The Concordia Blade


The Concordia Blade
VOL. CX NO. 28 (USPS 127-880)
Thursday, July 9, 2015
flag to be
on Friday
Good Evening
Concordia Forecast
Tonight, mostly cloudy with a 50 percent
chance of showers and thunderstorms.
Lows in the mid 60s. Southeast winds 5 to
10 mph.
Friday, mostly cloudy with a 50 percent
chance of showers and thunderstorms.
Highs in the upper 80s. South winds 5 to 15
Friday night, mostly cloudy with a 40
percent chance of showers and thunderstorms. Lows around 70. South winds 10 to
15 mph.
Saturday, mostly sunny. Highs in the
mid 90s. South winds 10 to 20 mph.
Saturday night, mostly clear. Lows in the
lower 70s.
Sunday, sunny. Highs in the upper 90s.
Sunday night, mostly clear. Lows in the
lower 70s.
Monday, mostly sunny. Highs in the
upper 90s.
Monday night, mostly clear. Lows around
Tuesday, sunny. Highs in the mid 90s.
Tuesday night, partly cloudy. Lows
around 70.
Wednesday, mostly sunny with slight
chance of showers and thunderstorms.
Highs in the lower 90s.
Across Kansas
Man accused of
assaulting caregiver
WICHITA, Kan. (AP) — Authorities are
looking for a 51-year-old man accused of
attacking his father’s live-in caretaker with
a golf club and cane in Wichita.
According to police Lt. James Espinoza,
a 49-year-old woman was transported by
private vehicle to Wesley Medical Center
early Wednesday with several injuries to
her head and face. She is in serious condition.
Authorities say the woman told police
the suspect attacked her when she would
not give him his 89-year-old father’s benefits card. She says the suspect is occasionally at the house the she and his father
Espinoza said the victim told officers the
suspect wanted to take money from the
card to purchase narcotics.
KNEA to appeal
dismissal of lawsuit
TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) — The main teachers union in Kansas says it will appeal the
dismissal of a lawsuit against the state for
ending teacher job protections.
The Topeka Capital-Journal reports the
Kansas National Education Association
has submitted a court notice that it will
appeal the dismissal.
Shawnee County District Court last
month rejected the KNEA’s challenge of
the constitutionality of 2014 legislation in
which lawmakers ended state-mandated
teacher due process rights.
The bill contained provisions on school
funding and teacher tenure, prompting
the lawsuit from the 25,000-member
KNEA, based on the argument that lawmakers violated the state Constitution by
folding permanent policy into an appropriations bill.
Kansas joins group
to market region
WICHITA, Kan. (AP) — Kansas is working with neighboring states to promote
and market the region to film producers
looking for movie locations.
The film offices in Kansas, Missouri,
Iowa and Nebraska along with Kansas
City, Missouri, are collaborating to entice
the film industry to the area.
Peter Jasso is executive director for the
Kansas Creative Arts Industries Commission. He said Wednesday in a news release
that in the absence of tax credits and other
financial incentives, the partnership is a
way for the states to come together to
make larger-scale film projects possible in
the region.
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Kansas beauty
Nothing says summer in Kansas like sunflowers blooming in a Concordia garden. (Blade photo by
Jessica LeDuc)
CCCC board approves
hiring of science instructor
By Jessica LeDuc
Blade Staff Writer
At a special meeting Thursday morning,
the Cloud County Community College board
of trustees hired Concordia native Josh
Urban as an instructor in science.
Urban, also a graduate of Cloud, received
a bachelor’s degree in Biology, with a minor
in Chemistry, from Kansas Wesleyan. He
also has a master’s degree in Entomology
and a doctor of philosophy in Entomology,
both from Kansas State University.
Most recently, Urban has been an adjunct
instructor of human anatomy and physiology for Cloud at the Geary County campus.
“We’re really excited to bring him in,” said
college President Danette Toone. “We think
he’ll be a great addition to Cloud.”
Urban was hired on a full-time basis as a
science instructor, effective Aug. 17. He will
also receive a stipend to run the cadaver lab.
The board then conducted a study session
on the 2016 budget.
Amy Lange, vice president for administrative services, said next year’s budget will be
based on a mill levy of 25.686, which is
unchanged from last year.
Even though the mill levy will be the
same, the college can expect to receive more
from property taxes collected because the
county’s valuation is increasing by $7 million.
Lange said the budget is based on a twopercent decrease in enrollment, as well as a
5.7-percent decrease in state aid.
The state aid number could change, she
said, depending on what happens at the
state level.
Lange said when planning the budget, she
preferred to be conservative because no one
is sure what the state will provide in the way
of funding.
Concordia neighborhoods will be bustling
with cookouts, potlucks and various other
gatherings the evening of Tuesday, Aug. 4,
when residents observe National Night Out.
Organizers who register their activities will
get free National Night Out yard signs and
balloons to mark the spot.
Concordia Police officers will visit each
registered party with glow-necklaces and
bracelets for the children.
In 2011, the first time Concordia took part
in what is called America’s Night Out Against
Crime, more than 25 neighborhoods planned
events and a number of others held informal
front-yard get-togethers.
In 2012, 2013 and 2014 neighborhoods
across the city took part.
Organizers are still needed to spread this
year’s party into other Concordia neighborhoods.
National Night Out is now in its 32nd year,
and more than 15,000 communities from all
50 states, U.S. territories, Canadian cities
and military bases worldwide are expected to
take part.
In Concordia the event is co-sponsored by
the Concordia Police Department and the
Concordia Year of Peace Committee.
he idea is for neighbors to come out to
block parties, to get to know each other and
strengthen neighborhood spirit. Goals of
National Night Out are to:
•Heighten crime and drug prevention
•Generate support for, and participation in
local anticrime programs.
•Strengthen neighborhood spirit and
police-community partnerships; and
•send a message to criminals letting them
know that neighborhoods are organized and
fighting back.
Last year’s events included barbecues,
picnics, potlucks and at least one ice cream
social. There also were gatherings just to sip
lemonade and get to know the neighbors.
This year, the Year of Peace Committee is
kicking off its annual Civility Pledge signature drive as part of National Night Out.
“Make Your Mark!” signature sheets will
be at each of the registered parties, so citizens can join this effort, now its sixth year.
The job of neighborhood organizers is to
decide what kind of gathering to have and the
location, and then to invite neighbors to
Before Aug. 4, the sponsors publish a list
of all the neighborhoods planning events. To
learn more or to sign up as a neighborhood
organizer, contact Amanda Jeardoe, 2432113, ext. 1221, or [email protected].
Concordia neighborhoods to
celebrate National Night Out
COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — More than
50 years after South Carolina raised a
Confederate flag at its Statehouse to
protest the civil rights movement, the
rebel banner will be removed Friday
in a state where such a reversal
seemed unthinkable a month ago.
The flag will be pulled down from
the Capitol’s front lawn and the flagpole it flies on during a ceremony at
10 a.m. Friday, said Chaney Adams, a
spokeswoman for Republican Gov.
Nikki Haley. Then, the banner will be
taken to the Confederate Relic Room
for display.
Haley will sign the bill — which
passed the state House early Thursday after 13 hours of debate — at 4
p.m. Thursday in the Statehouse
lobby. The measure requires that the
flag come down within 24 hours of her
After the House passed the bill,
there were hugs, tears and high fives
in the chamber. Members snapped
selfies and pumped their fists. But
even among the celebrations, there
was sadness.
Hours after the vote, Republican
Rep. Jonathon Hill said he feared the
move could be part of a regional or
nationwide campaign targeting Confederate and Civil War-era history.
“Hopefully it ends here, and we
move forward, and we can put all of
this behind us,” said Hill, one of 27
House members who opposed removing the flag on a key vote. He said he
won’t attend Friday’s ceremony
because of obligations in his district.
After the Civil War, the flag was
first flown over the dome of South
Carolina’s Capitol in 1961 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the
war. It stayed as a protest to the Civil
Rights movement, only moving in
2000 from the dome to its current
The push that would bring down
the Confederate flag for good only
started after nine black churchgoers,
including state Sen. Clementa Pinckney, were gunned down during Bible
study at the historic Emanuel African
Episcopal Church in Charleston on
June 17. Police said the white gunman’s motivation was racial hatred.
Then three days later, photos surfaced of the suspect, Dylann Roof,
holding Confederate flags. He is
charged with nine counts of murder
and hasn’t yet entered a plea.
“I am 44 years old. I never thought
I’d see this moment. I stand with people who never thought they would see
this as well,” said House Minority
Leader Todd Rutherford, who called
the victims martyrs. “It’s emotional
for us not just because it came down,
but why it came down.”
Republican Rep. Rick Quinn,
whose amendment appeared it might
at least delay the flag’s removal for
several hours, was happy too after
getting a promise that lawmakers
would find money for a special display
at the Relic Room for the Confederate
flag that was about to be removed as
well as the one that flew over the
Statehouse dome in 2000 when a
compromise was passed to move the
rebel banner to its current location.
“It was done in a way that was a
win to everyone,” said Quinn, who
voted for the bill.
The back-to-back votes came
around 1 a.m. Thursday after more
than 13 hours of passionate and contentious debate.
Moran: Kansas military posts mostly spared
TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) —
Kansas has been largely spared
in the Army’s plans to cut
active-duty troops over the next
two years, with Fort Riley and
Fort Leavenworth slated to lose
fewer than 700 soldiers, U.S.
Sen. Jerry Moran said Thursday.
The Kansas Republican, a
member of the Senate Appropriations defense subcommit-
tee, was formally notified by the
Army as it announced plans to
reduce its active-duty force by
40,000, or about 8 percent, to
450,000. Like Moran, other
state officials saw the numbers
as good news.
The two Kansas posts have
about 19,300 soldiers, so the
reductions are about 3.5 percent. Moran said Kansas officials feared Fort Riley, home to
the Army’s storied 1st Infantry
Division, would lose a brigade,
or 4,000 soldiers, along with
thousands of civilian employees.
“I never thought we would be
spared completely,” the senator
said in an Associated Press
interview. “If the Army is going
to reduce their forces by 40,000
military men and women, it’s
probably unrealistic — it’s
unrealistic — to expect there to
be nothing at Fort Riley and
Fort Leavenworth.”
The Army did not provide
post-by-post figures for reductions in civilian employees,
though it said it would trim
their numbers by 17,000.
Moran said Kansas “dodged
a bullet” because the reductions are smaller than expected.
2 Blade-Empire, Thursday, July 9, 2015
DOONESBURY® by G.B. Trudeau
Concordia Blade-Empire
Published daily except Saturday
and Sunday by
510 Washington, Box 309
Concordia, Kansas 66901
Periodical Class Postage paid at
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Subscription Rates: By mail, in trade
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Washington, Jewell and Clay Counties,
$98.24 one year. Out of trade area, $118.45.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Concordia Blade-Empire, Box 309,
Concordia, Kansas 66901.
Medicare approves end-of-life counseling
years ago, a proposal for
Medicare to cover end-of-life
counseling touched off a political uproar that threatened
to stall President Barack
Obama’s health care law in
Congress. Wednesday, when
Medicare finally announced
it will make the change, reaction was muted.
At the time, former Alaska
Republican Gov. Sarah Palin’s accusation that voluntary
counseling could lead to government-sponsored
panels” dictating the fate of
frail elders was widely discredited. But for the Obama
counseling remained politically radioactive, even as the
idea found broader acceptance in society.
Dr. Joe Rotella, chief medical officer of the American
Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, called Medicare’s move a “little miracle,”
given the “death panels” furor. He said he believes the
controversy has passed.
“I think society’s going to
get over it this time and see
the good in it,” said Rotella.
“It’s really about living in the
way that means the most to
you to the last moments of
your life.”
The original sponsor of the
idea, Oregon Democratic Rep.
Earl Blumenauer, was taking
no chances even as he, too,
sensed a political shift. Just
a few weeks ago at the White
House congressional picnic,
Blumenauer said he personally lobbied senior officials,
handing out pocket-sized
cards with his talking points.
“There was a time when
the federal government could
have been a leader on this,
but now it’s basically responding to where the rest of
America is going,” he said.
The policy change, to take
effect Jan. 1, was tucked into
a massive regulation on payments for doctors. Counseling would be entirely voluntary for patients.
Some doctors already have
such conversations with their
patients without billing extra. Certain private insurers
have begun offering reimbursement. But an opening
to roughly 55 million Medicare beneficiaries could make
such talks far more common.
About three-quarters of the
people who die each year in
the U.S. are 65 and older,
making Medicare the largest
insurer at the end of life, according to the Kaiser Family
“As a practicing physician,
and a son, and someone who
has dealt with this in his
own family, I would say these
are discussions ... that are
critical to high-quality care,”
said Patrick Conway, Medicare’s chief medical officer.
“I would want any American
who wanted to have this conversation with their clinician
to have the opportunity to do
Medicare is using a relatively new term for end-oflife counseling: advance care
planning. That’s meant to reflect expert advice that people
should make their wishes
known about end-of-life care
at different stages of their
lives, as early as when they
get a driver’s license.
The counseling aims to
discern the type of treatment
patients want in their last
days, with options ranging
from care that’s more focused
on comfort than extending
life to all-out medical efforts
to resuscitate a dying patient.
The American Medical Association praised Medicare’s
decision. “This issue has
been mischaracterized in
the past and it is time to fa-
Today in History
Sudoku is a number-placing
puzzle based on a 9x9 grid with
several given numbers. The object is to place the numbers 1 to 9
in the empty squares so that each
row, each column and each 3x3
box contain the same number
only once. The difficulty level of
the Conceptis Sudoku increases
from Monday to Friday.
3 8
Difficulty Level
Difficulty Level
By Dave Green
6 7
7 1
2015 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.
1 6
2015 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.
U.S. and Japanese studies have found that black and
green teas have antibacterial powers that may help prevent cavities and gum disease.
50 years ago
July 9, 1965—An old
steam thresher owned and
driven by Russell Carlgren
with Paul Charest at the
throttle, proceeded to the
Co-op Elevator at 3 miles
per hour. The giant Reeves
engine pushed the scales
indicator up to 47,000
pounds. . . . Pat Abram and
Peggy Brumfield were new
employees at Ilda’s Beauty
Shop in Concordia.
25 years ago
July 9, 1990—Thelma
Schroth was retiring as curator of the Cloud County
Historical Society Museum
and being replaced by Carrie
Warren Gully, proprietor of
Crystal’s Bed and Breakfast.
Schroth had been curator
for 13 years. . . . Statistics
from the Cloud County appraiser’s office showed that
Cloud County
for 1990 was down by more
than one million dollars
from 1989. Land and building values dipped some $1
million from abut 33 million
in 1989 to nearly $32 million in 1990.
10 years ago
July 9, 2005—Jill Larsen gave a demonstration
on how to make a brownie
mix from scratch and Kaylee Mosher gave a demonstration on how to make a
denim rag quilt at the Hollis
Hustlers 4-H Club meeting.
. . . Ceanna Hamilton and
Heather Letourneau told
jokes during the summer
playground talent show at
the Brown Grand Theatre.
5 years ago
July 9, 2005—Rod Howard, who retired after more
than 22 years with the Concordia Post Office received a
service award from Postmaster Roger Krause. . . . Co-op
won the Junior Softball city
tournament championship.
Team members were Shania
Anguish, Olivia Nelson, Lesley Stensaas, Claire Conway,
Carlie Barleen, Carley Martin, Mirra Flesher, Jessica
Dethloff, Chandler Lamm,
Sammy Hake and Dakota
Rose. Coaches were Nicole
Nelson, Connor Lamm and
Mike Lamm.
1 year ago
July 9, 2014—A conservative Republican super
PAC was seeking to unseat
U.S. Rep. Tim Huelskamp
and spending more than
$108,500 in the Republican primary race for the
sprawling 1st Congressional
District of western and central Kansas. . . . Sales tax
and compensating use tax
received in Cloud County
in June were up from the
amount received in 2013.
cilitate patient choices about
advance care planning,” said
Andrew Gurman, the group’s
Before former Palin ignited
the “death panels” outcry,
there was longstanding bipartisan consensus about
helping people to better understand their end-of-life
choices and decisions.
A 1992 law passed under
Republican President George
H.W. Bush requires hospitals
and nursing homes to help
patients who want to prepare living wills and advance
directives. Similar efforts
gained resonance after the
2005 death of Terri Schiavo,
the brain-damaged Florida
woman whose family fought
for years over whether she
would have wanted to be kept
alive in a vegetative state.
Then-Florida Gov. Jeb
Bush got embroiled in the
feeding tubes reinserted for
Schiavo against her husband’s wishes. The husband
ultimately prevailed in a legal
battle with Schiavo’s parents,
who wanted her kept alive.
In 2008, a year before debate over the Affordable Care
Act spiraled into tea-party
overwhelmingly passed legislation requiring doctors to dis-
cuss issues like living wills
with new Medicare enrollees.
That history of bipartisanship dissipated almost
instantly when Palin said
the provision on end-of-life
conversations in Obama’s
health care legislation would
result in bureaucrats deciding whether sick people get
to live. The language was ultimately removed.
Nothing in the discussions
approved by Medicare will be
focused on cost, but many
experts believe if patients truly understood their alternatives, and doctors listened to
them, bills would inherently
go down.
A landmark report last year
from the Institute of Medicine
found that few people make
their wishes known and too
many deaths are filled with
breathing machines, feeding
tubes, powerful drugs and
other treatments that fail to
extend life and make its final chapter more painful and
unpleasant. The report was
called “Dying in America,”
and the institute – an independent organization that
advises the government – has
a section on its website distilling the issues for families.
After the report, Medicare said it would consider a
change in policy for 2016.
Blade-Empire, Thursday, July 9, 2015 3
2015 Kansas
Senate Wrap-up
On the 113th day of
session, June 12, 2015
(known now as the longest
session on record) the Senate and House reached a
compromise on a tax proposal.
Session officially
ended on June 26th Sine
Die, with the ceremonial
closing. There were a total
of 311 Senate bills introduced; 39 to date signed
by the Governor, 1 vetoed,
1 line-item vetoed, 19 Senate bills killed in the Senate and 13 Senate bills
killed in the House. Of the
remaining 238 Senate bills
carried over into the 2016
session; 162 of these are
still in Senate committees,
54 in House committees,
15 remaining on the Senate calendar and 7 on the
House calendar.
The Kansas Senate approved HB 2109, which
was the tax proposal debated for nearly a month. For
weeks the Legislature was
at an impasse on tax policy
determining which way the
state should approach the
$400 million shortfall in
state revenue that is currently required to balance
our state budget. Sadly,
much of the policy was
crafted on the Senate floor
skipping the usual committee
with testimony from people
across the state – both pro
and con. When an issue
is truly vetted through the
House and Senate committees, floor votes and finally a conference committee, then we can then say
we worked together for the
best bill possible. HB2109
passed with a vote of 21-17.
I was a NO vote - believing
that is the wrong way to
pass legislation especially
such a large tax policy from
amendments (no hearings)
and more options could’ve
been possible. Often times
with rushed policy, a trailer bill is required to repair
portions of the bill and in
this case, two bills SB270
and HB2142 needed to be
debated and passed. These
bills included restoring the
food sales tax rebate program which provides approximately $15 million
in credits for the working
poor. Beginning in 2016,
an estimated 388,000 low
income Kansans will be
excluded from paying income taxes, for example,
a married couple earning
$24,500, a single parent
making $17,250 or a single
person making $10,250
would pay zero income
tax. Also included in the
tax plan is a delay in the
property tax date to 2018
and cities would not have
to hold a mandatory election if the taxes were triggered by new infrastructure, certain property taxes
for bonds and interest and
certain road construction
costs. The Rural Opportunity Zones will be extended
to 2022 under this tax plan
as well.
Legislative Leaders have
publically committed to exploring ways of lowering the
sales tax on food next year
which was removed in the
conference committee process for this year’s tax bill.
Hearings were also promised to take a look at tax-
ing business entities which
was lowered to zero in the
2012 tax bill. It is interesting to note that seventyone percent of the 2012 tax
cuts went to individuals
with twenty-nine percent to
Senate Bill 112 (SB 112)
contains the remaining
43% of the proposed twoyear budget. The Judicial
budget and education budget that makes up the remaining 57% of the state
budget were passed at an
earlier date. Some of the
budget policies agreed to
include a 25% cut to state
executives’ travel, a 50%
cut on advertising and subscriptions to all state agencies except the Judiciary,
the Regents, and the State
Libraries. The Budget will
also hold tuition at state
run universities to current
levels with a 2% increase
except for those universities that’s tuition is less
than $2,000 a semester. It
will also continue fund the
construction of the Kansas
Bureau of Investigation Lab
at the Washburn campus.
The committee found $15
million in various savings
for FY 2016 and $30-35
million from FY 2017. Core
services such as public
safety and care for the most
vulnerable were a priority for negotiations on both
sides. The budget passed
the Senate with a vote of 23
to 11. For more information on the State Budget
The Kansas Legislature
has an excellent website
at where you can
find calendars, past Senate and House journals,
bills, statutes & legislation, legislators and general information about the
Kansas Legislature.
Research Department tab
covers all the legislation
from the 2015 Session in a
Summary of Legislation by
topic and committees. The
Research Department has
been providing nonpartisan, objective research and
fiscal analyses since 1934.
Anti-Human Trafficking Bill
Senate Bill 113 (SB 113)
contains provisions to combat human trafficking in
our state. The bill will allow victims of human trafficking the opportunity to
bring civil suits against
those who caused them
harm and allows the Kansas Attorney General’s Office the prosecutorial right
to pursue these cases. The
Attorney General’s Office
would be allowed to seek
attorney fees and costs.
All other damages would
be awarded directly to the
victim. The Senate passed
SB 113 unanimously with
a vote of 37-0.
The 2015 legislative session was successful for Veterans’ issues. We passed
good policy that will make
it easier for veterans to become more involved in the
work force after their service and will help veterans
and their families return
to school.
HB 2154 al-
lows private employers to
adopt a hiring policy that
gives preference to a veteran who meets the requirement of the job. This bill
also grants in-state tuition
to veterans and their family members who are attending post-secondary institutions in Kansas. The
legislature also passed HR
6026, which urges Congress to enact the Toxic
Exposure Research Act
of 2015. This would establish in the Department
of Veterans’ Affairs a national center for research
on the health conditions
of descendants of veterans
who were exposed to toxic
substances with unknown
consequences with serving the U.S. Armed Forces.
Veterans’ issues are very
important to me and I am
glad I was able to help pass
this legislation that makes
it easier for veterans and
their families to return to
Kansas and helps protect
the health of those who
Senate Appointment
On May 21, 2015, The
Kansas Senate confirmed
Commissioner Jay Emler for a four year term to
the Kansas Corporation
Commission. Jay was appointed to this position in
January 2014 by Governor
Brownback to fill a vacancy.
Commissioner Emler previously served in the Kansas
Senate where he was elected Senate Majority Leader.
He represented the 35th
District in central Kansas
for 13 years which included Lincoln County. Emler
also served as Chairman
of both Ways and Means
and Utilities committees.
Prior to the Senate, he was
Vice President and General
Counsel for Kansas Cellular. He is the past national
Chairman of the Council on
State Governments.
Interns and Pages
The Kansas Legislature
will have internships available for the 2016 Legislative Session. Any student
who is enrolled in a secondary or post-secondary
education institution and
will be earning credit for
their learning experience or
is making academic progress in their educational
course of study is eligible
to apply. No specific major is required, but strong
oral and written communication skills and a basic
understanding of government and the legislative
process are helpful. Internships will begin on January
11th on the first day of the
2016 Legislative Session
and end in April. Interns
are required to attend a
minimum of 12 days during the legislative session.
Legislative internships are
non-paid positions; however, legislative interns who
complete program requirements are eligible for up to
$600 in mileage reimbursement. Please call or email
me and I can help with the
application process. I have
had wonderful interns in
the past including Laura
Hansen, Concordia, Kansas
National Guard Major Murl
Riedel, Tipton, Kansas Air
Force Reserve 2nd Lt. Jody
McCready Cope, Chapman,
Katie Krug, Russell and
Zach Lowry, Stockton.
Pages dates are assigned
to us by the third week of
January from the Page office in the Capitol. The
Page program is designed
for students in middle
school, junior high or the
first years of high school.
Please email me and I will
save the students names
over the summer and fall
and be ready to fill the slots
as soon as we receive the
dates from the page supervisors. I was a page for Rep.
Bill Fuller from Miltonvale
in 1980 as a student at
Minneapolis High School
and still have my black
and white picture with Bill
and Governor Graves along
with my friend from Delphos, Heather Hurtig.
Tours at the Capitol
A new display in the Visitor Center in the State Capitol features Kansans as
proud Americans who had
a part in the victory for the
United States and allies.
Featured in the display are
a deck of military playing
cards, a helmet worn by
a crew member of a Boeing B-29 and a short coat
dubbed the “Ike jacket”
which was a waist length
uniform jacket named after
General Eisenhower. Also
highlighted in the display
are military uniforms of a
Rooks County sister and
brother, Emma and Ray
Snavely of Woodston. Ray
was part of the Army signal corps stationed on the
Aleutian Islands and returned home after the war
to operate a terracing company.
The Army Nurse
Corp seersucker jumpsuit
uniform in the same display case was worn by
Emma while she was serving in France in 1944. She
died overseas in 1945.
The exhibit is part of the
70th anniversary commemoration of Victory in Europe and with be displayed
throughout the summer.
The hours of the Visitor
Center are Monday through
Friday 8AM-5PM with guided historical tours and Saturday until 12:00 with no
scheduled tours.
Off Session Contact Information
The 2016 Kansas Legislative Session will begin
January 11, 2016 when we
will be back in our offices in
Topeka. Over the summer
and fall, I can be reached
at my legislative email at
elaine.bowers@senate. or my work email
com. My work address in
Concordia is 212 E. 6th
St., Concordia, KS 66901
and if you are in Concordia,
drop by. My daytime work
number is 785 243-3325x2
or email me questions, concerns or ideas for legislative
bills for the next session.
It is an honor to serve you
in the 36th Kansas Senate
District and please feel free
to contact me anytime.
Senator Elaine Bowers
Kansas State Capitol
Room 223-E
300 SW 10th St.
Topeka, KS 66612
785 243-3325x 2 or
785 296-7389
Jacqueline Bigar’s Stars
By Jacqueline Bigar
A baby born today has a
Sun in Cancer and a Moon
in Aries if born before 3:40
p.m. (PDT). Afterward, the
Moon will be in Taurus.
Thursday, July 9, 2015:
This year you open up to
fast changes and more excitement. You never seem
to know what is going to
happen next. Your public
image will be far more important than it has been in
the past, and you will open
up to new opportunities.
Success comes from your
diligence. If you are single,
you will meet someone who
could make a big difference
to your life. You won’t need
to work on getting to know
this person; it will happen
naturally. If you are attached, the two of you often are seen out and about.
You likely share not only
the same group of friends,
but a mutual hobby as well.
TAURUS often grounds you
when you are emotional.
The Stars Show the
Kind of Day You’ll Have:
3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult
ARIES (March 21-April
* * * * Put your best foot
forward, and remain optimistic. A challenging associate who tends to have
a bit of an attitude is not
news to you. Express that
you are making solid choices, and also be flexible with
a changing situation. Tonight: Be more forthright
about shared funds.
TAURUS (April 20-May
* * * * You could feel a
bit out of sorts as you try
to switch gears. Keep your
mind on what you need to
do in order to manifest more
of your desires. Don’t hesitate to throw your thoughts
and feelings into the mix.
Tonight: Let your mind relax to a good movie.
GEMINI (May 21-June
* * *
Use the earlier
part of the day for a heartfelt pleasure. Someone will
manifest more of what you
want. Listen to what you
are hearing, but understand that you don’t need
to internalize it. A request
from a friend could make
you feel uncomfortable. Tonight: Not to be found.
CANCER (June 21-July
* * * * You are on top
of your game, and others
seem to understand that
you know what you are doing. Your actions are likely
to be greeted with success.
Listen to what is being
shared. You will be much
happier with more support.
Tonight: Touch base with a
loved one.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)
* * * * Remain upbeat.
How you visualize a situation might be much different from how others see
it. You come from a different space and are able to
detach from the here and
now. As a result, your perspective is unique. Return
messages early in the day.
Tonight: Mosey on home.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept.
* * * * You could be looking at making a major
change. Travel might be on
the horizon. Your perspective is likely to change if
you decide to visit far-off
places. You also will be able
to accept others’ differences
more easily. Tonight: Try
something totally new.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
* * * * * One-on-one relating continues to be the way
to go. You might feel as if
there is a major difference
in opinion regarding what
goes on. Listen to needed
feedback from someone you
respect. Do more to stay on
top of a personal matter.
Tonight: Togetherness is
the theme.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov.
* * * * You could be tired
and withdrawn. You might
not be sure which direction
you should head in. Understand what makes this
a different situation, and
allow someone you respect
to run it. You will achieve a
lot more than you originally
thought possible. Tonight:
Where people are.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22Dec. 21)
* * * * Others find you to
be irresistible and full of
fun. At some point, you will
realize that you have forgotten to run an important errand. Once you shift gears,
you will make this a priority. You might want to wait
several days to negotiate
a money matter. Tonight:
Ever playful.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22Jan. 19)
* * * * You might want
to rethink a situation more
carefully in order to move
forward. Someone you care
about enormously will let
you know where he or she
is coming from. Think carefully before you act; you
will find a better way to get
where you need to go. Tonight: Happy at home.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
* * * * You’ll want to do
something in a simpler way
than you have in the past.
Make calls and be brief in
how you deal with others.
You could feel a bit intimidated by a situation. You
might be up for a change of
pace. Deal with a personal
matter as soon as possible.
Tonight: Make it cozy.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
* * * * Keep a conversation
moving, and remain sure of
yourself. Your ability to get
past a problem emerges.
Do your best to stay centered. Money matters could
be more positive than you
thought they would be. Be
ready to negotiate. Tonight:
Catch up on some gossip.
(1956), actor Fred Savage
(1976), singer Courtney
Love (1964)
Jacqueline Bigar is on
the Internet at
(c) 2015 by King Features
Syndicate Inc.
Need help with finding
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that you are looking
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available from Print 5.
House narrowly passes rewrite
of No Child Left Behind
Hoeslis to celebrate 60th anniversary
Fred and Flora Mae Hoesli, Glasco, will celebrate their
60th wedding anniversary
Saturday, July 18, at a 2-4
p.m. open house at St. Paul’s
Lutheran Church in Glasco.
Fred and the former Flora
Mae Henning were married
July 17, 1955, at St. Paul’s
Lutheran Church in Glasco.
The couple have two children, Cecil Hoesli and Nancy
Gibbs and husband Jackie,
all of Glasco; two grandchildren: Rachel Gibbs of Minneapolis and Justin Gibbs
and wife Margaret of Glen
Burnie, Md.; and one great-
by Kathy Mitchell and
Marcy Sugar
Dear Annie: My son is divorced and will be marrying
again soon. His fiancee has
never been married. I like
her and am happy for both
of them.
Here is the problem: When
he married the first time, my
husband and I paid for all of
the customary groom things
— the rehearsal dinner, the
bar tab, the minister, and
so on. For this wedding, we
told him we would give him
a specific amount of money
and he can use it for whatever he wishes.
We are getting some bad
vibes about this. We were
asked to make out a guest
list, so we did. When I gave
it to my son, he asked why it
was so small. Annie, I don't
think I should expect everyone to come to a second
wedding. I listed only close
friends and family. Also,
since we aren't paying for the
wedding, we don't feel right
inviting a bunch of people.
Weddings should be about
the words you say and the
ceremony, and less about
the party. We are happy he is
getting married, but we don't
believe in big weddings. We
will, of course, support whatever they do and attend with
bells on.
My husband and I have
been married for 34 years
and believe in for better or
worse, richer or poorer, in
sickness and health. What is
your opinion? — O.
Dear O.: Please have an
open discussion with your
son and his bride. Explain
that since this is a second
wedding invitation for your
family and friends, you don't
feel it is appropriate to have
a large guest list. Also, because you are not financing
the wedding, you don't wish
to obligate the couple or the
bride's parents with additional expenses. They need
to know that your small
guest list is for reasons of
propriety, not because you
aren't happy about the wedding.
Your son and his bride
may ask you to increase the
guest list anyway, and that
is up to you.
(We don't advise upsetting
the bridal couple.) There is
so much stress surrounding
weddings. By speaking honestly and directly with your
son and his fiancee, it will
help to limit mixed messages
and hard feelings.
Dear Annie: "Love Her"
seems like a caring, loving
husband, but I think he is
still a bit clueless. He says,
"I consider it a privilege to
do things for her." That indicates that he believes doing laundry, washing dishes,
going grocery shopping and
other chores are for HER,
and that he is helping her
Why is it so many men do
not believe that these things
are as much their responsibility as they are for the
women they live with? Don't
they wear clothes, use dishes, eat food? When will couples realize that all the things
required to run a household
are the responsibility of both
people in the household?
Obviously, chores should
be adjusted to reflect the
time available and the skills
necessary, and that should
be discussed. Hopefully,
an equitable resolution is
reached without the inference that something is "her
job," but he'll "help" because
he loves her. — Not a Feminist, a Partner
Dear Partner: A lot of
readers made this point, and
it's a good one. It takes time
to adjust the old-fashioned
chores are "her" job, but society is getting there.
Annie's Mailbox is written
by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy
Sugar, longtime editors of the
Ann Landers column. Please
email your questions to [email protected],
or write to: Annie's Mailbox,
c/o Creators Syndicate, 737
3rd Street, Hermosa Beach,
CA 90254. You can also find
Annie on Facebook at
find out more about Annie's
Mailbox and read features
by other Creators Syndicate
writers and cartoonists, visit
the Creators Syndicate Web
page at
grandson, Ryan Harder of
The children and grandchildren invite all family and
friends to help the Hoeslis
celebrate their special day.
Those unable to attend may
send cards to 303 East Buffalo, Glasco, KS 67445.
Club notes
The Booster Club had
three tables of pitch and
one of pinochle when it met
Wednesday afternoon at the
Senior Center.
Winners at pitch were
Adeline Charbonneau, Charlene Lesperance and Anna
Maish, three-way tie for first;
and Neva Demanett, Evelyn
Irwin and Debra Hubert,
three-way tie for second.
Pinochle winners were
Rosalee Olson, first, and
Nina Sheely, second.
Next meeting will be July
22 at the same location.
From the
Cheesy Bacon
Brunch Casserole
8 slices Bacon, chopped
2 cups frozen shredded
hash browns, thawed
1/2 lb. fresh mushrooms,
1 each green and red pepper, chopped
1 small onion, chopped
12 eggs
1/3 cup Sour Cream
3/4 lb. (12 oz.) Velveeta,
cut into 1/2-inch cubes
Heat oven to 350ºF.
Cook bacon in large skillet on medium heat 10 min.
or until crisp. Remove bacon from skillet with slotted
spoon; drain on paper towels. Discard all but 2 Tbsp.
drippings from skillet.
mushrooms, peppers and onions
to reserved drippings in
skillet; cook 10 min. or until peppers and onions are
crisp-tender, stirring occasionally. Stir in Velveeta.
Spoon into 13x9-inch baking dish sprayed with cooking spray.
Whisk eggs and sour
cream in medium bowl until
blended; stir in bacon. Pour
over vegetable mixture.
Bake 40 min. or until center is set and casserole is
heated through.
Senior Citizens Menu
Friday, July 10—Ham
and beans, corn bread, pudding; 10 a.m.—Exercise;
progressive cards.
Fresh coffee and cinnamon rolls daily, 9-11 a.m.
Call Teddy Lineberry at
243-1872 for questions or to
make reservations.
focus is on the Senate as it
considers a rewrite of the
Bush-era No Child Left Behind education law, a day
after the House narrowly
passed a Republican-led
measure that dramatically
lessens the federal role in
education policy.
The House bill, passed
states and local school districts more control over assessing the performance of
schools, teachers and students. It also prohibits the
federal government from
requiring or encouraging
specific sets of academic
standards, such as Common Core, and allows federal money to follow lowincome children to public
schools of their choice.
The vote was 218-213,
with no Democrats supporting the measure. Twenty-seven Republicans voted
against the bill sponsored
by Minnesota Republican
Rep. John Kline.
months after conservatives
forced GOP leaders to pull
a similar bill just before a
scheduled vote. This time
around, conservatives had
indicated they would support the legislation if they
had the chance to offer
Soon after the vote,
Education Secretary Arne
Duncan said the bill fails
to help struggling schools
and the children they
have chosen to take a
bad bill and make it even
worse,” Duncan said in a
statement. “Instead of supporting the schools and educators that need it most,
this bill shifts resources
away from them.”
Teachers unions, who
agree that No Child is outdated and unworkable,
also found little to like.
“Its positive aspects are
eclipsed by its abdication
of the fundamental precept
of the original federal ESEA
law – targeting resources
to schools with concentrations of disadvantaged
students,” said Randi Weingarten, president of the
American Federation of
Teachers, referring to the
Elementary and Secondary
Education Act.
But the leader of the
the Kline measure delivers much-needed education reform by replacing
“top-down mandates with
conservative reforms that
teachers, and administrators at the heart of our education system.”
The House passed its
legislation as the Senate
rejected a proposal to turn
federal aid for poor students over to the states,
which could then let parents choose to spend the
money in the public or private school they deem best
for their child. The Senate
vote was 52-45, short of a
majority and 15 votes shy
of the 60 votes required to
advance legislation.
Under current law, the
money goes to school districts and generally stays
in schools in the neighborhoods where the children
Sen. Lamar Alexander,
R-Tenn., said the proposed change would “solve
inequality in America by
giving children the opportunity to attend a better
Sen. Patty Murray, DWash., who co-sponsored
the bill, countered that the
change would “retreat on
our fundamental commitment to make sure that
every child has access to a
quality education.”
Earlier in the House,
some Republicans joined
with Democrats to defeat
a conservative-led attempt
to let states completely opt
out of No Child requirements without forfeiting
federal money. That vote
was 235-195.
Much like the House bill,
the Senate measure also
would whittle away the federal government’s involvement in public schools.
Both would retain the
annual reading and math
tests outlined in No Child,
but instead would let states
– rather than the Education Department – decide
how to use the required
assessments to measure
school and teacher performance.
Alexander told reporters
Wednesday that the House
and Senate bills aren’t that
different, and the goal is to
get legislation to President
Barack Obama for his signature.
“We’re not here to make
a political speech. We’re
here to get a result and fix
NCLB,” he said.
No Child Left Behind,
which expired in 2007,
mandated annual testing
in reading and math for
students in grades three
through eight and again in
high school. Schools had
to show student growth
or face consequences. But
critics complained that the
law was rigid and overly
ambitious and punitive,
and said there was too
much testing.
In 2012, the Obama administration began granting states waivers from
meeting some of the requirements of the law after
it began clear they would
not be met. Forty-two
states, Puerto Rico and the
District of Columbia have
been granted waivers.
Financial Focus
Friday, July 10, 10 a.m.—
Frank Carlson Library’s
“Frozen” party with a visit
from Princess Elsa, free for
all ages. End of the Summer
Reading program. Sponsored by Champlin Tire Recycling.
Grand opening of the POW
Camp Concordia Museum.
Ribbon cutting at 10 a.m.
Monday, July 13, 6:00
p.m.–8:00 p.m.–Teen Moody
Hue Program with Sarah
Chavey, at the Library. For
teens grades 6 to 12. Preregistration required. Made
possible with a grant from
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans.
Friday, July 17, 11:45
Community Needs Forum at the
Nazareth Motherhouse auditorium. The Sisters of St.
Joseph provide the lunch
without charge. Make reservations at 243-2149.
Saturday, July 18, 7:00
p.m.–Teens for Christ Rally
at Brown Grand Theatre,
Christian Music Hall of
Fame, and special opening
guest Kalona.
Sunday, Monday & Tuesday, July 19-21, 6-8:30
p.m.– VBS
at the First
United Methodist Church
for ages 4 years through entering sixth grade. Call the
Church at 243-4560 to register.
Friday, July 24, 7 p.m.—
Jeff Gordon, 50s/60s music
tribute band, Brown Grand
Saturday, July 25, 1
p.m.—NCK Talent Show Auditions.
Keep Your Investments from Going on "Vacation"
It’s that time of year when many of us hit the road for a
summer vacation. If you are fortunate, you will be joining
them — after all, “all work and no play” is a difficult way to
live. But while you may not think it beneficial to work all
the time, the same can’t be said of your investments and
your investment strategy — because, ideally, they should
never stop laboring on your behalf.
How can you avoid “taking a vacation” as an investor?
Here are a few ideas:
Don’t let your portfolio get “lazy.” Laziness is fine for vacations, but it’s not so great for an investment portfolio.
When you invest, it can be easy to let things drift along and
stay the same as they’ve always been. But over time, things
can change: Your goals can change somewhat, your family
situation can certainly change and even your investments
themselves may change. That’s why it’s important to review
your portfolio and your investment choices regularly, possibly with the help of a financial professional. You may not
need to make drastic changes, but even modest-seeming
adjustments may make a big difference down the road.
Don’t choose an investment mix that just “sits around.” If
you were to put all your investment dollars in conservative
vehicles, such as certificates of deposit (CDs), your principal would likely not experience much volatility — which is
good. But your money almost certainly would not have the
growth potential to help you reach your long-term goals —
which is not so good. That’s why you will need to own some
investments, such as stocks and stock-based instruments,
that offer growth potential. It’s true these investments will
fluctuate in value, and there’s no guarantee you won’t lose
money on them. You can help address this risk by focusing
on the long term and by creating an investment mix that is
suitable for your situation.
Don’t become a “spend-happy” investor. It can be pretty
easy to spend more on vacations than you had planned.
For some reason, perhaps the carefree nature of a vacation,
the act of spending money seems less grounded in reality —
until you get home and see the bills. As an investor, you can
also get carried away with your transactions — and it can
cost you. To be specific, if you are constantly buying and
selling investments, you’ll be making it harder for yourself
to follow a unified, long-term investment strategy. As mentioned, you will need to make changes as needed, over time,
to your portfolio, but making moves such as chasing after
“hot” investments, or giving up on other investments after
one bad period, will likely not benefit you and could prove
detrimental to your progress.
As someone who spends most of your life working, you
may very much appreciate your vacations. But as someone
trying to achieve important financial goals, such as a comfortable retirement, you shouldn’t take a “vacation” from
investing — and you shouldn’t let your investments take
one, either. As you know from your career and your other
activities, making a consistent effort may pay off — and it’s
the same with investing.
Blade-Empire Thursday, July 9, 2015 5
CNB, F&A Food Sales advance to tournament title game
Two Concordia teams
reached the championship
game of the K-18 Baseball
Republican Valley and City
of Concordia League Tournament by posting wins in
the semifinals Wednesday
night at the Concordia
Sports Complex
Brent Beaumont threw a
one-hitter as second-seeded
Citizens National Bank
downed Republic County,
Fourth-seeded F&A Food
Sales upset top-seeded Clay
Center, 11-8.
Citizens National Bank
and F&A Food Sales will play
in the title game at 8:30
Clay Center faces Republic County in the third-place
game at 6:30.
Beaumont struck out
seven and walked two in
picking up the win for Citizens National Bank. He
allowed just a single in the
third inning.
Citizens National Bank
grabbed a 2-0 lead in the
bottom of the first inning.
Blake Leiszler led off with
a single, and scored a run.
Duke Palacek walked and
scored for Republic County
in the top of the third inning,
and it was a 2-1 game.
Citizens National Bank
responded with four runs in
the bottom of the inning to
go up 6-1.
Isaac Mehl singled, Tyler
Stupka singled and Beaumont walked. All three
would come around to score.
Rope Dorman singled and
scored in the inning.
Citizens National Bank
extended the lead to 8-1 with
two runs in the fourth
Alec Ngo led off with a
walk, and scored in the
Stupka doubled with two
out and scored.
Scoring three runs in the
bottom of the fifth inning,
Citizens National Bank
ended the game because of
the 10-run rule.
Dorman got things started with a single, and Chance
LeDuc walked
Ngo drew a walk, and
Austin Higbee doubled to get
two runs home.
Beaumont doubled with
two out to drive in the final
Stupka, Beaumont and
Dorman had two hits and
scored two runs each for Citizens National Bank.
F&A Food Sales 11,
Clay Center 8
F&A Food Sales picked up
its second win in as many
nights by turning back Clay
A night after beating
Clifton-Clyde in a firstround game, F&A Food Sales
got out to a 3-0 lead on Clay
Center in the first inning,
and held on for the win.
Torin Fellows led off the
game with a home run for
F&A Food Sales.
Corey Joyner singled and
scored in the inning, and
Garrett Lawrence doubled
the scored.
F&A Food Sales pushed
the lead to 7-0 with four
runs in the top of the third
Lawrence and Alex Bonebrake singled and scored in
the inning.
Beau Bonebrake doubled
and scored and Phillip
Lanoue reached base on an
error and scored.
Clay Center scored one
run in the bottom of the
Escobar had four hits and
Kansas City pounded away
on All-Star Chris Archer
before holding on for the
Gordon’s injury came as
he was chasing Logan
Forsythe’s inside-the-park
homer, but Dyson countered with another insidethe-park
innings later. It was the
first time there were two in
one game since the Cubs’
Sammy Sosa and Pirates’
Tony Womack did it on
May 26, 1997.
“Dyson gave us a big lift,
as he always does,” said
Jeremy Guthrie (7-5), who
allowed three earned runs
in six-plus innings. “He
probably saved the game
for us.”
Archer (9-6) allowed a
career-high nine runs and
11 hits over six innings.
The right-hander had only
given up four runs total in
seven road starts this season.
Tampa Bay, swept in a
doubleheader Tuesday, fell
for the 10th time in 11
“It’s just disappointing
in the fact I didn’t hardly
give my team a chance to
win. We put up seven runs
and when we usually do
that we win,” Archer said.
“That boils down to me not
executing pitches. They did
find some holes, but they
also hit some balls hard.”
Forsythe’s home run
tied it at 2, and the Rays
added another run later in
the inning. But Dyson
threw out John Jaso trying
to score on a fly out to left
field, and that seemed to
pick up Kansas City’s spirits.
“We needed to tack on
runs right there and we
didn’t,” Rays manager
Kevin Cash said. “Jaso hits
a bullet to the left fielder
and we’re not at least able
to get the sac fly, if not
The Royals came back
with five runs in the fifth.
Cheslor Cuthbert started the rally with a one-out
walk, and Escobar lined a
sharp single off Archer’s
ankle. The Rays’ ace hobbled around a bit but
stayed in the game, and
appeared to be fine when
he fanned Dyson for the
second out.
Cain, who homered in
the third, followed with an
RBI single deep in the hole
behind second base. Eric
Hosmer added a run-scoring single and Kendrys
Morales had a two-run
double before Salvador
Perez hit a flare into shallow right field to make it 73.
The Royals padded their
Three runs in the fifth
inning left Clay Center trailing 7-4.
F&A Food Sales pushed
across three runs in the top
of the sixth inning to go up
Lawrence each singled and
scored in the inning.
Clay Center made it a 106 game with two runs in the
bottom of the sixth.
scored for F&A Food Sales in
the top of the seventh inning
to make it 11-6.
Clay Center added two
runs in the bottom of the
Lawrence had three hits
and scored three runs for
F&A Food Sales.
Fellows had three hits
and scored two runs. Joyner
had three hits.
Jordan spurns Mavs Royals beat Rays, lose Gordon
to stay with Clippers
DALLAS (AP) — DeAndre
Jordan gave the Dallas Mavericks his word. Then he gave
the Los Angeles Clippers his
After a Clippers contingent
including Blake Griffin, J.J.
Redick, Paul Pierce and Doc
Rivers descended on Jordan’s home in Houston on
Wednesday night for a lastditch push to keep their
defensive pillar, Jordan
backed out of a verbal agreement with the Mavericks to
stay with the only NBA home
he’s ever had.
The Clippers announced
Jordan’s deal late Wednesday
night. It’s a four-year pact
worth more than $87 million,
a person with knowledge of
the agreement told The Associated Press. The terms, first
reported by USA Today,
include a player option after
the third season. The person
spoke on condition of
anonymity because the team
was not releasing contract
The Clippers also sent out
a tweet welcoming Jordan
back to Los Angeles.
CENTERED,” the tweet read.
Once and for all.
Jordan initially agreed to a
four-year deal worth more
than $80 million to leave the
Clippers after seven seasons
and join the Mavericks, a
team that offered him a more
featured role on offense. But
that was last Friday, and the
contract could not be signed
until 12:01 a.m. Eastern time
on Thursday, according to
NBA rules.
That gave Jordan time to
think it over, and when word
got back to the Clippers that
he was having second
thoughts, they pounced.
They gathered to meet
with Jordan and talk things
over, then held the Mavericks
at bay as owner Mark Cuban
tried to get one more meeting
to close the deal.
Cuban and Jordan’s
agent, Dan Fegan of Relativity Sports, tried repeatedly to
reach the big man while he
was holed up in his house
with his teammates to no
avail, according to two people
with knowledge of the situation. They spoke on condition
of anonymity because all parties involved were not publicly discussing the process.
Griffin even tweeted a
photo of a chair pushed
underneath the handle of a
“Don’t agree with the furniture layout but I’m not an
interior designer,” Griffin
Desperate measures for a
desperate team.
Earlier this week, Redick
said on Bleacher Report radio
that the Clippers deserved an
“F’’ in free agency after losing
“We had one priority this
summer, and that was to resign D.J., and we missed out
on that,” the guard said. “So
barring some miracle, (the)
makeup of our team is completely different now.”
Sports in Brief
The Associated Press
Rory McIlroy pulled out of the British Open at St. Andrews
on Wednesday with an ankle injury, the first time in 61 years
the defending champion will not be playing.
McIlroy made the announcement by posting a photo on
Instagram that showed his left ankle in an air cast, propped
up as he watched Wimbledon on television. That will be his
only view of St. Andrews next week, a blow to the world’s No.
1 player and to the oldest championship in golf.
McIlroy said he ruptured a ligament in his left ankle over
the weekend while playing soccer with friends in Northern Ireland. He was hopeful that he would recover in time for The
Open, but decided two days later it was not worth risking a full
“After much consideration, I have decided not to play in the
Open Championship at St. Andrews,” McIlroy said. “I’m taking a long-term view of this injury and, although rehab is progressing well, I want to come back to tournament play when I
feel 100 percent healthy and 100 percent competitive.”
He said he hoped to be back to golf as soon as he could.
Ben Hogan in 1954 was the last British Open champion
who did not defend.
TAMPA, Fla. (AP) — The Tampa Bay Buccaneers say cornerback C.J. Wilson injured one of his hands in a Fourth of
July accident.
In a statement Wednesday, the team didn’t describe the
nature of the accident but said its “primary concern at this
moment is for his long-term health.”
Wilson was injured near his hometown of Lincolnton, North
Carolina. He played at North Carolina State and has played in
four NFL games over two seasons, two coming last year with
the Bucs.
Maj. Lee Caskey of the Lincoln County sheriff’s office says
there was no call for an ambulance or emergency medical care
that night, though a fire department and the sheriff’s office
were eventually called to a local hospital where Wilson had
been taken for treatment.
Caskey didn’t have details about Wilson’s injury.
— The Royals’ Alex Gordon
has earned four Gold
Gloves by making the spectacular
whether it’s a diving catch
or robbing someone of
extra bases by running
into the wall.
Every time, the All-Star
left fielder seems to pop
right back up.
When he stayed down
Wednesday night, first
baseman Eric Hosmer
“His tolerance of pain,”
Hosmer said, “he can handle a lot.”
In a scary moment for
AL Central-leading Kansas
City, Gordon had to be
carted off the field in the
fourth inning of a 9-7 victory over Tampa Bay. He
was diagnosed with a
severe groin strain, one
that manager Ned Yost
feared could sideline him
for months.
“He heard it pop, which
isn’t good,” Yost said. “The
doctors didn’t think it
detached from the bone,
which is a good thing. But
it kind of took the wind out
of the sails.”
Fortunately for the Royals, they got the wind back.
Lorenzo Cain and Jarrod Dyson each hit a tworun
lead the next inning when
Dyson followed a single by
Escobar with a line drive
into the left-field corner.
David DeJesus had trouble
handling it and Dyson
sped home.
It was the light-hitting
Dyson’s first homer since
June 25, 2014, a span of
252 at-bats.
“My emotions were,
‘Run, Dice, run!’” Yost said.
“In four years as a third
base coach in Atlanta, I
don’t think I ever had an
inside-the-park home run.
To see two in one game,
that’s pretty amazing.”
Kansas City improved to
17-5 against Tampa Bay
since 2012, including an
11-1 mark at Kauffman
Stadium. The three wins
this homestand have all
come after the Rays scored
Rays: RHP Jake Odorizzi
(strained left oblique) will
be activated to start Saturday against Houston, manager Kevin Cash said. Matt
Moore will start on Sunday.
Royals: LHP Jason Vargas (left flexor strain) threw
60 pitches in a simulated
game. He will make a
rehab start for Double-A
Northwest Arkansas on
Monday, Yost said.
Mets top Giants, win consecutive road series
All-Star Jacob deGrom
allowed two hits over eight
innings, Eric Campbell hit a
two-run homer and the New
York Mets beat the San
Wednesday to win consecutive road series for the first
time this season.
Juan Lagares also drove
in a run for the Mets, who
took advantage of an error
by All-Star shortstop Brandon Crawford to break a 0-0
tie in the sixth.
DeGrom (9-6) allowed a
double to Hunter Pence in
the third inning and a bloop
single to Brandon Belt in the
fourth, then retired 13 consecutive batters. The reigning NL Rookie of the Year,
deGrom struck out 10 and
walked one. He is 5-1 with a
1.09 ERA in day games.
Mets starting pitchers
have allowed three or fewer
hits in each of their last four
Jeurys Familia got two
outs for his 24th save in 26
In his second start after
missing 2 1/2 months
because of a strained back,
Jake Peavy (0-4) gave up
two runs — one earned —
and six hits in seven
Cardinals 6, Cubs 5
CHICAGO (AP) — Jhonny
Peralta hit a two-run homer
with two outs in the ninth
inning and St. Louis jolted
The Cardinals trailed 5-4
and Cubs reliever Pedro
Strop (1-4) quickly retired
the first two batters in the
Matt Carpenter followed
with a four-pitch walk and
Peralta connected on a 1-2
pitch, hitting a drive that
barely cleared the wall in left
field for his 12th home run.
Miguel Socolovich (3-1)
got two outs for the win.
Trevor Rosenthal gave up a
two-out double to Addison
Russell in the ninth, but
struck out Dexter Fowler for
his 25th save in 26 chances.
The Cubs took a 5-4 in
the sixth on Miguel Montero’s three-run double.
Cardinals manager Mike
Matheny and catcher Yadier
Molina were ejected after
Montero’s hit, arguing that
the pitch before the double
should’ve been called a
strike instead of a ball.
Dodgers 5, Phillies 0
Clayton Kershaw struck out
13 in snapping a five-start
winless streak with an
Jimmy Rollins hit a threerun homer against his former team to help Los
Angeles beat Philadelphia.
Kershaw (6-6) walked
none and threw 123 pitches.
allowed a run in his last 31
innings against the Phillies
while making three straight
scoreless starts against
He earned his 10th career
shutout and 18th complete
game in his 227th start.
Kershaw, the reigning NL
MVP and three-time Cy
Young Award winner, is bidding for his fifth straight AllStar selection. He’s among
five candidates in the fan
vote for the final National
League roster spot for next
week’s game in Cincinnati.
A.J. Ellis added a tworun homer for the Dodgers.
Pirates 5, Padres 2
îWith the win, Pittsburgh
completed a sweep of San
Diego for its 10th series
sweep of the season to tie a
club record.
Gregory Polanco, Andrew
McCutchen and Jung Ho
Kang had RBI singles in a
three-run eighth, all with
two outs.
Andrew Cashner allowed
one hit in his first six
innings for San Diego, but
was gone in the eighth.
Brandon Maurer allowed his
inherited runners to score
and Cashner (3-10) was
charged for four runs in 7
2/3 innings.
retired all six batters in the
seventh and eighth for the
win. Antonio Bastardo
worked a scoreless ninth to
pick up his first save of the
Yankees 5, Athletics 4
NEW YORK (AP) — AllStar slugger Mark Teixeira
homered twice after Scott
Kazmir left his start with triceps tightness, and CC
Sabathia won for the first
time in a month as New York
held off Oakland.
entered as a late-game
defensive replacement in a
1-for-24 slump, homered off
Fernando Abad in the
eighth to give New York a 52 lead. Andrew Miller, just
off the disabled list, nearly
gave it all back in his first
appearance since June 9,
allowing a two-run shot in
the ninth to Marcus Semien.
Stephen Vogt reached
second on third baseman
Gregorio Petit’s two-out
throwing error. But Petit
charged Ben Zobrist’s soft
grounder and made a quick
throw to first for the final
out, with Teixeira making a
tough stretch. That gave
Miller his 18th save in 18
Angels 3, Rockies 2
DENVER (AP) — Mike
Trout homered twice and
Johnny Giavotella singled in
the tiebreaking run with two
outs in the ninth inning to
lift Los Angeles over Colorado for its fifth straight
The start was delayed by
rain for 2 hours, 7 minutes,
and the teams played in 50degree weather throughout.
It didn’t bother Trout, who
hit mammoth homers in the
first and sixth to account for
the Angels’ runs against
starter Chris Rusin.
6 Blade-Empire, Thursday, July 9, 2015
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Garage Sales
YARD SALE- 431 East 1st.,
Fri July 10th & Sat. July
11th, 6am-7pm. Cheap.
Saturday, July 11th
1002 E. 9th
Sat., July 11th, 7-12
3 Lost Creek Ln
Trampoline, 6ft. 3pt. mower,
carpet, golf balls, sewing
machine, many household
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items 1/2 price at 11:00am.
MOVING SALE- 713 E. 12th, Friday,
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Help Wanted
Has the following positions
Full-time CNAs for all
shifts. Positions would
include working every other
Full-time Day and Evening
shift CMAs. Positions would
include working every other
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Aides. Responsibilities
include meal setup, service
and clean-up. Positions
include flexible scheduling,
starting wage above
minimum, and every other
weekend off.
Full-time Day Shift
Housekeeping. Position
is Monday-Friday with
weekends off.
For the opportunity to work
in the growing health care
industry submit an application
Sunset Home, Inc.
620 Second Ave.
Concordia, KS 66901
Or apply in person or online
at www.sunsethomeinc.
com. An Equal Opportunity
Employer. We do preemployment drug screening.
NOTICE- For your Classified Ad
needs, call the Blade-Empire, 785243-2424.
Day Shift LPN or RN
Every 3rd weekend. Excellent
benefits. Apply in person,
Monday-Friday, 8-5.
Mount Joseph Senior Village,
1110 W. 11th St. ,Concordia
is seeking a
PT Cook Supervisor
for local Correctional
Food Service Operation.
Position requires volume
cooking for up to 80 people.
Supervising trustees is a
requirement. Must be able
to work 3 (10 hour days),
Fridays, Saturdays and
Sundays. Approximately 30
hours per week consistently.
Must be able to pass a
background check. Excellent
wages starting at $10.00.
Please forward Resumes
to Frank @ frank.dorion@
com. EOE or call 316-2098470 and speak with Frank.
Is taking applications for
“On Call”
Public Transportation
No set schedule or hours
with this position. Must have
a clean driving record, and be
able to pass a DOT physical.
Please apply in person
Monday through Friday
between 8am and 4pm.
Concordia Senior Center
is an E.O.E. that does drug
Consolidated Management
has several openings for
food service workers in
our unit at Cloud County
Community College. We are
looking for team members
with high standards who
want to excel. Customer
service is key. Positions
available: COOKS, COOKS
D I S H WA S H E R S ,
WAITSTAFF. Both full and
part time positions available,
varied hours, no late nights.
Hourly rates are $8-$15
depending on experience.
Pre-employment background
checks and drug test
conducted. Hiring Event:
Please go to the Cloud
County Community College
Cafeteria (2221 Campus
Drive) on Thursday, July
16th from 8:00am-5:00pm
to complete application.
Army moving ahead with big troop cuts
the midst of a war against the
Islamic State that the Obama
administration says will last
many years, the Army is
moving ahead with big troop
cuts. And they could grow
even larger unless Congress
and the White House find a
way to stop further acrossthe-board spending reductions this fall.
Army leaders were notifying members of Congress
Wednesday with details of
how they intend to reduce
the active-duty force from
490,000 soldiers to 450,000
within two years. The size
of the reduction was announced months ago, but
have been waiting for word
on how the cuts would be
distributed and timed; troop
reductions can inflict significant economic pain on communities reliant on military
base populations.
If a new round of automatic spending cuts, known as
sequestration, goes ahead,
the Army says it will have
to reduce even further, to
420,000 soldiers.
Gen. Ray Odierno, the
Army chief of staff, has said
he can accept the planned
reduction of 40,000 soldiers
over the next two years,
which the Army plans to implement by trimming the size
of numerous units. The biggest cuts would be to an infantry unit at Fort Benning,
Georgia, and an airborne infantry unit at Fort Richardson in Alaska. Each would
shrink from about 4,000
soldiers to about 1,050, defense officials said Wednesday. Those details were first
reported Tuesday by USA
Today. The full plan for specific cuts is expected to be
made public by the Army on
In Odierno’s view, being
forced to shrink the Army is
not the hardest part of coping with years-long budget
wrangling between the Congress and the White House.
Even more difficult, he says,
is the uncertainty for military
planners and the nation’s
“The thing I worry about is
it has put a lot of turbulence
in the Army and brought a
lot of angst to our soldiers,”
he told reporters May 28.
As he nears the end of his
tenure as Army chief, Odierno said the only thing that
could push the service off its
course toward modernization
is more budget uncertainty.
“The unpredictability is
killing us,” he said.
Defense Secretary Ash
Carter agrees.
“We’ve been going one year
at a time budgetarily now for
several years straight, and
it’s extremely disruptive to
the operations of the department,” Carter told the Senate
Armed Services Committee
on Tuesday. “It is managerially inefficient, because we’re
in this herky-jerky process.”
It may not get any smoother anytime soon. Congressional Republicans are proposing to give President Barack
Obama the extra billions he
wants for defense in the budget year starting Oct. 1. But
Obama says he can’t accept
their plan because it maneuvers around spending caps in
a way that does not also provide spending relief in nondefense areas of the budget.
This portends a September
showdown between Congress and the White House.
The Army says it needs
to start moving ahead with
planned troop reductions, although most will be accomplished through attrition and
forced retirement of officers
rather than layoffs of enlisted
Rep. Mac Thornberry,
a Texas Republican who
is chairman of the House
Armed Services Committee,
said Wednesday that personnel reductions are among
the few ways the Army can
achieve required savings in a
short time.
“People who believe the
world is safer, that we can do
with less defense spending
and 40,000 fewer soldiers,
will take this as good news. I
am not one of those people,”
he said.
Members of Congress
generally oppose shrinking
the size of the military, especially if the cuts might affect bases in their states or
districts. But they also have
opposed other forms of savings proposed by the Pentagon, including reforming the
military health care or retirement systems, eliminating
older weapons systems or
closing bases.
MUTTS® by Patrick McDonnell
Sales Calendar
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store on M street just off
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For restaurant management
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Community College, 2221
Campus Dr., Concordia, KS
(Lot 3) on Tuesday, July 14th
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8 Blade-Empire, Thursday, July 9, 2015
Guy Gary Geiger, age 83,
of Concordia, Kan. was born
April 26, 1932, in New Milford, Conn., to Mary (Smith)
Geiger and John Joseph Geiger. He was the youngest of
five children. He died July 7,
2015, at the Mt. Joseph Senior Village, Concordia, Kan.
His death was from Alzheimer’s and complications from
He is pre-deceased by his
parents and his siblings, Jim,
Harrison, Gertrude and Peggy. He is survived by his wife,
Javene Marie (Plucar) Geiger
and their two children, Guy
Gregory Geiger of Orange,
Conn., and Pamela Marie
Dupas of Nanticoke, Md; his
grandchildren, Justin Geiger
and Darcey (Adam) Wunker
and one great-grandchild,
Asha Wunker.
Guy served in the U.S.
Army from 1951 to 1954. He
was stationed in Korea during the Korean War where he
was a heavy-mortar man in
the 45th Infantry Division,
179th Infantry Regiment. He
earned the Combat Infantryman Badge. Upon return to
America he was stationed at
Fort Riley, Kan., where he
met his future wife, Javene
Plucar. They were married
July 17, 1954, in New Milford, Conn. Guy first worked
at the Robinson Beachery,
then went to work for the A&P
Grocery Stores July 1954,
where he remained employed
until April 1997. At the time
Guy Gary Geiger
of his retirement, after 43
years of service, he was the
meat department manager at
Bridgeport, New Milford and
Danbury A&P stores. After
retirement, he worked parttime at the Northville General
Guy was a life member
of the New Milford VFW Post
#1672; a member of Lake
Candlewood Power Squadron
in the 1970s and 80s and enjoyed boating. He also was a
certified scuba-diver. Those
who knew Guy will remember his great sense of humor
and ability to enjoy great
practical jokes.
Funeral arrangements will
be made with Nutter Funeral
Home in Concordia, Kan. His
remains will be placed in the
National Bohemian Cemetery
in Cuba, Kan. Donations to
Guy’s memory may be made
to the or Alzheimer’s Research.
Danny L. Shamburg, 78, of
Salina, died Wednesday, July
8, 2015. He was born Feb.
9, 1937, in Beloit, the son of
Pete and Phyllis (Thompson)
Danny farmed near Randall for more than 20 years.
Later he worked as a truck
driver, transporting fertilizer,
livestock, freight and fuel.
Danny retired from Bosselman’s Travel Center of Salina
after 17 years. He enjoyed
woodworking, hunting and
fishing and served as president of the Lions Club of Randall, Kan.
Danny was preceded in
death by his parents, one son,
Michael, one brother, Larry,
and two grandchildren.
Survivors include his wife
Margaret; three sons, Danny
(Dee), Kevin (Joleta) and Kirby (Colleen); stepsons, Daryl (Lisa) Fouard and Robert
(Janet) Fouard; sister, Gloria
(Noel) Shamburg-Hanson; 14
grandchildren and 11 great-
Danny L. Shamburg
Visitation will be from 4-8
p.m., Friday, at Ryan Mortuary, Salina, with family greeting visitors from 7-8 p.m.
Funeral services will be at
10 a.m., Saturday, July 11,
at the Faith Free Will Baptist Church, 611 Willis Ave.,
Salina. Memorials are to the
Sunflower Adult Day Care
stocks gained Thursday,
bouncing back from big losses a day earlier, as investors
speculated that last-ditch
talks between Greece and
its creditors will produce
an agreement. European
shares rose sharply. Measures taken by the Chinese
government to stem the rout
in that nation’s stock market
also appeared to be working.
Standard & Poor’s 500 index
climbed 13 points, or 0.7
percent, to 2,061 as of 12:19
p.m. Eastern time. The index
had slumped 1.7 percent on
Wednesday. The Dow Jones
industrial average rose 127
points, or 0.7 percent, to
17,640. The Nasdaq composite gained 42 points, or
0.9 percent, to 4,951.
Greek government is set to
deliver a list of reforms and
austerity measures to creditors later Thursday. The
country is trying to secure a
new bailout deal at a meeting of the European Union’s
28 leaders Sunday. Irish
Finance Minister Michael
Noonan put the chances of
a deal at better than 50 percent while Donald Tusk, who
will chair Sunday’s meeting,
indicated that some form of
debt relief should be on the
THE QUOTE: In the U.S.,
investor concerns about China’s stock market collapse
and a possible Greek default
are overdone, said Jeremy
Zirin, an equity strategist at
UBS Wealth Management.
That’s because both events
will have only a limited impact on the U.S. economy.
“Markets had sold off on
a myriad of events that are
unlikely to have a meaningful impact on the business cycle,” Zirin said. “My
perspective is that we will
continue to see pretty good
growth coming out of the
U.S., even out of Europe.”
Wheat ...........................$5.64
Milo ......(per bushel) ....$4.47
Corn .............................$3.92
Soybeans .....................$9.42
Wheat ..........................$5.64
Milo .....(per bushel) .....$4.47
Wheat ...........................$5.54
Milo ...(per bushel) ........$4.32
Soybeans .....................$9.42
Nusun .........................$16.65
Doctor sentenced Weather
in death of ex-wife
– The oldest son of a Utah
doctor smiled as he shook
hands and hugged friends
and family after his father
was sentenced Wednesday
to 15 years to life in the killing of his ex-wife and escorted out of court in handcuffs.
The sentencing of John
Brickman Wall closed another chapter in a long,
painful journey of 21-yearold Pelle Wall, who was instrumental in pushing police to investigate his father
even after the 2011 death
of his mother, university
cancer researcher Uta von
Schwedler, was initially
ruled a suicide.
Pelle Wall spoke during the sentencing hearing,
asking state Judge James
Blanch to make sure his father, a Salt Lake City pediatrician, spent the rest of his
life behind bars.
He said his father’s portrayal of himself as the victim was despicable and has
profoundly compounded the
grief he and his three siblings are feeling.
“He’s convinced himself
of an alternate reality,” Pelle
Wall said outside court in
Salt Lake City. “It’s super
disrespectful to true victims. I can’t reconcile it.”
John Wall, 51, spoke before the packed courtroom
saying emphatically “I did
not kill Uta.” He vowed to
appeal the conviction.
He lamented that his
four children have lost their
mother and father, and said
he hopes they know he loves
them unconditionally.
“I can no longer assist
them and support them in
achieving their hopes and
dreams. Nor can I comfort
them in their times of need,”
said Wall, wearing a blue
prison jumpsuit. “I’m left
with only my memories.”
Pelle Wall, the only sibling in court, said he wasn’t
buying his father’s speech.
He said. “I don’t know how
he could have committed
such a crime with any of his
children in mind.”
The sentencing came after Blanch denied motions
from John Wall’s attorney
to overturn the conviction on evidentiary issues.
Blanch said he took note of
Wall claiming his innocence
but said the jury had found
a “chilling and despicable
A jury convicted Wall
in March after hearing a
largely circumstantial case
in which prosecutors said
he attacked von Schwedler
with a knife, gave her the
anti-anxiety drug Xanax
and drowned her in her
Defense attorneys countered
was unbelievable, and it
was more likely that von
Schwedler killed herself.
On Wednesday, attorney
G. Fred Metos said prosecutors relied on a pyramid
of inferences and multiple
pieces of circumstantial evidence to make their case
against Wall.
In the lead-up to sentencing, Wall, his siblings and
parents sent Blanch letters
defending his character.
Wall said people around
him misinterpreted his confused state as guilt when
he was actually dealing
with grief and psychological
trauma from police interrogation.
His sister, Wendy Wall,
said the man depicted during the trial bears little resemblance to the brother
she knows. She said he was
a loving, doting father who
wasn’t violent.
She was in court along
with other family but left
without making comment.
Pelle Wall remembered
his mother, who died at
49, as a highly respected
researcher who was driven
and self-confident but also
colorful, playful and goofy.
He said he and his siblings
still find themselves leaning
on the lessons she taught
them and miss her dearly.
He said he’s convinced
of his father’s guilt because
he knows him well, and observed his interactions with
his mother during a messy
divorce and custody battle.
Pelle Wall told reporters that
he’s also seen and heard all
the evidence against his father gathered by authorities.
“It all comes together
and it all points to the same
thing,” Pelle Wall said. “That
is that he’s guilty.”
Plan would overhaul
business taxes,
fund highway repairs
WASHINGTON (AP) – Senators unveiled a bipartisan
framework Wednesday aimed
at making business taxes
more competitive while generating much-needed funding
to repair the nation’s roads
and bridges.
Many of the details need
to be worked out, and huge
hurdles remain. But if successful, it would be the kind
of bipartisan compromise on
taxes that has long eluded
Republicans and Democrats
in Washington.
The plan focuses on the
taxes U.S. firms pay on their
foreign profits. It was written
by Sen. Chuck Schumer, DN.Y., and Sen. Rob Portman,
The framework would require U.S.-based corporations to pay a one-time tax
on up to $2 trillion in foreign
profits that U.S. firms have
parked overseas. The tax rate
has not been determined, but
it would be considerably less
than the 35 percent corporate
income tax rate currently in
effect, according to the plan.
The tax would generate
money for infrastructure
improvements – how much
would depend on the tax
rate. Funding for highways is
scheduled to run out at the
end of the month.
Going forward, the plan
would allow U.S. corporations
to exempt more of their for-
eign profits from U.S. taxes.
“So far no one has suggested any decent alternative
as a way to fund highways in
a robust way,” Schumer said
in an interview. “Tax reform is
a difficult issue, but this may
intensify the focus on it, and
jump-start it a little bit.”
The plan would also create a special tax rate for business profits from intellectual
property, such as patents,
which many U.S. firms assign to subsidiaries in low-tax
countries as a way to lower
their U.S. taxes. The goal is
to encourage these companies to assign patents to U.S.
entities, making the profits
they generate subject to U.S.
Important details have yet
to be worked out, such as
the special tax rate and the
legal definition of which profits would qualify. If the plan
moves forward, these details
would be the subject of intense lobbying and debate in
The Senate Finance Committee has been working
since the start of the year to
draft proposals to overhaul
and simplify the nation’s
complicated tax system. The
committee was split into five
working groups to tackle
various areas of the tax code.
Portman and Schumer headed the group working on international taxes.
Today’s weather artwork by
Kynlee Hamel,
a 1st grader in
Mrs. Thompson’s class
Baltimore police chief
fired amid crime spike
than three years ago, Anthony Batts was hand-picked by
Baltimore Mayor Stephanie
Rawlings-Blake to combat
crime and reform a troubled
law enforcement department
in one of America’s most violent cities.
On Wednesday, Batts was
fired as police commissioner
amid the worst crime spike
in the city since the 1970s
and plummeting morale
among officers who complained their boss was failing to provide the support
and leadership they needed
to do their jobs.
“We cannot continue to
debate the leadership of
the department,” RawlingsBlake told a news conference she called to announce
her decision. “We cannot
continue to have the level of
violence we’ve seen in recent
weeks in this city.”
Deputy Police Commissioner Kevin Davis, who has
only been with the department since January, will
serve as interim commissioner, Rawlings-Blake said.
Batts and Rawlings-Blake
are African-American, as
is the city’s top prosecutor,
Baltimore State’s Attorney
Marilyn Mosby. Davis is
white. Sixty percent of the
city’s population is black,
while the police department
is 48 percent African-American. Mosby said her office
has already met with Davis
and she looks forward to
working with him.
The firing comes less than
three months after the city
erupted in riots following
the death of Freddie Gray, a
25-year-old black man who
died in April of injuries he
received in police custody.
Six police officers have been
criminally charged in Gray’s
death. Gray died April 19.
Most of the unrest took
place on April 27.
The U.S. Justice Department is conducting a civil
rights review of the department and Batts announced
Tuesday that an outside organization would review the
police response to the unrest.
But the Baltimore police
union released a scathing
post-mortem report Wednesday accusing Batts and other top brass of instructing
officers not to engage with
rioters and to allow looting
and destruction to occur.
“The officers repeatedly
For the
Police Dept. Report
Accident—Officers investigated an accident at 3:50
p.m., July 8, in the 2400
block of Lincoln involving
vehicles driven by John Ellis Jr., Concordia, and Erin
Gleue, Omaha, Neb.
Arrest—Officers arrested
Megan Keplar, 21, Concordia, at 3:20 p.m., July 8, in
the 200 block of East 2nd on
a Cloud County Warrant for
Failure to Pay and transported her to the Cloud County
Law Enforcement Center.
expressed concern that the
passive response of the Baltimore police commanders to
the civil unrest allowed the
disorder to grow into fullscale rioting,” Gene Ryan,
president of the Baltimore
Fraternal Order of Police
Lodge 3, wrote in the report.
“The riots were preventable.”
In the weeks after the riots, homicides and other
violent crimes spiked and
arrests began to plummet as
word spread that police officers were afraid that they,
too, would be charged with
crimes if something went
wrong during the course of
their duties.
Baltimore’s homicide total
this year is 156, according
to police. That’s a 48 percent
increase compared with the
same time last year. Shootings have increased 86 percent.
In the latest example,
gunmen jumped out of two
vans and fired at a group of
people a few blocks from an
urban university campus
Tuesday night, killing three
The startling spike stands
in stark contrast to Batts’
promise to fight violent
crime when he arrived in
Baltimore in 2012.
At a swearing-in ceremony in November of that year,
Batts pledged to “continue
our progress at reducing
violent crime and holding
accountable those that perpetrate violence in our good
Batts took over from Fred
Bealefeld, who resigned after
five years as commissioner
and 31 in the Baltimore Police Department. Batts too
was a veteran officer, though
new to the city of Baltimore:
He spent three decades in
California, two as commissioner of the embattled Oakland Police Department and
seven as commissioner of
the Long Beach police department, where he’d served
as a law enforcement officer
for 20 years.
“I worked closely with
Commissioner Batts and always found him open to my
ideas for reforming the department,” said Baltimore
City Council President Bernard C. “Jack” Young. “He
was engaging, experienced,
and served our city to the
best of his ability.”
But Young said that when
he talked recently with citizens and police officers, “it
became increasingly clear
that a growing lack of confidence in the direction of our
city’s crime-fighting strategy
had the potential to severely
damage the long-term health
of our city.”
The Rev. Jamal Bryant,
who delivered the fiery eulogy at Gray’s funeral, called
Batts’ firing a first step toward healing police-community relations.
District Court
Center et al seeks a judgment of $1,100 plus interest and costs from Nathan
K. Tholstrup, Concordia.
Cloud County Health
Center et al seeks a judgment of $1,997.10 plus interest and costs from Gilbert D. Walbridge et al,
Cloud County Health
Center et al seeks a judgment of $4,613.53 plus interest and costs from Nikolas Gonzalez, Courtland.
Cloud County Health
Center et al received a judgment of $180.40 plus interest and costs from Robert K.
Palkrabek et al, Salina.
Midland Funding LLC
seeks a judgment of $181.50
plus costs and such other
relief as the Court deems
just and proper from Shelby
R. Hamel, Concordia.
Ryan Leigh Cooper appeared July 8 and was
found Guilty and convicted
of No Driver’s License. He
was sentenced to 30 days
in the Cloud County Jail
and ordered to pay a fine of
$100, and costs of the action, $108 by July 15. His
sentence was suspended on
the condition that all fines
and costs are paid in full by
July 15.]
Manuel Fisher appeared
July 8 and was found Guilty
of an expired tag. He was
sentenced to 30 days in the
Cloud County Jail and ordered to pay a fine of $50
and costs of the action,
$108. Defendant also was
convicted of Failure to Report an Accident and was
sentenced to 30 days in the
Cloud County Jail and ordered to pay a fine of $100.
All Subtypes
were suspended on condiJuly 1-7
tion that all fines and costs
The following people reare paid in full by Aug. 26,
ceived fines for Speeding:
David Akaniru, $240; Barbara R.K. Billingsley, $183;
Miranda D. Brown, JonaDismissed:
The case of Nex-Tech thon Blake Trocheck, DalWireless LLC vs. Kristina ton L. Wurtz, $153; James
Eakins, Salina, has been C. Carreker, $177; Megan
dismissed without preju- N. Larson, $234; Jose A.
Nava, $285; Mariah M. Nevdice.
The case of Nex-Tech ille, $207; Juan R. Perez
Wireless LLC vs. Charles Jr., $195; Susan C. Sawyer,
Myers, Concordia, has been $165; Kurt Russell Shaffer,
dismissed without preju- $234.
Receiving $10 fines for
The case of Cloud County failure to wear seat belt
Health Center vs. Adrianne were: William R. CzapanL. Elwood, Concordia, has skiy, James D. Joyner Jr.
been dismissed without and Frank J. Waite.
Receiving fines for othprejudice.
er violations were: Marcus
Cloud County Health Alexander Dice, operating
Center et al seeks a judg- vehicle without liability inment of $318.21 plus inter- surance, $408; Kane D.
est and costs from Blake A. Kramer, reckless driving,
$208; Megan N. Larson,
Mikesell, Concordia.
Cloud County Health driving while license canCenter et al seeks a judg- celed/suspended/revoked
ment of $374 plus interest $181; Juan R. Perez Jr., opand costs from Brandon M. erating motor vehicle without valid license, $100.
Wilkerson, Concordia.
Cloud County Health
Center et al seeks a judgWarranty Deeds:
ment of $412 plus interest
James Lervold and Lois
and costs from Patrick S.
Lervold to James and Lois
Buttman, Concordia.
Cloud County Health Lervold trust, James L. LeCenter et al seeks a judg- rvold, trustee, and Lois L.
ment of $494.70 pus inter- Lervold, trustee, west half
est and costs from Timothy southeast quarter and the
east half southwest quarter
A. Brush, Concordia.
Cloud County Health 29-6-3; south half southCenter et al seeks a judg- west quarter and the southquarter
ment of $319.11 plus inter- west
east 12
est and costs from Donald
feet of said southwest quarD. Ross, Concordia.
Cloud County Health ter southeast quarter all in
Center et al seeks a judg- 30-6-3; northeast quarter
ment of $390.69 plus inter- 32-6-3 except a tract, see
est and costs from Bradley record; west half northwest
quarter lying west of the
Czapanskiy, Clyde.
Cloud County Health U.S. highway 81 in 33-6-3
Center et al seeks a judg- except a tract, see record.
Marjorie I. Gates to Apoment of $383.10 plus interest and costs from Gregory lonio Miranda and Deborah
B. Miranda, the east half of
Lehmann, Jamestown.
Cloud County Health lot 11 and the west half of
Center et al seeks a judg- lot 12 of block 81 in the city
ment of $323 plus interest of Concordia, Cloud County
and costs from Robert D. Kansas according to the recorded plat thereof.
Swanson, Jamestown.
Keith D. Geisler aka Keith
Cloud County Health
Blade-Empire, Thursday, July 9, 2015 9
Darrow Geisler to Brandon
L. Starr, a tract of land in
block 3 in east Concordia,
an addition to the city of
Concordia Cloud County
Kansas, beginning at a
point 59’ east of southwest
corner of said block 3, see
Douglas L. Funk and
Kathy J. Funk to Taryn R.
Johnson, all of lot 14 and
the west 3 feet of lot 15 all
in block 9 in Elmhurst addition to the city of Concordia,
Cloud County Kansas.
Cher L. Wright to Casselrock Inc., lots 16 and
17 in block 64 in the city
of Concordia Cloud County
Kansas according to the recorded plat thereof.
Douglas L. Funk and
Kathy J. Funk to RMJB Real
Estate LLC, a tract of land in
block 10 in Elmhurst addition to the city of Concordia
Cloud County Kansas more
specifically described as all
of lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 7, 8, 9,
10, 11, 12 and 13 according
to the recorded plat thereof
except a portion of lots 3, 4,
5, 6 and 7 conveyed to the
city of Concordia for street
purposes described in record, see record.
Quit Claim Deed:
Dwight Eakin and Jacqueline Eakin to Concordia
Travel Center, tract 1 beginning at a point 150 feet
east and 58.3 feet north of
the southwest corner of the
east half southwest quarter 12-8-5 described in record; and less a tract. see
record, tract 2 a tract in the
east half southwest quarter 12-8-5; beginning at
the point 1910.35 feet east
and 371.00 feet north of
the southwest corner of the
southwest quarter 12-8-5,
see record.
By H.E. Smith
Gelcher’s Experience
streamed from his flaming
countenance, his jaws and
the seams in his pants flew
wider apart, the cords in
his neck stood out, his shirt
collar went by the board,
but that carpet came into
place with alacrity and a
willingness that would have
shamed India rubber.
Then he slowly let go
with one hand and commenced to grope about
in an exciting manner after the hammer and tacks
with the other, but without success—they were at
his left hand of course, and
he must get them himself,
as his wife couldn’t be expected to push them toward
him while she had so much
to do in holding that heavy
candle. He felt too proud
and haughty to ask her,
so he commenced to operate in the direction of that
hammer and those tacks by
holding the carpet firmly in
place with his left hand and
endeavoring to turn himself
completely over in order to
reach the things with his
right. Of course he mustn’t
lose his foothold, and it began to look as though he’d
twist himself in two somewhere and lose all the advantage gained.
Slowly and sadly he commenced to turn toward the
desired objects, and with
his right hand wildly waving
in the air, and every muscle,
seam and button strained
to the utmost, he gradually
turned toward his wife, who
was standing almost over
him, in her interest in the
transaction, a face so full of
mingled pain, earnestness,
remorse and despair that
lady appalled by so startling
a spectacle, grew somewhat
nervous, tilted the candle a
trifle and dropped into one
of the eyes that stared at
her so fixedly a considerable
amount of hot tallow.
Register of Deeds
Judy Lambert
Walsh attends conference
in New Hampshire
Cloud County Attorney
Robert Walsh recently attended a conference titled
“Partnering for a Future
Without Violence,” co-sponsored by the National District Attorneys’ Association,
New Hampshire Attorney
General’s Task Force on
Child Abuse and Neglect,
and the New Hampshire
Governor’s Commission on
Domestic and Sexual Violence.
The conference was from
June 3-7 at Southern New
Hampshire University, lo-
cated in Manchester, N.H.
Walsh attended sessions regarding the determination of
the seriousness of domestic
violence situations within
a home, Joshua’s Law (victims’ protection legislation),
and the impact of children’s
exposure to trauma and violence.
“I’m pleased I was invited
to attend this program and
look forward to implementing what I have learned to
strengthen domestic violence protections here in
Cloud County,” Walsh said.
David Meece
Meece to perform
at July TFC Rally
North Central Kansas
Teens For Christ will host a
special family concert featuring legendary Christian
Music Artist David Meece
Saturday, July 18, at 7 p.m.
at the Brown Grand Theatre,
in Concordia. This event is
suitable for all ages.
With record sales in the
millions, Meece is the composer of modern-day Christian classics such as “We
Are The Reason,” “Forgiven,”
“Unknown Soldier,” “Learning to Trust,” and “My Father’s Chair.” He composed
the Christmas classic “One
Small Child” at the age of 14,
having begun touring as a
concert pianist at age 10.
Meece is a graduate of
the Peabody Conservatory of
Music in Baltimore, where
he was a scholarship student. He says, “Obeying God
is where it’s all at. I am con-
vinced that there has been a
tremendous urgency placed
upon my life by the Holy
Spirit to get the Gospel out to
as many people as possible.”
Meece’s life has impacted
the lives of millions of people
worldwide, and his passion
for excellence in the field
of Contemporary Christian
Music continues to leave a
powerful legacy for generations to come.
Opening for Meece will
be Manhattan native, Kalona, who recently released a
CD titled “What Being Brave
Looks Like.”
For information about
the July 18 concert, call
the Teens For Christ office,
785.243.1154. This program
is free and open to the public with the doors opening
between 6:15 and 6:30 that
evening. A freewill offering
will be taken.
The strongest man in the world is he who stands alone.
-Henrik Ibsen
Sponsored By
Concordia American Legion Golf Course