
v IRepublic m'the Philippines
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,^|ji: ils.slMic l'ciiik' MiiilJini;. :"'><) Sluivv Buiik'v.iul, I'hm^ Cil\I loll
IS March 21113
Notice of Vacancies for First and Second Level Positions
Al lachud is I he No lice ot Vacancies loi the vac.uiT lii/sl and second level positions in ihc
CorpoLaUon wilh llic coii'L?pi 'iiding item numbci, salary yu-iclc: ;ind <]uahhc:iuon slandaids tor
Application [nun.i together willi [lie applicant's ciiiiieulum vitne, LX'ccnl ID picuuv, Cfitificiitc ot
cligibilily, copk-s ol" diplomn, Transctipt ofllccoatf;, iL-;iiiiing clji lificnics, cmploymcnl ccrliGcnlcs,
Apphciiiu's 13a la Mains, Sworn Dcchimtiun/ TdcnlitlcnLioii nf R(jl;ilivc? in Phillle.iilli,
Ccrtidcition of No ConHicl tif Intrrcsl, and Non-Disdosuic Ayrccmcnl J ''oliti sliall be
sLibinitLcl to the HRD aL Room 15U7 Cuysini.c Ccntci Bldg., "09 Sliaw Blvd.. Oranbo, Pasig City
fov ihc vacancies in the Centnil (office, while applicaLKjns for llic PRO shall be submitted to 11R
Unil of ihc respective PRO as fellows:
lit'11 [;\, Sunnj iMcdi: I'l C Bld.u
t^K^.i.c'iiy, ijiK'zi.n t:u-;, MM
@I"1 llx SSS Bkiji .
II:irri;,oii UonJ. B.inum Cil/
Application period: March 18-27, 2013
(JiliL-r c|iicr>iions by applicants on niiitLc-rs nol c^veied by ihis advisory should be direcled to
ATTY. Jf-jfffa' F- IKAY
Offlci/in-ChvU-gc >w
Iliiman Kcsouicc Ocp.TLlniLiH
(In compliance willi KA 704j)
Administration Services Assistant C (SG - 8 )
Education: Completion of Iwo years studies in college; Work Experience: 1 year of relevant
experience: Training' 4 hours of relevant training; Eligibility: Career Service (Subprofessional)/
First Level Eligibility.
Item No Is:
15-03-0026; PRO NCR
Job Description:
1 Assist in receiving various documents from other units/agencies and distribution of the
same to concerned unitsTagehcies
2.Assist in systematic filing of Corporate Systems, Policies, Guidelines and Procedures for
easy reference of PRO-Branch Officers and Staffs3.Process all records and documents for reproduction and mailing
4Attend to request for copy of documents maintained by the Office (document retrieval and
5.Assist in processing of, payments for consumption of water, electricity,
telephone/telecommunications, internet providers, gasoline, etc
6.Perform other related tasks as may be assigned
Auditing Sysiems Specialist I (SG -13 )!
Education' Bachelor's degree relevant to the job; Work Experience: None required;
@Training. None required, Eligibility. Career Service (Professional)/ Second Level
Item No/s13-01^0005; Operations Audit Department
Job Description:
1.Conducts researches to obtain background information on the activities to be
addited to determine the impact on the audit, the resources necessary to perform the
addit, and possible risks associated with the atidit;
2.Discusses research findings with the leader of the auditing team,
3.Performs simple operations auditing work such as:
a.j Making physical counts of products, supplies and assets for comparison with books
of accounts,j
b.i Verifying the completeness, validity and accuracy of the operations data entered into
information systems by subjecting said data to edit checks, by matching to approved
' control files, by ensuring that transactions are accounted for in numeric sequence and
@by comparing file totals with control accounts
c.; Reviewing suitability of report forms,
d.; Checking accuracy of reports,
e @ Checking adequacy of manuals ,
4.Drafts report on the results of the audit completed;
5Discusses audit results with auditee/s before the draft of the report is finalized;
6.Makes appropriate recommendations based on the results of the audit;
7.Follows-up actions to determine if audit recommendations have been carried out or not and
to inquire for the reasons for non-implementation;
8 Performs other related task as may be assigned.
Auditing Systems Specialist II (SG -16 )
experience; Training 4 hours of relevant training, Eligibility: Career Service|(Professioniilj)&HL-A;.: ..
Second Level Eligibility. ' @ '@ pt,x
Item No.Is: @['.;@ w,. iLr|"::-\ @@.TrT^oT >
13-02-0004 / 13-02-0005; Operations Audit Department i Oy'l lP/fiV'L"'':' )m @'
Job Description:@j U--.- __'..]. (V_,'' I J
1.Drafts audit plans for review of immediate supervisor;] :":ii'.'["{@ y::;"'<] :':@'-."". "C>" j
2.Discusses internal audit scope and objectives with affected corporate personnel pridr'to'conduct'of ' "'"
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3. Performs difficult operations auditing work, such as:
a.Reviewing safeguards used in accounting for scraps or wastages
b.Reviewing procurement procedures
c.Reviewing procedures for approval of inventory adjustments
d.Reviewing fixed assets acquisition procedures as to approvals
e.Reviewing fixed assets scrapping procedures
f.Reviewing authorization procedures for acquisition of fixed assets
g.Reviewing reporting procedures from the approvals to th<? reviews made prior to issuance
h. Determining if the operations data entered into information systems are identified, converted
I into machine-readable format and properly authorized, and are not lost, suppressed, added,
duplicated, or otherwise improperly changed and that rejected (in error) transactions are
i identified, corrected and [esubmitted for proper processing
i. ! Reviewing the duties and responsibilities of personnel to ensure that no one controls all key
aspects of a transaction or event and to reduce the risk of errors, wastages, misuse or fraud.
4Drafts report on the results of the audit compleied;
5Discusses audit results with auditee/s before the draft of the report is finalized;
6.Makes appropriate recommendations based on the results of the audit;
7.Follows-up actions to determine if audit recommendations have been carried out or not and to
inquire for the reasons for non-implementation;
8.Performs other related task as may be assigned.
Fiscal Controller I (SG -11 )!
Education: Bachelor's degree relevant to the job; Work Experience. None required; Training: None
required; Eligibility: Career Service (Professional)/ Second Level eligibility
Item No./s:[
32-0if0043; PRO CAR|
Job Description:
1. Fiscal Controller I maybe a; signed to perform any of the following finance-related jobs:
a: accountingI
I@Conduct pre-audit/review of all kinds of disbursement vouchers (screen documents,
journalize accounting entries, record transactions in voucher register, updates index of
payment, etc.)j
i@Review petty cash vbuchers, requisition issuance vouchers, purchase orders, canvass of
;quotation, abstract of canvass, and the like
;@Review contracts for Certification of fund availability
i@Review file documents for submission to Commission on Audit
[@Prepare accounting/financial reports such as Summary of Outstanding Checks, bank
;reconciliation statements, and the like
i-Review report of collection against Official Receipts, validate deposit slips and check
i@Verify checks against bank statement, arrange checks in series, update list of outstanding
i"Prepare Summary of outstanding checks, bank reconciliation statement and summary of
;benefit payment |
! @ Review and consolidation of budget proposals of various PRO Divisions/Units and Service
@Preparation of various budget-related reports
i @ Preparation request!for allotment of the PRO
@Preparation of the annual work and financial plan of the PRO
; @ Monitoring the fund utilization of the PRO to avoid overdraft or the problem of excess funds
at the end of the Calendar year.
@Prepare benefit payment checks in accordance with vouchers reviewed by Accounting &
Budget Section
@Post benefit payment to Medical Officers through auto-debit system, " ,CY^^v-..- @..:,:
Prepare maintenance and operating expenses checkst :' x|Xi( '"'' ' '';
@Ensures maintenance of cashbookj"''.'".'-'n.--,
@ @ Verify MI5, accept payment and issue Official Receiptsf',@_[ '.. U.''.''.' '(u '")[
@Prepare daily collection reportrMv^' '
Page 2 of 4'@ @'.'"@@".
@ Upon instruction from the higher Officer, assist in the training/skills development of lower
technical and/or non-technical staff of the unit
2.Prepare simple lo moderately complex correspondence, presentation materials and other
documents as may be required by the higher Officer
3.Performs other task that may be assigned
Medical Specialist III (SG - 23 )
Education. Doctor of Medicine; Work Experience. 2 years relevant experience; Training. 8 hours of
relevant training; Eligibility. RA 1080.
item No./s:!
41-02-0022; PRO NCR
Job Description:
1. The Medical Specialist III shall perform any of the following medical- related tasks:
^5ET 1: Accreditation and Quality Assurance
Conduct accreditation surveys to Institutional Health Care Providers
@Evaluate application for,accreditation of Institutional Health Care Providers
@Assists the Central Office in the systematic evaluation of the effects of the use of drugs,
devices, medical procedures and other health related products as well as the HCPs and
organizations that use these technologies.
@Provides technical assistance to other units that requires expert medical advice and inputs.
@Manages medical related technical issues on health care provider's practice
@Conducts studies ancj researches on quality assurance, standards development and
accreditation policies.
SET 2: Benefit Administra ion
@ Responsible for medical evaluation of claims
^ Review of the medical aspect of claims forwarded for reconsideration
2. Performs other related tasks as may be assigned
Planning Officer i (SG -II)
Education: Bachelor's degree relevant to the job; Work Experience: None required;Training:
Nonti required; Eligibility: Caree'r Service (Professional)/ Second Level eligibility
53-01-0002; Corporate Planning Department
Job Description-[
1.Prepares reports and draftsj correspondences pertaining to corporate plans and policies.
2.Assists in the conduct of studies and research activities of the Division.
3.Assists in the preparation of planning documents, guidelines and policy instruments.
4.Assists in the preparation a'nd implementation of appropriate projects as may be assigned by the
Planning Officer II, Planning and Policy Development Division.
5.Performs other tasks and duties that may be assigned or delegated by the Planning Officer II,
Planning and Policy Development Division.
Social Insurance Assistant I (SG - 8 ) j
Education' Completion of two years studies in college; Work Experience: 1 year of relevant experience;
Training: 4 hours of relevant training; Eligibility Career Service (Subprofessional)/ First Level Eligibility.
Item. No. Is:\
Job Description.
1. Responsible for any of the' following set of activities/tasks depending on what Division/ Section
he/she will be assigned' j
I Receives claims form members and providers and counter-check with transmittal list
2. Check completeness of the data declared in PhilHealth Claim Forms and die required
supporting documents attached to it
3Indicate deficiencies or lacking documents in claims documents, if there is any
4Verify accuracy/authenticity of information in PhilHealih Claimr Forms baseci\a^'.e.xrstirrg~
database or other valid .sources; - @:@ ' ' V-'Jji^' '
5Validate the beneficiaries and providers'eliqibility to avail claims ;@'@ @@ @ ^.-... -. ._. .
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Page 3 of A
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6.Ensure completeness of documentaiy requirements in the claims applications before
forwarding to the next processing stage
7.Check the number of encoded claims and verify the accuracy of encoded information in the List
of Claims Received
8.Performs other related tasks as may be assigned
1.Assist in the distribution of various IEC materials and membership forms to target members
during campaign periods
2.Assist in the screening of accomplished membership forms and issuance of PhilHeafth
Number/Identification Cards
3.' Screen membership application form to ensure completeness of data
4.Verify/validate information declared in the membership application form
5.Review member information encoded in the database to ensure correctness
6.; Ensure that PhilHeallh Number/Identification Cards are prepared properly and attached to the
right membership information sheet
7.Assist in the preparation of reply to inquiries and complaints regarding membership data
8.Performs other related tasks as maybe assigned
Supervising Auditing Systems Spscialist j <SG - 22 )
Education- Bachelor's degree relevant to the job; Work Experience: 3 years relevant experience;
Training 16 hours of relevant training; Eligibility: Career Service (Professional)/ Second Level
Item No./s:j
13-u4:0004; Operations Audit Department
Job Description:
I.Reviews internal audit plans to determine audit coverage, reasonable staff composition, time
duration, adequacy and appropriateness of internal auditing guidelines and procedures and
possible risks associated witlji the audit;
2 Discusses the internal audit plans with the concerned internal audit staff;
3.Advises staff on need for changes in scope, objectives, audit procedures and how to resolve audit
issues encountered;j
4.Reviews status report of audit being conducted to determine issues being encountered and to
recommend speedy resolutions of issues so that the audit will be completed according to schedule;
5.Monitors and checks process of collecting, analyzing, interpreting and documenting information to
ensure the audit staff's objectivity and that internal audit goals, objectives and performance targets
are met;I
6.Reviews written internal audit reports to determine completeness and conformance to internal audit
plans, objectives, standards1 and guidelines, and if findings were discussed with the auditee/s
before the final report was drafted,
7.Analyzes internal audit reports to determine accomplishments and deviations from the audit plans
with the end to evaluate the internal audit function and enhance performance;
8.Supervises the conduct of special internal audits,
9 Trains new internal auditors, i
10. Rates performance of audit staff, and
I1.Performs other related tasks that may be assigned.
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