EWEA seminar presentation H2020 Grid
EWEA seminar presentation H2020 Grid
THE EU FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME FOR RESEARCH AND INNOVATION HORIZON 2020 Electricity Grid Energy Storage 2014-2015 Calls Matthieu Craye DG ENER – C2 Not legally binding – check official documents H2020 Basic principles • 2-year work programme One call BUT several deadlines and 1-stage/2-stage • Challenge-based approach (not prescribing technology options) • Energy Challenge: Focus areas • Use of TRLs to specify scope of activities • Indicative range of Project sizes • Grant signature within 8 months from submission deadline Evaluation criteria • S&T Excellence • Clarity and pertinence of the objectives • Credibility of the proposed approach • Soundness of the concept, [.] transdisciplinarity [.] • Impact !! Weight of 1.5 for ranking of IA • Expected impacts listed in WP under the topic • Enhancing innovation capacity and integration of new knowledge • Strengthening competitiveness of companies [.] • Other social and environmental impacts • Effectiveness of exploitation and dissemination • Quality and efficiency of implementation • Coherence and effectiveness of workplan • Complementarity of participants • Appropriateness of management procedures Energy Challenge: Five Calls, 2014-2015 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Energy efficiency Smart cities & communities Competitive low-carbon energy SME's and Fast Track to Innovation for Energy Euratom Fission CALL H2020-LCE-2014-2015 http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/ opportunities/h2020/index.html Grid and Storage : SUBCALLS H2020-LCE-2014-3 and H2020-LCE-2015-3 Call Competitive low-carbon energy Topics* Short-hand Description 2014 (M€) 2015 (M€) LCE1 New knoweldge & tech. 20 LCE2, LCE11 RES – Research 60* 59* LCE3, LCE12 RES - Demonstration 73* 80* LCE4, LCE14 Market uptake 20 20 LCE5, LCE6, LCE7 Smart grids 60 71,48 LCE8, LCE9, LCE10 Storage 44,15 26 LCE13 Joint topic with Brazil LCE15, LCE16, LCE17 CCS & other 33 35 LCE18 ERANET 34,25 57,85 LCE19 Coordination of MS 3 3 LCE20 Socio-Eco. 10,5 LCE21 Socio-Eco. LCE22 NCP Network 10 10 1,5 * Corresponds to the topic code in the workprogramme Grids & Storage - Overview • Distribution Grid = 2014 • Transmission grid = 2015 • Small scale storage & storage technology - 2014 • Large scale storage = 2015 • Total budget: about 100M€/year Overview – Call 2014 – 104.15M€ Deadline 7/5/2014 • Grid 2014 – 60M€ LCE 7: Distribution Grid (Innovation Actions) • Storage 2014 – 44.15 M€ LCE 8: Local/Small Scale Energy Storage (Innovation Actions) LCE 10: Next Generation Energy Storage (Research & Innovation Actions) Overview – Call 2015: 97.48M€ Deadline 3/3/2015 • Grid 2015 – 71.48 M€ LCE 5: Meshed HVDC Offshore Grids (Innovation Actions) LCE 6: Transmission Grid & Wholesale market (Innovation & R&I Actions) • Storage 2015 – 26 M€ LCE 8: Large Scale Energy Storage (Innovation Actions) Grid 2014: 60 M€ * • LCE-7: Distribution Grid 1. 2. Development of ICT tools and services for smart grids (3 to 4 projects of about 2.5 to 3 M€) Demonstrate innovative system integration of DRES and demand response in the real grid (3 to 4 projects of about 9 to 12 M€) 3. Cheap smart meters (< 100 €) (3 to 5 projects of about 2.5 to 3 M€) 4. Study best future ICT infrastructure (1 project: about 1 M€) • Budget for 2 = 38 M€; • for 1 + 3 + 4 = 22 M€ Storage 2014: 44.15 M€ • LCE-8: Local/Small Scale Energy Storage TRL: from 5-6 to higher (demonstration) (2 to 4 projects of about 8 to 12 M€) • LCE-10: Next Generation Energy Storage TRL: from 2 to 5 (research) (1 to 2 projects of about 6 to 9 M€) Grid 2015: 71.48 M€ • LCE-5: Meshed HVDC off-shore Grid 1 to 2 projects about 30 - 40 M€ • LCE-6: Transmission grid and wholesale market 2 to 3 projects: about 12 - 15 M€ Storage 2015: 26 M€ • LCE-9: Large Scale Energy Storage project size: about 20 - 25 M€ (one, maybe two projects) Integrated approach • All demonstration projects shall integrate • Innovative Technology development • Innovative Business models • Develop plans for market uptake (including scaling-up and replication) • Check existing market barriers and work out proposals for solutions (policy, legislation, regulation, etc.) • Knowledge sharing among LCE 6 to LCE 10 projects WP Impacts – LCE 7 Distribution • • • • • • • • • • Demonstrate active demand in real world Deliver innovative ICT-based services Substantially increase local share of DER & RES Opening markets for grid & system technologies Active participation of prosumers & new players Mitigating capital & operational costs of grids Maximizing up-scaling and replication Accelerating implementation of new policies Lowering the cost of smart metering Enabling open market for services deployment WP Impacts–LCE 8 Small Storage • • • • • • • • • • Demonstrate synergy local storage/grid/demand response Demonstrate integration of storage services in ntwk mgt Increase grid security & stability Reduce grid congestion Increase potential for grid services linked with storage Enhance supply independence of remote areas with RES Local management of balancing, congestions, security Motivate a wider use of energy storage technologies Accelerate business models for storage at local level Deferred grid investments, lower cost of RES integration Support to R&D strategy in the area of SET Plan activities in smart grids and energy storage Call for Tender (Part B of work programme) • Develop roadmaps and priorities • Monitor projects, programmes EU and worldwide • Organise networking activities and knowledge sharing Indicative timeframe & budget: • 2014 Q2 storage – 2yr duration – 1M€ • 2014 Q4 grids – 1yr duration – 0.5M€ THE EU FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME FOR RESEARCH AND INNOVATION HORIZON 2020 http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/opportunities/h2020/index.html Thank you very much for your attention Matthieu CRAYE DG ENER – C2 [email protected]