The Rageaholic


The Rageaholic
The Rageaholic
R.A.G.E’s one stop shop for all your informational needs.
Issue #1 - 23rd February 2010
“A great read for when you are sitting in a POS waiting on timers!”
“It is amazing how much you can accomplish when it doesn't matter who gets the credit.”
The Editor’s Introduction
Lord Arbalest introduces us to RAGE’s newest newsletter.
An Insight Into R.A.G.E Leadership - Virak’kara
We take a look at what Virak really gets up to!
The Military Council
Formed to provide a platform for co-ordination and communication.
The War Update
The Russian Purge!
A Market Blog - ACE Mart
A review of the market service ACE offer..
New Alliance Fleet Fits
8 - 10
A look into our new official battleship fits.
Alliance PvP Tournament
Information and rules for our alliance PvP tournament.
The Implications of Incursions
Ever wonder how these new incursions will affect the alliance?
Jump Bridge Network Changes
A word on the recent jump bridge changes
Corporation Review - Bad Company DBD
This edition we take a closer look at one of our newer additions
Words from the Editor
Welcome RAGE to what I hope will be the first of many
fortnightly newsletters. Keeping up-to-date with the
progressive additions to the alliance, the ever-changing
current affairs, and what exactly goes on behind closed doors
can at times be very daunting.
It is my vision that this becomes an embedded part of RAGE
culture, a tool that every member can use. Communication is
a key asset to any large organisation and as our alliance grows, that has not changed. RAGE
has a great culture of continuous improvement and we will always look for innovative ways to
keep all of our valued members as informed as ever.
It will be a chance for those who may not have the opportunity to interact with certain RAGE
Leadership to gain an insight through the interviews, articles and blogs. For those who find
themselves busy IRL and unable to keep up with the affairs of the alliance, this will provide a
perfect read on your commute to work, or while sitting on your throne.
For those of you who would like to contribute to the Communications & Propaganda team, be
that with articles, gossip, blogs, graphics etc. positions are still open. Please contact me.
A really big thank you goes to the current Communications team who have worked tirelessly
on this first edition. I was thoroughly impressed that so many different players from different
corporations were all able to work together with such ease - it just goes to show that we have a
culture where our alliance can be treated as one big corporation.
I would love to hear constructive feedback about this Newsletter and Communications within our
Alliance. Please EVEmail Lord Arbalest.
I hope you enjoy!
Kind regards,
Lord Arbalest
An Insight Into RAGE Leadership
Virak’kara - Joint Alliance Leader
In this section you will find interviews with each of our alliance
leadership every edition. Ever wondered what Leadership do? What
they discuss in meetings? What is required to lead an alliance? Stay
To get the ball rolling, we have one half of the alliance leader tag
team of Reysar and Virak, who has kindly made some time for
this interview.
Virak, many of us know you as one of our tireless leaders (the other
being Reysar), but what did you do before RAGE?
Undocking, actually flying ships and making ISK! Hah, no seriously, I started
out in empire, running missions/trading etc. with a corporation of people
(must like TKT actually) and just enjoying the game. Unfortunately, after a couple of weeks we received a wardec
from some serious griefers. My CEO at the time has some friends (Celtic Anarchy) from which a lot joined the
corporation and showed us how to PvP.
We had some similar fun after that, flying with them, and in the mean time I worked myself up to Co-CEO. Then my
old CEO had to retire due to RL and I took over the corporation. After a year we decided to leave everything behind
and go to 0.0.
This is where I joined TKT, who were in Pure Alliance at the time. This is where the real fun started in EVE for me!
Our small group joined TKT who was being lead by Bill Andrex and I started doing recruitment for them. We had good
fun, and after a while we moved on from Pure to IRC, Zeminy took over as CEO from Bill, where I moved upto CoCEO. During IRC, Zem retired and I took over as CEO. IRC happened, Dronewars happened, and we took a break
and ended up, yet again for the third time, in Vale, where RAGE was created.
How did the idea of RAGE first begin? What motivated you to create an alliance?
Hahah, actually, the need for standings!
After IC we approached ME for a couple of systems in the constellation next to P3 (which to our surprise they agreed
on - we were shooting them 2 weeks before that and were still read to them) and to become their guests, we needed
to form an alliance to get standings since the NC would never set a single corporation blue. RAGE was meant to
be "small, just us, no alliance politics and just fun for TKT/NUKKA" - see how that turned out, hah!
You must at times wonder how RAGE has grown so big!
Oh yes, it's amazing how we grew and how we have ended up with such a great group of people we have today. I am
really pleased to be playing EVE alongside everyone in RAGE.
A lot of people I speak to, who have been in other Alliances, often express their wonderment at the culture
we have here. They are amazed at how giving everyone is, the level of team work displayed, and the open
door policy of all the RAGE Leadership. Is this something you intended? Or did it simply just appear as you
brought in like-minded groups of players?
Both. After RAGE was formed, we talked with long term friends NUKKA about the future of RAGE and we wanted
something different, something more enjoyable, more laid back, and 'just a group of people that want to fly and work
together and just have fun'. This became our recruitment policy and every single corporation that has joined since
have added greatly to this.
What are yours and Reysar’s goals for RAGE in the future?
Easy, we will continue to grow, expand, evolve, while remaining true to who we are. Basically, there is no limit as long
as the corporations stay happy, and we maintain or tight-knit friendly culture. In no way are we going to sit still in our
space and leave it at that - we will find the action and stir up things if needed to keep moving forward.
Once and for all, can we please clarify, would you turn down £1,000,000,000 for a lifetime supply of cheesy
Depends on the cheese :)
What is a normal day for you on EVE?
Logging in, going through a ton of mails, check on what we did/are doing, talking with other leadership/corps/
members/allies on updates, working through our to-do list, and following up on any actions needed coming out of the
events mentioned.
And, with some luck i get some time to go out in a ship or make some isk :)
Running an alliance, especially one of this size must be pretty daunting at times. How do you cope?
I like challenges, conflicts, problems to solve, building something, taking things to the next level.
Running an alliance gives all that, so i am actually having fun and am enjoying myself playing the game with
everyone from RAGE!
You and Reysar have a good team under you, especially Mojo and Odin. When did they get involved with
Officially, Rey and I are equals with Odin and Mojo falling just below us, but in reality we are all four alike, where Mojo
and Odin can make any decisions Rey and i can.
They have contributed allot of RAGE and I am very greatful for that, we discuss everything together and use our
(sometimes very) different views to make a well rounded decisions and so far, this has worked our brilliantly!
This has been like that from day 1 (and even some time before that).
What are your thoughts on this current invasion of Geminate?
Geminate has always been and will always be a warzone every x months, so this is nothing new tbh.
NC is very strong at this moment, and so far, the invaders keep hitting the brick wall that is called the NC and making
little to no progress.
We have regular meetings with the NC and allies to asses the situation and adjust accordingly, and Geminate will
remain in our hands. Some changes here and there maybe, depending on who keeps up with the events, but we will
keep it.
As long as we keep our act together and keep fleeting up, the invaders will have no success.
We'll clean up the mess, get people their space back and find something new to have fun with :)
Thank you for your time Virak.
My pleasure! Now, let’s go kill some Drone Russians!
The New Military Council
As per our culture of continuous improvement and never growing
complacent, a new Military Council has been established.
The council has been formed to provide a platform for coordination and communication within
our alliance’s military operations. It will be using its new formed authority to enforce better fleet
setups and more importantly, better fleet discipline both at Fleet Commander and member level.
This will, with time, enhance the success rate and ultimately the enjoyment gained by all flying
under the RAGE banner.
A more specific look at what they will be focusing on is listed below:
Military Communication
Fleet Setups and Fits
FC & Fleet Behaviour
Relaying Information
Creating/Deciding/Adjusting General Military Policies.
Creating a Platform for Junior FC’s
Management of (Super)Capital Pilots.
Current council is made up of Odin Aesir, Blitzurseoul, Fraud2, Brendalin Kerr, Moarkus
Drayson and Kasina. This group will shrink and grow as time passes and needs require.
The military council have agreed to provide a blog for every issue of the Rageaholic, which will
contain news, updates, changes to military policies, discussions, suggestions and much more.
The War Update
As you are al aware, Geminate has
come under full invasion by the Drone
With the new patch, drone regions have
become far less profitable, and so our
macro/isk selling friends require some
bounty space to keep their ISK buyers
happy. We have all watched as they
have back-stabbed and slithered their
way into owning most of the South, and
they now intend to do the same with the
Unlike us, they have started their
current campaign not by playing a fair
game, but by abusing game mechanics
to gain an unfair advantage.
Unfortunately, Rebellion were the target
of this vicious and dishonourable attack
and had their alliance disbanded.
The Drone Russians took full advantage of this and instantly began claiming stations and
systems within Geminate.
Luckily, as always, R.A.G.E and our BFF in the NC sprung to attention and began grabbing
what they could to halt this distasteful surprise event.
The days that have followed have been tough. Most alliances would have seen their fleet
numbers drop after the heavy losses that were received. I believe this is what the DRF expected
to happen, they hit us hard with everything they had, expecting the demoralisation to result in us
being unable to get decent fleet numbers up.
Unbeknownst to them, and perhaps something they will never understand - while they fight so
they can obtain better space to make more ISK to sell; we fight because we enjoy PvP, we fight
because we enjoy the team aspect of the game, we fight because we enjoy playing alongside
our fellow RAGE friends. Since then, our fleet numbers, (to the DRF’s utter dissapointment)
have been increasing in both timezones! This is why they will never take and hold Geminate, we
are as motivated as ever to eradicate any mention of the Drone Russians in Geminate after the
dirty tactics they deployed.
The entire NC, from Pure Blind to Venal, have been dusting off their fleets and deploying to the
aid of Western NC to help stem the flow of the Drone Russian ISK slaves.
Favours have been called in and we begin to see the Drone Russian’s assets in the South come
under attack from AAA and co. A favour they are returning for when we aided them.
Marketeers! LS-JEP will require serious market stocking! For those of you who are
Industrial based, you can still help! Get Battleships, Fuel for Caps, Liquid Ozone, Ammo,
Modules, Stront, Boosters, etc. onto the market! Remember though, we are a team,
please be aware when pricing your goods, they should be no more than 5-15% above
Jita prices.
Keep the JB’s fueled. Most importantly the Y5J -> LS-JEP Jump Bridge, which is being
used by the entire NC to aid in the defence of Geminate. For Corporations with offices
in LS-JEP, you are perfectly placed to store Liquid Ozone in your hangers for your corp
members to refill the Jump Bridge when required.
Deploy to LS-JEP and ensure you keep voice comms clear during fleets. Ensure pushto-talk is set up.
Most importantly. Keep ISKing up during the down times. Keep your wallets healthy and
your ship fitted and ready!
Keep working together everyone! We are seeing every fleet, every single day, full of members,
and that is truly amazing!
The Market Blog
ACE Mart - Keeping Fleets Full of New Ships
By Dethmourne Silvermane
For our first market section, I thought I'd
refrain from boring you all with talks of
profit and percentages; instead I'd like
to introduce you to a valuable alliance
asset you may not yet be aware of:
ACE Mart, run by our friends in the
Association of Commonwealth
Enterprises (ACE).
The idea for ACE Mart started when
ACE was in Wicked Creek in Scorched
Earth alliance. Vanguard Frontiers had
a web presence that allowed for
purchasing stuff via the web and having it delivered, and when ACE found themselves between
alliances they created the basis of what is now a well-polished one stop shop for your nonemergency needs out in Vale. This site allows you to import your fittings from EFT and get an
order created, paid for, and delivered, all without hassling your own logistics pilots or logging
your Jita alt - just send ISK to ACE Mart's representative per the easy-to-follow instructions on
their site once you've confirmed your order, and the rest gets taken care of, generally within 3
days (though their site states 3 to 10, I've never been kept waiting longer than 3).
I personally recommend this site, as it frees up your corp's logi pilots for doing the things that
are important to them, and also allows you to avoid the massive market manipulations that
occur from our local neutrals that are docked in ZLZ. The website looks professionally done,
the prices are exceedingly reasonable (usually well below Vale, and delivery is included in the
prices!), and the interface is simple to use.
Why run goods down the pipe - let ACE Mart bring the goods to you!
RAGE Close Range Battle Ship Fleet Fits
Please find below the new RAGE Armour CR BS fleet fits:
- Ships are in order of preference
- Drones = Medium DPS drones
- Complete Setup = Armor Logi > Armor CR BS > Armor HIC/DIC > Interceptor
- Turrets = T2 or Meta 4 T1
- If fitting problems, use best name T1
[Abaddon, RAGE Abaddon]
Damage Control II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Heat Sink II
Adaptive Nano Plating II
Armor Kinetic Hardener II
1600mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I
Armor Explosive Hardener II
Heavy Capacitor Booster II
Tracking Computer II x 2
100MN MicroWarpdrive II
Mega Pulse Laser II, Multifrequency L x 8
Large Trimark Armor Pump I x 3
[Apocalypse, RAGE Apocalypse]
Damage Control II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II x 2
1600mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I x 2
Heat Sink II
Armor Explosive Hardener II
Medium Capacitor Booster II, Cap Booster 25
100MN MicroWarpdrive II
Optical Tracking Computer I
J5b Phased Prototype Warp Scrambler I
Dual Heavy Pulse Laser II, Multifrequency L x 8
Large Trimark Armor Pump I x 3
[Armageddon, RAGE Armageddon]
Damage Control II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II x 2
Heat Sink II
Armor Kinetic Hardener II
1600mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I x 2
Armor Explosive Hardener II
Medium Capacitor Booster II, Cap Booster 25
100MN MicroWarpdrive II
J5b Phased Prototype Warp Scrambler I
Dual Heavy Pulse Laser II, Multifrequency L x 7
[empty high slot]
Large Trimark Armor Pump I x 3
[Megathron, RAGE Megathron]
Damage Control II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II x 2
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
1600mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I x 2
Armor Explosive Hardener II
Medium Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Cap Booster 25
Quad LiF Fueled I Booster Rockets
Tracking Computer II x 2
Ion Blaster Cannon II, Antimatter Charge L x 7
[empty high slot]
Large Trimark Armor Pump I x 2
Large Hybrid Burst Aerator I
[Tempest, RAGE Tempest]
Damage Control II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Gyrostabilizer II
1600mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I x 2
Armor Explosive Hardener II
Warp Scrambler II
Medium Capacitor Booster II, Cap Booster 25
100MN MicroWarpdrive II
Target Painter II
Tracking Computer II
800mm Repeating Artillery II, EMP L x 6
Large Plasma Smartbomb I
Heavy Unstable Power Fluctuator I
Large Anti-Kinetic Pump I
Large Trimark Armor Pump I x 2
[Typhoon, RAGE Typhoon]
Damage Control II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II x 2
Ballistic Control System II
1600mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I x 2
Armor Explosive Hardener II
Medium Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Cap Booster 25
Warp Scrambler II
Target Painter II
Quad LiF Fueled I Booster Rockets
Siege Missile Launcher II, Mjolnir Torpedo x 5
[empty high slot] x 3
Large Trimark Armor Pump I x 3
[Raven, RAGE Raven]
Damage Control II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Ballistic Control System II
1600mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I
Armor Explosive Hardener II
Sensor Booster II
Medium Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Cap Booster 25
Warp Disruptor II
Stasis Webifier II
Target Painter II
Quad LiF Fueled I Booster Rockets
Medium Plasma Smartbomb I
Siege Missile Launcher II, Mjolnir Torpedo x 6
[empty high slot]
Large Ancillary Current Router I
Large Trimark Armor Pump I x 2
[Scorpion, RAGE Scorpion]
Damage Control II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
1600mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I
Armor Explosive Hardener II
ECM - Ion Field Projector II
ECM - White Noise Generator II x 4
Conjunctive Gravimetric ECCM Scanning Array I
Quad LiF Fueled I Booster Rockets
ECM - Phase Inverter II
Cruise Missile Launcher II, Paradise Cruise Missile x 4
Heavy Unstable Power Fluctuator I x 2
Large Anti-Kinetic Pump I
Large Trimark Armor Pump I x 2
Fight Club Alliance Tournaments
By Wey’oun
1. Teams can field up to Five pilots on the battlefield. All alliance + ally members
are eligible to compete in any match in which their team is taking part, subject to all
applicable rules; teams do not have to remain the same.
2. Fights are limited to 15 minutes in the qualifying rounds, after which the fight will
be stopped and whichever team has the higher total points value will be declared
3. Fights are limited to 20 minutes during the finals.
4. Intentional pod killing is NOT allowed and WILL result in the offender being punished.
5. Participants will be prepared, in their chosen ships and in a gang 15 minutes before the scheduled fight time.
6. Teams will assemble at a predetermined location, 5 mins before their fight is to begin. After a countdown both
teams will warp to the beacon and a range between 50km - 0KM.
7. Once the fight begins the arena size is extended to 200KM across. 100KM from the beacon in any direction.
8. After the teams have warped in to the arena, they wait for clearance to begin the fight. During this period,
Spectators crews will set up and Fraudz will entertain us with more 'Jordi' tunes.
9. The host will begin a countdown. When the countdown ends, the fight begins.
10. If a player warps out/leaves the arena, his/her ship will be destroyed, Probably by a doomsday,
11. Warping within the arena is NOT allowed.
12. Dropping cargo containers or other items is NOT allowed. Dropping regular jettison containers is allowed.
13. Locking players before the match starts is NOT allowed. (passive targeters are NOT allowed)
14. Activating aggressive or targeted modules before the match starts is NOT allowed.
15. Launching drones before the match starts is NOT allowed. All Drone types are allowed.
16. Moving before the match starts is NOT allowed.
17. Boarding a ship during the match is not allowed.
18. All Moduals are allowed, faction or otherwise, but are NOT salvagable at the end of the fight., All moduals will be
collected and donated to the Logi Fund.
19. All implants, Boosters , and Hardwiring is allowed.
20. Ship types are either. 5x T1 NON-Faction Cruiser or 4x NON-Faction Crusier and 1x NON-Faction Tier1
The Implications of Incursions to 0.0 Sovereignty Space
By Asuka Smith
With the latest content patch Sansha’s Nation pirates have invaded in empire, low-sec, and 0.0.
As many of you are probably aware, the Sansha’s Nation pirate forces are quite formidable, and
they invade a specific system and apply negative bonuses (debuffs) to all players in the system.
These debuffs are rated on an effectiveness scale of 0% (weakest) -> 100% (very powerful).
The majority of these debuffs effect a players ship in space, reducing resistances and repair
amount or some other variable. These effects are the most significant that will be experienced in
empire, but there are other effects that can be experienced, most significantly in 0.0.
In 0.0 space one of the effects a system is
subjected to is an NPC cynojammer
effect, which remains until the incursion is
defeated. These incursions are
ostensibly “random” in terms of location,
but is that fair? Imagine if you will that two
alliances are in a major war. Stations are
coming out of reinforced about four hours
after downtime and the attackers are
planning their route. The system is a
major one, and the enemy has dug in his
forces to defend his critical station. Local
is expected to be nearly 2,000 and if the enemy loses here he will surely failcascade. Then, on
the EVE of battle, an incursion arrives in the defenders system and cynojams. The defenders
already have their capital fleet in position, but the attackers do not have their capitals in system,
and now they never will. They just missed their timer, thanks to a “random” incursion.
Another element is the Sansha’s Nation cynojammers, which unlike player cynojammers
interrupt the usage of jump bridges. Imagine if the attacker or defender was traveling a long
ways to do battle, and his route involved taking a few jump bridges. On the eve of battle, a
Sansha’s Incursion appears in a critical jump bridge system. So much for using JBs to assemble
your fleet, now you need to rally some place else and use a titan bridge instead. And if you
want to send reinforcements you have to do another titan bridge, and if you don’t have a titan
available you just missed whatever reinforcement timer spurred the battle and the enemy has
won the day without contest.
With this in mind, keep an eye out for how incursions change 0.0 warfare, if at all. These might
turn out to be total non-issues, as there are many systems and few incursions, but imagine
the consequences if chance conspires... The only response available to a player is to simply
destroy the incursions as soon as they arrive and hope that doesn’t take too much time, so if
you see a CTA for an incursion busting op, GO ASAP!
A Word on the Recent Jump Bridge Changes
By Luxotor
As many of you are aware, there has been a recent overhaul of our Jump Bridge network in
Vale. This has caused some brief confusion, with many wondering what was wrong with the old
Generally speaking, the alliance needed a better method of interconnecting the solar systems
that we have sovereignty over. We now have twice as many stations as we did from just a
few months ago. In addition, our jump bridge network now extends into the Geminate region,
however this change was never included into the original plan, so the alliance has tried to
optimize the way our systems are connected together to be much more efficient.
Jump bridge changes require forethought prior to implementation since corporations and
alliances are limited to two bridges per solar system. The changes were made with prioritization
to strategic developments and network efficiency; it is in our best intentions to do the best that
we can with what resources that we have.
The latest published tactical map
that covers the Vale of the Silent
region has taken note of the latest
optimizations of the jump bridge
network and can be viewed at this
link. New Jump Bridge Map
Questions, suggestions, and
comments regarding our Jump
Bridge network may be directed to
Tandin or crzymonkey.
Corporation Review
Bad Company DBD Profile
By XxiDeLTa
Bad Company DBD is a player-versus-player
corporation. With many of its members former
RAGE occupants who were determined to come
back to RAGE. They join hoping that this is where
they will call home, settle down and grow as a
Bad Company is predominately an EU
corporation, with a light number of US members.
They are looking to build a corporation that the
players themselves enjoy, build a super capital
fleet and be mentioned as one of the great corps
of EVE.
The corporation has recently undergone a merger with SolarFlare Heavy Industries, both being
in Demon Hunters previously.
Bad Company is run by two Co-CEO’s who have a group of directors working under them.
US TZ CEO: Aroywn
US TZ Directors: xSynnx, Gaius Spectre
EU TZ CEO: Buddy Freep
EU TZ Directors: TANGO 2008, Mr. Ghostshadow, Dreynar Swyglou, Hopss
As any ambitious corporation, they have outlined their short and long term goals:
Short Term
● Increase member base
● Specialised PvPers (Similar to S.T.A.R.S)
Long Term
● Become the best corp in EVE