here - North County Corvette Club of San Diego, CA
here - North County Corvette Club of San Diego, CA
June 2016 Volume 42, Issue 6 CRUISE NEWS N O R T H C O U N T Y C O R V E T T E C L U B PLASTIC FANTASTIC XXXIX—MAY 15, 2016 Inside: Sponsored by: Features: Board of Directors Events Calendar 4 President’s Corner Temecula Show Club Events Calendar Plas c Fantas c 6‐12 Birthdays About Our Club About Our Club 5 13 1 President’s Corner Hi North County Corve e Members, Thank you all for another great Plas c Fantasc! All of the me and effort put in by cochairs Tim and Dave and the teams made this year a very successful event! The board has formed a commi ee to review this year’s show to provide feedback to the board and membership on how to make it even be er. The commi ee is lead by Tim Murray and will include each team leader. We also had a guest, Dave Cruikshank, Appointed Editor Of Corve e Online, looking for C1 – C3 resto-mod cars for future feature ar cles. He was impressed with our club and the event, and will be doing a write-up of Plas c Fantas c 2016. If you want more details here is a link to the web site for the magazine: h p://www.corve e -online/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=dave-cruikshank-appointed-editor-ofcorve e-online We have the elec on coming this month and the floor will be open for nomina ons. This is a great opportunity for members to put their ideas to work for the club and be board members. I encourage all members to par cipate and consider a nomina on for any of the posi ons. The elec on commi ee has sent our absentee ballots to members not able to a end the June mee ng. We have COCSD’s Main Street America show coming July 31st, the club has a ended in the past and I hope we con nue to support our area Corve e clubs. We had three members; Mark, Sam, and I plus one pseudo member, my son James Toomey, volunteer at the Russo & Steele Auc on as drivers. We had a great me with classics and exo c cars. I enjoyed the classic muscle cars like the ’69 Mustang drag car and a Torino Cobra. It was fun to drive cars across the auc on block and see all of the excitement and ac vity in the tent. I did not get a chance to drive any Corve es; other drivers got to enjoy the Corve e experience. The day started at 10:00 am and went to around 7:00 pm. They provided us with a lunch and dinner to keep us going. I will have more details next month. I will have North County Corve e membership cards available and autographed at the business mee ng. I would like to thank the current board members for the support and help during my term as President. Proud to be a member of North County Corve e Club! Rick Toomey 2 Officers President: Rick Toomey Vice President: Mark Harwell Secretary: Ruth Harwell Treasurer: Gary Sadnick Ac vi es Coordinator: Norma Miyamoto Newsle er Editor: Renee Toomey Club Historian Laura Brandon Sergeant‐at‐Arms: Jack Grindstaff Past President: Sam Rindskopf Sandy Mayer 7 Jack Grindstaff 16 Kathy Brackx 22 Donna Rindskopf 28 MEMBERSHIP ANNIVERSARIES 30 Year: Ed and Candi Daher 15 Year: Bob and Jo Belzman 5 Year: Ray and Sharline Hower Appointees Members‐at‐Large: Jack Miyamoto Rob Roth Raffle: Bob Haller Carol Haller Webmaster: Ed Daher NCM Representa ve: Bob Hurst Charity Representa ve: Bob Belzman Car Club Council(s): Jan Houshar (San Diego MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR Phew! Plas c Fantas c is over! It was a great success due to all of the par cipa on by our dedicated members. It was amazing to know we had almost 400 cars at the show and our parking patrol got everyone set up without too many problems. The raffle was also well received. Now it’s me to turn our thoughts to who we want to lead us as officers into the 2016-2017 year. I urge you to volunteer for an office some me. It’s a great way for new members to get to know all of the club members and have a say in how things are done. Your newsle er editor, Renee ([email protected]) 3 Events Calendar June 14 NCoCC Business Mee ng. The Well Church. 7:00pm 23 NCoCC Board Mee ng. Mainstream Bar & Grill, 13385 Poway Rd., Poway, 7:00pm 25 Dyno Day, JBA Speedshop 30 Ramona Cruise Night July 12 NCoCC Business Mee ng. The Well Church. 7:00pm 28 NCoCC Board Mee ng. Mainstream Bar & Grill, 13385 Poway Rd., Poway, 7:00pm 31 Main Street America, Seaport Village TBD NCoCC Recogni on Dinner August 9 NCoCC Business Mee ng. The Well Church. 7:00pm 25 NCoCC Board Mee ng. Mainstream Bar & Grill, 13385 Poway Rd., Poway, 7:00pm TBD Past President’s Picnic PLASTIC FANTASTIC RAFFLE Thank you to everyone who helped make our raffle and silent auc on a success! Gary should have the final results for us at the June 14th mee ng. 4 CORVETTES OF TEMECULA VALLEY SHOW May 1, 2016 Contributed by Dwight Alexander Thirteen members of our club gathered at The Promenade in Temecula, near Lucille’s BBQ on May 1st and under the escort of Sco Peele headed for Temecula. We had a record turnout of cars and parked in the back row near where we parked last year and proceeded to “Shine them Up!!” Some really outstanding Corve es there even though the total number of cars was down slightly. Our club received the Club Par cipa on award for the 2nd year in a row!! Gary & Sharon Wood received 1st Place for their car as did Ron and Cathy Lewis for their 65 Conver ble. Many of us once again had delicious BBQ right next door to the parking lot while others snooped thru the mall or even went to the movies to beat the heat. There were also trips made to the Starbucks. We all had a great me!! 5 PLASTIC FANTASTIC XXXIX MAY 15, 2016 Submi ed by Sco Peele Photos courtesy of Bob Brown This year’s Plas c Fantas c was one for the record books. With almost 400 Corve es in one place, covering 61 years of history, it truly was a spectacular event! The morning started off with overcast skies and some wind, but no rain. As part of the parking team (Kudos to Sam Rindskopf, Rob Roth and the en re parking team - GREAT job!) I was able to meet lots of folks as we arranged all the cars on the south end of the park. It was quite an experience, and felt like we were pu ng together the worlds' most expensive jigsaw puzzle! At one point we had a Navy helicopter hovering over the park, taking in the sight. This was my first Plas c Fantas c. I was able to par cipate in a few of the pre-show ac vi es, like the final walk though and dinner at the Old Spaghe Factory with our club and clubs from Nevada and Arizona. I have to say that I am so impressed by the hard work and organiza onal skills of all those members that make this event happen every year. So many people complimented the club a er the event, as the cars were all leaving. I lost count of all the 'Great Show', Beau ful venue', and ‘See you next year' comments! Well done, NCoCC! 6 7 8 9 10 11 PLASTIC FANTASTIC XXXIX AWARD RESULTS Sponsor’s Choice (CHP) Bob Sengle Best of Show David Blake Club Patricipa on Pacific Coast Corve es Long Distance Mike & Jackie Malouf, Colorado Corve es 1,259 miles C1 1st David Freedman 2nd Bob Sengle 3rd Donald Weeks C2 1st Tim & Gale Osborn 2nd Joseph Prebe 3rd Paul Kerper C3 1st David Blake 2nd Dennis Steadman 3rd Richard Hirsch C4 1st Vicki Alter 2nd Christopher & Denise Milby 3rd Jerry Majer C5 1st Ma hew Glenn 2nd Dan Esqueda 3rd Robert Smith C6 1st Mark Alter 2nd Dee Edwards 3rd Russell Smith C7 1st Robert Fuller 2nd Don Sforzini 3rd Phil & Chris Walters CA 44 Cars CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OF THE WINNERS! THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO SUPPORTED OUR SHOW!!!! 12 Our Club Club members enjoy planned trips, car shows, fun runs, auto rallies, and a host of social and Corvette related events, including a Holiday Party, an Annual Recognition Dinner, and the NCoCC Plastic Fantastic all Corvette Show at Seaport Village. We support local communities in the San Diego County area by participating in special event parades and high school homecoming events. Our members also devote time, energy, and resources in supporting our club charity, the USO (United Services Organization) of San Diego. Meetings Business Meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm at The Well Church Meeting Room located at 13604 Midland Road, Poway, CA. We always welcome and encourage guests to attend our meetings and to participate in our club sponsored events. For a map of our meeting location, please go to our web site at Membership Membership is open to anyone at least 18 years of age who owns a Corvette. Applicants must attend two business meetings and participate in one club event before becoming a member. Membership in NCoCC entitles you to: A membership card for you and your significant other. NCoCC Cruise News Editor: Renee Toomey Contributors: Dwight Alexander Bob Brown Discounts on parts and service at participating dealers (Bob Stall and others). A club T-shirt. Name tags for you and your significant other. A newsletter via Email and/or the web site. Scott Peele Rick Toomey Members are expected to attend Business Meetings, maintain current dues, and support the club by serving on committees and participating in club events. Initiation fee is $25. Dues are paid in advance: $75 for one year. We hope this short introduction is helpful. If you have any questions, please contact us via email at [email protected]. 13