Ace Hardware 16742 31 Advertising Flag CO 1063 50 AEC Fire
Ace Hardware 16742 31 Advertising Flag CO 1063 50 AEC Fire
ANNUAL STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES CORPORATE FUND Access Battery Inc 66 14 Accurate Wheel Alignment 128 00 Ace Hardware 16742 31 Advertising Flag CO 1063 50 AEC Fire Safety 376 40 Airgas 49 Air One Equipment Inc 34 1134 45 Nicholas Albert 726 46 Alexis Fire Equipment 58 Allsafe SMC 832 1308 00 Amcore Bank NA Rock River Valley 2740 67 AMERA CHEM Inc 39 95 America in Bloom 700 00 American Coed Pageants 60 00 American Test Center 1020 00 APC Programs 45 00 Apogee Software Development 27684 00 Aramark Uniform Services 958 05 Artel Sales Co Inc 351 42 Assoc of State Floodplain Mgrs 90 00 Assembled Products Corporation 79 49 ATT 736 39 Atlas Outfitters 00 The Audio Video Connection 1099 34 00 Auto Zone 461 20 AVP Digital Studios 50 Award Company ofAmerica 154 1436 00 Barco Products Company 333 51 Beherns Flower Shed 159 38 Ron Beck 460 00 Big John Portable Toilet Rent 195 00 Gene Biggerstaff 1400 00 Blackhawk Cleaning Equip Co 193 30 Blackhawk Firefighters Assoc 70 00 Black Hawk Hills RC D 2082 84 Blackhawk Waterway CVB 6465 50 Blumin Stuff 100 00 James Bonnell 140 00 Bonnell Industries 78012 57 David Boucher 2675 40 Linda Brantley 4800 00 Eric Brauman 700 00 Eric Brantley 75 Breathing Air Systems Division 1439 7366 60 Colleen Brechon 180 57 Andy Brooks 200 00 Brown Traffic Products 7700 96 Atty William C Brozovich 2460 00 Building Dept 137 81 James Burke 1805 60 Burkardt s LP Gas 491 00 Ryan Buskohl 00 Ed Bushman 1655 1410 15 CBT Companies Inc of Illinois 346 54 CDW Government Inc 4270 38 CDW Computer Centers Inc 69 49 CMI Inc 144 94 CDS Office Technologies 18685 00 Callison Mark 1153 37 James Canterbury 460 00 Carquest of Dixon 11 78 Carr Oil Company 416 50 Carter Lumber 47 81 Chimneys Unlimited 4449 49 City of Dixon 183158 13 City of Dixon 1505 00 City of Dixon 18 City of Dixon 35405 398 26 City of Dixon 146 39 City of Dixon 38163 32 City of Dixon 1331 33 City of Dixon 4411 16 City of Dixon 631945 12 Clifton Gunderson LLP 75106 00 Coffee Express 676 00 Commonwealth Edison Company 125074 31 Computer Works 1689 44 TJ Coneveras Inc 5600 00 Conley Cycles 184 00 Conley Safety Products 83 96 The J P Cooke Co 235 40 Comm Ralph Contreras 112 77 Gary Coppotelli 200 00 Matthew Coppotelli 235 46 Corporate Office City 491 38 The Copy Shop of Dixon 1221 65 Craigs Euipment 1677 36 Creative Printing 2631 16 Credit Data of Illinois 46 00 Crescent Electric Supply 253 08 Culligan Water 33 00 DND 17 Decatur Travel Plaza 123 08 Mark Dallas 1299 33 WS Darley CO 10290 Electronics Inc 6618 00 De KroyftMetz CO 301 60 Dept of Central Management 50 Development Assc of 75 4788 00 Mike Devine 460 00 Direct Saftey Co 361 47 Division of Management Service 100 00 Dixon Auto Body Clinic 325 99 Dixon Builder Supply 212 39 Dixon Chamber of Commerce 328 00 Dixon Glass Company 35 00 Dixon Ottawa Comm Inc 24451 45 Dixon Main Street Program 19668 00 Dixon Petunia Festival Corp 100 00 Dixon Public Schools 150 70 Dixon Rotary Club 190 25 Bob Dixon Service Center 384 60 Dixon Rural Fire District 688 00 Bob Dixon Service Center 634 82 Dixon Tire Center 2933 61 Dixon Veterninary Hospital 127 95 Steve Dodds 35821 44 Dojes Forensic Suppliers 1168 09 Dolder Electric Supply Inc 2016 46 Dolton Fire Equipment Sales Inc 68030 39 Downtown Promotion Reporter 196 50 Downtown Sports 2545 30 Dixon Napa Auto Parts 3529 44 Down Town Research 95 Downtown Sports 1114 39 75 Down Town Idea Exchange 409 00 Drummond American Corp 990 38 DTCC Depository Trust 10 00 DUO Safety 18 12 EB Fire and Safety Inc 2113 11 Eagle Engraving 19 30 Eagle Point Software 5669 00 Eastern Illinois University 80 00 Ecolab Pest Elimination 548 00 Economy Trophy Co 20 80 EC Eisele Crane Service LLC 1512 50 EJ Equipment 678 94 Electronic Connections 14 Eller 73 Willey Block Co 6892 76 Emblem Enterprises 631 26 Engle Electric Company 1597 94 Environmental Safety Group Inc 9594 27 Burt Epps 55 00 J F Erickson Associates 6189 15 Experian 9 22 FBINNA 45 00 Ray Fane 460 00 Andy 91 Fifth Third Bank Fassler 200 00 FDIC 9 73 Federal Wage Labor Law Inst 344 00 Fire Dept 172 1250 06 Firehouse Magazine 52 00 First AYD Corp 195 18 The First Signs of Fire 102 50 Charles E Fisher 110 00 Fleetwood Financial Corp 1399 67 The Flex Co of America Inc 120 00 Flowers Etc 35 00 Focus Design 807 50 Forrestry Suppliers Inc 264 20 Fox Valley Technical College 500 00 The Frameworks 711 09 Frankline Blacktop Corp 1040 00 Freeport Communications 128 00 Dean Freil 300 00 Trent Friday 200 00 Tom Friel 151 56 FYRFyter Inc 757 25 Gallatin River Communication 30539 09 Galls Inc 8832 11 Galena Avenue Steak House 84 69 Gerdau Amristeel 55 50 Patricia Gibler 434 50 Robert Gibler 385 00 GierkeRobinson Co 499 59 Glafka s Tire City 1415 76 MES Inc Global 9427 15 WW Grainger Inc 57 Grand Stage Co 61 533 00 Greater Sterling Development 18 00 Mike Grubic 00 Jerrold Gurley 140 460 00 Habitat for Humanity 379 72 Hall Signs Inc 2203 84 Hall Signs 1007 87 Harden s Auto Repair 3015 94 Robert Harney 200 00 Hastings Air Energy Control 1073 70 Heavy Equipment Services 3643 40 Heartland Outdoors 50 Scott Heller 45 189 70 Jacob Henry 693 80 Edward Higby 70 43 JP Hochstaler DMD 82 00 Steve Howell 22 52 Huffinan Car Wash 1856 00 Hydrotex 1324 15 I39 Logistics 535 00 I P 200 C A 00 ICNA 300 00 ID Networks 32943 00 IDVille 127 ILETSBEI 40 95 00 ISP 14 00 ITIA 195 00 I O Soulutions Inc 988 00 ILL Assoc Chiefs of Police 235 00 ICRC Real Estate 25 00 IL Cornorers Medical Exam Assoc 425 00 Illinois Council of 500 00 IL Division IAI 20 00 ILL Fire Chiefs Assoc 00 IL Fire and Police Comm Assoc 375 440 00 IL Fire Inspectors Assoc 65 00 IL Firefighters Association 60 00 IL GFOA 150 00 IL Institute For Rural Affairs 125 00 ILL Law Enforcment 40 00 IL Law Enforcement 46 00 IL Municipal League 92 IL State Police 80 217439 00 ITOA 40 00 IL Tax Increment Assoc 570 00 IMSA 60 Industrial Scientific Corp 716 00 39 Innocorp LTD 900 00 IBC Trust 535860 88 ICC Membership Services 436 96 ISFSI 75 00 Intoximeters Inc 721 10 JATC 50 00 JJS Technical Services 135 00 JJ Marine 2169 05 J M Instrument Co 3049 65 Jerry Sports Center Inc 2216 s 14 Joanne Janssen 223 00 Leonard Jerrells 74 00 Jobin Yvonn Inc 232 07 Larry Jones 60 00 Kcs Animal Control 165 00 KSB Corporate Health Services 4689 62 KSB Hospital 4318 42 KSB Medical Group 559 50 Kayline Company 285 22 Kennays Karpet Kleaning 166 95 Neil Kerchner 295 00 Bonnie Kime 18 Kitzmans Ltd 856 357 20 Walter C Knack Co 75 00 KONE Inc 2521 68 Brenda L Kuske 222 00 Lab Safety Supply 21 31 Mike Lally 200 00 Lorinda Lamken 304 70 Jason La Mendola 888 90 Danny Longloss 1900 00 Law Enforcement Legal Review 50 Law Enforcement Supply Inc 208 101 31 Lawson Products Inc 4931 52 Lee Co Clerk 1335 00 Lee County ESTB 1357 00 Lee County Industrial Dev Assoc 27000 00 Lee County Title and Abstract 15267 49 Lee County Treasurer 193504 24 Lee County Treasure 594 00 Lee County Tourism Council 148 22 Leeda 35 00 Lt Governor s Grant Fund 70 00 Lincoln Highway Association 50 00 Lincoln Highway Coalition 00 Lincolnway Auto Electric 446 260 90 Linen Express 1098 63 Little Joes 297 92 David Lohse 748 75 Tracy Lohse 30 00 John Loos Sons 7103 44 Tim Love 90 00 Loveland Community House 65 00 Bruce Luther 500 00 MATAI 150 00 MABAS Division 38 25 00 MBNA America Business Card 104 00 MarkIt 91 65 Martech Automotive 366 00 Martin Company Excavating 2588 66 Mastercard 58560 31 Mastercard 10062 61 Terry Mattes 817 16 Jerry McNair 70 50 Tom Mekeel 50 00 Don Melendrez 110 00 Memorial Medical Center 179 40 Meteorlogix 1428 12 Metrocall 4705 61 Mico Flex 717 75 Mid America Truck Equip Co 750 00 Midas Muffler 438 14 Miles Chevrolet Nisson 82738 00 Jean Millar 102 25 MillerBradford Risberg Inc 82434 09 Craig Miller 200 00 Mleeds 895 00 Mobile Team Training Unit IV 100 00 Monroe Fire School 100 00 Joe Moore 100 00 Moriearty and Assoc 00 Morley Signs 1531 100 00 Troy Morse 1245 99 Motorola Inc 49765 63 Municipal Electronics Inc 4529 81 NAWDA 285 00 National Arbor Day Foundation 15 00 The National Assoc 185 00 Nat l Assoc of Chiefs of Police 50 00 The National Assoc of 00 NATL Public Safety Info Bureau 116 30 10 Ken Nelson 22490 77 New Millennium Products Inc 100 00 North American Salt Company 32087 57 Nicor 2405 14 Northern Tool Equipment Co 157 83 Northern IL Mayors Assoc 125 00 Norths Oil Co 136246 NW IL Crime Justice Comm 1375 70 00 Northwestern University 750 00 Ron Odenthal 350 00 ODV Incorporated 182 48 Of The Prairie 287 12 Ray O Herron Co Inc 4392 73 Olivers Food Pride 97 46 Andrew Oros 800 00 Dale Otto 100 00 Pacific Aircraft Inc 2598 00 Payroll Fund 3138440 18 J C Penney 333 14 Peters GMC 513 09 Peterson Computer Tech Inc 520 00 PF Pettibone Co 645 70 Linda S Pieczynski 50 Planning Initiatives 3598 00 25 Police Department 3120 63 Police The Law Enforcement Magazine 25 00 Positive Promotions 281 00 Precision Automotive 88 43 Precision Mounting Tech 3490 11795 78 Prescotts TV Appliance 100 Processworks Inc 200 00 ProTech Security Sales 4000 00 Public Agency Training Council 495 00 Public Safety Center Inc 315 16 Public Safety Center Inc 142 18 Qualification Targets Inc 508 26 Quality Ready Mix 9298 00 Anthony Quadraro 00 Quality Inn and Suites 42 300 55 Quill 4913 51 Quinlan Publishing Co 737 68 RAK Industries 777 30 Jeff Ragan 200 00 Ragan Communications 53 31 Railroad Management Co LLC 633 00 Ranken Transmission 164 00 Ray Allen MFG Co Inc 40 Mary Raymer 976 362 25 Raytheon Commercial Infrared 153 24 Reagan Trail Days 00 John E Reid and Assoc 395 50 00 Reliable Fire Equipment 615 56 Dean Rhodes 00 Vaughn Rhodes 300 200 00 Matthew Richards 1000 00 The Rockford Health Council 100 00 Rockhurst College 790 00 Rock River Raynor Inc 516 78 Rock River Ready Mix 9973 39 Rock River Service 129 00 Rock Valley Disposal 10 95 Martha Rolf 140 00 Ronald Reagan Trail Assoc 1594 10 SBOC 60 00 Safety Systems Corp 35 Safety Services Inc 330 2415 00 SafetyKleen 232 81 Salvador Deli Catering Co 00 Saul Mineroff Electronics Inc 50 Sauk Valley FlyIn 2000 90 00 Sauk Valley Newpapers 375 00 Sauk Valley Newspapers 8455 10 Scheffler Custom Woodworking 00 Schmall Electric 246 590 00 Scott Schmidt 200 00 Schmitt Plumbing Heating 263 SchreiberAnderson 21911 70 07 Secretary of State 20 00 Secretary State of Illinois 1328 00 Sharp Electronic Corp 9565 00 Shaw EMCONOWT Inc 4789 61 Les Shaw 738 50 Joan Sheridan 142 50 Tim Shipman 547 40 Sherwin Williams Co 98 Paul Shiaras 309 3800 65 Shopko 451 65 Shore Galleries 141 44 Brad Sibley 74 Sigrams Inc 805 4828 00 Sinow and Wienman Inc 16 00 Sister Cities International 00 Sirchie Finger Print Lab 1508 320 18 Skyward Promotions 2663 30 Southwestern Illinois Law 600 00 Standard Equipment Co 6426 10 Standard Register 816 60 Staples Credit Plan 545 68 SBM Business Equipment 14016 58 Sterling Codifiers Inc 1187 00 George Stees 185 00 Sterling Window Tinting 180 00 Mike Stitchter 460 00 South Dixon Township 7146 30 Streichers 142 35 Brian Strock 200 00 Suburban Building Off Conf 270 00 Supreme Cleaners 50 00 Dave Sutton 75 00 Swedish American Hospital 694 00 Syndistar Inc 80 00 Swedish American Management 483 56 Mark Swegle 435 00 TTI National Inc 890 59 Taser International 450 00 Teamsters Local 722 980 00 The Telegraph 48 00 Tempo Glove MFG Inc 257 40 Jeff Todd 430 00 Toner Tech Plus 1253 40 Transoft Solutions Inc 1760 00 Tri State Spraying Corp 10 00 Turnroth Sign Co 402 60 2003 IL Governor s 325 00 Uniform Den Inc 25885 69 United Parcel Service 334 42 University of IL Gar 800 00 University of IL 2300 00 US Cavalry 36 04 U S Identification Manual 82 50 US Cellular 1489 93 US Post Office 4459 84 Upholstery Fabric Outlet 44 00 Varga s Collision Center 2173 70 Veniers Jewlers 155 00 Verizon Wireless 3096 76 Vermeer Sales Services Inc 78 Visionary Systems 595 1162 00 Vonachen Service and Supply 1523 25 Voss Signs LLC 590 00 WW Asphalt 507 60 Walder Rhodes Inc 928 58 WandaLam ID Cards 25 Ward Murray Pace Johnson 73446 233 91 Water Dept 3931 22 Water Dept Tollway Project 1800 00 Hal Weaver 101 25 Steve Weidman 510 00 Weigle s Towing 00 John Weitzel 23 1395 00 Wendler Engineering Surveying 651 25 Wendler Engineering Services 2001 25 West Publishing Company 260 00 West Payment Center 47 West Side Tractor 1167 1258 32 Whatever Inc 187 50 Clayton Whelan 1265 00 Mel Whitmer 108 33 Leslie Wilcox 200 00 Mike Wilcox 375 00 Willett Hofmann Assoc 17486 33 Withers Broadcasting 125 00 WIXN 125 00 Wohrley Heating Air Cond 94 02 Wyanet Meats 182 09 YMCA of Sauk Valley 55 00 Zarnoth Brush Works Inc 1768 80 ZEP Manufacturing Company 1059 45 Total 6684362 56 GARBAGE FUND Lee County Landfill 78 35 Total 78 35 PUBLIC BENEFIT FUND City of Dixon 75000 00 Total 75000 00 BAND FUND City of Dixon 1126 00 Heritage Music 492 00 Cathy James 251 35 Jon James 360 25 Payroll Fund 36553 52 Total 38783 12 MUNICIPAL AIRPORT FUND Ace Hardware 1438 07 Aramark Uniform Services 488 Bartlet Enterprises Inc 7985 95 25 Bonnell Industries 93 165 Carter Lumber 02 Steve Christiansen 200 201 00 City of Dixon 3424 00 City of Dixon 1153 26 Commonwealth Edison Company 5497 03 Computer Works 153 25 Cooper Industries 18 The Copy Shop of Dixon 32 312 00 Craigs Equipment 153 83 Crystal Aero Services Inc 30 95 Dixon Napa Auto Parts 201 71 Electronic Connections 31 86 ErectaTube Inc 2132 74 FAA 83 79 Facer Insurance Agency Inc 7500 00 Farm Plan 34 03 Federal Wage Labor Law Inst 38 33 Freeport Metal Specialties Co 1088 00 FYRFyter Inc 75 Gallatin River Communications 791 265 13 WW Grainger Inc 275 67 Helsley Supply Co 287 75 HIFold Door 9363 07 Albert W Hill 208 24 Holland And Sons 62 IEPA 500 2981 00 ILL Division of Aeronautics 60506 40 IL Dept of Agriculture 188 IL Public Airports Assoc 50 00 00 IBC Trust 5971 44 Johnstone Supply 282 85 Lee County Treasurer 1274 62 Mastercard 37 00 Metamora Telephone Co 155 52 Ken Nelson 619 25 Nicor 1482 55 Norths Oil Co 1917 51 Payroll Fund 48565 75 Radio Ranch Inc 39 00 Sauk Valley Electric 222 00 SBM Business Equipment 68 48 Syn Tech Systems 11096 00 TTI National Inc 89 61 U S Post Office 74 00 Verizon Wireless 277 50 Von Holton Carlson Const Co 6581 00 Water Department 201 60 West Bend Mutual Ins Co 50 00 Total 186769 49 LIBRARY FUND Ace Hardware 97 45 Linda Apple 8014 50 ATT 1717 54 Baker Taylor Inc 15273 01 Baker Taylor 456 29 Baker Taylor Entertainment 248 10 Baker Taylor Inc 625 00 Better Homes Gardens 37 34 Ross V Bogott Company 50 Books on First 165 297 91 Bound to Stay Books Inc 420 39 Bro Dart Inc 420 68 Byron Public Library District 300 00 CDW Government Inc 3825 69 City of Dixon 48 City of Dixon 272406 38465 81 Library Working Cash Fund 26000 00 Alison Conner 1657 00 Creative Printing 720 31 DEMCO Inc 863 72 Division of Management Service 140 00 Dixon Public Library 506 46 RK Dixon Co 1787 10 Durband Telecommunications 25 00 EBSCO Subscription Service 2880 16 EDC Educational Services 394 63 Electronic Connections 59 99 Farm Home Publishers 25 Faronics Technologies USA Inc 118 32 20 FYRRYTER Inc 28 95 Gallatin River Communications 612 82 Gardener Publishing 86 56 Gumdrop Books 871 25 Hanley Wood Home Planners 19 08 Anne M Harms 256 47 Jakob Harrison 895 50 Heritage Mirofilm Inc 1386 00 Jean Hermes 346 75 Hills Electric 69 00 House and Garden 00 Illiana Educational 588 12 11 Illinet OCLC Services 28 91 Illinois Reading Council 00 Insight Communications 71 35 40 Tim Jacobsen 605 75 Leonard Jerrells 205 00 Junior Library Guild 1105 20 Kane Miller Book Publishers 158 05 Kelley Blue Book 00 Knowledge Industries Inc 99 60 59 Lakeshore Learning Materials 49 85 Library Corporation 7657 00 Library Sprarks 59 95 Lindgren Callihan Van Osdol 1802 72 M M Newspaper Service 320 00 Mastercard 1833 59 Kone Inc 935 49 John J Morris 75 Movie Licensing USA 480 3080 00 Nad Auto Dlrs Used Car Guide 60 00 Oxmoor House 65 82 The Penworthy Company 428 74 Payroll Fund 195045 70 PermaBound Books 280 23 Positive Promotions 78 25 Prairie Area Library Systems 630 00 Project Next Generation 10000 00 Quality Books Inc 874 12 Quill 829 30 Rainbow Book Co 51 Recorded Books LLC 1378 1043 15 Elliot Roe 95 00 Lynn Roe 1096 30 Sauk Valley Newspapers 28 00 Schmall Electric 524 00 SEBCO 352 95 SBM Buisness 50 Equipment 18 87 Sterling Public Library 200 00 TJs Maintenance Repair Inc 162 Teamsoftware Solutions 100 00 Unique Books Inc 437 70 Upstart 19 95 US Post Office 518 00 Walder Rhodes Inc 715 00 The HW Wilson Company 144 00 Wohrley Heating Air Cond 375 71 World Book 36 40 ZB Supply Co 1095 80 Total 25 618351 OAKWOOD CEMETERY Ace Hardware 3180 16 Airgas 215 37 Aramark Uniform Services 787 13 Bonnell Industries 3964 50 Carter Lumber 761 90 City of Dixon 00 City of Dixon Library Trust 18 5248 45 Commonwealth Edison Co 877 95 The Copy Shop 225 50 Craigs Equipment 17711 42 Dixon Glass Co 221 45 Bob Dixon Service Center 255 91 Dixon Tire Center 35 50 Dixon Napa Auto Parts 700 11 Federal Labor Law Inst 38 33 Fifth Third 19 06 Gallatin River Communications 68 Hall Signs Inc 164 663 13 Hall Signs 16 74 IBC Trust 22179 58 Doug Jones 00 KSB Corporate Health Services 79 350 00 Kreider Services 559 63 Lawson Products Inc 2428 44 Lincolnway Auto Electric 306 20 Martin Company Excavating 73 Mastercard 933 38 84 Mastercard 24 00 Metamora Telephone Co 155 52 Moore Tires Inc 78 82 Ken Nelson 20707 45 Nichols Flowers 37 00 NICOR 1845 31 Norths Oil Co 7033 18 Ryan Pate 370 00 Peabudys Inc 114 64 Payroll Fund 163490 11 Peters GMC 81 00 Curt Phillips 380 00 Precision Automotive 160 76 Quality Ready Mix Wage 00 Sauk Valley Newspapers 89 2625 53 Sauk Valley Newspapers 36 32 Schmitt Plumbing Heating 212 40 Sherwin Williams Company 41 80 Sinow and Wienman Inc 8 00 TTI National Inc 126 55 Tanknology Inc 4730 95 Teamster Local 722 00 Verizon Wireless 223 824 56 Total 265376 61 SOCIAL SECURITY City of Dixon 200 00 City of Dixon 2000 000 00 Total 00 202000 S PENSION FUND Don Brown 11193 FIREMEN 51 Hubert Burgess 12915 87 Ronald Bushman 23837 64 John Carlson 25578 39 City of Dixon 2000 00 Richard Clayton 37597 83 Clifton Gunderson LLP 3500 00 Charles Crabtree 29383 41 Helen Cruse C O 17168 97 Director of Ins state of IL 1328 44 Doris E Freed 16901 04 Betty Freil 12270 00 Neil Freil 20077 20 Mrs Ila Helms 16576 49 James Hill 40504 11 IL Prof Firefighters Assoc 50 00 Kenneth James 16443 60 KSB Hospital 585 13 KSB Medical Group 359 50 Dean Loescher 25294 32 Burton Lorenzen 14733 18 MBNA America Buisness Card 34 75 Francis E McCaffrey 18165 30 Melvin McConnell 41 Robert Meany 16662 22381 89 Jack Nicklaus 20704 80 Richard Nicklaus 25161 27 Co 207024 10 Payroll Fund 62411 89 Ed Pierce 28958 34 Michael Oppenhiemer Spotts 20274 69 Total 750078 07 POLICE PENSION FUND Phyllis Camery 12000 00 City of Dixon 2000 00 Clifton Gunderson LLP 3300 00 Director Of Ins State of IL 1788 99 Richard L Dusing 25896 Larry Hagen 30272 18 34 Jerry L Johnson 22285 20 KSB Medical Group 48 00 Patrick Kavanaugh 22938 87 Mrs Vern Kelchner 28328 04 William Killian II 95 Mrs Caroline Killian 17149 23083 92 Mrs Charlotte McCoy 10800 00 Robert McCoy 15419 76 William Miller 16104 00 Robert Mulkins 21872 86 Paul Nusbaum 57 Alena Ostergrant 21969 96 Payroll 01 Oppenhiemer Co 304197 13931 23 Merle Pitman 19266 102753 57 Richard Sanford 28270 14 Robert Short 41737 65 Howard Swegle 17588 34 Harry Ulfrets 28800 00 William L Walls Jr 25200 00 Bernice Webb 10671 60 William Webb 11331 72 Mrs Robert Whisenand 12000 00 Gregory L Witzleb 18648 96 Rose Woodyatt 13598 40 Total 923253 26 MOTOR FUEL FUND City of Dixon 30000 00 City of Dixon 30000 00 City of Dixon 00 Guerrieri Builders 113338 200000 31 Guerrieri Builders 86539 34 IEPA 500 00 IL Municipal Retirement Fund 200000 00 Marting Company Excavating 875 90 Northwest IL Construction Co 528830 74 Quality Ready Mix 00 1040 Rock River 177717 Total Ready Mix 3071 26 WW Asphalt 1059 76 Willett Hofmann Assoc 03 34 1372972 ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT City of Dixon 2000 00 City of Dixon 00 IL Municipal Retirement Fund 9855 500000 67 Total 511855 67 CIVIL DEFENSE FUND Aramsco 2900 02 E B Fire and Safety Inc 11489 60 Payroll Fund 3120 00 Safety Systems Corp 905 25 Total 18414 87 MUNICIPAL SALES TAX FUND City of Dixon 300000 00 City of Dixon 879600 00 City of Dixon 936700 00 Ken Nelson 50488 46 Total 2166788 46 DOWN TOWN DEVELOPMENT Ward Murray Pace Johnson 2457 00 Total 00 2457 PETUNIA ENDOWMENT FUND Nichols Flowers 2794 88 Total 2794 88 EMERGENCY VEHICLE FUND Ace Hardware 64 34 Amcore Bank NA Rock River Valley 1813 23 Automated Systems of IL Inc 300 00 Battery Products Inc 73 80 David Boucher 1087 50 Chubb Ins 500 00 City of Dixon 968 31 City of Dixon 20 00 Country Life Insurance 54 34 Dixon Rural Fire District 269 53 Dixon Tire Center Inc 00 Dixon Napa Auto Parts 9 16 69 Eichmans Butcher Shop 81 00 Emergency Medical Products 2818 28 EMSAR 361 56 Enloe Drugs Technicare Medical 153 50 Erie Insurance Co 257 50 Fire Dept 23 40 Follett Bookstore 180 50 Foster Coach Sales 84 Harden 95 s Auto Repair 423 10 Jacob Henry 378 92 Houses Truck Repair 72 80 IDPH 50 00 KSB Hospital 375 00 KSB Hospital Training Center 550 00 Neil Kerchner 08 Mastercard 1639 68 47 Mastercard 8 00 Medical Products Group Inc 1000 00 Medical Research Laboratories 460 00 Payroll Fund 72753 35 Sauk Valley Community College 1464 50 Shopko 189 43 SBM Business Equipment 246 01 Thin Inc 191 40 Wanita Thompson 216 89 University of Illinois 425 00 U S Post Office 38 48 Verizon Wireless 492 40 Water Dept 368 29 ZEP Manufacturing Company 94 95 Total 39 90654 CONSTRUCTION DEPESGROW AG View FS 50 00 Alliance Materials 300 00 City of Dixon 10000 Joesph Foreman 4397 79 Furr Excavating Inc 75 00 Ron Hicks 00 Koch Materials 1000 75 00 John Loos Sons 75 00 Norths Oil 50 00 Northwest IL Construction 341 25 Pfoutz Electric 225 00 Bob Propheter Construction LLC 00 Mark Ryerson 75 900 00 Schmitt Plumbing Heating 1200 00 WW Asphalt 00 Donna Walls 75 300 00 Water Products 4300 00 Total 23439 04 DEBIT SERVICE FUND City of Dixon 22018 70 Total 22018 70 SANITARY LANDFILL FUND Apple Computer Inc 6231 00 Bentley Systems Inc 00 City of Dixon 2000000 10225 00 City of Dixon 92 00 City of Dixon 335000 00 3 Dixon Engineered Fluid Inc 265864 00 HewlettPackard Company 12394 00 Landfill 03 Mastercard 10231 91 Reserve Fund 595000 00 Lee County Title Abstract 4177 Mastercard 192 00 Harriet Moore 1650 00 National Waterworks Inc 382596 43 Ken Nelson 23010 39 Payroll 2700 00 Shaw Emcon OWT Inc 1086 16 SBM Business Equipment 4016 96 Superior Design 741879 90 Treasurer State of IL 317 00 Ward Murray Pace Johnson 513 00 Whatever Inc 934 00 Willett Hofmann Associates 89 Total 4555152 127041 67 WORKING CASH FUND City of Dixon 631945 12 Total 631945 12 SEWAGE FUND Accurate Consulting 4755 73 Ace Hardware 2111 03 Analytical Products Group Inc 310 00 Annes 165 24 Apple Signs 100 00 Aramark Uniform Services 623 95 Bonnell Industries 5702 91 Brads Tree Service Inc 800 00 Brown Construction 150019 16 CN Supply 49 96 CSUS Foundation Inc 135 00 The Cable Center 105 40 Certified Balance Scale 196 00 City of Dixon 43555 00 City of Dixon 89 City of Dixon 84 7989 98 Commonwealth Edison Company 208469 36 Computer Works 1618 42 Computer Works 163 15 Craigs Equipment 67 49 Creative Printing 00 Crescent Electric Supply 716 23 76 Culligan Water 84 14 CUES 128 61 Davenport Trane 447 50 Dixon Commercial Electric 1787 64 Dixon Oil Spot 100 96 Dixon Ottawa Comm Inc 1025 00 Bob Dixon Service Center 3642 10 Bob Dixon Service Center 182 63 Dixon Tire Center 1671 80 Dixon Napa Auto Parts 467 40 Drydon Equipment Inc 1228 00 Dukes Root Control Inc 38485 81 Electronic Connections 99 Eller 19 Willey Block Co 551 24 Engel Electric Co 1537 08 Farleys Appliance 27 Federal Wage 266 Labor Law Inst 38 33 Fullife Safety Center 1108 00 Charles E Fisher 350 00 Fisher Scientific 1390 65 Flow Products Inc 129 91 Franklin Blacktop 00 FYR Fyter Inc 54 483 95 Gallatin River Communications 5132 83 Galfab Inc Assoc Inc 2035 00 WW Grainger Inc 1281 59 Hach Co 86 00 IEPA 34 IL AWPCO 155 1284653 00 IL Oil Marketing 333 00 IL Municipal League 360 00 Instrument Control System Inc 918 50 IBC Trust 33429 40 KSB Corporate Health Services 134 90 Kitzmans Ltd 69 41 Komeline Sanderson Engineering 16426 51 Lawson Products Inc 284 78 Tim Love 690 77 Mac Corporation 350 00 Daniel Mahan 14 Gasvoda 26 53 Martin 972 Company Excavating 716 61 Mastercard 803 46 Don Melendrez 00 Metrocall 23 400 15 Miss RockWPCO 25 00 Neenah Foundry Company 7530 00 Ken Nelson 26496 18 NICOR8930 46 Norths Oil Co 338 15 Northwest IL Construction Co 84478 63 OMNI SITE net 217 20 PAC Tec Inc 3948 00 PDC Laboratories Inc 795 00 Parkson Corp 1796 65 Payroll Fund 260194 29 Peters GMC 72 Quality Cleaning Service 197 188 40 Rock River Raynor Inc 75 00 Rock River Ready Mix 585 13 Schmitt Plumbing Heating 71560 25 Scotts Countryside Landscaping 4065 00 Sewerage Equipment Co 2099 87 Shopko 26 94 Spartan Tool LLC 29 87 Standard Equipment Co 135 34 SBM Business Equipment 835 68 Stockhausen Inc 4987 50 Strand Associates Inc 5274 10 Tim Stover 350 00 Strand Associates 1453 37 Supplemental Supply Co 299 75 TTI National Inc 475 69 Teamster Local 722 980 00 Toedter Oil Co 1090 66 Trane 89 00 Trojan Technologies Inc 91 United Laboratories 891 1628 25 United Suppliers Inc 159 76 USA Blue Book 20 Varga 809 s Collision Center 1597 19 Verizon Wireless 761 22 Vonachen Service 00 and Supply 95 17 Walder Rhodes Inc 4648 00 Ward Murray Pace Johnson 486 Water Department 24101 55 Water Environment Federation 91 75 Willett Hofmann 00 Zephyr 100 00 Total Associates 50770 99 Wohrley Heating Air Cond 241 18 2408157 CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT FUND Ellen Burgeson Inc 2950 96 Chapman Cutter 00 City of Dixon 255237 16500 54 Fischer Excavating 14679 49 Guerrieri Builders 36 Hanson Professional Sery Inc 139130 8188 21 Hummel Childrens Trust 35 46 IMECO 750000 00 Larson and Darby Inc 219441 03 Sauk Valley Electric 4000 00 Testing Engineers Inc 4217 39 Treasurer State of Illinois 2870435 27 Ward Murray Pace Johnson 7500 00 Water Dept 275000 00 Willett Hofmann Associates 35 Total 4729273 161957 06 PAYROLL Lance H Carter 765 00 Kathryn Blain Esgar 28276 81 Thomas Cartwright 00 Elizabeth A Miller 95 500 00 Kent Nightlinger 7298 52 Heather Kness 400 00 Emily B Nunemaker 225 00 Emma McCoy 455 00 Jamie R Skinner 30 00 Richard Mayer 180 00 Andrew J Kaufman 250 00 Robby Bates 425 00 Marjorie M Asplund 06 John F McBride 1468 18327 50 Sarah C Schauff 360 00 Sara Johnson 50 00 Samantha Scholl 405 00 Betty E Beatty 14758 10 Mark H Swegle 63802 91 Steve D Weidman 40248 00 Marcy K Hughes 26767 19 Curtis A Phillips 44391 47 Robert J Harney 49734 37 Felicia M Lewis 80 00 Les A Shaw Jr 49356 04 Thomas V Slothower 00 Lawrence D Haley 45417 50 77 Raymond L Younger 50 00 Rita A Crndwell 66 Matthew S Heckman 44037 57652 84 Nicholas J Mahan 2236 00 Roy E Jones 39553 David Callahan 2450 37 25 Adam D Grubic 3274 50 Rachel E Marco 320 00 Roger Asplund 14 03 Matthew D Fuger 40 00 Matthew J Huyett 38535 46 Crystal Duffee 50 00 Katharine L Volkert 18334 84 Amber M Polivka 135 00 James G Burke 00 Patricia K Dusenbury Crumley 35 9600 00 David J Lohse 61391 69 David Johnson 870 Ralph Contreras 5400 00 00 Amy M Poci 390 00 Lindsay A Buckman 440 00 Jeffrey L Todd 38203 91 Mathew Eaton 300 00 Michael G Markel 536 50 Jennifer S Koch 19357 17 Gerald L Carlson 56696 09 Erika E Blackburn 16800 08 Regan D Hedges 295 00 Roman Minyaylyuk 50 00 Charles E Fisher Jr 42723 28 Samuel Cornwell 400 00 Leanne Rogers 23931 66 Rober M Meany 19917 78 Carl R Dixon 69 Keith L Gabany 66531 8150 98 Michael D Wilcox 66662 37 Terry Mattes 76 Nathan J Karlson 2280 54434 00 Fredrick South 370 00 Michael L Stichter 68217 Eric L Brauman 40163 47 07 Meridith C Layne 901 62 Michael Fogarty 50 00 Dean E Rhodes 73594 99 Richard J Struzina 50 00 Timothy J Meyers 320 00 Dawn M White 50 00 Mark J Callison 61071 52 Kenneth Rider 415 00 Rober M Stichter 25 Mark A Dallas 44823 2633 54 Jessica L Sowl 3004 75 Brooke Hepker 360 00 Matthew Coppotelli 59813 76 Jennifer L Strock 51829 38 Adele Stewart 150 00 Matthew W Richards 56882 15 Jenna M Kingry 440 00 Wesley Fane 230 00 Michael J Devine 39400 41 Diane L Shipman 140 25 Adam Cox 415 00 Andrew McCarter 00 Kenneth B Bruce 10237 400 44 Edward T Higby 432 50 Craig A Deets 340 00 Ryan E Buskohl 149 50 Jacob R Henry 48076 54 Tyler R Byrd 230 00 Donald E Melendrez 42895 92 Nicholas J Albert 42836 96 Nicole L Swanson 185 00 Doug Lehman 49915 70 Andrea M Todd 50 00 Laura J Haws 7153 88 Kelly Workman 00 Dennis E Hendricks 39649 250 70 Gary Coppotelli 3120 00 Scott Schmidt 79 Douglas E Jones 56816 57962 70 Andrew J Oros 52705 68 Luke G Nelson 360 00 Mike L Wagner 11872 51 David R Burrows 50 00 Becky Cambell 5531 79 Trenton W Friday 44106 31 Donald J Bailey 5297 75 David L Boucher 26815 69 Steven C Howell 49674 06 Christopher Rannow 365 00 Kathe A Swanson 43161 33 Lance Malott 290 00 Dale E Burgess 666 50 Andrew L Brooks 57275 01 Mark T Dempsey 00 Susan Reed 2048 185 29 Danielle Bonvouloir 355 00 Jonathon Poquette 355 00 Tiffany Skinner 360 00 Daniel J Polivka 410 00 Brian C Hill 415 00 Christopher L Gabany 1938 75 Kathleen A Sheats 41078 89 Martin White 385 00 Bradley J Sibley 85 Danny D Langloss Jr 62941 61079 09 Otto E Dick 32731 85 Martin Swegle 703 50 Leslie A Wilcox 36412 60 Brian K Strock 57653 99 Ashleigh J Whitlock 365 00 Scott Heller 50896 51 Cathy James 3330 00 Brian Shippert 410 00 Matthew C Phillips 00 Dale S Otto 42460 1793 70 Eric L Murphy 195 00 Virginia A Witzleb 24052 72 Adam J Yoeckel 195 00 Ronald W Beck 38266 68 Homer R Greenwood 266 50 David Blackburn 5400 00 Peter Whisenand 2178 00 Aaron M Grubic 2072 00 Kasey R Gosch 75 Kathleen L Bodmer 26096 1685 22 Craig W Miller 50047 49 Jon P James 1005 00 Jeffrey S Padgett 390 00 Neil B Kerchner 63861 80 Eric M Scovel 65 00 Mary C Fane 91 Sarah Habben 285 20182 00 Dean D Freil 58825 16 Michael P Lally 60848 65 Timothy A Love 46544 15 Troy C Morse 54491 40 Bruce E Luther Sr 55721 14 Daniel M Mahan 68217 47 Mark E Miller 2312 80 Ellen Hopkins 385 00 Ed Miller 5400 00 Shawn L Ortgiesen 29636 97 Ryan M Pate 40892 41 Rachel A Mayer 455 00 Donald Burnett 390 00 Bradley C Burgess 27 00 Michael Grubic 42768 21 Raymond J Fane 68 Riley C Flowers 340 38880 00 Keith Gabany 1800 00 Michael R Hubbell 7425 00 Roy Bridgeman 5400 00 Carolyn J Aiken 430 00 Jocelyn K Hare 115 00 Lynn Roe 79 Tory A Koehler 679 38350 50 Jennifer L Hendricks 2143 63 James M Miller 32 Willard Cox 64858 41116 61 Brittany Whitney 165 00 Anthony J Quadraro 54 David E Gerdes 53749 53007 38 Tim Stover 53968 19 Kyle A Gridley 3055 00 Douglas W Stichter 890 80 Clayton T Whelan 61271 10 Michael P Mc Coy 3276 00 William Eberley 455 00 Aaron M Deets 325 00 Ruth Johnson 810 00 Terry W Dewey 87 Timothy C Shipman 60101 40708 25 Brian E Wolber 340 00 Elizabeth A Lee 50 Stephanie A Terranova 33129 00 52 Michael A Wolfley 60233 22 Mark Bressler 00 Jordan Schram 320 275 00 Gretchen A Ulferts 375 00 Mary Ann Stouffer 644 00 Robert E Mc Coy Jr 27678 86 Jim Canterbury 45873 59 Ryan E Buskohl 1703 07 Melydi A Wolfe 10439 99 June C Shaffer 1238 66 Daniel W Lengquist 47751 97 Andrew C Fassler 57335 84 Douglas R Kitson 605 50 Daniel J Monnier 400 00 Ronnie C Odenthal 14826 81 Marjorie Huffstutler 315 00 Jeremy Michael Vandrew 355 00 Gary A Coppotelli 73090 22 Paul N Shiaras 59581 79 Dawn M Griswold 36586 67 Jeffery A Ragan 48235 37 Jessica L Todd 370 00 Matthew D Freil 2037 75 Jason J La Mendola 55139 59 Kathleen I Schaefer 3606 75 Lisa P Liffner Eaton 185 00 Kristine Paladino 50 00 Randy Carlson 335 00 Megan McConnel 60 00 Gary Johnson 420 00 Charlotte Mc Coy 7404 18 Total 4486184 53 CITY OF DIXON WATER DEPARTMENT ANNUAL STATEMENT OF DISBURSEMENTS MAY 1 2004 APRIL 30 2005 OPERATIONS MAINTENANCE Accurate Consulting 3433 55 Ace Hardware 3038 ADT Security Systems Inc 654 78 40 Amcore Bank Rock River Valley 00 Amcore Bank Rock River Valley 543682 141480 10 Amcore BankBond 31429 92 ATT 21 62 Badger Meter 18 19426 Ben Tire Dist LTDSGW 189 89 Bonnell Industries Inc 2353 27 C N Supply 417 09 Gerald Carlson 600 00 Carr Oil Co 99 Certified Balance 1942 Scale 87 00 City of Dixon 14041 28 City of Dixon Corp Fund 126739 49 City of Dixon Payroll Transfer 565690 39 City of Dixon Sewer Transfer 1962324 98 Civic Systems LLC 8510 00 Commonwealth Edison Co 03 Willard Cox 600 102664 00 Creative Printing 4555 36 Culligan of Dixon 1105 46 Daily Laboratories 220 00 Des Moine Stamp 94 25 Terry Dewey 450 00 Dixon Commercial Electric Co 4369 83 Dixon Napa Auto Parts 1564 55 Dixon Oil Spot 70 Dixon Ottawa Communications Inc 540 676 39 Dixon Tire Center 587 59 Eller Willey Block Co 212 16 Environmental Health Lab 8260 00 Fisher Scientific 739 05 Franklin Blacktop Corp 3793 00 Gallatin River Communications 8964 14 Dawn Griswold 33 75 Hach Chemical 670 50 HBK Water Meter Service Inc 24 20 Helsley Supply Company 333 15 Dennis Hendricks 600 00 Matthew Huyett 600 00 IDEXX Distribution Corp 13536 60 Internet Services 1594 20 Roy Jones 600 00 Julie Inc 75 Kennays Karpet Kleaning 71 1461 95 Kitzmans LTD 332 75 KSB Corp Health Services 203 30 Lawson Products Inc 960 68 Daniel Wayne Lengquist 150 00 Martin Materials Corp 10190 85 Matthew S Heckman 350 00 MBNA America Business Card 31 Metrocall 227 4085 40 Meller Bradford Risberg Inc 58418 91 James Miller 600 00 Moore Tires Inc 1081 23 National Waterworks 16503 73 NICOR 7023 13 Norths Oil Co 196 00 PDC Laboratories 6955 00 Peters GMC Trucks 101 40 Petty Cash 649 19 Pitney Bowes 9652 27 Plainwell Brass Inc 218 31 Precision Automotive 676 53 Quality Ready Mix Concrete Inc 948 87 Quill Corp 2469 25 Rock River Raynor Inc 65 Rock River Ready Mix 2133 153 42 Sauk Valley Newspaper 208 00 SBM Sterling Business Center 11565 79 Schmitt Plumbing Heating 874 30 Scudders Apparel 00 SES 5402 43 54 Kathy Sheats 500 00 Sherwin Williams 161 66 Staples 222 90 Stewart Heating Air Cond 2389 00 The Copy Shop of Dixon 471 40 Third Millennium 12010 45 US Post Office 3554 42 USA Blue Book 3811 47 Utility Equipment Co 289 20 Verizon Wireless 1235 61 Viking Chemical 12921 50 Ward Murray Pace Johnson 572 00 Water Solutions Ulimited 17040 00 WilkenAnderson Co 99 Willett Hofmann Assoc Inc 153545 3910 78 Youngrens Refrigeration 229 00 Total 3940225 73 CONSUMER DEPOSITS REFUNDED 1131 North Galena Ave LLC 200 2C 00 Beyond Inc 125 00 3rd St Studio 100 00 Damian Abney 50 00 Jeremy Adkins 41 50 Penny Albright 17 Charles Alexander 30 00 Bob Allen 83 39 Cheryl Allen 9 10 American Express 100 00 Maria Ascencio 83 39 Mona Ashford 59 00 Ashlin Leslie 78 Patricia Austin 80 16 17 Gina Balyayti 50 00 Larry Banal 14 44 Chris Barnhart 00 Zully Baugh 6 50 71 Lizanne Baxter 30 00 Kris Beauchamp 50 00 Rick Beck 50 Nichole Becker 19 00 70 Albert Beede 5 00 Terry Bennett Sr 30 00 Leslie Beran 77 Scott Berge 57 87 78 Amanda Bernal 100 00 Wesley Berogan 50 00 David Biggs 00 Megan Bissell 33 30 15 Nancy Bittenbender 50 00 William Blackburn 30 00 Rachel Blackert 2 56 Kenneth R Blair 30 00 Bill Blazek 100 00 Rick Blumhoff 50 00 Christy Bonnell 50 00 Charles Boos 15 00 Susan Bothe 50 00 Dennis Boyle 17 BPV Inc 450 00 Eric Brantley 100 00 Sandra Burke 69 06 Timothy Bushman 50 00 Sally Cambell 100 00 Norm Carter 100 00 Angel Carter 50 00 Barbara Chesnek 34 56 Jennie Childers 30 00 Jon Christensen 30 00 Joanie Christofferson 100 00 Church Council 50 00 Church of Nazarene 30 00 Mary Compton 28 27 Kevin Considine 9 10 Consumer Dep Money Market 32937 16 Sarah Cox 5 00 Kristen Coyle 40 10 Kristen Crawford 50 17 Max Crossland 30 00 Bonnie Cumberland 50 00 Denise Davilo 18 20 Melanie Davis 27 29 Charisma Dawson 50 17 Cathy Day 40 39 Cindy Day 30 00 Nina Deacon 100 00 Debs Styling Shop 100 00 Jace Deets 50 00 Kris Devries 28 94 Mike Dexter 50 00 Lance Dieken 50 00 Bob Dimmig 50 00 Ed Donaldson 50 00 Robin Durain 11 66 Ryan Eaton 50 00 Eclectic Gallery 31 00 Ed Jankowski Estate 5 00 John Eagan 100 00 Carleen Eisele 100 00 Allen Esgar 30 00 Cynthia Eykamp 50 00 George Fichtenmueller 160 00 Robert Fitzsimmons 50 00 James Fletcher 5 00 G L Freeman 00 Neil Freil 30 30 00 Jim Fridley 30 00 Charles Fuentes 79 61 Carolina Gallatin 00 Paul Garren 100 100 00 Mark George 15 60 Toni Gerace 50 00 Thomas Germanson 80 00 Jude Gonzales 13 46 Eric Good 111 65 Carol Gowan 75 00 Donald Greenwalt 50 00 Zachary Griffin 100 00 Vernon Grossman 5 00 Bill Hale 50 00 Laura Harden 100 00 Amy Harrison 50 00 Ryan Harrison 50 00 Heather Hartzell 50 00 Charles Hawn 50 00 Jason Heath 100 00 Jerry Heeren 50 00 Jeff Heintzelman 50 00 Albert Helfrich Jr 50 00 Henry Kasper Trust 66 78 Tamara Henson 30 00 Helpplers Repair 41 78 Heritage Square 66 78 Debbie Hetrick 8 49 Andrew Hill 40 23 Jeanine Holcomb 30 00 Dina Howard 30 00 Graham Huffman 30 00 Beth Hunt 18 20 ISP Nutrition Inc 125 00 Carlene Jakowski 17 John Jennings 58 68 Helen Jensen 30 00 Art Johnson 83 39 Ashley Johnson 73 78 Louise Johnson 30 00 Sandy Johnson 61 66 Terry Kane 37 99 Roger Kelly 50 00 Esther Kent 66 78 Jared Knigge 50 00 Ken Koch 00 Denver Kohls 34 100 81 Barbara Konvalinka 50 00 Sherryl Kozlowski 59 10 Tammy Lane 100 00 Jeremy Larsen 2 78 Billy Jo Lauritzen 50 00 Layne Troy 9 10 Donald R Leblanc 30 00 Gordon Lee 30 00 Richard Lightner 100 00 Lowell Ligtenberg 30 00 Burton E Lindgren 5 00 Diane Logan 50 00 Pat Love 200 00 Lois Lowry 30 00 Linda Lukic 70 00 Eleanor Lumzy 50 00 Joe Mallete 78 27 Heather Mark 50 00 Amanda Martinez 50 00 Georgann McBride 50 71 Clarence McCclelland 00 Erica Mcphai14 30 73 Juan Mendoza 27 29 Audra Metzler 70 75 Midwest Mobility 78 Coty Miller 50 66 00 Eunice J Miller 17 Michael Mills 30 00 Oren Minnis 15 00 Melynda D Minor 50 00 Janna Mixen 100 00 Mike Morrison 50 00 Tasha Morton 42 Kendall Moser 8 33 27 Lou Musso 16 78 Geri Naylor 76 78 Pearl Nelson 15 00 Sandra Nelson 45 26 Ellen Nettz 5 00 Angela Newman 19 00 Noopur Inc 12 25 Christine Nowacki 97 Oil Spot 75 00 Operation and Maintenance 19648 08 Mark Oprian 39 93 Hugh O Rorke 35 00 Papa Johns Pizza 100 00 Clay Partington 50 00 Pragna Patel 100 00 Fred Paterson 30 00 Tomya Payne 78 27 PCJ Enterprises 14 39 PCJ Enterprises LLC 16 97 Mary Ann Pearson 50 00 Brian Pfiefer 42 02 Gary Pierce 84 Sarah Pohlman 45 21 05 Matthew Portner 59 10 Jon Power 27 29 David Powers 00 Jocelyn Powers 5 30 00 Otis Pratt 100 00 Andrea Pritchard 50 00 Jennifer Pritchard 39 Brandy Pusell 80 83 83 Constance Ramirez 83 39 Ronald Roath 25 34 Sean Michael Rodriguez 50 00 Timothy Rosquist 50 00 RowPam Corp 225 00 Louis Salzman 5 00 Kelli Schaffino 17 Jerry Scheffler 41 03 Barb Schmiedebush 66 78 Barbara Schmiedebush 39 93 Donald Schofield 14 22 Angela Schwartz 97 Scott Shaeffer 35 00 Alice Shafer 30 00 Renae Sharp 2 78 Barbara Shoemaker 83 39 Dana Simpson 50 00 Sinnissippi Centers 50 00 Kevin T Smetters 30 00 Carol Smith 50 00 James Smith 100 00 Kathy Smith 30 00 Stanley Smith 47 61 Randy Spencer 30 00 Robert Spratt 50 00 Sterling Federal Bank 107 98 Donald Stover 17 EW Tate 15 00 Techinicare 100 00 Cathy Thompson 50 00 Mark Thompson 16 78 Lisa Trader 100 00 Marla Tremble 16 78 Tri County Opp Council 200 00 Cathy Turner 45 37 Karla Umhoefer 50 00 Lauren Urruita 30 00 Vanaseys 100 00 Pam Vivian 50 00 Jason Vonbruchhaeuser 26 15 Jennifer Walls 50 00 Josephine Walter 30 00 Thomas Ward 39 Jonathan Watson 50 33 00 Paul Whitcombe 30 00 Jeff White 30 00 Tony White 00 Melissa Wickert 1 30 83 Richard Williams 100 00 Michael Williamson 16 78 Bill Wilson 30 00 Frances Wilson 50 20 Michael Wison 100 00 Noel Winfield 65 00 Orris Winters 5 00 Alicia Wirth 100 00 Lorraine Wisch 31 76 Victoria Withers 9 10 Wohrleys 50 00 Orville Wright 50 00 Vernon Wright 1 40 Debra Yarbrough 100 00 Don Youngmark 74 72 Total 65979 28