Option Form Filling Manual
Option Form Filling Manual
DIRECTORATE OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION MAHARASHTRA STATE MUMBAI Candidate Option Form Filling Manual For Admission to First / Second Year of Master in Computer Application For Academic Year 2015-16 Table of Contents DTE Contact details ........................................................................................................................ 1 1. Candidate Login for Option form submission ............................................................................ 2 1.1 Candidate Home Page ........................................................................................................... 3 2. Online Option Form Selection and Submission.......................................................................... 4 2.1 Option Form Filling for Single University .......................................................................... 6 2.2 Option Form Filling for Multiple Universities .................................................................... 8 3. Preference of Option Form ....................................................................................................... 11 4. Confirmation of Option Form ................................................................................................... 15 5. Cancellation of Option Form .................................................................................................... 17 DTE Contact details Directorate of Technical Education, Mumbai contact Numbers are as follows 1. 2. 3. 4. 022 2264 1150/51 022 22612139 022 22644859 Fax:- 022 22692102/22690007 To access the website for submission of Option Form for CAP Round I and II for Admission to First and Second Year of M.C.A. for the Academic Year 2015-16 go to the following link www.dtemaharashtra.gov.in/MCA2015 Candidate Option Form Filling Manual-M.C.A. 2015-16 | DTE Contact details 1 1. Candidate Login for Option form submission Candidate is required to visit www.dtemaharashtra.gov.in/MCA2015 and login through Candidate Login for Option Form (CAP Round I) menu to fill the preferred options for admission to First and Second Year of M.C.A. 2015. Candidate is required to enter Application ID and Password provided by DTE as shown below. Enter Application ID and Password provided by DTE **Please note that Candidate is advised not to disclose or share their Application ID and Password with anybody. DTE will not be responsible for violation or misuse of the Application ID and Password of a candidate.** Candidate Option Form Filling Manual-M.C.A. 2015-16 | 1. Candidate Login for 2 Option form submission 1.1 Candidate Home Page Candidate is required to fill his/her Option form for CAP I to apply for First And Second Year of M.C.A. 2015. Candidate is required to click on “PROCEED TO COMPLETE OPTION FORM” button to proceed for filling option form for CAP Round I as shown below. Candidate Option Form Filling Manual-M.C.A. 2015-16 | 1. Candidate Login for 3 Option form submission 2. Online Option Form Selection and Submission Candidate is required to read and understand all the instructions displayed on the webpage and provided in information brochure carefully. Candidate can shortlist options by selecting course name, universities etc. and select on search institute as shown below. Candidate is required to search for choice code based on criteria provided as follows: Course Name : Comprises of Master in Computer Application for First and Second Year of M.C.A. 2015. (Selecting Course name is mandatory) University All Universities in the Maharashtra State. Candidate is required to select desired university in which he/she is willing to select institute choice code as his/her option for CAP Round I option form : Course Status 1: List of institute status such as Government, Government-Aided, University Department, University Managed, University Managed (Un-Aided), Deemed University, Un-Aided. Candidate Option Form Filling Manual-M.C.A. 2015-16 | 2. Online Option Form 4 Selection and Submission Course Status 2: List of institute status such as Autonomous, Non-Autonomous. Course Status 3: List of institute status such as Linguistic Minority, Regional Minority. After entering the above information, click on “SEARCH INSTITUTE” button. Candidate Option Form Filling Manual-M.C.A. 2015-16 | 2. Online Option Form 5 Selection and Submission 2.1 Option Form Filling for Single University For example: Candidate willing to take admission for first/second year M.C.A. 2015 in: Course Name : Master in Computer Application University: Shivaji University Candidate is required to enter course name and University in Online application and then click on “Search Institute” button as shown below. System shall then display all the possible choice codes available in the Shivaji University for Master in Computer Application as shown below. Candidate Option Form Filling Manual-M.C.A. 2015-16 | 2. Online Option Form 6 Selection and Submission Then Candidate is required select check boxes provided in the table for the preferred choice codes. And then click “Add Selected options” as shown below: Candidate Option Form Filling Manual-M.C.A. 2015-16 | 2. Online Option Form 7 Selection and Submission 2.2 Option Form Filling for Multiple Universities For example: Candidate willing to take admission for M.C.A. course in any of the universities in Maharashtra State i.e. apply to institutes across multiple universities Candidate is required to select only course name In the “Select University” dropdown, select “ALL”. Then click on “SEARCH INSTITUTE” button as shown below: System shall then display all the institutes in all Universities of Maharashtra state which are running M.C.A. course as shown below. Candidate Option Form Filling Manual-M.C.A. 2015-16 | 2. Online Option Form 8 Selection and Submission Then Candidate is required select check boxes provided in the table for the preferred choice codes. And then click “Add Selected options” as shown below: Candidate Option Form Filling Manual-M.C.A. 2015-16 | 2. Online Option Form 9 Selection and Submission After selecting Add Selected Options, the shortlisted options mentioning the choice codes selected shall be displayed to the candidates as shown below: Candidate can delete any option if required by checking the checkbox and clicking on “Delete selected options” button. Once the list of options is finalized then candidate is required to select “Save & Proceed”. Candidate Option Form Filling Manual-M.C.A. 2015-16 | 2. Online Option Form 10 Selection and Submission 3. Preference of Option Form On successful selection of Options, candidate is required to set preferences to the selected options as shown below. **Preferences to the selected option can be set by selecting check box one by one. When you click particular check box of an Institute the Preference number will be autogenerated and shown in the Preference Number adjoining to the checkbox.** as shown below: Candidate can reset all the preferences and set fresh preferences to the institutes if required by clicking on “Reset My Preferences” button. Candidate Option Form Filling Manual-M.C.A. 2015-16 | 3. Preference of Option 11 Form Once shortlisting of options and setting preferences is complete then candidate is required to click on “Save & Proceed” as shown below: System shall then display final list of preferences to the options as shown below. Candidates can changes preferences by selecting “Change Preferences” button if required. Candidate Option Form Filling Manual-M.C.A. 2015-16 | 3. Preference of Option 12 Form If you want to Insert a Choice Code to a particular position, then click on 'Insert Choice Code' Button given below. If you want to Move a Preference Choice Code to a particular position, then click on 'Move Choice Code' Button given below. Candidate Option Form Filling Manual-M.C.A. 2015-16 | 3. Preference of Option 13 Form If candidate does not wish to change preferences and has completed filling of option form and preferences to the selected option then candidate is required to confirm option form by clicking on “Confirm Options button” as shown below: Candidate Option Form Filling Manual-M.C.A. 2015-16 | 3. Preference of Option 14 Form 4. Confirmation of Option Form NOTE: **Confirm Option Form is a Mandatory Step. Once candidate confirm option form then he/she will not be able to edit it.** **If candidate has filled and set preferences to selected option and failed to the confirm options then candidate’s claim for allotment to preferred option will not be considered and DTE will not be responsible for the same.** Once Candidate clicks on “Confirm Option Form” button, system shall ask to enter candidate’s password. Enter Password provided by DTE Candidate is required to enter his/her password and then click on “Confirm Option Form” button. Candidate Option Form Filling Manual-M.C.A. 2015-16 | 4. Confirmation of Option 15 Form On confirmation of Option form candidate can take print out of option form through his/her login for future reference. Candidate Option Form Filling Manual-M.C.A. 2015-16 | 4. Confirmation of Option 16 Form 5. Cancellation of Option Form If candidate wishes to change/alter the options in the Option Form after confirmation, the candidate shall download and fill ‘Cancellation of Option Form’ provided in Important Links and submit at ARC along with the Option Form which needs to be changed. After the ARC has unconfirmed the Option Form, the candidate should then change/alter the options and confirm the Online Option Form through candidate’s login. If candidate fails to confirm the Option Form within scheduled date and time, candidate shall be out of CAP Round I/II and ARC or DTE shall not be responsible for the same. Below is the mentioned format for “Cancellation of Option Form” which is available in the Important Links. Candidate Option Form Filling Manual-M.C.A. 2015-16 | 5. Cancellation of Option 17 Form < Name and Address of the candidate > ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ Application ID :MC15__________ Subject: Application for UNCONFIRMATION of Option Form of CAP Round I/II for Admission to First/Second Year of M.C.A. for the academic year 2015-16. Dear ARC Officer, I, the undersigned, have filled and confirmed the online Option Form for CAP Round I/2 on ___ _____ ___. I wish to change the Option Form and hence I am requesting you to cancel my Option Form for CAP Round I so that I can change the options and then confirm the option form. I am aware that, once the Option form is unconfirmed by ARC as per my request, it shall be my responsibility to change /alter the options and confirm the Online Option Form by myself through my login. I am also aware that if I fail to confirm the Option Form within scheduled date and time, I shall be out of CAP Round I/II and ARC or DTE shall not be responsible for the same. I am ready to pay the Un-confirmation Request Processing Fee of Rs. 50/- (Rs. Fifty) in cash to the ARC. Please UNCONFIRM my Confirmed Option Form for CAP Round I/II. Thanking You, Yours faithfully ( ) (Name and Signature of the candidate) Date :__ ____________ Time : _____________________ Place : _____________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For Office Use only Sr. No. _______ Option Form Unconfirmed. Date : Name and Signature of the ARC officer -------------------------------------------- cut here and give receipt to the candidate --------------------------------- Directorate of Technical Education, Mumbai Receipt to be given to Candidate Sr. No. _______ Received application from ______________________________ _(Application ID :MC15______________) for UNCONFIRMATION of Option Form for CAP Round I/II for Admission to First/Second Year of M.C.A. for academic year 2015-16. As per your request, your option form is UNCONFIRMED at ARC ______(ARC CODE). We have received Rs. 50/- as Facilitation charges. Place: _____________ Date: ____________ Time _________ Seal and Signature of the ARC officer Candidate Option Form Filling Manual-M.C.A. 2015-16 | 5. Cancellation of Option 18 Form