THE TROW - Cotswold Canals Trust


THE TROW - Cotswold Canals Trust
%troudwater, Thames & Severn
Canal f i s t Limited
-Number 50
The Officral Magazine for hlonhrrs and Frre~rds
working to restore the Cotswold Canals.
Summer 1985
Secretary ' S Report.
Formation of Western Branch..
wa1lbridge/~owbridgeWork Party
Easrington Work Party
Raft Race ' 8 5
Thames End Branch News
Thamas End Work Party
Gloucester Oocks '85
Where a r e you now?
Paper Money
Sales Section
New Members 8 Diary Dates
Copy Date for the next Trow
Advertising Rates:
Display and Classified Rates
available from the E d i t c r i a l
Published by the Stroudwater, Thames 8 Severn Canal
Trust Ltd., a Registered Charity, a t 1 Riveredge,
Framilode, Glos. Tel: Glos. 740525
Printed by Earle 8 Ludlow, 77 Victoria Road,
Cirencester, Glos.
Layout by David Jowett and Deryck Warkinson.
You may have noticed t h a t the typeface of t h i s edition of
the T m w i s d i f f e t e n t t o t h a t Q£ the l a s t edLtion. This
i s because we a r e now using an older e l e c t r i c typewriter
which i s beginning t o show signs of i t s old age.
I f you have an e l e c t r i c o r electronic typewriter which
gives a b e t t e r quality r e s u l t than t h i s , and which you
may wish t o donate t o the Trust, o r o f f e r on semi- nnanent
loan, then please contact David Jowett (Stroud 483 ), who
would be very grateful to hear from you.
FRONT COVER: On the home s t r a i g h t of Raft Race '85.
This i s the third e d i t o r i a l prepared f o r t h i s i s s u e of the
Trow, which was originally held back so that we could bring
our members news of some particularly exciting developments
i n the saga oE the Stroud East
West Bypass. Unfortunately
f a t e and h r p h y then took a hand, so t h a t we have a summer
edition a pearing when the autumn leaves have not only f a l l e n
but a l s o Eeen largely swept up. A l l we can do i s t o crave
our readers' forgiveness f o r l e t t i n g our schedules f a l l apart
i n t h i s way, and t r y not to l e t ourselves be caught out i n
t h i s way ever again.
West Bypass f o r many
The town oE Stroud has needed an East
years, and i t i s not so long ago that one of our major
anxieties was t h a t the e a s i e s t way to construct i t was t o
E i l l i n a s i g n i f i c a n t l e n g t h of the canal. It i s g r e a t l y t o
the c r e d i t of the City Fathers that they chose a d i f f e r e n t
option which not only kept the canal i n business, but w i l l
a l s o provide a valuable amenity a s well as a Bypass.
As well as the Town and County Councils, and t h e Trust, the
scheme a f f e c t s B r i t i s h Rail and several p r i v a t e landowners.
r t i s therefore a s i g n i f i c a n t landmark that we a r e now a t the
stage where Planning Applications can be prepared, and anyone
who has ever b u i l t a garage can imagine what i s involved i n
rearranging a canal. When he has done the work we a r e hoping
that the Trust ~ e c r e t a r y / ~ a n a g ewri l l find time t o t e l l us
about the exercise i n more d e t a i l , but f o r the present we can
enjoy the boost to our morale while pressing on with the other
restoration a c t i v i t i e s which a r e i n progress.
The other piece of good news i s t h a t the Western Branch has
come about and i s b r i s k l y i n business. There a r e already signs
of t h a t special blend of friendly r i v a l r y and mutual support
between the Western and Thames h d Branches h f c h i s
appropriate when your task i s t h i r t y miles long and t e n yards
Every s i l v e r l i n i n g has a cloud, and we a r e sorry t o announce
By a fortunate coincidence we have had an o f f e r of help from
a newish member, David Jowett, who l i v e s i n Stroud b u t i s seen
a t the Thames End q u i t e often. Among our aims i s t o bring out
Issue 51 i n about two months time, and we a r e permrmently i n
the market f o r good black and white photographs of the Trust's
a c t i v i t i e s , and a l s o l e t t e r s
preferebly c i v i l .
F i r s t l y may I express t o a l l the Trust's members and friends
yom Council's apologies f o r the delay i n t h i s i s s u e of
The Trow.
One can make a variety of excuses, all of which would partly
explain i t s l a t e appearence, but r e a l l y i t comes down t o too
few people doing too much. Luckily David Jawett has come
forward t o he1 and he and Dergck Watkinson have buckled down
and produced t&s edition, No. 50, a notable muober, and a
convenient point t o look towards the Trust's future, because
i n many respects the future i s looking b d g h t e r every day.
We have now established a Western Branch of the Trust which
has already made i t s impact and encouraged both new members
and old friends to come foward once again. Their raft race
r e a l l y brou h t the attention of the public t o the Thames and
Severn canaf i n Stroud, but more importantly, they have
carried out a steady mrk progranrme.
The EastlWest bypass saga has continned and may a t l a s t be
reaching a planning submission. Like many major p r o j e c t s ,
l a s t minute problems, i n t h i s case t h e s i t i n g of t h e road
brid e , has delayed cc Letion of our plans, but t h i s
pobfein non appears to?e solved and positive moves w i l l
now hopefully take place.
Whilst you may not have received a magazine, Trust a c t i v i t i e s
e have been r e resented and had displays
have not diminished. W
a t Qlouoester Docks '85, the Greater iondon CounciLts Thames
Day, and the Black C a t t y Kiseum's Boaters Day. The Trust
jointly promoted
and Gloucesterehire Branch of the I.W.A.
Gloucester Docks ' 8 5 and hust volunteers worked hard i n the
preparation and actual running of t h e Event, which a t t r a c t e d
an estimated 10,000 v i s i t o r s . The Thames Day was probably
the l a r g e s t event a t which the Trust has ever been
represented, an estimated 250,000 people attended and much
i n t e r e s t was created by the Trust's displays. A more
traditional event was the Black Country Musem's Boater's
Event, t o which vs were invited by our old friend Alan
Smith a t r u l y Mtdlauds t r a d i t i o n a l boating event. A
highlight of the Event was a v i s i t i n t o t h e Dudle Tunnel
and Caves. I t made our representatives r e a l i s e txat with
money, Sapperton Tunnel's problems could q u i t e quickly be
I n addition, Ron Nott and his s a l e s stand have had another
busy Smmer promotine the Trust and garnering funds. That
man pops up in the mast unlikely places!
The Trust combined with the Youth Hostels Association t o
promote another GlouCestershire Canals Weekend. When the
next one comes amund remember, it i s not on1 f o r Youth
Hostellers, but f o r a l l those interested i n E e wate
you don't have to be a member of the Y.H.A.
The ~ 1 z : i d g ~
Centre i s ideal as a base with i t s f i r s t c l a s s accomodation
and f a c i l f t i e s .
We have a l s o continued our extensive programme of talks.
Bookings a r e a l r e a d being made f o r 1987, and we a r e
chan ing the form o
! the talk from the history of our
canafs t o the future. If you belong t o another
organisation, why not book us? We guarantee an
i n t e r e s t i n g hour o r so. Dfstance no o b j e c t i f the money
i s right!
Cur close l i n k s with the Southern Canals Association
continued with a meeting on the Neath & Tennant Canals
i n South Wales, where many of the key r e s t o r a t i o n
enthusiasts met t o exchange t h e i r views and t o s e e another
e r i u n ' s orniect. Next time our Secretarv/Manaeer i s
z o i n i to' d e h n d transport
has anyone a'seconii hand B a t r i c a r ?
We have now completed the second year of our M.S.C. scheme
and reached well i n t o Ryeford Basin. The t h i r d scheme has
commenced, but a f t e r two years ' hard work a f u l l scrip down
of the plant has become necessary. We have a l s o found some
mforseen problems with canal s t r u c t u r e s , which may impede
apparent progress.
Work funded by the Company of P r o p r i e t e r s , has continued
s t e a d i l y a t Blunder Lock, and the ma nLtude of our task
became apparent when two f u l l l o r r y %ads of concrete were
used i n preparation f o r the lower sill. Now you see it, now
you don't!
Cerney Wick Lock appears t o have a voracious a p p e t l t e f o r
bricks. Do Nicholae's volunteers e a t the damn thLngsZ
Bruce Wall of Springers, Watledge, Nailsworth, has become
the T r u s t ' s P u b l i c i t y Officer, and has display boards
available f o r placing i n s u i t a b l e areas. I f you have any
space i n the public eye, please contact Btuce.
A s you can see from a l l the above, i n many ways no news has
been good news, as t h e Trust has continued i n i t s progress,
but t h e progress could have been g r e a t l y enhanced with more
physical and f i n a n c i i l assistance. We need t h e m a x i m
support our members and friends can give us. Currently we
a r e operating, except f o r the Manpower Services input t o the
Comnunity P r o j e c t , main1 wages, from our s e l f generated
funds. We ask everone d o receives t h e Trow t o consider i f
they can a s s i s t us i n any way whatsoever. Our p r o j e c t i s
one of the biggest amenity schemes i n t h e South of England,
with enormous t o u r i s t potential. Already t h e canals a r e
being used by an increasing number of ordinary people f o r
t h e i r l e i s u r e p u r s u i t s and relaxation.
We know t h a t much remains t o he done, but with your a i d and
support we can move confidently forward towards a c N w i n
our s t a t e d aims of an inland waterway l i n k , connecting t f e
Rivers Severn and Thames, as a b e n e f i t f o r t h e public a t
Finally, may I wish you a l l a Merry Christmas and a
prosperous and Happy New Year.
FolLowing the announcement i n the Spring issue of the T m w
and publicity i n the local press, the meeting at the
Stonehouse Community Centre on 10th May gained a good
atteniiance. It was encouraging t h a t besides Tlust members,
there were a f a i r number of new faces i n the audience as
the Trust Chaihnan and Secretary outlined t h e aims of the
new Branch with a show of slides.
Histsric scenes on the canal made a vivid contrast YLth nrme
recent views, but the 'before and a f t e r ' views of the various
worksites gave an excellent impression of progress made. J u s t
as impressive were the *acts and figures quoted by the
Secretary. The iacreased involvement of the local a u t h o r i t i e s ,
the N.S.C.
work, and the conrmftment and assistance from the
Stmudwater Navigation Proprietors indicate t h a t the Trust
i s gaining i n c r e d i b i l i t y . m a t the h u s t i s now receiving
income from numerous sources and engaged i n expenditure
unthought of i n i t ' s early days shows the hard work done
behind the scenes by the dedicated few.
- - ---
volunteers f o r t h e pro, . _ _
arranged f o r Monday 3rd Ju
The inaugural meeting of thb Western Branch C-tkee
very well attended. Branch OffFcers have been elected and
our terms of reference outlined with the guidance of the
TNsr Secretary. While leaning heavily on the m s t ' s
Articles of Association, the Branch has the same degree of
our basic aims bei
autonomy as the Thames End B-&,
publicity, public r e l a t i o n s , hmd r&sing and work pa%ies.
The Cennnittee meets on the nrst Monday of each month i n
the Lounge Bar of the Bell Iw, Wallbrid e, i n Stroud. h e
meetings a m opea t o the public fmm 7.3%pm, so please c m e
along with your ideas. We want maximm i d v e m e n t , and we
hope t o make all our a c t i v i t i e s enjoyable. To quote the
Trust Secretary, 'anything legal considered.'
Following on from the work undertaken on the Wallbridge
pound by the party from the B r i t i s h School, w e l l publicised
i n the looal press, i t was declded t o establish regular
working p a r t i e s to consolidate t h e i r work and to continue
clearence t o Bowbridge.
The f i r s t job performed was i n f a c t before the f i r s t
organised working party when a small gang from the
Eastington depot cleared the feeder a t Bowbridge and
performed a temporary repair of a bank leak a t the Frome
Aqueduct. The increased flow achieved made e rapid
improvement to the general Elarity of the water and there
i s now a permanent cascade a t Wallbridge Upper Lock and the
pound below is no longer a near stagnant swamp.
So £ar, the working p a r t i e s have been w e l l supported and
progress has been most satisfactory. Overhangin t r e e s
have been thinned out t o give the wximurn possibfe c l e a r
surface width. Fortunately the resident waterfowl hatched
t h e i r broods before our bank clearence could cause disturbance.
The s e l f propelled weed c u t t e r roves t o be a g r e a t success
provided that labour i s availabfe to remove cut weed. Sadly
we have had no assistance from the local anglers who have
been d i r e c t beneficiaries of the weed clearence.
Work i s now concentrated on t h e l a s t few hundred yarda to
Bawbridge with a l o t of heavy trmber being moved and a
channel being c u t through the solid bank t o bank reed mat.
Ihe most e f f e c t i v e method of dealin with the mat has been
t o l i t e r a l l y saw i t i n t o cubes whict when removed leave a
channel &ch can be carved out to a depth of about Wo f e e t
by the screw propellers of the reed c u t t e r boa=.
Remember, we always welcome new volunteers, s k i l l e d o r
unskilled, I f you a r e doubtful about turning up f o r work
why not come and see our operations f i r s t ? Information
i s available fmm Tony Jones (Strmd 2915) o r Clinf Taylor
(Stonehouse 3485).
OPPOSITE: Too busy t o pose
- WyolLffe students g e t stuck in.
It i s most gratifying t o report that the f i r s t major fund
raising event organised by the Western Branch was a l s o the
f i r s t waterborne event to be held on the Thames & Severn
Canal since the T m s t was fomed. The Raft Race held on
the Wallbridge/~owbridgepound on August Bank Holiday
Monday proved a great success. Twelve r a f t s were entered,
s t a r t i n g a t timed i n t e r v a l s from Wallbridge Lock t o the
millpond and then returoing. For the organisers,
participants and spectators the day was most enjoyable
and entertaining. The B e l l inn a t Wallbridge l a i d on a
barbecue, and both the Bell and the Clotkiers Anus did a
roaring trade. m e Branch sales stand did a b r i s k trade,
additional h n d s were raised b a bucket collection,,program
sales and a r a f f l e a t the C l o t L e r s Arms i n the everung.
m financial terms, the n e t proceeds of the day were some
€230, which i s s a t i s f y i n
but the benefits of such an
event, i n publicity, pubkic relations aMi goodwill cannot
be underestimated. W
e received excellent coverage i n the
local press, both thelStroud News & Journal' and 'Citizen'
giving good reports
A brisk trade i n Tmst membership application forms
publicity material was evident and the subsequent increase
i n towpath walkers who take an appreciative i n t e r e s t in
our progress, and drop money i n t o our s i t e collecting boxes,
has been mariced. We now have two l o c a l publicms who a r e
supporters of canal restoration. We have the use of t h e
Lounge Bar a t the Bell Inn f o r Branch meetings and also the
new 'Noggin & Natter' evenings.
A t l e a s t two donations recently received can be d i r e c t l y
a t t r i b u t e d t o the Raft Race publicity
A big 'Thank You' i s due to Gloucestershire County Council
and Stroud D i s t r i c t Anglers Club f o r t h e i r co-operation.
Thank6 t o all those who helped to make t h e Raft Race such
l e t ' s have an even bigger and b e t t e r one next year!
a success
Eoug Blake adds his Einal touch
t o the new s i l l a t Blunder Lock
Did you see Blunder's bottom? -We did!
Lock chamber restoration has continued steadily s i n c e the
l a s t edition of the Trow. Francis Turner's i n t r e p i d
roving volunteers have v i s i t e d twice since then t o assist
renovation of underwater brickwork and the lower concrete
s i l l , and also relaying stones above water level.
Remaining coping stones have been repositioned and the w a l l
cleaned and pointed. Dredging w i l l now be carried out above
and below the lock chamber w i n g the Trust's PrisstWan Cub
t h i s has been transported from Cerney Wick Lock
i n exchange f o r our smaller yard crane. The l a r g e r -chine
underwent a minor overhaul and repaint a t Eastington before
being put to work.
Our next task i s to dam off the upper pound, remove s i l t
behind the dam and demolish and rebuild the upper wing
walls to r e t a i n upstream water pressure. Before removal
of the upper dam we need t o modify timber lock gates
assistance with l a r g e scale joinery would be g r e a t l y
Next comes the relaying of the upper s i l l and the provision
of a new launching ramp f o r work and pleasure craft. Ground
paddle gear and mooring bollards w i l l a l s o be required.
There i s much t o be done
a l l volunteers w i l l be put t o
good use, s k i l l e d o r unskilled. Please o f f e r your
services o r t e l l a friend.
For those unaware, we work every Tuesday eventng r i g h t
rhrough the year, and a t l e a s t evety other Sunday, f u l l
Bank Holidays and many Saturday mornings. The back
cooking, t o i l e t s etc.
a r e very good.
We look forward t o meeting you.
Come and see f o r yourself:
GLoucester h16694
an Stroud
Every t h i r d Thusday of the month
we hold a s o c i a l evening called
Details from Clint Taylor...
Stonehouse 3485.
The Branch has been suffering l a t e l y From a s l i g h t shortage
of active local members. Forbrmtely we have sarne good
support from people viho come from a considerable distance
t o do physical restoration, but i t tends to keep our Branch
Meetings bogged down i n the problems of publicity instead of
organisrng work. We had e display, a l b e i t modest, i n one of
&heCirencester branches of the Cheltenham 8 Gloucester
Building Society, and although a regular flow of enquiries
W s reported we have yet t o notice any new faces a t meetings
o r worksites. Undismayed, we a r e redesigning our publicity
material and trying to spread i t around even further. We a r e
a l s o keeping our Sales Stand i n the public eye, and could
probably do more f f a few extra people would o f f e r t h e i r help.
Funds continue t a be a source of anxiety, p a r t i c u l a r l y as we
were not able to mount a major event t h i s year. However, ure
are extending the collection of waste clean n e w p r i n t , (not
magazines), and a Jumble Sale is being organtsed.
Our Officers and members have also been a c t i v e i n various
joint groups aimed a t furthering the cause of navigation up
the Thames to Crtcklade, following t h e success of the 'Token
Ton' Last year.
Wrk Party arrangements remain unchanged, with a few e x t r a
ones t h r ~ w ni n , but our meetings a r e now held a t the 'Red
Lion', Cricklade, by courtesy of the licensee. We would l i k e
to see more of our local supportets, but i n view of t h e
problems with bad weather l a s t winter, please check before
turning up i f you a r e not a regular.
The Thames End Branch i s having a 'Back-End B L i t z ' t o c l e a r
up one o r mm p a r t i c u l a r jobs before winter r e a l l y arives.
We m l d l i k e t o hear from those of our supporters who think
they a r e too busy t o join i n actual r e s t o r a t i o n work. Please
think a a n . Special m r k parties a r e being arranged t o s u i t
availabfe help. Offers l e a s e to Nicholas Melchoir (Swindsn
7625101, o r to any ~ r a n c EOfficer.
Work p a r t i e s have been held regularly on the l a s t weekend
of each month and we were a l s o a b l e t o hold a Swmner Work
asain t h i s vear.
. ~~~c
,.--. This had
- an
.~awerase attendance
--...-- of
.nine aeoole
oeriod. Dnlv about
c - ~ r -each
- ~ dav
- ,o w r the ten dav
t v i n t v f e e t of the e a s t wall of the
r e b u i i t and we are aiming t o g e t a s much done a s possible
before winter a r r i v e s .
We have also had an additional work weekend on the 2ndf31-d
November, with foraer students of B r i s t o l University, who
had helped us before, but who a r e now s c a t t e r e d about the
Our concentration on lock rebuilding caused t h e towpaths t o
d e t e r i o r a t e , but this has been redeemd by p a r t i e s from the
Comon Weal School and the G i r l s ' Venture Corps, both from
Swindon. We can therefore r e p o r t t h a t t h e towpath i s c l e a r
from the Spine Road t o I a t t o n Basin and from Tunnel House
Inn t o Coates Round House.
Our o t h e r b i g p r o j e c t i s of course t h e proposed P l a n t S i t e
next t o the Infonaation Centre on the Spine Road. This was
s c r a ed c l e a r of vegetation and f l a t t e n e d f o r u s by our
landPord, Roger Constant, who turned loose on i t a f i e r c e
mechine and a s k i l l e d operator. The Branch had been
wondering how t o c l e a r the s i t e , and while coolie methods
may be impressive i n hfstory books, they compare
unfavourably with a b i g d i e s e l engine festooned with crafcy
hydraulics. We a r e now preparing a P l a d n g Application
a f t e r some helpful advice from the Cotswold Planners.
A smell p a r t has even managed t o resume work on t h e lock
g a t e s which gave been undisturbed f o r too long. Most of the
l a r g e b o l t s and rivits securin the metal strapping have now
been removed from the two smalfer g a t e s and a c t u a l
woodworking should take place shortly.
Work p a r t i e s , it should be emphasised, take place alongside
fund r a i s i n g and p u b l i c i t y a c t i v i t i e s . Progress would be
quicker i f t h e sane l i t t e band of s t a l w a r t s were not
having t o atempt a l l three. I f some of our sleeping
partners would just come t o a Branch Meeting, they might
w e l l discover t h a t they a r e not as u s e l e s s as they seem
t o think.
Progress on the East wall at C m
ABOVE: C l e a r i n g up a f t e r tbe August W o r k Camp
BELOW: One of our special parties f r o m Common Weal School, Swindon
Approximately 9000 people and 69 boats v i s i t e d the h i s t o r i c
Gloucester Dacks on July 6th and 7th f o r the National
Wateways Sumer event. I t was organised jointly by the
f~the~I d ~
a n d Waterwavs- Association
~- - . . - - - --.
- Branch
- - .o
---- - -- -and the Stroudwater. Thames & Severn Canal Tmst. and was
held by courtesy o f - ~ r i t i s hwaterways ~ o a r di n tt;e docks
The Reynolds and Vinings warehouses were f i l l e d with trade,
c r a f t and cbarity s t a l l s and every possible space outside
o~-r s a d s a t--i o n s
was f i l l e d too: i-~
n f- a c~t over 100
-.----.-~ - took o a r t i n &e event. Traction eneines. steam railwavs.
bouncing c a s t l e s , s t a t i c engines, a yunio; Austin 40 cl&;
vintage f t r e engines, boat t r i p s and a Live farm animal
display were some of thepoints of i n t e r e s t . Live
entertainment was provided by some of Susan Tomlins dancers
doing the 'Hornpipe', Lithuanian folk dancers, Berkeley
Majorettes Jazz Band and some performers of the Martial
The event was opened by the immediate past Mayor of
Gloucester, Councillor Terry Wathan and attended by Dr.
A l w Robertson, Vice-Chairman of the Inland Waterways
Panenity Advisory Council, Ken Goodwin, Chairman of the
Inland Waterways Association, Captain Boyack, Hasbourmaster
of the Port of Gloucester and other representatives.
arrived an the tug 'Speedwell', had a guided tour of the
event, lunch a t the 'City Barge' and returned t o the show
on the 'Glpster Packet'.
Following the suocess of Gloucester Docks '85, i t ' s
organisers have been advised by National Chainaan Ken
Goodwin t h a t the approval of B r i t i s h Watewa s Board has
been formally requested for the holding of d e
prestigious National Rally i n Gloucester i n 1987, the year
of the opening of the National Waterways Museum i n Llanthony
The p r o f i t from the event amounts t o approximately El000 and
a f t e r the provision of two interpretive plaques i n t h e docks
for the benefit of v i s i t o r s , the balance w i l l be s p l i t a s
75% S t m d w a t e r Thames 8 Severn Canal Trust
20% Severn Sound Money Mountain (local c h a r i t i e s )
5%- Gloucestershire Branch, Inland Waterways Ass.
The organisers of Gloucester Docks '85 would l i k e t o take
t h i s opportunity t o thank the members of the Canal Trust
who helped t o make the event such a success and i n
a r t i c u l a r the newly formed West End branch who turned out
n force.
The Trust a t present has a membenhip of about 600. Only a
few of these members a r e active1 engaged i n helping towards
the r e s t o r a t i o n of the Canals, d o s e of us who serve on the
Tmst Council and the members who work with o r organise the
working p a r t i e s .
To the remainder, the missing ones, I would l i k e t o say this:
You a r e obviously interested i n t h e Canals and t h e i r
restoration, o r you would not have become Trust m d e r s o r
committed your$elves to 4, 7 o r 10 years of paying mney
over to the Trust; but apart from receiving a copy of The
Trow when it comes out, what a r e you g e t t i n g from ( o r giving
to) the Trust?
I am not saying t h i s as any form of c r i t i c i s m , but merely
because I an interested tc, Eied out what you want Erom yow
memberghip. Do you f e e l that you would l i k e to help more?
Although you dc not want or a r e not a b l e t o help with the
working p a r t i e s , a r e you quite happy t o know t h a t your
annual subscription i s helping towards the &ng
of the
I f you f e e l t h a t you want to help more, how about a r m i n g
some Eundrafsing e f f o r t s oE your own, even i f only i n a
small way, such as coffee mornings, c a r boot sales,
sponsored walks, swims, tiddleyavtnks o r garnes
that ydu thtnk would catch on f o r sponsorship
there are
a l l s o r t s of things being sponsored these days, even being
buried alive! Not t h a t I m suggesting t h a t rtnyooe gdes
that f a r i n our cause!
I am sure t h a t there m a t be many of our rnembe~swho would
l i k e t o help, but maybe f e e l t h a t i n view of the amouat of
work and mney involved, the few pounds t h a t can be raised
Believe me, they
by a single individual a r e insignificant.
a r e not! Every penny counts, and pennies can q u i t e rapidly
turn i n t o pounds.
T e l l us
Please l e t us hear £mm a l l ou "missing d e r s " .
what you want to get o u t of Eeing a member, *at you would
l i k e t o see the P m s t Council doing f o r you, and how you
d d l i k e t o help.
Now that a new branch of the Trust has been established based
on Stroud, funds a r e needed t o swell the coffers and t o
finance the day t o day a c t i v i t i e s of the Trust i n the area.
One of the ways of achieving this, and a way i n which our
Local members can help, i s simply to make fewer t r i p s t o
the dustbia!
Arrangements have been made with Carfw Ltd. a l o c a l waste
paper company, t o collecc waste paper Erom t&e T r u s t r s plant
s i t e a t Bastington.
We a r e asking a l l of our local members to c o l l e c t Newspapers
and Magazines and t o coiapt t h e i r friends and r e l a t i v e s i n t o
doing the same, bundle them up (seperating the newspapers
fron the magazines), and then get them to the =ant Site. A
lay-by has been incorporated i n the new road f o r j u s t thig
We know a l l of our members and friends a r e eager t o see what
tHe v a l i a n t Stmudwater volunteers a r e up t o a t Blunder Look,
and now you have a very good excuse t o come along and have a
Working p a r t i e s meet a t the s i t e on Tuesday evenings and most
weekends. There is always someone willing t o explain progress
on the lock restoration.
If you have no transport, o r do not ass the s i t e on your
t r a v e l s , then arrangements can pmbailp be made t o c o l l e c t
by 'phoning ClLnt Taylor on Stonehouse 3485. W e can collecc
from Cheltenham t o Bristol and points i n between, but please
remember t h a t only large quantities canbe collected
Our members a t t h e Thames End may be i n t e r e s t e d t o know that
a similar wheeze i s operated by the working p r t y i n t h a t area.
and d e t a i l s can be obtained £mm NichoLas Melchior on SwLndon
collect in^!
Itas available by
Ercm our W e 6 &wager, R . a Nott, Lynfield, Rrme
Pack Road, Stroud, Gloucestershire Q3 3LF (Tel. Gtraud 3014).
Pdquoted include a mntribution t-ds
pstage and packiq.
(Xo w
E15.00 in t o t a l qualify for a 5% & s c a n t .
Cbqu%sand p t a l orders sixadd
be wde payable to "Stroi*1mter, Thamee .S
KIC d 'Rst".
5 T3am6 Valley k i p s t Pollsin)
CMtsnham as it was [Beacham)
Canal h t Cookery CBry~el
Cteervef'S aaok of Cash IG3gg)
randsap? with CaImlS (Rolt)
Iza&crtp with Htvlhines laolt)
Shipbulldlng i n Victorian Swthanptm
s e p l a m s and Flying Beats of the Went
R e p r l n t of 1930's Souvenir of Swt-on
w b
T k Itchen Navi-tim
s m t ~ ~ p t makprt
M u 5 t r l a l Archamloqy of Hanpshice & I.O.W.
The C a d Boatmen (Hanm)
RiStory of Glowester h k s CCmway Smes)
Stroui i n Old P i e m Pcstcards (~a-1
Dwizes m Old Picture Pcetcards
S l o u r p c t in Old P i c t w e postards
MaLvern i n Old Picture PmtCKds
Bristol i n Old Picture earkards
The Leeds L i v e r p w l CBMl in Old Picture Pcstcar&
Bread O p x tk Waters LBlagcm)
T k Tlmms and Severn C&
M k i q Iandcn's Wat-ys
Brewery Railways [Peaty)
The AffMLaUts 1mlt)
Ahnoepheric R a i l w ~ ~[Hidf~eld)
T k Severn Bore (8orbothan)
The W e P Fall of The S e w n Bridge Railway IHuxley)
The Flarec of Gloster (Nm Ill. Edltim)
Pack of 8 notelets and envelopes ( V i m of Shm&ratex
and m;anes 6 Severn C a n d s )
This list m& a l l p r e v i w lists, but ' t e a - t d s , pstcards, pens and
car stickers are still a v d l a b l e as previously a d v d s e d .
FOR SALE: One Thames 8 Severn Canal Token i n good c o n d i t i o n
O f f e r s t o Paul Rigby, 5 Old T a r n w e l l , S t a n t o n Drew, Avon.
There is a Path- chri~mesafter all! @ have a t .tteem w i s e d a new
ieswe of "fRe TXW"' I11 celetxatim oZ a s nrnentous -ion,
of C m 1 liteatnay be interested i n Ue follaring semd-hdnd itin
au sales stazk. w k of F, and time, p d t s m t o list 4nly a few.
but I h o p to id& ? further offers in the w e issue. Y e s - I an a d
there w i l l h a ~ t h e z'WCW M o r e the end of the present d&!
a i t o r s , cculdl't resist a l i t t l e d i g after all t h i s W 1
RC0 N b t
SUbject to scnilabtlity at tirra of arderiq. Prices include p s t ard
pldung. Renittances to ue 8t address &mm on "Sales Section* *ye.
My Widays cm Inland Waterway9 3rd Ed. 1919 186ppt
may illustzatims, i n c l u n g l¶mws and Severn Cam1
% a t 5 Rallies by B v i d E
plates. D D
S O . 00
1 4 4 i~n d .
by Ceofw
~ d e and
r S t n q h t m . 25and elates
e28 .SO
victoria's InEeroo (Songs of t h Old M U , HTnas, HanuEactories,
Caaals and Pailways e d i M
Jcn Faven. P/B 1 9 2 Lt
~ editim
E 1.25
1978 b~ B ~ c ~ d E i d ?Wolve~haapton.
Wlih Rivers
and Canals by Prank Eyre and Charles W i e l d .
Ca~pletewith col. plates. -a. w k e d - clean inside f 5.00
lntMa Wat.etvap of eat Britain and Ireland by L
way, 2nd W. 1962. --library ccpy bat clem
R -ds.
Dear Sir,
I mid Like t o thank very sincerely a l l those members of
t h e Trust wbo gave up ao much of t h e i r time t o make o u r
Canal Weekend at S l i d r i d g e (July 26-28), s o i n t e r e s t i n g
and enjoyable. Our w h y Secretary who was t h e mainstay
of i t a l l , cpped magnificently.
I s t i l l have the minutes of the meeting held i n Stroud on
1st December 1973 when I joined, 1 i v f n then t
Fn Painswick. I em now rereading Hurnpgrey ~ o u ~ o l d ~ s
Classic and- back numbers of the Tmw.
Too much of our National Herftage has been l e f t t o m t
already. This e n t e r p r i s e , osLng such a challenge t o c u r
own generation of C i v i l ~ n ~ f n e e ar s i t does, deserves a l l
the encouragement i t can g e t .
B. Kirner
Sb hfovember 1985
Stroudwater Thames 8 Severn Canal
Trust Ltd. A.C.M. including
presentation of t h e 1985 Canal Trust
Sponsored Walk Awards.
Stroud Leisure Centre, S t r a t f o r d Park,
Inland Waterways Association,
Gloucestershire Branch Sales Stand
Promenade, Cheltenham.
Talk a t Gloucester Yacht Club by
Roger Beckett on the r o l e of t h e
ArchltechtfPLanners o f f i c e i n BWB
with p a r t i c u l a r reference t o
Gloucester Docks. (IWA event)
a s e l e c t i o n of
Video Evening
waterways programmes a t Tewkesbuy
Marina Yacht Club. 4IWA event)
Gloucestershire Branch IWA A.G.M.
Wheatstone Hall, Brunswick Road,
Gloucester. followed by a t a l k
by John Gagg, 'Odd Waterways Corners'
28 January 1986
25 February 1986
14 March 1986
IWA event d e t a i l s from Marilyn Slinn on Gloucester 411040
We a r e pleased t o welcome the following new members:
Mr. W. P. h a n
Mr. D. Blake
Mr. R. Brunstron
Mrs. A. G. Dobson
M r . C. F. Fletcher
Mr. T. L. Jones
Mrs. J. Lane
Mr. D. Mauler
Mr. 8 Mrs. E. D. May
Mr. C. L. Mercer
M r . S. G. hen
Mr. D. 3. P l a n t
Pat L. h t h e r
Mr. J. R. Seagrave
Marilyn S l i m
M r . C. J. Taylor
Mr. D. Tridrner
Mr. R. K. W m e r
Mr. T. B. Wathen
Mr. C. Wells
Mr. 8 M r s . W. A. Whitehouse
Seaford, Sussex
Barnes, London
Sunbury on Thames
Trowbridge. Wilts
Littlebourne, Canterbury
Prestbury Cheltenham
Caerphilly, MLd Glamorgan
Downend, B r i s t o l
Tuffley, Gloucester
Stonehouse, Glos
Ipswlch, Suffolk
London NI9
Reading, Berks
Stonehouse, Glos
It i s a f a c t , t h a t i f every manber of this Trust e n r o l l e d
j u s t one new member each, then the membership would double.
D J Viner, BA, AMA,
8 Tower Street, Cirencester, Glos.
Events Organiser
Matntenance Organisers
Vacancies (restored sections)
Membership Secretary
David Jordan,
6 Hazelton Road,
Marlbmok, Bmmsgmve, Worcs.
Asst. Membership Sec.
Geoff Garraway, 29 Mill Farm Drive,
Paganhill, stroud, ~10s.
Press B Publicity Officer Bmce Hall,
Springers, Watled e,
Nailswrth. (Te1:Nailsworth 23d)
R 0 Nott, FILC, Lynfield, Frome Park
Sales Manager
Road, Stmud. (~e1:Stroud 3014)
Thames End Branch Chairman Robin P. Ttdning, 285 The Cullerns
Highworth, Swindon. (Tel:~win763243j
Thames End Branch Secretary Deryck Watkinson, 12 Hampton Gmve,
Meysey Hampton, Cirencester.
(Te1:Poulton 661)
Western Branch Chairman
A E Jones,
7 Stringers Close,
Rodborough, Stmud. (Tel:St-d
Western Branch Vice-chairman D Blake,
19 Stratton Road,
Gloucester. (Te1:Gloucester 415843)
Western Branch Secretary
C J Taylor, 43 Regent Street,
Stonebouse, Glos. (Te1:Stonehouse 3485)
Western Branch Treasurer
W A Whitehouse,
37 Cotswold Green,
Stonehouse, Glos. (Te1:Stonehouse 2284)
Trow Editorial Team
Deryck Watkinson (as above)
David Jowett, 1 M o r d Terrace,
Springfield Road Uplands, Stmud.
David Jowett, (as above)
Trow Material to
Trow Distribution Team
P A T Grifffths, 10 *the
House, The
Waterloo, Cirencester. Tel :Ciren. 4160)
D C Pinnock,
7 Vicarage Close,
Churchdown, Glos. (Tel:Churchdown856233)
Working Party Co-ordinator Alan Jones, 2 Wyclift Villas, Uplands
Road, Stmud.
Working Party Organisers
Nicholas Melchior, (Thames End)
28 Grove Hill, HighWorth, Swindon.
(Te1;Swindon 762510)
Jon Willis,
82 Chatsworth Avenue, Rtffley, Gloucester.
(Te1:Gloucester 416694)
Vacant posts can be filled by individuals or small gmups,
assistance always being available from Council Members and
other Officers. ?hose interested may obtafn details f m m the
Secretary (see inside fmnt cover).
BACK COVER: Cerney Wick Lock, 1980
(Photo:Peter ChadwLck)
- This is where we
came in.