Agenda Note - Central Electricity Authority
Agenda Note - Central Electricity Authority
375-388 Agenda notes for the 39th Meeting of Standing Committee on Power System Planning in Western Region 1.0 Confirmation of the minutes of 38th meeting of the Standing Committee on Power System Planning in Western Region (SCPSPWR) held on 17th July 2015 at NRPC, Katwaria Sarai, New Delhi. 1.1 The minutes of the 38th SCPSPWR were issued vide CEA letter No.26/10/2014SP&PA/ 1- 14 dated 25th August 2015. 1.2 MSETCL vide their letter no. MSECTL/CO/TU/302B/GC/201/12990 dated 8.10.2015 has observed that in item no. 5.2 of the minutes LILO of Parli- Osmanabad 220 kV D/C line at Parli (PG) 400/220 kV, 2X500 MVA substation may kindly be corrected as LILO of Parli- Osmanabad 220 kV S/C line at Parli (PG) 400/220 kV, 2X500 MVA substation. 1.3 Taking into consideration the correction suggested by MSETCL, only six no. of 220 kV line bays [4 nos. for LILO of both circuits of Parli-Harngul 220 kV line at Parli (PG) and 2 nos. LILO of Parli- Osmanabad 220 kV S/C line at Parli (PG)] will be required instead of eight nos. of 220 bays at Parli (PG) 400/220 kV, 2X500 MVA mentioned at item no. 5.3 and 5.4 of minutes of the 38th SCPSPWR. 1.4 Members may deliberate and confirm the minutes of the 38th meeting of the Standing Committee on Power System Planning in Western Region. 2.0 Review of Progress on Earlier Agreed Transmission Schemes. 2.1 The status of implementation of transmission projects under tariff based competitive bidding are enclosed at Annexure-1 and the status of transmission schemes under implementation by POWERGRID is enclosed at Annexure-2. Members may deliberate. 3.0 Proposal for two nos. of 220 kV bays at existing Aurangabad 765/400/220 kV substation of POWERGRID. 3.1 MSETCL vide their letter dated 19.10.2015 has forwarded the proposal for provision of 2 nos. of 220 kV bays at the existing Aurangabad 765/400/220 kV substation of POWERGRID. The two nos. of 220 kV bays are required for termination of Shendra GIS – Aurangabad 765/400/220 kV substation 220 kV D/C line at Aurangabad 765/400/220 kV substation. 3.2 The Shendra 220 kV GIS has been proposed to meet 200 MW load under DelhiMumbai- Industrial Corridor (DMIC) Phase-I. The scope of works for establishment of Shendra 220 kV GIS are: 39th SCMPSPWR Agenda 1 (i) (ii) (iii) 3.3 Establishment of 220/132/33 kV, Shendra GIS. 3X100 MVA, 220/33 kV Transformers at Shendra GIS. Provision of 132 kV switchyard for EHV consumer to be taken up in future. Shendra GIS – Aurangabad 765/400/220 kV substation 220 kV D/C line. MSETCL may confirm the implementation agency for the Shendra 220 kV GIS proposal. POWERGRID may confirm the availability of space for 2nos of 220kV bays at Aurangabad 765/400/220 kV substation. Members may deliberate. 4.0 4.1 4.2 MSETCL proposal of shifting of Aurangabad (Waluj) – Pune (PG) 400kV D/C line from 400kV Aurangabad (Waluj) to 765/400kV Aurangabad (PGCIL). In the 38th SCM of WR held on 17.07.2015, MSETCL has proposed shifting of Aurangabad (Waluj) – Pune – PG 400kV D/C line from 400kV Aurangabad (Waluj) to 765/400kV Aurangabad (PGCIL) to remove the constraints for import of power in Maharashtra control area. The loading on the 2X1500 MVA 765/400 kV ICTs at Aurangabad (PG) substation and Aurangabad- Aurangabad I (Waluj) 400 kV interconnection was the limiting factor for import of power in Maharastra from ISTS. In the meeting, it was agreed that MSETCL proposal of shifting of Aurangabad (Waluj) – Pune (PG) 400kV D/C line from 400kV Aurangabad (Waluj) to 765/400kV Aurangabad (PGCIL) would be studied jointly by CEA, CTU, WRLDC and MSETCL. The peak demand met by Maharastra in August 2015 was 18447 MW. Accordingly, load flow studies were carried out by taking recent load flow file from WRLDC for a demand of 18,445 MW in Maharashtra. In the studies intrastate generation of Maharashtra of 11893.4 MW (Tirora – 2418MW, Koyna – 552.8, Jaigad – 1000MW, Amravati- 750 MW) and import of about 6500 MW from ISTS has been considered. The load flow study was carried out to see the impact of the following transmission schemes which are already under implementation by PGCIL/MSETCL on the power flows in Aurangabad (Waluj)- Aurangabad(PG) 400 kV interconnection: (i) LILO of 400kV D/C lines Parli – Pune (PG) at Pune (GIS) - already commissioned. (ii) LILO of Aurangabad – Pune (PG) at Pune(GIS) ) by September 2015 (iii) 2 nos. of 400 kV bays at Dhule (MSETCL) for termination of Dhule(Sterlite) – Dhule (MSETCL)400 kV D/C line. (iv) Aurangabad – Sholapur D/C 765kV line by December 2015 (v) Aurangabad – Boisar D/C 400 kV line by March 2016 (vi) Aurangabad – Padghe 765 kV D/C line by March 2016 (vii) LILO of one circuit of Aurangabad – Padghe 765 kV S/C line at Pune (GIS) – project under bidding stage. 4.3 The load flow results are attached as Annexure-3. From the load flow analysis it is evident that with the commissioning of the above mentioned elements loading on 400kV Aurangabad (Waluj) – Aurangabad (PG) D/C line has been reduced from 2200MW to 640MW and Aurangabad (Waluj) – Aurangabad (PG) D/C line would not be constraint for import of power to Maharashtra. In view of this, MSETCL proposal Agenda notes - 39th SCMPSPWR 2 of Shifting of Aurangabad (Waluj) – Pune (PG) 400kV D/C line from 400kV Aurangabad (Waluj) to 765/400kV Aurangabad (PGCIL) is not required. Members may deliberate. 5.0 Additional 400 kV feed to Goa 5.1 In the 38th SCM of WR the following Inter State Transmission System scheme was proposed: (i) (ii) 5.2 5.3 Establishment of 2X500 MVA, 400/200 kV substation at Xeldam and its interconnection with Narendra (existing) 400 kV substation through 400 kV D/C line with quad conductor. The interconnection between the existing 220 kV Xeldam substation and the proposed 400/220 kV Xeldam substation could be through bus extension or through 220 kV interconnecting lines, as the case may be. 400kV (Quad) connectivity between the new substation at Xeldem and Mapusa to take care of any N-1-1 contingencies involving outage of any one 400kV infeed to Goa. In the meeting POWERGRID has suggested the alternative of LILO of NarendraKolhapur 400 kV D/C line (765 kV line to be initially charged at 400 kV level) at the proposed Xeldam 400 kV substation as 765 kV operation of Narendra-Kolhapur D/C line was not envisaged in near future and it would increase the utilisation of Narendra-Kolhapur D/C line. It was decided that the alternative suggested by POWERGRID would be studied jointly by CEA and CTU and based on its merit the same would be included in the scheme that would be put in the SR SCM for their approval. POWERGRID has further carried out studies and suggested alternatives(One- LILO of one ckt of Narendra (existing) – Kaiga 400kV D/c line at Xeldem (New) and Xeldem (New) – Colvale (Mapusa) 400 kV (Quad/HTLS) D/c line, Two- Kolhapur (PG) – Colvale (Mapusa) 400kV (Quad/HTLS) 2nd D/c line and Colvale (Mapusa) Xeldem (New) 400 kV(Quad/HTLS) D/c line). Although alternative One is better in terms of power flow, the LILO shall involve construction of more than 100KM line length in the hilly and forested areas of Western Ghats. About 30% of the area of the Western Ghats Region is under forests. In the past, during forest clearance process of Kaiga-Narendra 400 kV line, POWERGRID faced lot of resistance from various activists and NGOs. The clearance was recommended by Karnataka government in 2002 only after joint confirmation from POWERGRID and CEA during detailed review that no further transmission line shall be laid in the area. It is therefore apprehended that LILO of one ckt of Kaiga-Narendra 400 kV D/C line in Western Ghat area shall be resisted by the activists/NGOs and obtaining forest clearance and actual implementation of line may be delayed as in case of Mysore-Kozikode 400 kV line (Mysore –Kutta portion) due to such resistance and possible legal intervention. Therefore, alternative Two has been suggested by POWERGRID along with reconductoring of Sholapur (PG) – Kolapur 400kV Double Circuit Line with HTLS conductor. The following alternatives for feeding Xeldam 400 kV substation has been studied including the alternative proposed in the 38th SCM and the alternative proposed by POWERGRID: Agenda notes - 39th SCMPSPWR 3 S. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Alternative Exhibit Narendra (existing)- Xeldam- Mapusa 400 kV Option 1 (as D/c quad line proposed in 38th SCM) Kolhapur (PG)- Mapusa – Xeldam 400 kV D/C Option 2 quad line (suggested by POWERGRID) Kolhapur (PG) – Xeldam- Mapusa 400 kV D/C Option 3 quad line Kolhapur (PG) – Xeldam 400 kV D/C quad Option 4 line and LILO of one ckt at Mapusa LILO of one ckt. of Narendra (New)- Kolhapur Option 5 (PG) 400 kV D/C line at Xeldam (suggested by POWERGRID) LILO of one ckt. of Narendra (existing) - Option 6 Narendra(New) 400 kV D/C line at Xeldam LILO of one ckt. of Kaiga-Narendra (existing) Option 7 400 kV D/C line at Xeldam with LILO point at Narendra end. LILO of one ckt. of Kaiga-Narendra (existing) Option 8 400 kV D/C line at Xeldam with LILO point at Kaiga end. The results of the load flow studies conducted for the above mentioned eight alternatives is enclosed as Annexure - 4. The observations based on analysis of the results are: (i) Option 1 is technically best possible alternative for providing ISTS feed to Goa system since it has successfully relieved loading on existing 220kV network as well as 400kV network which is feeding power to Goa system. (ii) For implementation of Option 1 two no. of 400 kV bays would be required at Narendra (existing) 400/220 kV substation. In case of space constraints GIS bay may be provided. If no space is available then option 6 or option 7 could be implemented which are equally good as option1. (iii) In the all the eight alternatives, the 400 kV lines to Mapusa/ Xeldam has to cross the Western Ghats section. (iv) In the corridor through which the Narendra(existing)-Xeldam 400 kV D/C line would pass, there are already existing Ambewadi – Xeldam/Ponda 220 kV D/C line and Supa-Ponda 110 kV D/C line. Ambewadi – Xeldam/Ponda 220 kV D/C line is functional whereas the Supa-Ponda 110 kV D/C line is not in use. These lines are maintained and operated in their respective geographical areas by Goa and Karnataka respectively. In case of difficulty in getting RoW for implementation of Narendra (existing)-Xeldam 400 kV D/C line, the RoW of the existing Supa-Ponda 110 kV D/C line could be used. (v) Option 2 - there will be only a single source for feeding Goa at 400kV level i.e., 765/400 kV Kolhapur (PG). (vi) Option5 i.e, LILO of one ckt. of Narendra(New)- Kolhapur(PG) 400 kV D/C line at Xeldam which was suggested in the 38th SCM is not a suitable alternative as there is uneven loading on the 400 kV circuits feeding power to Xeldam ( 540 on one ckt and 82 MW on other ckt.) . Also Narendra(New)- Kolhapur(PG) is a 765 kV D/C line which in present scenario is being operated at 400 kV level and in future when this line would be operated at 765 kV voltage level , the Xeldam 400 kV along with the feeding lines also needs to be upgraded to 765 kV level. Agenda notes - 39th SCMPSPWR 4 5.4 Members may deliberate and finalize the second 400 kV feed to Goa so that the same could be taken up for approval in the SCM of SR. 6.0 Connectivity System for Lanco Vidarbha Thermal Power Pvt. Ltd. (LVTPPL) 6.1 In the 21st Meeting of WR constituents regarding Connectivity / Open Access Applications held on 17.07.2015, the connectivity arrangement agreed earlier (i.e., LILO of Seoni - Wardha 765 kV S/C line at LVTPL TPS) for LVTPPL was revised as below: (i) LVTPPL TPS Switchyard – Warora Pool 765kV D/c line (to be implemented through Tariff Base Competitive Bidding route) In the meeting, M/s LVTPPL was requested to confirm the time frame by which connectivity line is required so that suitable action may be initiated for implementation of the line through Tariff Based Competitive Bidding route. 6.2 6.3 M/s LVTPL vide their letter dated 27th August, 2015 has requested for continuation of the earlier connectivity granted i.e. LILO of Seoni – Wardha 765kV S/c line at LVTPPL TPS and subsequently a meeting was held in CEA on 2.9.2015 to discuss the connectivity issue (Minutes enclosed as Annexure- 5). In the meeting M/s LVTPPL was requested to confirm the following requirements so that the connectivity line (LVTPPL TPS – Warora Pool 765kV D/c line ) could be included in the agenda for Empowered Committee for implementation of the scheme through TBCB route. a. M/s LTPPL needs to confirm the commissioning schedule of the generation project b. As per CERC sharing regulations, transmission charges are payable by beneficiaries only after the commercial operation of the generator. Till then, it is the responsibility of M/s LVTPPL to pay the transmission charges. c. M/s LVTPPL need to sign connectivity agreement and submit requisite bank guarantee. Response from M/s LVTPPL is awaited. However connectivity of LVTPPL may be granted through LVTPPL TPS Switchyard – Warora Pool 765kV D/c line. M/s LVTPPL would be required to sign requisite agreements for taking up the transmission scheme under Tariff Base Competitive Bidding route. Members may deliberate. 7.0 Provision of 1x240MVAR line reactor at Pune GIS end for Aurangabad (PG) – Pune GIS 765kV line (formed after LILO of one ckt of Aurangabad (PG) – Padghe (PG) 765kV D/c line at Pune GIS - LILO Length Considered - 67KM). 7.1 In 36th Meeting of Standing Committee on Power System Planning in Western Region held on 29.08.2013, LILO of one ckt of Aurangabad (PG) – Padghe 765kV D/c at Pune GIS in lieu of Kolhapur-Padghe (PG) 765kV D/c one ckt via Pune GIS was agreed as System Strengthening Schemes in WR for transfer of power to SR from IPPs in Chhattisgarh. Agenda notes - 39th SCMPSPWR 5 7.2 Subsequently, in 32nd meeting of Empowered Committee on Transmission held on 17.01.2014, the above scheme was agreed to be implemented through TBCB under System Strengthening for IPPs in Chhattisgarh and other Generation Projects in Western Region. Presently the process of transfer of SPV is under progress. As per the route survey carried out by the BPC for LILO of one ckt of Aurangabad (PG) – Padghe (PG) 765kV D/c line at Pune GIS, the route length for LILO portion comes out to be 67KM approximately. Originally the length of Aurangabad (PG) – Padghe (PG) 765kV D/c line was about 285KM and 2x240MVAR line reactors along with 2x1200Ohm NGR are available at both ends of Aurangabad – Padghe 765kV D/c line. After LILO at Pune GIS, the length of modified sections i.e. Aurangabad (PG) – Pune GIS 765kV line would be about 254KM and Pune GIS – Padghe (PG) would be about 165KM. Accordingly, in order to have proper reactive compensation, 1x240MVAR line reactor along with 1200 Ohms is proposed at Pune GIS for Aurangabad (PG) – Pune GIS 765kV line. Members may deliberate. 8.0 Replacement of Overhead conductor with UG cable on GETCO portion of KAPP 1&2 – VAPI/Balitha (GETCO) 220kV D/c line. 8.1 Transmission System for KAPP 1 & 2 consists of KAPP 1&2 – Vapi/Balitha (GETCO) 220kV D/c Single ACSR Zebra line - 117KM which is an ISTS line and tariff of the same is claimed by POWERGRID. A certain portion of above line towards the end of Vapi (GETCO) substation is owned and maintained by GETCO. GETCO portion of KAPP 1&2 – Vapi / Balitha (GETCO) 220kV D/C line is terminated in different D/C towers upto the point from which POWERGRID portion starts. In order to release the adjoining land for developing various residential schemes at Vapi / Balitha, GETCO proposed to replace existing 220kV conductor with approx. 255mtr underground 220kV XLPE cable from their portion of KAPP 1&2 – Vapi 220kV ckt 2 from 220kV Vapi / Balitha S/s. The cost of the modification work would be borne by M/s GETCO. 8.2 POWERGRID/ GETCO may present the scheme details. 9.0 Conversion of fixed Line Reactors to switchable Line Reactors 9.1 Fixed line reactors on small 400 kV lines may lead to cases of over-compensation in lines. Several short length 400 kV lines have been identified in Western Region which has a high degree of compensation and the same have been tabulated below: Agenda notes - 39th SCMPSPWR 6 Sl. 1 2 3 4 5 9.2 9.3 Name of the Line Aurangabad(PG) – Aurangabad I (Waluj) 400kV D/c (Quad) Itarsi – Indore (MPPTCL) 400kV S/c I Itarsi – Indore (MPPTCL) 400kV S/c II Bina (PG) – Shujalpur 400kV D/c Bhadravati – Dhariwal 400kV S/c Length (in km) Capacity Switchable (S) / (MVAR) Fixed (F) End I End II End I End II % Compensation 52.56 -- 50 -- F 158.54 207 50 50 F F 87.83 214 50 50 F F 84.96 199.9 4 63 50 S F 102.76 17.7 63 -- F -- 647.15 POWERGRID has proposed to convert the fixed line reactors into switchable line reactors so that they may be utilized as Bus Reactors, as and when needed to improve voltage profile. Further, NGR removal/bypassing may be considered for the above lines for successful auto-reclose. DOV Studies for the above lines have been carried out and no DOV phenomenon has been observed in absence of the line reactor. POWERGRID may present the DOV studies and members may deliberate. 10 Operational feedback by NLDC. 10.1 The operational feedback by NLDC on Transmission constraints in Western Region for the quarter July 2015 to September 2015 is summarized below: 10.1.1 Transmission Line Constraints S. Corridor No 1. 400 kV Aurangabad(PG) Aurangabad (MSETCL) D/C Antecedent Conditions With commissioning of 765 kV Durg-Wardha D/C, 765kV WardhaAurangabad 4 ckts and high demand of Maharashtra, the constraint has shifted to 400 kV Aurangabad (PG)-Aurangabad (MS) Agenda notes - 39th SCMPSPWR Constraint Description of the constraint Critical Loading of 400 kV Aurangabad (PG) Aurangabad (MSETCL) D/C leading to n-1 noncompliance. Constraint observed from July’14 after commissioning of 765 kV Wardha-Aurangabad 1 & 2 lines. Further, 765 kV Wardha-Aurangabad 3 & 4 also have been commissioned and all 4 ckts are usually not kept in service in order to control the loading on the 400 kV Aurangabad (PG)Aurangabad (MS) D/C and to control the high voltages at Wardha. With the commissioning of Vadodara Sub-station along with the 765 kV Dhule-Vadodara S/C , there is power flow of around 400MW through 765kV Aurangabad-Dhule-Vadodara 7 S. Corridor No D/C in the absence of 220 kV network from 400 kV Aurangabad (PG) S/S. The 2 x 315 MVA ICTs are in idle charged condition at Aurangabad(PG) S/s. Constraint 2. 400 kV KhandwaDhule BableshwarPadghe corridors carrying more than 500 MW in each ckt. The corridor is N-1 noncompliant. 3. Constraints in 400 kV Khandwa – Dhule Bableshwar-Padghe corridor Antecedent Conditions With high Maharashtra Demand of the order of 18500-20000 during morning peak and no Generation at RGPPL and low generation at Jaigad and Parli and SSP generation is less. 765/400 kV ICT at Tirora and 765/400 kV ICT at Akola II Antecedent Conditions When generation at Tirora is 1800-2400 MW. 4. 400 kV Wardha-Parli D/C Description of the constraint S/C and 765/400kV Aurangabad ICTs and 400 kV Aurangabad (PG) Aurangabad (MS) D/C are relieved to a certain extent. The system is not n-1 compliant. It has been observed that tripping of 765 kV Tirora ICT or 765 Akola II ICT would cause sudden increase in the loading of Tirora-Warora lines causing oscillations in the grid. High loading of WardhaParli D/C Antecedent Conditions With high Maharashtra Demand of the order of 18500-20000MW during morning peak and no Generation at RGPPL and low generation at Agenda notes - 39th SCMPSPWR 8 765 kV Aurangabad-Solapur D/C has been commissioned and relieved the line loading of 400kv AurangabadAurangabad D/C. 400 kV Tapthithanda-Bableswar D/C has been commissioned on 31.12.14, but in real time operation one circuit is kept open by MSETCL to control the loading on 400kV BableshwarPadghe D/C which is generally loaded above 550 MW each . Commissioning of 400 kV Bableshwar-Kudus D/C and Kudus Sub-station to be expedited by MSETCL. 765 kV Tiroda-Koradi-III-Akola D/C commissioned. Due to delay in commissioning of 765/400 kV Ektuni (Aurangabad (MS)) S/S, Akola – Tapthithanda D/C are charged at 400kV. Commissioning of 400 kV Bableswar-Kudus D/C and Kudus Sub-station to be expedited by MSETCL. Single ICT at Tiroda and Akola-II is a constraint leading to n-1 non-compliance and at present managed by SPS. Second ICT to be planned and expedited by APML and MEGPTCL. After commissioning of 765 kV Wardha-Aurangabad ckts, 765kV Pune-Sholapur S/C and 765kV Aurangabad-Dhule-Vadodara S/C, loading 400kV Wardha-Parli D/C is reduced and is generally loaded below 600 MW each except under contingency of unit tripping / overdrawal of Southern Region. The Commissioning of 765kV Aurangabad-Sholapur D/C would S. Corridor Constraint No Jaigad and Parli. High drawal of Southern Region through 765kV Raichur-Sholapur D/c also contributes critical loading of this section. 5. 400kV Parli(PG)Sholapur(PG) D/C 6. 7. Antecedent Conditions With high demand of Maharashtra, Goa and high drawal of Southern Region 400 kV AurangabadPune D/C Antecedent Conditions With commissioning of 765 kV Wardha Aurangabad D/C and high demand of Maharashtra, the constraint has shifted to Aurangabad. Intra state transmission within Maharashtra is not scheduled along with Interstate Transmission schemes. 400 kV SSP-Asoj S/C and SSP-Kasor S/C Antecedent Conditions SSP generating full and with high demand in Gujarat coupled with less generation at APL and CGPL, Mundra. Agenda notes - 39th SCMPSPWR Description of the constraint The transmission system at 220kV Pune is inadequate (only 2 lines from 220kV Pune (PG)). 400/220kV one ICT at Pune is kept open to control loading on 220kV lines from Pune (PG). Continuous loading of above 550 MW in SSPAsoj and SSPKasor. 9 further relieve 400 kV Wardha-ParliSholapur corridor. The 765 kV Solapur-Aurangabad D/C has been charged on 30th September 2015 and line loading of 400 kV Wardha-Parli has been relieved. 765kV Pune-Sholapur S/C helps under contingency in real time and has improved reliability in this corridor. 765 kV Sholapur-Aurangabad D/C has been charged on 30th September 2015 and line loading of 400 kV ParliSolapur D/C has been relieved. Constraint on this corridor is relieved. 220 kV network from Pune to be planned and expedited by MSETCL. The 765 kV Solapur-Aurangabad D/C has been charged on 30th September 2015 and line loading of 400 kV Aurangabad-Pune D/C has been relieved. Constraint on this corridor is relieved. Bus split operation done from 22.930.9.14. Due to less generation at SSP, constraints were not observed in last 2 months. Further, with the commissioning of 765/400kV Vadodara Pooling station along with 765 kV Indore –Vadodara S/C, 765 kV Dhule –Vadodara S/C along with 400 kV Asoj-Vadodara D/C and 400 kV Vadodara-Pirana(PG) D/C, have helped in reducing the loading on SSP-Asoj and SSP-Kasor. 10.1.2 ICT Constraints S. No 1. 2. 3. ICT Constraint 2 x 315 +1 x 500 MVA Bableshwar ICTs It is observed that the Bableshwar ICTs are fully loaded and system is n-1 non-compliant. MSETCL has implemented load Antecedent trimming scheme to take Conditions With Maharashtra care of overloading. demand above 17500 MW It is observed that the 2 X 1500 MVA Aurangabad (PG) loading on ICTs are more than 800 MW resulting in ICTs ‘N-1’ non-compliance. Antecedent Conditions Maharashtra meeting high demand of above 18500 MW 2 X 315 MVA Chakan ICTs Antecedent Conditions Maharashtra meeting high demand of above 18500 MW 3 X 315 MVA Lonikhand ICTs It is observed that the loading on ICTs at Chakan (2x315MVA) are above 200 MW and additional ICT has to be proposed It is observed that the loading on ICTs at Lonikhand 3 x 315 MVA) are above 200 MW and Antecedent additional ICT has to be Conditions proposed or 2 x 500 MVA Maharashtra ICTs at Lonikhand-II are meeting high demand of above underutilized and the 220 kV lines from Lonikhand 18500 MW II and Pune(PG) to be expedited. 5. 3 X 315 MVA + It is observed that the 600 MVA Padghe Padghe ICTs are fully ICTs loaded and system is N-1 non-compliant. MSETCL has Antecedent implemented load Conditions th Agenda notes - 39 SCMPSPWR 10 4. Description of the constraints One ckt of TapthithandaBableswar as well as AkolaTapthithanda kept out by MSETCL to control loading on ICTs and Bableshwar-Padghe D/c. Shifting of unutilized ICT from Warora may be explored by MSETCL. Commissioning of 765kV Aurangabad-Dhule-Vadodara S/C has relieved ICT loading at 765/400kV Aurangabad to a certain extent.765kV Aurangabad- Sholapur D/C relieve the loading to some extent. The 765 kV Solapur-Aurangabad D/C has been charged on 30th September 2015 and line loading of Aurangabad ICT’s has been relieved. Constraint on this corridor is relieved. Discussed in 38th SCM of WR. MSETCL to plan additional ICTs at Chakan and Lonikhand I 400/220 kV substations and more nos. of 220 kV outlets from Pune (PG) and Lonikhand-II 400/ 220 kV substation. Discussed in 38th SCM of WR. MSETCL to plan additional ICTs at Chakan and Lonikhand I 400/220 kV substations and more nos. of 220 kV outlets from Pune (PG) and Lonikhand-II 400/ 220 kV substation. These ICTs are heavily loaded with the increase in Maharashtra demand. S. No 6. 7. 8. 9 ICT Constraint Maharashtra meeting high demand of above 18500 MW 2 X 315 MVA Khandwa ICTs trimming scheme to take care of overloading. Antecedent Conditions Madhya Pradesh meeting high demand of above 9000 MW 2 X 315 MVA Satna ICT Antecedent Conditions Madhya Pradesh meeting high demand of above 7000 MW 3 X 315 MVA Bhopal ICTs Antecedent Conditions Madhya Pradesh meeting high demand of above 9000 MW 2 X 315 MVA Dehgam ICTs Antecedent Conditions Gujarat meeting high demand and generation at Wanakbori being low. Description of the constraints It is observed that the loading on ICTs at Khandwa (2x315MVA) are above 200 MW and additional ICT has to be proposed. Discussed in 38th SCM of WR.1X315 MVA, 400/220 kV ICT (2nd) at Chhegaon is under implementation by MPPTCL and is expected to be completed by December 2015. This would relieve loading on Khandwa ICTs. It is observed that the loading on ICTs at Satna (2x315MVA) are above 200 MW and additional ICT has to be proposed. Discussed in 38th SCM of WR .500 MVA, 400/220kV ICT at Satna (PGCIL) S/s with provision of 2 Nos. 220kV bays approved. It is observed that the loading on ICTs at Bhopal (3x315MVA) are above 200 MW and additional ICT has to be proposed Discussed in 38th SCM of WR .1X315 MVA, 400/220 kV ICT (4th) at Bhopal is under implementation by MPPTCL and is expected to be completed by December 2015.This would relieve loading on the existing ICTs at Bhopal It is observed that the loading on ICTs at Dehgam (2 x 315 MVA) are above 180 MW and additional ICT has to be proposed Agenda notes - 39th SCMPSPWR 11 10.1.3 Lines/ICTs opened to control overloading S. No 1. Transmission Element (s) opened 400/220 one ICT kV Pune(PG) Overloaded corridor Remarks To control loading in Additional 220 kV outlets from 220 kV Pune(PG) – Pune (PG) to be expedited by MSETCL. Talegaon D/C lines Idle charged in the absence of 220kV downstream network, which has to be expedited by MSETCL. 2. 400/220 kV 2 x 315 MVA Aurangabad(PG) ICTs 3. 400/220 kV 2 x 315 MVA Sholapur(PG) ICTs 4. 400/220kV 2 x 315 MVA Warora ICTs 5 400/220 400 kV Akola2Bableshwar Taptithanda one circuit loading In the 38th SCM of WR MSETCL has proposed LILO of both circuits of ChitegaonShendra 220 kV D/C line at Aurangabad (PG) 400/220 kV, 2X315 MVA substation. MSETCL may intimate the implementation schedule. South Solapur has been connected which is around 50 MW. Further loads from Solapur (MS) need to be transferred for reducing ICTs loading at Solapur(MS) Idle charged in the absence of 220kV downstream network, which has to be expedited by MSETCL or shifting to Bableshwar may be explored. 765 kV Ektuni, 765 kV Padghe, 400 kV Kudus and associated kV circuits need to come along with ICT 220 kV Associated network in Western Maharashtra to reduce the loading. 10.1.4 High Fault Level at Korba Bus: Large fault current was observed during a close in fault at Korba Sub-station on 6th July 2015. During this event, Y phase to earth fault occurred on 400 kV Korba-Raipur 3 and the fault current at Korba end was of 45 kA. The DR from Korba end is given below. Agenda notes - 39th SCMPSPWR 12 Trigger 06-07-15 2:34:31 PM.033 VA/kV 200 150 100 -0.4 -0.2 -0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 -0.4 -0.2 -0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 -0.4 -0.2 -0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 -0.4 -0.2 -0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 -0.4 -0.2 -0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 -0.4 -0.2 -0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 -0.4 -0.2 -0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 -0.4 -0.2 -0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 t/s 50 VB/kV 150 100 50 t/s 0 VC/kV 200 150 100 50 t/s VN/kV 200 100 t/s 0 IA/A 400 300 200 100 t/s 0 IB/kA 30 20 10 t/s 0 IC/A 750 500 250 t/s 0 IN/kA 30 20 10 t/s 0 10.1.5 Sub-synchronous resonance due to HVDC: Sub-synchronous resonance at HVDC Mundra-Mohindergarh at Mundra end has been observed in the past. The Sub-synchronous study performed was based on the data of 660 MW units of Mundra and there were no lines between Varsana and Bhachau. In the past the subsynchronous resonance has led to Bipole tripping and loss of generation at APL during which SSR protection has acted but could not damp the sub-synchronous resonance. As with the commissioning of 400 kV Bhachau-Varsana circuit, the electrical distance between CGPL UMPP and Mundra Generation complex has reduced significantly. Earlier any commutation fault on HVDC side is also felt only by the Mundra generating complex and CGPL is located at large electrical distance. However as of now both are experiencing the electrical jerks from these faults. In view of this there is a chance that Sub-synchronous resonance is going to get affected with the both generating complex. So, a sub-synchronous resonance study of HVDC Mundra Mohindergarh considering 330/660 MW units of Mundra and 830 MW units of CGPL may kindly be done in order to take remedial action for damping of the SSR. Agenda notes - 39th SCMPSPWR 13 10.1.6 Nodes Experiencing High Voltage: 400 kV Nodes: Khandwa, Dehgam, Satpura, Koradi, Bhadrawati New Koyna, Karad, Kolhapur, Chandrapur, Dhule , Solapur(MS) , Aurangabad (MS) , Bhilai , Rajgarh, Akola, Damoh, Birsinghpur, Katni, Bhatapara, Raigarh, RGPPL. 765 kV Nodes: Durg, Kotra, Raigarh Tamnar, Wardha, Aurangabad 10.2 NLDC may make presentation on the above issues. Members may deliberate 11 LTA and Connectivity Application of NTPC Ltd. for Khargone TPP (2x660MW) and Connectivity Application of 2x660MW Dwarkesh Energy Ltd. in Madhya Pradesh 11.1 In the 38th SCM of WR the following transmission system associated with Khargone TPP and Dwarkesh TPP was agreed: A. Transmission System for Khargone TPP (1320 MW) (i) (ii) LILO of one ckt of Rajgarh-Khandwa 400kV D/c line at Khargone TPP# Khargaon TPP Switchyard – Khandwa pool 400kV D/c (Quad) line B. Transmission System for strengthening of WR associated with Khargone TPP (1320 MW) (i) (ii) (iii) 765/400kV, 2x1500MVA pooling station at Khandwa pool. Khandwa pool – Indore 765kV D/c line. Khandwa pool – Dhule 765 kV D/C line. Note: #The LILO shall be used for startup power and commissioning activities requirement. After commissioning of balance transmission system, the LILO would be bypassed at Khargone generation switchyard and may be utilized only under contingency condition. Transmission system under A is for connectivity for Khargone TPP and Transmission system under B is for LTA of Khargone TPP C. Transmission System for DEL TPP (1320 MW) (i) DEL TPP Switchyard – Khandwa pool 400kV D/c (Quad) line Till date, DEL has applied only for connectivity and not for LTA. After receipt of LTA application from DEL, the additional transmission strengthening required for transfer of power would be identified. 11.2 In the 35th meeting of Empowered Committee on Transmission, the following transmission scheme, to be implemented though tariff based competitive bidding, was recommended for notification by Govt. of India: Agenda notes - 39th SCMPSPWR 14 Scope of the Transmission Scheme 1. Connectivity system for Khargone STPP (i) LILO of one ckt of Rajgarh-Khandwa 400kV D/C line at Khargone TPP (The LILO shall be used for startup power and commissioning activities requirement. After commissioning of balance transmission system, the LILO would be bypassed at Khargone generation switchyard and may be utilized only under contingency condition) (ii) 2. (i) (ii) (iii) Khargone TPP Switchyard – Khandwa pool 400 kV D/C (Quad) line System strengthening in WR in time frame of Khargone TPP Khandwa Pool – Indore 765kV D/C line Khandwa Pool – Dhule 765 kV D/C line Establishment of 765/400kV, 2x1500MVA pooling station at Khandwa pool 765 kV • ICTs: 7x500MVA, 765/400 kV (1 spare unit) • ICT bays: 2 no. • Line bays: 4 no. (2 no. for Khandwa pool – Indore 765 kV D/C & 2 no. for Khandwa Pool to Dhule 765 kV D/C) • Bus reactor: 3 X 80 MVAr • Bus reactor bay: 1 no. • Switchable Line reactors : 7 X 80 MVAr (1 unit is as a spare unit) for Khandwa Pool – Dhule 765 kV D/C (each reactor with 800 Ω NGR alongwith its auxiliaries) • Space for line bays (future): 4 no. • Space for ICT bays (future): 3 no. • Space for 1500 MVA, 765/400 kV ICTs (future) : 3 no. 400 kV • ICT bays: 2 no. • Line bays for termination of Khargone – Khandwa PS 400 kV D/C line: 2 no. • Bus reactor: 1 X 125 MVAr • Bus reactor bay: 1 • Space for line bays (future): 6 no. • Space for ICT bays (future): 3 no. (iv) 2 nos. of 765 kV bays and 7 X 80 MVAr switchable line reactors (1 unit as spare) along with 800 Ω NGR & its auxiliaries for Khandwa Pool – Dhule 765 kV D/C at Dhule 765/400 kV substation of M/s BDTCL Total Estimated Cost (Rs. Crore) Note: • M/s PGCIL will provide 2 no. of 765 kV line bays for termination of Khandwa PS – Indore 765 kV D/C line and 6 X 80 MVAR switchable line reactors along with 700 Ω NGR & its auxiliaries at 765/400 kV Indore S/s. • M/s PGCIL will provide 400 kV, 63 MVAr switchable line reactor along with 500 ohm NGR and its auxiliaries at Rajgarh (PG) 400 kV S/s for Khargone TPP – Agenda notes - 39th SCMPSPWR 15 Rajgarh 400 kV S/C line formed after LILO of one circuit of Khandwa – Rajgarh 400 kV D/C line at Khargone TPP. • M/s BDTCL will provide space for 2 no. of 765 kV line bays for termination of Khandwa Pool – Dhule 765 kV D/C alongwith 7 X 80 MVAr switchable line reactor at 765 kV Dhule S/s. • NTPC will provide 4 no. of 400 kV line bays at Khargone TPP (2 no. for termination of Khargone – Khandwa Pool 400 kV D/C and 2 no. for LILO of one circuit of 400 kV Rajgarh – Khandwa D/C). • NTPC will provide 400 kV, 1 X 125 MVAr bus reactor along with 400 kV reactor bay at Khargone TPP. This is for kind information of the members. 12 Transmission system for Rewa Ultra Mega Solar Ltd. (750MW) 12.1 12.2 In 38th Meeting of Standing Committee on Power System Planning in Western Region held on 17.07.2015, following transmission system for Rewa Ultra Mega Solar Ltd. (RUMS) was agreed in-principle by the members with the assumption that entire power would be evacuated through ISTS. a. LILO of Vindhyachal – Jabalpur 400kV 2nd D/c line (circuit-3&4) at Rewa Pooling Station – 59KM (2x27 = 54Km D/C portion + 5Km M/C portion) b. Establishment of 400/220kV, 3x500 MVA Pooling station at Rewa c. 1x125 MVAr bus reactor at Rewa Pooling Station d. 6 Nos. 220kV Line bays at Rewa Pooling station (for its interconnection with solar park) In the meeting it was noted that the implementation of above system shall be taken up only after receipt of LTA application from RUMS. Accordingly, RUMS has applied for LTA of 750MW in Aug’15 with target region as WR: 350MW, ER: 350MW & WR: 50MW. Further, RUMS vide its letter dated 02.11.2015 informed that the prospects of buyers in ER are not forthcoming. However, they are envisaging prospective buyers in Northern Region who could buy solar power of 250-350MW. Subsequently, RUMS Ltd. has re-applied for LTA with only WR and NR as target regions vide application dated 03.11.15. The revised target beneficiaries for RUMS Ltd. are: WR – 450MW and NR – 300MW. 12.3 This is for kind information of the members. 13 Connectivity System for M/s Jinbhuvish Power Generations Pvt. Ltd. (JPGPL) (600MW) 13.1 In 21st Meeting of WR constituents regarding Connectivity / Open Access Applications held on 17.07.2015, following connectivity system for JPGPL was agreed. Agenda notes - 39th SCMPSPWR 16 (i) JPGPL TPS Switchyard – Warora Pool 400kV D/c line (to be implemented through Tariff Base Competitive Bidding route) The generation developer informed that the commissioning schedule of generating units is Jan-2017 (1st unit) & March-2017 (2nd unit). Considering above connectivity arrangement, following provisions need to be kept at the generation switchyard which shall be under the scope of the M/s JPGPL. (i) Generation step up Voltage (ii) 400kV line bays (iii) 420kV bus reactor : 400kV, : 2 nos. : 1x125MVAR Members may note 14 Connectivity System for NTPC-SAIL Power Co. Ltd. (2x250MW, Phase III, Stage-II) 14.1 NTPC-SAIL Power Co (P) Ltd (NSPCL) had applied for connectivity of its 500MW generation project in Chhattisgarh as per the CERC regulation, 2009. The application was initially discussed in 16th meeting of WR Constituents regarding Connectivity / Open Access Applications held on 09.05.2012 wherein connectivity was proposed to be granted through Bus extension of existing 400kV NSPCL switchyard. In the meeting, it was decided to defer the grant of connectivity till next meeting in view of the very little progress with respect to fuel and environmental clearance made by the generation project. Applicant was requested to keep the status of the generating project informed so that their application may be processed accordingly. After that no updates were received from generation developer. 14.2 The application was again discussed in 21st meeting of WR Constituents regarding Connectivity / Open Access Applications held on 17.07.2015. NSPCL informed that they are anticipating the COD of generation unit by 2018. He also informed that most of the power would go to SAIL plant, hence only bus extension is sufficient for said connectivity. Accordingly, it was decided that intimation for grant of connectivity with bus extension of existing 400kV NSPCL switchyard to be issued. NSPCL to sign connectivity agreement within 30 days, otherwise the grant of connectivity shall be cancelled. Members may note. 15 Open Access Meeting. 15.1 The 22nd meeting of WR constituents regarding connectivity/ open access applications would be held after Standing Committee meeting. The agenda would be circulated by POWERGRID. 16 Any other item with the permission of the chair. Agenda notes - 39th SCMPSPWR 17 Status of TBCB Tr. Projects S. No. Name of the Project 1. Scheme for enabling import of NER/ER surplus by NR Estimated Cost 1700 cr 2. 3. System Strengthening in NR for import of power from North Karanpura and other projects outside NR and System Strengthening in WR for import of power from North Karanpura and other projects outside Western Region and also for projects within Western Region. Estimated Cost 2700 cr. Talcher-II Augmentation System Estimated Cost 1400 cr BPC / Implementing Agency / Milestones PFC Scope of works Annexure - I Current Status (i) Bongaigaon-Siliguri 400 kV Quad D/C Line Commissioned in 11/2014 (ii) Purnea-Biharsharif 400 kV D/C Quad D/C Line Commissioned in 9/2013 1. Sipat/Korba (Pooling) – Seoni 2. Lucknow-Bareilly 3. Bareilly-Meerut 4. Agra-Gurgaon 5. Gurgaon-Gurgaon (PG) 6. Gurgaon S/S Matter was in CERC for revision of tariff and extension of date of commissioning. NKTCL filed an appeal in appellate tribunal challenging CERC order of 9.5.2013. Appellate Tribunal has given final judgment on 2.12.13 setting aside CERC order and allowing the appeal. NKTCL is initiating steps for implementing of order. The judgment of Appellate Tribunal accepts delay in clearance under section-164 as force majeure. According NKTCL have requested MoP to extend the validity of section 68 clearance vide their letter dtd 14.1.2014 Beneficiaries have appealed SC. ENICL(Sterlite Technologies Ltd) Milestones : (i) LOI place on 7.1.2010, (ii) SPV acquired on 31.3.2010 (iii) Trans. license received on 4.11.2010 (iv) Approval u/s 164 received on 21.6.2011, (v) Tariff adoption on 2.11.2010 Original March 2013 REC COD: NKTCL (Reliance Power Transmission Company Ltd) Milestones : (i) SPV acquired by Reliance on 2005-2010 (Effective date) (ii) Approval u/s 164 received on 12.08.2013. REC TTCL (Reliance Power Transmission Company Ltd.) Milestones : (i) LOI issued on 18-12-2009. (i)Talcher II- Rourkela 400 kV D/C Quad line (ii)Talcher II – Behrampur 400 kV D/C line (iii)Behrampur-Gazuwaka 400 kV D/C line Work Yet to start. Matter was in CERC for revision of tariff and extension of date of commissioning. TTCL filed an appeal in appellate tribunal challenging CERC order of 9.5.2013. Appellate Tribunal has given final judgment on 2.12.13 setting aside CERC order and S. No. Name of the Project BPC / Implementing Agency / Milestones (ii) SPV acquired by Reliance on 2704-2010 (Effective date). Scope of works (iv)400/220 kV, 2x315 MVA Behrampur substation Current Status allowing the appeal. TTCL is initiating steps for implementing of order. The judgment of Appellate Tribunal accepts delay in clearance under section-164 as force majeure. According TTCL have requested MoP to extend the validity of section 68 clearance vide their letter dtd 14.1.2014. Beneficiaries have appealed SC. Work yet to start. 4. 5. Transmission System Associated with Krishnapattnam UMPP- Synchronous interconnection between SR and WR (Part-B) Estimated Cost 440 cr System strengthening common for WR and NR Estimated Cost 1720 cr REC (i) Raichur-Sholapur 765 kV S/C line-1-208 ckm Commissioned on 30.6.2014 RSTCL(Consortium of Patel-SimplexBSTranscomm) Milestones: (i) LOI placed on 16.12.2010 (ii) SPV acquired on 7.1.2011 Trans. license received on 24.8.2011 (iii) Approval u/s 164 received on 29.8.2011. (iv) Tariff adoption on 12.8.2011 (v) Original COD : Jan 2014 PFC JTCL(Sterlite Grid) Milestones: (i) LOI placed on 31.01.2011 (ii) Special Purpose Vehicle acquired on 31.03.2011 (iii) Scheduled Completion Date is 31.03.2014. (iv) Transmission License granted on 12.10.2011. (v) Tariff adoption approval on 28.10.2011 (vi) Clearance under Section 164 : received on 12.07.13 (i) DhramjaygarhJabalpur 765 kV D/C 765 kV lines Length-760ckm, Locations-985, Foundation-794, Tower Erection-762, Stringing completed-416ckm, Progress affected due to pending forest Clearance(284 Ha in MP and 114Ha in Chhattisgarh) and Severe row problem. JTCL informed, stage-II clearance has been issued in MP and is pending in Chhattisgarh. Line expected to commissioned by 09/15 be S. No. Name of the Project BPC / Implementing Agency / Milestones 6. System strengthening for WR Estimated Cost 2900 cr PFC Scope of works (ii) Jabalpur-Bina 765 kV S/C line BDTCL(Sterlite Grid) Milestones: (i) LOI placed on 19.1.2011 (ii) SPV acquired on 31.3.2011 (iii) Trans. license received on 12.10.2011 (iv) Approval u/s 164 received on29.01.2013 (v) Tariff adoption on28.10.2011 Original COD : Mar2014 Current Status Length-237ckm, Locations-610, Foundation-577, Tower Erection-577, Stringing completed-218ckm, Progress affected due to pending forest Clearance (140Ha in MP) and Severe row problem. JTCL informed that Stage-II clearance has been issued in MP in March-2015 Line expected to be commissioned by 06/15 (i) Jabalpur-Bhopal 765 kV S/C line Length-260ckm, Locations-664, Foundation-644, Tower Erection-633, Stringing completed-234ckm, Progress affected due to pending forest Clearance (112Ha in MP) and Severe row problem. Stage-II Clearance is pending in MP 7. Transmission system associated with IPPs of Nagapattinam/ Cuddalore AreaPackage A Estimated Cost 1025 cr PFC (ii) Bhopal-Indore 765 kV S/C line Line expected to be commissioned by 06/15 Line commissioned in 10/14 PGCIL Milestones: (i) SPV acquired on 29/03/2012 (ii) Tr. License issued on 15.7.2013 (iii) Tariff adoption by CERC on 9.5.2013. (iii) Clearance U/s 164 received on 9.12.2013. (iv) Scheduled COD 29.3.2015 (iii) 2x1500 MVA 765/400 kV substation at Bhopal (iv) Bhopal-Bhopal (MPPTCL) 400 kV D/c quad line. (v) Aurangabad-Dhule 765 kV S/C line Commissioned in 7/2014 Commissioned in 7/2014 Line commissioned in 10/14 S. No. Name of the Project BPC / Implementing Agency / Milestones (30months effective from 20.6.13, date of grant of license) Scope of works (vi) Dhule-Vadodara 765 kV S/C line (vii) 2x1500 MVA, 765/400 kV substation at Dhule Work awarded on 16.5.2014 to M/s Gammon and M/s IComm (viii) Dhule Dhule(Msetcl)400 kV D/C Line (i) Nagapattinam Pooling Station-Salem 765 kV D/C line - 200ckm 8. Transmission System associated with IPPs of Vemagiri AreaPackage A PGCIL Milestones: SPV acquired 18/04/2012 9. ( ii) Salem-Madhugiri 765 kV S/C line –217km REC on Transmission System required for evacuation of power from Kudgi TPS (3x800 MW in PhaseI) of NTPC Limited. REC Estimated Cost 1240 cr Milestones: (i) LOI placed on31/07/13 (ii) SPV acquired on 30.8.2013 (iii) PG submitted on 22.8.2013 (iv) Tr. License application filed in CERC on2.9.2013 and application for tariff adoption filed on 2.9.2013. Tr. License issued on 7.1.2014 and tariff adoption by CERC on 8.1.2014. KudgiTCL (M/s L&T Infrastructure Development Projects Limited) (i) Vemagiri Pooling Station–Khammam 765 kV 1xD/C (1stckt.) line. (ii) Khamam-Hyderabad 765 kV 1xD/C (1stckt.) line. (i)Kudgi TPS – Narendra 400 kV 2xD/C line (I&II) Current Status Line ready for commissioning on 02/15 CEA Inspection completed and s/s is ready for energisation since 28.2.14. Line ready for commissioning since 9/2014 (400 kV bays by MSETCL at Dhule s/s is under construction and schedule for completion by Mar 2015) Length-400ckm, Locations-543, Foundation-401, Tower Erection-197, Stringing completed-36ckm Length-217ckm, Locations-619, Foundation-225, Tower Erection-55, Stringing completed-Nil Put on hold as commissioning of the associated generating station is delayed due to nonavailability of gas. The scheme is under consideration of CERC for the decision of its implementation. Length-36ckm, Locations-46, Foundation-9, Tower Erection-5, Stringing completed-0ckm, Scheduled completion : 28.02.2015(18month) S. No. Name of the Project BPC / Implementing Agency / Milestones (v) Clearance U/s 164 – issued 24.4.2014 (vi) Awarded EPC contract 7.1.2014 (vii) Detailed contract signed on 24.2.2014 (viii) Financial closure on 24.2.2014 10. Transmission for strengthening for import of from ER REC system system in SR power Estimated Cost 1180 cr Scope of works (ii)Narendra (New) – Madhugiri 765 kV D/C line Vizag Transmission Limited Milestones: (i) LOI placed on 31.07.13 (ii) Special Purpose Vehicle acquired on 30.8.2013 (iii) Tr. License issued on 8/1/2014 and tariff adoption by CERC on 23/1/2014 (iv) Clearance U/s 164 – received on 21.05.2014 (v) Schedule COD 30.8.2016 (iii)Madhugiri – Bidadi 400 kVD/C Line (i) Srikakulam PP – Vemagiri-II Pooling Station 765 kV D/c line334km Current Status Length-758ckm, Locations-870, Foundation-789, Tower Erection-720, Stringing completed-384ckm, Scheduled completion : 31.12.2015 (28 months) Length-186ckm, Locations-256, Foundation-221, Tower Erection-189, Stringing completed-36ckm, Scheduled completion : 31.12.2015(28 months) Length- 668ckm, Locations-877, Foundation-691, Tower Erection-372, Stringing completed-40ckm Work awarded on 28.2.2014 to Tata Proj. Icomm, L&T and M/s Gammon 11 Transmission System for Patran 400kV S/S Estimated Cost 200 cr PFC PTCL (Techno Electric and Engineering Company Ltd.) Milestones: (i) LOI placed on (ii) Khammam(existin g) – Nagarjuna Sagar 400 kV D/c line-145km Length- 290ckm, Locations-388, Foundation-340, Tower Erection-273, Stringing completed-108ckm, S. No. 12 Name of the Project Eastern Region System Strengthening Scheme-VI Estimated Cost 540 cr BPC / Implementing Agency / Milestones 17.09.2013 (ii) SPVacquired on 13.11.2013 (iii) Application for adoption of tariff filed in CERC. Hearing on 18.03.2014. (iv) Application for grant of License filed in CERC. Hearing on 18.03.2014 (v) Clearance under Section 164 : Request not received in MoP Scheduled COD: 13.05.2016. Current Status Work yet to award Work yet to award DMTCL (Essel Infraprojects Ltd.) Scheduled 01.07.2016. Part ATS for RAPP U-7&8 in Rajasthan Estimated Cost 310 cr LILO of both circuits of Patiala-Kaithal 400kV D/c at Patran (Triple snow Bird Conductor) (i) 2x500 MVA, 400/220 kV Substation at Patran PFC Milestones: (i) LOI placed on 17.10.2013 Special Purpose Vehicle acquired on 10.12.2013 (ii) Tariff adoption approval issued by CERC on 20.5.2014 Transmission license received on 30.5.2014 (iii) Clearance u/s 164: received in 4/9/2014. 13 Scope of works (ii) 2x500 MVA, 400/220 kV GIS Substation at Darbhanga with space for future extension (1x500 MVA) Land 100% Civil work 15% Equip Supply 0% Equip. Erection 0% (i) 2x200 MVA, 400/132 kV GIS Substation at Mothihari with space for future extension (1x200 MVA) (ii) Muzaffarpur(PG)Darbhanga 400 kV D/c line with triple snowbird conductor Land 100% Civil work 7% Equip Supply 0% Equip. Erection 0% COD: PFC RAPPTCL(Sterlite Grid Ltd) Milestones: (i) LOI placed on 17/09/13 (ii) Special Purpose Vehicle acquired on Loc 173 Fdn 128 TE 106 STG 15/64 KM S. No. 14 15 Name of the Project ATS of Unchahar TPS Estimated Cost 70 cr Eastern Region System Strengthening Scheme-VII Estimated Cost 370 cr BPC / Implementing Agency / Milestones 12/03/2014 (iii) Scheduled COD: 28.02.2016. Clearance under Section 164 : Request not received in MoP REC UnchaharTCL(PGCIL ) Milestones: (i) LOI placed on 14/02/14. (ii) SPV acquired on 24/03/2014. (iii) Transmission license granted (iv) Tariff charged adopted by CERC and approval recd on 3.7.2014 (v) Clearance under Section 164 : Newspaper/Gazette publication completed, Application submitted to CEA/MoP is under process. PFC PKTCL(Sterlite Grid Ltd.) Milestones: (i) LOI placed on 17.09.2013 (ii) Special Purpose Vehicle acquired on 09.12.2013 (iii) Application for adoption of tariff filed in CERC. Hearing on 27.02.2014. (iv) Application for Scope of works (iii) LILO of Barh – Gorakhpur 400 kV D/c line at Mothihari, 400kV 2xD/C quad (iv) RAPP - Shujalpur 400kV D/C line (i) Unchahar Fatehpur400 kV D/C line (ii) Purulia PSP(WB) – Ranchi (PG) 400 kV D/C line (iii) Chaibasa – Kharagpur 400 kV D/C line Current Status Loc 209 Fdn 109 TE 32 STG 0/76 KM Engg work started and EPC Contract awarded. work expected to start by 11/2014. Forest proposal (30 ha) has been initiated. Loc 521 Fdn 401 TE 482 Stg 227/310 ckm Scheduled 23/09/2016 (1)Loc: 370 Fnd:302 Erec:35 Stg: 0/35 (ii) Loc: 421 Fnd:318 Erec:279 Stg:38 cKM completion : S. No. Name of the Project 16 NR System strengthening Scheme-NRSSXXXI(Part-A) Estimated Cost 225 cr 17. Northern Region System Strengthening Scheme, NRSSXXXI (Part-B) Estimated Cost 565 cr BPC / Implementing Agency / Milestones grant of License filed in CERC. Hearing on 27.02.2014. (v) Clearance under Section 164 : Request not received in MoP (vi) Scheduled COD: 09.03.16. REC PGCIL Milestones: (i) LOI placed on 26/02/14. (ii) Special Purpose Vehicle acquired on 12/05/2014. (iii) Transmission license granted (iv) Tariff charges adopted CERC (v) Clearance under Section 164: is under process will be applied after finalisation of land for s/s which shall be finalised by Dec 2014. REC M/s Essel Infraprojects Ltd Milestones: (i) LOI placed on 26/02/14. (ii) SPV acquired on 12/05/2014. (iii) Transmission license application filed in CERC on 13/05/14. (iv) Tariff adoption by CERC: under process in CERC for adoption. (v) Clearance under Section 164 : submitted in MoP in 9/2014 (vi) Scheduled Scope of works Current Status (i) 7x105 MVA (1 phase), 400/220 kV GIS at Kala amb S/s package awarded to siemens on Aug 2014 (ii) LILO of both ckt of Karcham WangtooAbdullapur 400 kV D/c line at Kala Amb(on M/C tower) Scheduled 12/07/2017 COD (iii) 40% series compensation on 400 kV Karcham Wangtoo – Kala Amb D/C line at Kala Amb end (i) KurukshetraMalerkotla 400 kV D/C line 1 Loc 375 Fdn 216 TE 100 Stg 2/139 km (ii) Malerkotla-Amritsar 400 kV D/C line 2 loc 412 Fdn 198 TE 108 Stg 0/149 km : S. No. Name of the Project 18. Northern Regional System Strengthening Scheme, NRSSXXIX Estimated Cost 2621 cr 19. 20. Transmission System associated with DGEN TPS (1200 MW) of Torrent Power Ltd. 275 cr Transmission System associated with Gadarwara STPS (2x800 MW) of NTPC (Part-A) Estimated Cost 2525 cr 21. Transmission System associated with Gadarwara STPS (2x800 MW) of NTPC (Part-B). Estimated Cost 2360 cr BPC / Implementing Agency / Milestones completion : 12/09/2016 REC Sterlite Technologies Ltd. Milestones: The LoI has been issued on 23.05.2014. PFC M/s Instalaciones Inabensa, S.A. Spain Milestones: (i) LoI issued on 19.05.2014 (ii) Approval under section 68 on 30.01.2014. REC PGCIL Milestones: (i) Date of issuance of RFQ :15.08.2014 (ii) Date of RFP:14.11.201 4 (iii) Date of signing of TSA: 09.02.2015 REC PGCIL Milestones: (i) Date of issuance of RFQ :07.08.2014 (ii) Date of RFP:14.11.2014 (iii) Date of signing of TSA: 09.02.2015 Scope of works (i) Jullandhar – Samba 400 kV D/C line (ii) Samba – Amargarh 400 kV D/C line (iii) GIS Sub- station at Amargarh 400/220 kV S/s. (iv) LILO of both circuit of Uri – Wagoora Line 400 kV D/C line. (i) DGEN TPS – Vadodara 400 kV D/C, Twin Moose line. (ii) Navsari – Bhestan 220 kV D/C line (i) Gadarwara STPSJabalpu Pool 765 D/C line (ii) Gadarwara STPSWarora P.S. (New) 765 D/C line (iii) LILO of both Ckts. Of Wardha-Parli 400 kV D/C at Warora P.S. (2xD/C). (iv) Warora 765/400 kV P.S. (2x1500 MVA). (i) Warora P.S.-Parli (New) 765 kV D/C line (ii) Parli(New)-Solapur 765 D/c line (iii) Parli (New)-Parli (PG) 400 kV D/C (Quad) line (iv) 765/400 kV Parli (New) Sub-station (2x1500 MVA). Current Status (v) Approval for transfer of SPV to selected bidder is pending with MoP (vi) Scheduled completion : 05/08/18 S. No. Name of the Project 22. Transmission System Strengthening associated with Vindhyachal- V Estimated Cost 1050 cr 23 ATS for Tanda Expansion TPS (2X660 MW) Estimated Cost as provided by Empowered Committee: Rs. 345 crore Rs. 336 crore (as per cost Committee) 25 System strengthening for IPPs in Chhattisgarh and other generation projects in Western Region Estimated Cost as provided by Empowered Committee: Rs. 823 crore Rs. 1285 crore (as per cost Committee) BPC / Implementing Agency / Milestones REC PGCIL Milestones: (i) Date of issuance of RFQ :20.08.2014 (ii) Date of RFP:22.10.14 (iii) SPV has been acquired by the successful bidder on 26.02.2015 (iv) Date of filing of petition for adaptation of tariff and grant of license: 26.02.2015 PFCCL Milestones: (i) MoP vide letter dated 05.06.2013 & Gazette Notification dated 20.05.13 appointed PFCCL as BPC. (ii) SPV incorporated on 09.09.2013 (iii) LoI issued to the successful bidder M/s. Essel Infraprojects Limited on 09.10.2015 PFCCL Milestones: (i) MoP vide letter dated 15.01.2014 trans dated 15-072014 & Gazette Notification dated 09.07.14 appointed PFCCL as BPC. (ii) SPV incorporated on 24.12.2014 (iii) RFQ notice published on 29.12.2015. Scope of works (i) Vindhyachal P. SJabalpur P. S. 765 kV D/C line. Current Status Completion Target: June,2018 (1) Tanda TPS –Sohawal 400 kV D/C Line 400 kV D/c. length 80 km Under Bidding Process (i) Gwalior 765/400 kV – Morena 400 kV D/C line 400 kV D/C Length- 50 km (ii) Establishment of substation at Morena 400/ 220 kV 2X315 MVA (iii) Vindhyachal-IV & V STPP – Vindhyachal Pool 400 kV D/C (Quad) 2nd line 400 kV D/C Length-15 km (iv) Sasan UMPP – The process for Transfer of SPV is under progress. S. No. 26 27 Name of the Project Additional System Strengthening for Sipat STPS BPC / Implementing Agency / Milestones (iv) LoI issued to the successful bidder Adani Power Ltd on 28.07.2015. PFCCL Milestones: (i) MoP vide letter dated 15.01.2014 trans dated 15-07Estimated Cost as 2014 & Gazette provided by Notification dated Empowered 09.07.14 appointed Committee: PFCCL as BPC. Rs. 867 crore (ii) SPV incorporated Rs. 1097 crore (as per on 23.12.2014 cost Committee) (iii) RFQ issued on 01.01.2015. (iv) LoI issued to the successful bidder Adani Power Ltd on 28.07.2015 Additional System PFCCL Strengthening Scheme for Milestones: Chhattisgarh IPPs – (i) MoP vide letter dated 15.01.2014 Part B trans dated 15-072014 & Gazette Estimated Cost as Notification dated provided by 09.07.14 appointed Empowered PFCCL as BPC. Committee: (ii) SPV incorporated Rs. 1930 crore on 23.12.2014 Rs. 2260 crore (as per (iii) RFQ notice cost Committee) published on 01.01.2015. (iv) LoI issued to the successful bidder Adani Power Ltd on 28.07.2015 Scope of works Vindhyachal Pooling station 765 kV S/C line 765 kV S/C Length-8 km (v) LILO of one circuit of Aurangabad – Padghe 765 kV D/C line at Pune 765 kV D/C Length-50 km (i) Sipat – Bilaspur Pooling Station765 kV S/C line 765 kV S/C Length25 km (ii) Bilaspur Pooling Station - Rajnandgaon 765 kV D/C line 765 kV D/C Length-180 km (i) Raipur (Pool) – Rajnandgaon 765 kV D/C line 765 KV D/C Length-60 KM (ii) Rajnandgaon – New Pooling station near Warora 765 kV D/C line 765 KV D/C Length- 270 KM (iii) Establishment of new substation near Rajnandgaon 765/400kV 2x1500 MVA Current Status The process for Transfer of SPV is under progress. The process for Transfer of SPV is under progress. S. No. Name of the Project 28 Additional interRegional AC link for import into Southern Region i.e. Warora – Warangal and Chilakaluripeta Hyderabad - Kurnool 765kV link Estimated Cost as provided by Empowered Committee: Rs. 7760 crore 29 BPC / Implementing Agency / Milestones PFCCL Milestones: (i) MoP vide Gazette Notification dated 06.02.15 appointed PFCCL as BPC. (ii) SPV incorporated on 0.04.20155RFQ notice published on 23.04.2015. (iii) RfQ responses received and opened on 22.05.2015. RfQ evaluation completed. (iv) The revised RfQ has been re-issued on 11.09.2015 with submission of response due on 12.10.2015. (v) 5 nos. RfQ responses received on schedule date i.e 12.10.2015 and opened on the same day. The RfQ evaluation is under progress. Common Transmission System PFCCL for Phase-II Milestones: Generation Projects (i) MoP vide Gazette Notification dated in Odisha and 06.02.15 appointed Immediate PFCCL as BPC. Evacuation System for OPGC (1320 (ii) SPV incorporated on 17.04.2015 MW) Project in (iii) RFQ notice Odisha published on 23.04.2015. Estimated Cost as Scope of works (i) Establishment of 765/400kV substations at Warangal (New) with 2x1500 MVA transformers and 2x240 MVAR bus reactors. 765/400kV (ii) Warora Pool – Warangal (New) 765kV D/c line with 240 MVAR switchable line reactor at both ends. 765 KV D/C Length- 350 KM (iii) Warangal (New) – Hyderabad 765 kV D/c line with 330 MVAR switchable line reactor at Warangal end. 756 KV D/C Length- 160 KM (iv) Warangal (New) – Warangal (existing) 400 kV (quad) D/c line. 400KV D/C Length10 KM (v) Hyderabad – Kurnool 765 kV D/c line with 240 MVAR switchable line reactor at Kurnool end. 765 KV D/C Length- 170 KM (vi) Warangal (New) – Chilakaluripeta 765kV D/c line with 240 MVAR switchable line reactor at both ends.765 KV D/C Length-250 (vii) Cuddapah – Hoodi 400kV (quad) D/c line with 63 MVAR switchable line reactor at both ends. 400 KV D/C Length-200 (i) OPGC (IB TPS) – Jharsuguda (Sundargarh) 400kV D/C line with Triple Snowbird Conductor 400 kV D/C Length- 50 KM (ii) Jharsuguda (Sundargarh)– Raipur Pool 765 kV D/C line 765 KV D/C Length- 350 KM Current Status Under Bidding process Under Bidding process S. No. 30 32 Name of the Project BPC / Implementing Agency / Milestones provided by Empowered Committee: Rs. 2748 crore Creation of new 400kV GIS PFCCL Substations in Milestones: (i) MoP vide Gazette Gurgaon and Palwal Notification dated area as a part of ISTS: 22.07.15 appointed Rs 1759 crore PFCCL as BPC. (ii) The agenda for approval of the incorporation of SPV has been approved by the PFC board on 23.09.2015. (iii) The RfQ is issued from 15.10.2015 with the last date of submission of response 16.11.2015. Strengthening of transmission system beyond Vemagiri REC TPCL Milestones: 1Date of Notification 09.02.2015 2 Date of RFQ 12.04.2015 3 Date of RFP 10.07.2015 4 Date of announcement of successful bidder 21.10.2015 5 Date of issue of LoI Scope of works (i) Aligarh–Prithala 400kV D/C HTLS line (ii) Prithala–Kadarpur 400kV D/C HTLS line (iii) Kadarpur–Sohna Road 400kV D/C HTLS line (iv) LILO of Gurgoan– Manesar D/C line at Sohna Road (v) Neemrana (PG)– Dhonanda (HVPNL) 400kV D/C HTLS line (vi) Creation of 400/220kV, 2X500 MVA GIS substation at Kadarpur in Gurgaon area. (vii) Creation of 400/220 kV, 2X500 MVA GIS substation at Sohna Road in Gurgaon area. (viii) Creation of 400/220 kV, 2X500 MVA GIS substation at PrithalainPalwal area (ix) To cater to the future load growth of the area, space provision for capacity augmentation by 2X500 MVA transformations at all these substations may be kept. (x) 2Nos.of bays at 400kV Dhonanda (HVPNL) S/s Current Status Under Bidding process Under Bidding process S. No. Name of the Project 33 Transmission System Strengthening in Indian System for transfer of power from new HEPs in Bhutan 34 35 Transmission System for NER System Strengthening Scheme-II System Strengthening Scheme in Northern Region (NRSSXXXVI) along with LILO of SikarNeemrana 400 kV D/c line at Babai (RRVPNL) BPC / Implementing Agency / Milestones 29.10.2015 6 Date of acceptance of offer 02.11.2015 REC TPCL Scope of works Under Bidding process Milestones: 1 Date of Notification 09.02.2015 2 Date of RFQ 16.04.2015 3 Date of RFP 08.07.2015 4 Date of announcement of successful bidder 21.10.2015 5 Date of issue of LoI 29.10.2015 6 Date of acceptance of offer 03.11.2015 REC TPCL Milestones: 1 Date of Notification 09.02.2015 2 Date of RFQ 23.04.2015 3 Response to RFQ opened on 25.05.2015 REC TPCL Milestones: 1 Date of Notification 24.07.2015 2 Date of RFQ 25.08.2015 Current Status Under Bidding process LILO of Sikar- Neemrana 400 kV D/c line at Babai (RRVPNL) Under Bidding process Annexure ‐ 2 S. No. 1 STATUS OF TRANSMISSION SCHEMES UNDER IMPLEMENTATION BY POWERGRID IN WESTERN REGION Date of firming Estimated Date of up in WR Target date as of Description of Scheme Cost (Rs. investment Remarks standing now Cr) approval committee July’06 Western Region System Strengthening Scheme ‐ II 5222 20th (23.01.04) Set‐A: For absorbing import in eastern and central part 1700 Commissioned of WR Grid (POWERGRID) Set‐B: For regional strengthening in Southern 1050 Commissioned Maharashtra (100 % private) Set‐C: For regional strengthening in Gujarat (100 % 600 ‐‐‐ Implementation by Reliance private) a) Rajgarh – Karamsad 400kV D/c ‐‐‐ b) Limdi(Chorania) – Ranchodpura 400kV D/c commissioned c) Ranchodpura – Zerda(Kansari) 400kV D/c Set‐D: For regional Strengthening in Northern Madhya Pradesh (POWERGRID) commissioned Western Region System Strengthening ‐V 2 1050 722 commissioned 25th (30.09.06) Dec’07 Under implementation a) 400 kV Vapi‐ Kala ‐ Kudus D/c Jun'16 b) LILO of 400 kV Lonikhand ‐ Kalwa line at Navi Mumbai Dec'15 Substation is ready and shall be commissioned matching with line Commissioned c) Establishment of 400/220 kV, 2 x 315 MVA new S/s (GIS) at Navi Mumbai d) 220 kV Vapi‐ Khadoli D/c. Tr. System of Mundra Ultra Mega Power Project (4000 MW) a) Mundra – Bachchau ‐Ranchodpura 400 kV (Triple) D/c b) Mundra – Jetpur 400 kV (Triple) D/c 4824 26th (23.02.07) Oct’08 Under implementation Commissioned Commissioned c) Mundra – Limbdi 400 kV (Triple) D/c Commissioned d) Gandhar‐Navsari 400 kV D/c Commissioned e) Navsari ‐ Boisar 400 kV D/c Mar'16 3 f) LILO of both circuits of Kawas‐Navsari 220 kV D/c at Navsari (PG) Severe ROW & Forest issue. Forest Clearance awaited. Commissioned g) Wardha‐Aurangabad 400 kV(Quad) D/c (with provision to upgrade at 1200 kV at later date) g) Aurangabad (PG) ‐Aurangabad I (Waluj) 400 kV(Quad) Substations a) 40% Fixed Series Compensation each on Wardha ‐ Aurangabad 400 kV D/c at Wardha end b) Establishment of new 400/220 kV, 2x315 MVA substation at Navsari & Bachchau c) Establishment of new 765/400 kV, 3x1500 MVA, substation at Wardha for charging of Seoni ‐ Wardha 2xS/c lines at 765 kV level Transmission system associated with Krishnapatnam (5x800 MW) (WR Portion)‐ now delinked from Krishnapatnam UMPP a) Raichur – Solapur (PG) 765 kV S/c Vapi‐Kala portion commissioned in Mar'14. Kudus S/s being implemente by MSETCL. Cable work in progress. Critical ROW issues Dec'16 Both Contracts terminated due to unsatisfactory performance. Tender awarded for 1 package and fresh tender being taken up for the other package. Commissioned Jun'16 Commissioning matching with the line Commissioned Commissioned 1928 27th (30.07.07) Under implementation Commissioned S. No. 4 STATUS OF TRANSMISSION SCHEMES UNDER IMPLEMENTATION BY POWERGRID IN WESTERN REGION Date of firming Estimated Date of up in WR Target date as of Description of Scheme Cost (Rs. investment Remarks standing now Cr) approval committee b) Solapur(PG) – Pune 765 kV S/c Commissioned c) LILO of 400kV Aurangabad I (Waluj) ‐ Pune (PG) D/c & Parli (PG) ‐ Pune (PG) D/c lines at Pune(GIS) Nov'15 d) Establishment of new 765/400 kV substations at Pune (GIS) with 2x1500 MVA transformation capacity Commissioned Associated transmission system of VSTPP‐IV and Rihand‐III 5 7 29th (10.09.09) Mar’10 Ready for commissioning b) Vindhyachal IV ‐ Vindhyachal Pool 400kV D/c(Quad) Commissioned c) Vindhyachal Pool ‐ Satna 765 kV 2xS/c Commissioned d) Satna ‐Gwalior 765 kV 2xS/c Commissioned e) Gwalior – Jaipur(South) 765 kV S/c Commissioned f) Vindhyachal Pool‐Sasan 765 kV S/c Commissioned Commissioned 63.32 30th (08.07.10) Oct'13 b) Augmentation of 400/220kV ICT by 1x500MVA transformer (3rd) at Solapur (PG) Solapur STPP (2x660MW) transmission system (Part‐ A) Transmission system for evacuation of Kakrapar Atomic Power Project unit 3 &4 (2x700 MW) a) Kakrapar NPP – Navsari 400kV D/c – 38 km 50.52 36th (29.08.13) Mar'15 Award placed in May'15 Mar'17 378.71 31st (27.12.10) Feb'14 Under Implementation Oct'16 Oct'16 1575.3 32nd (13.05.11) Sep'13 Under Implementation May'16 b) Betul– Khandwa 400KV D/c (Quad)‐180 km May'16 May'16 May'16 33rd (21.10.11) ‐ 29th (10.09.09) May'11 Sep'16 ICT commissioned in Mar'15. Balance work under progress. Under Implementation a) Champa Pooling Station ‐ Raipur Pooling Station 765kV D/c One ckt commissioned b) Raigarh Pooling Staiton (near Kotra) ‐ Raigarh pooling (near Tamnar) 765kV D/c Commissioned c) Champa Pooling Station ‐ Dharamjaygarh Pooling Station 765kv S/c Commissioned by‐ passing Champa Pool d)Raigarh Pooling Staiton (near Kotra) ‐ Champa pooling 765kV S/c e) Establishment of 765/400kV 6x1500MVA Champa Pooling Station Line completed in Apr'15 Commissioned c) Khandwa – Indore(PG) 400kV D/c ‐215 km d) Establishment of 400/220kV 2x315MVA substation at Betul Provision of 1x315MVA ICT & Spare Converter Trf for 10 reliable auxlliary power supply at HVDC back to back 143 station at Bhadravati Establishment of Pooling Station at Champa and Raigarh (Near Tamnar) for IPP Generation Projects in 2066.85 Chhattisagrh 11 Under implementation Ready for commissioning a) Solapur STPP – Solapur (PG) 400kV D/c (Quad) b) Kakrapar NPP – Vapi 400kV D/c ‐ 104 km Transmission System associated with Mauda Stage‐II (2x660 MW) a) Mauda II – Betul 400KV D/c (Quad)‐210 km 9 One ckt charged at 400kV on 26.06.14 by‐passing Vindhyachal PS. Commissioned MVA a) Solapur STPP – Solapur (PG) 400kV 2nd D/c (Quad) 8 Under implementation a) Rihand III‐ Vindhyachal Pool 765 kV D/c (initially to be op. at 400kV) g) Vindhyachal Pool‐Sasan 400 kV D/c h) Establishment of 765/400kV, 2x1500 substation at Vindhyachal Pool Solapur STPP(2x660MW) transmission system 6 4673 LILO of Parli (PG)‐Pune (PG) at Pune (GIS) commissioned Other ckt terminated at D'jaygarh bypassing Champa Commissioned Jun'16 ICTs to be commissioned with C‐K HVDC Link STATUS OF TRANSMISSION SCHEMES UNDER IMPLEMENTATION BY POWERGRID IN WESTERN REGION Date of firming Estimated Date of S. up in WR Target date as of Description of Scheme Cost (Rs. investment Remarks No. standing now Cr) approval committee f)Establishment of 765/400kV 3x1500MVA Raigarh Commissioned Pooling Station (near Tamnar) Transmission system strengthening in Western Part of 2127.51 29th (10.09.09) Nov'11 Under Implemetation WR for IPP generation proejcts in Chhattisgarh Stage‐I Forest Clearance a) Aurangabad(PG) – Boisar 400kV D/c (Quad) Jun'16 received in Aug'15 12 b) Wardha ‐ Aurangabad (PG) 765kV D/c Commissioned c) Establishement of 765/400kv 2x1500MVA Commissioned auraganbad (PG) S/s d) Augmentation of transformation capacity at Boisar Commissioned by 400/220kV, 1x500MVA System strengthening in North/West part of WR for 2073.26 29th (10.09.09) Dec'11 Under Implementation IPP Projects in Chhattisgarh Matching with Kudus S/s of Sep'16 a) Aurangabad (PG) – Padghe(PG) 765kV D/c MSETCL 13 b) Vadodara – Asoj 400kV D/c(Quad) Commisisoned Matching with Kudus S/s of c) Padghe – Kudus 400kV D/c (Quad) Sep'16 MSETCL System Strengthening in Raipur‐Wardha Corridor for 1422.85 29th (10.09.09) Jan'12 Under Implementation IPP projects in Chhattisgarh (DPR‐6) 14 Stage‐I Forest Clearance a) Raipur Pooling station ‐ Wardha 765kV 2nd D/c Jun'16 received in Jun'15 29th (10.09.09) WR‐NR HVDC interconnector for IPP Projects in 9569.76 Mar'12 Under Implementation Chhattisgarh /30th (08.07.10) a) A + 800kV, 3000Mw HVDC bipole between Champa Pooling Station‐Kurukshetra (NR) (provision to upgrade to 6000MW at a latter date) b) Kurukshetra(NR) ‐ Jallandhar 400kV D/c(Quad) one ckt. via 400/220kV Nakodar 15 c) LILO of Abdullapur – Sonepat 400kV D/c(triple) at Kurukshetra d) Establishment of 3000MW 800KV HVDC bipole terminal each at Champa Pooling station and Kurukshetra(NR) respectively: to be upgraded to 6000MW. e) Establishment of 400/220kV 2x500 MVA S/s at Kurukshetra (GIS) 2x500MVA Inter‐regional system strengthening scheme for WR 16 and NR‐Part A a) Solapur ‐ Aurangabad 765kV D/c Jun'16 Completion matching with HVDC Champa Station. Dec'15 Dec'15 Jun'16 Dec'15 1315.9 Transmission System Associated with Lara STPS‐I 400.47 (2x800MW) a) Lara STPS‐I – Raigarh (Kotra) Pooling Station 400 kV 17 D/c line – 18km b) Lara STPS‐I – Champa Pooling Station 400 kV D/c (quad) line.‐112km Transmission System Strengthening in WR‐NR 5151.37 Transmission Corridor for IPPs in Chattisgarh a) Up‐gradation of + 800kV, 3000MW HVDC bipole 18 between Champa Pooling Station – Kurukshetra (NR) to 6000MW b) Kurukshetra (NR) – Jind 400kV D/c (Quad) Inter‐regional system strengthening scheme for WR 6517.36 and NR‐Part B (a) 765KV D/C Jabalpur Pooling Station ‐ Orai line 36th (29.08.13) Oct'13 Completed Commissioned th 17 LTA (03.01.13) Jun'14 Under Implementation Dec'15 Apr'17 35th (03.01.13) Jun'14 Tower erection commenced in Oct'15 Award under progress Mar'18 Mar'18 Dec'14 Award placed in Mar'15 Apr'18 (b) 765KV D/C Orai ‐ Aligarh line Apr'18 19 (c) 400KV D/C Orai ‐ Orai line (Q) Apr'18 S. No. STATUS OF TRANSMISSION SCHEMES UNDER IMPLEMENTATION BY POWERGRID IN WESTERN REGION Date of firming Estimated Date of up in WR Target date as of Description of Scheme Cost (Rs. investment Remarks standing now Cr) approval committee (d) LILO of one ckt of Satna‐Gwalior 765KV 2x S/C line Apr'18 at Orai (e) LILO of Agra ‐ Meerut 765KV S/C at Aligarh Apr'18 (f) LILO of Kanpur ‐ Jhatikara 765KV S/C at Aligarh Wardha ‐ Hyderabad 765kV Links (a) 765KV D/C Wardha ‐ Hyderabad line 20 (b) 400KV D/C Nizamabad ‐ Dichpali line Apr'18 3662.02 Jan'15 May'18 May'18 GREEN ENERGY CORRIDORS:‐ Inter State Transmission 3705.61 Scheme (ISTS) ‐ Part B 36 / 37th (29.08.13 /05.09.14) Apr'15 Award placed in July'15 Apr'18 (a) 765KV D/C Banaskanta ‐ Chittorgarh (New) line 21 Apr'18 (b) 765KV D/C Chittorgarh (New) ‐ Ajmer (New) line Apr'18 (c) 400KV D/C Banaskanta ‐ Sankhari line (d) Establishment of 765/400/220kV (765/400kV ‐ 2x1500 MVA & 400/220kV ‐ 2x500MVA) substation at Banaskanta Apr'18 GREEN ENERGY CORRIDORS:‐ Inter State Transmission 2247.37 Scheme (ISTS) ‐ Part C 22 (a) 765KV D/C Bhuj Pool ‐ Banaskanta line (d) Establishment of 765/400/220kV (765/400kV ‐ 2x1500 MVA & 400/220kV ‐ 2x500MVA) pooling station at Bhuj Transmission System Strengthening Associated with Vindhyachal V ‐ Part A 23 (a) 1x1500MVA, 765/400kV ICT at Vindhyachal Pooling Station Transmission System Strengthening Associated with Vindhyachal V ‐ Part B (a) 2 nos of 765kV Line bays alongwith 2x330MVAR Line 24 Reactor at Vindhyachal Pooling Station (a) 2 nos of 765kV Line bays alongwith 2x330MVAR Line Reactor at Jabalpur Pooling Station 36 / 37th (29.08.13 /05.09.14) July'15 Award under progress. July'18 July'18 34th (09.05.12) Feb'15 Award placed in Aug'15 July'17 Investment Approval pending 34th (09.05.12) Jun'18 Jun'18 STATCOMs in Western Region 25 Award placed in Mar'15 36th (29.08.13) Mar'15 (a) Aurangabad Sep'17 (b) Gwalior Sep'17 Award under progress (c) Solapur Sep'17 Award placed in Jun'15 (d) Satna Western Region System Strengthening Scheme XIV 93.96 37th (05.09.14) Award placed in Jun'15 Sep'17 Award placed in Jun'15 30 Months from date of investment approval 26 (a)2x500MVA, 400/220kV transformer alongwith six nos of 220kV bays at Indore (PG) 765/400kV Substation (b)1x500MVA, 400/220kV transformer alongwith two nos of 220kV bays at Itarsi (PG) 400/220kV S/s Powergrid works associated with Part‐A of Transmission system for Gadarwara STPS of NTPC 27 36/37th (29.08.13 / 05.09.14) Matching with TBCB Schedule 36/37th (29.08.13 / 05.09.14) Matching with TBCB Schedule (a) 2 nos. 765 kV line bays at 765/400kV Jabalpur Pooling Station of POWERGRID {for Gadarwara STPS (NTPC) ‐ Jabalpur PS 765 kV D/c} Powergrid works associated with Part‐B of Transmission system for Gadarwara STPS of NTPC i.e. WRSS XV STATUS OF TRANSMISSION SCHEMES UNDER IMPLEMENTATION BY POWERGRID IN WESTERN REGION Date of firming Estimated Date of S. up in WR Target date as of Description of Scheme Cost (Rs. investment Remarks No. standing now Cr) approval committee (a) 2 nos. 765 kV line bays at 765/400kV Solapur sub‐ 28 station of POWERGRID {for Parli New (TBCB) ‐ Solapur (PG) 765 kV D/c} (b) 2 nos 400kV line bays at existing 400kV Parli (PG) Switching Station of POWERGRID {for Parli New (TBCB) ‐ Parli (PG) 400kV D/c (quad)} Powergrid works associated with System 36th Matching with TBCB Strengthening for IPPs in Chhattisgarh and other (29.08.13) Schedule generation projects in Western Region (a) 1 no. 765 kV line bay at 765/400kV Vindhyachal Pooling Station of POWERGRID {for Sasan UMPP ‐ Vindhyachal PS (PG) 765 kV 2nd S/c} (b) 2 no. 400 kV line bays at 765/400kV Vindhyachal Pooling Station of POWERGRID {for Vindhaychal (IV/V) STPP switchyard (NTPC) ‐ Vindhyachal PS (PG) 400 kV 2nd D/c (quad)} (c) 2 no. 400 kV line bays at Gwalior Substation {for Gwalior ‐ Morena 400 kV D/c (quad)} (d) 2 nos. 765 kV line bays at 765/400kV Pune (GIS) sub‐ station of POWERGRID {for LILO of one circuit of 29 Aurangabad(PG) – Padghe(PG)765 kV D/c at Pune (GIS) (PG)} (e) 2 nos. 765 kV line bays at 765/400kV Champa Pooling Station of POWERGRID {1for Champa PS(PG) ‐ Raigarh (Kotra) PS(PG) 765 kV 2nd S/c, 1 for Champa PS(PG) – Dharamjaigarh(PG) 765 kV 2nd S/c} (f) 1 no. 765 kV line bay at 765/400kV Raigarh (Kotra) Pooling Station of POWERGRID {for Champa PS(PG) ‐ Raigarh (Kotra) PS(PG) 765 kV 2nd S/c} (g) 1 no. 765 kV line bay at 765/400kV Dharamjaigarh Pooling Station of POWERGRID {for Champa PS(PG) – Dharamjaigarh(PG)765 kV 2nd S/c} Powergrid works associated withAdditional System Strengthening Scheme Chhattisagrh IPPs Part‐B 30 36/37th (29.08.13 / 05.09.14) DPR under Preparation 36/37th (29.08.13 / 05.09.14) DPR under Preparation (a) 2 nos. 765 kV line bay at 765/400kV Raipur Pooling Station of POWERGRID {for Raipur PS(PG) – Rajnandgaon (TBCB) 765 kV D/c} Powergrid workds associated with Additional System Strengthening for Sipat STPS (a) 3 nos. 765 kV line bays at 765/400kV Bilaspur Pooling Station of POWERGRID (1 no. for Sipat 31 STPS(NTPC) ‐ Bilapur PS(PG) 3rd 765kV S/c, 2 nos. for Bilaspur PS(PG)‐Rajnandgaon(TBCB) 765 kV D/c) (b) 2 nos. 240 MVAR, 765 kV switchable line reactors at 765/400kV Bilaspur PS end for Bilaspur PS(PG) ‐ Rajnandgaon(TBCB) 765 kV D/c Transmission System Strengthening associated with 32 Mundra UMPP‐ Part A (a) LILO of both circuits of Mundra UMPP‐Limbdi 400kV D/c (triple snowbird) line at Bachau 266.19 36th(29.08.13) 30 months from date of investment approval STATUS OF TRANSMISSION SCHEMES UNDER IMPLEMENTATION BY POWERGRID IN WESTERN REGION Date of firming Estimated Date of S. up in WR Target date as of Description of Scheme Cost (Rs. investment Remarks No. standing now Cr) approval committee 36/38th Transmission System Strengthening associated with (29.08.13 33 Mundra UMPP‐ Part B DPR under Preparation /17.07.2015) (a) Mundra UMPP ‐ Bhuj Pool 400kV D/c line (triple snowbird) 13/14th LTA Bays for Transmission System Associated with DGEN (27.12.10 DPR under Preparation /13.05.2011) 34 Torrent Energy Ltd (1200MW) (a) 2nos 400kV Bays at Vadodara (GIS) (b) 2nos 220kV Bays at Navsari (GIS) Western Region System Strengthening ‐16 (a) Installation of 2x500MVA, 400/220kV ICTs with associated bays at Parli (PG) switching station along with provision of six nos. of 220 kV bays (b) Provision of two nos. of 220kV bays at Raipur (PG) S/s 35 (c) Provision of two nos. of 220kV bays at Mapusa (Colvale) 400/220 kV substation (d) Installation of 500MVA, 400/220kV (3rd) ICT with associated bays at Satna (PG) S/s with provision of two nos. 220kV line bays (e) Provision of two nos. of 400 kV bays at 765/400kV Indore(PG) substation 38th (17.07.15) DPR under preparation Annexure-III Report on MSETCL proposal of shifting of Aurangabad I (Waluj) – Pune (PG) 400kV D/C line from 400kV Aurangabad I (Waluj) to 765/400kV Aurangabad (PG) In the 38th SCM of WR held on 17.07.2015, MSETCL has proposed shifting of Aurangabad I (Waluj) – Pune (PG) 400kV D/C line from 400kV Aurangabad I (Waluj) to 765/400kV Aurangabad (PG) to remove the constraints for import of power in Maharashtra control area. The loading on the 2X1500 MVA 765/400 kV ICTs at Aurangabad (PG) substation and Aurangabad (PG) - Aurangabad I (Waluj) 400 kV inter connection was the limiting factor for import of power in Maharastra from ISTS. In the meeting, it was agreed that MSETCL proposal of shifting Aurangabad I (Waluj) – Pune (PG) 400kV D/C line from 400kV Aurangabad I (Waluj) to 765/400kV Aurangabad (PG) would be studied jointly by CEA, CTU, WRLDC and MSETCL. The peak demand met by Maharastra in August 2015 is 18447 MW. Accordingly, load flow studies was carried out by taking recent load flow file from WRLDC for a demand of 18,445 MW in Maharashtra. In the studies intrastate generation of Maharashtra of 11893.4 MW (Tirora – 2418MW, Koyna – 552.8, Jaigad – 1000MW, Amravati- 750 MW) and import of about 6500 MW from ISTS has been considered. Load generation balance for Maharashtra Area is given below: GENE- FROM IND TO IND TO TO BUS GNE BUS TO LINE FROM TO TO TIE TO TIES X-- AREA --X RATION GENERATN MOTORS LOAD SHUNT DEVICES SHUNT CHARGING LOSSES LINES + LOADS 3012 11893.4 MAHARASHTRA 119.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 17784.0 0.0 2598.7 -2104.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 4026.9 0.0 11560.1 671.1 -6561.6 -6631.5 7049.8 108.6 98.5 COLUMN TOTALS 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 17784.0 2598.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 4026.9 0.0 11560.1 671.1 -6561.6 -6631.5 7049.8 108.6 98.5 11893.4 119.0 0.0 -2104.9 The generation dispatch from Maharashtra intrastate generation projects is given below: Bus No. 331002 331006 331007 331013 331122 331156 331192 331202 331249 331252 331268 331283 331309 331314 331323 331326 332005 332011 332019 332020 Bus Name BHIPU1 BHIRA1 KHOPO1 BHUSA1 KHAPRALE BHANRDHR DAUND VAITRAN VIR-HYDR ELDARI BHATGHAR MUKHED VARASGN MANDRUP PANSHET UJANI-HY URAN KOYNA 3-2 KARAD KOYNA 1-2 MW 70.4 138 45.2 0 7 36 15 0 3 15 13 18 7 12 7 0 265 0 0 50 Bus No. 332097 332101 332105 332109 332120 332132 332136 332140 332154 332165 332171 332174 332175 332179 332182 332183 332185 332190 332198 332199 Bus Name BHIRA VITA PARAS JAMDE BHIGWAN PURTY GHATNDAR GHATGHAR NIGHDE PAWAS SUN-FLEG VALVE GANGAPUR INDORAM CHND-MDC MATRDEV FINOLEX KSK-WRDH VIDARBHA ABHI-NG MW 72.4 0 402.2 100.6 0 0 50.3 201.1 15.1 20.1 15.1 45.3 0 0 55.3 0 0 201.1 0 150.8 332022 332024 332027 332029 332031 332039 332040 332041 332042 332069 332070 332080 332081 332082 332097 TILLARY PARLI CHANDPUR WARDHA KORADI CHALISGAON NASIK TROMBAY KHAPERKHEDA MALHRPTH WANKUSWD KDPH BHIRA DAHANU BHIRA 50 0 201.1 40.2 0 0 550 938.2 380.1 0 0 20.1 150.8 502.8 72.4 334007 334010 334023 334025 334026 334029 334030 334032 334035 334036 334039 337001 CHANDRAPUR 1125.7 KORADI 367.4 JAIGAD 1000 KOYNA 502.8 NEW KHAPKHDA 402.2 DEEPNAGAR 462.6 TIRORA 1206.7 NANDGAONPETH 750 NASIK-SINNER 0 DHARIWAL 0 DHARIWAL 0 TIRORA 1211.4 TOTALS 11893.4 Load flow study has been carried out to see the impact of the following transmission schemes which are already under implementation by PGCIL/MSETCL on the power flows in Aurangabad I (Waluj) - Aurangabad (PG) 400 kV interconnection: (i) LILO of 400kV D/C lines Parli – Pune (PG) at Pune (GIS) - already commissioned. (ii) 2 nos. of 400 kV bays at Dhule (MSETCL) for termination of Dhule (Sterlite) – Dhule (MSETCL) 400 kV D/C line. (iii) LILO of both circuits of Aurangabad I (Waluj) – Pune (PG) at Pune(GIS) ) by September 2015 (iv) Aurangabad (PG) – Sholapur D/C 765kV line by December 2015 (v) Aurangabad (PG) – Padghe 765 kV D/C line by March 2016 (vi) Aurangabad (PG) – Boisar D/C 400 kV line by March 2016 (vii) Bableshwar – Kudus 400kV D/C line by March 2016. (viii) LILO of one circuit of Aurangabad (PG) – Padghe 765 kV D/C line at Pune (GIS) – project under bidding stage. The load flow results are attached as annexures. The results are summarized in the table given below. From the load flow analysis it is clearly evident that with the commissioning of the above mentioned elements loading on 400kV Aurangabad (Waluj) – Aurangabad (PG) D/C line has been reduced from 2460MW to 706MW and Aurangabad (Waluj) – Aurangabad (PG) D/C line would not be constraint for import of power from Maharashtra. S.No Name of the transmission line 1 Aurangabad (Waluj) – Aurangabad (PG) 400kV D/C line. Aurangabad (PG) 765/400kV 2X1500MVA ICT's Flow 2 A :Base B: A+ Case (ii) C: B+ (iii) D: C + (iv) E: D + (v) F: E+ (vi) + (viii) + (viii) 2460 2256 2196 1500 1158 706 2064 1834 1784 976 598 488 3 4 5 6 Pune (GIS) 765/400kV 2X1500MVA ICT''s Flow Aurangabad I (Waluj) -Pune (PG) 400kV D/C line. Aurngabad I (Waluj ) - Pune (GIS) 400kV D/C line. 400kV D/C line Pune (GIS) Pune (PG) line. 168 172 192 1092 1080 - 890 552 676 470 1416 - - - 384 82 574 800 478 760 In view of the above, MSETCL has proposed shifting of Shifting of Aurangabad I (Waluj) – Pune(PG) 400kV D/C line from 400kV Aurangabad I (Waluj) to 765/400kV Aurangabad (PG) is not required. 334055 PUNE_GIS 337009 PUNE_GIS 337004 SOLAPUR -224.2 -0.0 12.3 -25.0 1.0 793.1 140.0 -139.8 -21.5 34.0 1.0 398.6 351.2 -1188.8 BR 1032.5 -264.4 48.9 1199.8 -1188.8 150.2 1032.5 741.6 -737.8 -178.4 -123.3 741.6 -737.8 -178.4 -123.3 696.5 -693.0 48.9 -303.8 -162.3 0.0 696.5 -693.0 -303.8 -162.3 255.5 1.0 789.2 84.2 -54.5 150.2 -1028.5 334018 BOISAR -56.3 56.4 -54.1 -51.5 334037 TAPTITHANDA -66.0 1230.4 -66.0 68.5 1230.4 0.0 251.5 -532.4 17.4 -1028.5 68.5 -1223.2 12.9 -1223.2 12.9 -88.9 89.3 -17.3 -97.8 441.7 55.3 -55.1 -101.3 24.5 466.9 -201.9 1.0 406.7 -47.4 -50.9 50.9 -6.7 -1.9 -50.9 50.9 -6.7 -1.9 334012 BABLESHWAR 462.6 5 547.0 -125.0L -438.9 -3.9 -438.9 -47.4 -3.9 1.0 413.1 334013 PADGHE -536.5 -65.8 61.3 547.0 -536.5 -65.8 61.3 -461.0 334022 AKOLA - I 95.8 -333.9 204.1 15.3 -48.8 -201.9 204.1 -2.5 -48.8 1.0 410.0 54.7 -79.2 441.7 -2.5 1.0 402.5 1.0 403.5 334029 DEEPNAGAR 1.0 407.7 -133.2 1.0 793.9 334011 BHUSAWAL 84.6 546.5 0.0 -32.0 1.0 791.7 0.0 -532.4 17.7 258.4 337003 WARDHA 1.0 783.1 34.0 334015 AUR I (WLUJ) 1.0000 -791.3 -58.9 B1 -21.5 546.5 1.0000 794.4 -264.4 -139.8 1.0 403.9 796.6 317001 VADODARA BR 39.1 1.0 414.1 58.9 1199.8 84.2 140.0 -0.0 -794.4 B2 334042 PUNE-PG 39.1 1.0 790.4 0.0 1.0 414.7 357004 RAIPUR_PS -38.4 BASE CASE 1.0000 0.0 243.0 84.2 334048 AURANGBD-PG 1.0 769.7 1.0000 0.0 -0.0 -58.0 -84.1 0.0 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 -0.0 -17.6 0.0 -38.4 334009 DHULE 334049 DHULE-BDTCL 226.8 -84.1 1.0 777.3 337006 DHULE-BDTCL -224.2 1.0000 BR 337010 PADGHE -58.0 -166.2 1.0000 337005 AURANGABD-PG 0.0 247.8 -17.6 1.0000 12.4 226.8 168.3 1.0000 -168.1 BR 334041 PARLI-PG 1.0 339.0 413.3 -120.3 1.0 412.3 628.6 -614.3 -63.8 111.7 1.0 408.8 1.0 407.8 334055 PUNE_GIS 337009 PUNE_GIS 337004 SOLAPUR -219.4 334009 DHULE -33.5 -370.4 371.1 33.4 -33.5 27.5 22.4 317001 VADODARA -57.6 -264.1 55.0 1217.5 -1206.2 -264.1 B1 1.0 783.1 32.8 -525.9 BR -525.9 77.0 19.3 -76.0 917.4 -792.0 -178.7 -111.5 796.4 -792.0 -178.7 -111.5 748.0 -743.9 122.2 -914.2 -914.2 -304.2 -151.3 0.0 748.0 -743.9 -304.2 -151.3 334018 BOISAR -80.8 81.0 -53.3 -51.9 334037 TAPTITHANDA -56.0 1128.8 -56.0 54.9 54.9 -1122.8 6.1 -1122.8 6.1 -86.2 86.5 -19.5 -96.7 406.8 17.1 -98.6 389.6 -17.0 20.4 -214.6 1.0 408.2 -41.3 -43.7 43.7 -1.7 -43.7 43.7 -7.0 -1.7 334012 BABLESHWAR 462.6 5 577.4 -125.0L -404.4 -16.7 -404.4 334013 PADGHE -565.7 -58.7 64.9 577.4 -565.7 -58.7 64.9 -16.7 -41.3 1.0 414.6 -385.5 334022 AKOLA - I 72.4 -312.2 217.1 4.0 1.1 -49.7 217.1 1.1 -49.7 1.0 411.1 76.3 -80.3 -7.0 406.8 -214.6 1.0 402.7 1.0 404.1 334029 DEEPNAGAR 1.0 409.4 -125.9 1.0 794.5 334011 BHUSAWAL 77.4 539.6 0.0 122.2 796.4 1.0 789.5 -132.6 -20.5 19.6 917.4 55.0 255.6 132.8 1.0 399.6 1.0 404.5 1128.8 0.0 251.5 32.8 -30.6 1.0 793.1 -1206.2 -20.5 334015 AUR I (WLUJ) 1.0000 -487.4 -74.6 351.5 -132.6 539.6 1.0000 488.5 0.0 132.8 CASE B 258.9 337003 WARDHA BR 40.7 1.0 415.5 120.2 1217.5 86.6 1237.1 1.0 794.2 334042 PUNE-PG 40.7 27.5 -1231.7 B2 -40.0 1.0 790.7 -370.6 1.0 415.6 357004 RAIPUR_PS 243.7 86.6 -370.6 1.0000 -22.7 371.1 33.6 -57.1 -86.6 334048 AURANGBD-PG 1.0 770.8 1.0000 370.9 -371.7 -20.2 0.0 -40.0 334049 DHULE-BDTCL 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 372.3 -22.9 221.9 -86.6 1.0 778.1 337006 DHULE-BDTCL -219.4 1.0000 BR 337010 PADGHE -57.1 -163.7 1.0000 337005 AURANGABD-PG 0.0 248.3 -20.2 1.0000 9.6 221.9 173.2 1.0000 -173.0 BR 334041 PARLI-PG 1.0 316.6 413.5 -115.9 1.0 413.2 598.5 -585.6 -73.1 108.6 1.0 409.7 1.0 409.5 334055 PUNE_GIS 337009 PUNE_GIS 337004 SOLAPUR -215.1 334009 DHULE 32.2 -32.1 26.1 375.7 -375.2 32.0 -32.1 26.1 -73.0 1.0 796.5 -1205.6 -275.3 64.2 1216.9 -1205.6 B1 892.1 86.1 892.1 789.2 -784.9 -195.8 -99.3 789.2 -784.9 1.0 783.8 -195.8 -99.3 741.3 -737.2 64.2 -320.9 -140.3 0.0 741.3 -737.2 -320.9 -140.3 256.9 1.0 791.5 -275.9 -15.4 35.2 276.8 -275.9 -15.4 35.2 276.8 -275.9 -15.4 35.2 334018 BOISAR 1.0 400.1 CASE C 334011 BHUSAWAL 445.8 BR -49.4 86.1 -889.1 1.0 405.8 334029 DEEPNAGAR -62.1 -889.1 -65.9 66.0 -43.4 -64.3 334037 TAPTITHANDA -24.7 1098.6 -24.7 17.4 1098.6 0.0 252.0 276.8 -21.5 337003 WARDHA 353.2 35.2 -49.4 0.0 261.3 1.0 793.9 0.0 -15.4 445.8 1.0000 -501.1 -58.3 -275.9 334015 AUR I (WLUJ) 1.0000 502.3 276.8 1.0 407.0 1260.2 45.6 -275.3 -434.7 1.0 791.8 317001 VADODARA BR 54.5 1.0 416.7 -1254.8 1216.9 96.4 -10.7 -375.0 334042 PUNE-PG 54.5 -375.2 100.7 B2 -53.5 -434.7 375.7 1.0 416.7 357004 RAIPUR_PS 246.1 96.4 -10.7 1.0000 -21.1 -66.0 -96.3 334048 AURANGBD-PG 1.0 774.7 1.0000 -21.2 375.5 -376.3 -13.1 0.0 -53.5 334049 DHULE-BDTCL 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 376.9 217.6 -96.3 1.0 779.6 337006 DHULE-BDTCL -215.1 1.0000 BR 337010 PADGHE -66.0 -139.0 1.0000 337005 AURANGABD-PG 0.0 249.2 -13.1 1.0000 -15.8 217.6 192.6 1.0000 -192.4 BR 334041 PARLI-PG 17.4 -1093.1 35.7 -1093.1 35.7 -88.5 88.8 -20.9 -96.7 420.2 41.9 -82.9 434.3 -41.9 3.4 -209.5 1.0 412.4 -40.2 40.2 -2.8 -6.0 334012 BABLESHWAR 462.6 5 612.3 -125.0L -417.7 -21.7 -35.3 -21.7 1.0 416.7 334013 PADGHE -599.3 -48.4 67.0 612.3 -599.3 -48.4 67.0 -429.4 334022 AKOLA - I 51.9 -321.6 211.9 1.1 -57.9 -209.5 211.9 7.3 -57.9 1.0 414.2 -6.0 -417.7 7.3 1.0 403.0 40.2 420.2 -100.1 1.0 798.2 -40.2 -2.8 1.0 411.7 -35.3 62.3 -91.8 1.0 326.3 414.0 -112.7 1.0 414.8 595.7 -583.0 -82.4 115.8 1.0 410.9 1.0 411.8 334055 PUNE_GIS 337009 PUNE_GIS 337004 SOLAPUR -184.7 -42.0 -51.1 -22.7 -91.9 -184.7 186.3 -42.0 -51.1 -56.7 BR 14.0 -1082.9 1088.8 -56.7 337010 PADGHE 14.0 230.0 -229.8 33.1 -33.1 23.8 -229.6 230.0 -229.8 33.0 -33.1 23.8 1.1 421.5 -811.2 -350.3 -24.2 -125.4 1.1 804.9 1278.1 BR -17.0 488.7 356.6 -199.4 -39.8 -1265.7 1030.4 -1023.2 95.5 -1265.7 B1 1.0 785.3 -199.4 -39.8 967.8 -961.0 95.5 -325.6 -85.1 0.0 967.8 -961.0 -325.6 -85.1 259.3 1.0 795.2 13.7 -377.9 14.4 334018 BOISAR CASE D 13.7 334011 BHUSAWAL 239.9 BR -78.8 -17.0 -487.9 1.0 412.6 334029 DEEPNAGAR -82.8 89.2 -487.9 -77.3 334037 TAPTITHANDA 35.0 749.7 35.0 -63.6 749.7 -286.7 14.4 379.5 -33.4 -1023.2 1278.1 -286.7 -236.8 -78.8 0.0 488.7 1030.4 0.0 13.7 -377.9 -88.9 0.0 252.9 -377.9 -10.5 337003 WARDHA B2 379.5 239.9 265.3 1.0 798.7 1.0 412.9 13.7 334015 AUR I (WLUJ) 1.0000 350.9 14.4 1.0 415.6 813.5 317001 VADODARA -377.9 379.5 1.0 801.1 -9.5 379.5 14.4 1.1 421.6 82.2 357004 RAIPUR_PS 91.6 -78.4 1.0000 -28.9 -337.5 -236.8 -230.4 334042 PUNE-PG 91.6 -78.4 1.0000 229.8 -82.2 -337.5 334048 AURANGBD-PG 1.0 790.5 1.0000 -29.1 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 230.6 256.3 -82.2 334009 DHULE 334049 DHULE-BDTCL 338.0 338.0 1.0 796.3 337006 DHULE-BDTCL 0.0 1.0000 1088.8 1.0000 337005 AURANGABD-PG -1082.9 1.0000 -675.9 1.0000 260.1 186.3 678.2 0.0 BR 334041 PARLI-PG -63.6 -747.2 62.6 -747.2 62.6 -74.2 74.5 -18.7 -104.3 374.0 -11.5 -76.3 328.5 11.5 -7.2 -261.8 28.5 -261.8 28.5 1.0 406.7 1.1 420.6 1.1 421.2 44.0 5.7 -14.8 -44.0 44.0 5.7 -14.8 334012 BABLESHWAR 462.6 5 450.8 -125.0L -372.0 -26.9 374.0 -372.0 -42.4 -26.9 1.1 425.1 334013 PADGHE -444.0 -35.4 -9.1 450.8 -444.0 -35.4 -9.1 -325.8 -98.8 1.1 804.2 -44.0 1.0 419.1 -42.4 83.1 -105.9 334022 AKOLA - I 27.8 -281.9 265.4 -2.1 -66.9 1.1 423.5 265.4 -66.9 1.0 285.4 418.9 -125.5 577.6 -565.8 -112.6 136.4 1.0 414.8 1.0 419.1 334055 PUNE_GIS 337009 PUNE_GIS 337004 SOLAPUR -149.3 -50.9 -52.0 -43.8 -102.5 -149.3 150.4 -50.9 -52.0 -107.8 882.5 -107.8 -21.8 144.2 -21.7 334009 DHULE 334049 DHULE-BDTCL -144.6 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 144.7 144.4 337010 PADGHE 7.7 1.1 805.9 337006 DHULE-BDTCL BR 7.7 -878.7 0.0 235.3 263.4 -80.5 235.3 -80.5 701.0 -698.5 -105.6 -49.7 701.0 -698.5 -105.6 -49.7 -235.1 1.0000 882.5 -235.1 85.2 334048 AURANGBD-PG 1.0 801.5 -23.4 12.7 144.4 -144.3 23.3 -23.4 12.7 1.1 426.1 -549.2 -95.3 -190.0 1.1 815.2 317001 VADODARA 260.3 -259.9 16.6 -175.1 1.0 418.7 -9.9 287.2 -286.3 -9.9 -286.3 30.5 -9.9 287.2 CASE E -286.3 30.5 -9.9 1.1 421.4 334015 AUR I (WLUJ) 191.9 550.2 17.7 30.5 -190.0 1.1 426.2 27.0 -286.3 287.2 -95.3 23.4 287.2 30.5 -144.3 -144.1 334042 PUNE-PG 85.2 1.0000 337005 AURANGABD-PG -878.7 1.0000 -470.6 1.0000 266.4 150.4 471.7 0.0 BR 334041 PARLI-PG 334011 BHUSAWAL -80.4 0.0 191.9 BR 272.5 -80.4 1.0 417.8 334029 DEEPNAGAR -98.3 -4.5 98.8 -114.2 -42.1 1.1 803.8 1307.6 BR 0.0 -316.0 254.5 1307.6 -1112.4 362.1 -237.7 14.9 -1294.7 1120.8 -1112.4 130.7 B1 -237.7 14.9 1052.7 -1044.8 130.7 -363.8 -35.1 0.0 1052.7 -1044.8 263.3 -363.8 -35.1 1.0 801.3 334018 BOISAR -27.0 1.0000 1120.8 -1294.7 -316.0 1.0 787.8 0.0 -298.4 1.0000 B2 298.7 1.0000 -27.0 337003 WARDHA 357004 RAIPUR_PS 106.8 -28.1 298.7 1.0000 1.1 814.0 -106.5 -298.4 -84.8 334037 TAPTITHANDA 33.6 33.6 579.0 -577.5 -76.5 56.1 579.0 -577.5 -76.5 56.1 -56.6 56.8 -18.4 -109.2 318.8 -62.6 62.7 -72.3 -12.9 216.8 -280.6 1.1 427.8 334012 BABLESHWAR 462.6 5 253.2 -125.0L -317.5 -36.3 -43.9 -36.3 1.1 431.5 334013 PADGHE -251.1 -22.4 -69.5 253.2 -251.1 -22.4 -69.5 -215.7 334022 AKOLA - I 6.4 -233.6 284.8 -10.1 -77.5 -280.6 284.8 42.9 -77.5 1.1 426.7 42.1 -18.8 -317.5 42.9 1.0 409.6 -42.1 318.8 -93.6 1.1 815.2 -18.8 9.4 1.1 425.0 -43.9 42.1 9.4 1.1 236.0 423.2 -131.8 1.1 430.0 548.8 -538.3 -133.8 145.3 1.0 418.4 1.1 424.9 334055 PUNE_GIS 337009 PUNE_GIS 272.3 -430.4 -33.2 -430.4 708.6 2859.8 -2823.3 431.3 337010 PADGHE -308.0 -142.7 -33.2 1.1 814.8 -20.7 85.5 -20.6 334009 DHULE 334049 DHULE-BDTCL -85.8 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 85.8 85.6 270.9 431.3 -142.7 337006 DHULE-BDTCL -120.1 151.6 -151.4 -5.1 -207.0 -81.0 344.4 708.6 -1060.8 1064.2 -81.0 336.5 -333.1 BR -706.8 118.6 -85.5 21.2 10.0 85.6 334048 AURANGBD-PG 1.1 812.7 50.7 -46.6 334042 PUNE-PG 399.4 -397.7 33.8 1.1 425.0 -4.2 399.4 -397.7 -4.2 399.4 -397.7 -41.4 -116.3 -41.4 1.1 811.1 -85.6 -21.2 -50.5 -69.9 33.8 -85.6 -21.2 50.7 -46.6 118.6 -116.3 21.3 -50.5 -69.9 -706.8 1.0000 337005 AURANGABD-PG 0.0 1.0000 -42.3 0.0 341.9 1.0000 -341.3 1.0000 337004 SOLAPUR BR 334041 PARLI-PG 33.8 -4.2 399.4 -397.7 33.8 CASE F -4.2 1.1 427.0 10.0 1.1 429.3 334015 AUR I (WLUJ) 1.1 429.4 -334.9 41.5 335.2 0.2 30.3 317001 VADODARA 163.5 -163.4 41.1 -205.8 334011 BHUSAWAL -84.2 0.0 41.5 BR 277.0 -84.2 1.1 423.0 334029 DEEPNAGAR -110.3 -0.3 110.9 -119.8 -43.3 1.1 807.7 1339.8 BR 1221.3 -1211.4 365.6 -255.4 57.8 -1326.3 1221.3 -1211.4 0.0 -332.6 156.7 -255.4 57.8 255.5 1339.8 -1326.3 1147.0 -1137.7 -332.6 B1 1.0 789.4 156.7 -381.7 0.0 1147.0 265.9 -244.2 30.6 30.6 353.2 -352.7 -97.5 60.6 353.2 -352.7 -97.5 60.6 4.5 51.4 -16.8 -113.4 -89.5 89.7 -71.3 -14.8 -49.7 -312.0 1.1 821.9 202.9 -97.4 11.2 -201.8 202.9 -97.4 11.2 1.1 432.1 -22.2 -43.3 43.3 12.6 -22.2 334012 BABLESHWAR 462.6 5 102.4 -125.0L -294.9 -35.7 296.0 -294.9 -49.7 -35.7 1.1 435.9 -162.8 334022 AKOLA - I 2.7 -15.6 -95.3 -102.0 -15.6 -95.3 102.4 -102.0 -15.6 -95.3 102.4 -102.0 -15.6 -95.3 -215.6 -8.8 -81.1 -312.0 317.0 55.7 -81.1 334013 PADGHE -102.0 102.4 317.0 55.7 1.1 430.3 43.3 12.6 1.1 428.9 -96.3 4.5 1.0 417.0 -51.2 296.0 163.5 334018 BOISAR -201.8 -89.7 334037 TAPTITHANDA -1137.7 -381.7 1.1 805.2 -26.2 1.0000 0.0 -244.2 1.0000 B2 244.4 1.0000 -26.2 337003 WARDHA 357004 RAIPUR_PS 120.3 -24.4 244.4 1.0000 1.1 820.1 -119.8 1.1 217.6 428.0 -139.3 1.1 434.8 536.7 -526.7 -148.3 154.6 1.1 420.8 1.1 428.8 Annexure-IV Report on 400kV additional in feed to GOA: In the 38th SCM of WR held on 17.07.2015, the following Inter State Transmission System scheme was proposed to provide second 400 kV feed to Goa system. (i) Establishment of 2X500 MVA, 400/200 kV substation at Xeldam and it’s inter connections Narendra (Existing) 400kV substation through Quad conductor. The inter connection between existing Xeldom substation and the proposed Xeldom 400/220KV substation could be through bus extension or through 220kV lines as the case may be. (ii) 400kV (Quad) connectivity between the new substation at Xeldem and Mapusa to take care of any N-1-1 contingencies involving outage of any one 400kV infeed to Goa. In the meeting alternative LILO of Narendra – Kolhapur 765kv D/C line charged at 400kV level was suggested by POWER GRID. It was decided that alternatives would be studied jointly by CEA and CTU. Accordingly the following alternatives for feeding Xeldam 400 kV substation has been studied including the alternative proposed in the 38th SCM: S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Alternative Narendra (existing)- Xeldam- Mapusa 400 kV D/c quad line Kolhapur(PG)- Mapusa – Xeldam 400 kV D/C quad line Kolhapur(PG) – Xeldam- Mapusa 400 kV D/C quad line Kolhapur(PG) – Xeldam 400 kV D/C quad line and LILO of one ckt at Mapusa LILO of one ckt. of Narendra(New)Kolhapur(PG) 400 kV D/C line at Xeldam LILO of one ckt. of Narendra(existing) Narendra(New) 400 kV D/C line at Xeldam LILO of one ckt. of Kaiga-Narendra(existing) 400 kV D/C line at Xeldam with LILO point at Narendra end. LILO of one ckt. of Kaiga-Narendra(existing) 400 kV D/C line at Xeldam with LILO point at Kaiga end. Exhibit Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Option 5 Option 6 Option 7 Option 8 The results of the load flow studies conducted for the above mentioned eight alternatives are summarized as given in table. S.No 1 2 3 Name of the transmission line Ambewadi - Xeldom 220kV D/C line. Kolhapur(PG) Mapusa 400kV 1st D/C line. Narenda(New) Kolhapur( PG) 765kV D/C line (Charged at 400kV) OPTION :1 148 OPTION :2 308 OPTION :3 308 OPTION :4 306 OPTION :5 288 OPTION :6 148 OPTION :7 148 OPTION :8 74 374 469 512 300 346 362 372 216 933 1276 1380 1276 915 932 847 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Solapur(PG) Kolhapur (MSETCL) 400kV D/C line. Kolhapur(PG) Mapusa 400kV 2nd D/C line. Mapusa - Xeldom 400kV D/C line. Mapusa - Kadamba 220kV D/C line. Narendra - Xeldom 400kV D/C line. Kolhapur (PG) Xeldom 400kV D/C line. LILO one ckt of Narenda(New) Kolhapur( PG) 765kV D/C line (Charged at 400kV) at Xeldom (New) 400/220kV S/s Narendra(New) Xeldom (New) 400kV S/C line. Kolhapur (PG) Xeldom(New) 400kV S/C line. LILO one ckt of Narendra(Existing) Narendra(new) at Xeldom(New) 400/220kV S/s Narendra(Existing) Xeldom(New) 400kV S/C line. Narndra(new)Xeldom(New) 400kV S/C line LILO one ckt of Narendra(Existing) Kaiga 400kV D/C line at Xeldom(New) 400/220kV S/s at Narendra( Existing) end. Narendra(Existing) Xeldom(New) 400kV S/C line. Xeldom(New) Kaiga 400kV S/C line LILO one ckt of Narendra(Existing) Kaiga 400kV D/C line at Xeldom(New) 400/220kV S/s at Kaiga end. Narendra(Existing) Xeldom(New) 400kV S/C line. Xeldom(New) Kaiga 400kV S/C 554 794 796 794 816 692 690 650 320 312 484 306 306 306 469 308 250 124 306 310 280 276 750 430 546 82 388 376 378 380 153 860 line The observations based on analysis of the results are: • OPTION: 1 is best possible alternative for providing ISTS feed to Goa system since it has successfully relieved loading on existing 220kV network as well as 400kV network which is feeding power to Goa system • For implementation of Option 1 two no. of 400 kV bays would be required at Narendra (existing) 400/220 kV substation. In case of space constraints GIS bay may be provided. If no space is available then option 6 or option 7 could be implemented which are equally good as option1. • In the all the eight alternatives, the 400 kV lines to Mapusa/ Xeldam has to cross the Western Ghats section. • In the corridor through which the Narendra(existing)-Xeldam 400 kV D/C line would pass, there are already existing Ambewadi – Xeldam/Ponda 220 kV D/C line and Supa-Ponda 110 kV D/C line. Ambewadi – Xeldam/Ponda 220 kV D/C line is functional whereas the Supa-Ponda 110 kV D/C line is not in use. These lines are maintained and operated in their respective geographical areas by Goa and Karnataka respectively. In case of difficulty in getting RoW for implementation of Narendra (existing)-Xeldam 400 kV D/C line, the RoW of the existing Supa-Ponda 110 kV D/C line could be used. • Option5 i.e, LILO of one ckt. of Narendra(New)- Kolhapur(PG) 400 kV D/C line at Xeldam which was suggested in the 38th SCM is not a suitable alternative as there is uneven loading on the 400 kV circuits feeding power to Xeldam ( 540 on one ckt and 82 MW on other ckt.) . Also Narendra(New)- Kolhapur(PG) is a 765 kV D/C line which in present scenario is being operated at 400 kV level and in future when this line would be operated at 765 kV voltage level , the Xeldam 400 kV along with the feeding lines also needs to be upgraded to 765 kV level. 374013 KOLHAPUR 1 -227.5 1 227.5 66.2 -59.1 -59.1 -227.5 1 1 1 -227.5 1 227.5 66.2 227.5 66.2 374040 SHOLAPUR-PG 342001 MAPUSA2 344001 MAPUSA4 342008 KADMBA2 152.8 -152.3 35.3 152.8 -34.3 -152.3 35.3 -34.3 -345.9 350.6 2.4 -345.9 -39.2 350.6 374050 KOLHAPURPG 2.4 1 -59.1 -276.8 277.6 -61.8 -276.8 34.4 277.6 -61.8 34.4 OPTION-1 -187.3 188.3 -60.4 -187.3 -20.3 188.3 -60.4 -20.3 344002 XELDEM4 -154.0 154.1 -38.9 -154.0 -2.7 154.1 -38.9 73.7 -72.9 524012 KAIGA -465.1 468.2 -14.2 -466.7 -60.4 469.8 -14.0 -60.4 221.1 66.5 221.1 66.5 524047 NAREND-4 -2.2 1.0 216.9 -375.3 377.1 -63.8 -375.3 -10.6 377.1 -63.8 -10.6 2 -90.4L -37.8 304.1 1.0 400.3 -37.8 1.0 405.6 1 1.0 403.7 1.0 399.3 187.0 304.1 1 -5.8 1.0 219.1 -53.2 1 -2.2 -53.2 -221.1 1 -5.8 -221.1 1 -72.9 1 342006 XELDEM 1 187.0 524015 NARENDR-NEW -2.7 522031 AMBD 73.7 -90.4L 2 1.0 406.1 1.0 400.3 2 -39.2 1.0 216.3 1.0 217.9 1 1 -338.7 340.5 -20.2 -338.7 -79.7 340.5 -20.2 -79.7 -302.3 1.0 403.6 -3.5 -302.3 -3.5 1 1 1.0 404.7 374013 KOLHAPUR 1 -229.4 1 229.4 75.0 -67.6 -67.6 -229.4 1 1 1 -229.4 1 229.4 75.0 229.4 75.0 374040 SHOLAPUR-PG 342001 MAPUSA2 344001 MAPUSA4 342008 KADMBA2 155.5 -155.0 42.7 155.5 -41.4 -155.0 42.7 -41.4 -397.1 403.4 10.6 -397.1 -30.7 403.4 374050 KOLHAPURPG 10.6 1 1 -30.7 2 1.0 214.7 -67.6 1.0 216.5 -166.0 166.3 -58.3 -166.0 25.5 166.3 -58.3 25.5 1.0 405.5 OPTION - 2 1.0 398.8 -212.0 213.2 -53.7 -257.8 -23.1 258.8 -74.5 -257.8 -19.0 258.8 -74.5 -212.0 -19.0 213.2 344002 XELDEM4 -53.7 125.7 -125.6 15.7 125.7 -57.3 -125.6 15.7 1 153.4 524012 KAIGA 643.1 16.4 -639.3 -31.3 645.3 16.8 -31.3 -52.4 125.6 57.3 125.6 57.3 524047 NAREND-4 10.4 1.0 214.5 2 -90.4L 187.0 -90.4L -36.7 261.6 1.0 395.6 -36.7 1.0 406.0 1 1.0 401.4 1.0 397.3 187.0 261.6 1 -5.3 1.0 218.6 -149.7 -52.4 -125.6 1 10.4 -125.6 1 -149.7 1 342006 XELDEM 1 -5.3 2 -637.2 -57.3 522031 AMBD 153.4 1 -23.1 524015 NARENDR-NEW -178.6 179.1 -25.4 -178.6 -96.9 179.1 -25.4 -96.9 -260.3 1.0 402.3 -10.0 -260.3 -10.0 1 1 1.0 405.1 374013 KOLHAPUR 1 -210.6 1 210.6 69.8 -63.5 -63.5 -210.6 1 1 1 -210.6 1 210.6 69.8 210.6 69.8 374040 SHOLAPUR-PG 342001 MAPUSA2 344001 MAPUSA4 342008 KADMBA2 139.3 -138.9 39.7 139.3 -39.1 -138.9 39.7 -39.1 -397.6 403.8 16.3 -397.6 -36.8 403.8 374050 KOLHAPURPG 16.3 1 1 -36.8 2 1.0 215.9 -63.5 1.0 217.5 -168.6 168.9 -77.4 -168.6 44.6 168.9 -77.4 44.6 1.0 405.8 OPTION-3 1.0 400.1 -254.3 256.0 -53.4 -18.7 524015 NARENDR-NEW -254.3 344002 XELDEM4 -53.4 -61.6 61.6 -51.3 -61.6 7.9 61.6 -51.3 7.9 18.2 153.1 -149.5 1 524012 KAIGA 1 1 -66.7 1 152.6 73.8 152.6 -638.9 644.8 -18.7 25.7 -641.0 -41.9 647.0 26.1 -42.0 -214.2 215.0 -81.7 -214.2 -51.7 215.0 -81.7 -51.7 73.8 524047 NAREND-4 18.2 1.0 216.2 2 -90.4L 187.0 -90.4L -38.9 261.9 1.0 400.1 -38.9 1.0 406.3 1 1.0 403.7 1.0 398.9 187.0 261.9 2 -13.3 1.0 218.9 -66.7 -152.6 1 -13.3 -152.6 1 -149.5 1 522031 AMBD 153.1 342006 XELDEM 256.0 -177.9 178.5 -30.3 -177.9 -92.6 178.5 -30.3 -92.6 -260.5 1.0 403.3 -8.0 -260.5 -8.0 1 1 1.0 405.6 374013 KOLHAPUR 1 -222.1 1 222.1 71.3 -64.3 -64.3 -222.1 1 1 1 -222.1 1 222.1 71.3 222.1 71.3 374040 SHOLAPUR-PG 342001 MAPUSA2 344001 MAPUSA4 342008 KADMBA2 149.1 -148.6 40.1 149.1 -39.1 -148.6 40.1 -39.1 -397.2 403.4 9.8 -397.2 -29.7 403.4 374050 KOLHAPURPG 9.8 1 1 -29.7 2 1.0 214.2 -64.3 1.0 215.9 -166.0 166.3 -55.8 -166.0 23.1 166.3 -55.8 23.1 1.0 405.4 OPTION - 4 1.0 398.6 -223.7 225.1 -59.2 -271.9 -15.7 272.9 -81.7 -223.7 344002 XELDEM4 -59.2 53.1 -53.1 -13.9 153.1 524012 KAIGA -4.4 1.0 218.5 -149.4 -55.6 -136.4 -55.6 1 1 9.5 -136.4 136.4 1 -149.4 1 643.0 15.1 -639.2 -29.8 645.2 15.5 -29.8 -219.7 220.6 -93.8 -35.9 61.3 136.4 61.3 524047 NAREND-4 9.5 1.0 214.4 2 -90.4L 187.0 -90.4L -36.5 261.6 1.0 395.7 -36.5 1.0 406.0 1 1.0 401.1 1.0 396.1 187.0 261.6 1 -637.1 -15.7 342006 XELDEM 1 -4.4 2 225.1 -28.9 522031 AMBD 153.1 1 524015 NARENDR-NEW -9.4 -178.6 179.1 -24.7 -178.6 -97.5 179.1 -24.7 -97.5 -260.2 1.0 402.1 -10.3 -260.2 -10.3 1 1 1.0 405.1 374013 KOLHAPUR 1 -209.1 1 209.1 69.7 -63.5 -63.5 -209.1 1 1 1 -209.1 1 209.1 69.7 209.1 69.7 374040 SHOLAPUR-PG 342001 MAPUSA2 344001 MAPUSA4 342008 KADMBA2 137.5 -137.1 39.7 137.5 -39.1 -137.1 39.7 -39.1 -408.9 415.5 18.5 -408.9 -34.9 415.5 374050 KOLHAPURPG 18.5 1 1 -34.9 2 1.0 215.7 -63.5 1.0 217.3 -133.4 133.6 -76.4 -133.4 42.4 133.6 -76.4 42.4 1.0 405.7 OPTION - 5 1.0 399.8 -173.0 173.8 -64.3 -17.6 524015 NARENDR-NEW -173.0 344002 XELDEM4 -64.3 -140.7 140.8 -40.2 -140.7 -1.6 140.8 -40.2 524012 KAIGA -29.5 -82.3 82.5 -116.3 -87.3 144.7 -141.4 -11.6 1.0 218.9 -62.6 14.7 1 1 14.7 -62.6 -173.5 173.5 1 -11.6 -173.5 1 -141.4 71.4 173.5 71.4 -546.2 187.0 1.0 399.6 -38.6 1.0 406.4 -48.2 1.0 216.0 2 -38.6 258.9 554.0 524047 NAREND-4 -23.2 -90.4L -90.4L 1 1.0 403.1 1.0 398.5 187.0 258.9 1 704.5 37.6 342006 XELDEM 1 2 -697.4 -17.6 -1.6 522031 AMBD 144.7 1 173.8 -183.9 184.4 -28.4 -183.9 -93.9 184.4 -28.4 -93.9 -257.6 1.0 403.2 -8.6 -257.6 -8.6 1 1 1.0 405.6 374013 KOLHAPUR 1 -227.4 1 227.4 66.2 -59.1 -59.1 -227.4 1 1 1 -227.3 1 227.3 66.2 227.4 66.2 374040 SHOLAPUR-PG 342001 MAPUSA2 344001 MAPUSA4 342008 KADMBA2 152.6 -152.1 35.3 152.6 -34.3 -152.1 35.3 -34.3 -346.4 351.1 2.1 -346.4 -38.8 351.1 374050 KOLHAPURPG 2.1 1 1 -38.8 2 1.0 216.1 -59.1 1.0 217.7 -274.8 275.6 -60.7 -274.8 33.2 275.6 -60.7 33.2 1.0 406.1 OPTION - 6 1.0 400.2 -181.3 182.2 -62.1 -19.2 524015 NARENDR-NEW -181.3 344002 XELDEM4 -62.1 -159.7 159.9 -37.3 -159.7 -4.2 159.9 -37.3 524012 KAIGA -62.5 461.7 -13.8 -62.5 73.5 -72.6 -5.3 1.0 219.0 -52.6 -2.7 1.0 216.7 1 1 -2.7 -52.6 -222.5 222.5 1 -5.3 -222.5 1 -72.6 66.0 222.5 66.0 1 1.0 403.5 -388.2 392.1 524047 NAREND-4 -64.6 -376.4 378.3 -59.1 -14.8 1.0 399.0 187.0 -74.9 -319.8 321.5 -26.0 -77.0 2 -90.4L 301.8 1 460.1 -14.1 -458.6 342006 XELDEM 1 2 -457.1 -19.2 -4.2 522031 AMBD 73.5 1 182.2 187.0 -90.4L -34.5 301.8 1.0 400.0 -34.5 1.0 405.2 -300.0 1.0 403.2 -6.9 -300.0 -6.9 1 1 1.0 404.0 374013 KOLHAPUR 1 -227.7 1 227.7 66.4 -59.3 -59.3 -227.7 1 1 1 -227.7 1 227.7 66.4 227.7 66.4 374040 SHOLAPUR-PG 342001 MAPUSA2 344001 MAPUSA4 342008 KADMBA2 152.9 -152.4 35.4 152.9 -34.5 -152.4 35.4 -34.5 -344.9 349.5 2.6 -344.9 -39.9 349.5 374050 KOLHAPURPG 2.6 1 1 -39.9 2 1.0 216.5 -59.3 1.0 218.1 -279.0 279.9 -63.3 -279.0 36.0 279.9 -63.3 36.0 1.0 406.1 OPTION - 7 1.0 400.4 -185.9 186.8 -58.7 -22.4 524015 NARENDR-NEW -185.9 344002 XELDEM4 -58.7 -155.7 155.8 -40.9 -155.7 -0.8 155.8 -40.9 524012 KAIGA 380.7 -51.4 1 469.0 -13.8 -467.5 -60.8 470.6 -13.5 -60.9 73.4 -72.5 -6.9 1.0 219.2 -54.2 1 -1.2 -54.2 -221.8 221.8 1 -6.9 -221.8 1 -72.5 1 342006 XELDEM 1 2 -465.9 -22.4 -0.8 522031 AMBD 73.4 1 186.8 67.6 221.8 67.6 524047 NAREND-4 -1.2 1.0 217.1 -377.8 379.7 -59.9 -14.3 -377.6 -73.6 1.0 399.7 187.0 2 -90.4L -335.5 337.3 -20.6 -335.5 -80.1 337.3 -20.6 -80.1 1.0 400.8 187.0 -90.4L 1 1.0 403.9 263.5 -262.2 -34.5 -12.0 1.0 406.0 1 1.0 403.8 1 1.0 404.9 374013 KOLHAPUR 1 -233.9 1 233.9 65.7 -58.3 -58.3 -233.9 1 1 1 -233.9 1 233.9 65.7 233.9 65.7 374040 SHOLAPUR-PG 342001 MAPUSA2 344001 MAPUSA4 342008 KADMBA2 157.3 -156.8 34.3 157.3 -33.2 -156.8 34.3 -33.2 -325.4 329.5 -1.6 -325.4 -41.1 329.5 374050 KOLHAPURPG -1.6 1 1 -41.1 2 1.0 216.5 -58.3 1.0 218.1 -313.8 314.9 -59.8 -313.8 34.8 314.9 -59.8 34.8 1.0 406.2 OPTION - 8 1.0 400.5 -108.8 109.1 -71.4 -16.1 524015 NARENDR-NEW -108.8 344002 XELDEM4 -71.4 -242.0 242.4 -27.2 -242.0 -11.2 242.4 -27.2 524012 KAIGA 2 1 425.8 -18.8 -424.7 -67.1 427.3 -18.6 -67.2 37.8 -37.6 859.1 37.5 -1.2 1.0 219.1 -47.0 1 -9.7 -47.0 -262.2 262.2 1 -1.2 -262.2 1 -37.6 1 342006 XELDEM 1 1 -423.3 -16.1 -11.2 522031 AMBD 37.8 1.0 399.6 187.0 109.1 65.2 262.2 65.2 524047 NAREND-4 -9.7 1.0 217.2 -152.1 152.4 -83.0 -17.7 -857.1 -24.9 2 -90.4L -361.1 363.2 -20.9 -361.1 -74.6 363.2 -20.9 -74.6 1.0 400.5 187.0 -90.4L 1 1.0 404.0 28.3 -28.2 -57.8 -2.7 1.0 402.0 1 1.0 403.6 1 1.0 404.2 Annexure-V Minutes of the meeting held on 02.09.2015 on issue related to connectivity of 2x 660 MW Generation Project of M/s Lanco Vidarbha Thermal Power Ltd. (LVTPL) A meeting to discuss the issues related to connectivity of 2x660 MW generation project of M/s Lanco Vidarbha Thermal Power Limited (LVTPL) was taken by Member (Power System), CEA on 2nd September 2015 at CEA, New Delhi. The list of participants is enclosed at Annexure-I. 1. CEA informed that the connectivity arrangement, LILO of Seoni - Wardha 765 kV S/C line at LVTPL TPS, for 2x660 MW generation project of M/s LVTPL was agreed in the 12th meeting of WR Constituents regarding Connecitivity / Open Access Applications held on 08-07-2010. Subsequently, in the 21st meeting of WR Constituents regarding Connectivity / Open Access Applications held on 17-07-2015, the connectivity arrangement for generation project of M/s LVTPL was revised to LVTPL TPS – Warora pool 765kV D/C line and M/s LVTPL was requested to confirm the time frame by which connectivity line was required, so that suitable action may be initiated for implementation of the line through Tariff Based Competitive Bidding route. M/s LVTPL vide their letter dated 27th August, 2015 has requested for continuation of the earlier connectivity granted i.e. LILO of Seoni - Wardha 765 kV S/C line at LVTPL TPS. 2. M/s LVTPL informed that i) They are developing 2X660 MW thermal power project near Mandva village in Wardha district of Maharashtra. Based on the connectivity arrangement agreed earlier (i.e., LILO of Seoni - Wardha 765 kV S/C line at LVTPL TPS), the switchyard equipment has already been ordered and most of the equipment have been received and the work at their switchyard end is going on. ii) The work on the project got hampered for 34 months due to enormous delay in obtaining the Environmental Clearance (EC). After receipt of EC in August 2014, approval of the project lenders was obtained in March 2015 for cost overrun funding with a revised completion schedule of May 2017 (for Unit 1) and September 2017(for Unit 2). iii) The synchronization of Unit 1 is targeted by November 2016, as such the start-up power would be required for the project by August, 2016. The connectivity line is required before August 2016. Any change in the connectivity arrangement already agreed, at this stage, would lead to schedule mismatch which would be unacceptable to Project Lenders and would jeopardize the progress work taken up with great difficulty. iv) Therefore, the connectivity arrangement agreed earlier (i.e., LILO of Seoni-Wardha 765 kV S/C line at LVTPL TPS) needs to be retained for the project to achieve it target timelines. 3. CTU informed that the LILO connectivity was agreed in year 2010 and significant developments have taken place in the transmission system in last 5 years and Seoni - Wardha 765 kV line has become part of the trunk transmission corridor in WR. LILO interconnection would result into unbalance power flow in the trunk corridor besides increasing the fault level at Wardha 765 kV bus, which has already reached near design level of 40 kA. Further, a new 765/400 kV Warora pooling station is under implementation as a part of transmission system associated with Gadarwara STPS (2x800MW) of M/s NTPC Ltd., which is scheduled for commissioning by November 2017. In view of this the connectivity has been revised to LVTPL TPS – Warora Pool 765kV DC line. 4. POSOCO said that they are not in favour of LILO of trunk lines at generating stations. They have already filed petition in CERC wherein it has been prayed that Central Transmission Utility (CTU) should be directed to review all connectivity granted to ensure that the CEA Standards are followed and stop granting connectivity through interim LILO arrangement and the connectivity already granted through interim LILO arrangements may be shifted to final arrangements. The hearing has been completed and the order is reserved. 5. CEA and CTU stated that i) M/s LVTPL has applied only for connectivity. The power to the beneficiaries of the project on firm basis cannot be transferred without taking LTA in ISTS and till date M/s LVTPL has not applied for LTA. On receipt of LTA application, the additional transmission system strengthening requirement would be identified and LTA would be effective after implementation of the identified transmission system strengthening. ii) The connectivity line as agreed in the 21st LTA meeting held on 17.07.2015, LVTPL TPS – Warora pool 765kV DC line, would be adequate to take care of the evacuation requirements till Warora pool. The additional transmission system strengthening requirements, if any, based on LTA application of M/s LVTPL would be only beyond Warora pool. iii) The implementation of the LVTPL TPS – Warora pool 765kV DC line would be taken though TBCB route wherein, the completion time of the line in matching time frame of the generation project would be specified. In case of mismatch (transmission line along with Warora pooling station not coming in matching time frame of generation project), interim arrangement would be evolved. iv) For taking up the implementation of the line through TBCB route a) M/s LVTPL needs to confirm the commissioning schedule of the generation project. b) As per CERC sharing regulations, transmission charges are payable by beneficiaries only after the commercial operation of the generator. Till then, it is the responsibility of M/s LVTPL to pay the transmission charges. c) M/s LVTPL needs to sign connectivity agreement and submit requisite Bank Guarantee. The issue was further deliberated and M/s LVTPL above requirements so that the connectivity line 765kV DC line) could be put as agenda in the meeting on transmission, scheduled to be implementation of the scheme though TBCB route. was requested to confirm the (LVTPL TPS – Warora pool 35th Empowered Committee held on 14.09.2015, for M/s LVTPL stated that they would come back on the issues after discussion with their management. The meeting ended with thanks to the chair. Annexure - I List of Participants of the Meeting held on 02.09.2015 in CEA, Sewa Bhawan, New Delhi S. Name No. 1. Shri. S.D. Dubey Designation Organization CEA CEA 4. 5. Shri. K.K. Arya Shri. Awdhesh Kumar Yadav Shri. Shiva Suman Shri. K.V.S. Baba Member (Power System) Chief Engineer Director Deputy Director GM, NRLDC CEA POSOCO 6. Shri. Ashok Pal AGM (CTU-P) PGCIL 7. Shri. Pratyush Singh Engineer PGCIL 8. Shri. K.E. Prasad Director LVTPL 9. Shri. B.L. Jangir ED LVTPL 10. Shri. P.K. Sarma Sr. VP LANCO 11. Shri. Vibhuti DGM LANCO 12. Shri. Harpreet Walia DGM LANCO 2. 3. Mobile No. e-mail CEA 8527607575 KVSbaba 9910378105 ashok@powergridi 8826094863 pratyush.singh@p 9650648844 keprasad@lancogr 9717395868 9650415511 sarmapk@lancogr 9958699038 vibhuti@lancogrou 9810707197 harpreet.walia@la
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