January 2014 AMRA Newsletter


January 2014 AMRA Newsletter
January 31, 2014
February 28, 2013
Volume 19, Issue 01
Volume 18, Issue 22
NaƟonal Agreement Ending “Right to Repair” Debate?
From a Jan. 22, 2014 PRESS RELEASE: Four automo ve groups—the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers, the Associa on of Global Automakers, the A ermarket Industry Associa on, and the Coali on for Automo ve Repair Equality (CARE)—announced Wednesday that they will be banding together to ensure consumers have choices in post‐warranty auto repair. The na onal agreement, which ends the prolonged “Right to Repair” debate within the industry, is based on a recent law finalized in the Commonwealth of Massachuse s. The signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) extends the essen al provisions for all light vehicles nego ated in the Massachuse s law na onwide. It impacts all companies and organiza ons that are currently members of the signatory associa ons. This na onal agreement ensures the four groups will stand down in their fight on "Right to Repair" and work collec vely to ac vely oppose individual state legisla on while the respec ve groups work to implement the MOU. In the mean me, the par es agree that further state legisla on is not needed and could serve to weaken the effec veness and clarity of the MOU. "Automakers manufacture high quality, innova ve vehicles that provide strong value, safety, and convenience to our customers," said Mitch Bainwol, president and CEO of the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers. "Accessible, efficient, accurate, and compe vely‐priced repair and service are paramount, and franchised dealers and the a ermarket play unique and important roles in the repair process." The change was also lauded as a way to streamline laws across the en re country. "Much like with fuel efficiency economy and greenhouse gases, a single na onal standard regarding vehicle repair protocols is impera ve," said Mike Stanton, president and CEO of the Associa on of Global Automakers. "A patchwork of 50 differing state bills, each with its own interpreta ons and compliance parameters doesn't make sense. This agreement provides the uniform clarity our industry needs and a na onwide pla orm to move on." worked to ensure our customers con nue to have the right to choose where they buy their parts and have their vehicles serviced," said Ray Pohlman, president of CARE. "This agreement will ensure vehicle owners will have compe ve and quality choices in their repairs while strengthening the auto repair industry na onwide. This agreement illustrates what can happen when organiza ons focus on pu ng customers and consumers first.” The “Right to Repair” act required automobile manufacturers to provide the same informa on to independent repair shops as they do for dealerships, and has been a point of conten on for independent shops and consumers. "Since the first Right to Repair Act was introduced in Congress in 2001, CARE and the automo ve a ermarket have worked to ensure our customers con nue to have the right to choose where they buy their parts and have their vehicles serviced," said Ray Pohlman, president of CARE. "This agreement will ensure vehicle owners will have compe ve and quality choices in their repairs while strengthening the auto repair industry na onwide. This agreement illustrates what can happen when organiza ons focus on pu ng customers and consumers first.” 1 2014 AMRA/MAP Winter Technical CommiƩee MeeƟng PresentaƟons
Help Service Providers Understand “the Basics…” Dennis Bachelder, of the American Petroleum Ins tute (API), presented mely informa on explaining how there is much more to choosing the correct specifica on motor oil for a vehicle than simply determining the proper viscosity ra ng. Dennis, along with Carolyn Lobaugh from API; Shanna Simmons and Ed Goulais from Shell Oil; and George Lesniak from CARQUEST Technical Ins tute, all fielded further ques ons from the audience as members of MAP’s subject ma er expert panel discussion on the topic. Addi onal motor oil discussions included upcoming ILSAC GF‐6(a) and GF‐6(b) oils and new SAE 0W‐16 and SAE 5W‐15 viscosity grade oils. A consensus of the panel warned service providers to consider that motor oil specifica on requirements dictate that motor oil is fast becoming “vehicle‐specific”. George Lesniak, of CARQUEST Technical Ins tute, presented unexpected sta s cs and informa on showing that most consumer complaints for Advanced Technology Vehicles (ATVs) typically arise from the most basic repair services; specifically, oil and filter changes, re infla on, air filters and brake service. It seems that ATV owners can be extremely conscious of any aspect of car repairs that affects fuel economy. Use of incorrect oils, over‐filled crankcases, under‐
inflated res and restricted air filters all adversely affect fuel economy. While this is true for all vehicles, most ATVs have highly accurate fuel economy gauges helping keep drivers informed of the slightest change in mpg. A en on to detail is required for all auto service and repairs; however ATV owners are driving home that point on behalf of all motorists. New Members!
Since December 31, 2013 AUTODATA PUBLICATIONS, INC.
Rochester, MN
Contact: Sharon Kellogg
Cincinnati, OH
Contact: Nils Olsson
86 Locations
Upcoming Events Interna onal Fast Lube Expo (iFLEX) March 10‐12, 2014 New Orleans, LA Auto TECH expo 2014 April 03‐05, 2014 Chicago, IL ATMC Annual Conference April 07‐09, 2014 Atlanta, GA AMRA Board of Directors Spring Mee ng April 2014 Chicago, IL MAP Technical Commi ee Spring Mee ng May 14‐15, 2014 Chicago, IL Suburbs If you are an AMRA Member Service Provider company and you are ready to connect all your shop loca ons to the MAP Technical Commi ee web‐based version of the MAP e‐UICS, Fall Mee ng please contact Tim Tierney, AMRA’s Late August/Early September 2014 Director of Informa on Technologies at Chicago, IL Suburbs (703) 538‐3558 or [email protected] 2 TIRE
The Automo ve Maintenance and Repair Associa on (AMRA) welcomes Tire Discounters, Inc. as its newest Service Provider member. Cincinna , Ohio‐based Tire Discounters, the ninth largest independent provider of res, wheels and auto repair services in the U.S., has more than 900 employees at 87 stores throughout the Midwest and is currently expanding into Nashville, TN with 12 loca ons planned, beginning with the first store openings later this spring. “For years, Tire Discounters has followed MAP Standards for Automo ve Repair,” says Nils Olsson, Director of Business Development for Tire Discounters. “Today, our new rela onship with AMRA allows us to con nue to ensure the best and most consistent service and repair process for all of our customers.” By u lizing the MAP Uniform Inspec on and Communica on Standards and following the MAP Process, Tire Discounters will join AMRA in helping strengthen the rela onship between the motorist and the automo ve maintenance and repair service industry. Addi onally, Mr. Olsson will join MAP’s Technical Commi ee, and will be an ac ve member of its Tires/Wheels/TPMS Sub‐Commi ee, helping to represent the industry regarding all proposed and pending state and federal regula ons, as well as helping to improve industry service and opera ons standards. AMRA/MAP
Membership Profile (as of January 31st, 2014) Member Companies …...……….. 118
Serv. Provider LocaƟons ..… 17,052
Member Service Bays ….…… 76,734
MAP Qualified Assoc ….….. 50,000+
Tell a Colleague!
If you are aware of another automo ve professional who would be interested in receiving this newsle er, please tell her/him to send an e‐mail request to [email protected] with SUBSCRIBE in the subject line. Her/his e‐mail address will not be used for any other purpose, nor will it be shared with anyone else. 3 ‘Tis the season for corporate trade shows and the Automo ve Maintenance and Repair Associa on (AMRA) has been busy promo ng its Motorist Assurance Program AMRA/MAP VISITS MEMBER TRADE SHOWS
(MAP) and suppor ng member companies and their shops. It’s usually pre y easy to spot the AMRA/MAP booth when walking the trade show aisles. Brightly colored red and yellow panels boldly highligh ng perhaps the most important MAP terminology—REQIRED and SUIGGESTED can be the first clue that you have found the show’s source of informa on for industry standards. At the 2014 Goodyear Dealer Conference in Nashville, TN ‐ AMRA’s Tim Tierney and Joe Henmueller showed off the new web‐based version of MAP’s venerable Uniform Inspec on and Communica on Standards (UICS). Goodyear Dealers were able to test drive the easy access to the e‐UICS through their company intranet at several nearby Goodyear corporate support booths and displays. Many of the Goodyear Dealers no ced MAP’s new technician and consumer informa on bulle ns regarding AGM ba ery iden fica on, tes ng, charging and replacement available on AMRA/MAP’s display table. The dealers were eager to learn from MAP about AGM ba ery technology and how best to communicate that new knowledge to their managers, technicians and customers. More than a few of the dealers then walked the trade show floor in search of vendors offering products for tes ng and charging AGM ba eries. And, just a li le further south and east, AMRA President Barry Soltz was manning the AMRA/MAP booth at the 2014 CARQUEST & TECH‐NET Na onal Business Conference in Orlando Florida. Motorist Assurance Program logos were an integral part of many CARQUEST and TECH‐NET displays throughout the conference. Barry dedicated his me at the show helping many of the TECH‐NET Professional Auto Service shop representa ves learn the full range of benefits provided by following the MAP Process. Shop staff from the TECH‐NET independently owned service centers were eager to learn how using MAP checksheets and Uniform Inspec on and Inspec on Standards improve sales and helps build customer rela onships and reten on. AMRA/MAP to Deliver PresentaƟon at
It’s Not What You Sell; It’s What You Say
The upcoming Auto TECH expo will be held April 3‐5 at the Hya Regency O’Hare hotel in Chicago. Formerly billed as ShowPower or simply the Undercar Show, Auto TECH expo will con nue its tradi on of offering a er‐
market Technical, Training and Management Seminars. For 2014, AMRA/MAP’s Joe Henmueller, Director, Administra on will present “It’s Not What You Sell; It’s What You Say”, illustra ng how a repair shops good intent to sell great service can o en get them into hot water with consumers and governmental regulators. A endees will be shown how the Motorist Assurance Program’s (MAP) Uniform Inspec on and Communica on standards (UICS) and the MAP Process can help shops comply with local, state and federal regula ons while helping build sales and deliver customer sa sfac on. A endees will learn how using MAP language of “Required” and “Suggested” repair recommenda ons can help prevent shops from incurring fines or receiving bad publicity. 4