Natomas Middle School - Natomas Unified School District
Natomas Middle School - Natomas Unified School District
2014-15 Natomas Middle School Natomas Unified District The District Governing Board approved this revision of the School Plan on: 12/10/2014 CDS Code: 34752836117527 Principal: Dr. T. Tranzor Principal Superintendent: Chris Evans Address: 3200 North Park Dr. Sacramento, CA 95835 Phone: (916) 567-5540 Email: [email protected] Website: Natomas Middle 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report Goals and Actions Start Date Completion Date Amount LCAP Priority 4 - Pupil Achievement Structures and Systems to Support Learning (District Goal 2) Instructional Technology 8/1/2014 6/1/2015 $40,000 MYP IB Candidacy Support 8/1/2014 6/1/2015 $5,000 Support/Intervention Classes for Math & ELA 8/1/2014 6/1/2015 $80,000 College and Career Awareness 8/1/2014 6/1/2015 $8,000 Instructional Coach 8/1/2014 6/1/2015 $20,000 Supplemental Academic Support & Resources 8/1/2014 6/1/2015 $2,000 English Language Learner Goal for Improving Student Achievement (District Goal 1) English Language Development Support 8/1/2014 6/1/2015 $4,650 Centralized Support for English Learners 8/1/2014 6/1/2015 $0 SIOP Professional Development for SDAIE Teachers 8/1/2014 8/1/2015 $0 Summer School Opportunities 8/1/2014 8/1/2015 $10,000 SDAIE Designated Classes to Support EL Students 8/1/2014 6/1/2015 $0 Provide Targeted Math Instruction and Support Within and After the School Day 8/1/2014 11/1/2015 $24,500 Professional Development Mathematics 8/1/2014 11/1/2015 $2,000 Software to Support Targeted Math Instruction 8/1/2014 6/1/2015 $10,000 Curriculum Alignment 8/1/2014 6/1/2015 $0 Summer School Opportunities 8/1/2014 8/1/2015 $10,000 8/1/2014 6/1/2015 $22,500 11/13/2014 11/12/2015 $10,000 Summer School Opportunities 8/1/2014 8/1/2015 $10,000 Curriculum Alignment 8/1/2014 6/1/2015 $0 11/5/2014 11/13/2015 $2,000 8/1/2014 6/1/2015 $2,000 Mathematics Goal for Improving Student Achievement (District Goal 1) English Language Arts Goal for Improving Student Achievement (District Goal 1) Provide Targeted English-Language Arts Instruction Within and After the School Day Software to Enhance ELA Instruction Professional Development English Language Arts Science Goal for Improving Student Achievement (District Goal 1) Professional Development Science 11/21/2014 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc Page 2 of 38 Natomas Middle 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report Summer School Opportunities 8/1/2014 8/1/2015 $10,000 8/1/2014 6/1/2015 $6,000 Climate & Culture Leadership Team 8/1/2014 6/1/2015 $17,741 Counseling to Support Students 8/1/2014 6/1/2015 $20,000 LCAP Priority 5 - Pupil Engagement Graduating College & Career Ready Students (District Goal 2) H.O.P.E. Class & Support LCAP Priority 6 - School Climate School Climate & Culture of College & Career Readiness (District Goal 4) LCAP Priority 3 - Parent Involvement School to Home Collaboration to Support Student Achievement (District Goal 3) Promoting Parent/Guardian Attendance at School 8/1/2014 6/1/2015 $7,600 Parent Involvement & Parent CORES 8/1/2014 6/1/2015 $5,000 8/1/2014 8/1/2015 $0 LCAP Priority 2 - Implementation of State Standards Common Core State Standards Alignment (District Goal 2) Curriculum Alignment Total Annual Expenditures for Current Site Plan: $328,991.00 11/21/2014 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc Page 3 of 38 Natomas Middle 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report Goals LEA Goal: District Goal 2:Prepare students to be College & Career ready Goal Area : LCAP Priority 4 - Pupil Achievement School Goal : Structures and Systems to Support Learning (District Goal 2) Natomas Middle School is implementing systems to support increased student achievement. The systems will create a structure to monitor student achievement and ensure that students receive appropriate support. The systems will include collaborative teacher meetings, a tiered intervention model with common assessments and instructional coaching. What data did you use to form this goal (findings from data analysis)? Local Formative Assessments Surveys What did the analysis of the data reveal that led you to this goal? The data revealed a significant achievement gap between our African American and Latino students, and our White and Asian students. What process will you use to monitor and evaluate the data? School Site Council members and school staff were involved in analyzing data and developing this goal. Strategy: The systems will focus on individual student needs and will guide decisions about interventions and support to increase achievement and meet target goals. 11/21/2014 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc Page 4 of 38 Natomas Middle 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report Action Title: Instructional Technology Means of Achievement: Alignment of instruction with content standards Action Type : Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance. Tasks : Instructional technology upgrades and professional development will take place during the 2014-15 school year. Professional development will include the use of technology to enhance the use of the CCCS, NUSD CAGs and on-line state and district testing. Professional developement will also target projects related to Chromebooks and collaboration methods. We will use iPADS and Apple TV’s to aid in delivery of instruction. Measures : Administration and TOSA will monitor the use of technology in the classrooms through walkthroughs People Assigned : Administration, TOSA, SSC Start Date : 8/1/2014 Completion Date : 6/1/2015 Funding Resources Related Expenditures NCLB: Title I, Part A, Basic Grants Low-Income and Neglected Technology Costs Estimated Cost $40,000 Action Title: MYP IB Candidacy Support Means of Achievement: Improvement of instruction strategies and materials Action Type : Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance. Tasks : Natomas Middle School is currently in the candidacy phase of the Middle Years Programme. Our school is in the process of developing and implementing California Common Core Standard aligned units in order to provide a quality program for the students of our school. We are participating in various tasks involved in the application in order to move forward. Measures : Master Schedule, implementation of required elements People Assigned : MYP Leadership Team, MYP Coordinator, SSC, Administration Start Date : 8/1/2014 Completion Date : 6/1/2015 Funding Resources Related Expenditures Local Control Funding Formula Cost and Support for CCCS and MYP alignment $259 NCLB: Title I, Part A, Basic Grants Low-Income and Neglected Cost and Support for CCCS and MYP alignment $4,741 11/21/2014 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc Estimated Cost Page 5 of 38 Natomas Middle 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report Action Title: Support/Intervention Classes for Math & ELA Means of Achievement: Alignment of instruction with content standards Action Type : Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance. Tasks : Student Driven Master Schedule By Name, By Need and College/CareerInterest. Develop and implement a student placement system that meets the needs of the students. Develop entrance and exit criteria for each level. Provide additional sections of support for ELA and Math. These classes are designed to support students with additional support for lower skill levels in Math and ELA. Measures : Master schedule, assessment results People Assigned : Administration, counselor, MYP Coordinator/TOSA Start Date : 8/1/2014 Completion Date : 6/1/2015 Funding Resources Related Expenditures Local Control Funding Formula Cost of additional FTE sections of support $37,563 Local Control Funding Formula-EL Cost of additional FTE sections of support $3,000 NCLB: Title I, Part A, Basic Grants Low-Income and Neglected Cost of extra hours $2,000 NCLB: Title I, Part A, Basic Grants Low-Income and Neglected Cost of additional FTE sections of support 11/21/2014 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc Estimated Cost $37,437 Page 6 of 38 Natomas Middle 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report Action Title: College and Career Awareness Means of Achievement: Alignment of instruction with content standards Action Type : Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance. Tasks : 6th, 7th & 8th Grade College Field Trip to various Colleges and Universities of interest: All grade levels will participate in field trips to various colleges during the 2014-2015 school year. This trip is part of a district wide effort to increase college and career readiness. Exposure to academic opportunities and college readiness starts in the earliest years of development and this experience will provide much needed exposure to options available for all students and their families. Target Excellence students will participate in a field trip to the Career GPS Fair at Cal Expo to explore a variety of career opportunities in the future. Explore community organizations that will come and work with small groups of students to educate them on what the requirements are to enter college. Partner with local colleges and universities to educate our students about preparing for high school and beyond. Partner with our local high schools for mentoring opportunities. Provide the Early Academic Outreach Program (EAOP) from UC Davis to expose our students to the requirements to go to college, how to get financial assistance and what to expect once you get to college. Approximately 80 students will participate in this program which includes a field trip to UC Davis. Measures : Increased number of students exposed colleges and careers. People Assigned : School Counselor, EAOP site coordinators, Site Adminstrators Start Date : 8/1/2014 Completion Date : 6/1/2015 Funding Resources Related Expenditures NCLB: Title I, Part A, Basic Grants Low-Income and Neglected Cost of Expenses for Field-trips $3,000 NCLB: Title I, Part A, Basic Grants Low-Income and Neglected Cost of Expenses for Field-trips $5,000 11/21/2014 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc Estimated Cost Page 7 of 38 Natomas Middle 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report Action Title: Instructional Coach Means of Achievement: Alignment of instruction with content standards Action Type : Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance. Tasks : To ensure alignment with CCCS and MYP IB Candidacy we will provide coaching to staff regarding instruction. Provide a 20% instructional coach to observe instruction, provide feedback and professional development to staff. Measures : Evidence of observations and staff development. People Assigned : TOSA, administration, SSC Start Date : 8/1/2014 Completion Date : 6/1/2015 Funding Resources Related Expenditures Estimated Cost Local Control Funding Formula Cost of instructional coach $10,000 NCLB: Title I, Part A, Basic Grants Low-Income and Neglected Cost of instructional coach $10,000 Action Title: Supplemental Academic Support & Resources Means of Achievement: Increased educational opportunity Action Type : Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance. Tasks : As an effort to support our students and parents with Academic success, we will host a "Parent Success Night" that will address the issues and concerns related to failing grades, California Common Core Standards, attendance and tardies. This evening program will connect families with workshops that will provide strategies in the areas of concern. Measures : Student grades, student attendance People Assigned : School Counselor, Administration Start Date : 8/1/2014 Completion Date : 6/1/2015 Funding Resources Related Expenditures NCLB: Title I, Part A, Basic Grants Low-Income and Neglected Cost of Supplies and Resources for Student Success 11/21/2014 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc Estimated Cost $2,000 Page 8 of 38 Natomas Middle 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report LEA Goal: District Goal 1:Increase student success in ELA, math, science, and literacy Goal Area : LCAP Priority 4 - Pupil Achievement School Goal : English Language Learner Goal for Improving Student Achievement (District Goal 1) The percentage of EL students performing at proficient and above will increase from 46.2% to 52.1% in the area of Language Arts. What data did you use to form this goal (findings from data analysis)? What did the analysis of the data reveal that led you to this goal? What process will you use to monitor and evaluate the data? Formative and summative assessments will evaluate progress towards this goal. Strategy: The systems will focus on individual student needs and will guide decisions about interventions and support to increase achievement and meet target goals. 11/21/2014 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc Page 9 of 38 Natomas Middle 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report Action Title: English Language Development Support Means of Achievement: Improvement of instruction strategies and materials Action Type : Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance. Tasks : Work with the EL district TOSA to ensure all student needs are being met. Continue implementation of the Language! intensive intervention curriculum and provide supplemental materials to provide listening/speaking, grammar, reading, and writing instruction. Teachers will use the formative and summative assessments provided in the Language! program to guide instruction. Purchase support materials and supplies for Language! Fund hours for an ELD Coordinator to monitor student placement, progress, re-designate students, coordinate ELAC meetings, attend DELAC meeting and complete other program tasks. Create English Language Development (ELD) classes in the master schedule that will support student movement and progress through the ELD program and for redesignated students to move into mainstream classes. Provide translation services for meetings. Explore academic resources for newcomer students. Students will receive daily access. Purchase Accelerated Reader class sets of novels for students to read outside of class time. Research inviting the high school AVID teacher to speak to students and our ELAC regarding A-G requirements, and high school requirements. Facilitate communication between elementary and middle schools and middle and high schools for appropriate student placement and easier transitions. Teachers will access the names of the EL students in their classroom in order to target instruction. Provide funding for teachers to participate in ELAC meetings. Measures : Language! assessment results, ELAC meeting agendas and minutes, Purchase Order for Language! and supplemental materials, collaboration meeting notes People Assigned : Administration, ELD Site Coordinator, EL teachers, School Site Council, Leadership Team, TOSA, ELAC Start Date : 8/1/2014 Completion Date : 6/1/2015 Funding Resources Related Expenditures Local Control Funding Formula-EL Cost of extra hours Local Control Funding Formula-EL Translation services Local Control Funding Formula-EL Cost of supplemental material to support EL students NCLB: Title I, Part A, Basic Grants Low-Income and Neglected Extra duty for teachers attending ELAC meetings 11/21/2014 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc Estimated Cost $2,000 $500 $2,000 $150 Page 10 of 38 Natomas Middle 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report Action Title: Centralized Support for English Learners Means of Achievement: Auxiliary services for students and parents Action Type : Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance. Tasks : EIA-LEP funding has been centralized to provide the following services for English Learners: CELDT testing; EL Lead Teacher compensation; oral and written translation services; parent notification and communication; curriculum support and planning; compliance reporting; professional development; parent support through DELAC and ELAC meetings; support for assessment materials, and data management; record keeping Measures : CELDT; People Assigned : Director of Categorical Programs; Categorical Program support staff; translator team; EL Lead teachers Start Date : 8/1/2014 Completion Date : 6/1/2015 Funding Resources Related Expenditures Local Control Funding Formula-EL Centralized services for EL's Estimated Cost $0 Action Title: SIOP Professional Development for SDAIE Teachers Means of Achievement: Staff development and professional collaboration Action Type : Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance. Tasks : The Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol Model (Echevarria, Vogt & Short, 2004) was developed to provide teachers of ELs with a well-articulated, practical model of sheltered instruction. The SIOP model facilitates high quality instruction for ELs in content area teaching. While the SIOP Model was developed specifically to ensure quality instruction for ELs, it has been shown to be effective in addressing the needs of all students. The SIOP 3 day professional development is designed for those wanting to learn the SIOP Model and its effectiveness in assisting educators in working with English Language Learners. Participants will receive an in-depth introduction to the content as well as practice in each of the eight components of the model. Teachers will also receive a brief introduction to lesson planning for the SIOP model. Measures : NWEA and CELDT data People Assigned : Administrators, School Counselor, Teachers Start Date : 11/21/2014 8/1/2014 Completion Date : 8/1/2015 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc Page 11 of 38 Natomas Middle 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report Action Title: Summer School Opportunities Means of Achievement: Extended learning time Action Type : Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance. Tasks : Provide a Summer School opportunity for our English Language Learners. Review NWEA and CELDT data to strategically provided targeted instruction and enrichment for EL students. Fund the cost of teachers, supplemental materials, and transportation. Measures : CELDT and NWEA data People Assigned : Administration, School Counselor, Teachers Start Date : 8/1/2014 Completion Date : 8/1/2015 Funding Resources Related Expenditures Local Control Funding Formula-EL Cost of staff, transportation, and supplemental materials Estimated Cost $10,000 Action Title: SDAIE Designated Classes to Support EL Students Means of Achievement: Alignment of instruction with content standards Action Type : Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance. Tasks : We will cluster students in specifically SDAIE designated classes to provide students with SIOP supports and structured teaching model. Measures : CELDT Testing Scores People Assigned : Administrators, School counselor, ELD Site Coordinator Start Date : 11/21/2014 8/1/2014 Completion Date : 6/1/2015 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc Page 12 of 38 Natomas Middle 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report LEA Goal: District Goal 1:Increase student success in ELA, math, science, and literacy Goal Area : LCAP Priority 4 - Pupil Achievement School Goal : Mathematics Goal for Improving Student Achievement (District Goal 1) Natomas Middle School is implementing systems to support increased student achievement. The systems will create a structure to monitor student achievement and ensure that students receive appropriate support. The systems will include collaborative teacher meetings, a tiered intervention model with common assessments and instructional coaching.The overall school goal is to increase proficiency in Mathematics. In absence of current State Assessment Data, analysis of local assessments illustrate a need to increase proficiency in mathematics so that students will be on track to graduate college and career ready What data did you use to form this goal (findings from data analysis)? • • • • NWEA (Adaptive Assessment) Local Common Formative Assessments UC Davis Algebra Readiness ST Math What did the analysis of the data reveal that led you to this goal? The data shows there is a significant achievement gap between African American and Latino students, and Asian and Caucasian students. As we transition to California Common Standards, local assessment data shows that our students are not currently proficient in mathematics. What process will you use to monitor and evaluate the data? Teachers will use their Common Teacher Collaboration Time to analyze data. Teachers will meet weekly in collaborative meetings to analyze curriculum, assessments and all pertinent data. Strategy: The systems will focus on individual student needs and will guide decisions about interventions and support to increase achievement and meet target goals. 11/21/2014 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc Page 13 of 38 Natomas Middle 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report Action Title: Provide Targeted Math Instruction and Support Within and After the School Day Means of Achievement: Improvement of instruction strategies and materials Action Type : Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance. Tasks : Identify intensive and strategic students through multiple measures of assessment. Continue implementation of curriculum for 8th grade. Fund before and after school targeted tutoring for students not mastering the math CCCS. Provide targeted tutoring before and after school for students that are not passing the benchmark assessments at grade level. Fund transportation for tutoring. Fund the Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA) Program. Provide funding for content areas to purchase necessary materials to implement unit plans to the fullest potential. Measures : Benchmark assessment results, NWEA adaptive assessment results and Common Formative Assessments People Assigned : Administration, counselor, math department chair and team, Leadership Team, MESA advisor, MYP Coordinator, TOSA Start Date : 8/1/2014 Completion Date : 11/1/2015 Funding Resources Related Expenditures Estimated Cost Local Control Funding Formula Cost of supplemental material and tutoring to support instruction alignment to MYP and CCCS $9,241 NCLB: Title I, Part A, Basic Grants Low-Income and Neglected Cost of Bus for tutoring $4,000 NCLB: Title I, Part A, Basic Grants Low-Income and Neglected Cost of supplemental material and tutoring to support instruction alignment to MYP and CCCS $11,259 Action Title: Professional Development Mathematics Means of Achievement: Staff development and professional collaboration Action Type : Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance. Tasks : Send math teachers to Asilomar Math Conference for training to improve instructional practices that will align with MYP and CCCS. Math teachers will return and share findings with their department. Measures : Completed MYP math units, evidence of implementation of engagement and instructional strategies, evidence of coaching sessions, assessment results. People Assigned : Administration, Math Department and Team Leader, and MYP Coordinator, Start Date : 8/1/2014 Completion Date : 11/1/2015 Funding Resources Related Expenditures NCLB: Title I, Part A, Basic Grants Low-Income and Neglected Cost of conference for teacher professional development 11/21/2014 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc Estimated Cost $2,000 Page 14 of 38 Natomas Middle 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report Action Title: Software to Support Targeted Math Instruction Means of Achievement: Increased educational opportunity Action Type : Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance. Tasks : Software purchase to enhance mathematics instruction and provide remediation and intervention when needed. Continue funding and implementation of a math technology intervention program in intervention classes and for after school tutoring. Measures : Adminstrative portal for software program provide access for monitoring use and effectiveness. People Assigned : Teachers; Administrators; TOSA Start Date : 8/1/2014 Completion Date : 6/1/2015 Funding Resources Related Expenditures NCLB: Title I, Part A, Basic Grants Low-Income and Neglected Cost of math intervention computer software plus extra hours Estimated Cost $10,000 Action Title: Curriculum Alignment Means of Achievement: Alignment of instruction with content standards Action Type : Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance. Tasks : Align Math curriculum with Common Core State Standards. Work will include the creation of benchmarks and curricular resources. Leaders from each site collaboratively work to create the CAG, which will ultimately include site based formative assessments. All Math teachers will receive intensive professional development in the use and administration of the CAG and on the Common Core State Standards. Instructional Technology will be included in the trainings. Measures : Benchmark assessment outcomes, curriculum development People Assigned : Staff, Administration Start Date : 11/21/2014 8/1/2014 Completion Date : 6/1/2015 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc Page 15 of 38 Natomas Middle 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report Action Title: Summer School Opportunities Means of Achievement: Alignment of instruction with content standards Action Type : Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance. Tasks : Provide students with an opportunity to get additional support in math instruction during Summer School. Measures : NWEA data and Common Formative Assessment Data People Assigned : Administrators, School Counselor, Teacher Start Date : 8/1/2014 Completion Date : 8/1/2015 Funding Resources Related Expenditures NCLB: Title I, Part A, Basic Grants Low-Income and Neglected Summer School Opportunity 11/21/2014 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc Estimated Cost $10,000 Page 16 of 38 Natomas Middle 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report LEA Goal: District Goal 1:Increase student success in ELA, math, science, and literacy Goal Area : LCAP Priority 4 - Pupil Achievement School Goal : English Language Arts Goal for Improving Student Achievement (District Goal 1) Natomas Middle School is implementing systems to support increased student achievement. The systems will create a structure to monitor student achievement and ensure that students receive appropriate support. The systems will include collaborative teacher meetings, a tiered intervention model with common assessments and instructional coaching. The overall school goal is to increase proficiency in English Language Arts. In the absence of current state assessment data, analysis of local assessments illustrate a need to increase proficiency in mathematics so that students will be on track to graduate college and career ready. What data did you use to form this goal (findings from data analysis)? • • • NWEA (Adaptive Assessment) Accelerated Reader Local Common Assessments What did the analysis of the data reveal that led you to this goal? The data revealed a significant achievement gap between our African American and Latino students, and our White and Asian students. As we transition to California Common Core Standards local assessment data shows that our students are not currently proficient in English Language Arts. What process will you use to monitor and evaluate the data? Teachers will use their Common Teacher Collaboration Time to analyze data. Teachers will meet weekly in collaborative meetings to analyze curriculum, assessments and all pertinent data. Strategy: The systems will focus on individual student needs and will guide decisions about interventions and support to increase achievement and meet target goals. 11/21/2014 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc Page 17 of 38 Natomas Middle 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report Action Title: Provide Targeted English-Language Arts Instruction Within and After the School Day Means of Achievement: Improvement of instruction strategies and materials Action Type : Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance. Tasks : Accurately place students, using multiple measures of student performance into a course in the master schedule that meets the learning needs of each student. Provide targeted and differentiated instruction to students in the intensive, strategic and proficient levels within the school day. Strategic and proficient students receive instruction using the State Board approved basic core curriculum, Prentice Hall 2002 edition. Continue implementing the intervention program and intervention software. Purchase additional supplies in order to supplement the intervention program. Purchase supplemental ELA materials to support MYP programs. Purchase supplemental resources for remediation and acceleration for student success. Provide tutoring before or after school for students who are not meeting the standards. Measures : Master schedule, student placement data, formative and benchmark assessment data. People Assigned : Administration, Language Arts Teachers, Department Lead, TOSA, MYP Coordinator, Leadership Team, SSC Start Date : 8/1/2014 Completion Date : 6/1/2015 Funding Resources Related Expenditures Estimated Cost Local Control Funding Formula Fund supplemental instructional materials to support ELA and alignment with MYP & CCCS $9,000 NCLB: Title I, Part A, Basic Grants Low-Income and Neglected Fund supplemental instructional materials to support ELA and alignment with MYP & CCCS $13,500 Action Title: Software to Enhance ELA Instruction Means of Achievement: Increased educational opportunity Action Type : Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance. Tasks : Accelerated Reader provides individual students with a current reading level, books at the appropriate level, and opportunities to measure growth. Renew the Accelerated Reader program license. Investigate AR capabilities and training. Explore the Career Readiness Report. Maximize full utilization of the program. Explore an Accelerated Reader lead teacher to maximize the program for our students. Measures : Software program adminstrative portals People Assigned : Teachers; Administrators; TOSA Start Date : 11/13/2014 Completion Date : 11/12/2015 Funding Resources Related Expenditures NCLB: Title I, Part A, Basic Grants Low-Income and Neglected Accelerated Reader Licenses $6,000 NCLB: Title I, Part A, Basic Grants Low-Income and Neglected Cost of extra hours $4,000 11/21/2014 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc Estimated Cost Page 18 of 38 Natomas Middle 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report Action Title: Summer School Opportunities Means of Achievement: Alignment of instruction with content standards Action Type : Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance. Tasks : Provide students with an opportunity to get additional support in ELA and Reading instruction during Summer School. Measures : Common Formative Assessments, Local Testing Data, Student Grades People Assigned : Administration, SSC, School Counselor Start Date : 8/1/2014 Completion Date : 8/1/2015 Funding Resources Related Expenditures NCLB: Title I, Part A, Basic Grants Low-Income and Neglected Cost of of staff, transportation and supplemental materials for summer school Estimated Cost $10,000 Action Title: Curriculum Alignment Means of Achievement: Alignment of instruction with content standards Action Type : Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance. Tasks : Align ELA curriculum with Common Core State Standards. Work will include the creation of benchmarks and curricular resources. Leaders from each site collaboratively work to create the CAG, which will ultimately include site based formative assessments. All ELA teachers will receive intensive professional development in the use and administration of the CAG and on the Common Core State Standards. Instructional Technology will be included in the trainings. Measures : Benchmark, Common Formative Assessments, People Assigned : Teachers, Administration, MYP Coordinator Start Date : 11/21/2014 8/1/2014 Completion Date : 6/1/2015 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc Page 19 of 38 Natomas Middle 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report Action Title: Professional Development English Language Arts Means of Achievement: Alignment of instruction with content standards Action Type : Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance. Tasks : Send ELA teachers to professional development conferences for training to improve instructional practices that will align with MYP and CCCS. ELA teachers will return and share findings with their department. Measures : Completed MYP ELA units, evidence of implementation of engagement and instructional strategies, evidence of coaching sessions, assessment results. People Assigned : Start Date : 11/5/2014 Completion Date : 11/13/2015 Funding Resources Related Expenditures Local Control Funding Formula Cost of conference for teacher professional development 11/21/2014 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc Estimated Cost $2,000 Page 20 of 38 Natomas Middle 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report LEA Goal: District Goal 1:Increase student success in ELA, math, science, and literacy Goal Area : LCAP Priority 4 - Pupil Achievement School Goal : Science Goal for Improving Student Achievement (District Goal 1) Natomas Middle School is implementing systems to support increased student achievement. The systems will create a structure to monitor student achievement and ensure that students receive appropriate support. The systems will include collaborative teacher meetings, a tiered intervention model with common assessments and instructional coaching. The overall school goal is to increase proficiency in Science. Our effort is to align our curriculum to Next Generation Science Standards to prepare our student to be on track to graduate college and career ready. What data did you use to form this goal (findings from data analysis)? CST Data Walkthroughs Observations What did the analysis of the data reveal that led you to this goal? Natomas Middle School must work to align the instruction with California Common Core Standards. What process will you use to monitor and evaluate the data? MYP Unit completion Walkthroughs Observations Strategy: 11/21/2014 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc Page 21 of 38 Natomas Middle 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report Action Title: Professional Development Science Means of Achievement: Alignment of instruction with content standards Action Type : Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance. Tasks : Provide Science Teachers with professional development regarding, Science instruction, Next Generation Science Standards, and teaching strategies to support our students in Science curriculum. Measures : Completed MYP Science Units, evidence of implementation of engagement and instructional strategies, evidence of coaching seasons and assessment results. People Assigned : Administrator, Science Department and Team Leaders, MYP Coordinator Start Date : 8/1/2014 Completion Date : 6/1/2015 Funding Resources Related Expenditures Local Control Funding Formula Cost of resources and conference for teacher professional development Estimated Cost $2,000 Action Title: Summer School Opportunities Means of Achievement: Alignment of instruction with content standards Action Type : Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance. Tasks : Provide students with an opportunity to get additional support in Science and STEM during Summer School. Measures : Common Formative Assessment Data and NWEA Adaptive Assessment Data People Assigned : Administrators, School Counselor, Teacher Start Date : 8/1/2014 Completion Date : 8/1/2015 Funding Resources Related Expenditures Local Control Funding Formula Summer School Opportunity 11/21/2014 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc Estimated Cost $10,000 Page 22 of 38 Natomas Middle 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report LEA Goal: District Goal 2:Prepare students to be College & Career ready Goal Area : LCAP Priority 5 - Pupil Engagement School Goal : Graduating College & Career Ready Students (District Goal 2) Natomas Middle School will work with Natomas Unified School District to provide exposure to academic opportunities and college readiness for Natomas Middle School students. Creating an infrastructure for college readiness that is fluid from secondary school to high school. What data did you use to form this goal (findings from data analysis)? Analysis of 4 year cohort graduation rate (2013), A-G completion rate (2013), High School Drop Out Rate (2013), Middle School Drop Out Rate, ACT, ACT Explorer and EAP data for NUSD. What did the analysis of the data reveal that led you to this goal? Students need additional learning opportunities to assist in the retention of academic opportunities and college readiness within the elementary school, in order to create an infrastructure that is fluid throughout their educational experience in the Natomas Unified School District. What process will you use to monitor and evaluate the data? Principal, Teachers, District personnel. Strategy: 11/21/2014 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc Page 23 of 38 Natomas Middle 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report Action Title: H.O.P.E. Class & Support Means of Achievement: Alignment of instruction with content standards Action Type : Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance. Tasks : A HOPE class will is built into our master schedule. The focus of the class will be leadership development and conflict resolution. The teacher will utilize the Teen Leadership Curriculum (developed by the Flippen Group) or other approved curriculum in the class. The focus of the class is to builds personal responsibility and leadership skills through role plays, group activities, speeches, and projects. Outcomes: Through the Teen Leadership course, students will: Develop a healthy self-concept, healthy relationships, and a sense of personal responsibility · Understand Emotional Intelligence and the skills it measures, including self-awareness, self-control, self-motivation, and social skills · Build skills in public speaking and communication as well as an understanding of personal image · Develop an understanding of principle-based decision-making and learn to make responsible personal and financial decisions · Recognize and resist peer pressure · Learn to become better family members and citizens Our teacher will also integrate cultural related curriculum into the lectures in order to engage students (i.e. The Brotherhood – Mentoring Program Handbook.) Classroom activities will also include guest speakers and school field trips linked to the core curriculum. Explore a summer program to work with incoming H.O.P.E. students. Explore a joint activity with Inderkum and Jefferson H.O.P.E. students. Measures : Outcomes through the Teen Leadership course, students will: • Develop a healthy self-concept, healthy relationships, and a sense of personal responsibility • Understand Emotional Intelligence and the skills it measures, including self-awareness, self-control, self-motivation, and social skills • Build skills in public speaking and communication as well as an understanding of personal image • Develop an understanding of principle-based decision-making and learn to make responsible personal and financial decisions Recognize and resist peer pressure • Learn to become better family members and citizens The teachers will also integrate cultural related curriculum into the lectures in order to engage students (i.e. The Brotherhood – Mentoring Program Handbook.) Classroom activities will also include guest speakers and school field trips linked to the core curriculum. People Assigned : District HOPE team, administration, SSC, HOPE teacher Start Date : 8/1/2014 Completion Date : 6/1/2015 Funding Resources Related Expenditures NCLB: Title I, Part A, Basic Grants Low-Income and Neglected Travel, conference, supplies cost for HOPE $2,500 NCLB: Title I, Part A, Basic Grants Low-Income and Neglected HOPE Program - Additional Expenses $3,500 11/21/2014 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc Estimated Cost Page 24 of 38 Natomas Middle 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report LEA Goal: District Goal 4:Create safe and welcoming learning environments where students attend and are connected to their schools Goal Area : LCAP Priority 6 - School Climate School Goal : School Climate & Culture of College & Career Readiness (District Goal 4) Natomas Middle School has implemented systems to support and increase student achievement through a safe and positive school climate. We are using a positive behavior strategies and we have structured a system of school-wide behaviors and expectations. There will be a decrease of student suspensions, office referrals and student expulsions by use of this school-wide structure. There will be an increase in student awareness of school-wide expectations by providing three (3) formal opportunities for students to learn and practice school-wide expectations. Seventy percent (70%) of Natomas Middle School Students will demonstrate awareness of school-wide safety, expectations and behavior as evidenced by student surveys, student participation in reward days and suspension, referral and expulsion data. Natomas Middle School is committed to creating a safe and welcoming learning environment. Natomas Middle school's monthly attendance rate will be above 95% as evidence by student attendance data. Natomas Middle School is working to address and decrease bullying and physical altercations by using community building, school-wide expectations, IB Learner profile lessons and Restorative Justice practices to provide students with tools to address verbal disagreements and confrontations before they escalate to physical confrontations and to address bully-like behavior and actions by shifting the climate and culture of the school so that the spirit of bullying will not thrive. What data did you use to form this goal (findings from data analysis)? • • • • • • Suspension data Administrative Team feedback Parent feedback Student feedback Community feedback Teacher feedback What did the analysis of the data reveal that led you to this goal? The review and analysis of the feedback and input from the parents, teachers, community, administrative team and students indicated that pro-active systems and preventative strategies would be impactful for reducing discipline issues and creating a positive school climate. There is a disproportional number of African-American males and Latino males that are suspended and referred to the office. Natomas Middle School needs to reduce the disproportional number of suspension for Latino and African American male students. There is a concern regarding student attendance and maintaining student achievement. What process will you use to monitor and evaluate the data? A monthly review of attendance, suspension, expulsion and office referral data by the Administrative Team. The Climate and Culture Leadership team will monitor student participation in Natomas Middle School reward events. The Administration Team will monitor and review the effects of the Restorative Justice work taking place during class meetings and conflict resolutions and mediation. Strategy: 11/21/2014 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc Page 25 of 38 Natomas Middle 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report Action Title: Climate & Culture Leadership Team Means of Achievement: Alignment of instruction with content standards Action Type : Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance. Tasks : Establish and maintain a school climate that focuses on safety and student learning. Natomas Middle School has established a Climate & Culture Leadership Team to address all concerns related to culture and climate. Develop and implement school-wide expectations, behavior consequences and rewards (Panther PRIDE). Develop and implement school-wide rewards and positive recognition: PAW Days, Panther Pride PAWS, positive phone calls home, Principal's List, Honor Roll and Perfect Attendance awards, and Principal PRIDE Pack. The student leadership class and the student leadership team will organize student activities to promote school spirit. Teachers and staff will lead school sports and clubs on campus to promote school involvement and enrich student learning. Natomas Middle School uses Restorative Justice Practices to create a climate that discourages bullying. Connect with families daily regarding student absences to encourage regular attendance. Purchase student organizational materials to promote time management, study skills, optimal use of instructional minutes. Develop staff and student recognition focused on site and district goals. Measures : Data collection, attendance data, discipline data, survey data, Target Excellence attendance and CHKS data. People Assigned : Climate and Culture Leadership Team, Activities Directors, Administration, Target Excellence Team, and Counselor Start Date : 8/1/2014 Completion Date : 6/1/2015 Funding Resources Related Expenditures Local Control Funding Formula Purchase student planners $3,000 Local Control Funding Formula Cost associated with meetings & assemblies, (bullying, behavior expectations, substance abuse, etc) $2,000 Local Control Funding Formula Cost associated to materials and resources related to consequences, rewards and awards $9,741 NCLB: Title I, Part A, Basic Grants Low-Income and Neglected Travel Costs for HOPE $1,000 NCLB: Title I, Part A, Basic Grants Low-Income and Neglected Cost associated to materials and resources related to consequences, rewards and awards $2,000 11/21/2014 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc Estimated Cost Page 26 of 38 Natomas Middle 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report Action Title: Counseling to Support Students Means of Achievement: Auxiliary services for students and parents Action Type : Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance. Tasks : Fund a Mission Possible counselor to address concerns impacting student attendance and achievement. Work with the Behavior Specialist to work with teachers on strategies to de-escalate behaviors. Work in conjunction with the California Lawyers of the Arts to establish a peer mediation program. Provide training for students and administration. Work with a Social Worker to to bring in social work interns to work with students. Develop and implement a structure for Student Study Teams that connect with the Social Worker Interns and our Special Education Department. Coordinate all student support systems to provide targeted support to students. Measures : Attendance and achievement data for participating students will be analyzed. Behavior logs will be analyzed. People Assigned : Mission Possible Counselor; school counselor; admnistrators Start Date : 8/1/2014 Completion Date : 6/1/2015 Funding Resources Related Expenditures NCLB: Title I, Part A, Basic Grants Low-Income and Neglected Mission Possible Counselor NCLB: Title I, Part A, Basic Grants Low-Income and Neglected Mission Possible Intern Coordinator Support 11/21/2014 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc Estimated Cost $15,000 $5,000 Page 27 of 38 Natomas Middle 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report LEA Goal: District Goal 3:Engage parents and families to support student success in school Goal Area : LCAP Priority 3 - Parent Involvement School Goal : School to Home Collaboration to Support Student Achievement (District Goal 3) Natomas Middle School is implementing systems to support and increase student achievement through parent involvement. The percentage of parent engagement will be established this year under in a quantifiable amount of participation. At least 50% of parents will attend a school event/activity as evidenced by photographs, sign-in sheets and feedback. What data did you use to form this goal (findings from data analysis)? • • • • • SSC participation ELAC participation PTSA participation Parent Feedback and Input Panther Booster Student Parent What did the analysis of the data reveal that led you to this goal? The data revealed significant limited parent involvement in the community. Research supports that there is direct correlation between parent involvement and student achievement. What process will you use to monitor and evaluate the data? We will continually review the participation through sign-in sheets, go back to our ELAC and SSC to evaluate the effectiveness of our parent involvement efforts. We will also collect feedback through the use of surveys and we will monitor parent participation at events. Strategy: 11/21/2014 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc Page 28 of 38 Natomas Middle 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report Action Title: Promoting Parent/Guardian Attendance at School Means of Achievement: Auxiliary services for students and parents Action Type : Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance. Tasks : Increase the number of volunteers on campus. Recognize parents/guardians when they volunteer. Parent Orientation nights will be provided for families of each grade level prior to the beginning of the school year. Parents/Guardians will be invited to the Winter and Spring Music Concerts to watch their children demonstrate their musical talents and to observe the music program. Fund the cost of translators, beverages and food. The School Site Council will conduct visitations to programs on site which are being funded through categorical funds. Schedule an 8th grade parent information meeting to discuss opportunities available at both high schools plus A-G requirements. The English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC) will review the English Language Development portion of the school site plan and give input. Send parent representatives to participate in the Superintendent's District Parent Advisory Council. Work with Target Excellence to hold events events for students and parents. Keep parents informed of school events through weekly Connect Ed messages, newsletters, etc. Inform parents about the Home Connect portion of Accelerated Reader to stay connected with their child's reading progress. Provide training for parents on Home Connect. PTSA and Panther Parent Boosters will make a concerted effort to sign up parents to volunteer for specific events and activities. PTSA will host a forum for parents to gather information on their needs in supporting their children's academic achievement and attendance. Schedule parent/guardian parent information evenings to educate families about the MYP educational opportunities offered at Natomas Middle School. Request that parents sign up for five hours of volunteer service. Revive Parent Resource Room. Fund the cost of finger-printing for 20 adults. Recruit incoming parents for intensive volunteering. Conduct Power School trainings for parents. Panther Parent Booster will collaborate to promote positive school Climate and Culture. Measures : Conduct parent surveys and review assessment results. People Assigned : Activities Director, School Site Council members, Administration, ELAC, PTSA, Target Excellence Start Date : 8/1/2014 Completion Date : 6/1/2015 Funding Resources Related Expenditures Local Control Funding Formula Cost associated with additional resources for parents to engage in supporting the school events $2,000 NCLB: Title I, Part A, Basic Grants Low-Income and Neglected Cost of food and translators at events $2,000 NCLB: Title I, Part A, Basic Grants Low-Income and Neglected Cost of finger-printing for 20 people $1,600 NCLB: Title I, Part A, Basic Grants Low-Income and Neglected Cost of food, translators, etc. for parent information events and ELAC mtgs $2,000 11/21/2014 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc Estimated Cost Page 29 of 38 Natomas Middle 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report Action Title: Parent Involvement & Parent CORES Means of Achievement: Auxiliary services for students and parents Action Type : Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance. Tasks : NMS will offer parent workshops and engagement opportunities through Parent CORES (Collaboration, Opportunity, Relationship, & Empowerment =Success) which encourages and supports College and Career Readiness for all of our Natomas Unified students. Activities include: transitions to Middle School/High School events, informational workshops on supporting students at home, Project 2 Inspire Program to inform and engage parents in educational and District practices and ways to support their student, College Field Trips, ESL and Computer classes, and other activities. NMS will host Parent connection opportunities to share and provide feedback regarding school matters (i.e. Tea Talks, Coffee with the Principal, etc.) Explore additional resources and or workshops with a focus on specifically connecting with our EL parents. Explore conferences for parents to increase parent involvement and attendance at school. Hold parent forums and Parent Success Nights to inform and educate parents/guardians about programs offered to students, a-g requirements, college and career readiness. Feedback and input will be gathered from parents/guardians about school programs and practices. Provide ELD/ESL courses in connection with technology to increase parent access to the English language and develop technological skills for communicating with teachers and utilizing Power School and other tools for parents. Measures : Attendance logs, feedback forms, sign in sheets from Parent Nights People Assigned : Administration, School Counselor, members of School Site Council, PTSA, Parent CORES Coordinator Start Date : 8/1/2014 Completion Date : 6/1/2015 Funding Resources Related Expenditures Local Control Funding Formula-EL Cost of a parent ESL/ELD program and Cost associated with additional resources for parents $3,000 Local Control Funding Formula Conferences for parents and Cost associated with additional resources for parents $1,000 NCLB: Title I, Part A, Basic Grants Low-Income and Neglected Conferences for parents & Cost associated with additional resources for parents $1,000 11/21/2014 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc Estimated Cost Page 30 of 38 Natomas Middle 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report LEA Goal: District Goal 2:Prepare students to be College & Career ready 11/21/2014 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc Page 31 of 38 Natomas Middle 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report Goal Area : LCAP Priority 2 - Implementation of State Standards School Goal : Common Core State Standards Alignment (District Goal 2) Natomas Middle School is implementing systems to align English Language Arts and Math curriculum with Common Core State Standards. The work will include the creation of scope and sequence and curricular resources. NMS Teachers are aligning instruction to MYP and CCCS. What data did you use to form this goal (findings from data analysis)? CAG Scope and Sequence MYP Units What did the analysis of the data reveal that led you to this goal? Teachers need to complete 4 MYP units that are aligned to the CCCS. What process will you use to monitor and evaluate the data? CAG - Scope & Sequence Walkthroughs Observations Strategy: Action Title: Curriculum Alignment Means of Achievement: Alignment of instruction with content standards Action Type : Form A: Planned Improvements in Student Performance. Tasks : Align ELA and Math curriculum with Common Core State Standards. Work will include the creation of benchmarks and curricular resources. Leaders from each site collaboratively work to create the CAG, which will ultimately include site based formative assessments. All ELA and Math teachers will receive intensive professional development in the use and administration of the CAG and on the Common Core State Standards. Instructional Technology will be included in the trainings. Measures : CAG completion Scope and Sequence completions MYP Unit completion People Assigned : MYP, Teachers, Administrators Start Date : 11/21/2014 8/1/2014 Completion Date : 8/1/2015 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc Page 32 of 38 Natomas Middle 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report Funding Programs Included in this Plan Each state and federal categorical program in which the school participates. Total Site Plan Budget : $327,991 Total Annual Expenditures for Current School Plan: ($328,991) Balance: ($1,000) Funding Resource Code 3010 Allocation / Expenditure Funding Source NCLB: Title I, Part A, Basic Grants Low-Income and Neglected $209,687 Action: Climate & Culture Leadership Team ($3,000) Action: College and Career Awareness ($8,000) Action: Counseling to Support Students ($20,000) Action: English Language Development Support ($150) Action: H.O.P.E. Class & Support ($6,000) Action: Instructional Coach ($10,000) Action: Instructional Technology ($40,000) Action: MYP IB Candidacy Support ($4,741) Action: Parent Involvement & Parent CORES ($1,000) Action: Professional Development Mathematics ($2,000) Action: Promoting Parent/Guardian Attendance at School ($5,600) Action: Provide Targeted English-Language Arts Instruction Within and After the School Day ($13,500) Action: Provide Targeted Math Instruction and Support Within and After the School Day ($15,259) Action: Software to Enhance ELA Instruction ($10,000) Action: Software to Support Targeted Math Instruction ($10,000) Action: Summer School Opportunities ($20,000) Action: Supplemental Academic Support & Resources ($2,000) Action: Support/Intervention Classes for Math & ELA ($39,437) Balance: 711 Local Control Funding Formula-EL Action: English Language Development Support Action: Parent Involvement & Parent CORES Action: Summer School Opportunities 11/21/2014 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc ($1,000) $20,500 ($4,500) ($3,000) ($10,000) Page 33 of 38 Natomas Middle 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report Action: Support/Intervention Classes for Math & ELA ($3,000) Balance: 710 Local Control Funding Formula $97,804 Action: Climate & Culture Leadership Team ($14,741) Action: Instructional Coach ($10,000) Action: MYP IB Candidacy Support ($259) Action: Parent Involvement & Parent CORES ($1,000) Action: Professional Development English Language Arts ($2,000) Action: Professional Development Science ($2,000) Action: Promoting Parent/Guardian Attendance at School ($2,000) Action: Provide Targeted English-Language Arts Instruction Within and After the School Day ($9,000) Action: Provide Targeted Math Instruction and Support Within and After the School Day ($9,241) Action: Summer School Opportunities ($10,000) Action: Support/Intervention Classes for Math & ELA ($37,563) Balance: 11/21/2014 $0 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc $0 Page 34 of 38 Natomas Middle 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report School Site Council Membership Education Code Section 64001(g) requires that the SPSA be reviewed and updated at least annually, including proposed expenditures of funds allocated to the School through the Consolidated Application, by the school site council. The current make-up of the school site council is as follows: Name Represents Contact Info Reviewed Plan Date Dr. Tina Tranzor Principal 567-5540 11/18/2014 Karen Glynn Classroom Teacher 567-5540 11/18/2014 Christina Carpenter Classroom Teacher 567-5540 11/18/2014 Carol Baker-Turney Classroom Teacher 567-5540 11/18/2014 Justin Vorhauer Classroom Teacher 567-5540 11/18/2014 Maria Cueller-Johnson Classroom Teacher 567-5540 11/18/2014 Taffy Couts Other School Staff 567-5540 11/18/2014 Margarita Gonzalez Parent or Community Member 567-5540 11/18/2014 Nilo Yazdanakhsh Parent or Community Member 567-5540 11/18/2014 Roberto Toledo Parent or Community Member 567-5540 11/18/2014 Kirk Williams Parent or Community Member 567-5540 11/18/2014 Darrian McCode Secondary Student 567-5540 11/18/2014 Nadia Mohammad G.B Secondary Student 567-5540 11/18/2014 Fernando Nalin Secondary Student 567-5540 11/18/2015 Total Number of Committee Members Number of Members of each Category Principal ClassRoom Teacher Other School Staff Parent or Community Member Secondary Student 1 5 1 4 3 Recommendations and Assurances The school site council (SSC) recommends this school plan and proposed expenditures to the district governing board for approval and assures the board of the following: 1. The SSC is correctly constituted and was formed in accordance with district governing board policy and state law. 2. The SSC reviewed its responsibilities under state law and district governing board policies, including those board policies relating to material changes in the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) requiring board approval. 3. The SSC sought and considered all recommendations from the following groups or committees before adopting this plan. Authorized signatures attached at end of document. Signature __________________________ English Learner Advisory Committee - Sonia Rambo 4. The SSC reviewed the content requirements for school plans of programs included in this SPSA and believes all such content requirements have been met, including those found in district governing board policies and in the local educational agency plan. 11/21/2014 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc Page 35 of 38 Natomas Middle 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report 5. This SPSA is based on a thorough analysis of student academic performance. The actions proposed here in form a sound, comprehensive, coordinated plan to reach stated school goals to improve student academic performance. 6. This SPSA was adopted by the SSC at a public meeting on: 11/18/2014 Attested: Dr. T. Tranzor Principal Authorized signatures attached at end of document. Typed name of School Principal Signature of School Principal KD Pham Authorized signatures attached at end of document. Typed name of SSC Chairperson Signature of SSC Chairperson Date Date Analysis of Current Educational Practice 1. Use of state and local assessments to modify instruction and improve student achievement (ESEA): Assessments within the curriculum adoptions, CELDT and CST results are used to monitor student progress, evaluate programs, and make decisions about the appropriate student placements that best serve the needs of our students. During the 2014-2015 school year, each grade level content area team will be identifying essential standards, developing quarterly benchmark assessments and regular formative assessments to analyze results and modify instruction to improve student achievement. 2. Use of data to monitor student progress on curriculum-embedded assessments and modify instruction (EPC): Teachers administer common benchmark assessments in English Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Science, and Science. Teachers meet two times per month in collaborative teams to analyze data to determine what level of proficiency students are demonstrating. Teachers review pacing guides, and plan instruction based on the results of the benchmarks and formative assessments. Administration is present at collaboration meetings. In addition to analyzing benchmark assessments with their collaborative teams, teachers are creating common formative assessments to monitor progress towards meeting grade level standards. Teachers will use the results of quizzes to inform pacing, determine student’s strengths and weaknesses and plan differentiated instruction. 3. Status of meeting requirements for highly qualified staff (ESEA): Our district's Human Resources department has a process for determining the highly qualified status of all teachers in the district. Currently, 96% of Natomas Middle School's staff is highly qualified. 4.Principals' Assembly Bill (AB) 75 training on State Board of Education (SBE) adopted instructional materials (EPC): One administrator at Natomas Middle School has completed the AB75 training. The remaining two are currently participating in a program. 5.Sufficiency of credentialed teachers and teacher professional development (e.g. access to AB 466 training on SBE-adopted instructional materials) (EPC): All staff are participating in one of three professional development cohorts focused on Curriculum Alignment Guides, SIOP or Differentiated instruction. Teachers are credentialed to teach the content area to which they are assigned. English Language Arts teachers are in need on AB 466 training in the adopted material. Two thirds of the Literacy teachers have received five days of training in order to implement the Language! intervention materials. Teachers were trained in using the materials, delivering instruction, have been observed by the trainer and have received feedback. Language! has been implemented in SDC and EL students. The implementation of this program is in response to assessment results that identified a group of students performing below grade level. 11/21/2014 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc Page 36 of 38 Natomas Middle 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report 6.Alignment of staff development to content standards, assessed student performance, and professional needs (ESEA): Professional development has included Middle Years Program (MYP) training for the full staff in 2012-2013. By October 2014 at least one member of every department will have participated in a three day content area specific training. The principal has attended both required Head of Schools training and the MYP site coordinator has attended multiple trainings. Professional Learning Communities are meeting two times per month to collaborate around staff instructional practices that set students up for success, assessment results, and how to intervene with students who did not master the content and how to provide enrichment for those who achieved mastery. Lastly, our Safe and Civil Schools team has entered the second of three years of training and implementation. Our team continues in the process of collecting data from staff and students. 7.Ongoing instructional assistance and support for teachers (e.g., use of content experts and instructional coaches) (EPC): As of the beginning of the 2012-2013 school year, the full staff has been trained in the area of Equity and Access. A 20% instructional coach has been hired in order to observe instructional practices and provide feedback specifically in this area. Our Middle Years Programme coordinator has been working with content area grade level specific teams to develop unit plans in preparation for submission of our application to be a candidate school in the year 2013-2014. This work will continue in 2014-15 School-wide instructional strategies and norms have been identified and our 20% Instructional Coach is engaging in regular classroom visits and providing feedback to every teacher regarding their implementation. She is additionally working with teachers in developing lessons that incorporate the student engagement strategies and norms. 8.Teacher collaboration by grade level (K-8) and department (9-12) (EPC): Teachers meet by grade level and content area three times per month to analyze student data, create progress monitoring tools and plan instruction. PLC Google docs are monitored by administration. The collaborative teams are: English Language Arts grade 6 & 7, English Language Arts grade 8, General Math grade 7, General Math grade 8, Algebra, Social Science grade 7, Social Science grade 8, Science grade 6 and 7, Science grade 8, Physical Education grades 6-8, Special Education team and Language!. 9.Alignment of curriculum, instruction, and materials to content and performance standards (ESEA): Although the math department went through a recent adoption process and adopted a state approved text, funds were not available to purchase materials. Our district was able, however, to adopt the Algebra Readiness materials for the general math 8 course. Language! intervention curriculum was also adopted for students performing below grade level. The Language Arts materials were last adopted in 2001. Science and Social Science materials are current. Regardless, each department has aligned instruction and materials with the State standards. Specially designed intervention curriculum is offered through our English Language Development and Special Education Programs to accelerate reading, writing, and comprehension skills. Such curriculum is additionally offered n the area of mathematics to individualize learning and close the gaps. 10.Adherence to recommended instructional minutes for reading/language arts and mathematics (K-8) (EPC): Students participate in seven 50 minute instructional periods per day. Although a few of our demographic-groups achieved some growth, there are still a significant number of under-performing students at our school. This school year, Natomas Middle School continues to provide a limited number of reading and math intervention classes within the school day to meet the needs of under-performing students. Students at or approaching grade level according to multiple measures, in Language Arts receive 50 minutes of daily instruction. Students demonstrating advanced proficiency, according to multiple measures in Language Arts also receive 50 minutes of Language Arts instruction. Students demonstrating below basic or far below basic proficiency, according to multiple measures, receive 100 minutes of daily instruction. In mathematics at the 6th and 7th grade level, students who demonstrate grade level mastery according to multiple measures, receive only 50 minutes of daily instruction. Those students who demonstrate below basic or far below basic proficiency, according to multiple measures, receive 50 minutes of daily instruction with the same teacher. In mathematics at the 8th grade level, students take 50 minutes of Algebra. A selected group of students are enrolled in an "Algebra Support" class to provide an additional 50 minutes of instruction in the Algebra standards. Students enrolled in Geometry receive 50 minutes of daily instruction 11.Lesson pacing schedule (K-8) and master schedule flexibility for sufficient numbers of intervention courses (EPC): Teachers in Language Arts and Mathematics intervention courses follow a pacing guide and assessment calendar so that students are able to switch teachers without a significant disruption in their instruction. At each quarter, students are evaluated using multiple measures to determine the accuracy of their placement. Adjustments are made at the beginning of the school year, and at the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd quarter. In some rare cases, adjustments to a students schedule are made as soon as the need for a change is demonstrated. 12.Availability of standards-based instructional materials appropriate to all student groups (ESEA): 11/21/2014 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc Page 37 of 38 Natomas Middle 2014-15 Single Plan For Student Achievement Report Each student has grade level textbooks and other necessary supplemental materials. All are standards-based and meet the needs of students performing below, at, or above grade level. All students are issued textbooks within the first two weeks of school based on the courses in which they are enrolled. Our librarian keeps a record through Destiny of all books issued to each student. New students receive their textbooks through the library upon enrollment. 13.Use of SBE-adopted and standards-aligned instructional materials, including intervention materials, and for high school students, access to standards-aligned core courses (EPC): Our standards-aligned instructional materials including intervention materials are as follows: English Language Arts - Prentice Hall 2001 instructional materials; Language! instructional materials for intervention; Math grade 7 strategic group - The Mind Institute Math Intervention materials; Math grade 8 support - UCLA Algebra Readiness curriculum; Algebra - McDougall-Litell; Geometry - Prentice-Hall Science; 6th and 7th Social Science - Houghton Mifflin 14.Services provided by the regular program that enable underperforming students to meet standards (ESEA): Each year, all students are assessed in order to identify each student's grade level proficiency using multiple measures English Langauge Arts and Mathematics. These measures allow teachers to use objective data to work together and place students in courses that best meet individual student needs. Our English Language Learners are receiving 100 instructional minutes, or two periods, of the Language! intervention instructional program. Students below basic are receiving an additional period of Language Arts. In math, a group of strategic students in the 7th grade are receiving an additional 50 minute period of math instruction in lieu of an enrichment course. Students in these classes have access to the Math Mind Institute intervention program delivered through technology. Under-performing 8th grade students are receiving intervention through the Algebra Readiness intervention curriculum for 50 minutes daily plus the Mind Institute program. Accelerated Reader is in place school-wide to motivate students to read by providing immediate feedback, instill a love of reading, and increase reading comprehension. 15.Research-based educational practices to raise student achievement at this school (ESEA): Natomas Middle School has achieved candidacy for the Middle Years Programme which will bring additional educational opportunities for our students beginning in the 2013-2014 school year. MYP work will continue in 2014-15 Our administration is also intensively looking at the attendance of our students and practices that surround our practices in order to increase attendance which leads to increased achievement. 16.Resources available from family, school, district, and community to assist under-achieving students (ESEA): Natomas Middle School offers counseling in various areas including suicide prevention through a Mission Possible counselor three times per week. Our Target Excellence after school program is providing services to students through an ASES grant. Target Excellence provides opportunities for college awareness, homework help, community service, parent education nights, and access to organizations in the community. NMS has a boys mentoring program called HOPE which provides social skills, community building, college awareness and making positive choices. Our district is providing us with a bullying prevention programs to build an anti-bullying climate. Social Work interns also provide students with support. Parent CORES is providing additional parent education evenings through Project 2 Inspire. 17.Involvement of parents, community representatives, classroom teachers, other school personnel, and students in secondary schools, in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of consolidated application programs. (5 CCR 3932): The School Site Council is involved in the development, planning, implementation, and evaluation of the consolidated application programs. Our English Language Advisory Committee also provides input on our School Site Plan. 18.Services provided by categorical funds that enable underperforming students to meet standards (ESEA) : Site categorical funds are funding a 20% Instructional Coach. Site Categorical funds are funding additional training in Equity and Access instructional practices and MYP unit development and student support and interventions.. 19.Fiscal support (EPC): All categorical funding sources will be used to support the implementation of the goals in our school site plan. 11/21/2014 Powered by SchoolCity, Inc Page 38 of 38