Pastors` Masters - Quad Cities Prayer Center
Pastors` Masters - Quad Cities Prayer Center
PleasemailtoreachtheQCPCofficeon/beforeWednesday,September7 PleasePRINTallinformation. Friday, Sept. 16, 2016 " Golfer#2 Pastor Pastors’ Masters Name:(Clergy) gggg Emeis Golf Course 4500 W. Locust Street Davenport, Iowa gggg Address: Phone: () City State Phone: () City State Zip Phone: () City State Zip Phone: () City State Zip Zip Shirt/JacketSize E-MailAddress: ChurchAffiliation: Name: Address: E-MailAddress: ChurchAffiliation: Golfer#4 Golfer#3 7:30 a.m. – Check-In & Warm-up 8:30 a.m. - Shotgun Start 1:30 p.m. - Lunch & Awards (at Emeis Pavilion) gggg Cost: $270 ($90/player with the Pastor being free) Name: Address: E-MailAddress: ChurchAffiliation: Name: Address: E-MailAddress: ChurchAffiliation: Options: Mail Completed Registration Form To: QCPC at NorthPark Mall 320 W. Kimberly Rd, #510 Davenport, IA 52806 OR Scan, attach and e-mail to: [email protected] q$270.00PerTeam(Pastorisfree…othergolferspay$90/each) OR… qWewouldliketobeanEventSponsor(includes$270foursome) qMulligan:_______x$5/each(limitof2perplayer) TOTALENCLOSED $270.00 $500.00 $____________ $____________ " ¦CheckEnclosed,#___________ ¦CreditCard qVisaqMCqAmex NameonCard__________________________________________________________ Exp.Date_________Card#__________-__________-__________-__________3-digitcodeonback_______ MustreachtheQCPCofficeon/beforeWednesday,Sept.7,2016 DearFriends, OnbehalfofthestaffandboardoftheQuadCitiesPrayer Center,wewouldliketoinviteyoutobeapartofavery special day to honor pastors in our community. In a day andagewherenearly1,500clergyleavetheministryeach monthwewouldliketoencourageandblessthoseinthe QuadCitiesregion! Friday, Sept. 16, we will be hosting a Pastors’ Masters GolfTournament.Here’showitworks… You are invited to put together a team (four players)…the only stipulationis thatone ofthem has to be a pastor! Team cost for the entire day is $270 ($90/each for the three non-clergy players on the team and thepastor isfree)which includes greensfees,carts, awards banquet, and prizes. Please note that all prizes will be awarded to the pastor on the team as a way to blessthem!! Pastor’sMasterswillbeheldatEmeisGolfCourse (4500 W. Locust Street, Davenport) with the day beginningat 7:30 a.m.for registration/warm-up andthe shotgun startat 8:30 a.m. Lunchandawards will begin around1:30p.m.intheadjacentEmeispavilion. Thisyear’seventpromisestobeagreattournamentand weinviteyoutobeapartofthisfun-filleddayofgolfand fellowship. Registrations aredue inthe QCPCoffice not later than Wednesday, September 7. However, to assist withtheplanningprocess,itwouldbehelpfulifyoucould turninyourfoursomesassoonaspossible. If you have any questions, please contact the Prayer Centerat563.323.3090. BecauseHe’sworthy, ScottSchaefer President,OCPC EventSponsorships$500 SponsorshipIncludes: • OneFoursome’sRegistrationFees • NameinProgram • PublicRecognition@Lunch Your sponsorship also allows us to keep the registrationcostsdowntoblessthepastorsin ourregion! Will your team consider being an Event Sponsor? gggggggg Presents: Pastors’ Masters MediaSponsor: Pastors’Mastersissponsoredby: QuadCitiesPrayerCenter atNorthParkMall 320W.KimberlyRd.#510 563.323.3090 EmeisGolfCourse Davenport,IA Friday,September16,2016