pnce: inter: I*elawn Cemetery, Reynoldwille, PA
pnce: inter: I*elawn Cemetery, Reynoldwille, PA
BELLINA MARTINO B I BELLINA MAR'TINO IRONZO born: Octoberll, 1891 died: November29, 1973 plac€:Elk county,PA PA inter:CalvaryCemetery, Punxsutiawney, B€llina and her husband,CasperTronzo, had ten childrcn- At the time of his deathin l94l of throat c€ncer, BeUinastill had six children living at home- Shedied in 1973 as the result of a stroke with subsequeflthean failurc. Bellina, or "Bell," wasa very kind and generouswoman. Shewaskflown to alwayshavea hous€full ofguests, Shemosdyenjoyedhomemaking,cooking and visitingwith ftiends. Her husbandGasperwasa meatcutter. He ownedTronzo'sMeat Market(in the housenow ownedby their daughter,ThercsaUvena). I-ater,whenthebusiness becamemore successful,it wasmovedto anotherlocation. Gasperretircd early becausehe was crippled with rheumatoryarthritis. spouse:GasperTronzo bom: October27, 1884 died:March9, l94l plac€: Calabria, Italy inter: CalvaryCemetery,Punxsutawney, PA children(10):Alfred (B2),Dominick(M), Mary Ann (B9, Angelo(BO, Iouis Carl (871, GeraldineTheresa(B13),AntoinetteBeuina(814),Armond(816),TheresaFrances(Bl7), RaymondGasper(Bl9) 82 ALFREDTRONZO bom:July7, 1907 died:November 22, 1962 place: inter: I-alelawnCemetery,Reynoldsville,PA AlfonsoTronzo. Like his fatherGasper,he wasa meat Alfred wasnamedafterhis grandfather and sold it in 1962. Alfred was cutterby trade. He took over his father'sgrocerybusiness marriedto MargaretWarden,a registerednurseand operatingroom supervisorat Addan Hospital.Alfreddiedof a heartattackin 1962. spouse:Margaret Warden Tronzo bom: April 11, 1908 10, 1983 died:December children(1): Afred Gasp€r(B3) pnce: inter:I*elawn Cemetery, Reynoldwille,PA BellinaMartino (2) B3 ALFREDGASPERTRONZO.JT. bom;Dec€mber 12, 1945 plac€:Punxsutawney, PA Alfrcd is self-employed, andenjoyshuntingin his sparetime. NarEnenjoys"beinga mother," swimmiogandho$es. spousgKrrc! Lynn BowserTronzo bom; March7, 1956 place:Buuer,PA children(2): Afton Bcllina Carly Lynn April 14, 1984 November 24, 1988 B 4 DOMIMCK TRONZO bom: March2, 1909 died: Decembcrll, 1974 place: int€r: CalvaryCemetery,Punxsutawney, PA Dominick'sfamily saidthathc "coulddo arything," but he especiallylovedwoodworkingand was very mechanically inclined. He ownedTronzo's Garage. Mick was very closeto his motheranddi€doneyear,eightdaysafter shedid. He diedof a h€anathck in 1974. spouse:Julia Iah Tronzo born: Oclober10, 1m6 B5 phce: MARY ANN TRONZO bom:June26, 1911 plac€: Mary is a retireddepartment storemanagerat Sears.Dudng Wodd War II, sheandher sister Toni livedin Detroil. Mary waslatertransfer€d!o Pi[sburgh. Maryis activein a homemakers club anda gardenclub in Punxsutawrcy.Sh€enjoyscraftsatd playingcads. B€llina Martino (3) B 6 ANGELO TRONZO bom: July 16, 1913 died: September 9, 1948 place: inter: CalvaryCemetery,Punxsutawney, PA Angelo wasnamedafter his grandfather,Angelo Martino. Like his fatber Gasperand his brother Alfted, he was a meatcutter, working at a meatpacking companyin Detroit. Angelo married DorothyPatrick,who workedfor BurroughsCorporationin Detroit. He diedofa braintumor at age35. They had no children. spous€:Dorothy Patrick Tronzo born: April, 1913 died: Octobe.12, 1964 place:Michigan inter: Michigan B 7 IOUIS CARL TRONZO bom: February21, 1915 place: l-ouiswassupervisor of the meatdepartment at CometMarket. He is now retired. He and his wife Eleanorresidein Punxsutawney.lruis enjoyshuntingand fishing. spouse:EleanorJonesTtonzo bom; April 9, l9l4 place:Adrian, PA children(2): Louis Carl Jr. (B8), ThomasBlair (B12) B 8 LOIIIS CARL TR.ONZO, Jr. born: January19, 1938 plac€:Punxsutawney, PA In 1990, louis retired from the U,S, Air Forc€, after 30 years of service. He was a full colonel. He attaineda bachelor'sdegreein accountingfrom the PennsylvaniaStateUniversity in 1959, and a master's degree iII systemsmanagementfrom the Urfyersity of Southem Califomia in 19'72. His wife, l,ois, has a bachelor's degreefrom Penn Stratein elementary educationard a master'sin reading specializatio[ from the University of Oklahomain 1982. spouse:Iris Hutchison Tronzo bom: November20, 1937 place:Punxsutawney, PA children(3): Doug Louis (B9), Marc Thomas(810), Kathy Lynn (B11) Bellina Martino (4) B 9 DOUG IOIIIS TRONZO born: August23, 1959 place:Harlingen,Texas Dougattainedhis bachelor'sdegreein accountingat ArizonaStateUniversityin 1983. He is emplo!rcdin thefinancialoffi@ at theRamada Inn Compler,St- Thomas,U.S. Virgin Istands. In his sparctime, DougenjoysgoltuB andcamping. spouse:Gall Glantz Tronzo bom: tuly 6, 1963 place: B 10 MARC THOMASTRONZO bom:December 19, 1960 plac€:Boume,Massachusetts Marc attainedhis bachelor'sdegreein peholeumengineeringfrom the Universityof Oklahoma in 1985. He attaineda master'sdegreeio business administration-Marc is employedat Gas& Oil Unesof Tennessee.He erjoys sports. spouseKelly Mdhniels Trcnzo bom: April 25, 1962 place: children(2): Louls Carl IlI MeganChristine Septembe! 25, 1988 July 23, 1990 811 KATIIY LYNN TRONZOMARAVBCK bom:August13, 1963 place:Alabama Kathyis a physicaltherapistat HarborBay MedicalCenterin SanDiego,Califomia. spouse:ChrislopherMaraveck bom: place: Bellina Martino (5) B 12 TIIOMAS BLAIR TRONZO bom: September18, 1948 place:punxsutawney, pA Thomasis.distdct malragerin chargeof sevenStouffer's restaurantsin Clevelandand one in Indianapolis, Indiana. He graduatedfrom the pennsylvaniaState University in 1970 with a bachelor'sdegreein restaurantmanagement.In his sparetime, he enjoys running, rac4uetball and televisedsportsevents. laura, his wife, js currently a homemakeiwith a baclielor,s'degree in fine arts from Ohio StateUniversity in 1973. hura lovescmft projects,including needle;ork andcross-stitch; photography, exercising;gourmetcookingandLoiting dinnerparties. spouse:Laura Lynn Hecker Tronzo born: July 21, 1951 place;Cleveland,OH children(4): Tyler Jay Lori Dawn Jami€ Lynn LindsayJean December 4, 1970 September 21, 1973 August25, l98l Marchll, 1983 B T3 GERALDINE TIIERESA TRONZO DUNKLE bom:October27, l9l8 pA place:Punxsutawney, Geraldine_ taught-elementaryschoolin the punxsutawneyschooldistrict for 42 years. She pA and graduatedfrom the IndianaUnivenity attendedSetonHill Collegein Greensburg, of Pennsylvania with.abachelor's degreein elemenhryeducation.Sheenjoysplayingbridge, traveling anddancing.Her husband Harryis a retiredsaresman andtrafficcontroisupervlsor. spouse:Harry AlexanderDunkle bom:January 25, 1913 place:Porkey,PA BeuinaMartino (O B 14 ANTOINETTE BELLINA TRONZO MELCMCK place;Punxsutawney, PA bom:June17, l92l Toni workedfor Cadillacin DetroitduringWorld War II, while living with her sisterMary. Currendy,Toni is a housewife andenjoyssewingandcrafts. Her husband Cloyd(Chick)retircd frcm the B&O Railroad. He enjoysfishing,huntingandwoodworking. spous€:Cloyd iChickl FrancisMelchick plac€: bom:October5, l92l childrcn(l); Marianne(B19 B 15 MARIANNE MELCHICK INGROS place:Punxsutawney, PA bom:July3, 1953 Madanneis the ownerof an antiqueshop. Mark is employedat DrywallFinisherUnion, Marianne glass. enjoysworkingwith stained Mark Ingros spouse: bom:March17, 1954 plac€:Punxsutawney, PA children(2): AnthonyMark Alex August30, 1983 June29, 1990 B 16 ARMOND TRONZO bom:February 2, 1923 died:September, 1923 , place: inter:CalvaryCemeiery, Punxsutawney, PA Armonddiedof convulsions whileteething. Be[turaMartino (7) B 17 TEERESA FRANCESTRONZO WENA bomt March27, 1927 place: Theresais a retircdsalesperson doingdemonstiations in groc€ryslores, Her husbandOrlardo (lamey) wasa coal minerfor 46 y€arsandan electrician. He enjoy€dgardening,fishingand hunting. Inney passeda$ay in May, 1989. spouse:Orlando ilrnneyn AngeloUvena plac€:Bmest,PA bom:September 1, 1918 died:May 10, 1989 inter:CalvaryCemetery, Punxsutawney, PA children(l): SandraAnn (818) B lE SANDRA ANN WENA ANDERSON bom: March13, 1951 place:Punxsutawney, PA Sandyworksasa visitingrcgisterednurseat thePunxsutawney AreaHospital. Sheattended the WestPennHospitalSchoolof Nu$ing- Sandylikes to read, sew, snowski and work with crafts. Jeff enjoysfishing,huntingandsnowskiing. They haveoneson, Philip. spouseJelfr€y Philip And€rson bom: May 2, 1951 place:Punxsutawney, PA childrcn(1): Philip Orlando Dec€mber9, 1982 Bellina l\,Iartino (8) B 19 RAYMOND GASPERTR.ONZO bom: September28, 1928 plac€:Punxsutawney, PA Dr. Raymond Trcnzo is a specialist in orthopedic surgery. He pioneered work in the developmentof an artificial hip joint, and was the inventor of five orthop€dic devices. He rccently becamea Fellow of the Intemational College of Surgeons. Raymond rcceived a bachelor'sdegreein pre-med from 0re PennsylvaniaStateUniversity; a master'sin psychology at Temple University in Philadelphia;and his doctorateat Jeffenon Medical School, a.lsoin Philadelphia.His book, "Surgeryof the Hip Joint," is now in its secondedition. He is an associateprofessorat the University of PennsylvaniaMedical School, and a clinical professor at the Universityof Miami MedicalSchool. In his sparetime, Raymondenjoysscubadiving, photogmphy,hunting,fishing, tennis,golf, and world travel. children(2): LeslieCleophis Craig October2l, 1959 October21, 1959 B 20 LESLIE CLEOPHIS TRONZO bom:October21, 1959 place:Philadelphia, PA IJslie is employed in retailsales,asthegeneral maragerofa videostorechain. He attended theUniversity ofTampa,Florida.Hishobbies include:huntingandscuba diving,sailing,skiing andflying. Virginiaattaineda bachelor'sdegreein historyat the Unive$ity of Delaware.She is employedin jewelry sales.In herspar€time,sheenjoysskiing,needlework, bridge,cooking. Sheis a historyenthusiast. spouse: VirginiaAnn ConawayTronzo place;Wilmington,Delawarc bom:June4, 1962 Bellina Martino (9) B 21 CRAIG RAYMOND TRONZO born: Oclober 21, 1959 plac.e:Philadelphia,PA Claig attaineda master'sdegreein madnebiology, As an oceanographer,he, of course,enjoys scubadiving. Other inlerests include: photography, raising ChesapeakeBay retrievers and hunting. spouse:Saralyn Dean Ttonzo bom: Dlace: children(1): Douglas Raymond September5, 1989 Birthdays to Remember Bellina Martino B8 seeB 13 B7 seeB3 seeB 12 B18 seeB 15 817 seeBT se€B3 se€B l0 se€B 18 seeB 20 B14 B5 seeB 15 B15 seeB9 seeB 12 seeB 10 B 11 B9 seeB 12 seeB 15 seeB 2l Bt2 se€B 12 seeB l0 819 seeB 14 seeB4 820 821 813 seeB8 seeB3 seeB 12 seeB 18 B3 Bl0 I-ouisCarl Tronzo,Jr. Harry AlexanderDunkle I-ouisCarl Tronzo KarenLynn BowserTronzo LindsayJeanTronzo Sandra Ann UvenaAnde$on Mark Ingrcs TheresaFrancesTronzoUvena EleanorJonesTronzo Afton BellinaTronzo Kelly McDanielsTlonzo JeffreyPhilip Anderson Virginia Ann ConawayTronzo AntoinetteBellinaTronzoMelchick Mary Ann Tronzo Alex Ingos Madanne MelchickIngros Gail GlantzTronzo kura Lynn HeckerTlonzo MeganChristineTronzo KathyLynn TronzoMaraveck DougI-ouisTrcnzo JamieLynn Tronzo AnthonyMarkIngros DouglasRaymondTrcnzo ThomasBlat Tronzo l-ori DawnTronzo lruis Carl TlonzoIII RaymondGasperTronzo CloydFrancisMelchick Julial€sh Tronzo IJslie Cleophis Tronzo Cmig RaymondTrcnzo GeraldineTheresaTronzoDunkle lris Hutchinson Trcnzo Carly Lynn Tronzo Tyler JayTronzo Philip OrlandoAnderson Alfred GasperTronzo,Jr. Marc ThomasTronzo (updared l/10/93) January19, 1938 25, 1913 January February 21, l9l5 March7, 1956 March11,1983 March13, 1951 March17, 1954 M"rch 27, 1927 Apdl9, 1914 Apdl 14, 1984 Apm 25, 1962 May2, 1951 tune4, 1962 lunel7, l92l June26, 1911 lune29, 1990 July3, 1953 July6, 1963 July21, l95l July23, 1990 August13,1964 August23, 1959 August 25, l98l August30, 1983 Septembe! 5, 1989 September 18, 1948 September 21, 1973 Septemb€r 25, 1988 September 28, 1928 October5, l92l October10, 1906 October21, 1959 Ociober21, 1959 October27, 1918 November 20, 1937 November 24, 1988 December 4, 1970 December 9, 1982 December 12, 1945 Dec€mber 19, 1960