PDF: Handout - Paton Research Group | University of Oxford
PDF: Handout - Paton Research Group | University of Oxford
Organic Spectroscopy 1 Lecture 5 Dr Rob Paton [email protected] http://paton.chem.ox.ac.uk Michaelmas 2011 Organic Spectroscopy 1: Outline of Lectures 5-8 In lectures 5-6 of this course, aspects of Ultraviolet-visible and Infra red techniques will be introduced that are important in assigning organic structures. Coverage of the underlying theory and instrumentation associated with each method will be kept to a bare minimum since these aspects are covered elsewhere. We will look at a variety of real spectra and learn to correlate distinguishing features in these spectra with functional groups. UV-vis and IR spectroscopy provide direct experimental data to support of a number of the underlying concepts in organic chemistry introduced last year, such as conjugation and the mesomeric effect. We will also take a moment to consider these points. O O O O N N In lectures 7-8 we will go through worked examples to illustrate how to combine 13C and 1H NMR with UV-vis and IR spectra to assign structures. Digital copies of all handouts, problems and slides are available through the web: http://paton.chem.ox.ac.uk 2 Organic Spectroscopy 1: Outline of Lectures 5-8 Further Reading: Chemical Structure and Reactivity: an Integrated Approach – J. Keeler and P. D. Wothers, OUP (Chapter 11) Introduction to Organic Spectroscopy - L. M. Harwood and T. D.W. Claridge, Oxford Chemistry Primers Organic Chemistry – Clayden, Greeves, Warren and Wothers, OUP (Chapter 3) Organic Spectroscopic Analysis – R. J. Anderson. D. J. Bendell and P. W. Groundwater, RSC For more complete coverage including many more real examples of spectra, tables of spectroscopic data that will be useful in structural elucidation, and worked examples consult the following: Organic Structure Analysis – P. Crews, J. Rodriguez and M. Jaspers, OUP Spectroscopic Methods in Organic Chemistry (6th edition) – D. H. Williams and I. Fleming, Mcgraw-Hill A wealth of experimental spectra may be found on the internet, in openly accessible repositories. The following may be of interest: NMRshift DB - NMR database for organic structures: http://www.ebi.ac.uk/nmrshiftdb/ The Japanese Spectral Database for Organic Compounds (SDBS) has free access to IR, Raman, 1H and 13C NMR and MS data: http://riodb01.ibase.aist.go.jp/sdbs/cgi-bin/cre_index.cgi?lang=eng Sigma-Aldrich has IR, Raman and 1H and 13C NMR spectra for many of their commericially available compounds: http://www.sigmaaldrich.com Problems in structure, combining IR with 1H and 13C NMR courtesy of Prof Craig Merlic, UCLA: http://www.chem.ucla.edu/~webspectra/ Past Paper Questions containing to NMR/IR/UV-vis spectroscopy: NB Since 2011 Mass Spectrometry has been shifted to 1B Part IA: 2004 (Q7), 2005 (Q2), 2006 (Q1), 2007 (Q8), 2008 (Q9), 2009 (Q1), 2010 (Q1), 2011 (Q7). General Paper I: 1993 Q6, 2000 (Q1), 2001 (Q5) and 2004 (Q8) General Paper II: 1991 (Q3, Q5), 1992 (Q8), 1993 (Q3), 1994 (Q1), 1995 (Q3), 1996 (Q7), 1997 (Q5), 1998, Q3), 1999 (Q6), 2000 (Q9), 2002 (Q1) and 2003 (Q3) 3 The Electromagnetic Spectrum By irradiating molecules at different frequencies, it is possible to gain different types of information about their structure, since these frequencies bring into resonance various modes of molecular motion, or electronic or nuclear excitation. In modern laboratories, NMR spectroscopy is the first choice method for gaining structural information, with Infrared (IR) and mass spectroscopy (MS) techniques acting in a supporting capacity and UV spectra only being required in specialized circumstances (e.g. analysis of specific compound classes such as polymers or porphyrins). 4 The Electromagnetic Spectrum Electronic States Vibrational energy levels Rotational energy levels 100000 - 25000 - 2500 - 80000 - 20000 - 2000 - 60000 - 15000 - 1500 - 40000 - 10000 - 1000 - 20000 - 5000 - 500 - 0 0 Nuclear spin states 0.01 cm-1 (400 MHz) 0 (energies in wavenumbers, cm-1) 5 UV-vis Spectroscopy UV-vis is a form of absorption spectroscopy. Radiation in the UV-visible region of the EM spectrum is absorbed, causing an electron to be excited to a higher energy level. hν ΔE ground state excited state UV and visible spectra of organic compounds are associated with excitations of electrons from the ground state to an excited state higher in energy. The transition occurs from a filled bonding or non-bonding orbital to a formerly empty antibonding orbital. The energy gap is proportional to the frequency of absorption, and so UV-vis spectroscopy is a source of bonding information UV spectroscopy is most important in the structural analysis of compounds containing π-bonds, in particular conjugated systems. σ∗ 4π∗ 2π∗ 3π∗ (750 kJ/mol) (900 kJ/mol) (500 kJ/mol) 2π 1π σ 1π 6 UV-vis Spectroscopy hypsos = height molar extinction coefficient, ε bathos = depth hyper = above hypo = below 200 400 600 wavelength, λ (nm) 800 600 300 150 200 Energy gap (kJ/mol) Recording UV-vis spectra The ultraviolet or visible spectrum is usually taken using a dilute solution of the sample in a glass or quartz tube, or cuvette. Typically the sides of the cuvette are 1 cm, and the total volume is 2-3 cm3. UV or visible light is passed through the sample and the intensity of the transmitted beam is recorded across the wavelength range of the instrument (I). First the intensity of the light is recorded with pure solvent in the cuvette (I0) the absorbance due to the sample can then be computed as log10 (I0/I). light source * I0 I detector l 7 UV-vis Spectroscopy The Beer-Lambert law states that the absorption of light by a given sample is proportional to the number of absorbing molecules, and independent of the source intensity. I0 and I are the intensities of the incident and transmitted light, respectively, l is the path length of the absorbing solution in cm and c is the concentration in moles/litre. ε is the molar extinction coefficient in 1000 cm2 mol-1. log10 (I0/I) is called the absorbance. Example: A 1.12 x 10-4 M solution of paranitroaniline, in a cuvette of path length 1cm, has a measured absorbance maximum of 1.55 at 227 nm. This means the intensity of the transmitted light is 101.55 = 35 times the intensity of the incident light. The ε value for this absorption is: This would be quoted as: 8 UV-vis Spectroscopy The solvent and vessels must be transparent in the range of interest. cyclohexane chloroform 95% ethanol water quartz glass 150 170 190 210 230 wavelength (nm) 290 310 330 350 UV-vis absorptions of common functional groups: σ* n−π* π* conjugated π−π* n (LP) double bonds isolated π−π* lone pairs (O, N, S) n−σ* π single bonds σ−σ* 150 170 Vacuum UV 190 210 230 wavelength (nm) 290 310 330 350 σ UV Functional groups such as polyenes and poly-ynes that give rise to diagnostic absorptions in the UV-vis region of the EM spectrum are referred to as chromophores 9 UV-vis Spectroscopy Selection Rules and Intensity Irradiation of organic compounds does not always give rise to excitations of electrons from any filled to unfilled orbital, because there are rules based on symmetry governing which transitions are allowed. The intensity of absorption is related to the “allowedness” of a particular transition A chromophore with two double bonds conjugated together possesses a fully allowed transition, and has associated ε values of about 10,000 Forbidden absorptions are in practice observed with weak absorptions, as the symmetry may be broken by a molecular vibration or by unsymmetrical substitution. allowed "forbidden" O π - π* ε > 10,000 n - π* ε = 10 - 100 π - π* ε = 100 - 1000 The most important point to be made is that, in general: 10 UV-vis Spectroscopy Example: conjugated dienes: Me Me Ph n Ph n n λmax (nm) ε λmax (nm) ε 3 4 5 6 7 8 275 310 342 380 401 411 30,000 76,500 122,000 146,000 - 358 384 403 420 435 - 75,000 86,500 94,000 113,000 135,000 The most important point to be made is that, in general: 11 UV-vis Spectroscopy Absorption maxima for substituted benzene rings (Ph-R) R H NH3 Me I Cl Br OH OMe SO2NH2 CN CO2 CO2H NH2 O NHAc COMe CH=CH2 CHO Ph OPh NO2 CH=CHCO2H CH=CHPh λmax (nm) 203.5 203 206.5 207 209.5 210 210.5 217 217.5 224 224 230 230 235 238 245.5 248 249.5 251.5 255 268.5 273 295.5 λmax (nm) ε 7,400 7,500 7,000 7,000 7,400 7,900 6,200 6,400 9,700 13,000 8,700 11,600 8,600 9,400 10,500 9,800 14,000 11,400 18,300 11,000 7,800 21,000 29,000 λmax (nm) ε ε 254 254 261 257 263.5 261 270 269 264.5 271 268 273 280 287 204 160 225 700 190 192 1450 1480 740 1000 560 970 1430 2600 254 254 261 257 263.5 261 270 269 264.5 271 268 273 280 287 204 160 225 700 190 192 1450 1480 740 1000 560 970 1430 2600 282 750 291 500 272 2000 278 1800 pH induced shifts: an acid induced blue (i.e. hypsochromic) shift NH2 NH3 H λmax 230 nm NH2 λmax 203 nm NH2 NH2 H N H 12 UV-vis Spectroscopy pH induced shifts: a base induced red (i.e. bathochromic) shift OH O -H λmax 210.5 nm λmax 235 nm Effects of “complementary” EWG/EDG substituents NH2 NO2 NO2 NH2 NH2 H2N H2N NO2 NO2 λmax 230 nm λmax 269 nm ε 7800 ε 8600 NH2 NH2 NO2 O2N O2N NO2 O2N λmax 229 nm λmax 229 nm λmax 235λnm max 235 nm λmax 375 nm375 nm λmax λmax 260 nm ε 14800 ε 14800 ε 16000 ε 16000 ε 16000 ε 16000 ε 1300 Acid base indicators: e.g phenolphthalein λmax 231 nm (25,800) λmax 230 nm (25,800) λmax 275 nm (4,200) λmax 553 nm (26,000) O HO OH HO O pKa 9.4 O HO O O 13 UV-vis Spectroscopy Carbonyls: 4π∗ 2π∗ 2π∗ 3π∗ 2pO 2pO 2π 1π 1π 1π O O 14 UV-vis Spectroscopy Predicting UV absorptions of conjugated dienes: Alkyl substitution of a diene extends the chromophore through hyperconjugative interactions, causing a small red shift to longer values for λmax. The effect of alkyl substitution on open chain dienes and dienes in six-membered rings is approximately additive, so a few rules (first formulated by R. B. Woodward in 1941) can be used to predict absorption. Woodward’s rules have since been refined as a result of experience by Fieser. Woodward’s rules may be applied to predict the absoroption of a diene that is either homoannular with both double bonds contained in one ring or heteroannular with two double bonds distributed between two rings. Woodward's rules for diene and triene absorption Base value for parent s-trans diene (heteroannular) Base value for parent s-cis diene (homoannular) Increments for: (a) each alkyl substituent or ring residue (b) exocyclic nature of any double bond (c) additional double bond extending conjugation (d) auxochrome: -OAcyl -OAlkyl -SAlkyl -Cl or -Br -NAlkyl 214 nm 253 nm +5 nm +5 nm +30 nm +0 nm -OAcyl +6 nm -OAlkyl +30 nm - -SAlkyl +5 nm -Cl or -Br +60 nm -NAlkyl 15 UV-vis Spectroscopy Example of applying the Woodward-Fieser rules: Less empirical treatment… particle in a box: En = n2h2/8mL2 16 UV-vis Spectroscopy Rules for the principal band of substituted benzenes RC6H4OX O Parent chromophore: X R 246 nm 250 nm 230 nm alkyl or ring residue H OH or Oalkyl X Increment for each substituent: -alkyl/ring residue -OH, OMe, OAlkyl o, m -O o m -Cl o, m p o, m p o, m p o m p o, m p +3 +10 +7 +25 +11 +20 +78 0 +10 -Br -OH, OMe, OAlkyl -NH2 om -NHAc o, m -NHMe -NMe2 o, m p o, m p o, m p p o, m p +2 +15 +13 +58 +20 +45 +73 +20 +85 Example: O MeO 17 UV-vis Spectroscopy trans-stilbene and cis-stilbene λmax 296 nm (ε 29,000) λmax 280 nm (ε 10,500) 2,4,6-trimethylacetophenone and para-methylacetophenone O O λmax 242 nm (ε 3,200) λmax 252 nm (ε 15,000) Strain release in the hydrolysis of a dilactone produced from shelloic acid. O O O H H2O H O H H OH O O H O no strong absoprtion >210 nm H OH λmax 227 nm (ε 5,500) 18 UV-vis Spectroscopy Tomatoes are a deeper red than carrots. Given that the conjugated systems of β-carotene and lycopene are both eleven double bonds conjugated together with a similar number of alkyl substituents, why might lycopene absorb at a longer wavelength and with greater intensity? β-carotene lycopene Dehydration of graphene oxide to grapheme (Chem. Mater. 2009, 21, 2950) H+ H OH Expanding a porphyrin π-system (Org. Lett. 2008, 10, 3945) 19 IR Spectroscopy O Me Me H H O O O H H O cortisone acetate Electronic States Vibrational energy levels Rotational energy levels 100000 - 25000 - 2500 - 80000 - 20000 - 2000 - 60000 - 15000 - 1500 - 40000 - 10000 - 1000 - 20000 - 5000 - 500 - 0 0 E = h c / λ i.e. C-H bonds absorb at around 3000 cm -1 : 6.63x10 -34 x 3x10 8 x 3000x10 2 x N a = 36 kJ/mol 0 (energies in wavenumbers, cm-1) 20 IR Spectroscopy Transmission High-resolution IR spectrum of CO in the gas phase: 2000 2050 2100 2150 wavenumber (cm-1) 2200 2250 Modelling a vibration: Hooke’s law (“as the extension, so the force”) kf m2 m1 oscillation about COM The frequency depends on the mass and the stiffness of the spring When applying this model to a pair of bonded atoms, the force constant corresponds to the strength of the covalent bond. Stronger bonds are harder to stretch. 21 IR Spectroscopy Unlike a mass hanging from a spring, when a diatomic molecule vibrates, both of the atoms move. We take this into account by using the reduced mass for the system to compute the frequency of oscillation: For a vibrating diatomic molecule, the frequency of vibration (expressed as a wavenumber, in cm-1) is given by: When one of the two masses is considerably larger than the other, as in a X-H bond, this expression approximates to the lighter of the two masses: Due to the inverse relationship between reduced mass and frequency, the stretching frequencies for X-H bonds are considerably greater than those for other bonds. For atoms with similar masses, the stretching frequencies of triple bonds are greater than double bonds, which in turn are greater than for single bonds. This is a consequence of force constants following the bond strengths. 22 IR Spectroscopy Compare the C-H region of the IR spectra of fluorobenzene and d5-fluorobenzene. 1H 1H F 1H 1H 1H 2D 2D F 2D 2D 2D C-H - 3050 cm-1 C-D - 2280 cm-1 ν C-H/ν C-D = 1.34 reduced mass C-H: 1 x 12 / (1+ 12) 1 reduced mass C-D: 2 x 12 / (2+ 12) 2 ratio of C-H to C-D stretching frequency = = 1.4 23 IR Spectroscopy The complex vibrational motion of polyatomic molecules can be resolved into a series of simpler normal modes. There are 3N – 6 (non-linear molecule) or 3N – 5 (linear molecule) normal modes. Normal modes of sulfur dioxide, SO2: bending mode 519 cm-1 symmetric stretching mode 1151 cm-1 antisymmetric mode 1361 cm-1 Different bends of a methylene group: 24 IR Spectroscopy Normal modes of carbon dioxide: symmetric stretching mode antisymmetric mode 25 IR Spectroscopy It is helpful to divide the IR spectrum into regions: Example: cyanoacetamide 26