National Strategy and Action Plan for Animal Genetic
National Strategy and Action Plan for Animal Genetic
National Strategy and Action Plan for Animal Genetic Resources of Turkey (Brief version) All rights reserved, General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies Ankara, 2015 General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies National Strategy and Action Plan for Animal Genetic Resources of Turkey It is prepared by Animal Genetic Resources Research Working Group, Livestock and Fisheries Department, General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies of Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, all rights reserved Prepared by A. Oya AKIN, Dr. Mesut YILDIRIR General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies Araştırma ve Teknoloji Geliştirme Kampüsü İstanbul Yolu Üzeri, No: 38 PK.51 Yenimahalle/Ankara 06171, Turkey Phone : + 90 (312) 315 76 22-26 Fax : + 90 (312) 315 34 48, (312) 343 21 18 Web : E-mail: [email protected] ISBN 978-605-9175-14-2 Baskı Uzerler Matbaacılık Reklamcılık Turizm San. Tic. Ltd. Şti. ANKARA Phone : +90 (312) 441 90 15 Ankara, 2015 National Strategy and Action Plan for Animal Genetic Resources of Turkey (Brief version) General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies 2015 National Strategy and Action Plan for Animal Genetic Resources of Turkey (Brief version) Biodiversity we possess and animal genetic resources (AnGR) as crucial components of the biodiversity, which are the indicators of economic and genetic richness, provide significant benefits in agriculture, medicine, food security and industry. Accordingly, conservation and utilization of the biodiversity are not only obligations but also a matter of our economic, scientific, social and cultural needs. Because of these reasons, AnGR are the values that we should recognize, conserve and inherit to the next generations for the present and the future benefits. Besides conserving agricultural and ecological resources, ensuring sustainability in agricultural production to meet sufficient and healthy food demand is considered as the first strategic priority of the Ministry of Food Agriculture and Livestock (MFAL). Solving the issues that may arise due to the environmental changes in the near future, it is possible to get solutions from the genetic diversity of local breeds as a commercial component. In this respect, supporting and achieving ultimate success for the activities identified in the National Strategy and Action Plan on Animal Genetic Resources (NSAP-AnGR) possess a high importance for conservation, sustainable use, registration and characterization of animal genetic resources and to establish its economic value in the agricultural system of Turkey. The strategic and holistic approaches for the management of AnGR into the livestock sector are based on global knowledge and awareness generated mainly by FAO’s efforts and valuable contribution of related national stakeholders. I would like to thank for those who contributed to the preparation of NSAP-AnGR and I wish success to all stakeholders under the coordinatorship of GDAR to fulfil the objectives in the mission. Mehmet Mehdi EKER Minister 1 National Strategy and Action Plan for Animal Genetic Resources of Turkey (Brief version) The rich diversity of Anatolia is result of the accumulated and blended genetic diversity of farm animals belonging to different cultures that lived and ruled in different times. Various environmental conditions that Anatolia’s wide geography holds the different needs and preference of livestock breeders also contribute to diversity of farm AnGR. The animal breeds which adapted to their production environment very well, have distinctive characteristics and ability to survive and reproduce in harsh environments by natural selection. It is necessary to ensure the continuation of conservation and sustainable use of AnGR due to the essential roles in utilization of the areas where the intensification is not possible for the near future. Conservation or even enhancement of existing variation in AnGR shall provide ability to adapt to the possible future changes in climate, shelter, feed and hygiene conditions. AnGR is also considered as an important training, research and cultural material. We should keep in mind that future generations have rights on the local breeds which are the essential part of regional culture and tradition, our mission is to conserve this unique gene collection without destroying or neglecting them. The National Focal Point (NFP) coordinates the activities for the management of AnGR such as conservation, sustainable use, characterization and policy making. The tasks of the NFP are carried out by the Animal Genetic Resources Research Working Group within the Department of Livestock and Fisheries Research of General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies. The project called ‘Promoting the Management of AnGR in FAO-SEC Countries’ supported by Turkish Government within the scope of the FAO-Turkey Partnership Programme gave acceleration to the finalization of NSAP-AnGR and the document was approved by the Minister of MFAL in 2015. I believe we will reach ultimate goals of the NSAP-AnGR with close collaboration among related stakeholders. 2 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Masum BURAK Director General National Strategy and Action Plan for Animal Genetic Resources of Turkey (Brief version) National Strategy and Action Plan for AnGR (2015-2020) Chapter Content 1. Preparation process of NSAP-AnGR Page 5 2. AnGR in livestock production 10 3. Activities on AnGR 12 3.1. International activities 12 3.2. National activities 12 3.2.1 Legislation 12 3.2.2. Infrastructure 12 3.2.3. Stakeholders 13 3.2.4. Conservation programmes 14 3.2.5. Breed registration 15 3.2.6. Awareness raising 16 3.2.7. AnGR research 17 3.2.8. National Information System on AnGR 17 National Strategy and Action Plan on AnGR 19 4.1. Why NSAP for AnGR? 19 4.2. Content of NSAP for AnGR 20 4.2.1. Characterization, inventory, monitoring of trends and associated risks 20 4.2.2. Sustainable use and development 25 4.2.3. Conservation 28 4.2.4. Policies, institutions and capacity building 31 4. Process of evaluation and monitoring of NSAP for AnGR 34 5. 4.2.5. References 33 6. Appendix 37 Annex 1. Abbreviations 37 Annex 2. List of legislation and commissions related to AnGR 38 Annex 3. List of registered breeds 39 Annex 4. Methods and place of the breeds in conservation program 40 3 Angora Goat National Strategy and Action Plan for Animal Genetic Resources of Turkey (Brief version) 1. Preparation process of NSAP-AnGR An extensive analysis of national and international technical and institutional efforts was included in the preparation process of National Strategy and Action Plan for Animal Genetic Resources (NSAP-AnGR) and the participation of the national stakeholders. After the adoption of the Global Plan of Action for AnGR (GPA) in 2007, the preparation process of NSAPAnGR initiated in 2009. During this period, several meetings organized with the participation of ministerial departments and, university representatives and temporary advisory committees established. The project “Promoting the Management of AnGR in FAO-SEC Countries: Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkey (GCP/SEC/003/TUR)” has accelerated preparation of NSAP for AnGR. The preparation process of NSAP for AnGR mainly based on ‘Guidelines on Preparation of National Strategies and Action Plans for AnGR’ prepared by FAO. The guideline consists of four main chapters; global efforts in chronologic order and the need for the national strategy and action plan explained in 3 sections. Section 4 includes systematic recommendations for the preparation of NSAP-AnGR. After the advisory committees’ meetings and the expert meeting, the National Conference for the preparation of NSAP-AnGR was held on 14-16 May 2014 in Antalya. The outputs of former meetings were accepted as the strategic priorities and related actions of Turkey for AnGR by National Conference participants. The draft documents of NSAP- for AnGR were opened to the discussion with all stakeholders’ participation. Strategic Priority Areas (SPAs) were discussed as proposed in the NSAP preparation guideline of FAO; characterization, inventory and monitoring of trends and associated risks, conservation, sustainable use and development, policies, institutions and capacity buildings. The draft documents that adopted by National Conference officially sent to relevant stakeholders. After making necessary amendments, the NSAP for AnGR was approved by the MFAL in March 2015. 5 National Strategy and Action Plan for Animal Genetic Resources of Turkey (Brief version) 6 National Strategy and Action Plan for Animal Genetic Resources of Turkey (Brief version) Participants of National Congress for Preparation of NSAP AnGR, 15th of May 2014, Antalya. 7 National Strategy and Action Plan for Animal Genetic Resources of Turkey (Brief version) AnGR by biodiversity aspect Agricultural biodiversity is a broad term, which covers all biodiversity components merging ecosystems related with food and agriculture. In this aspect, agricultural biodiversity includes agricultural ecosystems, plant, animal, microorganisms’ variation and diversity, and relationships among non-living environment and processes. Biodiversity, genetic diversity, animal genetic resources, native domestic animal genetic resource, ecosystem, species, breed, sustainable utilization and conservation are important components of agricultural biodiversity to give the definition. Biodiversity; means the variability among living organisms from all sources including, inter alia, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are the part of it. This includes diversity within and among species and of ecosystems. Genetic diversity; biodiversity level or total genetic characteristic number of species genetic structure. In case of high variability, adaptation possibility to environmental differences of some of the population members’ allele diversity increase. Animal genetic resources; animal species and their populations used or have a potential usage for food and agriculture. Wild animals excluded from this concept. Native domestic animal genetic resources; breeds, types, lines and populations that are adapted to their original breeding areas via natural selection for centuries and gained various features by breeders’ preferences, belonging to the country or possessing unique characteristics. The Regulation on Utilization and Export of the Native Domestic AnGR comprised 22 animal species in total. Ecosystem; dynamic complex of plant, animal and micro-organism communities and their non-living environment interacting as a functional unit. Species; animal groups which have common characteristics generate offspring that are productive and inherit their common characteristics to their offspring. Breed; FAO (1999) defines breeds as “either a sub-specific group of domestic livestock with definable and identifiable external characteristics that enable it to be separated by visual appraisal from other similarly defined groups within the same species, or a group for which geographical and/or cultural separation from phenotypically separate groups has led to acceptance of its separate identity”. According to the “Regulation on Registration of Domestic AnGR” published by MFAL, generally accepted breed definition is in Turkey; “a group of animals which has distinctive features and able to heritage them 8 National Strategy and Action Plan for Animal Genetic Resources of Turkey (Brief version) to the offspring, and established via breeding implementations and breeding environment within a species”. This definition matches to the first part of FAO definition but breeds that have not phenotypic resemblance are not covered. Sustainable use; provided that conserve variation and productivity, breeding of a species, breed or biological system to meet breeders expectations for product and income. Conservation: activities to prevent AnGR from being extinct. There are three methods used: 1) in situ conservation; through continued use by livestock keepers in the production system in which the livestock evolved or are now normally found and bred, 2) ex situ in vivo conservation; a limited number of animals kept outside their original production environment and 3) ex situ in vitro conservation; cryoconservation of genetic material in a gene bank. Farm animal biodiversity is important for maintaining genetically diverse and healthy livestock. In order to meet the basic needs of people, only 38 of the 50 000 known avian and mammalian species have been domesticated. Domestic Animal Diversity Information System (DAD-IS) now reports breed-related information on 19 mammalian species, 17 avian species and two infertile interspecies crosses (Bactrian camel × dromedary and duck × Muscovy duck). A total of 8 774 breeds have been reported; 7 718 are local and 1 056 are transboundary. Among the transboundary breeds, 510 are regional transboundary breeds and 546 are international transboundary breeds. A total of 647 breeds are classified as extinct. Considering the speed of the extinction rate, the world agriculture estimated to be adversely affected in the near future. A total of 1 458 breeds are classified as being at risk. The number of breeds at risk is higher among mammals (955 breeds) than among birds (503 breeds). Alacahöyük reliefs, 1399-1301 BC Source: Museum of Anatolian Civilizations 9 National Strategy and Action Plan for Animal Genetic Resources of Turkey (Brief version) 2. AnGR in livestock production Agriculture sector is the main component of wealth and rural development of Turkey. Despite the fact that the rural population decreasing dealing with agriculture, it is still has high ratio in total population. Livestock production rate in total agricultural production is approximately 32%, and AnGR are basis of the productivity of local agricultural systems. Genetic erosion within livestock species, including their wild ancestors, is of particular concern because of its implications for the sustainability of locally adapted agricultural practices and the consequent impact on food supply and security. The livestock sector has a considerable potential and an important part of the agricultural sector in Turkey. Seventy percent of the rural farms in Turkey own livestock. Most of these livestock farmers rely on their livestock for income by selling of animals and animal products, as well as using manure as fertilizer for crops. Population number/size, distribution and risk status of AnGR is estimated because of the lack of inventory. Estimation for the genetic erosion of AnGR is high for the last five decades in Turkey. The first step of the conservation is the determination of the current situation, another words, it is building up inventories for the breeds. 10 National Strategy and Action Plan for Animal Genetic Resources of Turkey (Brief version) East Anatolian Red 11 National Strategy and Action Plan for Animal Genetic Resources of Turkey (Brief version) 3. Activities on AnGR 3.1. International activities “First State of the World Report for AnGR” (SoW-AnGR) was prepared to review and assess the current situation, global changes, infrastructures and technologic capacities of AnGR. SoW-AnGR, Global Plan of Action for AnGR (GPA) and the Interlaken Declaration have been prepared in the light of the common priorities on AnGR of 169 countries. These documents, launched by FAO Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, accepted as an important strategic value. There were several attempts to establish regional focal points in Asia, Europe, Africa, Latin America and Caribbean, the Near East and the Southwest Pacific. Only two regional focal points in Europe and in Latin America and Caribbean were sustainably operational. Turkey was the member of the Steering Committee of the European Regional Focal Point for AnGR (ERFP) during 2009-2013 to represent South Europe. Furthermore, the member of the working groups and task forces established by ERFP, partner of the projects, and enters national data into European Farm Animal Biodiversity Information System (EFABIS). First Country Report on AnGR (2004), Progress Report on the Implementation of Global Plan of Action for AnGR (2011) and Second Country Report on AnGR (2014) submitted to the FAO Headquarter by the National Focal Point for AnGR. 3.2. National activities 3.2.1. Legislation Current legislation on conservation and sustainable use of AnGR: • Law on Veterinary Services, Plant Health, Food and Feed, 2010 • Regulation on Utilization and Export of the Native Domestic AnGR, 2012 • Decree on Livestock Production Subsidies (revise annually) • Regulation on Conservation and Sustainable Use of Animal Genetic Resources, 2002 and revised 2012 • Regulation on Animal Breed Registration, 2002 and revised 2012 3.2.2. Infrastructure The National Focal Point for AnGR primarily coordinates and executes AnGR research projects for conservation and sustainable use with the close collaboration research institutes and universities. Relevant ministries, several departments of MFAL, breeders’ organizations, NGOs, universities and other stakeholders are the members of the National Consultative Committee and six advisory commissions 12 National Strategy and Action Plan for Animal Genetic Resources of Turkey (Brief version) share their opinions on planning, preparation of technical and legislative documents or solutions for the practical issues related with AnGR management. National Committee on AnGR Advisory Commissions • Ex situ in vivo • Cryo conservation • In situ conservation • Sustainable utilization • Access and Benefit Sharing • Inventory Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies National Focal Point Domestic Animal Registration Committee Registration Sub-Committees Stakeholders • Breeders’ organisations • Breeders • Universities • NGOs • Local Administratives • Research Organisations • Private Sector • Cooperatives Research Institutes Figure 1. Institutional structure and stakeholders for AnGR management. 3.2.3. Stakeholders AnGR Research Working Group conducts the responsibilities of the National focal point (NFP) for AnGR. GDAR reorganised and established AnGR Working Group under the department of Livestock and Fisheries Research. The NFP coordinates the activities for the management of AnGR, such as conservation, sustainable use, characterization and policymaking. Coordination of national and international level, integration of all stakeholders to the process, establishment of networks, contributions to the collaborations, plans and partnerships, and efficient utilization of the sources are some important responsibilities of the NFP. The NFP is continuous secretariat of The National Consultative Committee on the Conservation of AnGR. The committee has members from relevant ministries, universities, trade associations and NGOs. Principal role of the committee is to provide advice to the Government and interested parties on issues relating to farm animal genetic resources inventory, characterization, conservation and sustainable use. The activities concerning characterization, conservation, collection and utilization of the farm animal genetic resources are undertaken in close collaboration with the Animal Science Departments of the Agricultural Faculties, Veterinary Faculties, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) and breeders’ associations and farmers. 13 National Strategy and Action Plan for Animal Genetic Resources of Turkey (Brief version) 3.2.4. Conservation programmes The project “Conservation and Sustainable Utilisation of AnGR” has been carried out by GDAR. The primary goal is to conserve the animal breeds at risk of extiction. For this main purpose three conservation methods have been carried out since 1995. In situ conservation: Subsidies for in situ conservation of cattle, sheep, goats, water buffalo and bee breeds which under the risks of extinction have been continued thanks to the positive conception of National Consultative Committee’s on AnGR, since 2005. In this context; 763 breeders, 13 825 head small and big ruminant, 10 000 bee colonies, and 24 breeds in 25 provinces involved in the in situ conservation program in 2014. The programme includes; six cattle (Native Black, Kilis, Native Southern Yellow, East Anatolian Red, Boz Step and Zavot); Anatolian Water Buffalo; 8 sheep (Sakız, Kıvırcık, Gökçeada, Karagül, Çine Çaparı, Hemşin, Dağlıç and Karakaçan); 8 goats (Ankara, Kilis, Honamlı, Abaza, Kaçkar, Colored Ankara, Halep and Osmanlı (Gürcü)) breeds and 1 honey bee (Caucasus). Boz Step Cattle 14 National Strategy and Action Plan for Animal Genetic Resources of Turkey (Brief version) Ex situ in vivo conservation: The ex situ in vivo conservation program has been initiated in the year of 1995 for 4 cattle breeds have high risk of extinction in the research institutions of GDAR. During the next period projects were expanded to cover; 4 sheep, 1 goat, buffalo, 2 chicken breeds and 3 silkworm lines in 1996 and 1997 and 1 bee breed in 2002 have included in the ex situ conservation program (see Annex 4). Gökçeada ram, Bandırma-Balıkesir Cryo (ex situ in vitro) conservation: The cryo-conservation project named as “In vitro Conservation and Pre-Molecular Identification of Some of the Native Domestic Animal Genetic Resources of Turkey- I” (TURKHAYGEN-I) was completed in 2012. This project aimed to establish gene banks to conserve and characterize local breeds of Turkey, build national researcher capacity in animal genetics and animal biotechnology, and to combine and disseminate knowledge. In this context, two gene banks have established in Central Livestock Research Institute (ILREC), and Marmara Research Center of TUBITAK (see Annex 4). 3.2.5. Breed registration According to the Regulation on Registration of Domestic Animal Genetic Resources, firstly the working groups in breed level and sub-committees in species level prepare the documents for registration. 15 National Strategy and Action Plan for Animal Genetic Resources of Turkey (Brief version) Hereafter, the documents and proposed lists for registration submit to the Committee on Domestic Animal Registration. The Committee overviews the prepared documents for registration in detail and decides either to approve or decline. The registration lists include information about morphologic, physiologic, genetic and other characteristics of the proposed genotypes for registration. Finally, the lists are published in the Turkish Official Gazette. The Committee on Domestic Animal Registration has approved 61 animal breeds and lines of cattle, water buffalo, sheep, goat, chicken, rabbit, silkworm, bee, cat, dog and pigeon species from 2004 to 2015. Van cat 3.2.6. Awareness raising The breed catalogues named “Domestic Animal Genetic Resources of Turkey” were prepared in Turkish (2009) and in English (2011). Documentaries and stamp collections were prepared in order to introduce local animal breeds to the public. Television and radio interviews and introductory activities executed with the collaboration of Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (TRT) and GDAR. It has planned to continue the public awareness on production environment and cultural importance of the breeds. 16 National Strategy and Action Plan for Animal Genetic Resources of Turkey (Brief version) Breed Catalogue, Turkish and English T A G E M Stamp serials prepared collaboration with PTT S E M I - FAT TA I L E D N AT I V E S H E E P B R E E D BREED CHARACTERISTICS: It is an early maturing breed. Its reproduction and milk yield are high. Adaptation ability is low. It has oestrus for whole year. Its meat is tasty. Herd instinct is weak. BREEDING CONDITIONS: It is bred as family flocks of 3-5 heads. Lactation milk yield is 180-200 kg. Also, in good feeding conditions sheep are common that produce more than 500 kg milk yield. Because of its high reproduction potential and milk yield, extra feeding is applied especially in production period. LOCATION : Especially in Çeşme and also the black stains around eye and mouth, on the end of provinces of İzmir, Aydın and the coastal locations nose and on ears and feet. Head, legs and underside of the Marmara and Aegean Regions of abdomen are without fleece. Fleece is mixed BREEDING PURPOSE: Dual Purpose (milk and lamb) GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Its body is narrow and high, legs are long. Body is white. There are coarse. Rams have strong, spiral horns. Ewes are polled. Base of tail is a few fatty and triangular the end of tail is fatless, thin and long. Udder is glandular and suitable for high milk yield. Nipples are drooping and big. Body Measurements and Production Performance Male Wither height, cm Female Female 75 73 Lactation milk yield, kg 180-200 Body length, cm 75 72 Lactation length, days 190 Birth weight, kg 3.2 3 Fleece yield, kg Mature body weight, kg 70 50 Breeding age, month Daily live weight gain, g 242 Litter size 48 2 8-9 2 49 Sakız sheep in Breed Catalogue Awareness raising activities collaboration with TRT 3.2.7. AnGR Research GDAR gives high priority to AnGR research in the Biodiversity and Genetic Resources Research Area in the Master Plan. AnGR characterization projects are also supported within the scope of the Research and Development Support Programme of GDAR. 3.2.8. National Information System on AnGR It is aimed to establish an effective information and data base system by the project of “Preparation and Management of National AnGR Information System” for AnGR within the frame of the Integrated Project on Conservation and Sustainable Use of Turkey. Various types of reports of conservation activities will be eligible thanks to the national data base system ( An early warning tool will add to national data base system for AnGR of Turkey. 17 National Strategy and Action Plan for Animal Genetic Resources of Turkey (Brief version) The importance of native AnGR from a different perspective Did you know? Neolithic era began in Fertile Crescent including the Southeastern Anatolia 1012 thousand years ago. Very important cultural and technological change observed in Neolithic era, therefore, considered as a turning point in the history of humankind. During this period, humankind left the hunter-gatherer lifestyle and adopted an agro-pastoral way of life. Archeozoological and genetic studies point out that sheep, goats and cattle domesticated between Central Anatolia and Zagros Mountains. A study published in 2014 in Aşıklı Höyük (close the centre of the Inner Anatolia) demonstrates the domestication phases of the sheep obviously. Multi-disciplined studies focus on such questions, like this one; Has domestication started at one point and then expanded? Which genetic structure had the wild animals have when the domestication started? Has the gene transfers continued between the domesticated ones and the wild ancestors? Scene of Bull Painted Plaster Ornament, Çatalhöyük, 6000 B.C. Source: Museum of Anatolian Civilizations 18 Sistrum, First Bronze Age, end of 3rd millenium B.C. Source: Museum of Anatolian Civilizations Has the exchange of genes between wild to domesticated ancestors continued? How long has it taken if there were gene exchange? When did domestic animals migrate and spread in what ways? Milk next to benefit from the utilization of meat and skin appeared when and where? Have different populations encountered and involved again? Were the domestication phases of each separate species different? The responses spanned ten thousand years will show us the history of our formation of cattle, sheep and goat breeds and may indicate a need to gain priority to conservation by historical features. Moreover, through the answers that can be gained with the contribution of the genetic studies, the knowledge of “way of occurrence observed diversity in gene pools of our breeds” can be used to strengthen the present breeds with intense economic production but weak adaptation to the environment. Are we aware of the privileges that we have a cultural treasure of our territory and priority to the answers of the questions listed above calling? National Strategy and Action Plan for Animal Genetic Resources of Turkey (Brief version) 4. NATIONAL STRATEGY and ACTION PLAN for AnGR Conservation and sustainable use of AnGR has been made important progress in the world and Turkey in recent years. Naturally, strategic priorities should be conducted in accordance with national requirements for AnGR management. However, comprehensive analytical approach and international dimension of conservation and sustainable use of AnGR will improve the possibility of conducting the management of AnGR for food and agriculture. In this context, the receipt and strategic planning of the views of stakeholders in the preparation process has been sought to be compatible with the common interests of all parties and the strategy and Action Plan covering the period 2015-2020 has been established. 4.1. Why National Strategy and Action Plan for Animal Genetic Resources? Conservation, development and sustainable use of AnGR are our responsibilities at the national and international level. National programs, strategic plans, national reports and other relevant legislations cover numerous and substantial priorities related to the targets of the conservation and sustainable use of AnGR for food and agriculture in national level. The main targets of NSAP for AnGR are conservation, development and ensure the participation of all stakeholders in the management of AnGR. Strategic approach to management of AnGR by the prioritised four areas will be the usage of national resources effectively. Consequently, in order to conserve the diversity in AnGR under changing conditions, the actions of NSAP for AnGR will be performed. Global Plan of Action for AnGR FAO proposed a comprehensive study for sustainable use of AnGR in 1990 and initiated the work to define the global breed diversity of seven mammal species of AnGR in 1991. AnGR country report had submitted to FAO by 169 countries including Turkey in 2004. AnGR World Status Report presented in Interlaken Switzerland in 2007. And, Global Plan of Action (GPA) was approved by 109 countries, European Union and 42 organizations. GPA has emerged as an important strategy document for AnGR. The Global Plan of Action for AnGR (GPA) highlighted clearly, significant gaps, weaknesses in the sustainable use and measures needed to be taken urgently for conservation of AnGR. The GPA suggested four strategic priority areas for the conservation and sustainable utilisation of AnGR. 19 National Strategy and Action Plan for Animal Genetic Resources of Turkey (Brief version) 4.2. The Content of the National Strategy and Action Plan for AnGR The National Strategy and Action Plan for AnGR consist of 4 strategic areas, 24 actions and 50 tasks. 1. Characterization, inventory and monitoring trends and associated risks 2. Sustainable use and development 3.Conservation 4. Policies, institutions and capacity building 4.2.1. Characterization, inventory and monitoring of trends and associated risks According to different national registration systems and EFABIS, Turkey has around 153 domestic animal breeds. However, the population number/size, distribution, production environments and other important characteristics are not stated precisely. On the other hand these are necessary information for the management of AnGR. Determination of the genetic diversity, comparative performance, current distributions and main characteristics are valuable information for the conservation and sustainable utilisation of AnGR. The matter of inventory and characterisation of AnGR had been received priority consideration by the National Committee for AnGR in 2002. Lack of pedigree records and risk for the continuous crossbreeding has emerged as the main problems in Turkey for the AnGR. Therefore, the assessment of population yet to be fully defined and the optimal conservation and sustainable use approach needs to be developed. In this respect, all of the stakeholders in the realization of a successful inventory and identify them correctly is essential. Characterization and production environment information is important to know for the breeds. Making comparative studies between native breeds and genotypes, and determination of production quantities of the basic features are important in terms of strategic planning. The development of native breeds as the basic starting point in the work to take advantage of the data obtained from AnGR characterization will provide significant advantages. In some cases, socio-economic conditions, epidemics, drought and other environmental factors may take emergency measures to AnGR. The monitoring of risks/trends and establish early warning systems and response mechanisms are also important in the conservation regard. 20 National Strategy and Action Plan for Animal Genetic Resources of Turkey (Brief version) Kangal Dog, Karacabey 21 22 Action 2: Improving information systems Action1: Determination of stakeholders, planning cooperation and training Action 2017 2016 MFAL, Universities, HAYGEM, NGOs Task 3: • Establishment of early warning and response tools and web systems 2015 - 2020 2015 - 2016 •Determination of risk factors •Data system •Expanded information and data systems •Continues inventory data •Synchronised data systems •Survey report 2015 - 2018 •Report on responsibilities Expected outputs •Trained personnel •Number of material 2015 - 2016 Time Frame MFAL MFAL, NGOs, Breeder Associations, TUIK MFAL NGOs, Universities, Breeder Associations, TUIK Partner organisation Task 2: • Establishment of new data systems for various species GDAR TRGM GDAR Task 1: • Identification and determination of all stakeholders and institutions related to AnGR • Establishment of legal infrastructure for the cooperation between stakeholders. Task 2: • Preparing training material for breed description • Determining and ensuring of personnel requirements • Training of trainers and survey takers Task 3: • Preparing and conducting survey Task 1: • Expanding information/data systems with breed and population data • Ensuring continuous data collecting • Synchronisation of data systems Lead organisation Task Strategic Priority 1: Conduct a complete inventory of AnGR 4.2.1. STRATEGIC AREA: CHARACTERIZATION, INVENTORY and MONITORING of TRENDS and ASSOCIATED RISKS National Strategy and Action Plan for Animal Genetic Resources of Turkey (Brief version) Action 2: Improving infrastructure of institutes for characterization Task 2: • Establishment of regional units specialized in the genetic characterization Task 1: • Identifying and meeting the needs of necessary infrastructure, training and personnel Strategic Priority 2: Characterization of AnGR Task 1: • Determining the criteria to be considered in defining the breed of genetic features, morphology, physiology and environment • Supporting research projects primarily related to breed identification • Including characterization projects to prioritizations of R&D of GDAR and TUBITAK. Determining breeds in priority. Task 2: Action 1: • Determining genetic characteristics and genes Characterization and that affect yield and decided genetic markers for updating morphologic, the monitoring of population trends physiologic and genetic • Characterization of new genotypes which will traits of breeds be identified during the inventory work and determination of genetic distance or similarity with the current breeds Task 3: • Completing necessary information of registered breeds • Conducting research and complete non registered breed • Completion of the missing information in the registration of genotype GDAR GDAR • Breed numbers that characterized 2015-2019 • Improved institutes 2015-2020 Universities, TUBITAK, 2015-2020 • Expert units Research Institutes Universities, Research Institutions, MFAL, Ministry of Development, International Org. MFAL, TUBITAK, Universities, NGOs, Research Institutes • Determined traits and genes • Determined 2015-2020 genotypes • Reports of population trends MFAL, TUBITAK, • Prioritization of Universities, NGOs, 2015-2020 characterization Research Institutes, research and breeds Development Agency National Strategy and Action Plan for Animal Genetic Resources of Turkey (Brief version) 23 Strategic Priority 3: Determination of trends and associated risks of AnGR and establishment of early warning systems. Task 1: • Determination of the reason and the impact of • Reports on the change in the presence of animals HAYGEM 2015-2017 population trends • Determination of the risk factors that affecting Action 1: and risk status MFAL, livestock, in the context of regions, breeds and Determining trends and TUIK, populations. associated risks of AnGR NGOs, and establishing early Task 2: Universities warning systems • Ensuring the presence of animals, animal • Herd management movements, population trends and identify risks GKGM 2019 systems by electronic identification and satellite tracking facilities. National Strategy and Action Plan for Animal Genetic Resources of Turkey (Brief version) 24 National Strategy and Action Plan for Animal Genetic Resources of Turkey (Brief version) 4.2.2. Sustainable Use and Development Animal species have served the use of people throughout human history. AnGR and their production systems have been progressing to respond to needs of social, economic and cultural terms. Applications to support these systems will success by including their ecological, socio-economic and cultural characteristics. The first step to ensure the sustainability of the AnGR is to prepare an adequate and comprehensive policy in accordance with national conditions. Food security and economic development policies should be considered together and long-term goals of sustainable agriculture must be determined. Determination of the characteristics of the breeds and the identification of important features are fundamental steps. Social and cultural functions of AnGR should be determined and included in long term sustainable policies. Investments for the development of native breeds or production in rural areas will contribute to sustainable use of AnGR. Establishment Breeders’ Organisations on the basis of breed is another necessity that stand in front. 25 26 Strategic Priority 1: Reviewing and developing local and traditional production systems, compile traditional knowledge, agro-ecosystem approaches to the management of AnGR Lead Partner Time Action Task Expected outputs organisation organisation frame Task 1: • Determining cultural experience, values and risk status • Ensuring conservation of the original production systems, certified to local products and traceability • Increase of breeders’ • Establishing incentive programs and increasing the income product values 2016-2020 • Registered and • Determining and developing forgotten products subsidised local/ • Developing and diversifying the products Ministries, traditional products • Supporting the process of commercialization of local Universities, products, provide branding, producing local products to Breeder Action 1: increase the added value and ensure the development organisations, Recording, supporting of economic capacities TPE, and developing of local/ GKGM Municipality, • Regulations for traditional products and Private sector subsiding local and production systems Task 2: traditional production • Improving technical infrastructure and production systems environment of traditional producers 2015-2017 • Projects for increasing • Collection of traditional knowledge and dissemination breeders’ income • Rate of the increasing of them income of traditional producers Task 3: • Native breed breeders • Increasing the rate of benefiting from the product MFAL 2015-2016 number that subsidies based support program of native breed breeders given to their products Action 2: Evaluation of agroTask 1: MFAL, Forest • Report on agroecosystems approaches, • Evaluation of international agro-ecosystems and Water ecosystem reviewing international approaches, GDAR Affairs, NGOs, 2015-2016 • Policies for agropractices, development and • Development of national policy instruments with Municipality, ecosystem approach promotion of national policy stakeholders Universities instruments 4.2.2. STRATEGIC AREA; SUSTAINABLE USE and DEVELOPMENT National Strategy and Action Plan for Animal Genetic Resources of Turkey (Brief version) Task 1: • Initiation of AI implementations using with semen obtained from local breeds, • Production and provision of AI, embryo producing and transfer for native breeds at risk and for breeding purposes Task 3: • Improving breeders conditions and raising awareness of breeders • Not be overlooked the effects of improved animal husbandry conditions on natural selection and taking appropriate measures Action 2: Use of appropriate reproductive biotechnologies and Task 2: molecular technologies for • Determination of the need of technical staff to make improvement of native AnGR biotechnological applications, • Carrying out molecular genetic studies in local breeds for breeding purposes Action 1: Development of long term breed improvement programs conduct with breeder organisations for sustainable use of AnGR Task 2: • Taking precautions for continuing pure breeds in crossbreeding systems Task 1: • Including the native breeds in long term breed improvement programs Strategic Priority 2: Developing national breed improvement programs and strategies GDAR GDAR HAYGEM MFAL, Universities, Breeder organisations, Private sector, MFAL, Universities, Breeder organisations, Private Sector, MFAL, Rural Development Agency, Breeder organisations MFAL, Breeder organisations, NGOs, Universities GDAR, Breeder organisations, Universities •Number of semen and embryos from native breeds •Activities for improving production environment •Number of pure breeds for crossbreeding •Number of improved breeds •Personnel to perform biotechnological applications 2015-2020 •Number of breeds have molecular characterization 2016 2015-2020 2015-2016 2015-2020 National Strategy and Action Plan for Animal Genetic Resources of Turkey (Brief version) 27 National Strategy and Action Plan for Animal Genetic Resources of Turkey (Brief version) 4.2.3. Conservation In order to conserve AnGR, MFAL carries out important activities since early 1990s. In the last 20 years the national experience on the conservation of AnGR increased. Under the national conservation program GDAR targeted to sustainable use and development of AnGR in last decade. Three conservation methods are available for the AnGR in Turkey. Conservation herds were established for native cattle breeds under risk in the institutes in 1995. The ex situ conservation programs were expanded to include sheep in 1996-1997 and goats, buffalo, chicken breeds and silkworm lines and Kafkas honey bee in 2002. In situ conservation program was started in 2005 and the establishment of gene banks in 2009. Developing technical standards for the transfer of these methods and practices designed to ensure conservation. Due to natural disasters and animal diseases, as opposed to the risk factors identified in the Action Plan measures, a great effort and expense will have been taken to conserve AnGR. 28 GDAR GDAR Task 1: • Encouraging the necessary legal arrangements for the establishment of regional gene banks in Turkey, material collection, storage and use of •Making arrangements and to ensure the participation of member states and sustainability of regional gene banks Action3: Making the necessary initiatives for the establishment of international and regional gene banks in Turkey GDAR Lead organisation Action2: Improvement of existing gene banks, maintaining and establishing the legislation on the National Gene Bank Task 4: • Determining genetic diversity and taking measures for conservation populations Task 1: • Determining and including new species/ breeds/types that endangered and previously not included in the in situ conservation programs • Increasing the number of animals of potential breeds in the in situ conservation programs Task 2: •Developing infrastructures of institutes to conservation of other breeds •Making protocols to create ex situ conservation herds with universities, research institutions and metropolitan municipalities •Giving incentives to the zoos for conservation •Encouraging people to breed local breeds as hobby Task 3: •Giving incentives to breeders’ organisations for rare breeds conservation Task Task 1: • Guaranteeing the continuity of the management of gene banks, preparing standards for access and benefit sharing Task 2: • Improving the conditions of an existing gene banks, standardization and modernization, • Provision of qualified staff, training and ensuring the continuity, • Ensuring the reproduction, completion of the genetic material stored in gene banks at appropriate intervals Action1: Continuing and expanding in situ, ex situ in vivo and ex situ in vitro conservation programs Action Strategic Priority 1: Develop in situ, ex situ in vivo and ex situ in vitro conservation programs 4.2.3. STRATEGIC AREA; CONSERVATION 2016 MFAL, Breeder organisations, Universities MFAL, International organisations, Regional Organisations, Research Institutions, Universities, TUBITAK, FAO, TIKA ILREC, SRI, TUBITAK GMBE, Universities ILREC, SRI, TUBITAK GMBE, Universities 2015-2020 2015-2020 2015-2020 2015-2020 2015-2020 MFAL, Universities, Municipalities, NGOs, Forest and Water Affairs Breeder organisations, Universities 2015-2020 Time frame MFAL, Universities, NGOs, Breeder organisations Partner organisation • Legislation • Regional gene bank • Number of material stored in the bank • Electronic inventory for gene bank • Number of trained employee • Number of species/breeds/ types stored in gene bank • Regulations related gene bank • Number of breed maintained in public hands • Number of breed under conservation by breeder organisations • Diversifying and expanding level of conservation • Number of zoo and municipality included in conservation • Number of species/breeds/ types in conservation programmes Expected outputs National Strategy and Action Plan for Animal Genetic Resources of Turkey (Brief version) 29 30 GDAR Task 1: • Establishment of an expert group to work on international technical standards and protocols for the sustainable use and inventory, characterization, risks and trends • Developing the technical standard protocols Action 3: Development of technical standards, protocols for inventory, characterization and trends and associated risks for AnGR Action 2: Developing disease screening and vaccination programs for all animal species Task 1: •Developing regional disease surveillance projects •Implement education programs to breeders concerning disease and illness •Establishment an action plan for protection against epidemics Action1: Backing up in at least two different Task 1: •Duplication and back up of conservation herds regions for conservation herds in accordance with the prescribed •Encouraging agricultural insurance for conservation herds risk scenarios and the use of livestock insurance application GKGM GDAR Strategic Priority 3: Develop risk management mechanisms against natural disasters and animal diseases GDAR Task 1: •Identified disease risks and mandatory screening •Take the necessary precautions for the materials Task 2: •Determination of genetic markers in addition to phenotypic characterization being used in the determination of AnGR under conservation GDAR Action2: Determination of disease control standards for species in conservation programs and publication of the list of diseases that need control, unimplemented, eradication as the ultimate goal Action1: Development of methods and technologies for conservation Task 1: • Carrying out joint research with universities and other research institutions to develop methods and technologies applied in ex situ and in situ methods • Developing the required new or standardized methods and guidelines Strategic Priority 2: Development of technical standards MFAL Research Institutions, Universities, NGOs MFAL, Research Institutions, Universities, NGOs, Municipalities TUBITAK, Research Institutions, Universities MFAL, Research Institutions, Universities Research Institutions, Universities Research Institutions, Universities, NGOs 2015-2019 2015-2019 2016-2017 2015-2016 2015-2020 2015-2020 • The number of herd vaccinated and free from disease • Number of duplicated herds • The decrease in the average inbreeding coefficient • The increase the number of insured animals • Technical standards and protocols • Specialized technical team • List of diseases that need to be taken to control the animal species in conservation • The proposed method and the number of genetic markers • Designated genetic markers • Improved methods number • The number of applied research projects • Number of prepared guidelines National Strategy and Action Plan for Animal Genetic Resources of Turkey (Brief version) National Strategy and Action Plan for Animal Genetic Resources of Turkey (Brief version) 4.2.4. Policies, Institutions and Capacity Building The management of AnGR has local, national, regional and international dimensions. Turkey has a great experience and FAO show intense activity in the area to support national and regional structures of the management of AnGR. On the other hand, improved institutional structures are essential for the effective execution of activities in national level that needed for conservation and sustainable use of AnGR. The Animal Genetic Resources Research Working Group has been established as a unit of the General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies (GDAR) in the new recent structure of Ministry of Food Agriculture and Livestock (MFAL). The working group responsible for the coordination of sustainable use, development, conservation, research and related administrative operations related to AnGR management on behalf of the MFAL. The GDAR carry out their activities as National Focal Point by the working group coordination with universities, instructions, breeder associations, NGOs and other stakeholders. 31 32 Task 1: • Collaborations to ensure the personnel’s knowledge and experience sharing with international organization • Developing report format for AnGR trends Task 2: • Determining and developing research goals and materials and methods Task 3: • Training of trainers and researchers • Ensure to continuation of training programs and the dissemination of information • Regulations on the researchers conditions Task 2: • Reviewed international data bases to develop and strengthen national database Task 1: Action 3: Strengthening • Identifying regional organisation international network to • Investigating new areas of activity with the existing regional focal ensure participation of regional points (RFP) organizations • Provide the necessary initiatives for the creation of a new RFP Action 2: Use of international research, education and informationsharing mechanisms Action 1: Establishing and implementation of the national research and education plans Task 1: • Evaluating current state of research and training capacity GDAR GDAR GDAR FAO, International organisations, Universities, TIKA, NGOs, Foreign Affairs MFAL, Universities MFAL, Universities, International organisation, Breeder organisations, Private sector, NGOs, TIKA, TUBITAK Universities, International organisations, Breeder organisations, Private sector, MFAL, NGOs, TUBITAK Strategic Priority 1: Strengthening the institutional structure to ensure the realization of the plan for conservation and sustainable use of AnGR Lead Action Task Partner organisation organisation Action 1: Task 1: Determining and evaluating the • Determining and analysing the human resources, infrastructure, GDAR MFAL current situation financial resources, stakeholders and cooperation Task 1: MFAL, • Supporting and increasing the number of staff capacity and Ministry of Development Action 2: infrastructure of NFP Strengthening the NFP and Task 2: GDAR MFAL coordination among the • Ensuring separate budget to NFP stakeholders Task 3: MFAL • Determining effective methods for intervention tools Strategic Priority 2: Establishment and/or development of national, regional and international educational and research infrastructure 4.2.4. STRATEGIC AREA: POLICIES, INSTITUTIONS and CAPACITY BUILDING • Increase personnel number and capacity • Budget to NFP • Using effective methods 2015 2015 2016 • Trained personnel number • Produced material and methods • Research plan • Established or integrated data systems • Established regional focal point 2016-2020 • New action with regional focal point • Number of activates 2016 • Determine information sharing criteria • Number of report format 2015-2020 • The number of national and international cooperation protocols 2016-2020 2016 • Training plan • Report on task shearing among stakeholders 2015 2015 Expected outputs Time Frame National Strategy and Action Plan for Animal Genetic Resources of Turkey (Brief version) Action 2: Identifying targets and policies and regularly updated conservation priorities. Action 1: Revising and improving the legal framework of national policies for AnGR Task 2: • Improve structures and policies to prevent the improvement of risk and conserve breeds that in the risk status Task 1: • Developing policies, collecting data and determining risk factors on AnGR and establish information systems Task 2: • Making the relevant legal regulations for inventory, characterization, trends and associated risks, sustainable use objectives and strategies Task 3: • Making legislation for ABS of AnGR Task 1: • Revision of national and international regulations Strategic Priority 3: Revising and improving the legal framework of national policies for AnGR GDAR GDAR NGOs, TRGM, SGB, GKGM, Universities, HAYGEM, TUIK TRGM, GKGM, SGB, EYYDB, HAYGEM, TARSIM, Universities, NGOs Ministries Ministries, TUIK, Breeder Associations, NGOs Ministries, TPE • ABS regime for AnGR 2015-2020 • Developed infrastructures and policies for conservation • Reports on risk factors 2015-2019 • and conservation, loss of genetic diversity 2016 2016-2020 • Legislations 2015-2016 • Report on legislation National Strategy and Action Plan for Animal Genetic Resources of Turkey (Brief version) 33 National Strategy and Action Plan for Animal Genetic Resources of Turkey (Brief version) 4.2.5. Process of evaluation and monitoring of National Strategy and Action Plan National Strategy and Action Plan that comprised 2015-2020 include progress reporting annually. National public organisations, universities, institutes and organisations were officially invited, and attended preparatory process. The evaluation process will follow by national AnGR information web site ( After five years operations, the National Strategy and Action Plan will be revised. 34 National Strategy and Action Plan for Animal Genetic Resources of Turkey (Brief version) References Andrabi, S.M.H. and Maxwell, W.M.C. 2007. A review of reproductive biotechnologies for conservation of endangered mammalian species. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 99, 223– 243. Anonymous, 2004. GDAR, First Country Report on Animal Genetic Resources of Turkey Anonymous, 2007a, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, National Strategy and Action Plan on Biodiversity. Anonymous, 2007b. 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Abbreviations ABS AnGR BD CBD CGRFA DAD-IS EAAP EAARI EFABIS EMARI ERFP EYYDB FAO GDAR GKGM GPA HAYGEM ILREC KB-PEGC MFAL NGOs PGM SEC SGB SRI TARSIM TIKA TPE TRGM TUBITAK TUIK TURKVET UN UNEP Access and benefit shairing Animal Genetic Resources Biological Diversity Convention on Biological Diversity Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture Domestic Animal Diversity Information System European Federation of Animal Science East Anatolia Agricultural Research Institute European Farm Animal Biodiversity Information System East Mediterranean Agricultural Research Institute European Regional Focal Point (for AnGR) Department of Training, Extension and Publications United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies General Directorate of Food and Control Global Action Plan for AnGR General Directorate of Livestock International Livestock Research and Education Centre Kafkas Bee Production Education and Gene Centre Ministry of Food Agriculture and Livestock Non-Governmental Organisations General Directorate of Staff FAO Sub Regional Office for Central Asia Directorate of Strategy Development Sheep Research Institute Agricultural Insurance Pool Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency Turkish Patent Institute General Directorate of Agricultural Reform The Scientific and Technological Council of Turkey Turkish Statistical Institute Cattle Registration System United Nations United Nations Environment Program 37 National Strategy and Action Plan for Animal Genetic Resources of Turkey (Brief version) Annex 2. List of legislation and commissions related to AnGR 1. 2. Veterinary Services, Plant Health, Food and Feed Law (2010) Regulation on the Establishment and Services Purpose Animal Breeding Breeders Organisations (2011) 3. Notification on Animal Production Subsidies (Annually) 4. Regulation on Conservation and Sustainable Utilisation of AnGR (2011) 5. Regulation on Registration of Domestic AnGR (2011) 6. Regulation on Use and Go Abroad of Native Domestic AnGR (2012) 7. National Committee on AnGR Conservation, 2002 8. Domestic Animal Registration Committee, 2002 9. Breed Registration Subcommittees, 2004 10. Advisory Committees, 2014 Ex situ in vivo conservation Ex situ in vitro conservation In situ conservation Sustainable Utilisation Access and Benefit Shearing Inventory 38 National Strategy and Action Plan for Animal Genetic Resources of Turkey (Brief version) Annex 3. List of the registered breeds Species Cattle Water Buffalo Sheep Goat Chicken Layer Hybrids Rabbit Silkworm Honey Bee Dog Cat Pigeon Genotype Native Black Kilis (South Anatolian Red) Native South Yellow Grey East Anatolian Red Zavot Anatolian Water Buffalo Anatolian Awassi Sakız Gökçeada Karacabey Merino Dağlıç Morkaraman Tuj Norduz Kıvırcık Akkaraman Karayaka Malya Anatolian Merino Central Anatolian Merino Çine Çaparı Acıpayam Sönmez Polatlı Bafra Hemşin Kangal Akkaraman Türkgeldi Tahirova Menemen Karya Hasak Hasmer South Karaman Ramlıç Angora Hair Norduz Kilis Akkeçi Denizli Gerze ATAK, ATAK-S, ATABEY Ankara Bursa Beyazı Bursa Beyazı Alaca Hatay Sarısı Kafkas Arısı Kangal Akbaş Zağar Hunt Van Kedisi Ankara Kedisi Bursa Tumbler Trakya Roller Alabadem Edremit Butterfly Muğla Dalıcı Year 2004 2014 2004 Total 6 1 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 29 2009 2010 2012 2013 2014 2004 2005 2013 5 2004 2 2005 2004 3 1 2004 3 2004 2005 2006 2011 2005 2008 2010 2011 2012 2012 2013 Total 1 3 2 5 61 39 National Strategy and Action Plan for Animal Genetic Resources of Turkey (Brief version) Annex 4. Methods and place of the breeds in conservation programs Species Cattle Water Buffalo Sheep Goat Breed Conservation methods and place in situ ex situ in vivo Native Black Ankara, Çankırı ILREC East Anatolian Red Erzurum, Artvin EAARI Kilis Şanlıurfa EMARI Grey Edirne, Çanakkale, Balıkesir, Bursa, Kocaeli SRI Native S Adana, Hatay - Zavot Ardahan - Anatolian Water Buffalo Balıkesir, Manisa SRI Sakız İzmir SRI Çine Çaparı Aydın - Gökçeada Çanakkale SRI Kıvırcık Kırklareli, Balıkesir SRI Herik - - Karagül Tokat - Hemşin Artvin, Erzurum - Norduz - - Dağlıç Afyon, Konya - Karayaka - - Morkaraman - - İvesi - - Güney Karaman - Bahri Dağdaş IARI - Karakaçan Balıkesir - Ankara Keçisi Ankara ILREC Honamlı Konya, Antalya, Isparta - Kilis Kilis, Hatay - Kıl - - ex situ in vitro ILREC and TÜBİTAK-GMBE ILREC and TÜBİTAK (Only sperm, cell a n d DNA) ILREC and TÜBİTAK HMAE and TÜBİTAK Abaza Artvin - - Kaçkar Artvin - - Osmanlı (Gürcü) Ardahan - - Ankara Keçisi (Renkli) Siirt - - Hatay (Halep) Gaziantep - Denizli - ILREC Gerze - ILREC Bee Kafkas Arısı Ardahan and Artvin Kafkas Bee PEGC - Silkworm Bursa Beyazı, Bursa Beyazı Alaca, Hatay Sarısı - Bursa Province Directorate of MFAL - Horse Çukurova, Ayvacık Midillisi, Canik, Hınısın Kolu Kısası, Malakan - ILREC and TÜBİTAK (Only cell and DNA) Chicken 40 ILREC (Only aperm)