Read the Spring 2015 Edition - St. Columba Episcopal Conference
Read the Spring 2015 Edition - St. Columba Episcopal Conference
N e w s f r o m S t. C o l u m b a Spring 2015 www.saintcolumbamemphis,org Dear St. Columba Family, With a wonderful first year at St. Columba under my belt, I’m excited to be planning another great season of camp on these beautiful grounds. Our camp programs are the strongest ministries to children and families we have to offer. Along with five weeks of Mud Camp and three sessions of Outreach Camp this summer, we are offering Camp Able the week of June 16th. This very special camp is specifically designed for children with disabilities, both mental and physical. Our campers will overcome their limitations and discover all they are “able” to do. I hope that you will join with many in our community by supporting Camp Able though donating at www.SaintColumbaMemphis. org, coming to our Easter Brunch fundraiser, volunteering your time, or simply by spreading the word about this remarkable camp. Mud Camp delivered so many special experiences and friendships to young people last summer and we are gearing up for a large number of campers again this year. Children should always have fun in the outdoors during the summer, so make sure to spread the word to all the youth at your church and in your neighborhood. And don’t forget Mud Camp hires 9th-12th graders and college-aged young people for summer jobs. Now is the time to apply (visit www. for application). Counselors make the difference in the lives of over 600 campers each year, so please encourage the very best young adults to join us this summer on staff. Camp Able to serve children with disabilities ThisJuneSt. Columba islaunchingabrand newdaycampprogramtoservechildreninthe Memphis-area. CampAble, specificallydesigned forteenswithphysical andmental challenges, will beheldatSt. Columbatheweekof June16th. A maximumof 25camperswithdisabilitiesranging fromcerebral palsy, DownsSyndromeand autismwill enjoyaweekof adventure andfuninalovingChristiansetting. Ahighcampertostaff ratiowill ensureeachcampercansafelymanage swimming, canoeing, visitstothemudhole, obstaclecoursesandmore. CampDirectorJohn Dreyfusisalsoworkingwithlocal youthministers toequipcampwithvolunteersandadditional supplies. Local churchescanhelpservemeals, clean-upandgenerallypitchinwherevertheyare needed. “CampAblefocusesnotonwhatacampercan’t do, butwhatheorsheCANdo,” saidCamp continues on the back Easter Brunch Fundraiser, April 5 OnEaster Sunday(April 5), St. Columbawill offer ALouisianaBrunchtobenefit CampAble. Weinviteyoutocomecelebratewithfamilyandavoidcrowded restaurantswhilehelpingustoraisemoneyfor CampAble, our Junesummer camp servingyoungpeoplewithspecial needs. St. Columba’sChef Laurawill feature delectableN’awlins-themedbrunchdishesfor youandyour extendedfamily. RSVP required. Call 901.377.9284or RSVPat Feast of St. Columba 2015 MarkyourcalendarsforSaturday, June6, thefourthannual Feastof St. Columba! St. Columbaishardatworkplanninganevenbiggerandbetterfundraiserthisyear. Live andsilentauctionitemswill beannouncedthisspringandthedecadentmenuand wonderful communityof St. Columbasupporterswill makeforonefantasticevening! TheFeastof St. Columbabeganin2012andhasgrowntohostover200guests. Last year’sFeastraisedover$26,000throughticketsalesandauctions. Ticketsare$75each [email protected]. Vander Horst to Receive a Makeover VanderHorstPavilion(pronouncedVAN-dross) wasthefirststructurebuiltontheSt. ColumbacampusafterDr. JamesScheiblerdonatedthepropertytotheEpiscopal Church inthelate1960s. Fordecadesithasofferedaterrificlocationforchurchpicnicsandfamily reunionsandamemorablespaceforoutdoorchurchservices. Despiteitsmanycharms, thenearly40-year-oldVanderHorstPavilionisreadyfor upgrades. Recently, St. Columbastaff hascommittedtoaseriesof quarterlystaff-ledwork days, whichwill convertthepavilionintoamorefamily-friendlyrecreational spacewith tetherball, horseshoepit, comfortableloungeseating, campfirering, andrenewedpaths, bathroomsandpainttocreateapeaceful andattractivegatheringspace. If youwouldliketobeapartof thisongoingworkproject, call St. Columbaat901-3779284. Wewill needlotsof handsforcuttingbackbrush, creatingstepsandpainting! Charitable Giving Supports Significant Growth in 2014 2014sawSt. Columba’sbestyearof fundraisingtodate, totaling over$70,000. “2014wasquiteayearforSt. Columba,” saidExecutiveDirector, BradThompson. “We’vegainedtremendousmomentum throughexpandingourstaff, improvementstoourfacilities, and anoticeableimprovementinguestsatisfactionsinceChef Laura tookoverthekitchen. Weservedmoregroupsandcamperseach of thelastfouryearsstraightwhilealsoimprovingguestand camperfeedback. “OurJunefundraiser, theFeastof St. Columba, soldmoretickets thanpreviousyearsandwenettedevenmorebecauseour 2014 Donors kitchenstaff broughtthecateringin-house,” saidThompson. DonationstoSt. Columbahelpusaffordnecessaryrepairs, to upgradecampprograms, tolaunchnewinitiativesandoutreach programs, andtoguaranteeaccessibleratesthatnevermeansa guestorcamperpaysthefull cost. Thisyearpromisestobeeven betterwithadditional fundraisersandanevergrowingbase of friendsandsupporterscomingtoSt. Columbatoenjoythe beautiful groundsandoutstandinghospitality. If youwouldliketosupportourministryof hospitality, visit Orsavethedateforour upcomingfundraisers! Please know we have done our best to include a complete list, if by some mistake we left your name off please let us know ! Peter & Jessica Abell Ginger & Dabney Collier David Griffin Hal & Brenda Medling Matthew & Nicole Seltzer The Rev. Drew Woodruff Buddy Adams Dan & Nora Conaway Robert Grisham Lattie Michael Rick & Cash Shields Ben & Kathy Adams David & Emily Cook Claudia & Bill Haltom Jason Middlekauff Charles & Nino Shipp Dr. Bill Falvey & Emily Woodside Lorin & Elizabeth Allen Cynthia Ham Snowden Morgan Kattie Smith Chris Wooley Sharon & Jim Bailey Bill & Margaret Craddock, Jr. Angela Hanor Regina Morton Jennifer Smith Debbie & David Balling Ederlita Craig The Rev. Peter & Anna Cay Hawes Rosemary Mosby Grayson & Margaret Smith Bolen-Brunson-Bell Lumber Co. Deborah Barnes Hal & Lucia Crenshaw Sidney & David Hickey Daphne Moses Doug & Rachel Smith Danielle Bennett Matthew & Alice Crow Hugh & Lisa Holt The Rev. Don & Julie Mowery Linda Bennett Darisa Davis Sarah Huff Kimbrough Mullins Katherine & Ham Smythe The Rev. Jay Biedenharn Steven & Margaret Dean Mike & Sherry Murphy Donna Spencer Stephen Bittick Kathryn Decker The Rt. Rev. Don & Jeannie Johnson Seldon & Carolyn Murray Bill & Julie Denman Chris Johnson Grace-St. Luke’s Episcopal Church Tim & Laura Bolding The Rev. Bill & Jessie Murray The Rev. Terry & Edie Street Vicki & Skip Bolton John Denton Rose Johnston Debora Nelson Suzy Sullivan Grace-St. Luke’s Episcopal School The Rev. James & Martha Boyd John Dillard The Ven. Mimsy & Frank Jones James & Patti Newsom Bill Branch Linda Dinger Eleanor Jordan Robert & Jill Norcross J. Richard Briscoe John & Chelsea Dreyfus Dorothy Kelley Patrick & Nancy O’Shea Alice Burruss Reuel Edson Ed & Betsy Kelly Robert Owens The Rev. John & Anne Cook Burruss Sandra Edwards Jennifer Larrabee Brad & Mary Henry Thompson Thomas Parker Lawrence Ellis Henry Loeb James & Janet Thompson Jocelyn Busby Brian & Velva Pecon Charlton & Dianne Lyons National Ornamental Metal Museum Julie Byrd Robert & Mary Ely Brad & Kate Trammel Ebet & Clayton Peeples Andrew & Kimberly MacQueen Lucy Turnbull Phillip Ashley Chocolates Teresa Calloway Alison England Jay & Emily Philpott The Rev. Hester & Andy Mathes Prichard’s Distillery Denny & Janie Calloway Gayle Evans Sheila Vamplin Dr. Gwin & Anna Robbins Ricky & Mary Fortin Sally Mattis William Vaughn, Jr. Robert & Deb Campbell The Rev. Ben & Ellen Robertson Brad Foster Jon McCalla Peg & Dan Wahl St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church Cham Canon The Rev. Jack Rogers Gayle McCarty St. John’s Episcopal Church Clint & Suzanne Cantwell Juan Fuentes Jock & Margaret Weaver Robert & Emily Boone Ruch Ann McCormick St. Luke’s Episcopal Church Dennis Catalano The Rev. Laura & Josh Gettys Tracy Williams David & Heidi Rupke Mary & Michael McDonald Laura & Rob Williams St. Mary’s Episcopal Cathedral Deborah Glover Helen Saino J.A. & Patricia McFarland Mackie Gober Alisha & Brandon Wilmouth St. Mary’s Episcopal School Kristine & Joseph Schaeffer III James McGehee, Jr. Jeff Schober Gary & Noell Wilson Peter & Aphra Claverie Amanda Graves Rough Amy McKay Mary Margaret Winn Kay Cohen Mary Jo Greil Guy & Christina See Luci McMonagle Mary Beth Seltzer Dr. Charles Woodall, Sr. Michelle & William Chappell The Rev. Reynolds & Stephanie Cheney Maria Tammi Bruce Taylor Sarah Terry Calvary Episcopal Church Church of the Holy Communion Diocese of West Tennessee Holy Apostles Episcopal Church Midsouth Grain Inspection Service Suzanne Cantwell by Doug Smith Camp Able by Holy Apostles Episcopal Church and John/Chelsea Dreyfus Outreach Camp by James Breazeale Peter/Jessica/Amos Abell, Ken/Sue Balogh, John Barbee, Gayle Barnwell, Sam/Merrill Ann Cole, Bill/Sharon Fidler, John/Pat Geelan, Jack/Lydia Gibson, Mackie/Jane Gober, Caroline Gordon, James/Agnus Gordon, Joyce Graff, Steve/ Jeanette Martin, Seldon/ Carolyn Murray, John/Susan Peeples, Kristin Powell, Jim/ Julie Powell, Jim/Linda Russell, John/Barbara Visor, & Jim/ Sedinia Wilcox by Grayson/Margaret Smith St. Clare Retreats by Rick/Mary Fortin In memory of Jim Evans by J. Richard Briscoe Dr. Bill Falvey & Emily Woodside by Charlton/Dianne Lyons Emily Woodside by the Rev. Gayle McCarty Gayle Evans by J. Richard Briscoe Mud Camp by Mary Beth Seltzer and Rick/Mary Fortin St. Columba Board by Matt/Nicole Seltzer July 13 – 17, Session 3 of Mud Camp July 6 – 10, Session 2 of Mud Camp June 29 – July 3, Session 1 of Mud Camp June 16-19, CAMP ABLE June 6, Feast of St. Columba June 5, St. Clare Silent Women’s Retreat May 1, St. Clare Silent Women’s Retreat April 5, Camp Able Fundraiser Easter Brunch April 3, St. Clare Silent Women’s Retreat 2015 Spring-summer calendar 4577 Billy Maher Road Memphis, TN 38135 (901) 377-9284 CampAbleispartiallyfundedbythefounderof CampAble, the Rev. KyleBennettof St. Mark’sEpiscopal ChurchinSanMarco, Florida. St. Columbaisstill inneedforadditional fundstosupport scholarships, programsupplies, foodandtransportation. St. Columbawill behostinganEasterBrunchfundraiseronApril 5. TodonateortoRSVPforthebrunch, pleasevisit Stephanie Cheney by Lucy Turnbull Bishop Don Johnson & Brian Pecon by the Rev. Don Mowery July 20 – 24, Session 4 of Mud Camp Director, JohnDreyfus. “CampAbleisagreatfitforSt. Columba, notonlybecauseof whatourcampusoffers, butalsobecause ourexperienceofferingMudCamphasequippeduswithgreat programstooffertochildrenwhomightnototherwisegetto gotocamp. WeexpectourfriendsintheEpiscopal Diocese of WestTennesseewill serveasagreatsupportsystemby offeringcharitablegiftsandvolunteerstohelpustomakeitan unforgettableweekforthesespecial campers.” July 27 – 31, Session 5 of Mud Camp Camp Able continued Recent Honor Gifts