
For All Ages
How to Play
What's Included In The Game
What's In It For You?
AWESOME Facilities
HEALTHY Lifestyle
family, friends & fun!
Setting Up The Game
Valerie Quarles came into the Southwest YMCA three years ago looking
for help. She had gone through some rough times, and was concerned
for her children. She had decided to go back to school so that she could
make a better life for her family, but wanted to make sure that someone
would be able to help her keep her youngest son, Jaquil, on track. As
a single mom, she worked during the day and would therefore have to
go to school at night. Thankfully, the YMCA staff happily agreed to help
Valerie by getting Jaquil engaged in YMCA programs where he’d have
plenty of activities, homework support and positive role models.
Jaquil started coming to the Southwest YMCA’s Teen City every day after school.
“None of us wanted to let Valerie down, so we made sure that we kept encouraging
him to stay on track academically,” says Kenneth Lee, Southwest YMCA Executive
Director. Lee says this was a difficult task in Jaquil’s first year, as he struggled to
complete his schoolwork and often was upset because he missed out on fun activities.
In year two, Jaquil set a goal of achieving a 3.0 grade point average, and came very
close, achieving a GPA of 2.92. This year, though, he made the honor role.
“Jaquil went from failing classes to making the honor roll and we are very proud of
him.” says Lee. “He has grown so much in our program and I think he is going to be
a future leader.”
Jaquil has enjoyed positive changes beyond good grades.
“I used to be really shy,” he admits. “I didn’t do well in school
and was sad all the time.” He says that his time at the YMCA
and with Mr. Lee has helped him to do better at school and
he’s matured a lot. Now he gets along with other kids better and
looks forward to finishing high school and pursuing a career in
computers or politics.
“I knew Jaquil could do it.” says Valerie, who just completed her
degree as a Medical Assistant. She was recently hired at a local
university, and is now feeling more financially stable. “We needed
help, both of us did. The YMCA made it possible for us to succeed.”
the Holistic
of Children
and Youth
The YMCA is a place
where children and teens
can learn, dream, grow
and achieve things they
never thought possible.
Whether learning to swim,
climbing a mountain at
summer camp or
developing a bill in our
Youth and Government
program, kids of all
ages find the supportive
environment and positive
role models they need to
become healthy, strong
adults. This past year,
the YMCA of Greater
Rochester supported the
development of children
and youth by:
• Opening three new
Tween Wellness Centers
at the Bay View,
Eastside and Westside
Branches to bridge the
gap in providing health
and wellness programs
for 8 —12 year-olds.
• Launching a new
“Healthy Beginnings”
initiative in cooperation
with the Greater
Rochester Health
Foundation, which
focuses on physical
activity and nutrition
education for
How To Play
If you belong to the Monroe YMCA Branch,
then you probably know Amanda Rogers, Sava
Dunoska and Dawn Goodman. They can usually
be found cracking jokes at each other during
the Wednesday morning coffee hour that they
run for the Active Older Adults or volunteering
for the latest fund raiser that the Branch is
hosting. “They even recruit new members
for their SilverSneakers class while in line
at Wal-Mart!” says Nicole Meyer, Marketing
Coordinator for the Monroe Branch. “They organize social hours
and are a large part of why our events are so successful. They give a new meaning
to the word volunteers – they are more like Special Ops!” So who are these three ladies? They all live within a two mile radius from the
Monroe Branch, but didn’t become friends until they met each other at the YMCA.
Dawn came first five years ago, in a wheelchair with very little mobility. She now
comes to exercise classes three days a week and as a result, is moving around on
her own with little or no pain. Sava became a member four years ago, after she lost
her husband. She didn’t want to come at first, she admits, but her daughter insisted
that she needed more exercise since she had really bad arthritis and hardly ever
left the house. She now attends a cardio class three times a week and is much
more social, meeting with groups and offering to help out whenever there is work
to be done. Amanda was the last to join the troupe three years ago, when she was
invited by a neighbor. She now runs the coffee club and keeps everyone laughing
in the pool where she swims three mornings a week. “These are my best friends now,” says Sava. “It doesn’t matter if we are selling
items at a garage sale or running a spaghetti dinner, it’s not work to us. It’s more
about spending time together.” Dawn adds, “We love this place and the people are
so nice. That’s why we come.” “Be honest,” quips Amanda. “We come for the free
coffee!” And they all laugh.
Melinda Peck, Executive Director of the Monroe Branch, acknowledges that the
YMCA needs them as much as they need the YMCA. “They are an integral part
of our community at the Monroe YMCA,” says Peck, “and I believe we are an
essential part of their lives as well. We couldn’t do what we do here without them.”
Seniors Active
and Healthy
Our active older adults
prove every day that
you’re never too old to
get in the game. Whether
flying down a zip line at
Camp Cory, playing cards
with friends, or becoming
stronger in a group
exercise class, seniors can
find plenty of opportunity
to maintain social
connections, learn new
skills and have fun at
the YMCA. Last year,
our YMCA helped to
strengthen older adults by:
• Enabling more than
12,000 seniors to get
active and healthy
through group exercise
classes, social activities,
senior camping and
volunteer opportunities.
• Providing opportunities
for older workers to
stay engaged in the
workforce and share
their knowledge and
assets with the YMCA,
as evidenced by our
YMCA’s #4 national
ranking on the AARP’s
list of “Top Employers
for Workers over 50.”
Winning The Game
Growing up, exercise was not a priority for Greg LaDuca. Overweight for most of
his adult life, he had started dieting hundreds of times with little or no success. That
is until January 2006, when his sister called and said that she was getting married
that fall. Weighing in at 268, he recommitted himself once again to losing weight—
only this time, he turned to the Westside Family YMCA for help.
“It was hard at first,” Greg says, “leaving my pregnant wife and two sons at home.
I started to work out every evening after dinner, often missing out on quality time
with the family.” After meeting with a YMCA Ready-Fit coach, he began a cardio
program to lose weight and a circuit training program to build muscle. The results
were amazing. By the time his sister was married nine months later, he was down
to 180 pounds and his family and friends could hardly recognize him.
Greg reports, “I reached my goal and have the Westside YMCA to thank for it;
but this is not the end of my story…” Over the past three years, the YMCA has
become not only a permanent part of his daily routine, but his whole family has
also become involved. “We place Robbie, our three year-old, in Child Watch; Ned,
our six year-old, in the Adventure Center; and Tim, our nine year-old, in the Fun/Fit
Zone. Then my wife and I are able to work out together.”
And that, according to his wife Bridget, is what makes the YMCA so great.
“Where else can we go that has age appropriate activities for the
whole family?” She also loves that her kids are making friends
with the other children that are there. Bridget says, “Now we
just plan play dates here at the Y, instead of at our house.
You have no idea how great that is!”
Greg continues to maintain a healthy weight, but is even
more proud that he has become a role model for his boys.
“Now, my family and I take every opportunity to be active,
whether we take a walk, go to the park, or come here to the
YMCA. They may not know it now, but I am teaching them
how to be healthy for the rest of their lives, and they won’t have
to learn the hard way like I did.”
Supporting and
The YMCA helps families
build meaningful bonds,
achieve balance and
become more engaged
in their communities. At
the YMCA, families can
play together in one of our
many Family Adventure
Centers, or can enjoy
more structured activities
like family fitness classes,
family camps or YMCA
Adventure Guides. This
past year, the YMCA of
Greater Rochester
supported stronger
families by:
• Engaging more than
3,000 families in
community outreach
activities such as YMCA
Splash Week and
Healthy Kids Day, which
are designed to educate
families with health and
safety information.
• Providing more than
150 local families of
active military personnel
with opportunities for
family strengthening
activities and health
and wellness programs
through the YMCA
Military Outreach
Teaching Others To Play
When Anita Cantabene, staff member at the Northwest Family YMCA, was diagnosed
with cancer in 2005, she knew she was going to need support from her co-workers.
What she didn’t know was how that support was actually going to help her get better.
“After I was done with treatment, and the doctors had
done all they could do, I came here and started water
walking,” says Anita. “My body was so run down; it
was all I could do at first. The staff here were great,
always asking me how I was doing and suggesting
new exercises to build my strength and endurance.”
Eventually, she was able to start working on cardio
machines and lifting weights. Doctors were amazed
at her progress and often commented on how well
she was recovering, which Anita credits to the YMCA.
“It wasn’t just the physical support they offered me; it
was the emotional support as well. People cared for
me on a personal level, not as a patient. That’s what
made the difference.”
Now, Anita has the chance to give back to the YMCA,
by helping others in cancer recovery in a new pilot
program called LIVESTRONG at the YMCA. The
Northwest Family YMCA in Greece is one of only a
dozen YMCAs across the country chosen to participate
in this project through a partnership with the Lance Armstrong Foundation. It is
a 12-week physical activity program designed for adult cancer survivors who have
recently become de-conditioned or chronically fatigued from their treatment or
disease, free of cost for those who qualify.
“There are some common concerns among cancer survivors such as fatigue,
fear of recurrence, depression or stress from mounting medical bills,” explains
Deb Duffy, Senior Associate Executive Director at the Northwest YMCA and
LIVESTRONG Program Coordinator. “Having Anita on our team helps us identify
with the participants in a way we would never be able to as instructors, and of
course, they really benefit by having someone to talk to that’s been there.”
Since our association’s
founding in 1854, health
and wellness programs
have been an integral part
of our YMCA mission of
building a healthy spirit,
mind and body. Through
Activate America, we
have renewed our
commitment to this mission
by reaching out to health
seeking children, teens,
adults and seniors to
provide the support they
need and the opportunities
they desire in their journey
to better health. Last year,
the YMCA of Greater
Rochester inspired healthy
lifestyles by:
• Engaging more than
100,000 members and
program participants
in health and wellness
programs that enable
them to set and achieve
personal goals.
• Reaching out to the
community through
partnerships with
organizations like the
Lance Armstrong
Foundation and the
University of Rochester’s
Center for Community
Health to deliver health
and wellness programs
to new and at-risk
How To Stay In The Game
When the Davis family decided they needed an “Adirondack Adventure” back in
1968, little did they know they’d be starting a tradition that would span four decades
and three generations…so far.
“We were looking for an outdoor experience that we could enjoy as a family, and our
neighbors, Al and Peela Hooke, showed us photos of Family Camp at YMCA Camp
Gorham,” explains Laura Davis. “My first question was, ‘Why are they wearing
parkas in August?’ but from the smiles on all the faces, I could see it looked like fun.”
The Davis’ packed up their three kids – Sally, age 8; Larry III, age 5; and Nancy,
age 2 – and headed to Eagle Bay for their first Camp Gorham experience. Despite
a rocky start that included one very rainy week and a flying squirrel in their cabin
during which Larry Jr. bellowed, “Never again!” the Davis’ have returned to Laurel
Cabin each summer. In fact, Camp Gorham has become such a part of the Davis
family fabric that they’ve vetted significant others and have even chosen colleges
based on a late start in order to attend Family Camp.
But the Davis family’s commitment to Camp Gorham did not end with Family
Camp. Larry, Sally and Nancy all attended summer camp for many years, and both
Nancy and Sally became camp counselors. In 2002, the Davis’ decided to make a
long-term commitment to the Camp, adopting their beloved Laurel Cabin to enable
its complete renovation so that it could be enjoyed for generations to come. Their
lead gift was just the kick start Camp Gorham needed for its capital campaign,
which enabled a variety of other improvements as well.
“I can’t imagine what our lives would be like without Camp Gorham,” says Larry
III. “It’s become part of our family’s DNA.” Larry Jr. adds, “The best part has been
watching our kids and grandkids grow up there. Camp Gorham has built a great
bond and amazing memories for our family and it is without a doubt the number
one thing we look forward to each year.”
Their granddaughter, Maddy – whose family travels from California each summer
to attend Family Camp – agrees. She wrote about her love of Camp Gorham in
a recent school assignment, where she said, “I like Camp because it is the place
where my family is all crowded up together.” And whether it’s square dancing
as a family or chasing squirrels out of cabins, “crowded up together” at Camp
Gorham is the perfect place to be for the Davis family.
Lifelong Bonds
Philanthropy and
volunteerism are at the
heart of our YMCA. Thanks
to nearly 10,000 donors
and more than 2,000
volunteers who pledge their
time, talent and treasure,
the YMCA of Greater
Rochester ensures that
programs and services
are available to ALL
people, regardless of
financial means. This past
year, our YMCA fulfilled
its charitable mission by:
• Providing financial
assistance to over
19,000 children, families,
adults and seniors
who otherwise would
not have been able to
benefit from a YMCA
• Stepping up to provide
$80,000 in bridge
funding for nearly 60
families who lost their
county child care
assistance, ensuring
that their children would
continue to have access
to quality child care.
The Rewards
Collaboration Award
Eugenio Maria de Hostos Charter School
The YMCA of Greater Rochester presents the Collaboration Award each
year to a company or organization that has partnered with us to enhance
awareness and extend the reach of our mission in the community. In
2000, our YMCA was approached by the Eugenio Maria de Hostos
Charter School to provide physical education for students at the school,
and what started as a basic gym class has blossomed into something
much more meaningful. With a shared commitment of helping both
children and their families to lead healthier, more productive lives, our
YMCA and the EMHCS have joined forces to provide programs and
activities that really make a difference. From Family Fun Nights that
include swimming at the YMCA, to family events like sledding and bowling,
to parent support programs that provide education and resources to build a
stronger family, the YMCA and the EMHCS are true partners in helping students
and their families succeed.
Donald Leiske Volunteer Service Award
Carl Smith, Carlson MetroCenter Family Branch
The YMCA Donald Leiske Volunteer Service Award recognizes outstanding long-term
branch volunteerism and contributions to program development. Donald Leiske was an
ardent supporter of our Westside Family YMCA, who gave of his time and talents
to help further the YMCA's mission in our westside communities. Our 2009
recipient, Carl Smith, has been the cornerstone of the Carlson MetroCenter
Branch’s Saturday basketball program for many years. Recently highlighted
in the Democrat and Chronicle, the program has a tremendous following,
thanks in great part to Carl’s leadership. Every Saturday, you’ll find Carl on
the court organizing teams, setting games, keeping score and supporting the
players on and off the court. Carl loves volunteering in this capacity because
he enjoys the enthusiastic atmosphere and the energy of the players.
Carl is a true “connector director” at our YMCA, helping to build lasting
friendships, healthy rivalries and a close-knit community.
Keeping Score
Financial Assistance Granted*
Granted Branch Membership
Core Program Participation*
Bay View Family YMCA
Carlson MetroCenter YMCA
After School Programs $361,184 2,323 Eastside Family YMCA
Child Care
279,721 219
Maplewood Family YMCA
1,356,935 8,797
Monroe Family YMCA
Northwest Family YMCA
Resident Camping
Southeast Family YMCA
Summer Day Camp
321,728 6,255
Southwest Family YMCA
Victor Active Family Center
Westside Family YMCA
$2,596,612 19,152
Year Ended March 31, 2009
Active Older Adults
Arts & Humanities
Child Care & After School
Community Development
Family Programs
Health & Fitness
Teen Leadership & Activities
Youth Sports & Activities
Operating Revenue and Support Invest In Youth and
Other Contributions
United Way
Governmental Sources
Investment Income
Allocated for Operations
Membership 54.1%
Program 25%
Governmental Sources 6.7%
Grants 4.7%
Invest In Youth and Other Contributions 3.8%
Investment Income Allocated for Operations 2.3%
591,548 United Way 1.8%
Total Revenue
Other 1.6%
Operating Expenses
Employee Expenses
Program Expenses
General & Administrative Expenses 1,914,961
Facilities and Occupancy
Other Expense
833,372 Total Operating Expense
Change in Net Assets
from Operations
$37,510,767 Facilities and Occupancy 23.2%
Program and General 13.2%
General & Administrative Expenses 5.1%
88,793 Total Assets
72,073,418 Total Liabilities
31,262,997 Total Fund Balance
Employee Expenses 56.3%
Other Expense 2.2%
* Duplicated Count: Some individuals participate in/receive assistance for more than one program.
Our Key Players
Leadership Staff
George M. Romell
President & CEO
Charles J. Vita
Paul von Ebers
Rudolph W. Warren
Susan M. Reschke
Denise Watson
Sr. Vice President, Finance & CFO
James White
Olin Buddy Campbell, Jr.
Frank York
Helen A. Zamboni
Honorary Board
Karen P. Higman
Catherine B. Carlson
Sr. Vice President, Institutional J. H. Cline
Charles M. Clark
James C. Duffus
Donald C. Fisher
Dorothy H. Frear
Sterling "Will" Gallagher
David C. Heiligman
Vice President, Westside District
Albert B. Hooke
Executive Director, Northwest
Frank M. Hutchins
Debbie Masters
Jurij Z. Kushner
Vice President, Eastside District
Bill Manning
Executive Director, Southeast
George E. Mercier
Pete C. Merrill
Don Mellema
Vice President, Properties
Tony O'Brien
Edward J. Pettinella
Mary Kay Walrath
Robert F. Ryan
Vice President, Development & John M. Summers
Beth Wilkens
Paul J. Yesawich III
Branch Executives &
Center Directors
Advisory CouNcil
Sara DelVecchio
Matthew Augustine
Executive Director, Maplewood
Ruth C. Baltzer
Kevin Fitzpatrick
Fred J. Bell
Executive Director, Eastside
C. William Brown
Gordon Brown
Kenneth Lee
Douglas F. Brush
Executive Director, Southwest
Michael F. Buckley
Steve MacAller
Paul J. Burgett
Executive Director, Carlson Robert Carroll
Thomas E. Cummings
David R. Ferris
Chris Mangone
Robert A. Fox
Executive Director, Westside
Ronald Good
Melinda J. Peck
Gary Goodger
Executive Director, Monroe
Richard Greene
Mosie R. Hannah
Michele Rowcliffe
John Holahan
Executive Director, Camp Cory
Jay T. Holmes
Mike P. Stevens
Cynthia Huether
Executive Director, Bay View
Mordecai A. Jones
Sharon Melville
Anne Thornton
Beulah Patterson
Executive Director, Camp Gorham
Charles H. Price
Joy Irwin
Margaret Sanchez
Center Director, Victor AFC
Mary Freund Tilton
Mike Reed
John Urban
Center Director, Camp Arrowhead
Margaret Warren
Board of Directors
John W. Crowe, Chair
Daniel J. Burns, Chair Elect
Salvatore A. LaBella, Vice Chair
Sharon Napier, Vice Chair
Paul F. Roland, Vice Chair
William F. Sauers, Vice Chair
William G. Clark, Secretary
William J. Reddy, Treasurer
Andrew R. Gallina, Past Chair
Michael A. Armbruster
Duane Basch
Shannon M. Bielaska
Lisa A. Brubaker
Bill Brueckner
Russell J. Bullock
James L. Cherry, Sr.
Richard Clark
Mary-Beth A. Cooper
Margaret Covney
Scott F. Cristman, Esq.
Philip J. DiPasquale
Elizabeth A. Feor
Erik Grimm
Scott Hall
John B. Henderson
Albert Jones
Edward W. Kay, Jr.
Germaine Knapp
Paul LeFrois
Phyllis LeFrois
Andrea L. Lennon
Stephen T. Miller
Emeterio M. Otero
Sandra A. Parker
Jacqueline Parks
Joseph D. Picciotti
Christopher Scott
T. Kevin Sheehan
Robert J. Stevenson
Timothy J. Tindall
Julio Vazquez
Michael Russell
Executive Vice President & COO
James Smith
Center Director, Lewis Street
Board of Management
Bay View
Dick Clark, Chair
Don Anderson
Steve Barry
William Caprio
Mike Catallo
DeMaris Corzatt
Stephen Fersaci
Timothy Harris
Reginald Higgins
Duncan Hills
Bill Krieg
Thomas Mizelle
Carol Ortis
Monica Prunty
Jay Skolnick
Bret Vanzo
Camp Cory
Jacqueline Parks, Chair
Chris Albrecht
Rachel Ciesluk
Sue Comer
Jerry Elliott
Liz Elliott
Dawn Falk
J. Elmore Jones
Tom Mahaney
Robert Metcalf
Ned Miller
Persephone Modeste
Jim Nickles
Guy Smith
Paul Sullivan
Marc Tayman
Jason Walz
Camp Gorham
Duane Basch, Chair
Dana Consler
John Clark
Kim Connal
Larry Davis, Jr.
Larry Davis, III
Pam Duffy
Kurt Fagerstrom
David LaBudde
Tony Lee
Ralph Merzbach
Robert Metcalf
Ron Rauscher
Rob Thomas
Craig Wittlin
Carlson MetroCenter Albert Jones, Chair
Frank Castrignano
Duane Cuyler
Blaise DiNardo
Karl Essler
Thomas Green
John Hudak
Arneshia Jordan
Bill Kablack
Mary Kirkendale
David Lewis
Gail Long-Miller
Natosha McDonald
John Mickles
Dan Milner
Jerald Noble
Felix Ortiz
Anthony Ricci
Pete Scott
Dwayne Simmons
Ray Slattery
Carl Smith
Diane Soper
Floyd Tucker
Jerry Zinczyn
Bill Brueckner, Chair
John Barr
Johanna Bartlett
Jack Best
Lynn Bianco
Ray Ciccarelli
Ralph Code
John Cogan
Ed Freeman
Michale Giancursio
Larry Grossman
Gary Haltof
Ray Hutch
Teon Kowalyk
John Kucko
Jeff LaDue
Kathleen LaRocco
Mark Lockerby
Will Mack
Tim O'Brien
Scott Odorisi
Sean Patton
Christine Peters
Mic Scheonberger
Deb Wickham
Lewis Street
Timothy J. Tindall, Chair
Madeline Burke
Philip J. DiPasquale
R. Thompson Gilman, Esq.
Mary Louise F. Musler
Ronald E. Wright, Jr.
Maplewood Robert Stevenson, Chair
Maria Bachiller
George Buell
Jay Coddington
Lisa Cook
Jane Daloia
Ann McCrossen
Christy Palmiere
Pamela Schenk
Ruth Thompson
Karen Tucker
James White, Chair
Karen Braden
Gertia Brown
Nora Dimmock
Dr. Stephen Dvorin
Andrew Eskind
Elizabeth McKane
Sekile Nzinga-Johnson
William Pritchard
Peter Saxe
David Walsh
John Wiltse
Robert W. Wood
Northwest Kevin Sheehan, Chair
Patricia Anthony
Frank Aprilano
Anthony Ariola
John Auberger
Matt Bielaska
Karen Bolinger
Rick Borrelli
Dana Boshnack
Mark Buri
Sebastian Ciccariello
Mary Conlon
Kevin Foy
Theresa Grana
Richard Healey
James Holahan
Janine Lannak
Pam Leathersich
Bill McNelis
Gerald Murphy
Carl Oster
Mike Palumbo
David Penrose
David Perotto
James Redmond
Joseph Robach
Sid Strasenburgh
Jacqueline Sprague-Cooper
Kathy Taylor
Kyle Van Putte
Jay Wegman
Steve White
John Zink
Scott Hall, Chair
William Beach
Janet Casey
Joyce Chu
Anna Collins
Gary Conners
Ram Dhurjaty
William Encherman
Bob Freitag
Norma Glamack
Yvonne Harrison
David Iadanza
Mark Jacob
David Klock
Kelly Knight
Tina Maffucci
Bernadette Mahle
Gina Martin
Luis Martinez
Donna Mihalik
Amy Miller
Mike Minor
Bob Noonan
Jack Plum
Ashok Rajpal
David Sharp
Jane Silverstein
Elizabeth Thorley
David Tuttle
Jeff Tyler
Julie VanBenthuysen
Germaine Knapp, Chair
Mary Ault
Scott Blue
Tosha Blue
Betty Bordner
Dan Demarle
Tassie Demps
Ramona Englebrecht
Carol Kramer
Earl Nagle
Virginia Nagle
Donald Pryor
Yolanda Wade
Paul LeFrois, Jr., Chair
Paul Campbell
Sharon Hilton
SC Kohli
Greg LaDuca
Gay Lenhard
Anne Loria
Richard Maulfair
Sandra Mitchell
Robert Renehan
Leslie Seiling
Ric Seiling
Kevin Sura
Roger Sutphen
Steve Tucciarello
Lynette Wright
Program Committees
Camp Arrowhead
Jack Plum, Chair
Ram Dhurjaty
Ted Merkel
Mike Minor
William R. O'Hara
Mara Peters
William Encherman Victor Active Family Center
Donna Mihalik, Chair
Vicki Avery
Steve Calos
Marcie Hamilton
Shannon Hersh
Nancy Kidd
Molly Lawler
Steve Metzger
Martin Peck
Gifts to the
Endowment Fund
John K. Binswanger
Katherine H. Clark
Dr. Thomas & Sarah H. Clark
Estate of Donald Christensen
William & Mary Dart
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Ellis
Estate of Albert Fenyvessy
Estate of Chester Fenyvessy
Mrs. Ann Garrett
John & Lindsay Garrett
Pritchard & Jill Garrett
Rick & Betsy Garrett
Tom & Elaine Garrett
David & Barrie Heiligman
Peter Heinrich
Peggie & Edwin Jeffries
Dr. Elmore Jones
George Williams Society
Mrs. Theodore J. Altier
Betsey & Rick Benham
Jean G. Boles
David Boon
Mark C. & Anne M. Boylan
Margaret Bradley
C. William & Judith H. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Brown, Jr.
Mrs. Bruce Cameron
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Carroll
Mrs. Angelo Chiarella
Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Clark
Katherine & James Clark
Mr. & Mrs. J.H. Cline
Mary & Robert Curran
Magdalyn M. Cyganovich
Raymond DiMino Memorial Foundation Dancy & Jim Duffus
Don & Binnie Duval
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Edelman
Mr. & Mrs. Bart Feiden
Kevin & Lisa Feor
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Ferris
Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Fisher
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold W. Frear
Frank & Nancy Lesure
Edith & John Lesure
Donors to the Stanley Wolk
Memorial Fund
Mrs. Richard J. Garrett
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Greenwood
Mrs. John W. Handy
Mr. & Mrs. Mosie R. Hannah
Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Healey
David & Barrie Heiligman
Peter Heinrich
Mr. & Mrs. E. James Hickey
Mr. & Mrs. Eric B. Hoard, Jr.
Jay Holmes
Mr. & Mrs. Albert B. Hooke
G. Myrick Hopkins
Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Hutchins
Perry Jacobs
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert W. Jarvis
Dr. Elmore Jones
Elizabeth S. Killip
Dennis Klopper
Mrs. Jean Leiske
Dr. & Mrs. Gary Long
Mr. & Mrs. William Manning
Paul McAndrew
George E. Mercier
Mr. & Mrs. Pete C. Merrill
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Metcalf
Mrs. Donald B. Miller
Mrs. Cornelius J. Murphy
Edith & Robert Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Naylor
Susan Nielsen
Elaine & Philip (Tony) O'Brien
Mrs. James Y. Oldshue
Ellen R. Orbison
Edward J. Pettinella
Anthony Phillip Phelps
Nancy & David Phelps
Mrs. A. Clark Peiper
Jay Polston
Gerri Raschiatore
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin E. Reinke
Jacob A. Rhodes
Eileen L. & J. Frederick Rogers
George M. & Kristin Werner Romell
Mr. Cleland B. Ross
Mike & Diane Russell
Bill & Tricia Sauers
Gene K. Shaffer
Kathleen H. Spencer
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Stockton
William J. Stolze
Charles F. Watson
Mrs. Warren V. Weber
Beth & Jeff Wilkens
Eileen M. Wurzer
Paul & Susan Yesawich
Helen A. Zamboni
Chairman's Roundtable
Platinum Founders — $10,000+
Bank of America
Robert, Robyn & Mary Louise Glaser
Ray & Erika Hutch
M&T Bank
Next Generation Vending
MVP Health Care/Preferred Care
Wegmans Food Markets
Gold Founders — $5,000+
Citizens Bank
The Credit Bureau, Inc.
Davenport Hatch Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. John L. DiMarco, Sr.
First Niagara Financial Group
Greater Rochester Health Foundation JCPenney Afterschool Round-Up
LeChase Construction
Nash & MacLean Endowments
Normal Communications
P.D. Oviatt
Real Lease, Inc.
Star Trac
John & Jayne Summers Foundation
Wegman Companies, Inc.
In Memory of Schuyler Wells
Xerox Classic
Silver Founders — $2,500 +
All Points Media, LLC
Daune Basch and Nancy Allinger-Basch
Becker Mechanical Contractors, Inc. Bernard’s Custom Logo
Matthew & Shannon Bielaska
Boulter Industrial Contractors, Inc. Lisa Brubaker
Carrol’s Corporation
John & Ellen Cogan
Dr. Mary-Beth & Mr. David Cooper Costello & Son Development LLC CR Sailing
Philip & Kathleen DiPasquale
John & Sally Dwyer
Family First Federal Credit Union
Kevin & Lisa Feor
The Friendly Sons & Daughters of St. Patrick
Erik Grimm
Gro-Moore Farms
Hillyard, Inc.
Jay T. Holmes
Invisible Fence of Upstate New York Kenlou Foundation, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Jurij Z. Kushner
Paul & Nicole LeFrois
Phyllis & Richard LeFrois
George E. Mercier
Northwestern Mutual Financial Network
Tony & Elaine O’Brien
In Memory of Evan Peck
Edward J. Pettinella
PJF Property Maintenance
Susan M. Reschke
Rochester Female Charitable Society Bob & Cindy Ryan
T. Kevin & Cynthia Sheehan
SolutioNet, Inc.
The Redwoods Group, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. George M. Romell
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Russell
Mr. & Mrs. Williams F. Sauers
Time Warner Cable
U.S. Food Service
Wal Mart
Wright Bros.
Xerox Corporation
Founders — $1,500+
Arch Chemicals
In Memory of James Armstrong
Vicki Avery
Bartolomeo & Perotto Funeral Home
B&L Wholesale Supply, Inc.
Brown & Brown of NY, Inc.
Daniel J. Burns
Catherine M. Callery
Mr. & Mrs. Olin B. Campbell, Jr.
Michael Catallo
Robert Cherrington
Charles & Christine Clark
Classic Automation
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Cline
Joe & Shelly Comfort
Scott F. Cristman
John W. Crowe
Sara DelVecchio
Dibble & Miller, P.C.
Jim & Deborah Duffy
Will & Janet Gallagher
Andy & Karen Gallina
Mrs. Richard J. Garrett, Sr.
Dan Geen - Genesee Valley Physical Therapy & Sports Rehab
Shawn & Amy Griffin
Harris Beach, LLP
David & Barrie Heiligman
Karen & Sean Higman
The Holahan Family
Mr. & Mrs. Albert B. Hooke
Germaine G. Knapp
Salvatore A. LaBella
LaBella Associates, P.C.
Larsen Engineers
Kenneth A. Lee
LMC Industrial Contractors
Christopher & Heather Mangone
Manning, Squires & Henning Inc.
Debbie Masters
Tom & JudieLynn McAvinney
Ann McCrossen
William B. Mendick
Molly Lee Campbell Foundation
Dennis Mullen
John Murphy
Murch Electric Co.
Sharon Napier, Partners & Napier
PCB Design Plus
The Play Company
Power Management
Jason Pratt
Prime, Buchholz & Associates, Inc.
Professional Pool Services
Bill & Diane Reddy
Richard Lutz Mechanical Inc.
Rochester Davis Fetch
Rochester Insulated Glass
Rochester RazorSharks
Rochester Technology Park
Shawn & Michele Rowcliffe
Phil & Carole Saunders Foundation
Sentry Group
Spruce Hill Farms
Peter & Betty Stahlbrodt
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stevenson
Suburban Driving
Upstate Roofing, Inc.
Estate of Charles Vergo
Paul & Jill von Ebers
W.W. Grainger Co.
Mary Kay Walrath
James White & April Luehmann
Robert W. Wood
Claude G. & Geraldine A. Wright
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Yesawich
YMCAs of New York State
Helen A. Zamboni & Steve I. Rosen
Members — $1,000+
Advantech Industries
America’s Choice, Inc.
American Packaging Company
Anonymous (2)
Michael & Cathy Armbruster
AXA Advisors
John & Joan Barr
Mickey & Dave Beikirch
Bonadio & Company
Elizabeth Bordner
David & Brenda Bott
Renee Brown
The Brueckner Family
William Buckingham
Russell Bullock
Bunk 1.com
Madeline Burke
Michael & Diane Callan
Dr. Janet R. Casey
Cellino & Barnes, P.C.
Mr. & Mrs. Fernan Cepero
Church of the Holy Spirit
Raymond Ciccarelli
John Clark
Kerry & Norah Clark
Richard Clark
Daniel Cole
Conifer Realty, LLC
Mary Conlon
Gary & Gwen Conners
Frank & Jane Corrado
DaMaris Corzatt
Margaret Covney
Cramer Associates
Crosman Corporation
Crossbridge Financial Group, Inc. Cross Shore Capital Management, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cummings
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Davis, Jr.
Day Automation Systems, Inc.
Mark Dibble
Dolomite Corp.
Dryden Mutual Insurance Company Christopher Dudley
Gary Durnberg
Dr. Stephen Dvorin
Economy Paper Company
William Encherman
Karl Essler
Evolution Impressions, Inc.
Kurt Fagerstrom
Farnsworth Auto Group
Fibertech Networks
Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Fisher
Kevin & Theresa Fitzpatrick
Richard Fox
Robert Fox
Bob & Bobbie Freitag
Angelo P. Gallina
Raymond Gilman
Dr. Catherine Goodfellow
Brian Grant
Richard & Simoura Greene
Guenther Electric
Gloria Hall
Scott & Michelle Hall
George Hayden
Home Properties
Deborah Hunt
Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Hutchins
Innovative Solutions
Insero & Company
Integrated Cabling & Communications
Edward & Kimberly Kay
KB Graphics
Key Bank
Kimmins Coffee Service, Inc.
King’s Catering
Teon Kowalyk – Ontario Family Chiropractic
Louis Laboy
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey LaDue
Landsman Development
Rachel Langdon-Schobe
Kathleen & Charles LaRocco
Pamela & Mark Leathersich
Jean Leiske
Andrea Lennon
Joseph Lobozzo
Mark & Marianne Lockerby
James Lombard
Anne & Russell Loria
Stephen & Elizabeth MacAller
Will Mack
Ms. Pamela Cooper Vince &
Howard & Tina Maffucci
Mr. Roger Vince
Maher Sports Apparel
Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph Warren
Dorette Manry
Denise Watson
Luis Martinez
Big City Sportswear
Mashomack Foundation
Jay & Kelly Wegman
Richard & Kathy Maulfair
Philip R. & Ann Wegman
Dr. Robert McCann
Wickham Farms
Bill McCarthy
Beth Wilkens
Donald Mellema
Richard Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Merzbach
Ronald E. Wright, Jr.
Tammie Messineo
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Young
Donna Mihalik
Zeller Corporation
Hon. Stephen T. Miller
Jay Zukowski
Mike & Tara Minor
Moore Corporate Real Estate
Program and Event Funders
2008 Annual Meeting &
Anthony & Donna Morabito
Volunteer Recognition
Nixon Peabody
Bank of America
Angelo Nole
Northeast Adventures
2008 Invest in Youth
Marie Northrup
Campaign Champion
Northwest YMCA Swim Team
M&T Bank
NSG Construction Company
2008 Kids Marathon Sandra Overmier
MVP Health Care/Preferred Care
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Palumbo
Sandra A. Parker
2008 Splash Week
Passero Associates P.C.
First Niagara Financial Group
Melinda J. Peck
2009 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Paul & Susan Pineo
Day Celebration
Pittsford Federal Credit Union
Citizens Bank
Jack & Judy Plum
Jay P. Polston
Eugenio Maria de Hostos
Precise Tool and Mfg.
Charter School — Hispanic-American
Don & Karen Pryor
Wellness Initiative
Ramar Steel Erectors
Greater Rochester Health Foundation
Regional Distributors, Inc.
Beginnings Child Care Initiative
Robert G. Relph
Greater Rochester Health Foundation
Robert & Gail Renehan
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Richards
Official Sponsor of YMCA Youth Sports
Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. Roland
MVP Health Care/Preferred Care
Rotary Club of Greece
University of Rochester—
Rotenberg & Co. LLP
Center for Community Health
Schieven Family Endowment Fund Vida en Salud
Christopher Scott
Mr. & Mrs. James Smith
Youth Flag Football
Stephen S. Smith
NFL Youth Football Fund
Specialty Tools. Inc.
Youth Leadership Programming
Sports Builders, Inc.
Tauck Foundation
Michael P. Stevens
Sid Strasenburgh
Superior Interior
Roger Sutphen
Margaret Thomsen
Elizabeth Thorley & J. Brooks Howard
Anne & Tony Thornton
Timothy J. Tindall & Erica Harper
Elaine & Alan Townsend
Jeff & Pem Tyler
UGI Energy Services
John Urban
Van Zile Travel
YMCA of Greater Rochester Branches & Facilities
Association Office
444 East Main Street
Rochester, NY 14604
Lewis Street Child Care Branch
53 Lewis Street
Rochester, NY 14605
Bay View Family Branch
1209 Bay Road
Webster, NY 14580
Maplewood Family Branch
25 Driving Park Avenue
Rochester, NY 14613
Camp Arrowhead
20 Arrowhead Road
Pittsford, NY 14534
Monroe Family Branch
797 Monroe Avenue
Rochester, NY 14607
Camp Cory
199 East Lake Road Route 54
Penn Yan, NY 14527
325-2889 (Rochester Office)
Northwest Family Branch
730 Long Pond Road
Rochester, NY 14612
Camp Gorham
265 Darts Lake Road
Eagle Bay, NY 13331
(315) 357-6401
Southeast Family Branch
111 East Jefferson Road
Pittsford, NY 14534
Camp Northpoint
249 North Greece Road
Hilton, NY 14468
Southwest Family Branch
597 Thurston Road
Rochester, NY 14619
Chester F. Carlson MetroCenter
Family Branch
444 East Main Street
Rochester, NY 14604
Victor Active Family Center
200 High Street
Victor, NY 14564
Eastside Family Branch
1835 Fairport Nine Mile Point Road
Penfield, NY 14526
A Member Association of:
YMCA of the USA
YMCAs of New York State
American Camping Association
Early Childhood Education Quality Council
Greater Rochester After School Alliance
National Afterschool Alliance
National Association for the Education
of Young Children
New York State School Age Care Coalition
Rochester Area Administrators of
Volunteer Services
Rochester Business Alliance
Rochester Downtown Development Corporation
Urban League of Rochester, New York
Workforce Diversity Network
Youth Services Quality Council
Thank you to the following for assistance
with the production of this annual report:
Patti Keirsbilck Design
Copywriting: Katie Dickinson
Heather Katawazi
Mary Kay Walrath
Ken A. Huth Photography
The Davis Family
Steve Legouri
Mark Dibble
Karen Blank
EPi Printing & Finishing
Westside Family Branch
920 Elmgrove Road
Rochester, NY 14624
YMCA of Greater Rochester
444 East Main Street
Rochester, NY 14604
A United Way Agency