September 14 Oh1 - We Don`t Sell Advertising We Sell Results
September 14 Oh1 - We Don`t Sell Advertising We Sell Results
FREE Volume 3 No. 37 • OWNED BY MILLER PRINTING & PUBLISHING • 4177 RT. 19, PERRY HWY. COCHRANTON, PA 16314 • SEPTEMBER 14, 2013 OHIO AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 SEPTEMBER 14, 2013 PAGE 2 OHIO AREA SHOPPER The Area 814-425-7272 Shopper SEPTEMBER 14, 2013 PAGE 3 AUCTION GUIDE THE FOLLOWING AUCTIONEERS ARE MEMBERS OF THE STATE & NORTHWESTERN PA. AUCTIONEER’S ASSOCIATION JOHN HUEY BAK ER & BELLIS SIMONETTA TAMMY LOUCKS NICOLLS & AUCTIONS Member of NAA, PAA AUCTIONEERS AUCTI ONEER AUCTION SERVICE 814-333-1988 Slippery Rock, Pa. BILL BELLIS, JR. 814-683-5120 www.nicanda PATRICK SIMONETTA PHONE 814-671-1978 fax 814-425-2386 814-282-7746 724-79 4-4737 www.bba TRACE AUCTIONSERVICE 814-382-2922 w w w Full Service & Computerized 814-336-4160 MOWRY AUCTION SERVICE REIMOLD BROTHERS CRESSWELL AUCTION Charles P. Mowry Auctioneer AUCTION SERVICE SERVICE 724-37 6-2122 Specializing in Real Estate Auctions BOB REIMOLD & ASSOC. or 724-699-0912 724-25 3-3493 724-64 6-1771 Licensed in PA and Ohio Visit: Code #15093 DAVIDAPHELPS AUCTIONEER SIMON MILLER BETH C. HILLMAR AUCTIONEER MERCER, PA 724-662-4039 LICENSED IN PA & OHIO 814-425-3927 or 814-720-3870 814-42 5-7276 or 814-425-7779 RICHARDA. ROBERTS AUCTIONEER 724-679-1168 LICENSEDINPA EMLENTON, PA KEVIN WHEELER 814-734-9839 814-602-7457 LIC. #AU005522 HARDY OUTDOOR WOOD STOVES Sal es a nd Servi ce . Heatilator Indoor Pellet Stoves. Wood Pellets. Hot Water Heaters • In Floor Heating Systems • Forced Air & Electric Furnaces & Boi lers . License d & Insured. PA014648. 814-42 5-2278 JUNK WANTED R e cycl in g cars , trucks , va ns , etc. Need not be towable, tilt bed service availa bl e . Pl e as e ca l l Moe. 724-376-3810. We wa nt yo ur jun k, thank you! KEVIN MILLER HEATING COST TOO HIGH! Ca ll th e Alternative, yo ur l oca l C e n tra l Bo il e r d e a le r. Ch oo se from wo od b u rn e rs, d ue l fu e l stoves or corn & pelle t bu rnin g m odel s. Th erm ope x, in flo or h ea t su p p li e s a n d stove parts in stock. Located 1 mile north of the Courthouse Rt. 62 mercer. Call for an a pp o i ntm e nt 7 24 977-3 785. SCHIESTLE’S AUCTION CENTER AH00 1848 537 N PERRY HWY MERCER, PA. 724-30 1-0623 Weekly Friday night sales beg inning at 5:00. We buy entire estates or complete ho use hol ds. Co nsignments taken on Mondays from 11-4 b y a p p oi n tme n t on ly. Ha ul in g se rvice is available.Anti q u e /C o l l e ct i b l e Sales are the third Frid a y o f ea ch month. BOAK’S ORCHARD Ap p l e s - C i d e r P e a ch e s - P e a r s ETC. All while supply lasts. Hours-Weather Pe rm ittin g- Mo nd ay thru Friday 1 -5 p.m. Satu rda y 9-5 p.m . Closed Sunday 724924-2396. 214 Boak Rd., New Castle, Pa. 16101 RT. 19 PRODUCE AUCTION MUMS AUCTIONS EVERY CAN NIN TUESDAYS & TO M AT G OES FRIDAYS AT 10 AM Rt. 19 Cochranton, Pa 16314 DIRECTIONS: From Meadville, PA take Route 19 south approx. 9 miles auction on right, fromMercer, PA take Rt. 19 north approx. 20 miles, auction on left. TOMATOES, ZUCHINNI, SQUASH. PRODUCE AS IT COMES IN SEASON Term s: Cash, check, credit card, 3% buyers premium w aived if paying cash. ROUTE 19 PRODUCE AUCTION KEVIN MILLER AU-005084-L ANDREW D. BAKER AA019366 724-456-3632 MEADVILLE LIVESTOCK REPORT 9-4-13 Cows Good 70.00 to 90.00.Medium 55.00 To 69.00. Common 55.00& down.Bulls80.00 To 94.00.Fat100.00 to 123.50.Feeders75.00to140.00 .Calves Back ToFarm Bulls 90 To130 lbs.75.00 To 137.50.Little Pigs 17.50 to 55.00.Str Hogs 67.00 To 71.00.Ind.80.00 to 95.00.Sows 40.00 to 57.00. Males 15.00 to 46.00. Lambs 87.50 To 115.00.Goats 50.00 To 255.00.Kids 15.00 to 65.00.Top Dairy900.00.Top Horse 360.00.Square Hay1.50 to 4.75 a Bale. Round Hay11.00 to 52.50 a Bale. Square Straw 2.00 to 3.00 a bale.EarCorn 4.00 to 6.00 a bag.Shelled Corn 7.50 to8.50abag. Roasted Corn9.50 a Bag.Cracked Corn 12.00 a bag.Oats9.50 to 11.00 a bag.Wheat8.75 a bag.Speltz7.00 a bag.Total Head:390. FOR SALE 199 8 To yota Aval on, 10 8,000 m il es, Estate car. Very g oo d shape, inspection ran out in March. New exhaust at last inspection, $2500. Call 8144 50 -114 5 Cra n es ville, PA. 10 ACRES OF LAND FOR SALE In Woodcock PAon 86 & Fl i ck Ro a d, s urve ye d, h as m in eral ri gh ts , 2 se p a ra te d ee d s. Grea t vi ew, $115,0 00. 81 4-76 31578. APARTMENT FOR RENT GREENVILLE 2n d fl oo r, very ni ce a re a . 4 s pa ci ou s rooms + bathroom + galley kitchen + storage areas. Stove, refrig e rato r, W/D h o oku p . On e o ff stree t p arki ng spo t. $500/Mo., first Mo+ 1 Mo security, + utilities. Application and referen ces re qu ire d, No pets/No smoking insid e. 7 24-2 53-2 156 Leave message. FOR SALE 1 9 99 Inte rna ti on a l Eagle N14 and 1998 R e itn o ue r fl a tbe d , with covered wagon, ru ns H ou s to n TX w ee kl y, we l l m a in ta ined , ma ny extras 814-673 -5190. OHIO AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 SEPTEMBER 14, 2013 PUBLIC AUCTION SAT., SEPT. 14TH, 2013 AT 9:00 AM LOCATED: 918 JAMESTOWN RD., BESIDE OLD CARTER LUMBER, RT. 58, JAMESTOWN, PA TRACTORS - CAR - BOAT - GUNS - HOUSEHOLD - TOOLS HOUSEHOLD 3 pc. bedroom suite, lg. blanket box, elec. wheelch ai r, d ou bl e bed , pi ng p on g tab le , ba skets, games , spinnin g wheel, s tein coll ection, s et of dishes, set of red dishes, lamps, cedar lined wardrobe, skiis, copper fire ext. lamp post, corner cabinet, ol d ro ckin g cha ir, toas ter o ven, TV’ s, p ark bench, bear rug, books, pots & pans, glassware, Frigidaire side by side refrig., GE microwave, gate leg table, round table 4 chairs, recliner, large cactus, wheelchair, rocking chair, 3 bar stools, rocker w/foot ottoman, slate pool table, lg. wind chimes, 5 parlor chairs, old round TV. TRACTOR - CAR - BOAT - GUNS 2 Powe r Ki ng Econ omy tractors, 2 -60” mow er decks, Economytractor parts (engine, tranny, rear end, hydrostatics) 13 ft. Boston Whaler boat w/ center console, 40 hp Evinrude motor and boat trailer. 1970 2 door Cadillac Coupe DeVille, dual exhaust, new seat covers, moonroof, good tires, 80,000 miles. Marli n 22 long rifle model 81DL, Mossberg 22, Military gun model 1898 Springfield Armory, Thompson Centerfire 45 cal. muzzleloader 25 pistol, model 881 Power Line pellet gun. 1953 Honda Road & Trail (with title). TOOLS - ANTIQUES - MISC. 3 pt. wood splitter w/spiral shaft, Reese hitch carryall, harrow, cultivator, snow blade, tandem farm wagon, barrel, post hole digger, grease pump, 2 woo d stoves, rou nd, steel whe els, stove pi pe, wood beam, chicken wire,tires wheels, 5 bolt small tractor tires & wheels, SS sink, 2 bobsleds, yard trailer, fuel tank, galv. & painted steel 12 ft., front fe nde r fo r 7 2 C adil lac, w heel we igh ts, wag on wheel, front hitch, Homelite 8 hp elec. start 4400 watt generator, cart w/seat for behind tractor, wood grain alum. siding, appros. 30 ft. alum. track w/rollers fo r in te ri or d oo rs , al um . ext. l ad de r, 1 6 ft. Coleman canoe, 14 ft. canoe, hand cultivator, hand shovel plow, corn stabber, Ford Ferguson grill, Old Time post ho le digge r, shovels, han d tools, hay forks, 3 RR lanterns, RR crossing lights, Bellsaw sharpener w/extra wheel, drill press, table top lathe w/4” & 6” head (metal) 10 gal. crock, Griswold 202 - 2 burne r stove, wood lathe, post drill, l g. set of stillards, approx. 30 fishing poles (3-320 Penn Pole & reels), tackle boxes, 2 climbing deer stands, lg. 3 ph. elec. grinder, scroll saw, press, tractor seats, several 220 ext. cords, gas can, runner sleds, log chains, space heater, SS smoker, 10 ft. alum. garage door, severa l Yankee screwdrive rs, Ca scet scre wd river go es o ne wa y. 5 ft. bug l igh t, b ee smo ker, b oat an chors , driveway mattin g, wal nut bifold doors, water cans, gas cans, boat cans, V.W. wheel spacers, paint shaker. Many many items not listed. TERMS: Cash or known check day of auction with proper ID. Car and boat to be sold on confirmation of owner. See more photos at LARGE PUBLIC AUCTION COMPLETE HARDWARE STORE SELLING OUT SAT., OCTOBER 5TH, 2013 AT 9:00 AM LOCATED AT BROWNS PRO HARDWARE AND BUILDING SUPPLY WATTSBURG, PA ON RTS. 8 & 89 Going out of businessdue to health reasons, we will offer Real Estate and Hardware Items REAL ESTATE - HARDWARE - GUNS & AMMO - COLLECTABLES 20x20 STEEL GARAGE WITH TWO OVERHEAD DOORS, MAIN DOOR & 1 WINDOW REAL ESTATE Property located north of Wattsburg Borough on Rts. 8 & 89 in Venango Twp., Erie County, PA.Steel bui lding w/ap proxi matel y 460 0 sq. ft. on 2.079 acres, well, septic, paved parking lot, 3000 sq. ft. of retail space, 1600 sq. ft. warehouse space, 14 ft. overhead door,Erie County,Venango Twp. Prime locati on with endl ess opportu nity, approx. 7500 average daily auto traffic count. Real Estate to be offered at 2:00 p.m. Sold on confirmation of owner. HARDWARE Bolt bins, bins w/drawers, nuts, bolts grade 5 & 8, washers,lags,SS, sheet metal,all kinds of screws, zin c & brass w ood screws, brass , bel ts, ro pe, chain, cable, Gondula shelving, trapping & archery supplies, stove pipe, garden tools, shovels, pitch forks, handles, roof rakes, 1930 Maytag washing machine engine, 4000 watt electric generator, coppe r tu bing , s cree n, fittings , frami ng mate rica l, misc. hand tools new & used, chain saw chain, Clark floor san der, grin ders, com pressor, 1 0 ft. alum brake, Ridgid 535 pipe cutter & threa der, Fletcher 48” glass cutter, pipe wrenches, sand blaster, PVC pipe, water pipe, maple syrup supplies, facia, soffit, downspout, portacable, drywall sand er, rabb it cages , Linco ln 225 s tick wel der, Milwaukee cut off saw, radial arm saw, CPVC pipe, conduit, feeds, pallet racking, drywall lift, step ladders, bird seeds, Miller Gold Star 400 SS welder, Pla tform scales , ice augers, fe nce su pplies , T po sts, TV’s, pet toys, p et food , b ird fee ders & houses, games, water hoses, wood stove misc., rolls plastic, p aint, spra y paint, trailer accessories , canni ng supp lies, trailer balls, hitch, auto supplies, sump pumps, plumbing, hand pump, faucets, toilet parts,foot valves, pressure switches, brass fittings, gauges, thermo couplers, Sch. 40 T’s & elbows, fittings-copper-plastic-galvanized, pool chem icals, all kinds of electrical s upplies, ext. cords, porch lights, flood lights, flashing, misc. building supplies, all thread, nails, springs, pulleys, Stanle y screwdrivers , sa w bla des, cut off GEHL 1540 FORAGE BLOWER Price $239 5, Can fin an ce . C a ll Eld e r Sales 724-376-3740. FOR SALE Australian Shepherd p up p i es , fi ve fe ma le s, fou r ma le s, vacci na te d, d ew ormed, tails docked, b orn Ju l y 2 8 $1 5 0 each,parents on site. Rudy J.S. Byler, 4964 St. Rt. 208, Volant, PA 16156. FOR SALE San d Boa , fem a le , black and white with Terrarium and under tan k he a ter, ta m e baby $220 setup will s el l fo r $ 1 0 0. C al l 724-977 -5013. FOR SALE 1 97 6 Fo rd LTD Landau V8 351 automatic 2 door tan, colo re d , n e ver s ee n snow, $7000 or best offer. 724-654-6856. d i scs , Gre at n eck to o l s , s o cke ts, ratch ets , wrenches, taps, dies, drill bits, 10” compound laser mitre saw, circular saw, levels, all kinds of hand tools, light bulbs, signs, hinges, locks, door knobs, screen door accesso ries , ba tteries, law n ornaments,tool box, gas cans, glue,pocket knives, hunting knives, round up, popcorn mach ine, key machine & blanks, Red Devil paint shaker, tarps, oil burner nozzles, gloves, bins, driveway sealer. Heavy duty 4x8 ice shanty. Misc. poultry feeders & waterers, misc. militaryitems, cargo nets, 45 auto mags, misc. empty shot shells for reloading, welding & grinding supp lies, furnace filters, target masonry saw (Super 20) w/20” good Diamond blade. GUNS & AMMO. 20 gauge, 12 gauge, 8mm Remington & Mags, 20 ga. s lugs, mu zzleload er bulle ts (44, 45, 54 cal.) Wolverine work books, rubber boots, buckle boots, mail boxes, 9 ft. wind mill, bagged mulch, 3 pt. lawn roller, 22 C.F. lawn sweep er, MTD re ar tine ti ller, feed dolly, MMwheel weights, roof top carrier, metal bander,crimper, tightner, 1 man auger, wood bridge. COLLECTABLES Ford wrenches, (3) old spark plugs, Ford jack, old tools, Jim Beam decanters, cash register, Chipso laundry soap, 7-up crate, Chicago scales, Lantern, bottle capper, corn stabber, 35 Remington bullets, old Remington shells. TERMS ON REAL ESTATE: 10% down day of auction non-refundable, balance in 45 days upon delivery of deed. TERMS: Cash or known check day of auction with proper ID. AUCTIONEERS NOTE: Possibility of 2 auctioneers selling at once. See more photos at FOR SALE 20 05 El an tra, 20 04 Gran d Am , 19 9 9 Bla ze r, 1 97 4 GMC p i cku p $ 2 5 0 0 to $ 3 00 0 ea ch . D o n 814-724-2214. 1996 L o pi “Li b e rty” woodstove, Michelob Ultra Mountain bike. FOR SALE An gu s se rvi ce b ul l, 2 1 mo s . o ld , g oo d tem pe ram e nt. C al l 814-398 -8177. ESTATE AUCTION Frid ay, Sep te mb er 20th at 5pm STVFD Socia l Center, Mercer Cou nty, Corner o f R o ute 18 & Ge arh e art R oa d , West Middlesex, PA 16159. FOR SALE 37 5 horse p ortab le air compre ssor, Sull a i r, $ 15 ,0 00 . 72 4 475-3 759. ABSOLUTE AUCTION MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 AT 5:00 PM BE ON TIME!!! 135 WATER STREET, CONNEAUT LAKE, PA PAGE 4 OLDER COMICS WANTED Pre-1 980 , C oll ector lo okin g to b uy. To p Price s paid. No colle ctio n too la rg e or s ma l l . C a ll D ave , 814-881 -6963. SMALL, BUT MIGHTY! MIGHTY MICHAELANGELO’S Open Sundays, 6am3p m! Se t u p, ma ke cash , make frien ds, a n d m a ke d e al s ! Sho p fo r pro d uce , col l e cta bl e s, u se d cowbo y boots, sand p ap e r, a n d m o re !! 724-652 -6244. FOR SALE Gal va ni ze d Gratin g 1 ½” thi ck 3 foo t w i dth s , ra nd o m l e ng th s, $ 3.5 0 s q . foot. Brush Guard for Lot and building. Lot size 14x70 with a 12x20 of- T80 0 K.W.SS. 8 14 fice or small store front with restroom. 385-4039 leave mesEndless possibilities for the right person!! City water, city sewage, 100 amp electric service. sage. Taxes approx. $250.00.On main drag in Conneaut PROPERTY FOR Lake SALE *PRICE BE YOUR OWN BOSS OR RENTAL PROPERTY! REDUCED* FOR VIEWING OR MORE INFO CONTACT On Ca pe Cod s tyle KEVIN MILLER, AUCTIONEER 724-456-3632 hous e , 2 4 x3 0 atTERMS:$2500.00 down dayof auction nonrefund- tac hed tw o car gaable,balance due in 30 days upon deliveryofdeed. rage and steel barn $1000.00 Buyer’s Premium added to final bid to on 9 plus acres. Full determine selling price. basement w ith fireOWNER: BILL TIGI plac e . W illia m W enge rd, 17 2 Osbor n Road, Greenville, PA 16125. REAL ESTATE AUCTION PYMATUNING AREA FRIDAY SEPT. 20TH, 2013 @ 6: P.M. Located: 1764 Chapel Rd. Espyville, PA. , Rt. 285 East of the Causeway OR Rt. 285 West, just past the Free Press. Watch for Auction signs. “Methodist Parsonage” R.E.: 2 sto ry, 3 bedroom, LVR., Dining Are a, updated kitchen, den, 1st and 2nd floor bathrooms, basement, many updates through out the home, interior and exterior. Also, 24’ x 24’ 2 car detached garage. On site water well, Boro Sewer; Located of 193’ x 190’ corner lot. Chapel Rd. & Espyv. Rd. frontage on both. Nice location close, to lake. Check website for photo’s. Shown by appointment only. Cal l for Real Esta te In fo. p acket. Note: Selli ng Church pews. Watch for future listing. Real Estate sells @ 6: p.m., Be on time. TERMS: 10% Depo sit Auction da y, balance within 45 days with deed transfer. AUCTIONEER: TAMMY LOUCKS LADY AUCTIONEER LLC PA AU 3595-L 1-814-683-5120 www.the ladyauctione GREAT RUNNING 1 99 1 Fre i gh tl i ne r d a yca b 350 Cummins with nine s p ee d Ro a d Ra ng er trans mi ssion including 38 ft. triaxle horse trailer. $40 00. Ca ll mo rnings 814-425-7219. FOR SALE stand ardbred buggy h ors es , 3 ye ar ol d m a re b y We s te rn Ide al. This i s a very nice driving mare, traffic safe and sound, 3 yea r ol d Po nderosa ma re 3 wh ites a nd star for brood mare. 814 -758-0 176. Andy Mullett. FREE FIREWOOD Must take down and cut al l tree s . 1 97 6 Volvo 240 $3000/ All VOLVOS wanted, any shap e. Als o offe ring Vo lvo s ervice. 20 02 ANNUAL FALL AUCTION C hrys le r Se b rin g SAT. SEPT. 21, 2013 9 AM needs tra nsmission Located:Crawford CountyFairgrounds, Meadville, PA $ 85 0 . Pro pa n e 16335 h ea te r $ 7 5. C irca Willbe Offeringthe Following…Fall Decorating Items; 1 94 1 ce d a r ch es t Mums; Cornstalks; Pumpkins; Bird Seed; Suet; Bird $150. 724-456-4717. Feeders; Thistle; OK Sunflowers; Bird Baths; Pet OPEN HOUSE Supplies; Feeders; Toys' Cat Foods; Furnace Filters; Fertilizers; Fertilizer Spreaders; Muck Boots; Gloves; Saturday, September Marking Paint; Glass Sink; Table Salt; Kosher Salt; 0- 21st (12-2 ) 3312 N. 0-50 Fertilizer; Esporta Green Sand; Weed Shield Main St., Sandy Lake. Fabric; Elec. Fence Wire; Poultry Netting; Asst. Boxes ML S# 97 33 67 . Ho st of Screws and Lags; As st. Long Handle Tools; Ros alynn Reagle , 2 Sandpaper Belts; 20 lb. Bags Esporta Bone Meal; s to ry, 2 BR, 1 BA, Shelled Corn; Deer Corn; Trophy Racks; Salt Bricks; home located in the Shrubbery; Trees; Perennials; Ornamental Grasses; Commercial Zone of Assorted Baskets; Straw; Pasture Mix's ; Chimney SandyLake Borough. Brushes; Lots of Misc. Hardware Purchased from Newer windows, wirHardware Store Closeout;Ice Melter; Christmas Items; i ng , pl u m bi n g a n d Cedar Shavings; Water Softener Salts; Office Chairs; carpeting. Also has a Amish Rocker; Kennel Spray; Terro Ant Killer; Fishing s ep a rate en tran ce Tackle;Poles; Lures;Knives;Thomas Kincaid Pictures; th at coul d m ake an o ffice Wooden Children’s Chairs; Storage Containers; e xce l le n t Household Items; Lot Boxes; Big Auction. Lot Boxes, s pa ce . N o rth w oo d Lots of Buyouts from Agway Store, Scrap Fabric and Realty Services 724Mu ch More ; Ho use hold Items and Oth er 458-8 800. Consignments. Also Selling: Coins (list on web). TERMS:CASH,Checks byAuctioneerPRIORApproval. COWBOY CHURCH MC/Visa, Discover 3% Buyers Premium Waived if Co nce rt Event Su nPaying by Cash or Good Check. 6% PASales Tax day, Sept. 15th, 10:15 a m a n d 6 :3 0 p m . Applies. Refreshments bySertoma. Restrooms To mm y Bra n d t (4 (814) 382-2922. time male vocalist of PA LIC. # AU1620-L. csallenauct the year) located on Rt. 208 an d NectarFOR SALE FOR SALE in e. Wo rsh ip me m2 Me tal c ha ir s, 1 bers needed. Vocals, 88 Pon ti ac Fi re bi rd GTA, 140,0 00 miles, metal rocker, match- guitar, drums, etc. Info T tops, original paint, ing glide r, $ 15 0 . 724-372 -3248. l a st yea r fo r bo d y Amis h w oode n FOR SALE rock er glide r, $ 75 . styl e. Ori gi na l ri ms Also 1 Larsen metal 2 Firestone Turf Tires not car. After ma rket storm door, $90. Ev- 1 6 .9 x2 4. Exce l le n t ra di o /CD . Ru n s erything in good con- co nd ition , like ne w, great,new inspection, dition. Phone 8 14 - $250 each. Call 814$ 5 50 0 . 8 1 4 -58 3 786-7 112. 392-2 262. 0285. OHIO AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 MOVING AUCTION REAL ESTATE & CONTENTS Auction Service THUR. SEPT. 19TH AT 4 PM 295 MAPLE LANE DR. COOPERSTOWN, PA. 16317 Directions: From North Main St. in Cooperstown turn on to Mill St. then left on Maple Lane Dr. Featuring: 3 BR Ranch Home, bath, eat in kitchen, living room, 2 car garage, blacktop driveway, sheds, newer septic, nice large lot. Owner Glenn Teribery. Terms on Real Estate: $5,000.00 non-refundable deposit day of auction b alance in 45 da ys or at closing. For information call Auctioneer LarryPorter 814-38 2-0003 VAN - LAWN TRACTOR – COLLECTABLES – HOUSEHOLD Van: 1990 ChevyAstro Van. Lawn Equip. & Tools: riding & push mower; lawn sweeper & roller; leaf blower; weed eater; table saw; floor jack; hand & po wer tool s; s hop cart; co mpre ssor; pressu re wa she r; pipe be nde rs; lo ts of hard ware; hitch receivers; alum. ATV ram ps; pr. speaker tripods; 10x10 canopy; 10x20 tents; tarps; fishing equip.; steel wagon wheels; turkey cooker; African Water Buffalo horns. Collectables: Coke Machine; Elvis Mem o ra b il i a : m us i c d eca nte r, pl a tes , l a mp , records, CD’s; Victrola; Elvis 1oz. silver ingot; 1970 proof set; Household: matching sofa & recl iner; entertai nment cente r; fl at screen TV; di nette w/ chairs; (2) bedroom sets; kitchen items; banquet & fl ea m a rke t tab le s ; w as he r & dryer; d orm refri ge ra to r; can ni ng j ars; o th er i te ms . Go to website for full ad & pictures. Terms on Contents: Cash or Pa. Check w/Photo ID, Visa, Master Card or Discover same as cash. For information call Auctioneer Larry Porter 814-382-0003 CRESSWELL AUCTION SERVICE We Specialize in Real Estate Sales at Auction AUCTIONEERS: DON CRESSWELL AU2938L DARLENE BULLOCK AU5406L LARRY PORTER AU2927L 814-382-0003 Cresswell MOVING AUCTION REAL ESTATE & CONTENTS LOG HOME THURSDAY OCT. 3RD 4 P. M. 12351 MCFADDEN RD., GUYS MILLS, PA. 16327 Directions: From Meadville take Rt. 27 East 6 mi. turn left at Hunters Inn onto Freymouth Rd. to Guys Mills, go through stop sign in Guys Mills to Rt.198 East 1.3 miles turn left on McFadden Rd. Follow Cresswell Auction Signs. Featuring: A Charming Log Ho me w/addition, 3 BR, large eat-in kitchen w/cathedral ceiling, living room, bathroom, central air, full basement with 2 car integral garage, all situated on a 1 acre wooded setting. Close to Pa. Game Lands and Erie Wildlife Re fu ge. On ly 12 m i. to Me advil le or 17 mi . to Titusville. Go to web site for contents & pictures. Terms on Real Estate: $8500.00 non-refundable deposit day of auction b alance in 45 da ys or at closing. For information or to view home call Larry Porter 814-382-0003 CRESSWELL AUCTION SERVICE We Specialize in Real Estate Sales at Auction AUCTIONEERS: DON CRESSWELL AU2938L DARLENE BULLOCK AU5406L LARRY PORTER AU2927L 814-382-0003 Cresswell Auction Service ABSOLUTE AUCTION REAL ESTATE & CONTENTS ANTIQUES - COLLECTIBLES SAT. OCT. 5TH 10 A.M. 580 NORTH ST. MEADVILLE, PA. 16335 Directions: Home is located at the corner of North St. & Penn St. Featuring:Abeautiful 2 story 4 BR home on corner lot with 2 full baths, oak kitch en, dining & living ro oms , office, oak trim & fl oors, lea ded gla ss windows, finished attic, full basement, central air, 2 car detached garage w/4 rooms for shop/storage and large blacktop parking area. This is a must see home. Sells atAbsolute Auction to the highest bidder. Go to web site for complete contents list and pictures. Owners: Tom & Marsha Smith Ter ms on Re a l Es ta te : 1 0% no n -refu nd a bl e deposit day of auction b alance in 45 da ys or at closing. A 10% Buyers Fee applies to real estate only.For information or to view home call Auctioneer Larry Porter 814-382-0003. CRESSWELL AUCTION SERVICE We Specialize in Real Estate Sales at Auction AUCTIONEERS: DON CRESSWELL AU2938L DARLENE BULLOCK AU5406L LARRY PORTER AU2927L 814-382-0003 Cresswell Auction Service FOR SALE Pygm y go a ts , 1 2 weeks old, $60. 814573-3 624. FOR SALE 2 00 3 To yo ta Fou r Runner, V8 , auto, w/ SR5 p acka ge , l o ad e d , 8 3 ,0 0 0 m il e s , 4 WD, n ice co ndi tio n, 724 -71 49 61 4 or 7 24 -9 46 3316. BUSINESS FOR SALE BY OWNER Gr ea t loca tion in Vola nt, PA! Twos tory Hous e and Dis play fix ture s $ 1 20 K. Cur re nt Crafts Consignors ma y s tay. Plea se call for more information. Serious inquirie s only. 72 4841-4 092. SEPTEMBER 14, 2013 ABSOLUTE AUCTION REAL ESTATE & CONTENTS Auction Service TUES. SEPT. 17TH AT 4 P.M. 361 GREENFIELD RD. LACKAWANA TWP. NEW WILMINGTON, PA. 16142 Directions: From West Middlesex, Pa. take Rt. 318 towards Mercer, Pa. turn right on Greenfield Rd. to auction. Watch for Cresswell Auction signs. Featuring: A very nice 2 story 3 bedroom home, large eat in kitchen w/oak cupboards, living room, den, laund ry room , full bath , baseme nt , l arge detached garage an all this on approx. 3 acres. Terms on Real Estate: $7,500.00 non-refundable deposit day of auction b alance in 45 da ys or at closing. A10% Buyers Fee applies to Real Estate only. Fo r information ca ll 724-253-3493 . Owner: John B. Leali. Note:Auction starts at 4 p.m. sharp. Real Estate sells at 5:00 P.M. ANTIQUES; COLLECTIBLES & HOUSEHOLD Antique furniture & Misc: 3 drawer Sheridan pine chest; Empire chest; drop-leaf stand; wash stand; ki dn ey s ha pe d m arbl e to p stand ; ma rb le top dresse r; cherry o ne l eaf hall ta ble; oak spo on carved drop front desk; painted flat wall cupboard; sq. oak table w/leaves; Niccoles & Stone rocker; cane seat & back rocker; dry sink; wing back chair. C ol l e cti bl e s : Sle i g h b el l s ; s ma l l a m ou n t o f co lle cti ble gl ass ware, flo w b lue & oth er; Be ar recurve b ow; crocks; Art D eco l amp; o il lam ps; Longaberger baskets; fur coats; Reward posters; Victorian foot stool;brass coal bucket; banks;metal toy cars; adv. Wood boxes; lg. wood tool box dove tailed;lg. brass elephant; 1863 Springfield musket; swords; old ammo;post cards;Boy Scout axe/knife combo;vintage ship anchorapprox. 4 ft; old photos; WWII Marine uniform; dog tags; pins; Marksman’s bad ge & othe r mi litary items; sing le trees and more . Household & Misc : Ref; ra nge; wash er; dryer; lathe; SS long sink/rinse tub; S/S milk cans; TroyBilt Junior rear tine tiller; Stihl gas weed eater; grinder; Shop vac; leaf blower and many boxes of m is c. kitch en & h ou se ho ld i te ms . Ter ms on contents: Cash or PA. check with photo ID, Master Card, Visa or Discover same as cash. CRESSWELL AUCTION SERVICE We specialize in Real Estate Sales at Auction AUCTIONEERS: DON CRESSWELL AU2938L DARLENE BULLOCK AU5406L LARRY PORTER AU2927L MEMBER PAA 724-253-3493 Cresswell Cresswell Auction Service PAGE 5 MOVING AUCTION WED. SEPT. 18TH AT 4 P.M. 649 TREETOP LANE HERMITAGE, PA. 16148 Directions: From Hermitage, Pa.take Rt.62 towards Mercer, Pa. turn left on Robertson Rd. then left on Scott to auction. GUNS; LAWN TRACTOR; COLLECTIBLES & HOUSEHOLD Guns: S&W mod. 1100m 12ga. Semi; Mossberg mod. 88 12ga. Pump w/Weaver Altro Dot scope & extra barrel; Mossberg mod. 185 KA 20ga; Ithica mod.375 12ga; New EnglandArms mod. SBI 28ga; Custom Win 280 cal. With 4x12 Redfield scope; Marlin 336 RC 30-30 cal; Marlin mod. 60W 22cal; Fire Arm Interna tional 22cal. Survi val ri fle; e arly 12ga. DB w/ears. Boats: 1997 Four Winds 17ft. boat w/Volvo Penta 140hp inboard motor w/trailer; Fiberglass 8ft. dingy; Sea Eagle inflatable boat. Collectibles: Sm. Humpback trunk; desk; signed & numbered prints. Household& Misc:Bar stools; Borgen Comme rcial flower display cooler; John Deere mod.LA125 lawn tractor w/mower; bagger and d ozer blad e; battery powere d Go Cart; gun cabinet; patio table w/chairs; coffee & end stands; TV’s; child’s bedroom suite; sofa chair; Christmas items & manymore items not listed. Terms:Cash, Pa. ch e ck w/p ho to ID, Ma ste r C ard , Vis a o r Discover same as cash. Back ground check on all guns and a $25.00 fee. FFL dealers exempt so bring your current FFL license. CRESSWELL AUCTION SERVICE We specialize in Real Estate Sales at Auction AUCTIONEERS: DON CRESSWELL AU2938L DARLENE BULLOCK AU5406L LARRY PORTER AU2927L MEMBER PAA 724-253-3493 Cresswell Auction Service ABSOLUTE FARM AUCTION SAT. OCT. 19TH AT 10 A.M. 8885 NORTH ALLEN RD. GUYS MILLS, PA. 16327 Directions: From Cochranton, Pa. Rt. 173 north to McDaniel Church-Lippert Rd. turn left then right on North Allen to auction. Watch for Cresswell Auction signs. Cresswell SPORTSMAN’S AUCTION SAT. SEPT. 21ST AT 10 A.M. 3185A PERRY HWY. HADLEY,PA. 16130 Directions: From Mercer, Pa. Rt. 19 north approx. 15 miles, located at Cresswells Guns & Ammo. Watch for auction signs just before Sheakleyville, Pa. 16125. GUNS; AMMO; KNIVES; HUNTING & FISHING RELTED ITEMS APPORX. 50 GUNS & 100 + KNIVES. Guns: Win. Mod. 88 – 358 cal; 2- Win. Mod. 71 – 348cal; Win. Mod. 64 30-30; Win mod. 94 32 spl; Win mod. 44 AE 357 mag; Win mod. 94 3855 cal; Win. Mod. 405 ; Win 405 cal; Win mod. 70 30-06 SS; Win. Mod. 70 SS 30 WSM; Win mod. 70 257 Roberts; Ruger M77 SS 204 cal; US Re peating Arms 4570 Gov; Sav. Mod. 99 300 SAV; Henry 44 mag; Browning White Gold Medallion 300 WSM; 1906-2006 Rem mod. 700 Linited Edition 30-06; Rem 700 7MM mag; Rem 700 30.06; Rem 572 22cal; Rem 700 30.06; Rem 700 270 cal; Rem 760 35Rem; Win select Field OU 12ga; Rem 870 Express mag. 12ga; Win mod. 101 ou 1 2ga; 2Rem 1100 12ga; 3- Rem. Sportsman 48 12ga – 20ga.- 12ga; WH Richards 12ga; H&R Topper 20 ga.; Rem. UMC 22cal Oct.(parts) 45cal. & 50 cal Thompson center Flint lock. Pistols: S&W 38 sp; S&W 1911 pd 45 cal; S&W 460 Magmun; S/W 3913 9mm; 2-Iver Johnson 32 cal; H& R 949 22cal; S&W Performa nce Center S/S 44mag. Knives: Cas e; Win; Buck; Barlo; Imperial; Pal;Solegen; S&W; Kent; E.Parker & Sons; Browning; Novelty knives; RCM Camp Canada; Flint; Qu een and others. Ammo: 22cal and various caliber of rifle; pistol & shotgun ammo; small amount of fishing items; flyrods; ice aug er & more. C loth ing: Hun ting coa ts; pants; socks; hats & boots (all new); Sportsmans books. Don’t miss this great auction, we saved the best for last. Terms: All FFL laws apply, $25.00 Buyers fee on all guns. FFL license dealers exempt. Bring your current Pa. license, cash, local check w/ID, Ma ste r C ard , Visa & Di sco ver sa me as cas h. Owner: William Rice. Note: This is Bill’s 3rd great auction. Thank all of you buyers for making his 1st & 2nd auctions successful, see you at this one. CRESSWELL AUCTION SERVICE We specialize in Real Estate Sales at Auction AUCTIONEERS: DON CRESSWELL AU2938L DARLENE BULLOCK AU5406L LARRY PORTER AU2927L MEMBER PAA 724-253-3493 Auction Service FOR SALE 3 02 5 Kn i g ht m ixe r w ag o n , e xce l l en t condition, 12 ft. angle D an g le m an bl a de , fits 71 or 72 International excellent condition. 814-664-4906. FOR SALE Mo to rh om e 19 8 4 Ford 22’ new tires & in sp ection , 460 V8, runs and drives great, 56K, never driven in salt,sleeps 6,$5500. 814-673-3109 eves. Fea turing: A 2 sto ry 6 be droo m 1 ½ ba th h om e. H om e al so h a s en tryw ay, la rg e ea t-i n-ki tch en w /o ak ca bi n e ts , li vi n g ro om & basement. Dairy barn, horse barn & oth er out buildi ngs. This tract of land consists of farm land, woods w/ timber on approx. 114 acres. 1st: Property will be offered as the farm w/out oil & gas rights. 2nd: Oil & gas rights will offered. 3rd: Farm w/mineral rights will be offered. Ter ms on Rea l Estate: 10 % n on -re fu n da bl e deposit day of auction b alance in 45 da ys or at closing. A10% Buyers Fee applies to Real Estate only. Owners: Andrew & Katie Mullet. CRESSWELL AUCTION SERVICE We Specialize in Real Estate Sales at Auction AUCTIONEERS: DON CRESSWELL AU2938L DARLENE BULLOCK AU5406L LARRY PORTER AU2927L MEMBER PAA 724-253-3493 COMBINES/HEADS 2 Clean JD 9500’s – JD 4420-JD 4400-JD 6600. Gleaner F2 & K2-IH 1420 with rock trap. Grainheads: JD 9 2 0 -9 1 8 -9 1 5 -9 1 3 213-215 plus others IH 8 20 & 1 020- 1 5’, 16.5 ’, 17.5 ’, 20’, 25’ AC: Lots of 13’, 15’, 16’, 18, 20’ for F-M-LR co m bi n e s. C orn heads- JD 643-4444 43 -3 43 -2 44 – IH 863-843-1063 – AC 23-4-6 row.Lots ofnew header carts 15’-20’25’-30’ $2000. & up – Loads of new & used parts for combines & hea ds. Huge invento ry o f ti n wo rk fo r combine heads. New 11L x 15 8 ply American Farme r wa go n ti res $85./ea . BOAK FAMILY FARMS, LLC – FU L L TIME FAR MER / D EAL ER N EW C ASTL E, PA HOURS BY PRE-ARRANGEMENT ONLY. CALL B4 U DRIVE!! C LOSED SU ND AY 724-924-2 396 CALL BEFORE 9 P.M. FOR SALE 9 5 D o dg e Co n vers io n va n , a l l n e w brakes, tires, muffler, ect., nice van, $3200. Also have 2 Polaris 4wheelers, 1 Arctic Cat 25 0cc, 3 d irt b ike s, Suzuki 100cc? 125cc, 1 Ho n d a & 1 Kawasaki On off road w/ti tle very n ice o ld p a nh e a d b a ske t ca se , ol d 7 3i s h Spo rtster Bo bber w/ new top end, 1 shove head, rollin chassis, co up l e old s h ove l he a d MC ’ s com pl ete, cal l Mo e 724-376 -3810. FOR RENT LINESVILLE 114 South Mercer St., 2 story 3 b edroo m, 1 ½ b a th , la u n dry room, no pets, $750 a month, negotiable, s ecu rity de p o si t, l ea se . (BIG) a pa rtm en t fo r re n t Williamsfield Ohio, 1 roo m , e ffici e ncy, g ro u nd le ve l , L ake fron t, al l u ti li tie s w/ washer & dryer, $500 per month. 440-2937104. FOR SALE NEED ROOM 69 Firebird, 72 Monte C arl o , 2 -19 5 6 Ch evy’s 1-2 Dr. s ed a n, 1 -4 d r., 19 5 6 Cad dy 2 dr. hdt., 69 Chevy pickup, 48 & 9 dodge & Plymouth 2 d rs ., 1 9 5 5 D o dg e Ro yal 4dr. Mo st a re sol id & run. Call for d e ta i l s, a l l i n si d e store d but 2. Phone 724-376 -3810. FOR SALE International 2444 w/ l oa d e r $ 2 50 0 . Farmall H WF $1500. Fa rm a l l s u p er C q u ick hi tch WF $ 12 5 0 . IH 2 4 4 w / mower $2875. Other equipment 814-4507011. FOR SALE 19 84 Mo bil e h om e, 14x54 6” walls, best offer. 814-587-2967. FOR SALE 2001 Chevy Cavalier, e xce l le n t s h a pe , ru ns grea t, 30 MPG, i ns p ecte d ti ll 8 /14 , $ 3 30 0 OBO. 72 4 977-9 502. WANTED Own e r o p e ra to r & com p an y d ri ver fo r fla tbed or van. Must have 2 yrs.experience & CDLA. Good starting pay. Home weekly a nd on we e ke n ds . Fo r m o re i nfo ca l l 7 2 4-6 9 9-0 9 0 7 o r 724-496 -4657. FOR SALE N i ce b arn s to n e $10 0. Ton de live red ap prox. 60 to n al so grinde r mi xer $50 0. Spi ke a n d s p rin g tooth harrow looking fornice alfalfa/timothy horse hay. Call 724992-2392 leave message. FOR SALE 4’ Brush h og, excellent condition, $450. 724-406 -0230. OHIO AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 ABSOLUTE ESTATE AUCTION The Brad M. Stockholm Estate REAL ESTATE & CONTENTS Sat., Sept. 21st at 10AM RE at 1PM Located at 906 Lafayette St., Meadville, PA Off upper Chestnut St. at the corner of Lafayette & Euclid Ave. 3BR 2 story h ome w/bas ement & floored a ttic, deta ched 2 car garage & de tached 1 car p arty wall garage. Nice older home in need of porch roof w ork, carpet, painting & papering. L ots of potential, oak trim, leaded glass windows, ground level basement entry, etc. R.E. TERMS: 10% down, balance within 45 days. There shall be a 10% buyer’s premium on real estate. TRUCK – HARLEY – R.R. – HOUSEHOLD – TOOLS – ANT. & COLL. 05 Chevy K 1500LS ext. cab 4WD w/5.3 Vortec V8 w/light duty power package, fiberglass Tonneau cover, metallic green color, 94,924 miles, sharp 1 o wn er tru ck; 78 H arle y D avid so n Lo w Ri de r motorcycle; Chevy Corvette hood; Chevy engines & parts; Harley parts, etc.; R.R. lanterns, 3 engine bells & more; 2 trolleybells;Toro 724 snow blower; re ar tin e ro to til le r; n ew er Crafts ma n mo we r; mechanics tool boxes; 1 ½ ton chain com-a-long; vice; ai r tank; gri nder w/sta nd; Paslode nail er; large Mall ele ctric chai nsaw; cab inets; Ce ntury cha rg er/b oo s ter; fl o o r j a ck; ja ck s ta nd s ; C rafts ma n be l t & d is c s an d e r; C ra ftsm a n compressor; elec. wire; hand tools; Werner 36 ft. ladder; 1 set scaffolding; shop vacs; sand blaster; le af blo wer; h ard ware, etc. No te: Gara ge is packed full . Household Hen ry Mi ller cons ole piano & bench; 3 pc. BR suite; queen size bed; (2) d es ks ; co mp u ter s ta ti on ; de s k ch a ir; De l l co mputer, etc.; microwave; kit. ta ble & chairs; chairs; end tables; dining table & chairs; Kerosun hea ters; port. TV’s & stan d; ma rble top sta nd; sweepe rs; Grand Prix elec. g uitar & amp ; Trek bike; Whitetail Hunter Bear bow; Whirlpool washer; 09 Frigidaire upright freezer; Simoniz pressure was her; Kenmo re ga s gri ll; p icnic tabl e; other items. Ant. & Coll. Lift top commode stand; oil lamps, 1 w/cranberryglobe; other glassware;Am. Flyer train set; Seth Thomas oak wall clock; lots of 60’s & 70’s rock al bums; o ld photo s; sporting pai ntin gs; PA Volun teers by Davi d Craft; tru nk; crocks ; (3 ) scale s; cha irs; p arl or s ta nd ; an t. tel epho ne; pr. porch la mps; spi ndle s; b ottl es; wooden bowl ; chalkboard w/Disney characters; other items. NOTE: Truck & motorcycle sell at 1:30PM. P.P. TERMS: Cash, local check or credit card, Visa, MC or Disc. with proper ID. There shall b e a 10 % bu ye r’ s pre m iu m on tru ck a n d motorcycle only. Additional 3% buyer’s premium on personal propertywaived for cash or approved local check. Co-executors: Kathy Stockholm and Lynn Nies. Attorney: Dan Mason NICOLLS & AUCTIONS (814) 333-1988 Bruce Nicolls Au-1185-L Nathan Nicolls Au-5325-L www.nicanda SEPTEMBER 14, 2013 REAL ESTATE ABSOLUTE AUCTION HOUSE – GARAGES – 1.4 ACRES Sells to the highest bidder(s) regardless of price SATURDAY, SEPT. 28TH AT 1PM Located at 4660 N. Creek Road, Girard, PA. Acro s s th e ro ad fro m El k Cre e k a n d g rea t Steelhead fishing, Girard Twp., Erie. Co. OPEN HOUSE SUN., SEPT. 15TH 1 – 3 PM 3 BR al u m . s id e d h o m e o n p a ve d ro a d w / basem ent, floored attic a rea, LR, l arge kit., full bath & laundry room. (2) detached garages, 24’ x 20’ and 16’ x 20’, nat. gas f.a. heat & hot water. R.E. Taxes: $1,748.48 per year at face. TERMS: 10% down at sale time, balance within 45 days. There shall be a 10% buyer’s premium added to the highest bid to determine the selling price. Owners: Janet & Ray Lenhardt NICOLLS & AUCTIONS (814) 333-1988 Bruce Nicolls Au-1185-L Nathan Nicolls Au-5325-L www.nicanda REAL ESTATE, VAN AND CONTENTS AUCTION SATURDAY OCTOBER 5, 2013 AT 10:00 AM @ 116 8TH AVENUE GREENVILLE, PA 16125 A beautiful split-level on a nice size lot in a great location rea dy to move in! A 3 bedroom, 2 bath, eat-in kitchen, dining room, living room, large family room with fireplace, laundryroom, large basement and lots of storage, 2 car attached garage, 1 out shed. Averywell kept home, exceptionally clean in Hempfield Township. Greenville School District, Mercer County. Ci ty Sewer/Wa ter. TERMS: 10 % NON-REFUNDABLE MONIES DOWN day of auction and the balance in 45 days or sooner. Call Auctioneer for viewing and more details on Real Estate. VAN 2005 Dodge Grand Caravan with 44914 miles (cl ean). HOUSEHOLD CONTENTS: 2 (like ne w) leather sofa /recline rs, 2 ceramic/g lass top end tables, sofa table, kitchen table 4 chairs 1 board, din ing room sui te(g lass din ing tabl e 6 chai rs, se rve r & ch ina ), kin g s ize b edroom su ite (ve ry nice)(bed,2 nite stands,dresser/mirror,wardrobe), fu ll size b ed(d res ser/mi rro r,n ite sta nd, ch est), Single bed(Oak) dresser/mirror/chest, recliners, wing chair, knee hole desk, sofa& matching love s e at, go s s ip b en ch , co mp u ter d es k, o a k stand,lamps, baskets, pictures, tv’s, rugs, microwave hutch, pots & pans,dishes, misc glassware, Dyson Vac, Oak bookcase, copper boiler, butcher block, 8 gun cabinet, 32 gun cabinet, kraut kutter, slicers, cedar chest, brass bucket, brass fire extinguishers, hand tools, wooden tool boxes, hand tools, decanters, garde n tools, Toro S200 snow bl ow er, re d wa go n, Stih l ch ai ns aw, Ho me li te chainsaw, ext. ladders, battery charger, gas cans, lime spreaders, push mower, Snapper lawn tractor, Rotohoe tiller, blowers, tree trimmers, sump pu mp, Patio tabl e/4 cha irs , Frigi daire w ashe r, Ke nmore el ectric rang e, Kenm ore refrige rato r, chest freezer, HUNTINGBOOKS( gun value books, g un di g es t, fi re a rm s b o oks , kni ve s b oo ks), KNIVES; Buck Knife, Old Timer, Boars Head, Work Ho rs e, Scou t, WL H am mo nd”Th e McC ormi ck De erin g Li ne, Roug h Ri der, Se ars Craftsma n, White Mountain Hunter, Gym equipment (like new), Pilates(new in box), weights. Much more misc to go through. This is all exceptionally clean like new furniture and contents. For more information and photos go to under Hillmar Auction or #6558. Everything under tent, Plan to attend and bring a friend!!!! Terms:Cash or Check with proper ID. BETH C. HILLMAR, AUCTIONEER Phone 724-662-4039 or Cell724-967-4039 LIC. #AU005081 REAL ESTATE & CONTENTS SEPT 28TH @ 9 AM 2568 LEFF AVE, JAMESTOWN, PA 16134 LOCATED JUST OFF EAST LAKE RD FOR SALE 1 9 93 D ou b l e wi d e m o bi l e h o m e , 5 5 plu s ga ted comm un ity, p a rti a l ly furn i sh e d , l o ca te d i n L ake l an d Fl o rid a , 8 1 4-3 3 2-0 7 0 0 o r 863-510 -5000. FOR SALE Au stral ia n She pa rd pu pp ies , ma ny co lors, goo d tem perament, nice markings, females $375, males $3 50. And ove r Oh io 440-293 -4228. Be auti ful home w/4 lots. Comp lete apa rtme nt down stairs . RE TERMS: Ow ner fina ncin g. 5% Buyers premium, $10,000 non-refundable deposit a ucti on d ay Settl em e n t 4 5 d a ys. C he ck or m for photos & complete listing. Watch next week for full ad TRACE AUCTION SERVICE DAN TRACE Pa License #AU-003588-L / RY-000255L GARY KING AU-005132-L 13348 Calvin St, Meadville, Pa 16335 814-33 6-4160 When you come to a crossroad in your life Think of us to point you in the right direction PAGE 6 ACTORS AND SCARERS NEEDED In si de an d Outsi de Fri. an d Sat. n igh ts 6:30-10:00 p.m. Sept. 27 th thru N ov. 2n d. Hell’s Hollow Haunt, Mercer, PA. Call 724662-1 999. ANNUAL USED BOOK SALE At Greenville Public Libr a ry, 33 0 Main Str e et, Greenville on September 2 6th from 9 am -8 pm , Se ptember 27th 9am8pm and September 2 8th fr om 9 am -2 pm “Ba g Day Saturday” $5/ bag. DVDs, VHSs, a udio book s, & puzzle s, also included in sale! GUITARS Fen d e r Acou /e le c $300.Applause Acou/ elec$200. (70’s)Marti n D 1 8 $ 1 50 0 . Fender Frontline Amp $ 3 00 . Be rri ng e r Aco usti c Am p $3 00. Call 814-677-8474. FOR SALE 2001 Ford F-250 Super duty, 4x4, lock out hubs,helper springs, a ir b ag s , $ 2 6 95 . 2 0 01 C he vrol e t Si lve ra do, V-6, au to 4x4,short box, $3995. 2 0 00 C he vrol e t Sil ve ra d o V8 5.3 , auto, regular cab, 8 ft. bed,2x4 $3795.2003 D od g e C a rava n $ 24 9 5 . McIn tyre ’ s 724-815 -5218. GARAGE SALE Satu rda y Se p t. 1 4 8am-4pm & Su nday Sept. 15 8-noon. 210 Erie St. Saegertown, PA 1643 3. An tiqu es, R os e vil l e va s es , cro cks, s ol i d o a k hu tch , trea dm ill , b icycl e , te le s cop e , g am e s , o l d to ys , w o od e n p u zzle s , prom gowns, Disney VH S mo vie s, C D’ s, books, much more. DISMANTLING 1 97 9 Ch e vy ¾ to n 4 WD , 5.7 en g i ne , turb o 400 transm iss i on , le s s th a n 1 00 ,0 00 m il e s o n tru ck, re as o n ab l e p ri ce s. 8 14 -4 32 76 77 a sk for Pat or leave message. EARTH OUTSIDE FURNACES SPECIAL Ord er a n Earth Furn ace or b uy fro m stock in Sept. or Oct. a nd rece i ve a Mossberg tactical AR auto 22 rifle. ½” firebo x-25 yr. w arra nty. Ne w Phas e II uni ts a vai l a bl e . Hi l cra ft 814 -374-4 047, 8 14670-9 777. FOR SALE Kitch en C ab i n ets , mediu m oak, Amish made, rais ed panel, pull out shelves, pantry, m a tch in g d i sh washer, desk, refrige ra to r fra me , g oo d condition, $1000. CAll for sizes. 150 pieces roof slate @ $1/each. 814-720 -5739. FOR SALE Badger Barn cleaner, 3 07 ft. ch a i n, l es s than 1 yr. old, new elevator. 814-425-3872 or 814-671-3393. 1998 FORD F250 4x4 sing le ca b, 8 ft. b ed , au to , a ir, ne w tires, 89K miles, excellent condition, well maintained. Garaged n o w i nte rs. $ 61 0 0 OBO. 814-671-5688 after 5:00. OHIO AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 SEPTEMBER 14, 2013 #2 PHILOMENA MAIELLA ESTATE MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 16TH, 2013 - 4:00 PM WHITING AUCTION 305 EASY ST., NEW WILMINGTON, PA 16142 SECOND GO ROUND ON THIS EXCLUSIVE ESTATE MORE EXCELLENT GLASSWARE~ POTTERY ~ JEWELRY~ANTIQUES~COLLECTIBLES~TOOLS! Too much to list. Still digging, hauling, unpacking. Last auction was 7 hours straight of AWESOME vintage stuff! MORE MORE MORE!! Huge loads yet to be unveiled, who knows what we will find?!?!?! J UST A TASTE OF W HAT W E HAVE: w in e p re s s , j e w e lry, afg hans, glass cane & walking sticks, Victorian xmas fence, sm. a pp l i an ce s, cow b o y b o ots , Ma ytag w rin ge r wa she r, m etal l a wn cha i r, Si ng e r p i n ki n g ma ch in e, drive in trays, g re en Radio Flyer wag on, glass water bottle, micro mix batteryop. mixer, parlor stove, Schwinn bikes, lots o f too l s, Co mm e rci al se w in g machine. Whitehouse lance jars, M2A1 & m4 brass shell casings, crock bottles, material, yard long pic, Wilkinson cutlery, Columbus scaffold ing, #12 & 14 Griswold, 10 sta ck metal cabinets full of tools, Mighty Mite chainsaw, Atlas sound horn, WWI militarystretcher,bank teller bars/ cages, 2 pepsi menu board, Rapid shoe repair sign, cats paw ade, wooden stick & ball mailing, Health O Meter scales, tramp art db frame, 3 wine barrels, unusual sq. porcelain sinkw/ feet, working gas pwrd refrigerator. Go to #8930 for more! AUCTI ONEER Complete Auction Service 305 EASY ST., NEW W ILMINGTON, PA 16142 (724) 301-0319 PENNA. LICENSE AU-033437-L OH. LICENSE 57-96-7020 and #8930 EXCELLENT ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES AUCTION BILL MILLER’S BUILDING 2879 NINEVAH ROAD. KNOX, PA 16232 (NINEVAH) FRIDAYEVENING SEPTEMBER 20, 2013 AT 4:00PM LOCATED:Approx. 3 miles East of Knox, PAon Rt. 338 to Ninevah Road. Watch for BEICHNER auction signs. ITEMS COMING FROM EMLENTON ESTATE SELLING QUALITY VICTORIAN FURNITURE ANTIQUES – COLLECTIBLES – PRIMITIVES – AND MORE! ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES: Fancy Ornate Walnut Victorian Bed and Marble Top Chest of Drawers; East Lake Bed and Marble Top Chest of Drawers; Ol d D eacons Styl e Ben ch; Sp ool L egg ed Cherry Drop Leaf Table; Kitchen Pantry Cupboard w/Top Gla ss Doo rs; Oa k Quarter Sa wn Lad ies Writing Desk; Victo rian Sea tee and Side Ch air; Marble Top Victorian Parlor Stand; Walnut Marble Top Wash Stand; 2 Victorian Side Chairs; Caned Nu rs in g Ro cker; C hi ld s Press ed C an ed a nd Spi ndle Back Rockers; Sno Craft Norway, MA. Snow Shoes ; Baby Doll Cradle ; Ceda r Blan ket Che st; Empire Ch est o f Dra wers ; One Dra wer Stand; Clarion ALF Glasses; English Village, Royal Warwick, Royal Albert, Royal Kent and Fransican Chin a Sets ; 1938 Meadville Sesqui-Centen nial Edition of Tribune Republican; Dresser Set; International Billard Ball Racks; Knox Theatre Poster Fe atu rin g Ga ry Coo per an d Mae West – nice; Large Oriential Style Rug – good? PRIMITVES: Cider Press; 1880’s Jacquots Genuine Paris Shoe Polishing Display; Ox Yoke; PRR Sp ike Ho ld er a nd 1 96 4 PR R Ti e Le ve l; Mis c Crocks w/Blue Decorative; 4 gal. Crock Churn – no dasher; Old Kitchen items; Rolling Pins; Set of Purity Silver Plate; Scotts Dairy Crate; Milk Bottles; Big Bang Cannon; Misc. Oil Cans; Woven Laundry Basket; Clothes Drying Rack; Cream Cans; Wash Boards; Oil Lamps; Bake lite Telephone; 1990 – 91 Baseball Cards; Leather Ha rne ss Vise ; H ames ; Toledo Store Scale; Traffic Guard La ntern ; Mi lk Ca ns; C ro ss Cut Saw; and More! Sp end You r Frida y Eveni ng with Us! Very Nice Selection of Quality Antiques!! TERMS: Cash or Check w/Prope r ID Lunch Stand. Restrooms Provided BOY SCOUTS OF TROOP 83 ANNUAL BENEFIT AUCTION SEPT. 14TH, 2013 AT 4:00 PM MERCER COUNTY 4-H PARK MERCER, PA Toys, firew ood, bicycle s, furni ture , co llectibl es, hand tools, goods and services from local merchants and much more. Food and beverages available. AUCTIONEER: BETH C. HILLMAR AU-005081 FOR SALE 1993 CAT D-5C Dozer 4 75 1 HR S, a s kin g $ 30 ,0 0 0. 19 89 CAt 9 53 L oa d e r, 3 87 9 H R S, a s ki n g $ 25 ,00 0 . 7 2 4-3 42 6811. FOR SALE Fo rd 9 60 0 tra cto r, good condition, runs gre at, left ove r from an estate, new PTO, tires, like new, asking $ 5 50 0 . 8 1 4 -82 7 2319. FOR SALE Mas s e y H a rri s Ferg u so n 50 H P loade r, power s teeri n g $ 5 00 0 . Fo rd 1600, diesel, 6’ finish m ow e r, $ 4 50 0 . Speedex S23 mower d e ck $ 50 0 . 20 0 1 H o nd a XR7 0 R d irtb ike, $7 00 . Lo g s p li tter 2 0 ” s tro ke $350. Buzzsaw $150. Fiberglass truck cap $150. Wanted: Older Moped, anycondition. 72 4-58 8-17 98 p le as e le a ve m es sage. DETWEILER’S BAKERY 11324 Atlantic Road, Atla ntic , PA 16 111. W e will be close d Sept. 21stas we’ll be m ak ing donuts a t the Line sville High School at Ducks Unlimited, See us there. New hour s 9 to 4 . Come see us Saturdays for your donuts. FOR SALE #7 Silo filler. Leroy D. Miller, 23395 Griffith Rd., Cam br idge Springs, PA 16403. PAGE 7 MULLET DOWNSIZING 150 Little Germany Rd. Knox, PA 16232 Directions: From Interstate 80 exit 338 (Knox), turn left, follow 338 east, turn left on Twin Church Rd, ½ mile to Germany Rd. (Watch for auction signs.) SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28th , 2013 STARTING AT 9:30 A.M. FARM MACHINERY: (ALL FARM MACHINERY ON STEEL WHEELS) McCormick Deering #7 mower, New Idea hay rake, John Deere hay loader, hay wagon, R14 Whitehorse riding plow, spike tooth harrow, 2 row drop lift McCormick corn planter, 6’ double disc, spindle fertilizer sprea der, 2 horse cul tiva tor, I&J 1 h orse cul tiva tor/spri ng h arro w, bobsled w/box, single buggyw/brakes, single open bugg y, bug gy whe els, 2 horse buggy pole, 16” saddle, milk strainer, milk buckets, milk stirrers, approx. 30 16’ silo hoops, 170 12”x 30” cement silo s taves, assortment of cin der blocks, rabbit pens, chicken feeders, nests, shipping cages, 55 gallon barrels, 1 horse Mascot mower frame, and more. SAWMILL & EQUIPMENT: America Husk circula r sawmill (a ll steel carriage & track), 10” Reckart blower, Meadows blow er, 60” F p attern saw blade, 56” B pattern saw blade, two 275 gallon fuel tanks, 1/2 “ & 5/8” banding tools, 8’x12’ storage building w/wood siding, two 8”x16’ steel I beams, and more. SHOP TOOLS ETC: 8 HP Wisconsin motor w/clutch, 18 Kohler mo tor, leather Singer sewing machine, blow forge, 3’x6’ syrup pan, 30+ sap buckets, shop woo d stove, commercial grade wood lathe w/plates & handles, 5” pipe vise, Delta 11”x36” wood lathe, Grizzly jig saw, Campbell Housefield airl ess sprayer, 6” Craftsman jointer, and more. HOUSEHOLD: Ashl and New Decade cook stove gloss top w/reservoir, , Ma yta g wring er was her, Co lem an lan tern s, 5’ glider, tomato cages, SS insulated aerohot pan w/ folding legs, basket making reed & supplies, new hickory rockers, SS sink, bread trays, and more. ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES: Fanning mill, 30 gall on iron kettle , small iron ke ttle, s leigh, slip scrapers , large steel w heel s, mi lk ca ns, h and cra nk Ma yta g w ri ng e r wa s he r, mi n er’s pi ck, miner’ s bucket, b aby buggies, 15” grain binder guards, cow stanchions, and more. TERMS:Cash, Check, Debit Card, Visa or Mastercard with proper I.D. 5% Buyers Premium on all sales. 5% waived for cash or good check. Mullet and Auctioneers no t re sp on sib le s ho uld a ny a ccide nts occu r. Lunch stand byAmish ladies. Day of Auction Phone (Aden): 724-992-3517 OWNER: Jonas & Emma Mullet Auctioneer’s Note: This is onlya partial list. Bring a friend & a trailer enjoy the day. Order of Sale: Starting at 9:30 with wagon loads of misc., followed by sawmill &equipment,shop tools,household, finish with farm machinery. AUCTIONEERS: ADEN SCHLABACH AU005706 & CRIST F. MILLER AU005457 BLOOMFIELD LIVESTOCK AUCTION GROW LOCAL, BUY LOCAL, SELL LOCAL WITH YOUR LOCAL FAMILY OWNED AUCTION! HORSE AUCTION SPECIAL FALL DRAFT AUCTION (ALONG WITH STANDARDBREDS AND ALL OTHER HORSES/PONYS) L oca te d ½ m il e w e s t o f R t 4 5 o n R t 8 7 , N . Bloomfield, Ohio SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 21 , 2013 AUCTION START 8:00 A.M. TACK APPROX. 10:00 A.M. HORSES SAVE: Scheduled dates for 2013 Oct 19, Nov 16 & Dec 21 EQUINE INFORMATION DOCUMENT (EID): The recent boarder closure was due to lack of information on the EID. Your compliance is mandatory! In order to sell a loose horse, paperwork MUST accompany the horse and be signed by the owner on front and back of document in red, green or blue ink. NO BLACK INK! Addresses MUST be complete and signature MUST match the name on the address. You must have a phone number printed on document and it must be current (working/in-servi ce). Having your documen t filled out prior to your arrival on auction day is suggested. You may pick up forms at the Livestock Office or from your trucker. We n eed your cooperati on in this matter and it is in your best interest monetarily. FOR MORE INFORMATION: PETE HOWES, OWNER, AUCTIONEER, MONDAYS: 440-685-4487 HOME: 440-272-5489 UNDERCAR OILING New oil with rust inh i bi to r b l e nd e d simple, easy protection for your ve hicle. We do have fluid film avai lab le. 7 24-96 22223 Sharpsville, PA Have a Blessed Day, Thank You. FOR SALE AKC regis tered tri color Beagle pups, 8 weeks old, $250 e a ch. 71 6 -26 9 2109. YARD SALE Sep te mb e r 21, 8 a m-2 p m. At Ol d Sa le m Fel low sh ip Hall, 103 1 Methodis t Rd ., Green vill e. Am is h b ake d g o od s , b i g me n s clo th es XL to 5 X, b ab y cl o the s , Stee l e r i tem s , cra fts , h ou se h ol d items, collectables, mo st m en s pa nts $ 3, po l os $1 an d under. SOLID OAK KITCHEN CABINETS! Bea utiful cus tom m a de s olid oa k hone y s pic e k itc hen c abinets for s ale . In ve r y good s ha pe a nd r e ady to go for $1000 or best offer! 814-720 -0974. FOR SALE C ra fters pi cture Fra m ers , o ver 10 0 oa k p icture frame s, 8x10 to 24 x3 6 ne w h on e y o a k s ta in . Ca bel as tree sta nd $75. 814-336-2416. TAKING BIDS Victory Township is taki n g b i ds for a 1 9 83 F70 0 Fo rd dump truck. Awestern 12 ft. snow plow a n d a n a p p roxi mately2yr. old highw a y ci nd e r/sa l t spreade r th at w as rarely used. Selling as one unit or separate. The Township reserves the right to rej ect an y an d al l bi ds. Fo r inform atio n , p l e as e ca l l Frank a t 8 14-67 16206. If no answer, le ave a mes sag e. Bids will be opened at a special meeting on Monday, September 16th at 6:30 pm a t th e To w n sh i p Recreation Building located at 2794 Old R t. 8 , Po l k, PA 16342. FROM ESTATE TRACTORS TRUCK SNOW PLOW Fo rd “9N ” $ 95 0 . Farm a ll “H” $ 85 0 . Farm a ll Sup e r “C ” wide front 1950’s “IH” truck with snow plow $750. 7 ft. snow plow a nd fra m e w i th l ift fro m “MF” tra cto r $500. All for estate. Best offer. 814-75643 99 L ocated n ea r Edinboro, PA. HOME FOR SALE With 10 acres, 3 bedroom ranch , 2 ba th, oak kitchen, 15 mile view, large 2 car garage, attached large workshop. $215,000. Als o 52 a dj a cen t a cre s fo r s al e . C ra w ford Co u n ty. 814-763 -2080. FOR RENT IN CONNEAUTVILLE Near medical center, 2nd floor, 2 bedroom apartment, inclu des was her & dryer, immed iate occupan cy, Main St. also 2 story ho use Center st., 4 bedroom, sunporch, both carpe ted, stove and fridge , sewe r & g arb a ge i ncl u de d . 814-587 -3780. FOR SALE 2 0 01 D od g e 25 0 0 4 WD p i cku p , Cummings 24V dies el , exten d ed cab , 142K miles, recently reb u i lt a uto m ati c tra n sm i ss i o n, ma roon paint, $12 ,500. 8 14 -2 82 -0 49 4 . Conneaut Lake area. REDHAVEN PEACHES McIn tos h , Gi n ge r Go ld , Co rtla nd a nd Gal a Ap ples--Hot or Sw ee t pe p p e rs -Canni ng tomatoes-Open daily 9am-6pm Close d Wednes day. H icko ry Gro ve Orchard, Espyville, PA. Call 814-853-2561 or 724-927 -6500. OHIO AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 GREAT OLD COUNTRY ESTATE AUCTION SEPTEMBER 21, 2013 @ 10:00 AM ESTATE OF MARY JANE BEATTY 438 COURTNEY MILL ROAD, GROVE CITY, PA 16127 Directions: From Grove City College Take Rt. 173 South, Turn Right Onto Courtney Mill Rd. Or From Grove City Outlets Take Rt. 2 58 South To North Liberty, Turn Left Onto Courtney Mill Rd. Watch For Signs. Sterling Silver Pcs.: Se rvice For 12 – 73 Pcs. Wallace Sterling Flatware; Service For 8 – 63 Pcs. On ei da Ste rl in g; Tiffa ny Bow l; N ap ki n Ri ng s; Cand lesticks , Spoons . Antique Furniture, Etc: Mission Style Drop Front Writing Desk With Side Book Cases; Mission Style Library Table; Vintage Hall Tree;Oak Wash Stand; CherryDrop Leaf Table; 2 Globe Stacking Bookcases; Curved Glass China Cupboard; Victorian Stand W/Marble Top; Trunks; Dressers; Hoosier Cupboard; Lane Cedar Chest; Chairs; Large Oak Dining Table W/Chairs; Buffet; Bookcase W/Glass Doors; Hammond C-3 Organ W/Speaker; Sony26” HD Flat Screen TV. Antiques & Collectibles: Many Vintage Quilts & Chenilles; Roy Rogers Bedspreads & Drapes; Linens (Doilies, Hankies, Aprons, Tablecloth s); Old Books; Pos tcards ; Early Am erican Pres cut Glass Sets (New In Boxes); Fiesta Relish Tray, Disc Pitcher & More; Royal Dalton; Royal Albert; Aladdin Lamp; Lots Of Vintage Christmas; Silver Pompom Tree; Bubble L ights; Old San ta Claus Cycle Wind-Up Toy W/Box; Sets Of Dishes; Glasses; Wendell August Forge Pcs; Ted Uber California Hammered Alu minum Pcs; Depon ceau, Arth ur Arm or Pcs.; Canning Jars; Marx Train; Vintage Toys & Games; Fire Ki ng ; Pi nk D ep re s si on D is he s; Mel ma c Dishes (Some New In Boxes); Electric Dryer; Vintage Washer & Stove; Refrigerator; Erie Cast Iron Ski ll et; Ki n eo Gra nd # 1 40 Woo d Sto ve ; Ive r Johnson 16 Ga. Shotgun; Vintage Board Games; Dolls; Vintage Clothing (Inc. Children & Babies); Costume Jewelry. Lawn Mowers & Equipment: John Deere X300 Riding Mower 42” Cut W/Bagger; Cub Cadet 2135 R iding Mower W/Bagg er; Older Wheel Horse W/Rear Engine & Bagger; Mtd Snow Thrower; Roto Hoe 8 Hp Roto-Tiller W/Snow Blower; Reel Push Mowers. Many Of The Dishes, Linens, Etc. Are New Old Stock – Never Used – Just Packed Away. Check Www.Auctionzip.Com For Ph otos & More Information. Auctioneer ID #8532. Food By North Liberty Church Ladies. Restroom Available Terms: Photo Id Required For Registration; Cash, Che ck Or Credi t Card (Vis a, Ma ster Card); 3% Buyers Premium Waived For Cash Or Check. No Out Of State Checks. KING AUCTION SERVICE, RY 000938 GARY W. KING, AUCTIONEER, AU005132 24 YEAGER RD., CLARKS MILLS, PA 16114 724-253-2189 OR 724-456-1371 DAN TRACE, AUCTIONEER, AU003588L 13348 CALVIN ST., MEAVILLE, PA 16335 814-33 6-4160 PUBLIC AUCTION After 25 years, we lost our lease and have closed the doors of Patrick’s Restaurant. Located at 4041 Buffalo Rd. Erie, PA (Harborcreek). MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23RD 10:00 AM Hob art A-200 4-bu rner comme rcial sto ve/oven, Ho ba rt C-44 di shw as her, Ho bart mea t sli ce r, Sa lva jor ga rba ge dis posa l, Vul can co nve cti on oven, 6-burner commercial stove/cheese melter, Hobart 200 lb. scales, Baker Prid e char broiler (33’ X 27”), 2- basket deep fryers (3), 5’ SS gas grill, 4’ gas grill, 6’ pizza cooler (2), Amana microwaves (2), 5’ under the counter freezers (2), 5-part storage table, 4’- 5’- 7’- 8’ & 9’ SS tables, 10’ SS stea m tabl e, seve ral SS pots/pans, s ilverw are, printers (3), cooking utensils and serving dishes, hi-chairs, several round and sq. tables and chairs, L sh aped (2) and re gular b ooths, b read ra cks, Hatco heat lamps, SS corner sink ( 24” X 22”), SS shelving,ceiling fans (4), Hobart toasters,portable charcoal grill, open sign, park bench, time clock, surveillance cameras (9), lockers, several other nice items. Restaurant has just closed its doors. Terms: full payment of cash, approved local check, credit cards. CHESLEY AUCTIONEERING DOUG CHESLEY AUCTIONEER, AU-000146-L JEFF BENNETT AUCTIONEER, AU-003059-L PH. 814-725-8238 www.che sleyauctioneer PUBLIC AUCTION Having closed our doors, selling contents of the Lawrence Park Hardware Store. Located at 4009 Main St, Lawrence Park, PA. SATURDAY, SEPT. 21ST 10:00 AM 4’ glass cutter, Ilco key machine and stock, paint shaker, router bits, tap and dies, large inventory of bolts , nuts, screws, pain ts, paint brushes, vinyl gutte rs, PVC su pplies, p ipe fitti ngs, ¾” so ckets and o thers, s aw blades , adhesives, wren ches, hinges, large lighted signs (2), grinding disc and sand paper, handles, drill bits, shelving units, displays,scrap metal, large inventoryof new old stock. Terms: full payment of cash, approved check, credit cards. CHESLEY AUCTIONEERING DOUG CHESLEY AUCTIONEER, AU-000146-L JEFF BENNETT AUCTIONEER, AU-003059-L PH. 814-725-8238 www.che sleyauctioneer SEPTEMBER 14, 2013 HEIM ESTATE AUCTION EVENT PART #4 REAL ESTATE TRUCK/CAR & CONTENTS AUCTION. SATURDAY SEPT 21st at 9am. ON LOCATION AT 1615 MAIN STREET, CONNEAUTVILLE PA 16406. Partial Real Estate Info -Single story ho use with basement. Hardwood floors throughout the main fl oor. Living roo m wi th fals e fi repl ace , ki tche n, separate dining room, two bedrooms and one full bath. Basement is veryusable and the same size as the house. Forced air natural gas furnace, natural gas hot water heater, Central air installed approx 2011.Double door 24x24 garage built around 2009 with blacktop driveway. House built approx the late 1940's and has citywater and sewage. Estimated taxes are approx $1400/year. Real estate offered at NOON. OPEN HOUSE-SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 15TH FROM 1PM-4PM. TERMS ON REAL ESTATE- A5% (five percent) buyers premium will added on to the high bid amount of the real estate to determine the selling price. The down payment on the real estate is 10% of the selling price is due the day of the auction. The down payment is NON-REFUNDABLE. Payment terms-Cash, PA Check ONLY, Visa, MasterCard, Discover same as cash. SELLERS ARE HIGHLY MOTIVATED TO SELLPLEASE COME PREPARED TO BUY ! Contents Listing will include-1969 Cadillac Sedan Deville 40k miles, 1989 Dodge Dakota, 1988 De mco car/tow doll y, 1 930's Ba ker Nove lty Co Kicker & Catcher One Cent arcade game, 1950's Keeneys Scramball 5 cent game, 2 pc stepback cupboard w/glass pane top doors stripped & ready to finish, jellytype cabinet, spool cabinet, great old wo rkb ench, man y p cs oth er fu rni ture, old di al phone & cndl stk phone, ESB 1-1/2 AlleghenyPA& few othe crocks, Richardson Spool Cabinet-pntd), Nehi, "Authorized Deale r Agency" & Robin Hood Flour signs, few marbles, 5 OLD so da fountain seats, purple glass fly catcher, fixed blade knives, 4 BB guns, tubular Meadville PAfire extinguisher & others, Stanley Planes-3/4/78 and others, RARE old ice saw w/removable handle, coll of handy oilers, brass enging oilers, oil lamps, old Hires Root Beer barrell, few beer adv pcs, few Daisy BB gun items, many pcs of 1860's & up documents, few old tin toys & others, 2 salesmans sample stoves, Snap-on 1/2 dr tq wrench, MANY other tools, old cast mailbox, few old bottles, Cambridge Springs Hotel Vartlett plates, Griswold "0" skillet, showcase smalls , few Meadville/Saegertown pcn pcs, depression gla ss pcs, few repro black americana pcs, Douglas saws & harley Davidson clocks, 1 strand sleigh bells, door bells, boxes of beautiful Vict door knobs & door hardware, Luschlag Brothers milk bottle & many others, 3 copper boliers, manyitemized & boxes of great collectables, many tools, household, John Deere 160 riding mower, Mont Ward 26" snow blower, Yamaha 80 motorcycle (no title), Johnson boat motor, few mowers for parts etc. and MUCH-MUCH more...this will be anothe r quality a ll day sale.....PLAN TO SPEND THE DAY, ALOT OF ITEMS SOLD BY THE BOX !!!! Terms-Cash/PACheck only(no out of state checks accep te d) Vis a/Mas tercard/Dis cover sa me as cash.PLEASE CHECK WEB SITES FOR PHOTOS. Visit or ID#12854. Food & restroom available. Under tents if needed. Jeffery Pennington Auctioneer, Auction Service NEW CASTLE PA 16101 (724) 657-4413 PA LIC #AU005490/RY000961 "IF I CAN YELL IT I CAN SELL IT !" 12th ANNUAL CONSIGNMENT & HOSPITAL BENEFIT AUCTION FRIDAY EVENING, SEPT. 20TH 2013 AT 5:00 PM & ALL DAY SAT., SEPT. 21ST 2013 AT 8:30 AM AT THE ANDREW SHETLER FARM 3727 RT. 410, PUNXSUTAWNEY, PA 15767 From Punxsutawney take Rt. 119N. to 410E. approx. 3 miles on left. From Luthersburg take Rt. 410W. on right watch for signs. FARM MACHINERY, LIVESTOCK, BUGGYS & RELATED ITEMS, TOOLS & SHOP EQUIP., LOTS OF OUTDOOR FURNITURE, LOAD OF NEW FURNITURE FROM PENNS VALLEY WOODCRAFT HUNTING, FISHING & RELATED ITEMS, ANTIQUES, COINS & WATCHES, LOTS OF QUILTS, TRUCKLOAD OF SHRUBBERY, GIFT CERTIFICATES & MANY OTHER ITEMS There w ill be RAFFLES for Hospital Funds. Lots of Food Fri. Eve. & All Day Sat. Join us for breakfast Sat. morning Accepting consignments & donations evenings of Sept. 16th & 17th, & all day Sept. 18th, 19th & 20th. ANY QUESTIONS CONTACT: Andrew Shetler, 3727 Rt. 410, Punxsutawney, PA 15767 Ervin D. Byler, 359 Rt. 410, Punxsutawney, PA 15767 Henry J. Lee, 301 Main St., Troutville, DuBois, PA 15801 AUCTIO NEERS: ANDY RABER - PA AU-005157 - 1-330-893-2604 VERNON YODER - AU-005267 • IVAN KING AU-005712 Any questions call message phone: 814-427-5250 or 814-427-2005 FOR SALE 2 00 6 Fo rd Es cap e XLT b l ack, in te ri o r gray, auto.,6 cyl,AWD, 131,000 miles, good s ha p e, ru ns gre at, new tires, inspected til May 2014, PW, PL, PWR se ats , s tere o, AC, cru is e co ntrol , $4800. Call 814-2826966. FOR SALE 1983 Ford F350 1 ton p icku p w i th d um p b e d & sn o w p lo w. Also 1980 Escort 40 ft. camper trailer, 5th w h ee l . 8 1 4 -43 6 7882. FOR SALE Alas kan Co al sto ve, us ed 1 win ter. 81 4589-1 049. PAGE 8 AUCTION TRUCK, TOOLS, GUNS JOHNSON’S TIRE SERVICE SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 21ST @ 10 AM 12378 RT. 8 TITUSVILLE, PA. Just south of the intersection of RT 408 and Rt 8 TRUCK: 2000 GMC Service Truck w/ air compressor, utility body, 82K miles. EQUIPMENT: Two 40ft Semi Trai lers for Storage , Corghi A2024 T.I. tire machine, Hunter TCX 50 0 w/ side arm tire machine, Hoffman 4050A Tire changer, Hunter DSP 9600 Wheel balancer, Ingersoll Rand T-30 aircompressor, Esco bead breaker, Branick tire inspection machi ne, Om ega hyd raulic jack, stud gun, impact guns, floor jacks, Gray truck/trailer lift jack, Snap on torque wrench, Over 100 new assorted 14”, 15”,16”,17” tires, recaps, farm tires and various wheels and misc. items. LONG GUNS: Henry Gol den Boy 22 rifle , Hen ry su rviva l rifl e, Ru ger Edinboro Com merative 10/22 rifle, Ann Shuz 22 rifle, Winchester 1300 12 ga. Shotgun,.Remington 870 wingmaster 28 ga. Shotgun, Benelli Nova 12 ga. Shotgun, Remington 870 Express 12 ga. Shotgun, H&K fabarms 12 ga. Shotgun, New England Pardner pump 12 ga. Shotgun, Ruger MK 77 22 rifle, Stevens 243 Rifle w/ scope, Traditions A/S 2100 12 ga. Shotgun, JC Higgens 22 rifle. PISTOLS: Colt Audie Murphy Commemorative 45 pistol in box, Colt 45 auto, Six Colt SAA 45 long revolvers, Colt custom 45 target pistol, Two Colt targets man 22 pi stols, Colt Peacemaker Blunt line 22 revolver, Colt Woodsman 22 pistol, Colt Frontier Scout 22 pistol, Two Colt Woodsman 22 pistols, S&W 45 Acp Revolver, S&W 22 target pistol, Ruger 22 pistol, Ruger Vaquers 45 revolver, Ruger Blackhawk 45 Revolver, Ruger MKIII 22 pistol, Ruger single six SS, Ruger single six-blued, Rug er Bl ack H awk 4 5, Rug er Be ar Ca t 22-SS, Ruger Bear Cat 22-blued , Barretta 9mm pi stol, Barretta M92 Special edition, Browning Buck mark 22 pistol w/ scope, Taurus 32 mag. Revolver, NA Arms 22 pistol, Heritage 22 revolver. SCUBAGEAR: Entire contents of dive shop with 50 % new gear and 50% used to include: Regulators, wet suits, fins, gloves, hoods, tankvalves, pressure gauges, belt clips, weights, wei ght belts, hoses, masks, racks, plus much misc. NOTE: Starting with Guns at 10AM followed by Tire Equipment, Tools, Truck and then scuba gear. Go to for photos, TERMS: Payable in full day of sale, Cash, Check, Major Credit cards accepted AU CTIO N S & APPRAISALS AU-2352-L / AU-5037-L PH. 814-476-1217 CELL 814-449-3162 ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD AUTION SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2013, 9 AM LOCATED: 41 STAFFORDSHIRE COURT GROVE CITY, PA 16127 Motorc yc le , Va n, Antiques , Fur niture , Tools: H on d a Sh a do w 11 0 0 , 2 9 61 2 mi l e s; 2 00 4 Olds mobile Silhouette Mini Van 112 ,345 mi les; Craftsman 6300 watt generator; pressure washer; Craftsman rototiller; snowblower; miter saw; shop tools; hand too ls; lots more! Antiques: 2-Globe Wernick 4 section stacking book case; oak wardrobe; highboy dre ssers; ches ts; bedroom sets; Lane black enamel bedroom; Stanley furniture oak be dro om se t; ro cke rs; h ump ba ck & ste am er trunks; lots of other furniture. Glassware: Lenox, Nippon; Vaseline; Depre ssion; hand de corated; Homer Laughlin; Fiesta: Herger: milk glass; pop bo ttles ; mil k b ottle s; me di cin e; crock p ig fo ot warmer; many other primitives and collectible antiq ues. Exercis e Equi pment, trea dmills ; Abul tar Lounge; Nordic Track; Weslo; Lifestyler; 100’s & 100’s of books; compound bows (adult & youth) lots of toys. Auctioneer’s Note:This is a verylarge auction. Everything is clean and readyto move into your house. This is a small brief ad. For a complete listing and to view pictures, go to #19560. Don’t miss this auction! Terms: Cash or good check. No buyer premium. Auction held under tent if necessary. Owners: Jim & Darlene Cossin BRAHAM AUCTIONS DON BRAHAM, AUCTIONEER #2274 724-96 7-3534 FEEDER AUCTION SHERMAN LIVESTOCK GROUP OF OPEN ANGUS COWS/HIEFERS/ YEARLING STOCK BULLS AND STEERS APPROX. 20 GOOD BLACK CALVES MANY MORE EXPECTED TAKING CONSIGNMENTS THRU SALE TIME. TUES. SEPT 17 @ 3 PM (716)761-6167 DAN JOHNSON HORSE AND TACK AUCTION SHERMAN LIVESTOCK SAT SEPT. 21 10 AM SHEEP/GOATS/POULTRY/RABBITS/HAY (716)76 1-6167 FOR SALE Whi rl po o l w a s he r a nd d rye r s e t, GE stove , oak tabl e w/2 leaves, 2 chairs, 724456-6 089. FOR SALE 0 5 C h e vy C o ba l t 143,000 miles, good con d i ti o n , $ 3 20 0 OBO. 814-789-2066. FOR SALE 3 4 0 In te rn ati o na l , nice tractor, new rubber, $3750. 814-9674147. FOR SALE 8 5 Starcra ft 1 8 ’ w / trailer, 120 Evinrude, stainless prop., electri c d o w rig g ers , 3 new tires, elec. moto r, d ou b l e p l an e r m as t, $ 45 0 0 OBO. 814-336 -2986. MOD LIGHT RACE CAR FOR SALE To o man y extra s to list. $7000. 724-3472967. FOR SALE Jack Ru s s el l pu p pies , 2 ma les, 1 fem al e , $ 2 0 0 e a ch . 724-813 -7028. FOR SALE Wo odb urnin g s to ve for s a le , take s 16 ” logs,$125 OBO.814853-6 418. FOR SALE 2 male PR registered Treeing Walker pupp ie s, 7 we eks o ld , a skin g $ 1 50 e a ch . 814-587 -2946. WANTED U se d 16 ft. s tock trai l e r w i th g oo s e neck. 412-475-6143. LOCAL FARM RAISED Fre e zer l am b s fo r sa le. Ca ll 724 -58 88831. FOR SALE CKC Min ia tu re Pi nscher pups, ready to go Oct. 31st. Taking deposits. Blacks and cho co la te s $ 5 00 . 8 1 4-8 2 7-4 1 2 6 o r 724-856 -1120. FORD EXPLORER PARTS FOR SALE Engine (Vin Code E) $500, Tran s/transfer case $350, rust free frontclip $750, rearlift gate $350, more parts avai lab le. 8 14-77 50333. EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Tractors 40 -27 0H P, Ca se IH 89 10 4 x4 , $38,000, MX270 4x4 $54 ,000. Combi nes JD 4400, 6600, Case IH 21 66, 1460 nice$16,000. 150 corn & grain heads, JD 915, 920 , 21 5, 21 3, 2 16, 444 , 44 3, 64 3, 8 43, Case 1020+820 13’25 ’, 8 44 , 8 43 , 86 3, 10 63, 108 3. New & us ed h ea de r ca rts, g ra i n carts , g ra vity wa gon s, 15 0-1 ,0 00 bu. All types of tillage e qu i p me n t p l o ws , disc chisels, disc 8’3 2’ , so i l fi n is h e rs , xfold packers, gra in dril ls, corn planters, 2-16 row, NI 3 24 12 rol l $ 15 00 . D ou bl e drum grain cleaners, d ua l s, we i gh ts, al l type s o f h ay eq ui pm e nt, NH 7’ haybine s, 49 9, 2 56, 847, new 18’ square ba le wa gon $3 60 0. New Stolfuz 10 bale ha ul er $3 10 0. N ew Woo ds bru sh ho gs, 2 1’ fee d e r w a go n , parting out all types of eq. Hay 4x5 rounds, 1s t., $4 5, 2n d $7 5. McGary Farm s 72 46 99 -5 48 7 or 7 24 699-1 616. BUYING Blocking logs. Paying $ 90 0 pe r lo a d fo r mixed hardwood logs 8” and up delivered to H am b u rg R oa d Gree nvill e, PA. Ca ll Cl inch Tite Co rp. at 724-376 -7315. OHIO AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 1.9620 ACRES EDINBORO/MCKEAN, PA ELLIS AUCTION REAL ESTATE & CONTENTS 4890 OLD STATE ROAD MCKEAN, PA SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 28TH@ 8:55AM 3.9 MILES NORTH OF EDINBORO TURN RIGHT ON OLD STATE ROAD EAST,GO 1/8 MILE ON LEFT, FR OM ERIE TAKE 9 9 SOUTH TO OLD STATE RD, TURN LEFT ON OLD STATE, 1/8 OF MIL E ON LEFT. WATCH FOR SIGNS, MCKEAN TWP, ERIE COUNTY REAL ESTATE: Singl e family, Level home , 1493 sq. ft. home on 1.9620 acres. Home consisting of LR, Eat in kitchen, bathroom,2 bedroom, full basem en t, e n clo s e d fron t po rch,2 6 ftx2 4ft ga rage ,16 ft.x24ft w orks hop ,16 ftx2 4ft sh ed a nd 10ftx12ft shed Also a 765SQ.FT NON LIVEABLE HOUSE. TAXES: $ 171 6.72(201 3) PH OTOS AT AUCTIONZIP. Realestate sells with Reserve (Motivated sellers). TERMS $5000. Down day of sale, balance 45 days. CONTENTS:Leader ½ Pint Evaporator, wood arch, Hom emade evap orato r, Map le su gar s uppli es, Craftsman 29” 9hp walk behind snow blower w/ canopy(nice), Sears su per 12 Lawn mower, 36” snow blower attachment, snowblade attachment, Craftsman shop tools consisting of 10” band saw w/ table & sanding wheel,8” planer, 10” radial arm saw,10” table saw, 6 1/8” jointer,8” drill press, circular saw,16 gal. Shopvac, assorted hand tools, (all good cond.) Black & Decker10” Miter saw w/ table,Dewalt 71/4 cir.saw, Homemade wood lathe, lo gw ood wo od stove, Tra ps (SOME NOS), Fur stretchers, Trapping supplies, Boat, Router, drills, sanders, polisher, assorted hardware, bar clamps, sho p pres s, Forney w elder (parts), el e. Cords, po rtab le e le. C em en t mixer, to rches /kart, l og chains/binders, garden tools. Washer/ dryer, fridge, stove and fre ezer, Ki tch en w are and sup plie s, SC RAP PILE. ANTIQUES: U.S. SPR IN GFIELD Model 1878 45-70 cal., E. ROBINSON Model 1861 .58 cal. (poss. Civil war) Oak Hoosier cabinet, Oak sideboard cabinet, Oak dresser Harp mirror, Ash Dresser Harp mirror, Oak washstand/ Harp mirror, Larkin Desk drop front, Oak d resser s wing mirror, washstand white desk, Erie Brewing crate, Ko ehl er b eer crate , Ma il Pou ch The rmom ete r, Knight-Brinkerhoff piano(fair-poor),Enamel ware, Gal tub s , Zi p po l ig h ter(Ame ri ca n fl a g ), 3 RRLanters,Hatfield & Sanderson 50#Anvil,Old Fire Extin gu i sh ers, Sa d Iro ns , co o ki ng w a re s et, Enamel top table, Finger lamp, Oil lamp, Aladdin Oil lamp, Vim co oil lamp, trunk, Prestige guitar, Old Valentine candy box, Lovell Ringer, bobsled, TucoPicture Puzzles, Walk behind Plows and Cultivator, Singer sewing machine w/ org. oil can, Wizard sewing machine, Buttons and supplies, a lot of Mason jars. STILL UNPACKING, COME SPEND A D AY WITHTH IS NEW AU CTION C OMPANY. TERMS: PAYABLE DAY OF SALE, CASH, CHECK (PA) NO OUT OF STATE CHECK. KEVIN WHEELER AUCTIONEERING SERVICE PA AU 005522 SEPTEMBER 14, 2013 EXIT 16 I-90 & RT. 98 FAIRVIEW, PA “Just off the Ramp” TRUCKS-TRAILERS-HEAVY/SPECIAL EQUIP. PUBLIC CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SAT.SEPT. 21 – 10AM Greater Erie Auto Auction (Exit 16, I-90 & Rt.98 Fairview PA) Rolling Sale held inside with live bidding and ONLINE Worldwide VIA: www.equipme (2) CAT 627 pan/scrapers, LIMA 700TC 75 Ton Crane, 78 Ford L9000 Tri-Axel – 16’ Alum Dump, 93 CAT D5C Dozer w/winch, 91 CAT D6H Dozer – winch – heat, (2) International trash compactors (Leach), 95 International trash compactor – PAC Mor, PFI 20 0xp Woo d Chipp er-12”, AM Gen eral 1200 gal. Tank truck, 94 International 8100 w/steel dump, 03 GMC 8500 Boom Truck, 88 Ford L9000 cab & chassis 64k,(3) Internationals 2674 Dumps (’98-77k, ’96-77k,’96-86k) 91 CASE 65 Dozer,Auto Car DK 64B tri axel dump (steel)169k, 06 International CF600 15’ Box Van-lift gate, 89 KW T-600 ATandem, day cab, wet line, Hydro AX 611E (tree cutter), 87 Ford 55’ JLG Boom Truck 51k, 89 Mack RD 690P cab/chassis, 97 CAT TH63 telehandler w/63’ Boom 4x4, 07 KW W900L w/25 Ton winch, 90 KW T600B cab/chassis PTO, Vermeer 24x40 5 00 ’ d i rectio n al dri ll rig on 12 to n trl r& ’9 9 Freightliner FL70-CAT, Brooks 23 Ton beavertail tra i l er, CAT #D 3 3 9 co mp re ss o r/Ge n era tor13 60Wa tt-m ounted o n ’6 8 Ford 54k (nice),’ 08 Versalift 60 0, material handler 105’ , ’11 Retesa 5500 gal/130BBL, 98 East Tri Axle Alum dump 34’, ’88 Ford F350 w/29’bucket-diesel, 99 Freightliner FL80 cab/chassis – tandem, 90 Ford L8000 Dump – hyd. Spreader-110k, 86 CAT excavator-heat, Forest and ground maintenance equip., 85 Mack MR 6 30 S Putzme i ster 32 me ter co ncrete b oo m pumpe r, 73 Ro dgers 50 ton drop deck lo wboy, Lite/Pak mobile light unit diesel, 5th Wheel yard spotter dolley, franklin log skidder,00 Gruman utility an w/crew seating bench, shelves, 75k, 06 International 4300, 26’boc, GMC 3500 HD ambulance (ideal field service truck), CREAFCO EZ pour diesel melter/seam seal unit, (2) Grade A shipping containers 20x8x8 Expecting 100+units * Call now to consign, updated listing / picsat #(20614) or www.grea Need info? Call Ron @814-720-9297 or 814-474-3900. AUCTIONEERS: TODD BRIGGS AU-000097-L BRODIE BRIGGS AU-003938 FISHERMAN Fish for Trophy Lake Eri e Jum b o Pe rch . C a ll Fis h -N -Fu n Charters in Conneaut Ohio. 440-221 -9592 cal l no w fo r be s t dates. FOR SALE 1 5 yr. o l d q u a rte r h orse . C om p an io n horse only, can not be rid d en . Ma ke offer. 8 1 4-8 2 7-4 1 2 6 o r 724 -856-1120 le ave mess age. PAGE 9 ANTIQUE AUCTION SAT. SEPT 28 – 10AM Je anette Northru pp p ass ed a way at 98 years, fourth generation to live in this home. ORIGINAL ANTIQUES (furniture-toys-glassware-letters-photo al bu ms) Many si gn ed/da ted m id 180 0’ s/e arly 1900’s. Tools-tin boxes-lots more! Located (Chautauqua Co) South Western NY, between Busti NY and Sugar Grove PA.From Busti Take Simmons Rd to Creek Rd. Go left. 136 Creek Road, Jamestown, NY 14701 (2) Victorian BR Suites (nice) Oak Bow front secretary(nice) several dressers, assort. Lamp tables, drop leaf, metal ornate fern stand w/marble, several cane & plank bottom chairs, w/Bingham Co Bycycle-XLCR, assort. Dome & flat top trunks, paper mache toy cow & team of horses on platforms /wheels (Veryunique), doll furniture, wooden baby stroller, doll buggy, metal stroller, cast iron horses, jockey-sulky, wooden toy wagons, D avis treadal sewin g mach., many letters, pho to albums (ornate) TIN pics, Bibles w/ornate covers w/hardware, wine p ress, (2) churns, spin ning wheel (needs TLC), (2) ornate cast iron stoves, vapo-cresolene vaporizer (nice, in the box), oil lamps, crocks, sterling server, assort. of old books (some arithmetic), cups-saucers-plates-bowl s-pitcher-steins-galvanized pails, gal. Separator, tin boxes, tin breadbox, lio nel trai n se t, ni ce frame s/picture s, 1 899 Diplom a, sye w/crad le (very nice ), hay fork, Much Mo re!! L ike ope nin g 1 50 yr old tim e caps ule !! Terms:Cash, certified funds, personal & co checks w/proper ID. If unknown to auctioneers or out of state – bring bank letter of credit. Master Card & Visa 5% buyers prem. (w aived for cash/checks) by order of Bob & Sue Northrupp (5th generation) View pics: (#20614) FOR SALE Oats straw, 4x5 round b a le s an d s ma l l square bales, phone 81 4-587 -3 08 6 a fter 4:00 p.m. No Sunday calls. FOR SALE Kraut cabb age, $13/ 5 0 lb . Wi n ter p ota to es . Ke n n e be c, C hi e fta i n , Yu ko n Gol d, R us se t. $ 14 / 50lb. 814-428-1500. SINGLE BUGGIES/ WRINGER WASHER H ol m e s s tyl e LED l ig h ts, 1 Ge a ug a style, both have slidi n g d o ors $ 20 0 0 ea ch OBO. Wri ng er washer with air motor $30 0 OBO. 8 147 89 -4 55 5 or 8 14 720-0 553. MILLER’S CIDER MILL Op en for cu sto m pressing each Friday and Saturday, 80¢ per ga ll on . Gal lo n ju gs 4 0¢ . Ci d e r $ 4 .0 0 . 2 3 77 4 Ro ckda l e R o ad , Ca m b rid g e Spri n gs , PA 1 64 0 3 North of Little Cooley. J.E. ANDREW & SON’S FARM & LAWN FALL CLEARANCE SALE Cub Cadet LTX1045 20HP 46” cut, hydro (de mo) $165 0. C ub LGT 1054 26HP 54” cu t h ydro (Ne w ) $2499. Cub GT2000 20HP shaft drive, hydro, 5 0” cut, (N ew ) $ 40 9 9 . C u b C a de t L Z54 com m e rci a l ze ro turn , 54 ” cu t, 25 HP Kohl er (Ne w) $ 76 00 . Cu b ZF54 S zero turn w/steering wheel, Fab 54” deck demo $4500. 0 % fin a nci n g a vai l a bl e . Wa lk be hin d s no wblowers in stock. Bagge r an d mu lch ki ts available.J.E. Andrew & Son’s Parts, Sales a nd Servi ce , Es pyvi ll e , PA 72 4 927-6 440. HOUSE FOR SALE By owner, g reat fixer up per, 2 s tory, pl us atti c, 4 be droo m, 2 bath, laundry o n 1st floor, 3 car detached garage, 3 acres with gas rights, Grove City School District, 2552 Leesburg, Grove City Rd., Vol ant, PA 7 24421-5 230. FOR SALE Craftsman drill press flo o r m o d el $ 20 0 . 1986 Corve tte ha rdtop 3 50 5 -s p e ed , 7 0K m il e s , s h arp , $ 6 50 0 OBO. R e x blin dstitch comm ercial sewing machine, s in g l e thre ad $ 75 , s i de ki t fo r 4 8 x1 0 2 tra i l er com p l ete , $650,also aluminum bu lkh ead eas t MFG $350. 724-992-1557. FOR SALE Joh n De ere roll bar hay rake model 894, a ski n g $ 8 50 . 81 4 796-6 619. OHIO AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 SEPTEMBER 14, 2013 PAGE 10 OHIO AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 SEPTEMBER 14, 2013 PAGE 11 OHIO AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 SEPTEMBER 14, 2013 PAGE 12 NOW OPEN AUTO EXPRESS SUPERSTORE ON PEACH ST. CALL 814-464-0220 • VISIT 9070 PEACH STREET WEB: 2010 MERCEDES BENZ GLK350 Stk. #AW0106 4Matic, leather, moonroof. 26,995 or $ 349/mo. $ 2010 LEXUS RX350 2010 ACURA RDX TECH AWD, leather, Nav. moonroof. 32,995 or $ 429/mo. Leather, heated & cooled seats, moonroof, leather. 32,995 or $ 429/mo. $ 25,995 or $ 339/mo. $ 2010 MERCEDES BENZ C-300 2011 LEXUS RX350 AWD, Nav., moonroof, leather. $ 2010 LEXUS ES350 4Matic, Sport pkg., leather, moonroof. 27,995 or $ 359/mo. $ 2000 FORD TAURUS . ...................................................... $1,995 2012 TOYOTA COROLLA LE ................. $14,995 or $215/mo. 2005 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE. .......................................... $2,995 2013 HYUNDAI ELANTRA GLS . ............ $15,995 or $229/mo. 2005 NISSAN ALTIMA . .................................................... $5,995 2010 SUBARU IMPREZA AWD low miles . $15,995 or $229/mo. 2006 DODGE GR. CARAVAN SXT 2008 FORD RANGER XLT SUPERCAB power everything!! .................................. $7,995 or $125/mo. 4x4 only 39,000 miles ........................... $16,995 or $249/mo. 2007 KIA SPECTRA . ................................ $7,995 or $125/mo. 2013 MAZDA 3 5 DR. TOURING . ................ $16,995 or $249/mo. 2008 FORD ESCAPE XLT 4x4 moonroof ... $10,995 or $155/mo. 2012 CHEVY CRUZE LT . ........................ $16,995 or $249/mo. 2011 MITSUBISHI LANCER ES . ............. $12,995 or $189/mo. 2011 CHEVY EQUINOX AWD . ................ $17,995 or $259/mo. 2012 TOYOTA CAMRY LE Stk #AW025 ... $17,995 or $259/mo. 2006 MINI COOPER “S” only 49,000 mi., 2010 SUBARU LEGACY sunroof, htd seats . $17,995 or $259/mo. leather, roof .......................................... $12,995 or $189/mo. 2013 VW BEETLE low miles, new body style .. $17,995 or $259/mo. 2012 NISSAN VERSA SV ....................... $12,995 or $189/mo. 2010 VOLKSWAGEN TIGUAN AWD low mi$18,995 or $277/mo. 2011 CHEVY IMPALA LT . ....................... $13,995 or $199/mo. 2013 CHEVY MALIBU LT New body style. $19,995 or $289/mo. 2011 MAZDA 6 SPORT ........................... $13,995 or $199/mo. 2012 HYUNDAI SANTA FE AWD ............. $19,995 or $289/mo. 2012 KIA FORTE EX ............................... $13,995 or $199/mo. 2010 NISSAN ALTIMA 2.5S . .................. $13,995 or $199/mo. 2012 HYUNDAI GENESIS CPE. Turbo ...... $20,995 or $269/mo. 2012 FORD FUSION SE Stk. #AW027 ..... $14,995 or $215/mo. 2010 HONDA CROSSTOUR EXL AWD loaded!$21,995 or $279/mo. 2013 HYUNDAI VELOSTER. Turbo, must see . $21,995 or $279/mo. Leather, moonroof, low miles! 24,995 or $ 319/mo. $ 2010 NISSAN MAXIMA SL Nav, moonroof, loaded!. .................... $21,995 or 2012 SUBARU IMPREZA SPORT 5 DR . . $21,995 or 2010 BMW i28 COUPE Sharp! ................. $22,995 or 2011 TOYOTA RAV-4 LTD only 19,000 mi. $22,995 or 2012 NISSAN XTERRA S 4x4 . ............... $22,995 or 2007 CHEVY AVALANCHE LT leather, moonroof ................................... $22,995 or 2013 DODGE JOURNEY SXT AWD 3rd row .. $22,995 or 2013 VOLKSWAGEN CC R-LINE loaded! .. $23,995 or 2012 CHEVY CAPTIVA LTZ AWD leather, sunroof ....................................... $23,995 or 2011 JEEP GR CHEROKEE 4x4 . ............. $26,995 or 2013 CHEVY 1500 EX CAB 4x4 LTonly 10K $27,995 or 2011 BMW 328i X DRIVE AWD low miles!. . $27,995 or 2013 CHEVY SILVERADO CREW CAB 4x4. .. $28,995 or 2012 HONDA PILOT EX-L . .................... $30,995 or $279/mo. $279/mo. $295/mo. $295/mo. $295/mo. $295/mo. $295/mo. $308/mo. $308/mo. $349/mo. $359/mo. $359/mo. $375/mo. $399/mo. 9070 Peach Street, Waterford, PA 16441 814-464-0220 AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . OHIO AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 SEPTEMBER 14, 2013 HOSTETLER CONSTRUCTION 2 STORY HOMES PAGE 13 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE STARTING AT • Commercial Buildings • Garages • Horse Barns $140,000 Including Excavating & Basement • Farm Buildings • Residential • Churches • Post Frame Buildings WARNER’S Reg. # PA001873 HOMES and FLE XI BLE T O FI T YOUR DE S I RE S IMPROVEMENTS Call: 814-425-7965 - Pete Wagler “The Area’s Largest Custom Modular Home Builder” 407 S. Erie Street • Route 19 South • Mercer, PA 724-662-4600 • 1-888-412-9209 Mon.-Fri. 9-5, Saturday 10-3 & Evenings by Appt. TIRE SALE 175 65 14 $45.00 BFG Slalom 215 70 15 $59.99 USA Blemish 205 70 15 $67.00 Cooper GLS 235 75 15 $59.99 USA Blemish 265 70 16 $89.99 USA Blemish 265 75 16 $99.99 USA Blemish 245 70 17 $99.99 USA Blemish 265 70 17 $99.99 USA Blemish 275 60 20 $129.99 General STX 245 75 16 $95.00 Winter Blemish CASH & DEBIT INSTALL EXTRA CHECKS +3% CREDIT +3% Limited Offer CIANCI TIRE PYMATUNING GETAWAY Be au ti fu l s ma l l home[cottage]. half a mile from the causew a y.2 be d ro om 1 b ath ,l a rg e ki tch en , sunroom,4 outbuildi ng s in cl ud i n g a 1 2x16 s ho p.private setting on dead end road can be seen on Pitts bu rg h crai gl is t under real estate for sale.64,900.00 or offer call Dan 724-6894623. FOR SALE N e w H o ll a n d 6 3 0 ro un d ba le r, n ee ds belt and roller,$2500. 814-332 -7410. SAWDUST AND FIREWOOD DELIVERED Sawdust $160 - 13 cu. yd.dump truck load delivered.Hardwood Firewood:Blockwood $250 for dump truck load. Approx. 2 full cord load. (814) 450-8491 FIREWOOD BLOWOUT! “CUT-R-DONE SPECIAL” 2 DAYS ONLY Saturday September 21st & Sunday September 22nd 8:00am – 4:00pm 2 days only Fill your pick-up (up to a rack) of cut, split and dried firewood For only $75.00-Cash or Check ONLY We will help you load Pick up at Nashua Bridge, Pulaski, PA (approximately 1 mile west of Rt 18 on Nashua Rd./1½ miles south of Pulaski on Nashua Rd.) Call for directionsor more information 724-730-3444 or 724-730-3977 FLAT ROOF SPECIALISTS RV’s,motor homes, tr aile rs, ca mper s. Sche dule your m otor hom e als o for roof restoration in Ja nuary or Februar y, indoor fa cility. 724-301-8470 AC SECOND HAND STORE Lots offurniture at disGreenville, PA co unt prices. Tool s, Across from Walmart a pp li a nces , g la ss w are , l i n en s , n e w weekly. We buy 724-588-6096 items e sta tes . 40 Kitch Road, Greenville, PA. FOR RENT 7 2 4-5 8 8-3 3 4 4 o r Bob ca t s kid s tee rs 724-589-5992. Bring and mini excavators. this ad for 10% disI rent by the hour day count. wee k mo nth. I h ave b oth ti re an d track VETERAN STEEL m ach i ne s . I a ls o COIL HAULERS-h ave pa l l et forks WE NEED YOU! rockh ou n d a u g ers Nee ding m or e : b rus h h og d oze r Home time ? Pa y? b l ad e an d ro ck Dedicated Routes? crusher. call 724 662 1 2 79 o r s top i n a t Join Jaro We offer he alth ins ur ance , SU HR IE'S ro ute 19 401K, vacation pay, south of Mercer. monthly s afety boFOR SALE nus , we e k ly pay. 8 year old mare, traf- Call Laurie at 888fi c sa fe a nd soun d, 636-5 276. p ul l s o n the li n es , INSULATION BOARD bo ys h orse , de lu xe PANELS double gaited, got the Exte ri or g ra d e , R p ap e rs, $ 15 0 0 . 2 value 9.5, closed cell, year old Conway hall po lyure th an e foa m, $2500. Call 724-992- face w/w hi te fi b er0997. g la s s s ki ns . co m MUST SELL, MUST pressive strength 3540 ps i. SELL Complete Power lift- (8 0”x2 2”x1 .75”) wg t. $3 ea. ing set, P195/65R15 1 9l b s . (4 a ll sea son), 205/ (6 4”x2 2”x1 .75”) wg t. 5 0R 1 6 (4 wi n ter), 14 l bs . $2 e a. D el . 225/65R17 (4winter). a vai l . w h s le . 44 0 XC skiis a nd boo ts 224-0669. Best time (9 -1 /2 ) Ph on e 81 4- to call 7am-7:30am. 671-0 659. LET GROVE CITY DETAIL CO. Seal the exterior of your vehicle before w inte r. Book a PolySeal Protection Pa ck a ge a nd r e c eive a 1 0% dis count. Combine our PolySea l with a n Unde rcoating a nd receive a 15% disc ount! 7 2 4 -45 8 4077. FOR SALE 1 8 45 C Ca s e Ski d ste er w ith s ome attachments $12,0 00. Kawasaki Mule, 4x4, $ 3 50 0 . Ba ckto l d C ha m pi on we e d & bru sh m ower $80 0. Dixon zero turn riding m ow e r w i th g ras s catcher, $1500. 814432-4 081. FABIN’S TRAILER SALES Featherlite Valley Cam Aluma Continental Cargo Erie I-90 Rt. 430 Exit 32 814-899-6636 BOAK’S ORCHARD Ap p l e s - C i d e r Pea ches -Pea rs-Etc. Ho urs-wea the r pe rmi ttin g-Mo nda y th ru Friday 1-5pm. Saturda y 9-5pm . Cl os ed Su nd a y 7 2 4 -92 4 2396 214 Boak Rd., N e w C a stl e , PA 16101 Be tte r Bu ild in g s a re b y... #PA040598 DELAGRANGE STOVE ‘N’ COAL H itze r s tove s fo r sale. Anthracite coal ba gg ed b ul k $2 30 for 5 0 b a gs , si ze stove nut-n-rice also by the skid. 175 84 Tighe Rd., Linesville, PA 16424. WANTED TO BUY Antique & Collec tibles Old Paper Goods Cleaning an attic or ba se me nt? Liquidating an estate or have items to sell? Good price s paid for ite ms prior to 1 96 0 : fur niture , glassware, pottery, lighting silver, clocks, advertising, linens , toys, fire man, railroad, photographs, marbles, m ilitar y, politic al, fraternal, sporting, c hildr e n’s ite ms , W or ld’s Fair and othe r s ouve nirs ; books , brochures, c ale nda r s , c a ta logs , m aga zines , ma ps , pos tca rds, pr ogram s, sc ra pbook s, sheet m usic. Ca ll 7 24-94 68617. NOTICE We a re s ch ed ul in g dryw al l and d rywa ll repa ir work for Dec. Ja n. Feb . C all 72 4301-8470 leave message. POLE BUILDINGS H orse ba rn s, da iry buildings, riding arenas, agriculture building s, ga rage s, ro ofing, decks. Hostetler C on s tru ctio n . 8 14 4 25 -7 96 5 ta l k to Pete. SLABWOOD 1 m il e e as t 1 m il e north of Linesville on Townline Rd. Monday - Thursday daylight to 1:30, Fri. - noon. $10 a bundle. Buy 10 get 1 free. Lots of oakand hickory. PRICE CRUSHERS ARE BACK Lim ited tim e, 2 on display:family room, 3 bed 2 baths and 4 big bedroom and 2 ba ths, lar ge k itchens. RoMa r Homes, 888-255 -8191. w w w TRUCK BEDS Al umi num or ste el tra i l ers , s to ck, dump, flat. 724-6998935 GUN AND SPORTING GOODS SHOW Sept. 28 (9am-4pm) Sept 29 (9am-2pm). H id d e n Va ll e y Spo rtsm e n ’s C lu b 2 6 8 Gi lke y Ro a d We st Midd les ex, PA 1 6 15 9 . 7 2 4 -52 8 2700 PYMATUNING LAKE DRIVE-IN FLEA MARKET Open every Saturday, Su nd a y & Mo nd a y Labor Day. 6:00 a.m.3:00. An dover Ohi o. Info: 440-293-7757. HERSHBERGER FENCING Qu al i ty l i ve s tock/ resi dentia l fences. Wi ll re move fen ce and clear. 10 years e xp e rie n ce. C us to mer sa ti sfa cti on g u ara n te e d . 4 ½ miles east of Kinsm a n Oh io . Ca l l John 724-588-2550 FOR SALE Massage table, solid, great condition, $200 OBO. Massage chair, great condition, $100 OBO. 814-795-7792. FOR SALE Old e r 5 1 8 Cat skidd er, g ood tire s, decent condi tion for ag e, $ 12 ,5 00 . 81 4484-3 436. Borkh older GARAGE DOORS BOAT REPAIR AND REPAIR Certified mecha nic Do es your gara ge doing boat & motor d oo r ne e d re - rep a ir on Mercury pai red? Or do you Johnson Evinrude & n e ed a n e w Yamaha Outboards e n tra n ce d oo r, & Mercruiser I/O’s in g a ra g e d o o r o r the Conne aut Lake o pe n e r? C al l area.Call Dave 724Ma rvi n a t M. C . 456-1527 Overh ead Door for PAYING TOP all your door needs. DOLLAR 814 282 9242 or Bu yi ng cars-tru vans. Paying $250 & PA# 52610 u p wi th title s , l ittl e MOBILE HOMES less without. Call toFinancing for owners day 3 30-727-1185 7 or realtors, parks or days a week. private land:for qualified buyer s. Super FOR SALE Loan Originators at L og C ab i n 1 2 ’ x1 8 ’ Romar Homes. 7249 27 -6 3 41 . NMLS with 6’ porch. Green metal roof. Fin ished #323651. interior. Liva ble. D iffere n t s i ze s an d ATTENTION styles available. From SNOW PLOW PROFESSIONALS Meadville take Rt. 77 to Little Cooley. We ha ve b ul k rock east saltavailable at a rea- Take Rockdale Road n o rth 5 m i . Va ll e y sonable price. We’re also runni ng a s ale Vie w Lo g Ca b i ns , 2 4 07 7 Ro ckda l e o n s l ag . Ke n n ed y L an d sca pe Su p pl y R o ad , Ca m b rid g e Springs, PA 16403. 814-42 5-7903 VILLAGE ACRES MOBILE HOME PARK in Clintonville. 3BR, 1 BA, 14 x7 0, very nice home, all electri c $ 3,0 00 d o wn , $450 a month. 2BR, 1 BA $10 00 do wn $37 5 a m onth. No H UD o r H o od lums....and rememb er i f yo ur h om e d oe s n ’t h ave wheels you paid too much!!! Ca ll or text 814-221 -1360. OPEN HOUSE Su nda y, Septemb er 22nd (12-2) 5 W. Fore st St., Sto ne b o ro . MLS# 9568 21. H ost Ros alynn Reagle . 2 s to ry, 3 BR, 1 .5 BA home located at the end of a quiet no-outl et s tre e t in Ston e b oro . New sewe r late ral wi th a transferable warranty. Newer windows and some newer ca rpet. N orth wo o d R e a lty Servi ce s 72 4 -45 8 8800. OHIO AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 SEPTEMBER 14, 2013 CIANCI TIRE Mon th ly ti re d e a ls . Ove rsto cks, cl o se outs. Cianci Brothers Tire Clearance Wareho use. Acros s from th e Gree n vil l e Wal m a rt 7 24 -5 88 6096 TRUCK ACCESSORIES Bedcovers $225, Bug s hi e l ds $ 50 , be d liners $125, step bars $180, trailer hitches; goose-neck hitches; mu d fl ap s; run ni ng b oa rd s. Buy/Sel l / Trad e , tru ck cap s . No lf’s Tru ck Acce ssories 814-382-0395 TREE PROBLEMS? We can help. Specializing in trimming, rem oval s a nd stum p grinding. Nicols Tree Servi ce h as b ee n b ui lt o n s afety an d expe rie nce. Pl ea se call today, we would like to add you to our list of satisfied custom e rs. 8 14 -7 20 2666. STEEL SHINGLES A.R.E.truck caps, running boar ds, bug shields, rain guards, bedliner s, mud flaps, hitches, nerf steps, floor mats. Erie, PA, I-90 Exit 32 1-800-957-0000 COOLEY’S OIL UNDERCOATING New undercoating oil for ca rs & p ickup s $50. Call for price on other vehicles. Let us h e lp s to p th e ru s t from ruining your veh icl e i n ves tm en t. 814-547 -1825. MOUNTAIN RUN FORESTRY LLC IS A BUYER OF STANDING TIMBER & TIMBER LAND. If you have any timber on your land, we invite you to contact us!! TOP $$$ PAID FOR CH, RO, WO, HM, SM, POP & WALNUT. SELECT OR CLEAR CUT 1-440-319-2449 TEMPLE GROVE FALL FESTIVAL CRAFT AND CAR SHOW SaturdaySept. 21st. 9 a m-4 p m. D el i cious breakfast and lunch, hayrides, no BUYING STANDING admission fee. 347 TIMBER H am b u rg R d., 5 acres or more, skid- Tran s fer, PA i nfo / d in g wi th h o rse s , crafte rs : 72 4-96 2Da ns Sawmi ll, dri v- 6047 or e rs p h on e n um be r 724-588 -4392. INSULATION SALE L o we s t p ri ce e ve r. Su mm e r s a vi ng s . 2 2x64 pa n el s. 1¾” thick. Great for insul ati n g b u il d i ng s . To ug h wh i te fi be rglass facing. 50 pcs or more $2 each or l es s th a n 5 0 pcs $ 2.5 0 e a ch. Save e ve n m o re on od d si ze p an el s. 4 fre e faste ner screw s per piece 1st 1000 panels. 440-293-4264 PAGE 14 MAYSV ILLE FENCE High Tensile Woven Wire Horse Cote Horse Rail Game Fence Free Estim ates 724-5882299 Customer Satisfaction is Our Goal! ARMY & NAVY STORE J.Amato & Son 814-33 3-8299 L o ca te d i n th e Stone Coated Steel Me ad vi ll e D ow n Shingles Giving You tow n Ma l l a cros s The Look of from Dollar General. Architectural We h a ve vi n ta g e Shingles With the L evi ’ s, L ee ’ s a n d Durability of Steel. LICENSED Wrangler jeans size GUNSMITH & 3 1 to 7 2 wa i s t FIREARM SALES VERY CHEAP! Also Tam a rack Arm o ry. h ave Bi b ove ral l s AVAILABLE NOW Worki ng on all fire- a nd coa ts -g rea t All bran ds of sizes. See our large EASTERN STATES arms. fire a rm s i n s to ck. se lection of shou lMETAL ROOFING Bu y - Sell - Trad e. d er b ag s , d u ffl e Your Premier 2 08 1 7 Al d en St., b ag s an d ba ck Metal Roofing Meadville, PA packs. We print miliSupplier. tary d og ta gs . We 814-33 6-2688 have a large selec716-355-4374 tion of 550 paracord; ma ny different co lors. Military surplus SIGN UP FOR BIG a nd col l e cti b le s . New and used:Adult BUCK CONTEST a nd you th , l a te s t AUTUMN ADDICTION s tyl e s o f s tree t mo, shorts, fie ld ARCHERY & OUTDOORS ca ja ckets, s we aters, 3278 STATE RT. 5 (ELM ROAD) a n d EMT p a nts . Combat an d jungle CORTLAND, OHIO 44410 boots . Huntin g and military knives, cots, s l ee p i ng b ag s , [email protected] socks, gloves, caps, Tues., Wed., Thurs: 10-6. Fri.: 12-8 h el me ts , b la nkets Sun. & Mon.: CALL. Sat.: 10-4 and more. MRE’s by the case of package. SELL, MOVE AND COMBINES/HEADS Gas masks and filINSTALL HOMES ters. We alsobuymili2 clean JD 9500’s, JD W e don’t just s ell 44 20 & JD 4 40 0, 2 tary items from indihome s , w e move ni ce 66 00 ’s from 1 viduals and estates. a nd ins ta ll pur - farm-Gle a ne r F2 & cha sed else wher e. K2, IH 1420 with rock ATV/SLEDS/ W e insta ll w her e trap grain heads: JD BUNKBED others fear to tread. 9 2 0 -9 1 8 -9 1 5 -9 1 3 - 2 sleds w/tilt trailer. Know how , e quip- 213-215 plus others. 91 Polaris 340 Indy ment, licensed and IH 8 20 & 10 20-15 ’, Spo rt. 8 5 Po l ari s insured to haul and 16.5 ’, 17.5 ’, 20’, 25’ Indy 500. 8x8 flat tilt install in Ohio andPA. AC: Lots of 13’, 15’, trai le r. 0 2 Ya ma ha RoMar Homes, 888- 16’, 18’, 2 0’ for F-M- Bea rtra cker 250 w/ 255-8 191. L -R com b i ne s . plow and chains. All Cornheads -JD 6 43- run, need some rePORT A POTTIES 444-443-343-244. IH pairs. Best Offer.Day Lawrence and Mer- 863-843-1063. AC 2- a nd N i gh t N atu ra l ce r Cou ntie s. Di s- 3-4-6 row.Lots ofnew C i nn a m on Futo n co un t fo r Ve te ra ns header carts 15’-20’- Bun kbed. Excell ent New Firemen and Police- 25’-30’ $2000 and up. co nd i tio n . men. Call JW Whit- Loads of new & used $1200 asking $600. ing 724-699-8935 parts for combines & L e ave ms g 81 4 hea ds. Huge inven- 516-2115 to ry o f ti n wo rk fo r HORSE TRAILER combine heads. New For sale: Two horse 11L x15 8 ply Ame ri- bu mp er p ul l trai le r. can Farme r wa go n N ew fra m e , p a i n tire s $ 8 5/e a. Boa k spected, ready to go, Fam ily Fa rms, L LC- $3000. Call 724-456Ful l ti m e Fa rme r/ 2399 de ale r N ew Ca stl e, PA Hours by pre-arrangement only. Call B4 U Drive!! C losed Su nd a y 7 2 4 -92 4 2 39 6 ca l l b e fore 9pm. IN STOCK STONY POINT GRANGE #1694 ICE CREAM SUPPER Sept. 21, 2013 4 to 7 p.m. 69 Kremis Rd., Gree n vil l e , Pa Combo Special $6.00 C hi cken s al a d o r Pulled Pork. Info 724588-8179 Last one of Year!!! DRIVEWAY LOOK A MESS? Well we have you covered! We carry limestone,2B gravel, slag and other material to fi x th at m es s of a driveway. Wholesale o r R eta il ! Ken n ed y L an d sca pe Su p pl y 814-425 -7903. 234-244-4515 TRITON ALUMINUM TRAILERS Size s a nd m odels for all your trailering ne eds . Tr a ile r s to haul s nowm obile s (open & e nclosed), ATV’s persona l water craft, a nd utility. Lightw eight alum inum c ons truc ted, torsion axles, sealed lighting a nd w iring, exc elle nt wa rranty. Financ ing ava ilable (with c r e dit approva l). Fletc he r’s Sales & Service, 701 Ge or ge tow n Rd., Hadley, PA. Ph. 724253-3 225. www.fletcherssaless e rvic e.c om or www BATHROOM VANITIES are now in stock at VCM Salvage Products. 24x21, 30x21, 3 6x2 1 , 3 7 x2 1 , 4 2x2 1 , 4 8 x2 1 , 60x21. These vanities have solid hardwood fronts with plyw o od s id e s , n o t particle board. All at fan ta sti c p ri ce s . 724-37 6-4093 COMMERCIAL FOR LEASE Approx. 3200 sq.ft. incl ude s l arge sho wroom and 2 overhead do ors. On bu sy R t. 32 2, 1 mil e eas t of Co nne au t L ake b eside Just Sleep Mote l. L ots of parkin g, ve ry versatil e b uil ding, office, retail, service or whatever. Call to see 814-573-8677 CUSTOM LAMINATE co un te rto p s a re m ad e to o rd e r a t Oakes & McClelland in Gre envil le, PA 1800-22 2-8736 RAT TERRIER PUPS R ea d y n ow, sh o ts , wormed, $125. Albert Stutzm an , 3 19 3 8 Hog back R d., C amb ri d ge Sp ri n gs , PA 16403. Mill-Village Rt. 6 east 2 mi. WillyRd., turn right keep straight 4½mi. 4th right, ¼ mi. mini barn place. YOUR AD COULD BE HERE!!! PAYING TOP DOLLAR for junk cars, trucks, farm eq u i pm e n t & s cra p . $ 2 50 & u p . Ava ilabl e 24 /7. 3 30979-1 490. TALK TO R e g a t Oa kes & McClelland in Greenville for yo ur next ord e r o f fl o o r & ro o f trus ses. 1 -800-2 228736 FOR SALE On e o w ne r 20 0 3 Oldsmobile Bravada sm arttra k AWD fo ur doo r, V6 , au tomatic, fullyloaded, including h ea te d s e ats an d power sun roof. New ti re s an d ba ttery. 56,000 miles. $7300 OBO. 814-786-8942. OHIO AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 SEPTEMBER 14, 2013 PAGE 15 OHIO AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 SEPTEMBER 14, 2013 PAGE 16 329 Mill Street Saegertown, PA (814) 763-5645 5TH WHEELS TRAVEL TRAILERS 2009 Sportster ............ 33 ft. Toyhauler 2013 Terrain .................. 27 ft. w/slide 2009 Sundance ......... 29 ft. w/3 slides 2013 Hideout............... 27 ft. w/bunks 2009 Laredo ............... 315 w/2 slides 2012 Escape........................... 19SB 2008 Montana ........... 29 ft. w/3 slides 2011 Riverside .............. 25 ft. w/slide 2005 Open Road ....... 36 ft. w/3 slides 2011 Cruise Lite..... 28 ft. w/slide/bunks 2005 Laredo .................. 29 ft. w/slide 2011 Outback ........ 21ft/ w/slide/bunks 2005 Coachmen ............ 27 ft. w/slide 2009 Springdale .............. 29 ft. w/slide PARK MODELS 2011 Residence ............. 38 ft. w/3 slides TENT CAMPERS 2006 Cavalier ................. 30 ft. w/bunks 2009 Fleetwood .................. Bayside 1992 Franklin .................... 38 ft. w/slide 2008 Fleetwood ............ Williamsburg 1989 Terry .................................. 32 ft. 2003 Coleman..................... Niagara 1988 Holiday Ram ....................... 32 ft. 1986 Sportsmen .......................... 35 ft. SHOP 24/7 ON THE WEB AT Extended Hours! M-F 8am-5pm, Thurs. 8am-7pm, Sat. 8-noon KICK OFF GREAT SALES!! FOR SALE 2 a cres $ 75 0 0 . 2 m il e s eas t of Pl easa ntvi lle, PA on Burro ws R d. All e n Byl e r, 1 9 85 0 Fi s h Flats Rd., Centerville, PA 16404. BUYING GUITARS Old a m ps , b an j os , s axop h on es , d ru m s ets , a ccord i on s , synth esizers, h orns, and most older mus i ca l in s tru m e nts . Mike 330-367-7100 FOR SALE Ford E35 0 15 ’ cutaway box truck V8, a uto tr ans, $ 20 00 . 724-7 34-4702 Ext 2 Paul. BUYING STANDING TIMBER La rge and s ma ll tracts, full pa yment be fore c utting. Ph. 814-789 -2713. TRACTOR REPAIR At the Lowest Rates in the Area. Spe c i al i z in g in e ng i n e o verh a ul s, clutches, hydraulics, or any other repairs your tractor may need. Hauling available. 814-43 8-9446 WE BUY TRACTORS! GRAPES PICK YOUR OWN STARTING SEPT. 18TH. NICE CROP. PANGRATZ FARM 2 miles east of Fairview, PA on Rt. 20 NO SUNDAY SALES 814-774-4448 FOR SALE Qual ity Vi winco windows available to orFOR SALE STATE & EMISSION New idea 1-row corn d e r a t Oa kes & INSPECTION p icke r m o de l 32 3 McClelland in GreenDo ne a t Gre enville very good condition, vi lle , PA 1-8 00 -22 2Tire & Rubber - 724- 724-253 -4962. 8736 58 8-3 336 . We a ls o have a large selection FOR SALE FRENCH’S HYBRIDS of auto, truck and trac- 1 9 55 GMC Pi cku p AND MASTER tor batteri es. Stop in s tep s i de . Ra re CHOICE SEED CORN a nd vi s it ou r s tore cu rved re ar wind ow Sp elt, w heat, b arl ey and see the large se- m od e l . Ve ry g oo d and cover crop seed. lection of items. 3 3 body. First year auto- Early orde r and preS. Race St., Gre en- mati c tran smissi on. paid discounts availville, PA 16125 - 724- Facto ry shop manu- abl e. 8 14-6 76-0 350 588-3 336. als included. $7500. in the evening. 330-501 -8117. ARCTIC CAT SNOWMOBILES 2013 and 2014 mode ls a t pr e-s e as on sale prices. Factory re bate and 3.9% financing (with credit a ppr ova l) on ‘1 3 models. Best prices now for pre-season buyers. Large inventory pa rts , ArcticWear clothing a nd a cc e s sor ies . Fletcher ’s Sales & Service, Hadley, PA. Ph. 7 2 4-2 53 -3 2 25 . www.fletcherssalesse rvic e.c om Arctic Ca t-share our pa ssion. CASH FOR TIMBER C o nve n ti o n a l or h o rs e cre w s . 3 0 yea rs e xp eri e nce . Premium fo r walnut. Ins u red . 81 4 -66 4 4647, 603-306-6076. MORE MONEY For your Timber! Get paid today even if we do n’ t cu t to da y. L et ou r buyer wi th over 30 yea rs o f expe ri e nce te l l yo u h o w much your timber is worth. Call todayCTC L og gi ng , L LC 7 24 376-7315 • WATSON’S INC. 7130 E. STATE ST.- RT. 62 SHARON-MERCER RD., HERMITAGE, PA 16148 (724) 346-6514 or (800) 466-6515 - WANTED Ma ck Tru cks 19 70 2 00 0. Prefera bl y R Models, C H Models, DM Models, U Model D u mp Tru cks a n d Road Tractors. [email protected] or call 724-866-2077. MILLER’S METAL ROOFING & SIDING Stacking semi loads of baked on enamel pa inte d me tal, 8’ to 16’ R ainbow $ 1 per lineal feet, some 8’ to 20’ #3 painted metal $1.15 to $1.18 per LF. L im ited col ors an d a mo u nts . 8’ to 26 ’ galvalume $1.50 per lineal foot, 15 colors 8’ to 20’ painted metal $1.80 lineal feet.Also a va i l ab l e p a i nte d galvalume 40 yr. warranty $1.95 per lineal feet, G-100 40 yr. warranty $2.25 per lineal fe et, ma de to ord er hu nter g ree n, b lu e, red or gray $1.50 per LF. 1½”x19½” standing s eam $2.8 7 per li neal fee t, w e ha ve everything for a metal roof!! Mostly roll form trim . Stain less s teel painted snowguards $ 2 e a ., C up o l a’ s , w e at h e r van e s , coilstock $65 per roll, 3 ’ x8 ’ to 1 6’ cle a r skilite $3.50 per LF. A full line of Cannonball track $2.50 per ft. and qu ick do or fra min g. Ope n 8 to 4 :3 0 M, Tue., Wed., Fri. 8 to 1 Sat., ClosedThurs. & Sundays. 1 mile north ofAtlantic, PAon 9730 Laird Rd., Hartstown PA or 3780 Miller Dr. No cards accepted. USED UNITS OLD MILITARY ITEMS WANTED: U ni fo rms , m ed a ls / p atch es , ph o tos & photo albums, flags, w ea p on s , ci vil wa r through Vietnam war. C al l Ma cKin n o n & Strel l a at 72 4 -9 46 8617 FOR SALE TREE STANDS Like new 12’ Loc-On Titan light-weight aluminum ladder stand $1 200 . Lo c-o n L EM hanging stand $50. 3 pie ce s trap-on s egm e nte d a l u m in u m la dd er. $4 0 or be st offer on any/all. 814333-6 442. FINANCING AVAILABLE Mob i l e h o me s fo r sale, owner or Realto r, p arks o r priva te l a nd : fi n a n ci n g fo r qualified buyers. Super Loan Originators a t Ro Mar Ho m es . 724-927-6341 NMLS #323651 MIKE’S HYDRAULIC SERVICE Can repair hydraulic cylinders, pallet jacks, air cylinders,log splitter, cyclinders, Porta p o we r pu m p s a n d rams, battery chargers. 4623 PerryHighway(Rt.19) Volant, PA 724-53 0-7396 FOR SALE 4 ye a r o l d tro tti n g mare, traffic safe and sound, drives right, 3 ye ar o ld cros s Mo rgan/Percheron drives an d ri de s al so w il l press your apple’s for cide r. Sa m A. Mast, 381 Rodge rs Ro ad, New Wilmi ngton, PA 16142. OAKES & MCCLELLAND ha s p len ty o f rental items ready to make your project easier 1800-22 2-8736 WANTED STANDING TIMBER Good saw timber or lo w grad e bl ocki ng timb er, co nventi onal logging or on site milling. 814-694-6446. • • We want to thank our past and future customers since 1993 62 HADLEY ROAD, GREENVILLE, PA Mon. & Thurs. 9-7; Tues., Wed., Fri 9-5:30; Sat. 9-1 724-58 8-6443 Sport, loaded. 4x4, TRD Reg. Cab, 8 f t. bed. 11 CHEVY AVEO LT 05 TOYOTA RAV 4 L 07 TOYOTA RAV 4 213 per mo.* $ 1 owner, 34,000 miles. 05 FORD EXPED ITION 07 JEEP GR. CHER OKEE Eddie Bauer, 4x4, DVD 213 per mo.* $ 4x4 Laredo 06 HUMMER H3 03 FORD F150 SUPERCAB $ 4x4, sunroof 67K, 4x4 326 per mo.* $ 176 per mo.* $ 4x4, 4 cy linder 229 per mo.* $ 219 per mo.* 314 per mo.* 03 FORD F150 Jim Greenfield Ron Moyer Roger Wasser 03 KIA 04 JEEP GR. SPEC TRA CHER OKEE $ $ 00 TOYOTA TUNDRA ACCESS CAB $ 159 per mo.* $ LIKE US 08 JEEP PATR IOT 170 per mo.* $ 237 per mo.* $ 48,000 miles, 4x4 11 FORD FIESTA SES 229 per mo.* $ Sunroof , 40K 08 SCION XD 208 per mo.* $ 56K, 1 owner 117 per mo.* 170 per mo.* GS, 44,000 miles. 04 HYUNDAI SANTA FE 215 per mo.* $ 4x4, Laredo 239 per mo.* $ GLS, 4WD, 60K 07 SUBARU OUTB ACK 192 per mo.* $ 1 owner, loaded. 146 per mo.* $ Sport, 4x4 11 KIA SOUL 225 per mo.* $ AWD, loaded. 00 JEEP CHER OKEE 09 DODGE NITRO 44K, loaded. 04 CHEVY SILVERADO 309 per mo.* $ Ext. Cab 4x4, leather, Z71 • • • SINGLE TOP BUGGY Ex. s hape, hydraulic brakes, LED lig hts, h ea ter $1 5 0 0 o bo . 814-967 -2229.