Multi-Objective Routing Optimisation for Battery
Multi-Objective Routing Optimisation for Battery
Multi-Objective Routing Optimisation for Battery-Powered Wireless Sensor Mesh Networks Alma Rahat Richard Everson Jonathan Fieldsend Computer Science University of Exeter United Kingdom Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, July 2014 Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend MORO for Battery Powered WSMN GECCO, July 2014 1 / 13 Wireless Sensors Autonomous devices Environmental or process monitoring Industrial Heritage Pharmaceuticals Health-care Battery powered Monitor locations that are difficult to access Typically left unattended for long periods of time Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend MORO for Battery Powered WSMN GECCO, July 2014 2 / 13 Point-to-Point Networks Sensors and Gateway Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend MORO for Battery Powered WSMN GECCO, July 2014 3 / 13 Point-to-Point Networks Sensors and Gateway Direct connections between Sensor and Gateway Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend MORO for Battery Powered WSMN GECCO, July 2014 3 / 13 Point-to-Point Networks Sensors and Gateway Direct connections between Sensor and Gateway Challenges Limited Range Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend MORO for Battery Powered WSMN GECCO, July 2014 3 / 13 Point-to-Point Networks Sensors and Gateway Direct connections between Sensor and Gateway Challenges Limited Range Vulnerable to dynamic radio environment Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend MORO for Battery Powered WSMN GECCO, July 2014 3 / 13 Mesh Networks Sensor nodes relay their adjacent nodes’ data to the gateway Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend MORO for Battery Powered WSMN GECCO, July 2014 4 / 13 Mesh Networks Sensor nodes relay their adjacent nodes’ data to the gateway Range extension Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend MORO for Battery Powered WSMN GECCO, July 2014 4 / 13 Mesh Networks Sensor nodes relay their adjacent nodes’ data to the gateway Range extension Alternative routes - resilience to changes in radio environment Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend MORO for Battery Powered WSMN GECCO, July 2014 4 / 13 Mesh Networks Sensor nodes relay their adjacent nodes’ data to the gateway Range extension Alternative routes - resilience to changes in radio environment Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend MORO for Battery Powered WSMN GECCO, July 2014 4 / 13 Mesh Networks Sensor nodes relay their adjacent nodes’ data to the gateway Range extension Alternative routes - resilience to changes in radio environment Maximise Average battery lifetime Minimum time before one node expires Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend MORO for Battery Powered WSMN GECCO, July 2014 4 / 13 Routing Scheme Network connectivity map Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend MORO for Battery Powered WSMN GECCO, July 2014 5 / 13 Routing Scheme Network connectivity map A route for node v3 : S3 = hv3 , v1 , vG i Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend MORO for Battery Powered WSMN GECCO, July 2014 5 / 13 Routing Scheme Network connectivity map A route for node v3 : S3 = hv3 , v1 , vG i A routing scheme for the network: R = {S1 , S2 , S3 , S4 , S5 } Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend MORO for Battery Powered WSMN GECCO, July 2014 5 / 13 Node Costs Node’s cost due to a routing scheme R: C1 = T1,G + (R1,2 + T1,G ) + (R1,3 + T1,G ) For a transmission from vi to vj : Ti,j Transmission cost at node vi Rj,i Reception cost at node vj Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend MORO for Battery Powered WSMN GECCO, July 2014 6 / 13 Node Costs Node’s cost due to a routing scheme R: C1 = T1,G + (R1,2 + T1,G ) + (R1,3 + T1,G ) T1,G For a transmission from vi to vj : Ti,j Transmission cost at node vi Rj,i Reception cost at node vj Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend MORO for Battery Powered WSMN GECCO, July 2014 6 / 13 Node Costs Node’s cost due to a routing scheme R: C1 = T1,G + (R1,2 + T1,G ) + (R1,3 + T1,G ) T1,G R1,2 For a transmission from vi to vj : Ti,j Transmission cost at node vi Rj,i Reception cost at node vj Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend MORO for Battery Powered WSMN GECCO, July 2014 6 / 13 Node Costs Node’s cost due to a routing scheme R: C1 = T1,G R1,3 + (R1,2 + T1,G ) + (R1,3 + T1,G ) T1,G For a transmission from vi to vj : Ti,j Transmission cost at node vi Rj,i Reception cost at node vj Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend MORO for Battery Powered WSMN GECCO, July 2014 6 / 13 Objectives Lifetime for node vi : Li (R) = Qi Ei + Ci Qi battery charge Ei quiescent current Ci radio communication current Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend MORO for Battery Powered WSMN GECCO, July 2014 7 / 13 Objectives Lifetime for node vi : Li (R) = Qi Ei + Ci Qi battery charge Ei quiescent current Ci radio communication current Maximise n 1X Li (R) n i=1 Average lifetime: f1 (R) = Minimum lifetime: f2 (R) = min Li (R) Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend MORO for Battery Powered WSMN i∈[1,n] GECCO, July 2014 7 / 13 Search Space Size How big is the search space? Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend MORO for Battery Powered WSMN GECCO, July 2014 8 / 13 Search Space Size Number of possible loopless paths for node v3 : 1 Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend MORO for Battery Powered WSMN GECCO, July 2014 8 / 13 Search Space Size Number of possible loopless paths for node v3 : 2 Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend MORO for Battery Powered WSMN GECCO, July 2014 8 / 13 Search Space Size Number of possible loopless paths for node v3 : 3 Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend MORO for Battery Powered WSMN GECCO, July 2014 8 / 13 Search Space Size Number of possible loopless paths for node v3 : 4 Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend MORO for Battery Powered WSMN GECCO, July 2014 8 / 13 Search Space Size Number of possible loopless paths for node v3 : 5 Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend MORO for Battery Powered WSMN GECCO, July 2014 8 / 13 Search Space Size Number of possible loopless paths for node v3 : 6 Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend MORO for Battery Powered WSMN GECCO, July 2014 8 / 13 Search Space Size Number of possible loopless paths for node v3 : 7 Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend MORO for Battery Powered WSMN GECCO, July 2014 8 / 13 Search Space Size Number of possible loopless paths for node v3 : 7 Number of possible routing schemes: n Y ai i=1 ai : Number of available routes from vi to vG Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend MORO for Battery Powered WSMN GECCO, July 2014 8 / 13 Search Space Size Number of possible loopless paths for node v3 : 7 Number of possible routing schemes: n Y ai i=1 ai : Number of available routes from vi to vG 4032 solutions Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend MORO for Battery Powered WSMN GECCO, July 2014 8 / 13 Search Space Size Number of possible loopless paths for node v3 : 7 Number of possible routing schemes: n Y ai i=1 ai : Number of available routes from vi to vG 243 solutions Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend MORO for Battery Powered WSMN GECCO, July 2014 8 / 13 Search Space Size Number of possible loopless paths for node v3 : 7 Number of possible routing schemes: n Y ai Limit the number of paths available to each node by using k-shortest paths algorithm [Yen, 1972; Eppstein, 1999] Maximum search space size: k n i=1 ai : Number of available routes from vi to vG Quicker approximation of Pareto Front 243 solutions Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend MORO for Battery Powered WSMN GECCO, July 2014 8 / 13 Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: A ← InitialiseArchive() . Initialise elite archive randomly for i ← 1 : T do R1 , R2 ← Select(A) . Select two parent solutions R0 ← UniformCrossOver (R1 , R2 ) R00 ← Mutate(R0 ) A ← NonDominated(A ∪ R00 ) . Update archive end for return A . Approximation of the Pareto set Crossover Select paths for each node from parents Mutation Replace paths randomly from k-shortest paths for some nodes Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend MORO for Battery Powered WSMN GECCO, July 2014 9 / 13 Real Network: The Victoria & Albert Museum Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend MORO for Battery Powered WSMN GECCO, July 2014 10 / 13 Real Network: The Victoria & Albert Museum Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend MORO for Battery Powered WSMN GECCO, July 2014 10 / 13 Real Network: The Victoria & Albert Museum Minimum Lifetime (years) Minimum Lifetime (years) 1.2 30 nodes + gateway k = 10; search space is limited to 1030 solutions. 1.1 1.0 Initial population size: 100 0.9 0.8 Mutation and crossover rate: 0.1 0.7 0.6 1.86 1.88 1.90 1.92 1.94 1.96 Average Lifetime (years) 1.98 2.00 2.02 Average Lifetime (years) Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend MORO for Battery Powered WSMN Number of iterations: 150, 000 Run time: 2 minutes GECCO, July 2014 10 / 13 Real Network: The Victoria & Albert Museum Minimum Lifetime (years) Minimum Lifetime (years) 1.2 30 nodes + gateway k = 10; search space is limited to 1030 solutions. 1.1 1.0 Initial population size: 100 0.9 0.8 Mutation and crossover rate: 0.1 0.7 0.6 1.86 1.88 1.90 1.92 1.94 1.96 Average Lifetime (years) 1.98 2.00 2.02 Average Lifetime (years) Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend MORO for Battery Powered WSMN Number of iterations: 150, 000 Run time: 2 minutes GECCO, July 2014 10 / 13 Real Network: The Victoria & Albert Museum Minimum Lifetime (years) Minimum Lifetime (years) 1.2 30 nodes + gateway k = 10; search space is limited to 1030 solutions. 1.1 1.0 Initial population size: 100 0.9 0.8 Mutation and crossover rate: 0.1 0.7 0.6 1.86 1.88 1.90 1.92 1.94 1.96 Average Lifetime (years) 1.98 2.00 2.02 Average Lifetime (years) Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend MORO for Battery Powered WSMN Number of iterations: 150, 000 Run time: 2 minutes GECCO, July 2014 10 / 13 Real Network: The Victoria & Albert Museum Average lifetime: 2 years Minimum lifetime: 0.75 years (node v19 ) 20 2.2 7 26 18 4 15 24 14 23 21 19 1 25 1.1 Min. Lifetime 16 30 17 6 2 0 11 0.9 0.7 1.92 Gateway 27 0.8 1.93 1.94 1.95 1.96 1.97 1.98 1.99 2.00 8 13 1.0 3 9 16 30 nodes + gateway 10 20 29 5 12 18 1.8 14 k = 10; search space is limited1.6to 103012 10 solutions. 1.4 Initial population8 size: 1001.2 6 Edge Utilisation 28 2.0 Lifetime Remaining (years) 22 Mutation and 4 1.0 crossover rate: 0.1 2 Number 0.8 of iterations: 150, 000 2.01 Avg. Lifetime Run time: 2 minutes Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend MORO for Battery Powered WSMN GECCO, July 2014 10 / 13 Real Network: The Victoria & Albert Museum Average lifetime: 1.93 years Minimum lifetime: 1.12 years (node v21 ) 20 2.2 7 26 18 4 15 24 14 23 21 19 1 25 1.1 Min. Lifetime 16 30 17 6 2 0 11 0.9 0.7 1.92 Gateway 27 0.8 1.93 1.94 1.95 1.96 1.97 1.98 1.99 2.00 8 13 1.0 3 9 16 30 nodes + gateway 10 20 29 5 12 18 1.8 14 k = 10; search space is limited1.6to 103012 10 solutions. 1.4 Initial population8 size: 1001.2 6 Edge Utilisation 28 2.0 Lifetime Remaining (years) 22 Mutation and 4 1.0 crossover rate: 0.1 2 Number 0.8 of iterations: 150, 000 2.01 Avg. Lifetime Run time: 2 minutes Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend MORO for Battery Powered WSMN GECCO, July 2014 10 / 13 Real Network: The Victoria & Albert Museum Average lifetime: 1.97 years Minimum lifetime: 0.97 years (node v19 ) 20 2.2 7 26 18 4 15 24 14 23 21 19 1 25 1.1 Min. Lifetime 16 30 17 6 2 0 11 0.9 0.7 1.92 Gateway 27 0.8 1.93 1.94 1.95 1.96 1.97 1.98 1.99 2.00 8 13 1.0 3 9 16 30 nodes + gateway 10 20 29 5 12 18 1.8 14 k = 10; search space is limited1.6to 103012 10 solutions. 1.4 Initial population8 size: 1001.2 6 Edge Utilisation 28 2.0 Lifetime Remaining (years) 22 Mutation and 4 1.0 crossover rate: 0.1 2 Number 0.8 of iterations: 150, 000 2.01 Avg. Lifetime Run time: 2 minutes Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend MORO for Battery Powered WSMN GECCO, July 2014 10 / 13 Recovering from Link Failure Select operating point from estimated Pareto front Simulate radio activity for 6 months Simulate link failure Minimum Lifetime (years) Minimum Lifetime (years) 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 1.92 1.93 1.94 1.95 1.96 1.97 1.98 AverageLifetime Lifetime (years)(years) Average Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend 1.99 2.00 MORO for Battery Powered WSMN GECCO, July 2014 11 / 13 Recovering from Link Failure Select operating point from estimated Pareto front 3 Simulate radio activity for 6 months Simulate link failure 2.2 7 22 28 1.0 15 4 23 0.9 14 25 2.0 26 18 10 20 21 19 29 5 12 8 2 16 30 17 24 1 6 13 0 27 3 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 11 0.8 1.8 Lifetime Remaining (years) Minimum Lifetime (years) Minimum Lifetime (years) 1.1 0.8 9 0.6 0.7 1.92 1.93 1.94 1.95 1.96 1.97 1.98 AverageLifetime Lifetime (years)(years) Average Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend 1.99 2.00 MORO for Battery Powered WSMN GECCO, July 2014 11 / 13 Recovering from Link Failure Select operating point from estimated Pareto front 3 Simulate radio activity for 6 months 3 Simulate link failure 1.0 7 22 28 0.8 15 4 23 25 0.6 10 20 21 19 29 5 12 8 2 16 30 17 24 1 6 13 0 27 0.0 months 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 AverageLifetime Lifetime (years)(years) Average Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend 3 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 11 0.4 0.2 14 2.0 26 18 Lifetime Remaining (years) Minimum Lifetime (years) Minimum Lifetime (years) 2.2 0.8 9 0.6 2.0 MORO for Battery Powered WSMN GECCO, July 2014 11 / 13 Recovering from Link Failure Select operating point from estimated Pareto front 3 Simulate radio activity for 6 months 3 Simulate link failure 3 1.0 7 22 28 0.8 15 4 23 25 0.6 10 20 21 19 29 5 12 8 2 16 30 17 24 1 6 13 0 27 6.0 months 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 AverageLifetime Lifetime (years)(years) Average Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend 3 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 11 0.4 0.2 14 2.0 26 18 Lifetime Remaining (years) Minimum Lifetime (years) Minimum Lifetime (years) 2.2 0.8 9 0.6 2.0 MORO for Battery Powered WSMN GECCO, July 2014 11 / 13 Recovering from Link Failure Reoptimise with aged front 0.8 Minimum (years) MinimumLifetime Lifetime (years) 0.7 Aged front 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 1.38 Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend 1.40 1.42 1.44 1.46 1.48 AverageLifetime Lifetime (years) Average (years) MORO for Battery Powered WSMN 1.50 1.52 GECCO, July 2014 11 / 13 Recovering from Link Failure Reoptimise with aged front 0.8 Minimum (years) MinimumLifetime Lifetime (years) 0.7 Aged front 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 1.38 Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend 1.40 1.42 1.44 1.46 1.48 AverageLifetime Lifetime (years) Average (years) MORO for Battery Powered WSMN 1.50 1.52 GECCO, July 2014 11 / 13 Recovering from Link Failure Reoptimise with aged front 0.8 Minimum (years) MinimumLifetime Lifetime (years) 0.7 Aged front 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 1.38 Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend 1.40 1.42 1.44 1.46 1.48 AverageLifetime Lifetime (years) Average (years) MORO for Battery Powered WSMN 1.50 1.52 GECCO, July 2014 11 / 13 Recovering from Link Failure Reoptimise with aged front 0.8 Minimum (years) MinimumLifetime Lifetime (years) 0.7 Reoptimised front Aged front 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 1.38 Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend 1.40 1.42 1.44 1.46 1.48 AverageLifetime Lifetime (years) Average (years) MORO for Battery Powered WSMN 1.50 1.52 GECCO, July 2014 11 / 13 Extending Minimum Lifetime Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend MORO for Battery Powered WSMN GECCO, July 2014 12 / 13 Extending Minimum Lifetime Charge Node 1 R1 Node 5 Time Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend MORO for Battery Powered WSMN GECCO, July 2014 12 / 13 Extending Minimum Lifetime Charge Node 1 R2 Node 5 Time Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend MORO for Battery Powered WSMN GECCO, July 2014 12 / 13 Extending Minimum Lifetime R1 Charge Node 1 R1 Node 5 Time Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend MORO for Battery Powered WSMN GECCO, July 2014 12 / 13 Extending Minimum Lifetime R1 + R2 Charge Node 1 R2 Node 5 Time Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend MORO for Battery Powered WSMN GECCO, July 2014 12 / 13 Extending Minimum Lifetime 1.3 Minimum Lifetime (years) 1.2 1.1 hR1 , R2 , R3 i 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 1.84 1.86 1.88 1.90 1.92 1.94 1.96 1.98 2.00 2.02 Average Lifetime (years) Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend MORO for Battery Powered WSMN GECCO, July 2014 12 / 13 Extending Minimum Lifetime 1.3 Minimum Lifetime (years) 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 1.84 1.86 1.88 1.90 1.92 1.94 1.96 1.98 2.00 2.02 Average Lifetime (years) Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend MORO for Battery Powered WSMN GECCO, July 2014 12 / 13 Extending Minimum Lifetime 1.3 Minimum Lifetime (years) 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 1.84 1.86 1.88 1.90 1.92 1.94 1.96 1.98 2.00 2.02 Average Lifetime (years) Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend MORO for Battery Powered WSMN GECCO, July 2014 12 / 13 Extending Minimum Lifetime 1.3 e 1.2 2.25 14 23 24 1 25 6 26 21 19 1.0 2 20 29 12 1.80 27 1.65 13 3 6 0 25 2 15 14 23 10 16 30 17 24 21 19 1 6 27 20 5 29 12 1.80 8 1.65 13 3 9 0 2.25 1.50 2.10 1.35 1.95 1.20 26 18 25 0.7 1.35 7 22 28 4 21 19 1 1.95 10 16 30 17 24 1.50 11 9 0.8 14 23 8 2.10 26 18 15 4 5 0.9 11 28 1.95 10 16 30 17 2.25 7 22 Lifetime Remaining (years) 15 4 2.10 2 1.20 Lifetime Remaining (years) 18 7 1.1 Lifetime Remaining (years) 28 Minimum Lifetime (years) 22 20 29 12 5 1.80 8 1.65 13 0 1.50 11 27 0.6 1.84 3 1.86 9 1.35 1.88 1.90 1.20 1.92 1.94 1.96 1.98 2.00 2.02 Average Lifetime (years) Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend MORO for Battery Powered WSMN GECCO, July 2014 12 / 13 Extending Minimum Lifetime 1.3 Multiple Routing Scheme Minimum Lifetime (years) 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 Single Routing Scheme 0.7 0.6 1.84 1.86 1.88 1.90 1.92 1.94 1.96 1.98 2.00 2.02 Average Lifetime (years) Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend MORO for Battery Powered WSMN GECCO, July 2014 12 / 13 Summary Multi-objective optimisation of routing schemes to extend battery powered mesh network lifetime Novel k-shortest path search space pruning enables rapid optimisation Dynamic reoptimisation allows recovery from node or link failure Current Work Novel temporal load balancing to improve performance Find optimum time span for component routing schemes Patent applied for with the IMC Group Ltd. Protect a group of nodes Rahat, Everson & Fieldsend MORO for Battery Powered WSMN GECCO, July 2014 13 / 13