fall — winter 2014
fall — winter 2014
fall — winter 2014 3 4 5 6 7 13 14 18 21 23 25 27 28 29 33 35 39 42 44 46 49 50 54 57 59 Dress with fringes 44DD176 Knitted maxi gilet with fringes 44DD225 Bicolor dress 44DD030 Curled dress with frills 44DD005 Striped t-shirt 44DD038 Maxi top with print 44DD023 Curled t-shirt 44DD004 Short sweatshirt 44DD127 Eco leather short 44DD171 Curled jacket 44DD193 Striped knitted pullover 44DD231 Velvet long pant 44DD205 Curled dress 44DD190 Short sweatshirt 44DD127 Neoprene camouflage jacket 44DD200 Striped maxi t-shirt with frills 44DD049 T-shirt with print 44DD025 Fleece turban 44DD095 Long pant 44DD210 Camouflage coat 44DD201 Dress with frills 44DD176 Curled dress with frills 44DD005 Eco fur gilet 44DD161 T-shirt with print 44DD026 Velvet long pant 44DD206 Striped maxi t-shirt with frills 44DD039 Knitted maxi gilet with fringes 44DD225 Velvet long pant 44DD205 Lurex dress with frills 44DD146 Lurex maxi sweatshirt 44DD148 Curled t-shirt 44DD004 Python fleece long pant 44DD111 Neoprene camouflage jacket 44DD200 Knitted cardigan 44DD226 Striped t-shirt 44DD048 Fleece dress with feathers 44DD097 Fleece padded python coat 44DD112 Fleece cardigan with stones 44DD093 Striped maxi top 44DD050 Eco fur coat 44DD160 Striped maxi top 44DD040 Neoprene camouflage jacket 44DD200 T-shirt with print 44DD025 Fleece long pant 44DD072 Lurex maxi sweatshirt 44DD148 Curled t-shirt 44DD004 Python fleece cardigan 44DD114 T-shirt with fringes 44DD001 Lurex long pant 44DD145 Sweatshirt 44DD135 Camouflage coat 44DD201 Dress with fringes 44DD176 Curled dress 44DD190 Fleece padded jacket with eco fur 44DD105 Knitted maxi gilet with fringes 44DD225 T-shirt with fringes 44DD001 Lurex long pant 44DD145 Eco fur gilet 44DD161 Maxi sweatshirt with print 44DD130 Eco fur coat 44DD160 Striped maxi cardigan 44DD101 Curled t-shirt 44DD004 Jeans 44DD215 Curled dress 44DD190 Striped eco fur coat 44DD165 Striped eco fur maxi gilet 44DD166 Bicolor maxi sweatshirt 44DD141 Velvet long pant 44DD206 Short sweatshirt 44DD127 Striped maxi t-shirt with frills 44DD049 Fleece turban 44DD095 Striped t-shirt 44DD038 Sweatshirt with print 44DD129 Camouflage coat 44DD201 Dress with frills 44DD176 Fleece padded jacket 44DD076 T-shirt with print 44DD018 Fleece long pant 44DD072 Eco fur gilet 44DD161 Maxi sweatshirt with print 44DD130 Eco leather leggings 44DD170 Striped eco fur maxi gilet 44DD166 Maxi sweatshirt with stones 44DD092 Striped maxi top 44DD040 Eco leather short 44DD171 Fleece dress with feathers 44DD097 Curled dress 44DD190 Striped eco fur coat 44DD165 Fleece dress with feathers 44DD097 DOUUOD Blu srl V.le Corsica, 23 48015 Milano Marittima Italy t. +39 (0)544 993099 f. +39 (0)544 999354 [email protected] Prodotto e distribuito da Camac Srl Via Zavaglia, 461 47522 Pievesestina, Cesena (FC), Italy t. +39 (0)547 418211 f. +39 (0)547 318430 [email protected] Thanks to Micky, Emma, Olivia, Cecilia, Benny, Costanza, Andrea, Giacomo, Damiano, Eva, and DOUUOD team. Fotografie Alessandra Dragoni Design Emilio Macchia (eee) douuodkids.com