Rchstr 47 Romeo 62 Cass. Mrs. C. L., res Chandler. 65 Strain, C. S.. phys. & surgeon Main n. Rchstr 98 Caulkins, Hattie, res Bailey. Farm Res. Romeo Rchstr 31-1L -IS .Taylor. F. T Romeo 208 Chamberlain, Charles, farm Bruce rwp. Taylor, H. J., office Main n. Romeo Rchstr 10 70-2r Chapman Co.. undertaking Main. Rchstr 76 Thompson, George, res. 2d. Romeo 70-3r Chapman. William, res Main Rchstr 20-2r Thompson, Mrs. S. J Res. Romeo 107-2r Chisnell, Bert, farm Bruce twp. Rchstr 37 Tieuken, Wm., res 2d. Romea 80-3r Chubb, R. L., coal office G. T. Tracks. Rchstr 8 Tienken & Case, hdwe & iron Main n. Romeo 80-2r Chubb, R. L., res St. Clair. Rchstr 42-3r Tienken, Henry Farm Res. Romeo 108-1S -4L .Chubb, Mrs., farm Ray twp. Rchstr 42-4r Tienken, John Farm Res. Romeo, 18-2r Citizens' National Bank, office Main. Tower, F. J., grocer Main n. Romeo 211 Rchstr 12 Clubine, Ira, res Prospect Trumble. Henry Res. Romeo 1 Rchstr 63-2r Coe, T. D., manager's office Main. Tucker. Ed Farm Res. Romeo 5 Rchstr 31-5r Coe, T. D., res Hollister. Rchstr 87 Tut tie & Smith, furu & undertaking. Main n. Romeo 31-2r Coe. W. P.. res St. Clair. Tyack. C. H :.. Farm Res. Romeo 222-3r Rchstr 73-6r Cohn & McKay Clothiers. IT. S. Express Co Main n. Romeo 57-4L-IS .Cooley, E. J., farm Bruce twp. Rchstr 86 Upton, C. W., lumber & coal 5th. Romeo 57-2r Cornell, H., farm Bruce twp. Rchstr 2.>-2r Upton, C. W., res Fifth. Romeo 100-5r Rchstr 25-3r Crissman, A. J., farm Washington twp. Village of Rochester Council Rooms. Romeo 43-3r Cudworth & Severance, farm.. .Wash. twp. Rchstr 45 Farm. Romeo 100-1L -IS .Curtis. Edward, farm Washington twp. Rchstr 42-1L-1S .Walnut Knolls Dairy 52-3r Wangalein, Wm„ groceries Goodison. Romeo 100—4r Day, Elisha, farm Washington twp. Rchstr Weaver. Fred Farm Res. Romeo 218 Detroit United Railway, office St. Clair. | Rchstr 51-4r Weaver, Harrison, res 2nd. Romeo 116 Dewey, Geo Res. Rchstr 102 Romeo 38 Dittman, Mrs., res Bailey n. Western Knitting Mills. C. S. Chapman Rchstr 103 Dodge, Charles, res Main. | 4th & Water. Romeo 43-5r Ray twp. j Western Union Tel. Co.. .F. Fangboner, agt. Romeo 108 -IS -2L . Downs, G. M., farm Rchstr 92
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