Asian Pacific American Center


Asian Pacific American Center
AsiAn PAcific AmericAn center
America’s Asian Pacific Heritage
In the UnIted StateS, there are more than
Konrad ng, Ph.d.
SmithSonian aSian Pacific
american center
17 million Asian Pacific Americans—a
community that has played a vibrant role in
the American story. in the next 50 years,
nearly one out of every 10 people in America
will trace his or her heritage to Asia and the
Pacific, a region that covers more than a third
of the earth and is home to nearly half of the
world’s population, natural life, nations,
economies, major faiths and languages.
At the Smithsonian Asian Pacific American
center, we explore America’s past, present
and future as a Pacific rim nation. We
develop exhibitions, programs and digital
initiatives about Asian Pacific American
history, art and culture to inspire creative
and critical thinking.
during an era of increasing globalization,
the Asian Pacific American experience is
the story of our time.
the Smithsonian campaign is our opportunity
to create innovative cultural spaces that show­
case America’s Asian Pacific heritage and
rethink where and how we discover this
important story. We invite you to support this
campaign. Please join us on this amazing journey.
Our gOAl
$3 million
The Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center
is an international resource for discovering
the rich history, art and culture of America’s
Asian Pacific heritage. Through the Smithsonian
thank you.
Campaign, we will break new ground in the way
With aloha,
museums collect, interpret and share the Asian
Pacific American experience. We will create
experimental digital exhibitions and
develop a vibrant, multi-disciplinary hub
for research and learning in Hawaii.
cAse for suP P or t
Creating a Museum for America’s global Story
the Smithsonian
campaign is our
opportunity to
create innovative
cultural programs
that showcase
America’s Asian
Pacific heritage.
eliseo art Silva’s iconic mural,
Gintong Kasaysayan, Gintong
Pamana (Filipino Americans:
A Glorious History, A Golden
Legacy), was featured in the
exhibition I Want the Wide
American Earth: An Asian
Pacific American Story.
the Smithsonian campaign will enable us to
invest in new technologies and partnerships to
develop our presence both online and in­person
across the country, producing dynamic exhibitions
with interactive experiences and pushing the
boundaries of cultural understanding.
LeadIng a dIgItaL dIaLogUe
the Smithsonian Asian Pacific American center
is reimagining how technology can be used to
understand identity, history, art and culture.
We will develop a digital cultural laboratory
by collaborating with innovative leaders in
technology and leveraging the collections of
the Smithsonian and Asian Pacific American
organizations across the country.
this virtual laboratory will broaden access
to Asian Pacific American icons, stories and
communities, allowing viewers to follow their
curiosity and learn about the Asian Pacific
American experience in new ways.
tranSformIng the mUSeUm exPerIence
We are building a network of cultural laboratories—
creative and experimental “pop­up” gallery
spaces—to explore America’s role as a Pacific rim
nation and rediscover what it means to be an American
through an Asian Pacific American lens. We aspire
to create cultural spaces in Washington, d.c., and
at partner venues across the country to transform
the in­person museum experience. in these cultural
spaces, we will mount exhibitions, performances,
community events and other learning programs
that highlight how Asian Pacific Americans reflect
the American spirit across history, art and culture.
the SmIthSonIan In the aSIa-PacIfIc regIon
We are developing a research and learning hub
in Hawaii about the Asian Pacific American
experience, building on the Smithsonian’s long­
standing presence in the Pacific. We will partner
with local organizations and harness the
Smithsonian’s existing cultural and scientific
research to forge new connections between
the Asia­Pacific region and America.
Our Campaign Priorities
the Smithsonian
Asian Pacific
American center
is reimagining how
technology can be
used to understand
identity, history,
art and culture.
a multimedia event exploring
Korean american identity
co-presented by the Smithsonian
asian Pacific american center
and the national Portrait gallery
featuring artists cyJo and dana
tai Soon burgess and composers
benoit granier and anthony Paul
de ritis, in the Kogod courtyard
at the donald W. reynolds center
for american art and Portraiture.
a dIgItaL cULtUre Lab fUnd
The Smithsonian Campaign
the development of a digital cultural laboratory requires a
total of $1.25 million. investments of $25,000, $75,000 and
$125,000 will allow us to use new technologies and Asian
Pacific American history, art and culture to create innovative
online content and unique in­person experiences.
will transform a national
a coLLaboratIve gaLLery Lab
inspire lifelong learning and
We seek a total of $1.25 million to develop “pop­up” galleries
in Washington, d.c., and across the country. Gifts of $25,000
to $75,000 will fund collaborative programming for these
galleries to foster fresh and exciting ways to understand
America’s Asian Pacific heritage.
treasure into a catalyst for
change. Please join us as
we raise $1.5 billion to spark
discovery, tell America’s story,
reach people everywhere.
The Smithsonian Asian
Pacific American Center
is raising $3 million of the
the SmIthSonIan In the PacIfIc
Smithsonian Campaign’s
We seek $500,000 for the exploration of a significant presence
for the Smithsonian Asian Pacific American center in Hawaii.
this investment will enable us to establish local partnerships,
conduct research and develop programs to unify the Smithsonian’s
cross­disciplinary presence in the Pacific.
overall goal.
For more inFormAtion, cAll 202.633.2691
or viSit SmitHSoniAncAmPAiGn.orG.
coVer roger Shimomura shares his work,
Shimomura Crossing the Delaware, which
was part of the exhibition Portraiture Now:
Asian American Portraits of Encounter.
Smithsonian Asian Pacific
American Center
advancement offIcer
capital Gallery
Suite 7065, mrc 516
Washington, Dc 20013 -7012
202.633.2691 | [email protected]