Mutual Aid Agreement-Washington Public Utility Districts
Mutual Aid Agreement-Washington Public Utility Districts
WASHINGTON PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MUTUAL AID PLAN 2014 – 2015 Storm Season SIGNATORIES: EAST SIDE WEST SIDE Benton PUD Chelan County PUD Douglas County PUD Ferry County PUD Franklin County PUD Grant County PUD Kittitas County PUD Klickitat PUD Okanogan PUD Pend Oreille County PUD Clallam County PUD Clark Public Utilities Cowlitz County PUD Grays Harbor PUD Jefferson County PUD Lewis County PUD Mason County PUD #1 Mason County PUD #3 Pacific County PUD #2 Peninsula Light Company Skamania County PUD Snohomish County PUD MUTUAL AID PLAN October, 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Planning Committee & Regional Coordinators 2. 2014-2015 MUTUAL AID PLAN 3. WEST SIDE 5-14 - Superintendents List 15-16 - Full Contacts List 17-20 - Rates 21-46 • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4. 3&4 Clallam Clark Cowlitz Grays Harbor Jefferson Lewis Mason #1 Mason #3 Pacific #2 Peninsula Light Skamania Snohomish County Wahkiakum EAST SIDE - Superintendents List 47 - Full Contacts List 48-50 - Rates 51-62 • • • • • • • • • • Benton Chelan Douglas Ferry Franklin Grant Kittitas Klickitat Okanogan Pend Oreille WASHINGTON PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MUTUAL AID PLAN October, 2014 PLANNING COMMITTEE Region NAME/UTILITY PHONE Eastside Tim Pettit Chelan County PUD (509) 661-4711 (509) 661-8116 FAX Term Expires Fall, 2016 Westside Bob Kakaley (425) 783-4433 Snohomish County PUD (425) 783-5018 FAX Term Expires Fall, 2014 WA PUD District Mutual Aid Plan - October, 2014 Page 3 WASHINGTON PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MUTUAL AID PLAN October, 2014 REGIONAL COORDINATORS Region NAME/UTILITY PHONE Eastside Tim Pettit Chelan County PUD (509) 661-4483 (509) 661-8116 FAX Term Expires Fall, 2016 Westside Jeff Sorensen Cowlitz County PUD (360) 501-9543 (360) 431-9102 Cell (360) 740-2422 FAX Term Expires Fall, 2015 WA PUD District Mutual Aid Plan - October, 2014 (pg 4 rev 11/04/14) Page 4 WASHINGTON PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MUTUAL AID PLAN October, 2014 I. BACKGROUND The State of Washington has typically experienced a high number of seasonal storms as well as other natural disasters, and it has also been identified as an area with severe earthquake potential. Washington Public Utility Districts (PUDs) have traditionally worked closely on many matters, including the provision of mutual assistance for storm response and recovery. II. GENERAL OBJECTIVE The general objective of this Mutual Aid Plan and Agreement (the “Plan”) is to provide the organizational framework, terms and conditions under which all PUDs executing this Plan (the “Participating PUDs”) agree to provide assistance to each other when resources can be made available in response to any request. Participating PUDs may be either a “Requesting PUD” or an “Assisting PUD” (such terms are defined in Section IX) or they may fall within both categories during a single event. This Plan is intended to apply to emergency situations such as, but not limited to, storms and earthquakes that could cause electric system damage or destruction to the degree that assistance is needed by one or more PUDs to timely restore public safety and electric service. This Plan is further intended to suffice as a written “Mutual Aid Agreement” meeting the requirements of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for reimbursement of eligible response costs in the event of a qualifying major disaster or emergency. III. KEY ELEMENTS • • • • • • • • • • Plan Oversight and Updating Plan Coordination Coordinator Procedures and Responsibilities Procedures List of Coordinators Principles for Providing Assistance Listing of Utility Contacts List of Contractors (Not Exhaustive) Operating Considerations Map Describing Regions (needs to be developed) WA PUD District Mutual Aid Plan - October, 2014 Page 5 IV. PLAN OVERSIGHT AND UPDATING A two-member committee shall be comprised of one (1) representative from each Region; there shall be an “East Region” and a “West Region”; each member shall be elected to serve a four (4) year term, with one of the representatives elected from alternate Regions every two (2) years. Elections shall commence in 2000, and the initial term for the “East Region” representative shall be six (6) years, so that the initial “West Region” representative shall be replaced in 2004 and the initial “East Side” representative shall be replaced in 2006. A Chairman will be selected and shall be rotated every two (2) years. Committee members shall be elected by the superintendents of the Participating PUDs at the last PUD superintendents meeting of each even-numbered year for the following period. The Committee shall be responsible for the following: • • • • • • • • • Updating and distributing a list of utility contact persons on an annual basis, and more often if required Updating and distributing a list of contractors on an annual basis Reviewing the Plan annually at a PUD Superintendents meeting, which Regional Coordinators should attend Modifying the Plan as appropriate and sending amendments for review and approval by the Participating PUDs Maintaining an updated list of contacts for non-member utilities Assembling an up-to-date list of Participating PUDs and providing such list to each Participating PUD, along with a copy of the current executed signature page from each of the other Participating PUDs Receiving, assembling and holding the original executed Mutual Aid Plan and Agreements from each of the Participating PUDs Receiving updated “Exhibit A” forms from Participating PUDs and distributing a copy of such forms to each of the Participating PUDs as necessary Providing to each of the Participating PUDs an updated list of the respective Regional Coordinators and alternates, including name, “home PUD”, mailing address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address. WA PUD District Mutual Aid Plan - October, 2014 Page 6 V. PLAN OPERATION The overall coordination between the Participating PUDs is carried out by the “East Side” Regional Coordinator and the “West Side” Regional Coordinator. Each Coordinator shall be from a utility strategically located within the state and shall be assisted by a “backup” person if the regular Coordinator is unavailable. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Plan, Coordinators shall have the following responsibilities within their respective regions: • • • • To monitor the assignment and location of crews To receive requests for assistance for both Participating PUDs and other receiving or providing assistance to or from Participating PUDs To determine when crews can be transferred between utilities after they have been initially assigned to a utility To coordinate requests between regions VI. COORDINATOR PROCEDURES/RESPONSIBILITIES The following is a general guide for procedures and responsibilities relating to Regional Coordinators: 1. If the “home PUD” of the Regional Coordinator is substantially affected by any major storm or other such emergency event, such person shall notify the other Regional Coordinator and transfer responsibilities under this Plan to the other Regional Coordinator, who shall assume such responsibilities. The Regional Coordinator of the substantially affected PUD shall also notify other PUDs within his/her Region of the transfer. Subject to the other terms of this Plan, if both East and West Regions are affected, each coordinator will maintain coordination within his/her own area and work jointly to share resources to the extent reasonably possible, without unduly impacting his/her own PUD. 2. If an event involves more than one Participating PUD, the Regional Coordinator first aware of the event will advise the other Regional Coordinator that this Plan has been implemented. Such notification should be provided as soon as reasonably possible, and in any event should be provided before the affected Regional Coordinator contacts any utilities for assistance within the other Coordinator’s Region. For a larger event requiring significant coordination activities, each Regional Coordinator will contact utilities within its own region on behalf of affected PUDs. In such event, each Regional Coordinator is the primary contact for PUDs requesting assistance within his/her own Region, and for evaluating priorities and dispatching crews. The non-affected Regional Coordinator will locate crews and resources to be made available to the affected Regional Coordinator. WA PUD District Mutual Aid Plan - October, 2014 Page 7 For purposes of this Plan and Agreement, each Regional Coordinator acting in good faith and within the scope of his or her role and responsibilities hereunder, and his or her “home” PUD, its officers, commissioners and employees, shall be released, indemnified and held harmless by other Participating PUDs from and against any and all claims, demands, losses and damages arising from or related to any and all claims, demands, losses and damages arising from or related to any of the Regional Coordinators’ negligent acts and omissions hereunder. This release, indemnification and hold harmless provision shall extend to the Regional Coordinator’s heirs, successors and assigns. 3. Subject to the terms of this Plan, and based upon his or her evaluation of need, the Regional Coordinator can, reassign an assisting crew to a different utility from that to which it was originally assigned; this authority to reassign crews shall also apply when crews have been requested and assigned in preparation for and in anticipation of a forecasted storm event. All pre-event requests for assistance will be coordinated under this Plan, and the respective Regional Coordinators will be fully informed of which crews are sent to the requesting utility or utilities. In this situation, or whenever a major storm is forecasted that is deemed likely to result in one or more requests for aid under this Plan and Agreement, the Regional Coordinator within the non-affected region shall be notified in advance and all participating utilities informed of the expected event. VII. BASIC PROCEDURES The procedures in this Plan are based on two main scenarios: Scenario A – Widespread damage is forecasted or has occurred throughout the State or a Region within the State. As a result, several PUDs need assistance. 1. The PUD needing assistance calls the Regional Coordinator in its Region and requests the type of assistance needed. 2. The Regional Coordinator calls other PUDs or utilities and makes arrangements for assistance. 3. The Regional Coordinator calls the Requesting PUD back and confirms where the assistance is coming from and when crews should arrive. Both Requesting and Assisting PUDs shall provide a contact person and phone numbers to the Regional Coordinator. 4. When the Requesting PUD determines that it will no longer need assistance, it shall let the Regional Coordinator and the Assisting PUD know as much in advance as possible. WA PUD District Mutual Aid Plan - October, 2014 Page 8 5. The Regional Coordinator will then determine if another PUD needs assistance and work with that crew's home PUD to determine if the crew should be reassigned or released to return home. 6. When an assisting PUD determines because of local needs and before its crews are released to return home that it can no longer continue to give assistance to any Requesting PUD, the Assisting PUD will advise the Regional Coordinator that its crews need to be released and the Regional Coordinator shall release such crews so they may return home. 7. The Regional Coordinator will inform the Assisting PUD when its crews will be released and expected to return home. Scenario B – Under this scenario, the Requesting PUD would have the knowledge that the emergency has only occurred in its own electric service area and would react as follows: 1. Contact directly the closest PUD that may provide assistance and make direct arrangements. Advise the Regional Coordinator if appropriate. 2. If contacted by an Investor Owned Utility, make sure that it is the only utility needing assistance and that other PUDs are not affected. Contact the Regional Coordinator as appropriate. 3. Make direct arrangements with the Investor Owned Utility as appropriate. VIII. REGIONAL COORDINATORS A list of the current Regional Coordinators and alternates shall be provided to each of the Participating PUDs as necessary, with all of the data described in Section IV, above. Such list shall be a part of this Plan and is hereby incorporated into this Plan by this reference. IX. PRINCIPLES FOR PROVIDING ASSISTANCE This section establishes additional terms and conditions governing all requests for assistance and all assistance provided under this Plan and Agreement: 1. PROVISION OF ASSISTANCE VOLUNTARY. Every Participating PUD (sometimes also referred to as a “party” herein below) under this Plan understands and agrees that neither such party nor any other party hereto is obligated by this Plan to request or to provide labor, equipment or materials to any other Participating PUD at any time or under any circumstances. However, if assistance is requested and provided pursuant to this Plan, the terms and WA PUD District Mutual Aid Plan - October, 2014 Page 9 conditions contained herein shall apply. The party providing labor, equipment and/or materials shall, in all cases, have the final determination whether it is in good faith reasonably able and willing to respond partially or fully to a request for assistance under the circumstances. Assistance, once offered or provided, may be withdrawn at any time upon reasonable notice. The “Assisting PUD” is the party which supplies labor crews, equipment and/or materials upon request of another party to this Plan in response to a particular event. The “Requesting PUD” is the party requesting assistance and receiving assistance in the form of labor crews, equipment and/or materials from another party under this Plan in response to a particular event. 2. Assistance will be first offered to other participants of this Plan before it is provided to any non-member utilities. 3. During “Scenario A” conditions, requests for assistance from non-participating utilities shall be referred to the appropriate the Regional Coordinator. 4. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS. It is understood and agreed that in providing assistance under this Plan in the form of labor, equipment and materials, the Assisting PUD shall be and remain at all times an independent contractor, and that the Assisting PUDs employees shall be and remain at all times solely the employees of the Assisting PUD. The Assisting PUD shall pay its employees in accordance with such Assisting PUD’s then-existing collective bargaining agreement or other applicable policy. 5. REQUESTS FOR ASSISTANCE. Requests for labor assistance shall be for not less than one or more functional work crews established in accordance with the Assisting PUD’s existing collective bargaining agreements and safety policies, and to the extent reasonably possible such crews shall remain as units while performing work to the Requesting PUD, unless expressly agreed to otherwise. Requests for assistance shall describe the number and type(s) of crew(s) desired, the equipment desired, and any materials desired. The reporting point shall be described. The Assisting PUD shall have a reasonable period of time within which to provide verbal response to a request, indicating availability of crews, equipment or materials. EVEN IF AN INITIAL INQUIRY IS VERBAL, ALL REQUESTS FOR ASSISTANCE SHALL BE MADE OR CONFIRMED IN WRITING, AND ALL REQUESTS FOR ASSISTANCE SHALL BE TRANSMITTED TO THE APPROPRIATE CONTACT PERSON OR ALTERNATE IN WRITING BEFORE ASSISTANCE IS PROVIDED. A WRITTEN REQUEST FOR ASSISTANCE MAY BE IN THE FORM OF A FAX OR PRINTED E-MAIL MESSAGE. LIKEWISE, ANY AGREEMENT TO RESPOND TO A REQUEST FOR ASSISTANCE SHALL BE CONFIRMED IN WRITING AND MAY BE IN THE FORM OF A FAX OR PRINTED E-MAIL MESSAGE. THE INTENT OF THIS REQUIREMENT IS FOR EACH PARTY TO HAVE PERMANENT, WRITTEN DOCUMENTATION OF THE MUTUAL TRANSACTION AND ALL PERTINENT TERMS AND CONDITIONS. WA PUD District Mutual Aid Plan - October, 2014 Page 10 6. Each Assisting PUD’s crews will follow their own work rules and safety practices, with the exception of switching procedures and clearances which will fall under the procedures of the Requesting PUD. 7. COSTS OF ASSISTANCE. All Participating PUDs, upon execution of this Plan, shall provide to the other parties an “Exhibit A’. Participating PUDs shall provide to the other parties a new “Exhibit A” each time it is amended. “Exhibit A” shall contain: a) a list of all equipment, including but not limited to trucks, backhoes, mobile transformers and other equipment (need not include smaller items of equipment that are ordinarily included with and necessary for normal operation of the larger piece of equipment) that may be made available for assistance, and shall include the regular hourly rate to be charged for such equipment, based upon the Assisting PUD’s cost, including applicable overhead; and b) a list of all types or categories of labor personnel and crews that may be made available as individual functioning units for assistance, along with the current hourly rate or wage scale for each such unit, based upon the Assisting PUD’s cost, including fringe benefits and applicable overhead. Except as expressly provided otherwise herein, Assisting PUDs shall invoice Requesting PUDs for assistance provided hereunder in accordance with the costs and charges described in their respective current “Exhibit A”. Hourly costs of individual large pieces of equipment described in “Exhibit A” shall be reimbursed for the number of hours such equipment is in actual field use by Assisting PUD crews, including mobilization and demobilization; costs shall not be charged during non-compensatory crew rest periods. The hourly wage to be reimbursed to the Assisting PUD for each employee provided in response to request for assistance shall be in accordance with the “Exhibit A” and shall be applicable from the time the employee leaves home or place of duty until he/she returns, except for non-compensatory periods of rest; provided, however, that in the event of conflict herewith, the Assisting PUD’s Collective Bargaining Agreement shall control with regard to matters addressed herein. “Exhibit A” need not contain a list of individual items of materials that may be made available upon request and regularly utilized in the work provided under this Plan and Agreement. However it is understood that such materials as are provided shall be supplied at the Assisting PUD’s actual cost, and such actual cost, plus any other applicable amounts described below shall be reimbursed upon invoice to the Requesting PUD. The Assisting PUD shall also be reimbursed for all documented actual, reasonable costs of travel expenses, meals (if not provided by the Requesting PUD and excluding alcohol), and lodging (if not provided by the Requesting PUD). WA PUD District Mutual Aid Plan - October, 2014 Page 11 All costs to be reimbursed to the Assisting PUD shall include regular fringe benefits (applicable to labor only) and regular overhead costs (applicable to all labor, equipment and materials) as determined by the Assisting PUD and provided for in accordance with this Plan. Each Participating PUD shall provide an updated “Exhibit A” to the other Participating PUDs as provided here in any time one or more of the matters contained therein is amended. Except to the extent such loss, damage or costs are proximately caused by the negligent act or omission of the Requesting PUD, all risk of loss or damage or maintenance and repair costs of equipment supplied by an Assisting PUD shall be included within the Assisting PUD’s regular equipment rates and charges described herein, and there shall be no additional charges therefore. 8. REIMBURSEMENT. A Requesting PUD receiving assistance under this Plan shall reimburse the Assisting PUD’s documented costs of assistance within thirty (30) days of receipt of invoice from the Assisting PUD. Any invoice not paid by the Requesting PUD within such period shall accrue interest at a rate of 1 percent per month on the outstanding balance until paid. All invoices for reimbursement of costs of providing assistance hereunder shall be addressed to the attention of the Requesting PUD’s designated Contact Person identified upon its signature page to this Plan. Notwithstanding anything else to the contrary herein, should the Assisting PUD have duly adopted amendments to its Collective Bargaining Agreement, wage scale or schedule of equipment costs and charges which are not yet reflected in its “Exhibit A” at the time it provides assistance hereunder to a Requesting PUD, the Requesting PUD shall in any such event reimburse the Assisting PUD in accordance with the Assisting PUD’s newly amended Collective Bargaining Agreement, wage scale or cost schedule. 9. RECORDS RETENTION. All written requests for assistance and all documentation of services rendered or received, costs incurred and amounts paid shall be maintained by the parties in accordance with applicable state records retention policies. 10. INDEMNIFICATION. Each party executing this Plan hereby agrees to defend and indemnify the other Participating PUDs from and against any and all claims, demands losses and damages arising from activities carried out hereunder by such party to the extent of such party’s own negligent or wrongful act or acts. EACH PARTY HEREBY SPECIFICALLY AND EXPRESSLY WAIVES ITS IMMUNITY UNDER THE WASHINGTON INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE ACT FOR THE PURPOSE OF CARRYING OUT THE INTENT OF THIS SECTION AND ACKNOWLEDGES THAT THIS WAIVER HAS BEEN MUTUALLY NEGOTIATED BY THE PARTICIPATING PUDS, INCLUDING SUCH PARTY. WA PUD District Mutual Aid Plan - October, 2014 Page 12 11. TERMINATION. Participation in this Plan may be terminated by any party upon thirty (30) days written notice sent by first class mail, postage paid, and addressed to the other Participating PUDs and to the Regional Coordinators. However, termination of this Agreement shall not relieve any such party of any unsatisfied obligation incurred hereunder prior to such termination. The term of this Agreement and Plan shall be ten years from the time it has been executed by two or more Participating PUDs; at the end of such term, this Agreement and Plan shall be automatically renewed for an additional term of ten years unless a majority of the Participating PUDs agrees in writing that it shall be terminated. 12. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This writing contains the entire, final and exclusive agreement of the Participating PUDs with regard to the matter of mutual aid services, and it supersedes all other prior agreements and understandings, whether oral or written. This Plan shall not be amended except in writing, executed in the same manner as this Plan. 13. NO THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES. Except as expressly set forth herein, none of the provisions of this Plan shall inure to the benefit of or be enforceable by any person not signatory hereto. 14. GOVERNING LAW, VENUE. This Plan shall be governed by the laws of the state of Washington, with venue for any disputes in the county where the work or other acts giving rise to the dispute or claim occurred. X. ADDITIONAL OPERATING CONSIDERATIONS To the extent possible, the Requesting PUD should address the following to improve the process: • Establish a key contact person and alternate and provide such updated information, including telephone number, fax number, e-mail address and mailing address to each of the Regional Coordinators and to each of the other Participating PUDs • Provide a local employee for guiding and communications during an event • Whenever possible, leave outside crews intact • Provide dedicated lodging for outside crews • Provide hot meals (as needed) • Provide for minor emergency expenses of outside crew workers • Watch for tired workers. WA PUD District Mutual Aid Plan - October, 2014 Page 13 SIGNATURES We agree with and will abide by the terms, conditions and guidelines of this Washington Public Utility District Mutual Aid Plan and Agreement: Public Utility District Name Signature Printed Name Title Date Initial Contact Person’s Name and Title Initial Contact Person’s Telephone Number, e-mail address, and mailing address WA PUD District Mutual Aid Plan - October, 2014 (pg 14 rev.11/4/14) Page 14 Mike Speaks Chris Miller Scott Peterson Mike Ferrier Darin Hall Bob Geddes Turk Moon Ryan Lane Kevin Street Dale Benner Jeff McClain Ron Russell Steve Easton Ben Morrow Jeff Sorensen* Chris Marlowe Brian Roden Ben Feliz Mike Brown Dan Krebs Bill Decker Ken Haman Name Pacific County PUD Mason County PUD #3 Mason County PUD #3 Mason County PUD #3 Mason County PUD #1 Mason County PUD #1 Lewis County PUD Lewis County PUD Lewis County PUD Jefferson County PUD Grays Harbor PUD Grays Harbor PUD Grays Harbor PUD Grays Harbor PUD Cowlitz County PUD Cowlitz County PUD Cowlitz County PUD Clark Public Utilities Clark Public Utilities Clark Public Utilities Clark Public Utilities Clallam County PUD Clallam County PUD Utility [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] E-mail (360) 642-3191 (360) 942-2411 (360) 942-2411 (360) 426-8255 x2250 (360) 432-1556 (360) 426-8255 x 3233 (360) 877-5249 (360) 496-7561 (360) 740-2416 (360) 740-2415 (360)385-8360 (360) 538-6248 (360) 538-6284 (360) 538-6329 (360) 538-6371 (360) 501-9368 (360) 501-9543 (360) 501-9505 (360) 992-8847 (360) 992-8518 (360) 992-8836 (360) 992-8870 (360) 461-1241 (360) 797-3211 Work Telephone WEST SIDE SUPERINTENDENTS Jason Dunsmoor Pacific County PUD [email protected] West Side Superintendents Rev 7/8/2015 (360) 877-5249 Craig Maurray Pacific County PUD Page 1 of 2 Mark Binion *Regional Coordinator **Planning Coordinator Erin Wilson David Tramblie Shane Mahoney Aaron Janisko Bob Kakaley** Jason McEathron Gary Leonard Brent Bischoff Kevin McAlister Andy Herrera Mike McNellis Name City of Port Angeles Wahkiakum PUD Wahkiakum PUD Snohomish County PUD Snohomish County PUD Snohomish County PUD Skamania PUD Skamania PUD Skamania PUD Peninsula Light Co Peninsula Light Co Peninsula Light Co Utility [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] E-mail (360) 417-4702 (360) 417-4731 (360) 795-3266 (360) 795-3266 (425) 328-5521 (425) 339-7377 (425) 783-4433 (509) 427-5126 (509) 427-5126 (509) 427-5126 (253) 857-1571 (253) 857-1542 (253) 857-1555 Work Telephone WEST SIDE SUPERINTENDENTS Jim Klarr [email protected] (360) 870-9438 City of Port Angeles [email protected] Terry Dahlquist Ron Raff Page 2 of 2 West Side Superintendents Rev 7/8/2015 *Regional Coordinator **Planning Coordinator Work Phone (360) 797-3211 24-Hour Phone (360)374-2068 (360) 582-0499 Fax Number [email protected] [email protected] E-mail Address WEST SIDE CONTACTS (360) 565-3465 (360) 461-1241 Utility/Contact Name Ken Haman (360) 461-1241 Port Angeles, WA 98362 2431 E Highway 101 P. O. Box 1090 Clallam County PUD Bill Decker Clark Public Utilities P. O. Box 8900 8600 N. E. 117th Avenue Jeff Sorensen, Line Supt* Ben Morrow, Supt Chris Marlowe, Dir of Ops (Primary Contact) Brian Roden Bob Feliz Dan Krebs Mike Brown (360) 538-6371 (360) 501-9543 (360) 501-9368 (360) 501-9525 (360) 992-8847 (360) 992-8518 (360) 992-8870 (360) 992-8836 (360) 580-0441 (360) 470-8731 (360) 431-9102 (360) 957-1539 (360) 431-7753 (360) 560-5820 (805) 315-7033 (360) 992-8880 (360) 538-6380 (360) 538-6380 (360) 538-6380 (360) 501-9307 (360) 501-9307 (360) 501-9307 (360) 992-8897 (360) 992-8897 (360) 992-8551 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Vancouver, WA 98662 Steve Easton, Ops Mgr (360) 538-6329 (360) 790-9844 [email protected] P. O. Box 3007 875 Industrial Way Longview, WA 98632 Grays Harbor PUD P. O. Box 480 2720 Sumner Avenue Aberdeen, WA 98520 [email protected] Ron Russell, Line Supt (360) 538-6284 (360) 538-6498 Cowlitz County PUD Jeff McClain, Contract Const Supt (360) 580-2596 Revised 7/8/2015 (360) 538-6248 West Side Contacts Detail Page 1 of 4 Dale Benner, Safety/Enviro Dir *Regional Coordinator **Planning Coordinator Work Phone (360) 302-0022 / cell 24-Hour Phone (360) 385-5945 (360) 385-8373 Fax Number [email protected] [email protected] E-mail Address WEST SIDE CONTACTS (360) 385-8360 (360) 643-3604 Utility/Contact Name Kevin Streett, Supt (Primary Contact) (360) 385-8340 Port Hadlock, WA 98339 230 Chimacum Road P. O. Box 929 Jefferson County PUD Jim Parker, Manager Lewis County PUD P. O. Box 330 321 N. W. Pacific Avenue Chehalis, WA 98532 [email protected] [email protected] (360) 740-2415 / office (360) 520-7920 / cell (360) 740-2416 / office (360) 520-7561 / cell (360) 877-5339 (360) 748-9261 (360) 748-9261 Ryan Lane, Superintendent Turk Moon, Asst Superintendent (360) 748-9261 (360) 877-5249 (360) 877-5339 [email protected] (360) 520-1611 / cell (360) 877-5249 (360) 877-5249 (360) 432-1578 [email protected] N. 21971 Highway 101 Shelton, WA 98584 Mason County PUD #3 P. O. Box 2148 2621 E Johns Prairie Rd Shelton, WA 98584 [email protected] Darin Hall, Superintendent (360) 877-5249 (360) 561-1663 (360) 275-6674 [email protected] Bob Geddes, Manager Mike Ferrier, Foreman (360) 426-8255 x 3233 (360) 701-2322 (360) 432-1578 Mason County PUD #1 Scott Peterson (360) 432-1556 (360) 490-5897 Revised 7/8/2015 [email protected] Chris Miller (360) 426-8255 x 2250 West Side Contacts Detail Page 2 of 4 Mike Speaks *Regional Coordinator **Planning Coordinator Mark Binion Craig Maurry Jason Dunsmoor (Primary Contact) (253) 857-1555 (360) 642-3191 (360) 942-2411 (360) 942-2411 Work Phone (808) 870-9870 (253) 549-3251 (360) 244-1960 (360) 942-7272 (360) 942-7270 24-Hour Phone (253) 857-6266 (253) 857-6266 (360) 642-9389 (360) 875-9388 (360) 875-9388 Fax Number [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] E-mail Address WEST SIDE CONTACTS Mike McNellis, Ops Supt (Initial Contact) (253) 857-1542 (253) 549-3084 (360) 417-4729 Utility/Contact Name Andrew Herrera, Asst Supt (253) 857-1571 (360) 461-1469 Port Angeles, WA 98362 240 W. Front City of Port Angeles Gig Harbor, WA 98335 13315 Goodnough Dr. N.W. P. O. Box 78 Peninsula Light Co Raymond, WA 98577 405 Duryea P. O. Box 472 Pacific County PUD Kevin McAlister, Asst Supt (360) 417-4731 Revised 7/8/2015 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Jim Klarr (509) 427-8416 (509) 427-8416 (360) 417-4702 (509) 448-3912 (541) 490-8358 West Side Contacts Detail Page 3 of 4 (509) 448-3912 (509) 427-5126 Terry Dahlquist, Elec Eng Mgr Skamania PUD P. O. Box 500 Carson, WA 98610 Brent Bischoff, GM Gary Leonard, GF *Regional Coordinator **Planning Coordinator Bob Kakaley** (360) 563-2201 (425) 783-4433 Work Phone (425) 328-5521 / cell (425) 339-7377 / cell (425) 293-9724 / cell 24-Hour Phone (360) 795-8441 (425) 783-5816 (425) 783-5516 (425) 267-6231 Fax Number [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] E-mail Address WEST SIDE CONTACTS Aaron Janisko (425) 783-4497 (360) 430-5574 [email protected] Utility/Contact Name Shane Mahoney (360) 795-3266 (360) 795-8441 Cathlamet, WA 98612 45 River Street P. O. Box 248 Wahkiakum PUD Everett, WA 98206 1802 78th Street S.W. P. O. Box 1107 Snohomish County PUD David Tramblie, GM (360) 431-6346 Revised 7/8/2015 (360) 795-3266 West Side Contacts Detail Page 4 of 4 Erin Wilson, Auditor *Regional Coordinator **Planning Coordinator CLALLAM Clallam County PUD 2014 Rates Line Foreman Sequim Shop/Port Angeles Forks ST $70.94 ST $70.94 OT $123.58 OT $132.25 Lineman Sequim Shop/Port Angeles Forks ST $63.05 ST $63.05 OT $109.84 OT $118.50 Operations Assistant ST $45.07 OT $109.84 Trucks: Manlift/Bucket Digger Derrick Foreman Pickup $21.00/hr $21.00/hr $13.00/hr Those rates include all loaded costs. The different O.T. rates between Forks and standard are because of an area-pay stipend. Ken Haman- Sequim Shop/Port Angeles Shop Superintendent Daytime phone: (360)565-3465 Cell phone, day or night: (360)797-3211 Fax: (360)582-0499 [email protected] Bill Decker- Forks Shop Superintendent Daytime phone: (360)565-3461 Cell phone: (360)461-1241 Fax: (360)374-2068 [email protected] CLARK UG/OH CREW COSTS 2014 SERVICEMAN SERVICEMAN PAYROLL O.H. per hr PAYROLL O.H. per $ PAYROLL O.H. per $ CONSTRUCTION O.H. TRUCK Charge per Hour Regular Overtime 43.20 86.40 11.90 11.90 8.60 8.60 7.28 14.57 44.01 44.01 41.89 41.89 $156.88 $ 207.37 2 MAN WORKING FOREMAN LINEMAN PAYROLL O.H. per hr PAYROLL O.H. per $ PAYROLL O.H. per $ CONSTRUCTION O.H. TRUCK Charge per Hour Regular Overtime 45.25 90.50 41.13 82.26 23.80 23.80 17.20 17.20 14.56 29.13 88.00 88.00 41.89 41.89 $271.83 $ 372.78 3 MAN WORKING FOREMAN (2) LINEMAN PAYROLL O.H. per hr PAYROLL O.H. per $ PAYROLL O.H. per $ CONSTRUCTION O.H. TRUCK PICKUP Charge per Hour Regular Overtime 45.25 90.50 82.26 164.52 35.70 35.70 25.39 25.39 21.50 43.00 130.26 130.26 41.89 41.89 13.96 13.96 $396.21 $ 545.22 4 MAN FOREMAN (3) LINEMAN PAYROLL O.H. per hr PAYROLL O.H. per $ PAYROLL O.H. per $ CONSTRUCTION O.H. (2) TRUCKS PICK UP Charge per Hour Regular Overtime 48.18 96.36 123.39 246.78 47.60 47.60 34.16 34.16 28.93 57.85 175.00 175.00 83.78 83.78 13.96 13.96 $ 555.00 $ 755.49 ENGINEERING COSTS ENGINEER PAYROLL O.H. per hr PAYROLL O.H. per $ PAYROLL O.H. per $ CONSTRUCTION O.H. Charge per Hour Regular Overtime 38.43 57.65 11.90 11.90 7.65 7.65 6.48 9.72 39.97 39.97 $ 104.43 $ 126.89 Revised 9/1/14 4 MAN FOREMAN (2) LINEMAN HVY EQUIPMENT OPR PAYROLL O.H. per hr PAYROLL O.H. per $ PAYROLL O.H. per $ CONSTRUCTION O.H. TRUCK PICK UP Charge per Hour Regular Overtime 48.18 96.36 82.26 164.52 35.72 71.44 47.60 47.60 33.08 33.08 28.01 56.03 170.41 170.41 41.89 41.89 13.96 13.96 $ 501.11 $ 695.29 5 MAN FOREMAN (3) LINEMAN HVY EQUIPMENT OPR PAYROLL O.H. per hr PAYROLL O.H. per $ PAYROLL O.H. per $ CONSTRUCTION O.H. (2) TRUCKS PICK UP Charge per Hour Regular Overtime 48.18 96.36 123.39 246.78 35.72 71.44 59.50 59.50 41.27 41.27 34.95 69.90 212.67 212.67 83.78 83.78 13.96 13.96 $ 653.42 $ 895.66 FLAGGERS (CPU) LINE HELPER PAYROLL O.H. per hr PAYROLL O.H. per $ PAYROLL O.H. per $ CONSTRUCTION O.H. PICKUP Charge per Hour Regular Overtime 25.97 51.94 11.90 11.90 5.17 5.17 4.38 8.76 29.40 29.40 13.96 13.96 $ 90.78 $ 121.13 BACKHOE (CPU) BACKHOE OR TRENCHER w/TRAILER $41.89 Per HR VAC TRUCK (CPU) VAC TRUCK DRIVER (HVY EQUIP OPERATOR) PAYROLL O.H. per hr PAYROLL O.H. per $ PAYROLL O.H. per $ Charge per Hour 96.00 35.72 11.90 7.11 6.02 $ 156.75 96.00 71.44 11.90 7.11 12.04 $ 198.49 CONTRACTED SERVICES FLAGGERS (Contract) CONTRACT - 1 PERSON (INCLUDES PICKUP) OVERHEADS CHARGEABLE $0.62 per dollar charged \\clarkpud\pudspace\Myshare\BFeliz\My Documents\Mutual Aid\Crew Costs 2014 Combined 3-1-14 Calc-revised 080814 Regular Overtime $60.00 $78.70 COWLITZ To: All Concerned From: Tami Ingalls January 1, 2014 Subject: Cost Information Sheet The following are percentages and rates to be applied to "Cost Information Sheets" relating to Job Cost Estimates through 12/31/2014. Base Labor Rates (w/o Overheads) Per Hour Large Crew 4 Man Crew - Non-Climbing Foreman (Overhead) 4 Man Crew - Climbing Foreman (Overhead) 4 Man Crew - Non-Climbing Foreman (Underground) 3 Man Crew Light Substation Crew - 1 Wireman Heavy Substation Crew - 2 Wiremen Light Service Crew - 1 Lineman Heavy Service Crew - 2 Linemen Engineering Labor (Planner III D) Meter/Wire/Relay Flagger 228.55 165.89 158.57 165.89 117.86 86.51 208.64 67.52 81.42 35.29 39.91-41.68 15.49 Engineering Overhead Expense Operations Overhead Expense Payroll Overheads Straight Time Overtime Tools Overhead Expense Stores Overhead Expense Vehicle Base Rates Large Crew 4 Man Crew - Non-Climbing Foreman (Overhead) 4 Man Crew - Climbing Foreman (Overhead) 4 Man Crew - Non-Climbing Foreman (Underground) 3 Man Crew Light Substation Crew Heavy Substation Crew Light Service Crew Heavy Service Crew Meter/Relay/Wire Person cc: Accounting File Chris Marlowe Stacie Pederson Installation Removal Percent 15% of crew, engineering, & other direct labor 15% of crew, engineering, contract*, & other direct labor 67.5% of crew, engineers, and other direct labor 40.6% of same 10.0% of crew & engineering labor & other direct labor (non contract) 15% 15% Per Hour 110.00 105.00 70.00 70.00 70.00 10.00 10.00 35.00 35.00 4.00 COWLITZ Hourly Cost of Various Crew Sizes Effective for Jobs Being Performed After 4/1/2014 Large Crew Heavy Crew Foreman Lineman (2) Apprentice Lineman, 6th Period Head Groundman, Class A Groundman Total Hourly Labor Line Truck Manlift Ladder Truck Pickup Total Base Hourly Rate Actual A&G Expense (Approx. 10%) Total Hourly Rate Cost Per Day 4 Man Crew - Non-Climbing Foreman (Overhead) Foreman Linemen (2) Apprentice Lineman, 6th Period Total Hourly Labor Line Truck Manlift Ladder Truck Total Base Hourly Labor Actual A&G Expense (Approx. 10%) Total Hourly Rate Cost Per Day 4/1/2014 1.685 Straight Time Base Rate Loaded Rate 2.812 Overtime Loaded Rate 47.63 81.42 38.67 31.35 29.48 228.55 80.26 137.19 65.16 52.82 49.67 385.11 133.94 228.95 108.74 88.16 82.90 642.69 35.00 35.00 35.00 5.00 35.50 35.50 35.50 5.50 35.50 35.50 35.50 5.50 338.55 22.86 497.11 38.51 754.69 64.27 361.41 2,891.22 535.62 4,284.92 818.96 6,551.68 1.685 Straight Time Base Rate Loaded Rate 2.812 Overtime Loaded Rate 45.80 81.42 38.67 165.89 77.17 137.19 65.16 279.53 128.79 228.95 108.74 466.48 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.50 35.50 35.50 35.50 35.50 35.50 270.89 386.03 572.98 16.59 27.95 46.65 287.48 2,299.80 413.98 3,311.86 619.63 4,957.05 COWLITZ COWLITZ PUD DIST. 1 Hourly Cost of Various Crew Sizes Effective for Jobs Being Performed After 4/1/2014 4 Man Crew - Climbing Foreman (Overhead) Foreman Linemen (2) Head Groundman, Class A Total Hourly Labor 4/1/2014 1.685 Straight Time Base Rate Loaded Rate 45.80 81.42 31.35 158.57 2.812 Overtime Loaded Rate 77.17 137.19 52.82 267.19 128.79 228.95 88.16 445.90 Line Truck Ladder Truck 35.00 35.00 35.50 35.50 35.50 35.50 Total Base Hourly Labor 228.57 338.19 516.90 Actual A&G Expense (Approx. 10%) 15.86 26.72 44.59 244.43 1,955.39 364.91 2,919.29 561.48 4,491.87 Total Hourly Rate Cost Per Day 4 Man Crew - Non-Climbing Foreman (Underground) Foreman Linemen (2) Apprentice Lineman, 6th Period Total Hourly Labor Line Truck Ladder Truck Total Base Hourly Rate Actual A&G Expense (Approx. 10%) Total Hourly Rate Cost Per Day 1.685 Straight Time Base Rate Loaded Rate 2.812 Overtime Loaded Rate 45.80 81.42 38.67 165.89 77.17 137.19 65.16 279.53 128.79 228.95 108.74 466.48 35.00 35.00 35.50 35.50 35.50 35.50 235.89 350.53 537.48 16.59 27.95 46.65 252.48 2,019.80 378.48 3,027.85 584.13 4,673.05 COWLITZ COWLITZ PUD DIST. 1 Hourly Cost of Various Crew Sizes Effective for Jobs Being Performed After 4/1/2014 3 Man Crew Foreman Lineman Head Groundman, Class A Total Hourly Labor Line Truck Ladder Truck Total Base Hourly Labor Actual A&G Expense (Approx. 10%) Total Hourly Rate Cost Per Day 4/1/2014 1.685 Straight Time Base Rate Loaded Rate 2.812 Overtime Loaded Rate 45.80 40.71 31.35 117.86 77.17 68.60 52.82 198.59 128.79 114.48 88.16 331.41 35.00 35.00 35.50 35.50 35.50 35.50 187.86 269.59 402.41 11.79 19.86 33.14 199.65 1,597.19 289.45 2,315.60 435.55 3,484.42 COWLITZ Hourly Cost of Various Crew Sizes Effective for Jobs Being Performed After 4/1/2014 Light Substation Crew Substation Foreman Wireman Total Hourly Rate 4/1/2014 1.685 Straight Time Base Rate Loaded Rate 45.80 77.17 40.71 68.60 86.51 145.77 2.812 Overtime Loaded Rate 128.79 114.48 243.26 Substation Truck 10.00 10.50 10.50 Total Base Hourly Rate 96.51 156.27 253.76 8.65 14.58 24.34 105.16 841.31 170.85 1,366.78 278.09 2,224.70 Actual A&G Expense (Approx. 10%) Total Hourly Rate Cost Per Day COWLITZ Hourly Cost of Various Crew Sizes Effective for Jobs Being Performed After 4/1/2014 Light Service Crew 4/1/2014 1.685 Straight Time Base Rate Loaded Rate 2.812 Overtime Loaded Rate Lineman Groundman Total Hourly Labor 40.71 26.81 67.52 68.60 45.17 113.77 114.48 75.39 189.87 Ladder Truck 35.00 35.50 35.50 102.52 149.27 225.37 6.75 11.38 18.99 109.27 874.16 160.64 1,285.15 244.35 1,954.85 Total Base Hourly Rate Actual A&G Expense (Approx. 10%) Total Hourly Rate Cost Per Day Heavy Service Crew 1.685 Straight Time Base Rate Loaded Rate 2.812 Overtime Loaded Rate Linemen (2) 81.42 137.19 228.95 Total Hourly Labor Ladder Truck 81.42 35.00 137.19 35.50 228.95 35.50 Total Base Hourly Rate Actual A&G Expense (Approx. 10%) 116.42 8.14 172.69 13.72 264.45 22.90 Total Hourly Rate Cost Per Day 124.56 996.47 186.41 1,491.30 287.36 2,298.83 Meter Department Crew 1.685 Straight Time Base Rate Loaded Rate 2.812 Overtime Loaded Rate Power and Demand Meterman 42.51 71.63 119.54 Total Hourly Labor Van 42.51 4.00 71.63 4.50 119.54 4.50 Total Base Hourly Rate 46.51 76.13 124.04 4.25 7.16 11.95 50.76 406.11 83.29 666.38 135.99 1,087.92 Actual A&G Expense (Approx. 10%) Total Hourly Rate Cost Per Day COWLITZ COWLITZ PUD DIST. 1 Hourly Cost of Various Crew Sizes Effective for Jobs Being Performed After 4/1/2014 2 Person Crew Transformer Maintman/Spill Resp Coordinator Asst. Transformer Maintman/Spill Resp Coordinat Total Hourly Labor Forklift Total Base Hourly Labor Actual A&G Expense (Approx. 10%) Total Hourly Rate Cost Per Day 4/1/2014 1.685 Straight Time Base Rate Loaded Rate 2.812 Overtime Loaded Rate 33.77 29.17 62.94 56.90 49.15 106.05 94.96 82.03 176.98 5.00 5.50 5.50 67.94 111.55 182.48 6.29 10.61 17.70 74.23 593.89 122.15 977.25 200.18 1,601.39 GRAYS HARBOR EXHIBIT A PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 OF GRAYS HARBOR COUNTY (GRAYS HARBOR PUD) CONTACT PERSONNEL FOR MUTUAL AID Steve Easton - Line Superintendent Office: 360-538-6371 Cell: 360-470-8731 Dale Benner - Safety/Environmental Director Office: 360-538-6248 Cell: 360-580-2596 Jeff McClain- Contract Construction Superintendent office 360-538-6284 Cell 360-790-9844 GRAYS HARBOR EXHIBIT B PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 OF GRAYS HARBOR COUNTY (GRAYS HARBOR PUD) HOURLY RATES FOR PERSONNEL AND EQUIPMENT CREW COMPLEMENT STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME TWO-PERSON SERVICE CREW 1 - HOUR 8 - HOURS 1 - HOUR 8 - HOURS 1 - LINEMAN 60.59 121.18 1 - HEAD GROUNDMAN 41.97 83.94 TOTAL 102.56 820.48 205.12 1,640.96 EQUIPMENT SERVICE TRUCK TOTAL COST W/EQUIPMENT FOUR-PERSON CREW 1 - LINE FOREMAN 2 - LINEMEN 1 - LINE EQ OPERATOR TOTAL EQUIPMENT LINE TRUCK FLATBED TRUCK BUCKET TRUCK TOTAL COST W/EQUIPMENT FIVE-PERSON CREW 1 - LINE FOREMAN 2 - LINEMEN 1 - LINE EQ OPERATOR 1 - GROUNDMAN TOTAL EQUIPMENT LINE TRUCK FLATBED TRUCK BUCKET TRUCK TOTAL COST W/EQUIPMENT 48.00 150.56 48.00 1,204.48 1 - HOUR 8 - HOURS 68.23 121.18 47.36 236.77 1,894.16 66.00 25.00 58.00 385.77 2,024.96 1 - HOUR 8 - HOURS 136.46 242.36 94.72 473.54 3,788.32 66.00 25.00 58.00 3,086.16 1 - HOUR 8 - HOURS 68.23 121.18 47.36 39.95 276.72 2,213.76 66.00 25.00 58.00 425.72 253.12 622.54 4,980.32 1 - HOUR 8 - HOURS 136.46 242.36 94.72 79.90 553.44 4,427.52 66.00 25.00 58.00 3,405.76 702.44 Rates Effective 4-1-2014 through 3-31-2015. All labor rates include 48.51% overhead 5,619.52 Jefferson County PUD 2015 Rates Line Foreman ST $76.59 OT $124.46 Lineman ST $68.40 OT $111.59 Operations Assistant ST $48.00 OT $80.00 Trucks: Bucket Digger Derrick Pickup $21.00/hr $21.00/hr $13.00/hr Those rates include all loaded costs. Kevin Streett Electric Superintendent Daytime phone: (360)385-8360 Cell phone, day or night: (360)302-0022 [email protected] Erik Pryor System Engineer Daytime phone: (360)385-8368 Cell phone: (360)302-0448 [email protected] LEWIS LEWIS COUNTY PUD MUTUAL AID RATE EFFECTIVE 04-01-2015 HOURLY Billet Regular Time Foreman Lineman Equipment Operator Groundman Head Groundman $91.82 $81.59 $62.72 $54.00 $58.89 Overtime $154.83 $137.58 $105.75 $91.05 $99.30 Apprentices billed at their appropriate step rate: Equipment Hourly Rate Digger Derrick Man Lift Dump Truck Service Truck $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $10.00 Lewis County PUD Contact Personal for Mutual Aid Ryan Lane Turk Moon Bob Geddes Superintendent Asst. Supt. Manager 360-748-9261 360-748-9261 360-748-9261 Cell Cell Cell 360-520-7920 360-520-1611 360-520-7561 MASON #1 Mason County PUD #1 not available at time of publication MASON COUNTY PUD 3 Labor Rates 2014 – 2015 Storm Season CLASSIFICATION General Foreman Line Crew Foreman Journeyman Lineman Apprentice Lineman (6th step) Journeyman Serviceman Tree Trim Foreman Journeyman Tree Trimmer Journeyman Wireman Journeyman Meterman Utility Person Journeyman Mechanic Journeyman Utility Electrician Fiber Technician Straight time Loaded rate * $83.13 79.94 71.05 67.50 71.05 67.71 60.29 71.05 71.05 46.43 62.34 71.05 59.10 *Includes 15% Supervisory OH & 60% Labor OH **Includes 15% Supervisory OH & 15% Labor OH Overtime loaded rate ** $123.50 118.77 105.56 100.28 105.56 100.59 89.57 105.56 105.56 68.98 92.61 105.56 87.80 FOUR MAN CREW – 3Ø Underground & 3Ø Overhead Line Crew Foreman Journeyman Lineman Journeyman Lineman Utility Person TOTAL $79.94 71.05 71.05 46.43 $268.47 $118.77 105.56 105.56 68.98 $398.87 THREE MAN CREW – 3Ø Underground & 3Ø Overhead Line Crew Foreman Journeyman Lineman Journeyman Lineman TOTAL $79.94 71.05 71.05 $222.04 $118.77 105.56 105.56 $329.89 TWO MAN CREW – 1Ø Underground, 1Ø Overhead Journeyman Serviceman Journeyman Serviceman TOTAL $71.05 71.05 $142.10 $105.56 105.56 $211.12 TREE TRIM CREW Tree Trim Foreman Journeyman Tree Trimmer Utility Person TOTAL $67.71 60.29 46.43 $174.43 $100.59 89.57 68.98 $259.14 Updated July 2014 MASON COUNTY PUD 3 Vehicle & Equipment Rates 2014 – 2015 Storm Season TRANSPORTATION RATES 93’ Transmission Bucket truck $11.00 per/hour Single elevator with upper squirt boom; material handling 55’ Distribution Bucket Truck $11.00 per/hour 2 man material handling 45’ Service Bucket Truck $11.00 per/hour 1 man material handling 38’ Wireman’s Bucket Truck $11.00 per/hour 1 man 55’ Transmission Digger Derrick $16.00 per/hour 50’ Distribution Digger Derrick $16.00 per/hour 70’ Tree Trim Bucket Truck $11.00 per/hour Tree Trim Chip Truck $11.00 per/hour 1 MASON COUNTY PUD 3 Vehicle & Equipment Rates 2014 – 2015 Storm Season Chipper $10.00 per/hour Terramite Backhoe & Trailer $20.00 per/hour Small light duty backhoe Vac trailer $20.00 per/hour UG Thumper Van $10.00 per/hour Model SPG40 Fault Locate & Cable Test System 12.5 / 25KV Flatbed Truck $15.00 per/hour Pole Trailer $10.00 per/hour Pick-up truck $10.00 per/hour 2 PENINSULA LIGHT COMPANY LABOR, VEHICLE, EQUIPMENT RATES EFFECTIVE APRIL 1, 2014 Line Foreman Working Foreman Lineman 3 Apprentice Lineman Equipment Operator Electrician/Line Electrician Part-time Flaggers Helper Journeyman Mechanic Construction Superintendent REVISED 10/6/2014 BASE STRAIGHT 1 PER LOADED OVERTIME TIME PER HOUR PER HOUR PER HOUR DAY 47.13 142.68 189.81 1,141.44 44.73 135.41 180.14 1,083.28 39.94 120.91 160.85 967.28 37.54 113.64 151.18 909.12 33.35 100.96 134.31 807.68 42.74 129.39 172.13 1,035.12 not currently in use not currently in use not currently in use not currently in use FOUR MAN CREW--UG AND OH Working Foreman Three Lineman 44.73 119.82 135.41 362.73 180.14 482.55 1,083.28 2,901.84 THREE MAN CREW--UG AND OH Working Foreman 2 Lineman 44.73 79.88 135.41 241.82 180.14 321.70 1,083.28 1,934.56 TWO MAN SERVICE CREW Serviceman Lineman 41.14 39.94 124.54 120.91 165.68 160.85 996.32 967.28 1 3 Includes labor, vehicle, and equip OH Apprentice Lineman, Step 6 LABOR COSTS EFFECTIVE OCT 1, 2014 SNOHOMISH New UNION Labor rates BASE PER *LOADED #OVERTIME *STRAIGHT TIME HOUR PER HOUR PER HOUR PER DAY Crew Coordinator Heavy Crew Foreman Line Foreman Line Inspector Journeyman-in-Charge Lineman Wireman Equipment Operator Line Helper Outside Service Lineman Relayman Transformerman Special Meterman Meter Journeyman Lead Restorer Apprentice Lineman Apprentice Wireman Part -time Flaggers $52.30 $52.30 $50.07 $52.30 $45.85 $44.51 $43.64 $36.34 $27.23 $47.18 $51.62 $40.67 $45.92 $41.79 $39.77 $39.09 $38.36 $19.47 $84.73 $84.73 $81.11 $84.73 $74.28 $72.11 $70.70 $58.87 $44.11 $76.43 $83.62 $65.89 $74.39 $67.70 $64.43 $63.33 $62.14 $31.54 $120.39 $120.39 $115.26 $120.39 $105.55 $102.46 $100.46 $83.65 $62.68 $108.61 $118.83 $93.62 $105.71 $96.20 $91.55 $89.99 $88.30 $38.94 $677.81 $677.81 $648.91 $677.81 $594.22 $576.85 $565.57 $470.97 $352.90 $611.45 $669.00 $527.08 $595.12 $541.60 $515.42 $506.61 $497.15 $252.33 Drafter $33.87 $54.87 $77.97 $438.96 Lead Tree Trimmer Tree Trimmer $36.74 $34.44 $59.52 $55.79 $84.58 $79.28 $476.15 $446.34 Line Clearance Notifier $32.22 $52.20 $74.17 $417.57 Comm Tech and Foreman (level V) Customer Accounting Lead $43.73 $36.70 $70.84 $59.45 $100.67 $84.48 $566.74 $475.63 (*INCLUDES 3% SUPERVISORY OH AND 59% LABOR OH) (#INCLUDES 3% SUPERVISORY OH AND 12.10% LABOR OH) **Engineer **Designer **Real Estate Services Agent * * Line Clearance Coordinator BASE PER *LOADED #OVERTIME *STRAIGHT TIME HOUR PER HOUR PER HOUR PER DAY $54.40 $38.13 $41.00 $37.91 ** Weighted Average Salaries as of Mar 1, 2014 1 OF 4 $88.13 $61.77 $66.42 $61.41 $125.23 $87.78 $94.38 $87.27 $705.02 $494.16 $531.36 $491.31 LABOR COSTS EFFECTIVE OCT 1, 2014 SNOHOMISH New UNION Labor rates FIVE MAN CREW--UG AND OH Heavy Crew Foreman Two Lineman Equipment Operator Helper FOUR MAN CREW--UG AND OH Foreman Two Lineman Equipment Operator THREE MAN CREW--UG AND OH Foreman Lineman Equipment Operator TWO MAN CREW--UG AND OH Journeyman in Charge Lineman TWO MAN CREW--UG AND OH Journeyman in Charge Equipment Operator TWO MAN CREW--UG AND OH Journeyman in Charge Helper RESTORATION CREW Lead Restorer Equipment Operator Helper TREE TRIMMER CREW Lead Two Tree Trimmers BASE PER *LOADED #OVERTIME *STRAIGHT TIME HOUR PER HOUR PER HOUR PER DAY $52.30 $89.02 $36.34 $27.23 $204.89 $84.73 $144.21 $58.87 $44.11 $331.92 $120.39 $204.92 $83.65 $62.68 $471.66 $677.81 $1,153.70 $470.97 $352.90 $2,655.37 $50.07 $89.02 $36.34 $175.43 $81.11 $144.21 $58.87 $284.20 $115.26 $204.92 $83.65 $403.84 $648.91 $1,153.70 $470.97 $2,273.57 $50.07 $44.51 $36.34 $130.92 $81.11 $72.11 $58.87 $212.09 $115.26 $102.46 $83.65 $301.38 $648.91 $576.85 $470.97 $1,696.72 $45.85 $44.51 $90.36 $74.28 $72.11 $146.38 $105.55 $102.46 $208.01 $594.22 $576.85 $1,171.07 $45.85 $36.34 $82.19 $74.28 $58.87 $133.15 $105.55 $83.65 $189.20 $594.22 $470.97 $1,065.18 $45.85 $27.23 $73.08 $74.28 $44.11 $118.39 $105.55 $62.68 $168.23 $594.22 $352.90 $947.12 $39.77 $36.34 $27.23 $103.34 $64.43 $58.87 $44.11 $167.41 $91.55 $83.65 $62.68 $237.89 $515.42 $470.97 $352.90 $1,339.29 $36.74 $68.88 $105.62 $59.52 $111.59 $171.10 $84.58 $158.56 $243.14 $476.15 $892.68 $1,368.84 2 OF 4 LABOR COSTS EFFECTIVE OCT 1, 2014 New UNION Labor rates TRANSPORTATION RATES as of APR 1, 2012 Rate $131.00 $109.00 $14.00 $51.00 $26.40 $9.00 $26.00 $26.00 $11.00 $72.00 $26.00 $13.00 $44.00 $66.00 $25.00 $17.00 $22.00 $250.00 $53.00 $38.00 $23.00 $6.00 $9.00 $54.00 $18.00 $10.00 $11.00 $17.00 $84.00 $22.00 $24.00 $42.00 $38.00 $14.00 $13.00 $10.00 $82.00 $54.00 $54.00 $36.00 38 Ton Crane 80 Foot Bucket Asphalt Cutter Backhoe/Trailer Boat W/Motor Cargo Van (Chevy, Ford, Sprinter) Chip Dump Truck Chipper Compressor/Bore Digger Derrick Dump Truck Engineering Equipped Vehicle Flatbed W/Boom Flatbed W/Crane Truck (18T) Forklift Material Trailer Mobile Generator Mobile substation OH Service Truck OH Wire Puller Oil Tanker/Trailer Oilspill cleanup Passenger Car/Sedan Personnel Lift Picker Pickup Truck Pole Trailer Pressure Sprayer/Trailer Pump & Clean Truck Roller Semi Tractor Snow Cat /Trailer Snowmobile/Trailer/Sled Soil Compactor Attachment SUV Sweeper Track Hoe/Trailer TT Personnel Lift UG Digger Truck UG Puller 3 OF 4 SNOHOMISH LABOR COSTS EFFECTIVE OCT 1, 2014 New UNION Labor rates Rate $28.00 $16.00 $33.00 $22.00 UG Service Truck UG Service Van Walk In Van Wire Stringing Trailer Overhead rates Admin. and General Overhead Admin and General Supplemental Superv. Overhead District Labor Superv. Overhead Contract Service Stores Overhead Labor Overhead Straight Time Labor Overhead Overtime AFUDC 11.0% 2.3% 3.0% 1.5% 18.0% 59.0% 12.10% 4.15% effective as of July 1, 12 effective as of Jul 1, 10 effective as of Jan 1, 09 effective as of Jan 1, 09 effective as of Jan 1, 13 effective as of Jul 1, 13 effective as of Jul 1, 13 effective as of Jan 1, 14 The union rates are weighted averages (in some cases of several classifications) as of Oct 1, 2014 Non-union rates are weighted averages of several classifications on Passport as of Mar 1, 2014. FROM GENERAL ACCOUNTING--Janie Kaji Phone #8377 4 OF 4 SNOHOMISH Wahkiakum Randy Bird Mark Pritchard Tim Garrigus Jeff Thayer Ron Ihrig Brian Vosburgh Jacob Johnson Chris Heimbigner Joe Grad Barry Balvitsch Steve Van Slyke Loren Grode Cody Murdock John Stoll Tim Pettit*,** Rick Dunn Steve Hunter Richard Wood Name Okanogan County PUD Okanogan County PUD Okanogan County PUD Klickitat PUD #1 Klickitat PUD #1 Klickitat PUD #1 Kittitas Grant County PUD Grant County PUD Franklin County PUD Franklin County PUD Ferry County PUD Douglas County PUD Chelan County PUD - Wenatchee Chelan County PUD - Wenatchee Chelan County PUD - Wenatchee Benton PUD Benton PUD Benton PUD Utility [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (509) 962-7219 (509) 447-6353 (509) 422-8407 (509) 422-8483 (509) 422-8482 (509) 773-7649 (509) 773-7634 (509) 773-7629 (509) 933-7200 x 803 (509) 670-8675 (509) 542-5902 (509) 727-3828 (509) 775-3325 (509) 881-2259 (509) 661-4878 (509) 661-4483 (509) 582-1281 (509) 582-1273 (509) 582-1251 Work Telephone Alan Allie Pend Oreille PUD [email protected] (509) 942-7422 EAST SIDE SUPERINTENDENTS E-mail Keith Cordes City of Ellensburg [email protected] East Side Superintendents Rev 7/8/2015 (509) 760-1301 (509) 661-4539 Richard French City of Richland Page 1 of 1 Jim Leip *Regional Coordinator **Planning Coordinator Steve Hunter (509) 661-4483 (509) 582-1281 (509) 582-1273 (509) 582-1251 Work Phone (509) 669-2906 (509) 661-4000 (509) 670-6952 (509) 582-2176 (509) 582-2176 (509) 582-2176 24-Hour Phone (509) 661-8116 (509) 661-8116 (509) 661-8116 (509) 586-4712 (509) 586-4712 (509) 586-4712 Fax Number [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] E-mail EAST SIDE CONTACTS Rick Dunn (509) 661-4539 (509) 860-4797 [email protected] Utility/Contact Name Tim Pettit, Ops Mgr** (509) 661-4878 (509) 630-4871 / cell [email protected] East Wenatchee, WA 98802 1151 Valley Mall Parkway Douglas County PUD Cody Murdock, Line Supt Wenatchee, WA 98807-1231 327 N. Wenatchee Avenue P. O. Box 1231 Chelan County PUD Richard Wood* Kennewick, WA 99336-0270 1500 S. Ely Street P. O. Box 6270 Benton PUD John Stoll, Cust Svc Dir Chelan County PUD Dispatch (509) 881-2259 (509) 669-0331 / cell (509) 430-1084 / cell Loren Grode, Dist Supt (509) 881-2353 Ferry County PUD P. O. Box 1039 686 S. Clark Republic, WA 99166-1039 Revised 7/8/2015 [email protected] [email protected] Tim Beck, GF (509) 775-3689 East Side Contacts Detail Page 1 of 3 (509) 775-3326 (509) 775-3325 Steve Van Slyke, Mgr (Primary Contact) *Regional Coordinator **Planning Coordinator Work Phone (509) 539-6316 24-Hour Phone (509) 545-2077 (509) 545-2077 Fax Number [email protected] [email protected] E-mail EAST SIDE CONTACTS (509) 727-3828 (509) 727-7998 Utility/Contact Name Barry Balvitsch, Line Supt (Primary Contact) (509) 542-5902 Pasco, WA 99302 2103 N. 4th P. O. Box 2407 Franklin County PUD Joe Grad, Ops Dir Grant County PUD P. O. Box 878 254 A Street S.E. Ephrata, WA 98823 (509) 933-7188 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (509) 670-8675 (509) 899-4435 /cell (509) 773-3111 [email protected] (509) 760-1301 (509) 754-1806 x2371 Chris Heimbigner Line Supt (Primary Contact) Jacob Johnson Kittitas County PUD 1400 Vantage Hwy (509) 933-7200 x803 (509) 250-2699 (509) 773-6431 Ellensburg, WA 98296 (509) 773-7629 (509) 250-0004 [email protected] Brian Vosburgh, AGM/Ops Mgr Ron Ihrig, COO (Primary Contact) (509) 773-7634 (509) 773-3111 Goldendale, WA 98620 1313 S. Columbus Klickitat PUD #1 Jeff Thayer, Ops Mgr (514) 350-9410 Revised 7/8/2015 (509) 773-7649 East Side Contacts Detail Page 2 of 3 Tim Garrigus *Regional Coordinator **Planning Coordinator Utility/Contact Name Okanogan County PUD P. O. Box 912 1331 2nd Avenue N. Okanogan, WA 98840 Mark Pritchard, Ops Mgr Randy Bird, Ops Supt Alan Allie, Const Design Mgr Pend Orielle County PUD P. O. Box 190 130 N. Washington Avenue 24-Hour Phone (509) 422-8417 Fax Number [email protected] E-mail EAST SIDE CONTACTS Work Phone (509) 322-1942 (Cell) or (509) 826-5181 (home (509) 429-0268 (Cell) (509) 422-2822 (Home) (509) 429-0268 (Cell) (509) 422-8417 (509) 422-8417 (509) 422-8482 (509) 422-8483 (509) 422-8407 [email protected] (509) 476-3110 (509) 447-6353 Newport, WA 99156-0190 (509) 447-3137 (509) 962-7219 (509) 942-7422 (509) 447-6373 Keith Cordes [email protected] [email protected] Revised 7/8/2015 City of Ellensburg City of Richland East Side Contacts Detail Page 3 of 3 Richard French Jim Leip *Regional Coordinator **Planning Coordinator BENTON BENTON Rates Effective April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014 CHELAN COUNTY PUD LABOR RATES LABOR RATES BASE PER HOUR * LOADED PER HOUR # OVERTIME PER HOUR *STRAIGHT TIME PER DAY (based on an 8 hr day) General Foreman Line Foreman Journeyman Lineman Apprentice Lineman Equipment Operator On-Call Flagger A-Level B-Level C-Level Head Groundman Groundman Fleet Mechanic Area Manager $45.68 $43.52 $38.73 $34.26 $33.05 *** $71.72 $68.33 $60.81 $53.79 $51.89 *** $105.06 $100.10 $89.08 $78.80 $76.02 $45.83 $29.35 $24.21 $34.01 $65.00 $46.08 $38.01 $53.40 $102.05 $67.51 $55.68 $78.22 $149.50 $573.74 $546.61 $486.45 $430.31 $415.11 *** $253.46 $316.87 $380.25 $368.64 $304.08 $427.17 $816.40 (* INCLUDES 57% Overheads) (# INCLUDES 15% Overheads) MEAL RATES Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner Penalty for Missing Meal $19.37 / per meal $16.00 / per missed meal SAMPLE CREW STRUCTURE: FOUR MAN CREW -- UG AND OH Line Foreman $43.52 Journeyman Lineman $77.46 Equipment Operator $33.05 $154.03 $68.33 $121.61 $51.89 $241.83 $100.10 $178.16 $76.02 $354.27 $546.61 $972.90 $415.11 $1,934.62 THREE MAN CREW -- UG AND OH Line Foreman $43.52 Journeyman Lineman $38.73 Equipment Operator $33.05 $115.30 $68.33 $60.81 $51.89 $181.02 $100.10 $89.08 $76.02 $265.19 $546.61 $486.45 $415.11 $1,448.17 SAMPLE VEHICLE RATES: Serviceman Truck Foreman Truck Line Truck Bucket Truck Backhoe Trailer $18.70 $8.25 $22.00 $18.70 $37.40 $3.85 $17.00 $7.50 $20.00 $17.00 $34.00 $3.50 All rest period and other pay follows Chelan County PUD Collective Bargaining Agreement. ***On-Call Flaggers are paid a per diem rate. A-Level : When called to work on an eight-hour crew, Flaggers will receive A-Level Pay. B-Level: When called to work on a ten-hour crew, Flaggers will receive B-Level Pay. C-Level: When called to work on a ten-hour crew in a week in which they have already worked on an eight-hour crew, the Flaggers will receive C-Level Pay. Note: Overheads are subject to change. Billings are normally based off of actual charges. DOUGLAS PUD 4*1 of Ferry County Mutual Aid Rates as of 08/2014 - LABOR RATES per hour* Apprentice Lineman Journeyman Lineman Journeyman Serviceman Line Foreman STRAIGHT TIME $ $ $ $ 5482 63.06 63.91 68.18 *Rates include applicable benefits subject to change per CBA. EQUIPMENT RATES per hour** Line Truck Bucket Truck Service Bucket Truck Backhoe & Trailer MiniExcavator&Trailer 1/2TonPickup 1 Ton Pickup 1-1/2 Ton Crew Truck Add’l equipment per FEMA rates **Equipment billed same hours as crew. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 51.00 34.35 28.75 28.25 28.25 14.00 20.00 25.00 OVER TIME $ $ $ $ 96.13 110.00 113.19 120.99 FERRY FRANKLIN Franklin PUD vehicle & material rate effective 1/1/2014, labor updated 4/1/14 Date ACCT# PO# Labor Base per hour X 50.32% = Straight time loaded Base per hour X 50.32% + base per hour X 16.84% = Overtime loaded 1.5032 1.1684 (16.84% = 7.65 %Fica/medicare & 9.19% Pers) foreman lineman or substn electrician serviceman/Connell rep apprentice substn foreman lead substn electrician foreman lineman or substn electrician serviceman/Connell rep apprentice substn foreman lead substn electrician Total for Franklin PUD labor Material Material reg hours reg hours reg hours reg hours reg hours reg hours ot hours ot hours ot hours ot hours ot hours ot hours 46.04 41.02 43.83 35.00 46.04 43.03 46.04 41.02 43.83 35.00 46.04 43.03 quanity loaded rate @ straight time loaded rate @ over time 69.20733 61.66126 65.88526 52.61200 69.20733 64.68270 69.20733 61.66126 65.88526 52.61200 69.20733 64.68270 123.0005 109.589 117.0962 93.506 123.0005 114.9589 Meals Total for Franklin PUD vehicles & meals SUB TOTAL SALES TAX 8.60% PUBLIC UTILITY TAX SUB TOTAL Miscellaneous GRAND TOTAL Any questions contact Abby Borchers @ 509 546 5975 total - price Total for Franklin PUD material Vehicles truck # backhoe Total for vehicles hours 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - $ - hours 0 0 0 rate 12.50 12.50 0 20.09 total 0.00 $ $ - $ $ $ - 3.873% 1 00 41501 1 91 23601 1 91 23603 GRANT Grant County PUD Labor, Vehicle & Equipment Rates Effective 2014 To April 2015 Base/hour *Loaded Loaded *Loaded Overtime/ Overtime/ Day Rate Base/hour hour hour (8hrs) Line Foreman $ 45.99 $ 71.74 $ 91.98 $ 117.73 $ 573.96 Lineman $ 41.02 $ 63.99 $ 82.04 $ 105.01 $ 511.93 $ - Apprentice Lineman $ - Step 1 $ 30.42 $ 47.46 $ 60.84 $ 77.88 $ 379.64 Step 2 $ 31.55 $ 49.22 $ 63.10 $ 80.77 $ 393.74 Step 3 $ 32.74 $ 51.07 $ 65.48 $ 83.81 $ 408.60 Step 4 $ 33.89 $ 52.87 $ 67.78 $ 86.76 $ 422.95 Step 5 $ 35.04 $ 54.66 $ 70.08 $ 89.70 $ 437.30 Step 6 $ 36.21 $ 56.49 $ 72.42 $ 92.70 $ 451.90 Equipment Operator I $ 33.33 $ 51.99 $ 66.66 $ 85.32 $ 415.96 Equipment Operator II $ 34.99 $ 54.58 $ 69.98 $ 89.57 $ 436.68 (*Loaded rates include overheads and meals) Grant County PUD Transportation Rates Effective 2013 To April 2014 95' Dbl. Bucket Truck $26.00 Dbl. Bucket Line Truck $26.00 Backhoe/Trailer $18.00 20 Ton Crane $36.00 Digger Derrick $30.00 Flatbed Truck $5.00 Mobile Generator $9.50 OH Wire Puller $18.50 OH Service Truck $20.00 Pole Trailer $6.75 Pickup Truck $5.00 Wire Stringing Trailer $19.50 UG Puller $18.50 Note : Time charged for vehicles is equal to labor time Primary Contact: Chris Heimbigner Work Phone: (509) 754-1806 Cell Phone: (509) 670-8675 Fax number: (509) 754-5292 [email protected] Secondary Contact: Jacob Johnson Work Phone: (509) 754-5088 Cell phone: (509) 760-1301 KLICKITAT Kittitas PUD Kittitas PUD Small District with limited resource. May be able to respond with materials on a case by case basis. RATES EFFECTIVE-4/1/2014 Okanogan County PUD Labor, Vehicle and Equipment Rates Line Foreman Lineman Apprentice 1-6 Rate per Hour Loaded Per Hour $45.14 $74.93 $40.17 $66.68 $30.09-$35.88 $49.94-$59.56 Hour 3-man crew- (Foreman + 2 lineman) - $208.30 4-man crew- (Foreman + 3 lineman) - $274.98 Line Truck-$30.00/hr Bucket Truck- $35.00/hr Foreman Truck-$20.00/hr Backhoe-$35.00/hr Contacts Primary Contact Name Mark Pritchard Operations Manager Work -509-422-8482 Home -509-826-5181 Cell - 509-322-1942 Fax - 509-422-8417 [email protected] Secondary Contact Name Randy Bird Operations Superintendent Work - 509-422-8483 Home -509-422-2822 Cell - 509-429-0268 Fax - 509-422-8417 [email protected] Third Contact Name Allen Allie Construction Design Manager Work - 509-422-8407 Home -509-476-3110 Cell - 509-429-3661 Fax - 509-422-8417 [email protected] OT Loaded Rate $149.86 $133.36 $99.88-$119.12 Daily Weekly $1,666.64 $8,332.00 $2,199.84 $10,999.20 CLASSIFICATION LINE FOREMAN LINEMAN SERVICEMAN $20.16 BASE RATE $45.29 $40.32 $43.53 PEND OREILLE PUD RATES 04/1/14 TO 03/31/15 MEAL RATE 4.02% 15% OVERTIME BASE RATE OVERTIME RATE BASE RATE OVERTIME RATE RATE OVERHEAD OVERHEAD PLUS OVERHEAD PLUS OVERHEAD $90.58 61.00% 17.9367% $72.92 $106.83 $80.64 61.00% 17.9367% $64.92 $95.10 $87.06 61.00% 17.9367% $70.08 $102.68 PEND OREILLE PUD TRANSPORTATION RATES EFFECTIVE 04/01/14 TO 03/31/15 BOOM TRUCK $30.00 BUCKET TRUCK $26.00 BACKHOE/EXCAVATOR & TRAILER $19.50 OH SERVICE TRUCK $20.00 PICKUP TRUCK $15.00 FLATBED TRUCK $13.00 ALL TRAILERS $6.75 UG PULLER WITH TRAILER $10.00 *Charge for vehicles is based on labor hours STORES OVERHEAD TAX OVERHEAD
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Plan is further intended to suffice as a written “Mutual Aid Agreement” meetin the