simmental/fleckvieh cattle breeding in the czech republic
simmental/fleckvieh cattle breeding in the czech republic
SIMMENTAL/FLECKVIEH CATTLE BREEDING IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC Dr. Josef Kučera [email protected] Topics of the presentation • EVF / WSFF information • Simmental-Fleckvieh breeding in the Czech Republic European Simmental Federation/ WSFF • Established 1962 in Munich (GER) – Founding member states: GER, FR, CH, IT, AT, YUG – Secretariat GER Dr. Belic, Dr. Puksic • 2012: 50th anniversary of the ESF • 1974 – Zagreb – the WSFF founded – Secretariat CH, since 2008 CZ • Since 2009 closer cooperation between ESF-WSFF • 2013: WSFF become a member of ICAR European Simmental Federation/ WSFF • Main goal of the international bodies – Information exchange – Co-ordination of the breeding schemes and techniques • (breed codes, pedigree harmonisation… – Organisation of common events (show, conference…) – Participation and support of the research projects (gene2farm, cross breeding trials SA, Beef project CDN…) – Common working groups (WG Exterieur, WG beef…) – Promotion of the breed Europe(World) wide Fleckvieh in the EVF-countries 2012 • Dual purpose – – – – – Fleckvieh animals total Breed share in country HB cows HB Breeders Ø HB Cows 8,9 mio 1-80 % 1,9 mio 90 000 20 (5 – 273) Fleckvieh in the EVF-countries 2012 • Beef – – – – – Fleckvieh animals total Breed share in country HB cows HB breeders Ø HB cows 0,6 mio 1-60 % 70 000 17 500 27 (5 – 124) Breeding goal (TMI) in EVF-countries 2012 Milk Beef Fitness Conformation Germany 38 16 46 Italy 44 24 12,5 19,5 Croatia 40 30 30 - Switzerland 35 20 25 20 Slovenia 35 21 22 22 Czech Rep. 40 17 16 26 Hungary 40 30 30 What I would like to improve in my herd E-Journ@l fast and effective way of communication New common web site of ESF and WSFF • Simmental-Fleckvieh breeding in the Czech Republic Breed structure in the Czech Rep. české strakaté holštýn a red holštýn ostatní masná Czech Republic Czech Republic Cattle population – dairy cows 11,2 8,2 29,3 8,1 34,7 39,8 44,6 18,1 24,8 63,3 21,5 51,3 20,4 Structure of the CZ beef and dairy farms Size (heads) dairy cows % beef cows % 1 - 10 3 515 0,9 17 102 9,7 11 - 50 15 556 4,2 38 953 22,1 51 - 200 52 619 14,1 54 713 31 201 - 500 151 082 40,5 40 789 23,1 501 – 1 000 123 971 33,2 14 673 8,3 over 1000 26 301 7,1 10 104 5,8 TOTAL 373 044 100 176 334 100 Milk production development in CZ 7000 6500 6000 mléko Calving interval Kg milk mezidobí 5500 5000 4500 4000 1993 19941995 19961997 19981999 20002001 20022003 20042005 20062007 20082009 20102011 2012 rok Milk production changes (Czech Fleckvieh) (český strakatý skot) 2011-12 1995-96 8% do 5500 55016000 20% 4% 2%2% 60016500 do 5500 44% 11% 5501- 6000 6001- 6500 6501- 7000 84% 7001 a více 12% 13% 65017000 7001 a více Type classification results (192 000 in 13 years) Year # of cows Frame Muscling F&L Udder Total 1999/2000 11 633 78,3 77,1 77,2 77,6 77,7 2000/2001 12 098 80,1 78,4 77,2 79,6 79,2 2001/2002 14 225 79,5 77,9 75,9 78,6 78,5 2002/2003 12 873 76,7 77,7 76,1 78 77,3 2003/2004 14 873 77,4 77,2 74,8 77,7 77,2 2004/2005 15 554 77,4 76,1 74,8 77,2 76,8 2005/2006 15 742 77,7 76,7 74,9 77,4 77,1 2006/2007 16 584 78,5 76,3 75,1 76,7 76,7 2007/2008 16 224 77,8 77 76,4 76,7 76,9 2008/2009 16 565 78 76,3 76,8 76,8 77 2009/2010 15 532 78,5 76,8 77,4 77,3 77,5 2010/2011 13 942 78,6 77,6 77,3 77,2 77,7 2011/2012 16 876 78,8 78,7 77,7 77,5 78,2 Share of the young bulls from domestic breeding and import 100% zahraniční domácí 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Czech Fleckvieh ... • joint genetic evaluation with DE-AT (HU-IT) both, conventional and genomic • big emphasis on the demands of our members – on-line applications – advisory services – business/trade opportunity through subsidiary company • CZ: exporting country (4000 heifers annually) • long tradition - experiences - skills Simmental/Fleckvieh cows are nice and inteligent ... [email protected]
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