MODEL B7100 - Pipe Shields, Inc.
MODEL B7100 - Pipe Shields, Inc.
Laterally Restrained Insulated Pipe Support MODE L B 7100 Heavy Duty, Base Mounted Contact factory for other dimensional, temperature, load, or axial travel, requirements. If lateral load is greater than 50% of actual vertical load, contact factory. The load ratings represent average values obtained in accordance with accepted test methods and are subject to normal manufacturing variations. Dimensions and ratings are subject to change without notice. Note: For higher load ratings, see: B7200 - For lateral restraint, see: B8100 - For minimal lateral travel, see: B5100 Pipe Size 1/2 3/4 1 1 1/2 2 2 1/2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 30 36 42 Vert. Load 250 310 400 580 670 820 950 1500 1880 2280 3000 3600 3900 4500 5200 5700 6100 6400 8400 9800 11100 B 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Insul. Thk. = 1" C E 5 3.25 5 3.25 5.5 3.875 5.5 4.5 6 5 6.5 5.5 7 6.187 8.5 7.25 9.5 8.5 10 9.5 13 11.625 14.5 13.875 16.5 16.125 17.5 17.125 19 19.375 21 21.375 22.5 23.375 25.5 27.375 31.5 33.625 36 40.125 41.5 46.125 Insul. Thk. = 1-1/2" B C E 4 5.5 4.375 4 5.5 4.375 4 6 5 4 6 5.5 4 6.5 6.0625 4 8 7.125 4 8 7.125 4 9 8.25 4 10.5 9.5 4 11 10.5 4 13.5 12.625 4 15 15.125 4 17 17.125 4 18.5 18.125 4 19.5 20.375 4 21.5 22.375 4 23 24.375 4 26.5 28.375 6 32 34.625 6 37 41.125 6 42 47.125 B 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Insul. Thk. = 2" C E 6 5.375 6 5.375 6.5 6.062 7.5 7.125 7.5 7.125 8.5 8.125 8.5 8.125 10 9.25 11.5 10.5 12 11.625 14.5 13.625 16 16.125 18 18.125 19 19.125 20.5 21.375 22.5 23.375 23.5 25.375 27 29.375 33 35.625 37.5 42.125 43 48.125 Insul. Thk. = 2-1/2" B C E 4 7.5 7 4 7.5 7 4 7.5 7 4 8 8.125 4 8 8.125 4 9.5 9.125 4 9.5 9.125 4 11 10.25 4 12.5 11.625 4 12.5 12.625 6 15 14.875 6 16.5 17.125 6 18.5 19.125 6 19.5 20.125 6 21 22.375 6 23 24.375 6 24.5 26.375 6 28 30.375 6 33.5 36.625 6 38 43.125 6 43.5 49.125 B 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Insul. Thk. = 3" C E 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9.125 9 9.125 10.5 10.125 10.5 10.125 12 11.375 13 12.625 13.5 13.625 16 15.875 17.5 18.125 19 20.125 20.5 21.125 22 23.375 23.5 25.375 25 27.375 28.5 31.375 34 37.625 39 44.125 44 50.125 B 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Insul. Thk. =4" C E 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11.25 11 11.25 12 12.25 12 12.375 13.5 13.375 14.5 14.875 15 15.875 17.5 18.125 18.5 20.125 20.5 22.125 22 23.125 23 25.375 25 27.375 26.5 29.375 30 33.375 35.5 39.625 40.5 46.125 45.5 52.125 B 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Insul. Thk. = 5" C E 11.5 12.125 11.5 12.25 11.5 12.25 12.5 13.25 12.5 13.25 13.5 14.5 13.5 14.625 15 15.625 16 16.875 16.5 17.875 18.5 20.125 20 22.125 22 24.125 23 25.125 24.5 27.375 26.5 29.375 28 31.375 31.5 35.375 37 41.625 42 48.125 47 54.125 Ap pli cat ion : Fe atu res : Ma ter ial Da ta: Model B 710 0 is des igned for us e on : · Ho t Wa ter · Vacu um · Gas · Co ld W ater · Stea m · Air · Du al Tem perature · C hilled Wa ter · All p ipe size s · Ea sy I nsta llation · El iminates we lding to pipe · Ov erla pping ga lvanized she et metal jac ket · Ins ulating structural in serts fo r loa d trans fer · Sta inless s teel to U HMW polyethylene slid e · Ot her I.D .'s a nd/or O. D.'s ava ilable o n re quest · Fa ctory mounted polyethylene slid e pa d on ste el mo unting plate · B71 00: Applica ble PSI spe c. d oc.: No . 20 9. · Ins ula tion : Cal cium Sili cate asb esto s-fr ee, treated wi th water rep ella nt. · Jac kets : Ga lvanized Stee l AST M A- 527 . · Glu e: Ind ustrial c ontact a dhesive · Stru ctu ral Ins erts : High-dens ity calci um silic ate as bes tos free , tre ated with water rep ella nt. · Stee l Str aps /Ba se: Car bon Ste el A STM A-3 6. · Fas ten ers : AST M A -30 7 p lated. · Sli de Pad : UH MW Po lyethylene (PTFE Op tional). · Coa ting : Prim er c oated or hot dipped gal vanized . Ot her coa tings av aila ble upon re quest. Intended for ins tallation on: · Fla t Su rfac es Temp era ture Ra nge : + 40° F to +1200 °F Note: U p to 170 0° F ava ilable u pon req ues t. Pe rformance Tes t Re sults on File : Ava ilable u pon req ues t. For ma l Su bmittal Sh eets ava ilab le. CATALOG PS-2004 B26
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