İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi Başhekimlik
İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi Başhekimlik
Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine Hospital Administration Plan • Health care systems in the world • Problems in university hospitals in Turkey • Istanbul University Hospitals: New changes/organizations (HAGED) • Hospital of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine Major changes in health care systems are encountered in the world Every single country is affected WHY? o Health Technologies developing fast o Volume of health care services is increasing, accordingly, the cost of service is increasing o Average age of the population is increasing o Changes of cummunity social structure o The potential of health information systems is increasing Principles of Health Care Systems & Services 1. Effectiveness (Evidence-based Medicine) 2. Efficiency (Health Economics) 3. Equity (Fundamental/Health Law) 4. Humanity (Quality of Service) Main Objectives of 21st Century • Safety Not harming patients • Effectiveness Preventing incomplete, incorrect and excessive use • Patient-Centered Clinical decisions should be in line with the benefits, norms, values and beliefs of the patients • Punctuality (On-Time) A delayed service is not a service • Efficiency Curbing a new strain (device, material, man power and utilities) • Equitablity The level, quality and scope of service should not be different in the community . (Geographic Region, Sex, Age, Religion, etc.) University Hospitals • The best address of Undergraduate/Graduate/Continuous Medicine education • As part of being a “UNIVERSITY” – Education – Research – Functions not only as traditional outpatient and clinical services but also functions in featured service areas. University Hospitals • The most prestigious health institutions from the perspective of the community. • The last point of care in many severe cases. Actors in Health Care Services POLITICAL AUTHORITIES TURKISH PARLIAMENT (TBMM), DPT, MINISTRY OF HEALTH , UNIVERSITIES SERVICE SUPPLIERS MINISTRY OF HEALTH, UNIVERSITIES, MUNICIPALITIES, OTHER MINISTRIES PRIVATE HEALTH CARE ORGANIZATIONS, PRIVATE PHYSICIANS, PHARMACIES FINANCIERS PUBLIC (TAX+PREMIUM); TREASURY, MINISTRY OF FINANCE/HEALTH/ÇSG/NATIONAL DEFENSE, INSTITUTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION (YÖK), OTHER PUBLIC ORGANIZATIONS PRIVATE (PREMIUM); PRIVATE INSURANCE COMPANIES Problems in University Hospitals in Turkey • Dependence on governmental credit institutions. • Increase in costs. As the level of expertise increases, the cost increases accordingly. • Academic staff are forced to carry out more than one role in the organization. • Regulations including heavy conditions create difficulty while processing the service. Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine ( IFM) + Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine (CFM) + Institute of Cardiology + Institute of Oncology + Faculty of Dentistry • To re-assess conglomerate structure HAGED was founded. (General Administration of Hospitals) Hospitals provide support to each other when any help and/or medical equipment are needed. 30% cost reduction is targeted. (Process of maintaining organizational costs within a specified budget; restraining expenditures to meet organizational or project financial targets ) ISTANBUL UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS ISTANBUL UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE COORDINATION COMMITTEE OF ISTANBUL UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS (Code No: 5/1) Geçmiş Şuan BOARD OF DIRECTORS/EXECUTIVE BOARD GENERAL MANAGEMENT/DIRECTORATE Gelecek ADVISORY BOARD/COUNCIL OF CONSULTANTS ISTANBUL UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS Rector Prof. Dr. Yunus SÖYLET Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Kamil ADALET Dean of Faculty of Medicine Geçmiş Dean of Faculty of Medicine Cerrahpasa Dean of Faculty of Health Science Dean of Faculty of Dentistry Şuan Manager of Oncology Institute Manager of Cardiology Institute Prof. Dr. Bilgin SAYDAM Gelecek Istanbul University Hospital - Administrator Cerrahpasa Hospital - Administrator Working Capital Operations Manager General Director of Hospitals General Medical Director of Hospitals Prof. Dr. Özgün ENVER Prof. Dr. Haydar SUR Prof. Dr. Prof. Dr. Ahmet KĠZĠR Prof. Dr. Zerrin YĠĞĠT Prof. Dr. M. Akif KARAN Prof. Dr. Prof. Dr. Yard. Doç. Dr. S. Haluk ÖZSARI - GENERAL MANAGEMENT/DIRECTORATE at Istanbul University Hospitals General Director Yard.Doç.Dr.Haluk ÖZSARI Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Sağlık Yönetimi Bölümü Öğretim Üyesi Medical Director Prof. Dr. Yakup TUNA Cerrahpaşa Tıp Fakültesi Temel Bilimler Bölüm Başkanı Geçmiş Director of Nursing Prof . Dr. Aytolan YILDIRIM Florence Nightingale Hemşirelik Yük.Okulu Hemşirelikte Yönetim Anabilim Dalı Başkanı Şuan Director of Laboratory Services Prof . Dr. Münire HACIBEKĠROĞLU Ġstanbul Üniversitesi Hizmet Laboratuvarları Sorumlusu Director of Finance Gelecek Prof.Dr.Yakup SELVĠ Ġstanbul Üniversitesi Döner Sermaye Ġşletmesi Müdür Yardımcısı Director of Quality Prof. Dr. Gökhan AYGÜN Cerrahpaşa Tıp Fakültesi Kalite Koordinasyon Kurulu Üyesi Director of Data Processing Dr. Yılmaz KESKĠNDEMĠRCĠ Sağlık Hizmetleri Meslek Yüksekokulu Öğretim Görevlisi Istanbul Faculty of Medicine Hospital Operational Managers Vice chief Administrator Nursing Manager Hospital Managers Health council Public relations Head of Blood Center Secreteriat Head of bone marrow Istanbul Faculty of Medicine Operational Managers under the Administration Office Processes Istanbul Faculty of Medicine Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Dentistry Institute of Oncology Institute of Cardiology Movable property manager Doç. Dr. Önder ŞAHİN Doç. Dr. Kazım BEŞİRLİ Arş. Gör. Dr. Değer ÖNGÜL Doç. Dr. Vakur OLGAÇ Prof. Dr. Kazım ERSANLI Income financing manager Prof. Dr. Ahmet Bilge SÖZEN Yard. Doç. Dr. Suphi VEHİT Ümit Begüm EFES Prof. Dr. Fulya AĞAOĞLU Prof. Dr. Emir Özgür Barış ÖKÇÜN Expense financing manager Prof. Dr. Halim İŞSEVER Doç. Dr. Özcan ÖZTÜRK Sadi HIRA Prof. Dr. Ahmet KİZİR Doç. . Dr. Murat BAŞKURT Human resorces manager Prof. Dr. Mustafa ERELEL Prof. Dr. Fatiş ALTINDAŞ Figen SEYMEN Prof. Dr. Esra SAĞLAM Prof. Dr. Gürkan ÇETİN Medical operational manager Dahili Bilimler Prof. Dr. Mustafa Nuri YENEREL Cerrahi Bilimler Prof. Dr. Ufuk EMEKLİ Dahili Bilimler Prof. Dr. Adnan Levent YALDIRAN Özen ONUR Cerrahi Böilimler Prof. Dr. Fadıl AYAN Rasim MERAL Prof. Dr. Zerrin YİĞİT General operational manager Ehsan PAPAKÇI Şakir AYBİRDİ Prof. Dr. Fulya AĞAOĞLU Güler İŞLİK Fatma BOZKURT DEMİRDAĞ Plan of the campus Istanbul Faculty of Medicine Hospital • Outdoor: 112.000 m2 • Indoor: 180.716 m2 • Buildings: 20 • All buildings will be knocked down and rebuilt except 4 historical ones • In terms of increasing the standards, the number of beds will be decreased from 1390 to 1100 • 44 Departments, 63 Divisions • Number of Staff dependent on Institution of Higher Education……….. 982 (# of Professors … 379 # of Associated Professors …64 # of Specialists… 61 # of Residents … 435) • Full-Timers 657 4A … 1767 • Service Recipients-laboratorytechnicians-secretary 1695, security 141, food 86, cleaning 315 … 2237 • 4B … 422 (contracted in rectorate) Outpatient 2011 2012 January 100.657 98.348 February 93.901 91.457 March 105.538 105.062 April 92.780 96.622 MAY 99.832 105.737 June 100.223 94.919 July 84.200 87.248 August 74.489 75.068 September 90.085 87.083 October 89.578 87.252 November 84.470 101.070 December 98.748 95.773 TOTAL 1.114.501 1.125.639 2011 # of Outpatients 2012 # of Outpatients İIFM Inpatient Official number of beds Number of beds Number of Inpatients 1.322 2012 # of Inpatients 38.951 TOTAL NUMBER OF OPERATIONS (Large, Medium, Small-Scale) 2010 2011 2012 January 2237 2705 2458 February 2380 2633 2225 March 2728 2902 2338 April 2468 2327 2165 May 2404 2315 2519 June 2535 2529 2282 July 2339 2200 2006 August 2228 2178 1998 September 1982 1846 1915 October 2231 2097 1892 November 2068 1838 2177 December 2748 2341 2213 28348 27911 26188 TOTAL TOTAL NUMBER OF BIRTHS Annual Birth number Normal Abnormal C/S TOTAL 2011 2012 631 559 4 2 1321 1051 1956 1612 TOTAL NUMBERS in ICU ICU - 2012 TOTAL Number of Beds Number of Inpatients 121 2490 Automation is being revised • Education, • Human Resources, • Revenue-Expense-Fixed Asset controlling and auditing standards will be provided. • Conjugation of hospitals will be achieved. • Efficiency will be perceived by the help of outputs.
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