qPCR 2011 proceedings
qPCR 2011 proceedings
qPCR 2011.net 28th March - 1st April 2011 Symposium & Exhibition & Workshops Molecular Diagnostics: from single-cells to Next Generation Sequencing 5th international qPCR Event, TUM, Freising-Weihenstephan, Germany qPCR 2011 Event Proceedings (online version) 5th International qPCR Symposium Industrial Exhibition & Application Workshops Molecular Diagnostics: from single-cells to Next Generation Sequencing Editor: Michael W. Pfaffl Physiology, Freising – Weihenstephan Weihenstephaner Berg 3 Technical University Munich (TUM) 85354 Freising Germany www.qPCR2011.net ISBN 9783000338403 qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 2 qPCR 2011 Sponsors Lead Sponsors: Gold Sponsors: Silver Sponsors: Further Companies in the Industrial Exhibition: Media partners: qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 3 Table of content qPCR 2011 Sponsors................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Table of content ........................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Invitation ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 qPCR 2011 Event Agenda............................................................................................................................................................ 5 Sunday 27th March 2011........................................................................................................................................................ 6 Agenda - Monday 28th March 2011 ........................................................................................................................................... 6 Welcome & Opening of the Symposium.............................................................................................................................. 6 MIQE and QC strategies in qPCR ........................................................................................................................................ 6 single-cell qPCR ................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Agenda - Tuesday 29th March 2011........................................................................................................................................... 7 High throughput & digital PCR.............................................................................................................................................. 7 NGS: Next Generation Sequencing ...................................................................................................................................... 7 RNAi - microRNA - siRNA Applications ................................................................................................................................ 8 qbasePLUS: data analysis lunch seminar ............................................................................................................................ 8 New qPCR Applications and Method Optimisation............................................................................................................... 8 th Agenda - Wednesday 30 March 2011 ....................................................................................................................................... 9 Pre-PCR: Pre-analytical Steps ............................................................................................................................................. 9 New qPCR Applications in Molecular Diagnostics ................................................................................................................ 9 Data Analysis: qPCR BioStatistics & BioInformatics........................................................................................................... 10 GENEX: data analysis lunch seminar ................................................................................................................................. 10 MIQE: state of the art & open discussion........................................................................................................................... 10 RDML: state of the art & open discussion.......................................................................................................................... 10 Closing of the Symposium ................................................................................................................................................... 10 st st Agenda - Thursday 31 March & Friday 1 April 2011.......................................................................................................... 11 qPCR Application Workshops.............................................................................................................................................. 11 Basic Module qPCR Application Workshop (2-days)………………… ............................................................................... 11 qPCR data analysis - Biostatistics & Expression Profiling (2-days)……………………....................................................... 11 MIQE guidelines (1 day) & Practical primer design (1-day) ……………………............................................................... 12 qPCR Workshop Sponsors:................................................................................................................................................ 12 Industrial Exhibition................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Abstracts - Oral presentations.................................................................................................................................................. 14 th Monday 9 March 2009 ........................................................................................................................................................ 14 MIQE and QC strategies in qPCR ...................................................................................................................................... 14 single-cell qPCR ................................................................................................................................................................. 15 Tuesday 29th March 2011 .................................................................................................................................................... 17 High throughput & digital PCR............................................................................................................................................ 17 NGS: Next Generation Sequencing .................................................................................................................................... 18 RNAi - microRNA - siRNA Applications .............................................................................................................................. 20 qbasePLUS: data analysis lunch seminar .......................................................................................................................... 21 New qPCR Applications and Method Optimisation............................................................................................................. 21 th Wednesday 30 March 2011................................................................................................................................................. 23 Pre-PCR: Pre-analytical Steps ........................................................................................................................................... 23 New qPCR Applications in Molecular Diagnostics .............................................................................................................. 25 Data Analysis: qPCR BioStatistics & BioInformatics........................................................................................................... 27 GENEX: data analysis lunch seminar ................................................................................................................................. 29 MIQE: state of the art & open discussion........................................................................................................................... 29 RDML: state of the art & open discussion.......................................................................................................................... 29 Abstracts - Poster presentations.............................................................................................................................................. 30 New qPCR Applications: Molecular Diagnostics & Expression Profiling P001 – P046 ..................................................... 30 New qPCR Applications: Method Optimisation & Standardisation P047 – P055 .............................................................. 42 qPCR Biostatistics & Bioinformatics P056 – P061............................................................................................................ 45 High Throughput qPCR & digital PCR Next Genartion Sequencing P062 – P069............................................................ 46 Single-cell qPCR qPCR from limited material P070 – P075 ............................................................................................. 48 HRM & Methylation Studies P076 – P084 ........................................................................................................................ 50 RNAi: microRNA – siRNA Applications P085 – P090 ...................................................................................................... 53 List of participants ..................................................................................................................................................................... 55 qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 4 Invitation Dear colleagues, Dear researchers, Dear company representatives, On behalf of the organisation committee and the scientific board of the conference it is a great pleasure to invite you to the qPCR 2011 Event, the 5 th International qPCR Symposium, including an Industrial Exhibition and three qPCR Application Workshops. The symposium focus is on Molecular Diagnostics: from single-cells to Next Generation Sequencing. 71 lectures and 91 posters will be presented by international recognised experts in their application fields. The emphasis will be on unbiased, didactic information exchange. One third of the talks will be held by invited speakers, one third of the speakers will be selected from the submitted abstracts and one third of the oral contributions will be done by qPCR company representatives. The poster sessions will be shown on Monday evening and around lunch time on Tuesday and Wednesday in the poster exhibition hall below the foyer. The qPCR Event is structured in three parts: 1. qPCR Symposium taking place March 28-30, including various talk and poster sessions 2. A parallel qPCR Industrial Exhibition with 35 company booth taking place March 28-30 3. Followed by three qPCR Workshops taking place March 31 – April 1st powered by BioEPS GmbH and the TATAA Biocenter Sweden The scientific organization is managed by international well-known scientists in the field of real-time PCR: Stephen Bustin Prof. of Molecular Science, School of Medicine, London, UK Mikael Kubista Prof. of Biotechnology, TATAA Biocenter, Sweden Jo Vandesompele Prof. at the Center of Medical Genetics, University of Ghent, Belgium Heinrich H. D. Meyer Prof. of Physiology, Technical University of Munich, Weihenstephan, Germany Michael W. Pfaffl Prof. of Molecular Physiology, TUM Weihenstephan, Germany (scientific coordination) Event organization will be supervised by Dr. Martina Reiter, BioEPS GmbH [email protected] The qPCR 2011 event location is the central lecture hall complex and the foyer at TUM (Technical University of Munich) in Freising Weihenstephan, Germany. The TUM and the Biotech region around Munich are part of the largest Biotech cluster in Europe, located close to the Munich airport (MUC) directly in the heart of Bavaria. Please enjoy the conference, the exhibition, the workshops and the social program during the following week. Best regards scientific coordinator qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 5 qPCR 2011 Event Agenda Overview online agenda (HTML version) => http://agenda.qPCR2011.net Lecture hall 14 (HS 14) online agenda (PDF version) => http://agendaPDF.qPCR2011.net Lecture hall 15 (HS 15) 12:00 – 18:00 Industrial Exhibition Built up Sunday 27th Mach 15:00 – 18:00 Arrival & Registration 10:00 – 10:30 Monday 28th March Foyer & Seminar rooms S1 & S2 8:00 – 10:00 Arrival & Registration Welcome & Opening qPCR 2011 Symposium 8:00 – 10:00 Poster Setup in Foyer lower level Welcome by Michael W. Pfaffl & Alfons Gierl Dean WZW TUM 10:30 – 13:00 MIQE & QC strategies in qPCR 10:00 – 21:00 Industrial Exhibition 13:00 – 14:00 Lunch 14:00 – 18:00 Single-cell qPCR 18:00 – 21:00 Reception in the Industrial Exhibition 8:30 – 12:00 High Throughput qPCR & digital PCR Tuesday 8:30 – 12:00 RNAi: microRNA – siRNA Applications 12:00 – 14:00 Lunch 29th March 13:00 – 14:00 qbasePLUS data analysis lunch seminar 14:00 – 18:00 New qPCR Applications & Method Optimisation 14:00 – 18:00 Next Generation Sequencing 19:00 – 24:00 18:00 – 21:00 Evening Poster Session in Foyer lower level 8:30 – 14:00 Industrial Exhibition 12:00 – 14:00 Lunch Poster Session 14:00 – 18:00 Industrial Exhibition Symposium Gala Dinner Location: Lindenkeller, Pasta & More, Freising International Buffet, Asian Buffet, Music & Dancing 9:00 – 12:00 Pre-analytical Steps Wednesday 9:00 – 12:00 Biostatistics & Bioinformatics 12:00 – 14:00 Lunch 30th March 13:45 – 16:30 New qPCR Applications in Molecular Diagnostics 13:00 – 14:00 GenEx data analysis lunch seminar 14:00 – 15:00 MIQE state of the art & open discussion 15:30 – 16:30 RDML state of the art & open discussion 16:30 – 17:00 Closing of the Symposium Heinrich HD. Meyer & Michael W. Pfaffl Thursday 31st March Friday 1st April 9:00 – 16:30 Industrial Exhibition 9:00 - 17:00 qPCR Workshops: - Basis Module qPCR Application Workshop (2-days) - qPCR data analysis: Biostatistics & Expression Profiling (2-days) - MIQE guidelines (1 day) & Practical primer design (1-day) 12:00 – 14:00 Lunch Poster Session 14:00 – 16:30 Poster Take Down in Foyer lower level qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 6 Agenda qPCR 2011 Event 12:45 Sunday 27th March 2011 12:00 – 18:00 Built-up for Industrial Exhibition 15:00 – 18:00 Arrival & Registration Monday 28th March 2011 Welcome & Opening of the Symposium Lecture hall HS 14 08:00 – 10:00 Built-up for Industrial Exhibition Arrival & Registration 09:00 – 10:00 Welcome Coffee & Tea Substantial performance discrepancies between commercially available kits for rt-qPCR - A systematic comparative investigator-driven approach Matthias W Sieber1,2, Peter Recknagel2, Florian Glaser2, Otto W. Witte1, Michael Bauer2, Ralf A. Claus2, Christiane Frahm1 1 Hans Berger Clinic for Neurology, Jena University Hospital, Germany; 2Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Jena University Hospital, Germany 13:00 – 14:00 Lunch in the student cafeteria single-cell qPCR Time: Location: Session Chair: Monday, 28/03/2011: 2:00pm - 6:00pm Lecture hall 14 Mikael Kubista, Anders Ståhlberg 10:00 Welcome & Opening of the Symposium Michael W. Pfaffl Scientific coordination of the qPCR 2009 Symposium 14:00 10:15 Welcome at the Center of Food & Life Science in Freising Weihenstephan Alfons Gierl Dean WZW Technical University of Munich 25 years of PCR - from idea to subcellular expression profiling Mikael Kubista TATAA BIOCENTER, Sweden 14:30 Uncovering the Diversity of Individual Cells: Gene Expression Profiling with the BioMark System Ken Livak Fluidigm Corporation, United States of America 15:00 Identification of unknown cell populations and correlations using single-cell gene expression profiling Anders Ståhlberg University of Gothenburg, Sweden MIQE and QC strategies in qPCR Time: Location: Session Chair: Monday, 28/03/2011: 10:30am - 1:00pm Lecture hall 14 Stephen Andrew Bustin, Michael W Pfaffl 10:30 MIQE: compliance and amendments Stephen Andrew Bustin1, Jo Vandesompele2 1 Barts and the London School of Medicine, QMUL, United Kingdom; 2Center for Medical Genetics Ghent (CMGG) Ghent University Hospital 11:00 Convenient and reliable gene expression profiling using RealTime ready Focus Panels in combination with sound data-analysis using qbasePLUS Ali Rihani1, Tom Van Maerken1, Barbara D'haene2, Nurten Yigit1, Jo Vandesompele1,2, Rita Rein3; 1Center for Medical Genetics, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium; 2Biogazelle, Ghent, Belgium; 3Roche Diagnostics, Germany "Stay in touch while on the bench" MIQE qPCR Afif Abdel Nour1, Michael W. Pfaffl2 1 LaSalle Beauvais, France; 2Physiology Weihenstephan, TUM, Germany 11:30 12:00 12:30 15:30 – 16:00 16:00 Single Molecule RNA FISH: novel, simple, and accurate quantitative applications for gene expression analysis Arjun Raj University of Pennsylvania, United States of America 16:30 Relationship between cell attachment and bcr-abl cell expression heterogeneity within CML cell lines. Philip Day, Ehsan Karimiani University of Manchester, United Kingdom 17:00 Digital Competitive Allele-Specific TaqMan-Based Reverse Transcription-qPCR (castRT-qPCR) for Direct Detection and Enumeration of Circulating Tumor Cells David Xingfei Deng, Yun Bao, Scott Sproul, Yu Wang, Fawn Wang, David Merrill, Pius Brzoska, Caifu Chen Life Technologies, United States of America 17:20 Real time PCR on slide: a new tool for quantification of minute amounts of DNA Jean-Christophe Avarre1, Angelique le Bras2, Régis Melizzi2, Maxime Rattier2, Gordana Cerovic2, Claude Weisbuch2, Marianna Alunni3, Martin Kantlehner3, Petra Hartmann3, Reinhard Bittner3, Wolfgang Mann3 1 Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, Montpellier, France; 2Genewave SAS, Paris, France; 3 Beckman Coulter Biomedical GmbH, Munich, Germany 17:40 Towards a Comprehensive Single Cell Expression Profiling Herbert Auer IRB Barcelona, Spain qPCR Gene Expression Assays and an Exogenous RNA control for indication of reaction inhibition in the RT-qPCR workflow Jaakko Kurkela Thermo Fisher, Finland Quality control and management approaches for Molecular Diagnostics techniques used during diagnosis and monitoring of hematologic malignancies Barbara Zehentner HematoLogics Inc, United States of America Coffee break & Networking 18:00 – 21:00 Evening Poster Session qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 7 Tuesday 29th March 2011 14:30 Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of RNA by SOLiD Next Generation Sequencing Thomas Rygus Life Technologies GmbH, Germany; High throughput & digital PCR 15:00 Analysis of circulating nucleic acids (CNA) using NGS technologies Bertram Brenig1, Julia Beck2, Ekkehard Schütz2, Howard B Urnovitz2 1 University of Goettingen, Germany; 2Chronix Biomedical GmbH, Germany 15:30 Improved library quantification for High Throughput Sequencing at the Wellcome Trust of Human Genetics Oxford Paolo Piazza Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics, United Kingdom Time: Location: Session Chair: Tuesday, 29/03/2011: 8:30am - 12:00pm Lecture hall 14 Frank McCaughan Kevin L Knudtson 8:30 Using Nanoscale PCR and NGS Technologies to Detect Rare Sequence Variants in a Core Setting Kevin L Knudtson University of Iowa, United States of America 9:00 Customized, function tested RealTime ready assays for gene expression analysis in biomarker research and early drug development Sabine Lohmann1, Andrea Herold1, Bergauer Tobias3, Belousov Anton2, Betzl Gisela1, Dietrich Manuel1, Hessel Harald5, Poignee-Heger Manuela1, Geho David4, Weisser Martin2 1 Roche Applied Science, Penzberg, Germany; 2Roche Pharma, Penzberg, Germany; 3Roche Pharma, Basel, Switzerland; 4Roche Pharma, Nutley, USA; 5LudwigMaximillian-University, Institue of Pathology, Munich, Germany 9:30 Digital PCR - getting the most out of difficult clinical samples Frank McCaughan Medical Research Council, United Kingdom 10:00 – 10:30 16:00 – 16:30 16:30 Application of the Next Generation Sequencing Technologies at JCVI Yu-Hui Rogers J. Craig Venter Institute, United States of America 17:00 The use of qRT-PCR and high-throughput transcriptomics for biomarker development Michael W Pfaffl, Irmgard Riedmaier, Heinrich HD Meyer Physiology Weihenstephan, TUM, 85354 Freising, Germany 17:30 Deep sequencing as diagnostic tool for highly pathogenic viruses Aleksandar Radonic, Andreas Kurth, Wojtek Dabbrowski, Andreas Nitsche Robert Koch Institute, Germany 18:00 High Resolution Transcription Profiling using NextGeneration-Sequencing identifies Diagnostic Markers for Malignancy Ralf Horres1,3, Björn Rotter1, Peter Winter1, Michalski Christoph2, Friess Helmut2, Jüngling Ruth1,3, Günter Kahl3, Nicolas Krezdorn1, Klaus Hoffmeier1, Jörg Kleeff2 1 GenXPro GmbH, Germany; 2Chirurgische Klinik und Poliklinik, Klinikum rechts der Isar, TU München; 3Goethe Universität Frankfurt, Institut für Molekulare Biowissenschaften Coffee break & Networking 10:30 Digital PCR or Finding The Needle In A Haystack Elena Grigorenko Life Technologies, Inc, United States of America 11:00 Digital Analysis- a bridge to the Clinic Jim White NanoString Technologies, United Kingdom 11:30 High-throughput real-time PCR approach using the LightCycler®1536 instrument for genotyping and high discrimination of E. coli pathogroups responsible for gastrointestinal diseases Sabine Delannoy1, Lothar Beutin2, Cédric Woudstra1, Patrick Fach1 1 French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES), France; 2NRL for E. coli, Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, Germany Coffee break & Networking 19:00 – 24:00 Symposium Gala Dinner Location: Lindenkeller Pasta & More, Freising International Buffet and Asian Buffet 12:00 – 14:00 Lunch in the student cafeteria 12:00 – 14:00 Lunch Poster Session Music and Dancing NGS: Next Generation Sequencing Time: Location: Session Chair: 14:00 Tuesday, 29/03/2011: 2:00pm - 6:00pm Lecture hall 14 Yuk Ming Dennis Lo, Yu-Hui Rogers Noninvasive prenatal diagnosis using fetal DNA in maternal plasma: from digital PCR to next-generation sequencing Yuk Ming Dennis Lo The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 8 New qPCR Applications and Method Optimisation RNAi - microRNA - siRNA Applications Time: Location: Session Chair: Tuesday, 29/03/2011: 8:30am - 12:00pm Lecture hall 15 Jo Vandesompele, Jan Hellemans 8:30 Development of an ultra-high throughput long noncoding RNA qPCR screening system Jan Hellemans1, Pieter Mestdagh2, Steve Lefever2, Barbara D'haene1, Filip Pattyn2, Frank Speleman2, Jo Vandesompele1 1 Biogazelle, Ghent, Belgium; 2Ghent University, Belgium 9:00 Towards blood-based cancer screening using LNA™enhanced microRNA qPCR Ditte Andreasen, Niels Tolstrup, Jacob Ulrik Fogh, Søren Jensby Nielsen, Kim Bundvig Barken, Adam Baker, Peter Mouritzen Exiqon, Denmark 9:30 MicroRNA Target Validation with MISSION® 3'UTR Lenti GoClone™ and Human MicroRNA Mimics Nikos Hontzeas Sigma Aldrich, United States of America 10:00 – 10:30 Time: Location: Session Chair: 14:00 Quantitative Immuno-PCR based on Imperacer: Technology, Platform & Analytical Applications Jan Detmers, Mark Spengler, Michael Adler Chimera Biotec GmbH, Germany 14:30 Quantitative Assessment of Chromatin Structure: Analysis of Epigenetically Regulated Gene Promoters Francisco Bizouarn Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc, United States of America 15:00 Quantification of specific mutation with HRM for regions of interest Robert Loewe GeneWake GmbH, Germany 15:30 Quantitation of Rare Undifferentiated hESCs Methylation-Specific CastPCR (MeS castPCR) Jason Gioia, David Deng, Jeff Rosner, Caifu Chen Life Technologies, United States of America 11:00 11:30 Impact of different normalization strategies on miRNA profiling experiments Swanhild Meyer1, Sebastian Kaiser2, Carola Wagner3, Christian Thirion4, Michael Pfaffl1 1 Physiology Weihenstephan, Technische Universität München, Germany; 2Department of Statistics, LudwigMaximilians-Universität München, Germany; 3IMGM Laboratories GmbH, Martinsried, Germany; 4FriedrichBaur-Institute and Department of Neurology, LudwigMaximilians-Universität München, Germany RNAi and gene expression profiling as a tool in cancer research Michelle Plusquin1, An-Sofie Stevens1, Katrien De Mulder2, Frank Vanbelleghem1, Peter Ladurner2, Ann Cuypers1, Tom Artois1, Karen Smeets1 1 Hasselt University, Belgium; 2University of Innsbruck Absolute and relative quantification of placental specific microRNAs in maternal circulation in placental insufficiency related complications Ilona Hromadnikova1, Katerina Kotlabova1, Jindrich Doucha2, Klara Dlouha3 1 Third Faculty of Medicine, Charles University Prague, Czech Republic; 2Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University Hospital Motol, Prague, Czech Republic; 3 Institute for the Care of the Mother and Child, Prague 12:00 – 14:00 Lunch in the student cafeteria 12:00 – 14:00 Lunch Poster Session qbasePLUS: data analysis lunch seminar Coffee break & Networking 16:30 PrimeTime® Pre-designed qPCR Assays using ZEN™ Internal Dark Quencher Chemistry Scott D. Rose Integrated DNA Technologies, United States of America; 17:00 PrimerXL: high-throughput assay design for qPCR and amplicon based NGS Filip Pattyn, Steve Lefever, Frank Speleman, Jo Vandesompele Ghent University, Belgium 17:30 Hot Start dNTPs – Novel Chemistries for Use in Advanced PCR Applications Natasha Paul TriLink BioTechnologies, Inc., United States of America 17:45 PCR-Luminex Based Detection of 28 Enteropathogens Mami Taniuchi1, Jie Liu1, Shihab Sobuz2, William Petri1, Rashidul Haque2, Eric Houpt1 1 University of Virginia, United States of America; 2 International Centre for Diarrhoeal Diseases and Research, Bangladesh 18:00 Simple analytical and experimental procedure for selection of reference genes for qPCR normalization data Rodrigo Manjarin1, Nathalie Trottier1, Patty Weber2, James Liesman1, Nathanael Taylor1, Juan Pedro Steibel1,3 1 Department of Animal Science, Michigan State University, United States of America; 2Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences, Michigan State University, United States of America; 3Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Michigan State University, USA 19:00 – 24:00 Symposium Gala Dinner Location: Lindenkeller Pasta & More, Freising Time: Location: Session Chair: 13:00 by Coffee break & Networking 16:00 – 16:30 10:30 Tuesday, 29/03/2011: 2:00pm - 6:00pm Lecture hall 15 Heinrich HD Meyer, Robert Loewe Tuesday, 29/03/2011: 1:00pm - 2:00pm Lecture hall 15 Barbara D'haene, Jan Hellemans qbasePLUS 2.0: the next generation of real-time PCR data-analysis software Barbara D'haene, Jo Vandesompele, Jan Hellemans Biogazelle, Belgium International Buffet and Asian Buffet Music and Dancing qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 9 Wednesday 30th March 2011 14:00 FRET primer for single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping Choy Len Fong1, Fiona Ng1, Kanaga Sabapathy2, Kim Halpin1 1 Life Technologies, Singapore; 2Laboratory of Molecular Carcinogenesis, National Cancer Centre, Singapore; 14:15 qPCR for the Detection and Quantification of AdenoAssociated Virus Serotype 2 (AAV2) ITR-Sequences Christine Aurnhammer, Maren Haase, Anja Ehrhard, Martin Häusel, Ingrid Huber, Nadine Muether, Hans Nitschko, Ulrich Busch, Andreas Sing, Armin Baiker Bavarian Health and Food Safety Authority (LGL), Germany 14:30 Cost-efficient detection of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in faeces by quantitative real time PCR and development of a predictive model for fighting the disease Petr Kralik1, Iva Slana1, Alena Kralova1, Vladimir Babak1, Robert H. Whitlock2, Ivo Pavlik1 1 Veterinary Research Institute, Czech Republic; 2 University of Pennsylvania, School of Veterinary Medicine, PA, USA Pre-PCR: Pre-analytical Steps Time: Location: Session Chair: Wednesday, 30/03/2011: 9:00am - 12:00pm Lecture hall 14 Jo Vandesompele Karl H. Hasenstein 9:00 Measurable impact of RNA quality on gene expression results from quantitative PCR Joëlle Vermeulen1, Katleen De Preter1, Steve Lefever1, Justine Nuytens1, Fanny De Vloed1, Stefaan Derveaux1, Jan Hellemans2, Frank Speleman1, Jo Vandesompele2 1 2 Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium; Biogazelle, Zwijnaarde, Belgium & Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium 9:30 Isolation and Analysis of Circulating Nucleic Acids: Technical Advances Martin Horlitz QIAGEN GmbH, Germany; 10:00 Solid Phase Gene Extraction – Sampling of mRNA from living systems Karl H. Hasenstein, Min Chen Univ. Louisiana Lafayette, United States of America 10:00 – 10:30 Impact of basepair mismatch in primer annealing on qPCR assay performance Steve Lefever, Pattyn Filip, Speleman Frank, Hellemans Jan, Vandesompele Jo Center for Medical Genetics Ghent, Ghent University, Belgium 11:00 Gene Expression profiles from FFPE samples with improved RNA decrosslinking technology A case study: Molecular profiling of breast cancer from formalin-fixed, archival material Guido Krupp1, Susanne Quabius2, Rolf Jaggi3 1 AmpTec GmbH, Hamburg, Germany; 2Institute for Immunology, University Klinikum UK-SH, Kiel, Germany; 3 Dept. Clinical Research, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland Development of a novel duplex real-time PCR assay for plasma DNA quantification and its comparison to other methods Shiyang Pan, Dan Chen, Peijun Huang, Bing Gu, Fang Wang, Jian Xu, Chun Zhao, Yongqian Shu, Di Yang The first affiliated Hospital with Nanjing Medical University, China 15:30 Autocrine and paracrine role of leptin and thrombopietin in controlling ovarian function in cow Mihir Sarkar1,2, S Schilffarth1, D Schams1, HHD Meyer1, M W Pfaffl1, S Ulbrich1, B Berisha1,3 1 Technical University Munich, Germany; 2Physiology & Climatology, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, India; 3Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary, University of Prishtina, Prishtine, Kosovo 15:45 ULTRA-RAPID REAL-TIME PCR for the detection of viral diseases in honeybee ByoungSu Yoon, MiSun Yoo, JiNa No, Van Phu Nguyen Kyonggi University, South Korea 16:00 Development of quantitative triplex real time PCR for the simultaneous detection of Mycobacterium avium subsp. avium and M. a. subsp. hominissuis Iva Slana, Maria Kaevska, Petr Kralik, Alice Horvathova, Ivo Pavlik Veterinary Research Institute, Czech Republic 16:15 Rapid KRAS, EGFR, BRAF and PIK3CA Mutation Analysis of Fine Needle Aspirates using allele-specific qPCR Ronald van Eijk, Jappe Licht, Hans Morreau, Tom van Wezel Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands DEPArray™: a novel platform to identify, isolate and collect very rare cells Pim van der Aar1, Manuela Banzi2 1 Dync B.V., Netherlands, The; 2Silicon Biosystems SpA; 12:00 – 14:00 Lunch in the student cafeteria 12:00 – 14:00 Lunch Poster Session Coffee break & Networking 15:15 Coffee break & Networking 10:30 11:30 14:45 – 15:15 New qPCR Applications in Molecular Diagnostics Closing of the Symposium Lecture hall HS 14 Time: Location: Session Chair: 13:45 Wednesday, 30/03/2011: 13:45pm - 4:30pm Lecture hall 14 Andreas Nitsche Heinrich HD Meyer Detection and classification of microorganisms by combination of qPCR and pyrosequencing Kati Schroeder, Andreas Nitsche Robert Koch-Institut, Germany 16:30 Closing of the Symposium Heinrich HD. Meyer & Michael W. Pfaffl qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 10 GENEX: data analysis lunch seminar Data Analysis: qPCR BioStatistics & BioInformatics Time: Location: Session Chair: Wednesday, 30/03/2011: 9:00am - 12:00pm Lecture hall 15 Michael W Pfaffl, Ales Tichopad 9:00 Interpretation requires context - making sense out of gene lists and networks Philip Zimmermann ETH Zürich, Switzerland 9:30 Stratified error in the qPCR assays from the statistical point of view Ales Tichopad Academy of Science of Czech Republic, Czech Republic 10:00 Primer3: Improvements for the design of qPCR primers Andreas Untergasser1, Ioana Cutcutache2, Steve Rozen2 1 University of Heidelberg, Germany; 2Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School, Singapore 10:30 – 11:00 11:00 11:20 Time: Location: Session Chair: 13:00 Presentation of GenEx 5.3; the most user friendly and powerful qPCR experimental design, data analysis and data mining software yet released! Mikael Kubista TATAA BIOCENTER, Sweden MIQE: state of the art & open discussion Time: Location: Session Chair: Wednesday, 30/03/2011: 2:00pm - 3:00pm Lecture hall 15 Stephen Andrew Bustin Jo Vandesompele 15:00 – 15:30 Coffee break & Networking Coffee break & Networking Is normalisation of raw data necessary? Truly Automated Analysis of qPCR Data Using the AzurePCR Method David Kennard, Ze'ev Russak Azure PCR Limited, United Kingdom Amplification efficiency as a function of primer and cDNA concentration Jan M Ruijter1, Quinn D Gunst1, Peter Lorenz2, Maurice JB vandenHoff1 1 Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands, The; 2 University of Rostock, Rostock, Germany 11:40 Evaluation and applicability of advanced/exotic qPCR quantification strategies and their implementation Andrej-Nikolai Spiess University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany 12:00 High-resolution melting data error evaluation between runs. Maksim Bratchikov, Mykolas Mauricas Centre for Innovative Medicine, State Research Institute, Vilnius, Lithuania 12:00 – 14:00 Lunch in the student cafeteria 12:00 – 14:00 Lunch Poster Session Wednesday, 30/03/2011: 1:00pm - 2:00pm Lecture hall 15 Mikael Kubista Amin Forootan RDML: state of the art & open discussion Time: Location: Session Chair: Wednesday, 30/03/2011: 3:30pm – 4:30pm Lecture hall 15 Jan Hellemans Andreas Untergasser Closing of the Symposium Lecture hall HS 14 16:30 Closing of the Symposium Heinrich HD. Meyer & Michael W. Pfaffl qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 11 Thursday 31st March & Friday 1st April 2011 qPCR Application Workshops The workshops are aimed at giving participants a deep and objective understanding of real-time quantitative PCR, biostatistics, expression profiling, and its applications. The courses are intended for academic or industrial persons considering working with qPCR or scientists currently working with qPCR seeking a deeper understanding. The qPCR courses cover all aspects in qPCR and are held during 2-days. Each course is approximately 50% hands-on and is limited to 20-25 participants (biostatistics 40-50 participants), resulting in very interactive teaching and everybody given the opportunity to try the instrumentation. After the course participants will be able to plan and perform qPCR experiments themselves, as well as interpret and analyze data. Detailed course material and full catering (lunch, coffee, soft drinks and snacks) are included in the course fee. All workshops start on Thursday and Friday at 9 am until 5 pm. All three workshops are hosted by the TATAA Biocenter Sweden, and bioEPS GmbH (www.tataa.com www.bioeps.com). The qPCR workshop laboratories and seminar rooms are close to the central lecture hall. Workshop topics: Basic Module qPCR Application Workshop (2-days) qPCR Biostatistics & Expression Profiling Workshop (2-days) Practical room – P1 Computer seminar room – PU MIQE guidelines (1 day) & Practical primer design (1-day) Seminar room - S1 Basic Module qPCR Application Workshop (2-days) Practical room – P1 The introductory course consists of a theoretical part and a practical part where participants get to do QPCR experiments by themselves under experienced supervision. The course contains: Day 1 - hands on workshop: • Basic PCR theory • The theory of real-time PCR • Applications and possibilities of qPCR. Comparison of qPCR with regular PCR. • Review of currently available detection technologies (SYBR Green I, hydrolysis probes, Molecular Beacons...etc) • Different instrument platforms and their typical uses • Primer design • The problem of primer-dimer formation and how to minimize them • Probe design • Experimental design and optimization • Basic data handling and analysis Day 2 - hands on workshop: • Introduction to quantification principles • Quantification strategies, uses and limitations • Calculations using different relative quantification methods • Strategies for normalization of qPCR data • In situ calibration for compensation of inhibition in samples • Absolute quantification qPCR data analysis - Biostatistics & Expression Profiling (2-days) Computer seminar room – PU This course will teach you how appropriate statistics should be selected and applied correctly to get the most out of your qPCR data. The course mixes theoretical lectures with computer based exercises. Please bring your own Laptop to the course! Day 1- Statistical analysis of real-time PCR data • Basic principles of statistics • Advanced principles of statistics • Statistical tests • Ability to detect a difference Day 2- Gene expression profiling with real-time PCR • Multiplate measurements • Standard curves and absolute quantification • Experimental design, selecting reference genes • Relative quantification, comparison of groups • Expression profiling qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 12 MIQE guidelines (1 day) & Practical primer design (1-day) Seminar room - S1 Day 1 - The MIQE guidelines – How to improve your qPCR quality This is a theoretical course that will take you through the MIQE guidelines. The MIQE guidelines (Minimum Information for Publication of Quantitative Real-Time PCR Experiments) have been developed to ensure the integrity of the scientific literature, promote consistency between laboratories and increase experimental transparency. The course will explain the different steps that are necessary to fulfill to ensure good qPCR quality and show you how it can be done. The course includes: • • • • • • • • Introduction to the MIQE guidelines Sample preparation Nucleic acid extraction and quality control Reverse Transcription Primer and probe design Optimization and validation of qPCR Normalization qPCR data analysis Day 2 - Practical primer design This is an extensive primer design course that will teach you how to design your own assays. It will teach you the theory of primer and probe design as well as how to optimize your reactions. The course will also let you do design of your own primers using primer design softwares under experienced supervision. qPCR Workshop Sponsors: qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 13 Industrial Exhibition 35 companies participate at the industrial exhibition held during the qPCR Symposium March 28th – 30th in the foyer of the central lecture hall complex (green frame) and in two side rooms S1 and S2 (blue frame). Booth Company Booth Company 1&2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Life Technologies Fujifilm MMI Eurogentec Lonza Sigma Life Science Amplifa Fluidigm Biolegio TATAA & MultiD Wafergen ArcticZymes Biogazelle Analytik Jena & Biometra Primerdesign Affymetrix Illumina 33 34 Registration & Catering 32 S2 31 26 29 30 25 28 S1 27 Kitchen 24 Agilent Technologies Genewave Bio-Rad Qiagen Nanostring Roche Applied Science Thermo Fisher Scientific Biosearch Technologies Exiqon Eurofins MWG Operon TaKaRa Bio Europe Metabion Bioke TIB Molbiol Integrated DNA Technologies Bioline 4titude Rest Rooms Rest Rooms Main Exhibition Area Booth - Foyer in Foyer Booth - S1 & S2 Lecture hall HS 15 2 Le 6 ct u HS re h 1 4 a ll 5 1 3 4 7 11 12 26 13 1 4 8 17 15 19 18 16 10 20 21 25 9 22 23 24 Re s gi tra tio n qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 14 Abstracts - Oral presentations th Monday 28 March 2011 MIQE and QC strategies in qPCR Time: Location: Session Chair: Monday, 28/03/2011: 10:30am - 1:00pm Lecture hall 14 Stephen Andrew Bustin, Michael W Pfaffl MIQE: compliance and amendments Stephen Andrew Bustin1, Jo Vandesompele2 1 Barts and the London School of Medicine, QMUL, United Kingdom; 2Center for Medical Genetics Ghent (CMGG) Ghent University Hospital The publication of the minimum information for the publication of real-time quantitative PCR experiments (MIQE) guidelines has become a defining event in the maturing of qPCR technology. The response from instrument and reagent manufacturers has been universally positive; there has been extensive publicity in print, online and at scientific meetings and many scientific journals are beginning to take note. We report the results of the first extensive survey carried out to determine transparency and quality of recent qPCR publications. It has also become apparent that an important obstacle to the universal acceptance of the MIQE guidelines has been the stipulation for primer sequence disclosure. Many commercial qPCR assays do not provide this information; usually there are also no details provided on empirical validation of each individual assay. The increasing use of commercial qPCR assays is creating problems, as it results in publications that cannot satisfy current MIQE requirements. Consequently, we propose an amendment of the original guidelines to help users of commercial assays publish transparent protocols that fulfil the MIQE criteria. Convenient and reliable gene expression profiling using RealTime ready Focus Panels in combination with sound data-analysis using qbasePLUS Ali Rihani1, Tom Van Maerken1, Barbara D'haene2, Nurten Yigit1, Jo Vandesompele1,2, Rita Rein3 1 Center for Medical Genetics, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium; 2 Biogazelle, Ghent, Belgium; 3Roche Diagnostics, Germany Roche’s RealTime ready Focus Panels are ready-to-use, prevalidated qPCR assays targeting selected genes from specific pathways or functional groups. We aimed to evaluate the utility of the technology for convenient and reliable gene expression analysis in accordance to the MIQE guidelines. A pilot experiment was set up using the human apoptosis panel that enables expression profiling of 372 genes. Two previously established chemosensitive and chemoresistant neuroblastoma cell lines were analyzed before and after treatment with the MDM2 inhibitor nutlin-3. Thorough post-qPCR quality control and data-processing was performed using Biogazelle’s qbasePLUS software. We were able to demonstrate (1) the expression stability of a selected subset of the included reference genes, (2) the utility of the integrated positive and negative RT controls and RNA integrity assessment, (4) the ease and power of data analysis using qbasePLUS, and (3) the power of the strategy to obtain biologically relevant results when scrutinizing an entire pathway. Overall, the study demonstrates that the RealTime ready Focus Panels in combination with the state-of-the-art real-time PCR data-analysis software qbasePLUS enable easy, fast, and reliable gene expression quantification. "Stay in touch while on the bench" MIQE qPCR Afif Abdel Nour1, Michael W. Pfaffl2 1 LaSalle Beauvais, France; 2Physiology Weihenstephan, TUM, Germany Who does not know iPhone and iPad devises? More and more people have an Apple mobile device such as iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. From now on, those mobile devices can be used to increase quality of qPCR experimant or publication, by providing a 'MIQE APP'. This new application could be used by scientists to check whether their experiment or the used literature fulfills the MIQE requirement or not. The 'MIQE Guidelines' checklist provides 85 parameters that qPCR studies should be required or recommended to meet before being considered for publication. This checklist is based on the original published MIQE checklist and we hope it will increase future publication quality and reliability. But there are much more wider seen goals of the 'MIQE guidelines', all in all the goals might be summarized; to increase reliability of results to help to insure the integrity of scientific work, with major focus on biological relevance. The MIQE applet will provide an interactive and portable follow up of these parameters for any qPCR research application. The applet will be free for download and upon installed connected to our MIQE databank, collecting all the information. The 'MIQE guidelines' (Minimum Information for Publication of Quantitative Real-Time PCR Experiments) were published by a group of qPCR experts in 2009 (Bustin et al, Clinical Chemistry 2009). qPCR Gene Expression Assays and an Exogenous RNA control for indication of reaction inhibition in the RT-qPCR workflow Jaakko Kurkela Thermo Fisher, Finland Reverse transcriptase quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) is a routine laboratory technique for the measurement of RNA that is both sensitive and specific with appropriate assay design. Thermo Scientific Solaris qPCR Gene Expression Assays are probe-based assays that are ideal for routine molecular applications; they combine minor groove binder technology (MGB) with a rigorous algorithm that permits detection of all known splice variants of a gene target, while distinguishing among closely related family members, on a genome-wide scale. Inhibitors of RT-qPCR may be present in experiments and not easily recognized. The primary challenge is that methods such as spectrophotometric techniques do not always detect RT-qPCR inhibitors. The Thermo Scientific Solaris RNA Spike Control Kit was designed as an exogenous control to identify the presence of reaction inhibition including those commonly carried through processing steps to isolate RNA such as EDTA, phenol, heparin and EtOH. Here we describe applications for this exogenous control to identify the presence of reaction inhibition and illustrate the impact inhibition can have on results and data interpretation. Experimental results demonstrate RNA Spike Control provides accurate identification of RT-qPCR inhibition and the ability to predict when inhibition has been removed, for example, by dilution of the RNA sample into the reverse transcription reaction. The RNA Spike Control identified RT-qPCR inhibition in a gene expression assay, explaining the variable results obtained. Furthermore, the use of RNA Spike Control Kit was compared to current inhibition identification protocols and was found to be an easy and succinct workflow, offering a clear advantage of this technology. Quality control and management approaches for Molecular Diagnostics techniques used during diagnosis and monitoring of hematologic malignancies Barbara Zehentner HematoLogics Inc, United States of America This presentation will provide an introduction to current applications of molecular analysis tools in the clinical field of hematologic malignancies. Several different assay platforms will be covered, from B- and T-cell clonality assessment by gene rearrangement PCR, point mutation analysis for myeloid neoplasms, Sanger sequence analysis for CLL prognosis and Gleevec resistance assessment, in addition to the application of real-time PCR for quantitative monitoring purposes and minimal residual disease detection. Quality control and management approaches for the clinical reference laboratory will be discussed. qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 15 Substantial performance discrepancies between commercially available kits for rt-qPCR - A systematic comparative investigator-driven approach Matthias W Sieber1,2, Peter Recknagel2, Florian Glaser2, Otto W. Witte1, Michael Bauer2, Ralf A. Claus2, Christiane Frahm1 1 Hans Berger Clinic for Neurology, Jena University Hospital, Germany; 2Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Jena University Hospital, Germany Reverse transcription followed by quantitative PCR (rt-qPCR) has become the state of the art tool forquantification of nucleic acids. However, there are still significant problems associated with its sensitivity, reproducibility, efficiency and the choice of an appropriate rt-qPCR kit. The purpose of this study is to give insights into strategies to optimize and validate the performance of currently available kits for rt-qPCR and to provide up-to-date information about the benefits, potentials and pitfalls of rt-qPCR assays. A selection of 9 cDNA synthesis and 12 qPCR kits were tested using samples obtained from three species (mouse, rat and human) and three transcripts (Gapdh, Actb and Hmbs) under highly standardized conditions. Kits with an outstanding performance were further analysed to identify the dynamic range for a reliable quantification of mRNA. Reverse transcription efficiency varied up to 90 fold depending on the choice of reverse transcriptase, priming strategy and assay volume. The qPCR kit test revealed variations in mean relative amplification efficiency ranging from 54% to 171%. We conclude that currently available kits for rt-qPCR vary considerably. However, with an appropriate validation strategy and knowledge about capabilities of a particular kit, sensitivity, efficiency and reliability could be significantly improved. single-cell qPCR Time: Location: Session Chair: Monday, 28/03/2011: 2:00pm - 6:00pm Lecture hall 14 Mikael Kubista, Anders Ståhlberg 25 years of PCR - from idea to subcellular expression profiling Mikael Kubista TATAA BIOCENTER, Sweden PCR was born from a great idea conceived by Kary Mullis and later refined into qPCR by Russ Higushi. Specificity was added by Ken Livak. The technique found immediate use in genetic engineering leading to several breakthrough innovations, and later PCR became the preferred platform for clinical diagnostics. The quantitative aspect of qPCR became particularly valuable in biological and medical research, and is today key technology in systems biology. Moreover, the extreme sensitivity of qPCR, allowing the detection of single molecular copies, and the relative ease of use, which allows qPCR to be integrated in a streamlined high throughput workflow, has led to the exciting area of single cell expression profiling. An astonishing heterogeneity in transcript levels among seemingly like cells has been found, while correlation between genes’ expression is a fingerprint of the type of cell. Most recently, qPCR tomography has been developed to measure intracellular mRNA profiles, revealing gradients of transcripts within the cell, preparing it for asymmetric cell division. Anders Stahlberg, Daniel Andersson, Johan Aurelius, Maryam Faiz, Marcela Pekna, Mikael Kubista, Milos Pekny. Defining cell populations with single-cell gene expression profiling: correlations and identification of astrocyte subpopulations. Nucl. Acids Res. 1–12. doi:10.1093/nar/gkq1182 (2010). Radek Sindelka, Monika Sidova, David Svec, Mikael Kubista. Spatial expression profiles in the Xenopus laevis oocytes measured with qPCR tomography. Methods 51:87-91(2010). M. Bengtsson, A. Ståhlberg, P. Rorsman, and M. Kubista Gene expression profiling in single cells from the pancreatic islets of Langerhans reveals lognormal distribution of mRNA levels. Genome Research 15, 1388-1392 (2005). Research Highlights in Nature Review Genetics 6, 1758 (2005). Uncovering the Diversity of Individual Cells: Gene Expression Profiling with the BioMark System Ken Livak Fluidigm Corporation, United States of America Fluctuations in gene expression at the single cell level could be key for generating developmental signals and for understanding the progression of tumors. Data needs to be collected from a statistically significant number of single cells in order to determine the range of gene expression present in a population of cells. Furthermore, transcripts need to be quantified for a number of genes in order to obtain meaningful cell signatures. BioMark™ arrays provide a convenient and cost-effective system for performing multiple RNA expression assays on multiple single-cell samples. This system has been used to study single cell gene expression in embryonic stem cells, hematopoieticstem cells, cancer stem cells, and early stage embryos. Identification of unknown cell populations and correlations using single-cell gene expression profiling Anders Ståhlberg University of Gothenburg, Sweden Single-cell gene expression levels show substantial variations among cells in seemingly homogenous populations. Access to fundamental information about cellular mechanism, such as correlated gene expression, motivates studies of multiple genes expressions in individual cells. Astrocytes perform many control and regulatory functions in the central nervous system. In contrast to neurons, we have limited knowledge about functional diversity of astrocytes and its molecular basis. We will show how subpopulations of cells can be identified at single-cell level using unsupervised algorithms and that gene correlations can be used to identify differences in activity of important transcriptional pathways. We identified two subpopulations of astrocytes with distinct gene expression profiles. One had an expression profile very similar to that of neurosphere cells, whereas the other showed characteristics of activated astrocytes in vivo. Technical considerations related to reproducible and efficient sampling, lysis, reverse transcription and real-time PCR will also be presented. In addition to astrocytes, single-cell data from tumor cells, beta-cells and embryonic stem cells will be shown. Single Molecule RNA FISH: novel, simple, and accurate quantitative applications for gene expression analysis Arjun Raj University of Pennsylvania, United States of America We have developed a simple, direct method for specifically detecting individual RNA molecules in situ via fluorescence microscopy. Our RNA-FISH method relies on using large numbers of fluorescently labeled oligonucleotides designed to target particular RNA species. This approach is highly specific and highly sensitive and provides absolute, direct quantification of RNA abundance in single cells. Moreover, it is applicable to a broad range of biological sample types, ranging from microbes to human tissue section. We will discuss the method itself as well as address some biological applications in development and cancer. Relationship between cell attachment and bcr-abl cell expression heterogeneity within CML cell lines. Philip Day, Ehsan Karimiani University of Manchester, United Kingdom Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) is believed to occur as a consequence of the clonal expansion of leukemic stem cells and to be maintained by an expanding population of hematopoietic stem cells that have acquired a BCR-ABL fusion gene. Recent studies indicate that primitive CML cells are less responsive to tyrosine kinase inhibitors and are a reservoir for the emergence of tyrosine kinase resistant subclones. Some studies have suggested that expression of BCR-ABL may also be required for altered cell adhesion and CML progression. The bcr-abl protein modulates cell adhesion and its effects in cell lines like K562 correlate with increased adhesion to fibronectin. It also has been reported that cell adhesion mediated resistance to apoptosis qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 16 induced by BCR-ABL inhibitors, suggests that bcr-abl mediated cell adhesion may be involved in post-therapy residual disease of CML. However, some reports imply that a relatively small fraction (2%–20%) of blasts from patients with acute myeloid leukemia adhere to the plastic of the cell-culture dish. In this study we test if elevated BCR-ABL expression could be specifically identified in individual cells from attached cell populations and not unattached populations. The study developed a means to utilise flow assisted cell sorting of cell lines expressing BCR-ABL to derive individual attached and unattached cell sub-populations. Using a homogenous extraction procedure, cells individually flow sorted into microtitre plates were subjected to combinations of abl and bcr-abl qRT-PCR, and revealed the existence of low and high bcrabl expressing cell line populations. The implications of this study will be discussed. Digital Competitive Allele-Specific TaqMan-Based Reverse Transcription-qPCR (castRT-qPCR) for Direct Detection and Enumeration of Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs) David Xingfei Deng, Yun Bao, Scott Sproul, Yu Wang, Fawn Wang, David Merrill, Pius Brzoska, Caifu Chen Life Technologies, United States of America Molecular characterization and enumeration of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) promise to be valuable for cancer cell diagnosis, survival prognosis, and treatment guidance. However, current molecular assays require extensive blood sample enrichment process before analyzing extraordinarily rare CTCs. Here we reported a new approach for direct CTC molecular detection in whole blood samples without prior biophysical processing by combining sample partition and digital assay of a highly specific castRT-qPCR. CastPCR can detect rare copies of mutant alleles with a wide dynamic range of more than 6-log orders and < 5-copy sensitivity. Whole blood samples with spiked-in known mutation lung cancer cell lines and from lung cancer patients were partitioned in aliquots of 2.5 μL – 50 μL onto 96- or 384-well plate(s), such that each well contains either one cancer cell or none with per well 20,000 – 400,000 normal white blood cells and 10 – 200 million red blood cells. RNAs and/or DNAs were extracted by magnetic beads and directly or were pre-amplified prior to mutation detection. Genetic mutations and cell type specific markers (such as CK19 and/or CEA) for CTC identification and enumeration were determined by castRT-qPCR and/or TaqMan Gene expression assays. The sample partition process resulted in a relative CTC enrichment or digital enrichment of 20 – 400 folds (the relative ratio of CTC to normal cells) in a CTCpositive well. CastPCR clearly identified known mutation and CK19 in spiked-in samples of about 10 – 30 cells per mL whole blood, but detected no mutation signals in any sample well without cell spiked-in. Furthermore, cell type specific markers (CK19) and known EGFR mutation(s) were identified in the same sample wells, suggesting identified mutation is specific and from cancer cells not from normal cells. In five blood samples from lung cancer patients, EGFR mutation (p.L858R) was detected in all samples. Approximately 50% of circulating lung tumor cells in a patient with positive EGFR p.L858R mutation had also positive EGFR p.T790M mutation, an inducible drug-resistant CTC marker. For those samples with negative detection of EGFR mutation, corresponding wild type sequences were detected in all sample wells, suggesting the normal DNA amplification of those mutationnegative wells. Our data suggest that combination of digital sample enrichment and castRT-qPCR can be used to directly enumerate CTCs and detect cancer-related mutations in whole blood without prior biophysical sample enrichment. The new approach paves way for noninvasively CTC monitoring and individualized therapy. Real time PCR on slide: a new tool for quantification of minute amounts of DNA Jean-Christophe Avarre1, Angelique le Bras2, Régis Melizzi2, Maxime Rattier2, Gordana Cerovic2, Claude Weisbuch2, Marianna Alunni3, Martin Kantlehner3, Petra Hartmann3, Reinhard Bittner3, Wolfgang Mann3 1 Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, Montpellier, France; 2Genewave SAS, Paris, France; 3Beckman Coulter Biomedical GmbH, Munich, Germany Detection, identification and quantification of micro-organisms represents one of the major challenges for our modern society. It concerns a wide variety of applications including bioprocess control, food technology, health care, environmental analysis and of course clinical diagnostics. In this regard, miniaturization of PCR protocols may offer many advantages including short assay time, high precision and sensitivity, high-throughput, low reagent consumption and portability. Though on-chip PCR is likely to become the 'next-generation PCR', translating microfluidics to biology labs is still limited by its cost and the expertise it requires. In this context, a new format system has been developed, which allows DNA extraction and real-time PCR amplification in 1-µl "reaction sites" on a slide. The system, called SicLive, enables to process 48 samples in parallel and offers the possibility to perform quantitative PCR amplifications within 2 hours, including DNA extraction. Results, obtained on different model systems, showed that reproducibility and dynamic range were comparable to those obtained in 20 µl with conventional real-time PCR. In terms of sensitivity, SicLive was able to amplify DNA from 1-5 copies of target as well as from single cells. By combining DNA extraction and amplification in a single reaction site, SicLive is particularly well adapted for quantifying precious samples containing very low amounts of genetic material, such as clinical or environmental samples. Finally, for single-cell applications, this slide format ensures an easy visual control, with standard microscopy, of both quality and quantity of the templates loaded. Towards a Comprehensive Single Cell Expression Profiling Herbert Auer IRB Barcelona, Spain Expression profiling, the measurement of all transcripts of a cell, is currently the most comprehensive method to describe its physiological state. Given that accurate profiling methods currently available require RNA amounts found in thousands to millions of cells, many fields of biology working with specialized cell types cannot use these techniques because available cell numbers are limited. Currently available alternative methods for expression profiling from picograms of RNA or from very small cell populations lack a broad validation of results to provide accurate information about the measured transcripts. Except for a few highly experimental methods like Single-Molecule-Sequencing, every attempted measurement of more than a few different transcripts needs a pre-amplification of cDNA. Here we present Pico Amplification, a novel workflow of RNA isolation and cDNA amplification for cell populations as small as a few or even a single cell. Micrograms of cDNA are generated, suitable for analysis by qPCR, microarrays or sequencing. Expression profiling of RNAs diluted to picograms showed that Pico Amplification virtually did not alter measurements of differential expression. MAQC samples A and B (Universal Reference RNA and Human Brain RNA) were utilized to provide transcriptome wide evaluation using microarrays and for comparison to qPCR measurements for over 800 transcripts. RNA isolated from 10 cells provided after Pico Amplification virtually identical information about the entire population as standard protocols do from thousands or millions of cells. This held true across the entire transcriptome. RNA isolated from individual cells provided insight into the heterogeneity of seemingly homogenous cell populations. Hundreds of transcripts were found to be differentially expressed between individual cells. Pico Amplification provides micrograms of cDNA from very small cell populations or even individual cells, highly representative of the original transcriptome. This allows the application of virtually all standard methods of expression profiling to interrogate the transcriptional status of an individual cell. qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 17 Tuesday 29th March 2011 High throughput & digital PCR Time: Location: Session Chair: Tuesday, 29/03/2011: 8:30am - 12:00pm Lecture hall 14 Frank McCaughan Kevin L Knudtson mouse model. Xenograft-derived fresh frozen (FF) tissue samples were used to test for selected biomarkers. Next, we moved to early clinical development using the first set of clinical samples, formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue derived from various tumor entities. Tumor-derived FFPE tissue is the most relevant sample material for the development of therapeutic compounds in clinical trials or in biomarker research. RNA extraction from FFPE tissue (e.g., 10 µm sections) using the High Pure RNA Paraffin Kit, followed by qRT-PCR analysis, is a well established technique; here, we combined this workflow with function tested RTR assays. For life science research only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. Using Nanoscale PCR and NGS Technologies to Detect Rare Sequence Variants in a Core Setting Kevin L Knudtson University of Iowa, United States of America The University of Iowa DNA Facility has been providing sequence variant detection services using nanoscale PCR and NGS technologies for nearly three years. Detection of sequence variants that occur in a small percentage of the population has met with both technical and analytical challenges in avoiding or minimizing false calls. False positive calls can be very expensive to verify. False negative calls simply cannot happen as they result in a missed diagnosis. Using the Applied Biosystems OpenArray and Fluidigm Dynamic arrays, the ability of each platform to give the correct genotype for 32 assays over 575 individuals was evaluated. Both platforms were similar in their false call rate and the correct call rates improved with by conducting a specific target enhancement of the samples prior to the genotyping assay. Variant detection was also evaluated using NGS technologies. Amplicons from 300 individuals interrogating over 210 target regions from each individual were mixed together and run over the Roche GS FLX and Applied Biosystems SOLiD genome sequencers. False positive rates were initially high, but decreased as the specificity of the primers was improved. Workflows and/or experimental design enhancements to reduce false genotyping call rates will be discussed. Customized, function tested RealTime ready assays for gene expression analysis in biomarker research and early drug development Sabine Lohmann1, Andrea Herold1, Bergauer Tobias3, Belousov Anton2, Betzl Gisela1, Dietrich Manuel1, Hessel Harald5, Poignee-Heger Manuela1, Geho David4, Weisser Martin2 1 Roche Applied Science, Penzberg, Germany; 2Roche Pharma, Penzberg, Germany; 3Roche Pharma, Basel, Switzerland; 4Roche Pharma, Nutley, USA; 5Ludwig-Maximillian-University, Institue of Pathology, Munich, Germany Personalized Health care (PHC) uses gene-based information to understand requirements for health maintenance, disease prevention, and therapy, all tailored to an individual’s genetic uniqueness. Biomarkers are therefore a central element throughout a drug’s lifecycle, from target identification to drug application. In biomarker research and early drug development, the investigation of mRNA expression profiles is of great interest. Roche RealTime ready custom panels offer a broad variety of intron-spanning RT-qPCR assays covering the major signal transduction pathways, including those relevant for oncology research. RealTime ready custom panels are comprised of readyto-use LightCycler® 480 Multiwell Plates containing pre-plated qPCR assays for human, mouse, and rat targets that have been selected by the user. We have established various workflows applicable for gene expression analysis in biomarker research as well as in pre-clinical and early clinical studies. Pre-clinical drug development was started by profiling gene expression using a multi-parameter panel (93 target and 3 housekeeping genes) covering the pathway of interest in a broad screening approach. The goal was to generate a first hypothesis for predictive and pharmacodynamic markers, as well as to provide a workflow with the highest convenience and throughput for this screening approach. This first step was performed in vitro with tumor cell lines treated with the compound of interest. A workflow protocol was developed, starting with an automated RNA extraction on the MagNA Pure LC Instrument in combination with pre-plated RealTime ready customized assays in a 384-well format. The relative gene expression had been analysed. After selecting a set of parameters, this first hypothesis was verified using an in vivo LIGHTCYCLER, MAGNA PURE, HIGH PURE, and REALTIME ready are trademarks of Roche. Digital PCR - getting the most out of difficult clinical samples Frank McCaughan Medical Research Council, United Kingdom We use digital PCR to interrogate clinical biopsy samples both for basic research and translational medicine purposes. For this we use a technique called Molecular Copy-number Counting which is essentially a multiplex hemi-nested single molecule digital PCR protocol. The advantages of MCC are that we can use it to extract multilocus information from tiny quantities of starting DNA extracted from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded archived material. In this talk I will describe the MCC strategy in the general context of digital PCR, how we have applied it to challenging clinical samples and how we have now modified the protocol to derive both multilocus copy-number and sequence information (including using NGS) from these samples. Digital PCR or Finding The Needle In A Haystack Elena Grigorenko Life Technologies, Inc, United States of America Digital PCR is a new approach to nucleic acid detection and quantification, which allows to perform absolute quantification of targets by directly counting the number of target molecules partitioned into many individual real-time PCR reactions. The introduction of OpenArray® Real-Time PCR System to perform Taqman™ chemistry with digital PCR enable researchers to run 9,000 PCR reactions simultaneously. This approach can be used for a variety of different applications aimed on detection of rare events such as quantification of viral load in diluted plasma samples, rare allele detection and single stem cell transcript analysis. The examples of each application will be discussed. OpenArray® platform and its new digital PCR capability not only extend the portfolio of conventional PCR applications, but also provide a new, more precise answers to many different biological questions. Digital Analysis- a bridge to the Clinic Jim White NanoString Technologies, United Kingdom The nCounter System utilizes molecular barcodes and direct single molecule imaging to detect and count hundreds of unique biomarkers in a single reaction. The nCounter assay directly targets nucleic acid molecules through hybridization, eliminating the need to purify sample, let alone make cDNA or amplify the signal. The truly digital nature of quantification provides an accuracy and reproducibility unmatched with other systems. The nCounter system can work with a large variety of samples, from RNA purified from fresh biopsies to crude extracts made from FFPE material. With a portfolio of off-the-shelf and customdesigned applications in mRNA, miRNA and copy number analysis, the nCounter system is well suited to a variety of biological problems. In our presentation we will show how the CodeSet technology, can construct subtle sample enquires that can with simple iteration unlock the complexity in the interface between genome and transcriptome. The simple utility of the System will help provide an ideal format to empower molecular medicine by providing a bridge to take nucleic acid biomarkers from research to the Clinic. qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 18 High-throughput real-time PCR approach using the LightCycler®1536 instrument for genotyping and high discrimination of E. coli pathogroups responsible for gastrointestinal diseases Sabine Delannoy1, Lothar Beutin2, Cédric Woudstra1, Patrick Fach1 1 French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES), France; 2NRL for E. coli, Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, Germany Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) are important foodborne pathogens responsible for a number of human gastrointestinal diseases, including watery or bloody diarrhea, and hemorrhagic colitis. Rapid and specific detection of STEC strains with high virulence for human has become a priority for public health authorities. The main virulence factor of STEC is the production of Shiga toxin 1 (Stx1) and/or Shiga toxin 2 (Stx2) or its variants. STEC strains causing severe disease in humans mainly possess additional virulence factors such as the outer membrane protein intimin, essential for the intimate attachment and the formation of attaching and effacing (A/E) lesions on gastrointestinal epithelial cells whose genetic determinant is harboured by the LEE pathogenicity island. In addition to the LEE locus, several other putative pathogenicity islands (PAIs) have been identified in STEC strains which present a variable repertoire of effectors genes that encode potential virulence determinants (nle, as non-LEE encoded effector). Based on a high-throughput real-time PCR approach using the LightCycler®1536 instrument a selection of discriminative nle genetic markers mostly encoding type III secretion system effector proteins allowed to develop an assay for specific characterization of the most virulent strains of STEC. These nle genes were detected at different frequencies in pathogenic and apathogenic E. coli strains indicating their possible role in virulence. The presence of these genes may be used to make a “molecular risk assessment” to predict the virulence potential of STEC strains. For E. coli O26, these data were corroborated by a genotyping real-time PCR test based on allelic discrimination of the arcA (aerobic respiratory control protein A) gene. Results obtained with the LightCycler®1536 instrument indicate that a combination of molecular detection and genotyping tools are highly discriminative to clearly distinguish STEC strains constituting a severe risk for human health from STEC that are not associated with severe and epidemic disease. This simple diagnostic approach might be applicable in hospital service labs or public health laboratories to test strains isolated from foods or stools of patients suffering from diarrhea. NGS: Next Generation Sequencing Time: Location: Session Chair: Tuesday, 29/03/2011: 2:00pm - 6:00pm Lecture hall 14 Yuk Ming Dennis Lo, Yu-Hui Rogers reported a large scale study using this technology. Our results indicate the fetal trisomy 21 can be detected with a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 98% using this technology. We have also recently shown that in addition to trisomy 21, maternal plasma DNA sequencing can also reveal the genome-wide genetic map of the fetus. Thus, massively parallel sequencing is likely to play an increasingly important role in the future prenatal diagnostics and monitoring. Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of RNA by SOLiD Next Generation Sequencing Thomas Rygus Life Technologies GmbH, Germany The last years have seen Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) as an upcoming new method replacing many of the established array based methods, especially in RNA analysis. Users of RNA sequencing published in a variety of scientific fields beginning with quantitative gene expression analysis up to structural analysis of RNA and allele specific expression; also combinations of several NGS techniques like small RNA sequencing and ChIP Seq have been shown. Meanwhile an established method, quantitative RNA analysis by SOLiD now allows the use of internal RNA controls making sure that a reliable standardization is possible. The biggest challenges with resequencing methods have been automating the complete process and improving the turnaround time for smaller amounts of samples without losing cost efficiency. In this presentation we will show an overview about the newest technical developments of the SOLiD system and workflow together with an overview about the possible applications in RNA analysis. Analysis of circulating nucleic acids (CNA) using NGS technologies Bertram Brenig1, Julia Beck2, Ekkehard Schütz2, Howard B Urnovitz2 1 University of Goettingen, Germany; 2Chronix Biomedical GmbH, Germany Next generation sequencing technology provides significant promise in providing personalized medicine in the 21st century. A recent report has clearly demonstrated in a small number of patients that unique chromosomal rearrangements identified by next generation DNA sequencing can be detected in blood by PCR. Nevertheless significant barriers to successful translation of this advancement to clinical medicine exist that include knowledge of unique mutational lesions for each neoplasm and their fate during clonal expansion. We have used an alternative approach that is dependent on next generation sequencing of serum DNA and DNA motif identification and assembly (Mass Sequencing and Assembly or MSA) technology that requires no prior knowledge of specific mutational events in diseased tissue. We have successfully applied MSA technology to invasive breast carcinoma and neurodegenerative diseases of animals and humans. We believe this alternative approach provides an opportunity for translation of complex basic research data to personalized medicine. Noninvasive prenatal diagnosis using fetal DNA in maternal plasma: from digital PCR to next-generation sequencing Improved library quantification for High Throughput Sequencing at the Wellcome Trust of Human Genetics Oxford Yuk Ming Dennis Lo The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Peoples Republic of China Paolo Piazza Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics, United Kingdom Prenatal diagnosis is now an established part of modern obstetrics care. However, conventional definitive methods for prenatal diagnosis, such as amniocentesis, are typically invasive and constitute a risk to the fetus. In 1997, our group reported that cellfree fetal DNA is present in the plasma of pregnant women. This technology has initially been used to detect paternally-inherited fetal genetic characteristics, e.g. sex and blood group genes that are absent in the mother. In 2007, our group reported the use of digital PCR for the precise quantitative analysis of fetal DNA in maternal plasma. We demonstrated the theoretical and practical basis for single molecule analysis for the noninvasive prenatal diagnosis of trisomy 21. We have since demonstrated that massively parallel sequencing is a robust method for the noninvasive detection of fetal trisomy 21 and have recently Recent advancements in sequencing technologies (Next Generation Sequencing) developed for the Illumina and Life Technology platforms have driven down significantly the costs per base sequenced. Lower costs coupled with significant improvements in data quality have opened the door to sequencing projects that had previously been far too expensive to complete. As a result we are witnessing an increasing demand for high quality libraries. Significant effort has been invested at the WTCHG in improving the library preparation workflows through the introduction of new equipment and automation to remove the identified process bottlenecks. Adequate quality control of each of the many different type of libraries produced in our lab is crucial to the success of the projects that we support. In order to maximize the data output and quality, cluster generation on Illumina platforms requires accurate quantification. Alternative kits for qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 19 library quantification were evaluated on a Mx3005 qPCR instrument. The performance of the QPCR NGS Library Quant Kit was compared to that of other SYBR® Green based kits. Since we have introduced the Agilent qPCR instrument and reagents in our workflow, we observed that approximately 85% of the library sequenced at the WTCHG produced cluster densities within 20% from the expected value. Consumables for sequencing or unusual library types have been often the cause for suboptimal cluster generation. All the changes and improvements introduced in our lab have contributed to lowering the costs and accelerate the turnaround time for projects due to reduced failure rates, however, the rapid and continuous changes in technology will require constant adjustments to fully utilize it. Application of the Next Generation Sequencing Technologies at JCVI Yu-Hui Rogers J. Craig Venter Institute, United States of America I will give an overview of the JTC research areas and how the next generation sequencing technologies are being applied to support these activities. Specifically, I will discuss the sequencing technologies that are in use at JCVI including 454, Illumina and SOLiD, their capabilities and how we utilize different sequencing strategies for different applications. I will also give an overview of the third generation sequencing technologies, including several of the single molecule sequencing technologies that are in development and the potential impact of these technologies on genomic research. The use of qRT-PCR and high-throughput transcriptomics for biomarker development Michael W Pfaffl, Irmgard Riedmaier, Heinrich HD Meyer Physiology Weihenstephan, TUM, 85354 Freising, Germany The detection of growth promoting agents is a central topic in human doping surveillance and agricultural meat production. In the focus are the discovery and early verification of the illegal drug application, e.g. hormone cocktails or new xenobiotic growth promoters. In routine screening, the residues of all known growth promoters are detected by immuno based assays or chromatographical methods in combination with mass spectrometry. To overcome the detection by these routine applied screening methods, in the previous years new xenobiotic drugs and application techniques were adapted. To enable a future efficient tracing of misused anabolic substances it is necessary to develop new screening and detection technologies for a broad range of illegal hormones, including newly designed xenobiotic anabolic agents. To achieve this, many innovative technologies have been described for biomarker discovery and validation. This talk provides an overview of the latest transcriptomics based technologies in biomarker discovery after illegal hormone application. These –omics technologies can provide essential information on the mRNA expression of hormone regulated genes across multiple tissues, organs, treatment stages, and experimental trials. It highlights recent gene expression results on mRNA and microRNA level derived from quantitative RT-PCR and next generation sequencing. On the basis of the expression results reliable candidate biomarker were selected. To verify if these gene expression changes could act as first valid biomarkers bio-statistical methods were applied. Principal Components Analysis and Hierarchical Clustering were successfully used to demonstrate the potential of the transcriptomic approach for the development of a new screening system and to introduce new gene expression biomarkers. Deep sequencing as diagnostic tool for highly pathogenic viruses Aleksandar Radonic, Andreas Kurth, Wojtek Dabbrowski, Andreas Nitsche Robert Koch Institute, Germany With the advent of the real-time PCR nucleic acid-based diagnostics has become the gold standard for the identification of viral and bacterial pathogens in clinical as well as in environmental samples. Real-time PCR is fast, reliable, and due to the application of specific “probes” it offers an additional level of specificity. Because of this pronounced specificity, however, PCRbased techniques may often fail to detect new or emerging pathogens with differing or so far unknown genetic information. While multiplex PCR systems are a convenient approach to specifically detect a wider variety of pathogens in one reaction vessel, generic PCR-based amplification systems offer a more open view and can even facilitate the detection of new pathogens. Compared to electron microscopy, which provides an actual diagnostic open view with serious restrictions regarding the detection limit, recently metagenomic approaches based on massively parallel sequencing techniques have promised to be a more sensitive valuable tool for the detection of unknown pathogens. Since it is technically possible to gain sequence information of all pathogens present in a particular sample, the most challenging task is to identify the sequences of interest in the bulk of sequence data obtained by only one sequencing run. In this presentation the benefits and drawbacks of next generation sequencing as diagnostic tool will be discussed in comparison to conventional methods of virus detection. High Resolution Transcription Profiling using NextGeneration-Sequencing identifies Diagnostic Markers for Malignancy Ralf Horres1,3, Björn Rotter1, Peter Winter1, Michalski Christoph2, Friess Helmut2, Jüngling Ruth1,3, Günter Kahl3, Nicolas Krezdorn1, Klaus Hoffmeier1, Jörg Kleeff2 1 GenXPro GmbH, Germany; 2Chirurgische Klinik und Poliklinik, Klinikum rechts der Isar, TU München; 3Goethe Universität Frankfurt, Institut für Molekulare Biowissenschaften Since up to 95% of all transcripts are expressed at low levels, these rare transcripts are extremely important for a cell‘s fate and function. A SuperTag Digital Gene Expression (ST-DGE) Profiling approach was established and applied for the analysis of malignant potential of pancreatic cancers. In contrast to microarrays ST-DGE is more reproducible, detects higher dynamic ranges of gene expression, discovers natural antisense transcripts and also counts rare transcripts, which are obscured in a microarray’s background signal. The highly reliable gene expression signatures allow choosing a subset of diagnostic transcripts converting the assay to a more clinically friendly PCRbased assay. This study aimed at analyzing processes underlying the tendency towards malignancy from chronic pancreatitis (CP) to benign intraductal papillary mucinous tumor (IPMT) to highly malignant ductal adenocarcinoma of the pancreas (PDAC). STDGE generated a complete survey of poly-adenylated transcripts in excised normal, CP, IPMTs and PDAC pancreatic tissues. Both the sense (s) and antisense (as) transcriptomes of CP and IPMT were significantly different from normal pancreas, and all three deviated from the transcript patterns characteristic for the tendency to malignancy, finally manifested in PDACs. A subset of these transcripts is now tested as prognostic and diagnostic qRTPCR-based markers for malignancies in pancreatic tissue. GenXPro, est. 2005, is a service provider for the analysis of nucleotide-based information content of any biological sample. The service portfolio includes the best available, focused and sensitive techniques, mostly using next generation sequencing, delivering qualitative and quantitatively most accurate results, at lowest possible costs. GenXPro offers full-service, “from tissue to data” including most suited bioinformatics approaches for the individual next generation data handling. Our data can be conveniently analyzed using both our own “analysis suite” and /or excel. Our analyzes include quality assessment, quantification, transcriptome mapping, Genome mapping, Gene Ontology analysis, plots , etc. to ease the analysis and publications. Our technical service portfolio is headed by our patented „SuperSAGE“ and „SuperTag Digital Gene Expression“ (ST-DGE) Profiling, for ultra deep transcriptomics studies, but also includes RNAseq, normalization & sequencing of cDNA, microRNA analysis, epigenetics, copy number variation detection and genotyping as well as qPCR service. GenXPro is involved in the development of several diagnostic genetic markers for human diseases and in plant and animal breeding. qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 20 RNAi - microRNA - siRNA Applications Time: Location: Session Chair: Tuesday, 29/03/2011: 8:30am - 12:00pm Lecture hall 15 Jo Vandesompele, Jan Hellemans Development of an ultra-high throughput long noncoding RNA qPCR screening system Jan Hellemans1, Pieter Mestdagh2, Steve Lefever2, Barbara D'haene1, Filip Pattyn2, Frank Speleman2, Jo Vandesompele1 1 Biogazelle, Ghent, Belgium; 2Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNA) are an underexplored class of non-coding RNAs and have been shown to be implicated in health and disease. They constitute a new class of biomarkers with disease associated lncRNA signatures yet to be discovered. In addition, they open up a new approach to understand the function and organization of the genome. The lack of a high-throughput platform to detect and quantify lncRNAs has hampered their study so far. To address this, we developed a new platform for ultra-high throughput RT-qPCR analysis of long non-coding RNAs. In the pilot phase, we designed qPCR assays for +1000 lncRNAs based on public sequence databases and lincRNA chromatin signatures. All assays were designed using state-of-the-art in silico quality controls, followed by extensive empirical validation according to MIQE guidelines. Validation of this first set in relevant biological model systems demonstrated excellent sensitivity and specificity of the technology. Data processing was done using the qbasePLUS software with an improved global mean normalization procedure to better remove technical variation. In conclusion, we have successfully completed the first stage of the development process of an ultra-high throughput and low-volume RT-qPCR platform for the quantitative detection of lncRNAs. The tool offers a unique way to investigate the expression patterns of lncRNAs in health and disease. Towards blood-based cancer screening using LNA™enhanced microRNA qPCR Ditte Andreasen, Niels Tolstrup, Jacob Ulrik Fogh, Søren Jensby Nielsen, Kim Bundvig Barken, Adam Baker, Peter Mouritzen Exiqon, Denmark microRNAs (miRNAs) constitute a recently discovered class of small RNAs (typically 21-23 nt) that function as post-transcriptional regulators of gene expression. Current estimates indicate that more than one third of the cellular transcriptome is regulated by miRNAs, and miRNAs have been proposed to be master regulators of cellular state. Indeed, changes in miRNA expression patterns have been associated with disease states, including a diverse array of human cancers. Furthermore, the high stability of miRNA in common clinical source materials (e.g. FFPE blocks, plasma, serum, urine, saliva, etc.) and the ability of miRNA expression profiles to accurately classify disease states have positioned miRNA quantification as a promising new tool for a wide range of diagnostic applications. To facilitate discovery and clinical transfer of miRNA-based diagnostic markers, we developed the miRNome-wide LNA™-based miRCURY LNA™ Universal RT microRNA PCR platform with unparalleled sensitivity and robustness. Using a specialized design algorithm (available as a web-tool for custom design of RNA species < 30 nt), we have designed assays for human and rodent miRNAs. The platform uses only 40 ng total RNA in just a single RT reaction to profile >700 human miRNAs in two predefined 384 well plates and thus allows high-throughput profiling of miRNAs from important clinical sources without the need for pre-amplification. Following screening, it is possible to choose a sub-set of miRNA assays for validation to be formatted in 96- or 384-well plates using our Pick&Mix platform. The high sensitivity of the assays makes it possible to do high quality microRNA expression profiling in samples that contain very little total RNA, such as sections of formalin fixed paraffin-embedded samples (FFPE) and blood serum and plasma. Results will be presented demonstrating the application of the new qPCR method in the profiling of miRNAs from plasma as part of our efforts to develop molecular diagnostic tests for treatment selection, diagnosis and monitoring of cancer. We will also show results demonstrating how selection of a proper set of miRNA biomarkers in a Pick&Mix plate format can give precise classification of disease progression. MicroRNA Target Validation with MISSION® 3'UTR Lenti GoClone™ and Human MicroRNA Mimics Nikos Hontzeas Sigma Aldrich, United States of America MicroRNAs (miRNAs) may regulate several hundreds of genes to control a cell’s response to developmental and environmental signals. The validation of potential target genes is essential in determining a miRNA’s role and function in these pathways. Here we use MISSION® 3'UTR Lenti GoClone™ and Human MicroRNA Mimics to demonstrate validation of known and conserved miRNA targets. Known targets of hsa-miR-29b (MCL1), hsa-miR-124 (MAPK14), and hsa-miR-373 (LATS2), and targets of conserved miRNAs hsa-miR-373 (RBL2) and hsa-miR-10a, (HOXD10), were down-regulated by their respective mimic. These result demonstrate that the use of MISSION® 3'UTR Lenti GoClone™ with Human MicroRNA Mimics is a viable option for miRNA target validation. Impact of different normalization strategies on miRNA profiling experiments Swanhild Meyer1, Sebastian Kaiser2, Carola Wagner3, Christian Thirion4, Michael Pfaffl1 1 Physiology Weihenstephan, Technische Universität München, Germany; 2Department of Statistics, Ludwig-MaximiliansUniversität München, Germany; 3IMGM Laboratories GmbH, Martinsried, Germany; 4Friedrich-Baur-Institute and Department of Neurology, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany Selection of the normalization strategy has significant impact on the detection of differentially expressed microRNAs (miRNAs) from profiling experiments. Normalization techniques currently in use for miRNA profiling analyses are in analogy to mRNA data processing or are specifically modified and developed for miRNA data. Studies evaluating the impact of normalization on miRNA profiling experiments have focused on different profiling platforms or the comparison of normalization techniques within one platform. Here, we investigated the impact of seven different normalization methods (reference gene index, global geometric mean, quantile, invariant selection, loess, loessM, and generalized procrustes analysis) on intra- and inter-platform performance of a one-colour hybridization-based platform (AGL array) and a multiplex RTqPCR platform (TLDA) and validated results by singleplex RTqPCR assays. RNAi and gene expression profiling as a tool in cancer research Michelle Plusquin1, An-Sofie Stevens1, Katrien De Mulder2, Frank Vanbelleghem1, Peter Ladurner2, Ann Cuypers1, Tom Artois1, Karen Smeets1 1 Hasselt University, Belgium; 2University of Innsbruck As innovative model organisms in stem cell research, the flatworm species Schmidtea mediterranea and Macrostomum lignano were used to characterize carcinogenic events. To discover potential biomarkers, RNAi knockdown and qPCR profiling were combined. Both cancer inducers as well as blockers were used and differential expression was compared. Underlying mechanisms involve oxidative stress related processes resulting in altered gene expression profiles in function of (stem) cell proliferation. As heat shock proteins (HSP) appear to play a significant role herein, the effect of a chemotherapeutic HSP blocker was evaluated. The value of both RNAi experiments as well as gene expression profiling is highlighted in this presentation, and an overview of carcinogenic stress mechanisms and their interactions is given. qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 21 Absolute and relative quantification of placental specific microRNAs in maternal circulation in placental insufficiency related complications Ilona Hromadnikova1, Katerina Kotlabova1, Jindrich Doucha2, Klara Dlouha3 1 Third Faculty of Medicine, Charles University Prague, Czech Republic; 2Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University Hospital Motol, Prague, Czech Republic; 3Institute for the Care of the Mother and Child, Prague, Czech Republic The primary goal of our study has been to identify placental specific microRNAs present in maternal plasma differentiating between normal pregnancies and non-pregnant individuals. The selection of appropriate pregnancy associated microRNAs with the diagnostical potential was based on following criteria: (1) detection rate of 100 % in full-term placentas, (2) detection rate of above 67 % in maternal plasma throughout gestation (at least 4 positive wells out of 6 tested wells) and (3) detection rate of 0 % in whole peripheral blood and plasma samples of non-pregnant individuals. Initially, we tested microRNAs (miR-34c, miR-372, miR-135b and miR-518b) which had been previously identified as pregnancyassociated miRNAs. Additionally we selected 16 other highly specific placental miRNAs (miR-512-5p, miR-515-5p, miR-224, miR-516-5p, miR-517*, miR-136, miR-518f*, miR-519a, miR-519d, miR-519e, miR-520a*, miR-520h, miR-524-5p, miR-525, miR-526a and miR-526b) from the miRNAMap database. Seven microRNAs (miR-516-5p, miR-517*, miR-518b, miR-520a*, miR-520h, miR-525 and miR-526a) were newly identified as pregnancy associated with diagnostic potential. Further, we examined if extracellular placental specific microRNAs (miR-520a*, miR-520h, miR-525 and miR-526a) can differentiate pregnancies with placental insufficiency related complications from normal ones. Absolute and relative quantification of placental specific microRNAs (miR520a*, miR-520h, miR-525 and miR-526a) was determined in 50 normal pregnancies, 32 complicated pregnancies (21 preeclampsia with or without intrauterine growth retardation and 11 IUGR) and 3 pregnancies at various gestational stages who later developed preeclampsia w/o IUGR and/or IUGR using realtime PCR and the comparative Ct method relative to ubiquitous miR-16. Both quantification approaches revealed significant increase of extracellular placental specific microRNAs levels over time in normally progressing pregnancies, however did not differentiate between normal and complicated pregnancies at the time of preeclampsia and/or IUGR onset. Nevertheless, significant elevation of extracellular microRNAs was observed during early gestation (within 12th to 16th weeks) in pregnancies with later onset of preeclampsia and/or IUGR. To avoid instability of extracellular microRNAs in maternal plasma, prenatal monitoring should be performed using only the samples with the storage life below two months. Early gestation extracellular microRNAs screening may differentiate between normal pregnancies and those who will later develop placental insufficiency related complications. Acknowledgements: This work was supported by grant projects MSM 0021620806 and GAUK 260707/SVV/2010. guide you to highest quality results! Next, we will demonstrate some new 2.0 features, including sample grouping, new core modules (e.g. copy number variant analysis), and alternative normalization methods (e.g. global mean normalization for miRNA profiling). Icing on the cake will be an introduction to the integrated statistical analysis wizard which eliminates the need for in-depth knowledge about bio-statistics. This workshop will make you a savvy qPCR analyst in less than one hour, speeding up all your future real-time PCR experiments! Don’t miss out – a one-year license will be handed out to one of the attendees! http://www.biogazelle.com New qPCR Applications and Method Optimisation Time: Location: Session Chair: Tuesday, 29/03/2011: 2:00pm - 6:00pm Lecture hall 15 Heinrich HD Meyer, Robert Loewe Quantitative Immuno-PCR based on Imperacer: Technology, Platform & Analytical Applications Jan Detmers, Mark Spengler, Michael Adler Chimera Biotec GmbH, Germany While conventional ligand-binding assay formats like ELISA or ECL provide sufficient sensitivity in biological matrices to support many bio-analytical projects, a number of ligand-binding assay requires ultra-sensitivity. Immuno-PCR (IPCR) combines the high specificity of the antibody-antigen interaction with the exponential signal amplification by PCR as the most sensitive detection method in molecular biology, to an ultra-sensitive ligand-binding assay format. Due to exponential signal generation, assay sensitivity and broad detection range are the main advantages of IPCR over conventional ligand-binding assays. Here, we present a range of case studies, making use of Imperacer®, an IPCR based immunoassay system, in combination with tailored sample dilution procedures to enhance assay robustness and precision by minimizing interfering effects from the sample matrix, endogenous counterparts of the analyte or the biotherapeutic drug candidate in immunogenicity assessment. This approach has successfully been demonstrated in fields like PK/PD, Biomarkers, Replacement Therapy, Monitoring of Mucosal Vaccination, Virus Load Detection and Anti-Drug Antibody Testing. Quantitative Assessment of Chromatin Structure: Analysis of Epigenetically Regulated Gene Promoters. Francisco Bizouarn Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc, United States of America qbasePLUS: data analysis lunch seminar Time: Location: Session Chair: Tuesday, 29/03/2011: 1:00pm - 2:00pm Lecture hall 15 Barbara D'haene Jan Hellemans qbasePLUS 2.0: the next generation of real-time PCR data-analysis software Barbara D'haene, Jo Vandesompele, Jan Hellemans Biogazelle, Belgium Biogazelle invites you to a 45 minutes live demonstration during which we will showcase qbasePLUS 2.0, a major upgrade of the most powerful, flexible, and user-friendly real-time PCR dataanalysis software. First, we will walk you through the analysis of a small qPCR experiment highlighting the need for quality control while handling qPCR data. Tips and tricks provided during this demonstration will Epigenetic processes, such as DNA methylation and histone modification, control gene expression by altering chromatin structure. Genes that are actively transcribed are associated with “open” or “accessible” chromatin regions; genes that are transcriptionally silent are often in “closed” or “inaccessible” chromatin. We present a new assay, termed the EpiQ chromatin assay, that quantitatively assesses chromatin structure in cultured cells. The assay is novel, easy to perform, quantitative and produces results on the day of cell harvest. We validated this assay by analyzing 15 genes in four human cancer cell lines (4 housekeeping genes and 11 genes that are epigenetically regulated in human cancer). We observe an excellent correlation between the level of gene expression and the chromatin structure of the corresponding promoter. Importantly, our data indicates that gene promoters exist not just in “open” and “closed” chromatin states, but also exist in intermediate states of chromatin accessibility which act to fine-tune the level of gene expression. The EpiQ chromatin assay compliments and extends existing epigenetic assays and allows researchers to gain novel insights into mechanisms of gene regulation. qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 22 Quantification of specific mutation with HRM for regions of interest Robert Loewe GeneWake GmbH, Germany HRM has been implemented on numerous instruments with many chemistry options. Despite this fact optimization and quantification of e.g. mutational status has not yet reached most of the labs. Therefor a comparison of instruments and different chemistry was done. As a model system the SNP responsable for lactose intolerance (rs4988235) was used to find optimal amplicon length (tested from 60 - 653bp). Also we tested the possibility to calculate the mutational percentage for diagnostic purposes. The outcome presented a potential solution for quantitative HRM with the possible usage in screening minute sample material for mutational status. Quantitation of Rare Undifferentiated hESCs by Methylation-Specific CastPCR (MeS castPCR) Jason Gioia, David Deng, Jeff Rosner, Caifu Chen Life Technologies, United States of America Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) retain the remarkable ability to differentiate into multiple different tissues and to self-renew in vitro. These remarkable abilities make hESCs very attractive to both scientific and clinical communities because they are potentially a renewable source of a wide variety of human tissues which can be used for regenerative medicine, drug discovery and toxicity testing. However, during the cell type-specific differentiation of hESCs, a small fraction of undifferentiated hESCs frequently remain mixed with the differentiated cells. These undifferentiated hESCs pose serious risk by forming tumors after transplantation into patients. Therefore, it is important to detect & quantify rare, undifferentiated hESCs in therapeutic stem cell products. Based on distinct methylation patterns between hESCs and their differentiated cells in a set of genes, here we propose a new technology called methylation-specific castPCR (MeS castPCR) for accurate and sensitive quantification of undifferentiated hESCs. This new technology will bridge the gap in hESC product QC and then overcome this major obstacle in stem cell therapy. CastPCR combines allele-specific TaqMan qPCR with allele-specific minor grove binder (MGB) as blockers to suppress effectively non-specific amplification from the wild type allele. We have successfully designed and validated castPCR assays for ~100 SNPs or InDels. Results demonstrate that castPCR not only maintains wide dynamic range, high sensitivity, and reproducibility of TaqMan assays but also is able to detect one mutant in 100,000,000 wild-type molecules. Recently, Laurent et al. (2010) and Lister et al. (2009) presented a whole-genome comparative view of DNA methylation using bisulfite sequencing of hESCs and various differentiated cells. Based on their findings, we have identified genes and genomic DNA regions such as HOXB6 and others which show distinct DNA methylation patterns between hESCs and differentiated cells. These regions could be used as methylation markers to distinguish between hESCs and their differentiated (somatic) cells. It is important to note that DNA regions with 0% methylated in hESC and 100% in differentiated cells are mostly desirable due to incomplete bisulfate conversion. MeS castPCR is aimed to detect converted CpG sites which are used to estimate % of hESC contamination in therapeutic cell products. Our results suggest that MeS castPCR is capable of detecting hESC contamination as little as 0.01% in differentiated stem cell therapy product during clinical trials. PrimeTime® Pre-designed qPCR Assays using ZEN™ Internal Dark Quencher Chemistry Scott D. Rose Integrated DNA Technologies, United States of America Well-designed qPCR assays require the careful consideration of primer placement, specificity, avoidance of single nucleotide polymorphisms, oligonucleotide interactions and accurate melting temperature calculations. Using pre-designed assays shifts the burden of assay development from the researcher to the manufacturer. Unfortunately, some of the pre-designed assay sets commercially available today were built using outdated databases and primer design was done with older, less accurate Tm algorithms. Even worse, some suppliers do not provide sequence information to the end user that would enable the researcher to evaluate the reagents in the context of their specific requirements or for use in publication. IDT now offers fully guaranteed PrimeTime® Pre-designed qPCR assays (for all genes in the human, mouse, and rat genome) that avoid cross reactivity within that genome, known single nucleotide polymorphisms, primer interactions, and gives full disclosure of all sequence information as recommended by MIQE guidelines. By including ZEN double-quenched probes, these assays offer sensitivity to 10 copies or lower with the added security of knowing precise probe location with full sequence disclosure. PrimerXL: high-throughput assay design for qPCR and amplicon based NGS Filip Pattyn, Steve Lefever, Frank Speleman, Jo Vandesompele Ghent University, Belgium Primers are the cornerstone of many modern-age high-throughput nucleic acid analysis techniques ranging from real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) to amplicon generation for nextgeneration sequencing. Various tools are currently available for automated primer design, but most lack a thorough downstream evaluation. A proper assessment of the multiple aspects affecting a primer assay's efficiency is a laborious and repetitive work involving manual interactions with different software applications. We automated the primer design process from top to bottom into a processing pipeline combining experimentally optimized design guidelines with a multi-faceted primer evaluation. This evaluation includes checking for the presence of SNPs in the primer annealing sites to avoid sample dependent amplification efficiencies, evaluating secondary structures in the primer annealing sites hampering efficient primer annealing and testing the primer specificity which results in primers having an good overall efficiency. The pipeline is customizable, making it possible to design primers fitting specific needs. In addition to the development of standard qPCR-primers, the pipeline allows to design primers targeting a specific transcript variant or a subset of transcript variants of a single gene or specific gene loci like putative transcription factor or miRNA binding regions. Another field in which PrimerXL exceeds concurrent tools is the design of primers used in the preprocessing steps of amplicon based next-generation sequencing. Until now, the application of high-throughput amplicon sequencing has been hindered by the lack of tools capable in developing efficient tiling primers. To fill this void, we have expanded our primer design pipeline with a module to design tiling primers targeting all exonic sequences of a specific gene. The generated primers produce more equimolar amplicon sets leading to a cost-efficient and sensitive variation detection without extra sequencing efforts. The low variation in amplicon molarity outperforms the widely used array capturing technology employed to amplify specific target regions. Hot Start dNTPs – Novel Chemistries for Use in Advanced PCR Applications Natasha Paul TriLink BioTechnologies, Inc., United States of America PCR is a widely used scientific tool whose specificity can be increased by the use of Hot Start technologies. Although many Hot Start technologies exist, recently developed CleanAmp™ dNTPs are a distinct approach that employs modified nucleoside triphosphates with a thermolabile protecting group at the 3'hydroxyl. The presence of the protecting group blocks low temperature primer extension, which can often be a significant problem in PCR. At higher temperatures, the protecting group is released to allow for incorporation by the DNA polymerase and more specific amplification of the intended target. These modified dNTPs provide comparable performance to other Hot Start technologies and can be used with thermostable DNA polymerases to turn a reaction into a Hot Start version. This thermolabile chemistry can be applied to dNTP analogs such as dUTP, which is used in UNG decontamination methods, and 7deaza-dGTP, which is used to amplify difficult GC-rich targets. In addition, further studies have led to the development of 3'protecting groups that deprotect more quickly than the current 3'modification group, allowing these modified dNTPs to be used in fast PCR. With the evolving chemistry of the hot start dNTPs, the areas of application benefiting from the versatility and flexibility of this technology continue to grow. qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 23 PCR-Luminex Based Detection of 28 Enteropathogens 1 1 2 1 Mami Taniuchi , Jie Liu , Shihab Sobuz , William Petri , Rashidul Haque2, Eric Houpt1 1 University of Virginia, United States of America; 2International Centre for Diarrhoeal Diseases and Research, Bangladesh Background: Given the range of potential enteropathogens implicated in diarrhea, we developed a PCR-Luminex based assay to detect 28 most common organisms associated with diarrhea. The enteropathogens included were Cryptosporidium spp., Entameoba histolytica, Giardia, Microsporidia, Cystoisospora, Cyclospora, Ascaris, Hookworms, Strongyloides, Tricuris, EAEC, EHEC, EIEC, EPEC, ETEC, Astrovirus, Norovirus G1 and G2, Rotavirus, Sapovirus, Adenovirus, and an internal control. This panel was used in a prospective study to determine etiology of diarrhea in Bangladeshi children in the first year of life. Methods: Specific primers and probes were designed for the organisms using targets which are conserved. DNA or RNA purified from stool was amplified using biotinylated primers, followed by hybridization to amine-modified probes covalently linked to carboxylated spectrally-distinct microspheres, followed by addition of streptavidin PE to detect specifically-bound amplicon. Luminex results are reported as corrected mean fluorescence intensity (cMFI) normalized to background, where cMFI > 2.5 was utilized as a “present” call with the exception of Cryptosporidium, Strongyloides, all EC, and all viruses where cMFI values were 7.3, 9.0, 10.0, and 2.0, respectively. Results: Performance of the assays yielded 95% to 100% sensitivity and specificity versus the assays performed via real-time PCR. We then applied the tests in a prospective study of 147 children from Mirpur, Bangladesh followed monthly for the first year of life. 83% of the children had at least 1 episode of diarrhea in the first year of life and 33% had 4 or more. The number of pathogens that were detected increased as the number of diarrheal episodes increased (e.g., from 1.7 to 2.5 from first diarrheal episodes to 4th or later diarrheal episodes, P <0.05). Rotavirus, ETEC, EAEC, and were the leading pathogens detected during the first diarrheal episodes, while Adenovirus, Shigella, ETEC, EPEC, and Giardia emerged as common in the later episodes. Conclusion: This Luminex based assay for the major enteropathogens offers sensitive and specific detection similar to real time PCR. When applied to field studies in endemic areas, a singular etiology of diarrhea is difficult to determine due to the frequency of mixed infections, and multiple pathogens may be the norm. Pathogens appear to accumulate in children that develop recurrent diarrhea. Simple analytical and experimental procedure for selection of reference genes for qPCR normalization data Rodrigo Manjarin1, Nathalie Trottier1, Patty Weber2, James Liesman1, Nathanael Taylor1, Juan Pedro Steibel1,3 1 Department of Animal Science, Michigan State University, United States of America; 2Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences, Michigan State University, United States of America; 3Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Michigan State University, United States of America Variation of cellular activity in a tissue induces changes in RNA and DNA concentration between samples, which may affect the validity of mRNA abundance of target genes obtained with realtime quantitative PCR (qPCR) analysis. A common way of accounting for such variation consists of the use of a reference gene as a normaliser. Programs such as geNorm can be used to select suitable reference genes, although a large set of genes that are not co-regulated must be analyzed to obtain accurate results. The objective of this study was to propose an alternative analytical protocol to assess the invariance of reference genes in porcine mammary tissue using mammary RNA and DNA concentrations as correction factors. Mammary glands were biopsied from 4 sows on d 110 of gestation (pre-partum), on d 5 (early) and 17 (peak) of lactation, and on d 5 after weaning (post-weaning). Relative expression of seven potential reference genes, API5, MRPL39, VAPB, ACTB, GAPDH, RPS23 and MTG1, and one candidate gene, SLC7A1, was quantified by qPCR using a relative standard curve. The response in cycles to threshold at each stage of lactation was tested using a linear mixed model fitting RNA and DNA concentration as covariates. Results were compared to those obtained with geNorm analysis and genes selected by each method were used to normalize SLC7A1. Quantified relative mRNA abundance of API5, GAPDH and MRPL39 remained unchanged (P > 0.1) across stages after correcting with RNA and DNA concentration, whereas geNorm analysis selected MTG1, MRPL39 and VAPB as best reference genes. There were no differences between normalization of SLC7A1 with genes selected by the proposed analysis protocol or by geNorm. In conclusion, the proposed analytical protocol and geNorm selected different reference genes, but SLC7A1 fold changes did not differ when using genes obtained under either method. These results indicate that among our set of candidate genes, there is more than one suitable reference gene. The proposed method, however, has the strength of allowing testing each potential reference gene individually and sequentially, so analysis of remaining genes can be spared as soon as a suitable reference gene is identified. th Wednesday 30 March 2011 Pre-PCR: Pre-analytical Steps Time: Location: Session Chair: Wednesday, 30/03/2011: 9:00am - 12:00pm Lecture hall 14 Jo Vandesompele, Karl H. Hasenstein Measurable impact of RNA quality on gene expression results from quantitative PCR Joëlle Vermeulen1, Katleen De Preter1, Steve Lefever1, Justine Nuytens1, Fanny De Vloed1, Stefaan Derveaux1, Jan Hellemans2, Frank Speleman1, Jo Vandesompele2 1 Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium; 2Biogazelle, Zwijnaarde, Belgium & Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium Compromised RNA quality is suggested to lead to unreliable results in gene expression studies. Therefore, assessment of RNA integrity and purity is deemed essential prior to including samples in the analytical pipeline. This may be of particular importance when diagnostic, prognostic or therapeutic conclusions depend on such analyses. In this study, the comparative value of six RNA quality parameters was determined using a large panel of 740 primary tumour samples for which real-time quantitative PCR gene expression results were available. The tested parameters comprise microfluidic capillary electrophoresis based 18S/28S rRNA ratio and RNA Quality Index value, HPRT1 5’-3’ difference in quantification cycle (Cq) and HPRT1 3’ Cq value based on a 5’/3’ ratio mRNA integrity assay, the Cq value of expressed Alu repeat sequences, and a normalisation factor based on the mean expression level of 4 reference genes. Upon establishment of an innovative analytical framework to assess impact of RNA quality, we observed a measurable impact of RNA quality on the variation of the reference genes, on the significance of differential expression of prognostic marker genes between two cancer patient risk groups, and on risk classification performance using a multigene signature. This study forms the basis for further rational assessment of RT-qPCR based results in relation to RNA quality. Isolation and Analysis of Circulating Nucleic Acids: Technical Advances Martin Horlitz QIAGEN GmbH, Germany Circulating DNA fragments and specific messenger RNAs originating from malignant tumors, a developing fetus, but also viral or bacterial infections are present in the cell-free nucleic acids in plasma, serum and other body fluids such as urine. Access to these nucleic acids for analysis could allow for specific detection of certain disease states based on a simple blood sample. Circulating cell-free nucleic acids show distinctive properties: They are present in plasma and serum mostly as shorter fragments of less than 500 bp or nt in size. The concentration of such circulating, cell-free DNA and RNA in a plasma or serum sample is low (≈1–100 ng/ml) compared to cellular materials and varies considerably between different individuals. Because of their fragmented nature and low concentration, circulating nucleic acids present a particular challenge for efficient extraction/purification qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 24 and quantification by qPCR. We present data on solutions for the following critical problems concerning the analysis of circulating nucleic acids for research and molecular diagnostic applications: - Pre-analytical workflow (blood processing) for analyzing circulating nucleic acids - Optimization of ccfDNA extraction from plasma samples: low target concentrations require the efficient ccfDNA enrichment from larger sample volumes (1-5 ml) - Use of an internal control to monitor the ccfNA extraction performance - Avoiding qPCR Quantification bias when working with fragmented target nucleic acids - Assessment of ccfDNA fragment size distribution in plasma samples by comparing qPCR results based on target amplicons of different sizes Furthermore, we will present data on the extraction and qPCRbased quantification of circulating fetal DNA and mRNA from maternal plasma samples obtained at the end of the first trimester of pregnancy. Solid Phase Gene Extraction – Sampling of mRNA from living systems Karl H. Hasenstein, Min Chen Univ. Louisiana Lafayette, United States of America Understanding gene expression and regulation especially on a cellular level requires rapid, localized and ideally repeated sampling of mRNA. Current technologies inevitable rely on the extraction of tissue, cytoplasm aspiration, or cell lysates, all of which pose problems because of unspecific sampling, contamination, and lack of repeatability. These methods are destructive and do not distinguish between genomic DNA and RNA. Moreover, extracted mRNA is typically contaminated by extracted cytoplasm, nuclear DNA, or other compounds, and the required purification leads to loss of especially low-abundant mRNA. Biological systems, where all regulatory and response steps take place in a single cell are thus not accessible to localized gene expression studies. This predicament lead to the development of a needle-based mRNA extraction system that provides high temporal and spatial resolution that allows for repeated removal of mRNA from living material. This development (dubbed Solid Phase Gene Extraction, SPGE) can be designed to hybridize with gene-specific or generic (oligo-dT) sequences. It is not species-specific and can be employed to access tissue or single cells. We demonstrate the versatility and validity of this novel RNA extraction technique by simultaneously profiling nanos and bicoid mRNA in individual Drosophila eggs. The distribution of these genes resulted in the same longitudinal distribution as previously described distribution profiles. The low impact of SPGE sampling was underscored by the normal development of repeatedly sampled eggs. Actin isoforms in germinating seedlings varied in the apical tissue of roots as a function of imbibition and permits discrimination between newly synthesized and maternal genes. Gene expression in human tumor tissue suggests that SPGE has the potential to supplement or eliminate biopsies. Examination of several genes that are typically used as references in gene expression studies show that SPGE is more sensitive than tissue-based extraction and has the potential to function as a selfreferencing system. These data demonstrate the universality of SPGE as a simple, generic, analytical, and diagnostic procedure. Impact of basepair mismatch in primer annealing on qPCR assay performance Steve Lefever, Pattyn Filip, Speleman Frank, Hellemans Jan, Vandesompele Jo Center for Medical Genetics Ghent, Ghent University, Belgium With the onset of the 1000 Genomes Project that aims to explore human genetic variation, a multitude of new single nucleotide (SNP) polymorphisms have emerged. Therefore, the density and distribution of known variants has increased significantly and hampers design of primers in regions devoid of SNPs. Importantly, perfect primer/target complementarity is believed to be crucial in all samples since the presence of a SNP in the primer annealing region may affect the result of a quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). In the worst case, absence of amplification of the variant allele has been reported in literature. However, the impact of such a mismatch in relation to its location in the primer and local sequence context has not been systematically studied. To address this important issue, we have designed a study to systematically and empirically assess the relation between the presence of a mismatch in the last five 3’ end bases of a PCR primer and various qPCR parameters, such as efficiency and Cqvalue. The study is based on a constant reverse primer and a set of nine walking forward primers, located up to four bases up- or downstream from a starting position, where single base pair mismatches have been introduced at the 3’ end final base. 36 forward primers and 16 synthetic oligonucleotide templates (good for 576 distinct and informative match/mismatch reactions) were designed to prevent secondary structure formation, self-annealing and primer dimerization. Different qPCR reaction mixes with variable sensitivity towards primer mismatches are evaluated. Data analysis is currently being finalized and results will be presented at the symposium. Gene Expression profiles from FFPE samples with improved RNA decrosslinking technology A case study: Molecular profiling of breast cancer from formalin-fixed, archival material Guido Krupp1, Susanne Quabius2, Rolf Jaggi3 1 AmpTec GmbH, Hamburg, Germany; 2Institute for Immunology, University Klinikum UK-SH, Kiel, Germany; 3Dept. Clinical Research, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland We have developed a novel demodifaction/decrosslinking protocol for RNA recovery from archival (FFPE) material. The resulting FFPE RNA quality is superior to RNA obtained with other commercial FFPE RNA isolation kits: larger RNAs can be recovered, and RT-qPCR data demonstrate less variability and lower Cq values. This FFPE RNA is suitable for differential gene expression measurement by qPCR, high concordance with parallel RNA samples from fresh-frozen tissues was observed. Prognosis of breast cancer is determined by clinicopathological and molecular factors. We developed and validated molecular scores reflecting the hormone status (ER, PGR, HER2 scores) and the proliferation status (PRO score) of breast cancer cells. The scores can be combined to an overall RISK score. Molecular scores are independent prognostic parameters, they were validated in postmenopausal patients with estrogen receptor positive breast cancer. Multivariate analysis revealed that PRO and RISK scores outperform conventional parameters (histological grading and Ki-67 labeling index). Molecular scores are based on routine pathological material, testing can be implemented easily into routine diagnosis. DEPArray™: a novel platform to identify, isolate and collect very rare cells Pim van der Aar1, Manuela Banzi2 1 Dync B.V., Netherlands, The; 2Silicon Biosystems SpA The DEPArray A300K system, uses a microelectronic chip integrating an array of 307,200 tiny electrodes, implementing up to 76,800 moving dielectrophoretic-cages for software-controlled cell sorting and manipulation. The chip is embedded in a microfluidic disposable cartridge enabling multiple recoveries of individual or group of cells, as well as manipulation of cells and/or microbeads for cell biology experiments. Cells injected in the chip are trapped in an array of field cages. Images are then acquired, and cell selected for sorting or manipulation with the following unique features: - sort by morphological parameters such as shape, nucleus to cytoplasm ratio, fluorophores co-localization, thanks to image based selection - no contamination from spurious events verifying images associated to cells selected from the scatter plot or histogram, including up to 5 fluorescence channels and bright-field - no need for a-priori thresholds, pick-up only best cells available in the sample - sort specific rare-cells, based on relative fluorescence parameters combined with morphology - sort cells from a suspension where the total cell count is extremely low (0-100,000) DEPArray is compatible with PBS and culture media. This allows one to manage live cells, in physiological conditions, without the need for special low-conductivity buffers. qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 25 With respect to other cell manipulation techniques such as optical tweezers, DEPArray™ has the key advantage that 1) cells need not to be in the field of view of the microscope to be manipulated 2) a massive amount of cells can be trapped and managed stepby-step, deterministically, under software control These advantages translate in a whole new world of possibilities beyond sorting, such as for example - to run experiment of cell-cell interaction with exquisite control on timing and parallelism of the interactions, or - to stimulate cell receptors with functionalized microbeads, in a controlled way discriminate the two SNP homozygous populations by HRM on a real-time PCR platform. p53 is currently the most frequently mutated tumour-suppressor gene in human cancers. A SNP in codon 72 of p53 results in either an arginine (Arg) or proline (Pro) residue, and has been demonstrated to affect p53 function. Our results show that the FRET primer coupled with HRM analysis reliably enables discrimination between Arg/Pro SNP in 18 peripheral blood sample of cancer patients. The FRET primers exhibit comparable sensitivity and expansive dynamic range as compared to SYTO-9 based HRM platform. qPCR for the Detection and Quantification of AdenoAssociated Virus Serotype 2 (AAV2) ITR-Sequences Christine Aurnhammer, Maren Haase, Anja Ehrhard, Martin Häusel, Ingrid Huber, Nadine Muether, Hans Nitschko, Ulrich Busch, Andreas Sing, Armin Baiker Bavarian Health and Food Safety Authority (LGL), Germany New qPCR Applications in Molecular Diagnostics Time: Location: Session Chair: Wednesday, 30/03/2011: 13:30pm - 4:30pm Lecture hall 14 Andreas Nitsche Heinrich HD Meyer Detection and classification of microorganisms by combination of qPCR and pyrosequencing Kati Schroeder, Andreas Nitsche Robert Koch-Institut, Germany Microbial and viral typing is usually performed by Sanger DNA sequencing. Pyrosequencing (PSQ) is a new sequencing-bysynthesis method allowing a fast and reliable detection of polymorphisms and sequence variations between different species. Performed in combination with quantitative PCR, PSQ can verify positive qPCR results and concurrently identify the pathogen species immediately after the PCR run is finished. To combine qPCR with PSQ, target regions within the respective pathogen genome were amplified in parallel by qPCR with one biotinylated primer for each assay. Positive qPCR results indicated the presence of a pathogen. Additionally, biotinylated DNA strands of PCR products were separated and purified on Streptavidincoated beads and hybridized to a sequencing primer. Subsequent PSQ generated a pyrogram with a specific sequence that allowed classification of the pathogen by local BLAST search. As different qPCR and corresponding PSQ assays can be easily performed in parallel, a broad range of pathogens can be detected rapidly allowing accurate and reliable microbial and viral diagnostics in samples of unknown infectious origin. FRET primer for single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping Choy Len Fong1, Fiona Ng1, Kanaga Sabapathy2, Kim Halpin1 1 Life Technologies, Singapore; 2Laboratory of Molecular Carcinogenesis, National Cancer Centre, Singapore Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have become one of the most important objects of medical research. They have the potential to identify new drug targets, explain individual differences in the effectiveness of drugs, and susceptibility to disease. However the identification of SNP profiles by high resolution melt (HRM) is currently limited. The goal of this study was to develop an accurate HRM assay which employs the use of fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) primers for identifying SNPs. A FRET primer is internally labeled with a fluorescence dye at a thymine (T) nucleotide. A Fret primer assumes a randomly coiled structure as a single stranded primer, resulting in the reporter dye and quencher being in close proximity, hence quenching fluorescence. Upon Fret primer extension, a rigid duplex forms, resulting in reporter dye and quencher separation and hence increased fluorescence which is ideal for real-time PCR quantification and melt curve study. In this study, we describe the feasibility of using a Fret primer for genotyping SNPs with HRMbased genotyping, offering an alternative to an intercalating dye (i.e. SYTO-9)-based platform. A Fret primer targeting the p53 codon 72 SNP site was designed and tested for the ability to Background: Viral vectors based on adeno-associated virus serotype 2 (AAV2) constitute promising tools in human gene therapy. The inverted terminal repeats (ITRs) within the viral genome are the only cis-acting viral elements required for functional AAV2 vector generation and constitute the lowest common denominator of all AAV2-based vectors. However, so far, no PCR-based method for the detection and quantification of AAV2-ITRs could be established due to their extensive secondary hairpin structure. Current PCR-based methods are therefore predominantly targeting vector-encoded transgenes or regulatory elements. Methods: We established an AAV2-ITR sequencespecific quantitative PCR (qPCR) method. Primers and BBQlabeled probe are located within a particular subregion of the ITR sequence and have been designed to detect wild type AAV2 and AAV2-based vectors. Results: This method is suitable for the evidence of both, single-stranded (genomic) DNA derived from AAV2 vector particles and double-stranded DNA derived from producer plasmids. The linear dynamic range could be shown for 102 to 107 copies and the detection limit determined as 50 copies. A practical approach for the analysis of putative cross reactivities against closely related AAV serotypes utilizing synthetic oligo nucleotides revealed some cross reactivity against orthologous sequences of AAV1, 3, 6 and 7 but not against AAV4, 5, 8 and 9. For AAV vector production adenovirus type 5 (Ad5) is often used in terms of its helper virus properties. Therefore, we further investigated the specificity of our qPCR method using Ad5-DNA and could prove the method to result in no detectable cross reactivity with Ad5. Conclusion: This method comprises the first qPCR system facilitating the detection and quantification of AAV2 -ITR sequences. Since this method can be applied for all AAV2based vectors in a “one for all”-based manner, it will significantly simplify AAV2 vector genome titrations in the future. Cost-efficient detection of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in faeces by quantitative real time PCR and development of a predictive model for fighting the disease Petr Kralik1, Iva Slana1, Alena Kralova1, Vladimir Babak1, Robert H. Whitlock2, Ivo Pavlik1 1 Veterinary Research Institute, Czech Republic; 2University of Pennsylvania, School of Veterinary Medicine, PA, USA Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) causes losses in ruminants especially in cattle. The conventional control programmes are based on the traditional culture that suffers from the long time required for the incubation. In this study we have aimed on two main issues. Firstly, we have developed and optimised a reliable and cost-efficient DNA isolation procedure from faeces that could be coupled with previously developed IS900 and F57 quantitative real time PCR (qPCR) for the MAP detection. To determine the quantity of MAP as precise as possible, the recovery of MAP DNA from the spiked faecal samples was established. It ranged from 29.1 to 102.4% of the input amount of MAP with median 37.9%. The limit of detection was determined to be 1.03 × 104 for F57 qPCR and 6.87 × 102MAP cells per gram of faeces for IS900 qPCR, respectively. The developed technique for DNA isolation was coupled with IS900 qPCR and compared to traditional MAP culture using a cohort of 1906 faecal samples examined from 12 dairy cattle farms in our laboratory. From those 1906 original faecal samples, 875 were positive by IS900 qPCR and 169 by qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 26 culture. None of the culture positive samples was negative by IS900 qPCR. This data facilitated development of a predictive model capable of estimating the probability of being culture positive by estimating the absolute number of MAP per gram of faeces as determined IS900 qPCR without performing the culture. This work was supported by the EC (ParaTBTools), the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic “AdmireVet” (CZ 1.05/2.1.00/01.0006 and No. ED 0006/01/01) and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic (Grants Nos. MZe0002716202 and QH81065). Development of a novel duplex real-time PCR assay for plasma DNA quantification and its comparison to other methods Shiyang Pan, Dan Chen, Peijun Huang, Bing Gu, Fang Wang, Jian Xu, Chun Zhao, Yongqian Shu, Di Yang The first affiliated hospital with Nanjing medical university, China, Peoples Republic of BACKGROUND: It has long been known that plasma DNA is present in healthy and diseased individuals and many investigators have been attracted to this emerging field. However, a direct comparative analysis of the abundant plasma DNA data available is often prevented by variability in sample storage, sample processing, and protocols for DNA extraction. Therefore, a more accurate and stable assay with lower uncertainty is needed in conjunction with a multi-center study. METHODS: In this study, a duplex real-time PCR assay with an internal control was developed as a novel method for quantification of plasma DNA. The detect limit, precision, accuracy and stabilitity of this novel assay was then evaluated and compared to other two popular plasma DNA quantification methods by real-time PCR with external standards and by direct fluorescent PicoGreen staining. Furthermore, the plasma DNA concentrations of 1,187 healthy Chinese adults have been determined by the novel assay. RESULTS: The detect limits of novel duplex real-time PCR, realtime PCR with external standards and PicoGreen assay were 0.1 ng/ml (R2 = 0.96, P < 0.0001), 0.1 ng/ml (R2 = 0.96, P < 0.0001) and 1.0 ng/ml (R2 = 0.91, P < 0.0001), respectively. For plasma with concentration of 1.0 ng/ml, the CV values of duplex real-time PCR assay, real-time PCR with external standards and Picogreen assay were 53.0%, 60.3% and 96.7%, respectively. In the recovery test, there was a higher correlation of the plasma DNA concentrations determined by the duplex real-time PCR assay with the input DNA levels (R2 = 0.97, P < 0.0001) than those of the real-time PCR with external standards (R2 = 0.85, P < 0.0001) and PicoGreen assay (R2 = 0.92, P < 0.0001). Although remarkable differences in plasma DNA concentrations determined by the realtime PCR with external standards and PicoGreen assay existed in samples purified by the three different protocols (P = 0.0041 and 0.0000), there was no statistically significant difference in plasma DNA concentrations among the methods by using our duplex realtime PCR assay (P = 0.5821). The median plasma DNA concentration of females (16.9 ng/ml) was significantly lower than males (22.6 ng/ml; Mann-Whitney two-sample rank sum test, P < 0.0001). Within the 95% confidence interval, the normal reference interval of the plasma DNA concentration was 0~50 ng/ml for males and 0~40 ng/ml for females. CONCLUSIONS: This newly developed plasma DNA quantification method with the power of eliminating variables introduced during plasma sample processing allows more sensitive, repetable and accurate quantitative measurement, and has a very promising future in clinical application for diagnosis and disease monitoring. Autocrine and paracrine role of leptin and thrombopietin in controlling ovarian function in cow Mihir Sarkar1,2, S Schilffarth1, D Schams1, HHD Meyer1, M W Pfaffl1, S Ulbrich1, B Berisha1,3 1 Technical University Munich, Germany; 2Physiology & Climatology, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, India; 3Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary, University of Prishtina, Prishtine, Kosovo Leptin, the hormonal product of the obese (ob) gene, circulates in the blood at levels paralleling those of fat reserves and regulates satiety. In cattle, leptin has also been implicated in the control of ovarian function, but its local production in the ovary and role in the control of ovarian function in autocrine/paracrine manner is unknown. Similarly, Thrombopoietin (TPO) is known to be involved in mega-karyocytopoiesis, but its role in the control of ovarian function is unknown in cattle. The aims of this study were to demonstrate the expression of Leptin, its receptor (Ob-R), TPO and its receptor (c-MPL) in detail in bovine corpus luteum (CL) obtained from different stages of the oestrous cycle and during pregnancy – and to demonstrate that leptin/Ob-R and TPO/ c-MPL systems are expressed clearly in bovine follicles. Real-time RTPCR (qPCR) and ELISA were applied to investigate mRNA expression of examined factors and leptin & TPO protein, respectively. In general, we demonstrated leptin and its receptor transcripts and leptin protein are consistent with in vivo luteinisation of bovine CL and decline coincidental with luteal regression. The highest co-expression of leptin/Ob-R system was observed in TI and GC of the smallest follicles with E2 concentration <0.5 ng/ml followed by significant down regulation in growing follicles with the increase of follicular size and E2 content in the follicular fluid. Furthermore, expression of the leptin/Ob-R system does not show any significant variation in the CL throughout pregnancy. In this investigation, increases in the concentrations of TPO protein and the mRNA expression of TPO and c-MPL were noticed during both early luteal stage and late luteal stage of the oestrous cycle. Furthermore, the expression of TPO/ c-MPL system does not show any significant regulation in the CL throughout pregnancy. Highest co-expression of TPO/ cMPL system in both theca interna (TI) and granulosa cells (GC) in small follicles (<10 mm in diameter) was observed in this study that may suggest the possible role of TPO/ c-MPL system in proliferation of TI and GC cells. To conclude, our results are the first to demonstrate the possible involvement of locally produced leptin/Ob-R and TPO/ c-MPL system in the bovine ovary, suggesting possible involvement of leptin/Ob-R system in the function and/or development of the CL and growth of small follicles in an autocrine/ paracrine fashion and of TPO/ c-MPL system as a ‘physiological filter’ in bovine ovary where they may promote cell selection by inducing proliferation of viable cells and scavenging non-viable cells and thereby may play an important role in modulation of ovarian function. ULTRA-RAPID REAL-TIME PCR for the detection of viral diseases in honeybee ByoungSu Yoon, MiSun Yoo, JiNa No, Van Phu Nguyen Kyonggi University, Korea, South (Republic of) Viral diseases in honeybee are very difficult to be identified. A novel micro PCR-based detection method, termed ultra-rapid realtime PCR (URRT-PCR), was applied to the development of a rapid detection for pathogenic virus in honeybee quantitatively, such as IAPV, BQCV. In the URRT PCR assays showed high sensitivities and accuracies in the both standard assays and infected bees. In the application of URRT PCR detection from infected honeybee, the detection time was only within 8 min, including melting temperature analysis, performing 35 cycled PCR. This novel detection method is one of the most rapid realtime PCR-based diagnostic tools and is expected to be applied to the development of a rapid detection for various pathogens. Development of quantitative triplex real time PCR for the simultaneous detection of Mycobacterium avium subsp. avium and M. a. subsp. hominissuis Iva Slana, Maria Kaevska, Petr Kralik, Alice Horvathova, Ivo Pavlik Veterinary Research Institute, Czech Republic Mycobacterium avium subsp. avium (MAA) and M. a. subsp. hominissuis (MAH) belong to the Mycobacterium avium complex and are frequently associated with diseases in animals and humans. In animals it causes tuberculous lesions in parenchymatous organs. Infections with MAA and MAH in humans are rather scarce, but when present they cause severe complications that lead to the chronic stage or sometimes even to the death of individual. The aim of this study was to develop a system for rapid and accurate quantitative real time PCR (qPCR) identification and quantification of MAA and MAH. The developed triplex qPCR reaction was based on the simultaneous detection of specific insertion sequences, IS901 and IS1245 and an internal amplification control. The specificity and sensitivity of the qPCR were determined as well as the limit of detection for both pathogens isolated from tissue samples. In order to quantify both pathogens as precise as possible, the recovery of MAA and MAH cells after DNA isolation was established. To test the triplex qPCR assay coupled with the DNA isolation, tissue samples from 22 per qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 27 os artificially infected pigs, of which ten were infected with MAA, ten with MAH and two were present as a negative control group were tested. From each animal, 21 different tissue samples as well as blood were tested by microscopy, culture and qPCR. In both groups of experimentally infected animals, the newly developed triplex qPCR assay proved to be more specific and sensitive in comparison with the other methods used. Contrary to culture examination, triplex qPCR confirmed the infection in all animals infected with MAA, and in eight animals infected with MAH. In conclusion, we developed a quick and sufficiently sensitive triplex qPCR for MAA and MAH detection in tissue samples that represents a suitable alternative to the culture. This work was supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic “AdmireVet” (CZ 1.05/2.1.00/01.0006 and No. ED 0006/01/01), the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic (Grant No. MZe0002716202) and the EU grant PathogenCombat. Rapid KRAS, EGFR, BRAF and PIK3CA Mutation Analysis of Fine Needle Aspirates using allele-specific qPCR Ronald van Eijk, Jappe Licht, Hans Morreau, Tom van Wezel Leiden University Medical Center, Netherlands, The Fine needle aspiration based novel techniques for the diagnosis and staging of diverse cancers have been incorporated into cancer staging guidelines. The concordance rate of the mutation analysis between these cytological aspirates and histological samples obtained by surgical staging is often unknown. Therefore, we studied the extent to which allele-specific quantitative real-time PCR with hydrolysis probes could be reliably performed on fine needle aspirates by comparing the results with histological material from the same patient. Assays for the detection of seven different KRAS, three PIK3CA and one BRAF variant together with two different EGFR assays have been used on a series of patients for whom cytological and histological material was available. Raw data from the LC480 or CFX384 software were imported into an in-house–created Microsoft Excel 2003 spreadsheet to define the mutation status. We demonstrated that these standard molecular techniques can be accurately applied on fine needle cytological aspirates. Data Analysis: qPCR BioStatistics & BioInformatics Time: Location: Session Chair: Wednesday, 30/03/2011: 9:00am - 12:00pm Lecture hall 15 Michael W Pfaffl, Ales Tichopad Interpretation requires context - making sense out of gene lists and networks. Philip Zimmermann ETH Zürich, Switzerland Many functional genomics and systems biology approaches result in lists of genes with common properties. The interpretation of a list of genes is crucial in understanding the results of such an experiment. Typical approaches are to study gene enrichment of pathway or GO categories, such as to find out which biological processes are most affected in a given experiment. Our work has focused on interpreting genes and gene lists by bringing them into the context of a wide variety of experimental conditions. For example, finding out in which tissues, at what time, and in response to which factors a gene is expressed helps understanding the function of this gene and its potential role in one's own experiment. To achieve this, we manually curated, annotated, quality controlled and normalized more than 55'000 expression microarrays from thousands of public experiments, and created user-friendly tools to visualize gene expression across these contexts. Several such meta-analysis tools are freely available at www.genevestigator.com Stratified error in the qPCR assays from the statistical point of view Ales Tichopad Academy of Science of Czech Republic, Czech Republic Statistical error affects quantitative PCR at various steps of sample processing as well as during preparation of a standard material. Quantification efficiency is most commonly evaluated from the slope of standard curve serial concentrations projected against the cycle of quantification. The efficiency is considered contributing information to accurately calculate gene expression relative to reference sample and/or reference transcript. Yet, what is the reproducibility of the amplification efficiency estimation in an experimental setup commonly used in labs? Experiment design with repeated preparation of the standard curve was used to estimate the uncertainty associated with estimation of amplification efficiency and its impact on the gene regulation factor calculated. We show that the additive error component due to amplification efficiency estimation may deter the overall gene regulation factor significantly. In addition, we show how various sample processing steps affect the uncertainty of the regulation factor. Primer3: Improvements for the design of qPCR primers Andreas Untergasser1, Ioana Cutcutache2, Steve Rozen2 1 University of Heidelberg, Germany; 2Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School, Singapore For over one decade Primer3 assisted scientists in the process of primer selection. The popularity of the Primer3 software in the scientific community is indicated by over 5000 citations of the initial publication. Several software tools employ Primer3 for the primary selection of primers and reevaluate the output according to their special needs, like the tool primer-blast at NCBI. Primerblast uses Primer3 for the selection of primers and evaluates their specificity by blasting them against one of the NCBI nucleotide databases. We think the success of Primer3 is based on the accuracy of primer selection, the fast and stable implementation, the flexibility of the primer selection process and the open source license which allows the free use, modification and distribution of Primer3. Users of Primer3 fall into three groups: bioinformaticians, who embed Primer3 within their web servers, bioinformatics scripts or pipelines, expert users who select large numbers of primers and need tight control over the selection process, and occasional users who simply want a convenient way to design a few primer pairs. Bioinformaticians usually rely on the Primer3 command-line interface and run Primer3 on a local machine (download at sourceforge.net/projects/primer3/). Expert or occasional users usually rely on the Primer3 web interface, Primer3plus (www.primer3plus.com/cgi-bin/dev/primer3plus.cgi). The functionality of Primer3 has expanded in the last decade considerably since it was first released. Primer3 now offers a cleaner interface on the command line, improved primer selection algorithms and up to date melting temperature calculations as well as thermodynamic secondary structure calculations. The primary function of Primer3 is the selection of primers for the amplification a given sequence. The latest version can also pick lists of primers which are not matched into primer pairs, primers required for Sanger-sequencing, cloning primers, and can reevaluate userspecified primer pairs. The old algorithm had the tendency to over represent very good primers in the result list and to favor certain regions. To overcome this limitation, a region around a selected primer can be defined, in which no second primer is allowed to bind and thereby creating a list of truly unique primer pairs which are well distributed over the sequence. In qPCR applications it is desired to discriminate DNA derived from mRNA from genomic DNA by using primers spanning an exon-exon junction. Primer3 can be provided with a list of junctions and will ensure that either the forward or the reverse primer span one of these junctions. Primer3 is a complex tool, that allows control of the selection process with many parameters. Primer3 now has the option to save settings for these parameters in a file, enabling expert users to easily provide optimal parameter settings to less experienced users. We are confident that the new modifications position Primer3 to be a valuable for the coming decade. qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 28 Is normalisation of raw data necessary? Truly Automated Analysis of qPCR Data Using the AzurePCR Method David Kennard, Ze'ev Russak Azure PCR Limited, United Kingdom Taking on molecular diagnostics industry challenges of interpreting cycle threshold, creating normalised curves and using 'pretty pictures' to facilitate manual interpretation of results, Azure PCR will demonstrate a novel and unique externally validated method for automated analysis of real-time (qPCR) data, including classification and quantification. Unlike existing software included within PCR cyclers, the AzurePCR (TM) automated analysis method is assumption-free and does not require setting of user parameters and, thus delivering time savings for both the researcher and the clinician. This automated analysis method demonstrates close to 100% and even 100% accuracy of detection, as confirmed by recent validation studies, including for data sets with high levels of background noise. We will address current industry failings by comparing our results against those of analysis software packages bundled with popular PCR cyclers. This will be done using recent empirical validations of the AzurePCR automated analysis method conducted with well-known research hospitals and commercial laboratories. Amplification efficiency as a function of primer and cDNA concentration Jan M Ruijter1, Quinn D Gunst1, Peter Lorenz2, Maurice JB vandenHoff1 1 Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands, The; 2 University of Rostock, Rostock, Germany Quantitative PCR data analysis results in strongly biased results when the PCR efficiency is assumed to be 2 (100% efficient) or when PCR efficiencies of target and reference genes are assumed to be equal. The amplification efficiency (E) of a single PCR reaction can be derived from the slope of the log-linear part of individual amplification curves. The target quantity of the amplicon-of-interest can then be calculated as N0 = Nq / E ^ Cq (in which Nq is the quantification threshold). It has been shown that the average of the individual PCR efficiencies per amplicon gives an accurate and precise estimate of the target quantity per sample. However, the causes for the observation of variable PCR efficiencies per amplicon remain largely obscure. Optimizing the primer concentration in a Sybr Green assay shows that decrease of the primer concentration results in a decreasing observed PCR efficiency. When the target quantities are calculated for these samples, using the mean PCR efficiency per primer concentration, the resulting N0 values are mostly correct. So, for part of the range of primer concentrations the relation between observed PCR efficiency and observed Cq value, Cq = {Log(Nq) - Log(N0)} / Log(E), guarantees that the observed target quantity remains unbiased. This also shows that in this range of primer concentrations the PCR efficiency is a constant value from cycle 1 onwards. However, when the primer concentration is too low, the PCR efficiency - Cq relation does not compensate for the resulting low PCR efficiency and a significantly higher N0 value is observed. A similar dependency of PCR efficiencies and Cq values can be observed for the cDNA input concentration. This shows that per qPCR assay the primer concentration should be optimized for the range of target quantities that is expected to be present in the samples. Moreover, samples with deviating individual PCR efficiencies should be scrutinized when they result in very high target quantities and, therefore, may have been subjected to relatively low primer concentrations. Statistical issues to consider when using qPCR to validate microarray or RNA-Seq results. Zaneta Anne Park AgResearch, New Zealand This presentation discusses statistical issues to consider when running a qPCR experiment. These include the importance of replication and randomization of treatments on each plate, and using an experimental design to allocate samples so that the treatments are balanced across runs. The importance of these factors is emphasized by the presentation of data from a uniformity trial. We also discuss statistical issues to consider when creating standard curves. Additionally we present a novel analysis method in which a new variable which incorporates the efficiency of each gene is first calculated, and then the data analysed using an Analysis of Variance. We have found this method easy to implement and also useful for identifying outliers. A comparison of the results using this method and those from REST1 are presented. 1 Pfaffl, M et al. 2002. Relative expression software tool (REST©) for groupwise comparison and statistical analysis of relative expression results in real-time PCR. Nucleic Acids Research, Vol 30, no. 9 Evaluation and applicability of advanced/exotic qPCR quantification strategies and their implementation Andrej-Nikolai Spiess University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany Over its now three years of existence and development, the 'qpcR' package for the R statistical environment has matured into a quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) data analysis software that houses nearly 70 functions and example datasets assisting in qPCR analysis. The versatile R statistical language makes it relatively effortless to implement published algorithms or new ideas in a short time, and test these new algortihms by the 20 included datasets derived from many different PCR platforms. The package includes in its current version (1.3-4) many ‘replications’ of widely-used methods (i.e. window-of-linearity, REST approach, exponential fitting, sigmoidal fitting, threshold cycle estimation by second derivative maximum, Cy0, comparative quantitation, ratio calculation in a batch format, etc). All of these methods have been compared with the original versions, as to ensure result compatibility/identity. Many implemented functions have also been officially approved by the original authors. The talk will focus on somewhat exotic implementations of qPCR quantitation that are relatively new. While some of them are already published (but not necessarily available in a software), we will introduce methods that are still under development or amenable to public discussion in respect to their general applicability within the qPCR community. The methods that will be presented with short examples are: 1) Monte-Carlo simulation of error propagation (short). 2) Bootstrapping qPCR fits. 3) The development of a tilted threshold, which gives significantly better calibration values from high dilution line by an iterative process. 4) A six-parameter sigmoidal model which models the baseline slope accurately. 5) The MAK2/MAK3 mechanistic models from Boggy et al. 6) The maxRatio method from Shain et al. 7) Several methods for automatic tagging of unsuccessful runs. 8) Using the PRESS statistic for goodness-of-fit. 9) The exceptional speed of R when analyzing high-throughput data. We show this this on a dataset with 9000 runs (raw fluorescence data), whose import, model fitting, quality control (failed runs detection), threshold cycle and efficiency calculation takes about 10 minutes. 10) The importance of weighting when fitting nonlinear models to qPCR data. Some these methods will be presented as short animations, to clarify things. We will also show the feasibility of the methods by testing them on a cohort of datasets. High-resolution melting data error evaluation between runs. Maksim Bratchikov, Mykolas Mauricas Centre for Innovative Medicine, State Research Institute, Vilnius, Lithuania High-resolution melting (HRM) based method for the bacterial (Salmonella spp. as a target) genome typing was applied. The targets for this typing were chosen from different variable sequences. All raw data was derived on Rotor-Gene 65H0-100. Slight but essential HRM variations between runs were found for same samples tested. Therefore, reference samples for this HRM error evaluation between runs were included. The calculations we suggested were applied for raw data error normalization between runs and fluorescent normalization. We successfully normalized melting errors between runs. Data of all samples tested can be stored for the comparison with newly tested samples. qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 29 GENEX: data analysis lunch seminar Time: Location: Session Chair: Wednesday, 30/03/2011: 1:00pm - 2:00pm Lecture hall 15 Mikael Kubista Amin Forootan Presentation of GenEx 5.3; the most user friendly and powerful qPCR experimental design, data analysis and data mining software yet released! MIQE: state of the art & open discussion Time: Location: Session Chair: Wednesday, 30/03/2011: 2:00pm - 3:00pm Lecture hall 15 Stephen Andrew Bustin Jo Vandesompele Mikael Kubista TATAA BIOCENTER, Sweden qPCR is today the preferred method for quantitative nucleic acid analysis, and is being extensively used in routine as well as research. Proper usage of qPCR requires careful planning of the experiment including optimized design, followed by elimination of systematic noise by proper handling of controls and references, and mining of the data. This complex flow is made easy with GenEx 5.3. With GenEx a small pilot study is easily planned that will identify the sources of confounding variation to the data, aiding the design of the main experiment and estimating the number of subjects needed to secure sufficient statistical power. The measured data including relevant experimental settings and sample/assay information are then imported directly into GenEx from Roche, Agilent, Eppendorf, Bio-Rad, Life Technologies, Illumina and Fluidigm qPCR instruments eliminating the risk of introducing error by manually entering experimental parameters, where noise is reduced by proper normalization with standards and references, and prepared for statistical analysis. Then, with few clicks with the mouse on user friendly and clear panels, groups are compared using statistical tests, or patterns revealed based on powerful classification tools. All results are presented in clear and intuitive high resolved graphs ready for publication. http://genex.gene-quantification.info RDML: state of the art & open discussion Time: Location: Session Chair: Wednesday, 30/03/2011: 3:30pm – 4:30pm Lecture hall 15 Jan Hellemans Andreas Untergasser qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 30 Abstracts - Poster presentations Location: Foyer - lower level Time: Monday, 28/03/2011: 6:00pm - 9:00pm Tuesday 29/03/2011: 12:00pm - 2:00pm Wednesday 30/03/2011: 12:00pm - 2:00pm All poster sessions will take place in parallel and will last from the "Monday Evening Poster Session" till "Wednesday Lunch Poster Session". Please put on your poster on Sunday afternoon or Monday morning (until noon), and remove it on Wednesday afternoon. Please bring your own drawing pins. You can offer handouts at the poster site. methods can be designed to be used as DIVA (“differentiating infected from vaccinated animals”) tests, discriminating vaccine strains from field circulating viruses, which can be of great significance when using live attenuated vaccines. Finally, PCR is the starting point in molecular characterization and epidemiology studies of circulating viruses, essential for tracing the origin and evolution of a disease outbreak. More recently, portable PCR machines and other simple low-cost PCR-based techniques are being launched for on-site application, meaning the analysis of samples can be performed in regional labs or even in the farm/slaughter-house with basic equipment by non-specialized personnel. Due to many viral animal diseases are prone to very rapid spread and the identification of the involved virus is urgently required, these new tools may become useful first line pen-side tests in a short time P002 Poster number Poster session P001 – P046 New qPCR Applications: Molecular Diagnostics & Expression Profiling New qPCR Applications: Method Optimisation & Standardisation qPCR Biostatistics & Bioinformatics High Throughput qPCR & digital PCR Next Genartion Sequencing Single-cell qPCR qPCR from limited material HRM & Methylation Studies RNAi: microRNA – siRNA Applications Late submission P047 – P055 P056 – P061 P062 – P069 P070 – P075 P076 – P084 P085 – P090 P091 New qPCR Applications: Molecular Diagnostics & Expression Profiling P001 PCR applications for diagnosis in Animal Health Jovita Fernandez-Pinero1, Montserrat Agüero2 1 Centro de Investigación en Sanidad Animal (CISA-INIA), Valdeolmos, Spain; 2Laboratorio Central de Veterinaria (LCV, MARM), Algete, Spain Viral infectious diseases are a constant risk for livestock production due to the economic and sanitary costs produced by their entrance into a country. Once the causative agent is identified, specific strict sanitary measures must be rapidly implemented to avoid its spread, and to control and eradicate the disease. Classical laboratory diagnosis of viral diseases includes both direct and indirect tools, virus isolation being the “goldstandard” technique to confirm the presence of an etiological agent. Around 15 years ago, the merging of the PCR completely transformed the diagnostic pathway in the National Reference Laboratories and soon became an essential tool. Many benefits prompted its incorporation into routine lab work, high sensitivity, superior to virus isolation, being of most value as allows the early detection of pathogens even before the evidence of clinical signs in infected animals. The high specificity, the analysis of a great number of any kind of clinical samples within hours, and the chance to test several pathogens in the same reaction (multiplex assays), made PCR a basic tool for screening diagnostic step. The introduction of the real-time PCR changed the workflow once again in lab diagnosis, by reducing analysis time and contamination risk, and increasing the sensitivity and applications in diagnosis. Moreover, real-time PCR accompanied by the appearance of robots in the market for sample preparation and nucleic acid extraction steps, made real a completely automated analysis procedure for a high throughput application. Now, PCR has a wide range of main applications in Animal Health. It is extensively used in surveillance, control and eradication programs of the major viral diseases affecting livestock at national and international levels. PCR is a valuable tool in the prevention of new disease entrance, the control of biological products, or the evaluation of vaccines efficacy. Generic PCR assays can be developed for detection of new viruses within a genus/family or to determine the subtype/serotype of the identified virus. Also, PCR A Comparative qPCR Analysis of Apoptotic Genes in Milk Somatic Cells of Cows with history of Inconsistent Lactations Nishant Varshney1, Surender Singh1, Manu Jamwal1, Sudarshan Kumar1, Dhruba Malakar1, Jai Kumar Kaushik1, Sunita Grover1, B S Prakash1, Bishnu P Mishra2, Tapas Mukhopadhyay3, Ajay K Dang1, Ashok K Mohanty1 1 National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, India; 2National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources, Karnal, India; 3National Centre for Human Genome Studies and Research, Punjab University, Chandigarh, India Milk yield has been a major selection criterion for genetic improvement in livestock. The milk producing ability of farm animals differ significantly, which may be due to the expression of different various signaling proteins, transcription factors, cell survival and death factors in the lactating mammary gland. It has been observed that indigenous cows undergo self-induced dry phase earlier than their average lactation period. A change in mammary cells number is a principal cause of declining production. The rate of decline in milk yield with stage of lactation is strongly influenced by the rate of apoprosis. In the present study, we have analyzed the differential expression of various apoptotic genes such as BCL2, BAD, BAX, STAT3, STAT5, CASPASE3 and CASPASE9 in indigenous cows (Sahiwal breed) between normal lactating vs. short lactating cows. We have used the milk somatic cells to ascertain our hypothesis that elevated expression of apoptotic genes may lead to short lactation in lactating cows. Short lactating cows taken for the experiment had a lactation length of 100-150 days and the milk yield decreased substantially after this period. Five cows (Sahiwal cows) of 3rd parity each and having history of short lactation and normal lactation length were selected for the experiments. RNA was isolated from milk somatic cells at different stages of lactation such as early, peak, mid and late lactation stages. For normalization of qPCR data, two housekeeping genes such as PPP1R11 and β actin were taken as reference genes. To understand the relative pattern of expression of the selected genes, expression profile at peak lactation was taken as the calibrator. After normalization, we observed that all the candidate genes in short lactating cows exhibited elevated expression in comparision to normal lactating cows. Expression level of proapoptotic factors such as BAD, BAX, STAT3, Caspase 3, Caspase 9 showed fold increase of 18.75, 22.28, 5.8, 5.6 and 4.6 times respectively during early lactation and 16.54, 32.8, 5.1, 1.7 and 2.6 times respectively during mid lactation in short lactating cows in comparision to normal lactating cows. Similar trend was observed during late lactation. The level of pro-apoptotic Bcl2 exhibited 5.4 fold increase during early lactation in short lactating cows and was subsequently unchanged during mid lactation and decreased during late lactation. The level of STAT5 exhibited a higher expression level of 4.6 to 7.1 fold in short lactating cows. A high degree of up-regulation of approximately 17, 32, 5, 2 and 3 fold respectively of pro-apoptotic molecules BAD, BAX, STAT3, CASPASE3 and CASPASE9 was observed in short lactating animals at the time of abrupt decline in milk yield mimicking the initiation of accelerated apoptosis. Higher expression of key apoptotic factors during early lactation in short lactating animals indicated early initiation of apoptosis leading to untimely cessation of lactation. qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 31 P003 Constitutive expression of HSPA-1A gene in two different sources of buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) embryos Nath Amar, Saikumar G., Gade Nitin Eknath, Taru Sharma G. Indian Vetrinary Research Institute, India Among heat shock proteins (HSPs), HSP70 is a most abundant and highly conserved protein which serves as molecular chaperone and provides thermal tolerance. In this study, we determined the transcript levels of stress-responsive, heat shock protein 70.1 (HSPA1A) gene quantitatively by real-time RT-PCR (RT-qPCR) in preimplantation developmental stages of in vitro produced (IVP) and in vivo derived (IVD) buffalo embryos. The results of RT-qPCR revealed that the transcript for HSPA1A mRNA is constitutively expressed in oocytes, the preimplantation developmental stages; 2-4 cell, 8-16 cell, morula and day 7 blastocyst of IVD embryos along with their counterpart IVP embryos. Marked differences in the mRNA level was observed at 2-4 cell, 8-16 cell, morula and day 7 blastocyst stages between the two embryo sources (IVD and IVP). Amongst IVP buffalo embryos day 7 blastocyst (5764±0.29) had lower HSPA1A transcript copies as compared to 2-4 cell (9278 ±0.12), 8-16 cell (10849±0.14), and morula (9154±0.23). Although similar trend was observed for IVD embryo stages but there was marked decreament in transcript level; 2-4 cell (7865±0.34), 8-16 cell (10023±0.26), morula (8014±0.18) and day 7 blastocyst (4912±0.36) as compared to IVP embryos. It is concluded that HSPA1A is synthesized and expressed in stage specific manner throughout preimplantation development of buffalo embryos derived in-vivo and in-vitro. It supports the hypothesis that HSPA1A is synthesized to overcome cellular stress during in vitro culture environment and IVP embryos express high levels of HSPA1A compared to IVD embryos. P004 Applicability of qPCR to ensure the quality of milk and dairy products C LEMAITRE, E LABBE, T RIBEIRO, A CHANGO, A ABDEL NOUR LaSalle Beauvais, France In food processing industry, quality is an unavoidable element, much for consumers’ health as for organoleptic quality of the products. Milk processing is highly concerned because milk is subjected to various contamination sources, before milking (soil, food, water or excrement), during milking (milking people) and after milking (storage, transport or processing). As qPCR is booming, we wondered if it was applicable to ensure the quality of milk and dairy products. In this view, we did a systematic review of articles and reference works published since 1999 dealing with these problems. We identified several pathogenic and spoiling microorganisms such as Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Aspergillus flavus. qPCR also allows the quantification of adulteration e.g. cow’s milk in goat’s milk, and could be used to detect Genetically Modified Organisms. It has been proven that qPCR is a reliable method, that can be used on various stages of the process in question (just after milking, before and after transport, after industrial processing…). P005 Expression study of developmental genes in in vitro produced buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) embryos generated by hand-made cloning and in vitro fertilization SUDEEPTA KUMAR PANDA, KARN PRATAP SINGH, AMAN GEORGE, AMBIKA PRASSNA SAHA, RUCHI SHRAMA, RADHEY SHAM MANIK, MANMOHAN SINGH CHAUHAN, PRABHAT PALTA, SURESH KUMAR SINGLA NATIONAL DAIRY RESAERCH INSTITUTE, India High incidence of developmental abnormalities is the major drawback of nuclear transfer technique, which might be due to insufficient reprogramming of somatic cell nuclei in enucleated oocytes. The aim of this proposed study was to examine and compare the expression of developmental genes in buffalo embryos produced by hand-made cloning (HMC) which was compared with in vitro fertilization (IVF). Total RNA was extracted using cell to cDNA II kit (Ambion, Austin, TX, USA) from pools of immature and in vitro matured oocytes (IVM) (n=20 each) and embryos at the morula and blastocyst stages (n=5 each) for both IVF and HMC groups for performing RT-PCR. Each experiment was repeated 5 times. The data was analysed using one way ANOVA after arcsine transformation of percentage values. The pro apoptotic Bax gene expression was found to be not significantly (P<0.01) differed in between morula and blastocyst stages of embryo produced by both IVF and HMC, and was undetectable in IVM oocyte. In another case, anti apoptotic Bcl-xl expression was not significantly differed (P<0.05) in all developmental stages of embryo produced by IVF, whereas its expression in morula was significantly higher (P<0.05) than all the stages of embryos produced by HMC. IVF morula has significantly lower (P<0.05) Bcl-xl expression as compared to HMC morula. These results indicated that All the stages of embryo produced by HMC had significantly higher (P<0.05) Bcl-xl expression as compared to Bax. The expression of Glut-1 was significantly higher (P<0.05) in immature oocytes as compared to IVMoocytes, morula and blastocyst stage in both IVF and HMC. Glut-1 expression was significantly higher (P<0.05) in blastocyst stage produced by HMC in contrast to IVMoocytes, and blastocysts produced by IVF. Whereas no significant difference was observed in its expression during morula stage embryos produced by both IVF and HMC. The HSP 70.1 was found to be significantly higher (P<0.05) in immature oocytes compared to that in IVM oocytes which in turn, was significantly higher (P<0.05) than that in morulae and blastocysts produced by IVF as well as by HMC. HSP 70.1 was significantly higher (P<0.05) in morula and blastocyst stage embryos produced by IVF as compared to HMC embryos, which was also undetectable in HMC blastocyst. These results indicate that all developmental genes may be down regulated during embryonic development from immature oocyte to blastocyst stage embryos in HMC as compared to IVF. The establishment of diagnostic techniques to determine cloned embryos with the potential to develop into normal calves before embryo transfer is crucial for the application of somatic cell NT to animal husbandry. P006 Validation of RT-qPCR measurements in primary bovine mammary gland epithelial cells (pbMEC) Diana Sorg, Anne Potzel, Heinrich H. D. Meyer, Enrique Viturro, Heike Kliem Technische Universität München, Germany The inner surface of the bovine mammary gland is covered by a layer of epithelial cells. These mammary gland epithelial cells (MEC) synthesize the ingredients of the milk and secrete it into the lumen. They also function as the first barrier to pathogens that infect the udder. Cell lines and primary cultures of these cells are often used for in vitro studies of inflammation and metabolism in the udder. The common technique for obtaining these cells is cultivating a piece of udder tissue after biopsy or necropsy. Another technique is extracting primary bovine MEC (pbMEC) from fresh milk. Little is known, however, about the changes in gene expression of these cells in the course of cultivation. In this study the aim was to measure the gene expression from pbMEC over the course of the first three passages and to compare cells taken from tissue (n=4) and from milk (n=3). In addition, the effect of cryopreservation in liquid nitrogen on gene expression was analysed. Therefore, 2 reference genes for normalisation (GAPDH and Histon) and 8 target genes (Caspase 3, Cytokeratin 8, HMGCR, IL1B, κ-Casein, RANTES, SREBP2 and TLR2) were measured. None of the studied factors (cell origin, passage number, freezing) had any significant effect on gene expression levels (p >0.05). pbMEC extraction from milk is non-invasive and repeatable. These are advantages in comparison to tissue sampling. Our results suggest that these cells can be equally taken from both origins regarding the effects on gene expression in cell culture. Also they can be used during the first three passages without significant alteration of the gene expression pattern. Cryopreservation in liquid nitrogen is often necessary preparing an in vitro experiment. This can also be done without influencing gene expression of the pbMEC. qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 32 P007 P009 Heterogeneity within the pluripotent stem cell state is associated with transient changes in gene expression Standardisation of triplex real time RT-PCR for detection and quantification of hepatitis E virus Janice K Au-Young1, Jason Gioia1, Srividya Dadi1, David Keys1, Paul J Gokhale2, Peter Andrews2 1 Life Technologies, United States of America; 2Centre for Stem Cell Biology, University of Sheffield, UK Petra Vasickova, Petr Kralik, Iva Slana, Ivo Pavlik Veterinary Research Institute, Czech Republic Insight into the molecular, surface marker and epigenetic profile that makes up the pluripotent state of embryonic stem cells from both the laboratory mouse and humans has been gained recently. Previous studies showed that human embryonic stem cell (hESC) cultures are made up of heterogeneous populations that are positive or negative for the cell surface marker SSEA3. SSEA3 positive cells have a higher percentage of colony formation and higher levels of pluripotency markers than SSEA3 negative cells. Moreover, different hESC isolates display different propensities for differentiation. One obvious source of variation between cell lines is epigenetic differences caused by establishment in culture and prolonged passage. However a more subtle ‘intrinsic’ form of heterogeneity may exist, wherein a given cell compartment defined by a surface marker, has differences in gene expression and thus differentiation potential. Our studies of hESCs at the single cell level provide further support for a model in which undifferentiated cells can oscillate between cell states within a more general stem cell compartment which is associated with transient changes in gene expression. Upon culture adaptation, a lower frequency of cells express lineage specific transcripts compared to normal hESC cultures. Moreover, functional testing for cells undergoing spontaneous differentiation showed that adapted hES cell populations are less likely to have endodermal markers compared to normal cultures. P008 Impact of long-term expansion on mesenchymal stromal cell differentiation potential Andrea Hecker, Irena Brinkmann, Karen Bieback Institute of Transfusion Medicine and Immunology, Medical Faculty Mannheim Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) are promising candidates for novel cell therapeutic applications. To obtain a clinically relevant dose, expansion seems to be required. Long-term culture, however, can induce spontaneous transformation. Thus we investigated whether long-term expansion affects MSCs qualities and analysed MSC differentiation capacities by histochemistry, colorimetric assays and reverse transcription quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR). For an exact comparison of mRNA transcription conform to MIQE guidelines, RT-qPCR includes internal standards such as reference genes (RG) to normalise mRNA levels between different samples. Classical RG however are deregulated by differentiation processes and thus may lead to unreliable results. For accurate RT-qPCR expression profiling of differentiation markers, we used geNorm software to determine the most stable RG from a set of five reference genes. Each three osteogenic and adipogenic induced and corresponding noninduced MSCs samples were measured by qPCR and the data analysed by the geNorm software. For each primer pair the PCR efficiency was calculated by a standard curve derived of a pool of differentiated and undifferentiated MSCs. Interestingly, different RG sets were identified for adipogenic and osteogenic differentiation pathways: GAPDH, B2M and SFRS4 were found to be the most stable genes for adipogenic and TBP, SFRS4 and B2M for the osteogenic gene expression. From this set, a normalization factor (NF) was calculated and used to determine relative gene expression of osteogenic and adipogenic markers of long-term cultivated MSCs. Our results revealed that MSC undergo replicative aging which rapidly affects adipogenic differentiation potential. Osteogenic potential appeared less affected by the culture age of MSCs. Moreover our data underline the necessity to carefully assess appropriate and valid normalisation controls for RT-qPCR. Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is the main causative agent of hepatitis non-A, non-B in humans worldwide. The virus is non-enveloped and its genome contains single-stranded, positive-sense RNA 7.2 kb in length. According to sequence comparisons and phylogenetic analysis HEV isolates segregate at least into four major genotypes and 24 subtypes. Genotypes I and II are restricted to humans and often associated to epidemics in developing countries with poor sanitation and hygiene. To the contrary, genotypes III and IV are responsible for sporadic cases of hepatitis E in both developing and industrialized countries. These genotypes were found in samples of human and animal origin and thus their zoonotic transmission has been considered. Due to the lack of an efficient cell culture system, the most common methods of HEV detection are techniques based on PCR. HEV genome, as of all RNA viruses, is very polymorphic and thus a single locus PCR fails to detect all possible HEV genomic variants. Therefore the aim of this study was to standardise a two-tube reverse transcription triplex quantitative real time PCR (RT-qPCR) for detection and quantification of hepatitis E virus (HEV) RNA combining amplification of two HEV loci with an internal amplification control (IAC). Czech strain CZswHEV1 (EU117408), which belongs to the most common subtype detected in the Czech Republic, was used as a template for RNA standards. These RNA standards as well as IAC were prepared by in vitro transcription and subsequently used for standardisation of assay. The limit of detection was experimentally determined as 10 copies/µl of the RNA standard for both amplification targets. The presented triplex RT-qPCR assay can detect at least 10 copies of the HEV genome/µl of isolated RNA and allows quantification based on RNA standards. Usage of RNA IAC facilitates monitoring of false negative results. Based on these data, the assay represents significant improvement of HEV RNA detection. This work was supported by the Ministry of Agriculture (No. MZE0002716202), the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of Czech Republic (No.OC08045 and CZ 1.05/2.1.00/01.0006 AdmireVet) and by EC Grant Cost Action 929 ENVIRONET. P010 Molecular basis for the impaired adipogenic differentiation potential of cord-blood-derived mesenchymal stromal cells Irena Brinkmann, Andrea Hecker, Marianna Karagianni, Karen Bieback Institute of Transfusion Medicine and Immunology, Germany Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) have received considerable attention for their potential role in cell-based regenerative therapy. For their clinical application, a better understanding of the behaviour of the cells, e.g. MSCs from different tissue sources, including differentiation, proliferation and migration and the disparities among them is required. MSCs have the ability to differentiate into different cell types such as bone, cartilage and fat. Cord blood (CB) derived MSCs, in contrast to the MSCs isolated from lipoaspirate (LA) and bone marrow (BM), differ with respect to low or absent adipogenic but higher osteogenic differentiation potential in vitro. Preadipocyte factor-1 (Pref-1, DLK-1) has been shown via reverse transcription quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) to be contrarily expressed in CB MSCs in comparison to LA and BM MSCs during adipogenic differentiation. CB plasma, containing high levels of Pref-1, has shown to inhibit adipocyte differentiation in LA MSCs, indicating a potential role of Pref-1 in inhibition of adipogenesis. Accordingly, we postulated that Pref-1 knockdown via siRNA should induce an adipogenic phenotype in CB MSCs. Unexpectedly; it was not possible to detect adipogenic differentiation after 21 days of Pref-1 knockdown, neither on RNA level nor as lipid vacuoles. Further studies should ascertain whether Pref-1 protein is still abundant after 21 days of siRNA treatment to inhibit the adipogenic differentiation in CB MSCs. In addition a screening for Pref-1 interaction partners will be performed to define whether Pref-1 requires specific proteins for their inhibitory role in adipogenesis. Our studies have identified qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 33 Pref-1 as one candidate to be responsible for the impaired adipogenic differentiation potential of CB MSCs. It needs to be investigated if Pref-1 competitively balances the differentiation into the adipogenic and osteogenic lineage. Thereby a high Pref-1 expression, that yields a lower or absent adipogenic differentiation, may consequence a higher osteogenic differentiation potential. P013 P011 Quantification of genetically modified organisms (GMO) in food or feed samples in routine laboratories is primarily done by relating the copy number for a GMO-specific inserted gene with the copy number of a species-specific reference gene. The ratio gives a copy-based percentage which is then converted into a weightbased percentage of GMO contents specified in official results. The copy numbers for GMO and reference gene are determined by two separate quantitative real-time PCR assays with standard curves using TaqMan chemistry [1]. Measurement uncertainty (MU) is an essential characteristic of experimental results. There are many comprehensive guides for estimation of MU available [e.g. 2, 3]. Unfortunately, many of these guidelines have a rather chemistry background and may not therefore be reliably applied to real-time PCR measurements. Additionally, few publications exist that deal especially with MU in GMO analysis [e.g. 4, 5, 6]. We combined from these - often quite theoretical guidelines - a practical approach for appraisalof MU. Uncertainties related to precision, recovery, inhomogenity, and reference materials were estimated and combined in an expanded MU with a confidence level of 95 %. As quantification becomes more inaccurate with decreasing GMO contents, we calculated separate uncertainties for the relevant (legal) thresholds of 0.1 %, and 0.9 % GMO content. Quality assurance (QA) requires the control of the reaction parameters that form the basis of the measurements. We developed a set of control charts for visualising the quality control data of real-time PCR testing. Spreadsheet software-based measurement analysis is combined with semi-automatic documentation for QA purposes. The presented approaches have become valuable tools in maintaining the high standards at the Bavarian Health and Food Safety Authority (LGL), assured by accreditation according to DIN EN ISO /IEC 17025:2005. qPCR assay for detection of human faecal contamination in food samples Lotte Bjerrum1, Anna Charlotte Schultz2, Dorthe Lau Baggesen2, Anna Krestine Nørgaard1, Aaron Marc Saunders3 1 Danish Technological Institute, Denmark; 2National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark; 3Aalborg University, Denmark Food and drinking water serves frequently as vehicles for transmission of human enteric viruses like noroviruses. Contamination of produce can take place during production by use of sewage polluted water or inefficient hygienic norms. Currently, there are no routine testing for viruses in foods and water due to the lack of validated methods and the methods used in research laboratories are still too labour-intensive and expensive to be incorporated in the quality control of most food industries. In this project we developed at molecular indicator tool to determine the presence of human faecal pollution in relevant food sources and growth environments. A qPCR assay that detects a specific indicator organism, Bacteroides dorei, unambiguously linked to human faeces/wastewater was developed. As extraction of RNA and DNA from mollusks, fruits and vegetables can be challenging, effort was put into optimizing the procedures for extraction, so that both RNA (norovirus) and DNA (the bacteria) was retrieved as efficient as possible. The optimisations steps as well as qPCR results of norovirus and B.dorei will be presented. The impact of the method and examples of its use in mollusks, raspberries and other contaminated foods will also be presented. P012 qPCR method to calculate the copy number of IS1111 elements in Coxiella burnetii Matthias Hanczaruk, Anke Stark, Dimitrios Frangoulidis Bundeswehr Institute of Microbiology, Germany Coxiella (C.) burnetii, the causative agent of Q fever, is deemed to have the potential to be used as a biological weapon. Therefore, investigating outbreaks to trace back the source of an infection is of high importance in forensic microbiology. The insertion sequence IS1111, coding for a transposase, is used as a target region for diagnostic PCRs, since it is found in multiple copies in C. burnetii genomes. In silico analyses of the 7 annotated genome sequences demonstrated copy numbers ranging from 12 to 52. Chromosomal rearrangements and DNA insertions/deletions involving these transposable elements are responsible for genomic plasticity, leading to diversity among isolates, and may have influence on virulence. Till now, whole genome sequencing has been the only reliable method to determine exact IS1111 copy numbers. However, this method is laborious, time-consuming, cost-intensive and certainly not suitable to test many C. burnetii isolates. We established a quantitative duplex real-time PCR assay based on Taqman-technology, allowing the calculation of IS1111 copy numbers. To this end, a FAM-labelled probe targets the multi-copy IS1111 gene, while the single-copy COM1 gene, encoding for an outer membrane protein, is detected in the HEXchannel. We used the previously sequenced strains Nine Mile and Henzerling, with 20 and 47 IS1111 elements, respectively, to calibrate the assay. In dilution series, we calculated the efficiency of the primer-probe-combinations and included the results in our evaluation. We tested a selected panel of 100 C. burnetii isolates and demonstrated that the number of IS1111 elements can vary from 20 to more than 100 copies. It has been assumed that the copy number of IS1111 elements can be influenced during multiple cell culture or animal passages. With the method presented here we could prove this thesis and also will have a marker tool, easy to determine, to control inner herd or other population related genomic variations of Coxiella burnetii strains. Quality assurance in GMO analysis – A practical approach for estimation of measurement uncertainty and visualisation of quantitative real-time PCR data Lars Gerdes, Wilhelm Dicke, Ulrich Busch, Sven Pecoraro Bavarian Health and Food Safety Authority (LGL), Germany 1. European Union Reference Laboratory for GM Food and Feed (EURLGMFF). http://gmo-crl.jrc.ec.europa.eu/. 2. ISO, GUM: Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement, ISO, 1995. 3. ISO, ISO/TS 21748: Guidance for the use of repeatability, reproducibility and trueness estimates in measurement uncertainty estimation, ISO, 2004. 1-30. 4. Burns, M. and H. Valdivia, A procedural approach for the identification of sources of uncertainty associated with GM quantification and real-time quantitative PCR measurements. Eur Food Res Technol, 2007. 226: 7-18. 5. Trapmann, S., et al., Guidance document on measurement uncertainty for GMO testing laboratories, JRC, 2007. 1-41. 6. Žel, J., et al., Calculation of measurement uncertainty in quantitative analysis of genetically modified organisms using intermediate precision--a practical approach. J AOAC Int, 2007. 90(2): 582-6. P014 Quantitative Real Time PCR in Friedreich’s Ataxia: implications for diagnosis and clinical trial design. Giorgia Puorro1, Antonella Antenora1, Angela Marsili1, Alessandra Denaro1, Raffaele Piro1, Pierpaolo Sorrentino1, Chiara Pane1, Alessandra Tessa2, Sergio Cocozza3, Filippo Santorelli2, Giuseppe De Michele1, Alessandro Filla1, Francesco Saccà1 1 Dipartimento di Scienze Neurologiche, University Federico II, Naples, Italy; 2Dipartimento Clinico di Neuroscienze e dell'Età Evolutiva, IRCCS Stella Maris, Pisa, Italy; 3Dipartimento di Biologia Cellulare e Molecolare, University Federico II, Naples, Italy Background: Friedreich’s ataxia (FRDA) is the most common hereditary ataxia among caucasians. The molecular defect in FRDA is the trinucleotide GAA expansion in the first intron of the FXN gene, which encodes for frataxin. Aim of the study was to screen a population of FRDA patients, carriers, and controls for FXN mRNA levels, and to determine the utility of q-PCR as a biomarker and diagnostic tool. Design/methods: We enrolled 24 patients with classic FRDA phenotype (cFA), 6 late onset FRDA (LOFA), 5 compound heterozygotes for expansion and point mutations (pFA; I154F, IVS4+3delA, R165P), 33 healthy expansion carriers, and 30 healthy controls. DNA was genotyped for GAA expansion. Total mRNA was extracted from PBMCs and reverse transcribed using a one-step Master Mix. cDNA was qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 34 amplified in multiplex and standardized by quantification of HPRT1 as a reference gene. Relative expression was calculated using healthy controls as a reference group using the efficiency calibrated model. Analysis was performed with the improved version of the relative expression software tool (REST 2009). Continuous variables were analyzed using the one-way ANOVA. Post-hoc analysis was performed with the Bonferroni multiple comparison’s test. Diagnostic efficacy of FXN mRNA dosage was assessed constructing ROC curves. Correlation analysis was performed calculating Pearson’s coefficient. P values of less that 0.05 were considered statistically significant. Results: In cFA, mRNA was profoundly reduced to 19.4% of controls (range 0.060.48, p<0.0001) whereas there was a less severe down-regulation in pFA (52.7% of controls , p<0.0001), reulting different mRNA relative expression levels between cFA and pFA (p<0.001). LOFA patients and carriers showed a less severe down-regulation to 50.4% (range 0.35-0.85, p<0.0001) and 53.0% (range 0.11-1.21, p<0.0001), respectively. Comparison of cFA vs controls, resulted in 100% sensitivity and specificity for a cut-off frataxin mRNA value of 0.6 as compared to controls (p<0.0001, area=1.00). Comparison of pFA with controls resulted in a sensitivity of 100% and specificity of 88% for a cut-off frataxin mRNA value of 0.75 (p<0.001, area=0.976). For mRNA correlation analysis, cFA and LOFA were considered together as a single group. mRNA levels correlated directly with age at onset (P<0.001, R2=0.3905) and inversely with GAA1 and GAA2 (p<0.01, R2=0.2364; p<0.05, R2=0.1750). We found an inverse correlation between mRNA levels and GAA2 in carriers (p<0.0001, R2=0.5011). Conclusion: We report the first explorative study on frataxin mRNA levels in PBMCs from a cohort of FRDA patients, carriers and healthy controls. FRDA patients showed reduced levels of FXN mRNA to one-fith of control levels. Messanger RNA levels proved to be diagnostic when comparing cFA to controls with 100% sensitivity and specificity. In contrast, q-PCR is not able to differentiate pFA and controls. Clinical trials should be designed to include FXN mRNA levels as an endpoint. P015 P016 Quantization of Rauscher-like MuLV in plasma from BALB/cJ mice Yehuda Stram1, Marisol Rubinstein1, Evgenia Lubashevsky1, Sofa Savranski1, Gavriel Leitner1, Zeev Treinin2 1 Kimron Veterinary Institute, Israel; 2Israel Dairy Board Recently it was reported by Ter-Grigorov , et al., 1997 that a new virus arose in BALB/c females which were repeatedly mated to C57BL/6 (B6) males, and then injected with fixed, activated B6 male spleen cells. The clinical symptoms of the infected mice, by the new virus, resembled those of AIDS in man. To characterize the virus, BALB/cJ mice were inoculated with virus-containing plasma which was derived from mice 3 weeks post infection. Biological and molecular analysis of the new virus revealed a novel virus mixture of murine leukemia viruses (MuLVs), termed Rauscher-like MuLV, that causes an increase in hematopoiesis due to activation of pluripotent HSC. It could be demonstrated that endogenous BALB/c mouse ecotropic and xenotropic MuLVs are activated by these treatments. multiple pregnancies and allostimuli appear to have provided the signals required for activation of and recombination among endogenous viruses and could have resulted in generation of the Rauscher-like MuLV mixture. To better understand the phenomena we aimed to determine the amount of each of the viruses in the mixture. Taqman technology was employed for this purpose. To establish standards for each virus measurements, fragments from each of the viruses carrying the Taqman amplicon were amplified in a way that the forwarded primer carried the T7 promoter sequences. Each of the amplified fragments were transcribed using T7 RNA polymerase. Ten fold dilution of the newly transcribed fragment were used to establish standard curves. It could be shown that about 10 viral RNA molecules per sample could be detected using this system. The developed technique will be used to study the underlined molecular processes that leads to the production of this unique viral mixture and its role in aids like disease in the affected mice Cutaneous Mycobacterium marinum infection in humans detected by quantitative real time PCR P017 Michal Slany1, Krystyna Kantorova1, Petr Jezek2, Monika Bodnarova3, Ivo Pavlik1 1 Veterinary research institute, Czech Republic; 2County Hospital Pribram, Czech Republic; 3Charles University Praque, First Faculty of Medicine and General University Hospital, Czech Republic Development of a real-time quantitative multiplex TaqMan-based RT-PCR assay for detection and quantification of measles, mumps and rubella viruses The low frequency of infection caused by non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM), non specific symptoms for individual NTM, requirements of specific cultivation approaches, very often are not routinely used microbiological laboratories and the lack of specific identification methods could detract from a correct diagnosis. Mycobacterium marinum is occasionally associated with cutaneous infections in humans so called “fish tank granuloma”. Rapid, sensitive and specific method for the detection of M. marinum in animal and human samples was set up in this study. The duplex real-time PCR assays (erp) described here provides a fast, sensitive and specific diagnosis of M. marinum, in comparison to more time-consuming conventional PCR and DNA hybridization methods. We developed a quick and sufficiently sensitive system for the detection of M. marinum in tissue samples with a clinical sensitivity of 5 × 102 CFU per 50 mg of tissue for erp qPCR and with median of isolation yield 57.79%. Developed qPCR system was successfully used for detection of M. marinum infection in two humans. Interestingly, one of the patients was previously misdiagnosed and treated with methylprednisolone for period of 3 month, which resulted in a rare systemic spread of M. marinum into the testis and epidimidis. Simultaneously, the screening for M. marinum presence in both patients’ aquarium environments revealed infected fish with M. marinum. The protocol used enabled us to complete analysis of sample, including controls, in approximately 6 hrs; including extraction and assay time, and is suitable for implementation in routine laboratory diagnostics. To our best knowledge this is the first report of detection and quantification of M. marinum directly from infected human tissue. This work was supported by Grants Nos. MZE0002716202 and QH91240 from the Ministry of Agriculture and Grant “AdmireVet” No. CZ 1.05/2.1.00/01.0006-ED0006/01/01 from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic. Yulia Zabiyaka, Eugeny Faizuloev, Sergey Lobodanov, Tatiana Konstantinovna Borisova Mechnikov Research Institute of Vaccines and Sera, RAMS, Russian Federation Vaccine potency is a major property for the quality of live virus vaccines. Potency assay of trivalent measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) live virus attenuated vaccine is performed routinely by plaque or conventional 50% cell culture infective dose (CCID50) assays. However, these assays are time-consuming, laborintensive, typically highly variable and requiring the availability of highly specific neutralizing antibodies in order to allow detection of the infectivity of the individual components in multivalent vaccines. In the present study, novel methods to estimate the potency of MMR viruses in virus-containing bulks using real-time quantitative TaqMan-based reverse-transcription PCR (qPCR-RT) have been developed for each virus and the principal possibility of MMR virus quantification using Multiplex assay format has been shown. Specific primers and probes were designed and the qPCR-RT was optimized by annealing temperature and MgCl2 and primer concentration. The results determined by qPCR-RT method have been compared in parallel with that of a conventional CCID50 assay for MMR virus samples obtained daily during longterm cultivation and for the International Reference Reagents of MMR vaccines (Live). For potency estimation by Multiplex qPCRRT and CCID50 assay laboratory variant of trivalent MMR vaccine containing the L-16 measles, the L-3 mumps and the Wistar RA 27/3 rubella virus strains and commercial batches of MM divalent (Microgen, Russia) and MMR vaccines (Priorix, GSK Biologicals, Belgium) were used. The potency of the viruses determined by qPCR-RT was estimated relative to the 10-fold dilutions of the reference samples with titers 5,4, 5,2 and 6,3 lgCCID50/ml for MMR viruses respectively and the corresponding trivalent sample. To control tube-to-tube variations the Human Rhinovirus 16 as an internal positive reference was used. It was found that the qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 35 difference between viral titer measured by qPCR-RT and the corresponding infectious viral titer measured by CCID50 assay in paired samples did not exceed 0,3 lgCCID50/ml for certain period after inoculation (WHO allowed value) and the Pearson coefficient between results obtained by two assays was close to 1, indicating a significant correlation. For the reference samples of vaccines, the discrepancy between the titers determined by qPCR-RT and CCID50 assays was within 0,2 lgCCID50/ml, which is less than WHO allowed value. The developed qPCR-RT method was shown to have high efficiency, high sensitivity and high reproducibility. This assay is virus-specific and serological neutralization can be omitted, besides it was faster and less laborious compared to the classical assay. While the traditional methods would still be necessary to determine viral potency (in term of infectious virus), the novel qPCR-RT was demonstrated to be allowed method for rapid determination of optimal harvest time and bulk virus titers. It also can be used for rapid detection of MMR viruses in clinical specimens. P018 Comparative study of direct sequencing and TheraScreen assay for EGFR mutational analysis LUZ MARTINEZ AVILES, JAVIER GIMENO, RAQUEL LONGARON, ERICA TORRES, GEMMA NAVARRO, LARA PIJUAN, SERGI SERRANO, BEATRIZ BELLOSILLO HOSPITAL DEL MAR, Spain BACKGROUND: Epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors are used in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Patients carrying mutations in the EGFR gene have a better response to this therapy than patients with wild type EGFR. AIM: The aim of this study was to compare the analytical sensitivity of two different procedures to detect EGFR mutations. METHODS: We have determined the mutational status of the EGFR gene in tumoral samples from 200 patients with NSCLC by two methodologies: 1. PCR amplification of exons 18, 19, 20 and 21 of the EGFR gene followed by direct sequencing using BigDye 3.1 and analysis in a genetic analyzer (Applied Biosystems) and 2. TheraScreen (DxS) assays using a real time PCR system (Applied Biosystems). RESULTS: Analysis of EGFR mutations in 200 biopsies of NSCLC patients by both techniques showed a concordance of 97%. From the whole cohort, 169 patients were negative for EGFR mutations whereas 31 patients presented mutations (at least by one technique). From the group of EGFRpositive patients, in four cases the mutation was only detected by the TheraScreen assay because the mutant allele burden was very low. In two additional cases, the mutation was only detected by direct sequencing. In the first one the patient carried the V769M mutation, an alteration that is not included in the commercial kit. In the second case the patient harboured the G719S mutation at exon 18 (which is tested in the commercial kit), but also the E709A mutation at the same exon that probably disrupted the binding of the probe, so we obtained a false negative result with the TheraScreen assay. CONCLUSIONS: Both direct sequencing and TheraScreen assayshowed a good correlation although TheraScreen assay has a greater sensitivity than direct sequencing in samples with low mutant allele burden. The TheraScreen assay may give some false negative results because some infrequent mutations are not included in the test and additional mutations near the ones tested in the kit may affect the binding of the probes. P019 Real-time PCR with SYBR Green and melting curve analysis as a diagnostic screening tool for protozoan oocysts Laura F. Lalonde, Alvin A. Gajadhar Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Canada A simple screening method for the detection and identification of protozoan oocysts is a necessary diagnostic tool for human, animal, and food-borne disease outbreak investigations. Our objective was to develop a real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) assay with melting curve analysis (MCA) to detect, differentiate, and identify DNA from protozoan species of veterinary, zoonotic, and food safety importance. We designed and employed a universal coccidia primer cocktail consisting of seven oligonucleotides to amplify 18S rDNA from Cryptosporidium parvum, Toxoplasma gondii, Cyclospora cayetanensis, and several species of Eimeria, Sarcocystis, and Isospora using qPCR with SYBR Green detection. A standard curve was constructed from DNA of serial dilutions of 105, 104, 103, 102, or 101T. gondii oocysts to determine assay sensitivity. DNA from as few as 10 T. gondii oocysts could be routinely detected. Melting temperatures (Tm) were determined for each species based on MCA of multiple replicates over several runs. Tm data analysis showed that C. cayetanensis, C. parvum, Cryptosporidium muris, T. gondii, Eimeria bovis, Eimeria acervulina, Isospora suis, and Sarcocystis cruzi could each be identified by unique melting curves and differentiated based on Tm. The qPCR MCA assay successfully amplified the target gDNA of both C. parvum and C. cayetanensis or S. cruzi and T. gondii when these species were together in a mixed template. When used with suitable controls, this qPCR MCA assay could be used to sensitively detect, reliably differentiate, and rapidly identify DNA of protozoan oocysts in faecal, food or clinical diagnostic samples using readily available SYBR Green dye and without the need for a high-resolution MCA qPCR instrument. Further validation of this simple qPCR MCA assay using contaminated field samples and multiple isolates of each species will support its application as a routine diagnostic screening tool for parasitology. P020 RNA isolation from high-sugar content freeze-dried tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) fruits and qRT-PCR analysis Libert Brice TONFACK1,2, Emmanuel YOUMBI1, Benoit vander-Rest2, Alain LATCHE2, Jean-Claude PECH2 1 University of Yaoundé I, Cameroon; 2UMR990, Genomic et Biotechnologie des Fruits INRA/INP-ENSAT, Toulouse, France With minor modifications, we applied a previously reported RNA isolation protocol that used phenol/chloroform/isoamylalcohol to lyophilized (freeze-dried) fruits of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.). When gene expression profiles are studied, plant material must be preserved in its collected state. Fresh plant material cannot feasibly be transferred at ultra-low temperatures from natural habitats to the laboratory. We explored the use of lyophilized tissue for RNA isolation from two varieties of tomato fruits. High yields of RNA (~236 μg/g dry weight of fruit tissue) were obtained, and the RNA was suitable for all molecular biology methods tested, including quantitative reverse transcription Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (qRT-PCR) analysis. We demonstrated that RNA obtained from freeze-dried fruit tissue was of good quality, undegraded, and useful for all molecular downstream applications. This work opens an important ways to improve and sustain researches in conditions of lack of modern tools for better development. P021 Seasonal quantification of Grapevine fanleaf virus by one-step RT real-time PCR Urska Cepin, Ion Gutiérrez-Aguirre, Maruša Pompe-Novak, Kristina Gruden, Maja Ravnikar National Institute of Biology, Slovenia Grapevine fanleaf virus (GFLV) is a +ssRNA virus, which is the causal agent of the fanleaf degeneration disease on grapevines. The objective of this study was to design and validate an RT quantitative real-time PCR (RT-qPCR) assay, to efficiently quantify GFLV virus in grapevine tissues through the whole season. For method validation total RNA was isolated from grapevine material containing the reference GFLV isolate F13. LOD and LOQ for the designed one-step RT-qPCR assay were evaluated by testing 10fold serially diluted RNA (from undiluted to 10-8) in triplicate (intraassay) in three independent runs (inter-assay). The dilutions whose Cq values from three separate runs gave coefficient of variation (CV) ≤ 30% were assumed to be within the range of quantification (Burns et al., 2004). Theoretical genome copy concentrations per reaction were assigned, taking into account that the manifestation of stochastic effects (not all reactions in triplicate detected or a high intra- or inter-assay CV) is indicative of the presence of ≤ 10 target copies per reaction (Ellison et al., 2006). The results showed that reliable quantification could be qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 36 performed within the range from 102 to at least 107 genome copies per reaction. Phloem, which is the toughest grapevine material for downstream processing and analysis, was sampled from six grapevines in Slovenia at four seasonal time (June, July, August and September). RNA was isolated and 10-fold and 100-fold dilutions tested in duplicates with the RT-qPCR assay for GFLV plus two reference gene assays (COX and 18S). Both reference genes were compared using geNorm software (Pfaffl, 2001; Vandesompele et al., 2002), obtaining an M value of 0.488. This indicates a high seasonal correlation and stability of the COX and 18S expression, which, together with the fact that both genes belong to different metabolic pathways, makes them suitable normalisers for GFLV relative quantification. Relative quantification was expressed as a ratio (r) of the GFLV concentration in each sample to the GFLV concentration in a defined calibrator sample and normalised to the reference gene expression, which was represented by the geometric mean of both reference genes (Vandesompele et al., 2002). The relative expression ratio was calculated based on the amplification efficiencies of both GFLV and the reference genes, E=10(1/slope) (where the slope means DCq between 10- and 100-fold dilutions) (Pfaffl, 2001). The inclusion of amplification efficiencies together with the reference gene normalisation minimized potential intersample variations due to differences in the efficiency of RNA isolation, reverse transcription and the amplification itself. The r values were proportional to the GFLV genome concentration and showed seasonal fluctuations of GFLV concentration in phloem with the lowest amount of viral RNA being found during the summer in the majority of the tested grapevines. P022 Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens strains are presently recognized as the major butyrate-producing bacteria found in the rumen. They can be found in the digestive track of many animals and also in the human gut. Aim of this study was to develop a powerful quantitative competitive polymerase chain reaction (QC-PCR) assay based on 16S rDNA for the enumeration of the strains belonging to Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens. Species-specific PCR primers used to amplify partial 16S rDNA region (213 bp as target DNA) were chosen from the literature. Two internal primers, bearing 5' tails which contain two ~30 nucleotide sequences which are unrelated to the target to be amplified and complementary to each other, were designed. To construct the homologous competitor with 50 bp insertion a stepwise SOE-PCR (Splicing by Overlap Extension Polymerase Chain Reaction) in three separate amplifications using different primer pairs was carried out. For several future applications and as the easiest way to determine competitor concentration, competitor fragment was cloned into a TA plasmid vector (pTZ57R/T) and was purified and quantified before used. Competitor was serially diluted and co-amplified by PCR with total extracted DNA from rumen fluid samples. QC-PCR products were electrophoresis on agarose gel containing ethidium bromide, and photographed. Band intensities were measured using image analysis software (imageJ 1.42q) to determine if coamplification occurred with equal efficiency. Plotting the quantity of competitor against the ratio of amplified target to amplified competitor using log scale was evaluated by simple regression by using JMP software and finally R2 was estimated as a criterion of competitive PCR performance. The log plot of the amount of amplified target DNA against the amount of amplified competitor DNA was highly linear (R2 = 0.985). As a result of our study a new competitive PCR assay was developed for quantification and enumeration of Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens in rumen fluid samples. Submicroscopic duplications identified during prenatal aneuploidy testing P024 Alison Hills1, Kathy Mann1, Caroline Mackie Ogilvie2 1 GSTS Pathology, Guys and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust, United Kingdom; 2Cytogenetics Department, Guys and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust, United Kingdom A Modular approach in method validation of the realtime PCR module for the detection of five VTEC Escherichia coli serogroups Rapid semi-quantitative QF-PCR (Quantitative Fluorescence PCR) is a widely-used approach for the prenatal diagnosis of viable autosomal aneuploidies. Since 2000, we have tested >40,000 prenatal samples using a one-tube multiplex containing seventeen polymorphic microsatellite markers specific for chromosomes 13, 18 and 21 to diagnose trisomy for these chromosomes. During this period, 67 (~0.15%) samples exhibited a triallelic profile at a single locus, with all other flanking loci showing normal biallelic or uninformative results. Such findings may indicate either benign submicroscopic duplications (SMDs), or partial chromosome imbalance with phenotypic consequences. Five recurring SMD regions were identified on chromosome 13, six on chromosome 18 and three on chromosome 21. In all but one case, QF-PCR analysis of parental blood samples showed inheritance of the SMD, indicating benign variation; however, the additional testing required to establish this is likely to cause parental anxiety. In view of this, CMGS/ACC Best Practice Guidelines now recommend that SMDs that have previously been associated with a normal parental phenotype are not reported; markers that identified the most frequent of these have been replaced in our multiplex. However, previously unreported SMDs that are not present in the database of genomic variants present difficulties of interpretation, especially when found to be de novo, or to represent terminal or unflanked loci. It is therefore important that the incidence and aetiology of these SMDs is made available. The inherited and de novo SMDs identified in our laboratory will be presented. One SMD region on chromosome 13 was investigated using quantitative FISH and PCR; the duplicated segment was found to be between 20 and 130 kb in length and appeared to be tandem and of a similar size in all tested cases. P023 The Design and Construction of Competitor Fragment by SOE-PCR for Quantification of The Ruminal Bacterium: Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens Amir Taheri Ghahfarokhi, Mojtaba Tahmoorespur, Mohammad Reza Nassiry, Mohammad Hadi Sekhavati Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran Dafni-Maria Kagkli1, Thomas P. Weber1, Marc Van den Bulcke1, Silvia Folloni1, Stefano Morabito2, Rosangela Tozzoli2, Monica Ermolli1, Laura Gribaldo1, Guy Van den Eede1 1 1European Commission Joint Research Centre, Institute for Health and Consumer Protection, Molecular Biology and Genomics Unit, via E. Fermi 2749, I-21027, Ispra (VA), Italy; 2 Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Viale Regina Elena 299, I-00161, Rome, Italy The detection and identification of the presence of pathogenic micro-organisms in products often requires the simultaneous demonstration of distinct DNA sequences in a single viable organism. While the latter can only be demonstrated with classical microbial assays, combined PCR analysis allow for the very sensitive detection of multiple pathogenic sequences in a sample (be it DNA or RNA). To support concise decisions, the applied PCR methods should however exhibit similar performance for a number of criteria (Bustin et al., 2009). In various fields where PCR is applied, the method specificity and sensitivity are generaly recognized as the minimal critical performance parameters. Here, we demonstrate the results of the assessment of a set of real-time PCR methods proposed to CEN (CEN TC275/WG6) for the detection of Verocytotoxin Escherichia coli (VTEC). While the ISO standard 16654:2001 is focused only on the detection of E. coli O157 serogroup, we have extended the scope to a number of other important serogroups (O26, O103, O111, and O145). Specificity of the methods was demonstrated in silica by bioinformatics analysis and experimentally. The dynamic range and the PCR efficiency of all methods was determined by standard curve dilution. Finally, the limit of detection of each method was determined by serial dilution analysis. All PCR methods apply TaqMan probe-based detection, targeting the two E. coli toxin genes, their variants (vtx1, vtx2), and the intimin (eae) gene. All methods were optimized and assessed against the criteria set by the EURL-GMFF for real-time PCR methods (http://gmo-crl.jrc.ec.europa.eu/guidancedocs.htm). All methods perform adequately: all are highly specific to the expected targets, exhibit a linear correlation between 10 to 10.000 copies, have an LOD ranging from 10 to 20 copies and a PCR efficiency of >90 % (except for the methods for O103 and O145). Our data demonstrate that this set of VTEC detection/identification methods represent a valuable series of PCR methods that can be combined qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 37 into a reliable VTEC decision support system. The applied socalled 'modular approach' in the method performance assessment will be discussed. Stephen A. Bustin, Vladimir Benes, Jeremy A. Garson, Jan Hellemans, Jim Huggett, Mikael Kubista, Reinhold Mueller, Tania Nolan, Michael W. Pfaffl, Gregory L. Shipley, Jo Vandesompele, and Carl T. Wittwer (2009) The MIQE Guidelines - Minimum Information for Publication of Quantitative Real-Time PCR Experiments. Clinical Chemistry. 55(4): 611-622 P025 based on SYBR Green chemistry were found to be optimal for the assay. Kinetic studies pinpoint an upregulation in carB and carRA genes involved in carotene biosynthesis which extends from an early growth phase of 24hours upto 144hours (6days).Contrarily, the expression pattern of tsp3 and tsp1 involved in β–carotene catabolism remain stable throughout. For ensuring reliable conclusions, we are investigating 3 more reference genes namely, gpd (Glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase), EF-1α (translation elongation factor 1-alpha) and pyrG (orotidine- 5’monophosphate decarboxylase) for data analysis and normalization using the software Qbase. Comparative study of direct sequencing and TheraScreen assay for KRAS mutational analysis P027 LUZ MARTINEZ AVILES, MAR IGLESIAS, ESTER MORAGON, ERICA TORRES, GEMMA NAVARRO, MAR GARCIA GARCIA, SERGI SERRANO, BEATRIZ BELLOSILLO HOSPITAL DEL MAR, Spain Development and evaluation of a one-step real-time RT-PCR assay for universal detection of influenza A viruses from avian and mammal species BACKGROUND: Epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitor therapy is used for treatment of metastatic colorectal carcinomas (CRC) and non small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) in patients lacking KRAS mutations. Patients carrying mutations in the KRAS gene do not respond to this therapy. AIM: The aim of this study was to compare the analytical sensitivity of two different procedures to detect KRAS mutations. METHODS: We have determined the mutational status of the KRAS gene in tumoral samples from 151 patients with CRC and 13 from NSCLC patients by two methodologies: 1. PCR amplification of exon 2 of the KRAS gene followed by direct sequencing using BigDye 3.1 and analysis in a genetic analyzer (Applied Biosystems) and 2. TheraScreen (DxS) assays using a real time PCR system (Roche Diagnostics). RESULTS: Analyzing KRAS in 151 biopsies of CRC patients we observed a 98% of concordance between both techniques. Ninetynine patients were negative for KRAS mutations in codons 12 or 13. Forty-seven patients presented mutations in one of these two codons, but 6 out of 47 cases showed doubtful sequencing results, so the TheraScreen assay was determinant to establish the final positivity of these cases. Moreover, the TheraScreen assay detected three positive cases which direct sequencing had failed to detect due to the low mutant allele burden. In addition, we analysed 13 patients with NSCLC of which 10 showed ambiguous sequencing results so the TheraScreen assay was needed to confirm the mutations. Finally, four cases presented by direct sequencing, infrequent KRAS mutations (G13R, G13C and G12F). The TheraScreen assay was not able to detect the two mutations affecting codon 13 because they are not included in the test. Regarding the G12F mutation, although it is not included in the assay, it showed an unspecific positivity for the G12V mutation. CONCLUSIONS: Both direct sequencing and TheraScreen assayshowed a good correlation although TheraScreen assay has a greater sensitivity than direct sequencing in samples with low mutant allele burden. TheraScreen assay may be, in some cases, less specific than direct sequencing and additional mutations should be included in the test in order to avoid false negative results. P026 Developing an optimal qRT-PCR strategy for fungal transcriptomics on carotenoid metabolism Yamuna Sahadevan1, Wilhelm Boland1, Kerstin Hoffmann2, Kerstin Voigt2 1 Dept.of Bioorganic Chemistry, Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology,Jena, Germany; 2Jena Microbial Resource Collection, Dept.of Microbiology and Molecular Biology,University of Jena and Hans-Knöll-Institute, Jena,Germany In zygomycetous fungi, β–carotene production is augmented several folds in mated cultures rather than in individual mating partners. Despite the fact that a cocktail of trisporic acid sex hormones induce carotenogenesis, little is known about the link between these two factors at the genetic level. We aim to develop a reliable qRT-PCR method following MIQE guidelines for the mRNA quantification of fungal genes involved in carotenoid metabolic pathway. Mating experiments with Blakeslea trispora were done for kinetic analysis of 4 target genes using act-1(actin) as the reference gene for relative quantification. A standard curve was used to determine the reaction efficiency of primers based on a 5-fold dilution series, using in-built Stratagene Mx3000P software. A high annealing temperature of 60° C with 35 cycles Alexander Nagy1, Veronika Vostinakova1, Zuzana Pirchanova1, Lenka Cernikova1, Zuzana Dirbakova2, Miroslav Mojzis2, Helena Jirincova3, Martina Havlickova3, Adam Dan4, Krisztina Ursu4, Stefan Vilcek5, Vlastimil Krivda1, Jitka Hornickova1 1 State Veterinary Institute Prague, National Reference Laboratory for Avian Influenza and Newcastle Disease, Czech Republic; 2 State Veterinary Institute Zvolen, National Reference Laboratory for Avian Influenza and Newcastle Disease, Zvolen, Slovak Republic; 3National Institute of Public Health, National Reference Laboratory for Human Influenza, Prague, Czech Republic; 4 Central Agricultural Office, Veterinary Diagnostic Directorate, Molecular Biology Laboratory, Budapest, Hungary; 5University of Veterinary Medicine in Kosice, Department of Parasitology and Infectious Diseases, Kosice, Slovak Republic The objective of our study was to develop and evaluate a TaqMan real-time RT-PCR (RRT-PCR) assay for universal detection of influenza A (IA) viruses. The primers and LNA-modified octanucleotide probe were selected to correspond to extremely conserved regions of the membrane protein (MP) segment identified by a comprehensive bioinformatics analysis including 10,405 IA viruses MP sequences, i.e., all of the sequences of the Influenza Virus Sequence database collected as of August 20, 2009. The RRT-PCR has a detection limit of approximately five copies of target RNA/reaction and excellent reaction parameters tested in four IA viruses reference laboratories. The inclusivity of the assay was estimated at both the bioinformatic and the experimental level. Our results predicted that this RRT-PCR assay was able to detect 99.5% of known human IA virus strains, 99.84% of pandemic influenza A (H1N1) strains, 99.75% of avian strains, 98.89% of swine strains, 98.15% of equine strains, and 100% of influenza A viruses of other origin. P028 Dietary fibers are not born equal: qPCR to define prebiotic properties F DEPEINT, G ABDEL NOUR, CN NIAMBA, P POUILLART, A ABDEL NOUR LaSalle Beauvais, France Prebiotics have been defined by Roberfroid et al (2004) as selectively fermented ingredients that allow specific changes, both in the composition and activity of the gastrointestinal microflora that confer benefits upon host well being and health. Most researchers consider that changes in the composition of gut microflora can be characterised by an increase in probiotic bacteria (eg. Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus) and/or decrease in pathogenic bacteria (eg. Bacteroides, Clostridium). Similarly, changes in the bacteria activity is often characherised by a butyrogenic activity. We present here two clinical trials investigating prebiotic potential of dietary oligosaccharides. In each of those studies Bifidobacterium and Clostridium were amplified using qPCR and quantified against standard curves. qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 38 P029 Disrupted balance between phase I and phase II estrogen-metabolising enzymes may contribute to the growth of endometriotic tissue in ovarian endometriosis Neli Hevir1, Martina Ribič-Pucelj2, Tea Lanišnik Rižner1 1 Institute of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia; 2Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University Medical Centre, Ljubljana, Slovenia Endometriosis is a complex estrogen-dependent disease defined as the presence of endometrial tissue outside the uterine cavity. Estrogens stimulate cell proliferation via the estrogen receptor and undergo extensive oxidative metabolism at different positions, catalyzed by various cytochrome P450 isoforms. Formation 2- and 4-hydroxy-estrogens (catechol estrogens, CEs), is catalysed mainly by CYP1A1/1A2 and CYP1B1, respectively. CEs can be oxidized to the corresponding estrogen ortho-quinones with concomitant formation of the reactive oxygen species (ROS). NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase (NQO1/2) regulate the reduction of toxic estrogen quinones back to catechols. Furthermore, estrogens can undergo 16α-hydroxylation, extrahepaticaly catalysed mainly by CYP3A5 and CYP3A7. CE and 16α-hydroxy-estrogens are further metabolised by the conjugative enzymes: catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT), sulfotransferases (SULTs), UDP glucuronosyltransferases (UGTs), and glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) and yields less harmful products. Expression levels of genes encoding phase I (CYP1A1, CYP1A2, CYP1B1, CYP3A5, CYP3A7) and phase II (SULT1A1, SULT1E1, SULT2B1, COMT, UGT2B7, NQO1, NQO2, GSTP1) estrogen-metabolizing enzymes were studied by real-time PCR in 31 samples of ovarian endometriosis and 29 normal endometrium samples. PPIA, GAPDH, and RPLP0 were used for normalisation. MIQE guidelines were considered in the performance and interpretation of the qPCRs. We found significantly higher levels of CYP1A1 and CYP3A7 (p < 0.0001) suggesting increased 2- and 16α-hydroxylation of estrogens. CYP1B1 and CYP3A5 expression was not altered, while CYP1A2 expression was not detected. Among conjugative enzymes, we found increased mRNA levels of COMT (p < 0.0001) and unchanged mRNA levels of SULT1A1 and NQO2, while all the others gene levels were significantlly decreased: UGT2B7, NQO1, GSTP1, SULT2B1 (p < 0.0001), and SULT1E1 (p = 0.0311). Our qPCR data thus suggest increased phase I and decreased phase II metabolism of estrogens that leads to exessive ROS formation, which may activate cytokines that control the implantation and the growth of endometrial cells outside the uterus and thus contribute to the development of ovarian endometriosis. P030 Evaluation of Various Concentration Methods for Detecting Enterovirus in Water Bing-Mu Hsu National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan, Republic of China Enteroviruses generally spread through the fecal-oral route, but the importance of viral transmission by water is probably underestimated. A reliable, sensitive, and practical method for detecting small concentrations of enteroviruses is needed. The objective of this paper is to evaluate series of procedures to concentrate enteroviruses by adsorption to and elution from various charged membranes for various types of water. The relative recovery efficiencies of enterovirus in treated water samples were also evaluated by Real-Time PCR. The optimum procedures designed for enteroviruses detection of the environmental water samples were done in this study. Two stage processes, prefiltration and adsorption, were used for separating enteroviruses from large volume of water sample. The water samples passed through prefilter apparatus were collected, and then were filtered through the evaluated membranes for adsorption. The types of adsorbing disc filters evaluated in this study includes positive charged membrane (6408502 1MDS, 47mm diameter, CUNO Inc., Meriden, Conn. U.S.A.), negative charged membrane (NM04701 020SP, 47-mm diameter, CUNO Inc., Meriden, Conn. U.S.A.), and nitrocellulose membrane (HA series, 47-mm diameter, 0.45-um pore size, Millipore, Ireland). The relative recovery efficiencies of various concentration methods for enteroviruses were analyzed by Real-Time PCR and shown in the Table 1. The optimum procedure is followed as that the water sample was prefiltered first. The prefiltered water was adjusted pHs and electrolyte, then passed through nictrocellulose membrane. Aliquot of H2SO4 was passed through the membrane to rinse out the cation, and then NaOH was poured on the membrane and the filtrate was recovered in a tube containing H2SO4 and TE buffer for neutralization. All of the eluate was concentrated with an ultrafiltration system. The contents of environmental inhibitors after virus concentration are suspected to have some inhibitory effect on viruses PCR detection. It should be considered while detecting enteroviruses in environmental samples. P031 Event-specific detection of genetically modified rice (Kefeng 6) by means of quantitative real-time PCR Patrick Guertler, Ingrid Huber, Sven Pecoraro, Ulrich Busch Bavarian Health and Food Safety Authority, Germany Rice is one of the most important food crops in the world, especially in Asian countries. However, heavy losses in rice yield (24%-41% per year) are caused by rice insect pests. To address this issue, several varieties of genetically modified (gm) rice have been developed and released for field trials in China. One crop under study is the insect resistant rice called “Kefeng 6”. This transgenic rice line has been altered by insertion of genes encoding for Cry1Ac and CpTi, both proteins responsible for an increase insect resistance. The hygromycin resistance gene (hpt) has been inserted as a selective marker. Despite the fact that gm rice has not been approved for commercial cultivation in China (or elsewhere in the world), there were reports on illegal planting and trade of gm rice in a central province of China. By way of the global trade, Kefeng 6 rice was found in food samples in the Netherlands in 2010 (rapid alert system for food and feed, RASFF No. 2010.0336). In the European Union (EU), Kefeng 6 is not authorized for import, processing or cultivation and material containing Kefeng 6 is therefore not permitted at any level. In order to monitor the potential presence of Kefeng 6 rice in products imported into the EU, a sensitive and specific eventspecific detection method needs to be on hand to clearly distinguish between different gm rice lines. Therefore, it was the aim of this study to develop an event-specific detection method for the gm rice Kefeng 6 by using quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) and to validate this method according to the guidelines of GMO testing. Afterwards, this method was used to monitor several rice products on a small scale level. Based on the flanking sequence of the DNA insert, primers and a hydrolysis probe were designed and used in a qPCR assay applying the ABI TaqMan technology. The assay was validated as outlined in the “Minimum performance requirements for analytical methods for GMO testing” and is presented as outlined in the MIQE guidelines. The validation process revealed a limit of detection of 5 copies of the transgene with confidence intervals (95%) between 0.07 and 0.52, a mean PCR efficiency of 105 % and a mean R2 of 0.99. The specificity was determined by analysis of different gm and non-gm crops by using this assay. No positive amplification signal was observed for any of the analyzed crops. Furthermore, the assay was tested by analysis of rice samples obtained on the local market. Only one sample, that has been previously tested positive by means of a construct-specific detection assay, was again tested positive by using this assay. This underlines the suitability of this assay for the monitoring of food samples for the presence of Kefeng 6 rice. P032 Examining resistance gene expression using reverse transcriptase qPCR Tine Yding Wolff1, Jan Lorenzen1, Trine Rolighed Thomsen1,2, Anne Karin Ildor Rasmussen3, Henrik Stender3, Helle Stendahl Andersen1, Masumeh Chavoshi1 1 The Danish Technological Institute, Denmark; 2Aalborg University, Denmark; 3AdvanDx, Denmark Objective: The aim of the study was to examine the expression of the mecA gene in clinical methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolates upon induction with cefoxitin using reverse transcriptase qPCR (RT-qPCR). Methods: 18 S. aureus strains (16 MRSA representing staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec) types I-V and 2 MSSA) were grown qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 39 with shake at 35°C for 40 min with and without cefoxitin. RNAprotect Bacteria Reagent (Qiagen) was added to 1 mL suspensions of each culture and the cells were disrupted by enzymatic (lysostaphin) and mechanical (bead beating) lysis. Total RNA was extracted using the RNeasy PLUS mini kit (Qiagen) including the optional DNAse treatment step. cDNA was synthesized from 100 ng RNA using the SuperScriptTM III First Strand Synthesis System with random hexamers (Invitrogen). The cDNA was template in qPCR reactions targeting the mecA and the 16S rRNA genes respectively. On basis of the qPCR data the baselines for cefoxitin induced and uninduced cells and the mean fold changes (MFC) in mecA expression were calculated as described by Shang et al. (2010). The procedure was carried out three times for each strain and to evaluate the effect of induction on mecA expression uninduced and induced baselines were compared by paired Students’ t-tests. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of cefoxitin was determined for each isolate using E-test. Results: Significant changes in the expression of mecA upon cefoxitin induction (P<0.05) were observed for seven of the MRSA isolates representing three different SCCmec types (type II (n=2), type IV (n=3) and type V (n=2)). Throughout the study no correlation between the SCCmec type and the level of mecA expression was observed. The cefoxitin MICs of the MRSA isolates ranged from 12 to 256 µg/mL and there was a tendency for strains with a low cefoxitin MIC to have a low mecA expression as well. Conclusion: It was possible to apply RT-qPCR for the detection of changes in the mecA expression upon cefoxitin induction. Significant changes (P<0.05) were observed for seven of the examined MRSA isolates. There was no correlation between the SCCmec type and the induced baselines, but it seemed that isolates with a low cefoxitin MIC also had a low expression level of mecA. Shang et al, Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2010, p. 956-59. P033 Experience with Plant RNA Isolation Aid for the total RNA isolation from plants Irena Mavric Plesko1, Mojca Virscek Marn1, Natasa Toplak2, Minka Kovac2 1 Kmetijski institut Slovenije, Slovenia; 2Omega d.o.o., Slovenia Plant tissue is known as a difficult tissue for RNA extraction since it can contain big amounts of secondary metabolites, such as polysaccharides and phenolics. Some of these compounds are known PCR inhibitors. We investigated the influence of Plant RNA Isolation Aid (Life Technologies) on quality and quantity of extracted total RNA (totRNA) from different plant tissue. TotRNA was extracted on MagMAX™ Express Magnetic Particle Processor using MagMAX™-96 Total RNA Isolation Kit (Life Technologies) with and without addition of Plant RNA Isolation Aid. The analyzed plant tissues included raspberry leaves, in vitro potato plantlets, potato tubers, grapevine leaves and tomato leaves. Extracted totRNA was reverse transcribed and its quantity was checked using 18S rRNA qPCR assay. The results of qPCR show no differences when Plant RNA Isolation Aid was used for totRNA extraction from potato and tomato. With raspberry and grapevine tissue the differences in Ct values were between 3 and 19. The results of our study show that Plant RNA isolation Aid can improve RNA extraction from certain plant species. P034 Expression of Laccase genes in Schizophyllum commune Soumya Madhavan, Katrin Krause, Erika Kothe Friedrich Schiller University, Institute of Microbiology, Microbial Phytopathology, D-07743 Jena, Germany Schizophyllum commune, a saprophytic white rot fungus, is involved in the degradation of complex organic molecules including lignin. Previous reports say that this fungus can degrade refractory organic matter from black slate with the help of different exoenzymes which perform radical reactions to oxidize organic matter. The genome of S. commune reveals 16 FOLymes (Fungal Oxidative Lignin Enzymes), which are potentially involved in lignin degragation. These genes include three lignin oxidases (LO) and 13 lignin degrading auxiliary enzymes (LDA) genes. In this study, relative expression of the laccase and laccase-like genes (LO family) in S. commune areinvestigated using quantitative real time PCR (RT-PCR). Two laccases and four laccase-like genes were selected for expression studies based on microarray data comparing S. commune grown on a black slate surface and grown on complex yeast medium. Also, the involvement of laccases in hyphal morphogenesis, especially during fruitbody formation is investigated by analyzing the relative expression of the genes of interest in hyphae and fruitbody tissue. Preliminary results reveal that laccase expression is upregulated in the cultures with black slate powder. This shows that laccase and laccase-like genes are influenced by the presence of black slate in minimal medium which is to be expected if laccases are involved in the degradation of stone material. P035 Expression of local luteotropic factors during induced luteolysis in the bovine corpus luteum Dieter Schams1, Heinrich Meyer1, Bajram Berisha1,2 1 Physiology Weihenstephan, Technische Universität München, Germany; 2Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary, University of Prishtina, Kosovo The essential role of endometrial prostaglandin F2 alpha (PTGF) for induction of the corpus luteum (CL) regression is well documented in the cow. However, the acute effects of PTGF on known local luteotropic factors: oxytocin (OXT) and its receptor (OXTR), insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1), and progesterone (PG) and its receptor (PGR), were not thoroughly studied in detail. The aim of this study was therefore to evaluate the tissue concentration of these factors during PTGF induced luteolysis. In addition the mRNA expression of PGR, OXTR, IGF1, insulin-like growth factor binding protein 1 (IGFBP1), was determined at well defined times after PTGF treatment. Cows (n=5 per group) in the mid-luteal phase (Days 8–12, control group) were injected with the PTGF analog (cloprostenol), and CL were collected by transvaginal ovariectomy at 0.5, 2, 4, 12, 24, 48, and 64 h after injection. The mRNA expression was analyzed by quantitative real-time RT-PCR, and the protein concentration in tissue was evaluated by enzyme immunoassay or radioimmunoassay. PG concentrations, as well as mRNA expression of PGR, in CL tissue were significantly down regulated by 12 h after PTGF. Tissue OXT peptide and OXTR mRNA decreased significantly after 2 h, followed by a continuous decrease of OXT mRNA. IGF1 protein already decreased after 0.5 h. By contrast, the IGFBP1 mRNA was up-regulated significantly after 2 h to a high plateau. The acute decrease of local luteotropic activity may be a key component in the cascade of events leading to functional luteolysis in the cow. P036 Expresssion of Adrenomedullin signalling factors in bovine corpus luteum during oestrous cycle, pregnancy and induced luteolysis Bajram Berisha1,2, Stefanie Schilffarth1, Mihir Sarkar1, Dieter Schams1 1 Physiology Weihenstephan, Technische Universität München, Germany; 2Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary, University of Prishtina, Kosovo Investigations on "nonclassic" regulators of angiogenesis could open new perspectives in understanding angiogenesis under physiological and pathological conditions. A pro-angiogenic effect has been demonstrated for adrenomedullin (AM), it´s co-factor activity-modifying protein 2 (RAMP-2) and the Calcitonin receptorlike Receptor (CALCLR). This signalling pathway is besides associated with lymphangiogenesis, that (in a physiologically way) is still only poorly understood in ovary and its structures. The aim of this study was therefore to evaluate mRNA expression of AM, RAMP-2 and CALCLR in bovine corpora lutea (CL) during different physiological stages. Experiment 1: CL were assigned days 1-2, 3-4, 5-7, 8-12, 13-16, >18 (after regression) of oestrous cycle and of gravidity (month <3, 3-5, 6-7 and >8). Experiment 2: Induced luteolysis. Cows on days 8-12 were injected with a PGF2α analogue and CL were collected by transvaginal ovariectomy before and 0.5, 2, 4, 12, 24, 48 and 64 h after PGF2α injection. Tissue levels of mRNA were characterized by real-time RT-PCR. All 3 factors were clearly expressed. AM and CALCRL qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 40 showed significant changes in both experiments, RAMP-2 during induced luteolysis. For AM highest levels could be observed at the beginning and the end of the luteal phase, CALCRL remained at comparable levels. Both factors showed their highest expression at the end of pregnancy. After induced luteolysis the expression of all factors started to decline (significantly during structural luteolysis). In conclusion, our results could lead to the assumption that factors investigated may be involved in mechanisms regulating CL formation, function and regression – with a special emphasis during the final months of pregnancy. P037 Gene Expression of Selected WRKY Transcription Factors in Arabidopsis thaliana Cell Cultures during a Parabolic Flight Anne Hennig, Maren Neef, Niklas Hausmann, Rüdiger Hampp University of Tuebingen, Physiological Ecology of Plants, Germany Plants use gravity as a guide for growth and development. Recent studies could demonstrate that plant cells which are not part of specialized tissues such as the root columella cells are also able to sense gravitational forces. Therefore we used undifferentiated, homogeneous cell cultures of Arabidopsis thaliana (cv. Columbia) (A.t.) in order to identify early alterations in gene expression as a response to altered gravitational fields. As experimental system we used parabolic flights (A300, Novespace, France). A single parabola consists of following phases: 1g, 1.8g for 20 sec, microgravity (µg) for 22 sec, 1.8g for 20 sec, 1g. Up to 30 parabolas are exercised within one flight. By the use of microarrays (ATH1, Affymetrix) we found several hundred transcripts to be altered in amount during the respective gravity segments. For this study, we specifically looked for genes at the beginning of signal transduction chains, such as transcription factors (TFs). TFs are small proteins regulating gene expression of their target genes by binding to specific promoter sequences. For quantification via qRT-PCR, six WRKY genes were selected. WRKYs are known to be involved in various physiological processes such as senescence or pathogen defense. The data indicated a transient gene expression profile, while most of the analyzed WRKYs were significantly down-regulated after the microgravity-phase of the parabola. P038 Gene expression studies on soil fertility and nutritional status in grapevine Nadia Bertazzon1, Piergiorgio Stevanato2, Alessandro Zonin2, Giuseppe Concheri2, Massimo Saccomani2, Elisa Angelini1 1 C.R.A. Centro di Ricerca per la Viticoltura, 31015, CONEGLIANO (TV), Italy; 2Università degli Studi di Padova, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie Agrarie, 35020, LEGNARO (PD), Italy Grapevine is a major fruit crop worldwide that is susceptible to several environmental stresses like diseases and water-nutritional deficiency. Its management involves many agronomic practices and phytochemicals to prevent significant reductions in quality and quantity of production caused by these stresses. There is an urgent need for developing alternative sustainable strategies for grapevine protection. This requires innovative and interdisciplinary approaches for a better understanding of grapevine responses to environmental stresses. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationships among grapevine productivity, main soil chemical properties and expression of genes that could be involved in defence mechanism of grapevine to edaphic stresses. The research was conducted in two vineyards characterized by high and low productivity, both cultivated with cv. Garganega on 1103 Paulsen and located in the North-East of Italy. The evaluation of the soil properties revealed large and significant differences (p<0.001) between the two vineyards. The soil of vineyard characterized by high productivity showed neutral pH, good supply of organic matter and appropriate C/N ratio (8:1). On the contrary, the soil of less productive vineyard was characterized by acid pH, scarce organic matter content, suboptimal C/N ratio and leave content of nitrogen and sulphur. Four selected defence-related genes were analysed by qPCR starting from total RNA of grapevine leaves collected on August 2010 from the two vineyards. Two genes, phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) and stilbene synthase 1 (VST1), encode key enzymes of the phenylpropanoid pathway which leads to the production of various defence-related compounds, like resveratrol. Another gene encodes the enzyme sucrose synthase (Susy) which is involved in the metabolism of sucrose. The last gene encodes for a WRKY transcription factor, implicated in the regulation of transcriptional reprogramming associated with plant immune responses. A set of five commonly used Vitis vinifera reference genes, encoding actin (ACT), cytochrome oxidase (COX), pyruvate dacarboxilase (PDC), glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GPDH) and 26S ribosomal RNA (26S), were used to normalize expression data. Two genes, GAPDH and ACT, were selected among them for the normalization process, as they showed stable expression in all our experimental conditions. All the target genes analyzed showed significant higher relative expression values (p<0.001) in plants from low-productive vineyard with respect to those from highproductive vineyard. These results showed that deficiencies in soil fertility and nutritional state of grapevine lead to the induction of the selected defence-related genes which could be involved in phenotypic adaptation of vine plants to edaphic stress. Further qPCR experiments will be carried out for the validation of these gene expression patterns on nitrogen and sulphur-starved plants grown under controlled conditions. P039 H275Y screening and quantification using isolated unlabeled probe Hong Kai Lee1, Chun Kiat Lee1, Julian Wei-Tze Tang1, Evelyn Siew-Chuan Koay1,2 1 Molecular Diagnosis Centre, Department of Laboratory Medicine, National University Hospital, Singapore; 2Department of Pathology, National University of Singapore, Singapore Objectives: An increasing number of oseltamivir-resistance associated mutations (H275Y in the neuraminidase NA gene) are being reported in H1N1/2009 viruses isolated from patients treated with oseltamivir, particularly in the immunocompromised. 1 It is important to identify the presence of these drug resistanceassociated mutations to optimize the care for such patients. Methodology: A rapid and cost-effective High Resolution Melting (HRM) PCR assay was developed for this purpose using an unlabeled probe to screen for the H275Y mutation among patients treated with oseltamivir, especially the highly susceptible immunocompromised patients. Isolated probe PCR (IP-PCR)2 was performed using Superscript III Platinum One-step qRT-PCR kit (Invitrogen) on either the LightScanner LS32 (Idaho) or the LightCycler LC v2.0 (Roche) system, both of which utilize the uniquely designed LC glass capillaries as reaction receptacles. To initiate the IP-PCR, 2 μL of extracted viral RNA was added to 6 μL of reaction mix containing optimized amounts of forward and reverse primers. A calculated excess amount of forward primer and unlabelled probe mix (2 μL) was then aliquotted into the upper well of the capillary tube, without being spun down with the reaction mix. Upon completion of the IP-PCR, the 8 μL reaction mix was mixed with the pre-deposited primer/probe mix by inversion and reverse-spinning, followed by an ”extended” 15cycle asymmetric amplification reaction and continuous HRM data acquisition. The in vitro synthesized RNA transcripts for both wildtype and mutant were diluted using pooled negative RNA extracts and used as the standard calibrator. The lower limit of detection (LLOD) and lower limit of quantification (LLOQ) for the mutant strain were determined. To estimate the proportion of H275Y mutant population in a mutant/wildtype mixture, a series of 0-100% mixed-mutant/wildtype standards were tested, at 10% incremental intervals and 105 RNA copies/reaction. Results: The melt peaks for the unlabeled probe with a mismatched base C (wildtype) and that with a perfectly matched base T (mutant) were clearly discernable at 65.5°C and 69.0°C, respectively. The assay reproducibly amplified concentrations of 20 to 2x107 RNAcopies/reaction, thus giving an LLOD of 20 copies/reaction. The LLOQ, defined as the lowest concentration whereby the difference of 3.32 Ct value per log is maintained, was 200 copies/reaction. Good resolution of the melt peaks was obtained for the whole series of 0-100% mixed-mutant/wildtype standards. Conclusion: This assay is able to provide easily discernable results for qualitative and quantitative detection of WT (H275)/mutant (Y275) mixes. The preliminary results suggest that this assay and platform may accurately identify H275Y populations down to 10% of the viral population, though further validation on clinical specimens is required. qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 41 1. WHO, Wkly Epidemiol Rec 2010;85:37-40 2. MD Poulsen, CT Wittwer. Biotechniques 2007;43:87-91 P040 Improvement of phytoplasma diagnostics in grapevine and fruit trees: from grinding to real time PCR analysis Matevž Rupar, Nina Prezelj, Nataša Mehle, Petra Nikolić, Maja Ravnikar, Marina Dermastia National Institute of Biology, Slovenia Phytoplasmas are plant pathogenic bacteria without cell wall and may cause severe damage to their plant hosts. Examples of such pathogens are Flavescence doreé (FD) and Bois noir (BN)phytoplasma causing grapevine yellows and ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma mali’ (AP), ‘Ca. P. prunorum’ (ESFY) and ‘Ca. P. pyri’ (PD) from apple proliferation group phytoplasmas on fruit trees. All of them can cause great crop losses and economical damage if not detected soon enough and properly managed. Because phytoplasmas cannot be grown in vitro, their diagnostics depends only on molecular and serological methods. The most commonly applied assays involve laborious and time consuming steps of DNA extraction followed by the conventional PCR and several PCR- RFLP analyses with agarose or polyacril amid gel electrophoresis. Through recent years our laboratory developed and improved methods for fast, Real time PCR based diagnostics of phytoplasma in grapevine and fruit trees with higher sensitivity, specificity and fewer possibilities for contaminations. We compared the homogenization of plant tissues using mortar and pistil in liquid nitrogen with a Fast Prep® homogenizer and additionally compared both methods using real-time PCR described below. For a DNA extraction CTAB method and KingFisher® automatic extraction procedure based on magnetic beads (Pirc et al., 2009) were compared with pipetting of a large set of samples using an automatic pipetting workstation. The PCR-PFLP analyses were compared with a real-time PCR assay, using different primers and probes. We use primers and probes for 18S rRNA gene (Applied Biosystems, USA) as an internal control of DNA isolation, primers and probes for universal phytoplasma (Hren et al., 2007) detection phytoplasma and from apple proliferation group (AP, PD, ESFY) (Nikolić et al., 2010). With a new procedure, which combines a homogenization with a Fast Prep® homogenizer, KingFisher® automatic extraction procedure based on magnetic beads, pipetting of a large set of samples by an automatic pipetting workstation and real-time PCR assays we increased the number of processed samples in time, diminished the possibilities of contaminations, improved the sensitivity and specificity of detection and shortened the time for the diagnosis for approximately three times. Therefore, new protocols combined enables high throughput routine phytoplasma diagnostics. Virus 1-Step Master Mix (Applied Biosystems by Life Technologies) offers fast, sensitive and reliable (robust) detection of norovirus genogroup II in comparision to the reagent from another supplier. 1] Dingle, K.E., Lambden, P.R., Caul, E.O. and Clarke, I.N. 1995. Human enteric Caliciviridae: the complete genome sequence and expression of virus-like particles from a genetic group II small round structured virus. J Gen Virol 76: 2349-2355. 2] Hoehne, M., Schreier, E. 2006. Detection of Norovirus genogroup I and II by multiplex real-time RT- PCR using a 3'-minor groove binder-DNA probe. BMC Infectious Diseases 2006, http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2334/6/69 3] Kageyama, T., Kojima, S., Shinohara, M., Uchida, K., Fukushi, S., Hoshino, F.B., Takeda, N., Katayama, K. 2003. Broadly reactive and highly sensitive assay for Norwalk-like viruses based on real-time quantitative reverse transcription-PCR. J Clin Microbiol, 41 (4): 1548-1557. P042 Interest of Real-Time PCR for the Diagnosis of Invasive Aspergillosis Inès Hadrich1, Fattouma Makni1, Sourour Neji1, Fatma Cheikhrouhou1, Hayet Sellami1, Stéphane Ranque2, Ali Ayadi1 1 Habib Bourguiba Hospital: Sfax - Tunisia, Tunisia; 2Laboratoire de Parasitologie-Mycologie, Université de la Méditerranée, AP-HM Timone, Marseille France Nikolić P., Mehle N., Gruden K., Ravnikar M., and Dermastia M. (2010). Molecular and Cellular Probes 24: 303-9. Background. Improving our ability to detect Aspergillus DNA will contribute to the diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis (IA). This study aimed at comparing a real-time PCR assay and a PCR-ELISA assay in both serum and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) samples forthe diagnosis of IA in patients with hematological malignancies. Patients and methods. 163 neutropenic patients at risk of IA in the hematology wards of the Sfax University Hospital, were prospectively studied. BAL samples, if available, and serum were taken twice weekly. The morphological identification of Aspergillus isolates collected from BAL samples was verified by internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1), 5.8S, and ITS2 region rRNA sequence analysis. Using a nested case-control design, both PCR assays were performed on proven and probable IA cases and matched control samples. Results. One proven, 31 probable, and 15 possible cases of IA were diagnosed on the basis of EORTC/MSG criteria. The ITS sequencing proved that all isolates collected from BAL were Aspergillus flavus. Real-time PCR, PCRELISA, and galactomannan antigen (GMA) assays performed on 459 serum samples found 93.8%, 96.9%, and 100% sensitivity, respectively. Specificity was 100%, 100%, and 91.5%, respectively. In 42 BAL samples, sensitivity was 64.3%, 71.4%, and 85.7%, and specificity was 96.4%, 96.4%, and 92.9%, respectively. Conclusions. While slightly less sensitive, the real time-PCR assay was highly specific and considerably faster and more workable than PCR-ELISA. Combining real-time PCR and GMA detection in both serum and BAL samples enhances routine laboratory IA diagnosis. Pirc M., Ravnikar M., Tomlinson J., Dreo T. (2009). Plant Pathology, 58 (5): 872-881. P043 Hren M., Boben J., Rotter A., Kralj P., Gruden K., Ravnikar M. (2007). Plant Pathology 56 (5), 785-796. P041 Is the JAK2 Exon 14 Deletion a Physiological Splice Variant? Influence of different one-step reverse transcription real-time PCR reagents for no-doubt detection of norovirus genogroup II Paolo Catarsi, Vittorio Rosti, Laura Villani, Valentina Poletto, Elisa Bonetti, Bergamaschi Gaetano, Barosi Giovanni Unit of Clinical Epidemiology and Center for the Study of Myelofibrosis, IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo Foundation, Italy Marko Kolenc1, Nataša Toplak2, Minka Kovač2, Andrej Steyer1, Mateja Poljšak Prijatelj1 1 University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Microbiology and Immunology, Slovenia; 2Omega d.o.o., Slovenia Human noroviruses, members of Caliciviridae family are one of the main cause of acute non-bacterial gastroenteritis in humans of all ages. They appear in both, epidemic and sporadic cases. Noroviruses can not be propagated in cell cultures. Thus real-time PCR molecular methods for caliciviral detection, which represent the basis of molecular epidemiology, have been introduced [1,2,3]. The aim of the study was to compare two different real-time PCR reagents for detection of norovirus strains belonging to genogroup II. The linear range of detection, sensitivity, efficiency of amplification, comparison of detected fluorescence using two different one-step reverse transcription real-time PCR reagents were established. The results show that the use of a TaqMan Fast In recent years the diagnosis and treatment of patients with myeloproliferative disorders has focused on the JAK2 gene. The V617F mutation changes the pseudokinase domain JH2 and determines the constitutive activation of the protein. In a recent publication, Ma and colleagues (Ma et al.. PLoS ONE (2010) vol. 5 (8)) identified an alternative splicing of JAK2 transcript that leads to the deletion of the entire exon 14 (88bp). This mRNA has a stop codon in exon 15 and is translated into a truncated protein that has a deletion within the JH2 pseudokinase domain and complete deletion of the kinase domain (JH1). In order to identify and quantify the presence of this splice variant, the RNA extracted from plasma, was reverse transcribed and amplified with primers designed in exons 13 and 15 and analyzed using fluorescent fragment length analysis. The alternative transcript was only detected in patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs) (58% of patients positive for the V617F mutation and 33% qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 42 negative) in proportions ranging from 2% to 26% compared to the normal transcript. We investigated this alternative splicing form in RNA extracted from both granulocytes and total leucocytes of 6 MPNs patients (3 positive for the V617F mutation and 3 negative) and 5 healthy controls. The amplification products (i.e. 273-bp for the wild type and 185-bp for the splice variant) were obtained using the same pair of primers. The products were separated by conventional gel electrophoresis. The alternative spliced product was present in all patients and all healthy individuals. We hypothesized that the difference between patients and controls groups observed in the cited work is due to a pathological increase in the levels of a constitutive variant. To test this hypothesis, we are developing a qPCR assay to determine the amount of JAK2 splice variant relative to the normal transcript. P044 Molecular Detection of Tranzschelia discolor using qPCR Paolo Catarsi1,3, Cristina Borghi1, Marina Laura1, Arianna Cassetti1, Giacomo Morreale2, Andrea Allavena1 1 CRA-FSO, Research Unit for Floriculture and Ornamental Species, Corso Inglesi 508, 18038 Sanremo, Italy; 2CRA – VIT, Centre for Research in. Viticulture, Viale XXVIII Aprile 26, 31015, Conegliano, Italy; 3Current address: Lab of Clinical Epidemiology, IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo Foundation, Piazzale Golgi, 27100 Pavia, Italy Prunus/Anemone rust is caused by Tranzschelia discolor, that has become aggressive in Anemone coronaria cultivation in recent years. Reliable detection of plant pathogens in propagation material crops and ornamental plants is matter of great economic interests because of farmer yield losses. Furthermore the supply of of infected seed can lead to protracted litigation. Aim of our study was to develop a qPCR technique useful to detect Tranzschelia discolor in both seed derived rhizomes (i.e. the propagation material of Anemone) and in epigeal tissues of the plants. This technique can be useful for both its phytosanitary application (i.e. the detection of the pathogen in plant nursery facilities) and its usage as a powerful method to detect the presence of mycelium in various tissues of the Anemone plant during fungus migration. qPCR primers were designed on a DNA segment coding for a ribosomal RNA. The qPCR reaction allowed us to efficiently detect the fungus in seed derived rhizomes. This finding is in agreement with the hypothesis that infected propagation material accounts for yield losses in the field. qPCR analysis confirmed the migration of the fungus in epigeal tissues of the plant. Furthermore, qPCR data were used to set up a LAMP based procedure, which might allow pathogen on-site detection. P046 Multiplex Real-Time PCR for Detection of Shiga toxin and Intimin genes of pathogenic Escherichia coli Melanie Pavlovic, Regina Konrad, Sabine Wolf, Marion Lindermayer, Jasmin Fräßdorf, Ulrich Busch, Ingrid Huber Bavarian Health and Food Safety Authority, Germany Some E. coli strains harbour specific virulence factors which classify them as pathogens. In human they mainly cause infections of the gastrointestinal and urinary tracts and are among the most frequent bacterial causes of diarrhea. Especially in young children, infections with Shiga toxin producing enterohaemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) can lead to the life threatening hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS). EHEC and enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) strains can induce attaching and effacing lesions. They harbor the locus of enterocyte effacement (LEE) pathogenicity island with the intimin gene eae. Intimin mediates the intimate attachment of bacteria to epithelial cells. The diagnosis of EHEC strains in stool and food is based on detection of Shiga toxin genes and of EPEC strains on the eae gene, respectively. We developed a multiplex real-time PCR assay for simultaneous detection of intimin genes and all so far known variants of Shiga toxins 1 and 2 (stx1 and stx2) for diagnostic samples on a Lightcycler® 480 machine with hydrolysis probes (Pavlovic et al., 2010). An internal amplification control was included. The multiplex PCR was tested on 30 E. coli reference strains and 174 well characterized isolates from our routine diagnostic. 68 strains representing other gastrointestinal pathogens, normal gastrointestinal flora, or closely related bacteria gave no signal in the multiplex PCR. The detection limits were five genome equivalents for stx2 and 50 genome equivalents for eae and stx1. Before implementing the multiplex PCR in the routine diagnostic, we compared a set of samples examined with the newly developed method and the currently used real-time PCR. Overall 95% of the results were identical for the stx1 and stx2 genes (n = 182 each) and 91% (n = 54) for the eae gene. In fact we detected more stx and eae genes in our samples with the new multiplex PCR because all variants of the genes are included. Additional samples are currently tested. Pavlovic M, Huber I, Skala H, Konrad R, Schmidt H, Sing A, Busch U. Development of a multiplex real-time polymerase chain reaction for simultaneous detection of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli and enteropathogenic Escherichia coli strains. Foodborne Pathog Dis. 2010 Jul;7(7):801-8. New qPCR Applications: Method Optimisation & Standardisation P045 P047 Scaling Semiconductor Sequencing from Microbial to Human Genomes on a Single Platform Alain Rico1, Jonathan M. Rothberg2 1 Life Technologies, France; 2Ion Torrent, USA Ion Torrent has invented the first device—a new semiconductor chip—capable of directly translating chemical signals into digital information. The first application of this technology is sequencing DNA. The device leverages decades of semiconductor technology advances and in just a few years has brought the entire design, fabrication and supply chain infrastructure of that industry - a trillion dollar investment—to bear on the challenge of sequencing. The result is Ion semiconductor sequencing, the first commercial sequencing technology that does not use light, and as a result delivers unprecedented speed, scalability and low cost. All of these benefits are a result of applying a technology that is massively scalable, as proven by Moore’s Law, to a task that has traditionally used optics-based solutions. Optics-based sequencing works in a linear fashion: Increasing capacity requires increasing the number of signals that must be read, which in turn results in longer runtimes, higher capital costs and ever more sophisticated optics. Hot Start dNTPs – Novel Chemistries for Use in Advanced PCR Applications Natasha Paul TriLink BioTechnologies, Inc., United States of America PCR is a widely used scientific tool whose specificity can be increased by the use of Hot Start technologies. Although many Hot Start technologies exist, recently developed CleanAmp™ dNTPs are a distinct approach that employs modified nucleoside triphosphates with a thermolabile protecting group at the 3'hydroxyl. The presence of the protecting group blocks low temperature primer extension, which can often be a significant problem in PCR. At higher temperatures, the protecting group is released to allow for incorporation by the DNA polymerase and more specific amplification of the intended target. These modified dNTPs provide comparable performance to other Hot Start technologies and can be used with thermostable DNA polymerases to turn a reaction into a Hot Start version. This thermolabile chemistry can be applied to dNTP analogs such as dUTP, which is used in UNG decontamination methods, and 7deaza-dGTP, which is used to amplify difficult GC-rich targets. In addition, further studies have led to the development of 3'protecting groups that deprotect more quickly than the current 3'modification group, allowing these modified dNTPs to be used in fast PCR. With the evolving chemistry of the hot start dNTPs, the qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 43 areas of application benefiting from the versatility and flexibility of this technology continue to grow. P048 Lyophilized Mix of Enzyme, Probes, and Primers: A simple and highly sensitive solution for qPCR applications. Nanette Umblas, Chieh-Yuan Li, Lin Lin Huang, Kathy Lee, David Keys, Kate Hames, Madhu Augustine, Stephen Hendricks Life Technologies, United States of America qPCR reactions require a number of components including dNTPs, salts, buffers, enzyme, qPCR assay primers and probes, and sample. Numerous pipetting steps may introduce errors and are not amenable for high throughput applications. A number of time consuming pipeting steps can be eliminated when you use pre-formulated primer/probe mixes such as Applied Biosystems’ TaqMan® Gene Expression Assays, with optimized enzyme mixes. However, a single pipetting step workflow from sample to qPCR reaction is highly desirable for new applications, especially in clinical research and molecular diagnostics, where minimal handling is often required. Thus, a solution that provides ease of use, without compromising precision and accuracy is highly advantageous. To meet this need we have developed a qPCR solution that centers on lyophilization of probe, primers and enzyme mix. Lyophilization, also known as freeze drying, is a widely used technique in food and pharmaceutical industries for room temperature storage and transportation of compounds. We have successfully applied this technique to qPCR such that probe and primers for any gene can be combined with enzyme into a mix that is stable at room temperature. With the new lyophilized format, end users only need to add their sample solution into the reaction tube (8-well tube strips or 96-well plates) where the lyophilized assay and enzyme mix has been pre-dispensed. Besides providing convenience, cost savings and minimal pipetting error, this format allows increased sample volume, thus, potentially doubling the sensitivity of detection compared to wet assays. Here we present the challenges of applying lyophilization in qPCR, lyophilized assay performance data when compared to wet assays (R^2 = 0.98; PCR efficiency ~100%), and preliminary stability data when stored under different conditions. P049 Extraction protocol to increase the yield of circulating fetal DNA in maternal plasma Lai-on Chu, C.Y. Rachel Yeung, K.F. Joseph Chow DiagCor Bioscience Inc. Ltd., Hong Kong S.A.R. - China Background: Compare to the current invasive prenatal diagnosis methods,non-invasive approach is an ideal way to perform diagnostic test in much earlier stage of pregnancy while reducing the chance of miscarriage minimum. However, the nature of low concentration of cell free fetal DNA (cffDNA) in maternal circulation is the major technical challenge to achieve effective non-invasive prenatal diagnosis. We present here a sample collection and extraction workflow generating substantial increase in extraction yield and total amount of fetal DNA in maternal plasma, increasing the feasibility for clinical application of noninvasive prenatal diagnosis. Methods: 29 maternal blood samples were collected from gestation 8-15 weeks with Streck’s Cell-free DNA BCT tube and cffDNA were extracted by QIAamp Circulating Nucleic Acid Kit. Cell free Fetal DNA content and ratio in plasma were quantified and estimated by real-time PCR. Results: A total of 29 plasmas from maternal blood (gestation week ranged from 8 to 15 weeks) were analyzed. The total DNA isolated from 5ml plasmas ranged from 337.72 – 1243.88 GE/ml. 16 of 29 maternal plasma samples were Y-positive, from which the Y specific sequences were used to quantify the fetal DNA content. Fetal to total DNA ratio in plasma ranged from 3.45% to 15.53%, whereas the mean fetal DNA isolated was 51.80 GE/ml (ranged 23.72 – 87.15 GE/ml). The 5ml protocol can recover more than 100 GE of fetal DNA (ranged 118.6-435.75 GE) from 10 ml of maternal blood. Conclusions: This workflow enables cffDNA to be preserved and collected in higher yield than normal collection method. Compare to the literature reported, our fetal to total DNA ratio was 2 folds better (i.e. median ranged from 9.21 and 14.06% compared to 4.8% and 4.1% for first and second trimester respectively). Furthermore the collected Blood sample can be preserved up to 7 days with no significant change. Therefore, this workflow greatly opens up the possibility of performing downstream application for non-invasive fetal diagnosis. P050 Quantitative detection of pathogens and of mRNA/gene mutants: Internal and external reference RNAs and DNAs for the development and high level quality & performance controls of real-time RT-PCR and PCR assays Guido Krupp, Andreas Hanne, Peter Scheinert AmpTec GmbH, Germany One important aspect of using synthetic internal control RNAs: false negative results are easily discovered. Availability of customized RNAs allow monitoring of both steps in RT-qPCR tests: the crucial cDNA synthesis and the subsequent PCR amplification. High quality dilution series of positive controls allow routine implementation of performance control of the tests and guarantee continuous high quality standards. The development of mutant screening tests is straightforward and any desired sequence variant is available in homogeneous form, independent from the limited availability of (uni-variant) biological samples. An important aspect of pathogen detection is the evaluation of test specificity: only the intended target sequence(s) give positive results, closely related species are not detected and give negative results. Availability of the corresponding sequence panels can be challenging for new test developers without resources that have been accumulated over many years. The availability of customized reference sequences offers unlimited possibilities for any facility and for new fields. Applications of these reference nucleic acids are demonstrated with instrument platforms from the manufacturers ABI, Qiagen and Roche. Examples are shown for quality & performance control and for the detection of the closely related viral sequences HSV-1 and HSV-2 in one single test. P051 Validation of appropriate reference genes for the normalization of real-time quantitative RT-PCR data obtained from platelets of post-myocardial infarction patients Amir Houshang Shemirani1,2, Katalin Szilvia Zsóri1,2, László Muszbek1 1 Debrecen University, Hungary; 2Sátoraljaújhely hospital, Hungary Human blood platelets contain minute amounts of translationally active mRNA. Genetic analysis of platelet mRNA islimited by small yield of plateletmRNA and the risk of leukocyte contamination duringplatelet preparation.Previous reports on platelet mRNA expression have used conventional reference genes, but there has been no report of studies to check for the validity of these reference genes. In other words, reference genes had not been thoroughly investigated in platelet. Method: We isolated leukocytedepleted platelets from ten mL blood by triple centrifugation. We tested the reliability, leukocyte contamination, and integration of platelet RNA by RT-qPCR to detect specific transcripts. Spectrophotometry (NanoDrop) was used for the quality assessment of isolated RNA. RT-qPCR was performed on LightCycler® 480. The software NormFinder and geNorm were used to identify the most suitable reference genes. Expression profiles of 9 genes ACTB, EAR, GAPDH, HDGF, GNAS, ANAPC5, OAZ1, EEF2 and CFL1 were established from 20 patients with myocardial infarction. Results: Nanogram quantities of plateletspecific cDNAs were produced from 10 mL of whole blood. ACTB and HDGF (by geNorm) and ACTB (by NormFinder) were the most stably expressed genes in platelets of patients with the history of myocardial infarction. Conclusion: In platelets gene profiling studies of patients after myocardial infarction the genes ACTB and HDGF in combination are recommended as reference genes for normalization. qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 44 P052 Elisabeth Lill Andreassen, Olav Lanes, Morten Elde ArcticZymes AS, Norway Exogenous RNA control for indication of reaction inhibition in the RT-qPCR workflow PCR is sufficiently sensitive to detect single copy genes from single cells. Unfortunately, this extreme sensitivity of PCR also restricts the method, making it prone to false-positive results due to contamination. One of the major sources of these false-positive results is carry-over contamination of amplification products from previous PCRs (1). As the amplicons are both identical to the target molecule and produced at a very high copy number during PCR, they constitute a serious threat, particularly to forensic, diagnostic and palaeogenetic analysis (2). With the advent of the uracil-N-glycosylase (UNG) de-contamination technology, this problem became widely solved; however, reactivation of UNG post-PCR has restricted its use (3,4,5,6). Upon reactivation of UNG, the newly produced PCR products quickly degrade, thus impairing downstream analysis such as cloning, sequencing and genotyping. So the complete and irreversible inactivation of UNG is of pivotal importance for post-PCR applications. In our recent studies we have demonstrated how a range of commercially available UNGs fail to meet these criteria. Residual UNG activity was measured by incubating UNG-treated PCR products at room temperature at different time intervals and the extent of DNA degradation was evaluated on agarose-gels. We further sequenced the UNG-treated PCR products and evaluated the quality of the sequences. Our study showed that the only UNG that became completely and irreversibly inactivated by moderate heat-treatment, was cod UNG. The post-PCR sequencing results showed that every UNG tested, except the cod UNG, gave poor or unreadable sequences. Hence, by employing cod UNG as the decontamination enzyme in PCRs, a range of downstream analysis of PCR products can be performed without the probability of UNGreactivation impairing the results. James Covino2, Zaklina Strezoska2, Devin Leake2, Annaleen Vermeulen2, Melissa Kelley2, Jaakko Kurkela1 1 Thermo Fisher, Finland; 2Thermo Fisher Scientific, Lafayette, Colorado Inhibitors of reverse transcriptase quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) are commonly present in experiments and not easily recognized in experimental set-ups. The primary challenge is that methods such as spectrophotometric techniques do not always detect RT-qPCR inhibitors. The Thermo Scientific Solaris RNA Spike Control Kit was designed as an exogenous control to identify the presence of reaction inhibitors including those commonly carried through processing steps to isolate RNA such as EDTA, phenol, heparin and EtOH. Here we describe applications for this exogenous control to identify the presence of reaction inhibition and illustrate the impact inhibition can have on results and data interpretation. Experimental results demonstrate RNA Spike Control provides accurate identification of RT-qPCR inhibition and the ability to predict when inhibition has been removed, for example, by dilution of the RNA sample into the reverse transcription reaction. The RNA Spike Control identified RT-qPCR inhibition in a gene expression assay, explaining the variable results obtained. Furthermore, the use of RNA Spike protocol was compared to current inhibition identification protocols and was found to be an easy and succinct workflow, offering a clear advantage of this technology. P053 Internal controls for quantification of alternatively spliced transcripts by real-time PCR Julia Meiser, Julia Frühwald, Stephan E. Philipp Institute for experimental and clinical pharmacology and toxicology, University Saarland, 66421 Homburg, Germany More than 90% of human genes express mRNAs that undergo alternative splicing resulting in an extensive collection of isoforms that are required for a huge variability of functions. The ratio of the variants is tightly controlled and needs to be determined precisely. Real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RTqPCR) is the method of choice to quantify mRNA expression levels and has also been adapted to measure the ratio of splice variants derived from a single gene (1). However, commonly used assays do not compensate for differences in the reverse transcription efficiencies among the variants and do not include internal controls that reveal experimental errors. Here we present an expanded method to quantify the ratio of alternatively spliced transcripts by RT-qPCR. In addition to transcript specific primers the method includes control primers that allow compensation of variations during reverse transcription. Furthermore they serve as an independent control of the total number of transcript. To estimate the PCR efficiencies we used the comparative quantitation tool of the rotorgene software which is based on the determination of the second derivative maximum (SDM) of the amplification curve. Comparison of efficiency corrected values to those obtained by standard curves as well as a new algorithm to calculate the PCR efficiencies (LinReg, (2)) showed that SDMdata were equally reliable and that standard curves are dispensable. The one-step protocol can be easily adapted to most splice events and allows simultaneous identification of two distinguishable products specific for both transcripts. We show that the method is applicable to a broad range of template concentrations. Furthermore, it is possible to determine minute changes of the ratio of two variants of ~ 10 %. 1. Vandenbroucke, I. I., Vandesompele, J., Paepe, A. D., and Messiaen, L. (2001) Nucleic Acids Res. 29, E68 2. Ruijter, J. M., Ramakers, C., Hoogaars, W. M., Karlen, Y., Bakker, O., van den Hoff, M. J., and Moorman, A. F. (2009) Nucleic Acids Res. 37, e45 P054 Contamination control with the heat-labile cod UNG ensures accurate and reliable results in your post-PCR analysis 1. Kwok, S., Higuchi, R. (1989); Nature 339:237–238 2. Pruvost, M., Grange, T., Geigl, E.M. (2005): BioTechniques 38:569–575 3. Longo, M.C., Berninger, M. S., Hartley, J. L. (1990); Gene 83:125–128 4. Sobek H., Schmidt M., Frey B., Kaluza K. (1996); FEBS Lett 388:1-4 5. Thornton, C. G., Hartley, J. L., Rashtchian, A. (1992); Biotechniques 13(2):180–183 6. Champlot, S. et al (2010) PLoS ONE 5(9):e13042 P055 NOVEL APPROACHES IN MANUFACTURING HIGH QUALITY REAGENTS FOR IN-HOUSE PCR DIAGNOSTICS Muriel Craynest EUROGENTEC, Belgium Background. Emerging infectious diseases like H1N1, have prompted the need for rapid development of routine PCR testing by service laboratories. The rapid need for such tests requires inhouse development and manufacturing. However, like commercial kits, in-house PCR needs to be built with reagentsof high and consistent quality to ensure reliable and accurate assay performance. Currently, most laboratories will source ‘researchgrade’ oligos (produced under ISO 9001 quality system) rather than “diagnostic” GMP reagents(produced under ISO 13485) to save costs. From a quality perspective this is farfromoptimal. Moreover, with more and more medical labs upgrading their quality system to ISO 15189, control measures over critical reagents and their suppliers must be implemented. As oligos are the most critical components of PCR, an innovative manufacturing solution is proposed in this paper: Clinical Lab Oligos. Methods. FMEA-based risk analysis of the oligo production process was performed, followed by appropriate measures to minimize risks for diagnostic users. Risks were classified as low/medium/high, based on Severity (impact for customer), Occurrence & Detection. Results. We identified 471 risks in the first round. Using a reiterative process, measures were implemented to reduce all risks to “low” classification. Important measures included, the use of classified clean rooms to eliminate contamination risks, GMP documentation (SOP and checklists), and validated instrumentation and QC methods. The improved production process is managed according to ISO 13485. Conclusion. Clinical lab oligos will significantly add to further quality improvement of inhouse PCR Diagnostics. qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 45 qPCR Biostatistics & Bioinformatics P056 Real-time PCR quantifications in presence of inhibitors using SOD and Cy0 methods. Davide Sisti, Michele Guescini, Renato Panebianco, Pasquale Tibollo, Michela Mantuano, Marco Rocchi, Vilberto Stocchi University of Urbino, Italy Introduction: Real-time PCR has become the technique of choice for absolute and relative nucleic acid quantification. The gold standard quantification method in real-time PCR (Ct) assumes that the compared samples have similar PCR efficiency. Recently, the real-time PCR basic quality control guidelines of quantification have been proposed, in order to achieve a reliable quantification. However, in some biological samples, some inhibitors can be copurified with DNA template and often it is hard to remove them. Consequentially, differential inhibition could be observed resulting in real-time PCR quantification bias. In order to avoid quantification inaccuracy, due to differences in amplification efficiency among run samples to be compared, outlier detection methods, based on amplification estimation, have been reported. Recently a new method, namely SOD, showed a high sensitivity and specificity to detect outlier runs. SOD (shape outlier detection) compares shape of amplification curve of experimental runs with standard curve, without comparing efficiency. Moreover, a new DNA quantification method, called Cy0, show better accuracy in presence of inhibitors. Hence, we compared DNA quantification obtained using Cy0 and Ct methods, considering SOD value of each run. Material and methods: The DNA consisted of a pGEM-T (Promega) plasmid containing a 104 bp fragment of the mitochondrial gene NADH dehydrogenase 1 (MT-ND1) as insert. Real time PCR amplifications were conducted using LightCycler® 480 SYBR Green I Master (Roche) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Ct (fit point method) was determined by the LightCycler® 480 software version 1.2. The Cy0 value is the intersection point between the abscissa axis and tangent of the inflection point of the Richards curve obtained by the nonlinear regression of raw data. Shape based kinetic outlier detection (SOD) was based on the shapes of the amplification curves. SOD value is based on Mahalanobis distance; it is a useful way of determining the similarity of an unknown multivariate sample set to a known one, with multinormal distribution. Results: For each runs, in presence of biological inhibitors such as tannic acid (range: 0.39– 100 mg/mL ), IgG (range: 0.39– 200 mg/mL ) or quercitin (range: 0.31– 40 mg/mL ), Cy0 and Ct values have been calculated. When estimated DNA concentrations, using Ct method, were significantly different from expected values, due to inhibitor presence, SOD efficiently marked these amplification profiles as outliers. Instead, DNA quantifications obtained with Cy0 method, were not significantly different from the expected values, obtained from residual distribution of curve calibration runs. Conclusion: Our results demonstrated that in presence of three different type of inhibitors at different concentrations, SOD efficiently detected outlier runs and Cy0 method achieved quantifications with accuracy significantly higher than Ct method. Web site: http://www.cy0team.uniurb.it P057 Kinetic models of qPCR as applied to the problem of low copy numbers Alexander M Chagovetz, James P Keener University of Utah, United States of America We propose an alternative way of analyzing qPCR data based on kinetic modelling of multiple competing reactions. Three different models are developed for kinetically distinct cases: SYBR greentype detection, hybridization probes, and hydrolysis (TaqMan)type probes. Instead of analyzing local features of the growth curve (Ct) we propose a global fit of the growth curve as defined by the model. Our approach demonstrate certain advantages in quantification of low copy number targets, which is espacially relevant for single cell qPCR. Proposed method allows to: 1. Estimate changes in amplification efficiency during the course of reaction as a function of initial target concentration. 2. Expand the dynamic range of quantitations and improve its stability 3. Reliably distinguish positive (non-zero copy number) and negative (null) samples P058 Modeling Immuno-qPCR to Estimate Protein Quantity Harrison Leong, Elana Swartzman, Jennifer Holmdahl Life Technologies, United States of America Obtaining relative quantification information from immuno-qPCR assays involves measuring Ct values for serial dilutions of unknown and reference samples. In general, these curves have log-linear ranges and, within these ranges, the curves are nonparallel. A theoretical model is developed and used to provide a means to estimate relative quantity in a way that accounts for these characteristics. The theory makes it clear that the method must be calibrated and suggests several alternatives to achieve that. Experiments have been devised and executed to generate data with “known” underlying fold change values. A calibration and fold change estimation approach are cross-validated against these data. Results suggest that the method can determine fold change within a half log. P059 Development of a GMO screening database with combinatory algorithms and its application in official food and feed control Lars Gerdes, Sven Pecoraro Bavarian Health and Food Safety Authority (LGL), Germany The development and cultivation of genetically modified crops is increasing globally [1]. Food and feed imports from outside the EU will subsequently require more effort from the responsible authorities in monitoring compliance with effective labelling directives in the future. Our aim was the development of a combinatory screening system to support an efficient and comprehensive routine laboratory analysis in Bavaria, Germany. The project consists of two parts: the development of a database for collection and interpretation of information related to genetically modified organisms (GMO) and the design of ready-to-use microtitre plates (modules) for experimental screening of samples. Different genetic elements (e.g. promoters, terminators, structural genes) are artificially introduced into plants to establish new genetic modifications. The introduced elements may vary between different GMO lines, depending on the intended traits (e.g. resistance to herbicides or insects, changes in metabolite patterns, etc.). Screening for such inserted elements with (realtime) PCR is a common first step to analyse samples for the presence of any genetical modification. From the pattern of detectable and not detectable elements, valuable conclusions about the identity of putative present GMO line(s) can be drawn. Information about selected genetic elements from the literature [for example 2], applications for authorisation and other (web) sources were systematically integrated in a matrix-format. Special care was taken to additionally record the sources of the information, thus facilitating evaluation of screening results, and tracing of possible errors in the matrix. Data from the matrix was accessed with several implemented algorithms, for example to interprete the outcome of a screening for genetic elements with the ready-to-use microtitre modules, and thus narrow down the candidates for subsequent identification reactions. Database and screening modules are open for implementation of further GMO lines and additional genetic elements. Together, data processing and corresponding ready-to-use real-time PCR modules will support the efficient analytical food and feed control at the Bavarian Health and Food Safety Authority (LGL). 1. James, C., Global Status of Commercialized Biotech/GM Crops: 2009. ISAAA Brief, 2010. 41. 2. Waiblinger, H.-U., B. Boernsen, and K. Pietsch, Screening-Tabelle für den Nachweis zugelassener und nicht zugelassener gentechnisch veränderter Pflanzen. Deutsche Lebensmittel-Rundschau, 2008. 104(6): 261-4. qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 46 P060 Advanced copy number variant analysis with qbasePLUS Barbara D'haene, Jo Vandesompele, Jan Hellemans Biogazelle, Zwijnaarde, Belgium Copy number changes are known to be involved in numerous genetic disorders. Moreover, copy number polymorphisms of various sizes are thought to contribute to normal phenotypic variation and susceptibility to multifactorial disease. In this context, qPCR-based copy number screening may serve as the method of choice for targeted copy number screening as it has many advantages over alternative methods, such as its low consumable and instrumentation costs, fast turnaround and assay development time, high sensitivity and open format (independent of a single supplier). Here, we present several experiments in which we performed targeted deletion screening in patients with human genetic disorders. Accurate copy number calling and objective interpretation was performed with an advanced module for copy number analysis integrated within qbasePLUS 2.0. The software allows the selection of more than one reference sample for accurate copy number calling. In addition, it provides flexibility with regard to the reference samples as these samples may have varying copy numbers. The identified copy numbers changes are visualized on a per sample basis and conditional bar colouring is applied for easy detection of deletions and amplifications. In summary, we provide guidelines for qPCR-based copy number screening and subsequent data-analysis to improve the quality and reliability of your results. P061 Full-Process-Kinetics PCR analysis: a holistic model to PCR data interpretation. Antoon Lievens1, Stefan Van Aelst2, Marc Van den Bulcke1, Els Goetghebeur2 1 Institute of Public Health, Belgium; 2Ghent University, Belgium Real-time PCR analysis has become a key application in molecular biology. Yet, despite its general use and marked improvements in thermocycler hardware over the past decade, little has changed in the way real time PCR data are typically analyzed. Most current approaches assume constant efficiency over a single reaction. Such methodology performs well as long as long as PCR efficiency does not significantly vary between reactions. Yet, small inaccuracies in reaction efficiency can lead to large quantification errors. Especially when working with biological samples, the possible presence of coextracted inhibitors poses a challenge to data analysis. A new approach to modeling real-time PCR data is presented, called Full Process Kinetics PCR (FPKPCR). It combines a kinetically more realistic model with flexible adaptation to real time PCR data. The approach aims at reconstructing the entire chain of cycle efficiencies, rather than just the data in a limited 'window of application'. As a result, one extracts additional information and loses a level of arbitrariness. The method reveals the amplification steps underlying fluorescence increases. This opens access to detailed information about the internal efficiency behavior and derived parameters of interest. The novel approach was tested on real time SYBRgreen PCR data originating generated with genetically modified roundup ready soybean (event GTS 40-3-2) genomic DNA. Addition of a known PCR inhibitor, isopropanol, allowed to evaluate the methods ability to distinguish inhibited from non inhibited reactions. Results: Efficiency estimates returned by the model are comparable in both accuracy and precision to the golden standard of serial dilution on the one hand, and to other single reaction efficiency calculation methods on the other hand. The changes in efficiency throughout the reaction as described by the FPK-PCR procedure are however considerably closer to the actual data than other models available through the literature. The FPK-PCR approach further allows to identify inhibited reactions by correctly estimating maximal reaction efficiency.The approach thus demonstrates that by implementing a global efficiency model one can avoid the selection of a window of application. When investigating gene expression or quantifying sample content, differences in efficiency between samples before and after treatment, or between a sample and a standard, introduce bias that may skew the conclusions of an assay. FPK-PCR now allows to avoid such bias by yielding efficiencies that are comparablebetween reactions. Knowledge of the individual reaction efficiencies may be used to compensate for efficiency differences between reactions or to simply remove reactions with aberrant efficiency from analysis. Finally, the individual cycle efficiencies enable reconstruction of the fluorescence data, providing a quality control over the efficiency estimate. High Throughput qPCR & digital PCR Next Genartion Sequencing P062 Identification of Tumor Cell Lines by Molecular Signature using Digital PCR and TaqMan® Copy Number Assays Julie Kuykendall Life Technologies, United States of America Digital PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) is an advanced utilization of PCR technology where the number of nucleic acid template is accurately counted. The digital PCR technology relies on segregation of individual target template into different reactions. This can be achieved by diluting the nucleic acid template to the Poisson limit where in each PCR reaction contains either a single copy of template or none. Then PCR amplification is performed where the reaction wells contains template will show amplification signal while the wells without template shows no signal. The 1 and 0 scoring of the wells gives the digital nature of this PCR practice. The positive wells are counted and the number can be extrapolated to exact starting number of template. To achieve statistically accurate counting by digital PCR the number of replicates needs to be quite large. Thousands of replicates are necessary to achieve greater than 95% confidence in the counted number. Chromosomal rearrangement is a common feature in tumor derived cell lines. Here, we describe an approach using digital PCR to detect chromosomal aberration in tumor cell lines. We use 48 TaqMan® Copy Number Assays to count the copy number of chromosomes. Separately, we use the TaqMan® assay targeting the RNaseP gene on chromosome 14 as a copy control. We counted genomic DNA extracted from 6 different human cancer cell lines (A431- epidermoid carcinoma, HeLa- cervical adenocarcinoma, Raj- B cell lymphoma, K562- chronic myelogenous leukemia, Jurkat- acute T cell leukemia, MCF7breast adenocarcinoma). We also used genomic DNA normal human cell lines (one each female and male) as controls. We found chromosome numerical aberration throughout the entire genome for all the human cancer cell lines. Some chromosomes are duplicated entirely where all 4 copy number assays show the same count. While some chromosome are missing entirely where there were no signal from all 4 assays targeting the same chromosome. The results are consistent with the aneuploidy nature of these tumor derived cell lines. There are also sectional duplication and deletions within chromosome where the 4 assays targeting the same chromosome show different counts. The combination of chromosome numerical aberration and intra chromosome rearrangement pattern is unique to each cell line. This allows the identification of cell line by digital PCR signature. The utilization of digital PCR for nucleic acid template counting enables accurate determination of starting template. Furthermore the absolute numerical result of digital PCR counting method allows direct comparison between different results obtained from different run or instruments. This is an advantage to threshold calculated result from traditional qPCR where within-run normalizers are required to compare between runs and instruments. The use of digital PCR is a significant evolutionary step in nucleic acid quantification method. qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 47 P063 P065 High throughput microfluidic dynamic array profiling demonstrates differential gene expression of immune related genes during early pregnancy in cattle Parallel Preparation of Targeted Resequencing Libraries from 480 Genomic Regions Using Multiplex PCR on the Access Array™ System Anna E Groebner1, Katy Schulke1, Horst D Reichenbach2, Heinrich HD Meyer1, Susanne E Ulbrich1 1 Physiology Weihenstephan, Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Germany; 2Bavarian State Research Center for Agriculture, Institute of Animal Breeding, Grub, Germany Fiona Kaper1, Jun Wang, Megan J. Anderson, Peilin Chen, Min Min Lin, Martin Pieprzyk, Robert C. Jones, Andrew P. May Fluidigm Corporation, 7000 Shoreline Court, Suite 100, South San Francisco, CA 94080 Due to the genetic disparity of the semi-allogenic embryo and the mother, potential tolerance inducing genes are required for the establishment of pregnancy. To determine the transcript abundance of immune relevant genes in estrus synchronized pregnant and non-pregnant Simmental heifers, total RNA was extracted and reverse transcribed from ipsilateral endometrial tissue (days 12, 15 and 18 after onset of estrus) and preimplantation conceptuses (days 15 and 18). The high throughput gene expression platform (Fluidigm® 96.96 Dynamic Array) was used based on microfluidic dynamic arrays allowing 9´216 real time PCR gene expression measurements per chip. The mRNA expression of 32 genes in 94 preamplified endometrial and embryonic samples each was measured with three replicates on a single chip. We obtained an average standard deviation of 0.16 and a chip to chip correlation of >0.99 for all three replicates. The platform thus allows a rapid large scale analysis of real time PCR assays with a high dynamic range and sensitivity. Proinflammatory cytokines analyzed were not differentially expressed. However, a significant 18-fold (p<0.001) higher transcript abundances for indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1 (IDO1) in the endometrium of pregnant vs. non-pregnant animals was detected. IDO1 encodes for the initial L-tryptophan degrading enzyme of the kynurenine pathway and is known to inhibit activity of lymphocytes. Furthermore, β2-microglobulin (B2M), the small subunit of MHC class I molecules was only marginally expressed on conceptus tissue when compared to the endometrium, thus the conceptus might avoid immunological detection by the maternal immune system. In conclusion, our data point towards an interaction of various tolerance inducing strategies at the embryo-maternal interface required for the establishment of pregnancy. Supported by DFG (Ul 350/1-2, FOR 478) P064 RealTime ready qPCR Assays - Workflow and an interim census of 10k+ functionally tested qPCR assays Christine Bruns, Manuel Dietrich, Ursula Grepl, Rita Haerteis, Ingrid Hoffmann, Regina Huber, Bastian Kramer, Irene Labaere, Ralf Mauritz, Elke Stadlbauer, Heiko Walch Roche Applied Science, Germany On the RealTime ready (RTr) configuration portal we offer pretested human, mouse and rat qPCR assays based on the unique Universal ProbeLibrary technology. The main advantage of RTr qPCR assays is that each individual assay is functional tested for specificity, PCR efficiency, signal intensity etc. according to stringent criteria and in general consistency with the recently published MIQE guidelines. Here we provide a detailed overview of the involved processes for the RTr on-demand qPCR assay development. The first step involves using the comprehensive search functionalities provided within the RTr Configurator to identify the target gene of choice from one of the three organisms. The in-house development workflow starts by defining appropriate transcripts for individual targets, continues with design, testing and assay selection procedures and concludes with the final assay production and shipment either as single liquid assays or as multiple dried-down assays in 96/384 well plates. All individual process steps are described, summarizing the general specifications as well as the experience gathered from 10k+ successfully developed qPCR assays. Next generation sequencing platforms have dramatically reduced sequencing costs. However, it currently remains too expensive to routinely resequence entire human genomes in order to discover genetic variants or somatic mutations underlying tumorigenesis. Therefore, a need exists for multiplexed, targeted amplification methods that allow for the analysis of multiple genomic regions in large cohorts. Available targeted enrichment technologies are either aimed at the capture of regions of interest from a single sample, exhibit uneven representation or require significant amounts of input material. The novel microfluidic platform, the Access Array™ system, combines 48 samples with 48 primer sets resulting in 2,304 simultaneously occurring PCR amplifications requiring as little as 50ng DNA per sample. PCR products generated on the Access Array™ system can be used for sequencing on all next-generation sequencing platforms, including 454 GSFLX and Illumina GAII. To increase coverage and throughput, PCR reactions can be multiplexed within Access Array IFCs generating up to 480 amplicons per sample. P066 Integration of a novel real-time PCR detection system onto Luminex beads in a PCR reaction. Ross Thomas Barnard1, Richard Lai1, Simon Corrie2, CheCheng Yeh1, Graeme Barnett3, John Feros3 1 School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences,The University of Queensland, Australia; 2Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, The University of Queensland; 3BioChip Innovations Pty. Ltd., Suite 4, 1407 Logan Rd, Mt Gravatt, Qld 4122, Australia We previously reported the development of a new real-time PCR detection system, (PrimRgloTM), that utilises “tagged” PCR primers, a fluorophore labelled ‘universal’ detection oligonucleotide and a complementary quenching oligonucleotide (1,2). In that solution phase embodiment, the fluorescence signal decreased as PCR product accumulated due to the increase in detection/quencher hybrid formed as the tagged primer is consumed. We used influenza A matrix gene and porA and ctrA genes of Neisseria meningitidis as targets for developing that system. Ct values were generated and the sensitivity of the PrimRglo system compared very favorably with the SYBR green and TaqmanTM detection systems (1). In a new development, the PrimRgloTM system has now been integrated with LuminexTM microbeads, utilizing a universal capture oligonucleotide coupled to the microbead, and a Cy3 label on the universal detection oligonucleotide. PCR (target: influenza A matrix gene plasmid) was carried out, with the oligonucleotide-conjugated Luminex beads in the PCR tube throughout the PCR reaction. The PCR reaction mix was injected into the Luminex machine at the end of the reaction. Reactions were sampled at different cycle numbers and the Cy3 fluorescence signal associated with the microbeads increased in proportion to the amount of PCR reaction product. The Luminex machine currently has the capacity to measure 96 different reaction products attached to optically distinguishable bead sets, so the integration of the PrimRglo real-time detection system onto Luminex beads has the potential to enable high degree multiplexing of real-time PCR reactions, beyond that which is currently possible with standard methods. 1 . R. Barnard, R. Lai, D. Pearson, Z.Y. Phua, D. Whiley, T. Sloots and G. Barnett. A new multiplexable, quantitative, real-time system for detection of nucleic acids. New Biotechnology, Volume 25, Supplement 1, September 2009, Pages S17-S18, abstracts of the 14th European Congress on Biotechnology, Barcelona, Spain 13–16 September, 2009. 2. Barnard, R.T. & Barnett, G.R. (2007) A method and kit for analyzing a target nucleic acid sequence. WO 2007/003017. qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 48 P067 Performance and Accuracy Breakthroughs with the 5500 Series SOLiD™ Sequencers Oliver Stephan1, Timothy Burcham1, Patrick Kinney1, Steve Boege1, Jon Hoshizaki1, Matt Chan1, David Cox1, Jason Briggs1, Lee Jones1, Janet Ziegle1, Larry Joe1, Sylvia Chang1, Kathleen Perry1, Takuya Matsui2, Shuhei Yamamoto2, Ryoji Inaba2 1 Lifetechnologies, Inc; 2Hitachi High Technologies, Hitachinakashi, Ibaraki-ken, Japan The 5500 Series SOLiD System incorporates a number of improvements in system design and chemistry to give the highest and most accurate throughput of any next generation sequencer. The 5500 series uses a 6 lane FlowChip™ where clonallyamplified beads are deposited. The 5500xl supports two FlowChips while the 5500 supports one FlowChip. Each FlowChip lane is independently addressed with a proprietary, direct-injection fluidics system which decreases run time, minimizes dead-volume and greatly simplifies the design. Each lane can contain a distinct sample: The system will deliver the required reagents to each lane, independent of the other lanes, using only the reagents required. Imaging time on the 5500 is made faster by incorporating an innovative fast filter wheel, hardware autofocus, and fast camera. Images are processed in real time using a workstation-class computer utilizing state-of-the-art algorithms and GPGPU. The amount of data generated and saved is reduced by an order of magnitude. Chemistry improvements include longer 75 bp reads (forward), 35 bp (reverse paired end), and 2x60 long mate pair. Accuracy improvements using the Exact Call Chemistry™ system increase accuracy to 99.99% allowing heterogeneous SNP detection at levels requiring much less redundancy and improved confidence levels. Users can expect data rates of 20-30 Gb/day with the 5500xl. Results from several library types and applications will be shown, including run times. Pre-release results using Nanobeads will also be shown with data rates >40 Gb/day and typical throughput of greater than 350 Gb/run. The transcriptome represents a comprehensive set of transcribed regions throughout the genome. Studying transcriptome dynamics provides important insights into the functional elements of the genome, their expression patterns and the regulation of transcribed regions. Recently, Next Generation Sequencing methodologies have been introduced into transcriptome research, with mRNAseq currently being the most innovative and highthroughput method for expression profiling. Next to comparative gene expression analyses, mRNAseq can be used for discovering the full extent of 5' and 3' untranslated regions, novel splice junctions, novel transcripts, alternate transcription start sites, and rare transcripts. The goal of our research project is to apply mRNAseq to study the transcriptome of rice roots when challenged by nematode infection. Rice has been intensively studied in the past decades, since it is one of the most important crop plants worldwide and an excellent model system for monocotyledonous plants. The rice root knot nematode Meloidogyne graminicola and the migratory root rot nematode Hirschmanniella oryzae are two agronomically important rice pathogens with very different lifecycles. Even though they cause substantial harvest losses in rice growing areas throughout the world, almost no fundamental research has been performed on these nematodes and their interaction with the rice plant. Comparing the transcriptome in rice upon infection with these pathogens will provide important insights into general and specific defence strategies of the rice plant towards nematodes. To test the robustness of mRNAseq for identifying differential expression in plant tissue, the transcriptome of uninfected rice roots and root tips was first evaluated. On average 20 million reads per sample were generated (76 nt reads, single end), they were mapped onto the rice genome and differential expression was evaluated using Bayseq. Our analysis uncovered over 2000 DEGs (differentially expressed genes), of which 1800 showed higher expression in the roots, whereas 390 are overexpressed in the root tips (at an FDR cut-off of 0.05). A subset of these DEGs were independently validated using qRT-PCR analysis, all of which confirmed the differential expression pattern in rice roots and tips obtained by sequencing. P068 qPCR in immune system monitoring : a high throughput method Maxime Lilian Dooms, Flore Depeint, Afif M Abdel Nour LaSalle Beauvais, France The impact of food consumption on the immune system is fast becoming a major target for human nutrition, especially in the area of health claims. When developing methods for application in clinical trials, major concerns are cost effectiveness and subject well being. Based on these criteria, we developed a method using RT-qPCR leading to repeatable data in less than 48 hours. Human whole blood is collected during the dietary intervention trial and challenged in vitro with lipopolysaccharide (LPS), resulting in an inflammatory reaction and a shift in expression of immune markers. This shift can be measured using RT-qPCR performed on RNA extracted after incubation. Relative expression of the target gene for each subject is normalized against a set of reference genes. Solaris (Thermo Scientific) specific primer and probes targeted to genes of interest, such as cytokines TNF alpha or IL6 are used to quantify genes expression. Those primers and probes combinations target shorter areas than usual, allowing a wider choice in amplicon location, while keeping melting temperature constant. The use of one-step protocols, ready to use optimised mixes including primers and probes, reduces the time required for setting up a qPCR as well as risk for handling failures. P069 Transcriptome analyses in rice: validation of mRNAseq using qRT-PCR Tina Kyndt1, Geert Trooskens1, Simon Denil1, Tim Demeyer1, Annelies Haegeman1, Wim Van Criekinge1,2, Godelieve Gheysen1 1 Department of Molecular Biotechnology, UGent, Belgium; 2 NXTGNT, UGent, Belgium Single-cell qPCR qPCR from limited material P070 At the single cell level cellular noise challenges normalization Richard Fekete, Ron Abruzesse, Elena Grigorenko Life Technologies, United States of America As expected, biological systems such as tissues exhibit considerable phenotypic variation. Surprisingly, variation even occurs in “clonal” populations. Until now this heterogeneity has been attributed to differences in cell cycle, microenvironments, or cell type. These differences would be expected to affect genes within a cell in a similar manner, i.e. cells at the same point in the cell cycle would have the same gene profile. However, it has now been shown that there are also differences within identical biological processes and this has been referred to as “noise”. These differences likely result from stochastic events within a cell due to the limited numbers of components such as RNA polymerases. To look at the effect of noise on gene expression in a large number of genes we used the Cell Sensor AP-1-bla ME180 cell line as a model system. We treated cells with epidermal growth factor to stimulate the RAS and MAPK pathways and chose target genes predicted to be up- and down-regulated. In order to analyze gene expression profiles from a large number of individual cells we used the Single Cell-to-Ct kit. This kit includes optimized reagents for sample preparation, reverse transcription, preamplification and qPCR. We compared normalized expression levels of a number of target genes (normalized to a variety of control genes), with non-normalized expression levels. We then compared this data to samples of cells prepared en masse. We found that for samples prepared en masse, gene expression levels varied from sample to sample. However, expression levels of all genes changed equally between samples. This allowed sample to sample differences to be eliminated when target genes were normalized to control genes. When analyzing single cells we qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 49 also found that expression levels of genes varied from cell to cell, however, in contrast to cells analyzed en masse, expression of all genes did not change equally from cell to cell. This caused the normalized expression profiles to vary widely from cell to cell, and change depending on which genes were used to normalize. By using a digital approach to analyze RNA expression profiles we demonstrate that gene expression from single cells is affected by many factors that are not relevant to the analogue way of analyzing cells en masse. This study challenges the well understood field of gene expression, which routinely uses control genes to normalize expression profiles and demonstrates that understanding expression profiles from single cells will require a different method of analysis and presentation. P071 Two different astrocytes subpopulation in cortex of mice Vendula Rusnakova1, Pavel Honsa2, Miroslava Anděrová2, Mikael Kubista1 1 Institure of Biotechnology, Czech Republic; 2Isntitute of Experimental Medicine We classified two astrocytic populations in the cortex of GFAP/EGFP mice, high response and low response astrocytes, which differ in the extent of cell swelling during the 20 minute oxygen-glucose deprivation. Based on the pharmacological study we hypothesize that the existence of two astrocytic population in the cortex of GFAP/EGFP mice might result from a distinct activity or expression pattern of excitatory amino acid transporters (EAATs), Na+, K+, Cl- cotransporters, volume regulated anion channels or two pore potassium channels. We performed gene expression profiling of 180 single cell astrocytes to see different groups, 8 different genes were analysed. We found two different groups of cells by using three independent different statistical approaches (Principal component analysis, hierarchical clustering, Kohonen self organizing map). We identified two subpopulations of astrocytes with distinct gene expression profiles. P072 Gene expression analysis of formalin-fixed paraffin embedded laser microdissected endometrial tissue sections Anna E Groebner1, Nevena Kirova1, Harald Welter2, Artur Mayerhofer2, Heinrich HD Meyer1, Susanne Ulbrich1 1 Physiologie Weihenstephan, Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Germany; 2Institute for cell biology, Ludwig Maximilian Universitaet Muenchen, Germany Establishment of pregnancy is dependent on an accurate maternal reaction towards the ruminant pregnancy recognition signal interferon-tau (IFNT). To determine cell type specific responses of interferon stimulated genes, mRNA expression of myxovirusresistance 2 (Mx2) and indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) was analyzed in microdissected formalin-fixed, paraffinembedded (FFPE) endometrial samples from pregnant and nonpregnant heifers. One mm2 of luminal (LE) and glandular epithelium (GE) of the Zona functionalis (ZF) and -basalis (ZB), as well as stroma of ZF and ZB from bovine endometrium (n=3, respectively) were collected via laser microdissection (LMD, Laser Microbeam system, P.A.L.M. Microlaser Technologies). Total RNA was extracted (RNeasy FFPE, Qiagen), reverse transcribed (MMLV reverse transcriptase, Promega) and preamplified (TaqMan® PreAmp Kit, AppliedBiosystems). Appropriate reference genes for normalization were chosen using GenEx Pro Ver 4.3.4 (multiD Analyses AB). In pregnant animals, high transcript abundance was detected for the interferon stimulated gene Mx2 in every cell type analyzed, showing a mean of 5.3 ± 1.4 ΔCq ± SEM in pregnant vs. 1.9 ± 0.6 ΔCq in nonpregnant endometrium. Gene expression for IDO increased likewise 11-fold (-0.5 ± 1.4 vs. 2.99±1.4 ΔCq). Interferon regulatory factor 2 (IRF2) expression differed neither in LE (mean -0.85 ± 0.34 ΔCq) nor GE (ZF) (mean 0.001 ± 0.19 ΔCq) with respect to the status. On the contrary, a differential spatial expression pattern with higher abundance in stroma cells (ZF) of pregnant animals (-1.4 ± 0.8 ΔCq) than in non-pregnant animals (0.8 ± 0.13 ΔCq) was observed for IRF2. This is in contrast to the pregnant ewe, were expression of Mx2 increases primarily in the LE and superficial GE (ZF), while the IRF2 is not expressed in stroma cells. Thus, gene expression analysis on FFPE LMD tissue sections points to species specific spatial differences in gene expression during preimplantation. Supported by DFG (Ul 350/1-2, FOR 478) P073 Assessing heterogeneity at a single cell level in a clonal population of transformed epidermal keratinocytes RM Teisanu1, H Richter2, J Moore3, A Paillusson2, O Haglebüchle2, J Weber2, K Harshman2, Y Barrandon1 1 Laboratoire de Dynamique des Cellule Souches, Institute of Bioengeneering, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne; 2 Lausanne Genomics Technologies Facility (GTF), Center for Integrative Genomics, Université de Lausanne; 3Fluidigm Corporation, South San Francisco, CA USA Human epidermal keratinocytes can be extensively cultured in vitro, resulting in the formation of epithelial colonies maintained by a stem cell hierarchy similar to that of normal epidermis. Due to technical limitations, efforts to determine the molecular identity of epidermal stem cells and their progeny generally rely on assessing gene expression levels in large populations of cells. The major caveat of this approach is the averaging of gene expression in a functionally non-homogenous population of cells, thus preventing the identification of individual signatures. The purpose of this study was to optimize methods that will be further employed in determining gene expression signatures of epidermal stem cells and to determine the level of heterogeneity in a clonal population of immortalized human epidermal keratinocytes (GMA 24). The expression level of 32 genes involved in proliferation, differentiation and stemness maintenance was determined in individual GMA24 cells bearing a fluorescent reporter of the S, G2 and M phases of the cell cycle (the fluorescence ubiquitination cell cycle indicator (FUCCI)). To this end we employed a novel technology based on microfluidics chips (Fluidigm’s BioMark system) that allows the assessment of 96 genes in 96 individual samples. Data analysis allowed the classification of genes according to their variability from cell to cell in low, intermediate and high variability genes. Non-expressed genes were not included in the analysis. According to this classification, stable genes represented 30.4% of the expressed genes. Importantly, 56.5% belonged to the highly variable genes, demonstrating that despite the clonal origin of these cells, considerable gene expression variability exists at single cell level. Further studies are required to assess whether this heterogeneity results in functional differences between cells. In conclusion, novel technology enabling the simultaneous analysis and comparison of gene expression in single cells reveals a previously unrecognized heterogeneity in a clonally derived population of cells. P074 Gene Expression Profiling of Duodenal Biopsies Discriminates Celiac Disease Mucosa from Normal Mucosa Hanna Bragde1, Ulf Jansson2, Ingvar Jarlsfelt1, Jan Söderman1 1 Division of Medical Diagnostics, Ryhov County Hospital, Sweden; 2 Department of Pediatrics, Ryhov County Hospital, Sweden Objectives: Specific histopathologic changes in the small intestine, which normalize during a gluten-free diet, are characteristic for celiac disease. The histopathologic assessment of these changes in duodenal biopsies is usually routine, but can be problematic. In this study we investigated gene expression profiling as a diagnostic tool for celiac disease as well as for monitoring remission upon gluten free diet. Methods: 109 genes were selected to reflect features that are characteristic of celiac disease, i.e. alterations in crypt-villi architecture, inflammatory response, and intestinal permeability. Selected genes were examined for differential expression in normal mucosa compared to celiac disease mucosa (histologically graded according to the modified Marsh scale) in pediatric patients investigated for celiac disease. The ability to classify biopsies using gene expression was addressed by means of discriminant analysis. Results: Fifty genes were differentially expressed, of which eight genes qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 50 (APOC3, CYP3A4, OCLN, MAD2L1, MKI67, CXCL11, IL17A, and CTLA4) discriminated normal mucosa from celiac disease mucosa without classification errors using leave-one-out cross-validation (n = 39), and identified the degree of mucosal damage, divided into groups Marsh 0, Marsh 2 - 3B and Marsh 3C. Validation using an independent set of biopsies (n = 27) resulted in four discrepant cases. Biopsies from two of these cases showed a patchy distribution of lesions, indicating that discriminant analysis based on single biopsies failed to identify celiac disease mucosa. In the other two cases, serology (levels of anti-gliadin and anti-tissue transglutaminase antibodies) supports class according to discriminant analysis and histologic specimens were judged suboptimal but assessable. The posterior probabilities of a single Marsh 1 specimen were strikingly distributed between the Marsh 0 class and the Marsh 2 - 3B class, thus suggesting the possibility of distinct classification. Conclusion: Gene expression profiling shows promise as a diagnostic tool and for follow-up of celiac disease. A classification based on gene expression analysis of three biopsies per patient would entail a laboratory service cost comparable to that of a histopathologic assessment. The classification functions, however, need to be established using a larger cohort of patients, and further validated. P075 Allele specific gene expression from single cell RNAseq Thomas Rygus1, Catalin Barbacioru4, Fuchou Tang2,3, Ellen Nordman4, Kaiqin Lao4, M. Azim Surani2 1 Life Technologies, Germany; 2Wellcome Trust/Cancer Research UK Gurdon Institute of Cancer and Developmental Biology, University of Cambridge, Tennis Court Road, Cambridge, CB2 1QN, UK; 3BIOPIC, School of Life Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, 100871, China; 42Genetic Systems, Applied Biosystems, part of Life Technologies, 850 Lincoln Centre Drive, Foster City, CA 94404, USA The stochastic gene expression has the potential to determine the phenotype of a cell. However it has never been globally shown in mammalian cells in vivo under physiological conditions. Using single cell RNA-Seq analysis, here we proved that up to 2,000 genes in individual cells of the mouse early embryos show allelic differential expression. This is compatible with the fact that regulation feedback by the protein product on its own transcription usually can not discriminate between the two alleles of a same gene, which will not damper the differential expression of the two alleles. For all of these genes, their allelic differential expression is at least partially determined by genetic polymorphisms since one of the two alleles of the same gene always express lower than the other one in both blastomeres from the same two-cell embryo. This indicates that the subtle genetic polymorphisms between the two alleles of a same gene can definitely determine the functional readout of the gene in cis through either directly regulate the transcription machinery or indirectly regulate the epigenetic status of them in a same cell. At the same time, 1.6% of genes (or up to 200 genes) show allelic specific stochastic expression, that is, the expression ratio between the two alleles of the same gene are clearly different in the two essentially identical blastomeres of the same two-cell embryo. This proves that stochastic gene expression exists in mammalian early embryos, which can affect expression of up to hundreds of genes significantly, and the combination of deterministic and stochastic expression of the genes will potentially regulate the precise fate, developmental potential, and phenotype of a cell. HRM & Methylation Studies P076 The EpiQ Chromatin Analysis Kit: A New Tool for Epigenetic Research Viresh Patel Bio-Rad Laboratories, United States of America Eukaryotic DNA can exist in two general states, euchromatin where the DNA is loosely packaged, accessible and transcriptionally competent and heterochromatin where the DNA is tightly packaged, inaccessible and transcriptionally silent. Epigenetics controls the transition between these two states. There are two main epigenetic events, DNA methylation and histone modification which help regulate the chromatin state and most current epigenetic analyses study either DNA methylation or histone modification events. We have developed the EpiQ assay, a new and fundamentally different product that assesses chromatin structure in a quantitative manner and interrogates the functional consequence of epigenetic events. P077 Chloroplast DNA heterogeneity detection with HRM analysis Irem Uzonur, Esma Ozsoy, Zeynep Katmer, Fatih Koyuncu, Gamze Akdeniz, Ali Rıza Atasoy Fatih University, Turkey Chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) has highly conserved regions and also intergenic spacers with relatively high levels of polymorphisms for the analysis of intraspecific to intergeneric levels of variation. Chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) is a source of original markers very useful in phylogeny and in population genetics. The degree of universality of cpDNA primers within the plant kingdom varies. In our case primers (KLR-F: 5’-AGTTCGAGCCTGATTATCCC-3’and KLR-R: 5’-GCATGCCGCCAGCGTTCATC-3’) amplify a 298 bp highly conserved region that is virtually a conserved region from any land plant and many alga with end-point detection. We further our end-point detection using qPCR assisted with HRM analysis and sequencing to detect the genetic heterogeneity of cpDNA that is undetectable with end-point PCR and agarose gel electrophoresis from terrestrial plants: Urtica dioica, Zea mays, Phaselous vulgaris and bloom forming micro-algae species Prorocentrum minimum and Skeletonema costatum. In this context as approved by sequencing, HRM assisted qPCR is a very practical and sensitive tool that can be adapted to the different levels of genetic heterogeneity determinations. P078 Semi-quantitative analysis of O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) promoter hypermethylation by high resolution melting (HRM) real-time PCR Kok-Siong Poon1, Lily Chiu1, Evelyn Siew-Chuan Koay1,2 1 Molecular Diagnosis Centre, National University Hospital, Singapore; 2Department of Pathology, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore Objectives: O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) promoter hypermethylation has been reported as a good prognostic biomarker for predicting favorable outcome in patients with glioblastomas on alkylating agent chemotherapy. A reliable prognostic test is able to accurately determine the extent of promoter site methylation which is associated with epigenetic silencing of the gene. Most commonly used methylation-specific PCR assays are based on methylation-specific primers binding to and interrogating the methylation status of a limited number of CpG sites within the promoter sites of the genes. A high resolution melting (HRM) real-time PCR has been developed on the LightScanner 32 system, to serve as a rapid and inexpensive method to detect and semi-quantify the full methylation of targeted CpG sites in the MGMT promoter region. Methodology: To create methylated and unmethylated controls, Cp Genome Universal Methylated DNA (CHEMICONTM, Millipore Corporation, USA) and genomic DNA prepared from lymphocytes were bisulfite-converted with EZ DNA Methylation-Gold KitTM (Zymo Research, CA, USA), qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 51 respectively. The methylated DNA (metDNA) was mixed with unmethylated DNA (unmetDNA) in metDNA:unmetDNA ratios of 80%, 60%, 40%, 20% and 10%. Amplification was performed with a set of methylation-independent primers in the LS Mastermix with incorporated LC Green dye (Idaho Technology Inc., UT, USA), and the PCR assay conditions were optimized. The extent of methylation of the 108bp amplicon, which encompasses 12 CpG sites in the MGMT promoter region, was determined using the proprietary HRM LS32 Amplicon Genotyping software. Seven human cancer cell lines, namely MCF10A, BT549, SKBR3, SW480, BT474, WM3899 and MCF12A were evaluated for their MGMT methylation status using this assay. By using the melt profiles of the above-mentioned methylation standards as reference, the ratios of metDNA to unmetDNA were semiquantifiable within the intervals of <20%, 20%-40%, 40%-60%, 60%-80% and >80%. Results: The 100% fully methylated and 100% unmethylated DNAs controls exhibited visually distinguishable melt peaks at 80°C and 85°C, respectively. The normalized melting curves showed a reproducible dose-response relationship for different percentages of fully methylated DNA. Five of the evaluated cell lines (MCF10A, BT549, SKBR3, BT474 and MCF12A) did not show any methylation; the remaining two (SW480& WM3899) showed positive results with 40-60% metDNA and 100% metDNA, respectively. The assay can consistently detect as low as 10% of metDNA in a mixture with 90% unmetDNA. Conclusions: The HRM assay allows the rapid screening and semi-quantification of full methylation of 12 targeted CpG sites in the MGMT promoter region. P079 Application of High Resolution Melting to SNP genotyping of Porcine Ryanodine Receptor Gene ANNA CASTELLO1, ANNA MERCADE2, ARMAND SANCHEZ1,2 1 Departament de Ciencia Animal i dels Aliments, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, 08193 Bellaterra, Spain; 2Servei Veterinari de Genetica Molecular, Facultat Veterinaria, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, 08193 Bellaterra, Spain High Resolution Melting Analysis (HRM) is a recently developed technique for fast and cost-effective SNP genotyping based on the analysis of the melting profile of PCR products, using dsDNA intercalating dyes to monitor the reduction of fluorescence that occurs from unmelted to melted DNA. A single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the porcine ryanodine receptor (ryr1) gene was associated with malignant hyperthermia (MH) disease. This disease causes important losses in swine industry due to manifestation of MH post-mortem signals in susceptible animals that affect detrimentally meat quality. As ryr1 mutation plays a key role in animal production, it is of main importance to implement a fast and economical method of diagnosis. An HRM protocol has been developed to genotype the C/T substitution at nucleotide 1843 of ryr1 gene. With the EcoTM Real-Time PCR System and using the high sensitive “release-on-demand” dye EvaGreen® we have analysed DNA samples extracted from swine blood with different methods in order to test the effects of genomic DNA quality on melting behaviour. As it is well-known, inhibitors carryover from the template could result in low sensitivity, poor reproducibility and incorrect genotype. To validate results obtained, all tested samples were previously genotyped by pyrosequencing. The HRM technique presented in this study to ryr1 genotyping is sensitive enough to allow the detection of the C/T transition. Furthermore, DNA quality obtained with the different extraction methods tested has not been a limiting fact. Obtaining DNA samples as concentrate as possible after purification, which will be diluted before HRM assay, overcomes inhibitors carryover problems present in a low quality DNA. The HRM assay for ryr1 described here offers clear advantages over the PCR-RFLP methodology published by Fujii et al. (1991). Moreover, HRM requires less optimization than similar systems based on TaqMan and fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) probes. Compared to these methods HRM is a simpler and more cost-effective way to characterize multiple samples. Identification of human ryr1 SNPs using HRM has been also described by Grievink and Stowell (2007). In conclusion, the use of the HRM assay for porcine ryr1 genotyping considerably reduces hands-on-time and costs. In addition, it is a closed assay system requiring no post-PCR processing and results are comparable to conventional methods. P080 DNA methylation biomarkers for noninvasive detection of prostate cancer Kristina Daniunaite1, Feliksas Jankevicius2,3, Juozas Lazutka1, Sonata Jarmalaite1 1 Faculty of Nature Sci., Vilnius University, Lithuania; 2Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius University, Lithuania; 3Vilnius University Hospital Santariskiu Clinics, Vilnius, Lithuania Introduction. Prostate cancer (PCa) is the second most prevalent malignancy of males characterized by high mortality rates. PCa can be effectively treated if it is diagnosed in its early stages, when the tumor is still confined to the prostate. Recently, aberrant DNA methylation in promoters of tumor suppressor genes has been proposed as one of the most important events in prostate carcinogenesis. It occurs at early stages of tumor development and can be detected by noninvasive means, including analysis of urine sediments from PCa patients. Methods. For the development of noninvasive molecular biomarkers of PCa aberrant promoter methylation was analyzed in DNA from 102 samples of urine sediment from previously untreated cases of biopsy-proven early or medium stage PCa and 5 cases of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Quantitative methylation-specific PCR (QMSP) was used for sensitive detection of methylated DNA in catheterized urine specimens. Genes GSTP1 (glutathione S-transferase pi 1), RASSF1 (Ras association (RalGDS/AF-6) domain family member 1), and RARB (retinoic acid receptor beta), proven to be frequently hypermethylated in prostate cancer, were chosen for this analysis. The level of promoter methylation for particular gene was evaluated by calculating percentage of methylated reference (PMR) using ACTB as endogenous control. Results. At least one of the three genes was hypermethylated in urine sediments in 97 of 102 PCa cases (95%), and 33 of 102 (32%) samples were positive for methylation of at least two genes. RASSF1 was methylated in 94% (93 of 99), RARB – in 31% (32 of 102), and GSTP1 – in 14% (14 of 97) of the specimens. The average PMR for positive cases was 40%, 5%, and 5% for RASSF1, RARB, and GSTP1, respectively. High level of methylation (PMR >50%) was detected in 35 of 93 (38%) cases for RASSF1, while PMR value for RARB and GSTP1 reached only 31% and 17%, respectively. Hypermethylation at relatively lower levels was also detected in urine sediments from BPH patients – average PMR was 20%, <1%, <1% for RASSF1, RARB, and GSTP1, respectively. Conclusions. Preliminary results of our study show high sensitivity of particular DNA methylation biomarkers for early and noninvasive detection of prostate cancer. P081 Does DNA methylation of the Estrogen Receptor Alpha gene contribute to transcriptional regulation in the bovine endometrium? Rainer W. Fürst, Heinrich H.D. Meyer, Susanne E. Ulbrich Physiology Weihenstephan, Technische Universität München, Germany Among the reproductive tissues, the endometrium undergoes functional changes during the estrous cycle which are regulated by oestradiol-17β (E2) via the estrogen receptor alpha (ESR1). We asked whether differential methylation of an intragenic region of this receptor plays an important role in its transcriptional regulation during both estrous cycle and early pregnancy in bovine. Therefore, we monitored the mRNA expression of ESR1 and investigated associated global and local DNA methylation patterns from heifers slaughtered at estrus or 18 days after estrus (day 18 control), or during early pregnancy (day 18 - pregnant) (n=6 each). In addition, white blood cells from cyclic heifers were analyzed (n=6). Global DNA methylation was analyzed by the luminometric methylation assay (LUMA). Using high resolution melt (HRM) analysis, a specific area of the intron 1 region composed of 16 CpG sites was amplified and subsequently analyzed by pyrosequencing granting single CpG-site resolution. The endometrium was only weakly methylated (6 % average methylation). Neither HRM nor pyrosequencing of individual CpG sites revealed a significant difference between the analyzed groups of endometrial samples. In contrast, leucocytes with only minute amounts of ESR1 transcripts showed a higher degree of global methylation (83 % versus 76 % average methylation in endometrium, respectively) and also a significantly higher qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 52 methylation over the analyzed CpG sites (31% average methylation). In conclusion, DNA methylation of the analyzed region of endometrial ESR1 seems not to be underlying the transcriptional regulation during early pregnancy or cycle, although it might contribute to appropriate tissue-specific expression. P082 Microarray gene expression and mtDNA deletion analysis in laser dissected human muscle fibers. Matthias Elstner1, Konrad Olszewski1, Christoph Laub1, Anne Averdam1, Lena Bruns1, Andreas Bender1, Holger Prokisch2, Thomas Klopstock1 1 Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich, Germany; 2Helmholtz Zentrum Munich, Germany Background: Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) deletions cause progressive external ophthalmoplegia (PEO), Kearns-Sayre syndrome (KSS), and Pearson syndrome. Single size deletions (SD) mostly occur sporadically in the germline, whereas mutations of the nuclear-encoded mitochondrial replication machinery show mendelian transmission and cause multiple deletions (MD) of various lengths. The phenotypic spectrum of mtDNA deletion syndromes is highly variable, ranging from mild myopathy to the fatal multisystem KSS. This heterogeneity is considered to depend on the inter- and intraindividual variance of tissue deletion load, as well as nuclear disease modifiers and environmental factors. Methods: We analyzed gene expression patterns of isolated muscle fibers from nine patients with PEO (5 female / 4 male, 6 SD / 3 MD) using laser capture microdissection (LCM). By exploiting the characteristic mosaic pattern of muscle tissue with cytochrome oxidase (COX)-positive and -negative fibers, we analyzed deletion load and gene expression patterns in fibers with and without relevant OXPHOS dysfunction. Following RNA isolation and in vitro transcription, we determined whole genome expression patterns (Illumina®, WG6-V3) and examined expression changes using pathway analysis (Ingenuity®). Results: Deletion load reached a mean of 34% in COX-positive cells and 60% in COX negative fibers (p=0.002). Microarray analysis identified 138 significantly regulated genes (Benjamini & Hochberg false discovery rate 1%). Network analysis classified molecules as involved in regulation of DNA replication, recombination and repair. Furthermore, top canonical pathways include folic acid synthesis, protein ubiquitination and autophagy. Discussion: By using frozen human muscle biopsies and LCM, this methodology may best approximate ‘in vivo’ transcriptome changes in mitochondrial deletion syndromes. By sampling fibers with normal and disrupted OXPHOS function from the same individual, confounding variables, such as age, sex, deletion type, heterogeneity and disease progression are abolished. We discuss the significance of our findings in the light of published data and its relevance regarding the understanding of disease mechanisms and therapy. Since deletions occur age-dependent in muscle and neurons, this data might also be of relevance for the understanding of sarcopenia and neurodegenerative disorders. P083 From traditional RAPD-PCR to next generation HRM assisted real-time RAPD PCR Irem Uzonur, Zeynep Katmer, Esma Ozsoy, Fatih Koyuncu, Tugba Senel Fatih University, Turkey Traditional random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique is based on the amplification of DNA fragments using a short arbitrary primer that anneals multiple locations on the genomic DNA. This is followed by separation of amplified fragments based on their sizes using gel electrophoresis. Samples are identified by comparing the DNA bands of the end-point fingerprints, which are expected to be consistent for the same primer, DNA and experimental conditions used. The real-time PCR system is based on the detection and quantitation of a fluorescent reporter. This signal increases in direct proportion to the amount of PCR product in a reaction. By recording the amount of fluorescence emission at each cycle, it is possible to monitor the PCR reaction during exponential phase where the first significant increase in the amount of PCR product correlates to the initial amount of target template. In addition, fluorescence data can be collected directly from a real-time PCR instrument avoiding the drawbacks of end- point detection. DNA melting analysis uses a double-stranded DNA fluorescent dye to detect single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and to perform mutation scanning following the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for DNA amplification. High Resolution Melt or HRM analysis is a powerful technique for the detection of mutations, polymorphisms and epigenetic comparisons through differences in melting plots of amplicons by measuring the melting temperature of amplicons in real time, using a fluorescent DNA-binding dye. In this study, a novel RAPDPCR based method will be discussed to detect various levels of genetic variation exploiting the advantages of various nextgeneration qPCR applications such as new dye Technologies and HRM analysis. P084 High Resolution Melting with Unlabelled Probe approach for the analysis of Short Sequence Tandem Repeats loci to sub-type Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis Matteo Ricchi, Gianluca Barbieri, Norma Arrigoni IZSLER, National Centre for Paratuberculosis, Piacenza, Italy Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Map) is the causative agent of paratuberculosis in ruminants and other species. Many methods have been proposed to sub-type Map: multiplex PCR for IS900 integration loci, IS900 restriction fragment length polymorphism, amplified fragment length polymorphism, Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis and genotyping microarrays (1, 2). However, at the moment, methods based on the amplification of Micro- and Mini- satellites tandem-repeats loci are considered the emerging techniques for Map typing (1). In this regard, Short Sequence Tandem Repeats loci (SSR1, SSR2, SSR8 and SSR9) showed the highest discriminatory power; however, to identify these loci, the direct sequencing of the amplicons is required. Our aim was developing alternative methods to the sequencing. We focused on SSR8, which is constituted by triplets ranging from three to six repetitions. To identify each allele, we developed a method based on an asymmetric qPCR, followed by HighResolution Melting (HRM) analysis with unlabelled probes. In order to improve the efficiency of asymmetric PCR reaction, we designed primers accordingly to the Linear-After-The-Exponential (LATE) PCR strategy, while to avoid any elongation during the amplification, the unlabelled probe was blocked adding C6-amino group at its 3’ end. All PCR reactions were carried out on StepOne Plus system (Applied Biosystems, Milan, Italy) in a final volume of 25 ml using LCGreen® Plus+ Melting Dye (Idaho technology Inc, Salt Lake City, USA) and Right-Taq (EuroClone, Pero, Italy). HMR analysis was carried out according to Palais (3), without ROX normalisation and smoothing the graphs with running average method. For the development of the technique we used three Map strains containing, respectively, three, four and five repetitions; for the allele with six repetitions, due to its rarity, we synthesised an artificial amplicon. HMR analysis showed two melting domains for each sample: one relative to the amplicon omoduplex (DNA double strand) and another to the heteroduplex DNA single strand /probe. The omoduplex domain did not allow any differentiation between the various alleles, while the heteroduplex domain showed almost 3 °C between each allele, permitting an unbiased identification. These data were confirmed analysing 40 Map field strains. The method herein proposed is robust, reproducible, cost effective and faster than direct sequencing and could be usefully applied to resolve locus SSR8. 1.Motiwala AS, Li L, Kapur V, Sreevatsan S., Current understanding of the genetic diversity of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis. 2006. Microbes Infect. 8, 1406-18. 2.Pribylova R, Kralik P, Pavlik I., 2009. Oligonucleotide microarray technology and its application to Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis research: a review. Mol Biotechnol. 42, 30-40. 3.Palais R and Wittwer CT. 2009. Mathematical algorithms for highresolution DNA melting analysis. Methods Enzymol.454:323-43. qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 53 P087 RNAi: microRNA – siRNA Applications P085 Titer dependent cytotoxicity of viral vectors measured in real time via ECIS-technology Jakob Müller1, Christian Thirion2, Pfaffl Michael W.1 1 Technische Universität München, Germany; 2Friedrich-BaurInstitute, Klinikum der LMU, Department of Neurology, Germany Recombinant viral vectors are widespread tools for transfer of genetic material in various modern biotechnological applications like functional studies, vaccine development, gene therapy or RNA interference. However the practical handling often bears crucial problems. An accurate and reproducible titer assignment represents the basic step for most downstream applications of viral vectors not only considering precise MOI adjustment. As necessary scaffold for the studies described in this work we developed a qPCR based approach for viral particle measurement. Proximate a fundamental vector originated problem concerning physiological effects is that the appliance of viral vectors can be attended by toxic effects on the individual cell culture model or tissue. To determine the individually critical viral dose we utilize Electric Cell-substrate Impedance Sensing (ECIS) to reveal toxic effects leading to cell death. It was first introduced in cell culture by Giaever and Keese and can be utilized for examination of cell growth, cell motility, cell barrier function, in vitro toxicology and is even applied in cancer research. With ECIS technology the impedance change of a current flow through the cell culture medium in an array plate is measured in a noninvasive manner. The device visualizes effects on cellular level like cell attachment, cell-cell contacts or proliferation. Here we describe the potential of this online measurement technique in an in vitro model using the porcine ileal ephithelial cell line IPI-2I in combination with an adenoviral transfection vector (Ad5 derivate). With this approach we can show a clear dose-depending toxic effect. The amount of applied virus correlates with the level of cell death. So this assay offers the possibility to discriminate the minimal non toxic dose of the individual transfection method. Silencing of a Superoxide Dismutase in Phaedon cochleariae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) by using RNAi. René Roberto Bodemann, Wilhelm Boland, Antje Burse Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology, Germany RNA interference (RNAi) is a well conserved mechanism of translation-inhibition in virtually all eucaryotic organisms. It gives the opportunity to down regulate a single protein by using its nucleotide sequence for synthesis of the interference-triggering double stranded RNA (dsRNA) and observe effects of the absence in vivo. Our model organism for checking the ways RNAi could probably work in chrysomelid beetles, is P. cochleariae. As a member of the subfamily Chrysomelinae he exhibits nine pairs of dorsal accessory glands from which it can excrete droplets of defense secretion in cases of disturbance. The deterrents are either sequestrated and modified plant glucosides, de novo produced iridoids or derive from a mixture of both. The transport proteins and enzymes which make these three systems work are the future targets of our RNAi. I started by silencing the superoxide dismutase (SOD) that has very high expression level in the glands which makes it easy to observe. The enzyme, transported into the defense secretion, catalyses the reaction of oxygen radicals, which are byproducts of deterrent-synthesis, to hydrogen peroxide. Different amounts of dsRNA corresponding to SOD sequence, have been injected in different life stages of P.cochleariae and the expression-level of this SOD was analyzed by qPCR. Up to now I found out, that injections into middle instars larvae lead to a 90 to 99% reduction of SOD mRNA level compared to control-groups which had been injected with the same amount of not effecting GFP-dsRNA. Injections into pupae or adults lead to similar effects. Interistingly following generations was not affected in comparable dimensions. The next steps will be to analyze the correlation of qPCR results with protein concentrations and the search for an increased RNAi-effect in offspring’s of pupae and adults. Furthermore siRNA experiments will be done and an alternative delivery method for the dsRNA will be investigated. P088 P086 Specific and sensitive quantitative RT-PCR of miRNAs with DNA primers. Susanna Cirera1, Ingrid Balcells2, Peter K. Busk3 1 Genetics and Bioinformatics, University of Copenhagen, LIFE, Denmark; 2Unitat de Ciència Animal, University Autonoma of Barcelona, Spain; 3Section for Sustainable Biotech, Aalborg University, Denmark MicroRNAs are important regulators of gene expression and it is of great interest to quantitatively determine their expression level in different biological settings. Here, we describe a PCR method for quantification of microRNAs based on a single reverse transcription reaction for all microRNAs combined with real-time PCR with two, microRNA-specific DNA primers. Primer annealing temperatures were optimized by adding a DNA tail to the primers and could be designed with a success rate of 94 %. The method was able to quantify synthetic templates over eight orders of magnitude and readily discriminated between microRNAs with single nucleotide differences. Importantly, PCR with DNA primers yielded significantly higher amplification efficiencies of biological samples than a similar method based on locked nucleic acidsspiked primers, which is in agreement with the observation that locked nucleic acid interferes with efficient amplification of short templates. The higher amplification efficiency of DNA primers translates into higher sensitivity and precision in microRNA quantification. In conclusion, miR-specific quantitative RT-PCR with DNA primers is a highly specific, sensitive and accurate method for microRNA quantification. Broad based profiling ~1150 microRNA designed in version 16 of miRBase in a single experiment using the SmartChip System from WaferGen Biosystems Tony Dodge, alan chang, Harita Veereshlingam, Sangeetha Anandakrishnan, Sherry Wei, Roy Bohenzky WaferGen Biosystems, United States of America The SmartChip Real-Time System from WaferGen Biosystems is a platform for performing massively parallel real-time PCR assays for multiple applications, including gene expression studies. This system combines the benefits of real-time PCR, including sensitivity, precision and dynamic range, with the low cost per sample and high throughput profiling power of hybridization arrays. The system consists of three components; a SmartChip, comprising 5184 nanowells preprogrammed with gene-specific reaction content, a SmartChip Nanodispenser for applying sample and reaction mix to the SmartChips, and a SmartChip Cycler for performing and collecting data from the real-time PCR assays. Using cDNA as an input for this system, one can generate thousands of data points which can comprise a thorough portrait of relative gene expression in a sample. The mirnome has been gaining increasing focus as a target population of RNA in biomarker profiling. The discovery tools available for profiling include labor intensive or limited accuracy methods in next generation sequencing and hybridization arrays. Quantitative PCR has been used extensively for profiling 100’s of microRNA on a few samples, but these methods can both be costly and provide only singlicate data points, arguable only a qualitative tool for microRNA profiling. Here we present a cost effective, broadly defined and quantitative microRNA profiling tool in the SmartChip Human microRNA Panel (version 2). A new ligation based method is combined in a SYBR® Green quantitative PCR method. Over 1150 microRNA assays have been designed to miRBase v16, allowing for a cost effective quantitative profiling tool with each assay in quadruplicate per panel. We will describe the new chemistry, its performance with respect to sensitivity and specificity, and representative data in control tissues. qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 54 P089 ChIP-qPCR and qbasePLUS jointly identify a MYCNactivated miRNA cluster in cancer Barbara D'haene1, Pieter Mestdagh2, Daniel Muth3, Frank Westerman3, Frank Speleman2, Jo Vandesompele1,2 1 Biogazelle, Zwijnaarden, Belgium; 2Center for Medical Genetics, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium; 3Department of Tumour Genetics, German Cancer Center, Heidelberg, Germany Chromatin immunoprecipitation quantitative PCR (ChIP-qPCR) is very well suited to assess and quantify direct binding of specific regulatory proteins to genomic DNA sequences. Unfortunately, data-normalization and accurate quantification appear to be a major challenge for many users. Here, we demonstrate that ChIPqPCR in combination with state-of-the-art real-time PCR dataanalysis software enables convenient and reliable quantification. We applied ChIP-qPCR to assess binding of transcription factor MYCN to miRNA cluster 17-92, to a positive control target, MDM2, and to a negative control target region. ChIP-qPCR was performed in two MYCN-overexpressing neuroblastoma cell lines (IMR5 and WAC2) using SYBR Green I detection chemistry in a 384-well plate and signals were normalized based on the average abundance of three non-specific genomic regions in the ChIP samples using the qbasePLUS multiple reference gene normalization technology. Fold enrichment was calculated relative to the input sample (non-precipitated) and compared to that of a fourth non-specific region (negative control target). Using this approach we were able to demonstrate strong MYCN-binding to the positive control and the miR-17-92 cluster. In keeping with this, the expression level of the miR-17-92 cluster is substantially increased in primary neuroblastoma tumor samples, in which the MYCN gene is amplified and overexpressed. The results confirm the power of ChIP-qPCR in combination with the data-analysis software qbasePLUS to study gene regulation. P090 LNA-based miRNA qPCR facilitates the discrimination of different stages in cancer progression in a transgenic mouse model Kim B Barken1, Ditte Andreasen1, Rolf Søkilde1, Jan Stenvang2, Niels Tolstrup1, Thomas Litman3, Boye S Nielsen1, Peter Mouritzen1 1 Exiqon, Denmark; 2Copenhagen University, LIFE, Denmark; 3 Litman Consulting, Denmark miRNAs are small RNAs (21-23nt) which function as posttranscriptional regulators of gene expression, possibly responsible for regulation of more than one third of the cellular transcriptome. Numerous studies provide evidence for a causal link between miRNA dysregulation and several disease states, including human cancers. We have developed the miRCURY LNA™ Universal RT miRNA qPCR platform to facilitate sensitive and accurate miRNA expression profiling in both human, mouse and rat. Here we have used the new Pick&Mix product where a custom selection of assays is supplied in ready to use PCR plates. We have applied the miRCURY LNA™ Universal RT miRNA PCR platform to study progression of breast cancer in a genetically modified mouse model and show that the expression pattern of miRNAs clearly provides a means to stage the cancer progression. In the study, a group of wild type mice was compared with a group of polyoma middle T antigen (PymT) transgenic mice. This mouse model mimics the progression of human breast cancer and can be used as an experimental model to investigate the mechanisms involved in the process of metastasis. Samples were taken at different progression stages of the tumor and a selection of 18 highly and differentially expressed miRNAs were identified by miRNA profiling on miRCURY LNA™ arrays. The expression of the 18 miRNAs was investigated by miRCURY LNA™ Universal RT microRNA PCR during three different progression stages of the cancer: Adenomas (early), early carcinomas (intermediate) and adenocarcinomas (late). Principal component analysis of the expression of the 18 miRNAs clearly shows clustering of the early tumor stage together with the wild type whereas both the intermediate and the late stage clearly clusters separate from the wild type. The results further confirm that the LNA-based miRNA qPCR serve as an ideal platform for disease biomarker identification. Late submissions: P091 qPCR for the Detection and Quantification of AdenoAssociated Virus Serotype 2 (AAV2) ITR-Sequences Aurnhammer, Christine; Haase, Maren; Muether, Nadine; Häusl, Martin; Huber, Ingrid; Nitschko, Hans; Busch, Ulrich; Sing, Andreas; Erhardt, Anja; Baiker, Armin Organization(s): Bavarian Health and Food Safety Authority (LGL), Germany Background: Viral vectors based on adeno-associated virus serotype 2 (AAV2) constitute promising tools in human gene therapy. The inverted terminal repeats (ITRs) within the viral genome are the only cis-acting viral elements required for functional AAV2 vector generation and constitute the lowest common denominator of all AAV2-based vectors. However, so far, no PCR-based method for the detection and quantification of AAV2-ITRs could be established due to their extensive secondary hairpin structure. Current PCR-based methods are therefore predominantly targeting vector-encoded transgenes or regulatory elements. Methods: We established an AAV2-ITR sequence-specific quantitative PCR (qPCR) method. Primers and BBQ-labeled probe are located within a particular subregion of the ITR sequence and have been designed to detect wild type AAV2 and AAV2-based vectors. Results: This method is suitable for the evidence of both, singlestranded (genomic) DNA derived from AAV2 vector particles and double-stranded DNA derived from producer plasmids. The linear dynamic range could be shown for 102 to 107 copies and the detection limit determined as 50 copies. A practical approach for the analysis of putative cross reactivities against closely related AAV serotypes utilizing synthetic oligo nucleotides revealed some cross reactivity against orthologous sequences of AAV1, 3, 6 and 7 but not against AAV4, 5, 8 and 9. For AAV vector production adenovirus type 5 (Ad5) is often used in terms of its helper virus properties. Therefore, we further investigated the specificity of our qPCR method using Ad5-DNA and could prove the method to result in no detectable cross reactivity with Ad5. Conclusion: This method comprises the first qPCR system facilitating the detection and quantification of AAV2 -ITR sequences. Since this method can be applied for all AAV2-based vectors in a “one for all”-based manner, it will significantly simplify AAV2 vector genome titrations in the future. qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 55 List of participants Afif Abdel Nour LaSalle Beauvais 19, rue Pierre Waguet 60000 Beauvais France [email protected] Elisabeth Aberl TUM Z I E L Weihenstephaner Berg 3 85354 Freising Germany [email protected] Ivana Adams QIAGEN Qiagen Str. 1 40721 Hilden Germany [email protected] Amalia Adler-Beutgen Fujifilm Europe GmbH Heesenstr. 31 40549 Düsseldorf Germany [email protected] Raza Ahmed Agilent Technologies LSCA, Lakeside, Cheadle Royal Business Park SK8 3GR Stockport United Kingdom [email protected] Peter Aigner Invetech Industriestraße 25 8604 Volketswil Switzerland [email protected] Javier Alba Bio-Rad Laboratories Garrotxa 10-12, 1 A1 08820 El Prat Spain [email protected] Andreas Albers Roche Diagnostics GmbH - DAMP 6164 DAMP 6164 82377 Penzberg Germany [email protected] Ahmed Alharbi Taibah University P.O. Box 8766 21492 Jeddah Saudi Arabia [email protected] Christian Altenhofer TUM Urzenweg 26 4121 Altenfelden Austria [email protected] Ditte Andreasen Exiqon Skelstedet 16 2950 Vedbaek Denmark [email protected] Elisabeth Lill Andreassen ArcticZymes AS Sykehusveien 23 9294 Tromsø Norway [email protected] Birgit Anwald Beckman Coulter Genomics GmbH Am Neuland 1 82347 Bernried Germany [email protected] Hans Attig QIAGEN Qiagenstraße 1 40724 Hilden Germany [email protected] Hubert Becher Amplifa Rickenbacher Strasse 107 88131 Lindau Germany [email protected] Herbert Auer IRB Barcelona Baldiri Reixac 10 08028 Barcelona Spain [email protected] Ingrid Bechler Roche Diagnostics GmbH Roche Diagnostics GmbH DAMP 6164 82377 Penzberg Germany [email protected] Madhu Augustine Life Technologies 1149 Chess Drive 94404 Foster City United States [email protected] Christiane Becker TUM Liesel-Beckmann-Strasse 6 85354 Freising Germany [email protected] Christine Aurnhammer Bavarian Health and Food Safety Authority (LGL) Veterinärstr. 2 85764 Oberschleißheim Germany [email protected] Beatriz Bellosillo Hospital del Mar Passeig Marítim 25-29 08003 Barcelona Spain [email protected] Jean-Christophe Avarre Institut de Recherche pour le Développement IRD-GAMET, BP 5095 34196 Montpellier cedex 05 France [email protected] Ali Ayadi Habib Bourguiba Hospital: Sfax - Tunisia Laboratory of parasitology and mycology:Habib Bourguiba Hospital 3029 Sfax Tunisia [email protected] Beatrix Bahle Roche Diagnostics GmbH Nonnewald 2 82377 Penzberg Germany [email protected] Stephan Bähler QIAGEN Instruments AG Garstligweg 8 CH-8634 Hombrechtikon Switzerland [email protected] Kim B Barken Exiqon Bygstubben 9 2950 Vedbaek Denmark [email protected] Ross Thomas Barnard The University of Queensland building 68, room 319 4072 Brisbane Australia [email protected] Christine Baumhauer Daiichi Sankyo Europe GmbH Lochhamerstr. 29 RG 82152 Martinsried Germany [email protected] Ingrid Bayer Histologie Labor Bayer Belgradstr. 8 80796 München Germany [email protected] Marc P. Beal Biosearch Technologies 81 Digital Drive 94949 Novato United States [email protected] Stefan Bentink Exosome Diagnostics GmbH Am Klopferspitz 19a 82152 Martinsried Germany [email protected] Bajram Berisha TUM Weihenstephan Hittostr. 4 85354 Freising Germany [email protected] Tim Berschneider Roche Diagnostics GmbH Nonnenwald 2 82377 Penzberg Germany [email protected] Nadia Bertazzon CRA-Centro di Ricerca per la Viticoltura Viale XXVIII aprile, 26 31015 Conegliano Italy [email protected] Holger Berthel Bioline GmbH Im Biotechnologie Park TGZ 2 14943 Luckenwalde Germany [email protected] Arnaud BEURDELEY ROCHE DIAGNOSTICS FRANCE Lab Network - Biologie Moléculaire 38240 MEYLAN France [email protected] Daniela Bischof Boesch Microsynth AG Schützenstrasse 15 9436 Balgach Switzerland [email protected] Francisco Bizouarn Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc 2000 Alfred Nobel Drive 94547 Hercules United States [email protected] Lotte Bjerrum Danish Technological Institute Kongsvang allé 29 8000 Aarhus C Denmark [email protected] qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 56 Silvia Bobenstetter LMU Liebigstr.38 85354 Freising Germany [email protected] Nicolas BRUNET ROCHE DIAGNOSTICS FRANCE 2, avenue du Vercors 38240 MEYLAN France [email protected] Mark Chilcott Bio-Rad 2000 Alfred Nobel Drive 94547 Hercules United States [email protected] Marie-Dominique Bock Sanofi-Aventis 1, avenue Pierre Brossolette 91385 CHILLY-MAZARIN France [email protected] Florian Buckel MAB Discovery GmbH Forstenriederstr. 8-14 82061 Neuried Germany [email protected] Lily Chiu National University Hospital 5 Lower Kent Ridge Road 119074 singapore Singapore [email protected] Antje Burse Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology Hans-Knoell-Str.8 D-07745 Jena Germany [email protected] Lai-on Chu DiagCor Bioscience Inc. Ltd. 28/F, Tower A, Billion Centre, Kowloon Hong Kong [email protected] René R. Bodemann Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology Hans-Knoell-Str.8 D-07745 Jena Germany [email protected] Harry Boeltz Fluidigm Europe Parnassustoren 1076 AZ Amsterdam Netherlands [email protected] Manja Böhme Biotype Diagnostic GmbH Moritzburger Weg 67 01109 Dresden Germany [email protected] Elena Borzova UEA 1 Cross Lane NR3 1BU Norwich United Kingdom [email protected] Stephen Andrew Bustin Barts and the London School of Medicine Academic Surgery E1 1BB London United Kingdom [email protected] Silvia Calatroni A.O. Treviglio-Caravaggio via Folla di Sotto 11 27100 Pavia Italy [email protected] Fabrizio Carletti Inmi Lazzaro Spallanzani Via Nicola Laurantoni 54 00149 Rome Italy [email protected] Hanna Bragde Länssjukhuset Ryhov Building E3 Level 4 55185 Jönköping Sweden [email protected] ANNA CASTELLÓ UNIVERSITAT AUTONOMA DE BARCELONA FACULTAT DE VETERINARIA 08193 BELLATERRA Spain [email protected] Maksim Bratchikov Biosta Ltd. S.Zukausko 18-117 08234 Vilnius Lithuania [email protected] Paolo Catarsi IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo Foundation, Piazzale Golgi 27100 Pavia Italy [email protected] Sabine Brauer IMGM Laboratories GmbH Lochhamer Str. 29 82152 Martinsried Germany [email protected] Inge Celler TU München Weihenstephan Weihenstephaner Berg 3 85350 Freising Germany [email protected] Bertram Brenig University of Goettingen Burckhardtweg 2 37077 Göttingen Germany [email protected] Vladimir Celmare Roche Diagnostics Romania 3-5 Piata Presei Libere, City Gate Building, South Tower, Floors:4A,5,6, 1st District Bucharest 020335 Bucharest Romania [email protected] Irena Brinkmann Institute of Transfusion Medicine and Immunology Ludolf-Krehl Strasse 13-17 68167 Mannheim Germany [email protected] Urska Cepin National Institute of Biology Vecna pot 111 SI-1000 Ljubljana Slovenia [email protected] Kai-Uwe Brodersen-van Aalst Integrated DNA Technologies Interleuvenlaan 12A B-3001 Leuven Belgium [email protected] Alexander M Chagovetz University of Utah 2315 East Sheridan Rd 84108 Salt lake City United States [email protected] Melanie Broszat Uniklinik Freiburg Breisacherstr. 115 b 79106 Freiburg Germany [email protected] Caifu Chen Life Technologies 850 Lincoln Centre Dr. 94404 Foster City United States [email protected] Lindsay Chung BIOKÉ Plesmanlaan 1d 2333BZ Leiden Netherlands [email protected] Susanna Cirera University of Copenhagen, LIFE Groennegaardsvej 3, 1870 Frederiksberg Denmark [email protected] Philippe CLAIR UNIVERSITE MONTPELLIER 2 Campus Triolet 34095 MONTPELLIER Cedex 5 France [email protected] Sabine CLEOPHAX BIOCORTECH 8 rue Croix de Jarry 75013 PARIS France [email protected] Aron Cohen Azure PCR 59A Brent Street NW4 2EA London United Kingdom [email protected] Michelle Collins Bio-Rad Laboratories 2000 Alfred Nobel Dr 94547 Hercules United States [email protected] Ron M. Cook, Ph.D. Biosearch Technologies 81 Digital Drive 94949 Novato United States [email protected] Muriel CRAYNEST EUROGENTEC rue du Bois Saint Jean 5 4102 Seraing Belgium [email protected] Valentina Dall'Olio Cogentech via Adamello, 16 20139 Milan Italy [email protected] Benedicte Danis UCB Pharma S.A. Chemin du Foriest 1420 Braine-l'Alleud Belgium [email protected] qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 57 Kristina Daniunaite Vilnius University M. K. Ciurlionio 21/27 LT-03101 Vilnius Lithuania [email protected] Zuzana Dobsakova Cytogenetic Laboratory Brno Veveri 39 602 00 Brno Czech Republic [email protected] Maxime Eugene EUROGENTEC Rue du Bois Saint Jean 5 4102 Seraing Belgium [email protected] Katrin Danowski TU München General-von-Stein-Str. 8a 85356 Freising Germany [email protected] Stefanie Dommel TU München Mühlenweg 1111 85354 Freising Germany [email protected] Patrick Fach French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health (ANSES) 23, avenue du général de Gaulle 94706 Maisons-Alfort France [email protected] Philip Day University of Manchester Manchester Interdisciplinary Biocentre M1 7DN Manchester United Kingdom [email protected] Maxime Lilian Dooms LaSalle Beauvais Stagiaire DISC - LaSalle Beauvais 60000 Beauvais France [email protected] Inky de Baere Biocartis Anwerpsesteenweg 237 2350 Vosselaar Belgium [email protected] Roya Doroudi Life Technologies Frankfurther Str 129b 64293 Darmstadt Germany [email protected] Sabine Delannoy Agence Nationale de Sécurité Sanitaire (ANSES) 23 avenue du général de Gaulle 94706 Maisons-Alfort France [email protected] Brigitte Dötterböck TU München Weihenstephaner Berg 3 85350 Freising Germany [email protected] Dirk Demuth Sigma-Aldrich Company Ltd. 84 Burnage Lane M19 2WL Manchester United Kingdom [email protected] Holger Densow Biometra GmbH Rudolf-Wissell-Straße 30 D-37079 Göttingen Germany [email protected] Stefaan Derveaux WaferGen Biosystems 7400 Paseo Padre Parkway 94555 Fremont United States [email protected] François-Xavier Desforges genewave le Dorian b2 75011 Paris France [email protected] Jan Detmers Chimera Biotec GmbH Emil Figge Str. 10 44227 Dortmund Germany [email protected] Barbara D'haene Biogazelle Technologiepark 3 9052 Zwijnaarde Belgium [email protected] Jeroen Dijkstra Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre PO Box 9101 6500 HB Nijmegen Netherlands [email protected] Thu Hien Do Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Kasteelpark Arenberg 13, bus 2455 3001 Leuven Belgium [email protected] Mike Dyson WaferGen Biosystems 7400 Paseo Padre Parkway 9455 Fremont United States [email protected] Christoph Eckert Metabion Lena-Christ-Str. 44 82152 Planegg-Martinsried Germany [email protected] Franck Edouard Bio-Rad 3 boulevard Poincare 92430 Marnes La Coquette France [email protected] Marlene Eggert Institut für Humangenetik Goethestraße 29 80798 München Germany [email protected] Morten Elde ArcticZymes As Sykehusveien 23 9294 Tromso Norway [email protected] Matthias Elstner Klinikum Großhadern Marchioninistr. 15 81377 Munich Germany [email protected] Fons Elstrodt BIOKÉ Plesmanlaan 1d 2333BZ Leiden Netherlands [email protected] Markus Epe Affymetrix Fürstenrieder Straße 273 81377 München Germany [email protected] Aurore Falcoz ROCHE DIAGNOSTICS FRANCE Lab Network - Biologie Moléculaire 38240 MEYLAN France [email protected] Netta Fatal Thermo Scientific Keilaranta 16A 02150 Espoo Finland [email protected] Richard Fekete Life Technologies 2130 Woodward St. 78740 Austin United States [email protected] Eva Felder Sanitätsakademie der Bundeswehr Neuherbergstr.11 80937 München Germany [email protected] Jovita Fernandez-Pinero Centro de Investigación en Sanidad Animal (CISA-INIA) Ctra Algete a El Casar, s.n 28130 Valdeolmos, Madrid Spain [email protected] Anna Ferrer Center for Genomic Regulation - CRG Doctor Aiguader, 8 08003 Barcelona Spain [email protected] LUISA FILIPPIN CRA-VIT Centre for Research in Viticulture viale XXVIII Aprile 26 31015 CONEGLIANO Italy [email protected] Barbara Fitzky Life Technologies Frankfurter Str, 129B 64293 Darmstadt Germany [email protected] Krzysztof Flisikowski Technical University of Munich, WZW Liesel-Beckmannstr. 1 85354 Freising Germany [email protected] Christine Fochtmann TU München Weihenstephaner Berg 3 85350 Freising Germany [email protected] Choy Len Fong Life Technologies Blk 33, #05-03 739256 Singapore Singapore [email protected] qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 58 FRANCESCA FONTANA SILICON BIOSYSTEMS SPA VIA DEI LAPIDARI 12 40129 BOLOGNA Italy [email protected] Kelly Giles Technology Networks Limited Bull Lane Industrial Estate CO10 0FD SUDBURY United Kingdom [email protected] David Kennard Azure PCR 59A Brent Street NW4 2EA London United Kingdom [email protected] Yadvinder Gill MARS, WALTHAM CENTRE FOR PET NUTRITION, LE14 4RT LEICESTERSHIRE United Kingdom [email protected] Amin Forootan Multid Analyses AB Odinsgatan 28 41103 Göteborg Sweden [email protected] Roderic Alexander Fueerst IT-IS Life Science Ltd Bldg 1000, Unit 1201 & 1202 None Cork Ireland [email protected] Andreas Funke IDT Biologika GmbH Am Pharmapark 06861 Dessau-Rosslau Germany [email protected] Rainer W. Fürst TUM Weihenstephaner Berg 3 85354 Freising Germany [email protected] Hendrik Fuss Molecular Machines & Industries Breslauer Strasse 2 85386 Eching Germany [email protected] Mirco Geisler Sigma Aldrich Eschenstr.5 82024 Taufkirchen Germany [email protected] Katharina Gellrich Physiology Weihenstephan Ampertal 13 85777 Fahrenzhausen Germany [email protected] Lars Gerdes Bayerisches Landesamt für Gesundheit und Lebensmittelsicherheit (LGL) Veterinästr. 2 D-85764 Oberschleißheim Germany [email protected] Matthew Gibbs Mars Petcare Waltham Centre for Pet Nutrition LE14 4RT Melton Mowbray United Kingdom [email protected] Alfons Gierl Dekanat der Fakultät WZW Alte Akademie 8 85354 Freising-Weihenstephan Germany [email protected] Christian Giersdorff PensionCapital GmbH Kantstraße 2 80807 München Germany [email protected] Winfried Girg Qiagen GmbH Qiagenstr. 1 40724 Hilden Germany [email protected] Florian Glaser Evotec AG Schnackenburgallee 114 22525 Hamburg Germany [email protected] Viktoria Glunk BioEPS/TUM Gaymannstr. 1 85354 Freising Germany [email protected] Irene Görzer Medical University of Vienna Kinderspitalgasse 15 1095 Vienna Austria [email protected] Brigitte Gramsamer InstMikroBioBw Neuherbergstraße 11 80937 Munich Germany [email protected] Ursula Grepl Roche Diagnostics GmbH Nonnenwald 2 82377 Penzberg Germany [email protected] Elena Grigorenko Life Technologies, Inc 12 Gill Street Suite 4000 01801 Woburn United States [email protected] Diana Grochova Cytogenetic Laboratory Brno Veveri 39 602 00 Brno Czech Republic [email protected] Anna E Groebner Technische Universität München Weihenstephaner Berg 3 85354 Freising Germany [email protected] Josef Gross TUM Liesel-Beckmann-Strasse 6 85354 Freising Germany [email protected] Cornelia Große University Halle-Wittenberg Kurt-Mothes-Str. 3 06120 Halle Germany [email protected] Helga Gruber Bavarian Health and Food Safety Authority Veterinärstr. 2 85764 Oberschleißheim Germany [email protected] Patrick Guertler Bavarian Health and Food Safety Authority Veterinärstr. 2 85764 Oberschleißheim Germany [email protected] Michele Guescini University of Urbino Via I Maggetti, 26 61029 Urbino Italy [email protected] Marina GUILLET ROCHE DIAGNOSTICS FRANCE Lab Network - Biologie Moléculaire 38240 MEYLAN France [email protected] Sandra GUILLOUD ROCHE DIAGNOSTICS FRANCE Lab Network - Biologie Moléculaire 38240 MEYLAN France [email protected] Stephen Gunstream Integrated DNA Technologies 1710 Commercial Park 52241 Coralville United States [email protected] Mandana Haack-Sørensen Rigshospitalet Juliane Mariesvej 20, 9302 2100 Copenhagen Denmark [email protected] Heli Haakana Thermo Fisher Scientific Ratastie 2 01620 Vantaa Finland [email protected] Gerd Haberhausen Roche Diagnostics GmbH Nonnenwald 2 82377 Penzberg Germany [email protected] Knut Hamann Lifetechnologies Theodor-Strom-Str. 15 23863 Bargfeld-Stegen Germany [email protected] Matthias Hanczaruk Bundeswehr Institute of Microbiology Neuherbergstr. 11 80937 München Germany [email protected] Rita Härteis Roche Diagnostics GmbH Nonnenwald 2 83277 Penzberg Germany [email protected] Luise Hartmann TU Muenchen Ehrenpreisstrasse 9 86899 Landsberg Germany [email protected] qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 59 Karl H. Hasenstein Univ. Louisiana Lafayette 300 E. St. Mary Blvd 70504-2451 Lafayette United States [email protected] Akihiro Hirano RIKEN (The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, Japan) 2-1 Hirosawa 351-0198 Wako-city Japan [email protected] Andrea Hecker Medical Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University, Ludolf-Krehl-Strasse 13-17 68167 Mannheim Germany [email protected] Hans-Joachim Hoeltke Roche Diagnostics GmbH Roche Diagnostics GmbH D-82377 Penzberg Germany [email protected] Torben Helledie Exiqon Skelstedet 16 2950 Vedbaek Denmark [email protected] Hans Hoenicka Institute of Forest Genetics Sieker Landstr. 2 22927 Großhansdorf Germany [email protected] Jan Hellemans Biogazelle Technologiepark 3 9052 Ghent Belgium [email protected] Gerhard Hofer QIAGEN QIAGEN Str.1 40724 Hilden Germany [email protected] Katharina Heller ZIEL PhD-Kolleg "Epigenetik" Gregor-Mendel-Str. 2 85350 Freising-Weihenstephan Germany [email protected] Michael Hoffmann Roche Diagnostics Nonnenwald 2 82377 Penzberg Germany [email protected] Kaisa Helminen Thermo Scientific Keilaranta 16A 02150 Espoo Finland [email protected] Ingrid Hoffmann Roche Diagnostics GmbH Nonnenwald 2 82377 Penzberg Germany [email protected] Jana Hemmerling PhD Kolleg "Nutritional adaptation and epigenetic mechanisms" Gregor-Mendel-Str. 2 85350 Freising-Weihenstephan Germany [email protected] Janin Hofmann Ipal GmbH Bundesallee 171 10715 Berlin Germany [email protected] Anna Henger Biolytix AG Benkenstr. 254 4108 Witterswil Switzerland [email protected] Neli Hevir Faculty of Medicine Vrazov trg 2 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia [email protected] Mirela Hila Pediatric Hospital Sibiu 9-9A Dimitrie pompeiu Street, building 2A, ground floor 020335 Bucharest Romania [email protected] Alison Hills GSTS Pathology, Guys and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust Cytogenetics Department SE1 9RT London United Kingdom [email protected] Chris Hingley Primerdesign Ltd Millbrook Technology Campus SO15 0DJ Southampton United Kingdom [email protected] Kassie Hirani Bioline Unit 16 The Edge Business Centre NW2 6EW London United Kingdom [email protected] Béatrice HOFMANN EUROGENTEC Rue du Bois Saint Jean 4102 Seraing Belgium [email protected] Lars Christian Hofmann Clontech / Takara Bio Guardinistr. 95 81375 München Germany [email protected] Karsten Höhn Analytik Jena AG / Biometra GmbH Konrad-Zuse-Straße 1 07745 Jena Germany [email protected] Barbara Holzer Medical University of Vienna Waehringer Guertel 18-20, 5Q 1220 Vienna Austria [email protected] Nikos Hontzeas Sigma Aldrich 2909 Laclede Ave. 63103 St. Louis United States [email protected] Michaela Hoock Agilent Technologies Lautengartenstrasse 6 4052 Basel Switzerland [email protected] Martin Horat Roche Diagnostics AG Forreenstraße 6343 Rotkreuz Switzerland [email protected] Martin Horlitz QIAGEN GmbH QIAGEN Strasse 1 40724 Hilden Germany [email protected] Ralf Horres GenXPro GmbH Altenhöferallee 3 60438 Frankfurt am Main Germany [email protected] Eric Houpt University of Virginia University of Virginia 22947 Charlottesville United States [email protected] Ilona Hromadnikova Third Faculty of Medicine, Charles University Prague Ruska 87 10000 Prague 10 Czech Republic [email protected] Ingrid Huber Bayerisches Landesamt für Gesundheit und Lebensmittelsicherheit Veterinärstr. 2 85764 Oberschleißheim Germany [email protected] YOUG MIN HUH YONSEI UNIVERSITY 250 seongsanno, seodaemun-gu 120-749 seoul South Korea [email protected] André Imhof Molecular Machines & Industries Flughofstrasse 37 8152 Glattbrugg Switzerland [email protected] Peter Jacobs Lifetechnologies Suikerkaai 1 1500 Halle Belgium [email protected] Aurélie JAMIN EUROGENTEC 5 rue du Bois Saint Jean 4102 Seraing Belgium [email protected] Greta Johannesson TATAA Biocenter Odinsgatan 28 41103 Gothenburg Sweden [email protected] Martin Judex Agilent Technologies Kurt-von-Unruh-Weg 6 84085 Langquaid Germany [email protected] Katrin Juling Eurofins Medigenomix GmbH Anzinger Str. 7a 85560 Ebersberg Germany [email protected] qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 60 Dafni-Maria Kagkli European Commission-Joint Research Centre via Enrico Fermi 2749 21027 Ispra Italy [email protected] Olev Kahre Solis BioDyne Riia 185a, 51014 Tartu, Estonia 51014 Tartu Estonia [email protected] Sebastian Kaiser LMU München Ludwigstr. 33 80539 München Germany [email protected] Andreas Kalchschmid Genetic DI (Europe) AG Am Mittleren Moos 48 86167 Augsburg Germany [email protected] Niels Kaldenhoven Genmab BV Yalelaan 60 3584 CM Utrecht Netherlands [email protected] Gustav Karlberg Illumina Chesterford Research Park CB10 1XL Saffron Walden, Essex United Kingdom [email protected] Joachim Richard Karlsen Danish Medicines Agency Axel Heides Gade 1 2300 Copenhagen S Denmark [email protected] Kersti Kask Solis BioDyne OÜ Riia 185 a 50415 Tartu Estonia [email protected] Ly Käsper Solis Biodyne OÜ Riia 185a, 51014 Tartu, Estonia 51014 Tartu Estonia [email protected] Zeynep Katmer Fatih University Buyukçekmece 34500 Istanbul Turkey [email protected] Christine Kaufmann Technische Universität München Weihenstephaner Steig 23 85354 Freising Germany [email protected] Ian Kavanagh Thermo Fisher Scientific Blenheim Road TW2 5NH Epsom United Kingdom [email protected] Linda Veronique Kazandjian MAB Discovery GmbH Forstenriederstr. 8-14 82061 Neuried Germany [email protected] Andreas Keck Affymetrix Fürstenrieder Straße 273 81377 München Germany [email protected] Minna Riikka Koivula Thermo Fisher Scientific/Finnzymes Oy Ratastie 2 01620 Vantaa Finland [email protected] Antje Kern Affymetrix Fürstenrieder Straße 273 81377 München Germany [email protected] Varaprasad Kolla University Hospital, Basel Hebelstr20 4056 Basel Switzerland [email protected] David Michael Kerry Life Technologies 5791 Van Allen Way 92008 Carlsbad United States [email protected] Michal Konecny St. Elizabeth Cancer Institute 81250 Bratislava Slovakia [email protected] HYE SEON KIM YONSEI UNIVERSITY 250 seongsanno, seodaemun-gu 120-749 seoul South Korea [email protected] Regina Konrad Bavarian Health and Food Safety Authority Veterinärstr. 2 85764 Oberschleißheim Germany [email protected] Seong-Youl Kim Bioneer Corporation 49-3 Munpyung-dong, Daeduck-ku 306-220 Daejeon South Korea [email protected] Mirjana Kozulic QIAGEN Instruments AG Garstligweg 8 8634 Hombrechtikon Switzerland [email protected] Benedikt Kirchner Giggenhauser Straße 1 85354 Freising Germany [email protected] Vanessa Kraft Technische Universität München Lange Point 13/101 85354 Freising Germany [email protected] Christoph Kirsch Macherey-Nagel GmbH & Co.KG Neumann-Neander-Straße 6 52355 Düren Germany [email protected] Hannes Kirzinger Roche Fritz-Schlamppstr. 5 86932 Pürgen Germany [email protected] Jörg Kleiber Hochschule Weihenstephan Hochschule Weihenstephan 85350 Freising Germany [email protected] Manfred Kliem Roche Diganostics Deutschland GmbH Sandhofer Str. 116 68305 Mannheim Germany [email protected] Heike Kliem TUM, Weihenstephaner Berg 3 85354 Freising Germany [email protected] Thilo Kluetsch Agilent Sindesldorfer Strasse 60e 82377 Penzberg Germany [email protected] Kevin L Knudtson University of Iowa 323 EMRB 52242 Iowa City United States [email protected] Andreas Koch BASF SE Speyerer Strasse 2 67117 Limburgerhof Germany [email protected] Stefan Kraiss Roche Diagnostics GmbH Nonnenwald 2 82377 Penzberg Germany [email protected] Petr Kralik Veterinary Research Institute Hudcova 70 62100 Brno Czech Republic [email protected] Koos Kranenborg BIOKÉ Plesmanlaan 1d 2333BZ Leiden Netherlands [email protected] Jette Dina Kreiberg Novo Nordisk A/S Novo Nordisk Park 2760 Måløv Denmark [email protected] Vlastimil Krivda State Veterinary Institute Prague Sidlistni 136/24 165 03 Prague Czech Republic [email protected] Guido Krupp Fujifilm / AmpTec GmbH Koenigstrasse 4A 22767 Hamburg Germany [email protected] Fabian Kubaty IDT Biologika GmbH Am Pharmapark 06861 Dessau-Rosslau Germany [email protected] qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 61 Mikael Kubista TATAA BIOCENTER Odinsgatan 18 41113 Gothenburg Sweden [email protected] Thomas Liem Roche Diagnostics Hochrütistrasse 39 6005 Luzern Switzerland [email protected] Karsten Lueno Life Technologies Frankfurter Strasse 129 B 64293 Darmstadt Germany [email protected] Gerrit Kuhn Life Technologies Baarer Str 78 6300 Zug Switzerland [email protected] Antoon Lievens Institute of Public Health Rue Juliette Wytsmanstraat 14 1050 Brussel Belgium [email protected] Marie-Louise Lunn Exiqon Skelstedet 16 DK-2950 Vedbaek Denmark [email protected] Jaakko Tuomas Kurkela Thermofisher Ratastie 2 (P.O. Box 100) 01620 Vantaa Finland [email protected] Kristina Lind TATAA Biocenter Odinsgatan 28 411 03 Gothenburg Sweden [email protected] Soumya Madhavan Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena Neugasse 25 07743 Jena Germany [email protected] Elise Labbe LaSalle Beauvais 19, rue Pierre Waguet 60000 beauvais France [email protected] Andrea Linkmeyer TUM - Weihenstephan Emil-Ramann Str. 2 D-85350 Freising Germany [email protected] Rodrigo Manjarin Michigan State University 1290 Anthony Hall 48823 East Lansing United States [email protected] Laura F. Lalonde Canadian Food Inspection Agency 116 Veterinary Road S7N 2R3 Saskatoon Canada [email protected] Andrea Linnemann Qiagen GmbH Qiagenstr. 1 40724 Hilden Germany [email protected] Christian Mann Thermo Scientific Im Steingrund 4-6 63303 Dreieich Germany [email protected] Olfert Landt TIB Molbiol Eresburgstraße 22-23 12105 Berlin Germany [email protected] Ken Livak Fluidigm Corporation 7000 Shoreline Court, Suite 100 94080 South San Francisco United States [email protected] UGO MARCHESI ISTITUTO ZOOPROFILATTICO SPERIMENTALE DELLE REGIONI LAZIO E TOSCANA VIA APPIA NUOVA 1411 00178 ROMA Italy [email protected] Oliver Latz Eurofins MWG Operon Anzinger Str. 7a 85560 Ebersberg Germany [email protected] Robert Lechner TU München Hofmark 1-3 82393 Iffeldorf Germany [email protected] Hong Kai Lee National University Hospital 5 Lower Kent Ridge Road 119074 Singapore Singapore [email protected] Steve Lefever University Ghent De Pintelaan 185 9000 Gent Belgium [email protected] Thomas Legrand GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals 20, rue Fleming, Parc de la Noire Epine 1300 Wavre Belgium [email protected] Ursula Leiser Roche Diagnostics Ltd. Forrenstrasse 6343 Rotkreuz Switzerland [email protected] Clarisse Lemaitre LaSalle Beauvais 19, rue Pierre Waguet 60000 Beauvais France [email protected] Yuk Ming Dennis Lo The Chinese University of Hong Kong Department of Chemical Pathology HK Hong Kong China [email protected] Stéphane LOBBENS ROCHE DIAGNOSTICS FRANCE Lab Network - Biologie Moléculaire 38240 MEYLAN France [email protected] Robert Loewe GeneWake GmbH Forstenrieder Str. 10 82061 Neuried Germany [email protected] Sabine Lohmann Roche Applied Science Nonnenwald 2 82377 Penzberg Germany [email protected] Katrin Lorenz Analaytik Jena AG / Biometra GmbH Konrad-Zuse-Straße 1 07745 Jena Germany [email protected] RANIERO LORENZETTI ISTITUTO ZOOPROFILATTICO SPERIMENTALE DELLE REGIONI LAZIO E TOSCANA VIA APPIA NUOVA 1411 00178 ROMA Italy [email protected] Jacek Lubelski AMT Biopharma Meibergdreef 61 1105BA Amsterdam Netherlands [email protected] Mercedes Marín-Aguilera Hospital Clínic of Barcelona-Fundación Clínic Villarroel 170 08036 Barcelona Spain [email protected] Jan Markus St. Elizabeth Cancer Institute Heydukova 10 81250 Bratislava Slovakia [email protected] Eva Martinez Hipra Avda. La Selva135 17170 Amer Spain [email protected] LUZ MARTINEZ AVILES HOSPITAL DEL MAR PASSEIG MARITIM 08003 BARCELONA Spain [email protected] MARIOS MATARAGAS Agricultural University of Athens Iera Odos 75 GR-11855 Athens Greece [email protected] Irene Maumnee KIC 1855 W Taylor St 60612 Chicago United States [email protected] Ralf Mauritz Roche Diagnostics GmbH Nonnenwald 2 83277 Penzberg Germany [email protected] qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 62 Irena Mavric-Plesko Kmetijski Institut Slovenije Hacquetova ulica 17 SI-1000 Ljubljana Slovenia [email protected] Heinrich HD Meyer Physiology - Weihenstephan Weihenstephaner Berg 3 85354 Freising Germany [email protected] Maren Neef University of Tuebingen Auf der Morgenstelle 1 72074 Tübingen Germany [email protected] Dietmar Mayer IDT Biologika GmbH Am Pharmapark 06861 Dessau Roßlau Germany [email protected] Dagmar Michel Biomed Bruckmannring 32 85764 Oberchleißheim Germany [email protected] Marcus Neusser Bio-Rad Heidemannstrasse 169 80939 München Germany [email protected] Nicole Mayländer Bavarian Nordic GmbH Fraunhoferstrasse 13 82152 Martinsried Germany [email protected] Gabriel Minarik GENETON Ltd. Cabanova 14 841 02 Bratislava Slovakia [email protected] Anthony Newman Elsevier Radarweg 29 1043 NX Amsterdam Netherlands [email protected] Axel Moehrle 4titude Ltd. Sickingenstrasse 26 10553 Berlin Germany [email protected] Bart Nijmeijer AMT Biopharma Meibergdreef 61 1105BA Amsterdam Netherlands [email protected] Peter Molkenthin InstMikroBioBw Neuherbergstraße 11 80937 Munich Germany [email protected] Gerd Nilsen ArcticZymes AS Sykehusveien 23 9294 Tromsø Norway [email protected] Claire Monk Primerdesign Ltd Millbrook Technology Campus SO15 0DJ Southampton United Kingdom [email protected] Andreas Nitsche Robert Koch Institute Nordufer 20 13353 Berlin Germany [email protected] Shila Mortensen Statens Serum Institut Artillerivej 2300 Copenhagen Denmark [email protected] Hans Nitschko Max von Pettenkofer-Institut Pettenkoferstr. 9a 80336 München Germany [email protected] Martin Moser University of Zurich Winterthurerstrasse 190 8057 Zürich Switzerland [email protected] Anna Krestine Noergaard Danish Technological Institute. Kongsvang Allé 29 Build. 4 8000 Aarhus Denmark [email protected] Ilona Moßbrugger Institut für Mikrobiologie der Bundeswehr Neuherbergstraße 11 80937 München Germany [email protected] Mikkel Noerholm Exosome Diagnostics, GmbH Am Klopferspitz 19a 82152 Martinsried Germany [email protected] Cinthia Moysés Life Technologies Av Itacira, 2105 04061002 São Paulp Brazil [email protected] Marika Nyman TUM AM HOCHANGER 2 85350 FREISING Germany [email protected] Jakob Müller Technische Universität München Itzling 6 85354 Freising Germany [email protected] Sören Ocvirk BioEPS Vöttinger Straße 34c 85354 Freising Germany [email protected] Elke Müller Genetic ID (Europe) AG Am Mittleren Moos 48 86167 Augsburg Germany [email protected] Ralph Oehlmann IMGM Laboratories GmbH Lochhamer Str. 29 82152 Martinsried Germany [email protected] Alexander Nagy State Veterinary Institute Prague Sídlištní 136/24 165 03 Prague 6 Czech Republic [email protected] Jakob Ørtvig AH Diagnostics Runetoften 18 8210 Aarhus V Denmark [email protected] Frank McCaughan Medical Research Council MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology CB1 3AX Cambridge United Kingdom [email protected] Rena McClory Illumina 9885 Towne Centre Drive 92121 San Diego United States [email protected] Johannes Peter Meier BioEPS Ludwig-Thoma-Str.23 84307 Eggenfelden Germany [email protected] Julia Meiser Institute for Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology Kirrbergerstrasse 66421 Homburg Germany [email protected] Jose Melo-Cristino Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa Av Prof Egas Moniz 1649-028 Lisboa Portugal [email protected] Lourdes Mengual Hospital Clinic-Fundació Clínic Villarroel, 170 08036 Barcelona Spain [email protected] ANNA MERCADE Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona FACULTAT DE VETERINARIA. O8193 BELLATERRA Spain [email protected] Steffen Mergemeier CONGEN Biotechnologie GmbH Robert-Rössle-Str.10 13125 Berlin Germany [email protected] Ssilvia Meschi Inmi Lazzaro Spallanzani Via Francesco Carrara 16 55100 Lucca Italy [email protected] Swanhild Meyer Technische Universität München Weihenstephaner Berg 3 85350 Freising Germany [email protected] qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 63 Michael Pacher SunGene GmbH Corrensstr. 3 06466 Gatersleben Germany [email protected] Shiyang Pan The first affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University 300, Guangzhou Road, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province 210029 Nanjing China [email protected] Renato Panebianco University Urbino - Biomolecular Via I Maggetti, 26/2 (Loc Sasso) 61029 Urbino - Italy 61029 Urbino Italy [email protected] Walter Paper Eppendorf Vertrieb Deutschland GmbH Johann-Schmidbauer-Str. 4 94351 Feldkirchen Germany [email protected] Dario Papi TIB Molbiol Eresburgstraße 22-23 12105 Berlin Germany [email protected] SPIROS PARAMITHIOTIS Agricultural University of Athens Iera Odos 75 GR-11855 Athens Greece [email protected] Viresh Patel Bio-Rad Laboratories 2000 Alfred Nobel Drive 94547 Hercules United States [email protected] Filip Pattyn Ghent University De Pintelaan 185 9000 Gent Belgium [email protected] Natasha Paul TriLink BioTechnologies, Inc. 9955 Mesa Rim Road 92121 San Diego United States [email protected] Michael W Pfaffl TUM Weihenstephaner Berg 3 85354 Freising Germany [email protected] Paolo Piazza Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics Roosevelt Drive OX3 7BN Oxford United Kingdom [email protected] Paul Pickering Life Technologies 850 Lincoln Centre Drive, MS 447 94404 Foster City United States [email protected] Janin Pieritz Life Technologies Gutenbergstr.108 70197 Stuttgart Germany [email protected] Veronika Pistek TU München, Weihenstephan Weihenstephaner Berg 3 85354 Freising Germany [email protected] Camille Plusquellec BIOCORTECH 8 rue Croix de Jarry 75013 Paris France [email protected] Michelle Plusquin Hasselt University Campus Diepenbeek 3590 Diepenbeek Belgium [email protected] Ingo Poleschak Agilent Technologies Hauptstrasse 62 85716 Unterschleissheim Germany [email protected] Kok-Siong Poon National University Hospital 5 Lower Kent Ridge Road 119074 Singapore Singapore [email protected] Sabina Iurian Pediatric Hospital Sibiu 9-9A Dimitrie Pompeiu street, building 2A, ground floor 020335 Bucharest Romania [email protected] Derek Potter NanoString Technologies 530 Fairview Avenue N 98109 Seattle United States [email protected] Sylvia Pfaffl BioEPS GmbH Lise-Meitner-Strasse 30 85354 Freising Germany [email protected] Hervé Pouzoullic Life Technologies 25, Av de la Baltique B.P. 96 Courtaboeuf 91943 Villebon sur Yvette Cedex France [email protected] Matthias Pfeiffer Eurofins MWG Operon Anzinger Str. 7a 85560 Ebersberg Germany [email protected] Rob Powell PrimerDesign Ltd Millbrook Technology Campus SO150DJ Southampton United Kingdom [email protected] Henrik Pfundheller Exiqon Skelstedet 16 2950 Vedbaek Denmark [email protected] Bukkaraya, S Prakash NDRI Karnal NDRI 132001 Karnal India [email protected] Sebastian Pünzeler Adolf-Butenandt-Institut für Molekularbiologie Schillerstraße 44 80336 München Germany [email protected] Giorgia Puorro Università degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II" Via Pansini 5, ed. 17 80131 Naples Italy [email protected] Alexander Racz Eurofins MWG Operon Anzinger Str. 7a 85560 Ebersberg Germany [email protected] Eugen Radu Emergency University Hospital Bucharest 9-9A, Dimitrie Pompeiu Street, building 2A, ground floor 020335 Bucharest Romania [email protected] Arjun Raj University of Pennsylvania 210 S. 33rd St. 19104 Philadelphia United States [email protected] Ann Randolph University of Michigan Health Service 1150 W. Medical Center Dr. 48109 Ann Arbor United States [email protected] Sarah Dugdale GeneSys Ltd Innovation House GU16 7PL Camberley United Kingdom [email protected] Carolyn Reifsnyder Agilent Technologies, Inc. 11011 N. Torrey Pines Rd. 92037 La Jolla United States [email protected] Rita S. Rein Roche Applied Science Nonnenwald 2 82377 Penzberg Germany [email protected] Martina Reiter BioEPS GmbH Lise-Meitner-Strasse 30 85354 Freising Germany [email protected] Volker Reuck TIB Molbiol Eresburgstraße 22-23 12105 Berlin Germany [email protected] Hyoung Seok Rho Novomics Meditech 250 Seongsanno, Seodaemun-Gu 120-752 Seoul South Korea [email protected] qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 64 Matteo Ricchi IZSLER Via Strada Faggiola 1 29027 Gariga di Podenzano Italy [email protected] Marianna Romzova IBT ASCR Videnska 1083 14200 Prague 4 Czech Republic [email protected] Nicolas RICHARD ROCHE DIAGNOSTICS FRANCE Lab Network - Biologie Moléculaire 38240 MEYLAN France [email protected] Scott D. Rose Integrated DNA Technologies 1710 Commercial Park 52241 Coralville United States [email protected] Estelle Riche Merck Millipore 1 rue J. Monod F-78280 Guyancourt France [email protected] Rudi Rossau Philips High tech campus 11 5656 AE Eindhoven Netherlands [email protected] Heidi Richter Metabion Lena-Christ-Straße 44 82152 Planegg- Martinsried Germany [email protected] Michael Rosskopf QIAGEN GmbH QIAGEN Strasse 1 40724 Hilden Germany [email protected] Stefan Rickenbach Roche Diagnostics AG z.H. Antonia Vögel 6343 Rotkreuz Switzerland [email protected] m Bernhard Roth Novartis Vaccines & Diagnostics GmbH Emil-von Behring Str.76 35041 Marburg Germany [email protected] Alain RICO Life Technologies 25 avenue de la baltique 91943 Courtaboeuf France [email protected] Irmgard Riedmaier TU Munich Weihenstephaner Berg 3 85354 Freising-Weihenstephan Germany [email protected] Mary Riley Lonza 191 Thomaston Street 04841-2994 Rockland United States [email protected] Konstantin Rizos Genetic ID (Europe) AG Am Mittleren Moos 48 86167 Augsburg Germany [email protected] Yu-Hui Rogers J. Craig Venter Institute 9704 Medical Center Drive 20850 Rockville United States [email protected] Lorenz Roggo Roche Diagnostics (Switzerland) Ltd Industriestrasse 7 6343 Rotkreuz Switzerland [email protected] Sameer Rohatgi Illumina 9885 Towne Centre Drive 92121 San Diego United States [email protected] Felix Roll Biolegio Lagelandse Weg 56 6545 CG Nijmegen Netherlands [email protected] Veronika Rozehnal Daiichi-Sankyo Europe Lochhamer Str. 29a 82152 München Germany [email protected] Jan M Ruijter Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam Meibergdreef 15 1105AZ Amsterdam Netherlands [email protected] Susan Rümmler Oncoscreen GmbH Löbstedter Str. 93 07749 Jena Germany [email protected] Matevž Rupar National Institute of Biology Večna pot 111 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia [email protected] Yvet Noordman AMT Biopharma Meibergdreef 61 1105BA Amsterdam Netherlands [email protected] Vendula Rusnakova Institure of Biotechnology Videnska 1083 14202 Prague Czech Republic [email protected] Ze'ev Russak Azure PCR 59A Brent Street NW4 2EA London United Kingdom [email protected] Thomas Rygus Life Technologies Frühlingsweg 3a 86859 Holzhausen Germany [email protected] Francesco Saccà Università degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II" Via Pansini, 5 80127 Napoli Italy [email protected] Angela Sachsenhauser TU München Weihenstephaner Berg 3 85350 Freising Germany [email protected] Yamuna Sahadevan Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology Emma Heintz strasse 6a 07745 Jena Germany [email protected] Roswitha Santner Life Technologies Ottenser Marktplatz 8 22765 Hamburg Germany [email protected] Ossian Saris Thermo Fisher Scientific Ratastie 2(P.O.Box 100) 01620 Vantaa Finland [email protected] Mihir Sarkar Indian Veterinary Research Institute Physiology & Climatology Division 243122 Bareilly India [email protected] Christof Schaefauer genewave le dorian b2 75011 paris France [email protected] Dieter Schams TUM Weihenstephan Weihenstephaner Berg 3 85354 Freising Germany [email protected] Kimberly Kay Schartl LONZA Biologics, GmbH Nattermannallee 1 50829 Köln Germany [email protected] Barbara Schechinger Illumina Chesterford Research Park CB10 1XL Saffron Walden, Essex United Kingdom [email protected] Silvio K. Scheel QIAGEN GmbH Konrad-Peutinger-Straße 4 81373 München Germany [email protected] Pia Scheu Bio-Rad Laboratories Heidemannstrasse 164 80939 Muenchen Germany [email protected] Thomas Andreas Schild Life Technologies Kantstr. 4 76137 Karlsruhe Germany [email protected] qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 65 Michael Schleichert Lambda GmbH Gewerbepark 2 4261 Rainbach Austria [email protected] Melanie Schneider Oncoscreen GmbH Löbstedter Str. 93 07749 Jena Germany [email protected] Alfred Schöller LK Weinviertel Mistelbach Liechtensteinstrasse 67 2130 Mistelbach Austria [email protected] Kati Schroeder Robert Koch-Institut Nordufer 20 13353 Berlin Germany [email protected] Rainer Schuster Amplifa Rickenbacher Straße 107 88131 Lindau Germany [email protected] Rachel Scott Bio-Rad 2000 Alfred Nobel Drive 94547 Hercules United States [email protected] Daniela Sebah LGL Ringstrasse 28 85764 Oberschleissheim Germany [email protected] Eva-Maria Sedlmeier Technische Universität München Gregor-Mendel-Straße 2 85350 Freising-Weihenstephan Germany [email protected] Bernhard Setzer BS-Diagnostik Waidplatzstrasse 8 79331 Teningen-Nimburg Germany [email protected] Amir Houshang Shemirani Debrecen University Nagyerdei krt 98 4012 Debrecen Hungary [email protected] Francois-Xavier Sicot Takara Bio Europe 2 avenue Kennedy F-78100 Saint Germain en Laye France [email protected] Anna Siddle GeneSys Ltd. Innovation House GU167PL Camberley United Kingdom [email protected] Matthias W. Sieber University Hospital Jena Erlanger Allee 101 07743 Jena Germany [email protected] Franziska Siegel Rheinische Friedrich-WilhelmsUniversität Bonn Sigmund-Freud-Str. 25 53105 Bonn Germany [email protected] Tanja Sigl Technische Universitaet Muenchen Veitsmuellerweg 4 85354 Freising Germany [email protected] Carl-Johan Simola Lonza Strandhaven 12 2665 Vallensbaek Denmark [email protected] Davide Sisti University of Urbino Via I Maggetti, 26/2 61029 Urbino Italy [email protected] Kerstin Skovgaard Technical University of Denmark Bülowsvej 27 1790 Copenhagen Denmark [email protected] Iva Slana Veterinary Research Institute Hudcova 70 62100 Brno Czech Republic [email protected] Michal Slany Veterinary Research Institute Hudcova 70 62100 Brno Czech Republic [email protected] Virpi Sorri Thermo Scientific Keilaranta 16A 02150 Espoo Finland [email protected] Ben Sowers Biosearch Technologies 81 Digital Drive 94949 Novato United States [email protected] Mary Span CYCLERtest Rotscherweg 61 6374 XW Landgraaf Netherlands [email protected] Andrej-Nikolai Spiess University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf Martinistr. 52 20246 hAMBURG Germany [email protected] Wolf D. Splettstoesser Bundeswehr Institute of Microbiology Neuherbergstr. 11 80937 Munich Germany [email protected] Stefan Springer FH Weihenstephan Sanddornweg 6 85375 Neufahrn Germany [email protected] Margrit Stadler Fluidigm Europe Parnassustoren 1076 AZ Amsterdam Netherlands [email protected] Karen Smeets Hasselt University Agoralaan, Building D 3590 Diepenbeek Belgium [email protected] Anders Ståhlberg University of Gothenburg Cancer Center, University of Gothenburg, Box 425 40530 Gothenburg Sweden [email protected] Leila Smith Fluidigm Europe Parnassustoren 1076 AZ Amsterdam Netherlands [email protected] Karin Stangeland Roche Diagnostics Norge AS Pb 6610 0607 Oslo Norway [email protected] Jan Söderman Ryhov County Hospital Länssjukhuset Ryhov SE-55185 Jönköping Sweden [email protected] Michael Steidle Fujifilm Europe GmbH Hessenstr. 31 40549 Düsseldorf Germany [email protected] Denny Sonnemans Intervet International bv Building PP38 5830AA Boxmeer Netherlands [email protected] Julia Steiger Bioline GmbH Biotechnologie Park TGZ 2 14943 Luckenwalde Germany [email protected] Ketil Bernt Sorensen Danish Technological Institute Kongsvang Alle 29 8000 Aarhus C Denmark [email protected] Tanja Stein Life Technologies Frankfurter Strasse 129 64293 Darmstadt Germany [email protected] Diana Sorg Technische Universität München Weihenstephanerberg 3 85354 Freising Germany [email protected] Oliver Stephan Life Technologies Frankfurter Strasse 129b 64293 Darmstadt Germany [email protected] qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 66 Vilberto Stocchi University of Urbino Via I Maggetti, 26 61029 Urbino Italy [email protected] Jessica Tiedke University of Hamburg Martin-Luther King Platz 3 20144 Hamburg Germany [email protected] Rob van Miltenburg Roche Diagnostics GmbH DAMP 6164 82377 Penzberg Germany [email protected] Martin Thomas Stock LS für Zoologie WZW TUM Höhenweg 13 87656 Untergermaringen Germany [email protected] Laura Tizzoni Cogentech via Adamello, 16 20139 Milan Italy [email protected] Jo Vandesompele Ghent University & Biogazelle De Pintelaan 185 9000 Ghent Belgium [email protected] Katharina Stöcker Intervet Innovation GmbH Zur Propstei 55270 Schwabenheim Germany [email protected] Natasa Toplak Omega d.o.o. Dolinskova 8 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia [email protected] Petra Vasickova Veterinary Research Institute Hudcova 70 62100 Brno Czech Republic [email protected] Michael Richard Straka IDEX Health & Science 600 Park Court 94929 Rohnert Park United States [email protected] Kirsten Uebel TU München Gregor-Mendel-Str. 2 85354 Freising-Weihenstephan Germany [email protected] David VAUDRY ROCHE DIAGNOSTICS FRANCE Lab Network - Biologie Moléculaire 38240 MEYLAN France [email protected] Linda Strömbom TATAA Biocenter Odinsgatan 28 41103 Göteborg Sweden [email protected] Susanne E. Ulbrich Technische Universität München Weihenstephaner Berg 3 85354 Freising Germany [email protected] Markus Veit Sigma Aldrich Eschenstr.5 82024 Taufkirchen Germany [email protected] Chanchal Sur Chowdhury University of Basel University Hospital Basel, Department of Biomedicine (ZLF) 4031 BASEL Switzerland [email protected] Andreas Untergasser University of Heidelberg Schlossstr 34 64720 Michelstadt Germany [email protected] Enrique Viturro Technische Universität München Weihenstephaner Berg 3 85354 Freising Germany [email protected] Irem Uzonur Fatih University Buyukcekmece 34500 Istanbul Turkey [email protected] Hans von Besser Eppendorf Oberer Kühlenberg14 97078 Würzburg Germany [email protected] Tomas Szemes Geneton Cabanova 14 84102 Bratislava Slovakia [email protected] Agne Valinciute State Research Institute of Innovative Medical Center Bitininku str. 2B-28 08310 Vilnius Lithuania [email protected] Tobias Wagner Life Technologies Dietramszeller Platz 7 81371 München Germany [email protected] Monika Szyszka-Niagolov Biosystems Ltd. 2, 6th September Str. 1000 Sofia Bulgaria [email protected] Laura Valinotto Buenos Aires Children's Hospital Moldes 2969 7A 1429 Buenos Aires Argentina [email protected] Jens-Eike Täubert TU München Mühlenweg 22 85354 Freising Germany [email protected] Koenraad van Acker Biocartis Antwerpsesteenweg 237 2350 Vosselaar Belgium [email protected] Roxana Teisanu Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne AI 1112 (Bâtiment AI) CH-1015 Lausanne Switzerland [email protected] Pim van der Aar Dync B.V. Hortensiastraat 8 4818GM Breda Netherlands [email protected] David Svec TATAA Biocenter AB Odinsgatan 42680 Gothenburg Sweden [email protected] Gudrun Tellmann Roche Diagnostics GmbH Nonnenwald 2 82377 Penzberg Germany [email protected] Ales Tichopad Academy of Science of Czech Republic Videnska 1083 14000 Prague Czech Republic [email protected] Ronald van Eijk Leiden University Medical Center Albinusdreef 2 2300RC Leiden Netherlands [email protected] Ruud van der Steen Biolegio BV Lagelandse Weg 56 6545 CG Nijmegen Netherlands [email protected] Heiko Walch Roche Nonnenwald 2 82377 Penzberg Germany [email protected] Rudolf Walser Amplifa Hattnauerstrasse 18 88142 Wasserburg Germany [email protected] Mandy Warnke Molecular Machines & Industries AG Flughofstrasse 37 8152 Glattbrugg Switzerland [email protected] Barbara Weckerlein Metabion International AG Lena-Christ-STr.44 82152 Planegg-Martinsried Germany [email protected] Rosemarie Weikard Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal Biology Wilhelm-Stahl-Allee 2 18196 Dummerstorf Germany [email protected] qPCR 2011 – Online Proceedings – page 67 Karin Tarp Wendt Technical University of Denmark Bülowsvej 27 1790 Copenhagen Denmark [email protected] Carsten Winter Biometra GmbH Rudolf-Wissell-Straße 30 D-37079 Göttingen Germany [email protected] ByoungSu Yoon Kyonggi University 8114, Dept. Life Science 443-760 Suwon South Korea [email protected] Jochen Wettengel Technische Universität München Giggenhauserstr. 1 85354 Freising Germany [email protected] Vital Wohlgensinger Microsynth Schützenstrasse 15 9436 Balgach Switzerland [email protected] Yulia Zabiyaka Mechnikov Research Institute of Vaccines and Sera, RAMS First Dubrovskaya st., 15 115088 Moscow Russia [email protected] Jim White NanoString Technologies 21 Acrefield Park L25 6JX Liverpool United Kingdom [email protected] Roman Wölfel Bundeswehr Institute of Microbiology Neuherbergstrasse 11 80937 Munich Germany [email protected] Jim Wicks Primerdesign Ltd Millbrook Technology Campus SO15 0DJ Southampton United Kingdom [email protected] Tine Yding Wolff The Danish Technological Institute Kongsvang Allé 29 8000 Aarhus Denmark [email protected] Steffi Wiedemann Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel Olshausenstr. 24098 Kiel Germany [email protected] Aaron Woodley Technology Networks Limited Bull Lane Industrial Estate CO10 0FD SUDBURY United Kingdom [email protected] Marina Wiklander Sigma-Aldrich Solkraftsvagen 14C SE-135 70 Stockholm Sweden [email protected] Patricia Susan Wynne Institut for Pathology Schönbeinstrasse 40 4031 Basel Switzerland [email protected] Anja Mareen Wild QIAGEN GmbH Qiagenstr. 1 40724 Hilden Germany [email protected] Michal Wysocki TUM Liesel-Beckmann-Straße 1 85354 Freising Germany [email protected] Wilhelm Windisch TUM Liesel-Beckmann-Strasse 6 85354 Freising Germany [email protected] Remziye YILMAZ Middle East Technical University 06530 Ankara Turkey [email protected] Stephan Zellmeier Bio-Rad Laboratories GmbH Heidemannstr. 164 80939 München Germany [email protected] Martin Zevenbergen Keygene N.V. Agro Business Park 90 6708 PW Wageningen Netherlands [email protected] Philip Zimmermann ETH Zürich Universitätsstrasse 2 8092 Zurich Switzerland [email protected] Barbara Zschörnig Jena Bioscience GmbH Loebstedter Str. 80 07749 Jena Germany [email protected] m © 2011 by Michael W. Pfaffl qPCR 2011 Event 5th International qPCR Symposium Industrial Exhibition & Application Workshops Molecular Diagnostics: from single-cells to Next Generation Sequencing ISBN 9783000338403 Editor: Michael W. Pfaffl Physiology, Freising – Weihenstephan Weihenstephaner Berg 3 Technical University Munich (TUM) E-mail Tel Fax WWW [email protected] ++49 8161 713511 ++49 8161 713539 www.gene-quantification.info