ANALYST MEETING PT GARUDA INDONESIA (PERSERO) Tbk. 9M2015 Result Announcement Jakarta, 23 October 2015 1 Agenda Hal 1. Company Profile 3–8 2. Operational Performance 9 – 13 3. Financial Performance 14 – 20 4. Subsidiaries 21 – 23 Picture’s source: 2 Share Performance GIAA & JCI List of Shareholders as of 30 Sept 2015 GIAA (RHS) JCI (LHS) Number of Shares % Domestic Government of Indonesia Retail Employee Institutional (Trans Airways) Other institutional (less than 5%) Total domestic 15,653,128,000 857,530,739 78,724,370 6,370,697,372 1,686,581,134 24,646,661,615 60.5 3.3 0.3 24.6 6.5 95.3 3,856,770 1,218,408,248 1,222,265,018 25,868,926,633 0.0 4.7 4.7 100.0 International Notes Av. liquidity (IDR/day) Av. close price (IDR) Av. volume (shares/day) Market cap (IDR) 9M-2014 9M-2015 1.8 bio 4.2 bio 453 482 3.9 mio 8.6 mio 10.7 trillion 7.9 trillion Retail Institutional (less than 5%) Total international TOTAL Domestic International Percentage of Shares based on Real Free Float 68.2% 31.8% Real free float 15% - excluding Government of Indonesia and Trans Airways ownerships. 3 Garuda Indonesia Continues its Bright Performance in Challenging Conditions • Top line increase 0.5% YoY • Reduce cost 11.8% YoY • Bottom line improves (9M2015 – net profit USD 51.4Mio) • • • Sustainable passenger growth: 17.5% YoY Sustainable market share (Dom: 44% & Inter: 28%) Sustainable high SLF 77.3% • • Manage RPK growth is higher compare to ASK growth The non fuel efficiency, exercised ± 70% of target FY 2015 Picture’s source: 4 Awards 46 awards 2015: Domestic: 34 awards International: 12 awards • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Service: 17 awards Commercial: 9 awards Business: 7 awards Corporate Transformation: 5 awards Human Capital: 4 awards People Management: 2 awards GCG: 2 Awards SKYTRAX Awards 2015 “The World’s Best Cabin Crew” SKYTRAX Awards 2015 “World’s Best Airline” 8th Rank FinanceAsia Awards 2015 “Asia’s Best Companies 2015” Schipol Aviation Awards “Passenger Airline of the Year Award 2014-Intercontinental” Indonesia Human Capital Award 2015 “1st in Human Resources Technology” Indonesia Good Corporate Governance Award 2015 “Score A (Excellent)” Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) “Gold Awards 2015 for Inflight Magazine” Picture’s source: 5 Milestones First Quarter 2015 • Garuda Indonesia implemented hedging cooperation through Cross Currency Swap (CCS) transactions with banks. The first and the biggest CCS transaction, exercised by SOE in Indonesia. • Garuda Indonesia, BII-Maybank, and NBAD/DIB carried signing of bridging loan facility with the principles of Sharia facility of $ 500 million. Second Quarter 2015 • Garuda Indonesia launched the "New Mobile Apps“ • Garuda Indonesia and Cardig Air signed a cooperation of air cargo management and business development • Garuda Indonesia exercised “Reprofiling Debt” of “Quick Wins” strategy by issuing sukuk amounted $500 mio with 4 times booking order. Third Quarter 2015 • Garuda Indonesia ends the Hajj Flights 2015 with 92.38% On-Time Performance Rates. • The Inaugurations of Garuda Maintenance Facilities AeroAsia (GMF-AA) 4th Hangar • President & CEO of Garuda Indonesia appointed as President of Indonesia Marketing Association (IMA) for the period 2015-2017 Picture’s source: 6 Garuda Indonesia Group Market Share – YTD August 2015 International Market Share Domestic Market Share 2014 17% 46% 37% 2014 2015 15% 72% 78% Others 41% 2015 Others Lion Group 44% 22% GA Group Garuda domestic market share group (including Citilink) These market share were calculated based on all Garuda Indonesia’s routes Source: Company Data 28% GA Main Brand Garuda main brand international market share These market share were calculated based on all Garuda Indonesia’s routes Source: Company Data Picture’s source: 7 Peers Comparison – Operational Performance YTD 9M2015 25.00 ASK growth (%) 2014 vs 2015 RPK growth (%) 2014 vs 2015 20.00 15.00 20.00 14.5 15.00 10.00 6.0 5.00 3.7 6.4 5.0 15.00 (0.2) (0.9) 5.00 Asia Pasific 7.3 8.3 6.1 (0.9) -5.00 Asia Pacific 25.0 Passenger carried of AAPA – 2015 Passenger carried growth (%) 2014-2015 Passenger Carried Growth 20.0 17.5 13.1 15.0 10.6 10.00 8.8 10.00 0.00 -5.00 20.00 14.8 5.00 0.00 25.00 16.5 8.9 8.5 1.7 10.0 11.4 10.9 6.4 8.9 5.5 5.0 0.6 1.1 - - Asia Pacific South East South North East Oceania Central Asia Pacific Note: YTD September 2015 Sumber: Airline Website and Asia Pacific Data for August 2015 8 Operational Performance 9 Number of Fleets Average Age (year) 5.8 2012 5.0 2013 4.5 2014 Fleets per Dec 2014 In * B737-800NG * ATR 72-600 * B777-300 ER * A320-200 * A330-300 Total Out * A330-200 * B737-800 Total Fleets per Sept 2015 4.7 4.3 Sep-15 2015E 169 5 2 2 4 1 14 1 1 2 181 Narrow body • B737-500 • B737-800 NG • CRJ - 1000 • ATR 72-600 Total narrow body Wide Body • B747-400 • B777-300 ER • A330-200 • A330-300 Total wide body Garuda main brand Citilink • B737-300 • B737-500 •A320-200 Total Citilink Total fleets 14-Dec Sep 15 Fin lease/ owned 15-Dec 4 75 15 8 102 1 79 15 10 105 79 9 10 98 1 6 7 81 18 11 110 2 6 11 11 30 132 2 8 10 12 32 137 8 10 6 24 122 2 6 8 15 2 9 9 13 33 143 5 32 37 169 5 3 36 44 181 36 36 158 5 3 8 23 5 3 36 44 187 10 Operational Performance Garuda Group 9M-2014 9M-2015 ∆% 9:53 9:11 -0:42 165,642 186,105 12.4 89.6 88.2 (1.4) 36,902,810 38,748,407 5.0 0.9 0.5 (37.9) 3,699 3,590 (2.9) Passenger Carried 20,893,654 24,551,594 17.5 RPK ('000) 26,086,291 29,951,212 14.8 Aircraft Utilization (Hours) Frequencies Operational On Time Performance - OTP (%) ASK ('000) Average Fuel Price (USD/L) Fuel Burn/Blockhours Efficiency Yield decreased • The passenger yield decreased 13.7% due to IDR depreciation ±12.1% and lower international fares amidst unstable economic. Utilization decreased • The utilization was going down to be 9:11 hours due to route restructuring of Quick Wins program, especially in international market. Others Passenger & Cargo Seat Load Factor (%) 70.7 77.3 6.6 Passenger Yield (USc) 8.6 7.5 (13.7) 292,888 257,304 (12.1) CASK (Usc) 7.6 6.4 (15.3) CASK-excl Fuel (Usc) 4.5 4.5 0.0 Cargo/Mail Uplifted (Ton) Financial • OTP decrease due to Mount Raung eruption and fire incident in SHIA Terminal 2 • Cargo capacity decrease due to the increase of passenger carried as Garuda Cargo is ‘belly cargo’ on Garuda Group. 11 Operational Performance Domestic & International Domestic International 9M-2014 9M-2015 ∆% Passenger Carried Frequency ASK ('000) RPK ('000) Seat Load Factor (%) Passenger Yield (Usc) CASK (Usc) CASK-excl Fuel (Usc) 12,666,172 106,581 14,779,378 10,915,976 73.9 10.1 8.6 5.3 14,508,965 118,607 16,448,716 12,675,797 77.1 8.6 7.1 5.0 14.5 11.3 11.3 16.1 3.20 (14.5) (17.1) (4.4) Passenger Carried Frequency ASK ('000) RPK ('000) Seat Load Factor (%) Passenger Yield (Usc) CASK (Usc) CASK-excl Fuel (Usc) 2,897,051 21,549 16,963,144 11,101,472 65.4 8.0 7.3 4.4 3,176,986 20,835 15,742,812 11,953,539 75.9 6.9 6.3 4.5 9.7 (3.3) (7.2) 7.7 10.49 (13.6) (13.6) 3.0 Garuda Indonesia main brand has 58 domestic destinations 17 international destinations Picture’s source: 12 Operational Performance Main Brand & Citilink Main Brand Citilink Passenger Carried Frequency ASK ('000) RPK ('000) Seat Load Factor (%) Passenger Yield (Usc) CASK (Usc) CASK-excl Fuel (Usc) Passenger Carried Frequency ASK ('000) RPK ('000) Seat Load Factor (%) Passenger Yield (Usc) CASK (Usc) CASK-excl Fuel (Usc) 9M-2014 15,563,223 128,130 31,742,521 22,017,448 69.4 9.1 7.9 4.8 5,330,431 37,512 5,160,289 4,068,844 78.9 6.5 5.7 2.9 9M-2015 17,685,951 139,442 32,191,527 24,629,336 76.5 7.8 6.7 4.8 6,865,643 46,663 6,556,880 5,321,876 81.2 5.8 5.0 3.2 ∆% 13.6 8.8 1.4 11.9 7.15 (13.7) (14.9) (0.2) 28.8 24.4 27.1 30.8 2.31 (10.7) (13.4) 11.2 13 Financial Performance 14 Summary of Consolidated Income Statement Garuda Group Top Line (USD, Bio) Operating Revenue Operating Expenses Income In USD Mio 9M14 9M15 ∆ % YoY EBITDAR 406.3 918.4 126.0 Total revenues 2,831.3 2,845.7 0.5 Fuel 1,175.7 806.5 (31.4) 530.1 659.9 24.5 Others 1,374.8 1,251.3 (9.0) Total expenses 3,080.6 2,717.6 (11.8) EBIT (249.3) 128.1 151.4 EBT (298.3) 81.3 127.3 Net income (220.1) 51.4 123.4 14.4% 32.3% Aircraft rental and charter EBITDAR Margin 1.0 0.9 0.9 Q1 Q2 Q3 Garuda Group Net Income (USD, Mio) 22.1 16.9 12.4 Q1 Q2 Q3 15 Operating Revenue In USD mio % Change 0.5% 2.4% Scheduled airline decrease Others (2.4%) 2,831.3 2,845.7 • Lower yield due to IDR depreciation and unstable economic condition in regional • Losing revenue potency due to challenging conditions such mount eruption, SHIA fire incident, and hazardous haze in indonesia surroundings Non Schedule Airline Schedule airline Non schedule airline increase 9M15 9M14 Operating Revenue Operating Revenue Schedule airline Operating Revenue *PoT 84.60% Non schedule airline 6.20% Others 9.20% • Sustainable increase of charter revenue to China market and Umrah (Middle East). • Additional revenue from Hajj season Others increase • Others revenue increased due to green performance of subsidiaries. *PoT : Percentage of total 16 Operating Expenses In USD mio % change Decreasing expenses (12.0%) 4.7% 3,080.6 Fuel Fligh Ops + Maintenance + User charge (1.6%) Tickets + Passenger Service (0.3%) G&A (2.6%) 2,717.6 Others 9M14 Operating Expenses Operating Expenses • Fuel expenses decreased 31.4% to be USD 806.5mio compared to same period last year of USD 1.2bio due to fuel price declining 37.9% compare last year. • Total operating expenses decreased 11.8% to be USD 2.7 bio compared to the same period last year USD 3.1bio. • Fuel efficiency YTD 9M15 USD 369.3mio as impact of fuel price declining and fuel efficiency program • Non fuel efficiency YTD 9M15 USD ±115.3mio 9M15 Operating Expenses PoT* Fuel 28.97% Flight ops + Rental + Maintenance + User charge 47.96% Ticketing + Passenger Service 15.62% G&A 5.89% Others 1.55% Increasing expenses • The rental cost increased 24.5% to be USD 659.9mio compared to the same period last year of USD 530.1 mio in line with the additional fleets. • The maintenance cost increased by 9.5% to be USD 210.2mio compared to the same period last year USD 192.0mio in line with the additional fleets. *PoT : Percentage of total 17 Summary of Consolidated Balance Sheet Asset Liability Equity FY14 9M15 ∆ % YoY 810.5 843.5 4.1 Non current assets 2,302.6 2,238.5 (2.8) Total Assets 3,113.1 3,082.0 (1.0) Current liabilities 1,219.4 1,103.7 (9.5) Non current liabilities 1,014.2 1,107.2 9.2 Total liabilities 2,233.6 2,210.9 (1.0) 879.5 871.1 (0.9) 3,113.1 3,082.0 (1.0) Current assets Total equities Total liabilities & Equities Lease Adj. Net Debt/EBITDAR 10.1x 7.5x 18 Summary of Consolidated Cash Flow 9M14 9M15 ∆ % YoY 480.4 434.3 (9.6) Cash from operating activities (180.9) 56.0 130.9 Cash from investing activities (189.6) (104.1) (45.1) Cash from financing activities 271.2 44.8 (83.5) Net increase (decrease) in cash (99.3) (3.1) n.a. Ending cash 396.6 409.5 3.2 Beginning cash Operating Investing Cash receipts from customers USD 2.8bio Cash payments to suppliers USD 2.4bio Payments of interest and financial expenses USD 45.2mio Payments PDP & Maintenance Reserve Fund: USD 303.4mio Security Deposit payment: USD 11.1mio Refund of PDP and Maintenance Reserve Fund: USD 216.2mio Receipts of security Deposit : USD 9.0mio Min 5% of Cash Ratio Financing Proceed of long term loan, bank loan, & financial institution and sukuk USD 1,4bio Payment of long term loan, bank loan & financial institution: USD 1.3bio Picture’s source: 19 Cash and Net Gearing 1,400.0 In USD Mio 1.06 1.04 1,200.0 1,000.0 1.02 0.99 1.00 800.0 0.97 0.98 600.0 0.94 400.0 0.96 0.94 200.0 464.9 1,313.2 856.6 464.0 1,305.8 864.4 409.5 1,212.7 853.4 0.0 0.92 0.90 3M15 Cash 6M15 Equity Debt 9M15 Net Gearing 60% Max 2.5x of Debt to Equity Ratio 31% Min capital USD 800mio 9% Debt Structure 9M2015 Shor term loan Long term loan Lease Picture’s source: 20 Subsidiaries 21 Subsidiaries Aero Wisata (in IDR bio) Operating Revenue Operating Income Net Income EBITDA Asset Liability Equity Citilink (in USD 000) 9M2014 2,331.4 82.3 64.1 167.5 Dec14 2,735.5 937.2 1,798.3 9M2015 2,317.0 98.4 77.0 189.9 Sept15 2,830.9 952.1 1,878.8 ∆ % YoY (0.6) 19.5 20.0 13.4 ∆ % YoY 3.5 1.6 4.5 Gapura Angkasa (in IDR bio) Operating Revenue Operating Income Net Income EBITDA Asset Liability Equity Operating Revenue Operating Income Net Income EBITDA Asset Liability Equity 9M2014 287,853.0 (11,208.0) (12,134.0) (4,747.1) Dec14 166,019.0 209,441.0 (43,422.0) 9M2015 351,728.0 12,561.0 5,888.0 22,249.6 Sept15 218,420.0 199,902.0 18,519.0 ∆ % YoY 22.2 212.1 148.5 568.7 ∆ % YoY 31.6 (4.6) 142.6 9M2014 189,431.7 19,925.1 14,638.9 25,530.9 Dec14 251,351.9 146,760.0 104,592.0 9M2015 213,355.5 40,716.9 28,536.6 46,106.7 Sept15 284,929.7 170,429.4 114,500.3 ∆ % YoY 12.6 104.3 94.9 80.6 ∆ % YoY 13.4 16.1 9.5 GMF Aero Asia (in USD 000) 9M2014 883.0 15.6 8.7 63.2 Dec14 787.0 422.0 365.0 9M2015 983.2 76.3 57.8 125.2 Sept15 842.9 449.6 393.2 ∆ % YoY 11.4 389.0 565.1 98.1 ∆ % YoY 7.1 6.6 7.7 Operating Revenue Operating Income Net Income EBITDA Asset Liability Equity 22 Subsidiaries Abacus DSI (in USD 000) Operating Revenue Operating Income Net Income EBITDA Asset Liability Equity Asyst (in USD 000) 9M2014 2,318.1 331.5 288.5 490.6 Dec14 6,644.6 683.7 5,960.9 9M2015 2,598.4 656.4 500.8 786.6 Sept15 7,812.6 1,333.7 6,478.9 ∆ % YoY 12.1 98.0 73.6 60.3 ∆ % YoY 17.6 95.1 8.7 9M2014 13,927.2 29.1 (82.5) 2,002.8 Dec14 28,769.1 16,984.1 11,785.0 Operating Revenue Operating Income Net Income EBITDA Asset Liability Equity 9M2015 9,318.8 (5.8) 14.5 1,977.1 Sept15 27,159.5 15,424.1 11,705.4 ∆ % YoY (33.1) (120.0) (117.5) (1.3) ∆ % YoY (5.6) (9.2) (0.7) GIH France S.A.S (in USD 000) Operating Revenue Operating Income Net Income EBITDA Asset Liability Equity 9M2014 27,007.4 (38.6) (99.0) (98.3) Dec14 67,942.0 67,248.4 693.6 9M2015 232,742.7 521.0 538.5 567.5 Sept15 160,450.5 159,218.4 1,232.1 ∆ % YoY 761.8 1,450.1 643.8 677.3 ∆ % YoY 136.2 136.8 77.6 23 PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. Investor Relations Department 2nd Floor Management Building Garuda City Soekarno-Hatta International Airport Phone: 62-21-2560 1201 Email: [email protected] 24
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